Re: [newbie-it] Suggerimenti: installazione e pacchetti

2003-02-26 Thread Andrea Celli
On Wed, 26 Feb 2003 00:23:15 +0100
Alessandro Piaser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Mi spiego meglio. Ho il pacchetto A da installare, ma ha bisogno delle
 dipendenze B e C, che a sua volta ha bisogno di C1 e C2.
 C'è un opzione che mi permette di installare A+B+C+C1+C2?

In genere funziona bene il comando urpmi di Mandrake:
se individua le librerie che gli mancano in uno dei pacchetti del
suo database (di default i CD di installazione) fa quasi tutto da solo
(ti chiede di inserire i CD necessari). Puoi aggiungere al suo database
anche dei siti internet Mandrake-like

   2 il cdrom
  Non ho mai avuto a che fare con cd-rom non atapi.
  Quindi deviseguire quello che ti dicono
  i sacri testi.

   Incomincio dal punto più semplice l'audio
  Per questo, prova a vedere il sito delle pnp-utils
 Anche se la scheda NON è PnP?

Non ti so dire niente, non ho mai maneggiato cose del
genere. :-(
Gli unici riferimenti che conosco sono

che immagino tu abbia già visto.

 Ho provato con i comandi dettati dai testi sacri,
 ma quando do il comando
 ln -s /dev/sbpcd /dev/cdrom
 si freezza il terminale

questo mi sembra molto strano.
ln -s crea solo un link simbolico tra qualcosa di già esistente e un nuovo 
nome-file: una specie di alias.
L'unica situazione in cui credo possano verificarsi problemi è se il nuovo nome-file è
coinvolto in qualcosa che si avvia automaticamente.
Non è che hai lasciato attivo il supermount ?
È un bellissimo tool ma che ha già un sacco di problemi con i normali CD:
nel tuo caso è da piallare al volo!

 Ottimizzazione del sistema.
 Ho letto un howto che ha per argomento installazione e qualche tips su 386 e
 fossili simili.
 Tra le varie cose consiglia di ridurre il numero di console virtuali da  6 a
 4 o meno per liberare memoria modificando inittab, può essere applicabile
 anche al mio caso?
 Stessa domanda per i desktop virtuali in X nè ho 4 se ne tengo solo uno
 (anche perchè gli altri non sono usati) risparmio risorse? e dove effetto la
 modifica in questo caso?

Qualsiasi lavoro che togli al sistema lo allegerisce.
Quanto? non saprei dirti.

Per ridurre i desktop virtuali in X devi lavorare sui file/tool di configurazione 
del tuo window-manager, se ben ricordo ICE.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Scheda audio

2003-02-26 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 07:59, martedì 25 febbraio 2003, Lele ha scritto:
 Dopo l'installazione di mdk9 nonriesco a sentire i suoni di sistema nè i
 cd musicali.
 Ho una scheda audio integrata e una soundblaster e vorrei usare solo
 quest'ultima, come posso disabilitare l'altra?
 Grazie per le eventuali risposte

la scheda audio integrata puoi disabilitarla dal BIOS (vedi sul manuale 
della tua scheda madre come fare). Se il problema dell'assenza di audio 
persiste, prova a verificare che la voce PnP OS Installed (o vici simili) 
del BIOS sia settata su NO e che i livelli audio non siano a zero. 
Altrimenti, facci sapere di più...



«Il mondo si divide in 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono la 
numerazione binaria, e quelle che non la conoscono.»

Re: [newbie-it] Avvio automatico Seti@Home

2003-02-26 Thread tom
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 06:32, Di Fresco Marco wrote:
 Ciao a tutti,
 so che quella che sto per fare e' una delle piu' banali domande che si
 possa fare, ma non so come risolvere la questione e non ho idea su dove
 trovare la risposta nella documentazione: ho installato [EMAIL PROTECTED] e vorrei
 farlo partire all'avvio (di qualsiasi utente), come posso farlo?

premettendo che non so di che programma si tratti.

se lo vuoi far partire quando lanci ( X ) KDE

se lo vuoi far partire al boot ,per averlo disponibile anche in modalita 
testo, crei uno script e inserisci una stringa che lo richiami in 
(o direttamente in rc.local ..non ho mai provato nessuna delle strade che 
ti ho indicato)
spero di non aver detto troppe [EMAIL PROTECTED]@*e

 Di Fresco Marco

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] rpmdrake

2003-02-26 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 01:30, mercoledì 26 febbraio 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 mi sapete dire xké quando lancio rpmdrake-remove per rimuovere i
 pacchetti installati, dopo avermi chiesto se andare avanti o meno, si
 blocca sulla schermata sto leggendo il database dei pacchetti (o
 qualcosa di simile)?

Hai provato ad eseguire:  rpm --rebuilddb  (senza le virgolette, 
ovviamente) dalla console di root?

Daniele Micci


«Il mondo si divide in 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono la 
numerazione binaria, e quelle che non la conoscono.»

Re: [newbie-it] Suggerimenti: installazione e pacchetti

2003-02-26 Thread Germano
Il 01:13, martedì 25 febbraio 2003, Alessandro Piaser ha scritto:
 - Original Message -

  Un piccolo consiglio (più che altro per te) :
  Se si scrivono messaggi così lunghi e con domande così diverse tra loro

 Vero, ma siccome io chiamerei questo thread storia di un'ordinaria
 installazione su un computer datato
 penso che spezzettare messaggi per le diverse problematiche rischia di
 frammentare il tutto, vieversa in questo modo altri che si trovassero o si
 trovernno nella mia situazione avranno un punto di riferimento con diverse
 risposte, anche se non tutte.

Già ma non è detto che una persona abbia esattamente il tuo stesso problema 
mentre è più probabile che si possa trovare in uno solo dei molti problemi 
che hai citato.

 In passato ho scritto per dei problemi con samba in questa lista, ma
 evidentemente erano troppo tecnici, il problema l'ho risolto in una lista
 specifica (grazie! Simo Source), come vedi ci sono i pro e i contro.

Scusaci se non siamo abbastanza tecnici, proveremo a migliorare (la lista si 
chiama apposta newbie anche se c'è gente che è abbastanza esperta e 
qualcun'altra che ha server samba perfettamente funzionanti :-) ), anche se 
non capisco a quali contro tu ti riferisca, le liste si fanno per aiutarsi, 
al massimo non ti si risponde ma non per questo lo si può chiamare contro (a 
meno che spezzettare un messaggio in più parti ti arrechi dei danni che non 
avevo previsto)

 Terrò sicuramente da conto la tua osservazione per il futuro.
 Per concludere un consiglio te lo do io, non quotare l'intero messaggio
 quando rispondi, ma solo le parti strettamente necessarie e pertinenti, mi
 quotato l'intero messaggio quando hai sintetizzato quello che volevi dire
 in poche righe. L'ho imparato ai tempi di Fidonet  C.
Grazie per il consiglio ma l'ho fatto apposta per farti capire quanto fosse 
lungo nonostante i numerosi punti di sospensione che ho messo al posto di 
altrettante lunghe righe del tuo messaggio originale.

 Alla prossima.




Re: [newbie-it] rpmdrake

2003-02-26 Thread Germano
Il 01:30, mercoledì 26 febbraio 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 mi sapete dire xké quando lancio rpmdrake-remove per rimuovere i pacchetti
 installati, dopo avermi chiesto se andare avanti o meno, si blocca sulla
 schermata sto leggendo il database dei pacchetti (o qualcosa di simile)?

Ti dà problemi anche con il comando rpm?


Re: [newbie-it] Avvio automatico Seti@Home

2003-02-26 Thread Germano
Il 06:32, mercoledì 26 febbraio 2003, Di Fresco Marco ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti,
 so che quella che sto per fare e' una delle piu' banali domande che si
 possa fare, ma non so come risolvere la questione e non ho idea su dove
 trovare la risposta nella documentazione: ho installato [EMAIL PROTECTED] e vorrei
 farlo partire all'avvio (di qualsiasi utente), come posso farlo?

 Grazie in anticipo.

 Di Fresco Marco

Se usi KDE e vuoi che questo parta appena un'utente accede alla sua home con 
KDE lo metti in /usr/share/autostart (così vale per tutti gli utenti); per la 
sintassi te ne scopiazzi uno di quelli che già ci sono.
Se invece vuoi dare libertà ad i tuoi utenti (non vedo perchè debbano usare 
KDE) gli infili qualche riga di script in /etc/bashrc (almeno bash la 
vorranno usare Vabbè, altrimenti la metti in /etc/csh.cshrc).
Se per avvio di qualsiasi utente intendi il primo che accende fisicamente il 
computer allora /etc/rc.d è il posto che fa pe te; mentre se hai esigenze 
diverse tipo un computer che resta acceso od altro ci sono cron ed anacron.
Se invece ci spiegassi meglio cosa sia questo programma e, soprattutto, cosa 
gli vorresti far fare allora si potrebbe entrare in dettaglio.

Ciao, Germano

Re: [newbie-it] rpmdrake

2003-02-26 Thread francesco.melo
Daniele Micci wrote:

Alle 01:30, mercoledì 26 febbraio 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

mi sapete dire xké quando lancio rpmdrake-remove per rimuovere i
pacchetti installati, dopo avermi chiesto se andare avanti o meno, si
blocca sulla schermata sto leggendo il database dei pacchetti (o
qualcosa di simile)?

Hai provato ad eseguire:  rpm --rebuilddb  (senza le virgolette, 
ovviamente) dalla console di root?

Daniele Micci


un certo periodo di ricerca è fisiologico cmq e notevolmente ridotto 
con le ultime versioni
per cui direi anche , se si trattasse di una ventina di secondi , che  
non sia da allarmarsi


[newbie-it] D-link dfe 538tx

2003-02-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ok ragazzi, devo ricorrere alla vostra gentilezza ed alle vostre esperienze: ho
montato una scheda di rete D-link dfe538tx e siccome non ho mai avuto a che fare
con reti e adattori di rete non so completamante come fare a farla accettare
alla mia mdk 9.0, so che dovrei cercare il modulo ma non trovo sorgenti di
driver adatti nel sito d-link. Qualcuno e così gentile da scrivermi un breve how-to?

Grazie, marvy

mdk 9.0 - i686

[newbie-it] BenQ DC1300

2003-02-26 Thread Salvatore Califano
Aiuto!!! Ho acquistato una stupenda fotocamera BenQ DC1300:
1280x1024 colore 30 bit
registrazione video con sonoro fino a 90 sec.
audio fino a 9 min.
flash-autoscatto-varie regolazioni del bianco-macro

per solo 79,00 euro.
Dalla pagina
c98e48c5b19 ho letto che la DC1300 è supportata come periferica usb mass
storage (Note for Linux Users - usb-storage mode works fine with this
camera, but
PC control mode does not, there is preliminary code in the developers
version of gphoto2, but it aparantly does not work, yet.) ma a me non riesce
di farla vedere alla Mandrake 9.0!
Sigh! Non voglio usare Winzozz per utilizzarla! NON VOGLIO! :-(((



[newbie-it] File Temporanei

2003-02-26 Thread Gabriele Prinelli
Ciao a tutti. Qualcuno sa dirmi se e dove si depositano i file temporanei
internet e come eventualmente eliminarli? E come comportarsi con i vari tmp?
Grazie Gabriele

Re: [newbie-it] Avvio automatico Seti@Home

2003-02-26 Thread freefred
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 6:32 am, Di Fresco Marco wrote about [newbie-it] 
Avvio automatico [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Ciao a tutti,
 so che quella che sto per fare e' una delle piu' banali domande che si
 possa fare, ma non so come risolvere la questione e non ho idea su dove
 trovare la risposta nella documentazione: ho installato [EMAIL PROTECTED] e vorrei
 farlo partire all'avvio (di qualsiasi utente), come posso farlo?

Se vuoi usare lo stesso seti per tutti gli utenti, dovresti
probabilmente metterlo nell /etc/rc.local
qualcosa del tipo
setiathome -nice 19 
se l'hai nel path, altrimenti va aggiunta la directory dov'e' il seti.

Per chi non lo sa il seti e' un progetto di calcolo distribuito.
L'acronimo sta per  Searching for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence.
Incomincio a dubitare che troveranno mai qualcosa, ma gli sono affezionato:-)

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

RE: [newbie-it] Avvio automatico Seti@Home

2003-02-26 Thread Di Fresco Marco
 Se usi KDE e vuoi che questo parta appena un'utente accede alla
 sua home con  KDE lo metti in /usr/share/autostart (così vale per
 tutti gli utenti); per la sintassi te ne scopiazzi uno di quelli
 che già ci sono. Se invece vuoi dare libertà ad i tuoi utenti
 (non vedo perchè debbano usare KDE) gli infili qualche riga di
 script in /etc/bashrc (almeno bash la vorranno usare Vabbè,
 altrimenti la metti in /etc/csh.cshrc).

Al momento sono l'unico utente, comunque provo la possibilita' descritta nel
prossimo paragrafo.

 Se per avvio di qualsiasi utente intendi il primo che accende fisicamente
 il computer allora /etc/rc.d è il posto che fa pe te;

Credo che questa sia la possibilita' migliore.

 mentre se hai esigenze diverse tipo un computer che resta acceso od altro
 ci sono cron ed anacron.

Non e' il mio caso.

 Se invece ci spiegassi meglio cosa sia questo programma e, soprattutto,
 cosa  gli vorresti far fare allora si potrebbe entrare in dettaglio.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] e' un programma di distributed computing. In poche parole metto a
disposizione il mio computer (soprattutto quando e' acceso ma non usato
[idle]) per fare elaborazioni scientifiche; il programma riceve pacchetti di
informazioni da elaborare, le elabora, manda i risultati indietro al server
e scarica nuovi pacchetti. Questo tipo di programmi viene usato dagli
istituti di ricerca che non hanno fondi sufficienti per comprare mega
computer per fare le elaborazioni e quindi cercano volontari a cui ripartire
la mole di dati da elaborare.
Il sito e':

Di Fresco Marco
ICQ #51985192

| Spock (Court Martial - TOS): If I let go a hammer on a planet having a   |
| positive gravity, I need not see it fall to know that it has, in fact,   |
| fallen.  

[newbie-it] Problema pppd

2003-02-26 Thread kua79
 Ciao a tutti, sono un nuovo iscritto della lista.
Ho un problemone con il demone ppp.
Ho installato la Mandrake 9 per curiosita' ma non riesco a configurare 
la connessione.
Quando la creo tramite il centro di controllo mandrake mi dice che... 
sono stati riscontrati dei problemi... e di provare a connettersi con 
Anche se alla fine mi da questo messaggio la connessione viene creata ed 
il modem funzica correttamente.
Se mi connetto con la finestra di connessione di Kde riesco a 
connettermi ma non riesco a navigare mentre se uso Gnome non mi permette 
nemmeno di restare online e mi da un errore sul demone ppp, se invece 
utilizzo Net_monitor funziona, ma per usarlo devo essere root e non 
esiste che tutte le volte che ho bisogno di connettermi devo fare su 
per passare a root.

In /ect /option ho:

ho messo anche il DNS del mio provider in /etc/resolv.conf ma non cambia 
Scusate se mi sono dilungato un po' troppo. Grazie Ciao Davide

Re: [newbie-it] Avvio automatico Seti@Home

2003-02-26 Thread Alessandro Piaser
- Original Message - 

 risposta nella documentazione: ho installato [EMAIL PROTECTED] e vorrei farlo
 partire all'avvio (di qualsiasi utente), come posso farlo?

 Utilizzi anche SetiLog e KSetispy per caso?



Re: [newbie-it] Suggerimenti: installazione e pacchetti

2003-02-26 Thread Alessandro Piaser
- Original Message -
From: Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Mi spiego meglio. Ho il pacchetto A da installare, ma ha bisogno delle
  dipendenze B e C, che a sua volta ha bisogno di C1 e C2.
  C'è un opzione che mi permette di installare A+B+C+C1+C2?

 In genere funziona bene il comando urpmi di Mandrake:
 se individua le librerie che gli mancano in uno dei pacchetti del
 suo database (di default i CD di installazione) fa quasi tutto da solo
 (ti chiede di inserire i CD necessari). Puoi aggiungere al suo database
 anche dei siti internet Mandrake-like

Ma l'urpmi non viene chiamato da rpmdrake?
Mi riferivo al caso di  rpm da linea di comando, prima di un'eventuale
installazione di urpmi.

Per la questione del database dei pacchetti e la sezione errata che mi
avevi segnalato ho lanciato il comando
urpmi.updates cdrom8
come scritto, ma mi dice command not found.

 Gli unici riferimenti che conosco sono

 che immagino tu abbia già visto.

Infatti, oltre a qualche documento specifico sui cdrom con interfacia

 ln -s crea solo un link simbolico tra qualcosa di già esistente e un
 nome-file: una specie di alias.
 L'unica situazione in cui credo possano verificarsi problemi è se il nuovo
nome-file è
 coinvolto in qualcosa che si avvia automaticamente.
 Non è che hai lasciato attivo il supermount ?

Penso di si anche perchè ho modificato solo quello di cui abbiamo parlato
Dove dovrei andare a vedere?

 Per ridurre i desktop virtuali in X devi lavorare sui file/tool di
 del tuo window-manager, se ben ricordo ICE.

Avevo già dato un'occhiata alla configurazione con icepref e IceWMCP, che mi
avevi segnalato, ma non ho trovato nulla che si riferisca a quello, solo i
nomi dei desktop.
Quali sarebbero i file interessati?

Non finirò mai di ringraziarti



Re: [newbie-it] Avvio automatico Seti@Home

2003-02-26 Thread tom
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 21:56, Di Fresco Marco wrote:

 server e scarica nuovi pacchetti. Questo tipo di programmi viene usato
 dagli istituti di ricerca che non hanno fondi sufficienti per comprare mega
 computer per fare le elaborazioni e quindi cercano volontari a cui
 ripartire la mole di dati da elaborare.

come un  cluster.figo!

Ciao , Tom

RE: [newbie-it] Avvio automatico Seti@Home

2003-02-26 Thread Di Fresco Marco
  Utilizzi anche SetiLog e KSetispy per caso?

Attualmente no. Avevo provato SetiLog per Win, ma dopo un po' l'ho
disinstallato perche' non lo usavo.

Di Fresco Marco
ICQ #51985192

| Spock (Court Martial - TOS): If I let go a hammer on a planet having a   |
| positive gravity, I need not see it fall to know that it has, in fact,   |
| fallen.  

RE: [newbie] Opera7

2003-02-26 Thread Robert Wideman
 now, if only i can wean myself off Outlook Express for my email.

I am with you on this one except i am using Outlook.  I cant find any way to
move data over.

However i havent setup an IMAP server, then moved my email to that and then
pull open evolution/sylpheed/etc and then pull it down.

Any other thoughts on how to move from Outlook/Express to Linux email?
I have tried Netscape/Mozilla but they dont allow exporting, GR.


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Re: [newbie] Telnet

2003-02-26 Thread Raffaele Belardi
So, if everything works, why doesn't telnet?!?! I am almost out of ideas...

What security level are you running? In msec 4 level, Services not 
contained in /etc/security/msec/server.4 are disabled during
package installation (  considered as not really secure ) ( but the user 
can reenable it with chkconfig -add ). telnet is not in the default 
server.4 file. Security level is stored in the SECURE_LEVEL env variable.

man msec and /usr/share/doc/msec-0.36/security.txt contain more details.

sorry, no other ideas :-{


On Tuesday 25 February 2003 17:30, Raffaele Belardi wrote:
when i ping all is ok i get replay.
when i urmpi i get
everything already installed
when doing the ps command i get
1364 ?S  0:00 xinetd -stayalive -reuse -pidfile 
 3724 pts/2S  0:00 grep xinetd

there is a file call /etc/xinetd.d/telnet and it contains the line disable=no
/etc/xinetd.conf contains only data regarding to hotwayd 

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Re: [newbie] Opera7

2003-02-26 Thread Dennis Sue
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 03:18 am, Robert Wideman wrote:
  now, if only i can wean myself off Outlook Express for my email.

 I am with you on this one except i am using Outlook.  I cant find any way
 to move data over.

 However i havent setup an IMAP server, then moved my email to that and then
 pull open evolution/sylpheed/etc and then pull it down.

 Any other thoughts on how to move from Outlook/Express to Linux email?
 I have tried Netscape/Mozilla but they dont allow exporting, GR.


I'm not sure this will answer your question. i'm not sure this is your 
question, But  with Kmail  you can import Outlook Express mail.
File / Import.

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Operating Systems to become obsolete?

2003-02-26 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 26 Feb 2003 4:09 am, A V Flinsch wrote:
 On Tuesday 25 February 2003 09:35 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
  On Tuesday 25 February 2003 09:04 pm, A V Flinsch wrote:
   On Tuesday 25 February 2003 08:14 pm, Jerry Barton wrote:
Found this interesting, thought I'd pass it on.  (Is the future
really now?)
   Personally, I can't find it interesting, since I don't know where or
   what it is
  I think Jerry was referring to this

 Interesting, but seems to be very little difference from my
 old Commodore 64 and OSI C1 days.

My reaction was 'Didn't the ZX81 have that?'  As one of the comments pointed 
out, it would tend towards proprietary standards too.  And if we are talking 
flashing the bios to fix security issues I imagine that might have security 
issues of its own.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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[newbie] Opera7

2003-02-26 Thread ivette brusselmans
Visited website Opera. But Opera7 download is only for Windows. When I go to 
Linux download icon, I can only download the 6.11 version. Or am I missing 


Valentijn bij MSN !

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[newbie] urpmi updates

2003-02-26 Thread Robert Wideman
I have 2 systems with MDK9 installed.  One is my workstation that has been
running for a few months and urmpi/grpmi have
contrib/updates/plf/unsupported sites listed and working just fine.  Reading
the man pages for urpmi it uses the /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg file as the
configuration file of the sources.  I copied that over to the new system
that i am setting up and opened grpmi and all sources were there.  The only
problem is that contrib/updates/plf/unsupported sites were not enabled.  So
i enabled them and saved/quit.  I then opened sources manager again to check
to see if the enable took effect...NO it didnt.  I then went to CLI and
typed urpmi.update -a and it excluded the 4 sites again.  Is there away
that i can get them working and enabled?


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RE: [newbie] Opera7

2003-02-26 Thread Robert Wideman
 I'm not sure this will answer your question. i'm not sure this is your
 question, But  with Kmail  you can import Outlook Express mail.
 File / Import.

I didnt see anything about PST files.  I have attachements on a lot of my
Maybe i will give this a try since it is just a copy/paste onto my samba

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake so slow in a pentium 200

2003-02-26 Thread Andrew Scotchmer

. There is no way you can run KDE 3.0 on 32MB of RAM
 - you need 128MB for even tolerable speeds, and 512MB would be necessary
 to give full performance. As a comparison, 32MB is barely enough to run
 Windows 98, and Mandrake 9.0 is not the equivalent of Win98, it's more
 like XP (except that it doesn't give the world access to your computer, 
and you don't have to sell your soul to install it).

 Sir Robin

Oh contrare Sir Robin :)
I have installed Md9 along with on a friends cyric 300Mhz 32mbRAM just fine.
A little slow compared to windows but then what can you expect.
Guess what, he also dual boot to Windows98 and that works perfectly.

Maybe these larger chip sizes that companies keep telling us we MUST have
make us forget how useful the older slower ones can still be!


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake so slow in a pentium 200

2003-02-26 Thread Rodolfo Lima
Well, the problem then seems to be low RAM. I'll try to buy some more and
see what happens. I really thought that Linux+KDE wasn't so heavy, memory
demanding. But as someone said, for low-end machines, text mode is the
solution, and KDE equals to XP resource-wise.

But the installation really need to last 4 hours? In text mode? It certainly
doesn't do a mere copy from cd, maybe compile some things, I think.

I would like to thank all that replied to my question, i really got
surprised to get that much replies!


Rodolfo Lima.

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RE: [newbie] urpmi updates

2003-02-26 Thread Tony S. Sykes

You have to copy over the lists created for these sources on your system
to the other server as well. I can't remember which directory it is, but
search the archives as this has been asked before. (At work and Linux
box at home)


-Original Message-
From: Robert Wideman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 9:53 AM
To: Newbie
Subject: [newbie] urpmi updates

I have 2 systems with MDK9 installed.  One is my workstation that has
running for a few months and urmpi/grpmi have
contrib/updates/plf/unsupported sites listed and working just fine.
the man pages for urpmi it uses the /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg file as the
configuration file of the sources.  I copied that over to the new system
that i am setting up and opened grpmi and all sources were there.  The
problem is that contrib/updates/plf/unsupported sites were not enabled.
i enabled them and saved/quit.  I then opened sources manager again to
to see if the enable took effect...NO it didnt.  I then went to CLI and
typed urpmi.update -a and it excluded the 4 sites again.  Is there
that i can get them working and enabled?


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Re: [newbie] Opera7

2003-02-26 Thread Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 26 February 2003 04:25 am, ivette brusselmans wrote:
 Visited website Opera. But Opera7 download is only for Windows. When I go
 to Linux download icon, I can only download the 6.11 version. Or am I
 missing something?

Opera 7 for Linux is currently in beta, so it is not referenced on thier 
website.  Someone gave a direct link the other day so you should check the 

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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RE: [newbie] urpmi updates

2003-02-26 Thread Robert Wideman
 You have to copy over the lists created for these sources on your system
 to the other server as well. I can't remember which directory it is, but
 search the archives as this has been asked before. (At work and Linux
 box at home)

Ah, no wonder.

Thats ok.  I installed the sources manually via urpmi.addmedia.

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Operating Systems to become obsolete?

2003-02-26 Thread et
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 04:22 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Wednesday 26 Feb 2003 4:09 am, A V Flinsch wrote:
  On Tuesday 25 February 2003 09:35 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
   On Tuesday 25 February 2003 09:04 pm, A V Flinsch wrote:
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 08:14 pm, Jerry Barton wrote:
 Found this interesting, thought I'd pass it on.  (Is the future
 really now?)

Personally, I can't find it interesting, since I don't know where or
what it is
   I think Jerry was referring to this
  Interesting, but seems to be very little difference from my
  old Commodore 64 and OSI C1 days.

 My reaction was 'Didn't the ZX81 have that?'  As one of the comments
 pointed out, it would tend towards proprietary standards too.  And if we
 are talking flashing the bios to fix security issues I imagine that might
 have security issues of its own.

my first reaction was this yo-yo has no clue at all the very first line he 
says computer operating system as we know it today is as dead as the 
planetary transmission that drove the Model T Ford.
A fact checker should have told him all current automatic transmissions are 
derived from that same planetary gear system, and it ain't an obsolete 
concept, the only thing obsolete about plantary gears tranmissions from model 
A Fords is the outside case, and that same style of case is still in use 
today. if he statrs out so very wrong and miss-informed about stuff he 
states as fact it the very first paragraph, why in the name of crap would I 
read on, or begin to think this guy has a clue about OSs.

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Re: [newbie] Opera7

2003-02-26 Thread Todd Slater
On Wed, Feb 26, 2003 at 02:18:46AM -0600, Robert Wideman wrote:
  now, if only i can wean myself off Outlook Express for my email.
 I am with you on this one except i am using Outlook.  I cant find any way to
 move data over.
 However i havent setup an IMAP server, then moved my email to that and then
 pull open evolution/sylpheed/etc and then pull it down.
 Any other thoughts on how to move from Outlook/Express to Linux email?
 I have tried Netscape/Mozilla but they dont allow exporting, GR.

Anders just asked this on the Sylpheed list. Here are a couple of links
that were recommended. 
Converts Outlook .mbx and .dbx files into standard UUCP mailbox files.
Mail Import Tools


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Re: [newbie] Memory limit?

2003-02-26 Thread Terry Sheltra
I stand corrected.  I knew everyone would set me straight :-)

Thanks to all who set me back on the path of righteousness! ;-)


Greg Meyer wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 02:50 pm, Terry Sheltra wrote:

If I recall correctly, you need to purchase the server version of
Mandrake.  That version will allow memory to be used higher than 1 GB.
Of course, if I'm wrong, I'm sure someone will be more than happy to set
me straight. ;-)
You are correct in that you need the kernel that was intended for servers, but 
this kernel is included in 9.0 download edition and teh package name if I 
recall is kernel-enterprise.
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Asst. Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
Registered Linux User #218330
This email was composed on a 100% Microsoft-free PC

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake so slow in a pentium 200

2003-02-26 Thread Jan Wilson
* Rodolfo Lima [EMAIL PROTECTED] [030226 08:24]:
 But the installation really need to last 4 hours? In text mode? It certainly
 doesn't do a mere copy from cd, maybe compile some things, I think.

OK, try installing Win XP on a blank disk.  Now install Office XP.
Now imagine you have several CD's of commercial, shareware, and
freeware to install, one-by-one.

Most Windows users have never installed Windows.  They may have the
few little applications, Solitaire, Notepad, etc., that come with
Windows, and maybe they go through the installation of MS Office.

Then maybe they install two or three commercial applications,
including things like Quicken or QuickBooks.  Just those few things
are going to take the better part of an hour, on a fairly fast machine
... much longer on a slower machine.

Most people who install Mandrake 9 are installing HUNDREDS if not
THOUSANDS of programs ... an entire computing system, not just an
operating system.  Not zero or one, but maybe two or three office
suites, several email clients, lots of CHOICES, all for a very low
price.  On a fast machine ALL that can be done in less than an hour.

Let me see anyone try it on Win XP.  I bet it would take longer, and
cost several thousand dollars in license fees   ;-)

Jan Wilson, SysAdmin _/*];  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Corozal Junior College   |  |:'
Corozal Town, Belize |  /'
Reg. Linux user #151611  |_/   Network, PHP, Perl, HTML

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Re: [newbie] Telnet

2003-02-26 Thread Gil Katz
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 17:30, Raffaele Belardi wrote:
Raffaele when i run tail -f on /var/log/messages i get the following
Feb 26 13:35:38 katz xinetd[18006]: socket creation failed (Address family not 
supported by protocol (errno = 97)). service = telnet
any idea?


 you should provide more details in your message for us to be helpful! A
 cut and paste of the output of shell commands, in particular, could help
 understand what's going on on your machine.

 Does ping work? You should see something like 64 bytes from repeated on the screen until you press CTRL-C.

 Understand that telnet is composed by a client (invoked as # telnet) and
 a server (named telnetd, note the final 'd'). Normally the server is
 _not_ installed  by default. On MDK9.0 the server package is named

 To make sure the server is installed, type
 # urpmi telnet-server-krb5
 You should get a message like everything already installed.

 I installed the telnet server on my MDK to check. First of all, it's a
 xinetd service, so it will not normally be shown by ps (I was wrong on
 this regard in my previous message). xinetd is a daemon that monitors
 the incoming calls on all ports and starts the registered services on

 So, try this:
 # service xinetd start
 Do you get an OK? To double check, type
 # ps -ax | grep xinetd
 you should see two lines.

 Then, go to /etc/xinetd.d and do an ls. Do you see there a file named
 telnet? This is the telnet server configuration file read by xinetd
 daemon when it detects an incoming request on the telnet port. Open it
 with a text editor and check that it contains the line disable = no
 (it means that the telnet server is enabled).

 Finally, open /etc/xinetd.conf and check that it _does_not_ contain any
 only_from lines. If it does, delete them.

 There's not much more to telnetd configuration.

 good luck,


  On Tuesday 25 February 2003 09:36, Raffaele Belardi wrote:
  it seems that i can't start telnet service
  when i do service telnet start i get ok but in mcc the status is stop
  hosts.allow and hosts.deney are empty.
 I would:
 1. make sure interface is up (ping
 2. make sure you have the telnet server package installed (Mandrake
 Control Center)
 3. make sure telenet server is up and running (ps -axl)
 4. check /etc/xinetd.conf for any ONLY_FROM lines
 5. check that /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny are empty
 The last two are the least probable causes, unless you have messed up
 with the security scripts. What level of security are you running?
 On Monday 24 February 2003 11:33, Raffaele Belardi wrote:
 Didn't work
 any other idea's?
 Assuming that you have the telnet server installed, you need to start
  it (Mandrake Control Center, System tab, Services icon).
 Also, I had a similar problem on the MDK PC I use at home, where I have
 a modem Internet connection. I looks like if you don't connect to
 internet, loopback port is not enabled by default, so you get the error
 below. I had to issue a
 # ifup lo
 as root, then it worked ok.
 when ever i try to connect to telnet port i get
 telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
 in /etc/hosts.allow i wrote
 telnet :
 what should i do?
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So long, And thanks for all the fish.

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake so slow in a pentium 200

2003-02-26 Thread Dennis Myers
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 08:46 am, Jan Wilson wrote:
 * Rodolfo Lima [EMAIL PROTECTED] [030226 08:24]:
  But the installation really need to last 4 hours? In text mode? It
  certainly doesn't do a mere copy from cd, maybe compile some things, I

 OK, try installing Win XP on a blank disk.  Now install Office XP.
 Now imagine you have several CD's of commercial, shareware, and
 freeware to install, one-by-one.

 Most Windows users have never installed Windows.  They may have the
 few little applications, Solitaire, Notepad, etc., that come with
 Windows, and maybe they go through the installation of MS Office.

 Then maybe they install two or three commercial applications,
 including things like Quicken or QuickBooks.  Just those few things
 are going to take the better part of an hour, on a fairly fast machine
 ... much longer on a slower machine.

 Most people who install Mandrake 9 are installing HUNDREDS if not
 THOUSANDS of programs ... an entire computing system, not just an
 operating system.  Not zero or one, but maybe two or three office
 suites, several email clients, lots of CHOICES, all for a very low
 price.  On a fast machine ALL that can be done in less than an hour.

 Let me see anyone try it on Win XP.  I bet it would take longer, and
 cost several thousand dollars in license fees   ;-)

My experience ended with WIN98 sec addition. Just the MS98 install alone took 
longer than the Mandrake 8.0 complete. After the MS98 install it was another 
Hour and a half installing Office 98 and all the peripheral drivers and tax 
software. I have seen them install  XP using Ghost  at work on machines 
about as fast as mine here at home and Jan is correct it is no faster than a 
complete ML9.0 install.  Linux is markedly faster.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Memory limit?

2003-02-26 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday February 25 2003 06:43 pm, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
 Pretty soon all the PCs and laptops will need to have more than 1GB
 of RAM. What is happening here is probably an early signal for the
 kernel developers to revamp memory management.


 The linux-kernel people are constantly 'revamping' the kernel. 
But in order to address memory over about 900 MB's, with a 32 bit 
system, there's a substantial performance hit to be paid. Solution is 
to provide a 'desktop' kernel, so that those systems don't suffer the 
performance hit.

  While there's already 64 bit production machines, that use gigs 
of ram, there's also already Linux performance optimized kernels for 
them.   IIRC, the kernels were ready before the systems were. OTOH, 
before you'll see 64 bit desktops systems, 512 mb of ram will still 
be overkill.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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RE: [newbie] installing a new icon set

2003-02-26 Thread birdman

When I click on the small folder button I don't know how to get all the

at once, just one at a time.

Thanks in advance.

Icons need to be packaged in a tar.gz file: this is the file that you have
to address in the browse menu.

If you go to you'll download icons sets as tar.gz files.

I hope this helps.

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Re: [newbie] Hams on the list

2003-02-26 Thread Alan Dunford

Another here - G3XOF.

73 and 88 


Alan Dunford, Derby, England
web page:
Coming to you from a Microsoft-free zone

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Re: [newbie] installing a new icon set

2003-02-26 Thread Terry Sheltra
Did you unzip the tar file with the icons?  If so, that could be the 
problem.  Point to the entire tar file, and it should install all of the 



Josenildo Marques wrote:
I have tried it unsuccessfully, following the 'rules'

How to install an new icon theme

# Open the KDE-Menu an start the Control Center
# Click on Look and Feel and Icons
# Browse to the location of the new icon theme by clicking the small folder
# Click on Install New Theme to add the new icons
# Click Apply
When I click on the small folder button I don't know how to get all the icons 
at once, just one at a time.

Thanks in advance.

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Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Asst. Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
Registered Linux User #218330
This email was composed on a 100% Microsoft-free PC

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Re: [newbie] OT- Mandrake OT list

2003-02-26 Thread et
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 11:03 pm, David McGlone wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 I noticed a lot of people want to have OT discussions,  so I  created a
 mailing list for off topic discussions for anyone here to join.

 if you would like to join here is the URL:

 Hope to see everyone soon
 - --
 David M.
 Edification Web Solutions
 Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)

hey dave, we already got one [EMAIL PROTECTED], come join... 
maybe we will move to your server if you give us a better deal, as it is we 
get free beer...

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Re: [newbie] OT- Mandrake OT list

2003-02-26 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 23:03:11 -0500
David McGlone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - -- 
 David M.
 Edification Web Solutions

Favor David, please.

Change your signature separator to -- 
rather than - --, to enable mail clients to treat it as a signature



In a gathering of two or more people, when a lighted cigarette is
placed in an ashtray, the smoke will waft into the face of the non-smoker.
Mandrake Linux 9.1 on PurpleDragon
Kernel- 2.4.21pre4-10mdk

Description: PGP signature

[newbie] OpenOffice: hyperlinks

2003-02-26 Thread Paul
Hi all,

Can someone point me to the setting where I can tell OpenOffice NOT to
hyperlink every abbreviation I type?
When I type 'e.e.a.' (for instance) it is turned into a hyperlink to
http://e.e.a./ automatically, while I don't want that.


I have already told you more than I know. - Linux by Mandrake - Sylpheed by Hiro

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RE: [newbie] Hams on the list

2003-02-26 Thread Peter Jones

Me too

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Márkus Béla
Sent: Tuesday, 25 February 2003
11:57 p.m.
Subject: Re: [newbie] Hams on the

Hi Guys,

one more.

73/DX de HA5DI, Béla

Chris Slater-Walker wrote:

Chris M0BOP73On Tue, 25 Feb 2003, Keith Powell wrote: On Monday 24 Feb 2003 8:16 pm, Marc Oestreicher wrote: Big snip  Also BTW Dan your email address looks like a ham call Great to seeanother amature radio fan on the list. I wonder how many more hams arehere. Enjoy Marc KM5KW Add me to the list!Cheers (or should I say 73)KeithG4JVX  

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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice: hyperlinks

2003-02-26 Thread bones
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 19:48, Paul wrote:
 Hi all,

 Can someone point me to the setting where I can tell OpenOffice NOT to
 hyperlink every abbreviation I type?
 When I type 'e.e.a.' (for instance) it is turned into a hyperlink to
 http://e.e.a./ automatically, while I don't want that.


Choose Tools - AutoCorrect/AutoFormat - Options tab


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Re: [newbie] Hams on the list

2003-02-26 Thread Stephen Kitchener
On Wednesday 26 Feb 2003 19:12, Alan Dunford wrote:
And Me G6DZJ

 Another here - G3XOF.

 73 and 88


 O  o
_\_   o
 \\/  o\ .
Wed, 26 Feb 2003 20:29:50 +
  8:29pm  up 11:56,  0 users,  load average: 2.35, 2.11, 2.08
Danger, you haven't seen the last of me!
   No, but the first of you turns my stomach!
-- The Firesign Theatre's Nick Danger

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Re: [newbie] OT- Mandrake OT list

2003-02-26 Thread David McGlone
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 26 February 2003 02:57 pm, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 23:03:11 -0500

 David McGlone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  - --
  David M.
  Edification Web Solutions

 Favor David, please.

 Change your signature separator to --
 rather than - --, to enable mail clients to treat it as a signature

That was an accident from cut and paste, sorry about that.
- -- 
David M.
Edification Web Solutions
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] OT- Mandrake OT list

2003-02-26 Thread David McGlone
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 26 February 2003 02:38 pm, et wrote:
 On Tuesday 25 February 2003 11:03 pm, David McGlone wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  I noticed a lot of people want to have OT discussions,  so I  created a
  mailing list for off topic discussions for anyone here to join.
  if you would like to join here is the URL:
  Hope to see everyone soon

 hey dave, we already got one [EMAIL PROTECTED], come join...
 maybe we will move to your server if you give us a better deal, as it is we
 get free beer...

Does Free Beer and having the list on my server FREE! sound appealing?

If free isn't a better deal, then I don't know what would be.
- -- 
David M.
Edification Web Solutions
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] OT- Mandrake OT list

2003-02-26 Thread David McGlone
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 26 February 2003 02:38 pm, et wrote:
 On Tuesday 25 February 2003 11:03 pm, David McGlone wrote:

 hey dave, we already got one [EMAIL PROTECTED], come join...
 maybe we will move to your server if you give us a better deal, as it is we
 get free beer...

2 messages sent, 1 with subscribe in the subject and on with it in the body, 
and nothing received to confirm.

- -- 
David M.
Edification Web Solutions
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Memory limit?

2003-02-26 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday February 26 2003 11:23 am, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
While there's already 64 bit production machines, that use
  gigs of ram, there's also already Linux performance optimized
  kernels for them.   IIRC, the kernels were ready before the
  systems were. OTOH, before you'll see 64 bit desktops systems,
  512 mb of ram will still be overkill.

 Thanx Tom,

 This suggests that the performance penalty is brought about because
 of hardware limitations (i.e. CPU architecture) and not
 artificially introduced by sloppy memory management software. This
 suggests that some register somewhere in the CPU is not full 32
 bits long. I thought 32 bits of address give 4G of address space
 and not 1G.

 Maybe AMD should make 32 bit CPUs address the full 4G before going
 to 64 bit CPUs.


Well, you're straining the limits of my ability to explain it 
further ... mainly cause I dunno either ;)

I will say it's not so much hardware limitations (i.e. CPU 
architecture), but has more to do with mathematics... in the realm 
of hexadecimal numbers, and 2's complements, 32 things taken so many 
ways (permutations and combinations).

It's only been a few years since the 'other OS' even graduated 
from 16 bit computing, and as I understand M$ isn't there yet. Mostly 
due to tryin to support legacy applications. Linux has always been 
capable and willin to re-write software. There's been proprietary 
UN*X OS's and applications that have long been 64 bit capable. 
Hardware design isn't the big problem, user non-acceptance of change, 
and willing acceptance of hardware is probly the bigger factor.

Many might remember the 2000 hoopla that all computers would start 
messin up due to not bein able to recognize the difference between 
1900 and 2000 dates.  My brief self taught foray into programming (C, 
C++) at least aquainted me with the fact that dates were stored as 
code numbers (even on M$/DOS OS's) and the real limitation was around 
2037 when 32 bit systems would barf on higher numbers than 32 bit can 
address. The 32 bit mathematical limit just runs out of possible 
numbers in row and column (matrix) addressing.

Same goes for memory arrays (ram), altho there are some kludges 
that can be employed to get 32 bit kernels further. BUT, that's where 
the performance hit comes in.  So, at least in my understanding, it's 
not an OS or user accepted hardware limit, as much as it's just the 
axioms of mathematics at base 16 (hexidecimal), 2's compliment, with 
just 32 bits to work with.

BTW, I believe filesystems are also governed by the same 
mathematical laws and bits ;)  I'm mostly doin some educated guessing 
about all the above, Civileme, Juan, Warly, or Todd probly knows.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] P133 with Mdk9.0 as a router

2003-02-26 Thread Luke Stutters
On Wednesday 26 Feb 2003 6:14 pm, civileme wrote:
 On Wednesday 26 February 2003 08:43 am, Luke Stutters wrote:
  Hi all - first post here. I'm in the process of installing Mandrake 9.0
  on a P133, 64MB machine with the intent of using it as a IP-masquerading
  box. This would mean my other boxes could use broadband (512 k)
  independently over a LAN. Is this feasible? Any advice would be great.
 Works--I use a PPRo 200 as a router/firewall running 9.0
 Caution is advised--if you are using pppoe-ADSL, then make sure you follow
 the steps for install that I gave a customer on MandrakeExpert incident
 #49370, else hand-configure it.  The MCC script for ADSL-pppoe is seriously
Thanks for the tips! I've managed to install 9.0 on the box, but I'm having a 
little difficulty with its ISA ethernet card.

It's an old GE2000III(?) with a chip on it labelled as K1306023. After a bit 
of Googling, I got it working with the ne.o drivers with io=0x300 and irq=5. 
However, although both lights (orange and green) are on at the back of the 
card, and there's a single green light on my hub for the machine, I can't 
ping any other machines on my home network. I know the network cable is 
working, so I assume there's something up with the way the card is 
configured. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of fault? Does it 
matter that the 'speed' light is not lit on the hub for this machine?

Many thanks,
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Re: [newbie] Memory limit?

2003-02-26 Thread civileme
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 01:31 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Wednesday February 26 2003 11:23 am, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
 While there's already 64 bit production machines, that use
   gigs of ram, there's also already Linux performance optimized
   kernels for them.   IIRC, the kernels were ready before the
   systems were. OTOH, before you'll see 64 bit desktops systems,
   512 mb of ram will still be overkill.
  Thanx Tom,
  This suggests that the performance penalty is brought about because
  of hardware limitations (i.e. CPU architecture) and not
  artificially introduced by sloppy memory management software. This
  suggests that some register somewhere in the CPU is not full 32
  bits long. I thought 32 bits of address give 4G of address space
  and not 1G.
  Maybe AMD should make 32 bit CPUs address the full 4G before going
  to 64 bit CPUs.

 Well, you're straining the limits of my ability to explain it
 further ... mainly cause I dunno either ;)

 I will say it's not so much hardware limitations (i.e. CPU
 architecture), but has more to do with mathematics... in the realm
 of hexadecimal numbers, and 2's complements, 32 things taken so many
 ways (permutations and combinations).

 It's only been a few years since the 'other OS' even graduated
 from 16 bit computing, and as I understand M$ isn't there yet. Mostly
 due to tryin to support legacy applications. Linux has always been
 capable and willin to re-write software. There's been proprietary
 UN*X OS's and applications that have long been 64 bit capable.
 Hardware design isn't the big problem, user non-acceptance of change,
 and willing acceptance of hardware is probly the bigger factor.

 Many might remember the 2000 hoopla that all computers would start
 messin up due to not bein able to recognize the difference between
 1900 and 2000 dates.  My brief self taught foray into programming (C,
 C++) at least aquainted me with the fact that dates were stored as
 code numbers (even on M$/DOS OS's) and the real limitation was around
 2037 when 32 bit systems would barf on higher numbers than 32 bit can
 address. The 32 bit mathematical limit just runs out of possible
 numbers in row and column (matrix) addressing.

 Same goes for memory arrays (ram), altho there are some kludges
 that can be employed to get 32 bit kernels further. BUT, that's where
 the performance hit comes in.  So, at least in my understanding, it's
 not an OS or user accepted hardware limit, as much as it's just the
 axioms of mathematics at base 16 (hexidecimal), 2's compliment, with
 just 32 bits to work with.

 BTW, I believe filesystems are also governed by the same
 mathematical laws and bits ;)  I'm mostly doin some educated guessing
 about all the above, Civileme, Juan, Warly, or Todd probly knows.

1G requires 30 bits (plus a sign bit) to address properly.. since address 
arithmetic should be unsigned, this represents the easiest way to implement 
address arithmetic using 32-bit signed arithmetic registers.

2G is as high as one is likely to go with 32-bit addressing using signed 
arithmetic in the registers,  unsigned comes extra, unless the hardware also 
supports unsigned arithmetic (the C compiler supports unsigned arith whether 
the architecture does or not, which means subroutines to add subtract 
multiply and divide unsigned 32 bit numbers if the architecture does not 
offer such arithmetic)

C compilers have target memory models as well, so that the compile is 
efficient for the expected runtime environment.  This is where the sizing of 
32-bit CPU kernels comes into play as well as the optimizations of the kernel 

Now the more recent Windows systems supposedly support a file size of 2 
Terabytes...  I think that is 2 to the power 41 bytes which indicates a 41 
bit address if unsigned and 42 if signed.  64-bit linices generally address 
either 8 or 16 exabytes (2 to the power 63 or 64 bytes), and file sizes are 
at least that large, potentially.

One compiler, xbasic, which works on any 386 using windows or linux with X, 
actually offers a 64bit signed fixed-point data type.  Some interpreters 
offer arbitrary number sizes in fixed point (like the Python BIG=1L).  

Limits are limits only because there are performance hits associated with 
size, given the architectures available.  


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Re: [newbie] OT- Mandrake OT list

2003-02-26 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday February 26 2003 02:43 pm, David McGlone wrote:
 Does Free Beer and having the list on my server FREE! sound

 If free isn't a better deal, then I don't know what would be.
 - --
 David M.
 Edification Web Solutions

   Only if you're willin to fully support this application for all 
users, without need to be root,

tom$ man uubp
   uubp - Unix-to-Unix beer protocol

   uubp [-acefghlqy] site

   Uubp  allows  the  user to transfer beer, ale, or other  
   fermented grain beverages between network sites. Using TCP/IP
   (telecommunication protocol for imbibing pilsners), uubp
   encodes beer from a local file system into packets suitable for
   FTP (fermentation transfer protocol) delivery at a remote IP

   snip the rest, including examples ;
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Memory limit?

2003-02-26 Thread g

Fred Schroeder wrote:
Thanks for all of the replys, guess I will try to roll my own, sure hope I 
don't screw this up!!
you will seldom screw up if you always back up before
you install or modify anything that is working.
'things' will screw up enough on their own.

peace out.


 think green...
save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
 send email...   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code attachments
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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Re: [newbie] Memory limit?

2003-02-26 Thread Seedkum Aladeem
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 03:33 pm, civileme wrote:
 On Wednesday 26 February 2003 01:31 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Wednesday February 26 2003 11:23 am, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
  While there's already 64 bit production machines, that use
gigs of ram, there's also already Linux performance optimized


  just 32 bits to work with.
  BTW, I believe filesystems are also governed by the same
  mathematical laws and bits ;)  I'm mostly doin some educated guessing
  about all the above, Civileme, Juan, Warly, or Todd probly knows.


 1G requires 30 bits (plus a sign bit) to address properly.. since address
 arithmetic should be unsigned, this represents the easiest way to implement
 address arithmetic using 32-bit signed arithmetic registers.

 2G is as high as one is likely to go with 32-bit addressing using signed
 arithmetic in the registers,  unsigned comes extra, unless the hardware
 also supports unsigned arithmetic (the C compiler supports unsigned arith
 whether the architecture does or not, which means subroutines to add
 subtract multiply and divide unsigned 32 bit numbers if the architecture
 does not offer such arithmetic)

 C compilers have target memory models as well, so that the compile is
 efficient for the expected runtime environment.  This is where the sizing
 of 32-bit CPU kernels comes into play as well as the optimizations of the
 kernel itself.

 Now the more recent Windows systems supposedly support a file size of 2
 Terabytes...  I think that is 2 to the power 41 bytes which indicates a 41
 bit address if unsigned and 42 if signed.  64-bit linices generally address
 either 8 or 16 exabytes (2 to the power 63 or 64 bytes), and file sizes are
 at least that large, potentially.

 One compiler, xbasic, which works on any 386 using windows or linux with X,
 actually offers a 64bit signed fixed-point data type.  Some interpreters
 offer arbitrary number sizes in fixed point (like the Python BIG=1L).

 Limits are limits only because there are performance hits associated with
 size, given the architectures available.


As suspected, the memory management performance penalty is due to 
architectural limitations and not sloppy software. Because the registers used 
for address employ signed ariithmetic, using more higher order bits or 
increasing the size of the registers would introduce compatibility issues. 
AMD will not do that.


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Re: [newbie] P133 with Mdk9.0 as a router

2003-02-26 Thread civileme
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 02:15 pm, Luke Stutters wrote:
 On Wednesday 26 Feb 2003 6:14 pm, civileme wrote:
  On Wednesday 26 February 2003 08:43 am, Luke Stutters wrote:
   Hi all - first post here. I'm in the process of installing Mandrake 9.0
   on a P133, 64MB machine with the intent of using it as a
   IP-masquerading box. This would mean my other boxes could use broadband
   (512 k) independently over a LAN. Is this feasible? Any advice would be
  Works--I use a PPRo 200 as a router/firewall running 9.0
  Caution is advised--if you are using pppoe-ADSL, then make sure you
  follow the steps for install that I gave a customer on MandrakeExpert
  incident #49370, else hand-configure it.  The MCC script for ADSL-pppoe
  is seriously flawed.

 Thanks for the tips! I've managed to install 9.0 on the box, but I'm having
 a little difficulty with its ISA ethernet card.

 It's an old GE2000III(?) with a chip on it labelled as K1306023. After a
 bit of Googling, I got it working with the ne.o drivers with io=0x300 and
 irq=5. However, although both lights (orange and green) are on at the back
 of the card, and there's a single green light on my hub for the machine, I
 can't ping any other machines on my home network. I know the network cable
 is working, so I assume there's something up with the way the card is
 configured. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of fault? Does
 it matter that the 'speed' light is not lit on the hub for this machine?

 Many thanks,
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That is an old 10M card, so the speed light will NOT be lit.

Still you may want to post the contents of /etc/modules.conf and 


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Re: [newbie] OT- Mandrake OT list

2003-02-26 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 06:57 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Wednesday February 26 2003 02:43 pm, David McGlone wrote:
  Does Free Beer and having the list on my server FREE! sound
  If free isn't a better deal, then I don't know what would be.
  - --
  David M.
  Edification Web Solutions

Only if you're willin to fully support this application for all
 users, without need to be root,

 tom$ man uubp
uubp - Unix-to-Unix beer protocol

uubp [-acefghlqy] site

Uubp  allows  the  user to transfer beer, ale, or other
fermented grain beverages between network sites. Using TCP/IP
(telecommunication protocol for imbibing pilsners), uubp
encodes beer from a local file system into packets suitable for
FTP (fermentation transfer protocol) delivery at a remote IP

snip the rest, including examples ;

Easy for you broadband types to say, but how effective is it on plain old 
dialup? (I guess we're talking pph -- pints per hour -- rather than kbs). And 
since when is free beer OT? Maybe for those wine sipping Mac types, but Linux 
comes from a strong beer drinking tradition going back to Linus himself. And 
I've read that some of the UK LUG's have their meetings in pubs.
-- cmg

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[newbie] trouble with sis900 onboard ethernet

2003-02-26 Thread Richard Babcock
I am trying to get my SiS900 10/100 onboard ethernet to work with ML 9.0. I
came across a howto at and typed 'dmesg |
less' as they suggested. I get three lines for eth0 as follows:
eth0: Unknown PHY transceiver found at address 1.
eth0: Using transceiver found at address 1 as default
eth0: SiS 900 PCI Fast Ethernet at 0xdc00, IRQ 11, 00:0a:e6:4d:21:62

My question is this. If the PHY transceiver is unknown (I assume this is the
network chip) then how can ML identify it two lines later? The howto also
states that I can add sis900.o to etc/modules if everything goes ok. When
I look at etc/modules the only item in there is scsi_hostadapter.

I suppose the short question is really do I have a good chip on this mb or
Richard L. Babcock, Owner
Tower Training
At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

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[newbie] boot messages

2003-02-26 Thread Josenildo Marques
How can I see the boot messages? There seems to be something wrong and I want 
to check it.



Are we speachin d'anglas landadge or are you sprakin sea Djoytsch?

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[newbie] help!!! ftp server troubles

2003-02-26 Thread David Jones
i am tring to set up a ftp server for a friend to keek stuff on my computer
and he wonts his folder user name / password protected  IE..he wonts a user
name and a password for his stuff on my computer

i am using mandrake 9.0   with pro ftp
i have the newest vet of webmin

and...i have verry little exp with this setting up user/password anywhere
even with apache ...but thats another story ill get to that later lol

o and BTW he wonts to use his browser not a ftp client to log on my computer
IE   url would be
then he would type a user name and a password in a pop up box

any help would be greatly apreacated

Thank You
   David Jones

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[newbie] Cervisia

2003-02-26 Thread Richard Babcock
Thank you Sharrea for your help on my kdeinint problem, it works beautifully
I also have something in my Preference Order called Cervisia. Just wondering
if anyone knows what this is?
Richard L. Babcock, Owner
Tower Training
At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

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Re: [newbie] boot messages

2003-02-26 Thread Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 26 February 2003 10:04 am, Josenildo Marques wrote:
 How can I see the boot messages? There seems to be something wrong and I
 want to check it.

You can type dmesg and see if any errors are in there, along with examining 
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] trouble with sis900 onboard ethernet

2003-02-26 Thread MG
Hi Richard,
I have the same board k7s5a with onboard sound and network.
I have MDK8.2 installed and it configured my nic on install but I had 
troubles with sound. Thanks! to your link I'm going to attempt to get my 
sound working again. Anyways I'm a newbie so can't help much but heres some 
info from my system. Also all I have in my /etc/modules is the same as you
scsi_hostadapter, but did notice the nic was in my /etc/modules.conf as below 
shows.I did notice that the HOWTO's and mine were IRQ 5 and your dmesg say's
IRQ 11 I'm not sure if that makes a difference as long as there is not a 
conflict somewhere.

   (This is from dmesg)
is900.c: v1.08.02 11/30/2001
PCI: Assigned IRQ 5 for device 00:03.0
eth0: Realtek RTL8201 PHY transceiver found at address 1.
eth0: Using transceiver found at address 1 as default
eth0: SiS 900 PCI Fast Ethernet at 0xdc00, IRQ 5, 00:07:95:27:f8:d4.
(Further down in dmesg)
eth0: Media Link On 10mbps half-duplex
(This is what Harddrake shows)
Vendor: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]
Model: SiS900 10/100 Ethernet
Kernel Module: sis900
Bus Type: PCI
(This is what ethtool shows) 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mike]# ethtool -i eth0
driver: sis900
version: v1.08.02 11/30/2001
bus-info: 00:03.0
 (This is what is in my /etc/modules.config)
alias eth0 sis900


On Wednesday 26 February 2003 07:50 pm, you wrote:
 I am trying to get my SiS900 10/100 onboard ethernet to work with ML 9.0. I
 came across a howto at and typed 'dmesg |
 less' as they suggested. I get three lines for eth0 as follows:
 eth0: Unknown PHY transceiver found at address 1.
 eth0: Using transceiver found at address 1 as default
 eth0: SiS 900 PCI Fast Ethernet at 0xdc00, IRQ 11, 00:0a:e6:4d:21:62

 My question is this. If the PHY transceiver is unknown (I assume this is
 the network chip) then how can ML identify it two lines later? The howto
 also states that I can add sis900.o to etc/modules if everything goes ok.
 When I look at etc/modules the only item in there is scsi_hostadapter.

 I suppose the short question is really do I have a good chip on this mb or
 Richard L. Babcock, Owner
 Tower Training
 At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

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[newbie] kde help

2003-02-26 Thread sean jacobs
a few days ago i was having trouble adding fluxbox to my window manager list 
in kdm. i decided to go ahead and upgrade to kde 3.1. now fluxbox is added 
to my list but there are too additional problems. for some reason i cannot 
get the new kdm to boot kde, but kde works fine when i run startx from from 
console. also i need to figure out how to add all of the applications from 
kde 3.0 menu to 3.1's.

i'm hoping to find a better way than adding everything with the kde menu 
editor tool individually because it would be much simpler to just cut and 
paste from one file to another and because i don't want to search for the 
paths for everything.

thanks in advance for any help

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[newbie] Backup to CD-R/RW

2003-02-26 Thread Harv Nelson

Is there some sort of backup/restore utility that I can use to make backups 
using the CD-R on my machines? CD-R's cost about a dime each these days.  
That price makes that media much more attractive than investing in a big tape 
drive and tapes..

I've got 5 machines on my little network.  Each has a 20 gig HD (or less).  
How about another machine with a couple 50 gig drives that would be used just 
for backing up the others? That would cost about as much as the tape drives 
and tapes.

Another strategy you'd care to suggest?

Thanks a bunch


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Re: [newbie] P133 with Mdk9.0 as a router

2003-02-26 Thread Dennis Myers
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 05:15 pm, Luke Stutters wrote:
 On Wednesday 26 Feb 2003 6:14 pm, civileme wrote:
  On Wednesday 26 February 2003 08:43 am, Luke Stutters wrote:
   Hi all - first post here. I'm in the process of installing Mandrake 9.0
   on a P133, 64MB machine with the intent of using it as a
   IP-masquerading box. This would mean my other boxes could use broadband
   (512 k) independently over a LAN. Is this feasible? Any advice would be
  Works--I use a PPRo 200 as a router/firewall running 9.0
  Caution is advised--if you are using pppoe-ADSL, then make sure you
  follow the steps for install that I gave a customer on MandrakeExpert
  incident #49370, else hand-configure it.  The MCC script for ADSL-pppoe
  is seriously flawed.

 Thanks for the tips! I've managed to install 9.0 on the box, but I'm having
 a little difficulty with its ISA ethernet card.

 It's an old GE2000III(?) with a chip on it labelled as K1306023. After a
 bit of Googling, I got it working with the ne.o drivers with io=0x300 and
 irq=5. However, although both lights (orange and green) are on at the back
 of the card, and there's a single green light on my hub for the machine, I
 can't ping any other machines on my home network. I know the network cable
 is working, so I assume there's something up with the way the card is
 configured. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of fault? Does
 it matter that the 'speed' light is not lit on the hub for this machine?

 Many thanks,
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Everything you'll ever need on one web page
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Hi Luke, with 9.0 install you might want to check  your  iptables, especially 
if you installed shorewall or it installed as default. I know, anyone who can 
get 9.0 on a P133 probably knows this, but I have had to configure shorewall 
with MCC on every install or it won't let anything out or in. I don't know 
the exact settings that work the magic cause I always go and change a few 
defaults and then internet connection and lan are functioning. If you are 
using text only someone else will need to jump in here. Hey, Civileme nice to 
see you back on the newbie circuit helping out us perenial dummies. : )  HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Backup to CD-R/RW

2003-02-26 Thread civileme
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 09:12 pm, Harv Nelson wrote:

 Is there some sort of backup/restore utility that I can use to make backups
 using the CD-R on my machines? CD-R's cost about a dime each these days.
 That price makes that media much more attractive than investing in a big
 tape drive and tapes..

 I've got 5 machines on my little network.  Each has a 20 gig HD (or less).
 How about another machine with a couple 50 gig drives that would be used
 just for backing up the others? That would cost about as much as the tape
 drives and tapes.

 Another strategy you'd care to suggest?

 Thanks a bunch

drakbackup, backuponcd and scdbackup are either in the distro or easily 
locatable by google search on name.

As for the extra comp as a backup fileserver, activate linux on each of your 
systems and run webmin, then log in from the big fileserver and create cron 
jobs to cp vital files over once a day or so--the cp is possible since you 
will share out the directory for storage via either Samba/lisa or NFS so that 
the drives on the fileserver appear on all the computers make sure it is a 
copy and that people don't start storing things ONLY on the fileserver.

Yes that is workable with only a couple of lines of command stored in a file 
made executable and run by cron on each of the local machines.  I maintained 
backup data on 16 machines the same way when Mandrake 6.1 was hot stuff.

If you do opt for tape, figure a full investment--that is that you keep the 
tapes rotated and aged and clean, and you test the integrity of the copy.  
Disasters lurk for fools like me who don't do that when using tape--I lost 
six years of work.


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