Re: [newbie] EZ-drive

1999-10-14 Thread Ernie

I have a Western Digital 8-Gig HD, and use EZ-Drive with it because my BIOS
does not support large HD's ( I have an old 486-style main board ). When I
start my system, the video BIOS runs, then the main (AMI) BIOS, then
EZ-Drive, then LILO. I can run either Win95 or Linux from the LILO prompt
with no problems. I am using Linux-Mandrake v6.0 with the LILO update,
although the original version seemed to work flawlessly as well. As I
understand it, the EZ-Drive disk manager allows my system to access the
entire 8-Gig HD, which would not be possible otherwise, since my BIOS does
not support HD's of this size. If my BIOS supported HD's of this size, I
would be able to partition the disk with partitions of a size that the OS's
could access, and I would not need EZ-Drive, but for me this is not the
case. If you need EZ-Drive to use your HD with your system, ( the system
just stops booting before the operating system loads without EZ-Drive ),
then you will need it no mater what OS you use. I am not certain of this,
but this is what I understand from the documentation I have read. Also,
EZ-Drive is not a Win9x specific utility, and the EZ-Drive installer disk
does not load a version of DOS for it to boot, at least this is my
impression from using it. I hope this is of help,


- Original Message -
From: Simon Norris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 5:27 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] EZ-drive

As an educated guess, I would say not, for the following reasons. LILO can
be installed in the MBR, or the Linux root partition. When it is the MBR, it
is your 'root installer', for want of better words. So it is loaded first.
If you then select another OS, it goes off and does that.

If you have another boot loader, for example boot magic, you put LILO in the
root partition, bootmagic into the MBR, then bootmagic boots first, then
boots LILO when you select it.

Unfortunately, it is a pretty good bet that EZ-drive can only install itself
into the MBR, thereby preventing any other boot programs from going first.
If EZ-drive is installable on the partition, rather than the MBR, then it
should work. But bear in mind EZ-drive is a Microsoft based program, chances
are it's not that flexible.

Is there some alternative to EZ-drive that doesn't need a boot type
execution, perhaps a little applet that runs inside Windows? Just a

- Original Message -
From: Gustavo Viola [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 1999 4:29 PM
Subject: [newbie] EZ-drive

On sáb, 09 out 1999, Manny Styles wrote:
Big Snip

 The Maxtor drive came with EZ-Drive, but that doesn't affect linux in
 any way since it can see large drives with no BIOS changes.

 Manny Styles

Is it possible to have a drive with EZ-Drive with *both* Windows and Linux?
Windows needs EZ-Drive, and the EZ-Drive documentation said Linux (or Unix)
could not run over it.  Any way I can enable EZ-Drive for Windows and
it for Linux?

(*Perhaps* a more adequate phrasing for this question would be:  Does LiLo
before EZ-Drive and can it make EZ-Drive run only for Windows?)


Re: [newbie] Changing Graphics and setup programs

1999-10-14 Thread Ernie

As I understand the situation, Mandrake has its roots in RedHat, but is in
no way affiliated with or has anything to do with RedHat, at least since
v6.0. Because Mandrake has its roots in RedHat, there are some inevitable
similarities, but that is as far as it goes. If Mandrake was simply an
enhanced copy of RedHat, then the Mandrake team would not be free to build
the superb OS we have come to admire so.


- Original Message -
From: Simon Norris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 8:30 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Changing Graphics and setup programs

 Please excuse me if I'm wrong, but isn't Linux-Mandrake=Red Hat Linux +
 KDE+Pentium enhancements?? I thought that was the biggest selling point of
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 12:30 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Changing Graphics and setup programs

 First, and please do not take this offensively, but Linux-Mandrake is not
 RedHat Linux. They are two entirely individual distributions, with no
 connection to each other.

 As for changing your video driver, you can run Xconfigurator to accomplish
 that. Also, I think there an other configuration tool for the X-windows
 system as well, but I can't remember the name at this point. Hope this is


 - Original Message -
 From: Tony Zocolillo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 5:29 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Changing Graphics and setup programs

  Thanks for the reply.  I found some Q/A on the internet stating that SiS
  chips don't run with Linux.  I'll probably just get another video card
  does work.  I see 2Mb ATI PCI cards on eBay for $10.
  How do I re-run the setup to install a new video driver? (or anything
  else...I still need to load my sound card module)  I don't have a bood
  Red Hat...I do have SuSE but I couldn't get past partitioning with it so
  put Mandrake on instead.  The books I have on SuSE and Caldera
  the setup utility don't seem to work with Mandrake RedHat.
  Tony Z.
  - Original Message -
  From: Jesse Royall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 3:55 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Changing Graphics card config and SiS5597 problems
   I got the same problem. And have been working on it for about 2 weeks
   with nothing to show. I thought that it might have been my Network
   since I had problems with it when I ran Windows 98 and the N-Card in
   they were trying to use the same IRQ. well i uninstalled the card and
   still have the same problems. Glad to see I am not the only one
   If ya come up with any thing let me know and I will do the same for
   This is a message I recieved the other day... as for what it means I
   no idea. I have yet to figure out where to get to these settings. I
   used the Linux install disk and SETUP to change my settings and
   and none of these help anything out.

Re: [newbie] Windoze partition

1999-10-14 Thread Ernie

Log in as your regular user, then su to mount the Win9x partition, then su
back to your regular user to use the partition. I think this is how I do it
(not in Linux right now). You just have to be the super-user to mount or
umount the DOS partition, although I could be wrong. I know I can not move
or delete files from the DOS partition as a regular user, but I can create
and copy them. Hope this is useful,


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 9:59 AM
Subject: [newbie] Windoze partition

 Help me Wr. Wizard . . . .

 I still can't write to my Windoze partition from anything but the root
 account. Where do I have to go and what do I have to do to enable this
 for my user account. I've gone everywhere I can think of as the root
 user, and as a super user, changed permissions whever I could find them,
 and still can't write to the windoze partition unless I'm using the root

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Re: [newbie] Netscape Tinytype

1999-10-14 Thread John Aldrich

On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 I've turned off the HTML as you suggested, but the type in the browser window
 is still SOOO tiny. I might have to buy a 26 inch montor!!!
Try this... open up a Konsole (or console) window and go to
your /etc/X11/ directory. Edit your XF86Config file and
swap the order of the "75dpi" and "100dpi" fonts. This
should give you 100dpi fonts which will be larger. Good

Re: [newbie] EZ-drive

1999-10-14 Thread John Aldrich

On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Boy.. I am going to ask a stupid question and hopefully someone can
 enlighten me sarcastically if it is really stupid...
 What is EZ-drive?
It's a software solution for a hardware problem -- it
allows "stupid" BIOSes to see large hard drives.
If you're only going to put Linux on it, it should work OK
w/o EZ Drive.

Re: [newbie] dual boot setup

1999-10-14 Thread Ernie

I will tell you how I did the deed, if this will help.
My system was partitioned into four partitions for Windoze.
I used Partition Magic to resize these to provide room on the disk for
I then made room before the secondary partition for the main (root) Linux
partition. I also created space in the secondary partition for a Linux
partition to be used as the /home folder ( I wanted to be able to re-install
without the need for re-downloading stuff I get off the Internet, I am bound
to mess things up while learning Linux).
Next, I re-started from the Linux boot disk, and created the two partitions
I wanted using the Linux partition tool provided (not f-disk for Linux)
setting the entry points as / on hda3 and /home on hda5 ( these were the
partition designations for my system, yours may be different ) while
following the screen prompts. and reading everything quite carefully. The
installation went without problems, so if something like this does not work
for you, I can not be of much help. It is likely that if there was not any
free space on your HD for a Linux partition, this may have been the culprit
that stopped everything cold.

I did not want to mess around with Linux for DOS or anything like that, as I
wanted my Linux installation to be as simple and straight forward as
possible. I do a dual-boot with the LILO loader, and all works for me
without problems.

I must confess however, that I do like my IE5 and the OutLook Express e-mail
reader in Windoze better than the Netscape Communicator provided with Linux.
This is a personal preference, and in no way should be construed as any kind
of an endorsement for the former. If they (the guys in Redmond) would
produce a version of IE5 for Linux, I most likely would not use Win for
anything, and remove it from my system.

I hope that this is helpful,


- Original Message -
From: Tony Zocolillo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Linux Mail List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 11:03 AM
Subject: [newbie] dual boot setup


 I apologise for asking this as I know it was just discussed (but i wasn't
 paying attention), but I need help setting up a dual boot for Linux and
 Windows.  Is there a place I can search the archives of this list?  If so,
 I'll read that first.

 If not, here's what has been happening when I try

 I first created a DOS partion for my entire hard drive, install Windows
 then attempted to install Mandrake through the lnx4win.exe
 started the install, but crashed hard right before the partition step.
 I though I may have to create a DOS partion that is smaller, leaving room
 for the Linux partition on the same hard drive).

 I then restarted, formated a DOS partiton of 3.5 Gb, leaving about 2.9 Gb
 for Linux.  I formatted, installed Windows 98, then tried to reinstall
 Mandrake and I crashed again at the same point.  I set the swap partition
 100 and user partition to 2000 (as to not exceed what was left).

 I also tried starting Mandrake from the boot disk and install on the Linux
 partition but it still keeps crashing.

 If someone can point me to list archives or point me in the right
 I would appreciate it.
 Tony Zoccolillo

Re: [newbie] Resizing the program windows

1999-10-14 Thread Ernie

I use the KDE Desktop with Linux-Mandrake 6.0, and it works well. Some of
the display windows are larger than the screen, and do not have the
full-screen button in the top-right corner. To access the hidden parts of
the display, I hold the ALT key, and move the window with the left (primary)
mouse button. For any windows which have the full-screen button (the one
with a box in the button), I use this, and the entire window usually then
fits the screen. If not, I use the ALT key-left mouse button combo to move
the window to show the bottom etc. Hope this is useful,


- Original Message -
From: Richard Salts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 2:21 PM
Subject: [newbie] Resizing the program windows

 I've had to do a reinstall and I'm having difficulty with resizing
 so I can see the whole program, top to bottom.  Problem is, the top is in
 screen (monitor) view but the bottom remains hidden below the screen.

 I'm using GNOME as the desktop and am using Enlightenment to attempt to
 resize Netscape's bottom so I can see it.  Also with Netscape, the same
 problem exists with the 'Preferences' menu when I try to change the tfont
 size.  I can't see the bottom of that dialog screen.  WHat adjustments do
 make so I can see everything that takes place and not have something
 below monitor view so I can't see it.

 Same again, can be said for the 'Settings' screen on Kmail when I try to
 increase font size there.  The bottom of the screen is well below the
 of the monitor so I can't see what, if any, controls it has.

 Could somebody please tell me how to make these screens more viewer

 Thanks for any ideas.


Re: [newbie] Using Xwindows after install

1999-10-14 Thread M Thompson

Virtual screen size means although your monitor is set to - let's say - 
800x600 the desktop looks like 1024x768. It scrolls on its own accord as 
soon as the mouse reaches the edge of the real screen.You can set this up 
via /etc/X11/XF86Config, Screen Sections, Section "Screen", Subsection 
"Display", Virtual, or by adding the resolution to the 'modes' line in the 
same section. If you want to get rid of it, comment or remove these 
If your XF86Config supplies different resolution settings, X will always 
start with the first value. Within X you can switch resolutions by pressing 
CTRL-ALT-- or CTRL-ALT-+.  (quoted from


Subject: Re: [newbie] Using Xwindows after install
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 06:55:23 GMT

startx is the command to issue at the command line.  I have no idea
how to go about changing the resolution.
Speaking of which . . . I just installed 6.1, and had a few problems
which I'll detail in another e-mail, but what I'd like to know now is
how do I get it so that my desktop fits my screen (it's too big) and
how do I get my backspace key to work like a backspace key?!  Right
now it acts like a delete key.  THAT bugs me more than anything else
right now.  Sigh . . .
Hope I helped, and TIA to others!

Ty Mixon
ICQ:   26147713

Original Message dated 10/13/99, 9:59:45 PM
Author: "JR Thompson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: [newbie] Using Xwindows after install:

I installed Linux Mandrake for the first time a few weeks ago.  I had
it autoload X windows.  When it loaded, the screen res was so low, I
couldn't even use it.  I reinstalled it again, but now I don't have it
autoload Xwindows, and I can't even figure out how to load it.

Soo...two questions.

1) How do you load Xwindows from the text part of Linux.

2) How do you set the screen res in X windows (It was so big that I
couldn't even read the whole menu when I right clicked, must of been
like 320x480 or so.

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [newbie] Where can I go to download these famous cooker packages?

1999-10-14 Thread M Thompson

Would I be right in understanding that "the cooker" in a beta of the Linux 
Mandrake release?


From: John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Where can I go to download these famous "cooker" 
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 13:34:25 -0400

On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  Where can I go to download these famous "cooker" packages?
  I've seen other postings that refer to the cooker packages.  What are 
  Where can I get them?
Go view the Mandrake page at
There's links there to "cooker."

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [newbie] running linux SimonErnie

1999-10-14 Thread Ernie

Glad to be of help, and I hope your son knows how lucky he is to be young at
this particular time. This is going to be an interesting half century or so
to be alive! Good luck with the "new" system, and tell him that I too built
my box. I wouldn't have a store-bought system, ya' never know what's inside.
When ya' build 'em yourself, ya' get an idea what's goin' on. That's the
best way to learn. That's also what I'm liking about Linux. Ya' gotta' get
your hands a little dirty to make things work right. And at the same time,
ya' learn things ya' never would have known existed with the Win9x system.
Win9x is great for users that don't want to know anything but point  shoot,
and when I want to do e-mail or other web related work, I use it for the IE5
browser and OutLook Express, but any more, I spend 99% of my time in Linux.
Good Luck,


- Original Message -
From: Jan Herbert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 8:36 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] running linux SimonErnie

 Simon Ernie,
   We really appreciate all the help we recieved from all of you.
 Actually, its my son's box (he's 14)witch he built from componants he
 from the local computer show,Azus mb running a petium 233 chip. the drive
 was given to him,WD Caviar 1gig. We tried setting it up as primary master
 but could'nt,Bios would only reconize it as a primary slave. Thought
 something was wrong but didn't really investigate it. He installed Linux
 several times and always ended up with the scrolling 10's. We started
 posting querries! Thats when you guys made us  start  looking more closely
 at the drive setup, we took the jumper off (single drive setup)
 the data cable and checked the Bios, AHa, showed up as primary master,my
 reinstalled Linux and there she Blows! By the way ,the  Bios setup is on
 Auto on all drives.
 - Original Message -
 From: Simon Norris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 8:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] running linux

  (Ernie,FYI the third option is usually labelled CSEL, it's a supposedly
  semi-automatic setting that I've never seen working!!!)
  Jan, I didn't really want to mention this step that I had to do because
  wasn't sure that it made any difference in the end. But here goes.
  What I had was a machine that had LBA set up, and I couldn't get Linux
  work. It would install, but I had a kernel problem of some kind. I then
  a post where someone mentioned that LBA is incompatible with Linux.
  was young, I didn't know better.)
  The only problem was, the automatic detect on my BIOS would not allow me
  use normal. So I low level formatted the drive to normal. (Don't ask!).
  could then set everything to normal, install Linux, I was away.
  Of course, then  I got introduced to number 10 and his cohorts. Going
  to the postings, I saw the chap who had mentioned LBA had been put
  in no uncertain terms, so I had the wonderful process of getting
  back to LBA. Which included an LBA low level format.
  BTW, I have no idea what a low level format using the wrong disc layout
  do to the disc, so please don't try it unless you don't really care.
  So, after weeks of toing and froing, I got back to an LBA system, with a
  working Linux. Or rather, I got back to the same place, where my other
  problems appeared, but the 10's didn't.
  What I am trying to say is, it may not be enough that your BIOS is LBA,
  may need an LBA drive. I don't know how big your drives are, but if
  less than 528Mb (I think), it is possible that you have a 'normal'
  to your drives website, take a look at support, and see what they say
  it. Because I go for branded HD's, the support is always first rate,
  all info available. This included a comment that the particular drives I
  working with could be formatted normal or LBA, which convinced me it was
  alright to do a wrong format low level format. You may also be able to
  the info off your drive. Alternatively, if you want to post your machine
  specs, I'm sure we can do the digging for you.
  It does sound like that you have a prebuilt PC, alot of prebuilt ones
  fixed HD jumpers, along with fixed everything else, which means that you
  not be able to make it master. That shouldn't make any difference
  although I would recommend you don't put a CD-ROM on the master. The
  drop is ridiculous!!
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 12:11 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] running linux
  Most of the IDE HD's I've worked with have a jumper on the back of the
  which can be set to tell the Disk what it is (Master, Slave, or ... I
  the third one-)), however the labeling is usually fairly self
  or there is 

Re: [newbie] EZ-drive

1999-10-14 Thread Ernie

EZ-Drive is a software tool loaded into a hidden partition on your HD. It
adds the needed BIOS code to allow your system to access your HD. When your
system boots, the BIOS is loaded into memory, and it provides primitive code
for the system to use to connect to the hardware. If your BIOS does not
support the size of HD you have installed, and you cannot get an update
flasher for your BIOS (not an uncommon thing, at least with older machines),
then EZ-Drive is the next best alternative. I use it with a dual-booting
installation of Windoze 95 and Linux-Mandrake 6.0, and have no problems.

Oh, and BTW, the only "stupid" question would be the one you did not ask.


- Original Message -
From: Jesse Royall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 10:59 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] EZ-drive

 Boy.. I am going to ask a stupid question and hopefully someone can
 enlighten me sarcastically if it is really stupid...

 What is EZ-drive?

 I have a drive that my bios does not see and I have to run EZ-bios (I
 think that is what it is) or its EZ something.. will have to reboot to
 see what it is.. but it allows me to have more than 8 gigs of drive

 Get the Internet just the way you want it.
 Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month!
 Try Juno Web:

[newbie] file

1999-10-14 Thread Dominique Deleris

Axalon Bloodstone wrote:

 On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, Dominique Deleris wrote:

  I have two problems since I have upgraded to Mandrake 6.1 :
  - I don't see colors anymore in my xterm windows, when I list a
  directory, though ls --colors is the default.

 try ls --color, what says "aliases"? which term prog (xterm?)

  - When I delete icons in the KDE desktop, they are recreated the next
  time I log on.
  Any ideas ?



OK, I've seen that when I log in console mode (not X), my aliases are :
alias cp='cp -i'
alias d='ls'
alias df='df -h'
alias du='du -h'
alias ls='ls --color'
alias mv='mv -i'
alias p='cd -'
alias rm='rm -i'
alias s='cd ..'
alias which='type -path'

When I am under X, alias tells me the same, EXCEPT for alias ls='ls
--color'. This line is contained in /etc/profile.d/, and this
file is run by /etc/profile. This file should be executed when launching a
terminal window (xterm, rxvt, konsole)...

What do you think ???


Re: [newbie] Using Xwindows after install

1999-10-14 Thread Ernie

First, please turn off the HTML in your e-mail. It is not a problem for me,
but it is for those who use a text only e-mail reader. TIA

Next, you can reset the res with Xconfigurator, and to start  from the
command line, use the "startx" command.


- Original Message -
From: JR Thompson
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 12:59 AM
Subject: [newbie] Using Xwindows after install

I installed Linux Mandrake for the first time a few weeks ago.  I had it
autoload X windows.  When it loaded, the screen res was so low, I couldn't
even use it.  I reinstalled it again, but now I don't have it autoload
Xwindows, and I can't even figure out how to load it.

Soo...two questions.

1) How do you load Xwindows from the text part of Linux.

2) How do you set the screen res in X windows (It was so big that I couldn't
even read the whole menu when I right clicked, must of been like 320x480 or

[newbie] C++ compiler broken?

1999-10-14 Thread Gerry Marcelo

Greetings to all:

I have a "Workstation" default install of Mandrake 6.1, and loving it!

However, I have attempted to compile a few games and have run into a
when I run "./configure" the process runs for a while and then returns an
error with my C++ compiler.
The process checks to see if the C++ compiler is there, says "OK" but when
it tests the compiler to see if it's working, it responds "no."  The process
ends with the messages that my C++ compiler "can't create"

I have reached this same error with two different gamesI was attempting
the compile each as "root."

I have NO idea how to troubleshoot something like this.  I was thinking of
uninstalling and reinstalling the appropriate RPM, but I am unsure which
exact package to mess with.

If someone could suggest some things I can try, I would appreciate it.

Thanks and Regards,

Gerry M
Austin, TX, USA

Re: [newbie] Where can I go to download these famous cooker packages?

1999-10-14 Thread Joseph S. Gardner

M Thompson wrote:

 Would I be right in understanding that "the cooker" in a beta of the Linux
 Mandrake release?


 From: John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Where can I go to download these famous "cooker"
 Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 13:34:25 -0400
 On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, you wrote:
   Where can I go to download these famous "cooker" packages?
   I've seen other postings that refer to the cooker packages.  What are
   Where can I get them?
 Go view the Mandrake page at
 There's links there to "cooker."

 Get Your Private, Free Email at

Absolutely my friend.

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

Re: [newbie] xfree86-devel and xpm-devel

1999-10-14 Thread Ernie

They should me in the RPMS folder on your Linux Install CD. Oh, and please
turn off the HTML if you can, it's hard on the users who use a text only
email reader.


- Original Message -
From: Rafael Papa
To: Newbie - Linux Mandrake
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 11:21 AM
Subject: [newbie] xfree86-devel and xpm-devel


Where can I find xfree86-devel and xpm-devel packages that are required to
use wine?


Re: [newbie] xfree86-devel and xpm-devel

1999-10-14 Thread Rafael Papa

Hi Friends!

After looked for the packages for a long time, I have found 
the packages in the following address:

Perhaps these packages are either in the Mandrake 6.1 CD. I 
don't have it now to confirm.

Thanks anyway!!

  - Original Message - 
  Rafael Papa 
  To: Newbie 
  - Linux Mandrake 
  Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 12:21 
  Subject: [newbie] xfree86-devel and 
  Where can I find xfree86-devel and xpm-devel packages that 
  are required to use wine?

Re: [newbie] Using Xwindows after install

1999-10-14 Thread John Aldrich

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 startx is the command to issue at the command line.  I have no idea 
 how to go about changing the resolution.

startx -- -bpp xx (where xx is the resolution depth you
want from 8, 16, 24 or 36.)

Re: [newbie] changing Staroffice location

1999-10-14 Thread John Aldrich

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Hy John, thanks for the tip. Now why didn't I just
 think of that? Damn!
 adios, and thanks again, STeve
Heh. Well, if you had seen someone else asking that, you
probably would've thought of it. :-)

Re: [newbie] dual boot setup

1999-10-14 Thread Tony Zocolillo


Thanks.  I'm doing everyting the same as you did.  I set LILO loader from
linuxconfig program in KDE, but I'm not going into Linux when I choose Linux
from the menu during boot.  I think the problem may be that lnx4Win.exe
(which was installed in Windows98) is in the autoexec.bat and still trying
to install Mandrake (even though it's already installed...thus, your right,
not partition space left and I crash).  I'm going to try unistalling
lnx4Win.exe in Win98 and clear the line from the autoexec.bat and see if
that helps.  I think my mistake was installing lnx4win.exe and not having
enough partition space available for the parameter I set at the start of, lnx4Win.exe is still trying to do that load, but can't
because I already have the partitions full.  Since lnx4Win.exe never
finished it operation...the start is still in the bat file trying to
finishI think?

Thanks again,
Tony Zoccolillo

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] dual boot setup
 I did not want to mess around with Linux for DOS or anything like that, as
 wanted my Linux installation to be as simple and straight forward as
 possible. I do a dual-boot with the LILO loader, and all works for me
 without problems.

[newbie] Can't login after updating PAM

1999-10-14 Thread Brent Metzler

I tried to upgrade to October Gnome but needed to update PAM also.  I
installed pam-o.68-8.i386.rpm but now I get an error "su: module not
and can't login.

How to fix?

I originally had Mandrake 6 on the box, but upgraded most stuff as it came out.


Re: [newbie] EZ-drive

1999-10-14 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, David P. Greenberg wrote:
 --Sorry for the no snip. You can disable EZ-drive from your slave drives
 during the install. You go ahead and install it, and it does go onto all
 the drives. After you get it in you can run an options dialog that will
 allow you to remove it from all but your windows drive, if that's what you
 want. In my dealings with the old Pac-Bells, I found that the really best
 thing to do is replace the mother board. A side note: The bios upgrades
 (flash) available at the PB website are absolutely worthless.

I think thats the ez-bios/ez-drive answer your looking for, but i still
say floppy is less headache :)

Re: [newbie] Netscape Tinytype

1999-10-14 Thread Richard Salts


I have this same problem with Linux Netscape.  Very s-m-a-l-l print.  What
do you mean about 'swap the order of the "75dpi" and "100dpi" fonts?  How
does this give 100 dpi fonts?


- Original Message -
From: John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Netscape Tinytype

 On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  I've turned off the HTML as you suggested, but the type in the browser
  is still SOOO tiny. I might have to buy a 26 inch montor!!!
 Try this... open up a Konsole (or console) window and go to
 your /etc/X11/ directory. Edit your XF86Config file and
 swap the order of the "75dpi" and "100dpi" fonts. This
 should give you 100dpi fonts which will be larger. Good

[newbie] Adding 100dpi fonts...

1999-10-14 Thread Bill Munden


I have been following a thread where someone had commented about how
small the fonts were in Netscape and wanted to know how to change this. 
I went to a link that explained how to setup my fonts as 100dpi instead
of 75dpi.  After making the necessary changes in the /etc/X11/fs/config
file, I saved the changes, restarted the X Font Server and then
restarted X.  My fonts are still showing up the same way - very small at

Anyhow, one of the things I was suppose to do was run the following

rpm -qa | grep 100

to see if I had a 100dpi fonts package installed.  I typed this command
in as root but did not get any messages as to what it did.  I jut got
back an empty prompt.  I went to my fonts directory in
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/ and noticed several directories for different font
types - 75dpi, ttf, etc.  However, I did not see a directory for
100dpi.  It looks as if I need to install the 100dpi fonts package.

Would someone be able to tell me if I am correct in thinking this, and
if so, point me in a direction where I can find the 100dpi fonts and
documentation on how to install them.


RE: [newbie] Where can I go to download these famous cooker packages?

1999-10-14 Thread Sam Gentile

It is the ongoing beta of new stuff - leading edge.

Sam Gentile
Principle Software Engineer/Team Leader - Viridien Team

-Original Message-
From: M Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 12:47 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Where can I go to download these famous "cooker"

Would I be right in understanding that "the cooker" in a beta of the Linux 
Mandrake release?


From: John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Where can I go to download these famous "cooker" 
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 13:34:25 -0400

On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  Where can I go to download these famous "cooker" packages?
  I've seen other postings that refer to the cooker packages.  What are 
  Where can I get them?
Go view the Mandrake page at
There's links there to "cooker."

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [newbie] Where can I go to download these famous cookerpackages?

1999-10-14 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Joseph S. Gardner wrote:

 M Thompson wrote:
  Would I be right in understanding that "the cooker" in a beta of the Linux
  Mandrake release?

Dunno did you read the website? :) cooker is a forever on going
development project

  From: John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Where can I go to download these famous "cooker"
  Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 13:34:25 -0400
  On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, you wrote:
Where can I go to download these famous "cooker" packages?
I've seen other postings that refer to the cooker packages.  What are
Where can I get them?
  Go view the Mandrake page at
  There's links there to "cooker."
  Get Your Private, Free Email at
 Absolutely my friend.
 Joseph S. Gardner
 Senior Designer / Technical Support
 Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH


Re: [newbie] EZ-drive

1999-10-14 Thread Jesse Royall

Thanks for the info.. that is what I thought it was. Funny thing though..
I have no problem with it.
I installed a 20gig and the let bios see 8 gig drive.
loaded the WD driver so that it would see a full 20. partitioned it in 5
gig parts (since windows 98 will not let me scandisk/defrag more than 6
or 8 gigs and then create its own errors and ruin a perfectly good hard
drive.). Installed windows 98 with a 4 gig as a slave. Then some silly
person talked my into Linux (which I am still working on). Installed Lilo
dual boot thingy. and Linux on the spare 4 gig. when my system boots it
loads the EZ thingy where I can press C or A to boot from which I let it
do its thing. then Lilo takes over and does it thing booting randomly
windows 98 or Linux. hehe.. jking. but it all works for me somehow. with
no problems. the only problem I had was I was getting a Lilo prompt and
didn't know where to go from there until I reloaded windows a few times
and linux a few times and I got a message one time telling me to hit tab
to get a menu.


On Wed, 13 Oct 1999 23:56:02 -0400 "Jan Herbert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 EZ Drive is a Formatting tool that is available on WD (western 
 website. Allows older Bios too see large drives. I think larger than 
 6 or 8
 Hope this helps

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Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month!
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Re: [newbie] file

1999-10-14 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Dominique Deleris wrote:

 Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
  On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, Dominique Deleris wrote:
   I have two problems since I have upgraded to Mandrake 6.1 :
   - I don't see colors anymore in my xterm windows, when I list a
   directory, though ls --colors is the default.
  try ls --color, what says "aliases"? which term prog (xterm?)
   - When I delete icons in the KDE desktop, they are recreated the next
   time I log on.
   Any ideas ?
 OK, I've seen that when I log in console mode (not X), my aliases are :
 alias cp='cp -i'
 alias d='ls'
 alias df='df -h'
 alias du='du -h'
 alias ls='ls --color'
 alias mv='mv -i'
 alias p='cd -'
 alias rm='rm -i'
 alias s='cd ..'
 alias which='type -path'

... Wheres is the output from under X? i assume your shell is bash also?
 When I am under X, alias tells me the same, EXCEPT for alias ls='ls
 --color'. This line is contained in /etc/profile.d/, and this
 file is run by /etc/profile. This file should be executed when launching a
 terminal window (xterm, rxvt, konsole)...
 What do you think ???

Thinking is bad. j/k sorry it early still :)


I'll look


[newbie] Anyone get qcam working?

1999-10-14 Thread WH Bouterse

This is a QuickCamVC color

I have Mandrake 6.1 with the qcam stuff compiled in as well as the

Reading howtos,faqs,web-sites, mans etc. It just doesnt sink in.

xcam under SANE doesnt recognize it either.

Any suggestions? 

WH Bouterse

Re: [newbie] C++ compiler broken?

1999-10-14 Thread John Aldrich

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Greetings to all:
 I have a "Workstation" default install of Mandrake 6.1, and loving it!
 However, I have attempted to compile a few games and have run into a
 when I run "./configure" the process runs for a while and then returns an
 error with my C++ compiler.
rpm -qa | grep c++ 
Tell us what the results are.
Also, what are the makefiles looking for? Mandrake uses
"egcs" not g++.

Re: [newbie] dual boot setup

1999-10-14 Thread John Aldrich

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Thanks for the help.  What does the fdisk/mbr (I working from memory
 here...rec'd that email home and now at work) do?

Gives you a "clean" master boot record, which is where LILO

 What I did was, using fdisk, clear all Linux
 partitions but left the DOS  partition.  I then rebooted
 to the Mandrake CDROM and went through the setup 
 with no probelms.  Everything installed and when I
 rebooted, I went into Linux.  Every time I rebooted I go
 into Linux with no boot menu allowing me into Windows.
 I used the linuxcong program in KDE to  set the boot
 config to give me the menu and then rebooted.  
HUH???What boot menu??? I just use LILO here. Here's my
lilo.conf for a dual-boot system (RedHat/Win98 here at
begin lilo.conf=

===end lilo.conf===
 I now get the menu, but when I pick Lunix the
 lnx4Win.exe program starts and tries to do another
 install...then fails and shuts down.  In the autoexec.bat
 there is a command related to  lnx4Win.exe that has
 parameters on it.  I'm guessing this is the boot 
 menu/install  program.  Can I edit this command line to
 not start install, but rather just load Linux?  or...

Does lnx4win.exe install Linux on the same filesystem or
does it partition the hard drive? IIRC, you partitioned it.

Go to your Linux CD to the /dosutils directory. Get the
program "rawrite.exe" and copy it to your hard drive
somewhere. Then, take a blank floppy (preferably new/fresh
from the box) stick it into your floppy drive and go back to
your Mandrake CD to the /images directory and type "rawrite
resuce.img" and hit enter. 
Then, shut down windows and reboot from the install disk.
When prompted, type "rescue" and wait. A minute or so
later, it will prompt you to put in the next disk. This
will be the disk you made. 
Then, when it's done booting, check out your
/dev/hda5/etc/lilo.conf to make sure it looks something
like the one I posted here. If it doesn't, you'll need to
edit it to make it look like that. Then, run
/dev/hda5/sbin/lilo and then reboot. After that, you can
type "linux" or hit your tab button to bring up a list of
boot images. The "label" is what you'll see listed. I use
"linux" or "dos" YMMV.
Good luck!

Re: [newbie] EZ-drive

1999-10-14 Thread John Aldrich

Linux does NOT depend on BIOS for seeing large drives. It
does NOT have the same failing as DOS/Windows.

Re: [Re: [newbie] EZ-drive]

1999-10-14 Thread Jaguar

First off...this is NOT sent in HTML as the check box to SEND in html is NOT

EZ-Drive, Max-Blast, and a utility in Disk Manager ( which supports many drive
manufacturers ) can all accomplish about the same thing.  When required (read
as HD not directly supported by the BIOS) a utility can be loaded in the Boot
sector of the HD, that is in essence a Translation Table that fakes the BIOS
into thinking it supports the HD.  It is loaded before anything else in terms
of OS's, but the drawback is...when not needed any longer ie: new mother
board, the HD must now be reformatted with a clean /MBR for the mother board
to directly support the HD, it is not required to continue using the HD, ONLY
if you want is supported properly by the BIOS.

Axalon Bloodstone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, David P. Greenberg wrote:
  --Sorry for the no snip. You can disable EZ-drive from your slave drives
  during the install. You go ahead and install it, and it does go onto all
  the drives. After you get it in you can run an options dialog that will
  allow you to remove it from all but your windows drive, if that's what
  want. In my dealings with the old Pac-Bells, I found that the really best
  thing to do is replace the mother board. A side note: The bios upgrades
  (flash) available at the PB website are absolutely worthless.
 I think thats the ez-bios/ez-drive answer your looking for, but i still
 say floppy is less headache :)

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Using Xwindows after install

1999-10-14 Thread PSM 0x2710]

 1) How do you load Xwindows from the text part of Linux.

 2) How do you set the screen res in X windows (It was so big that I couldn't
even read the whole menu when I right clicked, must of been like 320x480 or so.
try startx -- bpp 8 or 16 or 24 or 32
X will start in whatever color depth you pick and let you cycle through
whatever modes you selected during the X setup for the given depth. . .to
switch modes press Ctl Alt + or -. . .

if you need to reconfigure, you can use xf86config or there is another tool
which is a bit nicer that comes to us from our good friend red hat called
Xconfigurator. . .i would recommend that over xf86config. . .


Seth Gibson (Under Construction)
To paraphrase my friend stephen:
"life can be like ifs. . .random garbare goes in and beautiful things come

Re: [newbie] Netscape Tinytype

1999-10-14 Thread Darin

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 I have this same problem with Linux Netscape.  Very s-m-a-l-l print.  What
 do you mean about 'swap the order of the "75dpi" and "100dpi" fonts?  How
 does this give 100 dpi fonts?

Read the instructions at
They tell how to use the 100 dpi fonts.
Cthulhu for President in 2000 - Why settle for the lesser evil

[newbie] network adapter

1999-10-14 Thread Chuck Hartford

I'm quite new to Linux and I just installed 
Mandrake 6.0. During the install process I bypassed things such as setting 
up the video card, as I was under the impression that it could be done 
later. Is there another information such us this can be added without 
going through the entire setup process.

*If* I have to go through the entire setup 
process again what network pieces should I select? I'm running a 
Novell/Anthem Ne2000 card set at 5/320 under 802.2 on an NDS tree 

[newbie] My FTP server stopped working.

1999-10-14 Thread Eric L. Damron

My FTP server suddenly stopped working.  I find this in my /var/log/messages

Oct 14 15:22:35 C287853-A ftpd[25111]: FTP server (BeroFTPD 1.3.4(1) Wed Aug
25 18:35:09 CEST 1999) ready.
Oct 14 15:22:35 C287853-A ftpd[25111]: Cannot bind socket: Address already
in use

Does anyone know what I need to do to fix this?


Re: [newbie] changing Staroffice location

1999-10-14 Thread Steve Winston

right on!

--- John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  Hy John, thanks for the tip. Now why didn't I just
  think of that? Damn!
  adios, and thanks again, STeve
 Heh. Well, if you had seen someone else asking that,
 probably would've thought of it. :-)


Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Re: [newbie] dual boot setup

1999-10-14 Thread Tony Zoccolillo


The boot program is lnx4Win.exe.  This is where all (or at least this one)
my problems stem.  I'm beginning to see that I don't need this program at
all.  Just install Mandrake on the free partitons and use LILO to set up a
boot menu (There should be a screen with a menu like... 1. Linux 2.Windows).
What's screwing me up must be lnx4Win.exe (which is on the Mandrake 6.1

I'm restarting and going into KDE, then use linuxconfig to set up LILO

Tony Z.

- Original Message -
From: John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 12:47 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] dual boot setup

 On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 HUH???What boot menu??? I just use LILO here. Here's my
 lilo.conf for a dual-boot system (RedHat/Win98 here at
 begin lilo.conf=

 ===end lilo.conf===

[newbie] Installing from a 2nd CDRom drive

1999-10-14 Thread Paul Stansel

Hello all,

I'm trying to install 6.1 from a CD I burned of it.  Sadly, my main
CDRom drive seems to hate burned CDs 9/10ths of the time.  Is there any
way I can force the install to look at my secondary CDRom instead of my
primary for the install?


Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Re: [newbie] network adapter

1999-10-14 Thread Steve Philp

 Chuck Hartford wrote:
 I'm quite new to Linux and I just installed Mandrake 6.0.  

First things first, turn off HTML posting.

 During the install process I bypassed things such as setting up the video card,
 as I was under the impression that it could be done later.  Is there
 another information such us this can be added without going through
 the entire setup process.

Sure, run XConfigurator, or XF86Setup, or xf86config.
 *If* I have to go through the entire setup process again what network
 pieces should I select?  I'm running a Novell/Anthem Ne2000 card set
 at 5/320 under 802.2 on an NDS tree (4.12).

To do this, login as root, start X (after the above setup), then run
netcfg.  It will allow you to add the NE2000 card.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

[newbie] Upgrade to Octuber Gnome.

1999-10-14 Thread mrodrig

Somebody knows how to upgrade to Octuber Gnome from the Gnome version
coming with Mandrake 6.1? Can I do that with RedHat Packages or I must
wait for Mandrake's updates?

Thanks in advance.

Miguel Rodriguez (Venezuela)

Re: [Re: [newbie] dual boot setup]

1999-10-14 Thread Michael Scottaline

"Ernie" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I must confess however, that I do like my IE5 and the OutLook Express
 reader in Windoze better than the Netscape Communicator provided with
 This is a personal preference, and in no way should be construed as any
 of an endorsement for the former. If they (the guys in Redmond) would
 produce a version of IE5 for Linux, I most likely would not use Win for
 anything, and remove it from my system.
I also liked IE5 and Outlook Express better.  I've learned to adjust to k-mail
(quite good actually) though I can't get it to read html.  IE5 (IMHO) is
superior to Netscape4.x..., but not enough to persuade me to boot into
I sincerely doubt you'll be seeing a M$ producted ported to Linux anytime

Michael Scottaline

COL 2.2   Linux 2.2.5
* * * * * * * * * * * 
It's a fresh wind that Blows Against the Empire

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 6.1 Install Problems

1999-10-14 Thread Jesse Royall

Ty. I have the same problem with the SiS Video. I have talked to several
people and I am told that your XF86 thingy is outa date and needs to be
upgraded. 3.3.5 is the newest and they say it works with that video card.
So, I am working on it to see if it holds true or not..will let you know
the outcome.

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999 20:55:22 GMT Ty Mixon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 First the hardware:
 An HP Pavilion 6350 with an AMDK6-2 333Mhz (no overclocking - it
 doesn't like it).
 Onboard SiS 5598 Video
 Onboard Cystal Sound (haven't re-run sndconfig yet)
 Internal NetGear Fast Ethernet PCI Adapter FA-310TX (Tulip Driver is
 supplied with it, and works just fine with the Tulip drive in
 So here's the problems:
 When I tried to run just upgrade the 6.1 started to complain about
 packages not being there, but they were.  So, drawing my experience
 with 'breaking' my installation I ran it in install mode and only
 reformated /.
 The new Xserver gave black blocks where it should have shown text.  I
 forced an upgrade to the older Xserver and that got me back my text. 
 However, I now have a desktop that is bigger than my screen.  I'd 
 to fix this.
 When I tried to tell 6.1 that I had a DEC Tulip card it told me it 
 couldn't detect it on the system and wouldn't let me do anything 
 LAN stuff.  LinuxConf let me designate eth0 as a connection tho, and 
 tell it which driver to use.  However, I now can't get my eth0 
 connection to obtain DHCP info when the machine boots up.  It works 
 fine if I issue the command 'ifup eth0' after boot up.  This is 
 annoying b/c I use and had it automated so that I didn't have 
 to run the script everytime I rebooted.
 And last (I think), but certainly not least - how can I get my 
 backspace key to work like a backspace again?
 As always, TIA!!
 Ty Mixon
 ICQ:  26147713

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Re: [newbie] EZ-drive

1999-10-14 Thread Jesse Royall

thanks ernie... I was just cheking since someone said they were having
problems and I just wanted to make sure that it was the same program I
use for my drive. Since I didn't have those problems yet...

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Re: [newbie] EZ-drive

1999-10-14 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Jesse Royall wrote:

 Thanks for the info.. that is what I thought it was. Funny thing though..
 I have no problem with it.
 I installed a 20gig and the let bios see 8 gig drive.
 loaded the WD driver so that it would see a full 20. partitioned it in 5
 gig parts (since windows 98 will not let me scandisk/defrag more than 6
 or 8 gigs and then create its own errors and ruin a perfectly good hard
 drive.). Installed windows 98 with a 4 gig as a slave. Then some silly
 person talked my into Linux (which I am still working on). Installed Lilo
 dual boot thingy. and Linux on the spare 4 gig. when my system boots it
 loads the EZ thingy where I can press C or A to boot from which I let it
 do its thing. then Lilo takes over and does it thing booting randomly
 windows 98 or Linux. hehe.. jking. but it all works for me somehow. with
 no problems. the only problem I had was I was getting a Lilo prompt and
 didn't know where to go from there until I reloaded windows a few times
 and linux a few times and I got a message one time telling me to hit tab
 to get a menu.

From /usr/src/linux/Documentation/ide.txt

- to use LILO with EZ, install LILO on the linux partition
  rather than on the master boot record, and then mark the
  linux partition as "bootable" or "active" using fdisk.
  (courtesy of Juha Laiho [EMAIL PROTECTED]).
Which explains why Jess has no problems,

 On Wed, 13 Oct 1999 23:56:02 -0400 "Jan Herbert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  EZ Drive is a Formatting tool that is available on WD (western 
  website. Allows older Bios too see large drives. I think larger than 
  6 or 8
  Hope this helps
 Get the Internet just the way you want it.
 Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month!
 Try Juno Web:


[newbie] Bootnet.img -- the right one?

1999-10-14 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

I am reinstalling Mandrake 6.1 by FTP. I installed it originally from using a bootnet.img. I am unable to do so now nor to any
of a half dozen sites, even though they are clearly not full (One had
only 5 out of 110 connections used). I want to be sure that I have the
right bootnet.img. It clearly says: Mandrake 6.1 and I got from's linux/Mandrale/images directory. I keep getting an error
message at the second stage : File not found on server and on Alt+3, I
see "ftp connecting to fd". It should at this point open up an
"inode" but it doesn't. 

Do I have the right bootnet.img and is there any explanation for this. I
am using ADSL. I had no problem a few days ago.

Thank you.

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

[newbie] Fw: mandrake 6.1 and xf86 bugged?

1999-10-14 Thread Ken Davis

- Original Message - 
From: Ken Davis 
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 8:50 AM
Subject: mandrake 6.1 and xf86 bugged?

I have a problem getting my #9 Imagine 128 series 2 4mb video 
card to work with Mandrake 6.1. I am also using a Hitachi superscan elite 
751 (hitachi cm751 choice in setup). The problem is that during setup, the 
screen flashes several times, and it comes back saying it cannot set any display 
modes. I have used this setup in rh5.2, rh6.0 and mandrake 5.2 previously 
with no problems. If I goto the command prompt and run Xconfigurator I get 
the same type of errors during setup. During setup probe, it does detect 
my #9 pci card correctly. If I run startx, I get the error, "a configured 
device found, but display modes could not be resolved". It is also running 
the I128 server which is the correct server for the card. I checked the 
xf86 faq and it says this card is completly compatible and does not require any 
settings, ie ramdac and clock settings. SuperProbe also seems to correctly 
identify the video card. I have also deleted and re-installed several 
times and removed all other cards from the system except for a pci network card 
(which also does not work, but thats another thread), and an sb awe32. 
Also, during the startx screen, it shows several lines of deleting "needs hsync 
freq .xxx deleted" for various resolutions, it shows a line (--) 
I128:I128-II revision (0) 
card type: pci
vidram: 4096k
ibm526 ramdac not found

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


[newbie] Re: Configuring video? ......was(dual boot setup)

1999-10-14 Thread Tony Zoccolillo

Thanks for the help getting a dual boot workingI somehow expected a menu
prompting me to choose Linux or DosI type dos or linux at the LILO
prompt and that's works.

Next problem

I got the updated SiS video driver from SuSE and I unarchived it.  It had
paths already so I un-archived to those paths.  Then I ran Xconfigurator (as
a super-user) and chose SiS 5597.  Nothing happens when I reboot. questions

How do change video drivers?  Am I running a configuration program or
editing text files (like XF86Config)?  Do I need to do anything to

Tony Zoccolillo

coming soon

[newbie] Moving files

1999-10-14 Thread Jesse Royall

  I need to get some files from windows to Linux. the only way I have of
updating anything in mandrake is to download it under windows and move it
over to the linux drive.. now I need to know how to do that

I used the /mnt/windows to get files I needed from linux to windows so
that I could send a file or 2. that worked with no problem.. but when I
try to go from windows back to Linux I got kinda lost. Now, do I need to
do the /mnt command again like I did before? becuase I have a
/mnt/windows directory and when I went there I didn't see the files I
moved to there from linux but under windows I see them now.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 6.1 Install Problems

1999-10-14 Thread Ty Mixon

Problem is, it was 3.3.5 that messed things up, and the Mandrake 6.0 
provide one (don't know which version offhand) that works.

Ty Mixon

 Original Message 

On 10/14/99, 5:59:24 PM, Jesse Royall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding 
Re: [newbie] Mandrake 6.1 Install Problems:

 Ty. I have the same problem with the SiS Video. I have talked to 
 people and I am told that your XF86 thingy is outa date and needs to 
 upgraded. 3.3.5 is the newest and they say it works with that video 
 So, I am working on it to see if it holds true or not..will let you 
 the outcome.

 On Thu, 14 Oct 1999 20:55:22 GMT Ty Mixon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  First the hardware:
  An HP Pavilion 6350 with an AMDK6-2 333Mhz (no overclocking - it
  doesn't like it).
  Onboard SiS 5598 Video
  Onboard Cystal Sound (haven't re-run sndconfig yet)
  Internal NetGear Fast Ethernet PCI Adapter FA-310TX (Tulip Driver is
  supplied with it, and works just fine with the Tulip drive in
  So here's the problems:
  When I tried to run just upgrade the 6.1 started to complain about
  packages not being there, but they were.  So, drawing my experience
  with 'breaking' my installation I ran it in install mode and only
  reformated /.
  The new Xserver gave black blocks where it should have shown text.  I
  forced an upgrade to the older Xserver and that got me back my text.
  However, I now have a desktop that is bigger than my screen.  I'd
  to fix this.
  When I tried to tell 6.1 that I had a DEC Tulip card it told me it
  couldn't detect it on the system and wouldn't let me do anything
  LAN stuff.  LinuxConf let me designate eth0 as a connection tho, and
  tell it which driver to use.  However, I now can't get my eth0
  connection to obtain DHCP info when the machine boots up.  It works
  fine if I issue the command 'ifup eth0' after boot up.  This is
  annoying b/c I use and had it automated so that I didn't have
  to run the script everytime I rebooted.
  And last (I think), but certainly not least - how can I get my
  backspace key to work like a backspace again?
  As always, TIA!!
  Ty Mixon

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Re: [newbie] Installing from a 2nd CDRom drive

1999-10-14 Thread Civileme

A hacky no-brainer solution is to open the case and disconnect the primary
CDROM.  This means linux is likely to treat your secondary as the primary


Paul Stansel wrote:

 Hello all,

 I'm trying to install 6.1 from a CD I burned of it.  Sadly, my main
 CDRom drive seems to hate burned CDs 9/10ths of the time.  Is there any
 way I can force the install to look at my secondary CDRom instead of my
 primary for the install?


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Re: [newbie] Upgrade to Octuber Gnome.

1999-10-14 Thread Brent Metzler

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Somebody knows how to upgrade to Octuber Gnome from the Gnome version
 coming with Mandrake 6.1? Can I do that with RedHat Packages or I must
 wait for Mandrake's updates?

For what I can say, my experience with upgrading to October Gnome from
Mandrake 6 with the Red Hat packages was not pleasent.

One of the packages I needed to update was pam.  After installing all the
packages that were a part of gnome and the requires dependencies, I could
no longer su, or log in.  

Not sure if this is a problem trying to use the Red Hat packages.  I
woulnd't think so.  It might not have been a problem if I had 6.1.  It's
probably more of a problem that I goofed with th dependencies, especially
updating pam.

Brent Metzler
ICQ #:2454084  AIM: bmetzl1999

Re: [newbie] Installing from a 2nd CDRom drive

1999-10-14 Thread Steve Philp

Paul Stansel wrote:
 Hello all,
 I'm trying to install 6.1 from a CD I burned of it.  Sadly, my main
 CDRom drive seems to hate burned CDs 9/10ths of the time.  Is there any
 way I can force the install to look at my secondary CDRom instead of my
 primary for the install?

How about pulling the plugs on the main one for the install?

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] Moving files

1999-10-14 Thread Civileme

I see others besides Steve answering, so I'll answer in some detail.

If you have a windows drive C: and a Drive F:  and presumably some drives of
some sort in between, either logical or physical, you can mount them
automatically for Linux

For Mandrake 6.0 or 6.1 start the program linuxconf as root

Choose filesystems



then /dev/hda1 is C:  and its mount point is /mnt/windows and type is vfat

What F: is depends on where what other partitions etc  It might be, for

/dev/hdb5 (if it is the first extended partition on the second IDE drive)

mount point is whatever directory you specify.  It is nice if that directory
is existing and empty when you set it as mount point

/mnt/wondows_f is a possibility

type is vfat

You can leave options alone unless you want to be able to read and write to
that windows drive as some user other than root.  For specific examples on
making windows partitions writable for other users, check the mail
archives.  There was good discussion on it in the past few days.


P. S.  It is also possible to do this by directly editing /etc/fstab, but it
is definitely not something I would recommend until you understand
filesystems a lot better.  Even then, linuxconf is much safer, because it
will prompt you about oddities it can analyze.

Jesse Royall wrote:

 So I need to do the /mnt/windows everytime I restart Linux to have access
 to my windows drive then. Correct? Also, how do I navigate through dos?
 my files I need are on F: drive (under dos) and when I did that
 /mnt/windows it wrote everything to C: . This is not a problem however,
 it i have multiple files this could become a problem remembering what
 files I need to move over to Linux.
 Another thing. what about my zip drive. would it be easier to move my
 Linux files that I donwload to the zip dirve and mnt it and access the
 zip drive under linux or will that throw everything out since those disks
 a Vfat or whatever for windows?

 Appreciate the help

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