Re: [newbie-it] xine e DeCSS

2002-01-09 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- Brunini Alessandro [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
Salve alla lista.
 Vorrei porvi un quesito forse (spero) banale.
 Ho installato l'ultima versione di xine, insieme al
 Poi ho installato il DeCSS (d5d), che aggiunge un
 plugin per vedere
 appunto i DVD criptati.
 Infatti sul menù di xine appare un pulsante d5d
 A parte il fatto che per aprire un file dal DVD
 device lo devo fare a
 mano (mentre il d5d dovrebbe supportare anche i
 menù), ogni file che
 apro, non viene decrittato e xine crasha ovviamente.
 Non so come comportarmi.
Sulla console ti da qualche messaggio? Cosi' su due
piedi non saprei dirti. Io uso Xine con il d4d e il
dvdnav e mi funziona bene, pero' io ho installato i
sorgenti che ho scaricato da
che contengono gia' al loro interno i plugins, non li
ho installati successivamente.

Ciao! Steo.


Iscriviti al gruppo ufficiale di Tomb Raider:

Re: [newbie-it] Nuovo PC: Dubbi Amletici

2002-01-09 Thread Andrea Celli

Stefano Sebastiani wrote:
 Voglio cambiare PC.
 Ho visto su CHL quesa offerta:
 Versione Retail:
  - Olidata Vassant 7 Athlon XP 1700+
  - CD di ripristino Olidata per WinXP Home Ed.
  - Casse, Tastiera e Mouse Olidata


 Qualcuno mi può dare degli imput, che faccio..

Quasi sicuramente devi buttare il modem interno.

Su questa ML nessuno ti potra` dire che fai bene a pagare una licenza
Al limite puoi vedere di fartela rimborsare (

La scheda video a me funziona perfettamente con i driver scaricati da

Il resto non dovrebbe dare grossi problemi.
Controlla comunque scheda madre e masterizzatore!

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Nuovo PC: Dubbi Amletici

2002-01-09 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Wed, 9 Jan 2002, Andrea Celli wrote:

 Stefano Sebastiani wrote:
  Voglio cambiare PC.
  Ho visto su CHL quesa offerta:
  Versione Retail:
   - Olidata Vassant 7 Athlon XP 1700+
   - CD di ripristino Olidata per WinXP Home Ed.
   - Casse, Tastiera e Mouse Olidata
  Qualcuno mi può dare degli imput, che faccio..
 Quasi sicuramente devi buttare il modem interno.

Mi sembra di capire che e' un modem interno (cioe' un vero modem) non un 
IN ogni caso chiedi dettagli.

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] ste' ikone kde!

2002-01-09 Thread Fabio Manunza

A me non succede, tant'è vero che la mia disposizione è assolutamente
libera; mi sembra però che il desktop KDE segua una logica di ordinamento
verticale od orizzontale (colonne e linee per intenderci). Se non hai
specificato un ordinamento verticale su opzioni desktop, KDE disporrà
automaticamente le icone in senso orizzontale.
Per cui, libero si, ma sempre per linee o colonne.
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 8:22 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] ste' ikone kde!

 non capisco perchè ma kde 2.2.1 ad ogni avvio non dispone le icone nella
 posizione in cui le avevo lasciate ma in modo automatico. Anche scegliendo
 in chiusura l'opzione di ripristinare la sessione al prossimo ravvio.
 Succede anche a voi? Come posso risolvere?

 grazie per la pazienza.


Re: [newbie-it] Nuovo PC: Dubbi Amletici

2002-01-09 Thread Andrea Celli

Luigi De Pascale wrote:
 On Wed, 9 Jan 2002, Andrea Celli wrote:
  Stefano Sebastiani wrote:
   Voglio cambiare PC.

  Quasi sicuramente devi buttare il modem interno.
 Mi sembra di capire che e' un modem interno (cioe' un vero modem) non un
 IN ogni caso chiedi dettagli.

Quando scrivono 
- Modem 56K V.90 Interno

al 99,99% e` un softmodem.
Se sei fortunato e` un Lucent o qualche altro che funziona anche con
Linux. Ossia un linmodem, non un vero modem.

Negli ultimi due anni non ho mai visto un PC preassemblato con un
modem interno vero, ossia pilotabile con i comandi AT e che non richieda
un driver/modulo apposito.
Non credo vengano piu` prodotti i modem interni veri.
Gli ultimi che ho visto erano schede isa.

In genere questi grossi assemblatori (Olidata) comprano grossi lotti
di componenti da varie ditte. Quindi probabilmente non possono 
neanche dirti se il soft-modem incluso ha chipset Lucent (perche'
viene dalla partita presa in Corea) o Motorola (perche' viene
da quella presa a Taiwan). Altrimenti specificherebbero marca e modello.
Come noterai alcune componenti sono state specificate, altre no.
L'unica cosa che ti possono assicurare e` che e` interno e 
che funziona a 56K V.90.

Quindi, meglio aspettarsi il peggio e pensare che quasi certamente
lo dovrai buttare. Poi, se sei fortunato ... :-)

Se vuoi essere sicuro di quello che compri devi rivolgerti a un piccolo
assemblatore e contrattare singolarmente tutte le componenti da

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] NTFS

2002-01-09 Thread TAGLIO

Ho un quesito per voi...
Qualcuno sà dirmi se con *nix è possibile leggere una partizione NTFS e se si 
in che modo?
Ringrazio anticipatamente chiunque mi risponda

[newbie-it] Chiamate ad un Proxy

2002-01-09 Thread lux

Ciao a tutti,
Ho installato MDK 8.2 su un server con un modem ISDN.
Sul server ho installato squid.
Se apro una connessione internet dal server tutto OK.
Se apro la connessione da un client Windows non apre la connessione.
Le schede di rete e tutto cio che riguarda le connessioni funzionano 

Cosa devo fare per far partire la connessione del modem anche dai client? 
Esiste qualche pacchettino software o qualche impostazione per far cio?
Vi ringrazio moltissimo se mi rispondete perche sono veramente disperato.

Ciao a tutti, Luca.

[newbie-it] errore in compilazione

2002-01-09 Thread OKreZ

salve a tutti, lanciando ./configure per compilare una gui per 
ping/traceroute/whois/nmap mi si presenta il seguente errore:

checking for libz... configure: error: not found. Check your installation and 
look into config.log

cosa faccio ? grazie

[newbie-it] Fwd: [Cooker] Re: Linux Documentation Author Werner Heuser threatened with 6 months imprisonment or 250.000.- EURO penalty for supposed tradmark infringment

2002-01-09 Thread Giorgio Carrara

segnalazione : ot ?
--  Messaggio inoltrato  --

Subject: [Cooker] Re: Linux Documentation Author Werner Heuser threatened 
with 6 months  imprisonment or 250.000.- EURO penalty for supposed tradmark 
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 20:45:15 +0530

From: Kurt Pfeifle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 7:55 PM
Subject: Linux Documentation Author Werner Heuser threatened with 6 months
imprisonment or 250.000.- EURO penalty for supposed tradmark infringment

Off topic -- cross posting is deliberate...

##  6 months imprisonment or 250.000.- EURO penalty to Linux Documentation
Author --
##  for infringing comic character Obelix through free Laptop support
Website MobiliX??

After having gotten a request (in June 2001) from German legal
representatives of Les Editions Albert Rene (Paris), holder of the
trademarks Asterix and Obelix, to unregister the name MobiliX,
they now took legal action against Werner Heuser
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]), well-known amongst Linux-laptop users for
authoring the Linux-Mobile-Guide (formerly called the Laptop-HOWTO),
published by the Linux Documentation Project.

MobiliX (, his own website, is dedicated to
Mobile UniX systems on laptops, PDAs, cell phones and more. It
carries lots of useful hands-on information about installing and
running Linux and BSD on laptops, PDAs and other mobile computer
devices -- and of course it is free to use via the internet. It exists
since five years and besides the famous site Linux on Laptops
( by Kenneth E. Harker it seems to be
biggest resource on this topic.

MobiliX is an acronym of the words mobile and UniX. To avoid legal
trouble, Werner had registered this name at the German trademark
register in 1999. It is a common practice to build new names for Unix
related topics from a word naming the topic and adding the letters
iX at the end. Some examples are: AIX, Eurix (Comfood), Sinix
(Siemens-Nixdorf), SkroBelix, Skyrix, Ultrix, Xenix. The German
computer magazine iX is even just named by these letters. The name
Unix itself is a registered trademark of ATT, X/Open. The very
name Mobilix is already registered for a German manufacturer of
children furniture -- but don't seem infringed, because of the
different industry they are in. Before the legal action, Werner didn't
reference in any way towords comic characters Asterix or Obelix on his
web pages.

The name of his website is supposed to be mistaken for
Obelix, according to the charges.

The trademark Obelix was registered by German lawyer Guenter Freiherr
v. Gravenreuth. The legal charge is up to 250.000 USD or six months
prison. The costs of the first instance are app. 15.000 USD. Werner
Heuser has decided not to withdraw the name MobiliX. He is supported
by the German lawyers Jaschinski, Biere und Brexl - JBB

This case is another one in the recent series of trademark troubles
for Free Software projects (SAMBA, Kylix, Kilustrator, SELFHTML, SuSE,
..). Therefore this case is very important not only because many of
these projects have names ending on iX.

Current news about the case are at

Please support Werner to fight this attack.

[submitted by Kurt Pfeifle [EMAIL PROTECTED]]


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[newbie-it] Compilatore GCC (o KGCC ?)

2002-01-09 Thread Marco Fortini

Salve a tutti,

ho installato il compilatore GCC

quando lancio il comando "make" relativo ad un 
driver di una periferica, mi viene risposto:

Kgcc: command not found

Ho allora cercato su internet informazioni sul 
KGCC, sembra che molti lo installino, ma non ho capito perchè e soprattutto dove 
lo si prende.

Ringrazio e saluto

Marco Fortini

[newbie-it] USB Device Filesystem

2002-01-09 Thread Marco Fortini

Salve a tutti,

(sono sempre alle prese con l'installazione del 
driver del modem ADSL Speedtouch dell'Alcatel)

Premesso che parlo di Mandrake 8.0,

Sulle istruzioni del drivermi viene spiegato 
(nel capitolo "Troubleshooting Information") che la applicazione necessita del 
usbdevfs filesystem. se questo non è presente o not mounted to /proc/bus/usb/ 
allora fallirà.

per capire se durante il Boot veniva "mounted" il 
filesystem ho disabilitato Aurora e ho letto i massaggi:

uno diceva: mount USB filesystem ... 

comunque in quella directory il file usbdevfs non 
riesco a trovarcelo (anzi, non lo trovo da nessuna parte).

Domando : "USB filesystem" è la stessa cosa di "USB 
device filesystem" ?

cosa devo fare per far "mountare" questo file in 
quella directory ?

Ringrazio e saluto

Marco Fortini

Re: [newbie] Can't read CD for hdlists [Solved; Sort of]

2002-01-09 Thread Kaj Haulrich

Andy Davidson wrote:
 On Tuesday 08 January 2002 21:36, I wrote:
  I have no idea what this will do to cdrecord et al, but I guess I'll find
  out. :-)
 And at 08:49 PM 1/8/02 -0500, Dennis Myers wrote:
 Andy, go to a console and type in cdrecord -scanbus and see if it still
 shows you your CDRW or nothing. If it shows the writer then the CD burning
 programs like gtoaster should still be able to find it. HTH
 Yup, that worked.  'cdrecord -scanbus' still shows the CDRW as the write
 device.  Unfortunately, when I run xcdrecord, it wants to use that as the
 input device as well.  Ah well, I reckon I can figure that out, too

Andy, in your /etc/lilo.conf edit (as root) the append-line : 
append= hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi devfs=mount  
or something like that, depending of what hd(x) is your CD-rom. Save the
file and issue the command : lilo to let the kernel know the changes.
Then reboot and start using XCDroast, Kreatecd or whatever.

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] File system

2002-01-09 Thread Michael Viron

Yes, ext3 is a journaling filesystem.

An article in Linux Magazine called 'Journaling filesystems' can be found
at , which should
answer your questions.  Or for that matter, go to,
and do a search on 'Journaling Filesystems'.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 07:17 PM 01/09/2002 +0530, Amish K. Munshi wrote:

I wanted to know what is journaling file system and how does it
differ from the previous file systems. Also is ext3 also a journaling
file system?


Attachment Converted: d:\mike\eudora\attach\munshiamish3.vcf
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Re: [newbie] Is CGI set up ... FIXED -(permission related)

2002-01-09 Thread Mitch . Wilson

Exactly. That appears to be the case. And it's a good security idea, no?
But very frustrating when you're a newbie and just following basic set up
directions for cgi :). The solution I found, for my situation, is to just
create the user account as root, and then log on as the user to create the
public_html and cgi-bin directories. Then create the scripts, so the
directories and scripts are all owned by the user from the start. That's
what I did with the second account, and scripts ran fine. Of course, if the
user doesn't know how to create directories, then create the directories as
root right after creating the account, and then chown them to the user.




Keith Lynn 


Sent by: Subject: Re: [newbie] Is CGI set 
up ... FIXED -(permission related)   



01/08/02 01:38 PM  

Please respond to  




 I have not experienced the problem you're having. As a test I took a
cgi script that I have running on my web server and changed both the owner
and the group to root, and the script still executes. It might be possible
that there is an entry in your configuration that prohibits scripts owned
by root from being served.

Keith Lynn
Systems Administrator
School of Computer and Information Sciences
University of South Alabama
Mobile, AL 36608
Phone: (334) 460-6390
Fax: (334) 460-7274
Alternate E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Tue, 8 Jan 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thank you for the response, but this is really starting to get to me!
 do I not have the hang of? Everyone acts like it's soo simple. But
 there's something else going on.

 Can someone explain why a cgi file WITH PERMISSIONS SET TO 755 ... would

 After the file would run, I changed ownership back to root and the file
 ***would no longer run***. Then, I changed it back to the user and the
 ***would run***.

 Does anyone have an explanation? If not, that's cool. But please don't
 Set the permisisons ... or Read about permissions. Please :)

 I'm getting to worked up. Lol. It's just that there's something here to
 understand that is escaping everyone somehow, and I want to understand
 If I'm totally missing something really simple, could someone explain it?

 whew ...


 Anuerin G.Diaz

 Sent by: cc:

 newbie-owner@linux-maSubject: Re:
[newbie] Is CGI set up ... FIXED -(permission related)

 01/08/02 08:32 AM

 Please respond to


 On Mon, 7 Jan 2002 09:35:38 -0600

  But that's what is weird -- the permissions were set to 755.
  I just did a test. I ran the script, and it worked. Then I changed
  ownership to root, and it didn't work. I changed it back to mitch, and
  Before, when I had changed the ownership of the file with chown, I
  stop to then modify the permissions. I just went to my windows machine,
  loaded the html page in the browser, and clicked on the link to the cgi
  file. And it worked. The only change I had made was ownership from root
  the user account mitch.

Re: [newbie] File system

2002-01-09 Thread Randy Kramer

Amish K. Munshi wrote:
 I wanted to know what is journaling file system and how does it
 differ from the previous file systems.


I'm a newbie too, but I'm going to try to answer your question so I can
learn when somebody corrects me.

(Based on other knowledge I think I have (of journaling in a database),
;-) a journaling file system keeps a record of the changes that have
been made to the filesystem, complete with enough information to
reconstruct them.  (This is in addition to actually making the changes
on the disk, or maybe this is until the changes are written from cache
to the disk?)

If anything occurs to indicate that there might be a problem (like an
unexpected shutdown), the filesystem can be reconstructed from the
journal entries.  

Thus, for example, if your computer goes down due to a power failure,
instead of going through the fsck process, the journaling file system
reviews its journal entries and reconstructs anything (that hasn't yet
made it to the disk yet? -- see below).  This process is much faster and
more reliable than the fsck process.

I glossed over some things above, so state the following as specific
things I'm not sure about:

   * How does the journaling file system manage itself?  (Perhaps it
keeps the journal only for file system operations that might be in
cache, and deletes those entries when that part of the cache is written
to disk??)

   * Hmm, maybe if I know the answer to the previous item it answers
most of my questions.

 Also is ext3 also a journaling file system?

Yes.  Also, I understand it is very compatible with ext2, you can change
one to the other without too much trouble.  Civleme (and others?) has
posted good information comparing several of the journaling file systems
for speed, reliability (maturity?), and so forth.

Randy Kramer

PS: I understand that the fsck process cannot always repair an ext2
filesystem after a power outage (unless you use repair in the
Microsoft sense -- (IIUC) deleting a damaged file).  I've switched to a
journaling file system (jfs) in hopes that my data is much more secure.

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[newbie] Home Network: What's Next?

2002-01-09 Thread Robert McNealy

To everyone-

-I want to convert my Win2k ICS network to a Mandrake 8.1 Network
-I want Printer and Drive sharing for all
-I want Internet access for all
-I want a firewall
-I want a webserver

-I don't know how to get my network and internet setup with Mandrake 8.1 for
other drives and PCs on the network.

-I have a PIII 500 Intel box dual booted win Win2K and Mandrake 8.1 as my
-I have a Motorola Surfboard USB Cable Modem installed and working-connected
to server.
-I have 2 laptops and an AMD 1.4ghz on the network.
-My old network had all these PCs, printers, and drives, shared and working
fine through an Ethernet/USB hubs and Orinoco RG for the laptop

I don't know what my next step is.  I need to know about IP Masquerading,
firewall, IP tables (chains), and I have to be able to have the server
drives accessible by all of the above PCs, as I have a lot of storage on the
server (80GB).

What do I do?



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Re: [newbie] SSH problem

2002-01-09 Thread Miark

I used to get something similar when I tried to run 
MicroEmacs using the stock MS telnet client. Try setting 
a different terminal emulation. 


- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 10:50 AM
Subject: [newbie] SSH problem

 I can SSH from home to my office machine without problem, but when I try to
 SSH to my home from the office, it will lock up on me when the screen
 scrolls. I can get a connection and can move around on the machine, but if I
 vi or do a ls -la on a long list the session just locks up.
 Any idea why this would be happening?
 -Allen May

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[newbie] problems with my installation

2002-01-09 Thread Alberto Grijó

to anyone

I'm It Manager DSI of Casino Estoril , i buy Mandrake Linux Standard Edition

yet, i have a problem! i have a Compaq PIV a 1500 Mhz with 128 Megabytes

On installation startup i have this message:

Kernel Panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 01:03

The system just stopped, but i try on another machine Pentium II 333Mhz and
it works!

Linux don't work on Intel P4 1500Mhz???

best regards for all


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Re: [newbie] the opposite of startx

2002-01-09 Thread Kenn Yahoo

just discovered that ctrl-alt-backspace restarts x 

- Original Message -
From: Michel Clasquin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] the opposite of startx

| On Wednesday 09 January 2002 21:40, Kenn Yahoo wrote:
|  okay, i realize i should be able to find it, but 
|  i know about startx ... but i need to stop and restart x, and i can't
|  find the command to stop it ... can someone help?
| This is really crude, but I once managed to kill a stalled X with killall
| startx
| --
| Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
| This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC
| f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n nx dmnstrtn

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[newbie] modem errors-Solved 'partly'

2002-01-09 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)

Thanks to all the people who posted about my modem errors.  I am now not
receiving errors when I connect up although there are a few things
listed at the bottom of this email I would appreciate you looking into,
if anyone feels like helping there.

The solution was obtained from the cmd 'cat messages' in the /var/log
directory. Just before the modem hung up the files said that the
username and or password were incorrect and that was stopping me being
authenticated. After trying several option I settled on making my
username the same as my email address, although it apparently isn't
according to my ISP.

Darn modem connected up first time and I was able to surf the Net.

Items which still need attention are:
1) How I can get modem lights showing my modem is active. I have
searched he mdk software manager for most things to do with lights,
modems etc. but have not been able to confirm or deny it is or isn't
installed. If it was installed, how would I get it to display when the
modem is in use? - SOLVED

2) Why does the modem not show up under the Mandrake Control Centre
hardware tab under modems? How do I get it to show there?

modem is an ISA USR Sportster 56k with no jumpers attached and PnP
disabled in the BIOS and running on Mdk 8.0.

Hylton Conacher
Registered Linux user # 229959
Licenced Windows user

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Re: [newbie] the opposite of startx

2002-01-09 Thread Gerald Waugh

 While we are talking about startx, I have a question.  Lets say I use
 mode and I want to write a bash script to automatically startx using
 (startx /usr/bin/blackbox -- :0 ) and I want it to automatically execute
 the_sims.  If i try and do:

 startx /usr/bin/blackbox -- :0

 I won't start the sims until the have closed black box, how do I get this
 working ??

 startx /usr/bin/blackbox -- :0 

 run in background

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Re: [newbie] Can I connect to netzero from my linux box???

2002-01-09 Thread Roberto Armenteros

It can be perfectly done, in fact I am using it to
write this email...
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hmm, i didn't think you could use ICS with a dial-up
 connection. u know? w/ 
 something like net zero. can this really be done?

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Re: [newbie] Can I connect to netzero from my linux box???

2002-01-09 Thread Mafiajoe3
well, that is very cool! soon as i find my other NIC card. i'm gonna try it!


Re: [newbie] Question - school related so ignore if you want.

2002-01-09 Thread TezcatlipocA

I need to do a project for my statistics class and thought this place would
be perfect for it. I need 50 people to answer this and it would be greatly

1. How many hours a week do you spend online?   35
2. What is your age? 20
3. Sex?  M
4. What type of Internet connection do you have? Dial up
5. How many computers do you own? 2


This is for a Elementary Statistics course for a project I am doing. It's a
wintersession course and I need to collect this information ASAP. I need a
total of 50 people to respond.

Thanks again if you decide to answer these questions.

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[newbie] (g)unzipping

2002-01-09 Thread Bill Winegarden

I have downloaded the Maragda linux on a CD file. It is titled  
When I try to open it in Archiver it fails with an error message about valid 
file type.
When I try to gunzip -d it says 'not in gz format'.
The file is a full distro length of 650 megs. I'm wondering if it is corrupt 
or maybe I just don't know how to decompress it.

Thanks and regards,
Bill W.

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Re: [newbie] File spliter?

2002-01-09 Thread Randy Kramer

Jon Doe wrote:
 I am looking for a program or instuctions on how to split up a 750mb home movie file.
 I tried to use rar but can't seem to figure out how to split it in half.
 Is there a way to do this platform indepedent? My father uses Widnows and he will 
want this home movie.
 I did a search on freshmeat but didn't come up with anything.

Have you looked at split?  See man split -- don't know if it will handle
a file that big, but don't know that it wouldn't either.

Disclaimer: I know nothing about splitting movie files -- I'm assuming
that you want to split it to smaller sizes for transport, and then
rejoin it for use.  If not, there may be other things you have to do
that split won't handle.

Randy Kramer

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[newbie] 7.2, 8.0 won't detect my 3c450 NIC

2002-01-09 Thread dic98

I'm running a Pentium II 166 MHz with 128 MB RAM and a 3c450 ethernet card. I 
have used this computer before with LM 7.2 and everything worked like a charm. 
Now after a recent reformat/reinstall (tried to upgrade to 8) it won't detect 
the NIC. Everything else works just fine, but no luck with the card. I even 
tried uninstalling 8 and having a go at it with 7.2 again but it was to no 
avail. I've tried configuring the card both at install (every single 3Com 
driver fails) and through DrakConf. Harddrake doesn't even show any NIC and 
obviously ifconfig doesn't yield anything either. Any advice? 

I've got a basic working knowledge of Linux including command line and I've got 
Running Linux + Net Admins Guide + Nutshell so you can refer me to any of those 
if it'd make things any easier for you. Thanks to anyone who can help. 


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Re: [newbie] File spliter?

2002-01-09 Thread Randy Kramer

Miark wrote:
 Well, there is the split program ;-) Check out the man page.
 It's a very easy program to use. As for putting it back together
 again on a Windows machine, I dunno. There must be a simple
 program out there that can glue file together. 

Yup, there is.  Usually you just use copy to join the files together.  I
forget the exact syntax, but it's something like copy a + b c  (to copy
files a and b to c) (and, I think you may have to use the /b switch). 
Look up copy in dos help, or just do copy /? at an MS Dos command

Randy Kramer

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[newbie] No Soundcard after boot

2002-01-09 Thread Damian G

Hi all

I've got a slight problem i'd like to read some opinions about, here it 

After i boot up, ( or reboot ) my soundcard does not work, if i open the 
soundmixer it says invalid mixer 'Ensoniq ES1370'   .. but i discovered 
i can make it work by going to HardDrake and running the sound configuration 
then i just push the ok button, i don't change anything, and then it just 
working again. At first i did not really care about it, but i'm getting 
tired of making my sound start working every time...

just a wild guess: would devFS have anything to do with it? Anyway, how do i 
disable it? what would happen if i do?... etc etc. ;oP

thank you all very much in advance.


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Re: [newbie] (g)unzipping

2002-01-09 Thread Anuerin G.Diaz

On Wed, 9 Jan 2002 14:10:17 -0500
Bill Winegarden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I have downloaded the Maragda linux on a CD file. It is titled  
   When I try to open it in Archiver it fails with an error message about valid 
 file type.
   When I try to gunzip -d it says 'not in gz format'.
   The file is a full distro length of 650 megs. I'm wondering if it is corrupt 
 or maybe I just don't know how to decompress it.
 Thanks and regards,
 Bill W.

have you tried unzipping it in the commandline? just use gunzip  
maragda-2000-10-05-i386-RAM64Mb-redhat-6.2.raw.gz and see what happens. i dont know 
about the raw format though. maybe thats the reason archiver refuses to process that 




Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
2305 B West Tower, Philippines Stocks Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Re: [newbie] (g)unzipping

2002-01-09 Thread Bill Winegarden

Yup, tried that.same error message..'file not in gzip format'
I'm wondering if it got corrupted. 
Thanks for the advice, tho.

Bill W.

On Thursday 10 January 2002 09:19, you wrote:
 gunzip  maragda-2000-10-05-i386-RAM64Mb-redhat-6.2.raw.gz

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Re: [newbie] cron

2002-01-09 Thread Mark D'voo

On Thursday 10 January 2002 08:17 am, you wrote:
 On Wednesday 09 January 2002 06:24 am, Mark D'voo wrote:
  I have a bash script that I want run every hour as my regular user, how
  do I setup cron to do this?

 put the script in the /etc/cron.hourly directory.

hmm, i put it in that directory and it never ran, YES i do have the cron 
daemon running, is there anything special that needs to be in the script ??
I finally just set it up using gts which seems to work fine



  9:18pm  up  4:01,  1 user,  load average: 0.04, 0.05, 0.03

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[newbie] Floppy accessing - not

2002-01-09 Thread Idea.listBT

Hi folks

am running dual boot MLN 8.1 and w98
Mandrake has formatted a floppy ok but I can't access it.
I've been trying, on and off, for weeks and it's a good thing that I'm a
masochist otherwise it would be driving me nuts.
Any advice would be very much appreciated.

I took Tom Brinkman's advice and visited
where it said:-
-Error scenario: The floppy drive is not accessible for use.
-Why: The PNP_BIOS does not initalize the floppy controller like the
-BIOS. Because of this, you may have difficulty access the drive with
-applications like mount or dd, and will receive errors such as
-/dev/fd0: No such device or address or Input/output error.
-Solution: Boot your kernel with the nobiospnp option specified at the
-boot command line.

I've tried two methods and niether work.

Firstly (as suggested in this group)-
I've interupted the lilo boot process with ESC so that it stops and displays
the prompt 'BOOT:'
I then enter as:
BOOT:linux nobiospnp
and Linux boots as normal but still cannot access the floppy.

Second try - I've tried amending the Lilo config file (and entering 'lilo'
after saved) and still cant access floppy.
I don't know if I've done this correctly - I've put 'nobiospnp' in the
'append' lines.
This is the lilo.conf text -

 append= hdd=ide-scsi devfs=mount quiet nobiospnp
 append= hdd=ide-scsi devfs=mount nobiospnp
 append= hdd=ide-scsi devfs=mount failsafe

Many thanks
Dave S.

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Re: [newbie] java again

2002-01-09 Thread Derek Jennings

There should be a symlink/usr/java pointing to your java executable.
Yours appears to be pointing to the kaffe executable.

just delete it and remake it with the correct destination.
 'whereis java' will tell you where any symlinks or executables are on your 

Kaffe sometimes gets installed as a dependency without you intending it. The 
server wizards for example list kaffe as a required dependency.


On Sunday 06 January 2002 01:28, Eric McClure wrote:
 For some reason I had to install jre to get konqueror to see my apps.

 but when i type in 'java -version'
 kaffe comes up!  it use to read j2sdk1.4.0
 what gives?

 also I've tried to modify my .bashrc but it seems the changes don't take
 affect.  what is the permissions for .bashrc?  Is it 755?

 eric l. Mcclure

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[newbie] How to hook up printer in a router/printer server?

2002-01-09 Thread Debussy Administrator


I recently set up a linux system with Mandrake Linux 8.1
I use a 4-port Cable/DSL router to connect my local network and to the
The router I am using an Asante FR3004LC. This router has a network print
server function, so  I plug my NEC SuperScript 1400 laser printer on the
router through a standard parallel port. The printer server worked perfectly
with my Windows system by installing the special driver from Asante.

Now, I try to install this printer in my Linux but I don't know how.
According to the router's manual: For UNIX/Linux computers, the standard
LPR driver will work with the router. No additional software is required. I
have tried to use CUPS and LPRng but neither of them worked. Actually, it
did not even send any signal to the printer.

I tried to search the Internet but there is no information related to this
situation. Can anyone help me, please!


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[newbie] a real newbie

2002-01-09 Thread Nick Young

Hi  - I've just got hold of Linux Mandrake 6.1 on disks.

I'm trying to install it on a Laptop in a dual boot configuration.

However . it won't let me create a boot floppy , or install Lilo, or


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Re: [newbie] File spliter?

2002-01-09 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Wed, 9 Jan 2002 16:57:54 -0500, Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am looking for a program or instuctions on how to split up a 750mb home
 movie file. I tried to use rar but can't seem to figure out how to split it in
 half. Is there a way to do this platform indepedent? My father uses Widnows
 and he will want this home movie. I did a search on freshmeat but didn't come
 up with anything.

If you want to split up an MPEG and keep the ability to view the individual
parts, take a look at


Sridhar Dhanapalan

One World, One Web, One Programme -- Microsoft Promotional Ad.
Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer -- Adolf Hitler

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[newbie] the boot disk problem

2002-01-09 Thread Nick Young

It seems to go through the process of crating a boot disk but then I get an
error message:

An error occurred during step Install bootloader of the install ..

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