RE: inserting null to not null columns

2004-09-22 Thread Thomas Lundström
Hi Donna,

You have to include the column `type` in the SQL-statement, otherwise the
not specified column will have its indirect null translated to an empty
string or 0 (for strings/numeric).

A bug or a feature? Actually I've used it as a feature sometimes when using
MySQL to move large amount of dirty data between different systems.

Be careful when not including NOT NULL columns in your inserts...

To get around the problem and get more background info, read:

Thomas Lundström, Ongame E-Solutions AB

-Original Message-
From: Donna Hinshaw [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: den 21 september 2004 21:07
Subject: inserting null to not null columns

Hi folks:

I have an InnoDB database, the tables created using MySQL Control Center 
0.9.4-beta (winXP pro platform).
Each table has some columns which I have checked as Nulls Allowed. 

I am building a pure Java GUI to the database. Got the SQL statements 
working fine, but have
discovered that I can successfully insert rows into a table without 
including a value for a column
which should be blocking nulls.

Table A

id (PK, auto increment)
ssn   ( nulls allowed specified)
== name and type do not have nulls allowed specified, so I think they 
should be NOT NULL.
  they also have no default specified.

insert into A (id,name,ssn)
values (NULL,Jane,9)

this statement works fine, but I think it should give me an error by 
saying that I'm trying to
insert a row without providing a value for the   type   column (which 
has no default specified).
Looking at the create statement for the tables, MySQL Control Center has 
supplied defaults
of blanks...can I turn off that preference ?

using MySQL 4.0.18

Can anyone provide clarification?

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Unable top drop table, error 1051

2004-09-22 Thread Markus Fischer
I've a problem that I can't drop a certain table, always get back the error unknown 
Version: 4.0.21 (Debian Testing)
Table-Type: InnoDB
mysql show tables;
| produkt_kategorie|
mysql drop table produkt_kategorie;
ERROR 1051: Unknown table 'produkt_kategorie'
The ownerships/permission seem right to me too:
-rw-rw  1 mysql mysql 8670 Sep 21 11:23 produkt_kategorie.frm
mysql describe produkt_kategorie;
| Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| pk_id| int(10) unsigned |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| pk_pt_id_typ | int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   ||
| pk_kategorie | varchar(255) | YES  | | NULL||
| pk_sortid| int(10) unsigned | YES  | | NULL||
pk_pt_id_typ is from a 1:n relation to the table produktkategorie_typ.
I do the operation as user 'root' which has all access-rights.
When I view the table in phpmyadmin (using 2.5.7pl1) I also see this additional 
InnoDB free: 44032 kB; (`pk_pt_id_typ`) REFER `produktkategorie_typ`(`pt_id`) ON 
I've used DbDesigner4 to design the table and then use the synchronisation feature to 
create the tables in the database.
I'm using a 1:n relation from another table, produktkategorie_typ, to this table. I've 
created the Reference Definitions, but yet haven't assigned any actions (thus there's 
NO ACTION defined as seen above).
I believe it has to do with the relation/reference definitions from InnoDB, so to me 
the message seems missleading.
The only way for me to drop the table is to completely drop the database and recreate.
thanks for any hints
- Markus
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Choosing the correct my.cnf

2004-09-22 Thread Jonas Ladenfors
Hello, I have two installations of mysql on my computer a stable 4.x version
and the aplha 5.x version. I want to use a separate my.cnf file for my 5.x
version. But as soon as I start the mysqld_safe it tries to read /etc/my.cnf
which belongs to my 4.x server. This ofcourse is not what I want. I have
placed the my.cnf in the root directory of my mysql5 directory
(/usr/local/mysql5/my.cnf) but I dont know how to force mysqld_safe to read
that file and not the one in /etc/my.cnf.

Could someone give my a solution on how to fix this?

Thanks in advance

Jonas Ladenfors
Software engineer
Neuronova AB
Fiskartorps vägen 15
+46 8 786 09 26
+46 73 624 33 89

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Re: Select with normalized table

2004-09-22 Thread Philippe Poelvoorde
Johan Pettersson wrote:
Hi Philippe,
how about this:
SELECTstrategyid, COUNT(marketid) cnt
WHERE marketid in(selected markets here)
GROUP BY strategyid
The resultset should contain the best matches, in descending order. To 
find strategies that contains all markets (but that may contain others) 
you could use:

SELECTstrategyid, COUNT(marketid) cnt
WHERE marketid in(selected markets here)
GROUP BY strategyid
HAVING cnt = number of selected markets
If you reverse the key-order in the primary key of strategies_markets, 
this baby should really fly.

To enable the foreign key, I had to add an INDEX on this.
The query works fine, but I can't get only one strategy with it. I'll go 
for the first solution, I hope it won't lag with 8-leg strategy on a 
wide table...

Philippe Poelvoorde
COS Trading Ltd.
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RE: MySQL 4.1.5 has been released

2004-09-22 Thread Prafulla Girgaonkar
Hi Lenz

I could not download it. When I click on DOWNLOAD link, it takes me to some strange 


-Original Message-
From: Lenz Grimmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 10:37 PM
Subject: MySQL 4.1.5 has been released

Hash: SHA1


MySQL 4.1.5, a new version of the popular Open Source/Free Software 
Database Management System, has been released. It is now available in 
source and binary form for a number of platforms from our download pages 
at and mirror sites.

Note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point in time -
if you can't find this version on some mirror, please try again later or
choose another download site.

This is the second 4.1 gamma release, mainly fixing recently discovered
bugs in preparation for the upcoming production release.

Please refer to our bug database at for more
details about the individual bugs fixed in this version.

News from the ChangeLog:

Functionality added or changed:

  * The Windows Installer packages are now making use of the Windows
Installer (MSI) and include a new MySQL Server Instance Configuration
Wizard that can be used to easily generate an optimized server
configuration and to apply core security settings.
  * InnoDB: Added configuration option innodb_autoextend_increment for
setting the size in megabytes by which InnoDB tablespaces are
extended when they become full. The default value is 8,
corresponding to the fixed increment of 8MB in previous versions
of MySQL.

Bugs fixed:
  * Fixed name resolving of external fields of subqueries if subquery
placed in select list of query with grouping. (Bug #5326)
  * Fixed detection of using same table for updating and selecting in
multi-update queries. (Bug #5455)
  * The values of the max_sort_length, sql_mode, and
group_concat_max_len system variables now are stored in the query
cache with other query information to avoid returning an incorrect
result from the query cache. (Bug #5394) (Bug #5515)
  * Fixed syntax analyzer with sql_mode=IGNORE_SPACE. It happened to
take phrases like default .07 as identifier.identifier. (Bug
  * Fixed illegal internal field length of user variables of integer
type. This showed up when creating a table as select @variable.
(Bug #4788)
  * Fixed a buffer overflow in prepared statements API
(libmysqlclient) when a statement containing thousands of
placeholders was executed. (Bug #5194)
  * Fixed a bug in the server when after reaching a certain limit of
prepared statements per connection (97), statement ids began to
overlap, so occasionally wrong statements were chosen for
execution. (Bug #5399)
  * Fixed a bug in prepared statements when LIKE used with arguments
in different character sets crashed server on first execute. (Bug
  * Fixed a bug in prepared statements when providing '-00-00'
date to a parameter lead to server crash. (Bug #4231, Bug #4562)
  * Fixed a bug in OPTIMIZE TABLE that could cause table corruption on
FULLTEXT indexes. (Bug #5327)
  * InnoDB: Fixed a bug that InnoDB only allowed a maximum of 1000
connections inside InnoDB at the same time. A higher number could
cause an assertion failure in sync0arr.c, line 384. Now we allow
1000, 1, or 5, depending on the buffer pool size. (Bug

- -- 
  Lenz Grimmer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Senior Production Engineer
  MySQL GmbH,
  Hamburg, Germany
Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: Custom Auto-Increment Problem

2004-09-22 Thread Harald Fuchs
Dan Tappin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Shawn,
 First off thanks for the tip.  I had read that page once already but after reading 
 twice again after your post I realized that the
 answer was right there.  Wrapping that concept around my brain really hurt but I get 
 it now.

 I had this:

 CREATE TABLE projects
 id int auto_increment,
 id_project int,
 id _client,

 When I should have this:

 CREATE TABLE projects
 id int auto_increment,
 id_client int,
 PRIMARY KEY (id_client, id)

I would not do that since it's absolutely nonstandard and works only
with MyISAM tables.  Apparently id_clientkey is the number of records
with the same id_client and smaller ids.  This can be easily
calculated on the fly and thus should not be stored in the table.

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Having rows or fields that can't be modified once entered.

2004-09-22 Thread Jesse W. Asher
I was wondering if there was some builtin mechanism I could use to 
ensure that a field or row in my database could not be altered after it 
was initially inserted.  Is there anything in the database that would 
allow this type of functionality?  Thanks!!

Jesse W. Asher

Re: Secure logon from

2004-09-22 Thread Ian Gibbons
On 21 Sep 2004 at 10:14, Thomas Trutt wrote:

 Hello all,
  Ok i know this may be a simple question but i need a little help. 
 I am writing a program in that uses MySQL as a backend. My net admin 
 wants the log on to be encrypted??
 This is currently how i am connecting:
  Public LocalSYS As New OdbcConnection(DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 
 Driver};  _
 SERVER=;  _
 UID=User;  _
 PASSWORD=Password;  _
 As you can see its a public variable that i have declared so that i don't 
 have to continuously add it for every form in the program.. So the question 
 i have is how do i change this so that it is encrypted??? Any ideas and 
 suggestions would be greatly appreciated..
 Many thanks,
 Tom T 

Hi Tom,

There is nothing you can do to encyrpt the password *within* you program, a 
determined hacker will be able to decompile your program and get the username / 
password if they have access to it.

If the potential hackers are on your network and can sniff traffic between your client 
and the server, then you need to use some sort of SSL connection.

Seeing as you are using I am assuming your program runs on windows.

So far I have not seen a SSL aware windows MySQL client.  You can compile one 
yourself, but this doesn't seem to be an easy route.

The best option I can think of is to install stunnel ( ) on the 
server and the client systems. ( It is available for both unix/linux and windows ).

This will SSL encyrpt all traffic on the designated ports between the client and 
server, you can also set it to only accept connections with the right client 

I have succesfully used this setup in production systems. 

You will have to modify your MySQL user settings so that the host is *localhost*.

Hope this helps



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Re: Having rows or fields that can't be modified once entered.

2004-09-22 Thread Rhino

- Original Message - 
From: Jesse W. Asher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 6:34 AM
Subject: Having rows or fields that can't be modified once entered.

 I was wondering if there was some builtin mechanism I could use to
 ensure that a field or row in my database could not be altered after it
 was initially inserted.  Is there anything in the database that would
 allow this type of functionality?  Thanks!!

Have a look at the GRANT statement at

As long as no one is given any Insert, Update, or Delete privilege on the
table, your table should be safe against changes.

Important note: The 'ALL' privilege will give the Insert, Update, and Delete
privileges - and others - to your users so be sure you haven't granted
Insert, Update, or Delete explicitly to anyone at either the table or column
level, and be sure you haven't granted All to anyone explicitly and you
should achieve the desired effect.


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Often see threads in the end state taking too much time

2004-09-22 Thread Michael K


We're having some locking problems with our vBulletin 3.0 forum.
Snapshots of mysql process list show that some simple queries linger too
much in the end state, locking subsequent updates:

Id  UserHostdb  Command TimeState   Info
33753   rcgroups12.34.56.78:56520   forums  Query   7   end UPDATE
session\n\t\tSET useragent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows
NT 5.0)', lastactivity = 1095853377, styleid = 0, bypass = 0\n\t\t
,inforum = 129, inthread = 151687, incalendar = 0, badlocation = 0\n\t\t
WHERE sessionhash = 'b71a2c3f73f507e4cd548efedb836887'

session table is a simple HEAP table which usually holds 2500-3500
records at the peak time:
CREATE TABLE `session`
  `sessionhash` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `userid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `host` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
  `useragent` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `lastactivity` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `location` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `styleid` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `althash` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `badlocation` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `inforum` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `inthread` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `incalendar` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `loggedin` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `idhash` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `bypass` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`sessionhash`),
  KEY `userid` (`userid`),
  KEY `location` (`location`),
  KEY `lastactivity` (`lastactivity`)

IMHO 7 seconds is a bit too much for a simple UPDATE on primary key. DB
server (dual 2.4GHz Xeon Redhat9 box with 2G of RAM) load average is
rarely going over 0.8. Swapping is minimal. Disk IO activity is well
within acceptable bounds, with peak rate of 1Mb/sec. Mysql is 4.0.21
installed from official's RPMs.

Any other ideas what's going on here? Documentation on possible thread
states seems a bit outdated, as it doesn't even include end and
statistics states (which is another one we're seeing often).

my.cnf follows:

query_cache_limit = 512K
query_cache_size = 48M
query_cache_type = 1
... replication setup directives skipped ...

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Re: Having rows or fields that can't be modified once entered.

2004-09-22 Thread Jigal van Hemert
 I was wondering if there was some builtin mechanism I could use to
 ensure that a field or row in my database could not be altered after it
 was initially inserted.  Is there anything in the database that would
 allow this type of functionality?  Thanks!!

You can give a user certain rights to do things with certain databases or
tables. You cannot set the rights for a limited number of rows however.
Take a look at

If you do not GRANT (or if you REVOKE) the rights for this particular user
to DELETE or UPDATE the table he/she can only insert new data and select
things (and all other things he/she has the rights for). It's good practise
to only grant the rights to a user he/she needs to do.
For use with (web) applications it's also better to create a new user for
that purpose and grant the necessary right.

Regards, Jigal.

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WinMySqladmin Question

2004-09-22 Thread Michael McQuade
Can anyone here tell me,   what does it mean when a process when a Process goes into 
Sleep State.  I see this under the Process tap in the WiN Mysql 
administrator..   Seems each time I open my database in a program,  after it 
executes and I close it,  I have a Process in Sleep mode.   any help would be 
appreciated here.
Thank you

Grouping based on state changes

2004-09-22 Thread mads
I have the following table definition for time series data:

ID (int)  time (DATETIME)state  (int)value (int)

I want to make a state based grouping and calculate the mean of
each grouping. The state based grouping should be done by creating a new
group whenever the state changes, from one point in time to another.

To explain what I mean I have made a small example:

ID  time   state  value
1   2004-01-01 00:00   0  5
2   2004-01-01 00:02   0  3
3   2004-01-01 00:04   1  7
4   2004-01-01 00:07   1  9
5   2004-01-01 00:08   1  2
6   2004-01-01 00:10   0  2
7   2004-01-01 00:12   0  1
8   2004-01-01 00:13   2  2
9   2004-01-01 00:14   2  4
10  2004-01-01 00:15   2  2

The grouping for the above table would then be: (1,2);
(3,4,5); (6,7); (8,9,10), as the state changed at ID 3, 6, and 8.

How do express a select statement in SQL which gives me the mean of each


Mads Lindstrøm

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Query Error Log

2004-09-22 Thread Timur Sakayev
Is there any way to find log of queries that returned errors. Syntax
errors or column not found, for example? 
The General Log simply logs the query without giving any information as
to whether the query was successful or not
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,

Re: Grouping based on state changes

2004-09-22 Thread Michael Stassen
  SELECT state, AVG(value) FROM yourtable GROUP BY state;
See the manual for all the details

I have the following table definition for time series data:
ID (int)  time (DATETIME)state  (int)value (int)
I want to make a state based grouping and calculate the mean of
each grouping. The state based grouping should be done by creating a new
group whenever the state changes, from one point in time to another.
To explain what I mean I have made a small example:
ID  time   state  value
1   2004-01-01 00:00   0  5
2   2004-01-01 00:02   0  3
3   2004-01-01 00:04   1  7
4   2004-01-01 00:07   1  9
5   2004-01-01 00:08   1  2
6   2004-01-01 00:10   0  2
7   2004-01-01 00:12   0  1
8   2004-01-01 00:13   2  2
9   2004-01-01 00:14   2  4
10  2004-01-01 00:15   2  2
The grouping for the above table would then be: (1,2);
(3,4,5); (6,7); (8,9,10), as the state changed at ID 3, 6, and 8.
How do express a select statement in SQL which gives me the mean of each
Mads Lindstrøm

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Re: Secure logon from

2004-09-22 Thread Thomas Trutt
Thank you so much joe..
You have actually have been a great help...
Again thank you so much for your help,
Tom T
At 04:44 PM 9/21/2004, you wrote:
Because the db is lower than version 4 and doesn't support secure 
connections, unless the db is on the same box as the web server, then 
connection strings are already being passed between your web servers and 
the db accross the local network using clear text and those connection 
strings are probably more fruitfull targets for internal student hackers 
than yours would be.  So it sounds to me like like your Net Admin is 
putting an impossible requirement on your application that is not required 
for apps using more critical data. I don't see a way that you can secure 
your connection string as it is sent accross the local network unless they 
upgrade the db to a version that supports secure connections.

Sorry I can't be of more help.
Best Regards,
Thomas Trutt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Joe,
My understanding is, and please don't quite me on this one, is
that it is a shared server.. If i'm right the server that my db will be
running on also houses some large db's for our web services, here at
Cornell. The data I'm holding is actually very, very low security, its tick
marks, but it is also the only database being accessed by an outside
client.. The program i wrote is a desktop application that the user can
record tick marks for when they are asked different types of questions at
the refrence and computer operators desk here in the Library. It also
stores Invoice transactions but there is no CC or payment information
stored or used in the actual program. I think what my Net Admins concern is
that someone may get access to my user name and password and somehow gain
access to the server as a whole, even though the user name and password
only has INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE,, and READ, access to my DB.. But i do know
that our servers are usually a nice target for hackers, ie bored computer
Science majors.. :o)
Again many thanks,
Tom T
At 04:00 PM 9/21/2004, you wrote:

It looks like SSL/SSH are only available as of MySQL 4 or higher.
Is your Net Admin really worried about eaves dropping of packets on the
local network. It must be very sensitive data. If you already have a MySQL
database on your network that is lower version than 4 then how do the
other apps connect to it securely? Or is your app the only one that needs
this level of security and other app can transmit to the db in clear text?

Joe Audette

Thomas Trutt wrote:

Actually it is the transmission connection string he is worried
about. I might have to go with an SSL connection and go from there.. The
problems being that I'm not sure what software i have available to me on
the server and what software i can add to the client machines..

this might be another simple question but with SSL can i have 5-6 machines
all connected to the same server with the same user id being used??
Unfortunately I'm new to SSL..

Many thanks,

Tom T

At 03:31 PM 9/21/2004, you wrote:
 Are you sure that encrypting the connection string is what your network
 admin means?
 When I hear someone say they want the logon encrypted I would think they
 mean store the password of a user encrypted in the db. That is, the
 application requires the user to logon and user info is stored in the db
 to logon against. When the user enters a username and password the
 password is encrypted and compared to an encrypted password in the db to
 validate the user.
 I think you can use ssl to encrypt all communication between your app and
 the database but I don't know of a way to pass an encrypted connection
 string and have the db decrypt it before it makes a connection. My
 ignorance doesn't mean its not possible so maybe someone else can suggest
 If the idea is to prevent someone from seeing your code and learning a db
 logon I guess you could store the connection string encrypted in a config
 file for your app then decrypt it before you connect. You'd have to use an
 encryption that can be decrypted with a key.
 Checkout the System.Security.Cryptography.DESCryptoServiceProvider class
 Hope that helps,
 Joe Audette
 Thomas Trutt wrote:
 Hello all,
 Ok i know this may be a simple question but i need a little help.
 I am writing a program in that uses MySQL as a backend. My net 
 wants the log on to be encrypted??
 This is currently how i am connecting:
 Public LocalSYS As New OdbcConnection(DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51
 Driver};  _
 SERVER=;  _
 UID=User;  _
 PASSWORD=Password;  _
 As you can see its a public variable that i have declared so that i don't
 have to continuously add it for every form in the program.. So the 
 i have is how do i change this so that it is encrypted??? Any ideas and
 suggestions would be greatly appreciated..
 Many thanks,

Re: Choosing the correct my.cnf

2004-09-22 Thread Michael Stassen
/etc/my.cnf is the *global* configuration file.  Settings for a specific 
mysql server do not belong there.  Server-specific settings go in that 
server's data directory.  This is described in the manual and

Jonas Ladenfors wrote:
Hello, I have two installations of mysql on my computer a stable 4.x version
and the aplha 5.x version. I want to use a separate my.cnf file for my 5.x
version. But as soon as I start the mysqld_safe it tries to read /etc/my.cnf
which belongs to my 4.x server. This of course is not what I want. I have
placed the my.cnf in the root directory of my mysql5 directory
(/usr/local/mysql5/my.cnf) but I dont know how to force mysqld_safe to read
that file and not the one in /etc/my.cnf.
Could someone give my a solution on how to fix this?
Thanks in advance
Jonas Ladenfors
Software engineer
Neuronova AB
Fiskartorps vägen 15
+46 8 786 09 26
+46 73 624 33 89

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Where and or ...ughhh!

2004-09-22 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I'm back, trying to figure my way through a somewhat
confusing set of conditons.
Sort of doing a sanity check here.
First explanation:
I've put together a search (the database) form that
has 6 inputs.
Just to clarify, the fields are 

The idea is that a user can choose one , two or all
fields to put criteria into.  Regardless, whichever
one they choose , there should be a records return. 
More criteria of course adds more refinement.

Right now I only have 4 of the 6 fields rigged for
action- JobTitle, Start, Industry and State.
I half see what's going on, but unclear on how to set
it all up.
So right now, since Title and Start are divided by an
OR, if I chose both, then there is not refinement, I
get records that meet both criteria , not both
criteria combined , savvy ?
Industry is sort of seperate right now, and State can
be combined with industry to refine the results to
match up all industries within whatever particular

I guess ultimately I need a very long series of OR's
and AND's but not sure if there is something neater
and then operator precedence in a series of AND's and
OR's would probably throw me.  At least I think so.

ALright, so Im sure this is one of my inance babbles
again, but if anyone can decipher my cry for
assistance, feedback, morsels of wisdom and knowledge,
I'm listening.


where JobTitle like '%{s_JobTitle}%'
PostStart = DATE_SUB(CurDate(), Interval
({s_PostStart}) day )
$VendorJobs-ds-SQL.=  OR (`VendorJobs`.Industry IN
$VendorJobs-ds-SQL.=  AND
(`VendorJobs`.LocationState IN (.$Projs.));

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Re: Grouping based on state changes

2004-09-22 Thread SGreen
I think all you need is a GROUP BY. Here is a tutorial sample from the 

Here is page that describes the full SELECT syntax, including GROUP BY

And here are all of the other functions you can use with GROUP BY

Just guessing but your query should look something like:

select state
, avg(value) as mean
, count(value) as population
, std(value) as std_deviation
, variance(value) as variance
from timeseries_data_table
group by state

Uh- OH I just re-read your example and realized that I had the 
situation wrong. The second set of state=0 records would be grouped in 
with the first pair. Without some other means of differentiating one group 
of state values from another group __by the data__ and not __by their 
position__, SQL cannot accomplish what you want.  The second pair of 
state=0 records is different from the first pair only because the records 
before them had a different state value (state=1). SQL is not meant to 
process information in this type of linear fashion. A cursor-based query 
_may_  be available to you IF you are running the bleeding edge MySQL 
server (5.x+).  I don't run that version so I can't tell you what's 
working yet and what isn't. 

IMHO, I believe you will need to script a solution that scrolls through 
the records in sequence in order to detect the change in state and compute 
each group's statistics on the fly.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 09/22/2004 07:48:45 AM:

 I have the following table definition for time series data:
 ID (int)  time (DATETIME)state  (int)value (int)
 I want to make a state based grouping and calculate the mean of
 each grouping. The state based grouping should be done by creating a new
 group whenever the state changes, from one point in time to another.
 To explain what I mean I have made a small example:
 ID  time   state  value
 1   2004-01-01 00:00   0  5
 2   2004-01-01 00:02   0  3
 3   2004-01-01 00:04   1  7
 4   2004-01-01 00:07   1  9
 5   2004-01-01 00:08   1  2
 6   2004-01-01 00:10   0  2
 7   2004-01-01 00:12   0  1
 8   2004-01-01 00:13   2  2
 9   2004-01-01 00:14   2  4
 10  2004-01-01 00:15   2  2
 The grouping for the above table would then be: (1,2);
 (3,4,5); (6,7); (8,9,10), as the state changed at ID 3, 6, and 8.
 How do express a select statement in SQL which gives me the mean of each
 Mads Lindstrøm
 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Choosing the option file

2004-09-22 Thread lakshmi.narasimharao

 Actually i want mysql 4.0 classic version which donot support innodb engine. 
As classic version is a commercial base one, i installed the mysql 4.0 standard one 
(which includes innodb). Here my problem is , i have to inactivate the innodb engine. 
For that what we need to do is 
From MySQL 4.0 on, the InnoDB storage engine is enabled by default. If you don't want 
to use InnoDB tables, you can add the skip-innodb option to your MySQL option file. 
but my problem is how to find out the MySQL option file, and in that how to add that 
skip-innodb option.
Please advise me in this asap.


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RE: Custom Auto-Increment Problem

2004-09-22 Thread Dan Tappin
Actually it's not a total and can't be calculated.

The idea is that as users (with individual id_client keys) add rows the id of the row 
is auto incremented for their key only.

If user A adds 3 rows:

id  id_client
1   A
2   A
3   A

and then user B adds 2 rows

id  id_client
1   A
2   A
3   A
1   B
2   B

I am not looking for a sum of each client's records... that's an easy query... I need 
the auto incremental id's for each client.

Dan T

 -Original Message-
 From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Harald Fuchs
 Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 3:24 AM
 Subject: Re: Custom Auto-Increment Problem

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Dan Tappin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Hi Shawn,
  First off thanks for the tip.  I had read that page once already but after reading 
  twice again after your post I
 realized that the
  answer was right there.  Wrapping that concept around my brain really hurt but I 
  get it now.

  I had this:

  CREATE TABLE projects
  id int auto_increment,
  id_project int,
  id _client,

  When I should have this:

  CREATE TABLE projects
  id int auto_increment,
  id_client int,
  PRIMARY KEY (id_client, id)

 I would not do that since it's absolutely nonstandard and works only
 with MyISAM tables.  Apparently id_clientkey is the number of records
 with the same id_client and smaller ids.  This can be easily
 calculated on the fly and thus should not be stored in the table.

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Re: Where and or ...ughhh!

2004-09-22 Thread SGreen
Hi Stuart,

Getting your brains warped by logical statements, eh? 

If I remember correctly AND has precedence over OR.  That means that the 
statement A or B and C  evaluates to A or (B and C)  which means that 
the statement will be true if A is true or if both B and C are true.

Because of this precedence issue, you need to use parentheses to specify a 
new order of evaluation. This phrase, (A or B) AND C will be true only 
if either A or B is true at the same time that C is also true. That is a 
much different meaning than if the same statement were written without 

Basically OR adds records to your results (less restrictive), AND takes 
them away (more restrictive).

The easiest place to deal with the widely different request of your users 
is in your input processing script.  Use your scripting language to build 
an appropriate query based on the options they provide. No single SQL 
statement will handle BOTH every combination of user input AND process 
quickly.  You should build custom WHERE clauses based on your user's 
input. This is definitely NOT a one-size-fits-all situation.

Remember to use parentheses. When in doubt, spell it out. Don't make the 
query engine read your mind. 

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 09/22/2004 09:46:46 AM:

 I'm back, trying to figure my way through a somewhat
 confusing set of conditons.
 Sort of doing a sanity check here.
 First explanation:
 I've put together a search (the database) form that
 has 6 inputs.
 Just to clarify, the fields are 
 The idea is that a user can choose one , two or all
 fields to put criteria into.  Regardless, whichever
 one they choose , there should be a records return. 
 More criteria of course adds more refinement.
 Right now I only have 4 of the 6 fields rigged for
 action- JobTitle, Start, Industry and State.
 I half see what's going on, but unclear on how to set
 it all up.
 So right now, since Title and Start are divided by an
 OR, if I chose both, then there is not refinement, I
 get records that meet both criteria , not both
 criteria combined , savvy ?
 Industry is sort of seperate right now, and State can
 be combined with industry to refine the results to
 match up all industries within whatever particular
 I guess ultimately I need a very long series of OR's
 and AND's but not sure if there is something neater
 and then operator precedence in a series of AND's and
 OR's would probably throw me.  At least I think so.
 ALright, so Im sure this is one of my inance babbles
 again, but if anyone can decipher my cry for
 assistance, feedback, morsels of wisdom and knowledge,
 I'm listening.
 where JobTitle like '%{s_JobTitle}%'
 PostStart = DATE_SUB(CurDate(), Interval
 ({s_PostStart}) day )
 $VendorJobs-ds-SQL.=  OR (`VendorJobs`.Industry IN
 $VendorJobs-ds-SQL.=  AND
 (`VendorJobs`.LocationState IN (.$Projs.));
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Re: Where and or ...ughhh!

2004-09-22 Thread Stuart Felenstein
My brain is warped by web development in general ;)

Thanks for your response.  After I sent this , I got
an email from the PHP list, with a good chunk of code
to show how it's done. Yes, scripting is the only way
for this type of query.

Thank you for the response.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Stuart,
 Getting your brains warped by logical statements,
 If I remember correctly AND has precedence over OR. 
 That means that the 
 statement A or B and C  evaluates to A or (B and
 C)  which means that 
 the statement will be true if A is true or if both B
 and C are true.
 Because of this precedence issue, you need to use
 parentheses to specify a 
 new order of evaluation. This phrase, (A or B) AND
 C will be true only 
 if either A or B is true at the same time that C is
 also true. That is a 
 much different meaning than if the same statement
 were written without 
 Basically OR adds records to your results (less
 restrictive), AND takes 
 them away (more restrictive).
 The easiest place to deal with the widely different
 request of your users 
 is in your input processing script.  Use your
 scripting language to build 
 an appropriate query based on the options they
 provide. No single SQL 
 statement will handle BOTH every combination of user
 input AND process 
 quickly.  You should build custom WHERE clauses
 based on your user's 
 input. This is definitely NOT a one-size-fits-all
 Remember to use parentheses. When in doubt, spell it
 out. Don't make the 
 query engine read your mind. 
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on
 09/22/2004 09:46:46 AM:
  I'm back, trying to figure my way through a
  confusing set of conditons.
  Sort of doing a sanity check here.
  First explanation:
  I've put together a search (the database) form
  has 6 inputs.
  Just to clarify, the fields are 
  The idea is that a user can choose one , two or
  fields to put criteria into.  Regardless,
  one they choose , there should be a records
  More criteria of course adds more refinement.
  Right now I only have 4 of the 6 fields rigged for
  action- JobTitle, Start, Industry and State.
  I half see what's going on, but unclear on how to
  it all up.
  So right now, since Title and Start are divided by
  OR, if I chose both, then there is not refinement,
  get records that meet both criteria , not both
  criteria combined , savvy ?
  Industry is sort of seperate right now, and State
  be combined with industry to refine the results to
  match up all industries within whatever particular
  I guess ultimately I need a very long series of
  and AND's but not sure if there is something
  and then operator precedence in a series of AND's
  OR's would probably throw me.  At least I think
  ALright, so Im sure this is one of my inance
  again, but if anyone can decipher my cry for
  assistance, feedback, morsels of wisdom and
  I'm listening.
  where JobTitle like '%{s_JobTitle}%'
  PostStart = DATE_SUB(CurDate(), Interval
  ({s_PostStart}) day )
  $VendorJobs-ds-SQL.=  OR (`VendorJobs`.Industry
  $VendorJobs-ds-SQL.=  AND
  (`VendorJobs`.LocationState IN (.$Projs.));
  MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Where and or ...ughhh!

2004-09-22 Thread Fagyal Csongor
Hi Stuart,
Getting your brains warped by logical statements, eh? 

If I remember correctly AND has precedence over OR.  That means that the 
statement A or B and C  evaluates to A or (B and C)  which means that 
the statement will be true if A is true or if both B and C are true.

When in doubt, just think about the notation used in boolean algebra:
A or B and C = A+B*C
This looks more familiar, and the precedence used is the same.
- Cs.
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Re: Custom Auto-Increment Problem

2004-09-22 Thread Harald Fuchs
Dan Tappin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Actually it's not a total and can't be calculated.
 The idea is that as users (with individual id_client keys) add rows the id of the 
 row is auto incremented for their key only.

 If user A adds 3 rows:

 1 A
 2 A
 3 A

 and then user B adds 2 rows

 1 A
 2 A
 3 A
 1 B
 2 B

 I am not looking for a sum of each client's records... that's an easy query... I 
 need the auto incremental id's for each client.

Let's add an ordinary auto_increment column named ser (for serial):

  ser id_client id
  1   A 1
  2   A 2
  3   A 3
  4   B 1
  5   B 2

Now the query

  SELECT t1.ser,, count( + 1 AS calc_id
  FROM tbl t1
  LEFT JOIN tbl t2 ON t2.ser  t1.ser AND t2.id_client = t1.id_client
  GROUP BY t1.ser,

shows you that calc_id = id for all rows, which means that id can be

The only difference is when you delete rows inbetween.  In this case
id_calc will be less than id.

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RE: Custom Auto-Increment Problem

2004-09-22 Thread Dan Tappin

 -Original Message-
 From: Harald Fuchs
 Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 9:39 AM
 Subject: Re: Custom Auto-Increment Problem

 The only difference is when you delete rows inbetween.  In this case
 id_calc will be less than id.

I stand corrected.  Yes it can be calculated but however the deletion of rows makes 
the calculation unreliable.  The id number has
to be constant regardless of row deletion.  I can't have the id changing thus that's 
why I am storing it.

Dan T

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Like question

2004-09-22 Thread RuiSMonteiro
Hello there,
I was wondering how I could make a specific type of search when the string has more 
than one word.
String = Green Apple
Select * from fruits
(fruits.color like '%Green Apple%'
or fruits.type like '%Green Apple%')

What I thought was breaking the string in 2 words and compares each word with the 
fields. The problem is that I can't control how many fields should be compared.
Also don't know how to compare each word. The following syntax doesn't work:
Select * from fruits
(fruits.color like in ('%Green%', '%Apple%')
or fruits.type like in ('%Green%', '%Apple%')
Any ideas would be very thankful.
Rui Monteiro

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Clean Reinstall

2004-09-22 Thread FayeC SQL
I am extremely frustrated with the root passwordproblem. I read the
manual and followed the instructions but it just won't work.
I tried setting a newpassword but then when I insert the new passoword
it says the password it wrong.
In any case...I want to uninstall MySQL and try a new clean install.
What would be the procedure to do a VERY clean install?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: Like question

2004-09-22 Thread Alec . Cawley
RuiSMonteiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 22/09/2004 09:35:00:

 Hello there,
 I was wondering how I could make a specific type of search when the 
 string has more than one word.
 String = Green Apple
 Select * from fruits
 (fruits.color like '%Green Apple%'
 or fruits.type like '%Green Apple%')
 What I thought was breaking the string in 2 words and compares each 
 word with the fields. The problem is that I can't control how many 
 fields should be compared.
 Also don't know how to compare each word. The following syntax doesn't 
 Select * from fruits
 (fruits.color like in ('%Green%', '%Apple%')
 or fruits.type like in ('%Green%', '%Apple%')
 Any ideas would be very thankful.

I suspect that what you want is a Fulltext index. This splits the text up 
into words and does a separate search for the separate words. This is much 
more efficient than the LIKE search for the case when you need leading % 
characters, because this forces a full linear search. The fulltext search 
would look something like
  MATCH fruits.color AGAINST (Green, Apple) 

Unfortunately, Fulltext searches are available only on MyISAM tables.



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Re: Date BETWEEN Question

2004-09-22 Thread Jeremy Brown [InfoSend]
Thanks for the response.  My query was kind of long, so I was just 
trying to simplify.  Should have included it anyways.

Here is my query:
TRACKING.jobtype = 1 AND TRACKING.completed = '2004-07-21 00:00:00' 
AND TRACKING.completed = '2004-07-23 23:59:59' order by TRACKING.jobid 

The BETWEEN statement is similar:
TRACKING.jobtype = 1 AND TRACKING.completed BETWEEN '2004-07-21 
00:00:00' AND '2004-07-23 23:59:59' order by TRACKING.jobid desc

Oddly enough, when I ran what you suggested:
select * from TRACKING where completed = '2004-07-21'
Empty set!  But there are rows in the table with that date.
If I run either:
select * from TRACKING where completed  '2004-07-21' - or - select * 
from TRACKING where completed = '2004-07-21'

I get the desired results,  particularly in the last case where I get 
dates with 2004-07-21!

I do have a standard INDEX on the completed field, would that have 
something to do with it?

Again, completed is a DATETIME field.  I have this same table 
duplicated on 3.23.58 and 4.0.17 with the same results.  I'm probably 
just missing something small that I can't see, but frustrating 

Jeremy Brown [InfoSend] wrote:
I currently have a table with a completed DATETIME field.  I am 
trying to run a query that will return all rows *inclusive* of the 
start and end dates.  I have tried the following query:
SELECT  `name`, `completed` FROM `table` WHERE `completed` BETWEEN 
'2004-07-21' AND '2004-07-23';
Why are you comparing completed to DATEs, if completed is a DATETIME?  
Note that '2004-07-23' is '2004-07-23 00:00:00' when interpreted as a 

The problem is that this query will only return rows from 2004-07-22, 
and does not include rows from 2004-07-21 or 2004-07-23, like I need 
it to.  This could be the desired behavior for the BETWEEN operator 
(I couldn't seem to find any documentation of it in the documents for 
some reason), so I also tried:
BETWEEN is inclusive of the endpoints. This is documented in the 

SELECT  `name`, `completed` FROM `table` WHERE `completed` = 
'2004-07-21' AND `completed` = '2004-07-23';
This does the same thing, it only returns dates from 2004-07-22 
without including the start or end date.
This tells us BETWEEN is not the problem, as the inequalities produce 
the same result.  Something else is going on.  Something strange, but 
something else.

I have tried adding a time (e.g. 2004-07-21 00:00:00 and 2004-07-23 
23:59:59), but again, only 2004-07-22 is returned.
If I remove one of the conditions, I get the correct result.  e.g.:
SELECT  `name`, `completed` FROM `table` WHERE `completed` = 
What does
  SELECT name, completed FROM `table` WHERE completed = '2004-07-21';
Will return all rows on *and* after 2004-07-21, as desired.  But with 
both operators, it does not work.
I have tried this query on both 3.23.58 and 4.0.17.  I searched the 
net over and could not find a definitive answer to this problem, so 
apologies if it's been answered before.
My guess is that your real query is more complicated than what you've 
shown us (your table isn't really named table, is it?), and there is 
some interaction which accounts for this.  Perhaps if you showed the 
full query and the table definition someone could point out the 

Jeremy Brown
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innoDB alter table and locking issues

2004-09-22 Thread Jeff Kolber
Hello List,

Recently I needed to alter a large innodb table (~200k rows) to add a
column on a live server.  The alter table ran fine on the development
server with close to the same number of rows in the table so I didn't
anticipate too much trouble. The list archive and the documentation
indicate that alter table has some inneficenties - like rebuilding the
entire table, indexes and all and that the table would be locked as
read only while the alter table command was executing -- and the the
alter table was likely to take A LONG TIME. (one poor guy posted that
he gave up on altering his table after it was still running for 24

What we found is that the process list quickly filled up with SELECT
statements that were 'Waiting for table' -- The connections maxed out
(at 500) since the webservers were still sending queries, which I
figured would be okay since they are reads, but apparantly these
queries were locked out.  I found myself locked out , unable to issue
more commands and had to kill mysqld.

Since all ALTER TABLE commands will probably exhibit suimilar locking
- I am weary of even creating a new table with another name with the
new structure, populating it with data from the table I want to alter,
dropping the old table and renaming the new one back to the old one's

So I'm wondering a few things if people can chime in:
 - does ALTER TABLE really just lock read only or does it just flat out LOCK?
 - might there be some configuration setting that influences this locking?
 - what strategies do people use to alter live busy tables ?

Thanks for any and all input!

Jeff Kolber

ps: we are using:
mysql  Ver 12.18 Distrib 4.0.12, for pc-linux (i686)

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innodb - datafiles on an ipstore disk appliance

2004-09-22 Thread Debbie L
We are looking at a disk subsystem for a high transactional
application.  And management wishes
to use disk appliance (IPStore or NetAPP).

Does anyone know if placing the mysql MYISAM and INNODB datafiles on
IPStore or NetApp
disk applliances are supported?  (We use almost all  INNODB tables)
If the disk appliance goes away, will it corrupt the database?  

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

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Re: innodb - datafiles on an ipstore disk appliance

2004-09-22 Thread Jeremy Zawodny
On Wed, Sep 22, 2004 at 01:52:36PM -0400, Debbie L wrote:
 We are looking at a disk subsystem for a high transactional
 application.  And management wishes
 to use disk appliance (IPStore or NetAPP).
 Does anyone know if placing the mysql MYISAM and INNODB datafiles on
 IPStore or NetApp disk applliances are supported?

I'm not sure what you mean by supported (commercial paid support?),
but it works.

 (We use almost all INNODB tables) If the disk appliance goes away,
 will it corrupt the database?

Maybe not corrupt but it could lead to lost transactions.  Where do
you plan on storing the transaction logs?  Also on the appliance or

Jeremy D. Zawodny |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!

[book] High Performance MySQL --

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Re: Where and or ...ughhh!

2004-09-22 Thread gerald_clark
Depending on how exact the returned values need to be, and how much data 
you have to
sift through, you could do. ( perl example )

$select = SELECT * from myfile where jobtitle like $job and  city like 
$city and start like $start and industry like $industry and state like 
$state and taxterm like $taxterm;
do the actual SQL call here.  

Stuart Felenstein wrote:
I'm back, trying to figure my way through a somewhat
confusing set of conditons.
Sort of doing a sanity check here.
First explanation:
I've put together a search (the database) form that
has 6 inputs.
Just to clarify, the fields are 

The idea is that a user can choose one , two or all
fields to put criteria into.  Regardless, whichever
one they choose , there should be a records return. 
More criteria of course adds more refinement.

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Re: innodb - datafiles on an ipstore disk appliance

2004-09-22 Thread Debbie L
Your right, I shouldn't say supported... Is it a wise to put datafiles
on a disk appliance?
Coming from other database background, it is not wise to do such a
thing and will cause
problems when the disk appliance has problems.

As for the transaction logs,  I haven't reallly thought of it, but to
my understanding management
wants it all on the appliance.  The only other choice I have for the
logs would be an internal

On Wed, 22 Sep 2004 11:07:30 -0700, Jeremy Zawodny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 22, 2004 at 01:52:36PM -0400, Debbie L wrote:
  We are looking at a disk subsystem for a high transactional
  application.  And management wishes
  to use disk appliance (IPStore or NetAPP).
  Does anyone know if placing the mysql MYISAM and INNODB datafiles on
  IPStore or NetApp disk applliances are supported?
 I'm not sure what you mean by supported (commercial paid support?),
 but it works.
  (We use almost all INNODB tables) If the disk appliance goes away,
  will it corrupt the database?
 Maybe not corrupt but it could lead to lost transactions.  Where do
 you plan on storing the transaction logs?  Also on the appliance or
 Jeremy D. Zawodny |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!
 [book] High Performance MySQL --

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Re: Date BETWEEN Question

2004-09-22 Thread gerald_clark
You still did not send your table definitions.
Jeremy Brown [InfoSend] wrote:
Thanks for the response.  My query was kind of long, so I was just 
trying to simplify.  Should have included it anyways.

Here is my query:
TRACKING.jobtype = 1 AND TRACKING.completed = '2004-07-21 00:00:00' 
AND TRACKING.completed = '2004-07-23 23:59:59' order by 
TRACKING.jobid desc

The BETWEEN statement is similar:
TRACKING.jobtype = 1 AND TRACKING.completed BETWEEN '2004-07-21 
00:00:00' AND '2004-07-23 23:59:59' order by TRACKING.jobid desc

Oddly enough, when I ran what you suggested:
select * from TRACKING where completed = '2004-07-21'
Empty set!  But there are rows in the table with that date. 
That is expected if completed is a datetime field. You only supplied the 
date portion.
select * from TRACKING where completed like  '2004-07-21%'

If I run either:
select * from TRACKING where completed  '2004-07-21' - or - select * 
from TRACKING where completed = '2004-07-21'

I get the desired results,  particularly in the last case where I get 
dates with 2004-07-21!

I do have a standard INDEX on the completed field, would that have 
something to do with it?

Again, completed is a DATETIME field.  I have this same table 
duplicated on 3.23.58 and 4.0.17 with the same results.  I'm probably 
just missing something small that I can't see, but frustrating 


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Re: innodb - datafiles on an ipstore disk appliance

2004-09-22 Thread Jeremy Zawodny
On Wed, Sep 22, 2004 at 02:22:59PM -0400, Debbie L wrote:

 Your right, I shouldn't say supported... Is it a wise to put
 datafiles on a disk appliance?  Coming from other database
 background, it is not wise to do such a thing and will cause
 problems when the disk appliance has problems.

Well, it's very common in the world of big iron databases.  I know
that man companies routinely store A LOT of their Oracle data on
Netapp or EMC gear.  Some are doing it with MySQL now too.

As for reliability, these disk systems tend to be far more reliable
than the hosts connecting to them (at least on the low end).  There's
a lot of redundancy because they're designed for just this sort of

 As for the transaction logs, I haven't reallly thought of it, but to
 my understanding management wants it all on the appliance.

That's how I'd do it.

Jeremy D. Zawodny |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!

[book] High Performance MySQL --

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mysql 4.1.5 FreeBSD 4.10 compile error

2004-09-22 Thread Unreal HSHH
Making all in sql
make  all-recursive
Making all in share
../../extra/comp_err -C./charsets/  danish/errmsg.sys
Usage: ../../extra/comp_err [-?] [-I] [-V] fromfile[s] tofile
*** Error code 255

what's this error?

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Re: Where and or ...ughhh!

2004-09-22 Thread Stuart Felenstein
The returned values should be exact. As far as how
much data, I'm assuming your talking about amount of
records ?
Potentially eventually maybe quite a bit.
Currently mysql statement is comprised of select and
from with all the proper joins.
But Im confused, when you say below actual SQL call
here, is the referring to the SQL statement that would
look at all the imput values and process the data ?
like a series of and's or or's  ?

--- gerald_clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Depending on how exact the returned values need to
 be, and how much data 
 you have to
 sift through, you could do. ( perl example )
 $select = SELECT * from myfile where jobtitle like
 $job and  city like 
 $city and start like $start and industry like
 $industry and state like 
 $state and taxterm like $taxterm;
 do the actual SQL call here.  
 Stuart Felenstein wrote:
 I'm back, trying to figure my way through a
 confusing set of conditons.
 Sort of doing a sanity check here.
 First explanation:
 I've put together a search (the database) form that
 has 6 inputs.
 Just to clarify, the fields are 
 The idea is that a user can choose one , two or all
 fields to put criteria into.  Regardless, whichever
 one they choose , there should be a records return.
 More criteria of course adds more refinement.

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Re: Duplicate Entries

2004-09-22 Thread Suresh

Yes ofcourse it is a primary key with two fields. The insert exists whenever it
has a duplicate entry, it doesn't continue with further records. Is there any
scope to resolve it.


Eldo Skaria wrote:


 Suresh may be expressing that he has a primary key with two fields.


 On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 19:32:17 -0400, Rhino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  - Original Message -
  From: Suresh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 6:43 PM
  Subject: Duplicate Entries
   Hello All,
   I am porting from 4.0.0-alpha-nt to 4.0.1-alpha-nt. In which i have a
   table with two primary key, my older mysql server insert all the records
   except the duplicate fields(Primary Key). Whereas in the new mysql
   server it exits whenever it sees a duplicate entry. How to resolve it ?
  Am I understanding you correctly? It *sounds* like you're saying that you
  have a table with TWO primary keys. As far as I know, it is not possible to
  have two separate primary keys in a single table under any circumstances. Do
  you mean that you have a single primary key that has two columns in it?
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 Thanks  Regards,
 Eldo Skaria

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Re: Where and or ...ughhh!

2004-09-22 Thread SGreen

If your queries must match _all_ of your input variables, you are in the 
situation where you only need ANDs (no ORs needed).  Just create one term 
in your WHERE statement for each field they filled in and make sure  that 
there is an AND between each of them in the right places.  This should be 
a piece of simple string building along the same lines you are already 

I think that the reason that nobody, including myself, can tell you how to 
write your script is because you never told us _your_ rules on how each 
field is supposed to be handled.  Build your WHERE clause so that it meets 
_your_  requirements and it should work correctly. 

Of course, no input from the user means you don't need a WHERE clause at 
all. You can regurgitate your entire database. This may be something you 
want to avoid by requiring at least 1 or 2 input values.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 09/22/2004 03:11:16 PM:

 The returned values should be exact. As far as how
 much data, I'm assuming your talking about amount of
 records ?
 Potentially eventually maybe quite a bit.
 Currently mysql statement is comprised of select and
 from with all the proper joins.
 But Im confused, when you say below actual SQL call
 here, is the referring to the SQL statement that would
 look at all the imput values and process the data ?
 like a series of and's or or's  ?
 --- gerald_clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Depending on how exact the returned values need to
  be, and how much data 
  you have to
  sift through, you could do. ( perl example )
  $select = SELECT * from myfile where jobtitle like
  $job and  city like 
  $city and start like $start and industry like
  $industry and state like 
  $state and taxterm like $taxterm;
  do the actual SQL call here. 
  Stuart Felenstein wrote:
  I'm back, trying to figure my way through a
  confusing set of conditons.
  Sort of doing a sanity check here.
  First explanation:
  I've put together a search (the database) form that
  has 6 inputs.
  Just to clarify, the fields are 
  The idea is that a user can choose one , two or all
  fields to put criteria into.  Regardless, whichever
  one they choose , there should be a records return.
  More criteria of course adds more refinement.
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Re: Where and or ...ughhh!

2004-09-22 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Right, I thought the rules were mentioned in the first
post.  Apoplogies.  The user should be able to enter
one value or all 6 and with each additional value
added from none, the results should be more refined. 
i.e. Alabama chosen only - all jobs in Alabama come
Alabama and Financing - all financing jobs in Alabama
come back
Alabama , Financing and 5 days old, all financing jobs
in Alabama within the last 5 days come back
Alabam, Financing, 5 days old, and treasurer, all
financing jobs in Alabama, no more then 5 days old
with the job title of treasurer.

You raise a good point , that I thought about and then
cast to the side temporarily.  No I don't want all
data coming back, so probably with no values entered
at all then no records come back.

From my understanding now , to do something like this
the query needs to be created on the fly withink the
script.  So if no values exist, no array exists, on to
the next field with an OR, if values exists, take the
values input into an array , onto next field with an

I think that is it , now if I only knew how to code ;)

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If your queries must match _all_ of your input
 variables, you are in the 
 situation where you only need ANDs (no ORs needed). 
 Just create one term 
 in your WHERE statement for each field they filled
 in and make sure  that 
 there is an AND between each of them in the right
 places.  This should be 
 a piece of simple string building along the same
 lines you are already 
 I think that the reason that nobody, including
 myself, can tell you how to 
 write your script is because you never told us
 _your_ rules on how each 
 field is supposed to be handled.  Build your WHERE
 clause so that it meets 
 _your_  requirements and it should work correctly. 
 Of course, no input from the user means you don't
 need a WHERE clause at 
 all. You can regurgitate your entire database. This
 may be something you 
 want to avoid by requiring at least 1 or 2 input
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on
 09/22/2004 03:11:16 PM:

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Re: Where and or ...ughhh!

2004-09-22 Thread gerald_clark

Stuart Felenstein wrote:
The returned values should be exact. As far as how
much data, I'm assuming your talking about amount of
records ?
Potentially eventually maybe quite a bit.
Currently mysql statement is comprised of select and
from with all the proper joins.
But Im confused, when you say below actual SQL call
here, is the referring to the SQL statement that would
look at all the imput values and process the data ?
like a series of and's or or's  ?
I built the query.
You need to execute it and read the returned set.
I don't know what language you are using, so I did not go into detail.
The trick is  to use 'LIKE' and append the '%' wildcard to the values 
Now you can use AND between each  condition.
You must be sure to properly quote each string using the languages 
quoting function.

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Re: MySQL data files

2004-09-22 Thread DreamWerx
Shutdown mysql, move data files, create symlink to datafile(s) on
other partition/disk/whatever..

- Original Message -
From: VijayKumar Dogra [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 11:22:55 +0530
Subject: MySQL data files


Hello All,


 Is there any way by which I can store data files of mysql in other
partition of my system



VijayKumar Dogra

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RE: Clean Reinstall

2004-09-22 Thread Kirti S. Bajwa
I do not know if this is the right way or not but this is how I have done

Delete Mysql-Version folder, from where you installed MySQL. It is normally
in '/usr/local' folder. Then re-install MySQL.

Hope it works.


-Original Message-
From: FayeC SQL [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 12:39 PM
To: MySQL List
Subject: Clean Reinstall

I am extremely frustrated with the root passwordproblem. I read the
manual and followed the instructions but it just won't work.
I tried setting a newpassword but then when I insert the new passoword
it says the password it wrong.
In any case...I want to uninstall MySQL and try a new clean install.
What would be the procedure to do a VERY clean install?

Thanks in advance,


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SELECT a percentage range of a given value

2004-09-22 Thread Stembridge, Michael


I have a music database containing song BPM (Beats Per Minute) data values
stored as FLOAT.   I need to pull a range of BPM values based on a
user-supplied integer.   The range should pull all records which are 8%
higher and lower than the given integer.  


I tried this query for starters:








bpm  SUM(100 * 1.08)

  ) OR (

bpm  SUM(100 * .92)




No errors appeared however only one row returned (with bpm value 55.03).  


There are approximately 100 records that have a bpm value between 92.00 and
108.00 in the test database. 



Am I overlooking something obvious?



Re: SELECT a percentage range of a given value

2004-09-22 Thread mos
At 03:11 PM 9/22/2004, you wrote:

I have a music database containing song BPM (Beats Per Minute) data values
stored as FLOAT.   I need to pull a range of BPM values based on a
user-supplied integer.   The range should pull all records which are 8%
higher and lower than the given integer.

I tried this query for starters:

bpm  SUM(100 * 1.08)
  ) OR (
bpm  SUM(100 * .92)

No errors appeared however only one row returned (with bpm value 55.03).

There are approximately 100 records that have a bpm value between 92.00 and
108.00 in the test database.

Am I overlooking something obvious?

Yup, your calculations should have used an AND instead of an OR and you 
don't need SUM().

For something simple try this:
select * form test where BMP between 100*.92 and 100*1.08

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Re: Duplicate Entries

2004-09-22 Thread gerald_clark

Suresh wrote:
Yes ofcourse it is a primary key with two fields. The insert exists whenever it
has a duplicate entry, it doesn't continue with further records. Is there any
scope to resolve it.
Eldo Skaria wrote:

insert  ignore
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Re: SELECT a percentage range of a given value

2004-09-22 Thread gerald_clark
WHERE bpm  ( 100 * 1.08 ) AND bpm  (100*.92)
Stembridge, Michael wrote:

I have a music database containing song BPM (Beats Per Minute) data values
stored as FLOAT.   I need to pull a range of BPM values based on a
user-supplied integer.   The range should pull all records which are 8%
higher and lower than the given integer.  

I tried this query for starters:





   bpm  SUM(100 * 1.08)
 ) OR (
   bpm  SUM(100 * .92)

No errors appeared however only one row returned (with bpm value 55.03).  

There are approximately 100 records that have a bpm value between 92.00 and
108.00 in the test database. 

Am I overlooking something obvious?


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Re: Clean Reinstall

2004-09-22 Thread kernel
FayeC SQL wrote:
I am extremely frustrated with the root passwordproblem. I read the
manual and followed the instructions but it just won't work.
I tried setting a newpassword but then when I insert the new passoword
it says the password it wrong.
In any case...I want to uninstall MySQL and try a new clean install.
What would be the procedure to do a VERY clean install?
Thanks in advance,

It might be useful if you send what syntax you used to update/create the 
password and what syntax you used when trying to log in.  Of couse don't 
send the real password.
ie -
mysql UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('bla') where user='root';
mysql quit;
[EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp] mysql -u root -p

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2004-09-22 Thread Sven

Warning: mysql_query() []: Your query requires a full 
tablescan (table bb1_designelements, 78 rows affected). Use EXPLAIN to optimize your 

I get this error on every products i tested

Like - problems

2004-09-22 Thread RuiSMonteiro
Hello there,

I was wondering how I could make a specific type of search when the string has more 
than one word.


String = Green Apple

Select * from fruits

(fruits.color like '%Green Apple%'
or fruits.type like '%Green Apple%')

What I thought was breaking the string in 2 words and compares each word with the 
fields. The problem is that I can't control how many fields should be compared.

Also don't know how to compare each word. The following syntax doesn't work:


Select * from fruits

(fruits.color like in ('%Green%', '%Apple%')
or fruits.type like in ('%Green%', '%Apple%')


Any ideas would be very thankful.


Rui Monteiro


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Crosstab/Transpose Query Help

2004-09-22 Thread Jeff Burgoon
I'm trying to perform a query where I transpose cell values from a table
into column names with totals.  For example, I have the following table and
I'd like to produce the view at the bottom:

Site APart 15
Site APart 23
Site APart 31
Site BPart 17
Site BPart 310
Site CPart 22
Site CPart 45

I would like to take said view and produce a view as follows

SitePart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4
Site A531
Site B7  10
Site C  25

As you can see, all Sites have been grouped and part names have been created
as columns.  Then part quantities are aggregated.

Can anyone offer any guidance?



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Re: Like - problems

2004-09-22 Thread mos
At 04:17 PM 9/22/2004, you wrote:
Hello there,
I was wondering how I could make a specific type of search when the string 
has more than one word.

String = Green Apple
Select * from fruits
(fruits.color like '%Green Apple%'
or fruits.type like '%Green Apple%')

What I thought was breaking the string in 2 words and compares each word 
with the fields. The problem is that I can't control how many fields 
should be compared.

Also don't know how to compare each word. The following syntax doesn't work:
Select * from fruits
(fruits.color like in ('%Green%', '%Apple%')
or fruits.type like in ('%Green%', '%Apple%')
Any ideas would be very thankful.
Rui Monteiro

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Use FullText search if you're using a MyISAM table. It will be 
much faster. See


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Date Indexing

2004-09-22 Thread Andrew Kreps
Hey all, I have a question about indexing part of a date field.  I
have a query that I run on a regular basis to retrieve monthly sales

SELECT SUM(OrderSubTotal) FROM tblOrders
WHERE DATE_FORMAT(ShipDate, '%Y-%m') = '2004-09';

ShipDate is a date field.  My question is how I can phrase the query
(or re-index ShipDate) so that MySQL uses the ShipDate index?  I've
tried figuring out how to index part of a date field, and I can't seem
to find any way to do that.  I've also tried changing the statement to
ShipDate like '2004-09%', as well as the MONTH and YEAR functions, but
none of them utilize the index.  Is there another, more efficient way
to phrase it so the index is used?

I'm using MySQL 3.23.53a.

The Explain:
| table| type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows   |
Extra  |
| tblOrders   | ALL  | NULL  | NULL |NULL | NULL | 122543
| where used |

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RE: SELECT a percentage range of a given value

2004-09-22 Thread Stembridge, Michael
Ah, this is not as complex as I imagined.  Thanks!

 -Original Message-
 From: gerald_clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 4:52 PM
 To: Stembridge, Michael
 Subject: Re: SELECT a percentage range of a given value
 WHERE bpm  ( 100 * 1.08 ) AND bpm  (100*.92)

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Ot: GMail invites

2004-09-22 Thread John Meyer
Still have GMail invites, for anybody that is interested.  E-mail me.
(reply off list)

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Re: help!!!!!!!!!!

2004-09-22 Thread Eric Bergen
  This warning is telling you there your query is going to execute
very slowly. The EXPLAIN that it talks about is mentioned in the
manual here:

You should also search the manual for sections on query optimization
and index usage.

Here is another document that will help you get help online easier.

Eric Bergen

On Sun, 19 Sep 2004 07:50:14 +0200, Sven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Warning: mysql_query() []: Your query requires a full 
 tablescan (table bb1_designelements, 78 rows affected). Use EXPLAIN to optimize your 
 I get this error on every products i tested

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Re: help!!!!!!!!!!

2004-09-22 Thread Rhino

You're probably going to need to create some indexes on your tables. If you
have no indexes, MySQL can only do a full tablescan.

See the manual for the syntax of the statement that creates an index.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2004 1:50 AM
Subject: help!!

Warning: mysql_query() []: Your query requires a
full tablescan (table bb1_designelements, 78 rows affected). Use EXPLAIN to
optimize your query.

I get this error on every products i tested

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Re: MySQL data files

2004-09-22 Thread Mir Islam
Sure you can. Just move your current data to the location you like to
use and then do either of the followings:

1) supply parameter --datadir during startup (or equivalent in my.cnf file)
2) Create a symlink from old location to new location

- Original Message -
From: VijayKumar Dogra [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 11:22:55 +0530
Subject: MySQL data files


Hello All, 


 Is there any way by which I can store data files of mysql in other
partition of my system



VijayKumar Dogra

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Re: innodb - datafiles on an ipstore disk appliance

2004-09-22 Thread Mir Islam
We have been using innodb tables on our systems and we use netapp to
store all the tables. It will be however wise to put transaction logs
into a different netapp or somewhere else so that even if the netapp
goes kaput (highly unlikely) totally you do not lose any data.

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Re: Choosing the option file

2004-09-22 Thread Mir Islam
How do you start your mysql now ? In any case you need to supply the
--skip-innodb option either in the option file (which most likely you
don't have) or at the startup time. If you use safe_mysqld script to
start your installation just pass on --skip-innodb to it. And even if
you don't, it is not going to harm anything as far as I know.

On Wed, 22 Sep 2004 19:45:03 +0530, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Actually i want mysql 4.0 classic version which donot support innodb 
 engine. As classic version is a commercial base one, i installed the mysql 4.0 
 standard one (which includes innodb). Here my problem is , i have to inactivate the 
 innodb engine. For that what we need to do is
 From MySQL 4.0 on, the InnoDB storage engine is enabled by default. If you don't 
 want to use InnoDB tables, you can add the skip-innodb option to your MySQL option 
 but my problem is how to find out the MySQL option file, and in that how to add that 
 skip-innodb option.
 Please advise me in this asap.
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 The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this 
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 for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain confidential or privileged 
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empty user catalog entry for user column

2004-09-22 Thread Sanjeev Sagar
Hello All,

For a new build I am seeing that mysql_install_db is putting entries in user table 
where user= in addition to the correct entries for root. See below

mysql select * from user where user=;
| Host| User | Password | Select_priv | Insert_priv | Update_priv 
| Delete_priv | Create_priv | Drop_priv | Reload_priv | Shutdown_priv | Process_priv | 
File_priv | Grant_priv | References_priv | Index_priv | Alter_priv | Show_db_priv | 
Super_priv | Create_tmp_table_priv | Lock_tables_priv | Execute_priv | Repl_slave_priv 
| Repl_client_priv | ssl_type | ssl_cipher | x509_issuer | x509_subject | 
max_questions | max_updates | max_connections |
| localhost   |  |  | N   | N   | N   
| N   | N   | N | N   | N | N| 
N | N  | N   | N  | N  | N| N  
| N | N| N| N   | 
N|  | | |  | 0 |   
0 |   0 |
| |  |  | N   | N   | N   | N 
  | N   | N | N   | N | N| N   
  | N  | N   | N  | N  | N| N  
| N | N| N| N   | N
|  | | |  | 0 |   0 |  
 0 |

This is creating problem in conencting when I use -h full-domain-name. For localhost 
it work.

Any reason that MySQL is creating these entries in addtion to the correct entries for 

Any explanation???



2004-09-22 Thread Yann Larrivée

I juste installed mysq. 5.1 (alpha) and i guess i am facing some really stupid 
issue :)

I logged in as root without probleme create a database xoops which shows when 
i do a show databases

Now i try to give grants to a user on that datase via grant all on xoops.* to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] identified by 'something';

But i keep getting this error 

ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to database 

Usually this works well, unless i am too sleepy to see my mistake :)

What could be the probleme ?



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Re: Date Indexing

2004-09-22 Thread Michael Stassen
If you want to use the index, you cannot put the column through any 
function.  You have to compare the column value, as is, to constants.  For 

  SELECT SUM(OrderSubTotal) FROM tblOrders
  WHERE ShipDate BETWEEN '2004-09-01' AND '2004-09-30';
should do what you want.
Andrew Kreps wrote:
Hey all, I have a question about indexing part of a date field.  I
have a query that I run on a regular basis to retrieve monthly sales
SELECT SUM(OrderSubTotal) FROM tblOrders
WHERE DATE_FORMAT(ShipDate, '%Y-%m') = '2004-09';
ShipDate is a date field.  My question is how I can phrase the query
(or re-index ShipDate) so that MySQL uses the ShipDate index?  I've
tried figuring out how to index part of a date field, and I can't seem
to find any way to do that.  I've also tried changing the statement to
ShipDate like '2004-09%', as well as the MONTH and YEAR functions, but
none of them utilize the index.  Is there another, more efficient way
to phrase it so the index is used?
I'm using MySQL 3.23.53a.
The Explain:
| table| type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows   |
Extra  |
| tblOrders   | ALL  | NULL  | NULL |NULL | NULL | 122543
| where used |
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Reason for a slow remove index-operation?

2004-09-22 Thread Peter Brodersen

I have a MyISAM-table with a couple of fields, and about half a million
rows (datafile is 15MB, indexfile is 10MB) . The server is running under
MySQL 4.0.21.

Creating an index on a field takes about two minutes. That's fully
expected, as the server has to perform an initial sorting for all
50 rows.

When I try to remove the index, it takes about one minute. I'm just not
sure why this operation is taking so long. I would have thought that the
index nearly could be cut right out of the index file, since no meddling
with the datafile or the individual rows in the index, or any
recalculation of trees would have to take place.

When dropping the index there is almost full utilization of the cpu, and
SHOW PROCESSLIST for most of the time shows the state as copy to tmp
table (and then a few seconds of Repair by sorting, when dropping the
index). I wouldn't think there is an i/o-issue, since the file is pretty
small and the cpu is utilized (instead of a high iowait-state).

What is the reason for an index drop to take that amount of time?

(I'm not dropping indexes on a daily basis - my question is mainly out
of curiousity :) )

- Peter Brodersen

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Re: Reason for a slow remove index-operation?

2004-09-22 Thread Dan Nelson
In the last episode (Sep 23), Peter Brodersen said:
 I have a MyISAM-table with a couple of fields, and about half a million
 rows (datafile is 15MB, indexfile is 10MB) . The server is running under
 MySQL 4.0.21.
 Creating an index on a field takes about two minutes. That's fully
 expected, as the server has to perform an initial sorting for all
 50 rows.
 When I try to remove the index, it takes about one minute. I'm just not
 What is the reason for an index drop to take that amount of time?

All ALTER TABLE operations in mysql are done by rebuilding the table in
question and all indexes.  You can watch it happen by taking a listing
of the database directory and looking at the #sql tempfiles.

Dan Nelson

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Re: Grants

2004-09-22 Thread Yann Larrivée
Well i think i found a bug or a change un behavior between mysql 5.0.0 ans 
mysql 5.0.1

The behavior i describe does not happen.

Can anybody else confirm this ?



On September 22, 2004 21:51, Yann Larrivée wrote:

 I juste installed mysq. 5.1 (alpha) and i guess i am facing some really
 stupid issue :)

 I logged in as root without probleme create a database xoops which shows
 when i do a show databases

 Now i try to give grants to a user on that datase via grant all on xoops.*
 to [EMAIL PROTECTED] identified by 'something';

 But i keep getting this error

 ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to database

 Usually this works well, unless i am too sleepy to see my mistake :)

 What could be the probleme ?



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newbie green pea

2004-09-22 Thread B Wiley Snyder
Hello everyone, I know Rhino gave me a link or something a month ago 
but. can anyone give me a link to a tutorial on how to 
...basically I have been creating my databases one command 
entry at a time. I just thought if someone knew of a site off the top of 
there list that could help me create a file of a database and deploy it. 
I've got a mysql BIBLE, if anything educate me on the terminology so I 
can look it up.

Thanks for anyones generous and helpful response
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