Re: [newbie-it] fsck

2001-04-13 Thread freefred

On Thursday 12 April 2001 11:41, lobax wrote:
 ciao a tutti,
 mi capita spesso (3 volte) che quando vavigo in rete ,al riavvio sucessivo
 la macchina si blocca e mi chiede di avviare fsck manualmente seza
 l'opzione -p e un'altra che non ricordo.questo non mi sembra molto
 normale,cmq volevo chiedere quale sia il comando  per avviare fsck
 manualmente perch non me lo ricordo + 

fsck /dev/hdxx (disco o partizione, insomma)
poi rispondi yes alle domande

  poi se qualcuno mi dice se valga la pena installare la vers.mdk 8 visto
 anche che non sono mai riuscito da avere una distro che non mi abbia creato
 problemi, se le differenze con una versione 7.1 sono molte e rilevanti dal
 punto di vista della qualit,compatibilit,stabilit 

la mdk 8 e' ancora in fase di beta (alcuni dicono molto beta)
puoi aggiornare alla 7.2
che in effetti aggiorna e sistema molte cose.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers 


[newbie-it] Mandrake 8.0 RC1

2001-04-13 Thread Ruben Patanè

Ho appena finito di installare e provare la nuova 
Release di Mandrake 8.0 RC1(La versione candidata ad essere quella definitiva) a 
mio parere sembra molto bella e funzionale.
- Il computer non mi si è mai bloccato(con la 7.2 
- Mi collego ad internter via ISDN senza tanti 
passaggi- La grafica è accattivante
- Supporta la mia OkiPage 4W+ (e mi ha risolto un 
grande impiccio, non devo fare pù mille passaggi per 

Provatelo è stupendo!


[newbie-it] Grub e Aurora

2001-04-13 Thread Antonio Forzieri

Ho ricompilato il Kernel da poco (uso Mandrake 7.2 con kernel 2.4.3),
Quando pero' avvio il sistema con il nuovo kernel Aurora non parte ed il
e' puramente testuale. Se avvio con il vecchio kernel, invece e' tutto ok.
Qualcuno ha idea di come abilitare aurora anche per il nuovo kernel?

Sapete se esiste un GRUB-HOW-TO e dove trovarlo, vorrei capire un po'
il significato delle varie voci del file menu.lst, ed imparare a configurare
per benino grub.
Grazie a chiunque mi dia una zampa!

Antonio Forzieri

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (main address)

Felicita' che sappiamo soltanto
guardare, aspettare, cercare gia' fatta,
quasi fosse anagramma perfetto di facilita'
barando su un'unica lettera.

[newbie-it] wine e porte seriali

2001-04-13 Thread Lucis

Salve a tutti,
come faccio a vedere la porta seriale com 2 con wine?
vorrei far girare il Programma Icprog (programmatore per pic ed epromm) ma 
non la riconosce e mi da il seguente errore:
err:statusbar:StatusWindowProc unknown msg b041 wp= lp=417d6bc0
err:comm:GetCommState can't get COMM_GetReadFd
fixme:comm:SetCommState no handle -1 found   
err:file:CreateFileA Couldn't open device 'Com1'!
err:file:CreateFileA Couldn't open device 'Com2'!
err:file:CreateFileA Couldn't open device 'Com3'!
err:file:CreateFileA Couldn't open device 'Com4'!
err:trackbar:TRACKBAR_WindowProc unknown msg be10 wp=3f740001 lp=3f74  

nel mio file .winerc sono settati cosi:


Re: [newbie-it] antialiasing dei font

2001-04-13 Thread Alessandro \Sgama\ Amadori

At 20.34 13/04/2001 +0200, you wrote:
  Il kernel e' il cuore del sistema e il passaggio da una major release ad

  un'altra e' una cosa molto delicata che va fatta con cognizione di causa
  non a tentativi, altrimenti e' meglio lasciar fare a chi ne e' capace.
Qui non sono d' accordo con te perche' "chi ne e' capace", come dici tu,
e' solo uno che ha fatto esperienza sui propri errori e su quelli degli
altri (a questo servono le ML) poiche' credo che nessuno (io per primo)
abbia ricompilato il kernel la prima volta e sia andato tutto liscio..
Quindi ritengo che il commettere errori sia indispensabile per farsi un'
esperienza (Oscar Wilde docet :-)

Fin qui siamo d'accordo

Certo bisogna conoscere le opzioni fondamentali per il sistema (tu
probabilmente ne hai tralasciata qualcuna) ma queste le puoi trovare su
qualsiasi guida o rivista che spieghi come ricompilare, il resto poi e' a
tua discrezione e c' e' anche un valido help che ti spiega a cosa serve
ogni opzione e cosa fare in caso di dubbio.

Le istruzioni le ho seguite, ma evidentemente ho sbagliato qualcosa ;-)
Per quanto riguarda l'help delle opzioni, in alcuni casi non e' che aiuti 
poi molto.

Ovviamente se non hai il tempo materiale da dedicarci, o se lo vuoi
dedicare a qualcos' altro questo e' un' altro discorso, ognuno e'

Beh, se potessi lo farei al posto di lavorare ;-)
A parte gli scherzi, credo che l'apprendimento segua un percorso a strati.
Penso si debba partire prima dagli strati piu' esterni (ed innocui) e man 
mano che aumentano le conoscenze e la dimestichezza, ci si avvicinano alle 
zone piu' interne (e pericolose) del sistema.
Oh, poi magari mi sbagliero' ;-)

Comunque oggi dall'ufficio ho scaricato il kernel 2.4.3.
Chissa', magari prossimamente leggerete qualche mio messaggio a riguardo ;-)


   Alessandro Amadori
   Real Life and IRC nick: Sgama
   Mu* and PBIRC nick: Luxor
   IHGGER #78

Re: [newbie-it] Grub e Aurora

2001-04-13 Thread Sebastiano Cordiano

On Fri, 13 Apr 2001 19:31:46 +0200
"Antonio Forzieri" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ho ricompilato il Kernel da poco (uso Mandrake 7.2 con kernel 2.4.3),
 Quando pero' avvio il sistema con il nuovo kernel Aurora non parte ed il
 e' puramente testuale. Se avvio con il vecchio kernel, invece e' tutto
 Qualcuno ha idea di come abilitare aurora anche per il nuovo kernel?
Credo che ci sia un' impostazione (vga=788) da mettere nella riga che
carica il kernel ma non ne sono sicuro perche' non lo uso..
 Sapete se esiste un GRUB-HOW-TO e dove trovarlo, vorrei capire un po'
 il significato delle varie voci del file menu.lst, ed imparare a
 per benino grub.
 Grazie a chiunque mi dia una zampa!
Esiste un' esauriente guida che si ottiene con "info grub": l' hai gia'


Sebastiano Cordiano

[newbie-it] powers pack

2001-04-13 Thread lobax

scusate altra domanda,
io a suo tempo avevo acqistato una power pack 6.0 cosa si pu recuperare di
utile?,(per chi la conosce)

[newbie-it] kdeveloped: ma chi l'ha installato?

2001-04-13 Thread Casa

Salve smanettoni ;-)
qualcuno e' riuscito ad installare kdevelop sulla propria mdk7.2 ?
E che versione ?
Ho provato questo:
[root@doppioproc programmi]# rpm -i kdevelop-1.4-4mdk.i586.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
libqt2-devel is needed by kdevelop-1.4-4mdk is needed by kdevelop-1.4-4mdk is needed by kdevelop-1.4-4mdk

Per installare le libqt2 pare ci voglia glibc2.2

Ma ho provato anche la versione da compilare:
[root@doppioproc SPECS]# rpm -bb kdevelop-1.4.spec
.. cut ..
+ source /etc/profile.d/
/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.11280: /etc/profile.d/ File o directory inesistente
Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.11280 (%build)

Purtroppo non so dove trovarlo :

Qualsiasi suggerimento e' gradito.

Grazie, Nicola.


chi va pian va san e va lontan

RE: [newbie] boot error

2001-04-13 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

Have you tried at boot up to run linux single?. That should get you started.

 -Message d'origine-
 Date: vendredi 13 avril 2001 07:08
 Objet:[newbie] boot error
 Well, I blew it. I installed Cygnus GnuPro Dev Kit on my system, and now
 won't boot! Here's the actual situation: After installation of the 
 software, I had to modify a couple of environment variables. I added an 
 entry to the /etc/ file (I had  to create the file first),
 unfortunately, I must have mistyped the path to the file, because now I
 an error that lists the path to the file, and then says "No such file 
 exists". This is during boot-up, and then the system hangs!
 I tried to boot from the emergency diskette, but it still hung at the same
 Can anyone tell me how to get my system to do some sort of minimal boot so
 as to avoid this error, and allow me to fix my mistake?
 "...[W]e preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and
 foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews
 and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God."
 (1 Cor 1:23-24)

Re: [newbie] boot error

2001-04-13 Thread CB

"Mcintosh, Duncan" wrote:
 Have you tried at boot up to run linux single?. That should get you started.

To find the answer I duplicated the problem he had.  The answer is no,
you can't specify runlevel 1, nor can you specify init=/bin/sh.  The
problem is that in all of these methods, the linux kernel still tries to
pass off control to init.  init quickly dies and you are left with a
kernel panic.

I sent him a private reply because in the process of finding the answer,
I found something that was a little disconcerting, namely how easy it
was to get root on the machine.  I am thinking over things before I
publicize it.  In retrospect, I don't like how easy it was to get root
in this case.  Of course, if you have console access to ANY x86 machine,
getting root is trivial.
Blue skies...   Todd
| Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get what you want.  |
|  |  Sometimes you get experience. |
|  | --unknown origin   |

Re: [newbie] Can't call method set_active on an undefined value error

2001-04-13 Thread poogle

Not sure if this will help but here goes.
I had a similar problem with Beta3  (tried Xfree 3.3.6 and 4.0.3) when I 
tried to install on a laptop. I had used the CDs on the PC with no problem, 
but with the laptop they were ejected at the post-install stage (apparently 
didn't like the CD Rom) and installation looked as though it had  failed at 
the configure X stage. Not quite your problem I know, but what I found was 
that installation WAS complete but X server was not, I found this by 
re-booting which took me to a text login, I then ran Xconfigurator and was 
able to get the X server running properly and Beta 3 is now up and running .
Hope this points you in the right direction. 

On Friday 13 April 2001 00:01, you wrote:

 During attempts to install Mandrake 7.2 and beta 3 of 8.0 on a new
 system, just after I make the selection of XFree (i.e., XFree86 3.3.6 or
 3.3.6 with experimental 3D support), I get the following error:

 An error occurred
 Can't call method "set_active" on an undefined value

  X is not configured and the installation does not complete.  I have not
 found a way to ask that the generic VGA driver be installed because the
 installation stops before I reach the step of actually choosing a
 driver.  (I have installed Mandrake 7.2 on several other systems.)

 Randy Kramer

 Other Information:

 During the install for beta 3 of 8.0 I am presented with options to
 install XFree86 3.3.6 or 3.3.6 with experimental 3D support, but not an
 option to install XFree86 4.0.3.  

I used "expert install" don't know if this is what allowed me to choose the 
Xfree version, have not tried the normal way.

Re: [newbie] Will my ATI Rage Fury Maxx video card work with LM 7.2?

2001-04-13 Thread Dan LaBine

David; I'm currently running the exact same video card on a 7.2 system with 
absolutely no problems! Mandrake sets the card up based on it's model class 
(Rage 128) not the specific Model (Fury Maxx). Harddrake detects the model 
O.K., so you sholdn't have problems. Make sure that you check your BIOS to 
insure that you don't have an IRQ assigned to the AGP port, that Plug 'N' 
Play is disabled, and that you've reset your configuration data. 

Dan LaBine

On Thursday 12 April 2001 23:46, you wrote:

 Will my ATI Rage Fury Maxx video card work with LM 7.2? If not can someone
 recommend a video card that will work well with LM 7.2?

 Thanks Much
 David Nelson

Re: [newbie] Can't call method set_active on an undefined value error

2001-04-13 Thread Randy Kramer

Thanks for the response!

Not quite your problem I know, but what I found was
 that installation WAS complete but X server was not, I found this by
 re-booting which took me to a text login, I then ran Xconfigurator and was
 able to get the X server running properly and Beta 3 is now up and running .
 Hope this points you in the right direction.

I tried that and a few similar options.  You are correct that many
things are installed, but the X installation is apparently not complete
and I don't know how to complete it.  There was no XF86Config file.  I
created one using xf86config (because none of the X based utilities
would run).  But, even with the XF86Config file, X would not start.  I
can't remember the exact message when I tried startx, but my
interpretation was that there was something else missing.

Nevertheless, I will try this again in a few days.  (I don't want to
right now because I installed Mandrake 7.0 on the system and my son will
be using it for a few days.)

 I used "expert install" don't know if this is what allowed me to choose the
 Xfree version, have not tried the normal way.

I'm sorry I was not more clear here.  I also used expert install, and
got the chance to choose which Xfree version I wanted to use, but the
choices included only "XFree 3.3.6" and "XFree 3.3.6 with experimental
3D support", and not "XFree 4.0.3".  As I said in the previous post,
there is some confusion about whether the XFree 4.0.3 driver for SiS
supports the SiS 630 -- it seems the information on the XFree site
specifically mentions support of the SiS 630 for the 4.0.2 driver, but
does not mention the SiS 630 at all for the 4.0.3 driver.  Is that an
oversite or was the SiS 630 driver dropped in 4.0.3?  (I've written to about the problem.)

Randy Kramer

[newbie] HELP: /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp ports=261,42,10,4,2,20

2001-04-13 Thread Jason Tanner


Can someone tell me what this does:

/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp ports=261,42,10,4,2,20

I know its to do with masquerading ftp, but I can't
find any docs on the parameters etc.

Thanks in advance,


[newbie] Looking for DTP

2001-04-13 Thread John Raynes

Hi all
I have a request I was wondering if anybody could help me with.

I run a large international radio club and I have to produce a 52 page A5
magazine monthly. Which has to be sent to a commercial printer for printing.
I require a good DTP programm for Linux which can set up the mag in an A5
format and also output a printer ready postscript file.
I need to work in A5 so I know what its going to look like finished.
I ask because at present im using MS Publisher and I want to go completely
over to Linux.(Fed up paying high prices for software.)
Files from contributors are sentr in MS word or lotus wordpro until I can
talk them all into joining the Linux revolution.
Im running Linux-Mandrake 7.2.
Thanks in advance
Take care John in UK

Re: [newbie] boot error

2001-04-13 Thread Dave

Thanks CB, I got your private response.

For what it's worth, the relative insecurity of Linux at the console is 
well-known, even to this newbie. There are workarounds, of course, such as 
making it boot from the primary hard drive only, and password-protecting 
the BIOS so no one can change it to boot otherwise. Also, not allowing 
anyone except root to mount any drive or filesystem, and keeping the CD-ROM 
and diskette drives unmounted by default. There are probably other options, 
as well.


At 11:43 PM 4/12/01 -0700, you wrote:
"Mcintosh, Duncan" wrote:
  Have you tried at boot up to run linux single?. That should get you 

To find the answer I duplicated the problem he had.  The answer is no,
you can't specify runlevel 1, nor can you specify init=/bin/sh.  The
problem is that in all of these methods, the linux kernel still tries to
pass off control to init.  init quickly dies and you are left with a
kernel panic.

I sent him a private reply because in the process of finding the answer,
I found something that was a little disconcerting, namely how easy it
was to get root on the machine.  I am thinking over things before I
publicize it.  In retrospect, I don't like how easy it was to get root
in this case.  Of course, if you have console access to ANY x86 machine,
getting root is trivial.
Blue skies...   Todd
| Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get what you want.  |
|  |  Sometimes you get experience. |
|  | --unknown origin   |

"...[W]e preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and
foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews
and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God."
(1 Cor 1:23-24)

[newbie] S540 Xtreme OpenGL

2001-04-13 Thread Fred Schroeder

I have a Diamond Stealth III S540 Xtreme video card, but don't seem to have
OpenGL on my system, Mandrake 8.0 rc1.
Has anyone got this config to work, or am I just screwed on the 3D accel?

[newbie] How to copy a floppy?

2001-04-13 Thread Gordon Packer

This email was delivered to you by The Free Internet,
a Business Online Group company.
   Feels like I'm asking a pretty silly question here, but how do I copy
one floppy disk to another? I want to make a copy of my boot disk without
having to drag files to the hard disk and then copy them that way. I can
find a program on my set-up for formatting a floppy, but not for

Thanks in advance

- Gordon

[newbie] to Marcia anyone else regarding desktop publishing

2001-04-13 Thread Adrian Smith

hi Marcia, remembering all the things we talked about i stumbled across this today.  
just found it, so i haven't really read up on it yet, but figured i'd send it your 
way.  i notice it does calenders.  =)

for the homepage, look for iceSculptor 

for a review of the product

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

[newbie] Tape backup

2001-04-13 Thread Kelly, Christopher

Does anybody have any suggestions for good tape backup software for Linux?



Re: [newbie] S540 Xtreme OpenGL

2001-04-13 Thread Todd Flinders

If your video card support OpenGL than you should be
able to use Mesa.  Look into that.  You may need to

Load "glx"
Load "dri"

To the modules section of your XF86Config-4, but I'm
not familiar with your card.  At best, this "advice"
may give you some hints on where to research your

If Mesa isn't installed on your system for some
reason, it's on the Mandrake install disks.

--- Fred Schroeder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a Diamond Stealth III S540 Xtreme video card,
 but don't seem to have
 OpenGL on my system, Mandrake 8.0 rc1.
 Has anyone got this config to work, or am I just
 screwed on the 3D accel?

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RE: [newbie] Tape backup

2001-04-13 Thread Daryl Johnson

Taking a second bite at this though, tar is fine and has plenty of options
to allow you to achieve all sorts of different results from a backup but if
this isn't enough there's always taper which certainly came with my distro.

Daryl Johnson
Proplan Associates

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kelly, Christopher
 Sent: 13 April 2001 19:50
 To: 'Newbie'
 Subject: [newbie] Tape backup

 Does anybody have any suggestions for good tape backup software for Linux?



RE: [newbie] Tape backup

2001-04-13 Thread Daryl Johnson

First get your tape drive working - and if you do, then let me know how you
did it!

Daryl Johnson
Proplan Associates

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kelly, Christopher
 Sent: 13 April 2001 19:50
 To: 'Newbie'
 Subject: [newbie] Tape backup

 Does anybody have any suggestions for good tape backup software for Linux?



Re: [newbie] How to copy a floppy?

2001-04-13 Thread CB

Gordon Packer wrote:

 one floppy disk to another? I want to make a copy of my boot disk without

To copy from floppy to hd
   dd if=/dev/fd0 of=filename.img
To copy from hd to floppy (the same way you make your boot disks)
   dd if=filename.img of=/dev/fd0

man dd for more info.  dd can be used for lots of interesting things
like wiping out the MBR when fdisk /mbr doesn't work or is not
Blue skies...   Todd
| Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get what you want.  |
|  |  Sometimes you get experience. |
|  | --unknown origin   |

Re: [newbie] Voodoo TV card BT878

2001-04-13 Thread Jeff


  You are going to need to set the card up using bttv.
 I don't know if that card is supported but the
chipset is so here is the info that helped me get a
different card but same chipset going.
 This is the bttv mini-howto.  Bttv is the drivers for
the chipset.  You won't need to perform many (or any)
of these setup steps if your using Mandrake 7.1 or up
(at least I didn't).  This howto is really badly out
dated but gives you a good idea about what your going
to need.  I found the arguments and such that I needed
for my card by searching the newsgroups archives on
google.  I mailed the list with a copy of the arg's in
my modules.conf wich was the only steps I preformed to
get an ATI TV Wonder VE setup with the bt787 chipset
but your card may have a different tuner and stuff so
best to look it up and search around.  If would like
you could look in the archives for that mail, subject
ATI Wonder VE fixed.  Good luck with getting your card

--- dooshiant % [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a Voodoo TVFM tuner card which I am unable to
 run in KWinTV or XawTV. 
 The scanwizard doesn't find any broadcasts.
 The chip is a BT878.

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Re: [newbie] another misconfigured system?

2001-04-13 Thread Dennis Myers

On Friday 13 April 2001 22:40, you wrote:
 Forwarded message:
  From MAILER-DAEMON  Fri Apr 13 17:39:43 2001
  Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: 13 Apr 2001 17:37:48 -0700
  Subject: Delivery Status Notification
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  Content-Type: Multipart/Report; report-type=delivery-status;
  boundary="=1022/Oteb3NHkDdgAAAD1OQ" Message-Id:
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  If you can see this text, your mail client may not be able to understand
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  MIME information and RFC 1891 through 1894 for DSN specific information).
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
  This message could not be delivered to the following recipients:

 Anyone else getting this stuff? Namezero or maximumtime, your user has
 a mysconfigured system or something. I tried sending this privately to
 the mandrake-request address, but that bounced, and so did postmaster@ Sheesh.

 David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.
Yes, I think everyone is getting this. I set a filter and hope it takes most 
of them out.
Dennis M. registered Linux user # 180842