Recovering table structures.

2004-08-16 Thread Duncan Hill
Had to rebuild my laptop this weekend.  Made sure to make a backup copy 
of /var/lib/mysql/*.  Loaded on the mysql binary tar (as gentoo doesn't have 
4.1.3 in portage yet), and copied my data back across.

However, even with the innodb files in place, the mysql engine is saying 
things like:
Didn't find any fields in table 'company_addresses'
Didn't find any fields in table 'company_contacts'

I realise that this is probably because you're not meant to copy innodb files 
around :  Is there any way I can recover the structures (ie, create table 
statements) - the data is irrelevant and can be recreated easily.

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Database export

2004-08-16 Thread Edd Dawson
I have a 4GB database which i need to move to another hosting company.
The source and destination databases are mysql so there is no
conversion issue.

My question is has anyone any recomendations on which is the best
method for doing this. I am aware of doing a database dump and then
importing into the new server. But i want to know if there are any
issues with the file size. i.e. will carrying out an import time out
with the file size being so large.

I have also come across mysqlhotcopy, will this do? 

Any thoughts on this will be much appreciated.

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Re: Database export

2004-08-16 Thread Cemal Dalar
I used to check, optimize and repair tables, tar the database directory and
copy it simply.  :) For me this is the simpliest way.

Best Regards,
Cemal Dalar a.k.a Jimmy
System Administrator  Web Developer

- Original Message - 
From: Edd Dawson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 1:39 PM
Subject: Database export

 I have a 4GB database which i need to move to another hosting company.
 The source and destination databases are mysql so there is no
 conversion issue.

 My question is has anyone any recomendations on which is the best
 method for doing this. I am aware of doing a database dump and then
 importing into the new server. But i want to know if there are any
 issues with the file size. i.e. will carrying out an import time out
 with the file size being so large.

 I have also come across mysqlhotcopy, will this do?

 Any thoughts on this will be much appreciated.

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2004-08-16 Thread Batara Kesuma

If I run these commands on slave:
(3 times and then...)

How many counter will be skipped? Is it 3 or just 1? Thank you.


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Re: Replication blocked

2004-08-16 Thread Bill Easton
A few brief comments on this one...

(1)  Multi-threaded would probably cause thousands of problems 
 Well, not necessarily.

Currently, the slave reads transaction A from
the relay log, executes its actions, commits it, then reads transaction
B, executes and commits.  It wouldn't be unreasonable to allow the
two transactions to execute on different threads, provided that
(a) B can't commit until A does and (b) in case of deadlock, B is rolled
back and re-executed, rather than A. 

Small matter of programming, but not necessarily intractable.

(2)  If replication is being used for backup, a transaction on the master
is backed up as soon as it has been copied to the relay log.  A delay
in executing the relay log isn't a problem unless either (a) you are doing
queries against the slave and need timely data or (b) such delays
are so frequent that the slave can never catch up.

(3)  In the original post, the problem was that during 12 minutes to 
create an index on the slave, other transactions can be locked out.
Presumably, on the master, shared locks are set on every row
of the table as the ALTER TABLE is run, so it is certainly possible
that updates to the table can be delayed or that a deadlock can
happen on the master, as well.

= Original message follows =

Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 14:42:28 -0700
From: Jeremy Zawodny [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Donny Simonton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Replication blocked

On Fri, Aug 13, 2004 at 01:19:14AM -0500, Donny Simonton wrote:

 There is only one thread for replication on the slave.  It does one
 step a time.  If you use mysqlbinlog on one of your binary files on
 your master, you will see exactly how it all works.

No, there are 2 threads: the IO (or relay) thread, and the SQL thread.

 Multi-threaded would probably cause thousands of problems.  Unless
 it was threaded per table, but that would still cause problems
 because of multi-table deletes and updates.



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Best way to construct query for 1M records DB?

2004-08-16 Thread Eve Atley

Hello all,

I am stuck on the best way to proceed in order to make a SQL query efficient
and quick searching through a very large (near million and growing)
database. I am working with MySQL 3.23.58 and using PHP to construct a
dynamic query, based on HTML form input. Please let me know if you need more
information, or would like to see the code which constructs the SQL

My form fields:
Last Name
First Name


Candidate fields:

Resume fields:


I did not create this database, and changing it is really not an option.


Within PHP, I construct a dynamic query, using only those fields that the
user has submitted in the form. Example, where SKILLS and STATE have been
filled in:

SELECT resume.Section_Value, candidate.Location FROM candidates, resumes
WHERE resume.Section_Value CONTAINS 'html' OR 'unix' AND resume.Section_ID =
'1' AND candidate.Location LIKE '%CA%' OR '%California%'

(note: this is necessary due to the way the original table was created.
Location information is in one text field, with some entries entered as 'CA'
and some as 'California')

Or where Location only is selected:

SELECT candidate.Location FROM candidate WHERE camdodate.Location LIKE
'%CA%' OR '%California%'

I have thought of approaching this 2 ways.
1. Search first for candidates meeting every other criteria, ie. State, or
Last Name. Then drill down on any results for matching skills.
2. Construct the full query based on all matches based on fields entered,
and then matching results between tables with Candidate_ID for display.

Of course, what if there IS no other criteria to drill down upon?
Right now, the form requires that a state always be present. However, I will
need to build in the ability to search for anyone with HTML and Unix skills
in any state. So if 'skills' are the only fields submitted, the dynamic
query would look like:

SELECT resume.Section_Value FROM resume WHERE resume.Section_Value CONTAINS
'html' OR 'unix' AND resume.Section_ID = '1'
(resume.Section_ID is the section for skills)

It would entail searching through millions of records. Is there any way to
make this faster and/or more efficient, based on the way I'm handling it?
How long would this search take for so many records?


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Script to fill a Date base....

2004-08-16 Thread Yusdaniel Rodriguez Espinosa

How I can fill a Database in MySQL with PHP whit the method POST???

I have a DB in MySQL and I have to fill with PHP, I don't know how I can, I
need a Script like this

$servidor = localhost ;
$usuario = pepe ;
$contrasena = * ;
$basededatos = pepe_bd ;
$conectar = mysql_connect($servidor,$usuario,$contrasena) ;
mysql_select_db($basededatos,$conectar) ;

if($enviar) {
mysql_query(insert into usuarios (usuario,contrasena,email) values
('$usuario','$contrasena','$email')) ;
echo El usuario ha sido registrado. ;
form method=post action=registrar.php
input type=text name=usuariobr
input type=password name=contrasenabr
input type=text name=emaibrbr
input type=submit name=enviar value=Registrar

but this is not working I don't why?

Please if anyone have a Script that Do the same thing please send to me ok,
I only looking it and take the part of them that I need. ok.

Bye and thanks.


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Mysql-Prozesse lassen sich nicht mehr killen :-(

2004-08-16 Thread Beuter Daniel

Hallo miteinander dies ist mein erster Thread.
 Weil ich nimmer weiter weiß wende ich mich an Euch.
Hab nen Traffich collector der in ne Datenbank auf nem anderen Server
Nachdem der collector gerade am laden in die Datebank war wurde per cronjob
das rotieren des in-use tables angestoßen.
Natürlich hat sich das laden aufgehängt. Mein problem ist nun das sich nun
über die Nacht hinweg so 15 Prozesse angehäuft haben.
1.Problem:Hab nun :
Mysql kill z.B 23465; 
Gemacht nun steht da killed in der prozesslist aber die Verbindungen gehen
nicht weg.
Gibt's da ne möglichkeit die ganz verschwinden zu lassen um wieder was in
die Datenbaqnk zu laden?

Wenn ich killall -9 mysqld mach und mysqld restart dann stoppt der server
aber die Prozesse sind noch da in ps -edf
Und ich kann die nicht mit kill -9 2344 usw. abschießen
Nur wenn die Prozesse noch da sind is es nicht möglich den mysqld neu zu

Was kann ich tun um die Zombies ohne reboot zu beenden.
Benutze fedora core1 und 
mysql  Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.20, for pc-linux (i686)

mit freundlichem Gruß / kind regards
Daniel Beuter

IS IT PS 221 OP4
Network Solutions
Werner von Siemens Str. 60
91052 Erlangen

Fon: +49 (9131) -6303-211
Fax: +49 (9131) 7-42234


SV: ASP Connection to Mysql fails

2004-08-16 Thread Nickolai Nielsen

Try doing a response.write conn after you have made a connection with the
that should print out the connection string the DSN is using

i hope this help debug the problem


Paul Stearns wrote:
 Actually I can connect from the web server to the DB server using DSN (the
odbc tool under windows). What I cannot do is connect from ASP in the same

 I have a work around, but I still would like to determine what the problem
is with a DSNless connection.

 The work around is to use a DSN entry and call it, for example; dsn=myodbcconn; user=myuser; password=mypassword

 where myodbcconn is a System DSN

 Why doesn't; DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};;
USER=myuser; PASSWORD=mypassword; DATABASE=myDB; PORT:3307; OPTION=35;


 Yes the port number really is 3307.


 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Stassen [EMAIL PROTECTED];]
 Sent: 8/15/2004 8:05:23 PM
 Subject: Re: ASP Connection to Mysql fails

 If I understand you correctly, you can connect to both mysql servers from
 localhost, but not to one from the other.  To mysql, a user is a
 of user and connecting host, so I think your problem translates as you can
 connect as [EMAIL PROTECTED], but you cannot connect as
 You probably need to add a mysql user to allow this.  See the manual
 the details: and


 Paul Stearns wrote:

Ignore the sentence that starts Remember...

When I telnet to port 3307 on the DB server from the web server I get the
version, a few characters of garbage and it disconnects.


-Original Message-
From: Paul Stearns [EMAIL PROTECTED];]
Sent: 8/15/2004 6:01:59 PM
Subject: ASP Connection to Mysql fails

I have an ASP application running on a server with a mysql DB, everything
works great. I connect using localhost, no problems.

I have a second mysql DB on another server. I connect to it via the odbc
Data Source Administrator from the web server with no problems.

When I try to connect from an ASP script from the web server using the

Set connMailServer = Server.CreateObject(ADODB.Connection)

ConnectString = DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};;


The server, user, password, database and port are what I used in the odbc
Data Source Administrator. Remember I can connect to my local DB from ASP.

I receive the following error;


Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Can't connect to MySQL server on ''


The environment is w2k server on both computers. The MYSql version on
remote server is 4.0.17.

I'm so confused...


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MySQL eats 100% CPU on a quad CPU system...

2004-08-16 Thread Fahr o Mavastradioz
Hello people,

I'm currently configuring a quad CPU system as a standalone MySQL server.
The machine runs nothing except for MySQL and some trivial things like SSH
and iptables.
A second server acts as a webserver and is connected to this one though an
internal LAN connection.
Using top or ps, it shows that MySQL eats over 99% of all the available CPU.
Using slmon, it shows that indeed all 4 CPUs are fully in use. Still, it
appears to be terribly slow and I don't think MySQL should eat over 99% CPU
on a quad CPU system...
The machine runs mysqld 4.0.18 on Debian Sarge. A stripped down my.cnf is
included below (I merely removed the comments).
Could anyone tell me what can cause this problem?

- Fahr

port= 3306
socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

err-log = /var/log/mysql/mysql.err
socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
open_files_limit = 8192

user= mysql
pid-file= /var/run/mysqld/
socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
port= 3306
basedir = /usr
datadir = /var/lib/mysql
tmpdir  = /tmp
language= /usr/share/mysql/english
thread_stack= 128K
max_connections = 500
key_buffer  = 150M
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M
join_buffer_size  = 1M
read_buffer_size  = 1M
sort_buffer_size  = 1M
table_cache   = 1500
thread_cache_size = 128
wait_timeout  = 14400
connect_timeout   = 10
max_allowed_packet = 16M
max_connect_errors = 10
query_cache_limit  = 1M
query_cache_size   = 32M
query_cache_type   = 1

max_allowed_packet  = 16M


key_buffer = 64M
sort_buffer = 64M
read_buffer = 16M
write_buffer = 16M

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Replication, Windows, Modems

2004-08-16 Thread David Otton
Hi, hoping someone's come across this before:

I need to replicate data between two copies of MySQL, both running on
Windows XP.

The amount of data is tiny - maybe 35k a day as an upper bound. It's
basically monitoring data from a remote device.

The problem is that neither machine is internet-enabled - they both
have modems in them.

So, what's the best way to run this sequence several times a day?

a) connect to the remote machine via modem
b) kick off the MySQL replication process

I'm thinking a small VB app, but any pointers gratefully received.
Google hasn't thrown up much of use, and Windows administration isn't
really my thing.

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Re: GROUP BY optimization headscratcher

2004-08-16 Thread Brent Baisley
Reaching on this one, but how about reversing your join: FROM T2,T1
Based on your query, it appears you are summarizing all the data in T2  
and pulling some extra data from T1. Since you are doing a full table  
scan (using all the records) on T2, you probably want to center your  
query around that table. You could even try a left join (T2 left join  
T1 on T2.qid=T1.qid).

Also, create another index on the guid column in T2. That should allow  
MySQL to use the index to sort the records by guid for grouping.

Finally, make sure your sort_buffer setting is high enough to  
accommodate what you are trying to do.

On Aug 14, 2004, at 5:17 PM, Matt Eaton wrote:
 Michael, and .  However, it didn't work.  Whole  
thing still takes about 1 second.

On the other hand, I realized I'm an idiot and that the reason it was  
running so fast when I handled temporary tables myself is that I was  
using mysqlcc, which truncated the first table to 1000 rows rather  
than 475,000, which--as one would imagine--sped things up  

However, I'm still looking for a way to make this fast.  This is an  
integral part of my application, it'd be a big load off my mind ( my  
processesor) if I could get it under half a second on my box.  I've  
made the changes Michael suggested, so I was wondering if anyone had  
suggestions on how to optimize this further.  Below please find the  
query in question, a little background, the create statements and the  
output of explain:

SELECT T2.guid, sum(T2.d+T1.d) AS theSum
WHERE T1.qid=T2.qid
GROUP BY T2.guid;
(I grouped by the wrong T last time, sorry).
T1 contains one user, and their answers to various questions, so guid  
actually has only 1 value in this table, and qid has about 65, for a  
total of 65 rows.  T2 contains about 15,000 users, so guid has 15,000  
different values and qid has 34 possible values, and the total  
cardinality comes out to around 475,000.

The Create Table statements look like:
  `guid` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `qid` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `a` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '-2',
  `d` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '-2',
  UNIQUE KEY `IX_T1_qid_guid` (`qid`,`guid`)
  `guid` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `qid` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `a` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
  `d` decimal(1,0) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  UNIQUE KEY `IX_T2_qid_guid` (`qid`,`guid`)
And the explain is:
| table | type | possible_keys  | key| key_len | ref|  
rows | Extra   |
| T1| ALL  | IX_T1_qid_guid | NULL   |NULL | NULL   |   
 65 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
| T2| ref  | IX_T2_qid_guid | IX_T2_qid_guid |   1 | T1.qid |  
4979 | Using where |

Thanks so much!
-Original Message-
From:   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2004 3:46 AM
To: Matt Eaton
Subject: Re: GROUP BY optimization headscratcher
ME   `guid` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
ME   `qid` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
ME   `a` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '-2',
ME   `d` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '-2',
ME   KEY `IX_FW_qid` (`qid`),
ME   KEY `IX_FW_d` (`d`)
ME   `guid` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
ME   `qid` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
ME   `a` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
ME   `d` decimal(1,0) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
ME   PRIMARY KEY  (`guid`,`qid`),
ME   KEY `IX_s23aw_d` (`d`),
ME   KEY `IX_s23aw_qid` (`qid`)
ME SELECT T1.guid, sum(T1.d + T2.d) as theSum
ME WHERE T1.qid=T2.qid
make key in T1:
 KEY `` (qid,guid )
 and change table type to MyIsam for both table.
Michael Monashev

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Brent Baisley
Systems Architect
Landover Associates, Inc.
Search  Advisory Services for Advanced Technology Environments
p: 212.759.6400/800.759.0577
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Re: MySQL eats 100% CPU on a quad CPU system...

2004-08-16 Thread Cemal Dalar
It depends on lots of things. But as an estimate.. Probably you need to add
some indexes..
Which type of queries you are using? which database type?
Other things.. what about database size? maybe you need more RAM etc..

Best Regards,
Cemal Dalar a.k.a Jimmy
System Administrator  Web Developer

- Original Message - 
From: Fahr o Mavastradioz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 3:48 PM
Subject: MySQL eats 100% CPU on a quad CPU system...

 Hello people,

 I'm currently configuring a quad CPU system as a standalone MySQL server.
 The machine runs nothing except for MySQL and some trivial things like SSH
 and iptables.
 A second server acts as a webserver and is connected to this one though an
 internal LAN connection.
 Using top or ps, it shows that MySQL eats over 99% of all the available
 Using slmon, it shows that indeed all 4 CPUs are fully in use. Still, it
 appears to be terribly slow and I don't think MySQL should eat over 99%
 on a quad CPU system...
 The machine runs mysqld 4.0.18 on Debian Sarge. A stripped down my.cnf is
 included below (I merely removed the comments).
 Could anyone tell me what can cause this problem?

 - Fahr

 port= 3306
 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

 err-log = /var/log/mysql/mysql.err
 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
 open_files_limit = 8192

 user= mysql
 pid-file= /var/run/mysqld/
 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
 port= 3306
 basedir = /usr
 datadir = /var/lib/mysql
 tmpdir  = /tmp
 language= /usr/share/mysql/english
 thread_stack= 128K
 max_connections = 500
 key_buffer  = 150M
 myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M
 join_buffer_size  = 1M
 read_buffer_size  = 1M
 sort_buffer_size  = 1M
 table_cache   = 1500
 thread_cache_size = 128
 wait_timeout  = 14400
 connect_timeout   = 10
 max_allowed_packet = 16M
 max_connect_errors = 10
 query_cache_limit  = 1M
 query_cache_size   = 32M
 query_cache_type   = 1

 max_allowed_packet  = 16M


 key_buffer = 64M
 sort_buffer = 64M
 read_buffer = 16M
 write_buffer = 16M

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AW: Mysql-Prozesse lassen sich nicht mehr killen :-(

2004-08-16 Thread Beuter Daniel
OK Sorry for the german, will do it now in this way  ;-)
An script like this you said is running already,but the strange thing is
that (for explanation--I have two datacollectors and one mysqlserver with 2
databases 1 and 2),
If collector 1 is writing in db1 and collector 2 is starting loading in db2
, the second one who startes hang up und gets this zombielike status.
My connections variable is on 100 ??? 
P.S: These processes are in Top shown with a S (sleep?)
I found out only when I kill the right process which is in
then killall -9 mysqld
And /mysqld stop, /mysqld start  should let me kill all these processes.
(but not always)
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: KSTrainee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Montag, 16. August 2004 14:56
An: Beuter Daniel
Betreff: AW: Mysql-Prozesse lassen sich nicht mehr killen :-(


ein Hinweis vorweg: Bitte nur in Englisch auf die Liste posten, da es sich
um eine internationale Liste handelt. Ich bekomm jedes mal nen Fön, wenn
jemand in Spanisch oder Koreanisch posted - also sollten wir das auch nicht
tun :-)

Zu deinem Problem: Du kannst die Prozesse wahrscheinlich deshalb nicht
killen, weil der aktuell ausgeführte Thread z.Z. in einer I/O Funktion auf
ring0 im kernel läuft. Würde der Prozess jetzt abgebrochen, hätte dies eine
kernel panic zur Folge - Freeze. Unter top sollte in der Prozess-Spalte ein
einzelnes 'D' auf diesen Umstand hinweisen. Die Prozesse sind ohne Reboot
meines Wissens nach nicht zu killen - das macht in sofern aber nichts, als
dass sie keine CPU-Zeit verbrauchen und der verbrauchte Speicher irgendwann
auf Nimmerwiedersehen in der swap verschwindet.

Lösung des Problems ist, das Laden in die DB und die Rotation zu
synchronisieren. Eine Möglichkeit ist z.B., dass du ein temp file mit der
PID des Lade-Prozesses irgendwo hinschreibst. Der cronjob prüft, ob hinter
der PID noch ein Prozess steht und rotiert nicht, falls das zutrifft.

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Beuter Daniel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Montag, 16. August 2004 14:44
Betreff: Mysql-Prozesse lassen sich nicht mehr killen :-(

Hallo miteinander dies ist mein erster Thread.
 Weil ich nimmer weiter weiß wende ich mich an Euch.
Hab nen Traffich collector der in ne Datenbank auf nem anderen Server
Nachdem der collector gerade am laden in die Datebank war wurde per cronjob
das rotieren des in-use tables angestoßen.
Natürlich hat sich das laden aufgehängt. Mein problem ist nun das sich nun
über die Nacht hinweg so 15 Prozesse angehäuft haben.
1.Problem:Hab nun :
Mysql kill z.B 23465; 
Gemacht nun steht da killed in der prozesslist aber die Verbindungen gehen
nicht weg.
Gibt's da ne möglichkeit die ganz verschwinden zu lassen um wieder was in
die Datenbaqnk zu laden?

Wenn ich killall -9 mysqld mach und mysqld restart dann stoppt der server
aber die Prozesse sind noch da in ps -edf
Und ich kann die nicht mit kill -9 2344 usw. abschießen
Nur wenn die Prozesse noch da sind is es nicht möglich den mysqld neu zu

Was kann ich tun um die Zombies ohne reboot zu beenden.
Benutze fedora core1 und 
mysql  Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.20, for pc-linux (i686)

mit freundlichem Gruß / kind regards
Daniel Beuter

IS IT PS 221 OP4
Network Solutions
Werner von Siemens Str. 60
91052 Erlangen

Fon: +49 (9131) -6303-211
Fax: +49 (9131) 7-42234


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connections are keeping inceresing

2004-08-16 Thread Linda

I found my MySQL's connections are keeping increasing recently. I setted the timeout 
as below: 
| interactive_timeout  | 14400 |
| wait_timeout | 14400 |

When I run processlist, I found there are a lot of connections over 14400 but the 
connections are still sleeping. That's why my connections are keep inceasing.

   61534  admin192.168.1.10abc 40099  Sleep
   60027admin 40090  Sleep
   61554admin 40041  Sleep
   61732   admin 39825  Sleep

Could anyone tell how to fix it? I am using MySQL-4.0.20 with Max on RedHat 9.



Re: Mysql-Prozesse lassen sich nicht mehr killen :-(

2004-08-16 Thread Thomas Spahni
Hi Daniel,

try this:

prompt mysqladmin kill [id],[id]

(for usage see mysqladmin --help | less)

Thomas Spahni

On Mon, 16 Aug 2004, Beuter Daniel wrote:

 Hallo miteinander dies ist mein erster Thread.
  Weil ich nimmer weiter weiß wende ich mich an Euch.
 Hab nen Traffich collector der in ne Datenbank auf nem anderen Server
 Nachdem der collector gerade am laden in die Datebank war wurde per cronjob
 das rotieren des in-use tables angestoßen.
 Natürlich hat sich das laden aufgehängt. Mein problem ist nun das sich nun
 über die Nacht hinweg so 15 Prozesse angehäuft haben.
 1.Problem:Hab nun :
 Mysql kill z.B 23465;
 Gemacht nun steht da killed in der prozesslist aber die Verbindungen gehen
 nicht weg.
 Gibt's da ne möglichkeit die ganz verschwinden zu lassen um wieder was in
 die Datenbaqnk zu laden?

 Wenn ich killall -9 mysqld mach und mysqld restart dann stoppt der server
 aber die Prozesse sind noch da in ps -edf
 Und ich kann die nicht mit kill -9 2344 usw. abschießen
 Nur wenn die Prozesse noch da sind is es nicht möglich den mysqld neu zu

 Was kann ich tun um die Zombies ohne reboot zu beenden.
 Benutze fedora core1 und
 mysql  Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.20, for pc-linux (i686)

 mit freundlichem Gruß / kind regards
 Daniel Beuter

 IS IT PS 221 OP4
 Network Solutions
 Werner von Siemens Str. 60
 91052 Erlangen

 Fon: +49 (9131) -6303-211
 Fax: +49 (9131) 7-42234


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Problems with DBI

2004-08-16 Thread michael watson (IAH-C)

Not sure if I should be posting to the DBI list really, but I will try
this one too.

I'm running suse linux enterprise server 8.2, MySQL 4.0.15-standard-log,
DBI 1.32

I get the following error message:

DBD::mysql::db rollback failed: ROLLBACK failed at dbirollbacktest.cgi
line 49
DBD::mysql::db rollback failed: ROLLBACK failed at dbirollbacktest.cgi
line 49

My script looks like this:

my $dbh = DBI-connect(DBI:mysql:test:localhost, ... );
$dbh-{AutoCommit} = 0;
$dbh-{RaiseError} = 1;

eval {
# the first SQL statement should be OK
my $sql = insert into testac(object_id, object_title) values

# the second SQL statement should fail
my $sql = insert into testac(object_id, object_title) values

# if get to here, commit
if ($@) {
print One of the SQL statements failed\n;


Does anyone know why my rollback won't work?


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Re: Recovering table structures. [recovered]

2004-08-16 Thread Duncan Hill
On Monday 16 August 2004 11:05, Duncan Hill might have typed:
 Had to rebuild my laptop this weekend.  Made sure to make a backup copy
 of /var/lib/mysql/*.  Loaded on the mysql binary tar (as gentoo doesn't
 have 4.1.3 in portage yet), and copied my data back across.

 However, even with the innodb files in place, the mysql engine is saying
 things like:
 Didn't find any fields in table 'company_addresses'
 Didn't find any fields in table 'company_contacts'

 I realise that this is probably because you're not meant to copy innodb
 files around :  Is there any way I can recover the structures (ie, create
 table statements) - the data is irrelevant and can be recreated easily.

Google eventually turned up

which worked like a charm.  I've lost all of the foreign key restraints, but I 
can recreate those easily.  bash + hexedit = recovered structures.

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Re: connections are keeping inceresing

2004-08-16 Thread SGreen
I would guess that your scripting library is not closing your connections 
for you as your variables go out of scope. Each database access library 
(PHP, DBI, ADO, etc) has its own command to manually close a connection. I 
suggest you review your code and make sure that you manually close each 
connection as soon as you no longer need it. This is a cross-platform 
issue and not related to any language in particular.

Eventually, the garbage collection routine in your language will find your 
abandoned connections and reclaim them but that could take quite a while 
depending on how much heap space you have and the aggressiveness of your 
language's collector.  It's always best to manually close your connection 
and dereference it before allowing the variables to go out of scope. 

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Linda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/16/2004 09:38:43 AM:

 I found my MySQL's connections are keeping increasing recently. I 
 setted the timeout as below: 
 | interactive_timeout  | 14400 |
 | wait_timeout | 14400 |
 When I run processlist, I found there are a lot of connections over 
 14400 but the connections are still sleeping. That's why my 
 connections are keep inceasing.
61534  admin192.168.1.10abc 40099  Sleep
60027admin 40090  Sleep
61554admin 40041  Sleep
61732   admin 39825  Sleep
 Could anyone tell how to fix it? I am using MySQL-4.0.20 with Max 
onRedHat 9.

Re: Problems with DBI

2004-08-16 Thread Philippe Poelvoorde
michael watson (IAH-C) wrote:
Not sure if I should be posting to the DBI list really, but I will try
this one too.
I'm running suse linux enterprise server 8.2, MySQL 4.0.15-standard-log,
DBI 1.32
I get the following error message:
DBD::mysql::db rollback failed: ROLLBACK failed at dbirollbacktest.cgi
line 49
DBD::mysql::db rollback failed: ROLLBACK failed at dbirollbacktest.cgi
line 49
My script looks like this:
my $dbh = DBI-connect(DBI:mysql:test:localhost, ... );
$dbh-{AutoCommit} = 0;
$dbh-{RaiseError} = 1;
eval {
# the first SQL statement should be OK
my $sql = insert into testac(object_id, object_title) values
# the second SQL statement should fail
my $sql = insert into testac(object_id, object_title) values
# if get to here, commit
if ($@) {
print One of the SQL statements failed\n;
Does anyone know why my rollback won't work?
No idea, but you could try doing explicit commit/rollback and begin 
transaction (I used it with Sybase without any problems). Maybe the 
DBI::MySQL doesn't support transaction.

Philippe Poelvoorde
COS Trading Ltd.
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2004-08-16 Thread leegold
say I'm selecting distinct (non-duplicate) rows for insertion,

insert into original_table select distinct * from new_table

these tables have 3  fields/row. Per the above code all 3 fields are 
evaluated by distict * .

But my question is: I want to ignore field1, therefore I only want to 
test if any rows have field2 *and* field3 as dups - that would be my 
distinct test and then do the insert based on that. Test f2 and f3, not

What the sql? Help is greatly appreciated.

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2004-08-16 Thread SGreen
It all depends on which values of f1 you want to ignore.

f1  f2 f3
-   -  --
val1-1  val2   val3
val1-2  val2   val3
val1-3  val2   val3

Which value of f1 would you want in your new table? Which ones to ignore? 
Are there other columns (beyond these 3) to move as well?

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

leegold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/16/2004 11:29:33 AM:

 say I'm selecting distinct (non-duplicate) rows for insertion,
 insert into original_table select distinct * from new_table
 these tables have 3  fields/row. Per the above code all 3 fields are 
 evaluated by distict * .
 But my question is: I want to ignore field1, therefore I only want to 
 test if any rows have field2 *and* field3 as dups - that would be my 
 distinct test and then do the insert based on that. Test f2 and f3, not
 What the sql? Help is greatly appreciated.
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2004-08-16 Thread leegold

On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 11:36:32 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 It all depends on which values of f1 you want to ignore.
 f1  f2 f3
 -   -  --
 val1-1  val2   val3
 val1-2  val2   val3
 val1-3  val2   val3
 Which value of f1 would you want in your new table? Which ones to ignore? 

I want the DISTINCT to ignore the f1 column completely. But I want all 3
cols. ie. the entire row selected though. Pretend that f1 is a unique PK
it'll always be different, I want to DISTINCT to ignore it, so if 2 or
mores row have dup f2 *and* f3 Distinct will let only one through.

 Are there other columns (beyond these 3) to move as well?

Nope. Just 3 cols. Thanks

 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 leegold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/16/2004 11:29:33 AM:
  say I'm selecting distinct (non-duplicate) rows for insertion,
  insert into original_table select distinct * from new_table
  these tables have 3  fields/row. Per the above code all 3 fields are 
  evaluated by distict * .
  But my question is: I want to ignore field1, therefore I only want to 
  test if any rows have field2 *and* field3 as dups - that would be my 
  distinct test and then do the insert based on that. Test f2 and f3, not
  What the sql? Help is greatly appreciated.
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Re: Problems with DBI

2004-08-16 Thread Michael Stassen
I have a test.testac table created by a test script from a previous install. 
 It is of type MyISAM, which does not support transactions.  Did you alter 
or create your testac table to be of type InnoDB, which does support 
transactions?  You can check with

I tried your code on my machine (as  First, I ran it with 
testac still of type MyISAM, with the following results:

DBD::mysql::db do failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that 
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 
'string',22)' at line 2 at /Users/stassenm/bin/ line 18.
One of the SQL statements failed
DBD::mysql::db rollback failed: Warning:  Some non-transactional changed tables 
couldn't be rolled back at /Users/stassenm/bin/ line 26.
DBD::mysql::db rollback failed: Warning:  Some non-transactional changed tables 
couldn't be rolled back at /Users/stassenm/bin/ line 26.
Next, I converted testac to InnoDB, then ran it again, with these results:
DBD::mysql::db do failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that 
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 
'string',22)' at line 2 at /Users/stassenm/bin/ line 18.
One of the SQL statements failed
In the latter case, the rollback was successful.  In neither case did my 
output match yours.

For reference, I'm running Mac OS X (10.3.5), MySQL 4.0.20, DBI 1.42 
(current is 1.43), and DBD-mysql 2.9003 (current is 2.9004).  I note that 
your DBI version, 1.32, is significantly older than mine/current.  You 
didn't say what version of DBD-mysql you have.  So, I would guess that:

* testac is type MyISAM, so transactions aren't supported.  Possibly your 
DBI-DBD-mysql is fine, other than that the error message wasn't very helpful.

* testac is type InnoDB, but there is a problem with rollback in your 
DBI-DBD-mysql which has since been fixed.

michael watson (IAH-C) wrote:
Not sure if I should be posting to the DBI list really, but I will try
this one too.
I'm running suse linux enterprise server 8.2, MySQL 4.0.15-standard-log,
DBI 1.32
I get the following error message:
DBD::mysql::db rollback failed: ROLLBACK failed at dbirollbacktest.cgi
line 49
DBD::mysql::db rollback failed: ROLLBACK failed at dbirollbacktest.cgi
line 49
My script looks like this:
my $dbh = DBI-connect(DBI:mysql:test:localhost, ... );
$dbh-{AutoCommit} = 0;
$dbh-{RaiseError} = 1;
eval {
# the first SQL statement should be OK
my $sql = insert into testac(object_id, object_title) values
# the second SQL statement should fail
my $sql = insert into testac(object_id, object_title) values
# if get to here, commit
if ($@) {
print One of the SQL statements failed\n;
Does anyone know why my rollback won't work?

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T-SQL SUM() Overflow?

2004-08-16 Thread David Mohorn

Hello, I'm trying to run a T-SQL query that will SUM a column of type
INT.  I'm, however, receiving the following error:

Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int.

The four rows that its trying to sum have values of 3098082, 2488114,
316804, and 10657.

What do I do?

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Re: Replication, Windows, Modems

2004-08-16 Thread Alec . Cawley
David Otton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 16/08/2004 

 Hi, hoping someone's come across this before:
 I need to replicate data between two copies of MySQL, both running on
 Windows XP.
 The amount of data is tiny - maybe 35k a day as an upper bound. It's
 basically monitoring data from a remote device.
 The problem is that neither machine is internet-enabled - they both
 have modems in them.
 So, what's the best way to run this sequence several times a day?
 a) connect to the remote machine via modem
 b) kick off the MySQL replication process
 I'm thinking a small VB app, but any pointers gratefully received.
 Google hasn't thrown up much of use, and Windows administration isn't
 really my thing.

I don't think you need to stop/start the replication process. If you set 
up the slave to replicate, it will keep trying to reconnect to the master 
at intervals - my memory says one minute, but the on-line manual is too 
soggy to check at the moment. You can therefore set up replication and 
leave it active while the modem connection is down. All you need to do 
is start up the modem connection at regular intervals and ensure it stays 
connected for at least two minutes. Linux users do this with a cron job; 
windows has some sort of scheduled task system.


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2004-08-16 Thread SGreen
Let me see if I can explain it a little betterIf you need to move all 
3 columns to the new table but you only want *1* row where f2 and f3 have 
a unique combination of values, how do you want to choose *which* value of 
f1 to move over with that combination? Do you want the minimum value, the 
maximum value, or no value at all? Or, is there some other criteria you 
need to consider in order to populate the f1 column of the new table with 
a value from your old table? Or, will the new table provide its own value 
for the f1 column?

If I look at the sample data I set up, I see 3 rows with a unique f2/f3 
combination but you only want to move 1 of them to a new table... Which 
value from f1 do you want to keep and which 2 do you want to throw away 
during the move?  You are eliminating f1 values by reducing how many times 
the f2/f3 combination appears in the new table. All I need from you is a 
method to decide which f1 to keep and the SQL writes itself (almost) ;-D

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

leegold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/16/2004 12:13:06 PM:

 On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 11:36:32 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
  It all depends on which values of f1 you want to ignore.
  f1  f2 f3
  -   -  --
  val1-1  val2   val3
  val1-2  val2   val3
  val1-3  val2   val3
  Which value of f1 would you want in your new table? Which ones to 
 I want the DISTINCT to ignore the f1 column completely. But I want all 3
 cols. ie. the entire row selected though. Pretend that f1 is a unique PK
 it'll always be different, I want to DISTINCT to ignore it, so if 2 or
 mores row have dup f2 *and* f3 Distinct will let only one through.
  Are there other columns (beyond these 3) to move as well?
 Nope. Just 3 cols. Thanks
  Shawn Green
  Database Administrator
  Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
  leegold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/16/2004 11:29:33 AM:
   say I'm selecting distinct (non-duplicate) rows for insertion,
   insert into original_table select distinct * from new_table
   these tables have 3  fields/row. Per the above code all 3 fields are 

   evaluated by distict * .
   But my question is: I want to ignore field1, therefore I only want 
   test if any rows have field2 *and* field3 as dups - that would be my 

   distinct test and then do the insert based on that. Test f2 and f3, 
   What the sql? Help is greatly appreciated.
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Update MySQL row using URL link?

2004-08-16 Thread Bob Afifi
I currently update MySQL rows using phpMyAdmin.
For example, dropping the following into the
phpMyAdmin GUI:

UPDATE mysql_db SET publish = 1 WHERE Date =
'Sunday, August 15, 2004 21:04:32'

Since I get the update info in an e-mail send
whenever the form is submitted, I'd like to turn
querys like the above encoded into a URL -
bypassing phpMyAdmin - which when clicked, will
update the row.

I found this article last night: Make SQL
Queries over HTTP with XML with VS.NET 

SELECT CustomerId, CompanyName FROM Customer



The above looks very much like what I have in
mind, but for MySQL.  Anybody know how to do

Many thanks in advance,


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Database Stats

2004-08-16 Thread David Mohorn

I have about 25 databases that I need to run the same query against that
returns about 5 columns of information.

I need this information then published within an Excel spreedsheet.  

What is the best way do handle this?

Currently, I'm running each query manually, copying/pasting the result
to Excel, and repeating...

I need to run this procedure every week, and it takes a considerable
amount of time.

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Which ports

2004-08-16 Thread Darryl Hoar
I have Mysql installed on my freebsd box.  I want to
be able to access the database from the internet, but
I need to allow the ports used in my firewall.  What
ports does mysql use ?


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Re: Database Stats

2004-08-16 Thread Martijn Tonies

 I have about 25 databases that I need to run the same query against that
 returns about 5 columns of information.

 I need this information then published within an Excel spreedsheet.

 What is the best way do handle this?

 Currently, I'm running each query manually, copying/pasting the result
 to Excel, and repeating...

 I need to run this procedure every week, and it takes a considerable
 amount of time.

In that case, I suggest automating it with a small program.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL  MS SQL
Upscene Productions

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Re: Which ports

2004-08-16 Thread Martijn Tonies


 I have Mysql installed on my freebsd box.  I want to
 be able to access the database from the internet, but
 I need to allow the ports used in my firewall.  What
 ports does mysql use ?

According to the documentation 3306 by default

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL  MS SQL
Upscene Productions

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RE: T-SQL SUM() Overflow?

2004-08-16 Thread Martin Gainty
try redeclaring your INTEGER columns as BIGINT instead of INTEGER
Martin Gainty

From: David Mohorn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: T-SQL SUM() Overflow?
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 11:37:12 -0500
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X-OriginalArrivalTime: 16 Aug 2004 16:39:52.0808 (UTC) 

Hello, I'm trying to run a T-SQL query that will SUM a column of type
INT.  I'm, however, receiving the following error:
Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int.
The four rows that its trying to sum have values of 3098082, 2488114,
316804, and 10657.
What do I do?
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Re: Database Stats

2004-08-16 Thread Sapenov
prototype of PHP script

foreach($db_stack as $k=$v){
/// query database and get results

foreach($resultset as $k=$v){
//append row and save as csv file

Khazret Sapenov

- Original Message - 
From: David Mohorn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 12:58 PM
Subject: Database Stats

 I have about 25 databases that I need to run the same query against that
 returns about 5 columns of information.

 I need this information then published within an Excel spreedsheet.

 What is the best way do handle this?

 Currently, I'm running each query manually, copying/pasting the result
 to Excel, and repeating...

 I need to run this procedure every week, and it takes a considerable
 amount of time.

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release all mysql locks

2004-08-16 Thread Mayuran Yogarajah
Is there any command I can issue to release ALL locks held by any/all
transactions ? I know that restarting the server does this, but is there
a way to do this without restarting ?
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2004-08-16 Thread leegold

On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 12:39:32 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 Let me see if I can explain it a little betterIf you need to move all 
 3 columns to the new table but you only want *1* row where f2 and f3 have 
 a unique combination of values, how do you want to choose *which* value
 f1 to move over with that combination? Do you want the minimum value, the 
 maximum value, or no value at all?

Whoa, it's not that complicatedI want to text only f2  f3 for
uniqueness, not f1  f2  f3. That's all. If I'm not making it clear -
don't's not life or death. Thanks.

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2004-08-16 Thread Michael Stassen
You were perfectly clear.  We understand that you only want to test f2 and 
f3 for uniqueness.  The question is, which of the possible values of f1 do 
you want to get.  Do you see?  For a particular unique f2, f3 combination, 
there may be multiple f1 values.  How should we choose which one to put in 
the new table?  That is what Shawn has asked twice, and you have not 
answered.  Until you answer that, no one can provide a correct solution.

leegold wrote:
On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 12:39:32 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
Let me see if I can explain it a little betterIf you need to move all 
3 columns to the new table but you only want *1* row where f2 and f3 have 
a unique combination of values, how do you want to choose *which* value
f1 to move over with that combination? Do you want the minimum value, the 
maximum value, or no value at all?

Whoa, it's not that complicatedI want to test only f2  f3 for
uniqueness, not f1  f2  f3. That's all. If I'm not making it clear -
don't's not life or death. Thanks.

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OS X Embedded Server

2004-08-16 Thread John Mistler
I have written an application for MAC OS X.3 that interfaces with MySQL
through the Client/Server approach.  I would like to simplify the
installation process of the application by using the embedded MySQL server
instead.  However, I am having trouble figuring out how to:

1. Include the MySQL embedded server in my application bundle
2. Initiate the embedded server from within my application's code
3. Change my existing queries to work with the embedded server

Anyone have experience with this?



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Upgrading Mysql and Perl DBD

2004-08-16 Thread sean c peters
I now have MySQL 4.0.2 and MySQL 4.1.3 beta both installed and running on one 
machine. I want to be able to use the Perl DBI / DBD to connect to both 
servers. I understand that there have been some changes between the MySQL 
4.0.X and 4.1.X series that may require differently compiled DBD's.

So my question is, do i need to have 2 separate DBD versions, or will the 
newer one work for both MySQL servers. The old DBD does not work for the new 
server. This is demonstrated by the error message:

DBI-connect(...) failed: Client does not support authentication protocol 
requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client at line 

All the tries to do is create a db connection to each server 

Any insight would be greatly appreciated
thanks much
sean peters

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2004-08-16 Thread leegold

On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 13:57:13 -0400, Michael Stassen
 You were perfectly clear.  We understand that you only want to test f2
 and f3 for uniqueness.  The question is, which of the possible values
 of f1 do you want to get.  Do you see?  For a particular unique f2, f3
 combination, there may be multiple f1 values.  How should we choose
 which one to put in the new table?  

Oh, I understand now, sorry. If I said it makes no difference then
you'd ask what the heck I have f1 for in the first place...It actually
doesn't make a difference. Maybe I should drop f1. f1 is an
auto-increment int. so I imagine I'd want f1 re-incremented in numerical
order to take the gaps out.

Not exactly normalized (or normal:^), thanks.

That is what Shawn has asked
 twice, and you have not answered.  Until you answer that, no one can
 provide a correct solution.


 leegold wrote:

  On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 12:39:32 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 Let me see if I can explain it a little betterIf you need to
 move all 3 columns to the new table but you only want *1* row where
 f2 and f3 have a unique combination of values, how do you want to
 choose *which* value of f1 to move over with that combination? Do
 you want the minimum value, the maximum value, or no value at all?
  Whoa, it's not that complicatedI want to test only f2  f3 for
  uniqueness, not f1  f2  f3. That's all. If I'm not making it
  clear - don't's not life or death. Thanks. ...snip...

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Re: Upgrading Mysql and Perl DBD

2004-08-16 Thread Michael Stassen
This is covered in the manual A 4.1 client can 
connect to a pre-4.1 server, because the client understands both the old and 
new password hashing mechanisms.  So, if you build the Perl modules against 
the 4.1.x library, you should be able to connect to either server.

sean c peters wrote:
I now have MySQL 4.0.2 and MySQL 4.1.3 beta both installed and running on one 
machine. I want to be able to use the Perl DBI / DBD to connect to both 
servers. I understand that there have been some changes between the MySQL 
4.0.X and 4.1.X series that may require differently compiled DBD's.

So my question is, do i need to have 2 separate DBD versions, or will the 
newer one work for both MySQL servers. The old DBD does not work for the new 
server. This is demonstrated by the error message:

DBI-connect(...) failed: Client does not support authentication protocol 
requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client at line 

All the tries to do is create a db connection to each server 

Any insight would be greatly appreciated
thanks much
sean peters

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2004-08-16 Thread Michael Stassen
Then I'd suggest you declare f1 as an AUTO_INCREMENT column in the target 
table, leave it out of the SELECT, and let it auto-generate IDs.  Something 
like this:

  INSERT INTO original_table (f2, f3)
  SELECT DISTINCT f2, f3 FROM new_table;
I did that in the same order as your original message, though I'd have 
expected original_table and new_table to be swapped, based on their names.

See the manual for 
the details on INSERT...SELECT.

leegold wrote:
On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 13:57:13 -0400, Michael Stassen
You were perfectly clear.  We understand that you only want to test f2
and f3 for uniqueness.  The question is, which of the possible values
of f1 do you want to get.  Do you see?  For a particular unique f2, f3
combination, there may be multiple f1 values.  How should we choose
which one to put in the new table?  

Oh, I understand now, sorry. If I said it makes no difference then
you'd ask what the heck I have f1 for in the first place...It actually
doesn't make a difference. Maybe I should drop f1. f1 is an
auto-increment int. so I imagine I'd want f1 re-incremented in numerical
order to take the gaps out.
Not exactly normalized (or normal:^), thanks.

That is what Shawn has asked
twice, and you have not answered.  Until you answer that, no one can
provide a correct solution.
leegold wrote:

On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 12:39:32 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Let me see if I can explain it a little betterIf you need to
move all 3 columns to the new table but you only want *1* row where
f2 and f3 have a unique combination of values, how do you want to
choose *which* value of f1 to move over with that combination? Do
you want the minimum value, the maximum value, or no value at all?

Whoa, it's not that complicatedI want to test only f2  f3 for
uniqueness, not f1  f2  f3. That's all. If I'm not making it
clear - don't's not life or death. Thanks. ...snip...

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2004-08-16 Thread leegold

On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 13:57:13 -0400, Michael Stassen
 You were perfectly clear.  We understand that you only want to test f2
 and f3 for uniqueness.  The question is, which of the possible values
 of f1 do you want to get.  Do you see?  For a particular unique f2, f3
 combination, there may be multiple f1 values.  How should we choose
 which one to put in the new table?  

Oh, I understand now, sorry. If I said it makes no difference then
you'd ask what the heck I have f1 for in the first place...It actually
doesn't make a difference. Maybe I should drop f1. f1 is an
auto-increment int. so I imagine I'd want f1 re-incremented in numerical
order to take the gaps out.

Not exactly normalized (or normal:^), thanks.

That is what Shawn has asked
 twice, and you have not answered.  Until you answer that, no one can
 provide a correct solution.


 leegold wrote:

  On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 12:39:32 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 Let me see if I can explain it a little betterIf you need to
 move all 3 columns to the new table but you only want *1* row where
 f2 and f3 have a unique combination of values, how do you want to
 choose *which* value of f1 to move over with that combination? Do
 you want the minimum value, the maximum value, or no value at all?
  Whoa, it's not that complicatedI want to test only f2  f3 for
  uniqueness, not f1  f2  f3. That's all. If I'm not making it
  clear - don't's not life or death. Thanks. ...snip...

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2004-08-16 Thread leegold
Disregard by last message it's a repeat. THANKS for the help!

On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 14:32:27 -0400, Michael Stassen
 Then I'd suggest you declare f1 as an AUTO_INCREMENT column in the target 
 table, leave it out of the SELECT, and let it auto-generate IDs. 
 like this:
INSERT INTO original_table (f2, f3)
SELECT DISTINCT f2, f3 FROM new_table;
 I did that in the same order as your original message, though I'd have 
 expected original_table and new_table to be swapped, based on their
 See the manual for 
 the details on INSERT...SELECT.
 leegold wrote:
  On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 13:57:13 -0400, Michael Stassen
 You were perfectly clear.  We understand that you only want to test f2
 and f3 for uniqueness.  The question is, which of the possible values
 of f1 do you want to get.  Do you see?  For a particular unique f2, f3
 combination, there may be multiple f1 values.  How should we choose
 which one to put in the new table?  
  Oh, I understand now, sorry. If I said it makes no difference then
  you'd ask what the heck I have f1 for in the first place...It actually
  doesn't make a difference. Maybe I should drop f1. f1 is an
  auto-increment int. so I imagine I'd want f1 re-incremented in numerical
  order to take the gaps out.
  Not exactly normalized (or normal:^), thanks.
  That is what Shawn has asked
 twice, and you have not answered.  Until you answer that, no one can
 provide a correct solution.
 leegold wrote:
 On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 12:39:32 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 Let me see if I can explain it a little betterIf you need to
 move all 3 columns to the new table but you only want *1* row where
 f2 and f3 have a unique combination of values, how do you want to
 choose *which* value of f1 to move over with that combination? Do
 you want the minimum value, the maximum value, or no value at all?
 Whoa, it's not that complicatedI want to test only f2  f3 for
 uniqueness, not f1  f2  f3. That's all. If I'm not making it
 clear - don't's not life or death. Thanks. ...snip...

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Re: Database Stats

2004-08-16 Thread Brent Baisley
25 databases with the SAME query? Sounds like the database structure 
are pretty similar. Perhaps you want to look into merge tables or 

On Aug 16, 2004, at 12:58 PM, David Mohorn wrote:
I have about 25 databases that I need to run the same query against 
returns about 5 columns of information.

I need this information then published within an Excel spreedsheet.
What is the best way do handle this?
Currently, I'm running each query manually, copying/pasting the result
to Excel, and repeating...
I need to run this procedure every week, and it takes a considerable
amount of time.

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Brent Baisley
Systems Architect
Landover Associates, Inc.
Search  Advisory Services for Advanced Technology Environments
p: 212.759.6400/800.759.0577
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innodb_log_archive : should I activate it?

2004-08-16 Thread Duhaime Johanne
I have looked in the archive of the mailing list, to see if there was
any discussion on that, but I have not seen any message. 
I just install mysql 4.3.1 and I am wondering if I should archive the
In the documentation it is said about innodb_log_archive : This value
should currently be set to 0. As recovery from a backup is done by MySQL
using its own log files, there is currently no need to archive InnoDB
log files. The default value of this parameter is 0 .
I have 2 log files. Usually I prefer to use archiving (at least I do it
in Oracle) to be sure that records in the logfiles are not overwriten. I
know that the size of the logfile should prevent this but still I would
prefer. I am wondering why it is said that there is not need. 
Also I have looked for information about the checkpoint. Is it a time
dependant checkpoint or a size dependant. Can we modify the time or the
Thank you in advance for your help
Johanne Duhaime

Why VARCHAR TO CHAR automatically when the length less than 4.

2004-08-16 Thread Emi Lu
Hello all,
I have a questions about varchar columns change to CHAR columns 

When I designed a table t1
create table t1(id varchar(3) not null) in MySQL. After that, we use 
desc t1 to see the description of table t1.

The result is the following:
| Field | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id| char(3) | YES  | | NULL|   |
I did not understand why the varchar(3) is changed to char(3) 
automatically. While if we define a varchar(4) it will not change to 
char(4) automatically. Could somebody help and explain that please?

Thanks a lot!
Emi Lu

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Mysql 4.0.20(binary) Relay Log Purging not working

2004-08-16 Thread Joe Kislo
We just upgraded to MySQL 4.0.20 (binary), and we use replication to a
slave running the same.  We're having some difficulty deleting the relay
log files the slave creates.  I'm fairly confused, as the manual clearly
says we shouldn't be having this problem:

According to the MySQL manual:

Relay logs have the same format as binary logs, so you can use
mysqlbinlog to read them. A relay log is automatically deleted by the
SQL thread as soon as it has executed all its events and no longer needs
it). There is no explicit mechanism for deleting relay logs, because the
SQL thread takes care of doing so. However, from MySQL 4.0.14, FLUSH
LOGS rotates relay logs, which will influence when the SQL thread
deletes them. 

So, I've run Flush Logs on the slave, and it's created the next log file
in the sequence.  But the old ones still stay around indefinitely.  Even
after issuing stop slave/start slave.  I cannot find a command similar
to PURGE MASTER LOGS for the slave to purge logs on the slave.  Show
slave status shows the slave Relay_log_space increasing steadily even
after rotation.  The Exec_master_log_pos is in sync with the master,
meaning the old relay files are nolonger needed.

There is a feature in 4.1.1:

Disables or enables automatic purging of relay logs as soon as they are
not needed any more. The default value is 1 (enabled). This is a global
variable that can be changed dynamically with SET GLOBAL
relay_log_purge. This option is available as of MySQL 4.1.1.

Does that mean that log purging doesn't exist until 4.1.1, or that the
'option to turn it off' isn't available until 4.1.1?  If log purging
isn't available until the next major mysql release, how can I delete
these log files now?  Even if I delete them off disk, they are still
referenced in the 'relay-bin.index' file.  Presumably I'm not allowed to
update that file on a live slave...  



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RE: Which ports

2004-08-16 Thread Steve Poirier
This has to be the top lazy question of the year.

Do you know or ?

Mysql port

Steve Poirier


 -Original Message-
 From: Darryl Hoar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: August 16, 2004 1:02 PM
 Subject: Which ports
 I have Mysql installed on my freebsd box.  I want to be able 
 to access the database from the internet, but I need to allow 
 the ports used in my firewall.  What ports does mysql use ?
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2004-08-16 Thread Martin Gainty
My original concept to use group by was
GROUP BY(MajorColumnGroupIng...MinorColumnGrouping)
I am trying to be convinced that
GROUP BY(Minor..Major) will work just as well
Is there a difference???
Martin Gainty

Subject: Mysql 4.0.20(binary) Relay Log Purging not working
Date: 16 Aug 2004 16:27:31 -0400
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We just upgraded to MySQL 4.0.20 (binary), and we use replication to a
slave running the same.  We're having some difficulty deleting the relay
log files the slave creates.  I'm fairly confused, as the manual clearly
says we shouldn't be having this problem:
According to the MySQL manual:

Relay logs have the same format as binary logs, so you can use
mysqlbinlog to read them. A relay log is automatically deleted by the
SQL thread as soon as it has executed all its events and no longer needs
it). There is no explicit mechanism for deleting relay logs, because the
SQL thread takes care of doing so. However, from MySQL 4.0.14, FLUSH
LOGS rotates relay logs, which will influence when the SQL thread
deletes them.

So, I've run Flush Logs on the slave, and it's created the next log file
in the sequence.  But the old ones still stay around indefinitely.  Even
after issuing stop slave/start slave.  I cannot find a command similar
to PURGE MASTER LOGS for the slave to purge logs on the slave.  Show
slave status shows the slave Relay_log_space increasing steadily even
after rotation.  The Exec_master_log_pos is in sync with the master,
meaning the old relay files are nolonger needed.
There is a feature in 4.1.1:
Disables or enables automatic purging of relay logs as soon as they are
not needed any more. The default value is 1 (enabled). This is a global
variable that can be changed dynamically with SET GLOBAL
relay_log_purge. This option is available as of MySQL 4.1.1.
Does that mean that log purging doesn't exist until 4.1.1, or that the
'option to turn it off' isn't available until 4.1.1?  If log purging
isn't available until the next major mysql release, how can I delete
these log files now?  Even if I delete them off disk, they are still
referenced in the 'relay-bin.index' file.  Presumably I'm not allowed to
update that file on a live slave...

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RE: Which ports

2004-08-16 Thread Darryl Hoar
To all of those that provided the information,
thank you.  Next time I have a question, I will
do the research before bothering the list.


 -Original Message-
 From: Steve Poirier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 3:36 PM
 Subject: RE: Which ports
 This has to be the top lazy question of the year.
 Do you know or ?
 Mysql port
 Steve Poirier
  -Original Message-
  From: Darryl Hoar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: August 16, 2004 1:02 PM
  Subject: Which ports
  I have Mysql installed on my freebsd box.  I want to be able 
  to access the database from the internet, but I need to allow 
  the ports used in my firewall.  What ports does mysql use ?
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Query formation / index optimization?

2004-08-16 Thread Casey Allen Shobe

I am trying to create a query for the following scenario, that doesn't
take ages and ages to return.  Let's assume the following columns in an
events table:  user_name, event_type, event_time.

I want to select a count of all users which have more than 1 (2 or more)
entries in the event table that match event_type 'abc' or 'def' (but not
anything else).  I also need to say before an arbitrary time.

I have used PostgreSQL quite a lot, but I'm not sure how to most
efficiently form the query on MySQL.  The other question is about index
usage.  There is currently an index (which I see via show indexes from
events) on the user_name column,  but it is not being used when I type in
a query using that column (i.e. select count(*) from events where event =
'abc' group by user_name).

How do I describe just one index in MySQL to see the full details?

What is the best way to form this query (I am used to using PostgreSQL and

What indexes would be the most beneficial to the query suggestion?

Thank you for your time, any response appreciated.

Casey Allen Shobe  |
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  ICQ: 1494523  |  AIM: SomeLinuxGuy

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problem with xalan and mysql in same application (long list of er rors)

2004-08-16 Thread Wyles Eric - ewyles
Hi everyone,

I am working on an API wrapper that will use both MySQL and the Xalan xml

My versions are: (available at (available at
mysql 4.0.20 
windows 2000 professional service pack 4
microsoft visual c++ 6.0

The problem occurs when I include the mysql headers before the xalan
headers. It is easy enough to reverse them, but since I am working on an API
I cannot guarantee that my user will not include the mysql api before they
include my wrapper api. Can anyone help? Below I am listing a code snippet
that will compile, one that will not compile, and the errors that are
produced from the bad code snippet.

# The following code compiles with no problems # 

#include xalanc/XMLSupport/XMLSupportDefinitions.hpp
#include xalanc/XMLSupport/FormatterToXML.hpp
#include my_global.h
#include mysql.h
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
return 0;

# The following code will not compile # 

#include my_global.h
#include mysql.h
#include xalanc/XMLSupport/XMLSupportDefinitions.hpp
#include xalanc/XMLSupport/FormatterToXML.hpp
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
return 0;

# The following errors are produced by the 2nd set of code above #

Configuration: TestXML - Win32 Debug
Compiling... TestXML.cpp c:\program files\microsoft visual
studio\vc98\include\xutility(99) : error C2059: syntax error : 'end Parse'
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xutility(100) : error
C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '{' c:\program files\microsoft
visual studio\vc98\include\xutility(100) : error C2447: missing function
header (old-style formal list?) c:\program files\microsoft visual
studio\vc98\include\xstring(19) : error C2954: template definitions cannot
nest c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xstring(41) :
error C2065: '_Al' : undeclared identifier
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xstring(597) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::basic_string_E,_Tr,_A'
being compiled c:\program files\microsoft visual
studio\vc98\include\xstring(41) : error C2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert
from 'int' to 'class std::allocator'
The target type has no constructors
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xstring(597) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::basic_string_E,_Tr,_A'
being compiled c:\program files\microsoft visual
studio\vc98\include\xstring(41) : error C2056: illegal expression
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xstring(597) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::basic_string_E,_Tr,_A'
being compiled c:\program files\microsoft visual
studio\vc98\include\xstring(41) : error C2071:
'basic_string_E,_Tr,_A::basic_string_E,_Tr,_A' : illegal storage class
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xstring(597) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::basic_string_E,_Tr,_A'
being compiled c:\program files\microsoft visual
studio\vc98\include\xstring(41) : error C2461: 'basic_string_E,_Tr,_A' :
constructor syntax missing formal parameters
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xstring(597) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::basic_string_E,_Tr,_A'
being compiled c:\program files\microsoft visual
studio\vc98\include\xstring(42) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';'
before identifier 'basic_string'
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xstring(597) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::basic_string_E,_Tr,_A'
being compiled c:\program files\microsoft visual
studio\vc98\include\xstring(600) : error C2039: 'npos' : is not a member of
'basic_string_E,_Tr,_A' c:\program files\microsoft visual
studio\vc98\include\xstring(600) : error C2734: 'npos' : const object must
be initialized if not extern c:\program files\microsoft visual
studio\vc98\include\xstring(600) : error C2734: 'npos' : const object must
be initialized if not extern c:\program files\microsoft visual
studio\vc98\include\xstring(371) : error C2059: syntax error : '{'
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\stdexcept(29) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::basic_stringchar,struct
std::char_traitschar,class std::allocatorchar ' being compiled
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\xstring(371) : error
C2334: unexpected token(s) preceding '{'; skipping apparent function body
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\stdexcept(29) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::basic_stringchar,struct

Re: MySQL eats 100% CPU on a quad CPU system...

2004-08-16 Thread Justin Swanhart
Are you swapping?  Check vmstat and iostat

Are your queries optimized, are they doing full table scans?  Enable
the slow query log.

On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 14:48:35 +0200, Fahr o Mavastradioz
 Hello people,
 I'm currently configuring a quad CPU system as a standalone MySQL server.
 The machine runs nothing except for MySQL and some trivial things like SSH
 and iptables.
 A second server acts as a webserver and is connected to this one though an
 internal LAN connection.
 Using top or ps, it shows that MySQL eats over 99% of all the available CPU.
 Using slmon, it shows that indeed all 4 CPUs are fully in use. Still, it
 appears to be terribly slow and I don't think MySQL should eat over 99% CPU
 on a quad CPU system...
 The machine runs mysqld 4.0.18 on Debian Sarge. A stripped down my.cnf is
 included below (I merely removed the comments).
 Could anyone tell me what can cause this problem?
 - Fahr
 port= 3306
 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
 err-log = /var/log/mysql/mysql.err
 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
 open_files_limit = 8192
 user= mysql
 pid-file= /var/run/mysqld/
 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
 port= 3306
 basedir = /usr
 datadir = /var/lib/mysql
 tmpdir  = /tmp
 language= /usr/share/mysql/english
 thread_stack= 128K
 max_connections = 500
 key_buffer  = 150M
 myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M
 join_buffer_size  = 1M
 read_buffer_size  = 1M
 sort_buffer_size  = 1M
 table_cache   = 1500
 thread_cache_size = 128
 wait_timeout  = 14400
 connect_timeout   = 10
 max_allowed_packet = 16M
 max_connect_errors = 10
 query_cache_limit  = 1M
 query_cache_size   = 32M
 query_cache_type   = 1
 max_allowed_packet  = 16M
 key_buffer = 64M
 sort_buffer = 64M
 read_buffer = 16M
 write_buffer = 16M
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RE: MySQL eats 100% CPU on a quad CPU system...

2004-08-16 Thread Tinley, Jeremy
I use memlock to ensure it stays in memory.  More than likely it's table
optimization.  EXPLAIN and SHOW INDEXES will likely help you once you
turn slow query logging on.


-Original Message-
From: Justin Swanhart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 3:24 PM
Subject: Re: MySQL eats 100% CPU on a quad CPU system...

Are you swapping?  Check vmstat and iostat

Are your queries optimized, are they doing full table scans?  Enable
the slow query log.

On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 14:48:35 +0200, Fahr o Mavastradioz
 Hello people,
 I'm currently configuring a quad CPU system as a standalone MySQL
 The machine runs nothing except for MySQL and some trivial things like
 and iptables.
 A second server acts as a webserver and is connected to this one
though an
 internal LAN connection.
 Using top or ps, it shows that MySQL eats over 99% of all the
available CPU.
 Using slmon, it shows that indeed all 4 CPUs are fully in use. Still,
 appears to be terribly slow and I don't think MySQL should eat over
99% CPU
 on a quad CPU system...
 The machine runs mysqld 4.0.18 on Debian Sarge. A stripped down my.cnf
 included below (I merely removed the comments).
 Could anyone tell me what can cause this problem?
 - Fahr
 port= 3306
 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
 err-log = /var/log/mysql/mysql.err
 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
 open_files_limit = 8192
 user= mysql
 pid-file= /var/run/mysqld/
 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
 port= 3306
 basedir = /usr
 datadir = /var/lib/mysql
 tmpdir  = /tmp
 language= /usr/share/mysql/english
 thread_stack= 128K
 max_connections = 500
 key_buffer  = 150M
 myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M
 join_buffer_size  = 1M
 read_buffer_size  = 1M
 sort_buffer_size  = 1M
 table_cache   = 1500
 thread_cache_size = 128
 wait_timeout  = 14400
 connect_timeout   = 10
 max_allowed_packet = 16M
 max_connect_errors = 10
 query_cache_limit  = 1M
 query_cache_size   = 32M
 query_cache_type   = 1
 max_allowed_packet  = 16M
 key_buffer = 64M
 sort_buffer = 64M
 read_buffer = 16M
 write_buffer = 16M
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RE: Why VARCHAR TO CHAR automatically when the length less th an 4.

2004-08-16 Thread Victor Pendleton
This is described here: The table is
created as a fixed table format.

-Original Message-
From: Emi Lu
Sent: 8/16/04 3:20 PM
Subject: Why VARCHAR TO CHAR automatically when the length less than 4.

Hello all,

I have a questions about varchar columns change to CHAR columns 

When I designed a table t1

create table t1(id varchar(3) not null) in MySQL. After that, we use 
desc t1 to see the description of table t1.

The result is the following:
| Field | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id| char(3) | YES  | | NULL|   |

I did not understand why the varchar(3) is changed to char(3) 
automatically. While if we define a varchar(4) it will not change to 
char(4) automatically. Could somebody help and explain that please?

Thanks a lot!
Emi Lu

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Full text for keyword(s) search?

2004-08-16 Thread Eve Atley

If I want to search for a word (or multiple words) in a field on one table,
searching through at least a thousand records (and growing daily), should I
be using full text or something else to make this search faster? I'm using
MySQL 3.23.58.


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RE: Kernel panic when mysql stop command issued

2004-08-16 Thread Donny Simonton
I know that 2.6.7 works just fine with MySQL 4.0.20.  I don't use Max


 -Original Message-
 From: Jeremy Zawodny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 12:11 AM
 To: Demetrios Stavrinos
 Subject: Re: Kernel panic when mysql stop command issued
 On Sat, Aug 14, 2004 at 03:01:06PM -0700, Demetrios Stavrinos wrote:
  Kernel panic: Fatal exception in interrupt...In Interrupt handler - not
  message appears when the mysql-max stop is issued. Other than that
  works. I changed hardware (everything new) and re-installed Linux and
  and upgraded to latest 2.6.3 from mdk (It was happening with the
  2.6.3 also). Problem is repeatable 4 out of 5 tries.
  Linux 2.6.3-15mdkenterprise #1 SMP Fri Jul 2 20:07:05
  mysql MySQL-Max-4.0.20-3mdk.
  Has any one heard or seen anything like it?
 Try a different kernel.  If MySQL is able to screw with the kernel,
 it's a kernel bug--or a weird hardware problem manifesting itself as
 Jeremy D. Zawodny |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!
 [book] High Performance MySQL --
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Weird behavior on varchar fields

2004-08-16 Thread Oropeza Querejeta, Alejandro
I have one table that is presenting strange behaviour, we set the
varchar field for not allow nulls so, on 5% of the records   the
application is inserting blanks but when we select the value and we set
the condition = it returns the same asand.
Even, we tried to set the field into the primary key to try to correct
this, but is the same.
We double check on the application and we have a lot of validation code
to avoid this problem. Does anyone have any clue about it?
Best Regards

Migration tools/plan from oracle 7.3 to Mysql 4.0

2004-08-16 Thread lakshmi.narasimharao

 I am new to MySql. Could you please let me know the different migration tools 
avialable for the migration of oracle 7.3 database to mysql 4.0 classic version. Out 
of those which one is the best in performance and cost wise. As per my knowledge 
views, stored procedures and triggers are not supported in MySql 4.0. Is it correct?. 
If so, what are all the alternatives for converting the views, stored procedures and 
triggers in oracle 7.3 to MySql 4.0. I will be very happy for  giving me a very good 
explanation on this.

-Original Message- 
From: Bob Afifi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Mon 8/16/2004 10:13 PM 
Subject: Update MySQL row using URL link?

I currently update MySQL rows using phpMyAdmin.
For example, dropping the following into the
phpMyAdmin GUI:

UPDATE mysql_db SET publish = 1 WHERE Date =
'Sunday, August 15, 2004 21:04:32'

Since I get the update info in an e-mail send
whenever the form is submitted, I'd like to turn
querys like the above encoded into a URL -
bypassing phpMyAdmin - which when clicked, will
update the row.

I found this article last night: Make SQL
Queries over HTTP with XML with VS.NET 

SELECT CustomerId, CompanyName FROM Customer



The above looks very much like what I have in
mind, but for MySQL.  Anybody know how to do

Many thanks in advance,


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