Re: the trouble with charset Windows-1252

2001-12-10 Thread Baurjan Ismagulov

On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 07:11:40PM +0100, Cristian wrote:
> It looks like I haven't made myself very clear. My point is that even
> if the Content-Type is set `correctly' to Windows-1252, there are
> still some characters that appear as question marks but should (in my
> opinion) rather be converted to iso-8859-1 quotes or dashes, for
> instance. Iconv does not do this for me.

Hmmm... That was what I understood from your previous post:

> aren't they? The problem is, many Windows user send bogus Content-Type
> header lines, so where the line should read,
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Windows-1252
> I often find,
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> or even,
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> instead.

> As a consequence, overriding the charset does not help me.

As far as I could understand, you complain, among other things, about
mutt displaying some characters from messages encoded in windows-1252,
as question marks, if your charset is set to iso-8859-9? I think this is
what iconv library functions are for; my mutt performs conversions
between charsets I use without problems (including transliteration). If
you send me an example message, pointing out the "funny" characters and
how they should look, I'll look whether I can help.

With kind regards,

Re: A couple of probably dumb questions :)

2001-12-10 Thread Roman Neuhauser

> Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2001 12:48:04 +0100
> From: Cliff Sarginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: A couple of probably dumb questions  :)
> On Sat, Dec 08, 2001 at 09:07:35AM +, Thomas Hurst wrote:
> > * Thomas Hurst ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > 
> > > Unfortunately, short of shooting anyone who ignores Mail-Followup-To,
> > > I don't think there's a workable solution.  About the best way I can
> > > think of is on every list delivery, scan Inbox for the message id (and
> > > same/similar content if I'm feeling paranoid) and if it's found, nuke
> > > it.  That's rather expensive though :)
> > 
> > Actually, a better solution would be to do this filtering before final
> > delivery; have fetchmail deliver to a small agent which queues messages
> > for a minute and then weeds out dupes based on a few simple rules
> > (prefer one with ML-alike headers, for instance), before inserting it's
> > queue into the MDA.
> > 
> > Hmm..
> A better solution is to write an MDA that was not written with
> Klingons in mind (and I am not talking about regexps, they are
> inescapable) and doesn't *consume* system resources in the way
> procmail does.
> It is a project I am tinkering with, still at the stage of some
> ideas written with a pencil on a scrap of paper.. but maybe..

Hi Cliff,

have you checked out maildrop?
11:35AM up 47 days, 22:18, 13 users, load averages: 0.10, 0.05, 0.01

Re: Email HowTo [was: Re: Searching big gobs of e-mail]

2001-12-10 Thread Roman Neuhauser

Hi there,

thanks everyone for the kind responses. See below for comments.

> From: Thorsten Haude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Email HowTo [was: Re: Searching big gobs of e-mail]
> Very, very good idea. I found that many people know about email, and
> you can even find people eating sendmail.cfs for breakfest, but there
> are few or none documents covering the middle ground.

Yes, that made me think about writing this document. No
documentation is needed to use the mailer in Mozilla and such,
there's lots of stuff on doing particular things with sendmail,
postfix, whatever, but virtually none that would tell a naive user
_what_ sendmail is; where it fits in the big picture of
sending/receiving email.

> I did something /much/ smaller at Please
> find errors.

I think it's bad practice to reinject mail by SMTP. As noted in the
getmail docs (IIRC), this can easily lead to loops and bounces.

> A similar thing may even hold true for your docuentation: Keep at
> least part of it so /small/ that nobody will be deters by the size
> alone.

This is a valuable hint I'll try to keep on my mind. 


> From: Cliff Sarginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Email HowTo [was: Re: Searching big gobs of e-mail]
> Mutt
> Explain scoring and how it can be used.

Ok. Will require me to start using it, or someone else to write such
a section.

> I am sure I am not the first to be suprised by what the arrow keys do
> when you are in the pager with part of the index displayed
> on the screen (jumps to the next index entry rather than goes
> down the text being paged).

Well, this one is... There are two things you might want j/k do in
pager: jump to prev/next message, or scroll by one line. I had these
keys originally rebound to do the scrolling, but went back later. I
still haven't figured out suitable keys for the scrolling, but will
cover this in the howto. 

> And lots and lots of other things.
> Maybe later when I am less tired I may send some more :)

Looking forward. :)

> In general.
> Tell them there are other (safer,securer,simpler) MTA's than sendmail.

Sure. A snip from the HowTo:
"It is a full-blown SMTP server, and one that's notoriously known
for its cryptic configuration. We'll ditch it."

> Warn them that procmail is a nightmare invented by someone with
> a grudge against the human race, and eats cpu cycles like they
> are going out of fashion.

Well, since I saw quite a few bitter remarks about procmail, and
since maildrop is really easier on the eye, I use that. But... I'd
like to make use (in the howto, I don't care much, personally) of
some of the antispam filter packages, I was contemplating plugging
procmail either between getmail and maildrop, or inside .maildroprc.
(Procmail would be used as a 'black box', receiving minimal coverage
in the howto.) This would of course create additional load, which
I'd like to avoid. Are there any [good] antispam filter packages for

> That mutt is an MUA and it's inbuilt pop capabilities are
> strictly last-resort.
> If you can clear up for beginners where an MTA ends and an MDA
> begins that would help. Since MTA's are also "MDA's" (in the
> literal sense of the words), it is better to see MDA's as a delivery
> processing agent (or whatever).

Yes. This is where it began. To explain the terms. Later is began
growing in the direction "the terms mean this-and-that, the programs
are this-and-that, and you set them up this-and-that way". 

> From: David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Email HowTo [was: Re: Searching big gobs of e-mail]
> I'd love to see it!

I have the latest revision at home, but will post it tomorrow.
> You might also see how you could contribute to the mutt-newbie guide
> (surf over to

Will take a look. thanks.

> From: Prahlad Vaidyanathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Email HowTo [was: Re: Searching big gobs of e-mail]
> Not really - here are some stuff I thought was lacking :
> - Scoring

Well, since there were two replies to my message mentioning the
scoring coverage in the mutt manual as lacking, maybe the manual
itself should be improved?
> - A list of apps to be used in the mailcap file .I've tried to collate
> whatever I could find at

Yes. .mailcap is definitely among things that need to be covered.
Thanks for the URL.
> - Some notes on email etiquette : sig-dashes, mail-followup-to, etc.

Good idea, thank you!

1:05PM up 47 days, 23:48, 13 users, load averages: 0.02, 0.06, 0.02

Re: Quoting when replying

2001-12-10 Thread David T-G

Thomas --

...and then Thomas Hurst said...
% * David T-G ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
% > > > and finally posited> wrote it, not who's replying to it ;)
% > >   ^^^ This is more than one character ;)
% >
% > Not if you encode it properly.  After all, with nearly six billion
% > people on the planet and many of them with multiple personas
% > (work, home, hobby, anonymous, etcetc), we'll have to go to
% > multi-multi-multi-byte characters ;-)
% Best to work on potential nodes on the Internet than people, then -
% currently that's 2^32, but IPv6 will increase that to 2^128.  However,


% since a charset has to include language symbols, we'll have to go higher
% than that to accommodate them.

Not only that, but to really do it right you'd have to take into account
potential email addresses at potential nodes on the 'net.  Maybe 64k
addresses per box would do, so we need to multiply by another 2^18 or so.

% With this in mind, I'll just get started on adding UTF-256 support to
% mutt..

That oughta be enough for anybody (until the next rollover, so be sure to
make your assignments changeable rather than hardcoded ;-)

% -- 
% Thomas 'Freaky' Hurst  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -

David T-G  * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Quoting when replying

2001-12-10 Thread David T-G

Rob --

...and then Rob 'Feztaa' Park said...
% On Sun, Dec 09, 2001 at 06:33:03PM -0500, David T-G (dis)graced my inbox with:
% > % who uses email. And we need to devise a way so that when we quote email,
% > % we quote it with _their_ quote character, not ours. That way we know who
% > % wrote it, not who's replying to it ;)
% > 
% > No, no, no...  One doesn't quote oneself as one is initially speaking;
% > someone else quotes you as he or she replies.  The character-selection
% > algorithm is correct as it stands.
% No, no, no... you're not understanding what I'm saying.

But I am!

% When you reply to a message, every line in the quote starts with a '%'.
% That means that you're _replying_ to that text, not that you _wrote_ it.

Exactly.  And it makes sense for you to not quote yourself (or otherwise
indicate what's your text) when you first write it, because that's what
your From: and signature are for.

% Lets use the above quote as an example. One paragraph starts with >, and
% the other with > %. Lets say, for the sake of argument, that % is your
% quote character, and > is mine.
% This raises a problem: I didn't write what is quoted with the >, you
% didn't. And you didn't write what is quoted with the %, /I/ did! 


% Obviously this system is flawed. It doesn't show us who _wrote_ what, it

Nope.  I still disagree.

% order to do this, stuff that _I_ wrote needs to be prefixed with _my_
% quote character, not the character of the person replying to it.

Now if *this* is what you want, just pump your entire message through a
filter that prepends '>' or even 'RP>' before sending and you'll have
quoted your own text *and* you'll look silly -- the email version of
someone talking (or quoting himself) just to hear himself talk :-)

% So from now on, everybody has to use > when replying to me, and % when
% replying to David. The rest of you can figure out your own quote
% characters...

No!  Only I can use the percent character!  Nobody else can use it; it
should be stricken from your keyboards!  NO!

% Get it? ;)

We should probably stop this soon :-)

% -- 
% Rob 'Feztaa' Park
% --
% "Where would man be today if it wasn't for women? In the 
% Garden of Eden eating watermelon and taking it easy."
%   -- C Kennedy

David T-G  * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: binding a key to forward mail

2001-12-10 Thread David T-G

Rob --

...and then Rob 'Feztaa' Park said...
% On Sun, Dec 09, 2001 at 06:40:38PM -0500, David T-G (dis)graced my inbox with:
% > 
% > % This will bounce the message to that address when you press Control + F
% > % in the index or the pager. It's not tested, but it should work.
% > 
% > It will bounce, all right.  You want to forward, though.
% Oh well, live and learn.

Of course!

% bounce-message was the only one I could get to send the message without
% opening the editor ;)

Ahhh...  You simply haven't played enough, then:

  send-hook .   "set editor='vim +/^\$'"
  send-hook (spamcop|(submit|quick)[a-z]*)@.*\
'unset pgp_autosign ; set editor=/bin/true ; my_hdr Fcc: /dev/null ; \
my_hdr from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

I tag-forward my spams to sc (my spamcop alias) and am immediately
returned to the compose menu to hit 'y' and send it on its way.

The only thing I haven't yet figured out is how to macro or hook all
of this so that I don't have to hit 'y' to send it on (because, I must
admit, ;fsc is pretty simple and shouldn't need to be macro-ed
much more!).  It's not so bad, though; it's an extra safety check even
though I have yet to accidentally include the wrong item in a tag list...

% -- 
% Rob 'Feztaa' Park
% --
% "Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied."
%   -- Otto Von Bismark

David T-G  * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: the trouble with charset Windows-1252

2001-12-10 Thread Vincent Lefevre

On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 01:16:58 +0200, Baurjan Ismagulov wrote:
> I hadn't used procmail before, so I've read some manuals. Using the
> default spool mailbox, .forward and procmail recipe like
> :0 w: $DEFAULT.lock
> * ^mailing-list: .*yahoogroups
> * ^content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> | formail -i "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-9" >>$DEFAULT
> I get charset fixed as needed (although I'm not sure about the proper
> locking).

This won't work if you have attachments. If someone has a rule that
will fix attachments too, I'm interested.

Vincent Lefèvre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Web:  - 100%
validated HTML - Acorn Risc PC, Yellow Pig 17, Championnat International des
Jeux Mathématiques et Logiques, TETRHEX, etc.
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / SPACES project at LORIA

Re: macro for --mutt-query option in abook?

2001-12-10 Thread Matej Cepl

On Sun, Dec 9, 2001, Dave Price wrote:
> Can someone who uses a macro to access abook from within mutt offer a
> sample macro for that purpose?

What's wrong with simple

set query_command = "abook --mutt-query '%s'"



138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the
pursuit of justice is no virtue.
-- Barry Goldwater (actually written by Karl Hess)


2001-12-10 Thread Ben White

Hi, I am looking for ways to incorporate razor-check into my mail
reading with mutt. (

I've got a few ways of doing it as far as I can see.

Bind a keypress that runs razor-check with the currently selected message, so
I can check whether a message is marked as spam or not in the razor
catalogue.  I see it either changing the score for that message or
flagging it in some way if it's a spam.

A folder-hook or something like that that will run razor-check on each
message when I open the mailbox.  Or a keypress that I can use to
spamcheck the entire mailbox I have open.
This can then score the message lower if it's a spam according to the razor database.

I'm wanting to do it in mutt first so I can check to see whether razor's
reliable before incorporating it into either my Mail::Audit script
and/or our mail exim configuration.
I just see problems if the razor-check client can't connect to the razor servers.

Anyone able to help with this?  Other ways of doing it?

Does anyone any good/bad reports of using vipul's razor?



Ben White
KeConnect Internet

Re: Strange characters. (encoding?)

2001-12-10 Thread Prahlad Vaidyanathan


On Sun, 09 Dec 2001 Brian Clark spewed into the ether:
> Can some kind soul point me to the docs I need to read to figure out why
> I see things like this:
> \251 allie\260M
> In some messages? \260 is the degree symbol and \251 is the copyright
> symbol, I think. 

Check your locale settings, esp. $LANG, and $LC_ALL. In my case :

$ locale


This question came up on the list recently - check the archives.


Prahlad Vaidyanathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>What, me worry ?'t Panic !

Description: PGP signature

Re: OT: procmail recipe for two actions for a message?

2001-12-10 Thread David Champion

On 2001.12.09, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"Matej Cepl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> However, emails in this list have mungled Reply-To: directing to
> the list. Could it be possible to ask procmail (or how to ask
> procmail) that before moving the message to the listy folder, it
> would run a message through grep -v '^Reply-To:'? And, BTW I do
> not want just
>   :0:
>   * ^TOcstex
>   | grep -v '^Reply-To:' >> $MAILDIR/listy
> because I would like to make it to work even when I would change
> my mind and switched to maildir format. Therefore, I would
> prefer, if the actual delivery would be done by procmail.

Maybe you've already decided on another approach, but I'd do it this
way. I use essentially the same formula for some list-munging of my own.

## No ":" needed, since there's no file to lock here
* ^TOcstex
## First rewrite the reply-to using a known, safe mail-munging
## tool. Rename (don't remove) the header so there's a record of
## this event.
:0 f
| formail -R Reply-To Old-Reply-To

## Next append to the mail folder, with locking.
:0 :

 -D.[EMAIL PROTECTED]NSITUniversity of Chicago

spamcop forwarding redux

2001-12-10 Thread Peter Jay Salzman

combining all 3 ideas that were posted to this list, i have:

macro pager \Cf "[EMAIL PROTECTED]\n\n"

there are still two problems:

1.  when forwarding (as opposed to bouncing), mutt places me in
an editor (vim).   is there a way to tell mutt to ixnay the
 editing here?

2.  mutt trims the headers (which makes this macro useless).  is
there a  type directive i can give in the

i'm reading the mutt manual, but it's slow going.  i'm on line 800 of 6000
and i feel like i've been reading forever.   i've already finished 2 huge
cups of coffee...:-)


   ** Please don't send me html email **
PGP Fingerprint: B9F1 6CF3 47C4 7CD8 D33E  70A9 A3B9 1945 67EA 951D
PGP Public Key:  finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: spamcop forwarding redux

2001-12-10 Thread Roman Neuhauser

> Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 09:30:38 -0800
> Subject: spamcop forwarding redux
> From: Peter Jay Salzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> combining all 3 ideas that were posted to this list, i have:
>   macro pager \Cf "[EMAIL PROTECTED]\n\n"
> there are still two problems:
> 1.  when forwarding (as opposed to bouncing), mutt places me in
> an editor (vim).   is there a way to tell mutt to ixnay the
>editing here?

no idea here.
> 2.  mutt trims the headers (which makes this macro useless).  is
> there a  type directive i can give in the


> i'm reading the mutt manual, but it's slow going.  i'm on line 800 of 6000
> and i feel like i've been reading forever.   i've already finished 2 huge
> cups of coffee...:-)

there'll be more. :)

6:45PM up 48 days, 5:28, 13 users, load averages: 0.04, 0.08, 0.04

Re: Email HowTo [was: Re: Searching big gobs of e-mail]

2001-12-10 Thread Prahlad Vaidyanathan


On Mon, 10 Dec 2001 Roman Neuhauser spewed into the ether:
[-- snip --]
> Well, since I saw quite a few bitter remarks about procmail, and
> since maildrop is really easier on the eye, I use that. But... I'd
> like to make use (in the howto, I don't care much, personally) of
> some of the antispam filter packages, I was contemplating plugging
> procmail either between getmail and maildrop, or inside .maildroprc.
> (Procmail would be used as a 'black box', receiving minimal coverage
> in the howto.) This would of course create additional load, which
> I'd like to avoid. Are there any [good] antispam filter packages for
> maildrop?

Since you are interested in both scoring, and anti-spam filters, I
thought I'd point you to this :

Seems real impressive, though I've never used it. It does use procmail
though, and I can already see some people scoffing at it :-)

Anyway, do post your results. I, for one, enjoy getting my hands on new
documentation on Email - the concept never ceases to amaze me !


Prahlad Vaidyanathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>What, me worry ?'t Panic !

Description: PGP signature

Re: Email HowTo [was: Re: Searching big gobs of e-mail]

2001-12-10 Thread Roman Neuhauser

> Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 22:39:22 +0530
> From: Prahlad Vaidyanathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: Eric Kidd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Robert R. Wal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Cliff Sarginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Subject: Re: Email HowTo [was: Re: Searching big gobs of e-mail]
> Since you are interested in both scoring, and anti-spam filters, I
> thought I'd point you to this : 
> Seems real impressive, though I've never used it. It does use procmail
> though, and I can already see some people scoffing at it :-)
> Anyway, do post your results. I, for one, enjoy getting my hands on new
> documentation on Email - the concept never ceases to amaze me !

Thanks, I'll definitely take a look. I saw TMDA mentioned in
freebsd-questions@ just a few hours ago, but haven't gotten around
to put more time in it than just 
> sudo sh -c "cd /usr/ports/mail/tmda && make install"

Does anyone on the list use it?

6:54PM up 48 days, 5:37, 13 users, load averages: 0.05, 0.13, 0.08

Mutt IMAP speed up?

2001-12-10 Thread Steven G . Harms

I was wondering if there are any current plans to make Mutt's
implementation of IMAP more speedy?

I love Mutt and would like to push it to take its (rightful!) place as
the corporate standard console-based mail reader.  Trouble is that
IMAP is very big 'round these parts and Mutt's IMAP reading is

It was recently noted in the list that Mutt does not cache IMAP
headers like PINE, is this a to-be-done?  Any roadmap on this?


Steven G. Harms [my opinions are my own, not my employer's]

Some mail readers may interpret this message as having an 'attachment'
this is actually my cryptographic signature.  Protect your privacy by
using cryptography.  You can get my public encryption key at:

Description: PGP signature

tag-(thread|pattern) in pager

2001-12-10 Thread Roman Neuhauser

Hi there,

I'd like to be able to use tag-thread, tag-subthred, tag-pattern in
the pager view. Looks like they're not defined in the pager map
(1.3.23i) are there any plans to include them in pager map, and if not,
would I (as someone who is not very good in C) be able to hack this in
myself? Where should I look?

7:58PM up 48 days, 6:41, 13 users, load averages: 0.15, 0.17, 0.14

Re: Searching big gobs of e-mail

2001-12-10 Thread Peter Poeml

On Thu, Dec 06, 2001 at 05:06:43PM -0500, Eric Kidd wrote:
> Let's try a test.
> Ideally, I'd like to search three separate folders for all mail to or
> from [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] during September 2000, display all
> matching messages in a list view, and then search *those* for a number
> of different strings in the body.  Bonus points if I can save the query
> or have it automatically update if new, matching mail arrives.  (This is
> a real test case from a recent problem I had.)
> How much of this can I actually do in mutt?  Hacks and workarounds are
> OK, but I'd like to know the (1) limitations and (2) actual keystrokes
> so I can try it before posting my apology.

As mentioned before, grepmail can jump in because mutt works on single
mail boxes. Now I was curious and figured out the command for your real

mutt -f <(grepmail -huqd "between 2001-09-01 and 2001-10-01" \
"^From.*frob@(foo|bar).net" mbox1 mbox2 mbox3)

Sadly grepmail only works on mbox mail boxes, not with mails stored in
maildirs. You should be able to at least gather the matching mail files
with find:

egrep -l "^From.*frob@(foo|bar).net" {maildir1,maildir2,maildir3}/*/* \
| xargs grep -l "Sep 2000"

But I'm wondering how to feed that into mutt...


VFS: Busy inodes after unmount. Self-destruct in 5 seconds.  Have a nice day...

Re: displaying name of attachment in title bar

2001-12-10 Thread David Champion

On 2001.12.06, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"Prahlad Vaidyanathan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 06 Dec 2001 Eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed into the ether:
> > Well I am not sure what you call that information bar above the
> > pager.  But would it not be useful if the names of the
> > attachments of the current email were listed there - 
> > or is there another view in mutt that may achieve this.
> There is a patch (patch-1.3.23.dgc.attach.2), which you can find here :
> That will give you the option of putting the number of attachments into
> the index.

I've updated all my current patches, including this one, for 1.3.24. It
can be found at its home site:

These patches include PATCHES file support, which was (re-)introduced in

FWIW, I apply patches in this sequence:

...considering how to support Eric's idea in attach.3, without
getting too far off the beaten-till-dead path

 -D.[EMAIL PROTECTED]NSITUniversity of Chicago

Re: binding a key to forward mail

2001-12-10 Thread Gary Johnson

On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 08:07:23AM -0500, David T-G wrote:

> The only thing I haven't yet figured out is how to macro or hook all
> of this so that I don't have to hit 'y' to send it on (because, I must
> admit, ;fsc is pretty simple and shouldn't need to be macro-ed
> much more!).  It's not so bad, though; it's an extra safety check even
> though I have yet to accidentally include the wrong item in a tag list...

You could use :push to put the 'y' in the keyboard buffer from a macro.


Gary Johnson   | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Spokane, Washington, USA |

Re: spamcop forwarding redux

2001-12-10 Thread David T-G

Peter --

...and then Peter Jay Salzman said...
% combining all 3 ideas that were posted to this list, i have:
%   macro pager \Cf "[EMAIL PROTECTED]\n\n"
% there are still two problems:
% 1.  when forwarding (as opposed to bouncing), mutt places me in
% an editor (vim).   is there a way to tell mutt to ixnay the
%editing here?

Piece of cake:

  send-hook .   "set editor='vim +/^\$'"
  send-hook (spamcop|(submit|quick)\.[a-z0-9]*)@.*   \
'unset pgp_autosign ; set editor=/bin/true ; my_hdr Fcc: /dev/null ; \
my_hdr from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

Now to figure out how to macro that so that I don't have to hit 'y'...

% 2.  mutt trims the headers (which makes this macro useless).  is
% there a  type directive i can give in the

You should MIME-encapsulate the message anyway, so 

  # set forward_decode
  set mime_fwd
  # unset mime_forward_decode

ought to do you; that's what I have in my muttrc.

% i'm reading the mutt manual, but it's slow going.  i'm on line 800 of 6000
% and i feel like i've been reading forever.   i've already finished 2 huge
% cups of coffee...:-)

Good start!

% thanks!
% pete
% -- 
%** Please don't send me html email **
% PGP Fingerprint: B9F1 6CF3 47C4 7CD8 D33E  70A9 A3B9 1945 67EA 951D
% PGP Public Key:  finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

David T-G  * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: spamcop forwarding redux

2001-12-10 Thread Gary Johnson

On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 09:30:38AM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> combining all 3 ideas that were posted to this list, i have:
>   macro pager \Cf "[EMAIL PROTECTED]\n\n"
> there are still two problems:
> 1.  when forwarding (as opposed to bouncing), mutt places me in
> an editor (vim).   is there a way to tell mutt to ixnay the
>editing here?

David T-G posted a nice solution to this one in another thread, "binding
a key to forward mail", Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

  send-hook .   "set editor='vim +/^\$'"
  send-hook (spamcop|(submit|quick)[a-z]*)@.*\
'unset pgp_autosign ; set editor=/bin/true ; my_hdr Fcc: /dev/null ; \
my_hdr from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'


Gary Johnson   | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Spokane, Washington, USA |

Re: Searching big gobs of e-mail

2001-12-10 Thread Bruno Postle

On Mon 10-Dec-2001 at 08:04:17PM +0100, Peter Poeml wrote:
> Sadly grepmail only works on mbox mail boxes, not with mails stored in
> maildirs. You should be able to at least gather the matching mail files
> with find:
> egrep -l "^From.*frob@(foo|bar).net" {maildir1,maildir2,maildir3}/*/* \
>   | xargs grep -l "Sep 2000"
> But I'm wondering how to feed that into mutt...

Just create a temporary maildir for your search results and create
linked files in there.  Something like this (completely untested, don't
blame me if it spills your coffee):

# mkdir results results/{cur,new,tmp}
# egrep -l "^From.*frob@(foo|bar).net" {maildir1,maildir2,maildir3}/*/* \
# | xargs grep -l "Sep 2000" \
# | while read file ; do
# ln $file results/cur/
# done
# mutt -f results

Note that you can create as many of these 'results' Maildir's as you like
without using up (much) disc space.


Re: Searching big gobs of e-mail

2001-12-10 Thread Gary Johnson

On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 08:04:17PM +0100, Peter Poeml wrote:

> As mentioned before, grepmail can jump in because mutt works on single
> mail boxes. Now I was curious and figured out the command for your real
> example:
> mutt -f <(grepmail -huqd "between 2001-09-01 and 2001-10-01" \
>   "^From.*frob@(foo|bar).net" mbox1 mbox2 mbox3)

I'm not familiar with the <( construct.  What shell are you using?

> Sadly grepmail only works on mbox mail boxes, not with mails stored in
> maildirs. You should be able to at least gather the matching mail files
> with find:
> egrep -l "^From.*frob@(foo|bar).net" {maildir1,maildir2,maildir3}/*/* \
>   | xargs grep -l "Sep 2000"
> But I'm wondering how to feed that into mutt...

If your grepmail thing above works, then I would think that appending
"| xargs cat" to your egrep line and using that in place of grepmail
would also work:

mutt -f <(egrep -l "^From.*frob@(foo|bar).net" {maildir1,maildir2,maildir3}/*/* \
| xargs grep -l "Sep 2000" | xargs cat)


Gary Johnson   | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Spokane, Washington, USA |

Re: Searching big gobs of e-mail

2001-12-10 Thread Kenneth Pronovici

> I'm not familiar with the <( construct.  What shell are you using?

Probably means < $(...) for the equivalent of > `...` in kshell...


Description: PGP signature

Re: binding a key to forward mail

2001-12-10 Thread David T-G

Gary, et al --

...and then Gary Johnson said...
% On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 08:07:23AM -0500, David T-G wrote:
% > The only thing I haven't yet figured out is how to macro or hook all
% > of this so that I don't have to hit 'y' to send it on (because, I must
% You could use :push to put the 'y' in the keyboard buffer from a macro.

Hmmm...  push in the macro, you mean?  That's certainly an idea; thanks!

% Gary
% -- 
% Gary Johnson   | Agilent Technologies
% [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Spokane, Washington, USA
% |

David T-G  * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Searching big gobs of e-mail

2001-12-10 Thread Bruno Postle

On Mon 10-Dec-2001 at 08:04:17PM +0100, Peter Poeml wrote:
> Sadly grepmail only works on mbox mail boxes, not with mails stored in
> maildirs.

I've never tried it, but mboxgrep apparently works with Maildir, MH and
gzipped mbox files:


Re: spamcop forwarding redux

2001-12-10 Thread Brian Clark

* David T-G ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 10. 2001 14:49]:

> % there are still two problems:
> % 
> % 1.  when forwarding (as opposed to bouncing), mutt places me in
> % an editor (vim).   is there a way to tell mutt to ixnay the
> %  editing here?
> Piece of cake:
>   send-hook . "set editor='vim +/^\$'"
>   send-hook (spamcop|(submit|quick)\.[a-z0-9]*)@.* \
> 'unset pgp_autosign ; set editor=/bin/true ; my_hdr Fcc: /dev/null ; \
> my_hdr from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

That doesn't work correctly for me, for some reason. I added this to my

send-hook . "set editor='vim +/^\$'"
send-hook   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \
   'unset pgp_autosign ; set editor=/bin/true ; \
   my_hdr Fcc: /dev/null'

And in my `spamcop forward' compose window, my Fcc is set to my default,
(=sent-mail-`date +%Y-%m`) but everything else seems to work correctly 
For example, I'm not prompted to edit.

However, in any *other* email I reply to, which is not addressed to 
spamcop, I get the Fcc: /dev/null header. (See my headers)

What could I be doing wrong?

 -Brian Clark

Re: spamcop forwarding redux

2001-12-10 Thread Brian Clark

* Brian Clark ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Dec 10. 2001 16:13]:

> However, in any *other* email I reply to, which is not addressed to 
> spamcop, I get the Fcc: /dev/null header. (See my headers)

Duh, and of course Fcc is handled locally. *Smacks himself*

 -Brian Clark

Re: Email HowTo [was: Re: Searching big gobs of e-mail]

2001-12-10 Thread Justin R. Miller

Thus spake Prahlad Vaidyanathan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> Since you are interested in both scoring, and anti-spam filters, I
> thought I'd point you to this : 
> Seems real impressive, though I've never used it. It does use procmail
> though, and I can already see some people scoffing at it :-)

You might be interested in my writeup:

Justin R. Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
View my website at
Please encrypt email using key 0xC9C40C31

Description: PGP signature

Re: razor-check

2001-12-10 Thread Vineet Kumar

* Ben White ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [011210 07:06]:
> Hi, I am looking for ways to incorporate razor-check into my mail
> reading with mutt. (
> I've got a few ways of doing it as far as I can see.
> Bind a keypress that runs razor-check with the currently selected message, so
> I can check whether a message is marked as spam or not in the razor
> catalogue.  I see it either changing the score for that message or
> flagging it in some way if it's a spam.
> A folder-hook or something like that that will run razor-check on each
> message when I open the mailbox.  Or a keypress that I can use to
> spamcheck the entire mailbox I have open.

I think your best bet is to check them at delivery time via your MDA
(maildrop, procmail, etc.) Have it add a header indicating its results,
and have mutt perform checks based on the presence or contents of this

Just ask if you need more detailed help.

good times,

Satan laughs when  #  "I disapprove of what you say, but I will
we kill each other.#   defend to the death your right to say it."
Peace is the only way. #  --Beatrice Hall, The Friends of Voltaire, 1906

Description: PGP signature

bash syntax (was: Searching big gobs of e-mail)

2001-12-10 Thread Cristian

Hi Gary,

I'm not quite sure if Kenneth is right.

For a reference on the <( ... ) construct of the bash shell, enter
this in a shell if you have the stand-alone `info' viewer installed:

$ info --index-search="process substitution" bash

In Emacs, type "C-h m bash i process substitution ".

Read it carefully -- it's fun to use!


On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 12:05:29PM -0800, Gary Johnson wrote:
> I'm not familiar with the <( construct.  What shell are you using?


}{  Cristian Pietsch

Description: PGP signature

Re: tag-(thread|pattern) in pager

2001-12-10 Thread Cedric Duval

Hi Roman,

> I'd like to be able to use tag-thread, tag-subthred, tag-pattern in
> the pager view. Looks like they're not defined in the pager map
> (1.3.23i) are there any plans to include them in pager map, and if not,
> would I (as someone who is not very good in C) be able to hack this in
> myself? Where should I look?

Would something like this do the trick?

   macro pager \et ""


Re: bash syntax (was: Searching big gobs of e-mail)

2001-12-10 Thread Gary Johnson

On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 11:34:46PM +0100, Cristian wrote:
> Hi Gary,
> I'm not quite sure if Kenneth is right.
> For a reference on the <( ... ) construct of the bash shell, enter
> this in a shell if you have the stand-alone `info' viewer installed:
> $ info --index-search="process substitution" bash
> In Emacs, type "C-h m bash i process substitution ".
> Read it carefully -- it's fun to use!

Cool!  I logged onto one of the Linux systems here and found the info
description OK, but when I tried it out, I got an error:

$ vi <(ls)
sh: syntax error: `(' unexpected

I'll have to find out from the Linux sys admin why this doesn't work.
This would be great for doing stuff like diff'ing the outputs of two



Gary Johnson   | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Spokane, Washington, USA |

Re: binding a key to forward mail

2001-12-10 Thread Gary Johnson

On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 03:21:52PM -0500, David T-G wrote:
> Gary, et al --
> ...and then Gary Johnson said...
> % 
> % On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 08:07:23AM -0500, David T-G wrote:
> % 
> % > The only thing I haven't yet figured out is how to macro or hook all
> % > of this so that I don't have to hit 'y' to send it on (because, I must
> ...
> % 
> % You could use :push to put the 'y' in the keyboard buffer from a macro.
> Hmmm...  push in the macro, you mean?  That's certainly an idea; thanks!

Yes, that's what I meant.  For example, I tried this just to see if it
would work:

:macro pager G ":push ^Mgaryjohn^M^Mtest message^My"

The third ^M is needed because I have askcc set.


Gary Johnson   | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Spokane, Washington, USA |

Re: bash syntax (was: Searching big gobs of e-mail)

2001-12-10 Thread Gary Johnson

On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 02:54:15PM -0800, Gary Johnson wrote:

> Cool!  I logged onto one of the Linux systems here and found the info
> description OK, but when I tried it out, I got an error:
> $ vi <(ls)
> sh: syntax error: `(' unexpected
> I'll have to find out from the Linux sys admin why this doesn't work.
> This would be great for doing stuff like diff'ing the outputs of two
> commands.

It turned out that the login shell on the Linux system I tried was
/usr/bin/sh, which was a symbolic link to /bin/ksh rather than to
/bin/bash.  The command works fine with bash.


Gary Johnson   | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Spokane, Washington, USA |

Re: bash syntax (was: Searching big gobs of e-mail)

2001-12-10 Thread Viktor Rosenfeld

Gary Johnson wrote:

> Cool!  I logged onto one of the Linux systems here and found the info
> description OK, but when I tried it out, I got an error:
> $ vi <(ls)
> sh: syntax error: `(' unexpected

Hmm, works fine for me.  This is indeed very cool!

Viktor Rosenfeld

Description: PGP signature

Re: bash syntax (was: Searching big gobs of e-mail)

2001-12-10 Thread Kenneth Pronovici

> I'm not quite sure if Kenneth is right.
> For a reference on the <( ... ) construct of the bash shell, enter
> this in a shell if you have the stand-alone `info' viewer installed:
> $ info --index-search="process substitution" bash
> In Emacs, type "C-h m bash i process substitution ".

I stand corrected... and I learn something new every day.  Makes much
sense now that I've done 'man grepmail' (I had been assuming the
results were a list of files).

And I agree... very slick, since in kshell it would take something like:

   grepmail -huqd "between 2001-09-01 and 2001-10-01" \
"^From.*frob@(foo|bar).net" mbox1 mbox2 mbox3 > tmp.txt
   mutt -f tmp.txt
   rm tmp.txt 

Anyway, sorry to put my foot in my mouth so publicly. ;-)


Kenneth J. Pronovici <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Personal Homepage:
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little 
 temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." 
  - Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Quoting when replying

2001-12-10 Thread Rob 'Feztaa' Park

Ok, here I am going to explain it again david, you don't get it ;)

On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 07:59:52AM -0500, David T-G (dis)graced my inbox with:
> % > % who uses email. And we need to devise a way so that when we quote email,
> % > % we quote it with _their_ quote character, not ours. That way we know who
> % > % wrote it, not who's replying to it ;)

That % indicates that you wrote what follows it (the next quoted paragraph). 
It does not indicate who actually wrote that paragraph.

You see, the problem I am try to solve is that there is no indication of
who wrote the above (quoted) paragraph. Sure we both know that I wrote
it, but what if somebody else reads it? They might not know. Or what if
we forget?

> % > No, no, no...  One doesn't quote oneself as one is initially speaking;
> % > someone else quotes you as he or she replies.  The character-selection
> % > algorithm is correct as it stands.

That > indicates that I wrote what follows it. The only indication of
who wrote that paragraph is the quote character of the _preceding_

The point I'm trying to make is that nobody cares who wrote "the
paragraph that follows this one". What we want to know is who wrote "the
paragraph I am reading right now".

> % No, no, no... you're not understanding what I'm saying.
> But I am!

But you aren't!

> % When you reply to a message, every line in the quote starts with a '%'.
> % That means that you're _replying_ to that text, not that you _wrote_ it.
> Exactly.  And it makes sense for you to not quote yourself (or otherwise
> indicate what's your text) when you first write it, because that's what
> your From: and signature are for.

Obviously you don't quote yourself. That's what I'm saying!

> % Lets use the above quote as an example. One paragraph starts with >, and
> % the other with > %. Lets say, for the sake of argument, that % is your
> % quote character, and > is mine.

When I say "quote character", in this context, I am referring to
everybody's unique quote character that they would have in the
hypothetical system that I am talking about.

> % This raises a problem: I didn't write what is quoted with the >, you
> % didn't. And you didn't write what is quoted with the %, /I/ did! 

Oops. That's "you _did_."

> Exactly.

Yes, exactly.

> % Obviously this system is flawed. It doesn't show us who _wrote_ what, it
> Nope.  I still disagree.

And you're still wrong ;)

> % order to do this, stuff that _I_ wrote needs to be prefixed with _my_
> % quote character, not the character of the person replying to it.
> Now if *this* is what you want, just pump your entire message through a
> filter that prepends '>' or even 'RP>' before sending and you'll have
> quoted your own text *and* you'll look silly -- the email version of
> someone talking (or quoting himself) just to hear himself talk :-)

No, that's not at all what I want. Why would I want to quote myself?

What I'm saying is that when _I_ quote _you_, I use _your_ unique quote
character (%), not mine. When I quote someone else, I use _their_ quote
character. When _you_ quote _me_, you use _my_ quote character (keep in
mind I'm talking about how it should be, not about how it is).

Here is an example situation: Alice, Bob, and Carl are emailing each
other. Alice's unique quote character (uqc from now on) is >, Bob's is
%, and Carl's is |. So if you saw this email:

| > % What's up?
| > Not much
| How's it going?
Not bad!

We know that: Bob wrote the first line, Alice wrote the second, Carl
wrote the third, and whoever wrote the fourth is listed in the From:

Were this situation as email exists now, the above example tells us
that we'll never know who wrote the first line, Bob wrote the second
line, Alice wrote the third line, and Carl wrote the fourth.

Do you see what I mean now?

We don't quote ourselves, but we quote each other. And when we quote
somebody, we use _their_ quote character, not our own.

> % Get it? ;)
> We should probably stop this soon :-)

At least we agree on one thing ;)

Rob 'Feztaa' Park
Please send all spam to my main address, root@localhost :-)

Description: PGP signature

Re: binding a key to forward mail

2001-12-10 Thread Rob 'Feztaa' Park

On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 03:00:49PM -0800, Gary Johnson (dis)graced my inbox with:
> > Hmmm...  push in the macro, you mean?  That's certainly an idea; thanks!
> Yes, that's what I meant.  For example, I tried this just to see if it
> would work:
> :macro pager G ":push ^Mgaryjohn^M^Mtest message^My"

And this text is actually entered into your editor? Cool, I thought the
macro couldn't actually affect what happened once the editor opened.

Rob 'Feztaa' Park
"USA Today has come out with a new survey: Apparently, three out of four
people make up 75 percent of the population."
-- David Letterman

Description: PGP signature

Open tar.gz /tgz, bz2 with mutt

2001-12-10 Thread Abu

I want open file (tar.gz,tgz,bz2) on the fly with mutt,
like open .pdf file, how can i do it with mutt?

 / \/ \ GnuPg public information pub 1024/EBD26280 
 `V__V' A9A9 8F57 9E9D 14E3 05B4  3EDB C241 A313 EBD2 6280
Don't relax!  It's only your tension that's holding you together.

Re: Open tar.gz /tgz, bz2 with mutt

2001-12-10 Thread David T-G

Abu --

...and then Abu said...
% I want open file (tar.gz,tgz,bz2) on the fly with mutt,
% like open .pdf file, how can i do it with mutt?

Well, you need to define "open".  A PDF file is read, but a tar file
contains other files to be extracted.

If it's just a text file, you could zcat it and trap the output.  If not,
though, you're probably interested in the contents of the tar file,
though perhaps in extracting the files somewhere, and so you'd probably
want to write a wrapper script that takes the file as an argument and
then asks for input or such.

% -- 
%   (oo)  
%  / \/ \ GnuPg public information pub 1024/EBD26280 
%  `V__V' A9A9 8F57 9E9D 14E3 05B4  3EDB C241 A313 EBD2 6280
% Don't relax!  It's only your tension that's holding you together.


David T-G  * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: binding a key to forward mail

2001-12-10 Thread Gary Johnson

On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 06:55:19PM -0700, Rob 'Feztaa' Park wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 03:00:49PM -0800, Gary Johnson (dis)graced my inbox with:
> > > Hmmm...  push in the macro, you mean?  That's certainly an idea; thanks!
> > 
> > Yes, that's what I meant.  For example, I tried this just to see if it
> > would work:
> > 
> > :macro pager G ":push ^Mgaryjohn^M^Mtest message^My"
> And this text is actually entered into your editor? Cool, I thought the
> macro couldn't actually affect what happened once the editor opened.

No, "test message" is the Subject.  But you're right about the macro not
being able to affect what happens within the editor, at least not via
the keyboard buffer since mutt and the editor don't share the same
keyboard buffer.


Gary Johnson   | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Spokane, Washington, USA |