Newbie: MySQL cluster configuration

2004-12-20 Thread Hiu Yen Onn
i want to configure a two-machines mysql clusters. i have compiled from 
source by enabling the clustering feature with no problem at all. i read 
the documentation on mysql. but, i am not understanding on how to make a 
simple mysql cluster. basically, i just want to have a kickstart. that's 

i have a config.ini file at my /usr/local/mysql/mysql-cluster, as such
NoOfReplicas= 1
HostName= node1.mysql
DataDir= /var/lib/mysql-cluster

then, when i start ndb_mgm, i get this.
Cluster Configuration
[ndbd(NDB)] 1 node(s)
id=2@  (Version: 3.5.3, Nodegroup: 0, Master)
[ndb_mgmd(MGM)] 1 node(s)
id=1@  (Version: 3.5.3)
[mysqld(API)]   3 node(s)
id=3@  (Version: 3.5.3)
id=4 (not connected, accepting connect from any host)
id=5 (not connected, accepting connect from any host)
now, i have my second machine, let's called it node2.mysql. i have no 
ideas to join the ndb node2.mysql into the mgmd at node1.mysql. pls 
guide me.

i read someone had mentionedNdb.cfg file. i have not noticed that file 
in my machine. weird pls give me more information and 

Mr. Hiu Yen Onn
System Administrator
Shin Yang Group of companies
Tel: (6085)656699 ext.253
Butterfly de Micro$oft - The King of Desktops
Penguin de Linux - The Mighty Lord of Servers
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problem with queries

2004-12-20 Thread DeRyl
hello All,

can anybody tell me how to correct this problem:

1. I use queries like that:
select /*! SQL_BUFFER_RESULT */ klient.logo, klient.klientid,
klient.klientnazwa, klient.struktura, concat(kodpocztowy,' ',miejscowosc)
miasto, aparatnumer, concat(ulicaskrot,' ',ulicanazwa,' ',posesja)
ulica,concat('woj. ',wojewodztwo,', powiat: ',powiat, ', gmina: ', gmina)
wojpow, klientbranze branza, email, www, wizytowka from klient [where conditions
or no conditions]

2. we upgraded PHP to 5.0.3, installed Zend Optimizer and upgraded MySQL from
4.0.20 to 4.1.7

3. after upgrading when I try to execute query from [1.] I have error:
MySQL Error: 1270 (Illegal mix of collations (latin2_general_ci,IMPLICIT),
(latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE), (latin2_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation
Session halted.

4. system variables are like this:

  variable  session  global
  back log  50  50
  basedir  /usr/local/mysql/  /usr/local/mysql/
  binlog cache size  32768  32768
  bulk insert buffer size  8388608  8388608
  character set client  latin1  latin2
  character set connection  latin1  latin2
  character set database  latin2  latin2
  character set results  latin1  latin2
  character set server  latin2  latin2
  character set system  utf8  utf8
  character sets dir  /usr/local/mysql/share/mysql/charsets/
  collation connection  latin1_swedish_ci  latin2_general_ci
  collation database  latin2_general_ci  latin2_general_ci
  collation server  latin2_general_ci  latin2_general_ci

how to proper correct that?

best regards in advance

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Error connecting to master: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'IPADDR # MUST BE SET' (111)

2004-12-20 Thread Terence
I am trying to setup replication on MySQL.
Version 4.1.0alpha
./bin/mysql -h IPADDR -u replication -p
I can connect successfully, but my error logs show
041221  1:12:41  Slave I/O thread: error connecting to master 
'replication # MU@IPADDR # MUST BE SET:3306': Error: 'Can't connect to 
MySQL server on 'IPADDR # MUST BE SET' (111)'  errno: 2003  
retry-time: 60  retries: 86400

Google hasnt turned up anything useful. Any ideas anyone? What am I 
doing wrong.

# The MySQL server
# The MySQL server
show master status
bin.0001 position: 4486513
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table becomes locked and lock is never released

2004-12-20 Thread Elmo Sarapuu

I have the following problem: One table becomes locked and the lock is never
released. I do not use any form of LOCK TABLES to lock the table, I only do
SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE queries. The table stays locked until the server
reaches max_connections and server becomes unavailable. The problem occurs quite
randomly: sometimes once in every 2-5 days, but sometimes 2-3 times during one

I think that there is a problem with one table (atfoorum.teemad), but I don't
know to solve it. The problem might be something to do with the fact that I
converted the table from latin1 to utf8 and started inserting russian

I have saved many times the output of 'show processlist' before i killed the
server. It looks always the same:

The first query is SELECT query in the state 'Sorting result'. This select query
queries from multiple tables, including 'atfoorum.teemad' using LIKE.

The next queries in the processlist are UPDATES in the 'Locked' state (all
queries deal with table 'atfoorum.teemad').

I deleted the database and rebuilt it using mysqldump, but it did not help. 

Has anyone had this kind of problem and/or knows how to solve this issue ?

I use 4.1.1-alpha-Max-log, the OS is RedHat AS 3.0. The server is dedicated to
run only MySQL.

Server parameters:


2x2.8Ghz P4 Xeon 

SCSI hard drives 1 rpm in RAID 1 array.

Mysql queries per second average: 500

Here are the output of 'SHOW PROCESSLIST' command when the
problem occurred and output of 'SHOW VARIABLES'.



| Id Command| Time | State  | Info  


| 11837  Sleep  | 89   ||   

| 52084  Query  | 231  | Sorting result | SELECT teemad.pealkiri AS
teemad_pealkiri, AS teemad_id, postitusi, teemad.grupid_nimi AS  |

| 52318  Sleep  | 227  ||   

| 52461  Sleep  | 224  ||   

| 52789  Delayed_insert | 215  | Waiting for INSERT |   

| 53164  Query  | 210  | Locked | SELECT teemad.* FROM
atfoorum.teemad WHERE id='4677'

| 53165  Query  | 210  | Locked | UPDATE atfoorum.teemad SET
viimane_postitaja='VVV', viimane_postitaja_email='', postitusi=postitusi+ |

| 53205  Query  | 208  | Locked | SELECT sonumid.teemad_id,
sonumid.pealkiri AS sonumi_pealkiri, teemad.pealkiri AS teema_pealkiri, te |

| 53220  Query  | 208  | Locked | SELECT sonumid.teemad_id,
sonumid.pealkiri AS sonumi_pealkiri, teemad.pealkiri AS teema_pealkiri, te |

| 53295  Query  | 206  | Locked | SELECT teemad.pealkiri AS
teemad_pealkiri, AS teemad_id, postitusi, teemad.grupid_nimi AS  |

| 53473  Query  | 203  | Locked | SELECT sonumid.teemad_id,
sonumid.pealkiri AS sonumi_pealkiri, teemad.pealkiri AS teema_pealkiri, te |

| 53895  Query  | 194  | Locked | SELECT AS
teemad_id, teemad.pealkiri AS teemad_pealkiri, foorumite_grupid.pealkiri AS foor

| 53914  Query  | 193  | Locked | SELECT AS
teemad_id, teemad.pealkiri AS teemad_pealkiri, foorumite_grupid.pealkiri AS foor

| 53967  Query  | 192  | Locked | SELECT AS
teemad_id, teemad.pealkiri AS teemad_pealkiri, foorumite_grupid.pealkiri AS foor

| 54068  Query  | 190  | Locked | SELECT sonumid.teemad_id,
sonumid.pealkiri AS sonumi_pealkiri, teemad.pealkiri AS teema_pealkiri, te |

| 54070  Query  | 189  | Locked | SELECT COUNT(*) AS ridu
FROM atfoorum.teemad, atfoorum.foorumite_grupid_foorumid, atfoorum.foorumid  |

| 54174  Query  | 185  | Locked | SELECT teemad.*,
SUBSTRING(teemad.viimane_postitus_aeg,1,5) AS viimane_postitus_aeg,

| 54283  Query  | 185  | Locked | SELECT sonumid.teemad_id,
sonumid.pealkiri AS sonumi_pealkiri, teemad.pealkiri AS teema_pealkiri, te |

| 54319  Query  | 184  | Locked | SELECT sonumid.teemad_id,
sonumid.pealkiri AS sonumi_pealkiri, 

Re: What is the default database?

2004-12-20 Thread Dr. Frank Ullrich
Michael, Gleb,
thanks a lot for your hints!
Now I know that default database means current database.
And I did not find Section 13.3.2 in the fine manual because I searched 
for default database and we find the string default (current) 
database there  :-( .

Michael Stassen schrieb:
Gleb Paharenko wrote:

I searched a while but could not find an explanation.
So the question remains:
what is the default database?


While it does explain default database, that page documents a function 
in the Mysql C API.  That seems a strange place to send someone asking 
about character sets and ALTER TABLE, not C programming.  Surely we can 
find better references.  For example:

Set the default: USE dbname
What is the default: SELECT DATABASE()

Dr. Frank Ullrich, DBA Netzwerkadministration
Heise Zeitschriften Verlag GmbH  Co KG, Helstorfer Str. 7, D-30625 Hannover
Phone: +49 511 5352 587; FAX: +49 511 5352 538
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mysql-5.0.3-alpha-nightly-20041215 doesn't compile

2004-12-20 Thread John PAUL
So sorry for my poor english.

I've tried to compile the last mysql snapshot on Fedora Core 1 without any 
success due to a missing file.

Find here the error message obtained :
make[2]: Entre dans le répertoire 
../extra/comp_err --charset=./../sql/share/charsets --out-dir=../sql/share/ 
--header_file=../extra/mysqld_error.h --state_file=../extra/sql_state.h 
../extra/comp_err: File './../sql/share/errmsg.txt' not found (Errcode: 2)
Failed to parse input file ./../sql/share/errmsg.txt
make[2]: *** [created_include_files] Erreur 1
make[2]: Quitte le répertoire `/tmp/mysql-5.0.3-alpha-nightly-20041215/extra'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Erreur 1
make[1]: Quitte le répertoire `/tmp/mysql-5.0.3-alpha-nightly-20041215'
make: *** [all] Erreur 2

Where can I find this missing file ?

I've also tried to touch the missing file, bad idea, I got a parsing error. 

Thanks for your help.

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Help with a join query please!

2004-12-20 Thread shaun thornburgh
I have (among others) three tables in my database that i am struggling with 
a join query on. The database holds dates for Bookings. If Users are 
Allocated to a particular Project they can be booked. However if a user is 
booked but then unallocated I want to be able to display all peolple 
allocated to that project plus the person originally booked. Here are my 
efforts so far:

SELECT U.User_ID, U.User_Firstname, U.User_Lastname
FROM Allocations A, Users U
LEFT JOIN Bookings B
ON B.User_ID = U.User_ID
AND B.Booking_ID = '4512'
WHERE U.User_ID = A.User_ID
AND A.Project_ID = '11'
ORDER BY User_Firstname;
I am using version 3.23.54. The query works but doesnt return the required 
values. The query returns all of the users allocated to the project, not the 
user who is currently booked but not allocated to the project. Here are the 
table definitions:

mysql DESCRIBE Allocations;
| Field  | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| Project_ID | int(11) |  | PRI | 0   |   |
| User_ID| int(11) |  | PRI | 0   |   |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql DESCRIBE Bookings;
| Field   | Type| Null | Key | Default | 
Extra  |
| Booking_ID  | int(11) |  | PRI | NULL| 
auto_increment |
| Booking_Type| varchar(15) |  | | Unavailability  | 
| User_ID | int(11) |  | | 0   | 
| Project_ID  | int(11) | YES  | | NULL| 
| Rep_ID  | int(11) | YES  | | NULL| 
| PCT_ID  | int(11) | YES  | | NULL| 
| Practice_ID | int(11) | YES  | | NULL| 
| Booking_Creator_ID  | int(11) | YES  | | NULL| 
| Booking_Creation_Date   | datetime| YES  | | NULL| 
| Booking_Start_Date  | datetime|  | | -00-00 00:00:00 | 
| Booking_End_Date| datetime|  | | -00-00 00:00:00 | 
| Booking_Completion_Date | date| YES  | | NULL| 
| Booking_Mileage | int(5)  | YES  | | NULL| 
| Booking_Status  | varchar(15) |  | | Other   | 
| Unavailability_ID   | int(2)  | YES  | | NULL| 
| Work_Type_ID| int(2)  | YES  | | NULL| 
| Additional_Notes| text| YES  | | NULL| 
| Form_Recieved   | char(3) |  | | | 
| Section_C   | char(3) |  | | | 
| Date_Difference | varchar(20) |  | | n/a | 
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql DESCRIBE Projects;
| Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| Project_ID   | int(11)  |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| Project_Name | varchar(100) |  | | ||
| Client_ID| int(11)  |  | | 0   ||
| Rep_Viewable | char(3)  |  | | Yes ||
| User_ID  | int(11)  | YES  | | NULL||
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql DESCRIBE Users;
| Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra 
| User_ID  | int(11)  |  | PRI | NULL| 
auto_increment |
| Client_ID| int(3)   | YES  | | NULL|   
| User_Username| varchar(40)  |  | | |   
| User_Firstname   | varchar(50)  | YES  | | NULL|   
| User_Lastname| varchar(50)  | YES  | | NULL|   
| User_Password| varchar(20)  | YES  | 

Re: Weird load issues

2004-12-20 Thread Heikki Tuuri
it is simply processing big SELECT queries. Maybe their optimization changed 
lately? You should tune your queries.

You should also tune InnoDB, because you are running with the default 8 MB 
buffer pool size, and it is reading in 6000 pages per second!

Best regards,
Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
Foreign keys, transactions, and row level locking for MySQL
InnoDB Hot Backup - a hot backup tool for InnoDB which also backs up MyISAM 

| 575 | qmail_cluster || qmaildb | 
| 8  | Copying to tmp table
| select message_id from qmaildb.messages where deleted=1 and (server1=2 
server2=2) order by rand() |
| 588 | qmail_cluster |  | qmaildb | 
| 27 | Copying to tmp table
| select message_id from qmaildb.messages where deleted=1 and (server1=4 
server2=4) order by rand() |

Total memory allocated 17258796; in additional pool allocated 1021952
Buffer pool size   512
Free buffers   0
Database pages 511
Modified db pages  0
Pending reads 9
Pending writes: LRU 0, flush list 0, single page 0
Pages read 2330404897, created 9146, written 2656110
6030.74 reads/s, 0.00 creates/s, 11.50 writes/s
Buffer pool hit rate 935 / 1000
5 queries inside InnoDB, 0 queries in queue
Main thread process no. 4662, id 28680, state: sleeping
Number of rows inserted 118044, updated 760157, deleted 167945, read
0.50 inserts/s, 1.00 updates/s, 1.50 deletes/s, 525082.23 reads/s

- Original Message - 
From: Daniel Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: mailing.database.myodbc
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 3:16 AM
Subject: Re: Weird load issues

please post the complete outputs of
during such CPU peak.
Best regards,
Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
Foreign keys, transactions, and row level locking for MySQL
InnoDB Hot Backup - a hot backup tool for InnoDB which also backs up 
Ok, outputs are as follows (please excuse the wrapping)
mysql show processlist;
| Id  | User  | Host   | db  | 
| Time   | State
| Info|
|   1 | system user   || NULL| 
| 343096 | Waiting for master to send event
|   2 | system user   || NULL| 
| 1  | Has read all relay log; waiting for the I/O slave thread to 
it | NULL|
| 123 | qmail_cluster |  | qmaildb | 
| 2  |
| 575 | qmail_cluster || qmaildb | 
| 8  | Copying to tmp table
| select message_id from qmaildb.messages where deleted=1 and (server1=2 
server2=2) order by rand() |
| 588 | qmail_cluster |  | qmaildb | 
| 27 | Copying to tmp table
| select message_id from qmaildb.messages where deleted=1 and (server1=4 
server2=4) order by rand() |
| 660 | qmail_cluster |   | qmaildb | 
| 2  | Copying to tmp table
| select message_id from qmaildb.messages where deleted=1 and (server1=5 
server2=5) order by rand() |
|2211 | harlequin | | NULL| 
Dump | 342934 | Has sent all binlog to slave; waiting for binlog to be
updated| NULL|
|   16120 | horde |   | horde   | 
| 38 |
|  612578 | horde |   | horde   | 
| 2363   |
| 2283169 | horde |   | horde   | 
| 8  |
| 2315669 | horde |   | horde   | 
| 642|
| 2319544 | postaci   |   | postaci | 
| 1339   |
| 2331554 | postaci   | 

Select * except certain columns

2004-12-20 Thread Mark van 't Zet

I was wondering if it's possible to select all fields from a table except 
certain columns, e.g.:

select * except text_name from text

I have found several discussions on and outside the MySQL mailing lists that 
suggest it's not possible in (My)SQL. Why is this? It is a feature that would 
be very useful in several cases, such as:

insert into text (select * except text_id, NULL as text_id from text)
select text.* except text_content, translatedText.text_content
from text, text as translatedText
where ...

It would be very nice to have this in MySQL.

With regards,

Mark van 't Zet

Re: Restore help! been going 2 weeks

2004-12-20 Thread matt_lists
matt_lists wrote:
Can you post your my.ini or my.cnf
sense your restore actually worked
Mine is not swapping, in fact, mysql is only using 610,824 K of ram, 
there is still over 1 gig of ram free

Our next server will have 16 gig of ram and quad xeons, I'm going to 
completely disable the swap files

Any chance of getting a copy of your my.inf/my.cnf ?
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Re: Restore help! been going 2 weeks

2004-12-20 Thread matt_lists
matt_lists wrote:
matt_lists wrote:
Can you post your my.ini or my.cnf
sense your restore actually worked
Mine is not swapping, in fact, mysql is only using 610,824 K of ram, 
there is still over 1 gig of ram free

Our next server will have 16 gig of ram and quad xeons, I'm going to 
completely disable the swap files

Any chance of getting a copy of your my.inf/my.cnf ?

PS I dont agree with you, I do not think innodb is faster
|  1 | xotech | localhost:3073 | NULL   | Sleep   |  7 
|   | NULL |
| 12 | xotech | localhost:3115 | finlog | Query   | 493381 | copy to tmp 
table | alter table bragg_stat engine=innodb  |
| 15 | xotech | localhost:2868 | NULL   | Query   |  0 | 

no other threads on this box 137 hours so far the innodb file is now up 
to 19 gig

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packed index vs non packed index

2004-12-20 Thread matt_lists
Which are faster for updates  queries?
Our indexes are packed, and run 2-6 gig
I'm having problems restoring tables, takes 3 weeks to restore one large 
table, in fact the restore is still going so it may take a month

I was thinking this may be due to the packed fields, and a large primary key
just a theory though, hard to test it as it takes so many weeks to do 

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Re: Select * except certain columns

2004-12-20 Thread Rhino

- Original Message - 
From: Mark van 't Zet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 6:59 AM
Subject: Select * except certain columns


 I was wondering if it's possible to select all fields from a table except
certain columns, e.g.:

 select * except text_name from text

 I have found several discussions on and outside the MySQL mailing lists
that suggest it's not possible in (My)SQL. Why is this? It is a feature that
would be very useful in several cases, such as:

 insert into text (select * except text_id, NULL as text_id from text)
 select text.* except text_content, translatedText.text_content
 from text, text as translatedText
 where ...

 It would be very nice to have this in MySQL.

I agree that it would be nice to have this feature sometimes but I haven't
seen it on any relational database I've ever seen. I'm guessing that it
isn't in the SQL standards that most of the database companies use in
developing their products.

I would suggest two possible approaches, neither of which is likely to give
you what you want any time soon:
- lobby the relational database vendors to include this sort of syntax in
the next version of the SQL standard
- lobby one vendor, maybe MySQL, to support the syntax as an extension of
the standard. If they implement it and it proves popular, maybe this will
give the other vendors an incentive to include it as standard syntax in some
future version of the standard

Getting a single vendor to include the syntax as an extension might work
relatively quickly - say, a year or two - but it might take a good bit
longer before it is adopted by other vendors as a standard feature of SQL.

Sorry, I'm sure that is not nearly as fast as you'd like to see this feature
adopted but I think that is the only way you are likely to see it happen.

The only approach that I can imagine that would be considerably quicker
would be for you to find or write some kind of preprocessor that allows for
this syntax; then, you could write select * except colQ, colZ and the
preprocessor would turn it into select colA, colB, colC, ... colP, colR,
colS, ... colY. I've never tried to write a preprocessor so I can only
begin to imagine how much work it might be to write, test, and implement.


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Problems with replication restarting

2004-12-20 Thread mark_round
Hi all,

I originally posted this to the replication list, but as I haven't yet
received a response, I thought I'd try my luck here...

I'm having some troubles with replication, in particular restarting a
slave. I'm using MySQL 4.0.22 for the slave, and 4.0.21 as the master.
I've followed the instructions as per the manual, and replication is now
working fine. 

However, when I restart the slave (through init scripts, or when
rebooting the server etc.), instead of continuing on from where it left
off, it appears to start again from the beginning. This is confirmed by
watching the value of Relay_Log_Pos from SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G.

I suspect this has something to do with the fact that when the slave is
set up (as per the instructions at,
MASTER statement is issued, and this sets the MASTER_LOG_POS and
MASTER_LOG_FILE paramaters to their initial values. It appears that
these values do not get changed or updated after the slave is started.

Could someone please inform me whether this is abnormal behaviour (it
would seem to be, as each restart of the slave would cause it to lag
further and further behind the master), and if so, how to fix it ? 

Many thanks in advance,


PS:- I found another user with exactly the same problem, who detailed
his experience here :,2498.

Mark Round
UNIX Systems Administrator
IPC Country and Leisure Media
IPC Media Ltd, a Time Warner Company.
Kings Reach Tower, Stamford Street, London, SE1 9LS
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The contents and any attachments to it include information that is 
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2004-12-20 Thread Goutham S Mohan
Hi Rob,

LOAD DATA INFILE is not a very verbose command. It
doesn't spill out the exact root cause of the error.
Forgive me, if I seem to be wrong for anybody who had
a different opinion.

mysqlimport is a wrapper around LOAD DATA INFILE with
a lot of command line options. You might try your luck
using the mysqlimport command which does the same for
you. But I am not sure if it really helps you with
more verbose output.

The problem might be due to any of the following
- The data in the file needs to be in a format that
mysql understands. With mysqlimport you can specify
the  column and record delimiters as required.
- Escape characters need to be defined when you do a
mysqlimport so that the data is not mistaken as a
delimiter by mysql. 
- Also make sure that there are no foreign key
violations in your target database.

Goutham S Mohan
Software Engineer,
Hewlett Packard

--- rob byrne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to load data from a text file into a
 table using the Load data
 infile statement. No matter how I change data types
 I seem only able to load
 in the first row of data into the MySQL table and no
 more. I have not been
 able to trach the source of this error or the cause
 of it? Does anyone know
 the cause so I can fix it?
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Unique IDs

2004-12-20 Thread Andrew Mull
I'm working on a rather large database with many cross-linked tables 
currently using auto increment IDs.  The system is primarily a web based 
system, however, there will be times that the system will be run as a stand 
alone server...meaning no internet connection is available.  

The question arises that if someone enters information to the database on the 
website, while others are entering information on the local database, what is 
the best way to merge the data?  I would imagine that we would run into many 
duplicate auto increment IDs.  

I'm sure that for one table insert, this would not be a problem as I could 
store the SQL statement in a text file without the ID specified, and run it as 
a batch process on the live server when we get connectivity.  But I don't have 
a handle on how to update the sub tables that have a FK pointer.

Any ideas?   


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2004-12-20 Thread matt_lists
Software Engineer,
Hewlett Packard
--- rob byrne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am trying to load data from a text file into a
table using the Load data
infile statement. No matter how I change data types
I seem only able to load
in the first row of data into the MySQL table and no
more. I have not been
able to trach the source of this error or the cause
of it? Does anyone know
the cause so I can fix it?

check your carrage returns, mysql seems to be unix freindly by default
try  adding lines terminated by '\n' 

or lines terminated by |'\r\n'|
one should fix your problem, it defaults to '\n' but windows uses |'\r\n'|
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Re: Problems with replication restarting

2004-12-20 Thread Ian Sales
However, when I restart the slave (through init scripts, or when
rebooting the server etc.), instead of continuing on from where it left
off, it appears to start again from the beginning. This is confirmed by
watching the value of Relay_Log_Pos from SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G.

- delete the file in the data directory, and then use CHANGE 
MASTER ... to set the required values before starting replication on the 

- ian
| Ian Sales  Database Administrator |
|   |
| eBuyer |
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RE: Problems with replication restarting

2004-12-20 Thread mark_round
So this would imply that you cannot simply stop/start a slave server -
instead, I would need to write a wrapper script that stops the slave
using STOP SLAVE, and at next startup, read the file to
find out where it left off, and then issue a CHANGE MASTER TO...
statement to continue on ?

That can certainly be done, but it seems strange that there's no mention
of such a big gotcha in the MySQL manual...

Many thanks for the advice,


-Original Message-
From: Ian Sales [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 20 December 2004 16:42
To: Round, Mark - CALM Technical [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Problems with replication restarting


However, when I restart the slave (through init scripts, or when
rebooting the server etc.), instead of continuing on from where it left
off, it appears to start again from the beginning. This is confirmed by
watching the value of Relay_Log_Pos from SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G.

- delete the file in the data directory, and then use CHANGE

MASTER ... to set the required values before starting replication on the


- ian

| Ian Sales  Database Administrator |
|   |
| eBuyer |
This E-mail is from IPC Media Ltd whose registered office is at Kings
Reach Tower, Stamford Street, London SE1 9LS, registered number 53626.
The contents and any attachments to it include information that is 
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whom they are addressed. IPC Media accepts no liability for any loss or
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cluster problem

2004-12-20 Thread Peter Duffy

I'm currently experimenting with Cluster for the first time (using mysql
4.1.8 under Red Hat 9.) I've set up a combined manager and API node, and
three storage nodes. It all seems to be working fine (I can create
tables using ENGINE=NDB and see all three storage nodes from within
the ndb_mgm display. I'm now trying to populate a large table (it should
ultimately have 6M rows.) The load program gets up to about 62K rows,
then dies with the error:

DBD::mysql::db do failed: The table 'radlog' is full

So far, I've tried increasing the DataMemory value for all the storage
nodes, and setting autocommit on the DBI handle (this was admittedly a
shot in the dark.) Nothing seems to make any difference. 
Obviously I'm missing something fundamental. Any assistance would be
greatly appreciated.

Peter W. Duffy

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Re: mysql-5.0.3-alpha-nightly-20041215 doesn't compile

2004-12-20 Thread Victor Medina
JUST copy it from the 5.0-alpha source. =)
On Mon, 2004-12-20 at 11:30 +0100, John PAUL wrote:
 So sorry for my poor english.
 I've tried to compile the last mysql snapshot on Fedora Core 1 without any 
 success due to a missing file.
 Find here the error message obtained :
 make[2]: Entre dans le répertoire 
 ../extra/comp_err --charset=./../sql/share/charsets --out-dir=../sql/share/ 
 --header_file=../extra/mysqld_error.h --state_file=../extra/sql_state.h 
 ../extra/comp_err: File './../sql/share/errmsg.txt' not found (Errcode: 2)
 Failed to parse input file ./../sql/share/errmsg.txt
 make[2]: *** [created_include_files] Erreur 1
 make[2]: Quitte le répertoire `/tmp/mysql-5.0.3-alpha-nightly-20041215/extra'
 make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Erreur 1
 make[1]: Quitte le répertoire `/tmp/mysql-5.0.3-alpha-nightly-20041215'
 make: *** [all] Erreur 2
 Where can I find this missing file ?
 I've also tried to touch the missing file, bad idea, I got a parsing error. 
 Thanks for your help.

Victor Medina M.
Linux - Java - MySQL
Telf.: 0241-8507325
Ext.: 325
Cell.: 0412-3640959

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RE: Problems with replication restarting

2004-12-20 Thread Sanjeev Sagar
First of all MySQL replication do not mismatch position in simply
starting and stopping the slave as long as you have all relay and info

Secondly, change master recreates the file. can implement the log_position table on slave inserting a
record every minute to record the details from show master logs and
show slave status commands. This will give you exact position every
minute in your database and one can run change master anytime to play
with the position.

I have never seen MySQL replication changing position in just starting
and stopping slave. Which MySQL version or release on what O/S?

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 9:26 AM
Subject: RE: Problems with replication restarting

So this would imply that you cannot simply stop/start a slave server -
instead, I would need to write a wrapper script that stops the slave
using STOP SLAVE, and at next startup, read the file to
find out where it left off, and then issue a CHANGE MASTER TO...
statement to continue on ?

That can certainly be done, but it seems strange that there's no mention
of such a big gotcha in the MySQL manual...

Many thanks for the advice,


-Original Message-
From: Ian Sales [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 20 December 2004 16:42
To: Round, Mark - CALM Technical [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Problems with replication restarting


However, when I restart the slave (through init scripts, or when
rebooting the server etc.), instead of continuing on from where it left
off, it appears to start again from the beginning. This is confirmed by
watching the value of Relay_Log_Pos from SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G.

- delete the file in the data directory, and then use CHANGE

MASTER ... to set the required values before starting replication on the


- ian

| Ian Sales  Database Administrator |
|   |
| eBuyer |
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The contents and any attachments to it include information that is 
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whom they are addressed. IPC Media accepts no liability for any loss or
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No contracts may be concluded on behalf of IPC Media by means of e-mail
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Re: Upgrading to MySQL 5 (for testing)

2004-12-20 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Yes, if you have one of the last releases of MySQL, you can try to test

the fifth version. But some features will be unavailable. See:

Jonathan Villa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have an installation of 4.1 and 5 running on the same test server... I

 want to start using 5 for testing but still want to use the same test data

 I had before... Is it possible to simply point MySQL 5 to the old 4 data




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Re: Error connecting to master: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'IPADDR # MUST BE SET' (111)

2004-12-20 Thread Gleb Paharenko

When you are connecting using mysql, you usually don't specify the destination 

By default it's 3306.

And at the same time master-port=. Send us complete contents of config

files. What is in master error log? Check to what port slave instance is trying

to connect (with tcpdump, netstat for example).

Terence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 I am trying to setup replication on MySQL.


 Version 4.1.0alpha



 ./bin/mysql -h IPADDR -u replication -p

 I can connect successfully, but my error logs show


 041221  1:12:41  Slave I/O thread: error connecting to master 

 'replication # MU@IPADDR # MUST BE SET:3306': Error: 'Can't connect to 

 MySQL server on 'IPADDR # MUST BE SET' (111)'  errno: 2003  

 retry-time: 60  retries: 86400


 Google hasnt turned up anything useful. Any ideas anyone? What am I 

 doing wrong.



 # The MySQL server






 # The MySQL server








 show master status

 bin.0001 position: 4486513




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Re: Load Data Infile in Stored procedure

2004-12-20 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Looks like LOAD DATA INFILE supports only string constants in

its syntax. I think it has sense, because security risk grows,

when we can substitute variables in the file name.

Scott Klarenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I can't seem to make the Load Data statement work inside of a stored 




 LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE file.txt INTO my_table


 this works fine in PHP, but when I use it in a procedure, and pass in

 the file name as a parameter, it won't compile.


 LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE fileParameter INTO my_table


 I think it's because the statement requires the file to be in quotes,

 but if I concatenate the parameter into quotes, then it looks for the

 EXACT variable string, not the file.


 ie LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ' +fileParam+ ' INTO my_table --this returns

 an error saying it can't find the file fileParam :-).


 I also tried creating a prepared statement and then executing it USING

 my file parameters, but no luck either.



 Any help is appreciated.


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Re: How to use character_set_xxx in my.ini ?

2004-12-20 Thread Gleb Paharenko

You should  carefully read chapters of manual related to the

character sets. Use 

 SET NAMES 'gbk'


 SET character_set_client = 'gbk';

 SET character_set_results = 'gbk';

 SET collation_connection = 'gbk';

to specify character_set_client, character_set_result, character_set_conection.

Also you can put in your [client] section of my.cnf something like:


Database character set depends on character set stated when database had

been created and server character set.


Zimoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,


  I am a newbie and use MySQL 4.1.8 on Windows XP, I put my.ini in

  MySQL directory. When I add character_set_server = gbk to my.ini,

  everything is OK. The Server could normal startup. But when I add

  other character_set_xxx to my.ini, such as



  character_set_database = gbk

  collation_database = gbk_bin

  character_set_results = gbk

  character_set_client = gbk

  character_set_connection = gbk

  collation_connection = gbk_bin


  Then, I could not start my MySQL server.


  How should I use these character set server variables?

  Could I use them in my.ini file or just in mysql client window like:

  mysqlset character_set_results = gbk ?


  Thanks in advance.


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Re: Rearranging mysql columns

2004-12-20 Thread Gleb Paharenko


I goofed up when creating my table - I established my column in reverse order. 
How can I

move them all back around?

Jonathan Sampson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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Boolean search showing zero results in error

2004-12-20 Thread Alisa Joy Cognard
I have hit a snag in setting up a Boolean search; my query is returning 0
results when there are definitely five matches in my table.

My query is set up as follows:

SELECT * FROM resources WHERE MATCH (organization_name, description) AGAINST

'Keep' is a word that shows up 3 times in the organization_name field and 2
times in the description field in my table. There are 122 rows in the table,
so this 0 result is clearly not because of the 50% threshold (which I think
doesn't apply to Boolean searches anyway?)

Other background information: I have set organization_name and description
as the fulltext index, organization_name is a VAR CHAR field of 100,
description is a TEXT field, all of the organization_name entries are
minimum of 3 words, and description entries are a minimum of about 100

If I make it a basic search like this:

SELECT * FROM resources WHERE organization_name LIKE %keep% OR description
LIKE %keep%;

Then I get the correct results back. If I set it as a fulltext search (not
boolean) I get 0 results back. If I add an * into my Boolean search
(AGAINST ('keep*' IN BOOLEAN MODE);) I get 1 result (and not the 5 I should
be getting).

Is my first query written wrong? What am I missing here?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Re: Problems with replication restarting

2004-12-20 Thread Jon Drukman
So this would imply that you cannot simply stop/start a slave server -
instead, I would need to write a wrapper script that stops the slave
using STOP SLAVE, and at next startup, read the file to
find out where it left off, and then issue a CHANGE MASTER TO...
statement to continue on ?
That can certainly be done, but it seems strange that there's no mention
of such a big gotcha in the MySQL manual...
it's not mentioned because it's not the way things (are supposed to) work.
i use replication extensively and i've never had to do what you suggest. 
stopping and starting a slave server always resumes at the last-known 
position (as recorded in

[ this assumes a CLEAN shutdown of the slave.  if you have to kill -9 
it, all bets are off. ]

are you sure that the mysql server user has write permission on all the 
various replication files?  maybe mysqld was started once as a different 
user and now it can't update the or properly. 
 that would cause what you describe.

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Re: Boolean search showing zero results in error

2004-12-20 Thread Michael Stassen
keep is a full-text stopword, by default, which means it isn't indexed. 
You'll need a custom stopword list if you want keep to be indexed.  See 
the manual for details

The default list of stopwords is in myisam/ft_static.c in a source distribution.
Alisa Joy Cognard wrote:
I have hit a snag in setting up a Boolean search; my query is returning 0
results when there are definitely five matches in my table.
My query is set up as follows:
SELECT * FROM resources WHERE MATCH (organization_name, description) AGAINST
'Keep' is a word that shows up 3 times in the organization_name field and 2
times in the description field in my table. There are 122 rows in the table,
so this 0 result is clearly not because of the 50% threshold (which I think
doesn't apply to Boolean searches anyway?)
Other background information: I have set organization_name and description
as the fulltext index, organization_name is a VAR CHAR field of 100,
description is a TEXT field, all of the organization_name entries are
minimum of 3 words, and description entries are a minimum of about 100
If I make it a basic search like this:
SELECT * FROM resources WHERE organization_name LIKE %keep% OR description
LIKE %keep%;
Then I get the correct results back. If I set it as a fulltext search (not
boolean) I get 0 results back. If I add an * into my Boolean search
(AGAINST ('keep*' IN BOOLEAN MODE);) I get 1 result (and not the 5 I should
be getting).
Is my first query written wrong? What am I missing here?
Thanks in advance for your help.

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Re: Weird load issues

2004-12-20 Thread Daniel Andersen
On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 09:29 pm, Heikki Tuuri wrote:

 it is simply processing big SELECT queries. Maybe their optimization
 changed lately? You should tune your queries.

 You should also tune InnoDB, because you are running with the default 8 MB
 buffer pool size, and it is reading in 6000 pages per second!

 Best regards,

 Heikki Tuuri
 Innobase Oy
 Foreign keys, transactions, and row level locking for MySQL
 InnoDB Hot Backup - a hot backup tool for InnoDB which also backs up MyISAM


The only thing thats changed recently is that the machine had a power outage, 
thus the low uptime. Otherwise nothing has changed in ages. In any case, if 
it was a query wouldn't the load derive from one of the child processes, not 
the parent? It used to handle just as many queries perfecty well before the 
reboot, and as far as i can tell nothing has occurred to increase the number 
of queries coming through.

I'm not much of an expert on InnoDB, what would be a good buffer size in your 


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4.1.7 has --old-passwords set but mysqladmin client still using new hash

2004-12-20 Thread Jason Joines
	I've got a 4.1.7 server on Linux and I need to use the old-passwords 
option.  It has taken effect as 'show variables' confirms.  Also, if I 
set a user's password using 'set password for user = 
password('apassword')' it honors the old-passwords option.  However, if 
a user changes their password with the mysqladmin client like 
'mysqladmin --password=currentpassword password newpassword' the hash 
stored is the new long password hash.
	Is there any way to make mysqladmin obey the old-passwords option?

Jason Joines
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Federated Engine

2004-12-20 Thread Luciano Barcaro
Hi all,
I downloaded the source from bk tree and I saw the federated engine.
Taking a look into documentation 
( I didn´t find anything.
So, where I can find some info about it ?

Thanks in advance.
(sorry my poor english ;) )
Luciano Barcaro
Depto. Informática - Laboratório Alvaro
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Need more info about currently running queries

2004-12-20 Thread Greg Fortune
Is there anyway to get additional information about a query that is currently 
running?  I've got some performance problems I'm trying to analyze while 
loading large data sets and I'm running a test query, but I don't have any 
idea how far the query has progressed. 

The test query is a count(some_field) with the JOINs that I need and I'd like 
to know how many rows it has counted or how many rows it has visited from 
each table, etc, etc, etc.  I know ahead of time that the result should be 
about 2.6 million and am just trying to get timing data.

Is there any way to get at this kind of info?


Greg Fortune
Enterprise Systems
Eastern Washington University
Phone: 509-359-6690

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User seeing their own permission

2004-12-20 Thread Law Poop
Can a user see their own permissions for a database?

I'm working on a PHP project that will hopefully automagically
generate forms based on a user's permissions. Do I have to create a
seperate account to find out what a particular user's permissions are,
or is there some way to read permissions with a user's own

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MyISAM vs. InnoDB for heavily-indexed, read-mostly data

2004-12-20 Thread Homam S.A.
I'm new to MySQL and I was wondering which storage
engine is the best choice for heavily-indexed,
read-mostly data.

From skimming over the documentation, it seems that
MyISAM is a better choice since it doesn't have the
transactional overhead. Yet I'm worried that it's
becoming depricated and won't be supported in future

I need the highest read performance possible, with
many indexes and joins. It has to be able to cache
query results in memory to service a large number of
concurrent requests per second.

Which way to go? What's the pros and cons of each
engine for my particular situation?

I appreciate your help.

-- Homam

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Yahoo! Mail - 250MB free storage. Do more. Manage less.

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Data Storage

2004-12-20 Thread Jalil Feghhi

Are there any way to configure MySQL 4.1 to use more than one drive for
data files (for example, in a RAID 5 solution)? If so, could somebody
point me at the right information.



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Re: Error connecting to master: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'IPADDR # MUST BE SET' (111)

2004-12-20 Thread Terence
I found that restarting the mysql server does not recreate the file in the data directory. Although I had changed some 
settings in the /etc/my.cnf they did not populate the file. 
So after banging my head for so many hours I deleted the 
file and restarted the server. So that's where the # MU came from.

On a seperate note for those experiencing problems on error 1189 Net 
error reading from master - the problem appears to be innodb tables 
which are not supported by LOAD TABLE FROM MASTER. That's going to be an 
extremely tough one to get around.

Thanks Gleb for your help.
Gleb Paharenko wrote:
When you are connecting using mysql, you usually don't specify the destination 
By default it's 3306.
And at the same time master-port=. Send us complete contents of config
files. What is in master error log? Check to what port slave instance is trying
to connect (with tcpdump, netstat for example).
Terence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am trying to setup replication on MySQL.
Version 4.1.0alpha
./bin/mysql -h IPADDR -u replication -p
I can connect successfully, but my error logs show
041221  1:12:41  Slave I/O thread: error connecting to master 
'replication # MU@IPADDR # MUST BE SET:3306': Error: 'Can't connect to 
MySQL server on 'IPADDR # MUST BE SET' (111)'  errno: 2003  
retry-time: 60  retries: 86400

Google hasnt turned up anything useful. Any ideas anyone? What am I 
doing wrong.

# The MySQL server
# The MySQL server
show master status

bin.0001 position: 4486513



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Regarding User creation and loading data

2004-12-20 Thread lakshmi.narasimharao


Could any one of you help me in creating two users like First user with
all dba privileges as root and the Second user with only dml operations.

And in loading data using LOAD DATA INFILE, if I use the file full path,
I am getting error. And if I put the file in mysql\bin it is executing.
How to load a dta in a file which is located in some other directories.



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Need Help with .UNL Files

2004-12-20 Thread David Blomstrom
I downloaded a TAR file from a link I found at

The page also includes the following instructions:
* The schema file (itis.sql) is an ASCII file that
includes all of the create table statements plus
additional information. This will allow comparison to
the schema files that are available in the future to
determine any changes. The table files are in an ASCII
pipe delimited format. Within the schema file the
information about each table may be found:

{ TABLE itis.kingdoms row size=18 number of
columns=3 index size=12 }

{ unload file name=kingd00104.unl number of rows=5 }

create table itis.kingdoms

kingdom_id serial not null ,
kingdom_name char(10) not null ,
update_date date not null

revoke all on itis.kingdoms from public;

create unique index itis.kingdoms_key on


alter table itis.kingdoms add constraint primary key

constraint itis.u119_9 ;

In addition to the create table statements, the
itis.sql file provides the unload file name
information and constraint and index statements. The
unload file name can be used to map the unload file to
the table. For example, to load the kingdom, the
kingd00104.unl file is used.

* * * * * * * * * *

Can someone tell me what all this means???

After unzipping the file, I have an SQL file named
itis, along with a bunch of files with an .unl
extension. If I understand correctly, I'm supposed to
activate the .unl files with the SQL file, right?

But I'm not even sure how to open the SQL file. I
tried importing it into my database with phpMyAdmin
but got this error message:

 SQL-query : 

{ DATABASE itis delimiter | } GRANT dba TO itis

MySQL said:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check
the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server
version for the right syntax to use near '{ DATABASE
itis  delimiter | }

grant dba to itis' at line 1

So what's the easiest way to get all these tables
imported into my database?


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