Re: generic remote command/script for monitoring MySQL instance health

2009-03-11 Thread Sven
On 3/11/09, Thomas Spahni wrote:
  I am searching for a generic command to monitor that MySQL instance is
  up and running. I don't have any know-how about the schema of the DB.

  What about 'mysqladmin ping' ?

Hi Thomas

thank you. That was the command I searched.

kind regards

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generic remote command/script for monitoring MySQL instance health

2009-03-09 Thread Sven
Hi folks

I am searching for a generic command to monitor that MySQL instance is
up and running. I don't have any know-how about the schema of the DB.

kind regards
Sven Aluoor

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FULLTEXT + InnoDB = grounded?

2007-06-28 Thread Sven Schwyn


I've seen the posts of Nov 9 last year concerning the slow but steady  
development of FULLTEXT indexes for InnoDB. Has this feature been  
dropped or is it still being worked on?

My background: I'm working on a Rails project which needs fulltext  
index search on the db layer. For now I can workaround with MyISAM,  
but if the feature is no longer on the list, then it would be better  
to choose another more cumbersome approach or switch the db entirely.

Many thanks for a short update.

Cheers,  -sven

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UTF-8 collation problem with greek extended characters

2007-02-05 Thread Sven Fuchs
MySQL 4.1.22 seems to treat the following characters as equal  
(comparing them as varchar values):

U+03B7 (206 183) greek small letter eta
U+1F75 (225 189 181) greek small letter eta with accent oxia
U+1FC4 (225 191 135) greek small letter eta with accent persispomeni  
and accent ypogegrammenti

These characters are stored/retrieved correctly. But they are wrongly  
regarded the same character by statements like SELECT * FROM  
tablename WHERE fieldname LIKE '[greek small eta]'

The database's character-set is set to UTF-8 Unicode (utf8) and the  
table's and varchar field's collation is set utf8_unicode_ci.

Is there anything I can do to have MySQL distinguish these characters?

(mysql --version is Ver 14.7 Distrib 4.1.22, for apple-darwin8.8.1  
(i686) using  EditLine wrapper)

Thanks in advance!

sven fuchs  fon:  +49 (58 45) 98 89 58
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Re: UTF-8 collation problem with greek extended characters

2007-02-05 Thread Sven Fuchs

Am 05.02.2007 um 18:11 schrieb Chris White:
SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE fieldname LIKE BINARY '[greek small  

that *should* ( see disclaimer ;) ) give you what you need

Yes, it does.

I should have also asked for SELECT DISTINCT fieldname ... in the  
first place, but looking at your answer and asking Google I've  
already seen that MySQL knows DISTINCT BINARY also.

Thanks a million, Chris!

sven fuchs  fon:  +49 (58 45) 98 89 58
artweb design   fax:  +49 (58 45) 98 89 57
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de-29468 bergen mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Foreign keys - No action - Errors

2005-05-23 Thread Sven Åke Johansson

I have some problem with Foreign Key settings. I use MySQL 4.12, MySQL Query 
Browser 4.16 and Windows XP. Restrict and Cascade is Ok but when I try to set 
No action it wont work. Sometimes there is no error message and it seams that 
the change is saved. But when I check there is no changes. When an error 
message shows its nr 1005. 


What is the conditions to set No action. Ok In the manual it says only that No 
action is taken in the child table when rows are deleted from the parent or 
values in the referenced columns in the parent table are updated.


I read the articles on MySQL , a lot of books and the manual but I cant get any 


Thanks for any answer wich will solve my problem.


Sven Åke Johansson




2005-05-19 Thread Sven Paulus

I'd like to insert string values into a table. If I add a new string, I want
to get back the value of the AUTO_INCREMENT column. If the string already
exists in the table, I'd like to get the AUTO_INCREMENT value of the existing

I thought this might be possible using INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
..., but LAST_INSERT_ID() seems to be unusable in this case.


mysql CREATE TABLE `bla1` (
-   `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-   `value` varchar(255) default NULL,
-   `whentime` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
-   PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
-   UNIQUE KEY `value` (`value`)
- ;
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.10 sec)

mysql insert into bla1 values (NULL, Cello, NULL) on duplicate key update 
whentime = NOW();
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.08 sec)

mysql select LAST_INSERT_ID();
|1 |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)

mysql insert into bla1 values (NULL, Hallo, NULL) on duplicate key update 
whentime = NOW();
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql select LAST_INSERT_ID();
|2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql select * from bla1;
| id | value | whentime|
|  1 | Cello | 2005-05-18 17:14:53 |
|  2 | Hallo | 2005-05-18 17:15:38 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql insert into bla1 values (NULL, Cello, NULL) on duplicate key update 
whentime = NOW();
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql select LAST_INSERT_ID();
|3 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql select * from bla1;
| id | value | whentime|
|  1 | Cello | 2005-05-18 17:15:58 |
|  2 | Hallo | 2005-05-18 17:15:38 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I expected that the last INSERT clause would set the LAST_INSERT_ID() to 1.
But of course the MySQL manual says The value of LAST_INSERT_ID() is not
changed if you update the AUTO_INCREMENT column of a row with a non-magic
value (that is, a value that is not NULL and not 0). Ok, I didn't even
update the id column at all. If I use id=NULL in the UPDATE clause, the id
column is changed to 0 and the LAST_INSERT_ID() still contains the wrong 
value ...

Now I'm curious if it's possible at all to use LAST_INSERT_ID() together
with INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ... - how can I determine if a
row was inserted or updated and if I can trust the LAST_INSERT_ID()

Something like
   SET @myid:=0 
   ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE @myid:=id 
doesn't work, since I can't assign user variables in this part.

So, is there a way to INSERT an entry if neccessary and always get the id of
the entry?


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2005-05-19 Thread Sven Paulus
On 19.05., [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you add another command,
 mysql insert into bla1 values (NULL, Cello3, NULL) on duplicate key update
 whentime = NOW();
 The right ID will be used.

Yes, if I insert an new value then the ID column gets incremented. But if I
try to insert an existing value (in the second column), the LAST_INSERT_ID()
contains a random value (the next auto_increment value going to be used?)
So I can't rely in retrieving LAST_INSERT_ID().

 Since last_insert_id() has a connection scope, it's better for you to use :
 select max(id) from bla1;

That's not what I want. I need the ID of the row just inserted (for
referencing it from another table). 

If I select the max(id), then one the hand someone might have added another
row in the meantime and on the other hand is still don't get the ID value in


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2004-09-22 Thread Sven

Warning: mysql_query() []: Your query requires a full 
tablescan (table bb1_designelements, 78 rows affected). Use EXPLAIN to optimize your 

I get this error on every products i tested

Trouble with prepared select statements with parameters in where clause

2004-08-27 Thread Sven Riedel
,column2 (string)   : );
  if (is_null[1])
fprintf(stdout,  NULL\n);
fprintf(stdout,  %s(%ld)\n, login, length[1]);

  /* column 3 */
  fprintf(stdout,column3 (string) : );
  if (is_null[2])
fprintf(stdout,  NULL\n);
fprintf(stdout,  %s(%ld)\n, password, length[2]);


/* Validate rows fetched */
fprintf(stdout,  total rows fetched: %d\n, row_count);
/* Close the statement */
if (mysql_stmt_close(stmt))
  fprintf(stderr,  failed while closing the statement\n);
  fprintf(stderr,  %s\n, mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
return 0;

Sven Riedel

. Tel: +49 511 1236364
. Fax: +49 511 1690746

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RE: Foreign Key Reference to a VARCHAR

2004-02-10 Thread Sven Woltmann

yes, actually I use the UTF8 character set.  Thanks for your
clarification and the workaround!

A few comments:

- For e-mail-addresses it's ok to set the column's character set to
latin1.  And in case I need UTF8 support in a referenced VARCHAR, I'll
limit it to 85 characters.  But about those four-byte sequences:  Will
that be implemented _after_ MySQL gets longer VARCHAR columns?  If not,
a new version with four-byte sequences would not be able to handle my
tables anymore, right?

- Maybe you should change the error message in SHOW INNODB STATUS ;)

Thanks again,


 -Original Message-
 From: Heikki Tuuri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Dienstag, 10. Februar 2004 14:19
 Subject: Re: Foreign Key Reference to a VARCHAR
 are you using the UTF8 charset? Then a single character may 
 use up to 3 bytes. Since MySQL cannot work with index columns 
 longer than 255 bytes, for columns CHAR(86) or longer, MySQL 
 must define a 'column prefix' index, if you define an index 
 on the column. That is, MySQL internally creates an index of 
 type INDEX (colname(85)) instead of an index on the full column.
 And FOREIGN KEYs do not work on 'column prefix' indexes :(.
 A workaround: use latin1 or latin1_german1_ci. Then 1 
 character only takes 1 byte.
 In the future, MySQL will get longer CHAR and VARCHAR 
 columns. That will alleviate this problem. The current limit 
 255 bytes is rather short.
 I may also improve the foreign key check algorithm so that it 
 can work also on column prefix indexes. :
 The UTF8 character set (transform Unicode representation) is 
 an alternative way to store Unicode data. It is implemented 
 according to RFC2279. The idea of the UTF8 character set is 
 that various Unicode characters fit into byte sequences of 
 different lengths.
 Basic Latin letters, digits, and punctuation signs use one byte.
 Most European and Middle East script letters fit into a 
 two-byte sequence:
 extended Latin letters (with tilde, macron, acute, grave and 
 other accents), Cyrillic, Greek, Armenian, Hebrew, Arabic, 
 Syriac, and others.
 Korean, Chinese and Japanese ideographs use three-byte sequences.
 Currently, MySQL UTF8 support does not include four-byte sequences.
 Innobase Oy
 InnoDB - transactions, row level locking, and foreign keys 
 for MySQL InnoDB Hot Backup - a hot backup tool for InnoDB 
 which also backs up MyISAM tables
 Order MySQL support from
 List:MySQL General Discussion Previous MessageNext Message  
 From:Sven WoltmannDate:February 10 2004 1:12am 
 Subject:Foreign Key Reference to a VARCHAR
 I hope this is not a well known problem since I just signed 
 up to this list.
 But I checked the February archive and couldn't find anything on this.
 I was trying for a couple of hours now to create a foreign 
 key reference on a varchar field:
 loginVARCHAR(20)  NOT NULL,
 password VARCHAR(20)  NOT NULL,
 email_addressVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY(login),
 TYPE = InnoDB;
 create table email_alias
 aliasVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
 email_addressVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY(alias),
 FOREIGN KEY (email_address) references users(email_address)
 TYPE = InnoDB;
 Actually my tables were a lot bigger, but I stripped them 
 down to these short tables to resolve my problem, which is:
 When creating the second table, I get the error message:
 ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table 
 './test/email_alias.frm' (errno: 150)
 I admit, the first time I didn't put an INDEX on 
 email_address.  I figured that out quite fast.  Then I 
 searched again in the Newsgroups and did a SHOW INNODB 
 STATUS.  I got the following message:
 Cannot find an index in the referenced table where the 
 referenced columns appear as the first columns [...]
 Well - this didn't help at all :(  So I changed my table 
 definitions a hundred times to find out what exactly the 
 problem was.  And after hours, I found out:
 The VARCHAR must not be longer than 85 characters.  If you 
 replace the 100
 in the example above by a 85, IT WORKS!!!
 So... have I missed the fine print in the documentation or 
 did I actually find a bug?
 Here's my configuration:
 - 4.1.1-alpha-standard-log
 - Official MySQL-standard binary
 - i686
 - pc-linux (debian 3.0 woody)
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RE: Foreign Key Reference to a VARCHAR

2004-02-10 Thread Sven Woltmann
You're right - you can only code 65,536 characters with 3 UTF-bytes.

U- - U-007F:  0xxx  
U-0080 - U-07FF:  110x 10xx  
U-0800 - U-:  1110 10xx 10xx   

Once you want to go higher than U-, you need up to 6 bytes:

U-0001 - U-001F:  0xxx 10xx 10xx 10xx  
U-0020 - U-03FF:  10xx 10xx 10xx 10xx 10xx  
U-0400 - U-7FFF:  110x 10xx 10xx 10xx 10xx


Anyway... 65,536 is enough for me :)


 -Original Message-
 From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Dienstag, 10. Februar 2004 15:29
 To: Heikki Tuuri
 Subject: Re: Foreign Key Reference to a VARCHAR
 Heikki Tuuri wrote:
  I guess that 4-byte UTF8 characters are not needed. You can code 16 
  million characters with 3 bytes.
 Yes. But is that also the case if you use the UTF-8 encoding 
 scheme, or can that scheme code less characters with 3 bytes?
 I don't get it
 immigrants don't work
 and steal our jobs
  - Loesje
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Foreign Key Reference to a VARCHAR

2004-02-09 Thread Sven Woltmann

I hope this is not a well known problem since I just signed up to this list.  But I 
checked the February archive and couldn't find anything on this.

I was trying for a couple of hours now to create a foreign key reference on a varchar 

password VARCHAR(20)  NOT NULL,
email_addressVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
TYPE = InnoDB;

create table email_alias
email_addressVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (email_address) references users(email_address)
TYPE = InnoDB;

Actually my tables were a lot bigger, but I stripped them down to these short tables 
to resolve my problem, which is:

When creating the second table, I get the error message:
ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table './test/email_alias.frm' (errno: 150)

I admit, the first time I didn't put an INDEX on email_address.  I figured that out 
quite fast.  Then I searched again in the Newsgroups and did a SHOW INNODB STATUS.  I 
got the following message:

Cannot find an index in the referenced table where the referenced columns appear as 
the first columns [...]

Well - this didn't help at all :(  So I changed my table definitions a hundred times 
to find out what exactly the problem was.  And after hours, I found out:

The VARCHAR must not be longer than 85 characters.  If you replace the 100 in the 
example above by a 85, IT WORKS!!!

So... have I missed the fine print in the documentation or did I actually find a bug?

Here's my configuration:  

- 4.1.1-alpha-standard-log
- Official MySQL-standard binary
- i686
- pc-linux (debian 3.0 woody)


Schlund + Partner AG
Brauerstraße 48
76135 Karlsruhe

Dipl.-Inf. Sven Woltmann   

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Problems with MySQL 4.0.16

2003-12-17 Thread Sven Dzepina

I am using MySQL 4.0.16 on Debian GNU/Linux at the moment. In this database
there are over 4,5 Mio. entries!
The Database crashs with follow errors:

031217 19:21:06  mysqld started
/opt/lampp/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '4.0.16-log'  socket: '/opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock'  port: 3306
mysqld got signal 11;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help
the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely
and this may fail.

It is possible that mysqld could use up to
key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_connections =
80383 K
bytes of memory
Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.

Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
terribly wrong...
Cannot determine thread, fp=0xb528, backtrace may not be correct.
Stack range sanity check OK, backtrace follows:
New value of fp=(nil) failed sanity check, terminating stack trace!
Please read and follow
instructions on how to resolve the stack trace. Resolved
stack trace is much more helpful in diagnosing the problem, so please do
resolve it
The manual page at contains
information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.

What I can do except the help in the error message for repair the mysql ?

I  need this database urgently!

Thanks for Help!

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Re: MySQL or MaxDB or PostgreSQL or Interbase/Firebird or ?

2003-12-15 Thread Sven Köhler
So far, it seems that MySQL, MaxDB, PostgreSQL, and Interbase/Firebird are
possible candidates.
Does anyone know why we should or should not use any of these?  Does anyone
know of other possibilities?
I was very disappointed by Interbase/Firebird. It seemed to me like a 
MS-Access: a database-engine that works on regular files
OK, there is a network-server component, but it really has nothing to do 
with an enterprise-DB.

It is a mystery to me how the PostGreSQL work. I cannot recomm to use 
any feature discovered in PostGreSQL since some of the more uncommon 
feature are broken.

I have only recently started these evaluations.  BTW, my own background is
from the Oracle DBA world.
Well, the DBMS comparable to Oracle is neither MySQL nor Firebird.
It's MaxDB.
MySQL is certainly popular and seems to have very good performance, but I am
concerned that the lack of Triggers, Stored Procedures, User-Defined
Functions, and Views (to a lesser degree ) will be a disadvantage.
And foreign-keys are a feature you shouldn't miss to.
MySQL does offer them by patching it with InnoDB.
MaxDB appears to be more feature-rich and possibly more
industrial-strength.  How does its performance and stability compare to the
I'm using MaxDB and it's running 24/7 without problem on a web-server 
with a Java-WebApp. Before using MaxDB you should first look at the 
limits that MaxDB has. For example a row in a table may only store data 
up to 8KB. BLOP and CLOP columns don't count, but even for 
varchar-columns 8KB is a bit few. MaxDB has Unicode-support (UCS2) which 
is extremely important for Java-Clients. If using Unicode, 8KB means 
4000chars. CLOB and BLOB-columns in MaxDB aren't comparable. You cannot 
use like or ,,= on them. MaxDB even doesn't have a FullText-Search, 
but to me it's not that important since i can replace them with 
Java-based search-engines like Lucene. MaxDB has a mechanism to backup 
your database without breaking anything. MaxDB supports Server-side 
prepared statement. The JDBC-driver is of good quality. Bugs are fixed 
relativly fast.

My favourite DBMS could be PostGreSQL if i only knew which features are 
stable and which are not. A strange thing is, that the PostGreSQL-people 
decided to use UTF-8 for their unicode-support. In my eyes that makes it 
different to calculate string-lengthts and comparisons. But their 
argument is, that UTF-8 usually causes less disk-io. But does 
varchar(400) now mean 400bytes or 400chars? i don't know.
I didn't take a close look at PostGreSQL yet, so all features that i 
mentioned about MaxDB might apply to PostGreSQL too.

On both, MaxDB and PostGreSQL, you need to perform regular tasks. You 
must update the optimizer statistics for MaxDB, and run VACUUM for 

MySQL, well, i wouldn't know how to backup it, except by using a dump. 
How can i dump a table with binary data? I don't wanna know. A dump is 
not a backup, it's crap. Than there's the lack of Unicode-support, 
Foreign Keys, prepared statements (emulated by client-lib if available 
as far as i know), ... That all doens't make me feel comfortable about 

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Re: MySQL or MaxDB or PostgreSQL or Interbase/Firebird or ?

2003-12-15 Thread Sven Köhler
I was very disappointed by Interbase/Firebird. It seemed to me like a
MS-Access: a database-engine that works on regular files
What gave you that idea? Firebird (and InterBase of course) use
a at least 1 file per database, but that's all. Can you define
regular files?
My idea of Firebird is the following:
There a library that can access a file and use it as a database.
that very much like using the MS-Jet-Engine which is the backend to 

OK, there is a network-server component, but it really has nothing to do
with an enterprise-DB.
There's a server side process waiting for incoming connections
just like with MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle etc etc...
Well, the network-server seemed to me like an application that uses the 
library i mentioned above. It doesn't seem to me like a big application 
like MySql or MaxDB. In other words: Firebird seems to be light weight 
DBMS. MySQL and MaxDB have a multi-threaded kernel that maintains its 
own cache, coordinates locks, etc.
I don't think that Firebird's architecture is like that.

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Re: MySQL or MaxDB or PostgreSQL or Interbase/Firebird or ?

2003-12-15 Thread Sven Köhler
I set the isolation level to READ_REPEATABLE and use mysqldump | bzip2 
to get the result. I've tested the restore and it's fine!
So how does mysqldump handle binary data?

If it does embed the data into the SQL-statement somehow, that's crap, 
since SQL-Statements are limited in length.

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Switch rows and columns

2002-12-17 Thread Sven Bentlage
Hi everyone,

this might be a newbie question:
is there a way to switch all rows and columns in the output of an 
select statement?

I am using DBIx::XHMTL_Table to display all the contents of a table on 
a website.
The problem is that the table has about 50 columns, but every query 
result displays only one row.
So I`d like to display the query result as a vertical table

If anybody knows a better way to do it, I`d really appreciate it

Thanks for your help in advance.

Best regards,


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Query - Question

2002-10-05 Thread Sven Schäfermeier

I have a problem concerning a SQL-Statement.
In the table S_Objekt I have a field S_Kapitel
(varchar (15) binary) that contains chapternumbers
like 2.2., 2.2.1., 1.1., 1.2.3. ...
The Query is to give me all chapternumbers of a
certain hierarchy. My Idea was to ask for the number
of Points (.) :
Two Points would give back 2.2. and 1.1.
Three Points would give back 2.2.1. and 1.1.3. etc.

I tried to use a REGEXP, but didnt succeed.

Can you help?

Gruß aus Essen
Sven Schäfermeier

Klickmeister GmbH - Schuermannstrasse 39 - 45136 Essen

fon +49 201 26 97 387
fax +49 201 26 97 106
mobil +49 160 824 0 892


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update multiple data sets

2002-10-04 Thread Sven Bentlage

Hi everyone!

I need to run an update query on 400 sets of data.
Being given a list of 400 names with 2 email addresses (company and 
private)  each, the task is to update all people who have an old email 
address (either company or private).

So here are my questions:
1.Is there any way I can load a text file containing the names into my 
my query?
2. How do I have to build the update statement itself? Can I use some 
kind of variable?

Thanks for your help in advance


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NEWBIE:select query and /

2002-09-26 Thread Sven Bentlage

Hi everyone,

I'm using the select query shown below to extract some data from mysql.
Everything works fine until I try to retrieve anyone with a double 
nationality, i.e. Swiss/Italian.
Do I have to escape the / somehow? (If I have to, how?)

Any comments or hints on where to look up that problem would be very 

select name, surname, pemail, course
from memberscopy
where nation = '$f_nation'
order by course 

Thanks for your help in advance,


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update query

2002-05-23 Thread Sven Bentlage

Hi could somebody please tell me what's wrong with this query?
I just can't find the error in it..and it does not update the records at 

update memberscopy
set rank='$rank',
where name = '$name' and surname = '$surname'

Thanks for your help in advance,


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update query fails

2002-05-22 Thread Sven Bentlage

Hi everyone!

Are there any limitations on update queries, like on how many fields one 
can update at the same time?

The first  update query works just fine, the second does not work at all:

working :
 update memberscopy set password='$password' where name = 
'$f_name' and surname ='$f_surname' 

not working:
 update memberscopy
set rank='$rank',
where name = '$f_name' and surname = '$f_surname'  

The 2nd query works (for some fields only) on my local machine, but not 
on the ISP's server

Thanks for your help.


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Re: UTF-8 national characters

2002-05-15 Thread Sven Bentlage

Is there a way to get UTF-8 national characters sets working when you 
only have user access to a database (it's my ISP's)?

(I know this is going to upset some people, but I do not have any time 
left and RTFM won't help me right now..)

Can anyone of you send me a list/link to a list (or even better a 
download location) of all available UTF-8 national character sets and a 
small description on how to get them working as fast as possible?

Thanks for your understanding and help,


On Thursday, May 16, 2002, at 08:40 AM, Roger Baklund wrote:

 * John D. Stein
 I can't seem to find anything about character code sets supported by
 MySQL.  The only thing I found was a note about adding support
 for sorting
 on Unicode at

 What character sets does MySQL support?  Is Unicode the default for
 national character fields?

 There is plenty about character sets in the manual:




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Re: INSERT INTO not working

2002-05-15 Thread Sven Bentlage

1. delete any whitespaces between the column name and the = and the 
2. try using

That works for me.
On Thursday, May 16, 2002, at 09:59 AM, Daniel Lim wrote:

 Hi there,
 I have MySql version: 3.23.36 running on RedHat 7.1, it has been
 working fine for sometimes until a day ago when the INSERT into for new
 record appeared to return OK status but upon verifying the record  isn't

 This is an example;

 To insert new record:

 mysql INSERT into userdata SET loginname =
 'test3',lastname='test3',firstname='Testing 3',middlename='Three';
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

 verify inserted record:

 mysql select loginname,firstname,middlename from userdata where
 loginname = test3 ;
 Empty set (0.04 sec)


 Any suggestion is much appreciated.
 Thanks in advance

 Daniel Lim
 UNIX Systems Administartor
 NSW Dept. of Public Works
 Sydney, Australia
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mixed up variables

2002-05-14 Thread Sven Bentlage

I'm using the code below to fetch data from mysql, but when I print iit 
out, several variables are always mixed up.
For example $u_course has the value of membership_paid, membership has 
the values of pcont.

Can anybody help me figure out how to correct that?

Thank you for your help.

my $sth = $dbh-prepare(
select *
from memberscopy
where name = '$f_name' and surname = '$f_surname' 


#combine perl variables with data

  $sth-bind_col(1, \$u_id );
  $sth-bind_col(2, \$u_surname);
   $sth-bind_col(3, \$u_name);
   $sth-bind_col(4, \$u_rank);
   $sth-bind_col(5, \$u_cname);
   $sth-bind_col(6, \$u_caddress);
   $sth-bind_col(7, \$u_ctel);
   $sth-bind_col(8, \$u_cfax);
   $sth-bind_col(9, \$u_cmobile);
   $sth-bind_col(10, \$u_cemail);
   $sth-bind_col(11, \$u_curl);
   $sth-bind_col(12, \$u_btype);
   $sth-bind_col(13, \$u_hq);
   $sth-bind_col(14, \$u_quali);
   $sth-bind_col(15, \$u_experi);
   $sth-bind_col(17, \$u_inhouse);
   $sth-bind_col(18, \$u_resid);
   $sth-bind_col(19, \$u_ptel);
   $sth-bind_col(20, \$u_pfax);
   $sth-bind_col(21, \$u_pmobile);
   $sth-bind_col(22, \$u_pemail);
   $sth-bind_col(23, \$u_birthday);
   $sth-bind_col(24, \$u_marital);
   $sth-bind_col(25, \$u_spouse);
   $sth-bind_col(26, \$u_children_number);
   $sth-bind_col(27, \$u_children_names);
   $sth-bind_col(28, \$u_hobbies);
   $sth-bind_col(29, \$u_membership);
   $sth-bind_col(30, \$u_pcont);
   $sth-bind_col(31, \$u_permtel);
   $sth-bind_col(32, \$u_permfax);
   $sth-bind_col(33, \$u_nation);
   $sth-bind_col(34, \$u_course);
   $sth-bind_col(35, \$u_loginid);
   $sth-bind_col(36, \$u_japan_row);
   $sth-bind_col(37, \$u_password);
   $sth-bind_col(38, \$u_lastup);
   $sth-bind_col(39, \$u_ETPA_membership_paid);
   $sth-bind_col(40, \$u_ETPA_membership_expires);

table structure:

CREATE TABLE memberscopy (
   id int(6) default NULL,
   surname text,
   name varchar(50) default NULL,
   rank text,
   cname text,
   caddress text,
   ctel text,
   cfax text,
   cmobile text,
   cemail text,
   curl text,
   btype text,
   hq text,
   quali text,
   experi text,
   inhouse text,
   resid text,
   ptel text,
   pfax text,
   pmobile text,
   pemail text,
   birthday text,
   marital text,
   spouse varchar(150) default NULL,
   children_number varchar(150) default NULL,
   children_names varchar(150) default NULL,
   hobbies text,
   membership text,
   pcont text,
   permtel text,
   permfax text,
   course int(3) default NULL,
   nation varchar(40) default NULL,
   lastup year(4) default NULL,
   loginid text,
   password text,
   japan_row set('jjj','rrr') default NULL,
   ETPA_membership_paid date default NULL,
   ETPA_membership_expires date default NULL,
   face blob,
   KEY id (id),
   FULLTEXT KEY resid (resid)

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Re: mixed up variables || solution found

2002-05-14 Thread Sven Bentlage

Hi guys,
just found a way that works, though it's not very elegant. (see below) 
and I do not know why it didn't work...
Although it's working now, I'd still appreciate your comments.



while ( my (
$u_id, $u_surname, $u_name, $u_rank, $u_cname, $u_caddress, $u_ctel,
$u_cfax, $u_cmobile, $u_cemail, $u_curl, $u_btype, $u_hq,
$u_quali, $u_experi, $u_inhouse, $u_resid, $u_ptel,$u_pfax, 
$u_pemail, $u_birthday, $u_marital, $u_spouse, $u_children_number,
$u_children_names, $u_hobbies, $u_membership, $u_pcont,
$u_permtel, $u_permfax, $u_course, $u_nation, $u_lastup, $u_loginid,
$u_password, $u_japan_row, $u_ETPA_membership_paid, 
 ) = $sth-fetchrow_array ) {...};

On Wednesday, May 15, 2002, at 12:18 PM, Sven Bentlage wrote:

 I'm using the code below to fetch data from mysql, but when I print iit 
 out, several variables are always mixed up.
 For example $u_course has the value of membership_paid, membership has 
 the values of pcont.

 Can anybody help me figure out how to correct that?

 Thank you for your help.

 my $sth = $dbh-prepare(
   select *
   from memberscopy
   where name = '$f_name' and surname = '$f_surname' 


   #combine perl variables with data

 $sth-bind_col(1, \$u_id );
 $sth-bind_col(2, \$u_surname);
   $sth-bind_col(3, \$u_name);
   $sth-bind_col(4, \$u_rank);
   $sth-bind_col(5, \$u_cname);
   $sth-bind_col(6, \$u_caddress);
   $sth-bind_col(7, \$u_ctel);
   $sth-bind_col(8, \$u_cfax);
   $sth-bind_col(9, \$u_cmobile);
   $sth-bind_col(10, \$u_cemail);
   $sth-bind_col(11, \$u_curl);
   $sth-bind_col(12, \$u_btype);
   $sth-bind_col(13, \$u_hq);
   $sth-bind_col(14, \$u_quali);
   $sth-bind_col(15, \$u_experi);
   $sth-bind_col(17, \$u_inhouse);
   $sth-bind_col(18, \$u_resid);
   $sth-bind_col(19, \$u_ptel);
   $sth-bind_col(20, \$u_pfax);
   $sth-bind_col(21, \$u_pmobile);
   $sth-bind_col(22, \$u_pemail);
   $sth-bind_col(23, \$u_birthday);
   $sth-bind_col(24, \$u_marital);
   $sth-bind_col(25, \$u_spouse);
   $sth-bind_col(26, \$u_children_number);
   $sth-bind_col(27, \$u_children_names);
   $sth-bind_col(28, \$u_hobbies);
   $sth-bind_col(29, \$u_membership);
   $sth-bind_col(30, \$u_pcont);
   $sth-bind_col(31, \$u_permtel);
   $sth-bind_col(32, \$u_permfax);
   $sth-bind_col(33, \$u_nation);
   $sth-bind_col(34, \$u_course);
   $sth-bind_col(35, \$u_loginid);
   $sth-bind_col(36, \$u_japan_row);
   $sth-bind_col(37, \$u_password);
   $sth-bind_col(38, \$u_lastup);
   $sth-bind_col(39, \$u_ETPA_membership_paid);
   $sth-bind_col(40, \$u_ETPA_membership_expires);

 table structure:

 CREATE TABLE memberscopy (
   id int(6) default NULL,
   surname text,
   name varchar(50) default NULL,
   rank text,
   cname text,
   caddress text,
   ctel text,
   cfax text,
   cmobile text,
   cemail text,
   curl text,
   btype text,
   hq text,
   quali text,
   experi text,
   inhouse text,
   resid text,
   ptel text,
   pfax text,
   pmobile text,
   pemail text,
   birthday text,
   marital text,
   spouse varchar(150) default NULL,
   children_number varchar(150) default NULL,
   children_names varchar(150) default NULL,
   hobbies text,
   membership text,
   pcont text,
   permtel text,
   permfax text,
   course int(3) default NULL,
   nation varchar(40) default NULL,
   lastup year(4) default NULL,
   loginid text,
   password text,
   japan_row set('jjj','rrr') default NULL,
   ETPA_membership_paid date default NULL,
   ETPA_membership_expires date default NULL,
   face blob,
   KEY id (id),
   FULLTEXT KEY resid (resid)

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2002-05-06 Thread Sven Bentlage

Hi !
Just read about the possibility of replicating two databses.
Can you tell me how to do it or send me a (link to a) manual?

On Monday, May 6, 2002, at 03:11 PM, Dicky Wahyu Purnomo wrote:

 On Mon, 6 May 2002 07:44:04 +0200
 Ewan Sadie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have installed MySQL on two of my MS-Proxy servers. I am logging all
 web browser logs to MySQL.
 I want to replicate the database to a central server where I can do
 queries on the data.  I do not want to run select statement agains the
 proxy server itself.
 How can I replicate the data to a different server (like with slave
 master replication) and then delete the data on the proxy server,
 without deleting it on the central server.
 What I actually want to do is something like a selecy into but between
 different server/databases.

 I am evaluation MySQL and if I can get this right I will chuck out my
 MS-SQL databases.

 From my experience, I can tell you this :

 Master -- Slave

 Every query that change the data on master will be replicated on slave.

 But I think you can try this :
 binlog-db : DB_A
 biglog-ignore-db : DB_B

 DB_A is the database which will be replicated.

 you can do the delete query with using DB_B database,
 e.g. : use DB_B; delete from table DB_A.Table_A;

 Correct me if i'm wrong ... ;-)

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Re: MySQL on Mac OS X

2002-05-06 Thread Sven Bentlage

on my box the following helped:

(su to root)
chown -R mysql /usr/local/mysql/var  (check if this is the path to your 
mysql var )
(exit root)

that should do it.
also check in the user and host table if a connection from localhost is 
allowed for the specific user..

On Monday, May 6, 2002, at 07:42 PM, Phil Dobbin wrote:


 I've just installed MySQL 3.23.49 on Mac OS X.1.4. The installation 
 went fine (into /usr/local/) but now I'm having what I believe is a 
 common permission problem. When trying to add a database I get the 
 following error:

 [localhost:~] phil% mysql
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 12 to server version:

 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

 mysql create database CONTACT;
 ERROR 1044: Access denied for user: '@localhost' to database 'CONTACT'

 I couldn't find anything in the archives so I wondered, could somebody 
 let me know the workaround I need to do on the permissions to get me 

 Any help appreciated.



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newbie question:count() and display details

2002-05-06 Thread Sven Bentlage

I have a (probably fairly simple newbie question:

Using a select statement (via DBI) I get some details from a table and 
at the same time have a row count of how many rows are returned (to be 
displayed at the website).
  A query like

select count(nation) AS nation, name, nation from memberscopy 
where nation = Austrian   order by course;

results in the following error:
ERROR: Query failed (Mixing of GROUP columns 
(MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) with no GROUP columns is   illegal if there 
is no GROUP BY clause)

If I use :
select count(*) AS nation, name, nation from memberscopy where 
nation = German  group by surname order by course ;

I get those details 
| nation | name| nation   |
|  1 | Christian   | Austrian |
|  1 | Christian   | Austrian |
|  1 | Maximilian  | Austrian |
|  1 | Edgar Alexander | Austrian |
|  1 | Erik| Austrian |
|  1 | Maria   | Austrian |

Is there any way that I can get a line count of the result set and the 
details with onl one query?

Thanks for your help!


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Re: Cross server select into

2002-05-05 Thread Sven Bentlage

I am not sure on this one, since I am new to mysql myself.
But how about just entering the appropriate information on the other 
host before the database name
i.e. hostname.databasename.tablename
  Don't know how or where to privide the user name/pw for tthe 2nd. 
server though.

It's just an idea from a newbie, so do not put too much trust in it :)


On Monday, May 6, 2002, at 02:44 PM, Ewan Sadie wrote:

 I have installed MySQL on two of my MS-Proxy servers. I am logging all
 web browser logs to MySQL.
 I want to replicate the database to a central server where I can do
 queries on the data.  I do not want to run select statement agains the
 proxy server itself.
 How can I replicate the data to a different server (like with slave
 master replication) and then delete the data on the proxy server,
 without deleting it on the central server.
 What I actually want to do is something like a selecy into but between
 different server/databases.

 I am evaluation MySQL and if I can get this right I will chuck out my
 MS-SQL databases.

 Ewan Sadie
  lose weight now!

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Transfer data/ Insert +select

2002-05-04 Thread Sven Bentlage

Hi everyone!

The mySQL DB I have to rebuild was only one big table. Afer developing a 
new DB design for it, I ran into the problem of transfering the data 
from the old to the new database.
I need to split up the records and insert them into the specific tables. 
My problem is that I can not figure out (as a total novice on mySQL) how 
to insert the data properly. Every time I try there's either a SQL error 
or the data is messed up and not ordered as it should be.

I tried to use the following statement:

insert into priv_details (hobbies, experi, quali, marital [.]) 
select me.hobbies, me.experi [..]  from memberscopy me, priv_details pd 

What can i do?
For help I would be really grateful!!



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Poor Manual [Was: Why using filesort here?]

2002-04-21 Thread Sven Huster

On Sat, Apr 20, 2002 at 05:16:46AM +0200, Benjamin Pflugmann wrote:
  According to the MySQL doc (5.2.7, example 5) this should work 
  using the index without any additional sorting.
  MySQL-3.23.49-max-log running on FreeBSD 4.4-RELEASE
 I assume you are referring to the online manual? It's documenting the
 most recent version. According to the change history (Appendix D),
 this optimization was introduced in version 4.0.2.

I see, thanks for that one.

This manual is f@#$% up, since it seems like there is no manual for
stable versions online or at least some annotations that say in which
version a feature was introduced (it's not nice to lookup every change
in the ChangeLog).
I suspected that the online version reflects the most recent stable 
not some development version.


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Re: Poor Manual

2002-04-21 Thread Sven Huster

On Sun, Apr 21, 2002 at 02:44:32PM +0200, Roger Baklund wrote:
 * Sven Huster
  This manual is f@#$% up, since it seems like there is no manual for
  stable versions online or at least some annotations that say in which
  version a feature was introduced (it's not nice to lookup every change
  in the ChangeLog).
  I suspected that the online version reflects the most recent stable
  not some development version.
 There is a full documentation in different formats, including HTML,
 following every distribution. The web based manual is a extra _free_ service
 provided by MySQL AB.
 The online docs needs to be of _some_ version, and it is obviously better to
 have the 'current' version than to have some random version used by some
 random user... agree?

Disagree, if there is only one manual it *must* be, for my understanding,
be of the current *stable* version. I do not suspect the random user to be
a alpha release user.

But one question here:
Is it such big problem to put all versions on and create some hyperlinks 
to them?
Seems like this, cause i thought it might be good practice to do so.

I also thought it would have been nice to put on a release schedual on the
web site. I suggested this to the MySQL AB representant for Germany (as i
am located there) but never ever heard from him again.
So any comment is better than no comment.
Btw: The commuication was initiated by this guy.

 I agree that the annotations could have been better. But I disagree with the
 way you communicate this to MySQL AB  the rest of the mysql community... :)
 I took this off-list, feel free to take it back to the list or to reply to
 me in private.

So i say sorry to the community.
That's the reason to put it on-list again.

I think, I was driven by my bad expireance with the MySQL AB support of which
I was a former paying customer.


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Service Control Manager

2002-04-14 Thread Sven David Hildebrandt


I use Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 2, and mySQL 3.23.49 max nt.
On each startup of the database I get the following Error in my Event
Viewer -- System log, under
'Computer Management' in W2K:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Service Control Manager
Event Category: None
Event ID: 7031
Date:  4/14/2002
Time:  4:24:25 PM
User:  N/A
Computer: SECRET
The MySql service terminated unexpectedly.  It has done this 1 time(s).  The
following corrective action will be taken in 0 milliseconds: No action.

Do you know what I can do to avoid this?

Sven David

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Why using filesort here?

2002-04-12 Thread Sven Huster

Hi there,

please check below

my table:
  `news_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `provider_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `provider_news_id` char(50) default NULL,
  `category` char(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `heading` char(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `discription` char(255) default NULL,
  `link` char(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `source` char(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `date` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
  `provider_date` datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`news_id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `provider_id` (`provider_id`,`provider_news_id`),
  KEY `provider_date` (`provider_date`),
  KEY `provider_news_id` (`provider_news_id`),
  KEY `category_provider_date` (`category`,`provider_date`)

the keys:
mysql show index from news;
| Table | Non_unique | Key_name   | Seq_in_index | Column_name  | 
|Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Comment |
| news  |  0 | PRIMARY|1 | news_id  | A
| |1930 | NULL | NULL   | |
| news  |  0 | provider_id|1 | provider_id  | A
| |NULL | NULL | NULL   | |
| news  |  0 | provider_id|2 | provider_news_id | A
| |NULL | NULL | NULL   | |
| news  |  1 | provider_date  |1 | provider_date| A
| |1930 | NULL | NULL   | |
| news  |  1 | provider_news_id   |1 | provider_news_id | A
| |1930 | NULL | NULL   | |
| news  |  1 | category_provider_date |1 | category | A
| |   5 | NULL | NULL   | |
| news  |  1 | category_provider_date |2 | provider_date| A
| |1930 | NULL | NULL   | |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

my query:
select * from news where category = 'x' order by category DESC, provider_date DESC;

explain query:
mysql explain select * from news where category = 'x' order by category DESC, 
provider_date DESC;
| table | type | possible_keys  | key| key_len | ref   | 
|rows | Extra  |
| news  | ref  | category_provider_date | category_provider_date |  50 | const |   
| 1 | where used; Using filesort |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Why is filesort used here?
According to the MySQL doc (5.2.7, example 5) this should work 
using the index without any additional sorting.

MySQL-3.23.49-max-log running on FreeBSD 4.4-RELEASE

Sven Huster

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mysql daemon under macos X unstoppable?

2002-01-16 Thread Hoffmann, Sven (thingk)

hi everybody,

i am new to mysql, got it up and running nicely under macos X 10.1,
BUT i can't stop the daemon!
myqsqladmin shutdown used with correct arguments does not show any effect.
a normal kill won't do either. kill -9 is the only option to get rid of the daemon.
anything i can do to solve this??

thanks a LOT for all help.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best regards
Sven Hoffmann
thingk IT-Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH
fuer EDS Informationstechnologie und Service GmbH
Tel.:   +49 33708-6-1465
Fax:+49 33708-6-3500

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New world

2001-12-19 Thread Sven Hammann

I'm new in the world of MySQL and have a question:

What Software can I use to programm MySQL clients for HTML(XML) or Java
? Is there a 
Software which is easy to use ?

Thanks a lot for answering,
Sven Hammann.

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gcc: can´t find executable

2001-11-28 Thread Sven Gauger


i´m relatvely new to linux and i wanted to compile mysql on suse linux 7.3
minimal installation.
i installed the gcc and make programs when i run
./configure --with-prefix=/usr/local/mysql

the program performs some checks.
it says that gcc is installed and ready but then it exits and says gcc can´t
find executable.

does anyone know some help for a beginner?

thanx in advance


MEGA Malereinkaufsgenossenschaft e.G.
Sven Gauger, EDV-Abteilung
Fangdieckstraße 45
22547 Hamburg

office: 040 / 54004 - 158
fax:040 / 851972 - 4158

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Size of blobs?!

2001-11-21 Thread Sven Anders


How do I get the size of a blob?

I want to do something like this:

 SELECT * FROM blob_table WHERE size(blob_column)  1024;

Best regards

 ANDURAS AG - solutions for the NET 
 Linux Server-Systeme  -  Linux Services  -  HighEnd  Linux  -  Crossmedia 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - Tel: ++49 (0)851/49050-33  - Fax: ++49 (0)851/49050-55 

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NaN values displayed as 1.Q#NaN on Win32

2001-10-26 Thread Sven Bartha


I have problem with Mysql on Windows :

I have program that inserts NaN values via the MySQL C-Programming interface on a 
SUN/Solaris. When I retrieve the data on SUN or Linux
everthing works fine.

However, when I move the database to a windows installation the
NaN values are displayed as 1.Q#NaN. All normal double values work fine.
(This has been observed with Window 98/NT and 2000).

When I transfer the data back to Linux or Solaris they are still O.K.

Does anybody know how to solve or workaround this problem ?


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Mit dem WEB.DE Lottoservice.

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Error 22 from isamchk and myisamchk

2001-09-03 Thread Sven M. Sorensen

I have an incorrect key file with mySQL politely suggesting I should 
repair it. However, when I call isamchk I always get the message
isamchk: error: 22 when opening ISAM-table 'table name'
on this particular computer (RedHat 7.1), no matter which db I try to 
inspect or repair. If I move the db files to another computer (RedHat 
6.2) isamchk doesn't complain but finds and repairs some errors.

What is error 22 (Invalid argument?!) and how do I get around it?

Sven M. Sorensen
University of Southern Denmark

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Error 22 from isamchk and myisamchk

2001-09-03 Thread Sven M. Sorensen

I have an incorrect key file which mySQL politely suggests I should 
repair. However, when I call isamchk I always get the message
isamchk: error: 22 when opening ISAM-table 'table name'
on this particular computer (RedHat 7.1 with mySQL 3.23.33), no 
matter which db I try to inspect or repair.
If I move the db files to another computer (RedHat 6.2 with mySQL 
3.23.32) isamchk doesn't complain but finds and repairs some errors.

What is error 22 (Invalid argument?!) and how do I get around it?

Sven M. Sorensen
University of Southern Denmark

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RE: Enabling Logging of Slow Queries

2001-08-30 Thread Sven Huster

i think the server does not run with privileges
to write to /root


Sven Huster
Senior IT Systems Engineer

Sven Huster
Senior IT Systems Engineer

 -Original Message-
 From: Ryan Shrout [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 30 August, 2001 20:51
 Subject: Enabling Logging of Slow Queries

 I have tried to enable slow query logging for a couple days
 now, with no

 I have tried adding the line to the my.cnf file as well as
 stoppign the
 service then starting it with the command line version.  Both
 ways, the
 server refuses to restart.  I have checked the syntax over
 and over and I
 think I have it correct!



 /etc/usr/bin/safe_mysqld --log-slow-queries=/root/slow-queries.log

 Either way, the server will not start.  I take the line out
 and it works
 again.  What am I doing wrong?

 Ryan Shrout
 Owner -

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mysql died with innodb

2001-06-15 Thread Sven Huster


i got this on my mysql server (any ideas?):

InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 234323968 in file os0file.c line 637
InnoDB: We intentionally generate a memory trap.
InnoDB: Send a detailed bug report to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mysqld got signal 11;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
or one of the libraries it was linked agaist is corrupt, improperly built,
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help
the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely
and this may fail

It is possible that mysqld could use up to
key_buffer_size + (record_buffer + sort_buffer)*max_connections = 1604185 K
bytes of memory
Hope that's ok, if not, decrease some variables in the equation

010615 08:09:27  mysqld ended

System: FreeBSD 4.3-RELEASE
MySQL: MySQL-Max-3.23.39 over nfs


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Re: auto_increment update

2001-06-15 Thread Sven Huster

On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 07:30:01PM -0500, Paul DuBois wrote:
 *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
 At 1:36 AM +0200 6/15/01, Sven Huster wrote:
 Hi there
 can i somehow easily recreate the auto_increment col if is was not
 correctly set?
 i just recognized that most rows contain 1 cause the primary key was
 on the auto_increment col + another one.
 so mysql only creates a entry  1 if the other field was equal to
 another row.

 Well, that's what's supposed to happen if you have a primary key
 or unique key on multiple columns where the last column is an
 AUTO_INCREMENT value.  If you want your AUTO_INCREMENT column
 to have unique values for each row, then you could drop that
 index and set up a PRIMARY KEY on just the AUTO_INCREMENT column.

 Actually, I'm not sure I understand what you want to do, so I'm
 just guessing.  If that doesn't answer your question, please


i want to fix the auto_increment col to have unique entries, but if i drop
the index
there are double entries in for the col, so i dont think it works just by
dropping the
there is data in the table that i dont want to loose.


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auto_increment update

2001-06-14 Thread Sven Huster

Hi there

can i somehow easily recreate the auto_increment col if is was not
correctly set?
i just recognized that most rows contain 1 cause the primary key was
on the auto_increment col + another one.
so mysql only creates a entry  1 if the other field was equal to
another row.


Sven Huster

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RE: load-balancing with NFS

2001-06-13 Thread Sven Huster


As far as i know, DON'T DO THIS
mysql with serveral instances accessing the same database will not work
as expected.


we run mysql over nfs but only with one instance.
seems to be quite stable (db server freebsd - nfs server netapp filer)


Sven Huster
Senior IT Systems Engineer

 -Original Message-
 From: Wouter de Jong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 13 June, 2001 10:21
 Subject: load-balancing with NFS

 *This message was transferred with a trial version of
 CommuniGate(tm) Pro*

 I have an idea about setting up 1 machine that contains the
 var-directory (RAID5 for backup, etc). Then I mount the var
 directory from 2 (to explain now :) other servers, via NFS,
 and run mysqld on those.

 My question : is this going to work ? I mean, will mysqld
 allow me to have a shared /var/ directory for all databases
 inside ? I want load-balancing, cause my server can't handle
 the pressure good anymore.

 database-01 IN A
 database-01 IN A (running mysqld) /opt/database/mysql/var (running mysqld) /opt/database/mysql/var will be NFS-mounted by the 2 mysqld machines

 And how to configure MySQL with RAID(5) (3 disks, 1 spare) ?
 Is --with-raid anough, and everything will go automatically
 good ? I don't have to use other table-types then MyISAM ?

 Thanks for any input :

 Met vriendelijke groet/With kind regards,

 Cable  Wireless
 Wouter de Jong  System-Administrator
 Tel +31 23 5698070  Fax +31 23 5698099
 Bijlmermeerstraat 62,   2131 HG  HOOFDDORP, NL

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QS works if applied through phpMyAdmin but not from a PHP-Script

2001-05-06 Thread Sven Burmeister


I cannot get my head around that.
I got a QS that worked fine, then I edited the PHP-script, not the part 
which is now causing errors, and it does not work anymore. That is strange, 
if there was a mistake in my query qhy should it work on my PC but not on 
the web? Well maybe different versions of mysql and PHP but then it should 
not work with the phpMyAdmin neither. This toll is using exactly the same 
programs as php does, in fact phpmyAdmin uses php for its communication to 

$sql = SELECT DISTINCT region_2,stadt_2 FROM inserate ORDER BY 
region_2,stadt_2 ASC;
$select_ = mysql_query($sql,$db-CONN);
^Cannot be the mistake, cause some lines before it works perfectly well.

while($temp_array = mysql_fetch_object($select_,MYSQL_ASSOC))
This is causing the following

Warning:  Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in...

Any suggestions?



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Re: Root password forgotten in MySQL

2001-04-12 Thread Sven Huster

At 15:13 12.04.2001, Sandeep Pachpande wrote:

I have one problem regarding database creation.
I am using MySQL on FreeBSD unix os.
I have already created two databast in mysql.
Now I want to create new database for same but i forgot my root mysql 

Please help me.
Thanks in advance.


I think you can restart the server with --skip-grant-tables and change the 
password then.


Sven Huster
Senior IT Systems Administrator
*BSD, Linux, Solaris

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Re: Creating database

2001-03-30 Thread Sven Huster

Am 17:44 30.03.2001 schrieb Herman Pool:
Hi out there,

I'm new with MySQL.
I have installed Linux 6.0 and MySQL 3.23.33

This happens when I want to create a database:

[mysql@nestorix mysql]$ mysql
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 49 to server version: 3.23.33
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer
mysql create database java_db;
ERROR 1044: Access denied for user: '@localhost' to database 'java_db'
mysql \q
[mysql@nestorix mysql]$

What did I do wrong?
Any ideas?

with kind regards,

Herman Pool
Nibble Consultancy b.v.
Oude Amersfoortseweg 22
1213 AD  Hilversum
The Netherlands
tel: +31 (0)35 6217619
fax:: +31 (0)35 6219819

have you tried
mysql -u root?
Normally only user root has all privileges
Create others with GRANT, check manual


Hope it helps


Sven Huster
Senior Unix System Administrator
*BSD, Linux, Solaris

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mysql over nfs on netapp filer

2001-03-29 Thread Sven Huster

Hi there,

i anybody out there running mysql on a netapp filer as data storage?


Sven Huster
Senior Unix System Administrator
*BSD, Linux, Solaris

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Re: mysql over nfs on netapp filer

2001-03-29 Thread Sven Huster

Am 00:20 30.03.2001 schrieb Joshua Chamas:
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Sven Huster wrote:
  Hi there,
  i anybody out there running mysql on a netapp filer as data storage?

Yes, I've done this for a client from a linux server.  Worked
fine as long as there was only one mysql server accessing
the data.  The network as 100 Mbs, and the SQL volume was
pretty low.


my problem is that now the second time the performance of my f740
goes down every day.
i solved the prob with increasing maxfiles (no to the max for the volume).
after that the cpu of the filer, which went up from
25% peak to 90% peak in 5 days, goes down again.

any ideas why this happens?
next time i will have no possiblity to increase maxfiles again.
i am sure it depends on mysql cause the other things running
there at the moment are doing nearly nothing.


Sven Huster
Senior Unix System Administrator
*BSD, Linux, Solaris

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Re: HASH tables...

2001-03-19 Thread Sven Huster

Am 22:21 19.03.2001 schrieb Dave Juntgen:
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 I would like to ask those of you who have used temporary hash tables in
MySQL version 2.23.x if you have encountered any problems, concurs or known
issues.  I have been testing it myself and everything sees to working just
fine.  Please list your thoughts and comments on temporary hash tables.

Thanks for your time,
 --Dave J.
  Dave W. Juntgen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Medical Informatics Engineering, Inc.
  4101 W. Jefferson Blvd.   Phone: 219-459-6270
  Fort Wayne, IN  46804 Fax: 219-459-6271

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maybe OT:
but i am using it for session storage for www application since 2 month, 
not temp tables.
no problem so far. works quite stable and really fast.

Sven Huster
Senior Unix System Administrator
*BSD, Linux, Solaris

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MySQL on NetApp Filer - Urgent Problem

2001-03-16 Thread Sven Huster

Hi there,

i dont want to start a thread about MySQL over NFS, i did it and it runs 
pretty good,
but now there is a problem i could not solve.

the cpu on the filer goes up and up (15% per day) and i have no idea why.
At the moment it hit 70% in peak time (5 min average)
Seems to be the database cause everything else stays the same, but not more 
traffic on the db
+ if i switch the db of the cpu goes down to 1-5%.

any ideas about this?

MySQL server: FreeBSD 4-Stable


Sven Huster
Senior Unix System Administrator
*BSD, Linux, Solaris

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Re: MySQL on NetApp Filer - Urgent Problem

2001-03-16 Thread Sven Huster

Am 11:22 16.03.2001 schrieben Sie:
*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
Hi there,

i dont want to start a thread about MySQL over NFS, i did it and it runs 
pretty good,
but now there is a problem i could not solve.

the cpu on the filer goes up and up (15% per day) and i have no idea why.
At the moment it hit 70% in peak time (5 min average)
Seems to be the database cause everything else stays the same, but not 
more traffic on the db
+ if i switch the db of the cpu goes down to 1-5%.

any ideas about this?

MySQL server: FreeBSD 4-Stable


Sven Huster
Senior Unix System Administrator
*BSD, Linux, Solaris

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i forgot:
nfs ops and network traffic for the filer stayed the same

Sven Huster
Senior Unix System Administrator
*BSD, Linux, Solaris

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Re: MySQL on NetApp Filer - Urgent Problem

2001-03-16 Thread Sven Huster

Am 17:21 16.03.2001 schrieb Jeremy D. Zawodny:
*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
On Fri, Mar 16, 2001 at 11:32:42AM +0100, Sven Huster wrote:
  Am 11:22 16.03.2001 schrieben Sie:
  *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
  Hi there,
  i dont want to start a thread about MySQL over NFS, i did it and it runs
  pretty good,
  but now there is a problem i could not solve.
  the cpu on the filer goes up and up (15% per day) and i have no idea why.
  At the moment it hit 70% in peak time (5 min average)
  Seems to be the database cause everything else stays the same, but not
  more traffic on the db
  + if i switch the db of the cpu goes down to 1-5%.
  any ideas about this?
  i forgot:
  nfs ops and network traffic for the filer stayed the same

Then it would seem to be a problem with the netapp, wouldn't it?

Jeremy D. Zawodny, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technical Yahoo - Yahoo Finance
Desk: (408) 328-7878Fax: (408) 530-5454
Cell: (408) 439-9951

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Finally you where right.
I refused to believe it but the filer itself was the problem.

it was running out of inodes.

damn, sorry for bothering you

Sven Huster
Senior Unix System Administrator
*BSD, Linux, Solaris

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how do I contribute a binary distribution?

2001-02-08 Thread Eric Sven Ristad

How do I post a new binary distribution for inclusion in the page

I would like to contribute a standard binary distribution for DEC OSF
4.0D (Alpha) [mysql-3.23.32-dec-osf4.0d-alphaev56].  Compiling mysql
on this platform is a major pain, requiring operating system patches,
painful gcc/gmake upgrades, as well as makefile editing.  So I would
like to save someone else the trouble if possible.

Please reply directly to me.

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