Re: Mysql running as root

2005-02-17 Thread Joerg Bruehe
Hi Russ!

Am Mi, den 16.02.2005 schrieb Russ um 18:58:
 I have two questions:
 1) I'm still having trouble getting mysql to run as user mysql. All the file 
 and folders have been changed to be owned by user mysql but phpadmin shows my 
 sql running as root. When I log on as root and look at the users, I do not 
 see a mysql user. Do I need to create this user and what permissions does it 
 need? How can the files and folders be owned by a user if they do not exist?

I feel you need to provide more information:

a) On which operating system do you run MySQL?

b) You write log on as root and look at the users, what do you mean:
- look at the users running processes (like the Unix ps command), or
- look at the users defined in the system (Unix: /etc/passwd file) ?

c) Which is the mechanism you use to start MySQL?

 2) When my windows environment died I was unable to dump mysql. I was able to 
 recover the Data files for both tables I had (.myd, .myi and .frm) Also for 
 the host database,etc. can these be copied to my new Linux enviroment or is 
 it best to rebuild everything?

I leave that to others to answer, but again you might add info:
windows environment refers to some x86 / Pentium / Athlon machine,
probably 32 bit, as there is no other hardware for this.
But what is the hardware base of your Linux enviroment - there are
many different possibilities here!

Transfer of binary data may well be possible within the same byte sex
(little endian or big endian) and (pointer) size (32 or 64 bit), but
probably not if one of these fundamental decisions is changed (like from
x86, little endian 32 bit, to PPC, as this is big endian, or to Alpha,
as this is 64 bit).


Joerg Bruehe, Senior Production Engineer

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Re: auto_increment=0

2005-02-17 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Use the NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO sql mode. See:

Philippe Rousselot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 I am migrating a DB having a table with a UID not_null autoincrement


 the original table starts at UID=0


 I cannot migrate this table autmaticaly as the line for UID=0 is

 automatically transformed into UID=1 and therefore I get an error

 message for the next line (UID=1) as being already into the table.


 I thought to be smart first by creating the table with no autoincrement

 and second altering the table to have UID unique and autoincremet but

 MySQL does not seem to like that


 I cannot modify the table to have it starting this UID=1


 what can I do ?


 Thanks in advance





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2005-02-17 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Please send us output of the following statements:

  SHOW CREATE TABLE your_table;



What output does the following command produce:

  myisamchk -d -v your_table



 Hello there,


 We have a problem with the LOAD INDEX INTO CACHE command which is

 supposed to be fixed in version 4.1.10


 It may be fixed, but then we don't get the way to make it work.


 We want to load all the indexes of one of our big table into the main key 

 This table is myISAM, and has all sort of indexes, including UNIQUE



 When we try to load the indexes into cache, we have the following error :

 Indexes use different block size Operation Failed


 Now we created a small test table with 2 rows :

 A integer, primary key, and a varchar(100) filled 10 times with MD5

 values of NOW().

 When the varchar row is not indexed, the command works fine, but when

 we index it, LOAD INDEX INTO CACHE returns the same error. This means

 this is not the FULLTEXT which create the problem.


 Key buffer block size is set to 1024.

 Tried to change it to 2048 but won't do.


 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 Otherwise, I'll post a bug report.


 Thank you


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Re: is DELETE QUICK supported in 3.22.32?

2005-02-17 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Look likes no, because the grammar of DELETE statement

doesn't provide this option. See sql/sql_yacc.yy source file.

Jim Hoadley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is DELETE QUICK supported in MySQL version 3.22.32?


 -- Jim







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Re: Dual Xeon EM64T fedora3 x86_64

2005-02-17 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Try -m command line option to see all threads.

Paul Chinen - NB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I just installed MySQL-server-4.0.23-0.x86_64.rpm on Dual Xeon 3.2 64 

 bit 8G of RAM with Fedora3 x86_64. I noticed (doing a ps ax|grep mysql) 

 that there is only one mysqld process running. Is this normal?





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Re: Mysql running as root

2005-02-17 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Please tell us, in what way do you launch your MySQL server.

Send your configuration file.

 sql running as root. When I log on as root and look at the users, I do not

 see a mysql user. Do I need to create this user and what permissions does it

Log on into the server and use 'ps aux' command to check under what user 

mysqld running is. Look into /etc/passwd file to check that mysql user is

present on your system.

 the host database,etc. can these be copied to my new Linux enviroment or is

 it best to rebuild everything?

I think you should, dump your data from the live windows server with the 

mysqldump program (if you don't have such, setup it and copy tables to its

data directory). And then, import your data from the dump file into the new

Linux server.


 I have two questions:

 1) I'm still having trouble getting mysql to run as user mysql. All the file 

 and folders have been changed to be owned by user mysql but phpadmin shows my 

 sql running as root. When I log on as root and look at the users, I do not 

 see a mysql user. Do I need to create this user and what permissions does it 

 need? How can the files and folders be owned by a user if they do not exist?


 2) When my windows environment died I was unable to dump mysql. I was able to 

 recover the Data files for both tables I had (.myd, .myi and .frm) Also for 

 the host database,etc. can these be copied to my new Linux enviroment or is 

 it best to rebuild everything?


 Thanks in advance for any help!!



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2005-02-17 Thread Gleb Paharenko



shaun thornburgh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 The following function loads data from a file:


 Is there a function like this that I can use to save the results of a query 

 to a CSV file for the user of my PHP application to donwload?


 Thanks for your help




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Re: Replication issue: I/O thread dies immediately after START SLAVE with no logged errors

2005-02-17 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Have you done a FLUSH PRIVILEGES after granting the rights

to the slave user (not needed if you used GRANT clause).

I didn't see this statement in your previous message? 

Do you execute a 'RESET SLAVE' on your slave host, when

you make another attempt to setup the replication? Does replication 

work without replicate-xxx rules? 

Tierney Thurban [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In response to Gleb Paharenko and Bruce Dembecki:


 Gleb Paharenko wrote:


Please send us an output of SHOW MASTER STATUS ans SHOW SLAVE STATUS.

Can you reproduce the problem using official binaries?


 I have included the output of those two commands below.  I will try to

 reproduce the problem using non-debian-specific binaries.


 (As a side note, I originally attempted to set these servers up with

 version 4.0.23-4 (debian package) before reinstalling with version

 4.1.9-2 (debian package), and I appeared to have the same problem in

 both cases.)



 Bruce Dembecki wrote:


Looking at your my.cnf files I don't see where you've told the slave what

server to connect to. The slave needs to know what server is the master.

This is usually accomplished by including a couple of lines in my.cnf.


If the file exists and

is blank or doesn't include enough information, delete it. If it's there and

looks right, include it's contents in your next mail here (you can blank out

the username/password info).


 I used the CHANGE MASTER TO command interactively, rather than setting

 the master in the config file.  I assumed that this would be

 sufficient, and from the log on the master (see my original email) it

 does appear that the slave is logging in, at least very briefly.


 I've included the contents of my file below.  It seems

 appropriate to me, but I've never seen one before.  :)








 *** 1. row ***

File: mysql-bin.01

Position: 79

Binlog_Do_DB: replicated

 Binlog_Ignore_DB: mysql,test

 1 row in set (0.00 sec)




 *** 1. row ***



Master_User: slave

Master_Port: 3306

  Connect_Retry: 60

Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.01

Read_Master_Log_Pos: 79

 Relay_Log_File: training1-relay-bin.07

  Relay_Log_Pos: 4

  Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.01

   Slave_IO_Running: No

  Slave_SQL_Running: Yes

Replicate_Do_DB: replicated

Replicate_Ignore_DB: mysql,test





 Last_Errno: 0


   Skip_Counter: 0

Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 79

Relay_Log_Space: 4

Until_Condition: None


  Until_Log_Pos: 0

 Master_SSL_Allowed: No






  Seconds_Behind_Master: NULL

 1 row in set (0.00 sec)



 # cat











Tierney Thurban [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all.  Sorry if you get this twice -- it was posted to

mysql-replication earlier, but it doesn't look like that list is

really used.

I'm having a problem with my replication setup.  This is my first time

setting up replication, so this may be a simple problem.  I'm using

one master and one slave, both running debian-testing, and they both

have brand new 4.1.9 mysql installs (via apt-get).

The problem is that each time I do a START SLAVE, the I/O thread dies

almost immediately.  I can see it running only if I do START SLAVE;

SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G on a single line.

The master's log shows the following each time I START SLAVE or START


6 Connect slave@IP on






6 Quit

There are no error messages in the .err file on either server, even

with --log-warnings on both.  I've added everything appropriate that

I've been able to find to my.cnf on each server (see below).

If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know -- I've been looking

through docs and mailing lists for quite some time now, with no luck.



Here's what I did to set up 

Re: select last row

2005-02-17 Thread Gleb Paharenko

This is a frequently asked question in the list. See for example:


Mulley, Nikhil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,

 I have a table which is being continuosly updated, I just wanted to know =

 how to output only the last row with the select statement.

 can anyone please tell me howto.




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Re: 4.1.7 Character set problem ( Ithink?)

2005-02-17 Thread Gleb Paharenko

The value of the character_set_system in this

case doesn't have affect in this case. You table

has latin2 as default character set, and all 

your character_set_xxx variables have a latin1 value.

Ian Gibbons [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 12 Feb 2005 at 14:09, Gleb Paharenko wrote:




 Please tell us, what output the following statement produces:



 Hi Gleb,


 mysql SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%char%';


 | Variable_name| Value  |


 | character_set_client | latin1 |

 | character_set_connection | latin1 |

 | character_set_database   | latin1 |

 | character_set_results| latin1 |

 | character_set_server | latin1 |

 | character_set_system | utf8   |

 | character_sets_dir   | /usr/share/mysql/charsets/ |


 7 rows in set (0.08 sec)


 I assume the character_set_system being utf8 is the problem, but how do I 



 You can use hexademical values for inserting the data. See:


 I've taken a look at this and it could prove very useful. I wish I had the 
 time to read 

 the whole manual!





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Re: collate latin1_general_ci Error

2005-02-17 Thread Gleb Paharenko

 I just installed a new software package that included

 a MySQL upgrade.

What exact version of MySQL do you use?

 Also, I noticed that when I create tables, I no longer

 have a choice for InnoDB, so I've been choosing

 MyISAM. If I leave it at default, what kind of table

 would I get?

In what way do you create you tables? 

 version for the right syntax to use near 'collate

 latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',

  `IDRealm` varc

Please, send a piece of your file where the error occurs.

David Blomstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I just installed a new software package that included

 a MySQL upgrade. Everything was working fine until I

 tried to import one of my tables to my online database

 and got this error:


 #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check

 the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server

 version for the right syntax to use near 'collate

 latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',

  `IDRealm` varc


 What does this mean, and what's the solution?


 Also, I noticed that when I create tables, I no longer

 have a choice for InnoDB, so I've been choosing

 MyISAM. If I leave it at default, what kind of table

 would I get?


 Actually, I'm leaning towards MyISAM anyway. I thought

 InnoDB were generally considered superior, but when my

 computer crashed, I lost most of my InnoDB tables but

 none of my MyISAM tables.






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Re: query performance

2005-02-17 Thread Coz Web
If you do I suggest you also include relevant table definitions and
possibly a little sample data (plus an indication of total table
sizes) and expected output, this will greatly assist anyone who my be
able to help. Oh yes, and don't forget to state the version of MySQL
you are running.


On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 18:22:11 -0700, Ryan McCullough
 Can I post a query to this list and ask for help optimizing it?
 Ryan McCullough
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CozWeb Solutions Ltd

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EXPLAIN: Select tables optimized away

2005-02-17 Thread Gabriel PREDA
MySQL 4.1.10

What does Select tables optimized away mean ?

mysql explain SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM members_twining_main;
NULL | Select tables optimized away |

Gabriel PREDA

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RE: EXPLAIN: Select tables optimized away

2005-02-17 Thread Andy Eastham

I think it means that this count can be done from an index, so there's no
need to access the actual table at all.


 -Original Message-
 From: Gabriel PREDA [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 17 February 2005 11:16
 Subject: EXPLAIN: Select tables optimized away
 MySQL 4.1.10
 What does Select tables optimized away mean ?
 mysql explain SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM members_twining_main;
 NULL | Select tables optimized away |
 Gabriel PREDA
 MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: EXPLAIN: Select tables optimized away

2005-02-17 Thread O'K Web Design

 Counts are extremely fast and since you have no WHERE statement, it
takes the count value straight from the internals and does not look at the
tables or an index if I remember correctly.  Mike

- Original Message -
Sent: February 17, 2005 6:15 AM
Subject: EXPLAIN: Select tables optimized away

 MySQL 4.1.10

 What does Select tables optimized away mean ?

 mysql explain SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM members_twining_main;
 NULL | Select tables optimized away |

 Gabriel PREDA

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Filtering a date/time out of timestamp

2005-02-17 Thread Scott Hamm
I have been trying to figure out a way to filter a date out of
timestamp to no success.  How do I filter out specific critieria that
I need using now()?

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RE: Filtering a date/time out of timestamp

2005-02-17 Thread Jay Blanchard
I have been trying to figure out a way to filter a date out of
timestamp to no success.  How do I filter out specific critieria that
I need using now()?

WHERE now() = substring(dateTimeColumnName, 1, 8) 

should get it

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Re: EXPLAIN: Select tables optimized away

2005-02-17 Thread Gabriel PREDA
O I see... I read this in MySQL Manual... I believe it's something like
And then extract the number of rows... I never saw Select tables optimized
away and it confused me !

Gabriel PREDA

- Original Message - 
From: O'K Web Design [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: EXPLAIN: Select tables optimized away

  Counts are extremely fast and since you have no WHERE statement, it
 takes the count value straight from the internals and does not look at the
 tables or an index if I remember correctly.  Mike

 - Original Message -
 Sent: February 17, 2005 6:15 AM
 Subject: EXPLAIN: Select tables optimized away

  MySQL 4.1.10
  What does Select tables optimized away mean ?
  mysql explain SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM members_twining_main;
  |  1 | SIMPLE  | NULL  | NULL | NULL  | NULL |NULL |
  NULL | Select tables optimized away |
  Gabriel PREDA

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Re: Filtering a date/time out of timestamp

2005-02-17 Thread Scott Hamm
Thanks to both of you, here is my string:

select * from test where date(now())=substring(date,1,10);


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Left join results - can we make it produce at most 1 row?

2005-02-17 Thread Joshua Beall
Hi All,

I have two tables in a children's program registration system, parent and 
child.  1 row in the parent table corresponds to 1 or more rows in the child 

Right now, when I do

SELECT * FROM parent LEFT JOIN child ON parent.ID = child.parentID

I get multiple rows for each parent if they registered more than one child. 
This is normal and expected I know, but I am wondering is there a way to 
return the children on the *same* row, so that the first bit of the row is 
the parent's information, and the second part of the row is something like 
child1.fname, child1.lname, child2.fname, child2.lname, etc.

I'm not really tied to LEFT JOIN if I have to use another syntax.  I am also 
not concerned about speed, because this query would be run at most a few 
times per week by an admin.  It can be inefficient - as long as it won't 
crash the server! :-)

Any help?


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Re: Left join results - can we make it produce at most 1 row?

2005-02-17 Thread Wolfram Kraus
Joshua Beall wrote:
Hi All,
I have two tables in a children's program registration system, parent and 
child.  1 row in the parent table corresponds to 1 or more rows in the child 

Right now, when I do
SELECT * FROM parent LEFT JOIN child ON parent.ID = child.parentID
I get multiple rows for each parent if they registered more than one child. 
This is normal and expected I know, but I am wondering is there a way to 
return the children on the *same* row, so that the first bit of the row is 
the parent's information, and the second part of the row is something like 
child1.fname, child1.lname, child2.fname, child2.lname, etc.

I'm not really tied to LEFT JOIN if I have to use another syntax.  I am also 
not concerned about speed, because this query would be run at most a few 
times per week by an admin.  It can be inefficient - as long as it won't 
crash the server! :-)

Any help?


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Re: Left join results - can we make it produce at most 1 row?

2005-02-17 Thread Joshua Beall
Wolfram Kraus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

Thanks, I'll take a look and see if I can figure that out.  I wasn't aware 
of the GROUP_CONCAT function;  it looks like that might be just what I need.

Any examples that apply to my situation would be greatly appreciate! :-)


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Re: Left join results - can we make it produce at most 1 row?

2005-02-17 Thread Wolfram Kraus
Joshua Beall wrote:
Wolfram Kraus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 


Thanks, I'll take a look and see if I can figure that out.  I wasn't
aware of the GROUP_CONCAT function;  it looks like that might be just
what I need.
Any examples that apply to my situation would be greatly appreciate!
Sincerely, -Josh

Untested!!! (No 4.1 available here)
FROM parent
LEFT JOIN child ON parent.ID = child.parentID
GROUP BY(parent.ID)
You may also need some string functions:
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Re: mysql heartbeat

2005-02-17 Thread Mathew Ray
Hi Pete,
Zabbix looks pretty nice... does it allow you to get insight into 
currently running apps, such as checking on the health of individual 
tables within a db?

Pete Moran wrote:
A monitoring solution which can monitor mysql as well as pretty much any
service on nix and win platforms is zabbix (, its very
easy to setup and personally I think its excellent.  It may be overkill if
you just want to check a db is up though
-Original Message-
From: Mathew Ray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 17 February 2005 2:35 AM
Subject: mysql heartbeat

Has anyone used or built a db monitoring tool for MySQL?
I have come across various system-level heartbeat tools, but I am 
specifically looking for a solution that will work on Win2K Server and 
RedHat boxes, as we have several servers that each run different 
instances of mysql.

No replication or clustering here, just looking to get notification and 
execute some php if a specific db or table isn't accessible. I have a 
rough plan for making my own, but I thought I would check here to see if 
anyone had a suggestion...


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Subquery problems

2005-02-17 Thread Joppe A
hello all,
I am a newbe working with MySQL.
I have a problem that I can't figure out how to do.

I have 2 tables that I want to take out data from, the tables looks 
like below.



Okay here is how it looks in them.


01  boat20050117103245
02  car 20050213133418
03  mc  20050214015902
04  bike20050217081232


100002  20050214135412  20050213133418
100104  20050215143410  20050213124415
100204  20050213133418  20050214133418
100303  20050213133418  20050213133418

Now to my problem, I want to get out the ID,NAME from tableA  and 
then from tableB get the count of how many that that choosen the 
specific alternative in the ID column. The problem is also that I 
only want to specify the ID once in the sql-question.

My answer I want to have from my question should be something like this:

01 boat 0
02 car  1
03 mc   1
04 bike 2

Would be greatful if somebody could help!

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Re: select where multiple joined records match

2005-02-17 Thread Mathew Ray
I am guessing the long duration is caused by having to do complete table 
scans. How big is your dataset?

What about creating another index in resource_goals that includes 
GoalNumber and ResourceID? Perhaps even Subject, Grade, and 
NumericGrade As I learned just a couple days ago, making sure your 
JOIN conditions and WHERE clause can refer to an index can speed up 
queries 1000x or more.

Try tacking an EXPLAIN before your select and see how many rows MySQL 
things are being examined... optimally these should be very low, which 
indexes may be able to help with.

AM Thomas wrote:
Hi there,
I'll answer your questions below, but I should tell you that it looks 
like  even three or four joins seem to make this too slow.  
Theoretically, the  user could select up to 15 or so GoalNumber values, 
12 for Grade, and  about 20 possibilities for Subject - clearly it 
wouldn't be useful to  specify that many items in a search, but that's 
the theoretical maximum; 4  or 5 values isn't unreasonable, though.

Four ANDed goal numbers plus a subject and a grade slowed the search 
(on  the shared commercial web host I'm using) into the 3 minute range, 
and  that's with a regular join, not a left join.  This is the SELECT 
that took  about 3 minutes (3 trials, simplifying slightly each time, 
simplest given  here):

select from resources as r
  join resource_goals as g0 on (
  join resource_goals as g1 on ( and g1.GoalNumber=1)
  join resource_goals as g2 on ( and g2.GoalNumber=2)
  join resource_goals as g3 on ( and g3.GoalNumber=3)
  join resource_goals as g4 on ( and g4.GoalNumber=4)
where ((g0.Subject='Social_Studies')
  and (g0.Grade='4th'))
group by;
The fastest time was 2 min 48 sec.
Last time (simplest query) was 3 min 2 sec.
I'm really running out of time on this project, so I just went ahead 
and  made the user interface such that users can only select one 
subject,  grade, and/or goal number at a time.  It's probably a sound 

decision from  a usability perspective, so I'm not too sad.  If I decide 
to make this  work in the future, I'd probably have to just do a SELECT 
for each ANDed  field, get the list of resource id's for each SELECT, 
then find the  intersection of the lists in Perl.

If I could speed this up with some kind of indexing, I'd love to know  
about it.

The GROUP BY phrase is because I wanted just one row per resource.  It  
seemed like I'd get a row for each condition/resource (didn't test it 
with  the final ).  I'm actually doing SELECT * FROM... in my code, and 
not  using the resource_goals information in my output (that's a 
separate view  at present, generated by different Perl code).

It seems to work fine without the NOT NULL parts, you're right.  I was  
wondering about that, but was sleepy enough at the time that I didn't  
trust my thinking.

Sorry about not including my table defs :-(  .  I guess I was just 
hoping  for a general approach, and didn't realize that anyone would be 
interested  enough to read all that detail and provide and exact 
solution for me.  Of  course, now I realize that it would have 
simplified our discussion.   Anyway, late but not never, and for help to 
whoever finds this in the list  archives someday, here are my table defs 
(you're right - the goal number  is a TINYINT):

(Below is an abridged version of the resources table ; it also contains  
about 60 more TINYINT fields which are essentially used as booleans, 
some  of which I hope to eliminate.  Yes, I could have used SET or 
something,  but I didn't for various reasons.)

CREATE TABLE resources (
  Title TEXT,
  ResourceType_THJHArticle TINYINT,
  ResourceType_NIEArticle TINYINT,
  DataEntryName TINYTEXT,
  Notes TEXT,
  Made_Keywords TEXT);
CREATE TABLE  resource_goals (
  ResourceID INT,
  Subject TINYTEXT,
  GoalNumber TINYINT,
  NumericGrade TINYINT);
Thanks a bunch for your help; I'm finding this more interesting than I  
thought I would.

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 11:08:20 -0500, Michael Stassen  

AM Thomas wrote:
Guarded exclamations of success!
 This seems to be working for me so far - thank you!  Here's an 
actual   example of a working query on my database; the field names 
are a  little  different (sorry, I was trying to make my earlier 
example more  readable).   The main change, though, is that I did 
plain 'join'  instead of 'left  join', which seems to make it much 
faster.  It was  pretty slow at first.

Yes, LEFT JOIN does extra work, and it wasn't needed here.
mysql select, ga.Grade, ga.GoalNumber, gb.GoalNumber from  
resources  as r
   join resource_goals as ga on
   and ga.Grade='4th' and ga.GoalNumber='1'
   join resource_goals as gb on
   and gb.Grade='4th' and 

Re: Subquery problems

2005-02-17 Thread SGreen
Joppe A [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 02/17/2005 09:45:31 AM:

 hello all,
 I am a newbe working with MySQL.
 I have a problem that I can't figure out how to do.
 I have 2 tables that I want to take out data from, the tables looks 
 like below.
 Okay here is how it looks in them.
 01  boat20050117103245
 02  car 20050213133418
 03  mc  20050214015902
 04  bike20050217081232
 100002  20050214135412  20050213133418
 100104  20050215143410  20050213124415
 100204  20050213133418  20050214133418
 100303  20050213133418  20050213133418
 Now to my problem, I want to get out the ID,NAME from tableA  and 
 then from tableB get the count of how many that that choosen the 
 specific alternative in the ID column. The problem is also that I 
 only want to specify the ID once in the sql-question.
 My answer I want to have from my question should be something like this:
 01 boat 0
 02 car  1
 03 mc   1
 04 bike 2
 Would be greatful if somebody could help!
 Sign-up for Ads Free at

Here's one way to do it (there are others) but this works on older server 
versions because it doesn't use a subquery.

FROM tableA A

Suggested additional reading:

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: Subquery problems

2005-02-17 Thread Roger Baklund
Joppe A wrote:
hello all,
I am a newbe working with MySQL.
I have a problem that I can't figure out how to do.
I have 2 tables that I want to take out data from, the tables looks 
like below.

Okay here is how it looks in them.
01  boat20050117103245
02  car 20050213133418
03  mc  20050214015902
04  bike20050217081232
100002  20050214135412  20050213133418
100104  20050215143410  20050213124415
100204  20050213133418  20050214133418
100303  20050213133418  20050213133418
Now to my problem, I want to get out the ID,NAME from tableA  and 
then from tableB get the count of how many that that choosen the 
specific alternative in the ID column. The problem is also that I 
only want to specify the ID once in the sql-question.

My answer I want to have from my question should be something like this:
01 boat 0
02 car  1
03 mc   1
04 bike 2
Would be greatful if somebody could help!
Try something like this:
  FROM tableA
tableA.ID = tableB.ID
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Re: Subquery problems

2005-02-17 Thread Roger Baklund
Roger Baklund wrote:
Try something like this:
  FROM tableA
tableA.ID = tableB.ID
Nope, sorry, that won't work, ID exists in both tables thus it must be 
prefixed with table name or alias: SELECT tableA.ID,... GROUP BY 

But Shawn Green allready gave you the answer, so I suppose you are in 
control of things. :)

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Re: Using Different Database Groups On the Same Computer

2005-02-17 Thread Hassan Schroeder
Hal Vaughan wrote:
I've tried this by running 2 instances of mysqld, the first with no arguments, 
and the second like this:

mysqld --port=3307 --datadir=/dbtest/mysql
I have to run mysqld directly -- not through safe_mysqld 
(which /etc/init.d/mysql calls).  If I run it through safe_mysqld, I can run 
only one instance at a time, it will exit without running a new instance if 
it detects one already running.
FWIW, `/etc/init.d/mysql` and `safe_mysqld` are just shell scripts.
Hence you can copy and change them easily to run multiple versions
or instances of most software...
Hassan Schroeder - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===
  dream.  code.

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: Using Different Database Groups On the Same Computer

2005-02-17 Thread Hal Vaughan
On Thursday 17 February 2005 10:18 am, Hassan Schroeder wrote:
 Hal Vaughan wrote:
  I've tried this by running 2 instances of mysqld, the first with no
  arguments, and the second like this:
  mysqld --port=3307 --datadir=/dbtest/mysql
  I have to run mysqld directly -- not through safe_mysqld
  (which /etc/init.d/mysql calls).  If I run it through safe_mysqld, I can
  run only one instance at a time, it will exit without running a new
  instance if it detects one already running.

 FWIW, `/etc/init.d/mysql` and `safe_mysqld` are just shell scripts.
 Hence you can copy and change them easily to run multiple versions
 or instances of most software...

I see that, but even when I bypass them, I can run 2 instances of mysqld, it 
shows up in the task list as 2 separate tasks, but they both use the data 
directory specified in the last instance I run.

I'm trying to get 2 different instances of mysqld running at the same time, 
each using a different port and different data directory.


 Hassan Schroeder - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===

dream.  code.

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2005-02-17 Thread HMax
Hello there.

OK I'll paste the results of commands you asked right after my reply,
because we found out where the problem comes from.
The myisamchk command showed that the index on the VarChar has a block
size of 2048 instead of 1024. However, when I turn this index to a
FULLTEXT one, the block size is back to 1024, and the LOAD INDEX INTO
CACHE works.

Now this is a problem because our huge table needs both our FULLTEXT
indexes and some on VARCHAR fields too. At least we know where it
comes from. Now, is there a fast solution ? We were waiting for this
bug correction to study a release date for our application :/

Thank you, and here is the results :


CREATE TABLE `tbltest` (
  `testid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `testvalue` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`testid`),
  KEY `BOB` (`testvalue`)


| Variable_name   | Value   |
| back_log| 50  |
| basedir | D:\mysql\4.1\   |
| binlog_cache_size   | 32768   |
| bulk_insert_buffer_size | 8388608 |
| character_set_client| utf8|
| character_set_connection| utf8|
| character_set_database  | utf8|
| character_set_results   | utf8|
| character_set_server| utf8|
| character_set_system| utf8|
| character_sets_dir  | D:\mysql\4.1\share\charsets/|
| collation_connection| utf8_general_ci |
| collation_database  | utf8_general_ci |
| collation_server| utf8_general_ci |
| concurrent_insert   | ON  |
| connect_timeout | 5   |
| datadir | D:\mysql\4.1\Data\  |
| date_format | %Y-%m-%d|
| datetime_format | %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s   |
| default_week_format | 0   |
| delay_key_write | ON  |
| delayed_insert_limit| 100 |
| delayed_insert_timeout  | 300 |
| delayed_queue_size  | 1000|
| expire_logs_days| 0   |
| flush   | OFF |
| flush_time  | 1800|
| ft_boolean_syntax   | + -()~*:|  |
| ft_max_word_len | 84  |
| ft_min_word_len | 4   |
| ft_query_expansion_limit| 20  |
| ft_stopword_file| (built-in)  |
| group_concat_max_len| 1024|
| have_archive| NO  |
| have_bdb| NO  |
| have_compress   | YES |
| have_crypt  | NO  |
| have_csv| NO  |
| have_example_engine | NO  |
| have_geometry   | YES |
| have_innodb | DISABLED|
| have_isam   | NO  |
| have_ndbcluster | NO  |
| have_openssl| NO  |
| have_query_cache| YES |
| have_raid   | NO  |
| have_rtree_keys | YES |
| have_symlink| YES |
| init_connect| |
| init_file   | |
| init_slave  | |
| innodb_additional_mem_pool_size | 2097152 |
| innodb_autoextend_increment | 8   |
| innodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb   | 0   |
| innodb_buffer_pool_size | 8388608 |

MySQL and DNS problem

2005-02-17 Thread Ian Meyer
Hello everyone,
We have a few MySQL servers (4.1.8) running on RedHat ES3. We're having 
problems when trying to use hostnames in the grant command.

create database blah;
grant all on blah.* to 'user'@'host' identified by '';
(also have used the FQDN instead of just host)
When trying to connect, it fails with the message:
'MySQL Error Number 1045
Access denied for user 'user'@'' (using password: YES'
Our DNS servers have correct forward and reverse entries for all of our 
machines. I read the docs about MySQL and DNS, but I still can't figure 
this out.

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Re: is DELETE QUICK supported in 3.22.32?

2005-02-17 Thread Jim Hoadley
I've determined it is not supported. Thx.

-- Jim

--- Jim Hoadley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is DELETE QUICK supported in MySQL version 3.22.32?
 -- Jim
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Re: Using Different Database Groups On the Same Computer

2005-02-17 Thread Hassan Schroeder
Hal Vaughan wrote:
I see that, but even when I bypass them, I can run 2 instances of mysqld, it 
shows up in the task list as 2 separate tasks, but they both use the data 
directory specified in the last instance I run.
Uh, that doesn't really make sense -- a *running* instance isn't
going to switch data directories because another process started
up :-)
Sounds like something in the way you're invoking this is causing
the first instance to be restarted, and then it's using the second
set of parameters.
My preference to do this is to create a complete new config file,
say /etc/alt.cnf, and use that to configure the second process.
That way you can be relatively sure there aren't any overlapping
Hassan Schroeder - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===
  dream.  code.

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Re: Using Different Database Groups On the Same Computer

2005-02-17 Thread Kristen G. Thorson
There may be some helpful notes there.  How are you determining which 
datadir mysqld is using when it's actually running?  Are you logging in 
with mysql or mysqladmin?  Make sure that if you are doing so, that 
you're actually logging in to each server separately, and not just 
looking at the variables for the same server that you've logged into twice.

At the very least, try passing --port and --datadir and any other 
necessary options on command line for both mysqld processes.  Command 
line options should override all others, so if it works then, you know 
you have a problem with your cnf file or environment variables.


Hal Vaughan wrote:
On Thursday 17 February 2005 10:18 am, Hassan Schroeder wrote:

Hal Vaughan wrote:

I've tried this by running 2 instances of mysqld, the first with no
arguments, and the second like this:
mysqld --port=3307 --datadir=/dbtest/mysql
I have to run mysqld directly -- not through safe_mysqld
(which /etc/init.d/mysql calls).  If I run it through safe_mysqld, I can
run only one instance at a time, it will exit without running a new
instance if it detects one already running.

FWIW, `/etc/init.d/mysql` and `safe_mysqld` are just shell scripts.
Hence you can copy and change them easily to run multiple versions
or instances of most software...

I see that, but even when I bypass them, I can run 2 instances of mysqld, it 
shows up in the task list as 2 separate tasks, but they both use the data 
directory specified in the last instance I run.

I'm trying to get 2 different instances of mysqld running at the same time, 
each using a different port and different data directory.


Hassan Schroeder - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===
  dream.  code.


Re: Mysql running as root

2005-02-17 Thread Russ
On Wednesday 16 February 2005 08:48 pm, Gleb Paharenko wrote:

 Please tell us, in what way do you launch your MySQL server.
 Send your configuration file.

  sql running as root. When I log on as root and look at the users, I do
  not see a mysql user. Do I need to create this user and what permissions
  does it

 Log on into the server and use 'ps aux' command to check under what user
 account mysqld running is. Look into /etc/passwd file to check that mysql
 user is present on your system.

  the host database,etc. can these be copied to my new Linux enviroment or
  is it best to rebuild everything?

 I think you should, dump your data from the live windows server with the
 mysqldump program (if you don't have such, setup it and copy tables to its
 data directory). And then, import your data from the dump file into the new
 Linux server.

 Russ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have two questions:
  1) I'm still having trouble getting mysql to run as user mysql. All the
  file and folders have been changed to be owned by user mysql but phpadmin
  shows my sql running as root. When I log on as root and look at the
  users, I do not see a mysql user. Do I need to create this user and what
  permissions does it need? How can the files and folders be owned by a
  user if they do not exist?
  2) When my windows environment died I was unable to dump mysql. I was
  able to recover the Data files for both tables I had (.myd, .myi and
  .frm) Also for the host database,etc. can these be copied to my new Linux
  enviroment or is it best to rebuild everything?
  Thanks in advance for any help!!

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__  ___ ___   __
   /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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 /_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

I got my data working. I couldn't dump it since my whole windows environment 
went belly up. Everytime I tried and program or command my system hung. Had 
to do a complete format and install XP only to be able to support my wife's 
system. I'm now 100% Linux except for TurboTax.

I will look into your other suggestions.

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RE: MySQL and DNS problem

2005-02-17 Thread Tom Crimmins
On Thursday, February 17, 2005 09:41, Ian Meyer wrote:

 Hello everyone,
 We have a few MySQL servers (4.1.8) running on RedHat ES3. We're
 having problems when trying to use hostnames in the grant command.
 create database blah;
 grant all on blah.* to 'user'@'host' identified by '';
 (also have used the FQDN instead of just host)
 When trying to connect, it fails with the message:
 'MySQL Error Number 1045
 Access denied for user 'user'@'' (using password: YES'
 Our DNS servers have correct forward and reverse entries for all of
 our machines. I read the docs about MySQL and DNS, but I still can't
 figure this out.

I know you said you have correct reverse entries, but just as a test if
you run 'host' on the mysql host, does it give back the
hostname you used in your grant?


Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: MySQL and DNS problem

2005-02-17 Thread Ian Meyer
Tom Crimmins wrote:
On Thursday, February 17, 2005 09:41, Ian Meyer wrote:

Hello everyone,
We have a few MySQL servers (4.1.8) running on RedHat ES3. We're
having problems when trying to use hostnames in the grant command.
create database blah;
grant all on blah.* to 'user'@'host' identified by '';
(also have used the FQDN instead of just host)
When trying to connect, it fails with the message:
'MySQL Error Number 1045
Access denied for user 'user'@'' (using password: YES'
Our DNS servers have correct forward and reverse entries for all of
our machines. I read the docs about MySQL and DNS, but I still can't
figure this out.

I know you said you have correct reverse entries, but just as a test if
you run 'host' on the mysql host, does it give back the
hostname you used in your grant?
This was run on the database server:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] imeyer]$ host domain name pointer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] imeyer]$ host has address
The error message MySQL shows the IP address.


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Re: Using Different Database Groups On the Same Computer

2005-02-17 Thread Hal Vaughan
On Thursday 17 February 2005 10:56 am, Hassan Schroeder wrote:
 Hal Vaughan wrote:
  I see that, but even when I bypass them, I can run 2 instances of mysqld,
  it shows up in the task list as 2 separate tasks, but they both use the
  data directory specified in the last instance I run.

 Uh, that doesn't really make sense -- a *running* instance isn't
 going to switch data directories because another process started
 up :-)

That's what's happening.  I have no idea why.  Here's what I'm doing now:
(each command is in a separate console)

mysqld --port=3307 --datadir=/dbtest/mysql
mysqld --port=3306 --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
mysql --port=3307
mysql --port=3306

When I do this, then do a show databases; in either new instance of mysql 
(both are open at the same time, in separate consoles), I get the databases 
in the last version of mysqld that I specified.

 Sounds like something in the way you're invoking this is causing
 the first instance to be restarted, and then it's using the second
 set of parameters.

I do a ps-ax and get this (only mysqld tasks pasted in):

13391 pts/10   S  0:00 mysqld --port=3307 --datadir=/dbtest/mysql
13401 pts/10   S  0:00 mysqld --port=3307 --datadir=/dbtest/mysql
13402 pts/10   S  0:00 mysqld --port=3307 --datadir=/dbtest/mysql
13403 pts/10   S  0:00 mysqld --port=3307 --datadir=/dbtest/mysql
13450 pts/9S  0:00 mysqld --port=3306 --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
13451 pts/9S  0:00 mysqld --port=3306 --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
13452 pts/9S  0:00 mysqld --port=3306 --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
13453 pts/9S  0:00 mysqld --port=3306 --datadir=/var/lib/mysql

 My preference to do this is to create a complete new config file,
 say /etc/alt.cnf, and use that to configure the second process.
 That way you can be relatively sure there aren't any overlapping

I'll try that, in case config options can trump a command line.


 Hassan Schroeder - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===

dream.  code.

MySQL General Mailing List
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select only values 0

2005-02-17 Thread Jan Bartholdy
Dear All, from a single row of a table, I have to select only the column,
which have a value larger '0' into an outfile.
How can I manage it with 'select'? Thanks, Jan

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Re: Using Different Database Groups On the Same Computer

2005-02-17 Thread Hassan Schroeder
Hal Vaughan wrote:
mysqld --port=3307 --datadir=/dbtest/mysql
mysqld --port=3306 --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
mysql --port=3307
mysql --port=3306
When I do this, then do a show databases; in either new instance of mysql 
(both are open at the same time, in separate consoles), I get the databases 
in the last version of mysqld that I specified.
Aha. Light bulb :-)
My preference to do this is to create a complete new config file,
say /etc/alt.cnf, and use that to configure the second process.
That way you can be relatively sure there aren't any overlapping
I'll try that, in case config options can trump a command line.
They don't, but it's what you're *not* specifying here -- the two
processes are sharing the default /tmp/mysql.sock socket, I'll
wager. So the last daemon started is listening on it...
I think you'll find creating two config files will make it a *lot*
easier to get this going  :-)
Hassan Schroeder - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===
  dream.  code.

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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RE: MySQL and DNS problem

2005-02-17 Thread Tom Crimmins
On Thursday, February 17, 2005 10:26, Ian Meyer wrote:

 Tom Crimmins wrote:
 On Thursday, February 17, 2005 09:41, Ian Meyer wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 We have a few MySQL servers (4.1.8) running on RedHat ES3. We're
 having problems when trying to use hostnames in the grant command.
 create database blah;
 grant all on blah.* to 'user'@'host' identified by '';
 (also have used the FQDN instead of just host)
 When trying to connect, it fails with the message:
 'MySQL Error Number 1045
 Access denied for user 'user'@'' (using password: YES'
 Our DNS servers have correct forward and reverse entries for all of
 our machines. I read the docs about MySQL and DNS, but I still can't
 figure this out.
 I know you said you have correct reverse entries, but just as a test
 if you run 'host' on the mysql host, does it give back
 the hostname you used in your grant?
 This was run on the database server:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] imeyer]$ host domain name pointer
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] imeyer]$ host has address
 The error message MySQL shows the IP address.

You don't happen to have skip-name-resolve in your my.cnf do you? I'm sure 
you probably already checked that. I think the grant will create a 
warning anyway if you try to give a hostname with this option enabled.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: MySQL and DNS problem

2005-02-17 Thread Ian Meyer
Tom Crimmins wrote:
On Thursday, February 17, 2005 10:26, Ian Meyer wrote:

Tom Crimmins wrote:
On Thursday, February 17, 2005 09:41, Ian Meyer wrote:

Hello everyone,
We have a few MySQL servers (4.1.8) running on RedHat ES3. We're
having problems when trying to use hostnames in the grant command.
create database blah;
grant all on blah.* to 'user'@'host' identified by '';
(also have used the FQDN instead of just host)
When trying to connect, it fails with the message:
'MySQL Error Number 1045
Access denied for user 'user'@'' (using password: YES'
Our DNS servers have correct forward and reverse entries for all of
our machines. I read the docs about MySQL and DNS, but I still can't
figure this out.

I know you said you have correct reverse entries, but just as a test
if you run 'host' on the mysql host, does it give back
the hostname you used in your grant?
This was run on the database server:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] imeyer]$ host domain name pointer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] imeyer]$ host has address
The error message MySQL shows the IP address.

You don't happen to have skip-name-resolve in your my.cnf do you? I'm sure 
you probably already checked that. I think the grant will create a 
warning anyway if you try to give a hostname with this option enabled.

I definitely don't.. I even went through all the variables using 'show 
variables;' and found nothing in there that could attribute to my 
problem. This is becoming really baffling.. I may try a source compile 
aside from this and try that to see if there is anything different.

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Mysql running as root

2005-02-17 Thread Russ
On Wednesday 16 February 2005 08:48 pm, Gleb Paharenko wrote:

 Please tell us, in what way do you launch your MySQL server.
 Send your configuration file.

  sql running as root. When I log on as root and look at the users, I do
  not see a mysql user. Do I need to create this user and what permissions
  does it

 Log on into the server and use 'ps aux' command to check under what user
 account mysqld running is. Look into /etc/passwd file to check that mysql
 user is present on your system.

  the host database,etc. can these be copied to my new Linux enviroment or
  is it best to rebuild everything?

 I think you should, dump your data from the live windows server with the
 mysqldump program (if you don't have such, setup it and copy tables to its
 data directory). And then, import your data from the dump file into the new
 Linux server.

 Russ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have two questions:
  1) I'm still having trouble getting mysql to run as user mysql. All the
  file and folders have been changed to be owned by user mysql but phpadmin
  shows my sql running as root. When I log on as root and look at the
  users, I do not see a mysql user. Do I need to create this user and what
  permissions does it need? How can the files and folders be owned by a
  user if they do not exist?
  2) When my windows environment died I was unable to dump mysql. I was
  able to recover the Data files for both tables I had (.myd, .myi and
  .frm) Also for the host database,etc. can these be copied to my new Linux
  enviroment or is it best to rebuild everything?
  Thanks in advance for any help!!

 For technical support contracts, goto
 This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
__  ___ ___   __
   /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
  / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 /_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

I am using SuSE 9.1 Pro. I started mysql in the runlevel editor of YaST. It 
start when I boot the system.

below are the results of the two items you asked me to look at:

ps aux
mysql   5471 0.0 0.4 21584 2400 ?S  07:38  
0:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld

mysql:x:60:2:MySQL database admin:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false

This is what I see in phpMyAdmin.

Welcome to phpMyAdmin 2.5.6

MySQL 4.0.18 running on localhost as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

thanks again for your help.

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JOIN Problem

2005-02-17 Thread Albert Padley
I have the following 2 tables:
CREATE TABLE `division_info` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `division` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `spots` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  KEY `division` (`division`),
  KEY `spots` (`spots`)
CREATE TABLE `team_info` (
  `id` int(14) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `division` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `application` varchar(9) NOT NULL default 'No',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  KEY `division` (`division`),
I'm running the following query:
SELECT division_info.division AS 'division', COUNT(team_info.division) 
AS 'count', division_info.spots as 'spots' FROM division_info LEFT JOIN 
team_info ON division_info.division = team_info.division WHERE 
application='ACCEPTED' GROUP BY division_info.division

This query runs fine. However, it only returns divisions where there is 
at least 1 ACCEPTED team. I also need to show divisions where there are 
spots but not teams have yet been ACCEPTED.

A little direction would be appreciated.
Al Padley
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Using Different Database Groups On the Same Computer

2005-02-17 Thread Hal Vaughan
On Thursday 17 February 2005 11:48 am, Hassan Schroeder wrote:
 Hal Vaughan wrote:
  mysqld --port=3307 --datadir=/dbtest/mysql
  mysqld --port=3306 --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
  mysql --port=3307
  mysql --port=3306
  When I do this, then do a show databases; in either new instance of
  mysql (both are open at the same time, in separate consoles), I get the
  databases in the last version of mysqld that I specified.

 Aha. Light bulb :-)

 My preference to do this is to create a complete new config file,
 say /etc/alt.cnf, and use that to configure the second process.
 That way you can be relatively sure there aren't any overlapping
  I'll try that, in case config options can trump a command line.

 They don't, but it's what you're *not* specifying here -- the two
 processes are sharing the default /tmp/mysql.sock socket, I'll
 wager. So the last daemon started is listening on it...

Bingo!  I tried adding --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld6.sock for the process 
running with port 3306 and mysqld7.sock for the process running on port 
3307.  It works perfectly!

Thanks!  This will really help me out in getting rid of some extra boxen that 
are too slow and need to be retired to the parent's e-mail computers.  Making 
the change for the one routine in my Perl modules that creates the connection 
to the database is trivial, too.

Thanks to all who have helped with this.


 I think you'll find creating two config files will make it a *lot*
 easier to get this going  :-)

 Hassan Schroeder - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===

dream.  code.

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Re: select only values 0

2005-02-17 Thread Michael Dykman
You can't conditionally select columns with a mere select statement..  
In whatever langauge you are using to process (perl, Java, whatever) you
are going to have to select the entire row and use locig to pick out the
columns that you want

 - michael dykman

On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 11:44, Jan Bartholdy wrote:
 Dear All, from a single row of a table, I have to select only the column,
 which have a value larger '0' into an outfile.
 How can I manage it with 'select'? Thanks, Jan
 Virus checked by G DATA AntiVirusKit
 Version: AVK 15.0.2975 from 09.02.2005
 - michael dykman

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: MySQL and DNS problem

2005-02-17 Thread Michael Dykman
On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 10:41, Ian Meyer wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 We have a few MySQL servers (4.1.8) running on RedHat ES3. We're having 
 problems when trying to use hostnames in the grant command.
 create database blah;
 grant all on blah.* to 'user'@'host' identified by '';
 (also have used the FQDN instead of just host)
 When trying to connect, it fails with the message:
 'MySQL Error Number 1045
 Access denied for user 'user'@'' (using password: YES'
 Our DNS servers have correct forward and reverse entries for all of our 
 machines. I read the docs about MySQL and DNS, but I still can't figure 
 this out.

Instead, try determining what the ips the host names resolve to (not the
other way around)  If you are GRANTing to [EMAIL PROTECTED] , you want to make
sure that when the machine 'foo' connects, it is connecting as the same
ip address the 'foo' resolves to when the server looks it up

for example,
$ host foo
might translate to - [external ip]
but foo is connecting as [internal ip]
and Mysql will reject the connection.

 - michael dykman

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: JOIN Problem

2005-02-17 Thread Michael Dykman
On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 12:08, Albert Padley wrote:
 I have the following 2 tables:
 CREATE TABLE `division_info` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`division` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`spots` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
KEY `division` (`division`),
KEY `spots` (`spots`)
 CREATE TABLE `team_info` (
`id` int(14) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`division` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`application` varchar(9) NOT NULL default 'No',
PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
KEY `division` (`division`),
 I'm running the following query:
 SELECT division_info.division AS 'division', COUNT(team_info.division) 
 AS 'count', division_info.spots as 'spots' FROM division_info LEFT JOIN 
 team_info ON division_info.division = team_info.division WHERE 
 application='ACCEPTED' GROUP BY division_info.division
 This query runs fine. However, it only returns divisions where there is 
 at least 1 ACCEPTED team. I also need to show divisions where there are 
 spots but not teams have yet been ACCEPTED.
 A little direction would be appreciated.
 Al Padley

SELECT division_info.division AS 'division', COUNT(team_info.division) 
AS 'count', division_info.spots as 'spots' FROM division_info
team_info ON division_info.division = team_info.division WHERE 
application='ACCEPTED' GROUP BY division_info.division

 - michael dykman

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: MySQL and DNS problem

2005-02-17 Thread Ian Meyer
Michael Dykman wrote:
On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 10:41, Ian Meyer wrote:
Hello everyone,
We have a few MySQL servers (4.1.8) running on RedHat ES3. We're having 
problems when trying to use hostnames in the grant command.

create database blah;
grant all on blah.* to 'user'@'host' identified by '';
(also have used the FQDN instead of just host)
When trying to connect, it fails with the message:
'MySQL Error Number 1045
Access denied for user 'user'@'' (using password: YES'
Our DNS servers have correct forward and reverse entries for all of our 
machines. I read the docs about MySQL and DNS, but I still can't figure 
this out.


Instead, try determining what the ips the host names resolve to (not the
other way around)  If you are GRANTing to [EMAIL PROTECTED] , you want to make
sure that when the machine 'foo' connects, it is connecting as the same
ip address the 'foo' resolves to when the server looks it up
for example,
$ host foo
might translate to - [external ip]
but foo is connecting as [internal ip]
and Mysql will reject the connection.
This is all internal, so that isn't an issue. See my 2nd or 3rd reply 
for additional `host` information for the hosts I'm trying to connect with.

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Re: Mysql running as root

2005-02-17 Thread Kristen G. Thorson
The line:
MySQL 4.0.18 running on localhost as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
refers to the hostname and user you log into *mysql* with.  It does not tell you what user mysql is running under on the OS.  The user and hostname that phpMyAdmin logs in under are changed in the phpMyAdmin file. 


Russ wrote:
On Wednesday 16 February 2005 08:48 pm, Gleb Paharenko wrote:

Please tell us, in what way do you launch your MySQL server.
Send your configuration file.

sql running as root. When I log on as root and look at the users, I do
not see a mysql user. Do I need to create this user and what permissions
does it

Log on into the server and use 'ps aux' command to check under what user
account mysqld running is. Look into /etc/passwd file to check that mysql
user is present on your system.

the host database,etc. can these be copied to my new Linux enviroment or
is it best to rebuild everything?

I think you should, dump your data from the live windows server with the
mysqldump program (if you don't have such, setup it and copy tables to its
data directory). And then, import your data from the dump file into the new
Linux server.

I have two questions:
1) I'm still having trouble getting mysql to run as user mysql. All the
file and folders have been changed to be owned by user mysql but phpadmin
shows my sql running as root. When I log on as root and look at the
users, I do not see a mysql user. Do I need to create this user and what
permissions does it need? How can the files and folders be owned by a
user if they do not exist?
2) When my windows environment died I was unable to dump mysql. I was
able to recover the Data files for both tables I had (.myd, .myi and
.frm) Also for the host database,etc. can these be copied to my new Linux
enviroment or is it best to rebuild everything?
Thanks in advance for any help!!

For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
  __  ___ ___   __
 /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
/ /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

I am using SuSE 9.1 Pro. I started mysql in the runlevel editor of YaST. It 
start when I boot the system.

below are the results of the two items you asked me to look at:
ps aux
mysql 5471  0.0  0.4 21584 2400 ?S07:38   
0:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld

mysql:x:60:2:MySQL database admin:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false
This is what I see in phpMyAdmin.
Welcome to phpMyAdmin 2.5.6
MySQL 4.0.18 running on localhost as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
thanks again for your help.

Re: JOIN Problem

2005-02-17 Thread mel list_php
Would you mind giving me some additional explanation about outer join?
In the mysql reference book I just found one line saying left outer join 
syntax exists only for compatibility with odbc.

From: Michael Dykman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Albert Padley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: \MySQL List\
Subject: Re: JOIN Problem
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 12:20:44 -0500
On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 12:08, Albert Padley wrote:
 I have the following 2 tables:

 CREATE TABLE `division_info` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`division` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`spots` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
KEY `division` (`division`),
KEY `spots` (`spots`)

 CREATE TABLE `team_info` (
`id` int(14) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`division` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`application` varchar(9) NOT NULL default 'No',
PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
KEY `division` (`division`),

 I'm running the following query:

 SELECT division_info.division AS 'division', COUNT(team_info.division)
 AS 'count', division_info.spots as 'spots' FROM division_info LEFT JOIN
 team_info ON division_info.division = team_info.division WHERE
 application='ACCEPTED' GROUP BY division_info.division

 This query runs fine. However, it only returns divisions where there is
 at least 1 ACCEPTED team. I also need to show divisions where there are
 spots but not teams have yet been ACCEPTED.

 A little direction would be appreciated.


 Al Padley
SELECT division_info.division AS 'division', COUNT(team_info.division)
AS 'count', division_info.spots as 'spots' FROM division_info
team_info ON division_info.division = team_info.division WHERE
application='ACCEPTED' GROUP BY division_info.division
 - michael dykman
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Problem with SUM and DECIMAL field

2005-02-17 Thread LAFONTAINE Julien - LYO
Hi everyone,

I've recentely upgarded my servers from MySQL 3.23.49 to MySQL 4.1.9.

Now I have a problem when using the SUM operator on DECIMAL field.

The value returned by the SUM operator when used with DECIMAL field has a
coma (,) as decimal separator while it used to be have a dot (.) . If I
query my table to display the DECIMAL fields (SELECT * FROM ...)  I get a
dot as decimal separator as expected.

This doesn't look like a big issue but it prevents Connector/J from
retieving the data properly. Connector/J can't parse the value of the field
as it's expecting a dot as decimal separator.

Here is the stack trace :

java.sql.SQLException: Bad format for BigDecimal '12660,95' in column 1( .
() . SUM(AMFTPF)()).
at com.mysql.jdbc.ResultSet.getBigDecimal(

I'm using Connector/J 3.0.16.

One last thing : this seems to happen only on AIX. I have tried on Linux and
Windows XP and everything works as expected.

Is there something wrong with some of my database parameters or is this a
bug ?

Please let me know if someone is interested by a testcase.



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Re: MySQL and DNS problem

2005-02-17 Thread Michael Dykman
On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 12:21, Ian Meyer wrote:
 Michael Dykman wrote:
  On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 10:41, Ian Meyer wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 We have a few MySQL servers (4.1.8) running on RedHat ES3. We're having 
 problems when trying to use hostnames in the grant command.
 create database blah;
 grant all on blah.* to 'user'@'host' identified by '';
 (also have used the FQDN instead of just host)
 When trying to connect, it fails with the message:
 'MySQL Error Number 1045
 Access denied for user 'user'@'' (using password: YES'
 Our DNS servers have correct forward and reverse entries for all of our 
 machines. I read the docs about MySQL and DNS, but I still can't figure 
 this out.
  Instead, try determining what the ips the host names resolve to (not the
  other way around)  If you are GRANTing to [EMAIL PROTECTED] , you want to 
  sure that when the machine 'foo' connects, it is connecting as the same
  ip address the 'foo' resolves to when the server looks it up
  for example,
  $ host foo
  might translate to - [external ip]
  but foo is connecting as [internal ip]
  and Mysql will reject the connection.
 This is all internal, so that isn't an issue. See my 2nd or 3rd reply 
 for additional `host` information for the hosts I'm trying to connect with.

your right, I had noticed the reverse lookup but didn't see the

I note that the lookup finds an address for the fully qualified domain
name, not just the lowest-level..  

if  host resolves to resolves to 'someip' and you are
granting to host, it might be that mysql (very wisely and safely)
chooses not to attempt the resolution with additional qualifications
(  Perhaps if your GRANT was to the fully qualified name
MySQL could match it to the incoming address unambiguously?

 - michael dykman

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: MySQL and DNS problem

2005-02-17 Thread Jeff Smelser
On Thursday 17 February 2005 09:41 am, Ian Meyer wrote:

 When trying to connect, it fails with the message:
 'MySQL Error Number 1045
 Access denied for user 'user'@'' (using password: YES'

The is your tip that its not using a host. grant 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and things will work.

Then you can solve why its not resolving.


Description: PGP signature

Re: JOIN Problem

2005-02-17 Thread SGreen
Albert Padley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 02/17/2005 12:08:31 PM:

 I have the following 2 tables:
 CREATE TABLE `division_info` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`division` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`spots` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
KEY `division` (`division`),
KEY `spots` (`spots`)
 CREATE TABLE `team_info` (
`id` int(14) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`division` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`application` varchar(9) NOT NULL default 'No',
PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
KEY `division` (`division`),
 I'm running the following query:
 SELECT division_info.division AS 'division', COUNT(team_info.division) 
 AS 'count', division_info.spots as 'spots' FROM division_info LEFT JOIN 
 team_info ON division_info.division = team_info.division WHERE 
 application='ACCEPTED' GROUP BY division_info.division
 This query runs fine. However, it only returns divisions where there is 
 at least 1 ACCEPTED team. I also need to show divisions where there are 
 spots but not teams have yet been ACCEPTED.
 A little direction would be appreciated.
 Al Padley

You are very, very close. You used the LEFT JOIN (correct choice) but you 
eliminated all of the rows from your division table without any accepted 
teams when you said WHERE application='ACCEPTED'. That's why you aren't 
getting a good count across all of your divisions.

What I think you were trying to do was to tell how many teams have 
accepted within a division, across all divisions. That means you want to 
count 'ACCEPTED' teams but not teams that do not exist or teams that 
have some other application status, right?

I have reworked your query a bit and I think I answered the question you 
had and I also tried to demonstrate how to get at some other information 
at the same time.

SELECT d.division AS 'division'
, d.spots as 'spots'
, COUNT(t.division) AS 'total_team_count'
, SUM(IF(t.application = 'ACCEPTED',1,0)) as 'teams_accepted'
, SUM(IF(t.application  'ACCEPTED',1,0)) as 'teams_not_accepted'
FROM division_info d
LEFT JOIN team_info t
ON d.division = t.division 
GROUP BY d.division, d.spots

Using the aggregating functions like COUNT() and SUM() in this way, we are 
building a crosstab query (also called a pivot table). There are many 
other articles in this thread's archive that can help you understand how 
to build those types of queries with MySQL. 

By eliminating your WHERE clause and moving your condition into a 
SUM(IF()), we allowed all of the rows from the RIGHT side of the LEFT JOIN 
(even those with all null values) to appear in the results and thanks to 
the IF() we only count (by adding up the 1's) those rows with the values 
we want to find.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: MySQL and DNS problem

2005-02-17 Thread Ian Meyer
Michael Dykman wrote:
On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 12:21, Ian Meyer wrote:
Michael Dykman wrote:
On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 10:41, Ian Meyer wrote:

Hello everyone,
We have a few MySQL servers (4.1.8) running on RedHat ES3. We're having 
problems when trying to use hostnames in the grant command.

create database blah;
grant all on blah.* to 'user'@'host' identified by '';
(also have used the FQDN instead of just host)
When trying to connect, it fails with the message:
'MySQL Error Number 1045
Access denied for user 'user'@'' (using password: YES'
Our DNS servers have correct forward and reverse entries for all of our 
machines. I read the docs about MySQL and DNS, but I still can't figure 
this out.


Instead, try determining what the ips the host names resolve to (not the
other way around)  If you are GRANTing to [EMAIL PROTECTED] , you want to make
sure that when the machine 'foo' connects, it is connecting as the same
ip address the 'foo' resolves to when the server looks it up
for example,
$ host foo
might translate to - [external ip]
but foo is connecting as [internal ip]
and Mysql will reject the connection.
This is all internal, so that isn't an issue. See my 2nd or 3rd reply 
for additional `host` information for the hosts I'm trying to connect with.

your right, I had noticed the reverse lookup but didn't see the
I note that the lookup finds an address for the fully qualified domain
name, not just the lowest-level..  

if  host resolves to resolves to 'someip' and you are
granting to host, it might be that mysql (very wisely and safely)
chooses not to attempt the resolution with additional qualifications
(  Perhaps if your GRANT was to the fully qualified name
MySQL could match it to the incoming address unambiguously?
Tried the FQDN like 'user'@'' and it still didn't work.
I'll do the source deal after lunch and let y'all know what the story 
is. Thanks so far for your help.

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Re: JOIN Problem

2005-02-17 Thread Michael Dykman
The idea of the OUTER JOIN is that it find at least one row for the
joined table, even if the conddtion for that tables fails.. the
resulting row will have all nulls except for the connecting fields.

it guarantees that every row of division_info which is returned by the
first part of the query is represented in the final data set even if
there is no correcponding team_info which matches the join condition.

I'm didn't notice what version of MySQL you are running and I'm not 100%
sure this is supported under MySQL 3.23 (for example) but it certainly
works on my 4.1..  the outer join has been part of ANSI-SQL syntax for
at least 10 years I think.

On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 12:30, mel list_php wrote:
 Would you mind giving me some additional explanation about outer join?
 In the mysql reference book I just found one line saying left outer join 
 syntax exists only for compatibility with odbc.
 From: Michael Dykman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Albert Padley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 CC: \MySQL List\
 Subject: Re: JOIN Problem
 Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 12:20:44 -0500
 On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 12:08, Albert Padley wrote:
   I have the following 2 tables:
   CREATE TABLE `division_info` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `division` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `spots` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  KEY `division` (`division`),
  KEY `spots` (`spots`)
   CREATE TABLE `team_info` (
  `id` int(14) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `division` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `application` varchar(9) NOT NULL default 'No',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  KEY `division` (`division`),
   I'm running the following query:
   SELECT division_info.division AS 'division', COUNT(team_info.division)
   AS 'count', division_info.spots as 'spots' FROM division_info LEFT JOIN
   team_info ON division_info.division = team_info.division WHERE
   application='ACCEPTED' GROUP BY division_info.division
   This query runs fine. However, it only returns divisions where there is
   at least 1 ACCEPTED team. I also need to show divisions where there are
   spots but not teams have yet been ACCEPTED.
   A little direction would be appreciated.
   Al Padley
 SELECT division_info.division AS 'division', COUNT(team_info.division)
 AS 'count', division_info.spots as 'spots' FROM division_info
 team_info ON division_info.division = team_info.division WHERE
 application='ACCEPTED' GROUP BY division_info.division
   - michael dykman
 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Want to block unwanted pop-ups? Download the free MSN Toolbar now!
 - michael dykman

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Re: MySQL and DNS problem

2005-02-17 Thread Ian Meyer
Jeff Smelser wrote:
On Thursday 17 February 2005 09:41 am, Ian Meyer wrote:

When trying to connect, it fails with the message:
'MySQL Error Number 1045
Access denied for user 'user'@'' (using password: YES'

The is your tip that its not using a host. grant 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and things will work.

Then you can solve why its not resolving.
I wish we could do that, however, it's not an option as we use DHCP.. so 
the IP's change, yet the hostname does not. Besides, that's just a cheap 
way to avoid fixing the problem when it should work to begin with. Our 
access tables are ridiculously messy as you can guess.

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Re: JOIN Problem

2005-02-17 Thread SGreen
Michael Dykman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 02/17/2005 12:20:44 PM:

 On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 12:08, Albert Padley wrote:
  I have the following 2 tables:
  CREATE TABLE `division_info` (
 `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `division` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
 `spots` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
 KEY `division` (`division`),
 KEY `spots` (`spots`)
  CREATE TABLE `team_info` (
 `id` int(14) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `division` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
 `application` varchar(9) NOT NULL default 'No',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
 KEY `division` (`division`),
  I'm running the following query:
  SELECT division_info.division AS 'division', COUNT(team_info.division) 

  AS 'count', division_info.spots as 'spots' FROM division_info LEFT 
  team_info ON division_info.division = team_info.division WHERE 
  application='ACCEPTED' GROUP BY division_info.division
  This query runs fine. However, it only returns divisions where there 
  at least 1 ACCEPTED team. I also need to show divisions where there 
  spots but not teams have yet been ACCEPTED.
  A little direction would be appreciated.
  Al Padley
 SELECT division_info.division AS 'division', COUNT(team_info.division) 
 AS 'count', division_info.spots as 'spots' FROM division_info
 team_info ON division_info.division = team_info.division WHERE 
 application='ACCEPTED' GROUP BY division_info.division
  - michael dykman

begin flame

Please be so kind as to explain WHY you thought your answer was DIFFERENT 
than the originally posted query? The OUTER keyword is optional in MySQL. 
That means that LEFT JOIN and LEFT OUTER JOIN are parsed as the same 

Look at the problem again, remembering that the team_info table is the 
OUTER table of the JOIN, and see if you can spot the problem. I'll give 
you another hint, it's a SQL logic issue, not a SQL grammar issue.
end flame

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: What is the max length of IN() function?

2005-02-17 Thread Keith Ivey
Donny Simonton wrote:
In our case we were using words, and phrases, so we would have something
IN ('a', 'apple', 'apple car', 'car', 'c')  etc...
We found that once it hits about 200 or so entries the query went from 0.00
seconds to about 2-3 seconds.  Sometimes much more.
I would guess that it has more to do with the amount of your key 
space that the list ranges over than with the absolute number of 
entries.  Try comparing IN ('a', 'z') (or something similar) 
with IN ('a', 'aa', 'aaa', 'aab', [...], 'aaaz') (with 
lots of entries, all between 'a' and 'ab', or another small 
range).  MySQL can use a range of the index for the second, even 
though there are lots of entries, but not for the first, which 
may force it to scan the whole index.

Smokefree DC
Washington, DC
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Re: JOIN Problem

2005-02-17 Thread Albert Padley
On Feb 17, 2005, at 10:34 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Albert Padley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 02/17/2005 12:08:31 PM:
  I have the following 2 tables:
  CREATE TABLE `division_info` (
     `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
     `division` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
     `spots` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
     PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
     KEY `division` (`division`),
     KEY `spots` (`spots`)
  CREATE TABLE `team_info` (
     `id` int(14) NOT NULL auto_increment,
     `division` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
     `application` varchar(9) NOT NULL default 'No',
     PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
     KEY `division` (`division`),
  I'm running the following query:
  SELECT division_info.division AS 'division', 
  AS 'count', division_info.spots as 'spots' FROM division_info LEFT 
  team_info ON division_info.division = team_info.division WHERE
  application='ACCEPTED' GROUP BY division_info.division
  This query runs fine. However, it only returns divisions where 
there is
  at least 1 ACCEPTED team. I also need to show divisions where there 
  spots but not teams have yet been ACCEPTED.
  A little direction would be appreciated.
  Al Padley

You are very, very close. You used the LEFT JOIN (correct choice) but 
you eliminated all of the rows from your division table without any 
accepted teams when you said WHERE application='ACCEPTED'. That's why 
you aren't getting a good count across all of your divisions.

What I think you were trying to do was to tell how many teams have 
accepted within a division, across all divisions. That means you want 
to count 'ACCEPTED' teams but not teams that do not exist or teams 
that have some other application status, right?

I have reworked your query a bit and I think I answered the question 
you had and I also tried to demonstrate how to get at some other 
information at the same time.

SELECT d.division AS 'division'
        , d.spots as 'spots'
        , COUNT(t.division) AS 'total_team_count'
        , SUM(IF(t.application = 'ACCEPTED',1,0)) as 'teams_accepted'
        , SUM(IF(t.application  'ACCEPTED',1,0)) as 
FROM division_info d
LEFT JOIN team_info t
        ON d.division = t.division
 GROUP BY d.division, d.spots

Using the aggregating functions like COUNT() and SUM() in this way, we 
are building a crosstab query (also called a pivot table). There are 
many other articles in this thread's archive that can help you 
understand how to build those types of queries with MySQL.

By eliminating your WHERE clause and moving your condition into a 
SUM(IF()), we allowed all of the rows from the RIGHT side of the LEFT 
JOIN (even those with all null values) to appear in the results and 
thanks to the IF() we only count (by adding up the 1's) those rows 
with the values we want to find.

Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
Thanks. This was just right. Once again, you have gone beyond the 
initial question and not only provided the correct answer, but an 
explanation that helps me better understand the why behind the query. 
Much appreciated. Thanks again.

Al Padley
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Data Types in Mysql

2005-02-17 Thread Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh
Dear,I need to MySQL data type or another.
But i dont know name of their header file.
Please guide me..

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RE: MySQL and DNS problem

2005-02-17 Thread John Trammell
You can specify a wildcard in the host IP, eg.

  grant select on mydb.* to 'someuser'@'192.168.2.%' ...

which you can use to get around your DHCP issue until host lookups are

 -Original Message-
 From: Ian Meyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 11:46 AM
 Subject: Re: MySQL and DNS problem
 Jeff Smelser wrote:
  On Thursday 17 February 2005 09:41 am, Ian Meyer wrote:
 When trying to connect, it fails with the message:
 'MySQL Error Number 1045
 Access denied for user 'user'@'' (using password: YES'
  The is your tip that its not using a host. grant 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] and things will work.
  Then you can solve why its not resolving.
 I wish we could do that, however, it's not an option as we 
 use DHCP.. so 
 the IP's change, yet the hostname does not. Besides, that's 
 just a cheap 
 way to avoid fixing the problem when it should work to begin 
 with. Our 
 access tables are ridiculously messy as you can guess.
 MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: MySQL and DNS problem

2005-02-17 Thread Jeff Smelser
On Thursday 17 February 2005 11:46 am, Ian Meyer wrote:

 I wish we could do that, however, it's not an option as we use DHCP.. so
 the IP's change, yet the hostname does not. Besides, that's just a cheap
 way to avoid fixing the problem when it should work to begin with. Our
 access tables are ridiculously messy as you can guess.

You have a server thats on DHCP?  Well, your problem is dhcp I am sure.. But 
good luck with that horror flick.

What is this world coming to.


Description: PGP signature

Header files data types

2005-02-17 Thread Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh
Dears,I must use data type in C++,same MySQL type.
But i don't name of their header files.
Please guide me.

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Re: MySQL and DNS problem

2005-02-17 Thread Ian Meyer
Jeff Smelser wrote:
On Thursday 17 February 2005 11:46 am, Ian Meyer wrote:

I wish we could do that, however, it's not an option as we use DHCP.. so
the IP's change, yet the hostname does not. Besides, that's just a cheap
way to avoid fixing the problem when it should work to begin with. Our
access tables are ridiculously messy as you can guess.

You have a server thats on DHCP?  Well, your problem is dhcp I am sure.. But 
good luck with that horror flick.
Our servers IPs are static, as is the DNS in /etc/resolv.conf
What is this world coming to.

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Re: MySQL and DNS problem

2005-02-17 Thread Ian Meyer
John Trammell wrote:
You can specify a wildcard in the host IP, eg.
  grant select on mydb.* to 'someuser'@'192.168.2.%' ...
which you can use to get around your DHCP issue until host lookups are
Host lookups aren't broken using the `host` command.. only when MySQL 
goes to look them up, which is the problem.

-Original Message-
From: Ian Meyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: MySQL and DNS problem

Jeff Smelser wrote:
On Thursday 17 February 2005 09:41 am, Ian Meyer wrote:

When trying to connect, it fails with the message:
'MySQL Error Number 1045
Access denied for user 'user'@'' (using password: YES'

The is your tip that its not using a host. grant 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and things will work.

Then you can solve why its not resolving.
I wish we could do that, however, it's not an option as we 
use DHCP.. so 
the IP's change, yet the hostname does not. Besides, that's 
just a cheap 
way to avoid fixing the problem when it should work to begin 
with. Our 
access tables are ridiculously messy as you can guess.

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Re: MySQL and DNS problem

2005-02-17 Thread Jeff Smelser
On Thursday 17 February 2005 12:29 pm, Ian Meyer wrote:
  You have a server thats on DHCP?  Well, your problem is dhcp I am sure..
  But good luck with that horror flick.

 Our servers IPs are static, as is the DNS in /etc/resolv.conf

Then you need to make sure its compiled to the right glibc.. Since its a 


Description: PGP signature

Weird @ in column name

2005-02-17 Thread Sehn, Timothy
I am running IntranetMySQL (ie. MySQL 4.1.9) and I am getting the strangest 

mysql use devmail
Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn 
off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql select type_name from faq_type;
| @ |
| Build/Compile/Link Errors  |
| ContactUs System   |
| Continuous Build System|
| DevServices Scripts Issues |
| General Package Issues |
| General Tools Issue|
| Other  |
| PackageBuilder Issue   |
| Perforce License Request   |
| Perforce Usage |
| Third-Party Request|
| Versionset Creation/Update |
| WebTools   |
13 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql use ssimail
Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn 
off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql select type_name from faq_type;
| type_name |
| Merchant Integration Compliance Evaluation (MICE) |
| Merchant Integration Test Environment (MITE)  |
| Other SSI Projects|
| Pro Merchant Self Service Integration Projects|
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Notice how the column anme is returned as @. Has anyone ever seen anything 
like this before. Those tables are exaclty equivalent. They were created from 
the same .ddl file.


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Re: Mysql running as root

2005-02-17 Thread Joerg Bruehe
Hi Russ!

Am Do, den 17.02.2005 schrieb Russ um 18:05:
 I am using SuSE 9.1 Pro. I started mysql in the runlevel editor of YaST. It 
 start when I boot the system.
 below are the results of the two items you asked me to look at:
 ps aux
 mysql 5471  0.0  0.4 21584 2400 ?S07:38   
 0:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld
 mysql:x:60:2:MySQL database admin:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false

So user mysql is defined (by the entry in /etc/passwd), and the
MySQL server process is running as this (Linux) user. All correct.

 This is what I see in phpMyAdmin.
 Welcome to phpMyAdmin 2.5.6
 MySQL 4.0.18 running on localhost as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is a database user, _not_ the Linux user. I agree the duplicate use
of the name root is irritating.

It seems you need not worry.


Joerg Bruehe, Senior Production Engineer

Are you MySQL certified?

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2005-02-17 Thread Jerry Swanson
How to select datetime using UNIX_TIMESTAMP excluding Saturday and Sunday?

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2005-02-17 Thread Michael Dykman
SELECT unix_timestamp(mydatetime), ... from mytable where 
DAYNAME(mydatetime) is not in('Saturday','Sunday');

On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 16:34, Jerry Swanson wrote:
 How to select datetime using UNIX_TIMESTAMP excluding Saturday and Sunday?
 - michael dykman

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Query problem

2005-02-17 Thread Richard Duke
I have a problem with a query that has many joined tables. The query brings 
back 80 records instead of just one. Any suggestions on how I can overcome 

Many thanks
Query below:-
FROM (main_data INNER JOIN main_data_facilities ON
main_data_facilities.RecNo = main_data.RecNo) INNER JOIN main_data_meals ON
main_data_meals.RecNo = main_data.RecNo) INNER JOIN main_data_non_smoking ON
main_data_non_smoking.RecNo = main_data.RecNo) INNER JOIN 
main_data_payment_types ON
main_data_payment_types.RecNo = main_data.RecNo) INNER JOIN 
main_data_pets_welcome ON
main_data_pets_welcome.RecNo = main_data.RecNo) INNER JOIN 
main_data_special_dietary_requirements ON
main_data_special_dietary_requirements.RecNo = main_data.RecNo) INNER JOIN 
counties ON
counties.ID = main_data.County) INNER JOIN countries ON
countries.ID = main_data.Country) INNER JOIN facilities ON
facilities.ID = main_data_facilities.ID) INNER JOIN meals ON
meals.ID = main_data_meals.ID) INNER JOIN non_smoking ON
non_smoking.ID = main_data_non_smoking.ID) INNER JOIN payment_types ON
payment_types.ID = main_data_payment_types.ID) INNER JOIN pets_welcome ON
pets_welcome.ID = main_data_pets_welcome.ID) INNER JOIN 
special_dietary_requirements ON
special_dietary_requirements.ID = main_data_special_dietary_requirements.ID 
AND main_data_meals.RecNo = main_data_facilities.RecNo
WHERE Name LIKE 'sandy'
OR ( main_data.Display_In_Search = 1 )
AND ( main_data.Expiry_Date = CurDate() )

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Re: Header files data types

2005-02-17 Thread Michael Dykman
Depnding on how your mysql was installed, you should have mysql.h on
your system somewhere; perhaps in /usr/include/mysql or elsewhere
depending on installation parameters..  If not, you can download
libraries and headers appropriate to your system version from

On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 13:12, Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh wrote:
 Dears,I must use data type in C++,same MySQL type.
 But i don't name of their header files.
 Please guide me.
 - michael dykman

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one long lived connection or many short lived?

2005-02-17 Thread Tommy McNeely
I apologize in advance, I am sure this question has been asked dozens 
of times, but my searches came up empty.

I am building an IRC based application bot (using libmysql) .. that 
will take commands from users (!mybugs, !mybugs KEY !newbugs, etc), do 
SQL queries and of course dump formatted results back to the channel. 
Currently its setup to open a single DB connection at initialization 
and use that connection over and over... would it be better or worse to 
have it open/close a connection for each command in the way a web app 

Some things to keep in mind :)
- IRC server/services bot is half way across the US from the mySQL 
server (connection reliability?)
- queries will likely be spaced out by hours or days (idle disconnect?)
- when one person does a query, its almost assured that there will be 
10 more within 10 seconds :)

- I would *like* to do SSL (still studying how to do that), so that 
will most certainly increase the mysql_real_connect() time?

- Does the client library maintain a pool of connections or something 
like that?

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Data Types in Mysql

2005-02-17 Thread Ligaya Turmelle
in the docs - column types:
Ligaya Turmelle
Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh wrote:
Dear,I need to MySQL data type or another.
But i dont know name of their header file.
Please guide me..

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Re: select only values 0

2005-02-17 Thread Mike Rains
 Dear All, from a single row of a table, I have to select only the column,
 which have a value larger '0' into an outfile.
 How can I manage it with 'select'? Thanks, Jan

SELECT CASE can do that sort of thing for you. Here's a simplistic example:

`i1` int, 
`i2` int, 
`i3` int

WHEN  `i1`  0 THEN
'Field 1'
WHEN `i2`  0 THEN
'Field 2'
WHEN `i3`  0 THEN
'Field 3'
'No match'
AS `iMatch`
FROM `test`;

| iMatch  |
| Field 2 |

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Need older version of mysql (current version seeminly corrupts FTS tables)

2005-02-17 Thread Steven Roussey
I have replaced one server with another, and the new one has everything new
(RHEL 3, newest updates) and MySQL 4.0.23 (old one was RH9 and MySQL

We now get table corruptions constantly (it only takes a minute before
several tables get marked as crashed). I'd like to revert to the 4.0.18
version (which I stopped updating after having some other issue, which I can
no longer remember). Where can I download it

Anyhow, with the errors, I get these in my application's log (mysql does not
log any errors):

Duplicate entry 'Some text here ---f' for key 3
Incorrect key file for table: 'table_messages_1'. Try to repair it

Key 3 is the FTS key. The others are a UNIQUE KEY (#1) and a KEY(#2).

I'd like to make sure it is not a mysql version issue. I have seen similar
behavior in the 4.1 series, and don't want to try it now (and do all the
table conversions -- possibly each way if it fails).



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MySQL 4.1.9 - Requesting Optimization Tips

2005-02-17 Thread Matt Florido
I'm wondering if anyone can provide any tips as to how to conserve 
resources.  Currently, I see 10 instances of mysqld running. Each 
instance is approximately 18MB.  For my application of MySQL, I don't 
require a large amount of resources allocated to mysqld.

 7085 mysql 16   0 90060  17m 2608 S  0.0  3.5   0:00.05 mysqld
 7086 mysql 16   0 90060  17m 2608 S  0.0  3.5   0:00.00 mysqld
 7087 mysql 20   0 90060  17m 2608 S  0.0  3.5   0:00.00 mysqld
 7088 mysql 24   0 90060  17m 2608 S  0.0  3.5   0:00.00 mysqld
 7089 mysql 24   0 90060  17m 2608 S  0.0  3.5   0:00.00 mysqld
 7090 mysql 20   0 90060  17m 2608 S  0.0  3.5   0:00.00 mysqld
 7091 mysql 16   0 90060  17m 2608 S  0.0  3.5   0:00.00 mysqld
 7092 mysql 16   0 90060  17m 2608 S  0.0  3.5   0:00.00 mysqld
 7093 mysql 16   0 90060  17m 2608 S  0.0  3.5   0:00.00 mysqld
 7094 mysql 15   0 90060  17m 2608 S  0.0  3.5   0:00.00 mysqld
I found some information on  I basically reduced some of the 
startup options by half.

query_cache_limit = 1M
query_cache_size = 16M
query_cache_type = 1
Matt Florido
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Re: MySQL 4.1.9 - Requesting Optimization Tips

2005-02-17 Thread Paul DuBois
At 19:21 -0800 2/17/05, Matt Florido wrote:
I'm wondering if anyone can provide any tips as to how to conserve 
resources.  Currently, I see 10 instances of mysqld running. Each 
instance is approximately 18MB.  For my application of MySQL, I 
don't require a large amount of resources allocated to mysqld.
If you're running Linux, there's nothing to optimize here.  These are
threads of the same process, not 10 different processes.
 7085 mysql 16   0 90060  17m 2608 S  0.0  3.5   0:00.05 mysqld
 7086 mysql 16   0 90060  17m 2608 S  0.0  3.5   0:00.00 mysqld
 7087 mysql 20   0 90060  17m 2608 S  0.0  3.5   0:00.00 mysqld
 7088 mysql 24   0 90060  17m 2608 S  0.0  3.5   0:00.00 mysqld
 7089 mysql 24   0 90060  17m 2608 S  0.0  3.5   0:00.00 mysqld
 7090 mysql 20   0 90060  17m 2608 S  0.0  3.5   0:00.00 mysqld
 7091 mysql 16   0 90060  17m 2608 S  0.0  3.5   0:00.00 mysqld
 7092 mysql 16   0 90060  17m 2608 S  0.0  3.5   0:00.00 mysqld
 7093 mysql 16   0 90060  17m 2608 S  0.0  3.5   0:00.00 mysqld
 7094 mysql 15   0 90060  17m 2608 S  0.0  3.5   0:00.00 mysqld
I found some information on  I basically reduced some of 
the startup options by half.

query_cache_limit = 1M
query_cache_size = 16M
query_cache_type = 1

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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Re: MySQL 4.1.9 - Requesting Optimization Tips

2005-02-17 Thread Matt Florido
Paul DuBois wrote:
At 19:21 -0800 2/17/05, Matt Florido wrote:
I'm wondering if anyone can provide any tips as to how to conserve 
resources.  Currently, I see 10 instances of mysqld running. Each 
instance is approximately 18MB.  For my application of MySQL, I don't 
require a large amount of resources allocated to mysqld.

If you're running Linux, there's nothing to optimize here.  These are
threads of the same process, not 10 different processes.
Paul, thanks for the fast response. this is ignorance on my part.  You're saying mysqld is not 
running separate processes even though Top reports separate PID. 
Instead of each thread consuming appx. 18MB, the entire process is 
consuming just 18MB?

Matt Florido
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Re: MySQL 4.1.9 - Requesting Optimization Tips

2005-02-17 Thread Paul DuBois
At 19:44 -0800 2/17/05, Matt Florido wrote:
Paul DuBois wrote:
At 19:21 -0800 2/17/05, Matt Florido wrote:
I'm wondering if anyone can provide any tips as to how to conserve 
resources.  Currently, I see 10 instances of mysqld running. Each 
instance is approximately 18MB.  For my application of MySQL, I 
don't require a large amount of resources allocated to mysqld.

If you're running Linux, there's nothing to optimize here.  These are
threads of the same process, not 10 different processes.
Paul, thanks for the fast response. this is ignorance on my part.  You're saying mysqld is not 
running separate processes even though Top reports separate PID. 
Instead of each thread consuming appx. 18MB, the entire process is 
consuming just 18MB?
Yes, that's right.
On my Linux box, I typically have several versions of MySQL running.
Right now there are 249 mysqld processes, but I certainly don't have
249 servers going all at once.  It's really only 21.
Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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help.....stored procedure

2005-02-17 Thread rajalakshmi s
Hi All,

 Im using MySQL 5.0 and my problem is I am not able to call a
procedure more than once..Its working fine during 1st call..From the
2nd call onwards it vil give some error like
ERROR 1172 (42000): Result consisted of more than one row IA
sinilar problem can be found in;

My procedure is for delete the least recently used records from a table

Can anyone has some solutions???

Expecting responses
Thank U

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