Re: sample muttrc file for AOL email...

2023-04-13 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
That is not accurate, Lester.

At the moment this answer is written there are currently TWO methods to use
mutt with Gmail.

First is using an "application specific password" and the second is using
the recently added "Oauth" support that is now provided in mutt.

Could someone point Lester to a tutorial on how to set up mutt using  both
of these  methods?

I suspect that Google owner of Gmail will drop "application specific
password" authorizations first, so even though both still work, that new
users just use Oauth method.

Also Lester has recently sent the list a copy of the error file that was
produced by Jude's command but to my eyes it looks all scrambled as if
Lester has his locals set to a non standard format. He also sent a copy of
his muttrc file with his username and password removed.

He is looking for help in getting mutt working.

Kind wishes,


Thank you,

On Thu, Apr 13, 2023, 06:26 Lester Rees  wrote:

> No, Gmail no longer allows Mutt to be used for it.  Google considers it to
> be a "less secure app."  Hence, they do not allow Mutt to be used with it.
> I have tried and have failed since Google made that change to Gmail.n
> On 4/13/23 04:31, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> No, mutt can use Gmail because mutt has Oauth support built in. It's a bit
> complicated but you can search for instructions. That's the preferred way
> to use mutt with Gmail as the other method "app specific passwords" will
> eventually be phased out.
> Please do not write me again, write to the email list.
> Your questions will help many but only if they're sent to the email list.
> Thank you.
> David
> On Thu, Apr 13, 2023, 05:22 Lester Rees  wrote:
>> Damn, I never thought getting help configuring Mutt for my AOL email
>> account would be such a big hassle.  I used to use mutt for my Gmail
>> accounts, but Google, as you know, stopped allowing Gmail to be used with
>> Mutt.  Configuring Mutt to be used with my Gmail accounts was as easy as
>> modifying my .muttrc file, nothing else.  Why can't someone just tell me
>> what changes I need to make to my .muttrc file in order to use my AOL email
>> account with Mutt!?  I copy & pasted the contents of my .muttrc file to
>> this email group, didn't I?  Shouldn't it be as easy as telling me what
>> changes I need to make to my .muttrc file, just like I did with my Gmail
>> accounts?  Instead, I get a whole bunch of hassle from everyone.   Leave it
>> human beings to make things more complicated than they should be!!!
>> Damn!!!  You know, the less I have humans involved with my life, the less
>> stress and fewer problems I have.
>> On 4/13/23 04:05, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
>> Yes, but you didn't tell them what it was and you posted an email
>> containing our back and forth which will be totally confusing to them.
>> I don't think because of that you'll get a response from them, but they
>> are a very exceptional group, so maybe they will take the time to figure
>> out what's going on. I personally doubt it.
>> You could have taken my suggestion but maybe you have more experience
>> with them.
>> DR
>> On Thu, Apr 13, 2023, 05:02 Lester Rees  wrote:
>>> Yeah, I forwarded them to
>>> On 4/13/23 04:00, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
>>> Do NOT send to me, send to
>>> Again, do NOT, NOT, NOT, send email to me send to
>>> and attach both files and tell them what they are.
>>> Regards,
>>> David
>>> On Thu, Apr 13, 2023, 04:53 Lester Rees  wrote:
>>>> Oh, I thought you needed the output that's in the .log file from
>>>> executing that command.  Okay, I'll then attach that .log file to this
>>>> email.  Sorry about the misunderstanding.
>>>> On 4/13/23 03:47, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
>>>> Please send to email so everyone can help you.
>>>> Unless I'm not mistaken, the command Jude gave you produces a file.
>>>> That's what is needed, not the contents pasted into an email message.
>>>> Please send again but send the email to
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> David
>>>> On Thu, Apr 13, 2023, 02:33 Lester Rees  wrote:
>>>>> Okay, here's what's in my .muttrc fi

Re: sample muttrc file for AOL email...

2023-04-13 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
No, mutt can use Gmail because mutt has Oauth support built in. It's a bit
complicated but you can search for instructions. That's the preferred way
to use mutt with Gmail as the other method "app specific passwords" will
eventually be phased out.

Please do not write me again, write to the email list.

Your questions will help many but only if they're sent to the email list.

Thank you.


On Thu, Apr 13, 2023, 05:22 Lester Rees  wrote:

> Damn, I never thought getting help configuring Mutt for my AOL email
> account would be such a big hassle.  I used to use mutt for my Gmail
> accounts, but Google, as you know, stopped allowing Gmail to be used with
> Mutt.  Configuring Mutt to be used with my Gmail accounts was as easy as
> modifying my .muttrc file, nothing else.  Why can't someone just tell me
> what changes I need to make to my .muttrc file in order to use my AOL email
> account with Mutt!?  I copy & pasted the contents of my .muttrc file to
> this email group, didn't I?  Shouldn't it be as easy as telling me what
> changes I need to make to my .muttrc file, just like I did with my Gmail
> accounts?  Instead, I get a whole bunch of hassle from everyone.   Leave it
> human beings to make things more complicated than they should be!!!
> Damn!!!  You know, the less I have humans involved with my life, the less
> stress and fewer problems I have.
> On 4/13/23 04:05, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> Yes, but you didn't tell them what it was and you posted an email
> containing our back and forth which will be totally confusing to them.
> I don't think because of that you'll get a response from them, but they
> are a very exceptional group, so maybe they will take the time to figure
> out what's going on. I personally doubt it.
> You could have taken my suggestion but maybe you have more experience with
> them.
> DR
> On Thu, Apr 13, 2023, 05:02 Lester Rees  wrote:
>> Yeah, I forwarded them to
>> On 4/13/23 04:00, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
>> Do NOT send to me, send to
>> Again, do NOT, NOT, NOT, send email to me send to
>> and attach both files and tell them what they are.
>> Regards,
>> David
>> On Thu, Apr 13, 2023, 04:53 Lester Rees  wrote:
>>> Oh, I thought you needed the output that's in the .log file from
>>> executing that command.  Okay, I'll then attach that .log file to this
>>> email.  Sorry about the misunderstanding.
>>> On 4/13/23 03:47, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
>>> Please send to email so everyone can help you.
>>> Unless I'm not mistaken, the command Jude gave you produces a file.
>>> That's what is needed, not the contents pasted into an email message.
>>> Please send again but send the email to
>>> Kind regards,
>>> David
>>> On Thu, Apr 13, 2023, 02:33 Lester Rees  wrote:
>>>> Okay, here's what's in my .muttrc file right now with my username &
>>>> password Xed out:
>>>> set from =
>>>> set realname = "xxx "
>>>> #IMAP Settings
>>>> ##
>>>> # activate TLS if available on the server
>>>> set ssl_starttls=yes
>>>> # always use SSL when connecting to a server
>>>> set ssl_force_tls=yes
>>>> # Don't wait to enter mailbox manually
>>>> unset imap_passive
>>>> # Automatically poll subscribed mailboxes for new mail (new in 1.5.11)
>>>> set imap_check_subscribed
>>>> # My credentials
>>>> set smtp_url = smtp://
>>>> set smtp_pass = 
>>>> set imap_user ="
>>>> set imap_pass = 
>>>> # My mailboxes
>>>> set folder = imaps://
>>>> set spoolfile = +INBOX
>>>> # Where to put the stuff
>>>> set header_cache = ~/.mutt/cache/headers
>>>> set message_cachedir = ~/.mutt/cache/bodies
>>>> set certificate_file = ~/.mutt/certificates
>>>> # Etc
>>>> set mail_check = 30
>>>> set move = no
>>>> set imap_keepalive = 900
>>>> set sort = threads
>>>> set editor = nano
>>>> # GnuPG bootstrap

Re: sample muttrc file for AOL email...

2023-04-12 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
On Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 2:11 PM Lester Rees  wrote:

> Well, I need to take a little nap right now b4 I go to work this
> afternoon.  Talk atcha later.
Hello Lester,

Making mutt work isn't just a matter of a configuration file, there are
other things like making directories which must be done.  You will either
have to do this manually, or use a script.
Otherwise, mutt will fail. As mentioned, mutt has imap support but it needs
to be manually configured by you, it's not as simple as just a muttrc file,
there are a few steps to getting it to work.

If you don't want to use script, here are some good
instructions on how to set up mutt.

Just ignore that it's for Arch Linux - the instructions are generic, but
you have to follow all the steps and instructions or mutt just will not
work.  It would have helped greatly if you had supplied the errors instead
of saying simply "it doesn't work" - usually the errors will point to the
misconfiguration and the misconfiguration can be fixed.

You might look into offlineimap or isync to download your imap mail from
aol.  They are both python programs.


If you're running Linux, your distro will have these to be installed.


Re: sample muttrc file for AOL email...

2023-04-12 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
On Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 1:48 PM Lester Rees  wrote:

> Just give me a sample .muttrc file and I'll just plug in the
> username,password, and email address.  e.g.
> It's not really that hard to do.  Boy, you're just trying hard to push this
> bash script on me, aren't you!?  It makes me kinda suspicious!

Send the errors you're having with mutt to the list, maybe we can help you.

I'm not "pushing" the fleacollar scrip, but it works nicely and it's all
set up to work with AOL.


Re: sample muttrc file for AOL email...

2023-04-12 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
On Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 12:40 PM Lester Rees  wrote:

> The thing doesn't even work.  Anyways, I don't see why any sort of
> app/bash script should be necessary.  All I need is a simple example
> .muttrc file to use to be able to configure Mutt to use an AOL email
> account, nothing else.
The fleacollar script will work. Script URL

OK then otherwise, just follow the CONFIG settings from the mutt menu in
mutt.  It will do the configuration for you, just supply the needed

The script is easier, and it works for me and many others.

If it doesn't work, send a bug report to Storm Dragon <>


Re: sample muttrc file for AOL email...

2023-04-12 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
I believe Storm Dragon's fleacollar supports AOL.
script URL

Use wget to download this.

Then chmod to be executable and run it and give all answers,
including the password and gpg questions, it won't make a gpg for your
email itself, it just protects your passwords on your computer.


Best wishes,

On Wed, Apr 12, 2023, 11:44 Lester Rees  wrote:

> Does anyone, by any chance, happen to have a sample .muttrc file that I
> could use for AOL email?  And no, I do not want a conversation or a
> lecture, just a sample .muttrc file that I could use for AOL email.
> Thank you very much!  

Re: muttrc for emails

2022-08-06 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
On Sat, Aug 6, 2022 at 8:05 AM José María Mateos  wrote:

> I don't use `record`, but I think you need either a + or a = sign in
> front of the mailbox name.
> set record="+Sent"
> José María (Chema) Mateos ||

If I put the + as you suggest, mutt wants to save a copy to
/home/username/Mail/Sent but I want it to send a copy to the IMAP
folder which I can see is named "Sent" by pressing c in mutt.

Maybe I should be using something different than "set record"?


Re: muttrc for emails

2022-08-05 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
Those worked, but I still have a problem saving my mail.

This works without an error but it still doesn't save my mail>

set record="Sent"

That's the name of the folder I can see by pressing c to change folders.


On Sat, Aug 6, 2022 at 12:59 AM Daniel Tameling
> Hi,
> > Also I haven't figured out how to save a copy of my sent meil to my
> > gmx sent filder.
> I also had this problem when adapting my mutt configuration from gmail to 
> (I download the mail with mbsync instead of using imap in mutt, but this 
> should still apply)
> I had to add this to my configuration:
> set copy="yes"
> set record="+Gesendet"
> You just need to find out, what your sent folder is called and use that in 
> record.
> btw: at least the German gmx uses a flat folder structure. So I don't need 
> the [GMX]/ you have in your config.
> > I can receive mail, I can send mail, but when starting
> > mutt, I have to change folders to INBOX.
> Did you try
> set spoolfile=+INBOX
> --
> Best,
> Daniel

muttrc for emails

2022-08-05 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.

Some of the less talented visually impaired users were wondering if
anyone has come up with a muttrc file that works with a tmpdir inside

I attach what I've come up with so far.

I can receive mail, I can send mail, but when starting
mutt, I have to change folders to INBOX.

Also I haven't figured out how to save a copy of my sent meil to my
gmx sent filder.

Below my signature is the pasted file, it still is dirty from having
other entries left over from gmail, but these have been commented out
with an # at the beginning of the line.

The file is also attached.


David Ring

 === muttrc =

### ~/.mutt/muttrc

## Change the following lines to match your GMX account details
## For a bit more information and password encryption instructions go
to the Mutt set-up article
## If you must use pop change imap to pop, change port numbers, etc.
set imap_user = ""
set imap_pass = "MYGMXEMAILPASSWORD"
set smtp_url = "smtp://"
set ssl_force_tls   = yes
set ssl_starttls= yes
set smtp_pass = "MYGMXEMAILPASSWORD"
set from = ""
set realname = "MY REAL NAME"
## Comment the next line or change to no to put sig below quoted message(s)
set sig_on_top = yes
set signature="~/.mutt/sig"

# Change the following line if you prefer a different editor.
set editor = "nano"
# This line changes the spelling checker to aspell from less modern ispell
# set ispell="aspell -e -c"

## Basic config, you can leave this as is in most cases
# Not sure if timeout and keepalive value tweaking will help
intermittent connection issues
# (time values are in seconds)
set wait_key = no
set folder = "imaps://"
set spoolfile = "+GMX"
set imap_check_subscribed
set hostname =
set mail_check = 150
set beep_new
set connect_timeout = 25
set timeout = 300
# Keep IMAP connection alive by polling intermittently
set imap_keepalive = 180
# Allow Mutt to open new imap connection automatically
unset imap_passive
set postponed = "+[GMX]/Drafts"
# set postpone=ask-yes
#set record = "+[gmx]/Sent Mail"
set header_cache=~/.mutt/cache/headers
set message_cachedir=~/.mutt/cache/bodies

## You may need to create your tmpdir in some situations.
set tmpdir = ~/.mutt/tmpdir
set certificate_file=~/.mutt/certificates
set alias_file=~/.mutt/aliases
set move = no
set honor_followup_to = ask-yes

## Date Format ##
set date_format="%d %b %R"

## Index Sorting ##
#set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d %t} %-15.15L (%4l) %s"
set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d %H:%M} %-15.15L (%?l?%4l&%4c?) %s"

## Automatically includes quote of the original msg in replies
# set include

## If you want to be asked whether to include quoted message(s)
 set include=ask-yes

## Asks whether to forward non plain text mime types attached as they
came or to convert to inline plain text
set mime_forward = ask-no
set sort = 'threads'
set sort_aux = 'reverse-last-date-received'

## The next two are set oposite of default if uncommented. *(needs more study)
#set strict_threads = yes
#set sort_re = no
set auto_tag = yes

## Reminds you of missing subject or empty body with msg
sent as default
set abort_nosubject = ask-no
set abort_unmodified = ask-no
ignore "Authentication-Results:"
ignore "DomainKey-Signature:"
ignore "DKIM-Signature:"
hdr_order Date From To Cc Bcc
set attribution = "\n  %n wrote:\n%d\n"

## Character or string to appear at the start of quoted lines in replys
set indent_string = "> "
set forward_format = "[FWD: %a] %s"
set mailcap_path= ~/.mutt/mailcap
#auto_view text/html
#set implicit_autoview = yes

##  Uncomment below to read plain text instead of html when both formats exist.
#alternative_order text/plain text/html *
set folder_format = "%2C %f %8s %d %t %F %-8.8u %N %d"

## Scrolls one line at a time, i.e. smoothly scrolls, instead of only
moving up or down by whole pages, screen-fulls if you will
set menu_scroll = yes

## Read and write progress messages update frequency: The value is a
number of messages.
set read_inc = 20
set write_inc = 10

## Some useful extra key bindings
## Improve tab completion: complete address aliases with tab...
bind attach view-mailcap
#bind editor  complete# default Mutt setting
# bind editor ^T complete-query
# unset query_command   # default Mutt setting
bind editor  noop

## Optimize copy and save to show mailbox list without prompting
## Use numbers to jump directly to a mailbox, i.e. skip arrowing
macro index,pager C "?" "copy a
message to a mailbox"
macro index,pager s "?" "move a
message to a mailbox"

##This configuration provides encryption via gpgme  auto-signing
is default for all.
##Also stores encrypted mail as such, I.E. sent folder
## Uncomment the encrypt-to line in ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf and fill in your key-id.
## Don't forget to replace your-key-id with your key id below in the
pgp_sign_as line!

Re: NeoMutt Opinions

2021-12-22 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
# neomutt (Bringing together all the Mutt code)
# Mutt is a small but very powerful text-based MIME mail client.  Mutt
# is highly configurable, and is well suited to the mail power user with
# advanced features like key bindings, keyboard macros, mail threading,
# regular expression searches and a powerful pattern matching language
# for selecting groups of messages.

It seems to have many of the mutt patches for additional features.

At one time I had it displaying a side panel of an index of my mailbox
while the right side displayed the message of the particular line in the
index that was selected. I've forgotten how to do that with neomutt, and it
was no longer the default display when I just installed neomutt to try it.

My muttrc file mostly works with neomutt.  Some keybindings in my muttrc
which did not produce errors with mutt produced errors with neomutt but
neomutt worked anyway.

Best wishes,

On Wed, Dec 22, 2021 at 4:02 PM Lee K  wrote:

> I was wondering if anyone has an opinion on the neomutt project. I've
> been a long time mutt user, on and off for 15 years. Neomutt seems to be
> popular with a certain set of users these days. The configs seem pretty
> much
> compatible. I haven't seen any features that aren't in mutt, and it's sole
> virtue seems to be a more colorful site page.
> Lee

Re: muttrc file for email?

2021-12-20 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
I probably should have made note of where I heard it, but I don't go
looking for trouble like in places like reddit, so it likely was a good
source, but I didn't bookmark it, instead, I came here to get one of my
other accounts working with mutt. Maybe they were wrong, I'm not panicking,
I'm just trying to get a backup plan.  There's lots of us who because of
vision problems need text only keyboard driven email.

If we could only get a text browser that would everywhere, life would be

Best wishes,

On Mon, Dec 20, 2021, 22:45 John Hawkinson  wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 4:33 AM D.J.J. Ring, Jr.  wrote:
> > I just heard gmail was going to become not compatible with mutt. How
> dare they?
> This is a prett ystrong claim, and it is going to cause a lot of
> consternation and panic, whether it turns out to be true or mistaken.
> Can you please share some more information so we can figure out how to
> address it and how concerned to be? Is there supporting information?
> Is it a rumor? If rumor, what's the provenance? Heard from a
> friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend? From a reliable source you can
> explain, etc?
> Thank you.
> --
> John Hawkinson

Re: muttrc file for email?

2021-12-20 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
That's the information I needed. I would have never guessed at "".

Also does mutt need an "app password"?

I just heard gmail was going to become not compatible with mutt. How dare


On Mon, Dec 20, 2021, 04:25 Greg Donoghue via Mutt-users <> wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 19, 2021 at 07:54:47PM -0500, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> >Does anyone have a muttrc file that works for[1]?
> >I'm anticipating the big changes with gmail that will break mutt.
> >Best to all,
> >David
> >
> Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server
> • Server -
> • Port - 993
> • Requires SSL - Yes
> Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server
> • Server -
> • Port - 465
> • Requires SSL - Yes
> • Requires authentication - Yes
> Your login info
> If you're using an older email app, *generate an app password* and use
> that for your account password.
> • Email address - Your full email address (
> • Password - Your account's password
> • Requires authentication - Yes
> Hope this will get you started.
> --
> Greg Donoghue

muttrc file for email?

2021-12-19 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
Does anyone have a muttrc file that works for

I'm anticipating the big changes with gmail that will break mutt.

Best to all,


Re: oauth2 with GMail?

2021-09-26 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.

As Tavis correctly said, you're in the wrong place.  You need to be in your
gmail account using a browser.  Here:
- Click "App passwords", then Select Device/Purpose, then "Generate".

Best wishes,

If you don't have a domain, then you can do it the easy peasy way, just
generate an application specific password:

- Go to
- Click "App passwords"
- Select Device/Purpose, then "Generate"


Re: oauth2 with GMail?

2021-09-26 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.

You have to create an "application specific password" in this case, ignore
everything about "domains" as it doesn't apply.

Also once you've created your "application specific password" you can use
it for gmail on all your computers even those using different
Operating Systems.

Best wishes,

On Sun, Sep 26, 2021 at 1:39 PM Grant Edwards 

> On 2021-09-26, Tavis Ormandy  wrote:
> > On 2021-09-26, Grant Edwards wrote:
> >> I'm trying to figure out how to use oauth2 for SMTP/IMAP (mostly SMTP)
> >> with Gmail [...]
> >>
> >> But, I get stuck when I get to the rather vague part of the
> >> instructions that say to go to
> >> create a project and download credentials.
> >>
> >> Google seems to require I that pre-register my project's domain (which
> >> I don't have) in order to generate credentials. Am I doing something
> >> wrong?
> >
> > Hmm - but the reason you want to do this is because you have a domain
> > where application specific passwords are disabled for policy reasons?
> No, I don't have any domain at all. There is no "project", and I'm not
> actually creating an application -- but have to pretend that you are
> in order to use OAUTH2 with GMail.
> > If you don't have a domain, then you can do it the easy peasy way,
> > just generate an application specific password:
> That requires 2FA be enabled on the GMail account -- which is probably
> what I should do instead of wrestling with OAUTH2.
> --
> Grant

Re: Using Gmail IMAP with Mutt

2021-09-08 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
So is Gmail using GMail again?

How confusing, and whenever I use one or the other and it seems to make a
new folder of the spelling I use even if it's not what gmail wants. That
means that I now have several "sent mail" folders and I can move some of
them and combine them using the web interface.



On Tue, Sep 7, 2021, 13:36 Jens John  wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 03, 2021 at 06:59:23PM +0100, Steve Karmeinsky wrote:
> > On Thu, Sep 02, 2021 at 07:21:30PM +0200 or thereabouts, Jens John wrote:
> > > On Thu, 2 Sep 2021, at 19:12, David J. J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> > > > What does gmail really want?  Gmail or GMail or something different?
> > > > Thanks in advance for your replies and help.  I'm sorry I'm confused
> but
> > > > it is confusing.
> > > Accidentally, I think they changed something because by mbsync config
> broke
> > > some time in August or July. I am now using "[Gmail]/All mail" &
> "[Gmail]
> > > /Sent Mail" (sic: yes, mail lowercased and Mail uppercased for the
> other
> > > folder. Previously, I had been using "[Gmail]/All Mail" (sic) (did no
> longer
> > > work). If in doubt, I would recommend using Thunderbird or another
> IMAP tool
> > > to check which folders a vanilla gmail account presents. Gmail is only
> a
> > > legacy account for me so I'm not exactly keeping up to date with the
> > > service.
> Now this is very funny.
> Today's IMAP pull with mbsync indicates that Gmail has changed its reported
> folder names'/labels' capitalization. Again. After everything was fine for
> one
> or two weeks.
>   Error: channel gmail: slave [Gmail]/All Mail cannot be opened.
>   Error: channel gmail: master [Gmail]/All mail cannot be opened.
> As I don't really need my Gmail anymore I'll just remove Gmail from my sync
> altogether. Personally, I find this inconsistency on Gmail's side highly
> annoying. Their IMAP implementation is garbage. What a waste of time.

Re: Automatic Key Search for email Sender?

2021-09-01 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
On Wed, Sep 1, 2021 at 12:05 PM Jörg Sommer  wrote:

> D.J.J. Ring, Jr. schrieb am Di 31. Aug, 17:13 (-0400):
> > Is there a way to get mutt to automatically search for a gpg key for an
> > email sender and put it in my keychain?
> If you use Emacs, you can do it there. I've wrote a blogpost (in German)
> about this. Maybe you can use a
> translator ( to read the text.
> Kind regards
> Jörg
Automatic email encryption for Neomutt with Emacs
Email encryption has always been a bit unwieldy, because it was added to
the email system as an extension only after many years, and it is often
implemented by add-on programs. In Thunderbird, for example, this was the
Enigmail extension, but since version 78, encryption has been integrated
into Thunderbird.

One problem is that you often don't even know that the other person offers
a PGP key and you have to remember to enable encryption when you write. I
myself use Neomutt as an email program and had written myself a program
years ago that uses the send-hook intervention point to set
crypt_autoencrypt. The system also worked quite reliably (but not always).

Recently I discovered Web Key Directory (WKD) for PGP keys, which is much
faster than querying a PGP key server. With gpg --locate-keys ... you can
check availability based on local storage or by WKD; other sources can be
set with --auto-key-locate local,wkd,keyserver,

So my idea was to use Emacs to check key availability while writing the
text. Roughly speaking, the flow is as follows: when opening the email
(message-mode-hook) in Emacs to compose the text, I start querying the keys
for the named recipients in the background. When saving (before-save-hook)
the query has returned a result for all keys (exit code 0), the field Pgp:
ES is inserted. This entry tells Neomutt to encrypt and sign the email.

 (lambda ()
(let ((addrs
 (lambda (el)
   (when (string-match "[^ <]+@[^ >]+" el) (match-string 0 el)))

  (split-string (or (message-field-value "To") "") ",\s*")
  (split-string (or (message-field-value "Cc") "") ",\s*")

  ;; Use to blacklist some addresses
  ;; (delete-if
  ;; (lambda (el) (find el '("") :test #'string=))
  ;; addrs)

  (when addrs
  "gpg --locate-keys "
  (mapconcat 'shell-quote-argument addrs " ")

(lambda ()
  (when (and gpg-key-locate
 (string= "exit" (process-status gpg-key-locate))
 (= 0 (process-exit-status gpg-key-locate)))
  (insert "Pgp: ES\n")
  (setq gpg-key-locate nil)
t t)
Use Emacs to autoencrypt emails
Gpg offers the option to lookup a key in the local key storage or via Web
Key Directory (WKD). The WKD lookup is pretty fast and could be done for
every email. Hence, I'm using Emacs to do the lookup while I'm composing
the message and if a key is available for all recipients, I add the header
field Pgp: ES which tells neomutt to enable encryption.

I'm also using trust-model tofu+pgp in gpg.conf to use the Trust on first
use model to ease key verification.
Keywords: privacy Emacs PGP programming Source/Golem
Copyright © 2017-2021 Jörg Sommer - Imprint & Privacy - Creative Commons

Automatic Key Search for email Sender?

2021-08-31 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
Is there a way to get mutt to automatically search for a gpg key for an
email sender and put it in my keychain?

With thanks in advance,
David Ring

Re: Wordwrap of long lines

2021-08-11 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
I've been doing things the hard way.


On Thu, Aug 12, 2021, 01:17 Chuck Martin  wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 05:40:05PM -0400, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> > I found that "man mutt" is not the whole manual.
> >
> > Note:  This  manual  page gives a brief overview of the mutt executable
> >command line options.   A  copy  of  the  full  manual  is
> located
> >  in
> >/usr/share/doc/mutt, in text, HTML, and/or PDF format.  Please
> refer
> > to
> >the manual to learn how to use and configure Mutt.
> >
> > I never knew that.
> You can usually get to that manual from within mutt by pressing F1.
> Chuck

Re: Wordwrap of long lines

2021-08-11 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
I found that "man mutt" is not the whole manual.

Note:  This  manual  page gives a brief overview of the mutt executable
   command line options.   A  copy  of  the  full  manual  is  located
   /usr/share/doc/mutt, in text, HTML, and/or PDF format.  Please refer
   the manual to learn how to use and configure Mutt.

I never knew that.

info mutt is better but the real manual is much better.

Thank you very much.


On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 5:19 PM Will Yardley 

> On Tue, Aug 10, 2021 at 11:46:58AM -0400, David J. J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> > It seems I'm either getting emails with long lines now all of a sudden
> > or I did something to my configuration.
> As far as your outgoing messages (at least this one), they're showing up
> with unwrapped lines, which is an editor configuration. As far as
> handling messages received from others, the answer in the other response
> should be correct (you could also look at the setting of $markers as
> well as $wrap)
> w

Re: Console HTML view with picture using W3M or other

2021-08-01 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.

I only find /etc/skel/.Xresources for a .Xresources file, where do I put
this file if I want to enable sixel support for sixels as you suggested?

> I think you just need
> something like this in .Xresources to enable it in xterm:
> XTerm*decTerminalID: vt382

Best wishes,

On Sun, Aug 1, 2021 at 6:58 PM Tavis Ormandy  wrote:

> On 2021-08-01, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> Not exactly what was asked, but I use this mailcap to view image
> attachments:
> image/png; img2sixel -- %s | less -r; nametemplate=%s.png; needsterminal
> It uses the sixel support in xterm (or any other terminal that supports
> sixels) to display images in the terminal. I think you just need
> something like this in .Xresources to enable it in xterm:
> XTerm*decTerminalID: vt382
> Tavis.

Re: Console HTML view with picture using W3M or other

2021-07-31 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
A picture of ice cream looks delicious and cold. A picture of pizza looks
delicious and "don't burn yourself, can't you see the steam coming from
that slice, you're going to burn your mouth?" HOT!

I've never tried "av".

Thanks, Jude.



On Sat, Jul 31, 2021, 11:17 PM Jude DaShiell  wrote:

> If memory serves, w3m can use av package if installed to allow it to view
> pictures.  I've only read about this never having been able to look at
> pictures.
> On Sat, 31 Jul 2021, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> > Has anyone succesfully configured mutt to give a roughly equivalent
> > view of html emails using w3m or other
> > browser in text console with direct-fb or other?
> >
> > If so, is there a ~/.config/mailcap or muttrc file or both that anyone
> > would care to share or point me to?
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > David Ring
> >

Console HTML view with picture using W3M or other

2021-07-31 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
Has anyone succesfully configured mutt to give a roughly equivalent
view of html emails using w3m or other
browser in text console with direct-fb or other?

If so, is there a ~/.config/mailcap or muttrc file or both that anyone
would care to share or point me to?


David Ring

Re: Is there any way to print attachments such as PDF files?

2021-04-30 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
For command line users, there is pdftotext available.
A suitable entry in mailcap would enable its use.

## Plain text
text/plain; gedit %s; test=RunningX;
text/plain; nano %s;
## Images
image/bmp; fbi %s;
image/gif; fbi %s;
image/jpeg; fbi %s;
image/png; fbi %s;
image/tiff; fbi %s;
image/webp; fbi %s;
## Formatted Documents
application/msword; antiword -f %s; copiousoutput;
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document; %s; copiousoutput;
application/rtf; unrtf --text %s; copiousoutput;
application/pdf; pdftotext --text %s; copiousoutput;


Re: Gmail -- new folders

2021-03-04 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
I have noticed some .muttrc files on the Internet have +[GMail]/ others
have +[Gmail]/
When I use one versus the others gmail creates duplicate folders for mail.
I get confused which one is  best.

I wonder which Gmail actually wants.

Best wishes,

Re: Cannot Receive Mail with Mutt / Debian Stable

2020-12-21 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.

I just found a setting that said "allow less secure apps" and I enabled that 
and now I can
use mutt.

But I have a strange problem.

With the latest mutt I cannot see this email, if I use neomutt, I can - that's 
what I am uding now.

I used the letter c to change to "All Mail" and I still cannot find this email.

I'll work on it.

At least I have email now.

Best to all,


On 20/12/21 10:07PM, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> No I haven't done that, I just got another blocked email from gmail.
> I'll try the link you gave.
> Regards,
> David
> On Mon, Dec 21, 2020 at 11:05 AM Dan Ritter  wrote:
> >
> > D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> > > For several months now, I haven't been able to receive mail with mutt.
> >
> > General, currently useless suggestion: don't let this sort of
> > thing go past a day or two. If you haven't solved it then, ask.
> >
> > > When regrettably, I go into X Windows (MATE), I use webmail and see
> > > that google has blocked an attempt to log in and proudly says that the
> > > user (me) had my password.  I'm guessing since it always happens when
> > > I make little changes in .muttrc to see if I can get mail with mutt,
> > > that it's because of mutt.
> >
> > I'm guessing that you are trying to use mutt to access GMail via
> > IMAP.
> >
> > Is that correct?
> >
> > Did you ask Google to set up an application-specific password
> > for mutt? It's in your Google security settings.
> >
> >
> >
> > -dsr-

Description: PGP signature

Re: Cannot Receive Mail with Mutt / Debian Stable

2020-12-21 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
No I haven't done that, I just got another blocked email from gmail.

I'll try the link you gave.


On Mon, Dec 21, 2020 at 11:05 AM Dan Ritter  wrote:
> D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> > For several months now, I haven't been able to receive mail with mutt.
> General, currently useless suggestion: don't let this sort of
> thing go past a day or two. If you haven't solved it then, ask.
> > When regrettably, I go into X Windows (MATE), I use webmail and see
> > that google has blocked an attempt to log in and proudly says that the
> > user (me) had my password.  I'm guessing since it always happens when
> > I make little changes in .muttrc to see if I can get mail with mutt,
> > that it's because of mutt.
> I'm guessing that you are trying to use mutt to access GMail via
> Is that correct?
> Did you ask Google to set up an application-specific password
> for mutt? It's in your Google security settings.
> -dsr-

Cannot Receive Mail with Mutt / Debian Stable

2020-12-20 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
For several months now, I haven't been able to receive mail with mutt.

When regrettably, I go into X Windows (MATE), I use webmail and see
that google has blocked an attempt to log in and proudly says that the
user (me) had my password.  I'm guessing since it always happens when
I make little changes in .muttrc to see if I can get mail with mutt,
that it's because of mutt.

There used to be sample files inside the tar.gz of mutt tha contained
sample dot muttrc files, I don't see them anymore.

It's not mutt's problem, it's mine somehow.

Best holiday wishes to all of you,

David Ring

Re: Gmail SMTP 501-5.5.4

2020-11-26 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
So this is the correct line you must have in your .muttrc file?

set imap_user = ""

Just substituting your username for "username."



On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 8:30 PM Kevin J. McCarthy  wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 07:14:10PM -0500, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> >Does that mean that this line has to be set to just username and not
> >the
> >
> >set imap_user = ""
> >
> >Should be:
> >set imap_user = "username"
> No, I believe the $imap_user for gmail needs to have the ""
> part.
> --
> Kevin J. McCarthy
> GPG Fingerprint: 8975 A9B3 3AA3 7910 385C  5308 ADEF 7684 8031 6BDA

Re: Gmail SMTP 501-5.5.4

2020-11-26 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.

Does that mean that this line has to be set to just username and not

set imap_user = ""

Should be:
set imap_user = "username"

Best wishes,


On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 5:20 PM Kevin J. McCarthy  wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 03:48:58PM -0600, Michael wrote:
> >I've been searching for a solution for two days and I'm at a point where I
> >can not figure out what is wrong with my mutt configuration. Included are
> >the salted versions of my muttrc and a level 5 debug log. The problem that
> >I am having is that I can not send emails via Gmal, but I can receive just
> >fine.
> Have you manually set hostname in your muttrc?  It looks like it is set
> to your gmail login.  Mutt's SMTP client uses $hostname in the EHLO
> command, but gmail doesn't appreciate it being an email address, instead
> of your actual hostname.
> --
> Kevin J. McCarthy
> GPG Fingerprint: 8975 A9B3 3AA3 7910 385C  5308 ADEF 7684 8031 6BDA

Tutorial for mutt IMAP with gmail address

2020-11-09 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
Can someone recommend a tutorial of configuring mutt to work with
gmail IMAP directly via the muttrc file?



Re: Simple muttrc file for accessing Gmail imap

2019-09-22 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
I've been trying to help someone set up mutt for gmail imap using
mutt's internal support for IMAP.

I have been going nuts.  Something's wrong but I cannot figure out why it fails.

I just remembered that gmail has to have IMAP switched ON by using the
gmail settings online.:

For the Gmail IMAP settings to work in your email client, IMAP access
must be enabled in Gmail online.

HOW TO Activate IMAP in Gmail

To access a Gmail account in your email program or mobile device via
the IMAP protocol, activate IMAP in Gmail.

Open Gmail in a web browser.

Choose Settings (the gear icon).

Select Settings.

Select the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab.

In the IMAP access section, select Enable IMAP.

Leave the other settings on the default selections.

Select Save Changes.

That's it.

Duh!  It's been so long since I enabled that setting, I forgot it had
to be done.



On Sat, Aug 24, 2019 at 4:06 PM Jude DaShiell  wrote:
> Yes, those macros work and do so silently.  Thanks for the macros and
> the idea to bind stuff to the comma key.  I hadn't thought of that one
> before.
> On Sat, 24 Aug 2019, Mark Frank wrote:
> > Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2019 14:00:27
> > From: Mark Frank 
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Simple muttrc file for accessing Gmail imap
> >
> > On Sat, Aug 24, 2019 at 1:21 PM Jude DaShiell  wrote:
> >
> > > mutt is set up to download pop3 but has no keyboard shortcut to download
> > > imap or didn't the last time I went through its documentation.
> > >
> > >
> > I've had this in my muttrc for years.  Don't  if if any of these values are
> > optimum as I don't use mutt much anymore but it does work.
> >
> >
> > $ grep imap ./.mutt/muttrc | egrep -v ^#
> > set spoolfile=imaps://
> > set folder=imaps://
> > set imap_keepalive = 900
> > set imap_user=''
> > set imap_pass=x
> > set imap_keepalive=300
> > unset imap_passive
> > set postponed=imaps://
> > macro index ,g  "force retrieval of mail from IMAP server"
> > macro pager ,g  "force retrieval of mail from IMAP server"
> >
> --

Re: Simple muttrc file for accessing Gmail imap

2019-08-24 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
Hello Jude,

It's possible to access gmail and download messages by adding imap
locations and NOT use a mail transport program.  Everything is set up
within the muttrc file.

Burt Henry of the Vinux Wiki.

Mutt vs. Alpine.

Mutt Configuration and Basic Use.

He manages to do this just in muttrc.

Here's the section of muttrc,

##Account Specific Settings
# Change the following six lines to match your Gmail account details
#And Uncomment and edit if YOU DO NOT WANT to USE ENCRYPTED PASSWD.
#And comment out the top section that does the PW encryption.
set imap_user = ""
#set imap_pass = "my_PW"
set smtp_url = "smtp://"
#set smtp_pass = "my_PW"
set from = ""
set realname = "My Name"

# Change the following line to a different editor you prefer.
set editor = "nano"

## GMail Config
#(most of this should work with other IMAP accounts)
## Basic config, you can leave this as is in most cases
# Not sure if timeout and keepalive value tweaking will help
intermittent connection issues
# (time values are in seconds)
set wait_key = no
set folder = "imaps://"
set spoolfile = "+INBOX"
set imap_check_subscribed
set hostname =
set mail_check = 180
set timeout = 300
# Allow Mutt to open new imap connection automatically.
unset imap_passive
# Keep IMAP connection alive by polling intermittently
set imap_keepalive = 210
set postponed = "+[GMail]/Drafts"
set record = "+[GMail]/Sent Mail"
set header_cache=~/.mutt/cache/headers
set message_cachedir=~/.mutt/cache/bodies
set certificate_file=~/.mutt/certificates
set alias_file=~/.mutt/aliases
set move = no
set include
set sort = 'threads'
set sort_aux = 'reverse-last-date-received'
set auto_tag = yes
## Reminds you of missing subject or empty body with msg
sent as default
set abort_nosubject = ask-no
set abort_unmodified = ask-no
ignore "Authentication-Results:"
ignore "DomainKey-Signature:"
ignore "DKIM-Signature:"
hdr_order Date From To Cc
alternative_order text/plain text/html *
auto_view text/html

This is from page:

Unfortunately, there are errors in his delightfully easy gpg configuration,
and sometimes he has googlemail instead of gmail and googlemail no longer
works for me in this muttrc.

There is also a more elaborate muttrc file with more features, but maybe
the same errors, I'm going through it step by step and writing down the

Since I have access to the Vinux Wiki I will upload the corrections as soon
as I make sure they are correct.

Best wishes,

David Ring

On Sat, Aug 24, 2019, 10:14 Jude DaShiell  wrote:

> I think I can help there, only thing is mine has the mutt blind-friendly
> options in it.
> On Sat, 24 Aug 2019, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:

Simple muttrc file for accessing Gmail imap

2019-08-24 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
For some blind and visually impaired users graphical user interfaces are as
frustrating as a game of blindfolded archery.

Does anyone have a simple good example of a muttrc file that can access
gmail imap email by just changing "username" to your real user name and
"password" to your real password?

