Re: How to utilize 16 logical CPUs

2006-08-22 Thread Martin Jespersen
Your mysql db is only using 496Mb of ram? i have a server with 1GB ram 
where mysql uses more mem than yours does - you should probably tune 
your server system variables a bit to utilize your memory better.

Christian Hammers wrote:

On Tue, Aug 22, 2006 at 10:20:47AM -0600, Michael Loftis wrote:
One other quick ? -- Are you using a 64 bit (x86_64/EMT64) or 32-bit?  If 
you're still in 32-bit mode the extra memory over 4Gb can actually slow the 
system down since it has to page between memory zones.

It was choosen to run on i386 i.e. 32-bit mode for compatibility to Java
and other servers in the farm.

But as you can see not even the 3GB border is touched:

 5076 mysql 15   0 1434m 496m 4992 S 99.9  6.1  54931:46 mysqld

But despite the 99% CPU, vmstat thinks the system is idle.

procs ---memory-- ---swap-- -io --system-- cpu
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   incs us sy id wa
 1  0  0 2959212 139684 383155600 1 01 1  6 3 88  3
 0  0  0 2959584 139684 383051600 0 0 4785 0  7 4 89  0
 1  0  0 2959212 139692 383154800 0   100 3453 0  7 4 89  0
 6  0  0 2957104 139700 383076000 8 0 3696 0  7 5 87  0
 2  0  0 2958592 139700 38310200032 0 4230 0  7 5 88  0
 1  0  0 2958220 139712 383074800 0   596 3904 0  8 5 87  0



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Re: Another question on Cardinality??

2006-08-04 Thread Martin Jespersen

Have you considered reading up on basic database management?

There are plenty of good material on the web for you to read where you 
can actually learn how to manage databases, so you don't have to ask 
others about every single detail.

Ratheesh K J wrote:

Hello all,

Another question on cardinality.

Consider a table with 1000 rows and  columnns. Details of the columns are as 

FLD_1 - int - cardinality 1000 - PRIMARY KEY

FLD_2 - tinyint- cardinality 400

FLD_3 - varchar - cardinality 10

FLD_4 - varchar - cardinality 2

FLD_5 - varchar - cardinality 5

Assuming that cardinality exactly is the number of distinct values for that 
column, Which are the fields that is best for indexing for the table.

Is it meaningful for me to index FLD_3, FLD_4 and FLD_5 knowing that their 
cardinality is always going to be the same?

There are certain scenarios wherein I have queries on the tables as below:

1) Select * from table where FLD_4 = 1;

2) Select * from table where FLD_5 = 3;

3) Select * from table where FLD_3 1 AND FLD_5  6;

considering all the above cases, what should I conclude? should I have indexes 
on these three fields?

Looking for a specific answer than a depend on situation kind of an answer.


Ratheesh Bhat K J

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Re: FW: How do I find all the users that are new since my last login (repost)

2006-08-04 Thread Martin Jespersen
You could add an extra field called last_login_date which you'd set only 
once per session - at login time. At login time you'd set this to the 
value that exists in login_date. Then use that for comparison against 

Daevid Vincent wrote:

I have a SQL challenge I'm not sure how to solve. But it's so common, I feel
kind of stupid asking this...

I have a 'user' table with 'login_date' which is an auto updated DATETIME
column and a 'created_on' which is a DATETIME (but not updated after the
record is created the first time)

I want to show a list of users who are new since my last login. But the
problem is that my last login changes for every page load (i.e. it is
updated so that I can guestimate if a user is logged in still or not... I
consider 10m to be the window, since rarely do users ever officially

So I think I need to have a SQL query that only deals with the date, not the
mins/secs? I'm just not sure the optimum way to do this.

The other challenging part seems to me that as soon as 'login_date' is
updated, then everyone that was 'new' is now 'old' because the login_date
just got updated right? I kinda want the 'new' user status to persist for
the whole session [or maybe even the whole day (that is, I could logout/in
and those people would still show as new) -- but I can live with just being
new for the session]

How is this sort of thing usually handled? Do I need another column that
isn't auto-updated and that just get's set upon each new 'login' session?
Unlike a message board or web based email system, I CAN'T flag each user
as viewed or something like that. This feature is for a network type
scenario where a user can see new users added to their network of friends
since the last time they logged in. Or so the Administrators can see all new
users. This type of thing.


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Re: Table analysis - Help required urgently

2006-08-03 Thread Martin Jespersen
If i was you i'd start reading the manual. Look under the optimization 
chapter. Also, brush up on database normalization and look into how 
exactly the tables are being used - run explains on the sql statements 
that are used with the tables and see how you can optimize index usage.

Ratheesh K J wrote:

Hello all,

I am required to analyze all the tables of our system. I need to know the key 
parameters that should be taken into consideration for analysis. I am not speaking 
about ANALYZE TABLE tbl name. I am required to manually look into all table 
structures and pin point problems ( if any ).

So it would be helpful if i could know about

1) what exactly I have to look for in the tables.

2) Index management. Which fields are to be indexed and which not

3) How big can a table be? We have tables which have more than 50 lakhs of 
rows. Any select queries, insert queries or update queries are taking more time 
to execute. So what is a preferable table size.

4) Any other suggestions


Ratheesh Bhat K J

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Re: Fatal error

2006-08-03 Thread Martin Jespersen

1) Throw away the backup.sql as it is useless
2) Talk to the guys who made drupal and make them aware of the flaw in 
their software

3) Change the php.ini settings for maximum execution time

next time try to place non-mysql related questions elsewhere ;)

Kaushal Shriyan wrote:

On 8/3/06, Martin Jespersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Looks like drupal had an error when doing the backup - mysql is
complaining over the fact that your backup.sql file contains a html
formated fatal error message.

Kaushal Shriyan wrote:

 I have taken backup of through
 drupal 4.6.3  by selecting all tables and it asked me to save as

 Now when i run

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# mysql -u kaushal -h -p
 drupal  /home/kaushal/drupal/backup.sql
 Enter password:
 ERROR 1064 at line 55817: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 
'br /

 bFatal error/b:  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in
 b' at line 1

 I get the above error

 Any clue

 Please let me know if you need more info on this issue

 Thanks and Regards


Hi Martin

How do i fix this issue



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Re: Doing a join

2006-08-02 Thread Martin Jespersen
select g.GROUP_NAME, count(mg.MEM_ID) as NUMBER_OF_MEMBERS from GROUPS g 
left join MEM_GRO mg using(GRO_ID) group by g.GRO_ID

John Meyer wrote:

I have two tables:



And one joiner


I want to print out a list like this


Even when the number of members is 0, how do I do that?

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2006-08-02 Thread Martin Jespersen
You can tune the fulltext search in a few ways using the config, try 
read up on the various server variables that has to do with fulltext 
indexing. Other than that there is always the option of upgrading the 
hardware :)



I'm getting a lot of pushback on using mysql for full-text searching on over 30,000,000 documents. It's starting to slow down when using more than 10-15 keywords. Is there an alternative anyone is using? 

I don't want to replace the database, but I do need to speed up the keyword 

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

-- Avi

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Re: Multiple single column indexes

2006-08-02 Thread Martin Jespersen

It depends what you need and how your data looks.

Say you have a table with 4 columns:

col1 has 1000 dictinct values
col2 has 1 dictinct values
col3 has 100 dictinct values
col4 has 10 dictinct values

In this case:

select col1,col2 from tbl where col1=... and col2=...

Having a single index based on col1,col2  col3 is the best option, 
since no actual table lookup is needed if you have that index.

in this case:

select * from tbl where col3=... and col1=... and col2=...

it is best to have a seperate index for col1, col2 and col3 - in this 
case the column with the smallest amount of distinct values should be 
first, thus we start with col3.
The result that needs to be returned (*) cover columns that are outside 
the where clause, so having an index on all the fields in the where 
clause makes no sense, since a table lookup is needed anyway.
In this case having an index of col1,2,3 combined gives us an index with 
a much larger cardinality than the sum of the cardinalities in 3 
seperate indexes (one for each column) and thus a slower index lookup.

In some cases, you might find a combined index faster even in this case, 
but in my experience that is quite rare.

But... as i said in the beginning, it really does depend on your data 
and the queries you use - always use explain to check how mysql 
optimizes your queries, and run tests like the ones you already did to 
see what works best... sometimes mysql surprises the heck out of me even 
tho i've been using it since 95 ;)

André Hänsel wrote:

2. Does it really make sense to have single indexes per column when the
columns are used together in one WHERE clause?

Best regards,

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Re: Fatal error

2006-08-02 Thread Martin Jespersen
Looks like drupal had an error when doing the backup - mysql is 
complaining over the fact that your backup.sql file contains a html 
formated fatal error message.

Kaushal Shriyan wrote:


I have taken backup of through
drupal 4.6.3  by selecting all tables and it asked me to save as

Now when i run

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# mysql -u kaushal -h -p
drupal  /home/kaushal/drupal/backup.sql
Enter password:
ERROR 1064 at line 55817: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'br /
bFatal error/b:  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in
b' at line 1

I get the above error

Any clue

Please let me know if you need more info on this issue

Thanks and Regards


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swapping column values in update

2006-08-01 Thread Martin Jespersen

I just ran the following sql (on mysql 4.1.20):

  update tbl set col1=col2, col2=col1

To my surprise, mysql updates col1 via col1=col2 before reading it for 
use in col2=col1, so I end up with the same value in both columns, 
which, of course, was not my intention. Thinking about it, this behavior 
in mysql makes perfect sense, so thats not the issue.

I could of course add a temporary col3 to use as a kind of buffer field,
and do

 alter table to add col3
 update tbl set col3=col1, col1=col2, col2=col3, col3=''
 alter table to remove col3

That seems like a waste to me tho. There must be a smarter way.

So my question is:

Does anyone know of a way to force mysql to read all the values first 
before actually doing the update? Or just has a smarter way of doing this?

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Re: swapping column values in update

2006-08-01 Thread Martin Jespersen

it's a frequent operation based on a where clause

Barry Newton wrote:

At 06:35 PM 8/1/2006, Martin Jespersen wrote:

I just ran the following sql (on mysql 4.1.20):

  update tbl set col1=col2, col2=col1

To my surprise, mysql updates col1 via col1=col2 before reading it for 
use in col2=col1, so I end up with the same value in both columns, 
which, of course, was not my intention. Thinking about it, this 
behavior in mysql makes perfect sense, so thats not the issue.

If this is a one-time operation, it would seem easier to rename the 
columns.  In some cases, even if it's a little more frequent than that.


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Re: Problems with WHERE clause

2006-07-30 Thread Martin Jespersen
Do the right thing(TM) and don't use an alias that is the same as a 
field that exists (this was mentioned before by someone else).
Since there is a field in your join named fee, using fee as an 
alias, is bound to cause your trouble.
Also, trying to call sum(p.fee) twice is a waste of cputime. I say 
trying here because this is what fails, you are not allowed to call sum 
in your where clause, thus the Invalid use of group function.


 SELECT,, SUM(p.fee) AS fee_total
 FROM serie AS s
 INNER JOIN race_serie AS rs ON rs.serie_id =
 INNER JOIN races AS r ON = rs.race_id
 INNER JOIN participants AS p ON p.race_id =
 WHERE s.receipt = 1
 AND p.rider_id = 236
 AND fee_total  0
 ORDER BY s.f_date;

and see if that works for you.

Jørn Dahl-Stamnes wrote:

On Sunday 30 July 2006 12:37, Gabriel PREDA wrote:

You must specify explicitly what 'fee' to use... so if you wand every
p.fee to be greater than zero then you must do:

SELECT,, SUM(p.fee) AS fee
FROM serie AS s
INNER JOIN race_serie AS rs ON rs.serie_id =
INNER JOIN races AS r ON = rs.race_id
INNER JOIN participants AS p ON p.race_id =
WHERE s.receipt = 1
AND p.rider_id = 236
AND p.fee  0
ORDER BY s.f_date;

This did the trick.

What I want is to find out which series a given rider has participated where 
(s)he has paid fee for participating (in some cases a rider my participate 
without haveing paied).

If the rider has paied fee once in a serie, then the sum will be more than 0. 
But will the query above give me the id and name for a serie where a rider 
has participated but not paid? One way to find out is to test it.

If you want the sum to be larger that zero then you would have to do:

SELECT,, SUM(p.fee) AS fee
FROM serie AS s
INNER JOIN race_serie AS rs ON rs.serie_id =
INNER JOIN races AS r ON = rs.race_id
INNER JOIN participants AS p ON p.race_id =
WHERE s.receipt = 1
AND p.rider_id = 236
AND SUM(p.fee)  0
ORDER BY s.f_date;

This gave the following error:
ERROR  (HY000): Invalid use of group function

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Re: optimize mysql geometric query

2006-07-28 Thread Martin Jespersen

Try to run an explain on the query to see how mysql optimizes it.
Also have a look at your system resources while the query runs to see if 
you have a problem with memory/swapping.

I am not sure (since i've never used union), but my guess is that mysql 
uses temporary tables for this, so maybe tuning server parameters like 
tmp_table_size can help.



i have attached my geometric query which is very slow. how to optimize this 


Hot new product - Spider Networks introduces stunning online ePortfolio solution for students and teachers

select,A.district,x(GeomFromText(AsText(A.geo))) as 
x,y(GeomFromText(AsText(A.geo))) as 
11.83884)')) as Distance FROM (select geo,name,district from 
cities_point union all select geo,name,district from cities_font_point 
union all select geo,name,district from State_Highways_point union all 
select geo,name,district from Other_Roads_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Major_Roads_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Vet_Clinics_point union all select 
geo,name,district from University_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Tourist_Info_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Temples_point union all select geo,name,district 
from Taxi_Stands_point union all select geo,name,district from 
Stadiums_point union all select geo,name,district from 
Sports_Clubs_point union all select geo,name,district from 
Shops_WhiteGds_point union all select geo,name,district from 
Shops_Sports_point union all select geo,name,district from 
Shops_RealEstate_point union all select geo,name,district from 
Shops_Music_point union all select geo,name,district from 
Shops_Misc_point union all select geo,name,district from Shops_LPG_point 
union all select geo,name,district from Shops_Jewellery_point union all 
select geo,name,district from Shops_Furnt_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Shops_Footwear_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Shops_Computer_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Shops_Chemists_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Shops_Bakery_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Shops_Apparel_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Shopping_Ctrs_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Services_Travel_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Services_Professional_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Services_Financial_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Service_Stations_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Schools_point union all select geo,name,district 
from Restaurants_point union all select geo,name,district from 
Religious_Pls_Oth_point union all select geo,name,district from 
Railway_Stations_point union all select geo,name,district from 
Railway_Reservations_point union all select geo,name,district from 
PreSchools_point union all select geo,name,district from 
PostOffices_point union all select geo,name,district from 
PoliceStations_point union all select geo,name,district from 
PoliceChaukis_point union all select geo,name,district from 
PetrolPumps_point union all select geo,name,district from Parks_point 
union all select geo,name,district from OtherInstt_point union all 
select geo,name,district from Offices_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Office_Airlines_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Museums_point union all select geo,name,district 
from Mosques_point union all select geo,name,district from Misc_point 
union all select geo,name,district from Libraries_point union all select 
geo,name,district from LevelCrossing_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Industries_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Hotels_point union all select geo,name,district 
from Hostels_point union all select geo,name,district from 
Hospitals_point union all select geo,name,district from 
Historical_Pls_point union all select geo,name,district from 
Gymnasiums_point union all select geo,name,district from Gurdwaras_point 
union all select geo,name,district from Graveyards_point union all 
select geo,name,district from GovtOffices_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Dispensaries_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Discotheques_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Diagnostic_Ctrs_point union all select 
geo,name,district from CyberCafes_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Cultural_Centres_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Crematory_point union all select 
geo,name,district from Couriers_point union all select geo,name,district 
from Computer_Instt_point union all select geo,name,district from 
Colleges_point union all 

Re: What does optimize mean?

2006-07-28 Thread Martin Jespersen

read the manual:

Jesse wrote:
Seeing posts about mysqlcheck on the list prompted me to check out that 
utility.  A lot of it I can see is very useful, and I understand what it 
does.  However, what does the optimize command mean? What does it do? 
The help file says that the -o option optimizes, but what does that 
mean??   I ran it on one of my databases, and most of them said OK, 
and some of them said table is already up to date.  But I still have 
no idea what it did, if anything.


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Re: MySQL performing too badly under heavy load - urgent hlp needed

2006-07-27 Thread Martin Jespersen
I doubt apache is to blame. 5 seconds for a query on a website is 
extremely slow, so if that is your normal results, then you have a 
problem there already. I've been building database driven websites for 
around 11 years and i don't think i can remember a single time i went 
into production with a single query that was slower than 0.1 second, 
unless it was something very rarely used for administration purposes.

From the top of my head i'd say your problem is either

a) poor datamodel design which forces slow queries
b) poor usage of indexes in the database (use explain to check)
c) non-optimized configuration of the server (have you tuned the server 
parameters to the way you use the server?)

d) insufficient hardware for your needs
e) any combination of the above

Ratheesh K J wrote:

Hello all,

Stuck up with a major problem. Urgent hlp required

MySQL seems to be performing too bad during heavy load on the server. Queries 
which normally take around 5 secs to complete are taking more than 1000 secs to 
complete during load.

What could be the reason. Show processlist shows many process in sending data 
state. All tables are of INNODB type. But we are not running any transactions 
as yet.

The server is clogged due to many httpd requests (150 Max). All the httpd 
requests are in W state ( means sending response ). What could be causing this. 
Is it MySQL or is it Apache...

Any suggestions would help...


Ratheesh K J

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Re: Checkboxes

2006-07-26 Thread Martin Jespersen

Looks like more of a php question that a mysql question ;)

anyway, the mysql part:

use either an unsigned interger (tinyint, if less than 256 
possibilities, smallint if over 256 but less than 65565, etc)

or use a set or enum.

Using a varchar is not really the way to go.

If you choose to use an integer and you need some kind of string 
representation of the choice, use a secondary table to hold the string 
values and let the integer in the main table be a foreign key to the 
secondary table ;)

Nicholas Vettese wrote:

I am trying to allow a user to use checkboxes for multiple selections, and I am trying to get the database to record the choices 
made by the user.  I am using a VARCHAR(250), but I am guessing that may be wrong.  Also, other than adding a [] to the 
end of the 'name' (e.g. input type=checkbox name=mod_type[] value=alternative 
/Alternativebr /), what do I need to do?

I hope I am asking this question correctly.  If not, please feel free to flame 


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Re: Select Query taking time

2006-07-24 Thread Martin Jespersen

Ratheesh K J wrote:

Hello All,

I run a select query to see its speed. It took around 5 seconds. Now i run the 
same query simultaneously twice usng two instances of the client tool. It took 
10 seconds for both the queris to complete. Its not 5 secs + 5 secs. Both the 
queries were running till 10 secs when i saw using mytop. In the 11th sec both 
the queries ended. Running it thrice simultaneously, it took 15 secs for all 
the three queries to complete.

In such a case should this query be considered as slow? We are actually 
checking for queries which take longer than 12 secs and regarding such queries 
as slow. The moment we find such a query, a mail is sent to the DBA saying that 
the query is slow. So in a day there are more than 400 such slow query 
notifications flowing into the mail box.

My questions are,

Should the simultaneous queries take so long? 
Should'nt both queries have finished by 6 secs rather than 10 secs?

Without query caching enabled, yes it is perfectly normal that the time 
spent is rising in a linear fashion, eg 4 simulatious would be 20 
seconds, 5 25 secs and so on - this just means that your query run by 
itself is able to utilize all available resources such as cpu time.
Look at it this way: 1 query will use 100% of the available cpu and it 
takes 5 seconds. When you run two at the same time they each have 50% 
cpu to use, and thus take 10 seconds (5 seconds * 100 / 50). With 3 they 
each have 33,1/3% and take 15 seconds ( 5 seconds * 100 / 33,1/3) and so 

Is this a right strategy to track slow queries?

Yes and no. It is always wise to test your queries to see how the do 
speed wise, but if you only measure time you aren't really getting the 
full picture. You have to also look at what else the system is doing - 
if a query is bottlenecked only by available cpu, it will run at very 
different speeds depending on how busy the system is with other things - 
try to bzip2 a 500MB file while running the query and see how much time 
it takes then for instance ;)

And as always remember to use explain to see how mysql optimizes your 
query so you can modify it if needed, especially complicated joins can 
sometimes be alot faster if you tweak them a bit.

Any suggestions would help.


Ratheesh K J

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Re: Searching through an alphabetical range

2006-07-24 Thread Martin Jespersen

Depending on the size of your table, it can be faster using

SELECT lastname FROM employee WHERE lastname BETWEEN  'm' AND 'z' GROUP 
BY lastname;

On a table with 2,5 Mill. records the speed diff is over 1000% on my system.

ViSolve DB Team wrote:

Hello Paul,

You can try this:

SELECT DISTINCT lastname FROM employee WHERE lastname BETWEEN  'm' AND 'z';

ViSolve DB Team.

- Original Message - From: Paul Nowosielski 

Sent: Friday, July 21, 2006 10:33 PM
Subject: Searching through an alphabetical range

Dear All,

I need to write a query that searches last names between the ranges of m
through z.

Is there a way to do this in the query?

Thank You,

Paul Nowosielski
office: 303.440.0666 ext 219
cel: 303.827.4257

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Re: Struggling with the logic

2006-07-24 Thread Martin Jespersen
As mentioned before you really should sue the date data type in mysql, 
or alternativly use an int and store the date as seconds since the epox, 
so that you can do simple math for this type of query. Any other way of 
storing dates is basically shooting yourself in the foot.

That said, if you choose to store it as a varchar use:

Select * from submissions where approvedate in ('07/01/2006', 
'07/02/2006', '07/03/2006',...);

Be aware how extremely slow this performs compared to the options 
mentioned above tho.

John Berman wrote:



I'm struggling with some logic


I have a table called: submissions and each record has an approvedate field
which stores the date mm/dd/



I want to display all records for 7 days only from their  approved date so I
guess something like



Select * from submissions were approvedate  - this is were im getting stuck



Pointers appreciated, im sure its simple ?




John B


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Re: database back up

2006-07-20 Thread Martin Jespersen
You can usually find the database files under the var subdirectory 
under your installation, unless another datadir was specified at 

;) Martin

Joko Siswanto wrote:

Dear All

if myqsl service can't start, where can i found the file and back up it?
[under windows and linux]

Joko Siswanto

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Re: How to query on part of a date column?

2006-07-20 Thread Martin Jespersen
As long as backticks are used around fieldnames, spaces and/or reserved 
words are fine, tho it does tend to create more work for the user ;)

mos wrote:

At 12:02 PM 7/20/2006, you wrote:
I've got a table of people who registered for a convention.  Each 
person has a registration date, kept in a standard date field.  How do 
I select for people who registered in a particular month or year?  The 
obvious tests like:

Select * from Capclave2005reg
Where Year('Date Paid') = 2004;

return no rows.  I can extract any piece of that date I want in a 
SELECT, but can't seem to use it in a WHERE clause at all.  There has 
to be something really obvious that I'm missing?

Barry Newton

I strongly recommend getting rid of the spaces in your 
column/table names and replace them with an underscore character _.  
You are only creating problems for yourself if you leave the blanks in 
the names.


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Re: 3.23.58 - 5.0.22 upgrade

2006-07-18 Thread Martin Jespersen
Using dumps are almost always the way to go, upgrading the datafiles 
themselves is something you should avoid unless you are into heavy 
wizardry and/or pain.

Dan Trainor wrote:

Martin Jespersen wrote:
Dan has a very good point, be mindfull of the changed password 
algorithm, that actually was a bit of a bother to me since i have tons 
of users defined in my grant tables.

Dan Buettner wrote:

Dan, I wouldn't bother with the intermediate steps (4.0, 4.1) .  Waste
of time (fine products, but you say you want to go to 5.0).  I'd go
direct to 5.0, using mysqldump'd data as Martin did.  If you're
all-MyISAM then it might also work to simply upgrade your binaries and
keep your data files, though you'll want to watch for the fix
permissions script and also be mindful of the password changes that
came about with 4.1.


On 7/13/06, Martin Jespersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I recently upgraded from 3.23.58 - 4.1.20 without any hickups.

I simply dumped my databases with mysqldump on the 3.23.58 installation
and imported them again from inside the mysql client by using the
source command.

Dan Trainor wrote:
 Hi -

 I know we've rolled this around the list a few times, but I was
 wondering if there's been any real development on the subject 
lately.  I

 know half of you are saying Forget it... go with a newer version and
 get over it, and I'd really really like to, but i have a lot of data
 store under 3.23.x.

 The documentation says that you must follow 3 - 4.0 - 4.1 - 5.0 

 ..., and that's just what I'm about to do.

 I guess what I'm looking for here is some advice from people who have
 done it.  If there's not an all-in-one silly stupid way to upgrade 

 data in this manner (i.e. with one fell swoop of some handy dandy
 application), would someone on an RPM-based system simply upgrade 

 in sequential order as indicated, and hope that the data follows?  Is
 this probably one of the more successful ways of doing this?

 I'm still exploring my options, but I think that's what I'm going 
to end

 up going with here - one step at a time.

 If you guys wouldn't mind terribly talking about this for a few more
 posts, I (and hopefully others) would greatly appreciate it.

 Thanks for the time


Hi -

Well, I've been trying a few things with this, however I can't quite 
seem to get to the point where this would be any easier.

The problem is, I only have data files.  I don't have a MySQL dump, and 
don't see myself being able to grab a dump anytime soon.  So I guess 
what I'm faced with now is bringing up a 3.23.58 server anyway, if only 
for the purpose of a massive MySQL dump.

How's that sound?


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Re: 3.23.58 - 5.0.22 upgrade

2006-07-13 Thread Martin Jespersen

I recently upgraded from 3.23.58 - 4.1.20 without any hickups.

I simply dumped my databases with mysqldump on the 3.23.58 installation 
and imported them again from inside the mysql client by using the 
source command.

Dan Trainor wrote:

Hi -

I know we've rolled this around the list a few times, but I was 
wondering if there's been any real development on the subject lately.  I 
know half of you are saying Forget it... go with a newer version and 
get over it, and I'd really really like to, but i have a lot of data 
store under 3.23.x.

The documentation says that you must follow 3 - 4.0 - 4.1 - 5.0 ... 
..., and that's just what I'm about to do.

I guess what I'm looking for here is some advice from people who have 
done it.  If there's not an all-in-one silly stupid way to upgrade the 
data in this manner (i.e. with one fell swoop of some handy dandy 
application), would someone on an RPM-based system simply upgrade RPMs 
in sequential order as indicated, and hope that the data follows?  Is 
this probably one of the more successful ways of doing this?

I'm still exploring my options, but I think that's what I'm going to end 
up going with here - one step at a time.

If you guys wouldn't mind terribly talking about this for a few more 
posts, I (and hopefully others) would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks for the time

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Re: 3.23.58 - 5.0.22 upgrade

2006-07-13 Thread Martin Jespersen
Dan has a very good point, be mindfull of the changed password 
algorithm, that actually was a bit of a bother to me since i have tons 
of users defined in my grant tables.

Dan Buettner wrote:

Dan, I wouldn't bother with the intermediate steps (4.0, 4.1) .  Waste
of time (fine products, but you say you want to go to 5.0).  I'd go
direct to 5.0, using mysqldump'd data as Martin did.  If you're
all-MyISAM then it might also work to simply upgrade your binaries and
keep your data files, though you'll want to watch for the fix
permissions script and also be mindful of the password changes that
came about with 4.1.


On 7/13/06, Martin Jespersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I recently upgraded from 3.23.58 - 4.1.20 without any hickups.

I simply dumped my databases with mysqldump on the 3.23.58 installation
and imported them again from inside the mysql client by using the
source command.

Dan Trainor wrote:
 Hi -

 I know we've rolled this around the list a few times, but I was
 wondering if there's been any real development on the subject 
lately.  I

 know half of you are saying Forget it... go with a newer version and
 get over it, and I'd really really like to, but i have a lot of data
 store under 3.23.x.

 The documentation says that you must follow 3 - 4.0 - 4.1 - 5.0 ...
 ..., and that's just what I'm about to do.

 I guess what I'm looking for here is some advice from people who have
 done it.  If there's not an all-in-one silly stupid way to upgrade the
 data in this manner (i.e. with one fell swoop of some handy dandy
 application), would someone on an RPM-based system simply upgrade RPMs
 in sequential order as indicated, and hope that the data follows?  Is
 this probably one of the more successful ways of doing this?

 I'm still exploring my options, but I think that's what I'm going to 

 up going with here - one step at a time.

 If you guys wouldn't mind terribly talking about this for a few more
 posts, I (and hopefully others) would greatly appreciate it.

 Thanks for the time

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Re: very basic questions

2006-07-09 Thread Martin Jespersen
1: .sql files are usually textfiles with sql statements in them 
delimited by ;

2: do the following

1) start the client - /path/to/mysql -u user -ppass
2) select your database (if nescessary) - use db
3) import the sql file - source /path/to/fill_help_tables.sql

Hello, I'm new to MySQL and SQL have some very basic questions about them.  
I'm relatively competant in programming, so maybe if someone could answer ...

1. Are SQL files, eg. foo.sql, referred to as scripts or programs or what.  
(In searching for answers to 2. below and don't know if I'm using the right 

2. How do you get MySQL to execute a SQL file? I downloaded 
fill_help_tables.sql from the website, and it's comments tell how to load from the command 

mysql -u root -p mysql  file_name
but I would like to load a file from the interactive mode, ie. from the 
mysql prompt.

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space usage

2006-07-05 Thread Martin Jespersen
Does anyone havea  clue of how mysql optimizes empty fields and how 
query speed is affected?

i have a  db with around 3 million rows where i need to add 2 new fields 
- one smallint and one varchar(10)

for alot of the rows they will be empty, but because of query speed i 
opt to put them ion the maintable instead of a seperate table so i can 
avoid slow joins.

what will be better for queryspeed/size: adding them with NULL using 
NULL as default or with NOT NULL using 0 and '' as defaults?


Martin Jespersen

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Re: Backup questions

2006-07-03 Thread Martin Jespersen

Jesse wrote:
my editor forces a hard line break at column position 16384, which, of course, corrupts 
the restore.  I don't know if there are other text editors that will not do this, 

Funny, i've never seen one that does? What system/editor are you using?

or even better, if there is a way to add a hard line break 
after each inserted record.  I realize this will increase the size of 
the backup file, but to me, it's worth it.

try to use the --max_allowed_packet= option - afaik mysqldump will 
create lines as long as max_allowed_packet so if you set this to 8k 
you should get nice short lines

Any ideas?


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Re: Backup questions

2006-07-03 Thread Martin Jespersen

Jesse wrote:

Funny, i've never seen one that does? What system/editor are you using?

Multi-Edit version 8.0i.  This is an older version of the editor. Maybe 
a newer one wouldn't, but for the most part, it does a very good job for 

Ok never heard of multiedit... if your system is windows, try to use 
EditPlus. Under any *nix variant, ofcourse just use vim.

try to use the --max_allowed_packet= option - afaik mysqldump will 
create lines as long as max_allowed_packet so if you set this to 8k 
you should get nice short lines

This didn't seem to make any difference in the length of the line.  Even 
if it did, I have a feeling it would go to the 8K column, and just chop 
it right there, the same way it is at the 16384th column.

in that case you need to throw that editor as far as way as you can and 
never ever use it again ;)


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Re: Full Text Search across 2 tables.

2006-07-01 Thread Martin Jespersen

Maybe something like this:

select ft.topic, fm.message from forums_topics ft, forums_messages fm 
match (ft.topic, fm.message) against (...)

if topic is null then the hit is from fm and vice versa... haven't tried 
it, so  might not work :)

Steffan A. Cline wrote:

I have 2 tables which have full text index on each of their columns.

Table 1 - forums_topics field - topic
Table 2 - forums_messages   field - message
Is it possible to search them both in one query and determine which table

the result is being returned from in the search results?



T E L  6 0 2 . 5 7 9 . 4 2 3 0 | F A X  6 0 2 . 9 7 1 . 1 6 9 4
Steffan A. Cline
AIM : SteffanC  ICQ : 57234309
  Lasso Partner Alliance Member

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Re: is there a way to optimize like '%..%' searches ?

2006-06-30 Thread Martin Jespersen
It's basically a log that people needs to be able to search with 
wildcards in... the log grows many thousand records per day and never 
gets smaller, so searches just gets slower and slower. There is a sort 
field, the timestamp which is used in the searches, but it only makes 
the searches lsower yet instead of helping in the query, since all that 
does is sort by timestamp desc

basically the query works like this:

some searches for foo bar baz and i create an sql that looks like:

select * from table where  logline like '%foo%bar%baz%' order by 
timestamp desc. I have wrekced my brian plenty but have not come up with 
any otehr way of doing it that gives the needed flexibility in the 
searces. Since what is searched for is not words as such - most loglines 
are actually a single word on the form 
and so on - the logline is varibale length and variable number of 
entities between the sepcial chars (even the special chars are very 
varied) and of no specific format, thus the needed flexibility in the 

If i coud i would changes the log format, but that is not possible since 
this database has loglines going all the way back to the 1980's (with 
more old lines being added as well as new ones) and the format has 
changed many times since then...

Basically i am stuck with a very crappy heap of data i need to be able 
to search in a smart manner.

Fulltext seaching would have been ideal if i was able to do boolean 
macthes with leading wildcard, but without it is useless :/

btw the result doesn't need scoring for relevance at all - what is 
searched for is always the newest matches to the searchterm, regardless 
of relevance (relevance could become handy at a later stage tho, but i 
dare not even think about it atm)

Dan Buettner wrote:

Bummer, Martin.

What more can you tell us about your specific application?  What are
you storing and searching on, exactly?  Any chance you can filter on
another column to reduce the number of records that need a string


On 6/28/06, Martin Jespersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I was too fast there it seems

fulltext searches doesn't help after all since i can't use leading
wildcards to words :(

too bad i loved the speed :/

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is there a way to optimize like '%..%' searches ?

2006-06-28 Thread Martin Jespersen

Hey all i am running mysql 4.1.20.

I have a table with about 2.5 million records and i have to do queries 
on it that looks something like:

select * from table where field1 like '%some%thing%' order by field2

This is ofcourse very slow since it refuses to use indexes...

i have fairly large read_rnd_buffer (32M) and sort_buffer (32M) but this 
query is still slow as hell...

Any hints as to how i can optimize the query? or tune my server settings 
to produce faster results?


Martin Jespersen

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Re: is there a way to optimize like '%..%' searches ?

2006-06-28 Thread Martin Jespersen

Indeed fulltext searches was the cure i was looking for.

Queries went from over 116 seconds to less than half a second

thx for the tip ;)

Dan Buettner wrote:
Martin, currently there is not a way to optimize that particular type of 

You might consider changing to fulltext indexes and searches instead,
as it could be faster, but it is a slightly different animal from LIKE
 so may not fit your needs.

If there is any way you can limit the search set using another column
that could be indexed, it could speed things up significantly.  Date,
type of document, author, etc.  Even if it were an optional criteria
for people it might speed up at least some of the searches.


On 6/28/06, Martin Jespersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey all i am running mysql 4.1.20.

I have a table with about 2.5 million records and i have to do queries
on it that looks something like:

select * from table where field1 like '%some%thing%' order by field2

This is ofcourse very slow since it refuses to use indexes...

i have fairly large read_rnd_buffer (32M) and sort_buffer (32M) but this
query is still slow as hell...

Any hints as to how i can optimize the query? or tune my server settings
to produce faster results?


Martin Jespersen

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Re: is there a way to optimize like '%..%' searches ?

2006-06-28 Thread Martin Jespersen

I was too fast there it seems

fulltext searches doesn't help after all since i can't use leading 
wildcards to words :(

too bad i loved the speed :/

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assembler not found or what?

2006-06-24 Thread Martin Jespersen

Hi all i am compiling mysql 4.1.20 with he following options:

export CFLAGS=-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=nocona -msse3
export CXXFLAGS=-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -felide-constructors 
-march=nocona -msse3

./configure --prefix=/opt/.mysql-4.1.20 --enable-assembler 
--with-mysqld-ldflags=-all-static --enable-thread-safe-client 
--with-gnu-ld --with-mysqld-user=mysql --without-debug 
--with-charset=latin1 --with-collation=latin1_danish_ci --without-innodb 
--with-lib-ccflags=-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=nocona -msse3

When configure runs it tells me that it isn't going to use assembler 
functions, even tho /usr/bin/as is in the path.

anyone have any idea why?


Martin Jespersen

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Re: Just need script for creating tables

2006-06-21 Thread Martin Jespersen
--no-data should do the trick, try to do mysqldump --help and read the 

Xiaobo Chen wrote:

Hi, all

If I use 'mysqldump', I will get the script to create the tables and those
'insert' statements to insert the data.

I am wondering if I just want the first part, i.e, the script to create
the table, is there a command for this end? (I could copy  paste the part
from 'mysqldump' but it's not what I want to do.)



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Problems when compiling the source

2006-06-20 Thread Martin Jespersen

Hello all.

I have an odd problem i hope you can help me with.

I've been compiling mysql from source for the past 10 years or so and 
just recently thought it mighjt be tiome to upgrade from the 3.23.58 i 
have, to a newer version.

I chose mysql 4.1.20 and went on to compile it.

A little info about my system:

My system is Linux kernel (Trustix Secure Linux 3.0) 
running on a P4 3GhZ (with 64bit extentions)with 1GB ram.

My gcc is:

Configured with: ../configure --prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/lib 
--mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --enable-shared 
--enable-threads=posix --disable-checking --disable-libunwind-exceptions 
--with-system-zlib --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-languages=c,c++ 
--disable-libgcj --host=i586-trustix-linux

Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.4.4 (Trustix)

My ld is: GNU ld version 2.15

My configure options:

export CC=gcc
export CFLAGS=-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=nocona -msse3
export CXX=gcc
export CXXFLAGS=-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -felide-constructors 
-fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -march=nocona -msse3

./configure --prefix=/opt/.mysql-4.1.20 --enable-assembler 
--enable-thread-safe-client --enable-static=all --with-gnu-ld 
--with-mysqld-user=mysql --without-debug 
--with-client-ldflags=-all-static --with-mysqld-ldflags=-all-static 
--with-charset=latin1 --with-collation=latin1_danish_ci --without-innodb 
--with-lib-ccflags=-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=nocona -msse3 

I get the same results if i configure without --with-lib-ccflags=-O3 
-fomit-frame-pointer -march=nocona -msse3 --with-comment

i do make and make install and nothing fails. I get a few warnings of 
the type:

../mysys/libmysys.a(my_tempnam.o)(.text+0x38): In function `my_tempnam':
: warning: the use of `tempnam' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp'
../mysys/libmysys.a(mf_pack.o)(.text+0x4ef): In function `unpack_dirname':
: warning: Using 'getpwnam' in statically linked applications requires 
at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking

../mysys/libmysys.a(mf_pack.o)(.text+0x4f8): In function `unpack_dirname':
: warning: Using 'endpwent' in statically linked applications requires 
at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking
/bin/sh ../libtool --preserve-dup-deps --tag=CC --mode=link gcc 
-DDBUG_OFF -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=nocona -msse3-rdynamic 
-o perror  perror.o -all-static ../mysys/libmysys.a ../dbug/libdbug.a 
../strings/libmystrings.a -lpthread -lcrypt -lnsl -lm  -lpthread

../mysys/libmysys.a(mf_pack.o)(.text+0x4ef): In function `unpack_dirname':
: warning: Using 'getpwnam' in statically linked applications requires 
at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking

../mysys/libmysys.a(mf_pack.o)(.text+0x4f8): In function `unpack_dirname':
: warning: Using 'endpwent' in statically linked applications requires 
at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking

but nothing fatal.

now after i have done make install i do

ln -s /opt/.mysql-4.1.20 /opt/mysql
/opt/mysql/bin/mysql_install_db --user=mysql
cd /opt/mysql
chown -R root  *
chown -R mysql var
chgrp -R mysql *

And now the problems start.

The server runs fine, but the client doesn't work _at all_:

(root)/opt/.mysql-4.1.20/bin: ./mysql
bash: ./mysql: No such file or directory
(root)/opt/.mysql-4.1.20/bin: ./mysqladmin
bash: ./mysqladmin: No such file or directory
(root)/opt/.mysql-4.1.20/bin: ls
comp_err*   mysql_client_test*   mysql_setpermission* 
mysqld_safe* pack_isam*
isamlog*mysql_convert_table_format*  mysql_tzinfo_to_sql* 
mysqldump*   perror*
msql2mysql* mysql_create_system_tables*  mysql_waitpid* 
mysqldumpslow*   replace*
my_print_defaults*  mysql_explain_log*   mysql_zap* 
myisam_ftdump*  mysql_find_rows* mysqlaccess* 
mysqlimport* resolveip*
myisamchk*  mysql_fix_extensions*mysqladmin* 
myisamlog*  mysql_fix_privilege_tables*  mysqlbinlog* 
myisampack* mysql_install_db*mysqlbug* 
mysql*  mysql_secure_installation*   mysqlcheck* 


The files are there, but bash tells me they aren't? or is it the 
programs sending No such file or directory back to bash?

I am clueless as to what is going on...

Any hints would be appreciated.

Also, the manual hasn't updated anything about compiler options since 
the gcc 2.95.2 days... maybe it was about time to get some updated info 
about the mysql crews favorite compiletime options.


Martin Jespersen

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Re: Problems when compiling the source

2006-06-20 Thread Martin Jespersen
I thought of that, but i didn't think it'd be a problem since i do have 
thpse shared libraries for the application to use at runtime - and since 
the server runs just fine, i doubt that is what is causing the problem 
(tho it is definately worth trying). It seems to me that if this is 
truely the problem, then neither the server nor the client should be 
able to run. Since it is only the client that won't work (and i am still 
baffled by the error message when i try to run the client), i am lead 
to believe there is something else in play.

Chris White wrote:

On Tuesday 20 June 2006 12:02 pm, Martin Jespersen wrote:

./configure --prefix=/opt/.mysql-4.1.20 --enable-assembler
--enable-thread-safe-client --enable-static=all --with-gnu-ld
--with-mysqld-user=mysql --without-debug
--with-client-ldflags=-all-static --with-mysqld-ldflags=-all-static
--with-charset=latin1 --with-collation=latin1_danish_ci --without-innodb
--with-lib-ccflags=-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=nocona -msse3

Try killing the --enable-static=all and --with-mysqld-ldflags part.  Looks 
like the code doesn't like it because of certain glibc functions:

../mysys/libmysys.a(mf_pack.o)(.text+0x4ef): In function `unpack_dirname':
: warning: Using 'getpwnam' in statically linked applications requires

at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking

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