Re: slow response time

2004-07-07 Thread Harald Fuchs
Jeremy Zawodny [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Using the query cache at all?
 Not sure...  I'm using the values for caches and whatnot from the
 my-large.cnf in the distribution.

 The my-large.cnf I'm looking at has a 16M query cache, but doesn't
 explicitly turn it on.  See what show variables like 'query_ca% says:

mysql show variables like 'query_ca%';
 | Variable_name | Value|
 | query_cache_limit | 1048576  |
 | query_cache_size  | 33554432 |
 | query_cache_type  | DEMAND   |
 3 rows in set (0.01 sec)

 You see demand there because we set query_cache_type = 2.  But if
 you had = 1 you should see either ON or ENABLED, I don't
 remember which.  If not, it's probably OFF or DISABLED.

The query cache might help somewhat when looking up users/passwords,
but it won't help at all with the relay table because it changes too

Moreover, if your analysis is correct, Charles does not have a MySQL
problem at all, so I wouldn't bother to mess with it.

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Re: select and where clause - help

2004-07-07 Thread Markus Grossrieder
 | BT-1034.02
 mysql SELECT * FROM balloon_txt WHERE access_no = 'BT-1034.2';

I think you have a type .. instead of
 SELECT * FROM balloon_txt WHERE access_no = 'BT-1034.2'
 SELECT * FROM balloon_txt WHERE access_no = 'BT-1034.02'

HTH, Markus

- Original Message - 
From: leegold [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 4:51 AM
Subject: select and where clause - help

 I am trying to get a select statement with WHERE to work and
 I can't seem to do it. Below find some output. I try a select
 w/WHERE by book but it doesn't work. Originally I tried
 in PHP and didn't work, so now I just want the MYSQL to work first, I
 could be overlooking something simple since I'm new to MYSQL.
 Thanks, Lee G.

 mysql show columns from balloon.balloon_txt;
 | Field | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
 | access_no | varchar(20) |  | PRI | |   |
 | recs_txt  | text| YES  | | NULL|   |
 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 mysql SELECT * FROM  balloon_txt limit 0,1;





 | access_no| recs_txt






 | BT-1034.02
  | Title_[ Balloon Capabilities and Futures]
 Author[ Thomas W. Kelly
 Resp_Org__[ Air Force Cambridge Research Labs.
 Date__[ Dec 1963
 Report_No_[ Found in: AFCRL-TR-63-919, AFSG No. 154
 Reposit_No[ Found in: AD-614 065
 Descript__[ Conference Paper, 25 p
 Notes_[ This symposium was held in Boston, MA on 25 to 27 September
 1963. Twenty papers were presented, of which 16 were published. This
 paper is found on pp 3-27.]
 Subj_Terms[ Balloon technology, tethered balloons, payload orientation,
 hot air balloons, balloon design, manned balloons, instrumentation]
 Content___[ The papers covered present load and altitude capabilities of
 many types of plastic balloons. Objectives of current research in
 balloon technology are described, including extension of present
 capabilities, increased reliability, and longe
 r duration.]
 ElecAccess[ http://library/Databases/Balloon/Data/BT1034.02.pdf
 Avail_From[ WFF/BTL |




User variables optimization of IF()

2004-07-07 Thread Tom Cunningham
Hi everybody.
I generally try to parametrize out my queries as much as possible with 
user-variables. So, say you have a general query for all users:

FROM users
It's nice to do this:

FROM users
This *works*, but when you set @USER_ID to a number, the 4.1 optimizer 
doesn't optimize it very well: it does a table-scan, instead of using 
the index on user_id.

Has anyone got a good alternative that will do less table-scans?
Or, if a developer is listening, can you give us details on how the 
optimizer deals with IF()?

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Solaris Performance Issue

2004-07-07 Thread Linda

My old mysql is 3.23.56 on RedHat9(Intel). After moving mySQL to Solaris 9 (Sun 
F280R/2GB Memory) and upgrading mySQL to 4.0.20, I got a lot of complaints about the 
performance for select and update. Have anyone can tell me if there is anything I 
should tune for Solaris or MySQL to improve the performance.

Thanks //Linda

The variables are as below:
Variable_name   Value
basedir /usr/mysql/
binlog_cache_size   32768
bulk_insert_buffer_size 8388608
character_set   big5
character_sets  big5 cp1251 cp1257 croat czech danish dec8 dos estonia euc_kr gb
2312 gbk german1 greek hebrew hp8 hungarian koi8_ru koi8_ukr latin1 latin1_de la
tin2 latin5 sjis swe7 tis620 ujis usa7 win1250 win1251ukr win1251
concurrent_insert   ON
connect_timeout 5
datadir /usr/mysql/var/
default_week_format 0
delay_key_write ON
delayed_insert_timeout  300
delayed_queue_size  1000
flush   OFF
flush_time  0
ft_boolean_syntax   + -()~*:|
ft_min_word_len 4
ft_max_word_len 254
have_crypt  YES
have_innodb DISABLED
have_isam   YES
have_raid   NO
innodb_additional_mem_pool_size 1048576
innodb_buffer_pool_size 8388608
innodb_file_io_threads  4
innodb_force_recovery   0
innodb_thread_concurrency   8
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit  1
innodb_log_archive  OFF
innodb_log_buffer_size  1048576
innodb_log_files_in_group   2
innodb_mirrored_log_groups  1
innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct  90
interactive_timeout 28800
key_buffer_size 1073741824
large_files_support ON
license GPL
log OFF
log_update  OFF
log_bin ON
log_slave_updates   OFF
long_query_time 10
lower_case_file_system  OFF
lower_case_table_names  0
max_allowed_packet  8387584
max_binlog_cache_size   4294967295
max_binlog_size 1073741824
max_connections 1000
max_connect_errors  200
max_delayed_threads 20
max_insert_delayed_threads  20
max_heap_table_size 16777216
max_join_size   4294967295
max_relay_log_size  0
max_seeks_for_key   4294967295
max_sort_length 1024
max_tmp_tables  32
myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size 268435456
myisam_max_sort_file_size   2147483647
myisam_repair_threads   1
myisam_recover_options  OFF
myisam_sort_buffer_size 67108864
net_buffer_length   8192
net_retry_count 10
net_write_timeout   60
new OFF
query_alloc_block_size  8192
query_cache_limit   1048576
query_prealloc_size 8192
range_alloc_block_size  2048
read_only   OFF
rpl_recovery_rank   0
server_id   1
slave_net_timeout   3600
skip_external_locking   ON
skip_networking OFF
skip_show_database  OFF
socket  /tmp/mysql.sock
table_cache 1024
table_type  MYISAM
thread_cache_size   10
thread_concurrency  10
tmp_table_size  33554432
tmpdir  /var/tmp/
transaction_prealloc_size   4096
version 4.0.20-log
version_comment Source distribution
version_compile_os  sun-solaris2.9

C API mysql_next_result stalls

2004-07-07 Thread Han-Ju Kim

I know that I should use mysqlbug tool but it doesn't work.

MySQL C API mysql_next_result stalls in my program.
I'm using pthread and MYSQL handle is using in just
one thread.

I hacked into the source and found this call is
just same as mysql_real_query except it doesn't
send query to server,

Hope this bug will be fixed soon. Thanks for great masterpiece
so, the step was

1. mysql_send_query
2. cli_read_query_result
3. mysql_store_result
4. Do my thing
5. mysql_next_result calls cli_read_query_result again and it stops at net_safe_read
I could not.
Submitter-Id:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ymir Entertainment.
MySQL support: none
Synopsis:  C API mysql_next_result stalls.
Severity:  serious
Priority:  high
Category:  mysql
Class: sw-bug
Release:   mysql-4.1.3-beta (FreeBSD port: mysql-client-4.1.3)
Server: /usr/local/bin/mysqladmin  Ver 8.40 Distrib 4.1.3-beta, for 
portbld-freebsd5.2 on i386
Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB  MySQL Finland AB  TCX DataKonsult AB
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license

Server version  4.1.3-beta
Protocol version10
Connection  Localhost via UNIX socket
UNIX socket /tmp/mysql.sock
Uptime: 1 day 12 hours 27 min 27 sec

Threads: 19  Questions: 1872618  Slow queries: 5  Opens: 128  Flush tables: 1  Open 
tables: 59 
Queries per second avg: 14.268
C compiler:cc (GCC) 3.3.3 [FreeBSD] 20031106
C++ compiler:  c++ (GCC) 3.3.3 [FreeBSD] 20031106
machine, os, target, libraries (multiple lines)
System: FreeBSD 5.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 5.2-RELEASE #1: Sat Mar 13 
KST 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/MYKERNEL  i386

Some paths:  /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/make /usr/local/bin/gmake /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc
GCC: Using built-in specs.
Configured with: FreeBSD/i386 system compiler
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.3.3 [FreeBSD] 20031106
Compilation info: CC='cc'  CFLAGS='-O -pipe -mcpu=pentiumpro -D_THREAD_SAFE -O3
-fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-gcse'  CXX='c++'  CXXFLAGS='-O -pipe -mcpu=pentiumpro 
-O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-gcse -O -pipe -mcpu=pentiumpro -D_THREAD_SAFE -O3
-fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-gcse -felide-constructors -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions'  
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel  892344  1 11 11:45 /lib/
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel  1730634  1 11 11:45 /usr/lib/libc.a
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  wheel  14  2 29 16:42 /usr/lib/ - /lib/
Configure command: ./configure '--localstatedir=/var/db/mysql' '--without-debug'
'--without-readline' '--without-libedit' '--without-bench' '--without-extra-tools'
'--with-libwrap' '--with-mysqlfs' '--with-vio' '--with-low-memory' '--with-ndbcluster'
'--with-comment=FreeBSD port: mysql-client-4.1.3' '--enable-thread-safe-client'
'--with-charset=euckr' '--with-extra-charsets=all' '--with-mysqld-ldflags=-all-static'
'--enable-assembler' '--with-berkeley-db' '--with-named-thread-libs=-lc_r' 
'--prefix=/usr/local' '--build=i386-portbld-freebsd5.2' 'CFLAGS=-O -pipe 
-D_THREAD_SAFE -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-gcse' 'CXX=c++'
'build_alias=i386-portbld-freebsd5.2' 'CC=cc' 'CXXFLAGS=-O -pipe -mcpu=pentiumpro 
-O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-gcse -O -pipe -mcpu=pentiumpro -D_THREAD_SAFE -O3
-fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-gcse -felide-constructors -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions'

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2004-07-07 Thread shaun thornburgh
Using the following query I am attampting to insert the Work_Type_IDs from 
Work_Types WHERE Project_ID = 'x'. However I also wan to insert the 
Project_ID into the table, how would this syntax work - apperently the 
column count is incorrect...

INSERT INTO Letter_Templates (Work_Type_ID, Project_ID) SELECT 
Work_Types.Work_Type_ID FROM Work_Types WHERE Work_Types.Project_ID = 'x';

Thanks for your help
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2004-07-07 Thread Andy Eastham

You need two columns for the insert, but you're only selecting one.

Try this:

INSERT INTO Letter_Templates (Work_Type_ID, Project_ID) SELECT
Work_Types.Work_Type_ID, Work_Types.Project_ID FROM Work_Types WHERE
Work_Types.Project_ID = 'x';


 -Original Message-
 From: shaun thornburgh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 07 July 2004 13:37
 Using the following query I am attampting to insert the Work_Type_IDs from
 Work_Types WHERE Project_ID = 'x'. However I also wan to insert the
 Project_ID into the table, how would this syntax work - apperently the
 column count is incorrect...
 INSERT INTO Letter_Templates (Work_Type_ID, Project_ID) SELECT
 Work_Types.Work_Type_ID FROM Work_Types WHERE Work_Types.Project_ID = 'x';
 Thanks for your help
 Want to block unwanted pop-ups? Download the free MSN Toolbar now!
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Re: Connect to other database format

2004-07-07 Thread gerald_clark

Elmar and Madeleine von Muralt wrote:
I'm completely new to MySQL and some of its concepts, therefore, these 
questions may be very basic.

To connect to another database format I need the ODBC driver for that 
other format - right?

I've built a repair job entry database on my Palm with HanDBase 3.0.  
I also got the HanDBase ODBC Driver v3.0.  I tried to connect my 
desktop database program Paradox to it but there are some issues which 
seem to be unsolvable.  I tried to connect to the .pdb (HanDBase) 
tables with Excel - that worked.  Presumably, this indicates that the 
HanDBase ODBC driver is doing its job.

What I would like to do is to copy the .pdb tables into MySQL tables 
and then work with these MySQL tables on the desktop.  I searched hi 
and lo but all the connection related info seems to be about other 
database programs connecting to MySQL but I could not find any info 
about how MySQL connects to other database formats. 
It doesn't.
Use Access to export them to csv. Load the csv files into MySql.

Thanks for any help with this.

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How to query an oracle table from a mysql database

2004-07-07 Thread Alonso, Claudio Fabian
Good morning,
I need a MySQL database to be able to query a table in an Oracle database of
a remote host.
Is this possible? Could anybody tell me how to do it or where to find this
Thanks in advance,

Space is filling up

2004-07-07 Thread Asif Iqbal
Hi All

My mysql data dir is filled up to 95% and only 345M left.

Here is the dir looks like

25K ib_arch_log_00
65M rt3
67K webrt.err
70K mysql

Here is my my.cnf file looks like

[..related portion..]

innodb_data_home_dir = /usr/local/mysql/data/
innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:1882M;ibdata2:10M:autoextend
innodb_log_group_home_dir = /usr/local/mysql/data/
innodb_log_arch_dir = /usr/local/mysql/data/
# You can set .._buffer_pool_size up to 50 - 80 %
# of RAM but beware of setting memory usage too high
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 384M
innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 20M
# Set .._log_file_size to 25 % of buffer pool size
innodb_log_file_size = 100M
innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1
innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50

Any help to clean the dir would be greatly appreciated

Asif Iqbal
PGP Key: 0xE62693C5 KeyServer:
There's no place like

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MySQL IPv6 enabled ready !!!

2004-07-07 Thread Rafael Martinez Torres
Hash: SHA1

( I apologize for duplicate message. Just for make sure the anti-spam

To   MySQL staff  and developer's team:


you will find a patch to make the last stable version on MySQL, (4.0.8)
ready to run on the new protocol IPv6.

Far from forking the main line of MySQL development, but with the only
purpose to improve the excellence of MySQL as a GPL Open Source DBMS, I
suggest you to initialize the process to incorporate this proposal  into
official CVS tree.

A few questions:

+ I tried to patch the 5.X version on the web, but this seemed to be
incomplete and I could not compile it on a clear way. So, the basis for
the patch is 4.0.8
+ Read the corresponding file readme-mysql-4.0.8-v6-20040701.txt on
the same URL. You will find some open questions not so easy to solve
for me, since I'm not an expert on hacking MySQL system. Future collaboration
could include support on IPv6 issues from my side. You should
understand that nGn, the company releasing this patch,  as a partner of
Euro6IX Project has not been assigned so much resources to be full time
dedicated to MySQL development. Other interesting projects are in queue to
be ported into IPv6.
+ Some tests have been achieved on a IPv6 network, fully compliant.
However, a more exhaustive plan of testing should be scheduled before
releasing the code.

Anyway, take my gratitude and acknowledge for releasing the Open
source code. It has been one oportunity to learn from such a
great project like MySQL.

I hope you to find it usefull !


Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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2004-07-07 Thread Chinchilla Zúñiga, Guillermo

I´m new to MySQL but I hope this could help.
Please read below.

Regards from Costa Rica

-Mensaje original-
De: John Mistler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Enviado el: Martes, 06 de Julio de 2004 09:55 p.m.
Asunto: Re: DBF to MySQL

For some reason, the imported information showed up as garbled nonsense.
The file I was importing was an .xls file.  Do you know if there is another
TERMINATED BY I should be using?  If not, I wonder how I can find out?

I think you could export your xls file into a comma separated value file (CSV). In 
excel File/Save as/CSV then with the Notepad you can delete the first line of the csv 
file (if there are column headers in your xls file).

For example if your xls file is like

Year  NumberDate   Total  Unit ID  Unit Name
20039253   05/05/2003 -36.365,003202   Unidad Programación
20039030   06/03/2003   1   4201   Depto. Consumidores
20039055   14/03/2003  3.000,00 7020 Proyecto de Distribución 
20039798   26/08/2003  3.000,00 3210Sección Transportes y Taller

your csv file will be:

Year;Number;Date;Total;Unit ID;Unit Name
2003;9253;05/05/2003;-36.365,00;3202;Unidad Programación
2003;9030;06/03/2003;1;4201;Depto. Consumidores
2003;9055;14/03/2003;3.000,00;7020;Proyecto de Distribución Subterránea
2003;9798;26/08/2003;3.000,00;3210;Sección Transportes y Taller

If you delete the first row (headers) you will have only the raw data
Then you could save your file as a txt (but I think any extension should work)



I think you could left out the clause ENCLOSED BY '' because this is the default
Also, please note:

1)  If LOCAL is specified, the file is read by the client program on the   
 client host and sent to the server. 
If LOCAL is not specified, the file must be located on the server host  and is 
read directly by the server.

2)  If you have generated the text file on a Windows system, you might  have 
to use LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n' to read the file properly,   because Windows 
programs typically use two characters as a line terminator. Some programs, 
such as WordPad, might use \r as a line  terminator when writing files. To read 
such files, use LINESTERMINATED BY '\r'.

The other question I have is:  do I have to create a table within the MySQL
database with exactly the right number of columns ahead of time for the
import to work? - this is what I did.  If so, is there a way to import info
from a .dbf or .xls file without knowing the structure of the table ahead of


As far as I know you need to know the table´s structure in advance.

From the mysql manual:

By default, when no column list is provided at the end of the LOAD DATA INFILE 
statement, input lines are expected to contain a field for each table column. If you 
want to load only some of a table's columns, specify a column list: 

mysql LOAD DATA INFILE 'persondata.txt'

The whole history is in:



on 7/6/04 3:59 PM, Chinchilla Zúñiga, Guillermo at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Try, for example:
 LOAD DATA INFILE 'myfile.cdf' INTO TABLE mytable
 -Mensaje original-
 De: John Mistler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: Martes, 06 de Julio de 2004 04:51 p.m.
 Asunto: DBF to MySQL
 I am wanting to parse the info in a .dbf file (or .xls file for that matter)
 and place it in a table in a MySQL database.  Is this something that I can
 do with the server side MySQL application, or do I need to figure out a way
 to do it on the client side?  Any description of the method would be very
 For what it is worth, I am a Mac OSX.3 user.

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2004-07-07 Thread u235sentinel
I'm working with maxDB 7.5 and trying to figure out whether mySQL 4.0.x database files 
can be read by it.  I'm getting the impression we will need to run a sqlimport from a 
mysql dump to get the data.  Is this the case?  Has anyone been successful in 
migrating to maxDB from mySQL 4.0.x?


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RE: How to query an oracle table from a mysql database

2004-07-07 Thread Victor Pendleton
You may want to look into using a programming language such as C or Java
that communicates between both databases. 

-Original Message-
From: Alonso, Claudio Fabian
Sent: 7/7/04 8:14 AM
Subject: How to query an oracle table from a mysql database
Importance: High

Good morning,
I need a MySQL database to be able to query a table in an Oracle
database of
a remote host.
Is this possible? Could anybody tell me how to do it or where to find
Thanks in advance,

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Problem with Mysql 4.0.18 + Apache

2004-07-07 Thread wiricha2


  This is my first time posting so bear with me.  I have a Debian (woody)
server running a good sized database (7.2GB), Mysql 4.0.18.  I am
running Apache 1.3.29 + perl and using mysql as the backend.  Here's the
problem.  I had the site up for weeks, with everything running
perfectly.  Ordinarily there would be about 11 mysql processes running
(according to ps).  However, when I switched my domain name over to this
server, immediately the number of mysql processes increases to over 100,
and the site crashes, giving errors like

DBI connect('yada yada, ...) failed: Too many connections at line 25

Also I can't connect to the mysql commandline, I get the error
ERROR 1040: Too many connections.
I know that the site is getting virtually no traffic, so the problem is
not that it is being overloaded.  I have tried this scenario at least a
dozen times, and the same thing always happens.  Is this a known issue
with Apache + mysql 4.0.18?


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Very strange database behavior

2004-07-07 Thread Paul McNeil
Good morning to all.

I have a very strange problem in my database and am trying to track down
whether it is a JAVA problem or a mySQL problem.

I have a table that is supposed to accept only unique data, however, at this
time, the PK for that information is set to the auto incrementing ID field.
The unique field is called 'pat'.  Here is a description of the problem.

I have a class that posts data to the pat field using java
preparedStatements.  The statement executes like this

// test that the insert is unique
SELECT ID from table where pat = 'MyValue';

// If that comes back with an ID, no insert is made
// No ID means we insert.
  INSERT INTO table(pat) Values('MyValue');

  // I have added a test here to insure that the
  // data was inserted
  // I perform the same query as above
  // This is not in the production code.
  SELECT ID from table where pat = 'MyValue';

  // In tests this comes back with a value every time.

  // The production code gets the last_insert_id()
  Select last_insert_id() as myID;

  // In tests this value and the one above always match.

OK.  Here's the oddity, you would think that if I run this class again with
the same parameter for MyValue, the flow would be...
test for MyValue..
test returns IDExists
No insert happens.

That's not what is happening.  If I run the class...
once - Insert happens
twice - Insert happens
3 times - ID is found and no insert happens.

Oddity #2 - In test 2, the first query returns no ID.
After the insert I ask for last insert ID and get 1234.
I ask for the ID using the SAME query that returned me NO ID and I get 1233,
the ID of the first insert.

I have tested this as many ways as I can think.  The insert is NOT a delayed
insert.  I have tried spacing out the tests.  I have checked the DB using
MySQLCC AND using the query that my test prints to screen and the first
insert is always happening.  Below are the actual test results from run#2.

// Query to see if the data exists.
SELECT ID from Rules where pat = 'AUTO\\_DOGGY';

Identity is -1 because no rows exist.
AUTO_DOGGY Identity was -1

// Insert the rule
Inserting new rule.AUTO_DOGGY

// test
Testing for AUTO_DOGGY

// Same query as above
SELECT ID from Rules where pat = 'AUTO\\_DOGGY';

// Below LIID = Last_Insert_ID()
// Query ID is what is returned from query
LIID = 124566  Query ID = 124565


God Bless

Paul C. McNeil
Developer in Java, MS-SQL, MySQL, and web technologies.

To God Be The Glory!

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moving records between tables?

2004-07-07 Thread darren
Hi all,

I have 2 for keeping active items while the other is for older

A housekeep program will come in every night to move some records (matching
several criteria from the active table to the history one.

I am currently doing SELECT, INSERT and then DELETE. i.e. a select * from
active where key=key_value limit 1 and then a insert into history... and
then a delete * from active where pri_key='pri_key_value'...

I am sure there's a better way right??

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Re: How to query an oracle table from a mysql database

2004-07-07 Thread Steve Davies
Try PHP, it has built in functions to access both DBs
Victor Pendleton wrote:
You may want to look into using a programming language such as C or Java
that communicates between both databases. 

-Original Message-
From: Alonso, Claudio Fabian
Sent: 7/7/04 8:14 AM
Subject: How to query an oracle table from a mysql database
Importance: High
Good morning,
I need a MySQL database to be able to query a table in an Oracle
database of
a remote host.
Is this possible? Could anybody tell me how to do it or where to find
Thanks in advance,

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RE: Very strange database behavior

2004-07-07 Thread Victor Pendleton
Are you saying that you are not receiving an Unique key violation when you
enter in duplicate data or you are relying on a value being present? If you
are using the later, do you have query caching turned on?

-Original Message-
From: Paul McNeil
To: MySQL General
Sent: 7/7/04 10:43 AM
Subject: Very strange database behavior

Good morning to all.

I have a very strange problem in my database and am trying to track down
whether it is a JAVA problem or a mySQL problem.

I have a table that is supposed to accept only unique data, however, at
time, the PK for that information is set to the auto incrementing ID
The unique field is called 'pat'.  Here is a description of the problem.

I have a class that posts data to the pat field using java
preparedStatements.  The statement executes like this

// test that the insert is unique
SELECT ID from table where pat = 'MyValue';

// If that comes back with an ID, no insert is made
// No ID means we insert.
  INSERT INTO table(pat) Values('MyValue');

  // I have added a test here to insure that the
  // data was inserted
  // I perform the same query as above
  // This is not in the production code.
  SELECT ID from table where pat = 'MyValue';

  // In tests this comes back with a value every time.

  // The production code gets the last_insert_id()
  Select last_insert_id() as myID;

  // In tests this value and the one above always match.

OK.  Here's the oddity, you would think that if I run this class again
the same parameter for MyValue, the flow would be...
test for MyValue..
test returns IDExists
No insert happens.

That's not what is happening.  If I run the class...
once - Insert happens
twice - Insert happens
3 times - ID is found and no insert happens.

Oddity #2 - In test 2, the first query returns no ID.
After the insert I ask for last insert ID and get 1234.
I ask for the ID using the SAME query that returned me NO ID and I get
the ID of the first insert.

I have tested this as many ways as I can think.  The insert is NOT a
insert.  I have tried spacing out the tests.  I have checked the DB
MySQLCC AND using the query that my test prints to screen and the first
insert is always happening.  Below are the actual test results from

// Query to see if the data exists.
SELECT ID from Rules where pat = 'AUTO\\_DOGGY';

Identity is -1 because no rows exist.
AUTO_DOGGY Identity was -1

// Insert the rule
Inserting new rule.AUTO_DOGGY

// test
Testing for AUTO_DOGGY

// Same query as above
SELECT ID from Rules where pat = 'AUTO\\_DOGGY';

// Below LIID = Last_Insert_ID()
// Query ID is what is returned from query
LIID = 124566  Query ID = 124565


God Bless

Paul C. McNeil
Developer in Java, MS-SQL, MySQL, and web technologies.

To God Be The Glory!

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Re: DBF to MySQL

2004-07-07 Thread Paul DuBois
At 20:55 -0700 7/6/04, John Mistler wrote:
For some reason, the imported information showed up as garbled nonsense.
The file I was importing was an .xls file.  Do you know if there is another
TERMINATED BY I should be using?  If not, I wonder how I can find out?
LOAD DATA will not, I think, read Excel spreadsheets that are in native
format.  You'll need to extract the data in some form that LOAD DATA
can use.  There are modules available for this task for various programming
languages.  There is one for Perl, for example.  (If you get the recipes
distribution from and look in the
transfer directory, you'll find a script that you can use
to yank out the data in tab-delimited format.)
The other question I have is:  do I have to create a table within the MySQL
database with exactly the right number of columns ahead of time for the
import to work? - this is what I did.  If so, is there a way to import info
from a .dbf or .xls file without knowing the structure of the table ahead of
The aforementioned recipes distribution has a script (also
in the transfer directory) that might be useful for this.  It requires
input in tab-delimited format, reads the information, and displays a
CREATE TABLE statement that fits the data.

on 7/6/04 3:59 PM, Chinchilla Zúñiga, Guillermo at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Try, for example:
 LOAD DATA INFILE 'myfile.cdf' INTO TABLE mytable
 -Mensaje original-
 De: John Mistler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: Martes, 06 de Julio de 2004 04:51 p.m.
 Asunto: DBF to MySQL
 I am wanting to parse the info in a .dbf file (or .xls file for that matter)
 and place it in a table in a MySQL database.  Is this something that I can
 do with the server side MySQL application, or do I need to figure out a way
 to do it on the client side?  Any description of the method would be very
 For what it is worth, I am a Mac OSX.3 user.

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Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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Re: slow response time

2004-07-07 Thread Egor Egorov
Jeremy Zawodny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  So I haven't really done much to optimize things, as this seems like a
  fairly light load.  I'm running 4.0.20 on FreeBSD 4.8 (port build w/Linux
 Reliability and performance is not what you should expect to find in 
 FreeBSD 4.x. MySQL doesn't perform well on it because of threads problems 
 in OS itself. 
 We're happily running MySQL on FreeBSD 4.x w/LinuxThreads at Yahoo.
 So I'm not sure how you back that claim. and so on. :-) 

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Re: slow response time

2004-07-07 Thread Egor Egorov
Charles Sprickman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The hardware is a dual Athlon MP-1600 smp box with 1GB of RAM.

BTW, user-level threads don't scale on more than one CPU. I.e. different
threads cannot run on different CPUs on FreeBSD 4. 

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RE: Very strange database behavior

2004-07-07 Thread Paul McNeil
Thanks for the response.
There is currently no primary key on the field so I am relying on the data
being there, or not being there, to decide whether it is safe to insert the
new data.

Through MySQLCC, have_query_cache = YES.  Is this the variable I am looking
for?  What affect would this have?

God Bless

Paul C. McNeil
Developer in Java, MS-SQL, MySQL, and web technologies.

To God Be The Glory!

-Original Message-
From: Victor Pendleton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 11:49 AM
To: 'Paul McNeil '; 'MySQL General '
Subject: RE: Very strange database behavior

Are you saying that you are not receiving an Unique key violation when you
enter in duplicate data or you are relying on a value being present? If you
are using the later, do you have query caching turned on?

-Original Message-
From: Paul McNeil
To: MySQL General
Sent: 7/7/04 10:43 AM
Subject: Very strange database behavior

Good morning to all.

I have a very strange problem in my database and am trying to track down
whether it is a JAVA problem or a mySQL problem.

I have a table that is supposed to accept only unique data, however, at
time, the PK for that information is set to the auto incrementing ID
The unique field is called 'pat'.  Here is a description of the problem.

I have a class that posts data to the pat field using java
preparedStatements.  The statement executes like this

// test that the insert is unique
SELECT ID from table where pat = 'MyValue';

// If that comes back with an ID, no insert is made
// No ID means we insert.
  INSERT INTO table(pat) Values('MyValue');

  // I have added a test here to insure that the
  // data was inserted
  // I perform the same query as above
  // This is not in the production code.
  SELECT ID from table where pat = 'MyValue';

  // In tests this comes back with a value every time.

  // The production code gets the last_insert_id()
  Select last_insert_id() as myID;

  // In tests this value and the one above always match.

OK.  Here's the oddity, you would think that if I run this class again
the same parameter for MyValue, the flow would be...
test for MyValue..
test returns IDExists
No insert happens.

That's not what is happening.  If I run the class...
once - Insert happens
twice - Insert happens
3 times - ID is found and no insert happens.

Oddity #2 - In test 2, the first query returns no ID.
After the insert I ask for last insert ID and get 1234.
I ask for the ID using the SAME query that returned me NO ID and I get
the ID of the first insert.

I have tested this as many ways as I can think.  The insert is NOT a
insert.  I have tried spacing out the tests.  I have checked the DB
MySQLCC AND using the query that my test prints to screen and the first
insert is always happening.  Below are the actual test results from

// Query to see if the data exists.
SELECT ID from Rules where pat = 'AUTO\\_DOGGY';

Identity is -1 because no rows exist.
AUTO_DOGGY Identity was -1

// Insert the rule
Inserting new rule.AUTO_DOGGY

// test
Testing for AUTO_DOGGY

// Same query as above
SELECT ID from Rules where pat = 'AUTO\\_DOGGY';

// Below LIID = Last_Insert_ID()
// Query ID is what is returned from query
LIID = 124566  Query ID = 124565


God Bless

Paul C. McNeil
Developer in Java, MS-SQL, MySQL, and web technologies.

To God Be The Glory!

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Re: sock file

2004-07-07 Thread Egor Egorov
michael johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When trying to start mysql on a lx50 I get the following message:
 Error 2002 Cannot connect to local MySQL server through socket
 /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock (111).
 What can I do to resolve this problem pls?

Start MySQL or change the correct path to socket file. 

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Re: Mysql 4.0.20, InnoDB my.cnf problems

2004-07-07 Thread Egor Egorov
C.F. Scheidecker Antunes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can anyone point me out what is going on wrong in this scenario?

The .err file in the datadir can give you a clue. Take a look at the end of it. 

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Re: How to query an oracle table from a mysql database

2004-07-07 Thread Martin Gainty
Steve et al:
If you want to do it right select a programming language such as Java or C++
There are enough good OOA/OOD folks out there that you will be able to pick 
a good Java or C++
Engineer for the same price as PHP
Otherwise you will be adding on Disk Storage when your single threaded app 
starts exhausting memory (including virtual disk drive space in particular) 
and computer resources in general

Keep me apprised,
Martin Gainty
(cell) 617-852-7822

From: Steve Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Alonso, Claudio Fabian ' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: How to query an oracle table from a mysql database
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Try PHP, it has built in functions to access both DBs
Victor Pendleton wrote:
You may want to look into using a programming language such as C or Java
that communicates between both databases.
-Original Message-
From: Alonso, Claudio Fabian
Sent: 7/7/04 8:14 AM
Subject: How to query an oracle table from a mysql database
Importance: High
Good morning,
I need a MySQL database to be able to query a table in an Oracle
database of
a remote host.
Is this possible? Could anybody tell me how to do it or where to find
Thanks in advance,

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RE: How to query an oracle table from a mysql database

2004-07-07 Thread Alonso, Claudio Fabian
Hello Steve, hello Victor,
Thanks for your answers.
My PHP application needs to see this Oracle table, but as far as I could see
PHP has problems with Oracle 9.2.0. I got a conection problem and found in
the PHP's bug database that it isn't currently working.
As I'm familiar with PHP/MySQL, I'm trying to see the Oracle table through
That's why I'm thinking on a way to create in MySQL a view (or something
similar) that refers to an external database table (in this case, Oracle).
I don't know if this kind of solution is possible, using only MySQL to see a
remote Oracle table, not including any programming language.


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Re: Increasing number of sockets

2004-07-07 Thread Egor Egorov
Robert Canary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am getting an error on my radius server asking 
 me to increase the number of sockets on mysql.

Probably you mean connections. Enlarge the value of max_connections variable. 
You can write it in the /etc/my.cnf in [mysqld] section: 


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Drivers to use with VB6

2004-07-07 Thread Greg Zimmermack
I am using VB6 and ADO in conjunction with ODBC inorder to connect to a 
MySQL database.
This is seems to be considerably slowing down my application.

Is there anyother mode of connecting besides ODBC - does anybody have any 
experience with MyVBQL.dll or MYOLEDB - if so, please share your 

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RE-strange DB behavior

2004-07-07 Thread Paul McNeil
Thanks to all who posted help.  I found my error, in my code.

Sad sad pumpkin.

God Bless

Paul C. McNeil
Developer in Java, MS-SQL, MySQL, and web technologies.

To God Be The Glory!

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Re: GROUP BY vs DISTINCT - questions

2004-07-07 Thread SGreen

Q1: GROUP BY is the command that requests the SQL engine to aggregate
sets of rows based on values in common between those rows. Those columns
participating in the query that are NOT part of the aggregation key (the
key is composed of the columns specified in the GROUP BY clause) must have
some sort of function applied to them: COUNT(), SUM(), AVG(), MAX(), MIN(),
etc. in order for the aggregation to make sense.

DISTINCT is a keyword that indicates you desire only unique values. It's
exact effect will depend on what kind of clause it is modifying.

Q2: I do not believe that the GROUP BY *always* uses a temporary file. I
believe that  if your memory is large enough and your engine is tuned
appropriately then more of your GROUP BY calculations will be performed in
memory rather than on disk.

Q3: The LIMIT clause of a select statement is applied to the results of the
GROUP BY aggregation and not to the data being aggregated. In fact, I would
guess that the difference in the two times would be only that amount of
time required to transmit the records beyond what the LIMIT clause allowed
from the server to your client.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

| |   Lorderon   |
| |  |
| ||
| |   07/06/2004 12:21 |
| |   AM   |
| ||
  |   To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  |   cc:  
  |   Fax to:  
  |   Subject:  GROUP BY vs DISTINCT - questions   


1. What is the difference between GROUP BY and DISTINCT in the background
engine? How MySQL treats each one of them?

2. Why GROUP BY statement ALWAYS uses a temporary file???

3. Why using LIMIT with a GROUP BY statement takes about the same time as
without using LIMIT?

any answer would be appriciated...
-thanks, Lorderon.

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Re: mysql sql question

2004-07-07 Thread SGreen


It also depends on where the data is coming FROM as to what your options
are. Is the source data coming from another table (like, maybe from a bulk
import?)  or from some kind of user input?

You CAN write it in one statement but I need to know your data source.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

| |   Peter Brawley|
| ||
| |  |
| |   07/04/2004 06:03 PM|
| |  |
  |   cc:  
  |   Fax to:  
  |   Subject:  Re: mysql sql question 


i have two hypothetical tables
create table owner (
- name char(20) ,
- ownerid int(10) auto_increment primary key);

create table dog (
- name char(20) ,
- ownerid int(10),
- dogid int(10) auto_increment primary key);

i'm curious as to how i'd go about inserting a name and the id of the
in table dog, in a single sql statement.

something like this psuedo sql..
 insert table (name, ownerid) values ($name, $ownerid)
   where owner.owner = owner

INSERT INTO takes a single table arg, so to insert int o2 tables,you need
editable Views (not yet in MySQL) or at least Stored Procedures (MySQL
version 5) on the server side, or you can, as you suggest, do it in the


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Mysql Newbie: Help requested...password hash should be a 16 digit hexadecimal number

2004-07-07 Thread Sanjay Arora
I am using Mysql on RH Linux 9. I am getting the following error.
Command and result are given below alongwith \s output for diagnostic

I have created a dns database and am trying to create a user mysql user
dns with all privileges on it.

mysql use mysql
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
ERROR 1133: Password hash should be a 16-digit hexadecimal number

mysql \s
mysql  Ver 11.18 Distrib 3.23.58, for redhat-linux-gnu (i386)
Connection id:  3
Current database:   mysql
Current user:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Current pager:  stdout
Using outfile:  ''
Server version: 3.23.58
Protocol version:   10
Connection: Localhost via UNIX socket
Client characterset:latin1
Server characterset:latin1
UNIX socket:/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
Uptime: 11 hours 8 min 57 sec
Threads: 1  Questions: 27  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 22  Flush tables: 1 
Open tables: 16 Queries per second avg: 0.001

Help please..I am not only a mySQL newbie but a SQL/DB newbie as well.

With regards.

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Session wait_timeout and interactive_timeout variables

2004-07-07 Thread Aaron Jacobs
Do the following commands, when run from an already-established 
connection, actually have any bearing on anything?

SET SESSION wait_timeout=10;
SET SESSION interactive_timeout=10;
I am working on an application using the C API that needs to lock 
tables while doing updates.  This works fine except for in the rare 
case when the computer the application is running on loses connectivity 
while a table is locked.  Normally this wouldn't be a huge deal, but I 
am concerned because the application will mostly be running over a 
wireless connection which is of course subject to loss of signal.  So 
if one person running the application loses his signal, no one else 
will be able to do anything.

The problem I'm running into is this - I'm testing out this situation 
by running the mysql command-line client on one computer, write-locking 
a table, starting a select query from that table on another machine, 
and turning off the wireless to the first machine.  The second machine 
continues to hang as the mysql server doesn't kill the connection to 
the first machine and thus its lock is still in effect.

Now I believe that wait_timeout and/or interactive_timeout are what I 
need to help me out by killing such dead threads and thus setting a 
maximum time that others could hang.  This is all well and great, but I 
am not the admin of the server, so I can't set them globally and the 
default values of 8 hours are obviously unreasonable for me.  In the 
testing sequence described above, I tried running

SET SESSION wait_timeout=10;
SET SESSION interactive_timeout=10;
on the first machine before acquiring the lock and turning off 
wireless, but it seemed to have no effect as the second machine 
continued to hang for the seven minutes I let it sit.  After setting 
the session variables I tried checking them with a select statement, 
and they showed 10 seconds like they should.  It just seems like the 
server doesn't actually honor them.

Is there a problem with the server here, or am I just misunderstanding 
the way session variables are intended to work?  Or is the way I am 
simulating this case flawed?  I must say that the documentation is not 
very verbose about server variables and so wasn't extremely helpful to 
me in solving this problem.

If there's another better way to solve my locking issue, I would love 
to hear that as well.

Aaron Jacobs
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Script to purge

2004-07-07 Thread Luis Mediero

I would like write a script to purge every nigth the master log with a cron
process. I need do it every nigth after load a lot of data into the master.
I know if i do 'show master status' i can see the file_name of the last log
file and then do -purge master logs to 'file_name'-. Is possible put the
file name into a variable and then do - purge master logs to '$variable' -,
into a script?. Someone have a example?.

I can't use 'PURGE MASTER LOGS BEFORE ' because I use the 4.0.20
version. :-(


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Re: moving records between tables?

2004-07-07 Thread gerald_clark

darren wrote:
Hi all,
I have 2 for keeping active items while the other is for older
A housekeep program will come in every night to move some records (matching
several criteria from the active table to the history one.
I am currently doing SELECT, INSERT and then DELETE. i.e. a select * from
active where key=key_value limit 1 and then a insert into history... and
then a delete * from active where pri_key='pri_key_value'...
I am sure there's a better way right??

I would do  this:
UPDATE mytable SET archiveflag=1 where sometests;
INSERT INTO archtable SELECT FROM mytable where archiveflag=1;
T1= SELECT COUNT(*) from mytable where archiveflag=1;
T2=SELECT COUNT(*) from archtable where archiveflag=1;
if ( T! == T2 ) delete from mytable where archiveflag=1;  update 
archtable set archiveflag=0;
else findout what went wrong and fix it.

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Re: Connect to other database format

2004-07-07 Thread SGreen


The reason you could not find any documentation about how MySQL connects to
other databases is because MySQL does not connect to other databases
(except in the special case of replication between MySQL servers).  What
you have is a program, Excel, contacting a database through an ODBC driver.
Excel, in this case, is acting as your GUI to the data.

Let me see if I understand your situation correctly:
  a) You have a program on your Palm that tracks repair jobs in a
HanDBase 3.0 database.
  b) You would like to be able to analyze that information using the
MySQL query engine.

Before you can use MySQL to analyze any data, that data must be exist in
MySQL. You should probably create a new database in MySQL  to house your
repair job information. Then you will need to populate that database with
the data from your other database.  I don't know about anyone else on the
list but I do not have enough information to be more specific. There may be
a utility program available that could automate the entire migration but I
can't think of any.

One of the most basic, but sometimes the hardest to get just right,
techniques in data migration is to export (dump) all of the data from one
database system to a text file then re-import that data into the new
system. You may have to dump each table to a separate file. You will
probably need to hand-create your destination tables in MySQL in order to
have an appropriate location to store the incoming data. You may need to
adjust the output and input settings (quoted identifiers, field boundaries,
row boundaries, etc.) several times before you get a clean transfer.

You could write a script that reads data from your HanDBase database
(through its specific ODBC driver) and copies that data into a MySQL
database (through the MySQL ODBC driver) but I don't know how good a
developer you are.

I am sorry I could not be more help but migrations like these are typically
quite messy.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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| | |
| ||
| |   07/06/2004 08:02 |
| |   PM   |
| ||
  |   To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  |   cc:  
  |   Fax to:  
  |   Subject:  Connect to other database format   


I'm completely new to MySQL and some of its concepts, therefore, these
questions may be very basic.

To connect to another database format I need the ODBC driver for that
other format - right?

I've built a repair job entry database on my Palm with HanDBase 3.0.  I
also got the HanDBase ODBC Driver v3.0.  I tried to connect my desktop
database program Paradox to it but there are some issues which seem to
be unsolvable.  I tried to connect to the .pdb (HanDBase) tables with
Excel - that worked.  Presumably, this indicates that the HanDBase ODBC
driver is doing its job.

What I would like to do is to copy the .pdb tables into MySQL tables and
then work with these MySQL tables on the desktop.  I searched hi and lo
but all the connection related info seems to be about other database
programs connecting to MySQL but I could not find any info about how
MySQL connects to other database formats.

Thanks for any help with this.


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RE: Mysql Newbie: Help requested...password hash should be a 16 digithexadecimal number

2004-07-07 Thread Chris W. Parker
Sanjay Arora mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
on Wednesday, July 07, 2004 10:04 AM said:

 I am using Mysql on RH Linux 9. I am getting the following error.


 Database changed
 ERROR 1133: Password hash should be a 16-digit hexadecimal number

copy and paste the error into google and try following the first link or
click i'm feeling lucky.


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Re: Space is filling up

2004-07-07 Thread gerald_clark
What about getting a bigger drive?
Asif Iqbal wrote:
Hi All
My mysql data dir is filled up to 95% and only 345M left.
Here is the dir looks like
25K ib_arch_log_00
65M rt3
67K webrt.err
70K mysql
Here is my my.cnf file looks like
[..related portion..]
innodb_data_home_dir = /usr/local/mysql/data/
innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:1882M;ibdata2:10M:autoextend
innodb_log_group_home_dir = /usr/local/mysql/data/
innodb_log_arch_dir = /usr/local/mysql/data/
# You can set .._buffer_pool_size up to 50 - 80 %
# of RAM but beware of setting memory usage too high
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 384M
innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 20M
# Set .._log_file_size to 25 % of buffer pool size
innodb_log_file_size = 100M
innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1
innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50
Any help to clean the dir would be greatly appreciated

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Re: Script to purge

2004-07-07 Thread gerald_clark
We delete all binlogs over 7 days old.
We figure that if a slave gets that far behind, it is easier and faster to
restore last nights master backup and edit the file on the 
slave to
point to todays log file.

Luis Mediero wrote:
I would like write a script to purge every nigth the master log with a cron
process. I need do it every nigth after load a lot of data into the master.
I know if i do 'show master status' i can see the file_name of the last log
file and then do -purge master logs to 'file_name'-. Is possible put the
file name into a variable and then do - purge master logs to '$variable' -,
into a script?. Someone have a example?.
I can't use 'PURGE MASTER LOGS BEFORE ' because I use the 4.0.20
version. :-(

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Re: Script to purge

2004-07-07 Thread Jeremy Zawodny
On Wed, Jul 07, 2004 at 07:42:46PM +0200, Luis Mediero wrote:
   I would like write a script to purge every nigth the master log with a cron
 process. I need do it every nigth after load a lot of data into the master.
 I know if i do 'show master status' i can see the file_name of the last log
 file and then do -purge master logs to 'file_name'-. Is possible put the
 file name into a variable and then do - purge master logs to '$variable' -,
 into a script?. Someone have a example?.
   I can't use 'PURGE MASTER LOGS BEFORE ' because I use the 4.0.20
 version. :-(

Chapter 7 of High Performance MySQL covers this.  And it's even
availble free on-line:

You'll find Perl script that does that.

Jeremy D. Zawodny |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!

[book] High Performance MySQL --

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Re: Space is filling up

2004-07-07 Thread Asif Iqbal
gerald_clark wrote:
 What about getting a bigger drive?

I guess that would be my only option eh?

 Asif Iqbal wrote:
 Hi All
 My mysql data dir is filled up to 95% and only 345M left.
 Here is the dir looks like
 25K ib_arch_log_00
 65M rt3
 67K webrt.err
 70K mysql
 Here is my my.cnf file looks like
 [..related portion..]
 innodb_data_home_dir = /usr/local/mysql/data/
 innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:1882M;ibdata2:10M:autoextend
 innodb_log_group_home_dir = /usr/local/mysql/data/
 innodb_log_arch_dir = /usr/local/mysql/data/
 # You can set .._buffer_pool_size up to 50 - 80 %
 # of RAM but beware of setting memory usage too high
 innodb_buffer_pool_size = 384M
 innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 20M
 # Set .._log_file_size to 25 % of buffer pool size
 innodb_log_file_size = 100M
 innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M
 innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1
 innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50
 Any help to clean the dir would be greatly appreciated

Asif Iqbal
PGP Key: 0xE62693C5 KeyServer:
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Re: update query question

2004-07-07 Thread SGreen

Have you tried this other way of making an inner join?

UPDATE products_categories AS pc INNER JOIN products AS p ON pc.prod_id =
SET pc.prod_sequential_id =

But that does not seem right our you could say:

UPDATE products_categories AS pc
SET pc.prod_sequential_id = pc.prod_id

and have the same statement. I think this is what you meant to say:

UPDATE products_categories AS pc INNER JOIN products AS p ON pc.prod_id =
SET pc.prod_sequential_id = p.sequential_id

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

| |   Chris W. Parker|
| |   .com|
| ||
| |   07/06/2004 01:14 |
| |   PM   |
| ||
  |   cc:  
  |   Fax to:  
  |   Subject:  update query question  


i've had to change some of the tables in my db to accomodate some
greater flexibility in the application that uses it and because of this
i need to go through and update all the records. i've done one table by
hand and it had about 100 records and took about 20 minutes. but this
next table has about 550 records and i really don't feel like doing this
all by hand. i'm using MySQL Control Center to do this editing so i'd
like to know if there's a single SQL statement i could use to update all
the rows.

here is a simple representation:

products: (pay no attention to the poor choice in column names. this is
a retrofitting and will be fixed in later versions.)
| id   | sequential_id |
| PRDX-41  | 1 |
| ABCX-01  | 2 |
| FF00-11  | 3 |
| ETC0-99  |   500 |

the 'prod_sequential_id' column was added later to the
products_categories table.

| id  | prod_id | prod_sequential_id | cat_id |
|   1 | PRDX-41 |  0 | 41 |
|   2 | PRDX-41 |  0 | 15 |
|   3 | ABCX-01 |  0 | 13 |
|   4 | FF00-11 |  0 | 89 |
| 610 | ETC0-99 |  0 | 41 |

so... as you can see, prod_sequential_id has all 0's in its column. it
should contain the value of products.sequential_id WHERE
products_categories.prod_id =

the problem is that i'm not sure how to do this all in one statement (or
if it's even possible):

(i know the following does not work, but it's basically the logic i
think i need.)

UPDATE products_categories AS pc, products AS p
SET pc.prod_sequential_id =
WHERE pc.prod_id =;

thanks for your help.

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RE: How to query an oracle table from a mysql database

2004-07-07 Thread Justin Swanhart
No, that isn't possible using mySQL.

Try linking PHP with older client libraries (9.0.1,
8.1.5, etc) instead of the newer 9.2 libraries and see
if that fixes your problem with PHP.  You can download
them from


--- Alonso, Claudio Fabian
 Hello Steve, hello Victor,
 Thanks for your answers.
 My PHP application needs to see this Oracle table,
 but as far as I could see
 PHP has problems with Oracle 9.2.0. I got a
 conection problem and found in
 the PHP's bug database that it isn't currently
 As I'm familiar with PHP/MySQL, I'm trying to see
 the Oracle table through
 That's why I'm thinking on a way to create in MySQL
 a view (or something
 similar) that refers to an external database table
 (in this case, Oracle).
 I don't know if this kind of solution is possible,
 using only MySQL to see a
 remote Oracle table, not including any programming
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Re: odd problem

2004-07-07 Thread SGreen

I got back from vacation today and I didn't see that anyone else has
responded yet so I figure that later is better than never ;-)

Your INSERT speed will be directly related to how fast all of your JOINS
can be accomplished.  Your JOIN speed is related to two things: the size of
your tables and your index structures.

Could you post the SHOW INDEX FROM results for: url_servers, url_paths,
url_queries, user_agents, and url_visit? Could you also post the results

EXPLAIN SELECT bt.user, bt.time, bt.ip, uv.urlid, bt.timetaken,
bt.cs_size, bt.sc_size, bt.method_ID, bt.action_ID, bt.virus, ua.ID
  FROM bulk_table bt
  INNER JOIN url_servers us ON us.server=bt.server
  INNER JOIN url_paths up ON up.path=bt.path
  INNER JOIN url_queries uq ON uq.query=bt.query
  INNER JOIN user_agents ua ON ua.useragent=bt.useragent
  INNER JOIN url_visit uv ON uv.url_server_ID=us.ID
AND uv.url_path_ID=up.ID
AND uv.url_scheme_ID=bt.scheme_ID
AND uv.url_query_ID=uq.ID };

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

| |   J S|
| |   com |
| ||
| |   07/01/2004 11:22 |
| |   AM   |
| ||
  |   To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  |   cc:  
  |   Fax to:  
  |   Subject:  odd problem


The code in my function below (insert_internet_usage) has suddenly
dramatically slowed down and I don't understand why. The logs I'm parsing
are the same size as before, but what used to take 15 minutes has shot up
about 4 hours. It's almost as if the indexes had stopped working.
I wonder if someone here can help me out please? I've tried to include all
the information which I thought might be relevant below
but if you need more let me know. There haven't been any errors reported in

the log since I restarted mysql. Here's my script log:

Thu Jul  1 08:56:18 2004: PARSING
/sawmill/rawlog/SG_CSGL02_main_47061221.log.gz ...
Thu Jul  1 09:00:37 2004: BULK_TABLE_INSERT ...
Thu Jul  1 09:01:43 2004: INSERT_URL_SERVERS ...
Thu Jul  1 09:02:26 2004: INSERT_URL_PATHS ...
Thu Jul  1 09:03:54 2004: INSERT_URL_QUERIES ...
Thu Jul  1 09:04:32 2004: INSERT_USER_AGENTS ...
Thu Jul  1 09:05:09 2004: INSERT_URL_VISITS ...
Thu Jul  1 09:10:06 2004: INSERT_INTERNET_USAGE ...
Thu Jul  1 09:19:31 2004: DELETE_BULK_TABLE ...
Thu Jul  1 09:19:32 2004: PARSING
/sawmill/rawlog/SG_CSGL02_main_47061121.log.gz ...
Thu Jul  1 09:29:02 2004: BULK_TABLE_INSERT ...
Thu Jul  1 09:31:36 2004: INSERT_URL_SERVERS ...
Thu Jul  1 09:33:21 2004: INSERT_URL_PATHS ...
Thu Jul  1 09:36:26 2004: INSERT_URL_QUERIES ...
Thu Jul  1 09:38:07 2004: INSERT_USER_AGENTS ...
Thu Jul  1 09:39:37 2004: INSERT_URL_VISITS ...
 === This is where the
time difference has
Thu Jul  1 09:54:19 2004: INSERT_INTERNET_USAGE ...
   === suddenly
Thu Jul  1 13:28:37 2004: DELETE_BULK_TABLE ...
Thu Jul  1 13:28:38 2004: PARSING
/sawmill/rawlog/SG_CSGL02_main_47061021.log.gz ...
Thu Jul  1 13:39:09 2004: BULK_TABLE_INSERT ...
Thu Jul  1 13:41:59 2004: INSERT_URL_SERVERS ...
Thu Jul  1 13:43:52 2004: INSERT_URL_PATHS ...
Thu Jul  1 13:47:11 2004: INSERT_URL_QUERIES ...
Thu Jul  1 13:48:55 2004: INSERT_USER_AGENTS ...
Thu Jul  1 13:50:35 2004: INSERT_URL_VISITS ...
Thu Jul  1 14:06:55 2004: INSERT_INTERNET_USAGE ...
time now is 16:13 and it's still going.

This is the function:

sub insert_internet_usage(){my $sql = qq {INSERT internet_usage
SELECT bt.user, bt.time, bt.ip, uv.urlid, bt.timetaken,
bt.cs_size, bt.sc_size, bt.method_ID, bt.action_ID, b
t.virus, ua.ID
FROM bulk_table bt
INNER JOIN url_servers us ON us.server=bt.server
INNER JOIN url_paths up ON up.path=bt.path

RE: How to query an oracle table from a mysql database

2004-07-07 Thread Paul DuBois
At 13:18 -0300 7/7/04, Alonso, Claudio Fabian wrote:
Hello Steve, hello Victor,
Thanks for your answers.
My PHP application needs to see this Oracle table, but as far as I could see
PHP has problems with Oracle 9.2.0. I got a conection problem and found in
the PHP's bug database that it isn't currently working.
As I'm familiar with PHP/MySQL, I'm trying to see the Oracle table through
That's why I'm thinking on a way to create in MySQL a view (or something
similar) that refers to an external database table (in this case, Oracle).
I don't know if this kind of solution is possible, using only MySQL to see a
remote Oracle table, not including any programming language.
It's not.  You must use a program as a bridge, as people have been suggesting.
Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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Re: Unexpected behaviour: SELECT with OR returns empty set

2004-07-07 Thread SGreen

This sounds like a shortcut optimization in the JOIN processor. Whenever
you write FROM tableA, tableB ... WHERE tableA.keyfield =
tableB.foreignkeyfield it has the same effect as writing FROM tableA
INNER JOIN tableB ON tableA.keyfield = tableB.foreignkeyfield. The engine
handles the comma separator in the FROM clause as an implicit INNER JOIN.

Since the second table had no rows, there was no way for an INNER JOIN to
actually work (no possible matches) so there was no need for the engine to
go through the effort of creating a Cartesian product. When you added a row
to oems, now the engine had to create that cartesian product of the two
tables so that the rest of the WHERE statement could be evaluated. AND
since you specified an OR condition you luck-out and get your 4 rows back.
I am 99.99% certain that if you add 3 more rows of data to oems, you will
have 16 rows as your result. You should see each batch of the original 4
rows repeated once for each row of data you have in oems

 What exactly was the question you wanted answered with the query SELECT *
FROM customers,oems WHERE ((customers.companyID= 1509 ) OR (oems.companyID)
= 1509) ? You may have wanted to write that as a UNION query or as a LEFT
JOIN to get the correct response.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

| |   Dave Gibson  |
| |   |
| ||
| |   07/02/2004 08:32 |
| |   AM   |
| ||
  |   To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  |   cc:  
  |   Fax to:  
  |   Subject:  Unexpected behaviour: SELECT with OR returns empty set 

I'm getting some unexpected behaviour from a query and was
hoping someone could shed some light on whether it's a user
error or something else.

I have two tables:
customers, oems which both have a companyID field (marked
as a foreign key).
When I do:
  SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customers.companyID = 1509
I get 4 rows returned.
However, when I do:
  SELECT * FROM customers,oems WHERE ((customers.companyID
= 1509 ) OR (oems.companyID) = 1509)
I get 0 rows matched.

Investigation showed that the oems table contains no rows.
If I add a rown to it, even one that doesn't match the
query above, I get the correct result.

ring any bells with anyone?


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RE: Space is filling up

2004-07-07 Thread Jack Coxen
If you database contains time-based data you could age out old records.  I
only need to keep data for 6 months so I run a nightly script to delete any
records more than 6 months old.  And before anyone asks...yes, I also run
another script to ANALYZE/OPTIMIZE my tables.


-Original Message-
From: Asif Iqbal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 2:07 PM
To: gerald_clark
Subject: Re: Space is filling up

gerald_clark wrote:
 What about getting a bigger drive?

I guess that would be my only option eh?

 Asif Iqbal wrote:
 Hi All
 My mysql data dir is filled up to 95% and only 345M left.
 Here is the dir looks like
 25K ib_arch_log_00
 65M rt3
 67K webrt.err
 70K mysql
 Here is my my.cnf file looks like
 [..related portion..]
 innodb_data_home_dir = /usr/local/mysql/data/
 innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:1882M;ibdata2:10M:autoextend
 innodb_log_group_home_dir = /usr/local/mysql/data/
 innodb_log_arch_dir = /usr/local/mysql/data/
 # You can set .._buffer_pool_size up to 50 - 80 %
 # of RAM but beware of setting memory usage too high
 innodb_buffer_pool_size = 384M
 innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 20M
 # Set .._log_file_size to 25 % of buffer pool size
 innodb_log_file_size = 100M
 innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M
 innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1
 innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50
 Any help to clean the dir would be greatly appreciated

Asif Iqbal
PGP Key: 0xE62693C5 KeyServer:
There's no place like

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Re: slow response time

2004-07-07 Thread Jeremy Zawodny
On Wed, Jul 07, 2004 at 07:11:17PM +0300, Egor Egorov wrote:
 Jeremy Zawodny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   So I haven't really done much to optimize things, as this seems like a
   fairly light load.  I'm running 4.0.20 on FreeBSD 4.8 (port build w/Linux
  Reliability and performance is not what you should expect to find in 
  FreeBSD 4.x. MySQL doesn't perform well on it because of threads problems 
  in OS itself. 
  We're happily running MySQL on FreeBSD 4.x w/LinuxThreads at Yahoo.
  So I'm not sure how you back that claim. and so on. :-) 

Assuming one follows the *bold* UPDATE link at the top, I still
don't see it...

Jeremy D. Zawodny |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!

[book] High Performance MySQL --

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Re: Increasing number of sockets

2004-07-07 Thread Robert Canary
Gee, how about just a little more coffee... ;-)
I meant, {long version}...
It could be the radius error is reflecting its 
failure to connect to the database because the 
database has no connections available.  I found 
the max_connection variable (default is 90) and 
applied it to the safe_mysqld section in the 
it seemed to have did the trick, I am not getting 
the error anymore.

Paul DuBois wrote:
At 6:47 -0500 7/7/04, Robert Canary wrote:
Unless it the error is referring to the number of simultaneous 
connections.  Which defualts to 90 (max_connection under safe_mysql).

I'm sorry, I'm unable to parse those sentences...
TCP/IP of course
Paul DuBois wrote:
At 22:09 -0500 7/6/04, Robert Canary wrote:
I am getting an error on my radius server asking me to increase the 
number of sockets on mysql.

What kind of socket?  TCP/IP socket? Unix domain socket file?
Either way, that sounds like an odd message. The server listens to
a single TCP/IP port and a single Unix socket file.  There's no need
for more.
I'm looking the man pages for safe_mysqld and mysql but I don't see 
anything that offers to provision this.

How does increase the number of sockets on the mysql?

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Re: moving records between tables?

2004-07-07 Thread Justin Swanhart
LOCK TABLE active_table WRITE, history_table WRITE;

#assuming the columns in the tables are exactly 
#the same
insert into history_table
  select * from active_table;

delete from active_table;


if the columns aren't the same between the tables then
you need to do something like

insert into history_table (colA, colB, colC,...)
  select (col1, col2, col3, ...) from active_table;

Hope that helps,

--- darren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have 2 for keeping active items while
 the other is for older
 A housekeep program will come in every night to move
 some records (matching
 several criteria from the active table to the
 history one.
 I am currently doing SELECT, INSERT and then DELETE.
 i.e. a select * from
 active where key=key_value limit 1 and then a
 insert into history... and
 then a delete * from active where
 I am sure there's a better way right??
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RE: update query question

2004-07-07 Thread Chris W. Parker
on Wednesday, July 07, 2004 11:08 AM said:

 Have you tried this other way of making an inner join?

no i did not because i did know you could do a JOIN on an UPDATE. thanks
for your suggestions i will try them out.


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RE: How to query an oracle table from a mysql database

2004-07-07 Thread Victor Pendleton
A custom MySQL UDF is one solution if you are comfortable with C. 
Off list question:
What sort of `problem` does PHP have with Oracle 9i that is prohibiting you?

-Original Message-
From: Alonso, Claudio Fabian
To: 'Steve Davies'
Sent: 7/7/04 11:18 AM
Subject: RE: How to query an oracle table from a mysql database
Importance: High

Hello Steve, hello Victor,
Thanks for your answers.
My PHP application needs to see this Oracle table, but as far as I could
PHP has problems with Oracle 9.2.0. I got a conection problem and found
the PHP's bug database that it isn't currently working.
As I'm familiar with PHP/MySQL, I'm trying to see the Oracle table
That's why I'm thinking on a way to create in MySQL a view (or something
similar) that refers to an external database table (in this case,
I don't know if this kind of solution is possible, using only MySQL to
see a
remote Oracle table, not including any programming language.


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RE: Drivers to use with VB6

2004-07-07 Thread Victor Pendleton
Are you using a DSN or DSN-less? Have you checked out 

-Original Message-
From: Greg Zimmermack
Sent: 7/7/04 11:27 AM
Subject: Drivers to use with VB6

I am using VB6 and ADO in conjunction with ODBC inorder to connect to a 
MySQL database.
This is seems to be considerably slowing down my application.

Is there anyother mode of connecting besides ODBC - does anybody have
experience with MyVBQL.dll or MYOLEDB - if so, please share your 


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Re: Mysql Newbie: Help requested...password hash should be a 16 digit hexadecimal number

2004-07-07 Thread Paul DuBois
At 22:34 +0530 7/7/04, Sanjay Arora wrote:
I am using Mysql on RH Linux 9. I am getting the following error.
Command and result are given below alongwith \s output for diagnostic
I have created a dns database and am trying to create a user mysql user
dns with all privileges on it.
mysql use mysql
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
ERROR 1133: Password hash should be a 16-digit hexadecimal number
Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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Re: Space is filling up

2004-07-07 Thread Justin Swanhart
--- Asif Iqbal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 gerald_clark wrote:
  What about getting a bigger drive?
 I guess that would be my only option eh?

If any of your data can be considered history data
that is never modified, you could create compressed
myISAM tables for that data, removing it from the inno

This could give you a little breathing room until you
can get a bigger drive.

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RE: How to query an oracle table from a mysql database

2004-07-07 Thread Alonso, Claudio Fabian
Hello Victor,
For your off-topic question, my problem is the same as the one described

I can't access using 9.2. They say 9.2 is too new for current PHP versions.
I'll install an older version of the Oracle client and try again.
If I can't do it I'll be asking for additional ideas :)  (I'm pretty
comforable with C but I'm not sure what a MySQL UDF is, I've got to find it
Thanks a lot,


-Mensaje original-
De: Victor Pendleton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Enviado el: miércoles 7 de julio de 2004 15:46
Para: 'Alonso, Claudio Fabian '; ''Steve Davies' '
Asunto: RE: How to query an oracle table from a mysql database

A custom MySQL UDF is one solution if you are comfortable with C. 
Off list question:
What sort of `problem` does PHP have with Oracle 9i that is prohibiting you?

-Original Message-
From: Alonso, Claudio Fabian
To: 'Steve Davies'
Sent: 7/7/04 11:18 AM
Subject: RE: How to query an oracle table from a mysql database
Importance: High

Hello Steve, hello Victor,
Thanks for your answers.
My PHP application needs to see this Oracle table, but as far as I could see
PHP has problems with Oracle 9.2.0. I got a conection problem and found in
the PHP's bug database that it isn't currently working. As I'm familiar with
PHP/MySQL, I'm trying to see the Oracle table through MySQL. That's why
I'm thinking on a way to create in MySQL a view (or something
similar) that refers to an external database table (in this case, Oracle). I
don't know if this kind of solution is possible, using only MySQL to see a
remote Oracle table, not including any programming language.


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Re: Increasing number of sockets

2004-07-07 Thread Paul DuBois
At 13:41 -0500 7/7/04, Robert Canary wrote:
Gee, how about just a little more coffee... ;-)
I meant, {long version}...
It could be the radius error is reflecting its failure to connect to 
the database because the database has no connections available.  I 
found the max_connection variable (default is 90) and applied it to 
the safe_mysqld section in the it seemed to have did the 
trick, I am not getting the error anymore.
Okay.  Then the error really was about increasing the number of available
connections (not sockets), and setting max_connections is the right thing
to do.

Paul DuBois wrote:
At 6:47 -0500 7/7/04, Robert Canary wrote:
Unless it the error is referring to the number of simultaneous 
connections.  Which defualts to 90 (max_connection under 

I'm sorry, I'm unable to parse those sentences...
TCP/IP of course
Paul DuBois wrote:
At 22:09 -0500 7/6/04, Robert Canary wrote:
I am getting an error on my radius server asking me to increase 
the number of sockets on mysql.

What kind of socket?  TCP/IP socket? Unix domain socket file?
Either way, that sounds like an odd message. The server listens to
a single TCP/IP port and a single Unix socket file.  There's no need
for more.
I'm looking the man pages for safe_mysqld and mysql but I don't 
see anything that offers to provision this.

How does increase the number of sockets on the mysql?

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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2004-07-07 Thread John Mistler
Is there a way to do an INSERT on a table only if no row already exists with
the same info for one or more of the columns as the row to be inserted?
That is, without using a method outside SQL?



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high priority messages (Re: How to query an oracle table from a mysql database)

2004-07-07 Thread Martijn Tonies
Hi all,

Please, do NOT send messages to a public mailinglist
as high priority by flagging the email itself. You're
sending this message to hundreds/thousands of people.
It might be important to you, but not for each 
recipient. If someone has filters/triggers for important
email, he will get quite annoyed to find out it's only
an emailinglist message.

People WILL read and respond to your message
with the high priority flag.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies

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Re: Space is filling up

2004-07-07 Thread gerald_clark

Jack Coxen wrote:
If you database contains time-based data you could age out old 
records.  I only need to keep data for 6 months so I run a nightly 
script to delete any records more than 6 months old.  And before 
anyone asks...yes, I also run another script to ANALYZE/OPTIMIZE my 

But does he even have enough disk space to optimize tables?
-Original Message-
From: Asif Iqbal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 2:07 PM
To: gerald_clark
Subject: Re: Space is filling up
gerald_clark wrote:
 What about getting a bigger drive?
I guess that would be my only option eh?

 Asif Iqbal wrote:

 Hi All
 My mysql data dir is filled up to 95% and only 345M left.
 Here is the dir looks like
 25K ib_arch_log_00
 65M rt3
 67K webrt.err
 70K mysql
 Here is my my.cnf file looks like
 [..related portion..]
 innodb_data_home_dir = /usr/local/mysql/data/
 innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:1882M;ibdata2:10M:autoextend
 innodb_log_group_home_dir = /usr/local/mysql/data/
 innodb_log_arch_dir = /usr/local/mysql/data/
 # You can set .._buffer_pool_size up to 50 - 80 %
 # of RAM but beware of setting memory usage too high
 innodb_buffer_pool_size = 384M
 innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 20M
 # Set .._log_file_size to 25 % of buffer pool size
 innodb_log_file_size = 100M
 innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M
 innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1
 innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50
 Any help to clean the dir would be greatly appreciated

Asif Iqbal
PGP Key: 0xE62693C5 KeyServer:
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2004-07-07 Thread Joshua J. Kugler
Certainly, it's called making a unique index on the field(s) you want to keep 

Hope that helps.

j- k-

On Wednesday 07 July 2004 12:48 pm, John Mistler said something like:
 Is there a way to do an INSERT on a table only if no row already exists
 with the same info for one or more of the columns as the row to be
 inserted? That is, without using a method outside SQL?



Joshua J. Kugler -- Fairbanks, Alaska -- ICQ#:13706295
Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess, in heaven, on earth, and under 
the earth, that Jesus Christ is LORD -- Count on it!

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2004-07-07 Thread Justin Swanhart
Create a unique index on each column that you don't
want to be duplicated.

create UNIQUE index table_u1 on table(some_column)

--- John Mistler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there a way to do an INSERT on a table only if no
 row already exists with
 the same info for one or more of the columns as the
 row to be inserted?
 That is, without using a method outside SQL?
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2004-07-07 Thread Matt Chatterley
This is certainly the first step.

Also, if you want to insert only those rows which are not already present,
you can use something akin to:

SELECT * FROM table2 t2
LEFT JOIN table1 t1 ON (unique row identifiers -- whatever these are for
your data)

(obviously put in the appropriate column names etc for your data structure!)



 -Original Message-
 From: Joshua J. Kugler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 07 July 2004 22:22
 Certainly, it's called making a unique index on the field(s) you want to
 Hope that helps.
 j- k-
 On Wednesday 07 July 2004 12:48 pm, John Mistler said something like:
  Is there a way to do an INSERT on a table only if no row already exists
  with the same info for one or more of the columns as the row to be
  inserted? That is, without using a method outside SQL?
 Joshua J. Kugler -- Fairbanks, Alaska -- ICQ#:13706295
 Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess, in heaven, on earth, and
 the earth, that Jesus Christ is LORD -- Count on it!
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2004-07-07 Thread David Felio
Try insert ignore. Check the manual page for insert syntax.
On Wednesday, July 7, 2004, at 05:22  PM, Matt Chatterley wrote:
This is certainly the first step.
Also, if you want to insert only those rows which are not already 
you can use something akin to:

SELECT * FROM table2 t2
LEFT JOIN table1 t1 ON (unique row identifiers -- whatever these are 
your data)

(obviously put in the appropriate column names etc for your data 

-Original Message-
From: Joshua J. Kugler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 07 July 2004 22:22
Certainly, it's called making a unique index on the field(s) you want 

Hope that helps.
j- k-
On Wednesday 07 July 2004 12:48 pm, John Mistler said something like:
Is there a way to do an INSERT on a table only if no row already 
with the same info for one or more of the columns as the row to be
inserted? That is, without using a method outside SQL?


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Bug #1858: Repeatable on 3.53.57

2004-07-07 Thread Joe Kislo
A week ago I posted that we were having horrible problems with MySQL's
replication failing and reconnecting (after years of reliable
operation).  I still haven't come up with a solution to the problems, it
just looks like the master keeps tearing down the replication
connection, and the slave keeps reconnecting.  Setting up more slaves,
they exhibit the same exact problems.  As noted in my previous emails,
after about 4-6 errors like this:

040707  2:24:44  Error reading packet from server: Lost connection to
MySQL server during query (server_errno=2013)
040707  2:24:44  Slave: Failed reading log event, reconnecting to retry,
log 'mysql-bin.178' position 13468249
040707  2:24:44  Slave: reconnected to master
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306',replication resumed in log 'mysql-bin.178' at
position 13468249
040707  2:39:57  Error reading packet from server: Lost connection to
MySQL server during query (server_errno=2013)
040707  2:39:57  Slave: Failed reading log event, reconnecting to retry,
log 'mysql-bin.178' position 25712380
040707  2:39:57  Slave: reconnected to master
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306',replication resumed in log 'mysql-bin.178' at
position 25712380

The replication would completely stop with this error:

040702  4:13:51  Slave thread exiting, replication stopped in log
'mysql-bin.167' at position 108374685

Well, it turns out the slave disconnecting and reconnecting does not
appear to be related to the slave stopping (odd since they both became
problems around the same time).  It looks like at 4am, our optimize
database script fires off on the SLAVE, and it looks like the slave
thread dies a little while after.  I have turned off nightly
optimization, and for the past 5 days, we have not seen the slave stop. 
So I would believe that we are running into bug:

on the 3.53.57/3.53.58 line of code.  The bug was already fixed on the
4.0.x line of code, but presumably a patch needs to be made to the
3.53.x line of code aswell.

As for the rest of my replication problems... who knows :)


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Re: DBF to MySQL

2004-07-07 Thread Joshua J. Kugler
I'm sure it did...DBF and XLS files are not plain text.  What Chincilla gave 
your was a bit of code for importing CSV files, after they had been exported 
from Excel.  I'm not sure *why* he gave you that code.

You can do one of two things.  1) Open up those files in Excel (it will also 
open DBF files) and export them as CSV, or 2) find a class and 
programmatically import them (search for 'dbf').

If you need more info, holler.

j- k-

On Tuesday 06 July 2004 07:55 pm, John Mistler said something like:
 For some reason, the imported information showed up as garbled nonsense.
 The file I was importing was an .xls file.  Do you know if there is another
 TERMINATED BY I should be using?  If not, I wonder how I can find out?

 The other question I have is:  do I have to create a table within the MySQL
 database with exactly the right number of columns ahead of time for the
 import to work? - this is what I did.  If so, is there a way to import info
 from a .dbf or .xls file without knowing the structure of the table ahead
 of time?



 on 7/6/04 3:59 PM, Chinchilla Zúñiga, Guillermo at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Try, for example:
  LOAD DATA INFILE 'myfile.cdf' INTO TABLE mytable
  -Mensaje original-
  De: John Mistler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Enviado el: Martes, 06 de Julio de 2004 04:51 p.m.
  Asunto: DBF to MySQL
  I am wanting to parse the info in a .dbf file (or .xls file for that
  matter) and place it in a table in a MySQL database.  Is this something
  that I can do with the server side MySQL application, or do I need to
  figure out a way to do it on the client side?  Any description of the
  method would be very welcome!
  For what it is worth, I am a Mac OSX.3 user.

Joshua J. Kugler -- Fairbanks, Alaska -- ICQ#:13706295
Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess, in heaven, on earth, and under 
the earth, that Jesus Christ is LORD -- Count on it!

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selecting rows that match two criteria

2004-07-07 Thread Jonathan Duncan
I am trying to figure out what my select statement should be to combine
both of these into one:

SELECT userid FROM Answers WHERE answer like Education%;
SELECT userid FROM Answers WHERE answer=Student;

Table Answers looks like:
-id int
-userid int
-answer text

for each row there would be something like:
| qid | userid | answer   |
|  5  |   3000 | Student  |

There are often multiple asnwers for each question.

I want to select the userid's from the table where people answered
Student in question 5 and Education in question 6.

I am using MySQL 4.08 so I can't do the subquery thing.

Jonathan Duncan

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Re: Very strange database behavior

2004-07-07 Thread Bill Allaire
Has this class worked properly in the past? Have you tried executing 
the queries your class executes manually via the mysql client or a 
similar  application removing your Java code from the equation? Have 
you run 'check table' if the table is either MyISAM or InnoDB?

On Jul 7, 2004, at 11:43 AM, Paul McNeil wrote:
Good morning to all.
I have a very strange problem in my database and am trying to track 
whether it is a JAVA problem or a mySQL problem.

I have a table that is supposed to accept only unique data, however, 
at this
time, the PK for that information is set to the auto incrementing ID 
The unique field is called 'pat'.  Here is a description of the 

I have a class that posts data to the pat field using java
preparedStatements.  The statement executes like this
// test that the insert is unique
SELECT ID from table where pat = 'MyValue';
// If that comes back with an ID, no insert is made
// No ID means we insert.
  INSERT INTO table(pat) Values('MyValue');
  // I have added a test here to insure that the
  // data was inserted
  // I perform the same query as above
  // This is not in the production code.
  SELECT ID from table where pat = 'MyValue';
  // In tests this comes back with a value every time.
  // The production code gets the last_insert_id()
  Select last_insert_id() as myID;
  // In tests this value and the one above always match.
OK.  Here's the oddity, you would think that if I run this class again 
the same parameter for MyValue, the flow would be...
test for MyValue..
test returns IDExists
No insert happens.

That's not what is happening.  If I run the class...
once - Insert happens
twice - Insert happens
3 times - ID is found and no insert happens.
Oddity #2 - In test 2, the first query returns no ID.
After the insert I ask for last insert ID and get 1234.
I ask for the ID using the SAME query that returned me NO ID and I get 
the ID of the first insert.

I have tested this as many ways as I can think.  The insert is NOT a 
insert.  I have tried spacing out the tests.  I have checked the DB 
MySQLCC AND using the query that my test prints to screen and the first
insert is always happening.  Below are the actual test results from 

// Query to see if the data exists.
SELECT ID from Rules where pat = 'AUTO\\_DOGGY';
Identity is -1 because no rows exist.
AUTO_DOGGY Identity was -1
// Insert the rule
Inserting new rule.AUTO_DOGGY
// test
Testing for AUTO_DOGGY
// Same query as above
SELECT ID from Rules where pat = 'AUTO\\_DOGGY';
// Below LIID = Last_Insert_ID()
// Query ID is what is returned from query
LIID = 124566  Query ID = 124565

God Bless
Paul C. McNeil
Developer in Java, MS-SQL, MySQL, and web technologies.

To God Be The Glory!
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Re: selecting rows that match two criteria

2004-07-07 Thread Lachlan Mulcahy

I'm going to assume you want to match the answer fields in the way those 2
query examples do and that the qid field refers to the Question number.

Answers a1 JOIN Answers a2 ON
a1.userid = a2.userid
a1.qid = 5 AND
a1.answer = 'Student' AND
a2.qid = 6 AND
a2.answer LIKE 'Education%';

The above joins the table back to another copy of itself by userid. This
allows you to find the students that answered both questions correctly. Give
it a go.


-Original Message-
From: Jonathan Duncan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 8 July 2004 10:04 AM
Subject: selecting rows that match two criteria

I am trying to figure out what my select statement should be to combine
both of these into one:

SELECT userid FROM Answers WHERE answer like Education%;
SELECT userid FROM Answers WHERE answer=Student;

Table Answers looks like:
-id int
-userid int
-answer text

for each row there would be something like:
| qid | userid | answer   |
|  5  |   3000 | Student  |

There are often multiple asnwers for each question.

I want to select the userid's from the table where people answered
Student in question 5 and Education in question 6.

I am using MySQL 4.08 so I can't do the subquery thing.

Jonathan Duncan

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Re: selecting rows that match two criteria

2004-07-07 Thread Justin Swanhart
You can do it one of two ways..  Either you can do a
self join like the following:

select t1.userid 
 from answers t1,
  answers t2
where t1.qid = 5
  and lower(t1.answer)='student'
  and t2.qid = 6
  and lower(t2.answer) like 'edu%'
  and t1.userid = t2.userid

or you can use a union (available in 4.0.0 or greater)

select userid 
  from answers
 where qid = 5 and lower(answer) = 'student'
select userid
  from answers
 where qid = 6 and lower(answer) like 'edu%'

union automatically does a distinct so you will get
one row back for each user that answered that they are
education students.

--- Jonathan Duncan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to figure out what my select statement
 should be to combine
 both of these into one:
 SELECT userid FROM Answers WHERE answer like
 SELECT userid FROM Answers WHERE answer=Student;
 Table Answers looks like:
 -id int
 -userid int
 -answer text
 for each row there would be something like:
 | qid | userid | answer   |
 |  5  |   3000 | Student  |
 There are often multiple asnwers for each question.
 I want to select the userid's from the table where
 people answered
 Student in question 5 and Education in question
 I am using MySQL 4.08 so I can't do the subquery
 Jonathan Duncan
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a OPS$ equivalent in mysql

2004-07-07 Thread Ian Holsman
an OPS$ account in oracle lets a given user log in automatically to a 
OPS$user-id account from the local machine without a password.
but not from another user-id on the same machine.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ mysql -u ianh
would work
[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ mysql -u ianh
would not.
Does mysql have this functionality?
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2004-07-07 Thread John Mistler
I am not certain from the documentation whether it is advisable to create a
unique multi-column index on two columns that are already individually
indexed.  The individual indexes I assume I need for when I do a SELECT on
those particular columns.  The multi-column one I need for the reasons
discussed below.  Any one know?



on 7/7/04 2:21 PM, Joshua J. Kugler at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Certainly, it's called making a unique index on the field(s) you want to keep
 Hope that helps.
 j- k-
 On Wednesday 07 July 2004 12:48 pm, John Mistler said something like:
 Is there a way to do an INSERT on a table only if no row already exists
 with the same info for one or more of the columns as the row to be
 inserted? That is, without using a method outside SQL?

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2004-07-07 Thread Lachlan Mulcahy

As far as I'm aware there is no problem creating a multi-column unique index
on fields that have already been indexed seperately. The multi column index
will be used in situations where you are trying to find unique
_combinations_ of the two fields and the individual indexes in situations
where you are trying to find instances of one OR the other.

If you are doing a number of inserts or multi-row inserts you may want to
use the IGNORE parameter. This will allow the INSERT command to complete
and return successfully, simply skipping the rows where dupes are found,
otherwise mysql is going to generate a duplicate key error when duplicates
are found.

Hope this clarifies some things for you.


-Original Message-
From: John Mistler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 8 July 2004 12:27 PM

I am not certain from the documentation whether it is advisable to create a
unique multi-column index on two columns that are already individually
indexed.  The individual indexes I assume I need for when I do a SELECT on
those particular columns.  The multi-column one I need for the reasons
discussed below.  Any one know?



on 7/7/04 2:21 PM, Joshua J. Kugler at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Certainly, it's called making a unique index on the field(s) you want to

 Hope that helps.

 j- k-

 On Wednesday 07 July 2004 12:48 pm, John Mistler said something like:
 Is there a way to do an INSERT on a table only if no row already exists
 with the same info for one or more of the columns as the row to be
 inserted? That is, without using a method outside SQL?



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Re: More semaphore mystery

2004-07-07 Thread Heikki Tuuri

the answer is the same as the last time: send me the FULL .err log gzipped.



- Original Message - 
From: Mitch Pirtle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: mailing.database.myodbc
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 3:50 PM
Subject: More semaphore mystery

 Hi gang,

 Back in the throes of semaphores that refuse to play nice with all the
 other kids on the playground ;-)

 I'm getting the following in my error file:

 OS WAIT ARRAY INFO: reservation count 79461482, signal count 75199550
 --Thread 23744585 has waited at btr0cur.c line 401 for 556.00 seconds
 the semaph
 X-lock on RW-latch at 0x868f29b0 created in file buf0buf.c line 438
 a writer (thread id 23744585) has reserved it in mode  wait exclusive
 number of readers 1, waiters flag 1
 Last time read locked in file btr0cur.c line 401
 Last time write locked in file btr0cur.c line 401

 ...So what's a guy to do?  Is there a way I can determine just what
 exactly is causing this?

 -- Mitch

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Re: a OPS$ equivalent in mysql

2004-07-07 Thread Paul DuBois
At 11:17 +1000 7/8/04, Ian Holsman wrote:
an OPS$ account in oracle lets a given user log in automatically to 
a OPS$user-id account from the local machine without a password.
but not from another user-id on the same machine.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ mysql -u ianh
would work
[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ mysql -u ianh
would not.
Does mysql have this functionality?
If I understand you correctly, no.  If an account for a given user on
a machine has no password, anyone on that machine can use it. (When
you connect to the MySQL server, you specify a username. Anyone could
specify the username of the account with no password.)
Perhaps an acceptable alternative would be to do this:
- Assign the account a password.  (All MySQL accounts really should have a
password anyway.
_ For the user that you want to be able to connect automatically, create
a ~/.my.cnf option file that lists the password in the [client] section:
Make the file readable only by that user.
Now when the user runs a MySQL client program, it'll pick up the password
from the option file automatically and the user won't have to type it in.
If the goal is for the user not to have to type passwords, this procedure
would achieve that, and it wouldn't leave the account passwordless.
Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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2004-07-07 Thread Lachlan Mulcahy

Here is an example which should clarify for you:

INSERT INTO testTable (a,b) VALUES ('AVAL', 'BVAL');

Let's say testTable looks like this:

|  a   |  b   |

You have your unique index over (a,b). The insert statement above will
succeed because there is no entry in testTable where _both_ a and b are as
specified in the INSERT.

The table should then look like:

|  a   |  b   |

Any of the following INSERT statements would now fail:

INSERT INTO testTable (a,b) VALUES ('AVAL', 'BVAL');
INSERT INTO testTable (a,b) VALUES ('AVAL', 'EVAL');
INSERT INTO testTable (a,b) VALUES ('FVAL', 'BVAL');

Hope this helps,


PS. Please remember to reply to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] address rather
than my direct address, this way everyone can keep track of the discussion.

-Original Message-
From: John Mistler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 8 July 2004 1:24 PM
To: Lachlan Mulcahy

Thanks, Lachlan!  One other thing I am wondering: given two columns (a,b)
with a UNIQUE multi-column index over them, will an insert fail if a row
with column a's data already exists, and the data for column b does not?  I
am wanting to only prevent inserts when BOTH a  b's data already exists.



on 7/7/04 7:46 PM, Lachlan Mulcahy at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 As far as I'm aware there is no problem creating a multi-column unique
 on fields that have already been indexed seperately. The multi column
 will be used in situations where you are trying to find unique
 _combinations_ of the two fields and the individual indexes in situations
 where you are trying to find instances of one OR the other.

 If you are doing a number of inserts or multi-row inserts you may want to
 use the IGNORE parameter. This will allow the INSERT command to complete
 and return successfully, simply skipping the rows where dupes are found,
 otherwise mysql is going to generate a duplicate key error when duplicates
 are found.

 Hope this clarifies some things for you.


 -Original Message-
 From: John Mistler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 8 July 2004 12:27 PM

 I am not certain from the documentation whether it is advisable to create
 unique multi-column index on two columns that are already individually
 indexed.  The individual indexes I assume I need for when I do a SELECT on
 those particular columns.  The multi-column one I need for the reasons
 discussed below.  Any one know?



 on 7/7/04 2:21 PM, Joshua J. Kugler at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Certainly, it's called making a unique index on the field(s) you want to

 Hope that helps.

 j- k-

 On Wednesday 07 July 2004 12:48 pm, John Mistler said something like:
 Is there a way to do an INSERT on a table only if no row already exists
 with the same info for one or more of the columns as the row to be
 inserted? That is, without using a method outside SQL?



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2004-07-07 Thread Paul DuBois
At 19:26 -0700 7/7/04, John Mistler wrote:
I am not certain from the documentation whether it is advisable to create a
unique multi-column index on two columns that are already individually
indexed.  The individual indexes I assume I need for when I do a SELECT on
those particular columns.  The multi-column one I need for the reasons
discussed below.  Any one know?
If you have indexes on column A and column B, then if you create
a multiple-column unique index on (A,B), you could remove the index
on A.  The reason for this is that MySQL can use a leftmost prefix
of a multiple-column index as if you had an index on just the leftmost
In other words, an index on (A, B) can be use when you search for combinations
of A and B, or when you search for just A.
You cannot remove the index that you have on just B, because B is not
a leftmost index of (A, B).
on 7/7/04 2:21 PM, Joshua J. Kugler at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Certainly, it's called making a unique index on the field(s) you 
want to keep

 Hope that helps.
 j- k-
 On Wednesday 07 July 2004 12:48 pm, John Mistler said something like:
 Is there a way to do an INSERT on a table only if no row already exists
 with the same info for one or more of the columns as the row to be
 inserted? That is, without using a method outside SQL?

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Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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mysqladmin shutdown command hangs

2004-07-07 Thread ravi.ramachandra
We are using mysql 4.0.17 on Linux
We have installed a mysql database on our our server.  The data and log
files are stored on an external SCSI disk array which is connected to
our server using FC cable connected to SCSI port. The mysql process is
running on the local machine but the data and logs are stored on the
disk array.
When there is an accidental communication breakdown between disk array
and server on which mysql process is running (e.g, pulling out FC
cable), this is being detected by our scripts and then we are trying to
shutdown the mysql process by using mysqladmin shutdown option.  However
this command hangs and does not complete.  
We tried the --force option also with the mysqladmin shutdown command,
but it still hung.   
Does anybody have any suggestion/solution.


2004-07-07 Thread Emmett Bishop

What about the case where column A is a foreign key?
In that case would you be forced to keep the index on
column A or could you use the A,B index since A is the
left most prefix?


--- Paul DuBois [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 19:26 -0700 7/7/04, John Mistler wrote:
 I am not certain from the documentation whether it
 is advisable to create a
 unique multi-column index on two columns that are
 already individually
 indexed.  The individual indexes I assume I need
 for when I do a SELECT on
 those particular columns.  The multi-column one I
 need for the reasons
 discussed below.  Any one know?
 If you have indexes on column A and column B, then
 if you create
 a multiple-column unique index on (A,B), you could
 remove the index
 on A.  The reason for this is that MySQL can use a
 leftmost prefix
 of a multiple-column index as if you had an index on
 just the leftmost
 In other words, an index on (A, B) can be use when
 you search for combinations
 of A and B, or when you search for just A.
 You cannot remove the index that you have on just B,
 because B is not
 a leftmost index of (A, B).
 on 7/7/04 2:21 PM, Joshua J. Kugler at
   Certainly, it's called making a unique index on
 the field(s) you 
 want to keep
   Hope that helps.
   j- k-
   On Wednesday 07 July 2004 12:48 pm, John Mistler
 said something like:
   Is there a way to do an INSERT on a table only
 if no row already exists
   with the same info for one or more of the
 columns as the row to be
   inserted? That is, without using a method
 outside SQL?
 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
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 Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
 Madison, Wisconsin, USA
 MySQL General Mailing List
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Control Center autoincrement

2004-07-07 Thread Paul Wallace
May I specify a column to auto increment in the Control Center UI,
either on or after creation?

Re: mysqladmin shutdown command hangs

2004-07-07 Thread Charles Sprickman
On Thu, 8 Jul 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When there is an accidental communication breakdown between disk array
 and server on which mysql process is running (e.g, pulling out FC
 cable), this is being detected by our scripts and then we are trying to
 shutdown the mysql process by using mysqladmin shutdown option.  However
 this command hangs and does not complete.

I would imagine it would continue to hang until the array becomes
available.  It's probably in disk wait state, since mysql wants to
do a clean shutdown, which I'm sure requires it touching a number of files
in your db directory.

Shutting it down seems like a bad thing to do; I would imagine stopping
client access to the db would be a more useful action to take if you lose
the array.


 We tried the --force option also with the mysqladmin shutdown command,
 but it still hung.

 Does anybody have any suggestion/solution.


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RE: mysqladmin shutdown command hangs

2004-07-07 Thread ravi.ramachandra

Sometimes, the connection to disk array will not be available to this
server for long time and in such a case, we want another server to
connect to the disk array and run mysql processes.  Unfortunately, from
our design, this cannot happen until the existing server shuts down.  

I am happy even if mysqladmin reports that mysqladmin shutdown has
failed instead of hanging so that I can kill/stop the process using
cruder methods.

Thanks again,

-Original Message-
From: Charles Sprickman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 10:07 PM
Subject: Re: mysqladmin shutdown command hangs

On Thu, 8 Jul 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When there is an accidental communication breakdown between disk array

 and server on which mysql process is running (e.g, pulling out FC 
 cable), this is being detected by our scripts and then we are trying 
 to shutdown the mysql process by using mysqladmin shutdown option.  
 However this command hangs and does not complete.

I would imagine it would continue to hang until the array becomes
available.  It's probably in disk wait state, since mysql wants to do
a clean shutdown, which I'm sure requires it touching a number of files
in your db directory.

Shutting it down seems like a bad thing to do; I would imagine stopping
client access to the db would be a more useful action to take if you
lose the array.


 We tried the --force option also with the mysqladmin shutdown command,

 but it still hung.

 Does anybody have any suggestion/solution.


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Control Center autoincrement

2004-07-07 Thread Paul Wallace
May I specify a column to auto increment from within the Control
Center UI, either on or after creation?

deleting a data of fields on a table

2004-07-07 Thread Louie Miranda
Is it possible to delete only a specific field on a table?

lets say i have.

table: dump
- countid
- random
- name

countid, is an auto increment field
random, is a random words, etc
name, is a field for specifiying where they belong.

Now, how can i delete a specific data on each field?

Louie Miranda

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2004-07-07 Thread Michael Stassen
From the manual

 In the referencing table, there must be an index where the foreign key
 columns are listed as the first columns in the same order. In the
 referenced table, there must be an index where the referenced columns are
 listed as the first columns in the same order.
So, yes, the multi-column index on A,B will serve as the necessary index to 
make A a foreign key.  You can still drop the single column index on A.

Emmett Bishop wrote:

What about the case where column A is a foreign key?
In that case would you be forced to keep the index on
column A or could you use the A,B index since A is the
left most prefix?
--- Paul DuBois [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
At 19:26 -0700 7/7/04, John Mistler wrote:
I am not certain from the documentation whether it
is advisable to create a
unique multi-column index on two columns that are
already individually
indexed.  The individual indexes I assume I need
for when I do a SELECT on
those particular columns.  The multi-column one I
need for the reasons
discussed below.  Any one know?
If you have indexes on column A and column B, then
if you create
a multiple-column unique index on (A,B), you could
remove the index
on A.  The reason for this is that MySQL can use a
leftmost prefix
of a multiple-column index as if you had an index on
just the leftmost
In other words, an index on (A, B) can be use when
you search for combinations
of A and B, or when you search for just A.
You cannot remove the index that you have on just B,
because B is not
a leftmost index of (A, B).
on 7/7/04 2:21 PM, Joshua J. Kugler at
Certainly, it's called making a unique index on
the field(s) you 

want to keep
Hope that helps.
j- k-
On Wednesday 07 July 2004 12:48 pm, John Mistler
said something like:
Is there a way to do an INSERT on a table only
if no row already exists
with the same info for one or more of the
columns as the row to be
inserted? That is, without using a method
outside SQL?

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Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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