Re: [Nanog-futures] NewNOG memberships are available

2011-02-01 Thread Randy Bush
the site, done i believe at merit by brian, is a
brilliant example of high function with minimal use of web trickery.  i
was amazed when he first modernized it.

fwiw, paypal, which i used to use a lot, is not usable in many parts of
the globe.  not a good way to throw away a lot of potential members.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] NewNOG memberships are available

2011-02-01 Thread Randy Bush
 I'm the NewNOG Treasurer.  You can send a check to me at 
 PO Box 8726, Moscow, ID 83843.

thank you

and i will vouch for duane's integrity, if you are wondering about
sending a check to moscow.  bookkeeping is being done on kremvax.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] an alternate proposal for NewNOG's membership structure

2011-01-04 Thread Randy Bush
 doesn't indicate that they need to be full time, so I guess they just
 have to be a college or university student.  Period.  Yes?

why only university?  wazza matter with the younger set?  i have worked
with some bitchin' good 15 year olds that became senior geeks over the


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] an alternate proposal for NewNOG ’s membership structure

2010-12-17 Thread Randy Bush
i see your point.  not sure how you are suggesting to deal with it.  i
think there is basic physics behind only expecting 200 paying
members.  my model is that

  0 there are a dozen or so people who actually DO a lot for the
organization.  they'll keep working and attending as long as
they do not get too disgusted.

  1 there are another 20 who want gold badges but don't do squat other
than generate bs and make life miserable for the folk in category
0.  they will stay around hoping that winning beauty contests for
gold badges will fill the sad gaping holes in their egos.

  2 there are a hundred or two people who really contribute clue and
take home clue.  they are the core of the membership, and will
stick around and try to find a low effort way to continue to

  3 there are a a few hundred people who contribute noise and take
home nothing of value.  they attend when we're nearby and some
will pay to be a member if you can find the right buttons to

  4 there are thousands who lurk, take what clue they can, and will
show up when they can.  very few will pay.

i worry most about 0 and 2 and seeing they are motivated to stay and
contribute as they can.  only stoopidity and sociopathy will burn them
out and keep them from contributing, paying membership, coming to
meetings, ...

the folk who worry about money probably also need to mine 1 and 3,
especially 3.  e.g., they're why we need to hold meetings in the bay
area, virginia, etc.

bottom line: i do not think you should be disappointed in a model that
is conservative and estimates 200 paying members.  i will be happy to
be wrong.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] an alternate proposal for NewNOG ’s membership structure

2010-12-17 Thread Randy Bush
 Would it help to think of it this way?
 If you're a member, you don't have to worry about making the
 early registration deadline -- you always get it.

or, there is no early registration discount.  there is a late
registration penalty.

[ which is what it usually is, as late regs are more costly to process ]


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] No vote implications

2010-10-04 Thread Randy Bush
 Can someone clarify what the implication of a no vote on the proposed
 charter amendment are. Does that represent a vote of no confidence in
 the existing SC?

that is the problem with not segmenting it, you can't tell.

but i would not take it that way.  there is an sc election for that.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Memberships, Bylaws and other election matters

2010-10-04 Thread Randy Bush
 If the vote fails and these Bylaws are not adopted, the current
 initial Bylaws will remain in effect.  These are very minimal,
 covering only a basic nonprofit corporate structure with boilerplate
 necessary to make the IRS happy, and pretty much everything else left
 to the Board's discretion.

if the board acts calmly and sanely, this is not bad

 Since we don't have consensus on the membership issue yet, I will
 pledge to do what I can with my Board vote keep from moving down the
 path specified in the draft in ways that can't easily be undone when
 we do come to a consensus.

this is helpful

 As one example, I will vote against creating any fellow members if
 it should come up.

will sc members also make this committment?

and what about lifers, the other long-term unwindable committment?


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Memberships, Bylaws and other election matters

2010-10-04 Thread Randy Bush
 and what about lifers, the other long-term unwindable commitment?
 Specifically what is your objection to offering life membership?

i thought i was pretty clear, if terse.

we do not have consensus over membership categories.  life membership is
unwindable should we decide against it.

personally, i am not strongly against it, but am sceptical.  it may get
a cash infusion now, but what will it do to income down the road when
folk don't need to renew? [0]

does newnog actually need the infusion up front?  are there other ways
to deal with the financial problem that the attempt to create of this
class of membership implies?



[0] - i know some rir boards who are asking themselves about where they
  get income when folk have /32s and do not need to come back for
  more ipv6 space as frequently as they have for ipv4.

Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Final bylaws proposal

2010-10-03 Thread Randy Bush
 If the to-be-voted-upon membership language is not appropriate for
 us going forward, it won't be the end of the world if we have to
 change it.
 If the proposal is voted down, it won't be the end of the world either.

perhaps the bylaws should have been segmented for voting?


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Final bylaws proposal

2010-10-03 Thread Randy Bush
 One thing to keep clearly in mind here - the last charter was an
 iterative process. It took three to four years to fine tune it,
 between the mistakes, the unforeseen impacts, and the necessary
 removal of bootstrap language.

USD 20 says that, by the time we can get the extra categories out of the
bylaws, there will be annointed 'fellows' and other poofery that will be
hard to untangle.  the proposal does not start with simple.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Final bylaws proposal

2010-10-03 Thread Randy Bush
 you forgot honorary troll, distinguished troll and fellow troll.
 I would like to know the criteria for such titles.

i have no doubt at all that the membership committee can produce a
wonderful set of criteria, job descriptions, obligations, ...


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Final bylaws proposal

2010-10-01 Thread Randy Bush
i started to read the bylaws draft, hit the 42 flavors of membership,
and decided to drop this note and do something more useful with my time.

it left out gold and platinum members, 100 meeting members, extra
legroom members, and dismembers.  why the hell is all this crap needed?


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Final bylaws proposal

2010-10-01 Thread Randy Bush
 you forgot honorary troll, distinguished troll and fellow troll.

my only excuse is tough night in the rack.  and zita-san says redheads
should get a class by themselves (sorry, ren).

 my comment from 9/22 that at most there should be two membership
 states, members and non still stands.

iff there is a membership fee, i can see a student discount.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] janog

2010-07-09 Thread Randy Bush
 fyi, janog in tokyo on last afternoon now.  580 attendees out of 802
 registered.  as there is no cost to register, over-registration is
 english web page

final attendance 624.

plus 270/thurs 290/fri remote users watched the stream.  no archive
bummer, the geek tools preso was a classic!

janog 27 will be 2011.01.20-21 in kanazawa, see,_Ishikawa
known for great seafood and famous rice and sake.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Moving Forward - What kind of NANOG do we want?

2010-07-02 Thread Randy Bush
 Unless people serious intended for the organisation to have regular [1]
 meetings outside of North America (which I doubt) then it should retain 
 the current general name and focus.

why?  we hove the world series!  :)

hubris is not a quality we lack.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Moving Forward - What kind of NANOG do we want?

2010-07-01 Thread Randy Bush
 Betty did a very good job of getting us on this path. That was as
 opposed to Susan who was reflexively against anything that had the
 foul odor of capitalist enterprise. We need to continue to
 professionalize as the organization evolves.
 Agreed.  That was always one of the dimensions of the NANOG debate -
 commercial vs. the original academic/research roots.  I also believe
 we err'd too far on the conservative side of commercializing NANOG.

imiho, there has been slow and cautious movement from our academic
non-commercial roots toward more industry focus.  one reason it has been
slow is because there's no reversing direction if we think we have gone
too far.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] NANOG Transition - How we got here

2010-06-28 Thread Randy Bush
 My issues are with how we got here.

i have similar 'issues'.  quite serious ones.

when i find a time machine, i plan to deal with them, among many other


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] 2010.06.13 NANOG49 community meeting notes

2010-06-14 Thread Randy Bush
 Q: Randy Bush doesn't care what it's called--call
 it FrakMerit for all he cares.
 freakanomics folks says banking should be boring;

paul krugman, nobel economist


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] NANOG Transition Plan track will be webcast

2010-06-14 Thread Randy Bush
 For those interested, the NANOG Transition Plan session, scheduled
 for 4:30-6:00pm Monday, will be webcast.

ahem.  i presume this will not interfere with the webcasting of the
security session.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Membership, was Transition update

2010-06-11 Thread Randy Bush
 Who is going to pay to join a mailing list?

if i understand the social contract and the business plan, i am happy to
pay for foux-nog membership.  i pay acm membership, i get some acm
publications, and i then pay to go to acm meetings.  nothing new here.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Transition update

2010-06-08 Thread Randy Bush
 Having served my maximum 4 years on the PC, I would characterize my own 
 experience with interaction between the respective parties SC PC and 
 merit as congruent with that of Dan's. I would observe that over my now 
 13 year involvement with nanog that the community revolt that produced 
 the SC was probably the most important step in normalizing the the 
 various roles, raising the level of accountability, and eleminating the 
 arbirary exercise of power.
 while I'm disappointed with the progress so far I've been convinced that 
 the responsibility for the nanog activity needs ultimately to be 
 invested in the community and my opinion on suject hasn't changed since 
 the reform project began. Successful/unsuccessful interaction with the 
 merit organization has always been personalty driven, I have enourmous 
 respect for the work that carol and betty and david and sue have done, 
 but they work in this through the forebearance of merit.


but where the heck are pro forma financial projections for the new
nanog?  we were to get them with lead time to actualy study and ask
questions before now.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Transition update

2010-06-08 Thread Randy Bush
 On 6/8/10 3:25 PM, Jo Rhett wrote: and wrote and wrote and wrote
 No, I'm not on the SC.   I'm just here to ridicule...
 |  PLEASE  |
 |  DO NOT  |
 |  TROLL   |
 |  |
 |  |

but, with no data from our fearless [0] leadership, what else are we to
do, talk about NATO black helicopters?


[0] - let us hope that the lack of fear is not their only attribute

Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] wazza plan

2010-05-28 Thread Randy Bush
 I'll send out a progress update later today, and we're working on a  
 more detailed plan/budget to publish in advance of the community  

thank you!


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] wazza plan

2010-05-27 Thread Randy Bush
 nanog/sf approaches.  will our illustrious leadership be sending out
 at least the basics of a business plan long enough before the meeting
 that we have time to treat it seriously as opposed to flying foils at
 the so called community meeting?

 i would hope to see, at a minimum, three year forward fairly detailed
 pro forma balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow.
 I vote we remove these clowns and give it back to merit.

we have a few weeks to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume
they have a business plan.  after all, it's simple biz 101.

if no clear and believable biz plan *before* nanog, then indeed it is
bozoville and something will have to be done to clean up their mess.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Transition FAQ

2010-04-17 Thread Randy Bush
like you, i am an 'outsider' to this process, which i see as a feature
not a bug.  but i have a slightly different take.

the transition is a process that has been going on slowly for years.
this is just another step.  but it is different in that it involves
business, financial, rights in data, and personnel negotiations which
are just not appropriate to be carried on in public.

otoh, i agree that pronouncements from on high are not a good social
strategy in this community.  and perhaps a bit of arrogance can be
detected in our peers who are moving this forward.  luckily, none of
the rest of us suffer from arrogance. :)

now that much of this is out in the open, i presume we will be better
informed.  though, to be honest, despite it probably taking a lot of
work on steve and crew's part to keep us informed, i am likely to hit
delete a lot.  i am even more overloaded than usual these daze.

i figure it'll be a fun community meeting i sf.  i suggest we go back
to serving the alcohol first. :)


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] [NANOG-announce] The Evolution of NANOG

2010-04-15 Thread Randy Bush
thanks steve.  this is certainly a step forward in nanog's evolution,
and one i hope and presume will be positive.  hard work for you, but
really it's mostly just business.  we did it with arin, and that has
worked out.  and, despite the undoubted ton of blah blah that will come
on the list(s), you know that the large core of the community supports
your efforts, and some can even be called upon to help with the work.

and, of course, a jillion thanks to betty, carol, sue, larry, david,
et alia at merit who have provided such great support over the years and
have helped hatch the egg.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Draft Policy re individual sites

2009-06-09 Thread Randy Bush
 In theory, if Nanog was topical to its own mission, Nanog would be a  
 must read every day.

We all agree that Pascal needs only one or two changes.  The problem is
we each have a different set of changes.  -- pascal hacker back in the

the problem here is that the community is diverse, and we need to honor
that diversity.

 The arguments for censorship are to try and limit the list to useful  
 content to all parties.   Your statement about subscribing to the 20  
 lists which interest you and dumping them all in the same folder is  
 actually a perfect solution (for you).  You get to choose which 20  
 topics interest you.  I get to choose a different 20, etc and so  
 forth.  We interact on 4 or 5 we have in common and all of the posts  
 on those lists being topical to the list, is a perfect scenario.



Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] modest proposal for moderation

2009-06-09 Thread Randy Bush
 Note: topic in the presentation room, not topic at the hotel bar ;-)
 ... which clearly means that you've missed where the real discussions

and only want to discuss what has already been discussed


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Countermeasures for spam from social networks

2009-05-15 Thread Randy Bush
 Is this really enough of a problem to devote the MLC and Merit's  
 energy toward solving it?

if it distracts them from censoring messages from my peers and from
sending nasty-grams to my peers, i think it's a great idea!


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Draft Policy re individual sites

2009-05-12 Thread Randy Bush
clearly we have returned to a regime where folk think that censorship is
the way to improve what they see as the appropriate content of the nanog

as part of that, the mlc is now saying there is a list for that,
ref.  if someone would do us a favor and accumulate a list of these
lists, one could subscribe to them, unsubscribe from nanog, and dump the
new lists into the same inbox.  

i, for one, am ready.  i have a delete key for messages that do not
interest me.  but i do not have an undelete for messages which censors
do not think i should read.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Draft Policy re individual sites

2009-05-12 Thread Randy Bush
 This problem has  become a cyclical event which seems to cause a rash
 of finger pointing at the MLC whenever it pops up. This results in
 some 'action'. That action is usually like using reload as a
 workaround to a hardware problem instead of replacing the buggy code.
 The result is what we keep discussing: same stuff different day and a
 not so job for Kris et al.
^ (happy|good|pleasant|achievable|.*)

i agree.  we set them up for abuse and a choice between failure modes.
they can not win.

 How about a filtered(proactive) -and- an unfiltered(reactive) feed?

works for me, though i am not sure what you mean by reactive beyond my
using the delete functions.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] IPv6 and Home user allocations

2009-05-04 Thread Randy Bush
it has been a bit of a lesson to watch this OT thread self-moderate on
this non-moderated list.

and this post is on topic, though has an incorrect $subject :)


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Draft Policy re individual sites

2009-05-01 Thread Randy Bush
 A policy idea that has been put forward, thoughts (especially from 
 lurkers) ?
 Policy re individual sites
 The availability and operation of specific Internet site such as websites 
 and email services is off-topic unless:
 (a) The problems are caused by network reachability rather than problems
  at the site hosting the service.
 (b) The Internet site is a route-server or similar service which
  directly supports network routing and connectivity.

fix your desk calendar.  this is may 1st, not april 1st.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Draft Policy re individual sites

2009-05-01 Thread Randy Bush
 On topic for who?   Show me how to configure my router to use a dnsbl.

please be seated when you read the next sentence.


network operations is not only about routers


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Draft Policy re individual sites

2009-05-01 Thread Randy Bush
 - If there's a well-known mailing list for the subject, discussion  
 should be redirected there.

nope.  i do not want to have to manage subscriptions (and get monthly
mailman garbage:) from 42 mailing lists, and have to track where subject
19.43 has moved this week.

do people not have mail readers with a delete subject/thread key?


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] ADMIN: Reminder on off-topic threads

2009-04-24 Thread Randy Bush
 Moderation has never worked well. Personal choice, killfiles, are
 optimal IMHO.  I agree.

is there another ops group, ripe, sanog, apops, afnog, ... which seems
to need/want moderation?  i am not aware of any other list i read that
is moderated.  if not, does that seem a bit strange to anyone (else)?

and the moderation has not, imiho, improved the content of the mailing

the bean counters, albeit well meaning, only know how to cut expenses.
you don't make a successful company by throttling expense.  it's the
income that makes a company.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Fwd: ADMIN: Reminder on off-topic threads

2009-04-24 Thread Randy Bush
 Let's try and take a step back, and see how low-key moderation works again?
 No, let's not.  To steal a line from rbush, we tried that three years
 ago and it didn't work then.  

actually it did

 The current MLC's approach is working Just Fine;

in your opinion

mine differs

Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Bhutan discovers the NANOG Problem...

2008-07-15 Thread Randy Bush
 If what you say is worthwhile and engaging, they'll listen

again, what keeps the cows in the pasture is the quality of the grass
not the size of the fence.

randy, who has seen a bull walk through a fence without noticing it

Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Subject line Tag and footer

2008-05-08 Thread Randy Bush
just use .procmailrc to change your headers as you see fit

changing mail headers is a dangerous path.  i think of them as an audit

randy, another vote against gunk in subject:

Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] [NANOG] Never seen before! Gucci Prada Chanel, Bally, Dsquared, Sold for less than cost.WOW

2008-04-24 Thread Randy Bush
 We're aware of the issue, and we'll work with Merit to fix it. Please
 refrain from posting similar me too-style comments on this
 particular thread.
 In the future, please note that if you have comments regarding
 operation of the list or something that just doesn't look right, you
 can contact the MLC and mailing list admins directly at:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your ongoing patience and support is, as always,
 very much appreciated.

people are just filling the vacuum as i described.  no ops isues and a
sparrow falls, we all become ornithologists.



ps: no sparrows were harmed in writing this message

Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-21 Thread Randy Bush
 Randy, you are on the FreeBSD lists and you see the same where do I 
 go to get an answer to... message that I do when comes out every 
 month. Why not have the same thing for NANOG, but have it be on the 
 FAQ page, or some other NANOG-hosted page if not the FAQ?

i think this is a good idea.  and i doubt having it also posted to the
list once a month would seriously decrease the s:n.  but i am not sure
this is a bounded problem, and i think cluepon tries to do it, see

 I appreciate that you feel the royal we are most equipped to answer
 all questions about all manner of things

i don't.  but piss off is not an answer to much except to other old
crusty sobs :)


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-20 Thread Randy Bush
[ moved to futures ]

 Are you seriously going to sit there and claim that someone asking about
 how to set up 2 default routes on a FreeBSD box is operationally or
 technically relevant to the NANOG community at large?

no.  because, due to our diversity (which i think is a good thing),
nothing is relevant to the nanog community *at large*.

in this case it was a routing question about a commonly used platform.
and one which is generalizable to other platforms.  if this does not
belong on nanog, we should all go home.

 I personally think NANOG has enough noise as it is.

then perhaps you should be sending your spankings as private email?


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-20 Thread Randy Bush
Michael Smith wrote:
 how about we all agree to politely sent the new member to when it's obvious they are asking
 questions that could be better answered elsewhere?

i hope all my competitors treat their new customers that way.

how about
  o if it is at all ops related, and you know the answer, answer it
  o and, iff you have answered it, and know of where better help in
the subject area is available, politely point?

as one kind soul actually did


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] load balancing and fault tolerance without load balancer

2008-03-14 Thread Randy Bush
 NANOG really isn't the forum for this kind of conversation.

oh, why?  it sure seems operational to me.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Charter and crossposting.

2008-03-14 Thread Randy Bush
Simon Lyall wrote:
 I notice that the charter (both and and the new proposal) explicitly bans
 crossposting to the list. However every week we get:
 The Cidr Report   - Crossposted to 4 others lists
 BGP Update Report - Crossposted to 5 others lists
 Weekly Routing Table Report   - Crossposted to 5 others lists
 Could either the policies (now and future) please be updated to either
 allow these or could the mailing list admins please take measures to stop
 them occuring.

being one of those who subscribes to most of the lists to which the
cross-posting occurs, and running procmail that filters all but the
first copy to arrive, i really appreciate the cross-posting as opposed
to individual messages.

could someone please explain what the ban on cross-posting is meant to
accomplish?  i am sure it is a good thing, i just don't remember why.
perhaps it's a lack of coffee.

otoh, making exceptions is one of the reasons we have humans on the mlc
as opposed to automata.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] The Peering BOF and the Fallout?

2008-02-24 Thread Randy Bush
Chris Malayter wrote:
 Greetings All,
 What's the deal with the Peering BOF for NY?  I've heard rumors running wild 
 that we're not going to have one, we're going to have one but Bill isn't 
 to run it, to we're moving to a peering track and a track bases system.
 I would like to know what's the deal and would like to throw my support 
 Bill for the 17 BOF's that he's done so far.  I think that kicking him out 
 after all this time for a misplaced joke seems to be a bit over the top.
 If nothing else, I would imagine that the numbers continuing to grow over 
 should show that the interest has not been lost, and that the people like the 
 format and the effort that Bill puts into it.
 If the PC is going to axe the BOF, I would like some transparency and 
 explantion to the rest of us as to the rationelle so we can have it in the 
 public forum for debate.

thanks mr murdoch.

rumors of the bof's or bill's death are probably a bit exaggerated.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] The Peering BOF and the Fallout?

2008-02-24 Thread Randy Bush

Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] [admin] Re: EU Official: IP Is Personal

2008-01-25 Thread Randy Bush
Martin Hannigan wrote:
 Folks, we'd like to ask that this thread die a quick and painful
 death. It's gone off topic and it seems to have run whatever short
 course that it tried. While what Europe does is interesting to us as
 network operators, this is European policy and off topic for NANOG.

right!  none of our packets go over there and vice versa.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] [admin] Re: EU Official: IP Is Personal

2008-01-25 Thread Randy Bush
Martin Hannigan wrote:
 [Randy removed, he's in my killfile]

rofl!  make my day.

 By all means, volunteer to serve on the MLC if you prefer to drive
 from the front.

you take someone disagreeing with you so well, marty.  hope you don't 
have a heart attack.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Submitted presentation request...

2008-01-13 Thread Randy Bush
 In any event, I don't know how to directly contact the the NANOG PC
 folks as a follow-up and figured this might be the best way (instead
 of resubmitting through the web cgi stuff).

from the bottom of

You may instead submit the presentation information and draft slides in 

that should probably work


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Cisco outage

2007-11-28 Thread Randy Bush
 Should we remove this person or not?

why?  just because he calls you on your bs?  pfui!  pick on someone your
own size.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Cisco outage

2007-11-28 Thread Randy Bush
 It seems to be a cut and dried case of mail bouncing.  If mail
 bounces, the address is not good and should be removed.

as mail from the nanog list exploder is not being bounced, but rather
marty's personal email is being bounced, i guess you mean that marty
should stop sending it.  i suspect this might be appreciated by the
recipient too :).

as has been pointed out, the actual 'problem' is that gmail and many
other public smtp senders are being used as spam sources and hence
making it into dnsrbls.  i just decided to turn off my main smtp
receiver's use of


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Cisco outage

2007-11-28 Thread Randy Bush
 To clarify this discussion, I'd like to point out that the bounce in
 quesiton was from a private email from Marty to J.Oquendo.
 In response to a post from the list. Same exact thing we have setup
 with this autoresponder policy.

his system bounced a private email from you.  he did not send a bounce
to the from_ or from: of a message to the list.  the list was not
involved at all.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] [admin] RE: Creating a crystal clear and pure Internet

2007-11-27 Thread Randy Bush
personal opinion

 the position that politics, culture, and society have no place in
 internet operations is beyond even an ostrich.  they bloody *drive* the
 car.  while we're at it, why not eliminate finances too?  sheesh!
 moving the discussion to the appropriate list.

apologies.  i hit reply to yours without looking.  thought we were in
-futures.  thanks for redirecting.

 Should politics/culture/society be on-topic? Or should we maintain this 
 list as *internet operations* list.

non-related politics, e.g. whether or not W is a war criminal, would not
be useful or seemingly related to internet operations.

some actions of the fcc, iana, some court/legal actions, calea, ... on
the other hand, do affect us operationally.

admittedly it's not always an easy line.

 What I would like to avoid is list becoming general banter for neteng.
 Surely, everything is related to operations, somehow. But that doesn't 
 mean it belongs on-list.

if it could be automated, we would not need people to help with it.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: proposed NANOG charter amendments

2007-09-27 Thread Randy Bush
 The issue that arises from it is that there ought to be a requirement
 that if you are going to make a proposal, claim that you have support,
 etc. that we have names instead of broad statements like the one

not sure i have what you're getting at, not even sure which of the two
proposed amemndments, but lemme try.

the sc as a whole agreed that the requirement that all pc members review
all submissions was inappropriate. according to charter, the sc then
makes an amendment proposal.

a non-sc volunteered to draft a proposed amendment.  this was subsequent
to sc discussion at our last con call.  feeling that it was important to
get the members involved as early as possible (and it is kinda late
already), it was decided to toss that draft out here in -futures, as
opposed to reviewing it just within the sc.

as you have seen, even within the sc, there are different feelings about
the wording, though not about the general intent.  but we felt it would
be better to air them here, where non-sc folk would have equal footing.


Re: proposed NANOG charter amendments

2007-09-27 Thread Randy Bush
 The original intent seems to have been to provide a mandatory
 participation bar, which would explain why it is coupled with the
 'meet too many meetings and you're out' portion.

i believe all this is because, in the past, there was a problem with
deadwood on the pc. i think the attempt to relax the requirement that
all pc members review everything is, at least partly, due the success of
the post-revolution changes giving more accountability and transparency.

i wonder if the inclination to put a bunch of words in could possibly be
motivated by a lack of total faith that the deadwood problem is fixed or
fear that it may re-arise.  [ i really mean the word wonder.  i really
do not know. ]
