Re: Starting mysql 5.7.7

2015-07-21 Thread geetanjali mehra
Have u executed mysql_install_db?
On 15-May-2015 1:31 pm, Jørn Dahl-Stamnes wrote:


 I have reinstalled a test server after a disk crash. I upgraded from an
 older Fedora Core (don't
 remember the version) to Fedora Core 21.

 Then I installed Mysql 5.7.7 from RPM. I'm able to start it but mysql does
 not use my /etc/my.cnf
 file and I do not find any other on my system.

 After doing a 'yum install  ...' I started it without a my.cnf file. It
 seem to start OK and all the
 database files++ was added to /var/lib/mysql.

 Since I got a SSD disk where I want to locate the databases, I stopped
 mysql and moved the file to
 this disk and added links (just as I did on the old system).
 I removed all ib* files and added my myc.fn file (it contain info about
 ibdata files etc) and then
 tried to start it - no luck.

 Base on the entries in /var/log/messages, it does not seem to use the
 /etc/my.cnf file. There is
 also a few warnings which I'm not sure how to fix.

 Any suggestions what's wrong?

 My my.cnf file:
 # The MySQL server
 port= 3306
 socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock

 key_buffer_size = 384M
 max_allowed_packet = 32M
 table_open_cache = 512
 sort_buffer_size = 2M
 read_buffer_size = 2M
 read_rnd_buffer_size = 8M
 myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M
 thread_cache_size = 8
 query_cache_size = 32M
 # Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
 thread_concurrency = 16
 max_connections = 50


 server-id   = 1


 # Innodb settings.

 # Open files.
 innodb_open_files   = 2048
 open_files_limit= 8096

 innodb_data_home_dir= /data/mysql/data
 innodb_data_file_path   =
 innodb_file_per_table   = 0
 innodb_autoextend_increment = 256

 innodb_log_group_home_dir   = /data/mysql/data

 # You can set .._buffer_pool_size up to 50 - 80 %
 # of RAM but beware of setting memory usage too high.
 innodb_buffer_pool_size = 25G

 # Set .._log_file_size to 25 % of buffer pool size
 innodb_log_file_size= 300M
 innodb_log_files_in_group   = 2
 innodb_log_buffer_size  = 128M

 innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit  = 1
 innodb_support_xa   = 0
 innodb_flush_method = O_DIRECT
 innodb_lock_wait_timeout= 50
 innodb_fast_shutdown= 0

 From /var/log/messages:

 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.255284Z 0 [Warning]
 TIMESTAMP with implicit
 DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp
 server option (see
 documentation for more details).
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.256631Z 0 [Note]
 /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 5.7.7-
 rc) starting as process 1528 ...
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.265686Z 0 [Note]
 InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use
 GCC atomic builtins
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.266263Z 0 [Note]
 InnoDB: Uses event mutexes
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.21Z 0 [Note]
 InnoDB: GCC builtin
 __atomic_thread_fence() is used for memory barrier
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.267045Z 0 [Note]
 InnoDB: Compressed tables use
 zlib 1.2.3
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.267432Z 0 [Note]
 InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.268269Z 0 [Note]
 InnoDB: Number of pools: 1
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.268804Z 0 [Note]
 InnoDB: Using CPU crc32
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.270686Z 0 [Note]
 InnoDB: Initializing buffer
 pool, total size = 128M, instances = 1, chunk size = 128M
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.298852Z 0 [Note]
 InnoDB: Completed initialization
 of buffer pool
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.353601Z 0 [Note]
 InnoDB: If the mysqld execution
 user is authorized, page cleaner thread priority can be changed. See the
 man page of setpriority().
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.356077Z 0 [Note]
 InnoDB: Highest supported file
 format is Barracuda.
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.361383Z 0 [Note]
 InnoDB: Log scan progressed past
 the checkpoint lsn 1210467
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.361927Z 0 [Note]
 InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned
 up to log sequence number 1210476
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.362672Z 0 [Note]
 InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned
 up to log sequence number 1210476
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.363083Z 0 [Note]
 InnoDB: Database was not
 shutdown normally!
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.363456Z 0 [Note]
 InnoDB: Starting crash recovery.
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.484951Z 0 [Note]
 InnoDB: Removed temporary
 tablespace data file: ibtmp1

Re: Starting mysql 5.7.7

2015-05-15 Thread
It seems that your new MySQL doesn't have some of the required mysql system
database tables, most of them are handled by InnoDB, e.g.:

*May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.595846Z 0 [Warning]
InnoDB: Cannot open table
mysql/plugin from the internal data dictionary of InnoDB though the .frm
file for the table exists.
Please refer to for how
resolve the issue.
May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: mysqld: Table 'mysql.plugin' doesn't exist
May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.595877Z 0 [ERROR] Can't
open the mysql.plugin
table. Please run mysql_upgrade to create it.*

*May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.596419Z 0 [Warning]
InnoDB: Cannot open table
mysql/gtid_executed from the internal data dictionary of InnoDB though the
.frm file for the table
exists. Please refer to for how
to resolve the issue.
May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: mysqld: Table 'mysql.gtid_executed' doesn't
May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.596439Z 0 [Warning] Gtid
table is not ready to be
used. Table 'mysql.gtid_executed' cannot be opened.*

As you're trying MySQL 5.7.7, I recommend that you to have a read on this
page below:

*Wagner Bianchi, +55.31.8654.9510*
Oracle ACE Director,
MySQL Certified Professional
Percona MySQL Forum Community V.I.P.
Skype: wbianchijr

2015-05-15 4:57 GMT-03:00 Jørn Dahl-Stamnes


 I have reinstalled a test server after a disk crash. I upgraded from an
 older Fedora Core (don't
 remember the version) to Fedora Core 21.

 Then I installed Mysql 5.7.7 from RPM. I'm able to start it but mysql does
 not use my /etc/my.cnf
 file and I do not find any other on my system.

 After doing a 'yum install  ...' I started it without a my.cnf file. It
 seem to start OK and all the
 database files++ was added to /var/lib/mysql.

 Since I got a SSD disk where I want to locate the databases, I stopped
 mysql and moved the file to
 this disk and added links (just as I did on the old system).
 I removed all ib* files and added my myc.fn file (it contain info about
 ibdata files etc) and then
 tried to start it - no luck.

 Base on the entries in /var/log/messages, it does not seem to use the
 /etc/my.cnf file. There is
 also a few warnings which I'm not sure how to fix.

 Any suggestions what's wrong?

 My my.cnf file:
 # The MySQL server
 port= 3306
 socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock

 key_buffer_size = 384M
 max_allowed_packet = 32M
 table_open_cache = 512
 sort_buffer_size = 2M
 read_buffer_size = 2M
 read_rnd_buffer_size = 8M
 myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M
 thread_cache_size = 8
 query_cache_size = 32M
 # Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
 thread_concurrency = 16
 max_connections = 50


 server-id   = 1


 # Innodb settings.

 # Open files.
 innodb_open_files   = 2048
 open_files_limit= 8096

 innodb_data_home_dir= /data/mysql/data
 innodb_data_file_path   =
 innodb_file_per_table   = 0
 innodb_autoextend_increment = 256

 innodb_log_group_home_dir   = /data/mysql/data

 # You can set .._buffer_pool_size up to 50 - 80 %
 # of RAM but beware of setting memory usage too high.
 innodb_buffer_pool_size = 25G

 # Set .._log_file_size to 25 % of buffer pool size
 innodb_log_file_size= 300M
 innodb_log_files_in_group   = 2
 innodb_log_buffer_size  = 128M

 innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit  = 1
 innodb_support_xa   = 0
 innodb_flush_method = O_DIRECT
 innodb_lock_wait_timeout= 50
 innodb_fast_shutdown= 0

 From /var/log/messages:

 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.255284Z 0 [Warning]
 TIMESTAMP with implicit
 DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp
 server option (see
 documentation for more details).
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.256631Z 0 [Note]
 /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 5.7.7-
 rc) starting as process 1528 ...
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.265686Z 0 [Note]
 InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use
 GCC atomic builtins
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.266263Z 0 [Note]
 InnoDB: Uses event mutexes
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.21Z 0 [Note]
 InnoDB: GCC builtin
 __atomic_thread_fence() is used for memory barrier
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin mysqld: 2015-05-15T07:41:27.267045Z 0 [Note]
 InnoDB: Compressed tables use
 zlib 1.2.3
 May 15 09:41:27 anakin 

RE: Starting MySQL in Maintenance mode

2009-05-20 Thread Rolando Edwards
Do 'service mysql restart --skip-networking'

This prevents all TCP/IP connections

You can login as r...@localhost and the client program will use the socket file 
rather than TCP/IP.
Do all your DDL work.

When done, 'service mysql restart'

Rolando A. Edwards

155 Avenue of the Americas, Fifth Floor
New York, NY 10013
212-625-5307 (Work)
201-660-3221 (Cell)
AIM  Skype : RolandoLogicWorx

-Original Message-
From: TETTERTON George [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 4:30 PM
Subject: Starting MySQL in Maintenance mode

How do I start MySQL in maintenance/single user mode so I can create
indexes on a table that is being updated often? 
I prefer for the update transactions to fail immediately with a
connection error rather than to wait for a lock to be released. 
In Oracle you can startup nomount. What is the equivalent for MySQL?
George Tetterton
3400 W. Plano Pkwy 
Plano, TX 75075
Office: 972-477-1571
Cell: 972-400-0887
Yahoo Messenger ID: george_tetterton

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RE: Starting MySQL in Maintenance mode

2009-05-20 Thread TETTERTON George
But my updates are coming from a web server on the localhost so will
this still block connections? Sounds like the answer is no. 

I forgot to say that I am running MySql 5.0 on Solaris 10 if that makes
a difference.  

-Original Message-
From: Rolando Edwards [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 4:13 PM
Subject: RE: Starting MySQL in Maintenance mode

Do 'service mysql restart --skip-networking'

This prevents all TCP/IP connections

You can login as r...@localhost and the client program will use the
socket file rather than TCP/IP.
Do all your DDL work.

When done, 'service mysql restart'

Rolando A. Edwards

155 Avenue of the Americas, Fifth Floor
New York, NY 10013
212-625-5307 (Work)
201-660-3221 (Cell)
AIM  Skype : RolandoLogicWorx

-Original Message-
From: TETTERTON George []
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 4:30 PM
Subject: Starting MySQL in Maintenance mode

How do I start MySQL in maintenance/single user mode so I can create
indexes on a table that is being updated often? 
I prefer for the update transactions to fail immediately with a
connection error rather than to wait for a lock to be released. 
In Oracle you can startup nomount. What is the equivalent for MySQL?
George Tetterton
3400 W. Plano Pkwy
Plano, TX 75075
Office: 972-477-1571
Cell: 972-400-0887
Yahoo Messenger ID: george_tetterton

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Re: Starting mysql through sudo

2006-04-20 Thread Barry

tuxlinsecure wrote:

 What binaries  directory premissions are required to enable in sudo to start mysql Instance through sudo.

How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low  PC-to-Phone call rates.

 You should ask on a sudo / Unix list for that.

Mysqld is the main process if that helps.
I don't know how sudo works so can't help.

Smileys rule (cX.x)C --o(^_^o)
Dance for me! ^(^_^)o (o^_^)o o(^_^)^ o(^_^o)

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Re: Starting mysql through sudo

2006-04-20 Thread Mark Sargent

tuxlinsecure wrote:


What binaries  directory premissions are required to enable in sudo to start 
mysql Instance through sudo.


Hi All,

what user do you want to be able to start MySQL? Just add that
user to your wheel group(be careful though, as that gives that user full
power usually) and change the sudoers file(/etc/sudoers) to reflect
that. Is there a reason why you only want manual startups of MySQL? I
just added the startup script to my /etc/init.d dir as mysql, gave it
execution permissions and did a chkconfig and it always runs at boot.

Mark Sargent.

EDIT: I originally sent this to the OP mistakenly addressing him/her as 
Barry. Sorry about that. You could also do like below, from,


A Runas_Spec is simply a Runas_List (as defined above) enclosed in a set 
of parentheses. If you do not specify a Runas_Spec in the user 
specification, a default Runas_Spec of root will be used. A Runas_Spec 
sets the default for commands that follow it. What this means is that 
for the entry:

 dgbboulder = (operator) /bin/ls, /bin/kill, /usr/bin/lprm

The user dgb may run /bin/ls, /bin/kill, and /usr/bin/lprm -- but only 
as operator. E.g.,

 $ sudo -u operator /bin/ls.

It is also possible to override a Runas_Spec later on in an entry. If we 
modify the entry like so:

 dgbboulder = (operator) /bin/ls, (root) /bin/kill, /usr/bin/lprm

Then user dgb is now allowed to run /bin/ls as operator, but /bin/kill 
and /usr/bin/lprm as root

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Re: Starting mysql monitor on Windows 2000

2006-03-27 Thread Whil Hentzen
I'm trying to run the MySQL monitor in a DOS box and having no luck. I 
open a DOS box, and no matter what command I run, I do not get the nifty 
mysql prompt that I can get on my Linux machine. Here are some 
permutations and the results (or lack thereof):

c:\mysql\bin mysql -u root -p
mysql: unknown variable 'log-general.log'

I tried downloading the latest zipped binaries (5.0.19) and put them in 
a temp dir. After turning off the current running MySQL service, I ran 
the mysqld binary:

c:\temp\bin mysql --console

This worked fine - told me server was up and waiting. Then I opened a 
second DOS box, ran mysql -u root, and was greeted with my desired 
mysql prompt.

Then, I go back to my original installation:

 C:\mysql\binmysqld --console
 060327 18:51:04 [Warning] options --log-slow-admin-statements and
 w-queries is not set
 060327 18:51:05 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections.
 Version: '5.0.15'  socket: ''  port: 3306  Official MySQL binary

Finally, I go to a second DOS box and this happens:

 C:\mysql\binmysql -u root -p
 mysql: unknown variable 'log=general.log'

I should have gotten the mysql prompt.

1. I don't understand what I did this time (mysqld --console) that gets 
the server to work that didn't work before. (I thought the --console 
option was just an aid, not a requirement to connect to the server.)

2. I'm guessing there's setting in my original installation that doesn't 
exist in the temp version. Don't know what, though, nor how to fix it.


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Re: starting MySQL

2005-07-12 Thread J. David Boyd
Darryl Reeves [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am new to MySQL and was recently given a task where I need to
 transfer a database from one computer to another. Both computers are
 Macintoshes running OS X Panther. Both computers are running MySQL
 through localhost. The computer to which I am transferring the
 database has MySQL up and running perfectly fine. The computer from
 which I want to get the database is able to query the database through
 a web application using Perl but when I try to run MySQL from the Unix
 command line using the following text: mysql -h localhost -u root -p
 I get the following response -sh: mysql: command not found. As far
 as I know, MySQL is installed correctly on this machine (I would
 assume it has to be in order for the web application to access the
 database through Perl and MySQL). If I can start and run MySQL, I know
 that I can dump the database using the mysqldump command. Does
 anyone have any suggestions on what I need to do to get the mysql
 command to execute correctly so that I can run the program?

You just need to find it first.

As root, do

find / -name mysql

and see where it is hiding.

Then either add that directory to your path, or use the full path in your

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Re: starting mysql 4.1.12 on Ubuntu Linux

2005-06-25 Thread Hassan Schroeder

Juan Pedro Reyes Molina wrote:

With my sql stopped I go to console as root and write:

cd /etc/init.d
mysql start

At this point, try (as root)
 which mysql

It will certainly not be /etc/init.d/mysql, but somewhere in your
defined PATH; try
 echo $PATH
to see what that is

I would like to learn what's the difference between mysql start and 
/etc/init.d/mysql start if I'm sitting on /etc/init.d

'/etc/init.d/mysql' defines the executable you want to run explicitly;
'mysql' is the first instance of an executable with that name in your

I think this error is preventing mysql from automatically starting on 
start up.

Probably not; look in your error logs for more information on that.

And in any case 'mysql' is generally the *client* program; *mysqld*
is the server that you want to start. Sounds like your distro has a
confusingly named startup file in /etc/init.d.

Hassan Schroeder - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===

  dream.  code.

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Re: starting mysql 4.1.12 on Ubuntu Linux

2005-06-25 Thread Juan Pedro Reyes Molina

hello, Hassan

which mysql gives me /usr/bin/mysql. echo $PATH shows me that /usr/bin 
is the fourth try. I thougth this was windows like, where PATH is only 
used if program is not found in active directory.

So, I have a script in /etc/init.d called mysql and an executable in 
/usr/bin also called mysql that takes precedence.

I thought that when linux starts all scripts in /etc/init.d where given 
the start signal. If so I don't understand why mysql remains stopped on 
linux start up but wake up smoothly when I issue a manual 
/etc/init.d/mysql start. It looks like a bug in Ubuntu distro.

I have tried cp /etc/init.d/mysql /etc/init.d/mysqltmp but issuing 
/etc/init.d/mysqltmp gives me bash: mysqltmp: command not found

Hassan Schroeder wrote:

Juan Pedro Reyes Molina wrote:

With my sql stopped I go to console as root and write:

cd /etc/init.d
mysql start

At this point, try (as root)
 which mysql

It will certainly not be /etc/init.d/mysql, but somewhere in your
defined PATH; try
 echo $PATH
to see what that is

I would like to learn what's the difference between mysql start and 
/etc/init.d/mysql start if I'm sitting on /etc/init.d

'/etc/init.d/mysql' defines the executable you want to run explicitly;
'mysql' is the first instance of an executable with that name in your

I think this error is preventing mysql from automatically starting on 
start up.

Probably not; look in your error logs for more information on that.

And in any case 'mysql' is generally the *client* program; *mysqld*
is the server that you want to start. Sounds like your distro has a
confusingly named startup file in /etc/init.d.


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Re: starting mysql 4.1.12 on Ubuntu Linux

2005-06-25 Thread Hassan Schroeder

Juan Pedro Reyes Molina wrote:

which mysql gives me /usr/bin/mysql. echo $PATH shows me that /usr/bin 
is the fourth try. I thougth this was windows like, where PATH is only 
used if program is not found in active directory.

Executables in the 'current working directory' will only be used
if your PATH includes a '.' -- and there are different opinions
about the wisdom of including that in root's default PATH :-)

I thought that when linux starts all scripts in /etc/init.d where given 
the start signal. If so I don't understand why mysql remains stopped on 
linux start up but wake up smoothly when I issue a manual 
/etc/init.d/mysql start. It looks like a bug in Ubuntu distro.

Yes to both; again, look in the MySQL log files, and possibly your
system log files as well to see if there's something relating to

Hassan Schroeder - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===

  dream.  code.

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Re: starting mysql 4.1.12 on Ubuntu Linux

2005-06-25 Thread Jonathan Mangin

- Original Message - 
From: Juan Pedro Reyes Molina [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Hassan Schroeder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: mysql general list
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 2:08 PM
Subject: Re: starting mysql 4.1.12 on Ubuntu Linux

hello, Hassan

which mysql gives me /usr/bin/mysql. echo $PATH shows me that /usr/bin is 
the fourth try. I thougth this was windows like, where PATH is only used 
if program is not found in active directory.

If you wish it, currrent directory (.) should be added to $PATH.
export PATH=.:$PATH

So, I have a script in /etc/init.d called mysql and an executable in 
/usr/bin also called mysql that takes precedence.

/etc/init.d probably isn't (and maybe shouldn't be) in your PATH.
Less confusion if you rename /etc/init.d/mysql to mysqld.

I thought that when linux starts all scripts in /etc/init.d where given 
the start signal. If so I don't understand why mysql remains stopped on 
linux start up but wake up smoothly when I issue a manual 
/etc/init.d/mysql start. It looks like a bug in Ubuntu distro.

On my Solaris box, there is a directory named /etc/rc2.d. In that directory
is a symbolic link to /etc/init.d/mysqld named S99mysqld. This means that
the mysql server will be started in init state 2. In /etc/rc1.d is a 

link to /etc/init.d/mysqld named K99mysqld. This means that the mysql
server will be killed in init state 1. Your /etc/rc directory structure may 

ln -s /etc/init.d/mysqld /etc/rc2.d/S99mysqld

I have tried cp /etc/init.d/mysql /etc/init.d/mysqltmp but issuing 
/etc/init.d/mysqltmp gives me bash: mysqltmp: command not found

mysqltmp may not be executable.
chmod u+x mysqltmp

Hassan Schroeder wrote:

Juan Pedro Reyes Molina wrote:

With my sql stopped I go to console as root and write:

cd /etc/init.d
mysql start

At this point, try (as root)
 which mysql

It will certainly not be /etc/init.d/mysql, but somewhere in your
defined PATH; try
 echo $PATH
to see what that is

I would like to learn what's the difference between mysql start and 
/etc/init.d/mysql start if I'm sitting on /etc/init.d

'/etc/init.d/mysql' defines the executable you want to run explicitly;
'mysql' is the first instance of an executable with that name in your

I think this error is preventing mysql from automatically starting on 
start up.

Probably not; look in your error logs for more information on that.

And in any case 'mysql' is generally the *client* program; *mysqld*
is the server that you want to start. Sounds like your distro has a
confusingly named startup file in /etc/init.d.


MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: starting mysql 4.1.12 on Ubuntu Linux

2005-06-25 Thread Juan Pedro Reyes Molina

Where do I look for log file?

I have read mysql log file and see  no indication of start  up with 
linux, last entry is about prior shutdown. (BTW every time mysql starts 
it writes on err file: /usr/sbin/mysqld-max: File 
'/var/log/mysql/mysql.log' not found  (Errcode: 13)  but directory 
/var/log/mysql/ do exist)

I have found in google dmesg but it shows only harware messages.

I have looked in /var/log where there are several log files but see 
nothing (I expected to see somewhere something like apache2 started, and 
look there for mysql but see nothing)

thanks, Hassan

Hassan Schroeder wrote:

Juan Pedro Reyes Molina wrote:

which mysql gives me /usr/bin/mysql. echo $PATH shows me that 
/usr/bin is the fourth try. I thougth this was windows like, where 
PATH is only used if program is not found in active directory.

Executables in the 'current working directory' will only be used
if your PATH includes a '.' -- and there are different opinions
about the wisdom of including that in root's default PATH :-)

I thought that when linux starts all scripts in /etc/init.d where 
given the start signal. If so I don't understand why mysql remains 
stopped on linux start up but wake up smoothly when I issue a manual 
/etc/init.d/mysql start. It looks like a bug in Ubuntu distro.

Yes to both; again, look in the MySQL log files, and possibly your
system log files as well to see if there's something relating to


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Re: starting mysql 4.1.12 on Ubuntu Linux

2005-06-25 Thread Juan Pedro Reyes Molina

Hello Jonathan.

I have renamed /etc/init.d/mysql to mysqld and added symbolic link to rc2.d.

Now it works.

I will add symbolic link to rc1.d too.
Being this my third day with linux its being a long jump :-)

Thank you Jonathan and Hassan for your good help!

Jonathan Mangin wrote:

- Original Message - From: Juan Pedro Reyes Molina 

To: Hassan Schroeder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: mysql general list
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 2:08 PM
Subject: Re: starting mysql 4.1.12 on Ubuntu Linux

hello, Hassan

which mysql gives me /usr/bin/mysql. echo $PATH shows me that 
/usr/bin is the fourth try. I thougth this was windows like, where 
PATH is only used if program is not found in active directory.

If you wish it, currrent directory (.) should be added to $PATH.
export PATH=.:$PATH

So, I have a script in /etc/init.d called mysql and an executable in 
/usr/bin also called mysql that takes precedence.

/etc/init.d probably isn't (and maybe shouldn't be) in your PATH.
Less confusion if you rename /etc/init.d/mysql to mysqld.

I thought that when linux starts all scripts in /etc/init.d where 
given the start signal. If so I don't understand why mysql remains 
stopped on linux start up but wake up smoothly when I issue a manual 
/etc/init.d/mysql start. It looks like a bug in Ubuntu distro.

On my Solaris box, there is a directory named /etc/rc2.d. In that 

is a symbolic link to /etc/init.d/mysqld named S99mysqld. This means that
the mysql server will be started in init state 2. In /etc/rc1.d is a 

link to /etc/init.d/mysqld named K99mysqld. This means that the mysql
server will be killed in init state 1. Your /etc/rc directory 
structure may vary

ln -s /etc/init.d/mysqld /etc/rc2.d/S99mysqld

I have tried cp /etc/init.d/mysql /etc/init.d/mysqltmp but issuing 
/etc/init.d/mysqltmp gives me bash: mysqltmp: command not found

mysqltmp may not be executable.
chmod u+x mysqltmp

Hassan Schroeder wrote:

Juan Pedro Reyes Molina wrote:

With my sql stopped I go to console as root and write:

cd /etc/init.d
mysql start

At this point, try (as root)
 which mysql

It will certainly not be /etc/init.d/mysql, but somewhere in your
defined PATH; try
 echo $PATH
to see what that is

I would like to learn what's the difference between mysql start 
and /etc/init.d/mysql start if I'm sitting on /etc/init.d

'/etc/init.d/mysql' defines the executable you want to run explicitly;
'mysql' is the first instance of an executable with that name in your

I think this error is preventing mysql from automatically starting 
on start up.

Probably not; look in your error logs for more information on that.

And in any case 'mysql' is generally the *client* program; *mysqld*
is the server that you want to start. Sounds like your distro has a
confusingly named startup file in /etc/init.d.


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Re: Starting mysql as a service once installed

2004-11-22 Thread Ian Gibbons
On 22 Nov 2004 at 9:34, James Sherwood wrote:

 I have installed mysql but did not install it as a service.
 All I do is runmysqld-max-nt.exe
 Now I need it to run as a service. It is on a win2003 machine.
 Can I make it run as a service once I already have it installed.  
 I cannot lose data and do not want to do a mysqldump, uninstall and reinstall 
 as this would bring the server down for too long.
 Is there a way to make it start running as a service?
 Thanks in advance

Hi James,

You can install / uninstall the MySQL service by running the program with a 
command line switch.  

I am not sure of your level of windows experience so I will describe the 
process in its 
most basic form.

Open a command prompt and change directories to the MySQL programs directory.  
If you installed MySQL to the folder c:\mysql, this command would be:

cd c:\mysql\bin

Then run the mysqld-max-nt.exe program with the switch  *-install* :

mysqld-max-nt.exe -install

You can also uninstall the service using this command:

mysqld-max-nt.exe -remove

For more command line install options run this command and then read the txt 
that is created ( help.txt )

mysqld-max-nt.exe --help  help.txt

There are options to install the service under a different name and with 
different start 
up options.

Hope this helps



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Re: starting mysql server

2004-06-17 Thread mathan
Check the owner and group for /home/mikem/local/mysql/data. It should be
run the following commands

 shell groupadd mysql
 shell useradd -g mysql mysql
 shell chown -R mysql /home/mikem/local/mysql/data
 shell chgrp -R mysql /home/mikem/local/mysql/data
 shell ./bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql 


- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 3:17 PM
Subject: starting mysql server

Hello all,

I have installed mysql and in one of the tutorials it has told me to do
the following:

You can start the MySQL server with the following command:

 shell ./bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql 

However when I did this I got the following:

linskull:/home/mikem/local/mysql # ./bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql 
Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /home/mikem/local/mysql/data
040617 10:37:40  mysqld ended


As you can see the shell just goes idle.
Is this what is supposed to happen or what am I doing wrong?

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Re: starting mysql server

2004-06-17 Thread Cemal Dalar
Check your log file for details. Probably because of file permissions of
data folder.

Best Regards,
Cemal Dalar a.k.a Jimmy
System Administrator  Web Developer

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 12:47 PM
Subject: starting mysql server

Hello all,

I have installed mysql and in one of the tutorials it has told me to do
the following:

You can start the MySQL server with the following command:

 shell ./bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql 

However when I did this I got the following:

linskull:/home/mikem/local/mysql # ./bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql 
Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /home/mikem/local/mysql/data
040617 10:37:40  mysqld ended


As you can see the shell just goes idle.
Is this what is supposed to happen or what am I doing wrong?

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Re: starting mysql daemon

2004-04-06 Thread muhammad alqama
i have tried the procedure mentioned below but of no avail.
this is the exact message in .err file

can not start server : bind on unix socket : permission denied
do you have another mysql server running on socket /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock ?
/usr/libexec/mysqld : shutdown complete
mysqld ended

--- i am trying to run the server as root
--- there is no such file as /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock

now what to do


- Original Message -
From: mathan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2004 14:24:18 +0530
Subject: Re: starting mysql daemon

 Try this one:
 Copy share/mysql/my-medium.cnf file to /etc/my.cnf and run
 mysql_install_db and chown -R mysql mysql data dir and mysqld_safe
 Find the mysql datadir from mysql_install_db file (line no 77 : e.g.
 - Original Message - 
 From: muhammad alqama [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 9:19 PM
 Subject: Re: starting mysql daemon
  the error mentioned in the file is...
  fatal error : can not open privilege tables can not
  find file : './mysql/host.frm' (errno 13)
  but in the directory /var/lib/mysql/mysql the file
  host.frm exists...(/var/lib/mysql/  being the data
  what to do now...
  - Original Message - 
  From: Victor Pendleton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 16:03:43 -0600
  To: muhammad alqama [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: starting mysql daemon
   This file is normally located in the data directory
   On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, you wrote:
can u tell me where this file hostname.err lies
as i have searched and not found it .
- Original Message - 
From: Victor Pendleton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 15:17:54 -0600
To: muhammad alqama [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: Re: starting mysql daemon
 Did you check in the hostname.err file to see
  why MySQL ended?

 On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, muhammad alqama wrote:
  i am using slackware linux and i installed
  server with the installation.
  now i am trying to start the mysql daemon but
  it is
  not being start.
  i have run mysql_install_db --user=mysql ..
  runs successfully. but as i run the command
  mysqld_safe to run daemon it gives the
  i run..
  root../usr/bin  mysqld_safe --user=mysql 
  the output is
  [1] 1273
  root../usr/bin starting mysqld daemon with
  from /var/lib/mysql
  040325 01:57:32 mysqld ended
  (the prompt root../usr/bin  is not
  returned.. i
  have to press ctrl+c)
  also if i run
  root../usr  libexec/mysqld

  the message is
  fatal error : please read security section
  of the
  manual to find out how to run mysqld as root
  040325 2:10:39 aborting
  040325 2:10:39 libexec/mysqld shutdown
  please tell me what to do to start the daemon
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Re: starting mysql daemon.... help me !!!

2004-04-06 Thread muhammad alqama

**(plz someone help me urgently)**

i have tried the procedure mentioned below but of no avail.
this is the exact message in .err file

can not start server : bind on unix socket : permission denied
do you have another mysql server running on socket /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock ?
/usr/libexec/mysqld : shutdown complete
mysqld ended

--- i am trying to run the server as root
--- there is no such file as /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock

now what to do



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Re: starting mysql daemon.... help me !!!

2004-04-06 Thread Michael Stassen
As root, you start the mysql server.  The first thing the server does is 
switch to running as the mysql user, then it tries to bind the socket.  Most 
likely, your problem is that the mysql user does not have permission to 
write the socket file in /var/run/mysql.  As root, run `chown mysql:mysql 


muhammad alqama wrote:


**(plz someone help me urgently)**

i have tried the procedure mentioned below but of no avail.
this is the exact message in .err file
can not start server : bind on unix socket : permission denied
do you have another mysql server running on socket /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock ?
/usr/libexec/mysqld : shutdown complete
mysqld ended

--- i am trying to run the server as root
--- there is no such file as /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock
now what to do


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Re: starting mysql daemon.... help me !!!

2004-04-06 Thread Victor Medina
muhammad alqama wrote:

**(plz someone help me urgently)**

i have tried the procedure mentioned below but of no avail.
this is the exact message in .err file
can not start server : bind on unix socket : permission denied
do you have another mysql server running on socket /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock ?
/usr/libexec/mysqld : shutdown complete
mysqld ended

--- i am trying to run the server as root
--- there is no such file as /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock
now what to do



a few things to try:
1.- you should never start the server as root, instead try starting
mysql as mysql user
2.- do you have write permission under /var/run/mysql?
Best Regards


 |  _    _|Victor Medina M   |
 |\ \ \| |  _ \ / \   |Linux - Java - MySQL  |
 | \ \ \  _| | |_) / _ \  |Dpto. Sistemas - Ferreteria EPA   |
 | / / / |___|  __/ ___ \ |[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
 |/_/_/|_|_| /_/   \_\|Tel: +58-241-8507325 - ext. 325   |
 ||Cel: +58-412-8859934  |
 ||geek by nature - linux by choice  |
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Re: starting mysql daemon.... help me !!!

2004-04-06 Thread Ronan Lucio
The user that mysql run as, has permission to write
in the /var/run/mysql dir?


 muhammad alqama wrote:
  **(plz someone help me urgently)**
  i have tried the procedure mentioned below but of no avail.
  this is the exact message in .err file
  can not start server : bind on unix socket : permission denied
  do you have another mysql server running on socket
/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock ?
  /usr/libexec/mysqld : shutdown complete
  mysqld ended
  --- i am trying to run the server as root
  --- there is no such file as /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock
  now what to do

 a few things to try:
 1.- you should never start the server as root, instead try starting
 mysql as mysql user
 2.- do you have write permission under /var/run/mysql?

 Best Regards


   |  _    _|Victor Medina M   |
   |\ \ \| |  _ \ / \   |Linux - Java - MySQL  |
   | \ \ \  _| | |_) / _ \  |Dpto. Sistemas - Ferreteria EPA   |
   | / / / |___|  __/ ___ \ |[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
   |/_/_/|_|_| /_/   \_\|Tel: +58-241-8507325 - ext. 325   |
   ||Cel: +58-412-8859934  |
   ||geek by nature - linux by choice  |

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RE: starting mysql daemon

2004-04-05 Thread muhammad alqama
a few days ago i had this problem in starting mysql daemon.. (described below by 
previous messages).. which was solved.
i changed the permissions of the data directory.

but now again i am facing the same problem.
but the error message is of binding the unix socket.
something like this..(not exact)

 unix socket bind error.
do you have another mysql daemon running on the socket mentioned in the file .. 

(?.. means i dont remember the exact name of the file probably mysql.sock
actually i am mailing from college computer lab not from my home due to some problem)

but there is nothing in the dir /var/run/mysql 
its empty.
the mysql user mysql have all the permissions of the data dir .
plz tell me what to do.. if this much details are sufficient for understanding the 
problem.. otherwise i will mail with exact details.


- Original Message -
From: muhammad alqama [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2004 00:45:27 +0800
Subject: RE: starting mysql daemon

 the directory /var/lib/mysql/mysql (datadir) has 
 read/write permissions for user mysql and for root 
 drwx-- 2 mysql root... 
 but the file /var/lib/mysql/mysql/host.frm (as well 
 as all the files in dir .../mysql/mysql) has 
 permissions only for root 
  -wr-wr- 1 root root  
 should i change the permissions for the file 
 host.frm or the directory...for user mysql 
 - Original Message - 
 Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 10:02:22 -0600  
 Subject: RE: starting mysql daemon 
  Errno 13 indicates a permissions error.  Please 
 check the ownership of the 
  data directories you're using to make sure that 
 the mysql user  group. 
  -Original Message- 
  From: muhammad alqama 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 9:46 AM 
  Subject: Re: starting mysql daemon 
  the error mentioned in the file is...  
  fatal error : can not open privilege tables can 
  find file : './mysql/host.frm' (errno 13)  

  what to do now...  


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Re: starting mysql daemon

2004-04-05 Thread mathan
Try this one:

Copy share/mysql/my-medium.cnf file to /etc/my.cnf and run
mysql_install_db and chown -R mysql mysql data dir and mysqld_safe
Find the mysql datadir from mysql_install_db file (line no 77 : e.g.

- Original Message - 
From: muhammad alqama [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: starting mysql daemon

 the error mentioned in the file is...
 fatal error : can not open privilege tables can not
 find file : './mysql/host.frm' (errno 13)

 but in the directory /var/lib/mysql/mysql the file
 host.frm exists...(/var/lib/mysql/  being the data

 what to do now...


 - Original Message - 
 From: Victor Pendleton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 16:03:43 -0600
 To: muhammad alqama [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: starting mysql daemon

  This file is normally located in the data directory
  On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, you wrote:
   can u tell me where this file hostname.err lies
   as i have searched and not found it .
   - Original Message - 
   From: Victor Pendleton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 15:17:54 -0600
   To: muhammad alqama [EMAIL PROTECTED],
   Subject: Re: starting mysql daemon
Did you check in the hostname.err file to see
 why MySQL ended?
On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, muhammad alqama wrote:
 i am using slackware linux and i installed
 server with the installation.

 now i am trying to start the mysql daemon but
 it is
 not being start.

 i have run mysql_install_db --user=mysql ..
 runs successfully. but as i run the command
 mysqld_safe to run daemon it gives the
 i run..
 root../usr/bin  mysqld_safe --user=mysql 
 the output is
 [1] 1273
 root../usr/bin starting mysqld daemon with
 from /var/lib/mysql
 040325 01:57:32 mysqld ended
 (the prompt root../usr/bin  is not
 returned.. i
 have to press ctrl+c)
 also if i run
 root../usr  libexec/mysqld
 the message is
 fatal error : please read security section
 of the
 manual to find out how to run mysqld as root
 040325 2:10:39 aborting
 040325 2:10:39 libexec/mysqld shutdown
 please tell me what to do to start the daemon


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Re: starting mysql daemon

2004-04-05 Thread Egor Egorov
muhammad alqama [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 a few days ago i had this problem in starting mysql daemon.. (described below by 
 previous messages).. which was solved.
 i changed the permissions of the data directory.
 but now again i am facing the same problem.
 but the error message is of binding the unix socket.
 something like this..(not exact)
  unix socket bind error.
 do you have another mysql daemon running on the socket mentioned in the file .. 
 (?.. means i dont remember the exact name of the file probably mysql.sock
 actually i am mailing from college computer lab not from my home due to some problem)
 but there is nothing in the dir /var/run/mysql 
 its empty.
 the mysql user mysql have all the permissions of the data dir .
 plz tell me what to do.. if this much details are sufficient for understanding the 
 problem.. otherwise i will mail with exact details.

Check if you have another mysqld running:
ps ax | grep mysqld

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Re: starting mysql daemon

2004-04-01 Thread muhammad alqama
the error mentioned in the file is... 
fatal error : can not open privilege tables can not 
find file : './mysql/host.frm' (errno 13) 
what to do now... 
- Original Message - 
From: Victor Pendleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 16:03:43 -0600 
To: muhammad alqama [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: starting mysql daemon 
 This file is normally located in the data directory 
 On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, you wrote: 
  can u tell me where this file hostname.err lies 
  as i have searched and not found it . 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Victor Pendleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 15:17:54 -0600 
  To: muhammad alqama [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
  Subject: Re: starting mysql daemon 
   Did you check in the hostname.err file to see 
why MySQL ended? 

   On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, muhammad alqama wrote: 
i am using slackware linux and i installed 
server with the installation.  
now i am trying to start the mysql daemon but 
it is  
not being start.  
i have run mysql_install_db --user=mysql .. 
runs successfully. but as i run the command  
mysqld_safe to run daemon it gives the 
i run..  
root../usr/bin  mysqld_safe --user=mysql   
the output is  
[1] 1273  
root../usr/bin starting mysqld daemon with 
from /var/lib/mysql  
040325 01:57:32 mysqld ended  
(the prompt root../usr/bin  is not 
returned.. i  
have to press ctrl+c)  
also if i run   
root../usr  libexec/mysqld  
the message is  
fatal error : please read security section 
of the  
manual to find out how to run mysqld as root  
040325 2:10:39 aborting  
040325 2:10:39 libexec/mysqld shutdown 
please tell me what to do to start the daemon  

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RE: starting mysql daemon

2004-04-01 Thread DChristensen
Errno 13 indicates a permissions error.  Please check the ownership of the
data directories you're using to make sure that the mysql user  group.


-Original Message-
From: muhammad alqama [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 9:46 AM
Subject: Re: starting mysql daemon

the error mentioned in the file is... 
fatal error : can not open privilege tables can not 
find file : './mysql/host.frm' (errno 13) 
what to do now... 
- Original Message - 
From: Victor Pendleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 16:03:43 -0600 
To: muhammad alqama [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: starting mysql daemon 
 This file is normally located in the data directory
 On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, you wrote:
  can u tell me where this file hostname.err lies 
  as i have searched and not found it . 
  - Original Message -
  From: Victor Pendleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 15:17:54 -0600 
  To: muhammad alqama [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
  Subject: Re: starting mysql daemon
   Did you check in the hostname.err file to see
why MySQL ended? 

   On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, muhammad alqama wrote:
i am using slackware linux and i installed 
server with the installation.
now i am trying to start the mysql daemon but
it is  
not being start.
i have run mysql_install_db --user=mysql ..
runs successfully. but as i run the command
mysqld_safe to run daemon it gives the 
i run..  
root../usr/bin  mysqld_safe --user=mysql   
the output is  
[1] 1273  
root../usr/bin starting mysqld daemon with 
from /var/lib/mysql
040325 01:57:32 mysqld ended  
(the prompt root../usr/bin  is not 
returned.. i  
have to press ctrl+c)
also if i run   
root../usr  libexec/mysqld  
the message is  
fatal error : please read security section 
of the  
manual to find out how to run mysqld as root
040325 2:10:39 aborting  
040325 2:10:39 libexec/mysqld shutdown 

please tell me what to do to start the daemon  

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Re: starting mysql daemon

2004-04-01 Thread muhammad alqama
the error mentioned in the file is...  
fatal error : can not open privilege tables can not  
find file : './mysql/host.frm' (errno 13) 
but in the directory /var/lib/mysql/mysql the file 
host.frm exists...(/var/lib/mysql/  being the data 
what to do now...  
- Original Message -  
From: Victor Pendleton [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 16:03:43 -0600  
To: muhammad alqama [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Subject: Re: starting mysql daemon  
 This file is normally located in the data directory  
 On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, you wrote:  
  can u tell me where this file hostname.err lies  
  as i have searched and not found it .  

  - Original Message -  
  From: Victor Pendleton [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 15:17:54 -0600  
  To: muhammad alqama [EMAIL PROTECTED],  
  Subject: Re: starting mysql daemon  

   Did you check in the hostname.err file to see  
why MySQL ended?  
   On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, muhammad alqama wrote:  
i am using slackware linux and i installed  
server with the installation.   
now i am trying to start the mysql daemon but  
it is   
not being start.   
i have run mysql_install_db --user=mysql ..  
runs successfully. but as i run the command   
mysqld_safe to run daemon it gives the  
i run..   
root../usr/bin  mysqld_safe --user=mysql
the output is   
[1] 1273   
root../usr/bin starting mysqld daemon with  
from /var/lib/mysql   
040325 01:57:32 mysqld ended   
(the prompt root../usr/bin  is not  
returned.. i   
have to press ctrl+c)   
also if i run
root../usr  libexec/mysqld   
the message is   
fatal error : please read security section  
of the   
manual to find out how to run mysqld as root   
040325 2:10:39 aborting   
040325 2:10:39 libexec/mysqld shutdown  
please tell me what to do to start the daemon   
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RE: starting mysql daemon

2004-04-01 Thread muhammad alqama
the directory /var/lib/mysql/mysql (datadir) has 
read/write permissions for user mysql and for root 
drwx-- 2 mysql root... 
but the file /var/lib/mysql/mysql/host.frm (as well 
as all the files in dir .../mysql/mysql) has 
permissions only for root 
 -wr-wr- 1 root root  
should i change the permissions for the file 
host.frm or the directory...for user mysql 
- Original Message - 
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 10:02:22 -0600  
Subject: RE: starting mysql daemon 
 Errno 13 indicates a permissions error.  Please 
check the ownership of the 
 data directories you're using to make sure that 
the mysql user  group. 
 -Original Message- 
 From: muhammad alqama 
 Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 9:46 AM 
 Subject: Re: starting mysql daemon 
 the error mentioned in the file is...  
 fatal error : can not open privilege tables can 
 find file : './mysql/host.frm' (errno 13)  
 what to do now...  

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Re: starting mysql daemon

2004-04-01 Thread Michael Stassen
All the files in the mysql directory should be owned by the mysql user, so 
yes, you should change all of them.


muhammad alqama wrote:

the directory /var/lib/mysql/mysql (datadir) has 
read/write permissions for user mysql and for root 
drwx-- 2 mysql root... 
but the file /var/lib/mysql/mysql/host.frm (as well 
as all the files in dir .../mysql/mysql) has 
permissions only for root 
 -wr-wr- 1 root root  
should i change the permissions for the file 
host.frm or the directory...for user mysql 
- Original Message - 
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 10:02:22 -0600  
Subject: RE: starting mysql daemon 

Errno 13 indicates a permissions error.  Please 
check the ownership of the 

data directories you're using to make sure that 
the mysql user  group. 


-Original Message- 
From: muhammad alqama 

Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 9:46 AM 
Subject: Re: starting mysql daemon 

the error mentioned in the file is...  
fatal error : can not open privilege tables can 

find file : './mysql/host.frm' (errno 13)  
what to do now...  

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Re: starting mysql daemon

2004-04-01 Thread muhammad alqama
it is now running .. 
thank everyone who helped me ... many many thanks 
- Original Message - 
From: Michael Stassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2004 12:13:43 -0500 
To: muhammad alqama [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: starting mysql daemon 
 All the files in the mysql directory should be 
owned by the mysql user, so  
 yes, you should change all of them. 
 muhammad alqama wrote: 

  the directory /var/lib/mysql/mysql (datadir) has  
  read/write permissions for user mysql and for 

  drwx-- 2 mysql root...  
  but the file /var/lib/mysql/mysql/host.frm (as 
  as all the files in dir .../mysql/mysql) has  
  permissions only for root  
   -wr-wr- 1 root root   
  should i change the permissions for the file  
  host.frm or the directory...for user mysql  


  - Original Message -  
  Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 10:02:22 -0600   
  Subject: RE: starting mysql daemon  

 Errno 13 indicates a permissions error.  Please  
  check the ownership of the  
 data directories you're using to make sure that  
  the mysql user  group.  
 -Original Message-  
 From: muhammad alqama  
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 9:46 AM  
 Subject: Re: starting mysql daemon  
 the error mentioned in the file is...   
 fatal error : can not open privilege tables can  
 find file : './mysql/host.frm' (errno 13)   

 what to do now...   




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Re: starting mysql daemon

2004-04-01 Thread Hadi Ariwibowo
- Original Message -
From: muhammad alqama [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 10:49 PM
Subject: Re: starting mysql daemon

 the error mentioned in the file is...
 fatal error : can not open privilege tables can not
 find file : './mysql/host.frm' (errno 13)

 but in the directory /var/lib/mysql/mysql the file
 host.frm exists...(/var/lib/mysql/  being the data

 what to do now...

Not sure, but as I remember (Slackware), you should make the owner all of
/var/lib/mysql/ as mysql, try this :
# chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql

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Re: starting mysql daemon

2004-03-31 Thread Victor Pendleton
Did you check in the hostname.err file to see why MySQL ended?

On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, muhammad alqama wrote:
 i am using slackware linux and i installed mysql 
 server with the installation. 
 now i am trying to start the mysql daemon but it is 
 not being start. 
 i have run mysql_install_db --user=mysql .. it 
 runs successfully. but as i run the command 
 mysqld_safe to run daemon it gives the following 
 i run.. 
 root../usr/bin  mysqld_safe --user=mysql  
 the output is 
 [1] 1273 
 root../usr/bin starting mysqld daemon with database 
 from /var/lib/mysql 
 040325 01:57:32 mysqld ended 
 (the prompt root../usr/bin  is not returned.. i 
 have to press ctrl+c) 
 also if i run  
 root../usr  libexec/mysqld 
 the message is 
 fatal error : please read security section of the 
 manual to find out how to run mysqld as root 
 040325 2:10:39 aborting 
 040325 2:10:39 libexec/mysqld shutdown complete 
 please tell me what to do to start the daemon 
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Re: starting mysql daemon

2004-03-31 Thread muhammad alqama

- Original Message -
From: Victor Pendleton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 15:17:54 -0600
Subject: Re: starting mysql daemon

 Did you check in the hostname.err file to see why MySQL ended?
 On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, muhammad alqama wrote:
  i am using slackware linux and i installed mysql 
  server with the installation. 
  now i am trying to start the mysql daemon but it is 
  not being start. 
  i have run mysql_install_db --user=mysql .. it 
  runs successfully. but as i run the command 
  mysqld_safe to run daemon it gives the following 
  i run.. 
  root../usr/bin  mysqld_safe --user=mysql  
  the output is 
  [1] 1273 
  root../usr/bin starting mysqld daemon with database 
  from /var/lib/mysql 
  040325 01:57:32 mysqld ended 
  (the prompt root../usr/bin  is not returned.. i 
  have to press ctrl+c) 
  also if i run  
  root../usr  libexec/mysqld 
  the message is 
  fatal error : please read security section of the 
  manual to find out how to run mysqld as root 
  040325 2:10:39 aborting 
  040325 2:10:39 libexec/mysqld shutdown complete 
  please tell me what to do to start the daemon 
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Re: Starting MySQL 4.1

2004-02-05 Thread Egor Egorov
Michael Satterwhite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've reinstalled MySQL 4.1. I'm trying to start the server (mysqld_safe), but
 it fails to start. The log file shows the message:
 /usr/sbin/mysqld-max: Fatal error: Can't find messagefile
 The files exists, but the path it's using to find it is wrong; it is actually
 at /usr/share/mysql/english. Can anyone suggest how to get it to find the

You can specify path to the error message file using --language option of mysqld:

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Re: Starting MySQL 4.1

2004-02-04 Thread vpendleton
Try setting the basedir=
parameter in your my.cnf file.

 Original Message 

On 2/4/04, 3:32:26 PM, Michael Satterwhite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding Starting MySQL 4.1:

 Hash: SHA1

 I've reinstalled MySQL 4.1. I'm trying to start the server (mysqld_safe), 
 it fails to start. The log file shows the message:

 /usr/sbin/mysqld-max: Fatal error: Can't find messagefile

 The files exists, but the path it's using to find it is wrong; it is 
 at /usr/share/mysql/english. Can anyone suggest how to get it to find the

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Re: Starting MySQL 4.0 ?

2003-07-01 Thread Victoria Reznichenko
Peter Moscatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have just installed 'MySQL-server' and
 'MySQL-client' onto a Mandrake 9.1 system.
 The two RPMs installed without error and running mysql
 from the shell was fine and did what was expected of
 I have now rebooted the system and when I go to the
 shell to issue the 'mysql' command I get the following
 ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server
 through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock'

Check if mysqld is running and where file mysql.sock is located.

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Re: Starting MySQL with SSL

2003-06-08 Thread Mark Matthews
Hash: SHA1

Karam Chand wrote:


 I have MySQL 4.0.13 installed on WinXP machine. From
 the DOCS I read that support for SSL is provided with
 MySQL 4.x. The doc says that I need to install the
 library from ( which I did ) and then
 configure mysql with --with-vio and --with-openssl?

 Does it mean that I have compile MySQL from the
 source, or what with option do I need to start

 Thanks in advance.

Due to licensing issues with OpenSSL, MySQL does not ship SSL-enabled
binaries for Windows. If you want to use SSL with MySQL on Windows, you
will have to compile it yourself at this time. We are looking at ways to
fix this licensing issue.


- --
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__  ___ ___   __
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Re: starting mysql as user

2003-06-06 Thread gerald_clark
/var/lib/mysql must be world searchable:
/var/lib/mysql/ must be writeable by the user mysql.
/var/lib/mysql.sock will be created when mysqld starts, and must be 
world writable.

jude dashiell wrote:

Here's the output I get only as a user to mysql but not logging in as
Script started on Fri Jun  6 14:09:06 2003
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mysql -u das    dashielljt -p
Enter password:
ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 
'/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (13)
Script done on Fri Jun  6 14:09:52 2003
The user so far as mysql is concerned was created by root and exists with
a specific password before I tried rebooting the computer and running thie
command you see in this script.
I would like to be able to run mysql as a user and not only be restricted
to running it as root for security reasons.  Any help much appreciated.

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Re: starting mysql as user

2003-06-06 Thread jude dashiell
Thanks much, permissions.  I did an rpm install of this package and it
appears some permissions were not or are not preserved by rpm.  Well, live
and learn.  I did the first step with chmod 0004 /var/lib/mysql, it's that
second one I'm not certain of.  the user mysql exists and I gave it a
password for security, ... ownership, I can mysql owner of /var/lib/mysql
then use chmod to get it write permission I think.On Fri, 6 Jun 2003,
gerald_clark wrote:

 /var/lib/mysql must be world searchable:
 /var/lib/mysql/ must be writeable by the user mysql.
 /var/lib/mysql.sock will be created when mysqld starts, and must be
 world writable.

 jude dashiell wrote:

 Here's the output I get only as a user to mysql but not logging in as
 Script started on Fri Jun  6 14:09:06 2003
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mysql -u das    dashielljt -p
 Enter password:
 ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 
 '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (13)
 Script done on Fri Jun  6 14:09:52 2003
 The user so far as mysql is concerned was created by root and exists with
 a specific password before I tried rebooting the computer and running thie
 command you see in this script.
 I would like to be able to run mysql as a user and not only be restricted
 to running it as root for security reasons.  Any help much appreciated.

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Re: Starting MySQL Server

2003-02-25 Thread Bill Allaire
   safe_mysqld --user=user 

Jeremy Whitlock wrote:

MySQL List,
In Linux, I use:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]$ safe_mysqld --user=user

to start the MySQL Server where user is a user in the database.  When
this happens, the terminal that I start it in become unusable.  Is this
by design?  Also, is there a way to make it where anyone that starts the
server has to use a password?  Thanks,
Jeremy Whitlock --- MCP/MCSA
IT Manager for Star Precision, Inc.
Phone:  (970) 535-4795
Metro:  (303) 926-0559
Fax:  (970) 535-0780
Metro Fax:  (303) 926-0559 

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re: Starting MySQL RPM

2003-02-14 Thread Egor Egorov
On Friday 14 February 2003 01:06, John Oliver wrote:

 I removed the Red Hat MySQL RPMs (which worked fine, other than not
 supporting InnoDB) and installed the 3.23.55-1 RPMs from  When
 I try to start it:

 [joliver@joliver-lnx joliver]$ sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start
 [joliver@joliver-lnx joliver]$ Starting mysqld-max daemon with databases
 from /var/lib/mysql
 030213 15:01:06  mysqld ended

 [joliver@joliver-lnx joliver]$

 And that's it.  Nothing is logged and, oddly enough,
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql doesn't contain the strings that are being echoed
 to the console.  So I'm more than a little puzzled here... :-)  And
 Google isn't helping me much, either :-(

Check error log file to see why MySQL server doesn't start.

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Re: Starting MySQL RPM

2003-02-14 Thread John Oliver
On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 05:01:01PM +0200, Egor Egorov wrote:
 On Friday 14 February 2003 01:06, John Oliver wrote:
  I removed the Red Hat MySQL RPMs (which worked fine, other than not
  supporting InnoDB) and installed the 3.23.55-1 RPMs from  When
  I try to start it:
  [joliver@joliver-lnx joliver]$ sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start
  [joliver@joliver-lnx joliver]$ Starting mysqld-max daemon with databases
  from /var/lib/mysql
  030213 15:01:06  mysqld ended
  [joliver@joliver-lnx joliver]$
  And that's it.  Nothing is logged and, oddly enough,
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql doesn't contain the strings that are being echoed
  to the console.  So I'm more than a little puzzled here... :-)  And
  Google isn't helping me much, either :-(
 Check error log file to see why MySQL server doesn't start.

I see you missed the part where I said Nothing is logged... :-)

I fixed that by removing the RPMs and reinstalling the Red
Hat RPMs.  Someone else told me how to get InnoDB enabled with them.

John Oliver, CCNA
Linux/UNIX/network consulting
***   sendmail, Apache, ftp, DNS, spam filtering ***
Colocation, T1s, web/email/ftp hosting  

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Re: Starting MySQL RPM

2003-02-13 Thread Stefan Hinz

 [joliver@joliver-lnx joliver]$ sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start
 [joliver@joliver-lnx joliver]$ Starting mysqld-max daemon with databases
 from /var/lib/mysql
 030213 15:01:06  mysqld ended

Have you tried
 mysqld --console
already? This will not solve your problem, but at least it will
display quite some output to help you find the cause of the prob.

  iConnect GmbH
  Heesestr. 6, 12169 Berlin (Germany)
  Telefon: +49 30 7970948-0  Fax: +49 30 7970948-3

[filter fodder: sql, mysql, query]

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Re: Starting MySQL RPM

2003-02-13 Thread John Oliver
On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 12:52:49AM +0100, Stefan Hinz wrote:
 Have you tried
  mysqld --console
 already? This will not solve your problem, but at least it will
 display quite some output to help you find the cause of the prob.

[joliver@joliver-lnx joliver]$ sudo /usr/sbin/mysqld --console
/usr/sbin/mysqld: unrecognized option `--console'
/usr/sbin/mysqld  Ver 3.23.55 for pc-linux on i686
Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB, by Monty and others
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license
Starts the MySQL server

Usage: /usr/sbin/mysqld [OPTIONS]

  --ansiUse ANSI SQL syntax instead of MySQL syntax
  -b, --basedir=pathPath to installation directory. All paths are
usually resolved relative to this
  --big-tables  Allow big result sets by saving all temporary
on file (Solves most 'table full' errors)
  --bind-address=IP Ip address to bind to
  --bootstrap   Used by mysql installation scripts
Directory where character sets are
  --chroot=path Chroot mysqld daemon during startup
  --core-file   Write core on errors
  -h, --datadir=pathPath to the database root
Set the default character set
Set the default table type for tables
Don't flush key buffers between writes for any
  --enable-locking  Enable system locking
  -T, --exit-info   Used for debugging;  Use at your own risk!
  --flush   Flush tables to disk between SQL commands
  -?, --helpDisplay this help and exit
  --init-file=file  Read SQL commands from this file at startup
  -L, --language=...Client error messages in given language. May be
given as a full path
  --local-infile=[1|0]  Enable/disable LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE
  -l, --log[=file]  Log connections and queries to file
  --log-bin[=file]  Log queries in new binary format (for
  --log-bin-index=file  File that holds the names for last binary log
  --log-update[=file]   Log updates to file.# where # is a unique number
if not given.
  --log-isam[=file] Log all MyISAM changes to file
  --log-long-format Log some extra information to update log
  --low-priority-updates INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE has lower priority than
Log slow queries to this log file.  Defaults
to hostname-slow.log
  --pid-file=path   Pid file used by safe_mysqld
  --myisam-recover[=option[,option...]] where options is one of DEAULT,
  --memlock Lock mysqld in memory
  -n, --new Use very new possible 'unsafe' functions
  -o, --old-protocolUse the old (3.20) protocol
  -P, --port=...Port number to use for connection

  -O, --set-variable var=option
Give a variable an value. --help lists variables
  -Sg, --skip-grant-tables
Start without grant tables. This gives all users
FULL ACCESS to all tables!
  --safe-mode   Skip some optimize stages (for testing)
  --safe-show-database  Don't show databases for which the user has no
  --safe-user-createDon't new users cretaion without privileges to
mysql.user table
Don't use concurrent insert with MyISAM
Ignore the delay_key_write option for all tables
  --skip-host-cache Don't cache host names
  --skip-lockingDon't use system locking. To use isamchk one has
to shut down the server.
  --skip-name-resolve   Don't resolve hostnames.
All hostnames are IP's or 'localhost'
  --skip-networking Don't allow connection with TCP/IP.
  --skip-newDon't use new, possible wrong routines.

  --skip-stack-traceDon't print a stack trace on failure
  --skip-show-database  Don't allow 'SHOW DATABASE' commands
Don't give threads different priorities.
  --socket=...  Socket file to use for connection
  -t, --tmpdir=path Path for temporary files
  --sql-mode=option[,option[,option...]] where option can be one of:
Default transaction isolation level
  --temp-pool   Use a pool of temporary files

Re: Starting MySQL

2003-01-10 Thread Diana Soares
You should check the manual:

It shows the steps you can do to solve the problem. 

On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 23:45, cam vong wrote:
 I'm currently using Red Hat 7.1.  I have loaded the apache, php, and mysql 
 rpm.  I seem to be having trouble starting MySQL.  It gives me the following 
 error:  Can not connect to localhost MySQL server through socket 
 /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock (111).  Can some help me, please?
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Diana Soares

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Re: Starting MySQL

2003-01-10 Thread gerald_clark
Start the server.

cam vong wrote:

I'm currently using Red Hat 7.1.  I have loaded the apache, php, and 
mysql rpm.  I seem to be having trouble starting MySQL.  It gives me 
the following error:  Can not connect to localhost MySQL server 
through socket /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock (111).  Can some help me, 

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re: Starting MySQL

2003-01-10 Thread Victoria Reznichenko
On Friday 10 January 2003 01:45, cam vong wrote:

 I'm currently using Red Hat 7.1.  I have loaded the apache, php, and mysql
 rpm.  I seem to be having trouble starting MySQL.  It gives me the
 following error:  Can not connect to localhost MySQL server through socket
 /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock (111).  Can some help me, please?

Is MySQL server running?

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re: Starting MySQL with Redhat 8.0

2002-12-25 Thread Egor Egorov
On Tuesday 24 December 2002 19:34, Andrew Schaefer wrote:

 I had the same problem.  I fixed it by realizing that when the program was
 installed it put the mysql.sock file in the /var/libs/mysql dir however
 when it starts it looks for the file in /tmp  You can either change the
 folder it looks in, or do what I did and just copy the mysql.sock from
 /var/libs/mysql to /tmp

1. You can specify path to the socket file in my.cnf.
2. You can create a symlink.

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Re: starting Mysql on linux

2002-11-10 Thread Adolfo Bello
Make sure the service is started. If no, enter the command:
console service mysql start


On Sun, 2002-11-10 at 16:44, Stick Dragon wrote:
i have installed redhat 8 and slackware linux and been trying to get mysql 
to run. when i get to the console and type 'mysql' i get, error 2002; cant 
connect to local mysql server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' i 
have tried to run mysqld through the console but says it cant find the 
command. i'm not really linux or mysql savy. any help on getting it to run 
would be great.

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  //  //  // /\   /  \\   //  \  //   Adolfo Bello
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Re: starting Mysql on linux

2002-11-10 Thread Bhavin Vyas
Make sure that your mysql daemon is running, if not, start it. Also, make
sure the mysql.sock file is present in /var/lib/mysql.

- Original Message -
From: Stick Dragon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 3:44 PM
Subject: starting Mysql on linux

 i have installed redhat 8 and slackware linux and been trying to get mysql
 to run. when i get to the console and type 'mysql' i get, error 2002; cant
 connect to local mysql server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' i
 have tried to run mysqld through the console but says it cant find the
 command. i'm not really linux or mysql savy. any help on getting it to run
 would be great.

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re: Starting Mysql on RedHat 7.2.

2002-10-03 Thread Victoria Reznichenko

Thursday, October 03, 2002, 4:25:56 AM, you wrote:

DB Hi, I have just started out using MySQL and have had no end of trouble 
DB getting it started.  I am running Redhat 7.2 and MySQL 3.23.  I found that I 
DB had to modify my.cnf to point to the path /var/lib/mysql/mysql instead of 
DB just /var/lib/mysql.  It still does not start however.  The log file shows 
DB that the table '' does not exist.  I have searched the system for 
DB this file but it does not exist anywhere.  Therefore it cannot be another 
DB path issue. It seems that the install may note have created it.  I installed 
DB it using RPM at the shell.

If you installed MySQL server from rpm by default datadir is /var/lib/mysql not
the /var/lib/mysql/mysql. That is why MySQL server can't find

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Re: Starting Mysql on RedHat 7.2.

2002-10-02 Thread damovand

I'm also using RedHast 7.2 and yesterday when I tried to start the MySQL 
server that came installed with the operating system I had no success.
This morning I downloaded MySQL-3.23.52-1.i386.rpm and 
MySQL-client-3.23.52-1.i386.rpm and installed them then the server came 
up without any problems.



 Hi, I have just started out using MySQL and have had no end of trouble 
 getting it started.  I am running Redhat 7.2 and MySQL 3.23.  I found 
 that I had to modify my.cnf to point to the path /var/lib/mysql/mysql 
 instead of just /var/lib/mysql.  It still does not start however.  The 
 log file shows that the table '' does not exist.  I have 
 searched the system for this file but it does not exist anywhere.  
 Therefore it cannot be another path issue. It seems that the install may 
 note have created it.  I installed it using RPM at the shell.
 Any assistance here would be very appreciated.
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RE: starting MySQL automatically

2002-07-03 Thread Bert VdB

You can use the winmysqladmin tool located in the bin directory to install
it as a service.
(I'm not sure wether this also works on a '98SE machine)


-Original Message-
From: Gerhard H. W. May [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 15:00
Subject: starting MySQL automatically


I am running MySQL 3.23.51 under Windows 98SE. Everything I need to do so
far seems to work but I would like to arrange it so that the server starts
up automatically when I switch on the machine. Maybe I am too stupid but I
don't understand the section (2.4.3) in the reference manual on 'Starting
and stopping MySQL automatically', but then again this section might not be
relevant to Windows users anyway? If anyone has suggestions what I should
do, I would welcome them.
Thanks in advance.


Dr. Gerhard H. W. May
Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences
Division of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Davidson Building, Rm 327
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8QQ
Tel.   +44-141-330 2749
Fax+44-141-330 4620

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Re: Starting MySQL with Windows 2000

2002-04-21 Thread Gerald R. Jensen


Here is what we do ...

- Login as Administrator
- Open DOS Prompt, switch to the drive with MySQL on it, and CD\MYSQL\BIN

If that doesn't do the trick, your C:\WINNT\MY.INI (or C:\MY.CNF) may not be
correct. Most coomon mistake is to use the wrong slash in basedir or datadir
directories. Use forward slash (/) instead of backslash (\). i.e.:

Gerald Jensen

- Original Message -
From: Joe Meirow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 10:05 AM
Subject: Starting MySQL with Windows 2000

Can anybody explain how to start MySQL on Windows 2000? I've moved and
renamed the my.ini file to C:\my.cnf - to no avail. I get the following
messages displayed in the Err File tab of WinMySQLadmin:

020421  5:22:28  MySql: Got signal 11. Aborting!

020420  8:41:09  MySql: Shutdown Complete

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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RE: starting mysql

2002-03-13 Thread Rick Emery

ensure that /tmp has correct read-write-execute permissions

-Original Message-
From: Hresko, Christian A. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 10:57 AM
Subject: starting mysql

i'm moving MySQL over to unix and i can't for the life of me get anything to

i just want to use MySQL from my directory.  no root users or anything like
that.  i just want to noodle around with the db as a 'local' user.

so i installed the binaries, created my symbolic link, configured the db,
and tried starting with mysql. (and safe_mysqld and safe_mysqld

i receive a

ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

i checked with my admin, and the socket exists.

prior to this, we tried configuring the root user, changed owners, groups,
etc and still no luck. (different error messages... usually tried starting
with a password, password failed (password = YES) error...  went through all
the documented changes necessary to avoid this message.  still got this
message.  gave up)

any help would be appreciated.



: yes, i've read the manual.  and i'm reading the MySQL book

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Re: Starting MySQL (w/ InnoDB) for the firs time

2002-01-31 Thread Dan Nelson

In the last episode (Jan 31), Eric Mayers said:
 How can I tell when the database is ready to go (preferably from a shell

while ! mysqladmin status  /dev/null 21 ; do sleep 10 ; done

Dan Nelson

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RE: starting mysql deamon

2002-01-29 Thread Samy Elashmawy

Tried that , but I used the source to compile , and
put it into /usr/local/mysql

So every thing is diffrent. Haveing relied on YaST I
do not know how to do it manualy , where and what
files to edit. I came from the windows world an jumpt
on to linux back during suse 5.1 days. Tells you how
good suse/yast is. Its come along a lot.

--- Matthew Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Use YaST to edit your configuration file. Scroll
 down to 'start_mysql',
 and set it to 'yes'. Hit F10, and wait while it
 reconfigures things.
 Matthew Walker
 Ecommerce Project Manager
 Mountain Top Herbs
 -Original Message-
 From: Samy Elashmawy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 11:17 AM
 Subject: starting mysql deamon
 How do you start mysql autamaticaly on boot up ?
 Am running suse 7.2 linux with mysql installed to
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RE: starting mysql deamon

2002-01-28 Thread Matthew Walker

Use YaST to edit your configuration file. Scroll down to 'start_mysql',
and set it to 'yes'. Hit F10, and wait while it reconfigures things.

Matthew Walker
Ecommerce Project Manager
Mountain Top Herbs

-Original Message-
From: Samy Elashmawy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 11:17 AM
Subject: starting mysql deamon

How do you start mysql autamaticaly on boot up ?
Am running suse 7.2 linux with mysql installed to



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RE: F/U @ Re: * reiteration re: (re)starting MySQL

2001-11-27 Thread Roger C. Foster

By adding skip-innodb (minus the quotes) anywhere in the section
[mysqld] should work.

For more info look in the MySQL Technical Reference section
Preparing the Windows MySQL Environment.


-Original Message-
From: gx-inc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 9:24 PM
Subject: F/U @ Re: * reiteration re: (re)starting MySQL

I'd appreciate note-by-note directions. The my.cnf file wasn't to be
found on my system (odd), though I did find the my.ini file (in the main
Windows directory).

Some other directions stated that I could edit the my.cnf *or* my.ini
file(s) for essentially the same results, though I wouldn't presume to know
which is which and/or what specific editing particulars are involved.

Appended are the contents of the my.ini file (omitting the user name and
password for display purposes herein):


#This File was made using the WinMySQLadmin 1.1 Tool
#9/25/01 11:43:37 AM
#Uncomment or Add only the keys that you know how works.
#Read the MySQL Manual for instructions

#language=C:/MYSQL/share/your language directory
#slow query log#=



At this juncture I'd just as soon *not* use InnoDB, but just go with
plain MySQL. I do *not* want to use WinMySQLadmin but instead want to use
the DOS prompt for command-line access and database processing (if I'm
being clear?).

Appended below are the specifics that appeared at the DOS prompt when I
tried to access MySQL:


C:\WINDOWScd c:\mysql\bin\

C:\mysql\binmysqld --standalone
Cannot initialize InnoDB as 'innodb_data_file_path' is not set.
If you do not want to use transactional InnoDB tables, add a line
to the [mysqld] section of init parameters in your my.cnf
or my.ini. If you want to use InnoDB tables, add for example,
innodb_data_file_path = /mysql/data/ibdata1:20M
But to get good performance you should adjust for your hardware
the InnoDB startup options listed in section 7.6 at



Being completely new to MySQL specifically (and relational databases in
general) means I really have no idea just *where* to edit/insert what 
when; even most of the manual is Greek to me (at this preliminary point).

This is very frustrating, especially since I believe MySQL to be an
excellent database to learn by -- if indeed I can get the bugger actually
going for me to learn by!

Thanx to all for all assistance.

:-)  mhw  (-:


At 08:35 AM 11/26/01, you wrote:
try opening my.cnf  file

and see if you find s.thing with InnoDB

- Original Message -
From: gx-inc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 5:31 PM
Subject: * reiteration re: (re)starting MySQL

  * reiteration re: (re)starting MySQL
  Just recently started seriously studying the infernal trio of Apache,
  MySQL  PHP and got off to a decent start, but for reasons unknown can
  longer get MySQL to start up from the DOS prompt.
  I keep getting the following error message when I enter the
  C:\mysql\binmysqld --standalone command:
  Can't initialize InnoDB as 'innodb_data_file_path' is not set
  This command had previously worked without problems -- e.g., accessing
  MySQL to commence database construction; now it doesn't. One day it
  and the next it didn't despite not havng done anything in the interim
  the best of my knowledge: weird.
  Rather than using WinMySQLadmin I'd prefer to start up MySQL from the
  prompt primarily for the sake of learning proper command-line procedures
  anticipation of our pending migration to Linux as our primary OS.
  Would appreciate whatever guidance (debugging?) that the more
  users may have to offer. Thanks in advance.
  :-)  mhw  (-:
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F/U @ Re: * reiteration re: (re)starting MySQL

2001-11-26 Thread gx-inc

I'd appreciate note-by-note directions. The my.cnf file wasn't to be 
found on my system (odd), though I did find the my.ini file (in the main 
Windows directory).

Some other directions stated that I could edit the my.cnf *or* my.ini 
file(s) for essentially the same results, though I wouldn't presume to know 
which is which and/or what specific editing particulars are involved.

Appended are the contents of the my.ini file (omitting the user name and 
password for display purposes herein):


#This File was made using the WinMySQLadmin 1.1 Tool
#9/25/01 11:43:37 AM
#Uncomment or Add only the keys that you know how works.
#Read the MySQL Manual for instructions

#language=C:/MYSQL/share/your language directory
#slow query log#=



At this juncture I'd just as soon *not* use InnoDB, but just go with 
plain MySQL. I do *not* want to use WinMySQLadmin but instead want to use 
the DOS prompt for command-line access and database processing (if I'm 
being clear?).

Appended below are the specifics that appeared at the DOS prompt when I 
tried to access MySQL:


C:\WINDOWScd c:\mysql\bin\

C:\mysql\binmysqld --standalone
Cannot initialize InnoDB as 'innodb_data_file_path' is not set.
If you do not want to use transactional InnoDB tables, add a line
to the [mysqld] section of init parameters in your my.cnf
or my.ini. If you want to use InnoDB tables, add for example,
innodb_data_file_path = /mysql/data/ibdata1:20M
But to get good performance you should adjust for your hardware
the InnoDB startup options listed in section 7.6 at



Being completely new to MySQL specifically (and relational databases in 
general) means I really have no idea just *where* to edit/insert what  
when; even most of the manual is Greek to me (at this preliminary point).

This is very frustrating, especially since I believe MySQL to be an 
excellent database to learn by -- if indeed I can get the bugger actually 
going for me to learn by!

Thanx to all for all assistance.

:-)  mhw  (-:


At 08:35 AM 11/26/01, you wrote:
try opening my.cnf  file

and see if you find s.thing with InnoDB

- Original Message -
From: gx-inc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 5:31 PM
Subject: * reiteration re: (re)starting MySQL

  * reiteration re: (re)starting MySQL
  Just recently started seriously studying the infernal trio of Apache,
  MySQL  PHP and got off to a decent start, but for reasons unknown can no
  longer get MySQL to start up from the DOS prompt.
  I keep getting the following error message when I enter the
  C:\mysql\binmysqld --standalone command:
  Can't initialize InnoDB as 'innodb_data_file_path' is not set
  This command had previously worked without problems -- e.g., accessing
  MySQL to commence database construction; now it doesn't. One day it
  and the next it didn't despite not havng done anything in the interim to
  the best of my knowledge: weird.
  Rather than using WinMySQLadmin I'd prefer to start up MySQL from the DOS
  prompt primarily for the sake of learning proper command-line procedures
  anticipation of our pending migration to Linux as our primary OS.
  Would appreciate whatever guidance (debugging?) that the more experienced
  users may have to offer. Thanks in advance.
  :-)  mhw  (-:
  Please check; before
  posting. To request this thread, e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To unsubscribe, send a message to the address shown in the
  List-Unsubscribe header of this message. If you cannot see it,
  e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead.

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Re: F/U @ Re: * reiteration re: (re)starting MySQL

2001-11-26 Thread Miguel Angel Solórzano

At 20:24 26/11/2001 -0800, gx-inc wrote:

I'd appreciate note-by-note directions. The my.cnf file wasn't to be 
found on my system (odd), though I did find the my.ini file (in the main 
Windows directory).

In short: you can use either c:\my.cnf or \windir\my.ini file, not both.

For not to use the WinMySQLAdmin, remove the shortcut from the start
menu, delete the \windir\my.ini file and create\edit the c:\my.cnf file.


Some other directions stated that I could edit the my.cnf *or* my.ini 
file(s) for essentially the same results, though I wouldn't presume to 
know which is which and/or what specific editing particulars are involved.

Appended are the contents of the my.ini file (omitting the user name and 
password for display purposes herein):


#This File was made using the WinMySQLadmin 1.1 Tool
#9/25/01 11:43:37 AM
#Uncomment or Add only the keys that you know how works.
#Read the MySQL Manual for instructions

#language=C:/MYSQL/share/your language directory
#slow query log#=



At this juncture I'd just as soon *not* use InnoDB, but just go with 
plain MySQL. I do *not* want to use WinMySQLadmin but instead want to 
use the DOS prompt for command-line access and database processing (if I'm 
being clear?).

Appended below are the specifics that appeared at the DOS prompt when I 
tried to access MySQL:


C:\WINDOWScd c:\mysql\bin\

C:\mysql\binmysqld --standalone
Cannot initialize InnoDB as 'innodb_data_file_path' is not set.
If you do not want to use transactional InnoDB tables, add a line
to the [mysqld] section of init parameters in your my.cnf
or my.ini. If you want to use InnoDB tables, add for example,
innodb_data_file_path = /mysql/data/ibdata1:20M
But to get good performance you should adjust for your hardware
the InnoDB startup options listed in section 7.6 at



Being completely new to MySQL specifically (and relational databases in 
general) means I really have no idea just *where* to edit/insert what  
when; even most of the manual is Greek to me (at this preliminary point).

This is very frustrating, especially since I believe MySQL to be an 
excellent database to learn by -- if indeed I can get the bugger actually 
going for me to learn by!

Thanx to all for all assistance.

:-)  mhw  (-:


At 08:35 AM 11/26/01, you wrote:
try opening my.cnf  file

and see if you find s.thing with InnoDB

- Original Message -
From: gx-inc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 5:31 PM
Subject: * reiteration re: (re)starting MySQL

  * reiteration re: (re)starting MySQL
  Just recently started seriously studying the infernal trio of Apache,
  MySQL  PHP and got off to a decent start, but for reasons unknown can no
  longer get MySQL to start up from the DOS prompt.
  I keep getting the following error message when I enter the
  C:\mysql\binmysqld --standalone command:
  Can't initialize InnoDB as 'innodb_data_file_path' is not set
  This command had previously worked without problems -- e.g., accessing
  MySQL to commence database construction; now it doesn't. One day it
  and the next it didn't despite not havng done anything in the interim to
  the best of my knowledge: weird.
  Rather than using WinMySQLadmin I'd prefer to start up MySQL from the DOS
  prompt primarily for the sake of learning proper command-line procedures
  anticipation of our pending migration to Linux as our primary OS.
  Would appreciate whatever guidance (debugging?) that the more experienced
  users may have to offer. Thanks in advance.
  :-)  mhw  (-:
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   /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Miguel A. Solórzano

newbie question re: (re)starting MySQL

2001-11-21 Thread gx-inc

Just recently started seriously studying the infernal trio of Apache, 
MySQL  PHP and got off to a decent start, but for reasons unknown can no 
longer get MySQL to start up from the DOS prompt.

I keep getting a Can't initialize InnoDB as innodb_data_file_path is not 
set message when I enter the C:\mysql\binmysqld --standalone command. 
This command had previously worked without problems; now it doesn't.

The only possibility I can think of offhand is that my subsequently 
experimenting with WinMySQLadmin may have somehow disabled being able to 
start up MySQL from the DOS prompt (which I want to continue to utilize for 
the sake of learning proper command-line procedures in anticipation of our 
pending migration to Linux as our primary OS). Perhaps this is a long shot 
and I've missed the mark entirely in trying to decipher what isn't 
congealing at present.

Would appreciate whatever guidance (debugging?) that the more experienced 
users may have to offer. Thanks in advance.

:-)  mhw  (-:

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Re: Starting MySQL-3.23.41-4mdk.src.rpm*

2001-09-05 Thread Nev and Emel Gokcen

MySQL-3.23.41-4mdk.src.rpm* is not an attachment but simply the name of an
executable file.

I would like to know how to start this program.

Thanks in advance.

Altna Gokcen

- Original Message -
To: Nev and Emel Gokcen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 8:49 PM
Subject: Re: Starting MySQL-3.23.41-4mdk.src.rpm*

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Re: Starting mysql

2001-06-18 Thread Scott Baker

That's what it's supposed to do.  End the command with a  so it will 
spawn into the background.


At 11:05 AM 6/18/2001 -0700, Dale Schell wrote:
Hello all,
 I have mysql 3.23.39 installed on the new Mac OSX Server. The problem I
am having is that when I start it from the command line using safe_mysql -u
mysql, it says:

Starting mysqld daemin with databases from /usr/local/mysql/var

It never reports anything else. The database starts, but the terminal window
I used to startd it never finishes up. I have to open a new terminal window
 Has anyone experienced this?


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Scott Baker - Webster Internet - Network Technician
503.266.8253 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP KeyID: 0xC2153655

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Re: starting MySql on redhat 7

2001-04-18 Thread myjunk

I don't know if you have fixed this probelm, but I had the same problem on Red Hat 
7.0. I had installed the rpm files from and The problem was 
solved by doing the following.

chmod 755 the "mysql" directory that contains the "mysql.sock" file. 

I am currently running the latest release of MySQL Server  Client. 

Don't take this advice as perfect. I am a newbie also.


"bobit" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote ..
 Hi - here's my prob and background info.  Tried the fix - it didn't work.
 MySQL Connection Failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 
 Any thoughts...? 
 I'm not sure if it's the same problem but here goes:
 I just did a fresh install of RH 7.0 with apache, php, and mysql.
 I had the same problem.
 All I had to do was change the permissions on my MySQL directory (in your case 
 so that my apache user (the user/group that apache runs as) has access.
 check to make sure it also changes permissions on the mysql.sock file.  That's the
 important one.
 I believe apache only needs read (maybe execute) access.
 chmod 755 /var/lib/mysql
 (that's from memory, but you know the gist of the problem)
 Groan..I knew linux was tough but I didn't think I needed a black belt.  I've got
 exactly the same prob after a straight redhat7 install.  I tried to take milner's
 advice and:
 changed the /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock to 755 for root who I'm logged in as.  Then
 tried to do the same thing for the Mysql directory.  It won't change.  Tried a 
 Then figured there was something screwy with the directory.
 Moved mysql.sock to /test
 rmdir mysql
 mkdir mysql
 copied the file back in.  The file now had rw permissions only.  But in the test
 dir root had all the permissions to it.  Is it being blocked higher up in the tree.
 My linux book isn't very good on dir permissions.  Will chmod change these even if
 the directory is not empty.
 And how do u list permissions to a directory?  ls -l only seems to work for files.
 In the error log in the same directory I also get: doesn't exist - but this may be a susequent error.
 I'm a complete newbie so any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: starting MySql on redhat 7

2001-04-16 Thread Seung-woo Nam

bobit wrote:
 Hi - here's my prob and background info.  Tried the fix - it didn't work.
 MySQL Connection Failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 
'/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111)
 Any thoughts...?
Is MySQL actually running on your system? Even if you installed it, it's
not started automatically on RedHat by default.

 My linux book isn't very good on dir permissions.  Will chmod change these even if 
the directory is not empty.
You don't use chmod to change permission for directories. Instead you
can use chown to change the owner of directories.

 And how do u list permissions to a directory?  ls -l only seems to work for files.
ls -l does work for directories.

 In the error log in the same directory I also get: doesn't exist - but this may be a susequent error.
 I'm a complete newbie so any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Starting Mysql with system

2001-04-02 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

How can i put mysql to start with my system, im worcking with RedHat Linux

RTFM: go to your sourcedir, cd Docs and read manual.txt.. or one of the 
other manuals.. like the one at



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Re: Starting MySQL

2001-03-05 Thread wen

Please add /usr/local/mysql/bin in your PATH.

dwayne I'm fairly new to MySQL and unix. I have installed mysql on redhat 6.2 without 
too many problems. I am changing my o/s to FreeBSD 4.2 and have installed mysql after 
many hours of grief. I have mysql set to start at boot time and this seems to work 
well. The problem I have is that I can't access the server from the command prompt 
without using the full path to mysql (ie /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql). Any help would 
be greatly appreciated.
dwayne Dwayne

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Re: Starting MySQL

2001-01-17 Thread Carlos Corzo


I am just a bit confused still so I will try again.  Do I need to stop mysql as it
is running now before I start safe_mysql or will it just replace the current
running version?  Also, does it matter where I start it from?  I can telnet to the
server, execute the command and then move on.

As far as database access is concerned.  I have an admin person who would make
changes to the database.  They would log in through the web but how do you know
where they are coming from to grant them special priviledges?

Also, when Joe Bob out there tries to execute the PERL script that accesses the
tables and executes queries, how am I supposed to grant them access to read
information?  How would I know who Joe Bob is coming into the website?  Do I just
grant the world read access to my database?

Sorry but I just don't quite understand this stuff yet.


Martin Stoufer wrote:

 Carlos Corzo wrote:

  I bought MySQL by O'reilly.  This thing is just as tough to read as the
  manual but I am trying and utilizing both.  When we installed MySQL on
  our server, it seems to already be running.  I was able to create a
  database and everything so I assume that it is running.  The book says
  to run mysql in safe mode because it would restart the mysql server
  automatically if it goes down.  Does everyone out there use safe_mysqld
  when running their servers?  Do I need to stop the current server and
  restart it as safe_mysqld?  That is the part I am most confused by, what
  to do now that I had already started it regularly.  If anyone can help,
  that would be great.

 If you plan on using your db for some critical business service, I'd recommend
 running it in safe mode. This way, if and when it crashed, it would obviously
 restart. You can also tweak the startup script to notify you in some manner
 that it died and restarted.

  Also, if you just create a table as root and do not do anything with
  security and permissions, would a perl program written on any domain
  name on that server be allowed to access the database, or do I need to
  give special permission to that domain name.  I am curious if I just
  give a host, "", full access.  I just get confused between
  the host and the user.  Is the user just the name being used to log in
  to host?  If so, when someone just executes the perl script from a call
  from the browser, do I have to specify any specific permissions there.
  They will not be running the script as the user I specify.  I have read
  about the wildcard "%" option but that seems a little unsafe.

 I had a bear with this as well; I know your pain! I found that if you make
 explicit enteries in the 'user' table of the 'mysql' db with password access
 from specific hosts, localhost as well, this goes a long way to lock people out
 from wreaking havoc with mySQL. Second, setup access for % from % with an
 encoded password (use the paswword() when you make the entry) in the user
 table. Also give them NO privileges of any kind. I'm pretty sure that this is
 the M.O. when a new entry is added. Once this is complete. Add individual
 entries into the db table for each user you want in and what db they are
 allowed to connect to. Tweak the individual privileges here. Once this is
 complete, do a [flush privileges] and you should be ready to go.

 Good luck!!


  Any help would be appreciated.  I did my research before asking!
  Isn't there a sample program out there that is simple, and quick that
  you could create a database and test your interface to make sure that
  you can start hacking away at some MySQL queries?  This book has some
  and they are huge with no CD.
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Re: Starting MySQL

2001-01-17 Thread Mikel King

Yes stop the old and start the new...on a side note...should have bought
DuBios's book...ISBN: 0-7357-0921-1 Found it to be an invaluable source on
this sort of stuff. In any event safe_mysqld seems to be default on most
sytems...Yes please get you security straight...if the app is colocated on
the same server you can get away with localhost, however; if not then you
must make an entry for each domain...


Carlos Corzo wrote:


 I bought MySQL by O'reilly.  This thing is just as tough to read as the
 manual but I am trying and utilizing both.  When we installed MySQL on
 our server, it seems to already be running.  I was able to create a
 database and everything so I assume that it is running.  The book says
 to run mysql in safe mode because it would restart the mysql server
 automatically if it goes down.  Does everyone out there use safe_mysqld
 when running their servers?  Do I need to stop the current server and
 restart it as safe_mysqld?  That is the part I am most confused by, what
 to do now that I had already started it regularly.  If anyone can help,
 that would be great.

 Also, if you just create a table as root and do not do anything with
 security and permissions, would a perl program written on any domain
 name on that server be allowed to access the database, or do I need to
 give special permission to that domain name.  I am curious if I just
 give a host, "", full access.  I just get confused between
 the host and the user.  Is the user just the name being used to log in
 to host?  If so, when someone just executes the perl script from a call
 from the browser, do I have to specify any specific permissions there.
 They will not be running the script as the user I specify.  I have read
 about the wildcard "%" option but that seems a little unsafe.

 Any help would be appreciated.  I did my research before asking!


 Isn't there a sample program out there that is simple, and quick that
 you could create a database and test your interface to make sure that
 you can start hacking away at some MySQL queries?  This book has some
 and they are huge with no CD.

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