Re: switching from varchar to tinytext

2005-09-05 Thread Jason Pyeron

On Sun, 4 Sep 2005, Alexey Polyakov wrote:

Why do you choose to convert varchar to tinytext? Doesn't look like
good idea to me.

trailing spaces and mysql 4.x

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Re: Migrating MySQL users

2005-09-05 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Have you run 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES'?


 On Sun, Sep 04, 2005 at 10:08:32PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now I have all the users in the new mysql.user table.  But when I try

 to login, the same credentials do not work.


 A bit more info on this.  This interesting error happens with GRANT:

 mysql grant all on testing.* to testing@'%' identified by 'somepassword';

 ERROR 1133 (42000): Can't find any matching row in the user table

 mysql select host, user from mysql.user where user='testing';


 | host | user|


 | %| testing |


 1 row in set (0.01 sec)



 But a new user works fine:

 mysql grant all on testing.* to buttface@'%' identified by 'somepassword';

 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


 I can update the old user's password:

 mysql update mysql.user set password=password('somepassword') where 

 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)


 But still cannot login:

 # mysql -u testing -psomepassword testing

 ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'testing'@'localhost' (using 
 password : YES)


 Thanks a ton for any suggestions!


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Re: How to optimize fulltext selection?

2005-09-05 Thread Gleb Paharenko

At first, we should ensure that most time query is spending in the

ordering of the results. What state is SHOW PROCESSLIST reporting

for this query?

Michael Monashev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 GP And MySQL uses a filesort algorithm.


 How to make the filesort faster? May be I have to increase size of

 some buffers?








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Re: query-log.html

2005-09-05 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Are you sure that the logging isn't enabled in a different way.

For possible ways to enable logs see:

What version of MySQL are you running?

T. Horsnell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Someone kindly replied to my log query today, but I unfortunately

 deleted the message.

 They referred me to this URL:


 Trouble is, I dont start mysqld with the --log= option,

 and yet it still insists on logging. How do I disable this?

 (My current method is to use --log=/dev/null but I'm sure

 this cant be the best way). I cant find any evidence of

 a my.cnf anywhere, so I dont think it is due to an unexpected

 config-file option







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Re: Sorting results ith umlauts in UTF8 tables

2005-09-05 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Maybe this could help you somehow:

Check that you are running the latest release.

Nico Grubert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there,


 I am running MySQL 4.1 on Linux.

 I have some problems sorting records with german umlauts.


 MySQL is configured to have character set UTF8 as default.

 I have created a table like this:


 CREATE TABLE tblmembers (

   memberid int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

   lastname varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',

   location varchar(255) default NULL,

   PRIMARY KEY  (memberid)



 The, I have inserted some records:

 INSERT INTO tblmembers (lastname,location) VALUES ('Ober','Germany');

 INSERT INTO tblmembers (lastname,location) VALUES ('Ohm','Germany');

 INSERT INTO tblmembers (lastname,location) VALUES ('$hlz','Germany');

 INSERT INTO tblmembers (lastname,location) VALUES ('$der','Germany');

 INSERT INTO tblmembers (lastname,location) VALUES ('Ower','Germany');


 Now, I would like get all members whose lastname starts with 'O' (and 

 also with umlaut '$') sorted by lastname according to german sorting 

 rules, so my SQL query reads like this:


 I tried:


   FROM tblmembers

   WHERE lastname LIKE 'O%' OR lastname LIKE '$%'


 The result reads like this:





 Do I need to covert the '$%' somehow so the records starting with '$' 

 are also found?



 Example 1:


   FROM tblmembers

   ORDER BY lastname









 ..which is wrong according to german sorting rules.



 Example 2:


   FROM tblmembers

   ORDER BY lastname

   COLLATE utf8_general_ci









 The proper sorting order according to german sorting rules is:








 Any idea how I can sort the results proper?




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Re: how to design junction table?

2005-09-05 Thread Gleb Paharenko

If you think that it is possible to have several records with the same

post and title, then, in my opinion, your table should have two indexes for 
foreign key constraints and one AUTO_INCREMENT field for primary key.

mysql show create table titles_posts\G;

*** 1. row ***

   Table: titles_posts

Create Table: CREATE TABLE `titles_posts` (

  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

  `tid` int(10) unsigned default NULL,

  `pid` int(10) unsigned default NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),

  KEY `tid` (`tid`),

  KEY `pid` (`pid`),

  CONSTRAINT `titles_posts_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`tid`) REFERENCES `titles` 

  CONSTRAINT `titles_posts_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`pid`) REFERENCES `postings` 


mysql show create table titles\G

*** 1. row ***

   Table: titles

Create Table: CREATE TABLE `titles` (

  `tid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

  `title` varchar(256) default NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY  (`tid`)


mysql show create table postings\G

*** 1. row ***

   Table: postings

Create Table: CREATE TABLE `postings` (

  `pid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

  `post` varchar(65500) default NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY  (`pid`)


The performance penalty of updating an auto_increment index is low.

If you are sure that it is impossible to have two records with

the same post and title, you should make a choice - what is more important for 
you: speed or data integrity. I usually prefer the data integrity, so, I'd 
probably create a primary key on tid and pid:

mysql show create table titles_posts\G;

*** 1. row ***

   Table: titles_posts

Create Table: CREATE TABLE `titles_posts` (

  `tid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

  `pid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

  PRIMARY KEY  (`tid`,`pid`),

  KEY `pid` (`pid`),

  CONSTRAINT `titles_posts_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`tid`) REFERENCES `titles` 

  CONSTRAINT `titles_posts_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`pid`) REFERENCES `postings` 


 what is the performance like when I only know the fkJobTitle and I want to 
 find all job postings for that title. Is it a linear search? If not, why not?

If fkJobTitle key has high cardinality the search will be quite fast.

Use the benchmarks to make a final desision.

 So what SQL statements would I use to look up the job title, insert it if it 
 does not exist and return the integer PK. I could use SELECT and if that

At first, you should add the record to the titles table. For this

task, I'd perform a simple INSERT and later obtain the value of tid

by selecting LAST_INSERT_ID():

mysql insert into titles set title=title1;

Query OK, 1 row affected (0,00 sec)

mysql select last_insert_id();


| last_insert_id() |


|6 |


mysql select * from titles order by tid;


| tid | title  |


|   1 | yo |

|   3 | yo1|

|   4 | yo2|

|   5 | title  |

|   6 | title1 |


In case of 'duplicate key' error, I get the value of tid using SELECT.

Siegfried Heintze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have 100K job posting records and 40K job title records. There is a M:M

 relationship here. I expect these tables to grow rapidly.


 What is the best way to design a junction or link table? Do I need to create

 a primary key?


 My thought was no primary key, just two indices on each foreign key (FK).


 Some folks feel you should always have a primary key. However, if I make

 fkJobTitle the primary key, can it still have duplicates?


 Some folks say I should have a composite primary key consisting of

 fkJobTitle and fkJobPosting. This does buy me uniqueness. However, what is

 the performance like when I only know the fkJobTitle and I want to find all

 job postings for that title. Is it a linear search? If not, why not? I don't

 know the fkJobPosting to exploit the primary key.


 Some folks say I say I should have a separate auto increment integer

 separate from fkJobPosting and fkJobTitle. Then I could make the id field

 (what is your favorite naming convention for this field?) the primary key

 and index fkJobTitle and fkJobPosting separately. But this means every time

 I insert into the junction table, I have to update three index structures.

 Is this a problem?


 What is your opinion?


 Lastly, I have learned that MySQL has a rich set of extensions for the SQL

 syntax. Let's suppose I have several hundred jobs which may or may not have

 been previously inserted into my data base already where each job contains a

 posting and a title. 

Re: How to migrate from V4.0.23 to V5?

2005-09-05 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Please, start a new thread when you're asking a different question.

In my opinion, it is safer to restore an archive into the datadir

of 4.0.23 server. Then perform a dump using mysqldump utility

and finally import it to the new 5.x instance. I suggest you to 

read this page before doing anything:

Siegfried Heintze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My questions are probably addressed in the MySQL documentation somewhere.

 I've been reading the documentation on backup but I'm not sure if that is

 the right tool for this situation.  Perhaps there is a better place to be



 Apparently my 4.0.23 database on my notebook is corrupted as one large table

 appears to be empty. Fortunately, I had used zip to create a copy of the

 mysql/data directory on CD. I have a new V5 installation on my new desktop



 I really don't care about having a copy of the data on my notebook anymore.

 What should I do?


 Should I restore the data directory to my notebook and create a backup

 (using the mysqldump) and then restore the backup on v5?


 Or should I just restore the V4.0.23 mysql/data directory that is on the CD

 directly to the v5 directory? Are the formats of the data files compatible?


 Or is there is there a special utility for copying from one mysql instance

 to another?


 I created all the tables my self using MySQL CC and I never did anything

 special like incorporate innodb (sp?).






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Re: Connecting using MyODBC

2005-09-05 Thread Gleb Paharenko

I'm not familiar with this subject, however, have you been at:

Ryan Stille [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to connect to MySQL from within ColdFusion on a linux box.

 ColdFusion (version 5) came with a Merant driver, but it is too old to

 support transactions.


 I've downloaded (MyODBC 2.5) and also

 (MyODBC 3.5) and could not get either of these to work.  But I'm not

 sure if I'm using them correctly.


 Basically all I've done is copy these files to my machine and change

 this line in ColdFusion's odbc.ini file:

 Old: Driver=3D/opt/coldfusion/lib/

 New: Driver=3D/opt/coldfusion/lib/


 Does this sound like I'm using them correctly?  Most of the

 documentation I find about MyODBC talks about installing an odbc

 manager, I believe ColdFusion already has one built in, since the

 odbc.ini file already exists and is used.


 When I use ODBC 3.5 my server just hangs.  When I use the 2.5 driver I

 get this error:

 ODBC Error Code =3D IM003 (Specified driver could not be loaded)


 Thanks for any help.




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Re: Connections with bad DNS cause lockups

2005-09-05 Thread Gleb Paharenko

When I suggested to create a trace file, I wanted to find the place

where mysqld hangs. In my opinion, it is possible. You  should

research the last entries at the end of the trace file (using tail,

for example) after mysql has hung. I'm not sure if we are able to find

any clues in the trace files when using clients with a good reverse.

Tuc at T-B-O-H [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



I hacked the Makefile so that it would recompile it with

 -debug on the version. I started it with --debug as part of the 

 extra args passed to safe_mysqld. It started, and created a 

 /tmp/mysqld.trace where its logging to.


So far, no one with a broken reverse DNS has tried to

 contact the server However, me with a good reverse but no

 authority via the /etc/hosts.allow has gone against it 5 or

 6 times, and the log doesn't even show any evidence. 


If it isn't showing any sort of logging of my illegal

 attempt, I'm concerned it will not show any attempts from the 

 hosts that are causing the problems.


Thanks, Tuc






 To make the suggestions, we should have enough amount of information.

 If your MySQL server isn't heavy loaded, create a trace file and find

 out the place where the new connections hang. See:




 Tuc at T-B-O-H [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:




  In my opinion, we're a little kinked in this issue. Let's start over.


 :( Sorry. I've been told by the GF that I have a habit of

  doing it to her too. 


  In one of your posts you mentioned that the server runs lots

  of other services besides the database. 


 Yes, according to my runbook, the server :


 1) Is an NFS server to 4 other servers for web traffic

  and logging. 

 2) Is the primary MX server for 7 domains (About 100

  emails a day)

 3) Runs a Listproc for 4 mailing lists (About 5 messages

  a day to 60 people)

 4) Runs MySQL (Approx 98 queries per hour)

 5) Runs [EMAIL PROTECTED] (2 processes)

 6) Runs an IMAP Server for 1 user who logs on 5-10 

  minutes a day


 The server pushes about 120kb/s a second 

  according to MRTG for all that.


  Why do you think that

  the cause of the server's weird behavior is MySQL?


 Maybe I wasn't clear about it. The server is running

  perfectly. I'm running SETI on it since its normally bored out

  of its ever loving mind. When someone with a missing or bad

  reverse DNS (PTR) record attempts to connect to the MySQL

  server, any other connection via either the socket or the

  TCP socket ends up blocking and waiting. Every other service

  on the machine is fine, but MySQL becomes completely

  unresponsive. When I said DOS, I meant only against MySQL.

  The rest of the machine is fine to process anything it wants.


  Is server still

  working, but you are unable to reach it through the network, or it

  is completely hung?


 No other services are affected, only attempts to connect

  to MySQL via the socket or TCP. This makes what little access there

  is to the database (A searchable orchid database) stop, and monitoring

  detects it down and pages out. 



 Thanks, Tuc 




  So if thats the way (FreeBSD ports), then besides the already 

   changing to pure IP, is there any other ways to stop the DOS?


  Thanks, Tuc







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Re: How to optimize fulltext selection?

2005-09-05 Thread Michael Monashev

GP What state is SHOW PROCESSLIST reporting for this query?

Fulltext initialization


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SCO issue

2005-09-05 Thread Mirza

I would like someone from MySQL AB to clarify issue with SCO asap. I 
wouldn't like to use technologies for my business that later could be 
used against me (in legal sense). Does MySQL AB understand that it helps 
funding their legal cases against us (GPL users) ? If someone feels OK 
with SCO partnership, good luck, but (being long time MySQL user and 
alpha bug reporter) I would switch to Embedded PostgreSQL myself and 
encourage other people to do the same. I use _tons_ of GPL software so 
should I help funding of my own annoyance (albeit poorly supported with 
facts) ?



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Re: Connections with bad DNS cause lockups

2005-09-05 Thread Tuc at T-B-O-H

Ok. Is there a way to get a timestamp in the file too? If
this happens while I'm not near a machine I want to make sure I can
find the right time frame in the file.

Thanks, Tuc

 When I suggested to create a trace file, I wanted to find the place
 where mysqld hangs. In my opinion, it is possible. You  should
 research the last entries at the end of the trace file (using tail,
 for example) after mysql has hung. I'm not sure if we are able to find
 any clues in the trace files when using clients with a good reverse.
 Tuc at T-B-O-H [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I hacked the Makefile so that it would recompile it with
  -debug on the version. I started it with --debug as part of the 
  extra args passed to safe_mysqld. It started, and created a 
  /tmp/mysqld.trace where its logging to.
 So far, no one with a broken reverse DNS has tried to
  contact the server However, me with a good reverse but no
  authority via the /etc/hosts.allow has gone against it 5 or
  6 times, and the log doesn't even show any evidence. 
 If it isn't showing any sort of logging of my illegal
  attempt, I'm concerned it will not show any attempts from the 
  hosts that are causing the problems.
 Thanks, Tuc
  To make the suggestions, we should have enough amount of information.
  If your MySQL server isn't heavy loaded, create a trace file and find
  out the place where the new connections hang. See:
  Tuc at T-B-O-H [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   In my opinion, we're a little kinked in this issue. Let's start over.
  :( Sorry. I've been told by the GF that I have a habit of
   doing it to her too. 
   In one of your posts you mentioned that the server runs lots
   of other services besides the database. 
  Yes, according to my runbook, the server :
  1) Is an NFS server to 4 other servers for web traffic
   and logging. 
  2) Is the primary MX server for 7 domains (About 100
   emails a day)
  3) Runs a Listproc for 4 mailing lists (About 5 messages
   a day to 60 people)
  4) Runs MySQL (Approx 98 queries per hour)
  5) Runs [EMAIL PROTECTED] (2 processes)
  6) Runs an IMAP Server for 1 user who logs on 5-10 
   minutes a day
  The server pushes about 120kb/s a second 
   according to MRTG for all that.
   Why do you think that
   the cause of the server's weird behavior is MySQL?
  Maybe I wasn't clear about it. The server is running
   perfectly. I'm running SETI on it since its normally bored out
   of its ever loving mind. When someone with a missing or bad
   reverse DNS (PTR) record attempts to connect to the MySQL
   server, any other connection via either the socket or the
   TCP socket ends up blocking and waiting. Every other service
   on the machine is fine, but MySQL becomes completely
   unresponsive. When I said DOS, I meant only against MySQL.
   The rest of the machine is fine to process anything it wants.
   Is server still
   working, but you are unable to reach it through the network, or it
   is completely hung?
  No other services are affected, only attempts to connect
   to MySQL via the socket or TCP. This makes what little access there
   is to the database (A searchable orchid database) stop, and monitoring
   detects it down and pages out. 
  Thanks, Tuc 

   So if thats the way (FreeBSD ports), then besides the already 
changing to pure IP, is there any other ways to stop the DOS?

   Thanks, Tuc

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Re: SCO issue

2005-09-05 Thread Alec . Cawley

Mirza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/09/2005 14:31:12:

 I would like someone from MySQL AB to clarify issue with SCO asap. I 
 wouldn't like to use technologies for my business that later could be 
 used against me (in legal sense). Does MySQL AB understand that it helps 

 funding their legal cases against us (GPL users) ? If someone feels OK 
 with SCO partnership, good luck, but (being long time MySQL user and 
 alpha bug reporter) I would switch to Embedded PostgreSQL myself and 
 encourage other people to do the same. I use _tons_ of GPL software so 
 should I help funding of my own annoyance (albeit poorly supported with 
 facts) ?

All the press releases I have seen appear to originate from SCO. There is 
not, in any of them, any suggestion that money has passed or will pass 
from MySQL to SCO. SCO has for a long time been one of the many varieties 
of Unix that MySQL supports. MySQL cannot stop SCO from distributing their 
product (hypocritically) under the GPL. On the other hand, if they allow 
SCO to include offical releases of MySQL, they may get some support 
customers - which is where they earn their real income. The press blurbs 
are essentially saying that SCO resellers will market MySQL Network - to 
the benefit of MySQL. If there is any money flow, I would have thought it 
would be more likely to be the other way: SCO paying MySQL to ensure that 
one of the premier Unix applications remains supported on their platform.

Of course, MySQL may say otherwise, but I think this is a piece of SCO 
hype intended to imply MySQL support of SCO when all they are really doing 
is supporting their own product on whatever platform their customers may 
choose - even when that platform is marketed by a company who many of us 
find totally repulsive. If you let yourself be hyped into dropping MySQL, 
you will be harming a company that is, in my opinion, a model of how to 
provide full commercial quality software (or better) with an Open Source 
licence, while not (I think) harming SCO in any way.

Alec Cawley

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Confused about privileges

2005-09-05 Thread Todd Cary

I have created a table, sfyc and as root I issued the following:

grant all on * to todd identified by 'my_password' with grant option;

However, todd cannot access sfyc with

mysql -u todd -p sfyc

And the mysql db contains the following:

user table
| host  | user |
| % | todd |
| linux | root |
| localhost | root |

db table
| host | db  | user |
| %| mysql   | todd |
| %| test|  |
| %| test\_% |  |

| host | db| user | table_name |
| %| mysql | todd | localhost  |

If I issue the following command, no changes take place in the above tables:

grant all on sfyc to todd identified by 'my_password' with grant option;

Do I need to do an insert SQL command to specifically enter the 


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200 D Street Ext
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Sort aborted

2005-09-05 Thread Bgs

 Hi all,

We have a problem with our mysql 4.1.11 system. It has been working well 
since the installation, we only have one problem. In the case of certain 
selects, it always stop with Sort aborted error. To the client it 
returns errors like ERROR 3 (HY000): Error writing file '/tmp/MYFh2Ob0' 
(Errcode: 28).

The funny thing is that /tmp has 1777 perms as it should and there is 
plenty of place left (the select breaks when there are only a few 
kilobytes of temporary files there).

Browsing for the solution I only found a bug dated back to 2001 and 
another mail with similar problems with 4.1.7 that had no answer...

Does anybody have a clue, what might be the problem ?


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Re: Confused about privileges

2005-09-05 Thread Chris
Did you run the statement witht he mysql database as the current 
database? If so , you're statement probably got converted to this:

grant all on mysql.* to todd identified by 'my_password' with grant option;

It seems like a logical thing

The grant statement applying to all databases/tables should be:



Todd Cary wrote:

I have created a table, sfyc and as root I issued the following:

grant all on * to todd identified by 'my_password' with grant option;

However, todd cannot access sfyc with

mysql -u todd -p sfyc

And the mysql db contains the following:

user table
| host  | user |
| % | todd |
| linux | root |
| localhost | root |

db table
| host | db  | user |
| %| mysql   | todd |
| %| test|  |
| %| test\_% |  |

| host | db| user | table_name |
| %| mysql | todd | localhost  |

If I issue the following command, no changes take place in the above 

grant all on sfyc to todd identified by 'my_password' with grant option;

Do I need to do an insert SQL command to specifically enter the 


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Re: Confused about privileges

2005-09-05 Thread Gleb Paharenko

 grant all on * to todd identified by 'my_password' with grant option;

May be you wanted '*.*' instead of '*'? See:

 grant all on *.* to todd identified by 'my_password' with grant option;

 mysql -u todd -p sfyc

You should specify the database name not a table name ('sfyc' is a table

name). See:



Todd Cary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have created a table, sfyc and as root I issued the following:


 grant all on * to todd identified by 'my_password' with grant option;


 However, todd cannot access sfyc with


 mysql -u todd -p sfyc


 And the mysql db contains the following:


 user table


 | host  | user |


 | % | todd |

 | linux | root |

 | localhost | root |



 db table


 | host | db  | user |


 | %| mysql   | todd |

 | %| test|  |

 | %| test\_% |  |





 | host | db| user | table_name |


 | %| mysql | todd | localhost  |



 If I issue the following command, no changes take place in the above tables:


 grant all on sfyc to todd identified by 'my_password' with grant option;


 Do I need to do an insert SQL command to specifically enter the 





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Re: How to optimize fulltext selection?

2005-09-05 Thread Gleb Paharenko

 Fulltext initialization

Ok, now we exactly know that we should optimize the FULLTEXT part

of your query. I don't know the options which directly affects the speed

of the FULLTEXT searches, so I suggest you to play with key_buffer and

table structure. The ratio of Key_reads to Key_read_requests is good

so we don't need to increase the value of the key_buffer_size.

Check if the speed of the queries have changed after running OPTIMIZE

TABLE on `programms1` table. Please send the output of EXPLAIN for your

query after running ANALYZE TABLE. If the output of EXPLAIN and the speed

of the query has changed when you make the strings in the AGAINST clauses 

the same? Create a separate table (let's call it newtable) with id and 

search_keywords fields (linked to the programms1 on id). Make a FULLTEXT 

index on search_keywords and research if the speed of the query which 

retrieves the 'relevance' from the newtable has changed. Research how the

value of the PACK_KEYS  option affects the speed of the queries on your

old (I guess you'll perform tests on the copy of the original table) and

new table (with the structure which I've proposed). Create a separate cache

for indexes from the newtable and load indexes into it (I guess the memory

where FULLTEXT index is stored will be less fragmented). Create a separate

cache for the programms1 table and load indexes into it on startup

(for the same reason), however I'm not sure if you able to do this in 

production environment. The best is to perform all manipulations on the

test server with the same configuration. See:

Michael Monashev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 GP What state is SHOW PROCESSLIST reporting for this query?


 Fulltext initialization









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Re: Connections with bad DNS cause lockups

2005-09-05 Thread Gleb Paharenko

I don't know. You may want to hack MySQL source (it seems not

too hard to change the dbug/dbug.c file). As an alternative you can

make a feature request at:

In my opinion, timestamp is a helpful thing (however, it may affect the

performance which is already a very low when MySQL produces trace

files). In you case if MySQL really hangs you should be able to find

the significant difference in the logging behavior after it has hung.

I guess it won't log anything. And the last messages (mostly from

sql/hostname) should be exactly what you need.

Tuc at T-B-O-H [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



Ok. Is there a way to get a timestamp in the file too? If

 this happens while I'm not near a machine I want to make sure I can

 find the right time frame in the file.


Thanks, Tuc





 When I suggested to create a trace file, I wanted to find the place

 where mysqld hangs. In my opinion, it is possible. You  should

 research the last entries at the end of the trace file (using tail,

 for example) after mysql has hung. I'm not sure if we are able to find

 any clues in the trace files when using clients with a good reverse.



 Tuc at T-B-O-H [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 I hacked the Makefile so that it would recompile it with

  -debug on the version. I started it with --debug as part of the 

  extra args passed to safe_mysqld. It started, and created a 

  /tmp/mysqld.trace where its logging to.


 So far, no one with a broken reverse DNS has tried to

  contact the server However, me with a good reverse but no

  authority via the /etc/hosts.allow has gone against it 5 or

  6 times, and the log doesn't even show any evidence. 


 If it isn't showing any sort of logging of my illegal

  attempt, I'm concerned it will not show any attempts from the 

  hosts that are causing the problems.


 Thanks, Tuc






  To make the suggestions, we should have enough amount of information.

  If your MySQL server isn't heavy loaded, create a trace file and find

  out the place where the new connections hang. See:




  Tuc at T-B-O-H [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:




   In my opinion, we're a little kinked in this issue. Let's start over.


  :( Sorry. I've been told by the GF that I have a habit of

   doing it to her too. 


   In one of your posts you mentioned that the server runs lots

   of other services besides the database. 


  Yes, according to my runbook, the server :


  1) Is an NFS server to 4 other servers for web traffic

   and logging. 

  2) Is the primary MX server for 7 domains (About 100

   emails a day)

  3) Runs a Listproc for 4 mailing lists (About 5 messages

   a day to 60 people)

  4) Runs MySQL (Approx 98 queries per hour)

  5) Runs [EMAIL PROTECTED] (2 processes)

  6) Runs an IMAP Server for 1 user who logs on 5-10 

   minutes a day


  The server pushes about 120kb/s a second 

   according to MRTG for all that.


   Why do you think that

   the cause of the server's weird behavior is MySQL?


  Maybe I wasn't clear about it. The server is running

   perfectly. I'm running SETI on it since its normally bored out

   of its ever loving mind. When someone with a missing or bad

   reverse DNS (PTR) record attempts to connect to the MySQL

   server, any other connection via either the socket or the

   TCP socket ends up blocking and waiting. Every other service

   on the machine is fine, but MySQL becomes completely

   unresponsive. When I said DOS, I meant only against MySQL.

   The rest of the machine is fine to process anything it wants.


   Is server still

   working, but you are unable to reach it through the network, or it

   is completely hung?


  No other services are affected, only attempts to connect

   to MySQL via the socket or TCP. This makes what little access there

   is to the database (A searchable orchid database) stop, and monitoring

   detects it down and pages out. 



  Thanks, Tuc 


   So if thats the way (FreeBSD ports), then besides the already 

changing to pure IP, is there any other ways to stop the DOS?

   Thanks, Tuc



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Re: Confused about privileges

2005-09-05 Thread Todd Cary

Chris et al -

The MySQL online manual does show *.* to be used for global priviledges, 
but my MySQL book only used the *.  My mistake!  However, the online 
manual does not indicate (or I am missing it) what the use of * grants.

Thank you for the is now working and my DB, sfyc does show 
in the table, db.


Chris wrote:

Did you run the statement witht he mysql database as the current 
database? If so , you're statement probably got converted to this:

grant all on mysql.* to todd identified by 'my_password' with grant 

It seems like a logical thing

The grant statement applying to all databases/tables should be:



Todd Cary wrote:

I have created a table, sfyc and as root I issued the following:

grant all on * to todd identified by 'my_password' with grant option;

However, todd cannot access sfyc with

mysql -u todd -p sfyc

And the mysql db contains the following:

user table
| host  | user |
| % | todd |
| linux | root |
| localhost | root |

db table
| host | db  | user |
| %| mysql   | todd |
| %| test|  |
| %| test\_% |  |

| host | db| user | table_name |
| %| mysql | todd | localhost  |

If I issue the following command, no changes take place in the above 

grant all on sfyc to todd identified by 'my_password' with grant option;

Do I need to do an insert SQL command to specifically enter the 


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Re: Connections with bad DNS cause lockups

2005-09-05 Thread Tuc at T-B-O-H
 I don't know. You may want to hack MySQL source (it seems not
 too hard to change the dbug/dbug.c file). As an alternative you can
 make a feature request at:

Done. Thank you.
 In my opinion, timestamp is a helpful thing (however, it may affect the
 performance which is already a very low when MySQL produces trace
 files). In you case if MySQL really hangs you should be able to find
 the significant difference in the logging behavior after it has hung.
 I guess it won't log anything. And the last messages (mostly from
 sql/hostname) should be exactly what you need.

The problem is that it will eventually recover itself and 
continue on its way until the next time.

I am waiting for it to happen again stillI've
turned monitoring on so that if it does start to become uncontactable
I'll get paged.

Thanks, Tuc
 Tuc at T-B-O-H [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok. Is there a way to get a timestamp in the file too? If
  this happens while I'm not near a machine I want to make sure I can
  find the right time frame in the file.
 Thanks, Tuc

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Re: switching from varchar to tinytext

2005-09-05 Thread Jason Pyeron

To test the char vs byte index I created a unique bcol(2), on a tiny text 
utf8 field.

I then preceded to insert the numbers 00..99 in Chinese whose hex values 
are below. Since we are using utf8 vs ucs2 they are going to be 3 bytes 
per char, totaling 6 bytes per numbers.

If the index is indeed 2 bytes then there will by a constraint failure, 
and an error generated.

This did not happen on the inserts of 00..99, I added another test of 100, 
I expected it to fail base on it being a duplicate of '10'0, it did. 
Since my intended application was using varchar(255) and a tinytext's max 
length is 255, I am not concerned with my data exceeding the index width 
without error.

I leave this open for review and comment

results from test script, in-lined below

mysql select count(distinct left(hex(bcol),4)) as _4,
count(distinct left(hex(bcol),6)) as _6,
count(distinct hex(bcol)) as full from testingtable;
| _4 | _6 | full |
|  6 | 10 |  100 |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

import java.sql.*;

public class test
 public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable
  Connection C=DriverManager.getConnection(args[0]);

  C.createStatement().executeUpdate(DROP TABLE if exists testingtable);
  C.createStatement().executeUpdate(create table testingtable( id int not null 
primary key auto_increment, vcol varchar(2) not null, bcol tinytext not null, 
unique(bcol(2)) ););

  PreparedStatement stmt=C.prepareStatement(INSERT INTO testingtable (vcol, bcol) 
VALUES (?,?));

  String[] cnumbers=
   \u96F6, //zero
   \u4e00, //one
   \u4e8c, //two
   \u4e09, //three
   \u56DB, //four
   \u4E94, //five
   \u516D, //six
   \u4E03, //seven
   \u516B, //eight
   \u4E5D, //nine
   \u5341  //ten

  for (int i=0; i10; ++i)
   for (int ii=0; ii10; ++ii)
String val=cnumbers[i]+cnumbers[ii];
  System.err.println(Now fail on 100);
  String val=cnumbers[1]+cnumbers[0]+cnumbers[0];

On Mon, 5 Sep 2005, Jason Pyeron wrote:

On Sun, 4 Sep 2005, Alexey Polyakov wrote:

Why do you choose to convert varchar to tinytext? Doesn't look like
good idea to me.

trailing spaces and mysql 4.x

-   -
- Jason Pyeron  PD Inc. -
- Partner  Sr. Manager 7 West 24th Street #100 -
- +1 (443) 921-0381 Baltimore, Maryland 21218   -
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Re: Migrating MySQL users

2005-09-05 Thread Karam Chand

First all it is not recommended at all to dump and
import user information. 

Secondly the user authentication system has changed
between 4.0 and 4.1 so old passwords from 4.0 wont
work. Its given in the docs.

Thirdly, MySQL does not store the actual password in
its database. It always keeps a hash of the password
and all the comparison are done against it.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello everyone,
 I'm working on migrating a number of users to a
 different database
 server.  mysqldump makes this quite easy, but I've
 run into a
 surprising issue with the new server.
 I imported things like this:
 # mysqldump --skip-add-drop --all-databases | mysql
 -h newbox -u root -p
 Somehow this didn't get the mysql.user table
 correctly.  So I dumped
 that one seperately like this:
 # mysqldump --skip-add-drop --skip-extended mysql
 user | mysql -h newbox -u root -p mysql
 Now I have all the users in the new mysql.user
 table.  But when I try
 to login, the same credentials do not work.  Both DB
 servers are 4.1
 servers, one happens to be Debian and the other
 RedHat.  Both servers
 have the wide password field and use old_password in
 Any reason why these moved accounts are unable to
 Ross Vandegrift
 The good Christian should beware of mathematicians,
 and all those who
 make empty prophecies. The danger already exists
 that the mathematicians
 have made a covenant with the devil to darken the
 spirit and to confine
 man in the bonds of Hell.
   --St. Augustine, De Genesi ad Litteram, Book II,
 xviii, 37
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RE: Mysql to Oracle migration

2005-09-05 Thread Karam Chand
I have been using SQLyog's ODBC Import tool for quite
some time now.


--- Nguyen, Phong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Look at
 It is free and very good tool to do it. I did it
 from Oracle to MySQL, but
 you can do it from Mysql to oracle. Good luck!
 -Original Message-
 From: David Griffiths [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 2:17 PM
 Subject: Re: Mysql to Oracle migration
 You need to talk to Oracle, or look on an Oracle
 mailing list. People 
 here are more concerned about migrating from Oracle
 to MySQL, rather 
 than the other way around.
 There are probably lots of commercial tools out
 there that will do it 
 (and compared to your Oracle licensing costs, they
 are probably 
 relatively cheap).
 Clyde Lewis wrote:
  Does anyone know of a straght forward approach to
 migrate a 
  mysql(4.1.11) Schema to Oracle(9i release 2).
  Also, please provide any best practices.
  Thanks in advance.
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Re: Migrating MySQL users

2005-09-05 Thread ross
On Mon, Sep 05, 2005 at 12:41:50PM +0300, Gleb Paharenko wrote:
 Have you run 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES'?

Doh!  I got everything else find, but forgot something stupid.
Murphy's law, I suppose.

Thanks for the prompt!


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Re: Migrating MySQL users

2005-09-05 Thread ross
On Mon, Sep 05, 2005 at 11:00:43AM -0700, Karam Chand wrote:
 First all it is not recommended at all to dump and
 import user information. 

Why not?  They are just entries in a database, like any other.  How
would you propose I move a large batch of users to another database

 Secondly the user authentication system has changed
 between 4.0 and 4.1 so old passwords from 4.0 wont
 work. Its given in the docs.

Re-read my email: I'm moving from 4.1 - 4.1.
Re-read the docs: 4.1 can authenticate against both hash formats.

I just forgot to flush privileges, that's all!

Ross Vandegrift

The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who
make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians
have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine
man in the bonds of Hell.
--St. Augustine, De Genesi ad Litteram, Book II, xviii, 37

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Re: SCO issue

2005-09-05 Thread Bgs

 Here is the official link:

SCO states that they will distribute MySQL with a commercial license.
According to this they do not plan to stick with GPL...




Mirza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/09/2005 14:31:12:

I would like someone from MySQL AB to clarify issue with SCO asap. I 
wouldn't like to use technologies for my business that later could be 
used against me (in legal sense). Does MySQL AB understand that it helps 

funding their legal cases against us (GPL users) ? If someone feels OK 
with SCO partnership, good luck, but (being long time MySQL user and 
alpha bug reporter) I would switch to Embedded PostgreSQL myself and 
encourage other people to do the same. I use _tons_ of GPL software so 
should I help funding of my own annoyance (albeit poorly supported with 
facts) ?


All the press releases I have seen appear to originate from SCO. There is 
not, in any of them, any suggestion that money has passed or will pass 
from MySQL to SCO. SCO has for a long time been one of the many varieties 
of Unix that MySQL supports. MySQL cannot stop SCO from distributing their 
product (hypocritically) under the GPL. On the other hand, if they allow 
SCO to include offical releases of MySQL, they may get some support 
customers - which is where they earn their real income. The press blurbs 
are essentially saying that SCO resellers will market MySQL Network - to 
the benefit of MySQL. If there is any money flow, I would have thought it 
would be more likely to be the other way: SCO paying MySQL to ensure that 
one of the premier Unix applications remains supported on their platform.

Of course, MySQL may say otherwise, but I think this is a piece of SCO 
hype intended to imply MySQL support of SCO when all they are really doing 
is supporting their own product on whatever platform their customers may 
choose - even when that platform is marketed by a company who many of us 
find totally repulsive. If you let yourself be hyped into dropping MySQL, 
you will be harming a company that is, in my opinion, a model of how to 
provide full commercial quality software (or better) with an Open Source 
licence, while not (I think) harming SCO in any way.

Alec Cawley

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Re: SCO issue

2005-09-05 Thread Daniel Kasak

Mirza wrote:

I would like someone from MySQL AB to clarify issue with SCO asap. I 
wouldn't like to use technologies for my business that later could be 
used against me (in legal sense). Does MySQL AB understand that it 
helps funding their legal cases against us (GPL users) ? If someone 
feels OK with SCO partnership, good luck, but (being long time MySQL 
user and alpha bug reporter) I would switch to Embedded PostgreSQL 
myself and encourage other people to do the same. I use _tons_ of GPL 
software so should I help funding of my own annoyance (albeit poorly 
supported with facts) ?



This is the part that gets me:

As part of the agreement, the companies will work together on a range 
of joint marketing, sales, training, business development and support 
programs that will benefit customers throughout the Americas, Europe 
and Asia.

I suppose it depends on how much 'joint work' is actually involved. As 
another poster pointed out, this could just be SCO up to their usual spin.

But I agree with you - if this is some kind of special business 
relationship, then Postgres is looking all the more inviting.

No press release from MySQL yet ... it would look interesting above 
their 'Novell to Offer MySQL Network' news article :) Clearly one is as 
newsworthy as the other.

Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989

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Re: SCO issue

2005-09-05 Thread Rich Allen

On Sep 5, 2005, at 3:10 PM, Daniel Kasak wrote:

This is the part that gets me:

As part of the agreement, the companies will work together on a  
range of joint marketing, sales, training, business development  
and support programs that will benefit customers throughout the  
Americas, Europe and Asia.

I suppose it depends on how much 'joint work' is actually involved.  
As another poster pointed out, this could just be SCO up to their  
usual spin.

But I agree with you - if this is some kind of special business  
relationship, then Postgres is looking all the more inviting.

MySQL AB doing work for SCO is one thing, partnership would be much  
a different matter which would then lead me to agree that looking at  
Pg would be a good idea. Hopefully MySQL AB will make all this clear  
one way or the other ...

Rich Allen
Dare  Do

Re: SCO issue

2005-09-05 Thread Schalk Neethling
You guys should subscribe to the Planet MySQL RSS feed. The entire issue 
was cleared up there by a member of the MySQL AB staff.

Rich Allen wrote:

On Sep 5, 2005, at 3:10 PM, Daniel Kasak wrote:

This is the part that gets me:

As part of the agreement, the companies will work together on a  
range of joint marketing, sales, training, business development  and 
support programs that will benefit customers throughout the  
Americas, Europe and Asia.

I suppose it depends on how much 'joint work' is actually involved.  
As another poster pointed out, this could just be SCO up to their  
usual spin.

But I agree with you - if this is some kind of special business  
relationship, then Postgres is looking all the more inviting.

MySQL AB doing work for SCO is one thing, partnership would be much  
a different matter which would then lead me to agree that looking at  
Pg would be a good idea. Hopefully MySQL AB will make all this clear  
one way or the other ...

Rich Allen
Dare  Do

Kind Regards
Schalk Neethling
Web Developer.Designer.Programmer.President
Tel: +27125468436
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InnoDB Record Lock Command

2005-09-05 Thread Rich
Hi there.  

I am looking for the syntax to lock individual records in an InnoDB table.
I can't seem to find anything outside of locking full tables.

Any urls out there?


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Re: InnoDB Record Lock Command

2005-09-05 Thread Rich Allen

something along the lines of:

mysql select * from table where column = value lock in share mode

On Sep 5, 2005, at 4:01 PM, Rich wrote:

Hi there.

I am looking for the syntax to lock individual records in an InnoDB  

I can't seem to find anything outside of locking full tables.

Rich Allen
A kidney transplant saved my life, plese consider being an organ donor.

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Re: SCO issue

2005-09-05 Thread Daniel Kasak

Schalk Neethling wrote:

You guys should subscribe to the Planet MySQL RSS feed. The entire 
issue was cleared up there by a member of the MySQL AB staff.

The argument is given that this is all about helping out the SCO users. 
A counter argument is that by doing so you are attacking Linux and 
open-source users by giving credibility to SCO, as well as defending 
SCO's user base. However, there are a lot more Linux and open-source 
users than SCO users - thankfully. Also, considering Linux is freely 
available, how difficult is it really for SCO users to get MySQL 
running? Can't figure out how to compile MySQL on SCO ... fine ... 
download and install Linux, and get a Linux binary.

I suspect the deal has more to do with MySQL and SCO than with lowly users.

Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989

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How concerned should I be about Collation?

2005-09-05 Thread Dave

MySQL General List,

   Server specifications:
   MySQL 4.1.3-beta, phpMyAdmin 2.5.7-pl1, PHP 4.3.8
   My specifications:

   MySQL beginner, PHP intermediate, HTML and CSS advanced.

   The situation:
   I have a database of users for my web site, in which all the text 
data that is inserted and obtained from MySQL via PHP is in UTF-8 
encoding. My web host helped me install MySQL 4.1 and phpMyAdmin 2.5.7 
because, from what I can see, they are a little more user friendly in 
how they let a user view and manipulate UTF-8 text.

   I had a number of tables with user data that I created myself, and I 
was sure to specify that for each, the Collation was in utf_general_ci.
   Recently, I decided to add a forum for my users, using the PHP based 
Simple Machines Forum available here:

   This added a bunch of new tables, in which the Collation was the 
default setting of latin1_swedish_ci.

   My next step is to take the user data I already have collected, and 
merge it with the new forum users table, so that my existing users can 
start use of the forum without having to re-enter all their information.

   The Questions:
   Before I start merging tables, I want to ensure that the whole 
database is consistent in it's use of character sets. This means I want 
to convert all the new tables to use utf_general_ci for collation, 
storage, and any other charset related setting.
   What MySQL command can I use to globally convert all the tables and 
field collation settings in the database to utf_general_ci?
   Are there other charset related settings that I should be concerned 
about? If so, how would I configure them to keep the database consistent.
   What I've done so far:

   I did a bit of research on what collation is by going to this web site:
   But further searching via Google did not turn up any instructions 
for specific commands to make the changes I am looking for.

   Any assistance is much appreciated. Thank you.


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