Re: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

2009-10-27 Thread lists
The socket hets created when you start the server
It might be in the mysql home dir, it might be in /var/run. 
See if its declared in my.cnf

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2009-10-27 Thread lists
Socket connections do not use tcp (meaning localhost)
Remote hosts use tcpip

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need help with query...

2008-12-17 Thread Lamp Lists
I hate when somebody put in Subject line something like I just did but after 15 
minutes to try to be specific just with one short sentence - I gave up. So, you 
can hate me - I understand (though, help with my problem too) :-)

I have let say 3 tables people, organization, addresses. and they are linked to 
each other with column person_id.
to select person by specified person_id it's not big deal, really simple. 
though, I wonder how can I select records from these three tables but somehow 
marked which table it belongs?


select p.first_name, p.last_name, p.status, p.date_registered, o.org_id, 
o.org_name, o.org_department, a.addres1, a.address2,, a.state,
from people p, organization o, addresses a
where p.person_id=123 and o.person_id=p.person_id and a.person_id=p.person_id

I need somehow, together with result data, info which table data belogs?

not exactly this way but something like this:
$data = array(
'people' = array('lamp', 'lists', 1, '2008-12-12'), 
'organization' = array(56, 'Lamp List', 'web'), 
'addresses' = array('123 Main St.', 'Toon Town', 'NY', '12345')
thanks for any help.



Re: need help with query...

2008-12-17 Thread Lamp Lists

From: Andy Shellam
To: Lamp Lists
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 2:29:08 PM
Subject: Re: need help with query...

Hi Afan

Why not prefix your field names with the table name?

p.first_name AS person_first_name,
p.last_name AS person_last_name,
p.status AS person_status,
p.date_registered AS person_date_registered,
o.org_id AS organization_org_id,
o.org_name AS organization_org_name,
o.org_department AS organization_org_department,
a.addres1 AS addresses_address1,
a.address2 AS addresses_address2, AS addresses_city,
a.state AS addresses_state, AS addresses_zip
from people p, organization o, addresses a
where p.person_id=123 and o.person_id=p.person_id and a.person_id=p.person_id

Then in PHP (which I guess you're using from your example) do something like:

// Get every record from the database ($result is your MySQL result from 
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
   $result = Array();

   // Run through each field in the row
   foreach ($row as $field = $value)
  // Split the field into 2 segments split by _
  $fieldSplit = explode('_', $field, 1);

  // $fieldSplit will be, for example, Array(0 = 'person', 1 = 

  $result[$fieldSplit[0]][$fieldSplit[1]] = $value;

  // Now you should be able to access the person's first name using 

This code may not be perfect as I've just typed it out from memory so it may 
take a bit of tweaking.


Hi Andy,
the reason I can't use this because fields (columns) in select statement 
(p.first_name, p.last_name,...) are actually dynamically created. In my project 
different client will select different fields to be shown. 99% will select 
first_name, and last_name, but some don't care about date_registered, some will 
need more org data... 

actually, it will be more this way:

SELECT {$selected_fields} FROM people p, organization o. addresses a

$selected_fields = p.first_name, p.last_name, o.org_name
$selected_fields = p.first_name, p.last_name, o.org_name, a.address,, 
$selected_fields = o.org_name, a.address,, a.state,

I hope I'm more clear now?

Though, I can do something as you suggested while creating $selected_fields


Jason Pruim wrote:
 On Dec 17, 2008, at 2:56 PM, Lamp Lists wrote:
 I hate when somebody put in Subject line something like I just did but after 
 15 minutes to try to be specific just with one short sentence - I gave up. 
 So, you can hate me - I understand (though, help with my problem too) :-)
 I have let say 3 tables people, organization, addresses. and they are linked 
 to each other with column person_id.
 to select person by specified person_id it's not big deal, really simple. 
 though, I wonder how can I select records from these three tables but 
 somehow marked which table it belongs?
 select p.first_name, p.last_name, p.status, p.date_registered, o.org_id, 
 o.org_name, o.org_department, a.addres1, a.address2,, a.state,
 from people p, organization o, addresses a
 where p.person_id=123 and o.person_id=p.person_id and a.person_id=p.person_id
 I need somehow, together with result data, info which table data belogs?
 not exactly this way but something like this:
 $data = array(
 'people' = array('lamp', 'lists', 1, '2008-12-12'),
 'organization' = array(56, 'Lamp List', 'web'),
 'addresses' = array('123 Main St.', 'Toon Town', 'NY', '12345')
 thanks for any help.
 It may not be the best option, but when I've done that type of stuff in the 
 past, I add another field to the database and call it like List and put 
 People in the people database. and then you could just query the field List 
 and display it how ever you needed.
 -- Jason Pruim


Re: need help with query...

2008-12-17 Thread Lamp Lists

From: Andy Shellam
To: Lamp Lists
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 2:48:31 PM
Subject: Re: need help with query...


 Hi Andy,
 the reason I can't use this because fields (columns) in select statement 
 (p.first_name, p.last_name,...) are actually dynamically created. In my 
 project different client will select different fields to be shown. 99% will 
 select first_name, and last_name, but some don't care about date_registered, 
 some will need more org data...
 actually, it will be more this way:
 SELECT {$selected_fields} FROM people p, organization o. addresses a
 WHERE ...
 $selected_fields = p.first_name, p.last_name, o.org_name
 $selected_fields = p.first_name, p.last_name, o.org_name, a.address,, 
 $selected_fields = o.org_name, a.address,, a.state,

So just tag AS table_field_name to each field when you're building your list 
of $selected_fields - e.g.

$selected_fields = p.first_name AS person_first_name, p.last_name AS 
person_last_name, o.org_name AS organization_org_name

You don't have to use the full table name either - for example in the following 
statement, you would then access the data using $result['p']['first_name'];

$selected_fields = p.first_name AS p_first_name, p.last_name AS p_last_name, 
o.org_name AS o_org_name

This approach is actually easier if you're creating the query dynamically, 
because you don't have to manually type a load of AS xxx statements after 
every field.

I've recently done something similar in one of my applications to wrap 
date/time fields in either FROM_UNIXTIME() or UNIX_TIMESTAMP() functions.


Yup! That'll do it!

Thanks Andy


which query solution is better?

2008-07-08 Thread Lamp Lists
I would like to get your opinions regarding which query you think is better 
solution and, of course - why.
I have (very simplified example) 3 tables: orders, members and addresses
I need to show order info for specific order_id, 
solution 1:
select ordered_by, order_date, payment_method, order_status

from orders
where order_id=123
select, a.address,, a.state,
from members m, addresses a
where m.member_id=$ordered_by and a.address_id=m.address_id   //$ordered_by 
is value from first query
solution 2:
select ordered_by, order_date, payment_method, order_status, (select, 
a.address,, a.state, from members m, addresses a where 
m.member_id=ordered_by and a.address_id=m.address_id)

from orders
where order_id=123
(queries are written without testing and maybe it doesn't work exactly, but 
it's more to gave you the idea what I'm talking about :D)
also,what if I have to list 20,50 or 100 orders instead one order? would be 
subquery still be an option?
thanks for any opinion.


Re: which query solution is better?

2008-07-08 Thread Lamp Lists

- Original Message 
From: John Hicks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 8, 2008 11:20:16 AM
Subject: Re: which query solution is better?

Lamp Lists wrote:
 I would like to get your opinions regarding which query you think is better 
 solution and, of course - why.
 I have (very simplified example) 3 tables: orders, members and addresses
 I need to show order info for specific order_id, 
 solution 1:
 select ordered_by, order_date, payment_method, order_status

 from orders
 where order_id=123
 select, a.address,, a.state,
 from members m, addresses a
 where m.member_id=$ordered_by and a.address_id=m.address_id   
 //$ordered_by is value from first query
 solution 2:
 select ordered_by, order_date, payment_method, order_status, (select, 
 a.address,, a.state, from members m, addresses a where 
 m.member_id=ordered_by and a.address_id=m.address_id)

 from orders
 where order_id=123
 (queries are written without testing and maybe it doesn't work exactly, but 
 it's more to gave you the idea what I'm talking about :D)
 also,what if I have to list 20,50 or 100 orders instead one order? would be 
 subquery still be an option?
 thanks for any opinion.

I don't understand what syntax you're using for your second solution.

Your first solution uses two separate queries which will accomplish the 

They could be combined into a single query like this:

select * from orders
left join members on member_id = ordered_by
left join addresses on addresses.address_id = members.address_id
where order_id = 123

-- john

sorry john. my bad. I should test the query before I post it because it doesn't 
work that way :D

though, let me modify the question:

solution 1:
select o.ordered_by, o.order_date, o.payment_method, o.order_status, 
concat(m.first_name, ' ', m.last_name) name
left join members m on m.member_id=o.ordered_by
from orders o
where o.order_id=123


select o.ordered_by, o.order_date, o.payment_method, o.order_status, (select 
concat(first_name, ' ', last_name) name from members where 
member_id=o.registered_by) name 
from orders o
where o.order_id=123

in first solution there is join and in second subquery. what's better and why?

sorry for this mess :D



can't find ft-min_word_len in /etc/my.conf ?

2008-01-31 Thread Lamp Lists
I need to change ft_min_word_len fro 4 to 3. the
proces is very well explained on
though, when open /etc/my.conf can't find the
ft_min_word_len line?

when check is there:
mysql show variables like 'ft_min_word_len'

am I looking at the wrong file or something?




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Re: can't find ft-min_word_len in /etc/my.conf ?

2008-01-31 Thread Lamp Lists

Though, I added, repair table, restarted mysql - and
the same


--- Warren Young [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Lamp Lists wrote:
  I need to change ft_min_word_len fro 4 to 3. the
  proces is very well explained on
  though, when open /etc/my.conf can't find the
  ft_min_word_len line?
 If a value for a configurable isn't given in my.cnf,
 it takes the 
 default value.  So, add the line, restart the
 server, and it will 
 override the default.
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different results between FULLTEXT search and LIKE search

2008-01-30 Thread Lamp Lists
I created table tasks
create table tasks(
task_id, int(4) not null primary key, 
task text not null, 
resolution text not null, 
fulltext (task, resolution)

when I run

seect * from tasks match(task,resolution)
against('certain service' in boolean mode)

I would get one record and the phrase is in resolution

though, when I serach using LIKE
select * from tasks where task like '%certain
service%' or resolution like '%certain service%'
I would get 2 records. one record is the same as the
one above and the 2nd has the phrase in task column.
means there are 2 records, but fulltext shows me only

what I'm doing wrong?




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Re: different results between FULLTEXT search and LIKE search

2008-01-30 Thread Lamp Lists

--- Lamp Lists [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I created table tasks
 create table tasks(
 task_id, int(4) not null primary key, 
 task text not null, 
 resolution text not null, 
 fulltext (task, resolution)
 when I run
 seect * from tasks match(task,resolution)
 against('certain service' in boolean mode)
 I would get one record and the phrase is in
 though, when I serach using LIKE
 select * from tasks where task like '%certain
 service%' or resolution like '%certain service%'
 I would get 2 records. one record is the same as the
 one above and the 2nd has the phrase in task column.
 means there are 2 records, but fulltext shows me
 what I'm doing wrong?

just made 2nd test and got different reault too:

select * from tasks match(task,resolution)
against('+certain +service' in boolean mode) 
result: 232 records

select * from tasks where (task like '%certain%' and
task like '%service%') or (resolution like '%certain%'
and resolution like '%service%')
result: 7 records




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Re: different results between FULLTEXT search and LIKE search

2008-01-30 Thread Lamp Lists

--- Lamp Lists [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- Lamp Lists [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I created table tasks
  create table tasks(
  task_id, int(4) not null primary key, 
  task text not null, 
  resolution text not null, 
  fulltext (task, resolution)
  when I run
  seect * from tasks match(task,resolution)
  against('certain service' in boolean mode)
  I would get one record and the phrase is in
  though, when I serach using LIKE
  select * from tasks where task like '%certain
  service%' or resolution like '%certain service%'
  I would get 2 records. one record is the same as
  one above and the 2nd has the phrase in task
  means there are 2 records, but fulltext shows me
  what I'm doing wrong?
 just made 2nd test and got different reault too:
 select * from tasks match(task,resolution)
 against('+certain +service' in boolean mode) 
 result: 232 records
 select * from tasks where (task like '%certain%' and
 task like '%service%') or (resolution like
 and resolution like '%service%')
 result: 7 records

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even worse:
select count(*) from tasks match(task,resolution)
result: 0
select count(*) from tasks where task like '%certain%'
or resolution like '%certain%';
result: 173




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how to re-index a table?

2008-01-23 Thread Lamp Lists
I have table, something like:
create table example (
ex_id integer(8) not null auto_increment primary key, 

ex_col1 int(8) null, 
ex_col2 int(4) not null, 




ex_col1 and ex_col2 are indexed separately. Now I need to make one index with 
these to columns.
Using MySQL Browser I did it no problem.

I think I have to re-index them now, right? How?

thanks for any help.



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Simple Regex Question

2007-09-19 Thread CA Lists
It's been a few years since I did any regex queries, but I swear I used 
to be able to do something like:

SELECT fieldname FROM tablename WHERE field RLIKE '(^|\|)2(\||$)';

And that would find '2', with an optional '|' at the beginning, or at 
the beginning of the line, and an optional '|' or end of the line. So, 
it would match the following:


But not


Can someone give me a little guidance on this? I'm pulling my hair out 
on what should be a simple thing

The database is currently in 4.1 but will soon be going to 5.0, so, 
ideally the solution will work in both...


Sorting Question

2007-06-21 Thread CA Lists
Does anyone have a clever way that I can sort on two fields? Let me
explain...I need the sort to be by the uid field (see below), but also
have the parent field taken into consideration:

Here's a sample of what I get now:

| uid   | duplicate | parent |
| 12880 | 1 |  12878 |
| 12879 | 0 |   NULL |
| 12878 | 0 |   NULL |
| 12877 | 0 |   NULL |
| 12840 | 0 |   NULL |
| 11616 | 0 |   NULL |
| 10871 | 0 |   NULL |
|  7696 | 0 |   NULL |
|  5770 | 0 |   NULL |

Here's what I want:

| uid   | duplicate | parent |
| 12879 | 0 |   NULL |
| 12878 | 0 |   NULL |
| 12880 | 1 |  12878 |
| 12877 | 0 |   NULL |
| 12840 | 0 |   NULL |
| 11616 | 0 |   NULL |
| 10871 | 0 |   NULL |
|  7696 | 0 |   NULL |
|  5770 | 0 |   NULL |

Note that uid 12880 is now AFTER 12878, which is its parent. I know in PHP
I can easily do this. Just wondering if I can get it out of MySQL directly,
rather than writing PHP code to do it. This is MySQL 5.0, by the way.



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Re: Can't find file: 'general_log'

2007-05-04 Thread CA Lists

 Hi Joseph,
 Joseph Koenig wrote:
 I'm running MySQL 5.0.27-standard-log on RHEL 4. After install, I moved the
 data directory of MySQL. I updated everything that SELinux complained about,
 etc., and have a functional install of MySQL. It's actually been up and
 running with no issues for months. However, every time I run a mysqldump, I
 mysqldump: Got error: 1017: Can't find file: 'general_log' (errno: 2) when
 mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `general_log`': Can't find
 file: 'general_log' (errno: 2) (1017)
 mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `slow_log`': Can't find file:
 'slow_log' (errno: 2) (1017)
 My dump proceeds and just spits these errors out to me. From what I can
 tell, no harm is done, as the dump is full and is perfectly usable for
 restoring databases from. However, it's driving me nuts. Is there any way to
 create the necessary tables now so that MySQL does actually start logging
 everything they way it should be able to and also will make these errors go
 away? Thanks in advance,
 It's a hard to tell from this description what is the matter.  Can you connect
 mysql and run SHOW CREATE TABLE slow_log without errors?  If so, what
 storage engine 
 do they use?  It sounds to me like they might be using the CSV storage engine
 and the 
 file isn't there.  Error 2 is 'OS error code   2:  No such file or directory'
 to perror.
 You probably don't want to mysqldump a big CSV file of your general log, at
 least not 
 if you're using this for backups (but maybe you do, I don't know).
 In short, you might want to DROP the tables instead of creating them.

Thanks for the reply. I went and checked a few things and in my data dir,
there is a mysql.log file that is actively logging any mysql activity. In
data dir/mysql there is a general_log.CSM, general_log.CSV, general_log.frm,
and the same goes for slow_log. However, the .CSV files are empty. Based on
this, any additional thoughts for me?

Again, thanks for your help.

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UPDATE and INSERT in one

2007-04-20 Thread lists


I want to update a table if it meets some conditions (already exist)  
and INSERT otherwise?

Right now I am doing it this way:

1. SELECT the record
2. If it exist, I UPDATE it
3. If it does not exit, I INSERT a new record

Could this be done in one query? I mean like conditional update/insert?


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mysql question.

2007-04-03 Thread Me2resh Lists

i need help regarding a sql query in my php app.

the query is :
   $SQL = SELECT DISTINCT(EMail) FROM mena_guests WHERE Voted = 'yes'
LIMIT $startingID,$items_numbers_list;

i want to sort this query by the number of the repeated EMail counts.
can anyone help me with that please ?

Re: Is there a professional quality mySQL GUI for Linux?

2007-03-18 Thread Mailing Lists

On Mar 15, 2007, at 4:25 AM, Daevid Vincent wrote:

Can anyone recommend a real, quality, professional level mySQL GUI for
KDE, Gnome, whatever. Doesn't matter. Beggars can't be choosers right.

Something along the lines of SQLYog (Enterprise ideally).

I'm kind of disappointed that I can't seem to find anything.  
They're all
either some Admin tool designed to setup users and all that stuff.  
Yawn. Or
they're so limited, I might as well just use an XP VMWare and a  
windows GUI

client instead.

Sadly SQLYog has no intentions of porting to Linux :-\

mySQL Query Browser is for the most part useless. It's v1.1.18 and  

almost no benefit to using the CLI mode. You can't sort by clicking
headings. They UI is awkward to use. You can't even set the font  
sizes, so

it's HUGE (at least in my KDE it is).

mySQL Workbench is Alpha, and I couldn't even get it to connect  
to the

localhost server (despite the other tools in that package work)!!?

phpMyAdmin is wonderful -- for a Web UI tool. But not very  
practical for

serious development.

Anything else in my search is either equally amateur or simply just an
inactive or dead project.

How is it that mySQL is effectively a Linux native tool for all  
intents and
purposes, yet there isn't nearly the level of GUIs for it that  
there are for


(Sorry Daevid, I neglected to send this to the entire list)

After searching around, I settled on AquaFold's Aqua Data Studio 6.0  
(  I've been using it since version 4.  It is a  
Java app, but it is very professional and works real well.  I use it  
on my MacBookPro as well as my Linux boxes.

Not cheap though.  $399 per license.  However, it is the best thing  
around.  The license allows multiple installs, but you are only  
allowed to run one at a time.  This is a nice convenience.  It also  
supports many databases besides MySQL.  Again, expensive but worth it  
in terms of productivity.


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Problem with upgrade

2006-11-22 Thread Tom Ray [Lists]
I upgraded a server from 4.0 to 4.1 and then to 5.0 but I've been 
running into a problem. When I was running 4.0 the passwords with the 
password('password') command where being created like this: 
2a287c002f9773dc now after I upgraded to 4.1 when I add a new user the 
passwords end up being like this: *A645B7228E54A58C02488027D2FBD96853E7BF8B

When I connect via the command line everything is peachy but when I 
connect via PHP I kept getting this error:

*Warning*: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Client does 
not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider 
upgrading MySQL client in */usr/local/vps/karma/apache/htdocs/test.php* 
on line *3*
Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; 
consider upgrading MySQL client

So I upgraded to 5.0 and I'm still seeing long passwords and I'm still 
getting this error with PHP...can anyone tell me what's going on here? I 
upgraded another server to 5.0 and I didn't see this problem at all. I'm 
a little screwed right now because this server is replacing one that had 
to come out of service due to a bad harddrive and now clients can't make 
connections anymore with their scripts. The old server was running 
4.0it's looking like I might have to downgrade until this is fixed...

any help would be greatly appreciated

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Difference between Pro and commuity edition

2006-10-08 Thread Andrew Black - lists
I am trying to find out the difference between the Pro and community 
editions of MySQL.  If I want to support GPL applications I can install 
the community ed.  If later  want to support a non GPL application do I 
need to install anything different.

I have found lots of web pages but they don't quite answer this question 
(apologies if I have mussed something obvious).

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Installing 32 and 64 bit versions on Solaris

2006-10-03 Thread Andrew Black - lists

I have some applications that need a 32 bit library for Mysql.
I would prefer to install the 64 bit version of MySQL but that doesnt 
seem to come with 32 bit libraries. Can I install both libraries.

Any pointers would be appreciated


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Results Order Question

2006-09-28 Thread Tom Ray [Lists]
I'm running into a problem with a ratings script I'm writing. The 
overview is that a user can rate an item from 1-10. What I want it to do 
is display the highest rated item, with 10 being the highest rating. In 
case there are multiple items sharing the same score, the item that has 
been rated the most should be displayed.

Here's a bit of the code:

$albums=mysql_query(SELECT albumRating,totalRatings WHERE 
albumType='Album' ORDER BY albumRating,totalRatings DESC);

The problem I'm running into is that it always displays the item with a 
9 rating and not the 10. I'm figuring it's because mysql is seeing the 
order as 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,10,1

Am I going to have to store the numbers as 01,02,03,etc... in order to 
get this to work right or is there a better way to structure the query?

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Re: Autoindexing

2006-06-23 Thread Tom Ray [Lists]
Well I believe I'll need to update mysql since I just realized this 
server is using 3.23. Gotta love taking something over from someone and 
finding out they weren't very good at the job to begin with.

Karl Larsen wrote:
   Hi Remo, your method works fine on version 4.1 and the one shown 
for version 5 does not work here. Nice to know there is a SQL word 
AUTO_INCREMENT  to do the job.


Remo Tex wrote:

If you are using autoincrement filed you could try this:
ALTER TABLE `my_database`.`my_table` AUTO_INCREMENT = 201;

...or else if it is some stored proc you should find and edit 
table where it sotres index/counter data..

Tom Ray [Lists] wrote:
Hey, I have a really simple question (I hope)..I have a database 
that has a field in it that autoindexes the number. I screwed up and 
imported a bunch of wrong data. Up to row 200 it's right, beyond 
that it was wrong so I had delete it all. The problem now is the 
autoindexing is set to 1105, I want to change it so the next insert 
gets a number of 201 not 1105.

I've tried to change it via phpMyAdmin but it keeps going back to 
1105. Is there anyway I can do this?

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2006-06-22 Thread Tom Ray [Lists]
Hey, I have a really simple question (I hope)..I have a database that 
has a field in it that autoindexes the number. I screwed up and imported 
a bunch of wrong data. Up to row 200 it's right, beyond that it was 
wrong so I had delete it all. The problem now is the autoindexing is set 
to 1105, I want to change it so the next insert gets a number of 201 not 

I've tried to change it via phpMyAdmin but it keeps going back to 1105. 
Is there anyway I can do this?

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my.cnf / mysqld logging

2006-06-16 Thread Tom Ray [Lists]
Hey there, I inherited a couple of servers that are in production but I 
noticed that there's not active logging for mysql on any of them. I 
looked and they don't have an active my.cnf file any where on the 
machines. One machine is running mysql 4.1.5 and the other is running 
mysql 5.0.18

When I ran a ps -ef on the machines I saw this for both 
defaults-extra-file=/usr/local/mysql/data/my.cnf so I went and I put 
a my.cnf right where it was looking for it. Stopped/Started the mysql 
server and I'm still not seeing any logging happening for the mysql 
servers. Perhaps I'm messing this up? I want them to log everything to 
/var/log/mysqld.log and in the my.cnf I have the line:

log = /var/log/mysqld.log

Can anyone tell me where I'm messing this up or what is wrong?

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Re: my.cnf / mysqld logging

2006-06-16 Thread Tom Ray [Lists]
How would I do that? I'm still a novice when it comes to many aspects of 



Try to enable query log.

Thanks  Regards



Hey there, I inherited a couple of servers that are in production but I

noticed that there\'s not active logging for mysql on any of them. I 
looked and they don\'t have an active my.cnf file any where on the 
machines. One machine is running mysql 4.1.5 and the other is running 
mysql 5.0.18

When I ran a ps -ef on the machines I saw this for both 
defaults-extra-file=/usr/local/mysql/data/my.cnf so I went and I put

a my.cnf right where it was looking for it. Stopped/Started the mysql 
server and I\'m still not seeing any logging happening for the mysql 
servers. Perhaps I\'m messing this up? I want them to log everything to 
/var/log/mysqld.log and in the my.cnf I have the line:

log = /var/log/mysqld.log

Can anyone tell me where I\'m messing this up or what is wrong?

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Can't reload from dump file

2006-01-29 Thread Chris Mason (Lists)
We have had some problems with corrupt data due to running out of space 
recently. I wanted to repair the tables so I backed up our database by 
dumping to a file with mysqldump. I then tried to repair the database 
and had some problems with that.
I stopped MySQL and moved the database to database.old and restarted the 
database. I wanted to import the dump file. As it is 700 MB it takes a 
while to load.

I got this error

[EMAIL PROTECTED] backups]# mysql -u root -prt3.sql
Enter password:
ERROR 1005 (HY000) at line 694: Can't create table 
'./rt3/Attributes.frm' (errno: 121)

and in the error file:

060129 19:27:32  InnoDB: Error: table `rt3/Attributes` already exists in 
InnoDB internal

InnoDB: data dictionary. Have you deleted the .frm file
InnoDB: and not used DROP TABLE? Have you used DROP DATABASE
InnoDB: for InnoDB tables in MySQL version = 3.23.43?
InnoDB: See the Restrictions section of the InnoDB manual.
InnoDB: You can drop the orphaned table inside InnoDB by
InnoDB: creating an InnoDB table with the same name in another
InnoDB: database and copying the .frm file to the current database.
InnoDB: Then MySQL thinks the table exists, and DROP TABLE will
InnoDB: succeed.
InnoDB: You can look for further help from

What can I do?

Chris Mason
(264) 497-5670 Fax: (264) 497-8463
Int:  (305) 704-7249 Fax: (815)301-9759 UK
Cell: 264-235-5670

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ORDER BY for ints

2005-09-27 Thread Stephen A. Cochran Lists

I'm getting a strange ordering when using ORDER BY on a int column.

The rows are being returned sorted as follows:


I'm sure this is a simple one, but I haven't found an answer in the  



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Re: ORDER BY for ints

2005-09-27 Thread Stephen A. Cochran Lists

On Sep 27, 2005, at 2:58 AM, Jigal van Hemert wrote:

You are most likely to get meaningful suggestions to solve the  
mystery if you include the table definition (output of SHOW CREATE  
TABLE tablename) and the query.

| Table  | Create  


| Player | CREATE TABLE `Player` (
  `id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `first_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `last_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `year` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
  `height` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
  `season` int(4) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  KEY `season` (`season`)

1 row in set (0.00 sec)

It now looks like mysql is returning the correct thing (at least on  
the command line), but for some reason inside php it's all screwedup

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Re: ORDER BY for ints

2005-09-27 Thread Stephen A. Cochran Lists

On Sep 27, 2005, at 3:29 AM, Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:

| Player | CREATE TABLE `Player` (
  `id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `first_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `last_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `year` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
  `height` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
  `season` int(4) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  KEY `season` (`season`)

What column are you ordering on?

The command in PHP is:

$query=SELECT id,first_name,last_name FROM Player ORDER BY id;

When issued from the mysql prompt, order is fine, but when called  
from php I'm getting that strange order:

1, 10, 11, 12, etc...

Steve Cochran

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Re: ORDER BY for ints

2005-09-27 Thread Stephen A. Cochran Lists

On Sep 27, 2005, at 9:56 AM, Edward Vermillion wrote:

Michael Stassen wrote:

Stephen A. Cochran Lists wrote:

On Sep 27, 2005, at 3:29 AM, Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:

| Player | CREATE TABLE `Player` (
  `id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `first_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `last_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `year` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
  `height` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
  `season` int(4) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  KEY `season` (`season`)

What column are you ordering on?

The command in PHP is:

$query=SELECT id,first_name,last_name FROM Player ORDER BY id;

When issued from the mysql prompt, order is fine, but when  
called  from php I'm getting that strange order:

1, 10, 11, 12, etc...

Steve Cochran

Then the problem is in your php code.  Mysql will certainly return  
the rows ordered the same way to both the mysql client and to  
php.  If php is showing a different order, then it must be  
something your php code is doing.  If you post the code which  
displays the results, I'm sure someone could point out the  
problem, though that really belongs on a php list.


I had this same problem a while back, and while I'm probably making  
the same mistakes you are but have no idea what they are, I solved  
it by using ZEROFILL on the field I was sorting. So that PHP was  
seeing 0001, 0002, 0003...

Worked for me, although from some of the replies I'm wondering if  
that wasn't the best way to do it. :/

Well, since I wasn't the only person to have this problem, I'll post  
this here in case someone has the answer. My php code is:

$query=SELECT id,first_name,last_name FROM Player ORDER BY id;
for ($i=0, $i  $numPlayers; $i++)
$label = mysql_result($players,$i,'id');
echo $labelbr

And that generates an order like it was doing a string comparison.  
I'm just iterating over the rows in the result in order, so not sure  
what would be applying another sort.

Thanks in advance.

Steve Cochran

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Re: ORDER BY for ints

2005-09-27 Thread Stephen A. Cochran Lists

On Sep 27, 2005, at 10:28 AM, Pooly wrote:

The command in PHP is:

$query=SELECT id,first_name,last_name FROM Player ORDER BY id;

When issued from the mysql prompt, order is fine, but when
called  from php I'm getting that strange order:

1, 10, 11, 12, etc...

Steve Cochran

Then the problem is in your php code.  Mysql will certainly return
the rows ordered the same way to both the mysql client and to
php.  If php is showing a different order, then it must be
something your php code is doing.  If you post the code which
displays the results, I'm sure someone could point out the
problem, though that really belongs on a php list.

I had this same problem a while back, and while I'm probably making
the same mistakes you are but have no idea what they are, I solved
it by using ZEROFILL on the field I was sorting. So that PHP was
seeing 0001, 0002, 0003...

Worked for me, although from some of the replies I'm wondering if
that wasn't the best way to do it. :/

Well, since I wasn't the only person to have this problem, I'll post
this here in case someone has the answer. My php code is:

$query=SELECT id,first_name,last_name FROM Player ORDER BY id;
for ($i=0, $i  $numPlayers; $i++)
 $label = mysql_result($players,$i,'id');
 echo $labelbr

Try with mysql_fetch_array

And that generates an order like it was doing a string comparison.
I'm just iterating over the rows in the result in order, so not sure
what would be applying another sort.

or it's likely that mysql_result retrieve an array of rows
(well-ordered), but fetch it by using  a string for the index.

This seems unlikely since the mysql_result takes a row number (int)  
to select which fetched row to get a cell from (zero based).

Using mysql_fetch_array woulnd't work since I need to select a  
certain row based on the order by, but not necessarily accessed in  
sequence as shown in the code above.

Steve Cochran

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mysql 4.1.14 memory leak.

2005-09-25 Thread Mysql Lists
I'm using mysql 4.1.14 rpm's on Fedora Core 4.

I've setup max_heap_table_size to allow for 500M heap tables. Currently I
use roughly 435M in heap by about 16 different tables. Some use btree,
other's use default hash.

The problem is, over time mysql looks like this in top:
2898 mysql 15 0 1127m 626m 2076 S 18.3 62.5 2974:17 mysqld-max

mysql is forcing the machine to swap. I've tried dropping all heap tables
that are in use and this does not free the ram. I have to restart mysql and
and using init-file reload the heap tables and everything is fine for a
couple of days.

My problem is strikingly similar to this:

I'm using the mysql rpm's from

Other than restarting mysql nightly, is there anything I could do to further
debug this?

Mysql Rocks.

Re: Loading Decimal Values with load data infile

2005-09-14 Thread lists . mysql-users
Hallo Thorsten,

Op 14 Sep 05 schreef Thorsten Moeller aan MySQL Mailinglist:

 TM i am trying to load a csv file with LOAD DATA INFILE. This File
 TM contains columns with decimal values with the german comma instead of
 TM the dot as separator (e.g. 3.20 is 3,20). Is there an option to handle
 TM this during or immediately before LOAD with MySQL Commands/Tools. Now we
 TM only see values where the values on the right of the comma have been cut
 TM off.

I asked this same question on June 22, and got the following answer:

  What about reading the data into the table and storing the 'amount'
  in varchar for now. Then you can run an update query in which you
  replace the decimal comma with a decimal point and store that in the
  float field (emptying the varchar in the process).

  UPDATE `table` SET `amount`= REPLACE( `v_amount`, ',' , '.'),
  `v_amount` = NULL WHERE `v_amount` IS NOT NULL;



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Mark a single row?

2005-08-29 Thread lists . mysql-users

I would like a single row in a table, and not more than one, to be
used as a preferred value in another application.
Is this possible, and, if yes, how?



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Re: Mark a single row?

2005-08-29 Thread lists . mysql-users
Hallo Jasper,

Op 29 Aug 05 schreef Jasper Bryant-Greene aan mysql:

  I would like a single row in a table, and not more than one, to be
  used as a preferred value in another application.
 JBG add a column 'preferred', tinyint(1) NOT NULL.

Thank you!



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Re: Mark a single row?

2005-08-29 Thread lists . mysql-users
Hallo Michael,

Op 29 Aug 05 schreef Michael Stassen aan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I would like a single row in a table, and not more than one, to
be used as a preferred value in another application.
   JBG add a column 'preferred', tinyint(1) NOT NULL.
 MS It's hard to say without knowing just what you mean by used as a
 MS preferred value in another application, but I suspect that adding a
 MS whole column for this may not the best way to go.  You'd be storing a
 MS lot of 0s just to keep one 1.  The simplest solution may be to code the
 MS preferred row's id in your app.  Your instinct to keep this value in the
 MS db is probably a better idea, however, especially if the preferred id
 MS could ever change.

It won't change very often, but there certainly is a chance. That's why I 
decided to keep it in the database somehow, rather than hard-coding it. Also, 
this way the users can change it without having to mess with the code. The 
amount of 0s would not be more than about 40, so not a big disaster.

 MS An alternative to adding a column would be to add a table.
 MS Something like:
 MSCREATE TABLE pref_value (pref_id INT);
 MSINSERT INTO pref_value (pref_id) VALUES (id_of_preferred_row);

But this method is much more elegant. I wonder why I couldn't think of it 

Thank you very much!



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Re: load data infile

2005-06-30 Thread lists . mysql-users

Op 30 Jun 05 schreef blackwater dev aan

 bd 1,23,345,45;
 bd 34,4,444,1er;
 bd Load data local infile '/httpd/htdocs/sql/loader.sql' into table
 bd vehicles fields terminated by ',' enclosed by ' lines terminated by
 bd ';'

I think it should be: enclosed by ''



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Re: Preventing duplicates with load data

2005-06-28 Thread lists . mysql-users
Hello Mike,

On 27 Jun 05, mos wrote to mySQL list:

  How can I prevent duplicate entries when I fill the data base with
  load data? I tried ignore, but that has no effect.
 m Ignore/Replace will only work on Unique keys and I bet your key is
 m not unique. If you make it unique, then Ignore will keep the
 m existing value, or Replace will replace the existing row with the
 m new row.

You're good at betting :) The next question would of course be: how do
I create a unique key, but somebody else already asked that and got a
clear answer.
Thank you very much.



jdh dot beekhuizen at duinheks dot xs4all dot nl
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Re: Decimal comma in input

2005-06-27 Thread lists . mysql-users
Hallo Anoop,

Op 22 Jun 05 schreef Anoop kumar V aan Jigal van Hemert [EMAIL PROTECTED],:

 AkV Alternatively, you can parse the text files using application logic
 AkV (java, c++, etc) and then after extracting (and cleaning) your data
 AkV insert them into mysql.

I had been thinking about that, but that would be a cowardly way out :)
As I'm very new to [My]SQL, I prefer to use its own methods as much as



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Re: Decimal comma in input

2005-06-27 Thread lists . mysql-users
Hallo Jigal,

Op 22 Jun 05 schreef Jigal van Hemert aan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 JvH What about reading the data into the table and storing the
 JvH 'amount' in varchar for now. Then you can run an update query in

 JvH UPDATE `table` SET `amount`= REPLACE( `v_amount`, ',' , '.'),
 JvH `v_amount` = NULL WHERE `v_amount` IS NOT NULL;

Perfect! Thank you very much.



jdh punt beekhuizen bij duinheks punt xs4all punt nl

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Preventing duplicates with load data

2005-06-27 Thread lists . mysql-users

How can I prevent duplicate entries when I fill the data base with
load data? I tried ignore, but that has no effect. Probably I'm
something very elementary, but I'm still learning...



jdh dot beekhuizen at duinheks dot xs4all dot nl
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Decimal comma in input

2005-06-22 Thread lists . mysql-users

I get data with a format that I can't choose. The fields are enclosed
in double quotes (), separated by commas (,). The main problem is that
some fields contain amounts with a decimal comma. I have not found a
way yet to load these data properly. Could somebody help me please?



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Re: Decimal comma in input

2005-06-22 Thread lists . mysql-users
Hello Anoop,

On 22 Jun 05, Anoop kumar V wrote to All:

 AkV Are u saying that u have data in a text file and you need to parse
 AkV this and insert them into mysql?

That's what I Ntried to say, yes :) The main problem is the decimal comma
in the amounts.



jdh dot beekhuizen at duinheks dot xs4all dot nl
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Re: Filling database with load data

2005-05-31 Thread lists . mysql-users
Hallo Peter,

Op 30 May 05 schreef Peter aan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 P #

 P If LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE is disabled, either in the server or the
 P client, a client that attempts to issue such a statement receives the
 P following error message:

 P ERROR 1148: The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version

 P   I hope this help.

I sure does, thank you very much. And that information was even in the
tutorial part of the manual. I'm ashamed of myself :(



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Filling database with load data

2005-05-30 Thread lists . mysql-users

I'm using MySQL 4.0.23a as found in the SlackWare 10.1 distribution.
As I'm totally new to MySQL I tried tom follow the tutorial from the
manual. When I tried to fill the data base using a text file with the
load data local infile '~/temp' into table huisdier;
I got
ERROR 1148: The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version
What's going wrong?
The insert command works without problem.



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Re: Slow as Christmas join

2004-12-28 Thread lists
Kevin Cagle wrote:
I have a couple of tables I am doing a join on. Both have 6 fields.  
Most fields have fewer than 16 characters in them, but at most 75.  
Neither table is huge: one with 14004 rows and the other with 23677. I  
created a temp table to insert the data into. When I perform the join,  
it takes about 17 minutes to complete. The result is only 23674 rows.

Question is, why is this query taking so long? I have searched the  
manual and only found an example where they talk about millions of rows  
being slow and mine has far fewer than that. It is a one to many  
relationship between the two tables, but should that really slow things  
down that much? Is there a way to speed things up a little...or a lot?

Just for reference, here is the syntax I am using:
insert into tmp1 select table2.field1, table1.field2, table1.field3,  
table2.field2, table2.field3, table2.field4, table2.field5,  
table2.field6, table1.field4, table1.field5, table1.field6 from  
table2,table1 where table2.field1=table1.field1;
You may want to revisit the query statement above and see if you can do 
an outer join.  That should help you as far as the query statement goes. 
 Next, on to your indexes...
(I have tried the same query with the tables reversed, i.e,  
table1.field1=table2.field1 but it still takes a long time.)

MySQL Version: 4.0.15
Mac OS X 10.3.7
| table  | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows  |  
Extra |
| table1 | ALL  | NULL  | NULL |NULL | NULL | 14004 |
| table2 | ALL  | NULL  | NULL |NULL | NULL | 23677 ||
Judging from the output of your EXPLAIN statement, MySQL is forced to do 
a full table scan (14004 rows in one table and 23677 rows) in another 
using your current query statement.  At the table-level, you should 
consider using an index, especially in regards to the columns that you 
list in your WHERE clause since you say that this is a one-to-many 
relationship.  Going back to your query statement, field1 in each 
table could stand to be indexed.
If there is anything else that will help you solve this problem, let me  
know and I will be happy to provide it!
Try the two steps I mentioned and see if that doesn't help you out.
Thanks In Advance!

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Re: Out of memory

2004-12-24 Thread lists
Philippe Poelvoorde wrote:
mysqldump returns with this error on one of my nightly batch :
mysqldump: Out of memory (Needed 8164 bytes)
mysqldump: Got error: 2008: MySQL client run out of memory when 
retrieving data from server
Fri Dec 24 00:00:22 CET 2004

Is there any way to avoid this particular error ?
(bear I mind that I don't have any access to my.cnf on this environnement!)
The last table in the dump (and not dump, it stops just after the CREATE 
TABLE) is not that big (less than 8Mo on disk).

See what happens if you try it with the --quick option.  This will 
prevent mysqldump from writing to memory before writing to the dump file.

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2004-10-27 Thread lists
Richard Whitney wrote:
Can someone point me in the right direction?
I have this that works in v.4x:
When I try it using 3.23.55 I get the following error:
#1148 - The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version
Is there any way I can make this work using 3.23.55?  TIA!
R. Whitney
Transcend Development
Producing the next phase of your internet presence
Premium Quality Web Hosting
The day this country abandons God is the day God will abandon this country
Linux is like a wigwam, no windows, no gates, apache inside. - borrowed from
Sharon Kimble off of the Fedora mailing list
Someone else had asked about the LOAD DATA syntax earlier this morning 
and getting the same error message that you're getting and one of the 
Ensita guys responded with this link:
It looks like you might fall into the MySQL version discussed in the link.
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runaway process eating all cpu-time?

2004-08-24 Thread Thomas - Lists
Hi there,
after a system-crash I got the following problem.
Some seconds after starting mysql (v4.0.20) a process will stay
there taking all cpu-time it can get (99.9% ;)) ... and it can't be 
just killed completely.
mysqlcheck ran through without any problems, the logs tell nothing.
I just did a strace on the last process doing that:
time(NULL)  = 1093348119
time(NULL)  = 1093348119
time(NULL)  = 1093348119
time(NULL)  = 1093348119
time(NULL)  = 1093348119
time(NULL)  = 1093348119
time(NULL)  = 1093348119
time(NULL)  = 1093348119
time(NULL)  = 1093348119
time(NULL)  = 1093348119
time(NULL)  = 1093348119
time(NULL)  = 1093348119
time(NULL)  = 1093348120
time(NULL)  = 1093348120
time(NULL)  = 1093348120
time(NULL)  = 1093348120
time(NULL)  = 1093348120
time(NULL)  = 1093348120
time(NULL)  = 1093348120
time(NULL)  = 1093348120
time(NULL)  = 1093348120
time(NULL)  = 1093348120
time(NULL)  = 1093348120
time(NULL)  = 1093348120
time(NULL)  = 1093348120
sched_yield()   = 0
time(NULL)  = 1093348120
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, NULL, [HUP INT QUIT PIPE TERM TSTP 32], 8) = 0
rt_sigsuspend([HUP INT QUIT PIPE TERM TSTP] unfinished ...
--- SIGRT_0 (Real-time signal 0) ---

Any idea where to look at that problem further?
The system is a linux - redhat-7.2 with dual athlon-mp, 2 GB ram, 
running kernel-2.4.26.
Using the official (rpm-install).

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Re: runaway process eating all cpu-time?

2004-08-24 Thread Thomas - Lists
Hi Victor,
thanks for your reply.
Victor Pendleton wrote:
Do you have anything in the show processlist? Are you using innodb table
types and a rollback is occurring?

mysql show processlist;
| Id| User| Host  | db| Command| Time | 
State  | Info |
|   810 | DELAYED |   | phpadsnew | Delayed_insert | 3| 
Waiting for INSERT |  |
| 10125 | root| localhost | NULL  | Sleep  | 70   
|| NULL |
| 12020 | root| localhost | NULL  | Query  | 0| 
NULL   | show processlist |

Could it be the delayed_insert thread? I checked its tables extended 
Any way to see a connection-id - process-id relation?

I'm using innodb just for one table at the moment. but its idle too.
Any ideas?
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Using CASE for store values

2004-06-25 Thread ColdFusion Lists
Hi allit's possible to use the CASE clause in MySQLlike this:SELECT
Case(statusID = 1, TotalStatus1=TotalStatus1 + 1)
Case(statusID = 2, TotalStatus2 = TotalStatus2 +1)
It's possible?
How to do that?
Thanx for your time.Crie seu Yahoo! Mail, agora com 100MB de espaço, anti-spam e antivĂ­rus grĂ¡tis!---BeginMessage---
I'm looking for a better way to insert large numbers of rows from a client 
application that is sampling physical data in real-time.  In our case, we 
are using a C double hipvalues[100] cyclical array to buffer our 
sampled values.

We're currently creating large query strings similar to:

We would like to continue to insert our values directly from our client app 
without first having to dump the data to a temp file and LOAD DATA 
INFILEing it periodically.

Any ideas?
Config values of interest:
key_buffer_size = 4G
bulk_insert_buffer_size = 1024M
We are using MySQL 4.1.2.
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Returning where COUNT 5

2004-06-20 Thread ColdFusion Lists
Hi all

how to do this in MySQL? Returning only records with COUNT  5?

  COUNT(`roles`.`rolesDescr`) AS TOTAL
  INNER JOIN `groups_roles` ON (`roles`.`rolesID` =
  INNER JOIN `groups` ON (`groups_roles`.`fkgroupsID` =
GROUP BY `roles`.`rolesDescr`
WHERE COUNT(`roles`.`rolesDescr`) GT 5

MySQL 4.0.12 give an error... maybe because i'm using WHERE COUNT?

Thanx for your time.

Crie seu Yahoo! Mail, agora com 100MB de espaço, anti-spam e antivĂ­rus grĂ¡tis!

Using IF clause

2004-05-31 Thread ColdFusion Lists
my table have an field when users can enter any chars
If users dont send any content for that field(phone), mysql store (   )   -  without 
quotes in that
What im looking for:
Display IF phone field is (   )   - NOT ENTER
Otherwise display the phone of user.
It's possible? Using IF clause Mysql give me an error - maybe
IF(`users`.`phone` IS '(   )   - ','NOT ENTER',`users`.`phone`) AS phonefield;
What's happened?
Thanx for your time

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Backing up InnoDB MySQL DB

2004-05-26 Thread ColdFusion Lists
Hi all
we're using MySQL 4.0.12 with InnoDB... please do you have any scripts, comments, 
suggestions, ideas, tutorials... about how to backup from that DB? It's possible to?
Thanx for your time.

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MySQL and Xbasic

2004-05-02 Thread lists
Howdy --
What I want to do is use Xbasic as a frontend for MySQL. The problem is I'm
mainly a PHP(and a little Perl) person.

It looks like we should be able to make calls to the MySQL libs,dills  headers 
from Xbasic. My interest for the mement is with doing it on Windows.

Here's the Xbasic site:
and a link to a DLL Primer tutorial:

Anyone  up to the challenge,


- Forwarded message from Steven V Gunhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 22:20:00 -0400
From: Steven V Gunhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [xbasic] Calls to C libs (database)

On Sat, 01 May 2004 00:20:45 - davidjayjakson


 Howdy --

 I read the reply previous post about SQL Server/MySQL support

 mentioned ODBC?

 What's the status of that, and can I get a lib to test?

 My other question(s) are, Can I make a call to a C lib? Or maybe

 directly to MySQL lib or MySQL API?

 Links to doc/examples explaining how to make calls to C libs in

 general as well as links, example dealing with MySQL would be


In general, the *.dec file for a C library will say

EXTERNAL CFUNCTION FunctionName (argument1, argement 2, etc.)

That's about it.

There are two standard calling conventions. The standard calling

convention used in C is different from that used in the Windows API. In C

language, Windows API functions must be called using the keyword

pascal, as Pascal (and also XBasic) use the same calling convention as

the Windows API. Though it is possible to create a C library which can be

called using the Pascal calling convention...

If you have an appropriate header file (libname.h) for your library, you

can tell which calling convention is used by whether or not the pascal

keyword is used. If the header file declares a function as pascal, then

XBasic would refer to it using the FUNCTION keyword. If the header file

does not declare the function with the pascal keyword, then XBasic will

refer to it using the CFUNCTION keyword.

There are a couple of other requirements to actually compile a program

which uses a library, but they are not specific to C. If you have a DLL

file, then you will also need a LIB file to link against. And as

mentioned, you will need to have or create a *.dec file for the library.

If you have a C header file, creating your own *.dec file is pretty


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Fwd: [xbasic] Re: Calls to C libs (database)

2004-05-01 Thread lists
Howdy --
I've been  tinkering with Xbasic( While there isn't any
native DB support (ODBC is in the works).

This got me to thinking about making calls to MySQL libs or dll(s) (in the case
of  Windows).

Being mainly a PHP person (and no C), I'm hoping than someone will explain the
forwarded email to me (example would be great), also here is alink to a
how-to for using 3rd party dll and libs:


- Forwarded message from Ken Minogue [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Date: Sat, 01 May 2004 01:04:02 -
From: Ken Minogue [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [xbasic] Re: Calls to C libs (database)

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], davidjayjakson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Howdy --

 I read the reply previous post about SQL Server/MySQL support

 mentioned ODBC?

 What's the status of that, and can I get a lib to test?

 My other question(s) are, Can I make a call to a C lib? Or maybe

 directly to MySQL lib or MySQL API?

 Links to doc/examples explaining how to make calls to C libs in

 general as well as links, example dealing with MySQL would be



 David Jackson

Can't help you on MySQL, but you can get general information about

calling other-language DLLs at


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SLOW 22million rows, 5 hour query?

2004-04-24 Thread lists
I have a table with 22,371,273 rows, current type is MyISAM.  I have one
query tha took nearly 5 hours to complete.  I do not know if this like
it should be or not, but I thought I'd ask the list.  My gut feeling is
the `gropu by` that's slowing it down but nonetheless 5 hours seems 
excessive.  I'm trying to find the source of the limitation  and work
from there.

4.0.18-standard, precompiled 32-bit sparc 2.8

Sun 420
Solaris 2.8
4x450MHZ Ultrasparc-II
4GB Ram
Two 50gb mounts, fiber channel scsi to EMC.
Brand new systems, totally idle.

I think everything relevant is here.  The skinny: full table scan on 
22 million rows, group and insert into new table.  MyISAM and InnoDB 
appear to give similar results when used as the destination

insert into new_table
select month_day, floor(bucket/3) as bucket, date, src, avg(value) as
from source_table
group by month_day, bucket, src;

Relevant `explain` details:
Full table scan: 22,371,273 rows, Using temporary; Using filesort

Query OK, 11495208 rows affected (4 hours 47 min 21.01 sec)
Records: 11495208  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

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10 minutes seems excessive...

2004-04-21 Thread Mailing Lists
Hello all...

Source table has approximately 23,000,000 rows.  The explain below shows
we'll be working with 2,707,366 of those rows just inserting them into a
table.  Why does this take 10 minues to run?  System specifications
below all that.

* Precompiled binary from
* Completely idle machine
* Completely idle disk
* Not I/O bound during query.
* Mysqld maxing one cpu out reading data, but not writing to any temp
tables on disk for quit some time.  
* Started with mysql-huge reference config.

'explain select * from below':
table: source_table
 type: range
possible_keys: PRIMARY,MONTH_DAY
  key: PRIMARY
  key_len: 1
  ref: NULL
 rows: 2707366
Extra: Using where

CREATE TABLE tmp.seperate_disk_partition
SELECT * FROM source_table
WHERE month_day IN (14, 7, 31, 24)

Query OK, 2862629 rows affected (9 min 37.36 sec)
Records: 2862629  Duplicates: 0  Warnings:

* Sun 420, 4-400mhz, 4gb ram.  100gb EMC attached via fiber channel.

Server version4.0.18-standard
Protocol version  10
ConnectionLocalhost via UNIX socket
UNIX socket   /tmp/mysql.sock
Uptime: 7 days 9 hours 6 min 50 sec

Threads: 1  Questions: 3103  Slow queries: 89  Opens: 352  Flush tables:
1  Open
C compiler:gcc (GCC) 3.3
C++ compiler:  gcc (GCC) 3.3
  machine, os, target, libraries (multiple lines)
System: SunOS 5.8 Generic_108528-22 sun4u
sparc SUNW,U
Architecture: sun4

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New user B setup - documentation?

2004-01-30 Thread lists . mysql

I'm totally new to MySQL or any other data bases...
I installed MySQL 4.0.15a as supplied with the SlackWare 9.1 Linux 
distribution.  The only documentation supplied are the Reference Manual en 
the man pages.  But the Reference Manual is a little bit too touch for me.  I 
managed to get mysqld started, but now I'm stuck.
Is there any other documentation available somewhere that will lead me 
through the setup in a nice and gentle way?



--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5cvs031202
 * Origin: The Wizard is using MBSE/Linux (2:280/1018)

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Import from excel to MYSQL

2003-11-11 Thread Lists - Dustin Krysak
Is there an easy way to get an excel spread sheet imported into a MYSQL

Any links to a tutorial?

Thanks in advance!


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problem with mysql-crashes

2003-07-23 Thread thomas-lists
Hey folks,

before posting to the bugs-list I would like to try it here to get some help :).
Every now and then MySQL-4.0.13 crashes on my Dual-Athlon-MP-machine.
Its not reproducible nor I know a query which does it.
(The log shows that at the end, so no query :-( : 
Trying to get some variables.
Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort...
thd-query at 0x5e13a478  is invalid pointer
The server is the standalone db-server for one accessing webserver, its running
RedHat-Linux 7.2 with all their latest patches. Kernel 2.4.19-XFS with MySQL
running on an XFS-filesystem. No replication but query-cache enabled.

Ok but now the worse thing started for 2 times I already got this problem in the
Number of processes running now: 16
mysqld-max process hanging, pid 17193 - killed
mysqld-max process hanging, pid 17191 - killed
mysqld-max process hanging, pid 17190 - killed
mysqld-max process hanging, pid 17145 - killed
mysqld-max process hanging, pid 17144 - killed
mysqld-max process hanging, pid 17098 - killed
mysqld-max process hanging, pid 17025 - killed
mysqld-max process hanging, pid 16987 - killed
mysqld-max process hanging, pid 28393 - killed
mysqld-max process hanging, pid 28392 - killed
mysqld-max process hanging, pid 28391 - killed
mysqld-max process hanging, pid 28389 - killed
mysqld-max process hanging, pid 28388 - killed
mysqld-max process hanging, pid 28387 - killed
mysqld-max process hanging, pid 28386 - killed
mysqld-max process hanging, pid 28385 - killed
030722 20:46:26  mysqld restarted

Afterwards there is a init-process taking 99% from one CPU.
The first time I tried to reboot the machine, which didn't work as
the shutdown process was hanging then.

Any ideas whats wrong and how to fix it? 
Didn't see a mention of a fix for that problem in the 4.0.14-changelog, will it
still fix it?

Thanks in advance,


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index question

2003-07-10 Thread Lists - Jump
Ok, don't shoot me for not entirely understanding indexes.

Can you build an index across two different tables w/in the same 
database? I need an index on fields in table a and in table b and I 
want that index to exist in table a. Is it possible? I'm running 4.0.12.



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2-way many slaves?

2003-06-23 Thread M Lists
I'm researching a specific network design and have some questions that may
involve 2-way replication.

I have one master mysql server doing 1 way replication to a large number of
remotely located slaves.  Each slave
serves a number of proprietary software clients running inside a private
network.  These proprietary software clients do not have
Internet access but of course the local slave does.  These proprietary
software clients enter data into 2 tables on the local slave.
We now have the need to get these remote slaves to send the data in these 2
tables back to the master and merge it in 2 central tables.

The amount of data that needs to be sent back is not terribly large and only
needs to happen maybe once or twice a day.  What is the most
logical and efficient way to accomplish this?  Is 2-way replication a
candidate here with the master server also acting as a slave to each of the
remote slaves?  I was under the initial impression that any slave can only
have one master and if so it would seem that 2 way replication would only
with 2 servers.   What method would work if I had 1 master with 100 slaves
and each of these slaves needed to merge 2 tables back into the single

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Trouble optimizing a query

2003-06-07 Thread lists
Hello everyone,

I'm working with MySQL 3.23.41-log developing a chat application.  I need to run a 
query, order the results in 
descending order, then get the last 0-15 entries that are less than 20 minutes old.  
The query and tables in question 
are explained at the bottom of this posting.  In the query shown below, the number 
1054889629 indicates at 20 minute 
old UNIX Timestamp. 
The query below returns the correct results, but as of yet, I have been unable to get 
the query to take advantage of 
the indexes in place.  When sorting ASC, I can get a reasonable efficient query, 
however that gives me the oldest 0-15 
when I need the newest.  If I sort by DESC, which would give me the incorrect answer, 
the query uses Filesort, which 
is unacceptable for my application. 
The order the fields are selected in is unimportant and can be rearranged if need be.  
The WHERE and ORDER BY sections 
can be change freely so long as the resultant data is the same and indexes can be 
added or removed as needed.  This is 
the only major query being run against the database. 

Ideally, I'd like the query to use index, but I'd be satisfied if it just didn't use 
filesort.  Can anyone help me 
tighten this up?


-- Table/Query/Index Info --
Some field explanations: 
Message_ID - Aribrary message ID 
Username - Standard UNIX username 
Date_Time - Date and time message was stored 
Unix_Timestamp - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Date_Time) 
Sample table data is avaliable if needed. 
  Message_ID mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, 
  Username varchar(8) NOT NULL default '', 
  Date_Time datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00', 
  Message tinytext NOT NULL, 
  Visible enum('Y','N') NOT NULL default 'Y', 
  Unix_Timestamp int(11) NOT NULL default '0', 
  PRIMARY KEY  (Message_ID), 
  KEY A_1 (Unix_Timestamp,Visible), 
  KEY A_3 (Unix_Timestamp,Visible,Username), 
  KEY A_2 (Unix_Timestamp,Visible,Date_Time,Username,Message_ID), 
  KEY A_4 (Unix_Timestamp,Visible,Unix_Timestamp) 
  Username varchar(8) NOT NULL default '', 
  Access_Level tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', 
  Is_Active enum('Y','N') NOT NULL default 'Y', 
  Display_Name varchar(20) default NULL, 
  Picture_URL varchar(100) default NULL, 
  Added datetime default NULL, 
  Show_Icons enum('Y','N') NOT NULL default 'Y', 
  Clock_Format enum('24-hour','12-hour') NOT NULL default '24-hour', 
  Last_Modified timestamp(14) NOT NULL, 
  PRIMARY KEY  (Username) 
mysql EXPLAIN SELECT Date_Time, Display_Name, Chat_2.Username, 
Message, Users.Picture_URL, Users.Access_Level, Chat_2.Message_ID 
FROM Chat_2, Users WHERE Unix_Timestamp  1054889629  
Chat_2.Visible = 'Y'  Chat_2.Username = Users.Username ORDER BY 
Unix_Timestamp DESC LIMIT 0,15;

|table |type  |possible|key|key_len|ref  |rows|Extra |
|  |  | _keys  |   |   | ||  | 
|Chat_2|range |A_1,A_3,|A_1|  4|NULL |   8|where used;   |
|  |  |A_2,A_4 |   |   | ||Using filesort| 
|  |  ||   |   | ||  |
|Users |eq_ref|PRIMARY |PRIMARY|  8|Chat_2.  |   1|  |
|  |  ||   |   | Username||  |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql EXPLAIN SELECT Date_Time, Display_Name, Chat_2.Username, Message, 
Users.Picture_URL, Users.Access_Level, Chat_2.Message_ID FROM Chat_2, 
Users WHERE Unix_Timestamp  1054889629  Chat_2.Visible = 'Y'  
Chat_2.Username = Users.Username ORDER BY Unix_Timestamp LIMIT 0,15;
|table |type  |possible|key|key_len|ref |rows|Extra |
|  |  | _keys  |   |   |||  |
|Chat_2|range |A_1,A_3,|A_1|  4|NULL|   8|where used|
|  |  |A_2,A_4 |   |   |||  |
|  |  ||   |   |||  |
|Users |eq_ref|PRIMARY |PRIMARY|  8|Chat_2. |   1|  |
|  |  ||   |   |Username||  |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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Re: Trouble optimizing a query

2003-06-07 Thread lists

On Sat, 7 Jun 2003 15:33 , Paul DuBois [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:

This is a problem that is fixed in MySQL 4. If you can upgrade, that
should help you a lot.

That explains that.  I was relying on the online docs and it didn't even 
occur to me that there might be a version discrepancy.  Unfortunately, I'm 
operating on a shared university database server, and chances are they 
wouln't upgrade until 4.0 has been in use a while.  How much of a penalty am 
I going to pay because of that filesort?  If I understand the docs correctly, 
the filesort is only performed on entries that survive the WHERE clause.  If 
that's the case, I'm assuming the speed hit would be minimized.

One thing that still puzzles me: should the index have kicked in on the ASC 
query? or are my indexes designed badly?

Thanks for the input!

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RPM Start/Stop Script not releasing terminal

2003-02-28 Thread lists
after starting mysql via init script, one can not log off a SSH 
log into box via SSH as root 
/sbin/service mysql start
attempt to log off.. and the session hangs until you use
another session to stop mysql.

redirect the in/out/err to /dev/null in start script

Submitter-Id:  submitter ID
Originator:Ian Holsman 
MySQL support: none 
Synopsis:  not releasing stdin/out/err
Severity:  non-critical 
Priority:  medium 
Category:  mysql
Class: sw-bug 
Release:   mysql-4.0.11-gamma (Official MySQL RPM)
Server: /usr/bin/mysqladmin  Ver 8.39 Distrib 4.0.9-gamma, for pc-linux on i686
Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB  MySQL Finland AB  TCX DataKonsult AB
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license

Server version  4.0.11-gamma-Max
Protocol version10
Connection  Localhost via UNIX socket
UNIX socket /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
Uptime: 23 hours 39 min 33 sec

Threads: 1  Questions: 620  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 79  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 
19  Queries per second avg: 0.007
C compiler:2.95.3
C++ compiler:  2.95.3

System: Linux 2.4.18-24.7.xbigmem #1 SMP Fri Jan 31 05:34:01 
EST 2003 i686 unknown
Architecture: i686

Some paths:  /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc
GCC: Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2/specs
Configured with: ../configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man 
--infodir=/usr/share/info --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --disable-checking 
--host=i386-redhat-linux --with-system-zlib --enable-__cxa_atexit
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.2 20020903 (Red Hat Linux 8.0 3.2-7)
Compilation info: CC='gcc'  CFLAGS='-O6 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mpentium'  CXX='g++'  
CXXFLAGS='-O6 -fno-omit-frame-pointer  -felide-constructors 
-fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -mpentium'  LDFLAGS=''  ASFLAGS=''
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   14 Sep 22 07:05 /lib/ -
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root  1235468 Sep  5 16:12 /lib/
-rw-r--r--1 root root  2233342 Sep  5 15:59 /usr/lib/libc.a
-rw-r--r--1 root root  178 Sep  5 15:50 /usr/lib/
Configure command: ./configure '--disable-shared' '--with-mysqld-ldflags=-all-static' 
'--with-client-ldflags=-all-static' '--without-berkeley-db' '--with-innodb' 
'--without-vio' '--without-openssl' '--enable-assembler' '--enable-local-infile' 
'--with-mysqld-user=mysql' '--with-unix-socket-path=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' 
'--prefix=/' '--with-extra-charsets=complex' '--exec-prefix=/usr' 
'--libexecdir=/usr/sbin' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--datadir=/usr/share' 
'--localstatedir=/var/lib/mysql' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' 
'--includedir=/usr/include' '--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--with-embedded-server' 
'--enable-thread-safe-client' '--with-comment=Official MySQL RPM' 'CFLAGS=-O6 
-fno-omit-frame-pointer -mpentium' 'CXXFLAGS=-O6 -fno-omit-frame-pointer   
 -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -mpentium'

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Redhat 8.0 MySQL 3.23.52-3 Replication Problems

2003-01-13 Thread Lists @ Apted Tech.
I have been having a lot of trouble configuring mysql to do just the
simplest replication.  Its a standard RedHat 8.0 install, I have followed
the directions on to the
letter half a dozen times now and still, the slave server crashes repeatedly
as soon as I enter SLAVE START command.

Number of processes running now: 1
mysqld process hanging, pid 26754 - killed
030113 17:54:33  mysqld restarted
/usr/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections

Number of processes running now: 1
mysqld process hanging, pid 26778 - killed
030113 17:54:34  mysqld restarted
/usr/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections

Above is what is logged.  I eventually have to kill the process and try
again.  I have tried entering master login/bin-log information in my.cnf and
using CHANGE MASTER TO... while logged into slave mysql server.  Neither
method works.  Was wondering if anyone had some insight into this problem.
I would be happy to provide more information.  Thanks all.


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Source RPM Compile Error

2003-01-10 Thread Lists @ Apted Tech.
i downloaded mysql-4.0.8-0.src.rpm off of the mysql web-site and have tried
to compile it on several different redhat 8.0 boxes.  the same error happens
whether compiling latest mysql 3.23 or 4.0 source rpms.  the build moves
along for about fifteen minutes (long after i begin to believe it will
succeed without error).  i don't know if it is redhat specific or not.
anyone have any suggestions or ideas about how to resolve the error below?
thanks all.

automake: strings/ Assembler source seen but `CCAS' not defined
in `'
automake: strings/ Assembler source seen but `CCASFLAGS' not
defined in `'
error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.37688 (%build)

RPM build errors:
Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.37688 (%build)


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2003-01-09 Thread Lists @ Apted Tech.
automake: strings/ Assembler source seen but `CCAS' not defined
in `'
automake: strings/ Assembler source seen but `CCASFLAGS' not
defined in `'
error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.37688 (%build)

RPM build errors:
Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.37688 (%build)

i downloaded mysql-4.0.8-0.src.rpm off of the mysql web-site and have been
trying to compile it.  does anyone have any suggestions or ideas about how
to resolve the above error.  thanks all.


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RES: SQL Select Idea [ORDER BY]

2002-12-06 Thread Felipe Moreno - MAILING LISTS
Hi Michael,

  Using two select's we already solved the problem. The challenge is to make
the same thing using just one select. I need to know if is there an way to
get the last date or the 10th index to make the WHERE part. Like the
LAST_INDEX() function, that gets the last AUTO_INCREMENT...but I just saw
apllacation using the update command. Well, any new ideas?

Best Regards,


-Mensagem original-
De: Michael T. Babcock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2002 21:03
Assunto: Re: SQL Select Idea [ORDER BY]

On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 08:54:29PM -0200, Felipe Moreno - MAILING LISTS

 Well, could you explain the behave of ORDER BY DATE,COD?

Just try it (it will order by date, then cod).

What I think you want is (as I originally said, but briefly):

create temporary table top10 select * from ... limit 10;
select * from top10 order by cod;

Michael T. Babcock
CTO, FibreSpeed Ltd. (Hosting, Security, Consultation, Database, etc)

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RES: RES: RES: SQL Select Idea

2002-12-05 Thread Felipe Moreno - MAILING LISTS
Hi Michael,

   The ten last dates appear as a default result of a Archives page. When I
enter for the first time in the page, it give me the last ten Files that was
uploaded. In the same page, I can ORDER BY the ten last dates results by
COD, DATE, NAME or FILE. So, when I click in some os then, I need to ORDER
the TEN DATES, not the entire table and give ten results, did you get it?

Any idea?



-Mensagem original-
De: Michael T. Babcock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2002 17:33
Assunto: Re: RES: RES: SQL Select Idea

On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 08:55:51AM -0200, Felipe Moreno - MAILING LISTS
Well, the SQL Query you requested is exatcly the one I'm asking! :-)

No; I want to know what you intended for those 10 dates to do.  The LIMIT
worked, as posted by someone else, which you quoted.  What do you then
to do with that data?

  Since I have a link in the header of the tabel that make the ORDER BY
  when I select de COD after the result above, I should get:

 [ you didn't give the EXACT SQL QUERY that you're typing in; please give
 it ]

Again, you didn't quote the when I select the COD after ... -- what is
query?  And how do you expect it to behave.

 I'm assuming that you're forgetting a step, or misunderstanding a step
 involved.  Are you doing anything with that data you're selecting, or just
 selecting it and leaving it?  You might be wanting to select it into a new
 table or something; look up INSERT INTO ... SELECT FROM 

This still applies.
Michael T. Babcock
CTO, FibreSpeed Ltd. (Hosting, Security, Consultation, Database, etc)

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RES: SQL Select Idea [ORDER BY]

2002-12-05 Thread Felipe Moreno - MAILING LISTS

Well, could you explain the behave of ORDER BY DATE,COD?

I will show you bellow what I want, graphically:

1) What I have:

Table: processo_arquivos

|Cod| Date  |
|1  | 12/10 |
|2  | 13/10 |
|3  | 14/10 |
|4  | 15/10 |
|5  | 16/10 |

2) What I get if I use the: SELECT * FROM processo_arquivos ORDER BY DATE
DESC LIMIT 0,3 (considering that I only want 3)

|Cod| Date  |
|5  | 16/10 |
|4  | 15/10 |
|3  | 14/10 |

3) The problem getting the result like this:

Since I have a link in the header of the tabel that make the ORDER BY work,
when I select de COD after the result above, I should get:

PS: When I select the COD (order by COD) it sends the ORDER BY value to the
same select above.

|Cod (link) | Date  |
|3  | 14/10 |
|4  | 15/10 |
|5  | 16/10 |

but instead of the above I get:

|Cod| Date  |
|1  | 12/10 |
|2  | 13/10 |
|3  | 14/10 |

So, the problem is when I select a new ORDER BY I make the query in the
entire Table. What I want is to make the query only in the matched results.
I have a php page that starts with a default search (the ten dates). So,
what I really need ia an way to make a select without any data from the
DB. I tried to use de LAST_INDEX() function to do this but I didn't go
anywhere. Any ideas???

-Mensagem original-
De: Michael T. Babcock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2002 16:02
Assunto: Re: SQL Select Idea [ORDER BY]

On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 09:41:24AM -0200, Felipe Moreno - MAILING LISTS
The ten last dates appear as a default result of a Archives page. When
 enter for the first time in the page, it give me the last ten Files that
 uploaded. In the same page, I can ORDER BY the ten last dates results by
 COD, DATE, NAME or FILE. So, when I click in some os then, I need to ORDER
 the TEN DATES, not the entire table and give ten results, did you get it?

So you want your query to have 'ORDER BY DATE,COD' ??
Michael T. Babcock
CTO, FibreSpeed Ltd. (Hosting, Security, Consultation, Database, etc)

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RES: RES: SQL Select Idea

2002-12-04 Thread Felipe Moreno - MAILING LISTS
Hi Michael,

   Well, the SQL Query you requested is exatcly the one I'm asking! :-)
   Like I said in other message, I solved the problem using TWO queries. In
the first one I get the 10th date. In the second one I use this date to
LIMIT the result to what I want. But is not a question of solving the
problem, but a question for a better designed query. I just want to use 1
(one) select to do the same thing that the two selects above do, if it is
possible of course. Below, I will show you the actual scenary, and after,
the question, how can I optimize it to use just one select?. If I can get
the value of the LAST index, I can subtract 10 indexes from this value and
get only this range of values, doing this I will get the last ten dates
without the LIMIT 0,10 that don't give me what I want.

Actual scenary:

// This is the main select that give me the last ten dates.

$sql = select pa.codigo,arquivo,label,tipo,DATE_FORMAT(data,'%d/%m/%Y -
%H:%i') as ndata,RS,ref_wicie from processo_arquivos as pa,cliente as
c,processo as p where pa.codigocliente=c.codigo and
pa.codigoprocesso=p.codigo ;

// This is the FIRST select that catch the LIMIT date

$sql2 = select data from processo_arquivos as pa,cliente as c,processo as
p where pa.codigocliente=c.codigo and pa.codigoprocesso=p.codigo order by
data desc limit 0,11;
$i = 0;
if ($conexao-Select($this-banco)){
while (($this-valor = 
mysql_fetch_array($this-banco))  ($i10)){
$dataLimite = $this-valor['data'];
$sql .=  and data'.$dataLimite.' ;   --- Here I 
select the last
ten dates.

What I wanted:

--- ??? 
Just do what I'm doing above using only ONE select.

Any tips?

Best Regards,


-Mensagem original-
De: Michael T. Babcock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2002 02:06
Assunto: Re: RES: SQL Select Idea

On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 07:02:02PM -0200, Felipe Moreno - MAILING LISTS
 2) What I get is I use the SELECT * FROM processo_arquivos ORDER BY DATE
 DESC LIMIT 0,3 (considering that I only want 3)

[ that worked as described ]

 3) The problem getting the result like this:

 Since I have a link in the header of the tabel that make the ORDER BY
 when I select de COD after the result above, I should get:

[ you didn't give the EXACT SQL QUERY that you're typing in; please give
it ]

I'm assuming that you're forgetting a step, or misunderstanding a step
involved.  Are you doing anything with that data you're selecting, or just
selecting it and leaving it?  You might be wanting to select it into a new
table or something; look up INSERT INTO ... SELECT FROM 
Michael T. Babcock
CTO, FibreSpeed Ltd. (Hosting, Security, Consultation, Database, etc)

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SQL Select Idea

2002-12-03 Thread Felipe Moreno - MAILING LISTS
Hi List Users,

   I want to know if anyone has any idea on how can I do the SQL command
below to archive a result.
   I have one table called processo_arquivos that have a filed called DATE
and another FIELD called COD (primary key). I want to select the last TEN
(10) dates from the Database, but only the last TEN. How Can I do this? Any
ideia? I tried the sql bellow o archive this, but I was unable to do it. I
just want to do this with ONLY one select, not with two.

Thanks for any idea.



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MySQL: Select HELP!

2002-12-03 Thread Felipe Moreno - MAILING LISTS
Hi List Users,

   I want to know if anyone has any idea on how can I do the SQL command
below to archive a result.
   I have one table called processo_arquivos that have a filed called DATE
and another FIELD called COD (primary key). I want to select the last TEN
(10) dates from the Database, but only the last TEN. How Can I do this? Any
ideia? I tried the sql bellow o archive this, but I was unable to do it. I
just want to do this with ONLY one select, not with two.

Thanks for any idea.



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RES: SQL Select Idea

2002-12-03 Thread Felipe Moreno - MAILING LISTS
Hi Jim and others that tried to help me!
Thanks for any kind os answer.

   Well, the SQL command that you suggested don't work for me. Below, I will
show What I want and what I get if I use the select command you suggested:

1) What I have:

Table: processo_arquivos

|Cod| Date  |
|1  | 12/10 |
|2  | 13/10 |
|3  | 14/10 |
|4  | 15/10 |
|5  | 16/10 |

2) What I get is I use the SELECT * FROM processo_arquivos ORDER BY DATE
DESC LIMIT 0,3 (considering that I only want 3)

|Cod| Date  |
|5  | 16/10 |
|4  | 15/10 |
|3  | 14/10 |

3) The problem getting the result like this:

Since I have a link in the header of the tabel that make the ORDER BY work,
when I select de COD after the result above, I should get:

|Cod| Date  |
|3  | 14/10 |
|4  | 15/10 |
|5  | 16/10 |

but instead of the above I get:

|Cod| Date  |
|1  | 12/10 |
|2  | 13/10 |
|3  | 14/10 |

So, the problem is when I select a new ORDER BY I make the query in the
entire Table. What I want is to make the query only in the matched results.
I have a php page that starts with a default search (the ten dates). So,
what I really need ia an way to make a select without any data from the
DB. I tried to use de LAST_INDEX() function to do this but I didn't go
anywhere. Any ideas???

Best Regards,


-Mensagem original-
De: Jim Esten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviada em: terça-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2002 17:40
Assunto: RE: SQL Select Idea

Something on the order of...

SELECT * FROM processo_arquivos ORDER BY DATE DESC LIMIT 0,10

Seems like that ought to do it..


Jim Esten
Chief Techbot

-Original Message-
From: Felipe Moreno - MAILING LISTS [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 10:39 AM
Subject: SQL Select Idea
Importance: High

Hi List Users,

   I want to know if anyone has any idea on how can I do the SQL command
below to archive a result.
   I have one table called processo_arquivos that have a filed called
DATE and another FIELD called COD (primary key). I want to select the
last TEN
(10) dates from the Database, but only the last TEN. How Can I do this?
Any ideia? I tried the sql bellow o archive this, but I was unable to do
it. I just want to do this with ONLY one select, not with two.

Thanks for any idea.



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RE: newbie: creating database error

2002-11-04 Thread Lists @ Apted Technologies Inc.
try, i heard they have docs there you can read...:)

-Original Message-
From: Admin-Stress [mailto:meerkapot;]
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 1:41 PM
Subject: newbie: creating database error

After playing around with 'test' database, then I would like to create my
own database.

I logged in into mysql using root account and created a database.

But, when I logged in using regular user, I got his error :

ERROR 1044: Access denied for user: '@localhost' to database 'card'

What necessary to do to create database?

I tried to create a database using regular user, still got same error.

I did change create_priv='Y' in user table from mysql database for this
regular user.

Anyone know how the basic steps to create database? or any
documentation/website resource would be



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RE: secure replication

2002-10-25 Thread Lists @ Apted Technologies Inc.
i understand there are other ways of encrypting the traffic, i am just
curious if there are any that employed internally in mysql.  thanks.


-Original Message-
From: Ronald Petty [mailto:ron.petty;]
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 6:51 PM
To: Lists @ Apted Technologies Inc.
Subject: Re: secure replication

have you thought about ssh? just a thought.

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secure replication

2002-10-24 Thread Lists @ Apted Technologies Inc.
i am going to be setting up four mysql servers, three of which will
replicate data off of the primary. i know that in more recent versions of
mysql client/server communciations can be encrypted internally.  but is
there any way to encrypt replication communcations between these mysql
servers internally so i don't need to set up a vpn or ssl tunnel?  thanks


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Test for table lock

2002-10-21 Thread Mailing Lists

Using MySQL, perl and DBI, is there a way to test to see if a table is
locked (as in LOCK table...).  We batch process our updates every 3
hours or so (it's not a set schedule though, it depends when a certain level
of new updates is reached), and our main tables are locked during this time
for around 10 minutes or so.  I'd like to be able to modify our search and
display scripts to inform the users to come back later while the tables are



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Security problem

2002-08-29 Thread Daniel's Lists

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
I installed Mac OS X 10.2 this last weekend and since then I've been 
having some problems with the security on the MySQL files.  I thought 
that I had everything fixed, but now when my web users try and update 
or insert a record in one of my files, it doesn't actually update 
anything.  I've checked the mysql.log and mysql.err and there isn't any 
kind of error listed.   Selects work just fine.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Daniel Wilson
Austin Shakespeare Festival 

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Replication PROBLEM

2001-08-15 Thread Lists Servers Email

Does any know how to fix this database replication problem.

Last Lines from Err File

010815 21:38:55 Slave thread exiting, replication stopped in log 'salem-bin.013' at 
position 6867

010815 21:38:55 Error running query, slave aborted. Fix the problem, and re-start the 
slave thread with mysqladmin start-slave. We stopped at log 'salem-bin.013' position 

010815 21:38:55 Slave: error running query 'UPDATE themes SET textcolor='#0a' 
WHERE theme_id = 2 AND theme_name = 'Ocean' AND bgcolor = '#FF' AND textcolor = 
'#00' AND color1 = '#CC' AND color2 = '#9BB6DA' AND table_bgcolor = '#00' 
AND header_image = 'images/toxicmold1.gif' AND newtopic_image = 'images/new topic.gif' 
AND reply_image = 'images/reply.gif' AND linkcolor = '#011001' AND vlinkcolor = 
'#2100cc' AND theme_default = 0 AND fontface = 'sans-serif' AND fontsize1 = '1' AND 
fontsize2 = '2' AND fontsize3 = '-2' AND fontsize4 = '+1' AND tablewidth = '95%' AND 
replylocked_image = 'images/reply_locked-dark.jpg'' 

ERROR: 1146 Table 'mold_db.themes' doesn't exist

.013' at position 6867

I have done mysqladmin start-slave and it does not work, The master is a Linux and the 
slave is Windows 2000 pro.

Re: Linux to NT

2001-08-15 Thread Lists Servers Email

Thank you

- Original Message - 
From: Grigory Bakunov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Lists Servers Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: Linux to NT

 Date |Tue, 14 Aug 2001 22:55:47 -0700
 From |Lists Servers Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 LSE Is it possible to Replication from Linux database to NT?
 Yes it's possible. Read about it here
 For technical support contracts, visit
 This email is sponsored by SWSoft,
__  ___ ___   __
   /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Grigory Bakunov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   MySQL AB / SWSoft
 /_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/

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Linux to NT

2001-08-14 Thread Lists Servers Email

 Is it possible to Replication from Linux database to NT?

Thanks Kevin

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Transaction Support in MySQL

2001-06-22 Thread Alberni-dot-Net Tech Mailing Lists

What sort of support for transactions and table/record locking is there in MySQL right 
now?  I had heard that only table locking was supported, and limited support for 


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SQL query - not too complex?

2001-06-17 Thread mysql-lists

I need some help with a query to sum data for each id and write it into a
new table.

I have a source data table for each calendar month containing i.d.'s (not
unique) and a value and I need to sum all the values for each i.d. for all
months into a new table (where each i.d. will now be unique).

The only way I could see of doing it was in two or more stages?


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Query prob.

2001-05-17 Thread lists

I have a table like this:
mysql select id, ticketid, rdvwhen from rdv  order by ticketid asc, id 
| id | ticketid | rdvwhen|
|  1 |   18 | 2001050309 |
|  2 |   20 | 20010430153000 |
|  7 |   30 | 2001051709 |
|  6 |   31 | 2001051409 |
| 15 |   32 | 2001052114 |
| 12 |   33 | 20010523133000 |
|  5 |   33 | 2001051513 |
|  4 |   35 | 00 |
| 14 |   36 | 2001051814 |
|  3 |   36 | 2001050909 |
|  8 |   37 | 2001052109 |
| 13 |   38 | 2001052214 |
|  9 |   41 | 20010522093000 |
| 10 |   42 | 2001051714 |
| 16 |   44 | 2001052814 |
15 rows in set (0.00 sec) 

I'd like to filter this so that the ticketid is unique. If there are 
multiple identical ticketids I'd like to get the one where the id field 
is the biggest. 

This is in fact only one step to accomplish the following: 


SELECT   $, $table1.firstmsgid, $table1.customerid, 
$table1.assigneduserid, $table1.statusid, $table1.priorityid, 
$table1.bpdfile, $table1.bpduser, $table1.typeoftask,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP($table1.created) AS created, 
UNIX_TIMESTAMP($table1.bpdwhen) AS bpdwhen
FROM $table1 LEFT JOIN $table2 ON ($ = $table2.ticketid) --*
WHERE (statusid = '$sid')
GROUP BY $table1.customerid
ORDER BY $table2.rdvwhen ASC 

* I'd like to join to the above criteria only (field with largest id only if 
there are multiple ticketid)... 


J.M. Roth 

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mysql Full-text Search indexes

2001-05-12 Thread lists

Can anyone share the experiences with mysql 
Full-text Search indexes?  I have been reading here and 
there about how slow it can be to create/update a
text index.

Also, are there any benchmarks on query results 
on searching such indexes?

Christopher Lambrou,
CGL Computer Services, Inc.
Empire State Building, 
PMB 16J Suite 3304 
New York, NY 10118
Tel: (212) 971-9723
Fax: (212) 564-1135

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NULL value in VARCHAR fields

2001-05-03 Thread lists


When you insert a row in a table and you do not specify a value 
for a field, mySQL (and any other DBMNS?) will do the following:

1. If field accepts null: it will set the value of that field 
to null

2. If field DOES NOT accept null - no default value set: it will 
set the field's value as per primitive data type of field. If CHAR()
it will set it to '', if date/datetime to -00-00, if numeric
to 0. And so on.  And this is why you get the '' in your field
when you do your insert.

2. If field DOES NOT accept null - default value set: 
it set the field's value to the deafult.

Christopher Lambrou,
CGL Computer Services, Inc.
Empire State Building, 
PMB 16J Suite 3304 
New York, NY 10118
Tel: (212) 971-9723
Fax: (212) 564-1135

On 5/03/2001 20:59:48, you said:
hi list,

sorry for posting again, i will learn it.

i have a problem with DEFAULT NULL value in a varchar field.
mysql is version 3.23.33.

i want to have an user field in a row, to see who has created the row.

create table (
tel char(16) NOT NULL,
service char(1) BINARY,
idate   timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
iuser   varchar(255) NOT NULL,
primary key (id, tel, idate)

using DEFAULT USER(), would be nice, but only constants are allowed.
to prevent inserting rows without iuser, i like to have this field 
with NOT NULL restriction and default value NULL.
when inserting a row with 
insert into tel set tel='+49 174 92932000', service=1; 

there will be a record with iuser = ''.
i thought the meaning of NOT NULL is to reject inserting rows with 
iuser as NULL. 

the line 
iuser   varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL,
will rejected with an errormsg.

thx in advance for your help



nach diktat verreist

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Re: Auto_increment or manual??

2001-05-03 Thread lists

Personnaly, i have found autoincrement fields to be rock solid.
I use'em all over the place on a 1 Gb database, web based.
Don't do it manually .  You'll end up doing the same thing 
that mysql gives you for free.   
Christopher Lambrou,
CGL Computer Services, Inc.
Empire State Building, 
PMB 16J Suite 3304 
New York, NY 10118
Tel: (212) 971-9723
Fax: (212) 564-1135

On 5/3/2001 15:57:38, you said:
I have a database with about 10 tables in it. In every table I have a
field so that I can at least uniquely identify a row if I need to, also its
used in relationships. The question is should I use the AUTO_INCREMENT for
this, or should I manually generate this value, getting the next highest
number, then putting it in there. Is there any known replication problems if
I use AUTO_INCREMENT??? Would I be safer in just doing this manually myself
in my code?? This is going to be a web-based app, so many users will be
using the db at the same time.


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Max connections on Freebsd

2001-04-29 Thread Patric de Waha Lists

Is there someone who incremented the max_connection
value to something above 100 (200) (300) on Freebsd 4.2?

I had problems with mysql on freebsd 4.0, hooked up
after some days without any good reason :). 
Some people told me thread libraries on freebsd 4.0
suck a bit. So I wonder if 4.2's thread libraries 
are stable enough to handle 200 concurrent threads?!.

Thanks in advance

Patric de Waha

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RE: Strange connect (socket) problem

2001-04-26 Thread Patric de Waha Lists

Try this

$host = localhost:/var/mysql/mysql.sock; // focus here
$user = webrings;
$password = XXX;
$link = MYSQL_CONNECT($host,$user,$password);
if ($link == 0) {
  echo Can't connect to MySQL.;
} else {
  echo Connection established.;

regs, pdw

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MySQL CRASHED after some days with this message in errlog:

2001-04-23 Thread Patric de Waha Lists

Mysql ran for 6 days.. It is a website
with heavy traffic.

/usr/libexec/ /usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Undefined symbol
010423 23:18:08  mysqld restarted
/usr/local/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections

What is this function about?

What feature shouldn't I use to avoid this problem?

Thanks in advance

Patric de Waha

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reusing unique id's when deleting/inserting?

2001-03-18 Thread Peter R. Wood - Mailing Lists

Hi all,

Here are two tables I'm working with. I apologize if you 
are not using a monospaced font and they are messed up.

This is used by a gradebook program.  When a professor adds an assignment to 
a class he teaches, it inserts the information about the assignment into the 
assignments table, and inserts the grade each student receives in the 
student_assignment table. This happens at the same time so the unique ID is 
generated the same.

When he deletes an assignment from the class, it deletes it from both tables.

However, after this, if he adds an assignment again, the unique ID generated 
by insertion into the assignment table is one greater than it should be - 
i.e., it auto increments the id based on the id of the row that just got 
deleted, not on the last row that is actually in the table. When the 
assignment is inserted into the student_assignment table, the unique ID is 
auto incremented based on the last ID that is actually in the table, not on 
the row that just got deleted.

The workaround I have found is to use last_insert_id() to find the ID that 
got inserted in to the assignment table, and use this to manually specify the 
ID for the student_assignment table.  This has the effect of putting the ID's 
in sync, which is what I want, but it seems like there should be a better 
solution. Any suggestions?



(tables below)

mysql describe assignments;
| Field  | Type   | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| id | int(30)|  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| title  | char(50)   | YES  | | NULL||
| class_num  | char(6)|  | | ||
| weight | float(4,2) | YES  | | NULL||
| max_points | int(3) |  | | 0   ||
| type   | char(20)   | YES  | | NULL||
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql describe student_assignment;
| Field | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| stu_id| int(10) |  | PRI | 0   ||
| assign_id | int(30) |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| grade | int(3)  | YES  | | NULL||
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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Re: 2 Problems, Shutdown and BDB (data loss)

2001-03-14 Thread Mail Lists

Enabled the binary log seems to have helped fix the data loss somewhat...I definetly 
don't loss it all, but I still get those restarts when I shutdown and sometimes, but 
now less often, I find the last few rows gone.




On Tue, 13 Mar 2001, Mail Lists wrote:

 OS: Solaris 7, Sparc
 MySQL Version: 3.23.29a
   Sometimes when I do a mysqladmin shutdown on the command line mysql restarts 
itself instead of shutting down.
 From the CLI:
   elvis~ mysqladmin -uadmin -pdevsqladmin shutdown
   010313 18:17:40  mysqld restarted
   hangs until I press control C
 From the .err log:
   010313 18:17:40  mysqld restarted
   /usr/local/mysql-3.23.29a/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections
 From the query log:
 010313 18:17:40   3 Connectadmin@localhost on 
   3 Query  SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'pid_file'
   3 Shutdown  
 /usr/local/mysql-3.23.29a/libexec/mysqld, Version: 3.23.29a-gamma-log, started with:
 Tcp port: 3306  Unix socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
 Time Id CommandArgument
   Sometimes it shutdowns properly.  Any ideas?
 2nd Problem, using BDB when I insert data, for example
 mysql CREATE TABLE testBDB (
 - name varchar(30) not null
 - ) TYPE=BDB ;
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.10 sec)
 mysql INSERT INTO testBDB (name) VALUES ('test no begin/commit') ;
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
 mysql SELECT * FROM testBDB ;
 | name |
 | test no begin/commit |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 mysql BEGIN WORK ;
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
 mysql INSERT INTO testBDB (name) VALUES ('test with begin and commit') ;
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
 mysql COMMIT ;
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
 mysql SELECT * FROM testBDB ;
 | name   |
 | test no begin/commit   |
 | test with begin and commit |
 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
 then I do a restart and I get the behavior in problem #1
 mysql SELECT * FROM testBDB ;
 Empty set (0.00 sec)
 all the data is gone!
 Any ideas on what is happening?  I can't find anything in the logs about this, and 
the log.X are all binary data so I cannot decopher that.
 I'd upgrade to 34a but I am getting hte configure error that other people here are 
getting about no value for Char.
 Startup options for MySQL:
 /usr/local/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld --user=sql 
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2 Problems, Shutdown and BDB (data loss)

2001-03-13 Thread Mail Lists

OS: Solaris 7, Sparc
MySQL Version: 3.23.29a

Sometimes when I do a mysqladmin shutdown on the command line mysql restarts 
itself instead of shutting down.

From the CLI:
elvis~ mysqladmin -uadmin -pdevsqladmin shutdown
010313 18:17:40  mysqld restarted

hangs until I press control C

From the .err log:
010313 18:17:40  mysqld restarted
/usr/local/mysql-3.23.29a/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections

From the query log:
010313 18:17:40   3 Connectadmin@localhost on 
  3 Query  SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'pid_file'
  3 Shutdown  
/usr/local/mysql-3.23.29a/libexec/mysqld, Version: 3.23.29a-gamma-log, started with:
Tcp port: 3306  Unix socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
Time Id CommandArgument

Sometimes it shutdowns properly.  Any ideas?

2nd Problem, using BDB when I insert data, for example

mysql CREATE TABLE testBDB (
- name varchar(30) not null
- ) TYPE=BDB ;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.10 sec)

mysql INSERT INTO testBDB (name) VALUES ('test no begin/commit') ;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql SELECT * FROM testBDB ;
| name |
| test no begin/commit |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql BEGIN WORK ;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql INSERT INTO testBDB (name) VALUES ('test with begin and commit') ;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql COMMIT ;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql SELECT * FROM testBDB ;
| name   |
| test no begin/commit   |
| test with begin and commit |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

then I do a restart and I get the behavior in problem #1

mysql SELECT * FROM testBDB ;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

all the data is gone!

Any ideas on what is happening?  I can't find anything in the logs about this, and the 
log.X are all binary data so I cannot decopher that.

I'd upgrade to 34a but I am getting hte configure error that other people here are 
getting about no value for Char.

Startup options for MySQL:

/usr/local/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld --user=sql --log=/disk1/mysql-data-3.23.29/mysqld.log 


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Re: RDBMS question on coding expanding series-like fields

2001-02-27 Thread Peter R. Wood - Mailing Lists

Hi Warren,

What I personally would do is simply include some sort of 'ID' field.  In 
other words, each question would have a unique ID. Question 1's ID would be 
1, Question 2's ID would be 2, etc. Or however you wanted to number them.  
You could even set this up as an auto_increment and have the next number in 
sequence automatically generated when a new question is inserted into the 

Then, if you want to call something "Question 1", in your programming 
language, simply prepend Question to the ID field. If I were doing this in 
Perl, for example, I would do:

print "Question " . $db_query_hash-{'id'}; 
#where $db_query_hash is the hash of field names and values returned from the 
#query, and 'id' is the field containing the id of the question. 

The above example would output "Question 1" if the ID selected from the 
database were 1.

The main point here is that putting a value like "Quest1" in a database is 
(in my opinion) redundant.  Simply make the name of the field "Question" and 
make the type of the field "num".

Of course I have not been using MySQL that long either, so perhaps some 
wizard will have a much smarter answer. :-)


On Tuesday 27 February 2001 11:24 am, you transmuted into bits these words:

 I have a Test Questions database.   Right now I have a hard-coded limit of
 200 questions in it; I actually made a table with field names like Quest1,
 Quest2. . . Quest200.  However, I know that I am not using the power of
 MySql in setting it up this way.   This is more an example of my own
 ignorance than of the power of MySql!

 Can someone explain how to set up a table with a fieldname that 'expands'
 (maybe something like Quest[i] where "i" can be incremented as required).
 Is there more than one way of doing this?  Is there a place where I might
 see some sample code?

 I did look up 'enum' and 'set' in the manual but I don't feel confident
 with my grasp of the limited explanations given of these.   My feeling is
 that perhaps 'enum' would be a candidate for what I need, as 'set' has a
 limit on how big the set can get.I would like to have the possibility
 of data expansion as needed.

 Any tips whatever would be appreciated!

 Thanks very much!



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2001-02-26 Thread Peter R. Wood - Mailing Lists

Hi all,

Does anyone know if mod_auth_mysql is still under active development, and if 
so, where can I find current information on it?  I have searched the list 
archives here and indeed turned up 254 instances of people having problems 
with mod_auth_mysql.  From the sounds of it, it doesn't look like an easily 
solved problem.  Is there a better alternative to get MySQL authentication 
with Apache?  I have looked at several HOWTOs on compiling apache with 
mod_auth_mysql, but none have yielded good results. I used the file in the 
MySQL contribs, but this did not compile.

I'm trying to compile it with Apache 1.3.17 and MySQL 3.23.33.

Any suggestions as to a better/more current method, or a working method to 
build this module would be appreciated. Thanks!


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