Re: [newbie] C compilers

2000-08-26 Thread Eric MC.D

Here they are:
Sniff++ (
CodeWarrior for GNU (
C-Forge (
Visual K (
Code Crusader (with code medic dbg)
Builder Xccessory Pro
Jbuilder 3.5 Foundation
GLG ToolKit
K Develop
VDK Builder
TCL Developer Studio
Gnome Filer
C Meister

Etc..., etc...
+ many developers library's + debuggers + utilities

Eric MC

µBrendan K Callahan wrote:
 Are there any graphical interfaces for the compiler?  I'm used to using
 Borland Turbo C++ (v3.x and v4.x) for Windows.  More clearly defined, I like
 having scrollable windows, multiple windows, the open file dialog and such.
 Anyone know anything?
  I use the compiler that comes with Mandrake which is also the same one in
  Redhat and the others. If it's C you're programming in invoke 'gcc', if
  you're doing C++ use 'g++'. Although actually either one will work for
  both C and C++. I've gotten some funny errors from gcc when compiling a
  C++ program.
 Brendan K Callahan, Grinnell, IA, US  K0EES, Extra Class License
 K0EES, Extra Class License dahdidah dahdahdahdahdah dit dit dididit

Re: [[newbie] 7.1 Install freezes at IDE config]

2000-08-25 Thread Eric MC.D

Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 I could be way off base with this, but I just had a thought: You don't
 say what you did to prepare your HD. Have you got enough space on your
 HD? 2 gb isn't a whole lot of disk space. (I can't believe I just said
 that.) My Win98SE installation uses 900 mb and, except for one monster
 application, it doesn't have a whole lot on it. Open Explorer, pick C:,
 Properties and see how much free space you have. A Mandrake workstation
 installation needs 500 mb as the minimum, but 1 gb is preferred. A
 server installation would just about take up your whole drive. If space
 is the problem, don't give up. Run Scandisk and Defrag. If the first
 pass doesn't do it, you may be able to recover some space with some
 housekeeping. /temp directories are a good place to hunt.
 Again, I apologize if I'm way off base on this, but I had to ask.
 -- Carroll Grigsby
  "Cunningham Michael" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm trying to install Mandrake 7.1, but it consistently freezes at the
   "configuring IDE" installation stage (I have to hit the 'reset' button).
   I've tried booting from the CDROM and launching from w/in Win98, lin4win and
   full install, graphical and text install, PnP BIOS off and on, always with
   the same result.  Any suggestions as to how to fix this (or information
   resources on the web that deal with installation troubleshooting--haven't
   found much of that)?  I should admit that I know practically nothing about
   linux, but thought that the reportedly idiotproof Linux-Mandrake would be a
I have that pb too. No way to detect my IDE HD's !
This for an upgrade from 7 to 7.1, so nothing todo with
There is something wrong with the install proc. 
Eric MC

   good way to learn.  If the answer is that I'm therefore unqualified to
   install linux, I won't be offended to hear that.
   My system:
   Pentium Pro 200, 64M RAM
   Intel motherboard, Intel BIOS
   2.0G WDC HD
   Mitsumi CDROM
   Intel PCI busmaster IDE
   N9 Imagine 128(Series 2)
   Ensoniq AudioPCI

Re: [newbie] Yo

2000-08-24 Thread Eric MC.D

Do an install with: --prefix=/usr/local
Or look at the makefile and change the install-dir.
Eric MC

Jason Ashman wrote:
 Hey Linux users.  I am a Microsoft convert, Windows SUCKS!
 This is my problem, it probably is simple to fix, but nevertheless it is
 bugging me.  I downloaded CoffeeCup HTML to edit my webpage with, tar xvzf the
 whole nine yards...But, it installed into my /home/"username" file and not into
 /usr/local/!  How do I make a tarball install into /usr/local?  Also, I can use
 CoffeeLinux as root, but not as "username"!  I know I have to do something to
 allow myself access to it as somebody other than root.  Gimme a hand!
 "Every man dies, but not every man really lives."
 Version:  3.1
 GAT d-- s++:++ a- C++$ P+ L+++$ E-- W++ N w--- O? PS+++ PE Y+ PGP+ !t !5 X+
 R tv+ b+++ DI+ D+ G++ e+$ h--- r+++ y+++ UF+++

Re: [[newbie] 7.1 Install freezes at IDE config]

2000-08-24 Thread Eric MC.D

Have the same pb !!
And my manufacture is not yours.
So, all manufactures are bad.
Eric MC
Jaguar wrote:
 Try swapping the CD-Rom out for on of another manufacture.
 "Cunningham Michael" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm trying to install Mandrake 7.1, but it consistently freezes at the
  "configuring IDE" installation stage (I have to hit the 'reset' button).
  I've tried booting from the CDROM and launching from w/in Win98, lin4win and
  full install, graphical and text install, PnP BIOS off and on, always with
  the same result.  Any suggestions as to how to fix this (or information
  resources on the web that deal with installation troubleshooting--haven't
  found much of that)?  I should admit that I know practically nothing about
  linux, but thought that the reportedly idiotproof Linux-Mandrake would be a
  good way to learn.  If the answer is that I'm therefore unqualified to
  install linux, I won't be offended to hear that.
  My system:
  Pentium Pro 200, 64M RAM
  Intel motherboard, Intel BIOS
  2.0G WDC HD
  Mitsumi CDROM
  Intel PCI busmaster IDE
  N9 Imagine 128(Series 2)
  Ensoniq AudioPCI
  Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
 The Dogma chased the Stigma, and was hit by the Karma.
 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Anyone tried [successfully] to get email support?

2000-08-22 Thread Eric MC.D

Sorry to say that, but if you have windoooz installed, 
take a look how windoooz did it !
Under System-devices.
If this can help.
Eric MC

Dan O'Rourke wrote:
 Tech support is evil!  It took 5 days for them to respond to my repeated
 emails and requests for help.  Then they were abrupt and didn't give me a
 working solution.  I mailed them back asking for another solution.  That was
 6 months ago.  I'm sure I'll get my solution any day now  :-p
 I'm NEVER gonna drop cash for a delux pack again!
 From: "Bill Fry" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [newbie] Anyone tried [successfully] to get email support?
 Date: Mon, Aug 21, 2000, 5:24 PM
  I've been trying to get help on a Mandrake 7.1 install.
  After buying the Deluxe pack and registering it for support, I still
  can't get a response to my emails.
  Anyone had any luck here?
  My main problem is that the USB module usb-uhci.o fails to load.  The
  dmesg shows that it is seen, doesn't have an IRQ and then is shut down.
  There's no place that I can find to assign it an IRQ, either in software
  or in BIOS.
  I've looked on the 'net for answers, but none so far, and it's extremely
  frustrating to have paid for a package that supposedly includes support,
  but you can't even get a response out of them.
  And just try to find a customer service email address or phone number
  for Mandrake...
  Bill Fry
  IT Director,
  Young  Roehr Group

Re: [newbie] OT Linux gaming OT

2000-08-18 Thread Eric MC.D

Roman Korcek wrote:
  If you buy a new tire for your car and the car starts pulling so
  bad that you can't keep it on the road, who is to blame? Don't
  blame the car manufacturer just because the car doesn't support
  whatever tire you want to buy.
  Well if 80% of the cars support it then I guess I will choose the car
  which supports the biggest variety of tires.

Crazy, totally crazy !
I don't want tires used by 80% of the manufactors of cars.
I want GOOD tires. My live depend of them.
And if they are FREE, I want them certainly.
And I don't waithing to change them in time,
because they are FREE + GOOD you know ?
Eric MC

  But you didn't.  That car is named Windows.  :)
 I have such a perfect thing here - it's called "dualdrive". With it
 you can keep your old car and try a new one. I repeat, you can keep
 your old one, so you can use BOTH, the new one and the old one at the
 same time ! Unbelievable, isn't it ?  And the price ?  It isn't
 $99.95, not even $49.95 and not $9.95 !  It's for FREE !  Yes, you
 heard right, it's FREE !
 I did choose it but I am giving Linux a try. So far I personally
 haven't seen any benefit for me. I am using MDK 7.0, downloading 7.1,
 maybe 7.1 will change my mind, but I don't think so.

Re: [newbie] OT Linux gaming OT

2000-08-17 Thread Eric MC.D

  But - seriously - with the right parts Linux is very
 easy to install.
  This doesn't seem ok, having to choose my hardware
 according to what
  OS I want to use.
 You are absolutely correct.  I wish I could run Win98 on
 my Amiga.  For that matter, it would be really neat if I
 could run Win2000 on my Mac.  :)
 Disclaimer:  I'm far from a *nix expert.  I've only been
 using Linux on a regular basis for a couple of months.  I
 actually like Windoze.  I've been a computer geek for 19
 years playing with various hardware during that time.  So
 I found your comment quite humorous.
 No OS is going to work on every piece of hardware.  It
 just isn't going to happen.  In order to get the most
 stable system you want, you need to match your hardware to
 your OS.  All the big boys do it.  That is why
 Dell/Gateway/whoever won't support a workstation that was
 sold with Win98 but now has Win2000.  We deal with this
 constantly at work...
 I also wonder if there is any other OS that supports as
 many different architectures as Linux (x86 - PCs, 68k -
 Mac / Amiga, PPC - Mac / whoknows, and countless others).
 Just my $.02...

Re: [newbie] Second hard drive

2000-08-16 Thread Eric MC.D

Added one also.
Did a setup with fdisk for the partitions and
diskdruid for the mount points.(and format !)
All goes as a charm.
Eric MC

Dennis Myers wrote:
 I have installed a second hard drive on the linux box.It is shown as
 hdd. Went in and did a mke2fs and made one  big partition, hdd1. Oh,
 it's a Maxtor 15gig DiamondMax on Primary slave. When I look at the
 drive now it says no readable partitions present. How do I make the
 partitions and save it so I can use it to back up my master hda. I'm not
 even sure how to send files to it. I have looked at How to's and the
 archives and don't find any help. Surely two hard drives are acceptable
 to linux.  A little help here, this package is heavy and I can't seem to
 lift it.  Ha! Thanks in advance, Dennis

Re: [newbie] New install

2000-08-15 Thread Eric MC.D

John Eichenberger wrote:
 My modem is listed (in Win98 as):
Class: Modem
Device: SupraExpress 56i SP V.90 SUP2720
  IRQ: 03
  I/O: 02F8h-02FFh

Strange, is a serial io ??
Is it an ISA PNP ?
IO normaly = 0x240 on mine. (isdn)
Did you find it in /etc/isapnp.conf also ??

Class: Sound, video and game controllers
Device: Wave Device for Voice Modem
No resources used.
 My sound card is listed as:
Device: Creative Labs IDE controller-- I wish I knew how to
 disable this part of it
  IRQ: 10
  I/O: 0168h-016Fh
  I/O: 036Eh-036Fh
Class: Sound, video and game controllers
Device: Creative 3D Stereo Enhancement Technology
  I/O: 0100h-0100h
Class: Sound, video and game controllers
Device: Gameport Joystick
  I/O: 0200h-0207h
Same in /etc/isapnp.conf. Check.
Class: Sound, video and game controllers
Device: Creative Advanced Wave Effects Synthesis for AWE 32
  I/O: 0620h-0623h
  I/O: 0A20h-0A23h
  I/O: 0E20h-0E23h

That's the wave table to be found it in /etc/isapnp.conf.
Uncomment the '#' near the settings.
Class: Sound, video and game controllers
Device: Creative Sound Blaster 16 Plug and Play
  IRQ: 05
  I/O: 0220h-022Fh
  I/O: 0330h-0331h
  I/O: 0388h-038Bh
  DMA: 01
  DMA: 05
Here is him. (the sound card)
Check your /etc/isapnp.conf and : (sound)(wave table)
remove the '#' if they are near this settings.
remove the 'CHECK' near the settings of it.
Add under the line 'DEBUG' at top: (VERIFYLD N)
Save and Reboot.
Eric MC

 This system has been problematic with everything I have put into it.  I
 don't think the hardware in it is terribly compatible with each other.  But
 I haven't quite put my finger on why just yet.  I have a separate IDE
 interface from the one on the Sound Blaster card.  I don't even understand
 why the audio card has an IDE interface.  I think most every hardware
 resource is consumed, and other than the IDE "conflict" I don't see any
 conflicts.  The IDE interface on the Sound Blaster is disabled in my Win98
 setup which is how I get by with that (I think).
 - Original Message -----
 Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 10:34 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] New install
  John Eichenberger wrote:
   I just installed Linux (well actually I did it twice now) and I am
 having a
   fundemental problem. I think the problem is that my hardware
   is wrong for both audio and modem.  No specific devices show up for
   one.  Not anymore anyway.  The second time I installed EVERYTHING I had
   something for both.  But the audio support did not appear to be
   A ton of error messages occurred when I tried to tell the system that I
   a Sound Blaster Awe 32 card.  And now.. here I am.. no sound.. no modem.
   S... how do I start over for just those two things?
  Have a SB AWE64, works fine. Modem too.
  What TYPE of cards you have ?? ISA PNP PCI ??
  Eric MC

Re: [newbie] New install

2000-08-15 Thread Eric MC.D

Sorry guys,
deleting some when reply, ok.
But I didn't wrote anything of that !!
Eric MC

Paul wrote:
 On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Eric MC.D wrote:
  I just installed Linux (well actually I did it twice now) and I am having a
  fundemental problem. I think the problem is that my hardware configuration
  is wrong for both audio and modem.  No specific devices show up for either
  one.  Not anymore anyway.  The second time I installed EVERYTHING I had
  something for both.  But the audio support did not appear to be configured.
  A ton of error messages occurred when I tried to tell the system that I have
  a Sound Blaster Awe 32 card.  And now.. here I am.. no sound.. no modem.
  S... how do I start over for just those two things?
 Open a terminal, and as root run 'sndconfig', that should get your card
 going. Worked for me!
 Exceptions confirm the rule
 and ruin the budget.
 )0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
 Registered  Linux  User   174403
 -=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] New install

2000-08-14 Thread Eric MC.D

John Eichenberger wrote:
 I just installed Linux (well actually I did it twice now) and I am having a
 fundemental problem. I think the problem is that my hardware configuration
 is wrong for both audio and modem.  No specific devices show up for either
 one.  Not anymore anyway.  The second time I installed EVERYTHING I had
 something for both.  But the audio support did not appear to be configured.
 A ton of error messages occurred when I tried to tell the system that I have
 a Sound Blaster Awe 32 card.  And now.. here I am.. no sound.. no modem.
 S... how do I start over for just those two things?
Have a SB AWE64, works fine. Modem too.
What TYPE of cards you have ?? ISA PNP PCI ??
Eric MC

Re: [newbie] Nothing works on mandrake.

2000-08-14 Thread Eric MC.D

There is nothing to do with the security level.
That's the normal and GOOD way to login for all security.
Don't login as root if absolutely necessary.
Eric MC

Anthony wrote:
 I'm willing to bet that is because you set your security level too high. If
 you set it at the highest level, then it doesn't allow direct login's to root.
 To change it, run "DrakConf" and hit teh Security button.
  I can't login as root, I need to login as a normal user and then to su(This can 
probably be changed),
 Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.

Re: [newbie] More PMfirewall questions?

2000-08-13 Thread Eric MC.D

Correction: if-up must be ip-up etc.. in /etc/ppp/

"Eric MC.D" wrote:
 "Eric MC.D" wrote:
  If You don't have a network !!
  What you have to do:
  1. select ippp0 (isdn card) or ppp0 (52k modem)
  2. ppp0 or ippp0 must started-up before pmfirewall takes
  effect !!!
  3. so select :
  I tryed PMfirewall on the following machine:
  -networkcard : none
  -internet connection: via ISDN card
  -POP to retrieve from ISP (no IMAP)
  Want to close all ports to the outside.
  On the untared pmfirewall dir ~/pmfirewall-1.1.4
  Type: sh
  The install proc.: (questions (summerized) - responses.)
  *dir to install: /usr/pmfirewall #(or where you
  *network :   ippp0  (or ppp0)
  *unrestricted access ?   Y
 IP range:
 add others ?  N
  *IP ragnges to block completely ?N
  *IP address assigned via DHCP ?  N
  *Running FTP ports 220/21 ?  N
  *"   SSH   22 ?  N
  *"   Telnet server 23 ?  N
  *"   SMTP server   25 ?  N
  *"   DNS  server   53 ?  N
  *"   Finger server 79 ?  N
  *"   Web server80 ?  N
  *"   POP server   110 ?  Y
   IP address
  *Allow IDENT  113 ?  N
  *Running NNTP server  119 ?  N
  *If using NTP 123 ?  N
  *Open NetBIOS/Samba   137-139 ?  N
  *Running  IMAP server 143 ?  N
  *"   SSL web server   443 ?  N
  *"   routed (RIP) 520 ?  N
  *Open NFS2049 ?  N
  *X server   5999-6003 ?  N
  *Other ports to open  ?  N
  *Start on boot-up ?  N
  *Autodetect IP address?  Y
  *Masquerade for other PC's?  N
  *Start pmfirewall when succ PPP connection ?  Y
  Now copy the pmfirewall-script added in /etc/ppp/ip-up.local
  to /etc/ppp/ip-up (takes no effect on ip-up.local)
  Same on ip-down from ip-down.local.
  Start your connection.
  If pmfirewall didn't started,start pmfirewall:
  cd /usr/pmfirewall ( or rhe dir you installed pmfirewall)
  sh pmfirewall start
  If there are no error messages you'r ok !
  PortService Status
  --- --
  21  FTP stealth
  23  Telnet"
  25  SMTP  "
  79  Finger"
  80  HTTP  "
  110 POP3  "
  113 IDENT "
  139 NetBIOS   "
  143 IMAP  "
  443 HTTPS "
  Hope this help.
  Eric MC

Re: [newbie] New printing system for Linux-Mandrake

2000-08-12 Thread Eric MC.D

Why create the new version of cups a dir /etc/init.d ???
Eric MC

Jacques Le Marois wrote:
 If you have problems with your printer - don't hesitate to test the new
 print system - Cups which is much more powerful than the former one. If
 there is a fix to make please contact directly Till
 Subject: Short introduction to CUPS
 Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 19:14:34 +0200
 From: Till Kamppeter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Uninstall LPD:
 rpm -e rhs-printfilters lpr
 Install all CUPS-related packages:
 rpm -Uvh package
 Following packages have to be installed (best in this order):
 With Lexmark 1100, 1020, 1000 also
 With cheap HP inkjets also
 Reboot or start the CUPS daemon manually:
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/cups start
 for further information about CUPS usage and administration go to
 Enter the CUPS administration interface:
 netscape http://localhost:631/printers/ 
 and click on "Add printer".
 If you are asked to log in, log in as "root" on your machine.
 Choose a printer name (short but for easy association with the printer),
 location and discription can be left empty and click "Continue". Choose
 the type of the printer's connection and "Continue". If necessary, you
 are asked about additional information about the conection now. Enter it
 and press "Continue". On the screen appearing now choose the
 manufacturer of your printer and click "Continue". Now you will be asked
 for the model. Choose it or at least a similar one. After clicking
 "Continue" now your printer is configured.
 Click on "Printers" in the bar at the top. You are back on the printers
 list and your recently configured printer should be listed. If not,
 click the "Reload" button of your web browser.
 Now you see some administration command buttons for your printer. Click
 on "Configure Printer". On the screen appearing then set up the correct
 options which should be defaults of the printer. The paper size must be
 according to the paper usually loaded. The "Installed Options" must be
 the ones really installed at your printer. Wrong settings can prevent
 your printer from printing. If you do a change in one section, click the
 appropriate "Continue" button. Use the "Back" function of your browser
 to get back to do changes in the other sections.
 When you are done click on "Printers" at the top, go to the list entry
 of your printer and click on "Print Test Page" to see if all works fine.
 If something is wrong now, revise your connection or driver choice by
 the "Modify Printer" button and your defaults by the "Configure Printer"
 When you have returned the borrowed printer, click on "Delete Printer"
 to remove the entry of that printer.
 Repeat the steps shown above for all your printers.
 On the command line enter
 lpr -P printer name options file name
 as you were used to do it with LPD (the former printing system). Further
 information you get on
 For more comfortable printing and easy choosing of a lot of options
 xpp file name
 You get a graphical interface for choosing the printer and the options
 for the chosen printer. The "Options" button leads to the options
 dialog, where the first two tabs show options you can use on all
 printers, the other tabs are printer-specific and different for every
 printer model. When you change options and tabs and other options get
 red, the options are conflicting and cannot be used at the same time.
 Change one of them. Click "Save options" so that the chosen options get
 your personal defaults (also for "lpr"). Click on "This printer as
 default" to make the current printer your default one (also valid for
 "lpr"). Further information in
 /usr/share/doc/xpp-0.4/README  (section: Usage tips)

Re: [newbie] More PMfirewall questions?

2000-08-12 Thread Eric MC.D

If You don't have a network !!
What you have to do:
1. select ippp0 (isdn card) or ppp0 (52k modem)
2. ppp0 or ippp0 must started-up before pmfirewall takes
effect !!!
3. so select :
I tryed PMfirewall on the following machine:
-networkcard : none
-internet connection: via ISDN card
-POP to retrieve from ISP (no IMAP)
Want to close all ports to the outside.
On the untared pmfirewall dir ~/pmfirewall-1.1.4
Type: sh
The install proc.: (questions (summerized) - responses.)
*dir to install: /usr/pmfirewall #(or where you
*network :   ippp0  (or ppp0)
*unrestricted access ?   Y
   IP range:
   add others ?  N
*IP ragnges to block completely ?N
*IP address assigned via DHCP ?  N
*Running FTP ports 220/21 ?  N
*"   SSH   22 ?  N
*"   Telnet server 23 ?  N
*"   SMTP server   25 ?  N
*"   DNS  server   53 ?  N
*"   Finger server 79 ?  N
*"   Web server80 ?  N
*"   POP server   110 ?  Y
 IP address
*Allow IDENT  113 ?  N
*Running NNTP server  119 ?  N
*If using NTP 123 ?  N
*Open NetBIOS/Samba   137-139 ?  N
*Running  IMAP server 143 ?  N 
*"   SSL web server   443 ?  N
*"   routed (RIP) 520 ?  N
*Open NFS2049 ?  N
*X server   5999-6003 ?  N
*Other ports to open  ?  N
*Start on boot-up ?  N
*Autodetect IP address?  Y
*Masquerade for other PC's?  N

*Start pmfirewall when succ PPP connection ?  Y
Now copy the pmfirewall-script added in /etc/ppp/if-up.local
to /etc/if-up (takes no effect on if-up.local)
Same on if-down from if-down.local.
Start your connection.
If pmfirewall didn't started,start pmfirewall:
cd /usr/pmfirewall ( or rhe dir you installed pmfirewall)
sh pmfirewall start
If there are no error messages you'r ok !


PortService Status
--- --
21  FTP stealth
23  Telnet"
25  SMTP  "
79  Finger"
80  HTTP  "
110 POP3  "
113 IDENT "
139 NetBIOS   "
143 IMAP  "
443 HTTPS "

Hope this help.
Eric MC

Paul wrote:
 On Mon, 7 Aug 2000, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Okay, I've been playing around with PMfirewall for a bit now. I did grab
 the ipchains (not ip_chains!!!) RPM and install it, so ipchains is in
 /sbin. I did a sh from the pmfirewall-1.1.4 folder, and the
 script starts. It does find ipchains now. I have a few questions about
 the questions it asks during the installation. What exactly am I
 supposed to put for the external interface? I tried ppp0,
 eth0, even modem (yes, I was desperate!).
 Depends a lot on how you connect to the net. I use ISDN, so my interface
 is IPPP0. When you use a modem and PPP dial-up, it should be PPP0
 Any hints/clues/suggestions for a firewall user wannabe? I did read the
 docs and man page with pmfirewall, as well as the ipchains HOWTO,
 but I still couldn't any docs that walk you through the installation
 script. (or did I just miss it somewhere?)
 As Steve said, there is a separate mailing list for PMFirewall. Maybe it
 is a good thing to go there and ask. I am not a firewall specialist, just
 found this program to be very very useful and easy.
 Thanks in advance! ;-)
 PS Oh, 1 more thing. Pmfirewall is listed as starting when I bootup, and
 I've got it set to start when ppp is successful. Is this the correct way
 to start it?
 Hmmm, I think it should hook itself to /etc/ppp/ip-up instead of the boot
 sequence, but since I always load it at boot, I am not sure...
 God must love crazy people:
 he made SO MANY of them!
 )0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
 Registered  Linux  User   174403
 -=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] IglooFTP

2000-08-12 Thread Eric MC.D

I use IglooFTP and gFTP.
Have a look with Igloo at,
I can't see all the letters, and what letters !
Eric MC

Mark Weaver wrote:
 Hi pete,
 I've used it too and I like it, although I've noticed that gFTP gives
 about the same functionality at a fraction of the cost. it's free!
 **  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed   |
 ** _||_ in the making of this |
 **  =\/=  message...| Registered Linux user #182496
 On Sat, 12 Aug 2000, Pete Clapham wrote:
  Hi, all --
  I know there's been some discussion of IglooFTP-PRO, where some purists have
  suggested it isn't the greatest thing since sliced windows, but I have to say
  that I just donwloaded it, and it works at least as well as the best graphic
  FTP I had run into previously (FTP-PM  on OS/2).  Significantly, I can download
  files I couldn't do in Netscape, and it provides navigation aids not available
  on the command-line version -- which I will continue to use for many things.
  This is a have program.

[newbie] freeramdisk

2000-08-10 Thread Eric MC.D

can anyone tell me what package contain "freeramdisk" ??


2000-08-10 Thread Eric MC.D

 Kalu Chijioke wrote:
 Goodday All,
 Please I pray and hope anyone and I mean anyone can end up
 helping me resolve my problem.
 Do take time to read this, cause it's littered with a
 newbie request structure.
 I just acquired my Mandrake 6.1, having dumped my old
 Slackware 2.0 version.  Hoping that the device
 configuration problem I had
 with my slackware would have been corrected, and the
 manufacturers helped out in supplying all necessary tools
 to support this wonderful operating system.
 Before I get carried away, my problem is this.
 1. I can't seem to be able to configure my sound card to
 work with my motherboard(System Specifications at end), I
 am using a
 CM8738 Sound Card, which, ChenLi Tien, designed the
 driver that should work with the Linux Box, but I have
 compiled the
 kernel and reinstalled, yet, everything is the same, a
 probe with cat /dev/sndstart, produces the error "No such
 directory", which
 from the documentation states that the device is not
 in the kernel or is not installed.

Tryed in console 'sndconfig' ??

 I have followed all the steps to recompile the kernel,
 still I am getting nowhere, I don't know if I am doin
 something wrong, If I am, please let someone take
 his/her time to clearly outline the steps again not
 missing a pin, I would be most grateful.
 2. I can't get my modem to work too.  As described by the
 ChenLi Tien CM8738 driver, I am supposed to compile the
 module, that, I can't find anywhere, I have gone to
 websites to attempt downloading the file but to no avail,
 and it isnt included in
 my distribution or the device driver accompanying the
 I really need HELP!, as i can't even browse the net, I
 have battled with this for a week and in my last desperate
 attempt, gone to a
 cyber cafe, paid their exhorbitant amount to send this
 SOS, anyone who has enough knowledge as to my problem or
 has my same
 system specification should please give me a detailed
 account as to how he/she setup all the devices.  I really
 am down, and need serious assistance urgently.
 I have completely tried every IRQ and I/O port I can lay
 my hands on but with no success.

easy way to find this if you have windoooz installed look at
control-panel-devices. There you'll found them.

 Of course, I know the last option maybe to by a Sound
 Blaster for the sound fix and an external modem and an
 extra com port for it, but till then I hope someone out
 there has the solution.
 Thank you
 Here are my System Specs.
 1 COM

Internal, external, ISA PNP, PCI ???

 Thanks again.
 Please remember to be detailed in your explanation steps
 as it will help a great deal in eliminating problems.

Re: [newbie] ISA PNP Modem and Sound Card

2000-08-06 Thread Eric MC.D

 I have an ISA Audio Drive Sound Card and an ISA Communicate 56k modem. I cant
 seem to get either to work on my Linux 7.1 system. Has anyone else had these
 problems? Any help would be greatly appriciated.
Look in /etc/isapnp.conf first to see if they are there.
Eric MC

Re: [newbie] Ip_chains, where?

2000-08-05 Thread Eric MC.D

"Ronald J. Hall" wrote:
 Hi. I'm attempting to setup PMfirewall. The first thing that goes wrong
 is it asks where ip_chains is. Its supposed to be in /sbin, but its not.
 I did check /proc, and ip_fwchains is there... so, any ideas?
ipchains  NOT ip_chains : /sbin/ipchains.

Re: [newbie] printing in Netscape

2000-07-20 Thread Eric MC.D

Are you sure ?
Mine is lpr,  lpd doesn't work !

Mark Weaver wrote:
 the command is lpd
   ** Registered Linux user # 182496 **
 On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Bruce Endries wrote:
  I have installed a printer, using printtool, and run the test page
  (which prints fine).
  My question is: When I try to print in Netscape, I get a window
  asking for a command. What should I type in this window?

Re: [Re: [newbie]Report on the Text v. HTML postings]

2000-07-19 Thread Eric MC.D

I think he hate his wife also, if has one !

Oliver Stieber wrote:
 [rant on]
 I hate html mail,
 it has funny colours that heart my eyes,
 doesn't cut and past properly,
 links upto nasty web sites,
 tries to download stuff off of the web,
 and means that my mail client needs to load another load of bloat to be able
 to read html mails.
 RTF is just as bad.
 [rant off]
 I would never dream of sending a html mail, unless accidentally now only
 does it assume the reader can view said html email but that they like your
 fetching choice of colour and font,
 long live text.

Re: [newbie] Cannot configure sound on 7.1

2000-07-15 Thread Eric MC.D

Set them up with scdconfig  (type it in console)
And set irq=5
Have also a SB, no pb.

Jeff Malka wrote:
 I am using Mandrake ver 7.1 and the sound card is a Creative Labs Sound
 Blaster 1.x, Pro 16.  It usesInt= 5; DMA= 1; DMA 16 bit= 5; MPU401 IO
 address 330.
 It was the one thing that configured without problem in my previous
 otherwise buggy TurboLinux installation.
 What can I do to install it in Mandrake 7.1?
 Thank you.
 Registered Linux user  183185
 - Original Message -
 From: philomena [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2000 11:10 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Cannot configure sound on 7.1
  Sorry if this is repetetive, but I must have missed this earlier in the
  - what version of mandrake did you install, what type of sound card do you
  and what driver is it using ?
  Fran Parker wrote:
   mp3s too! We have a little 386 computer with 8 megs on
   our porch running redhat 6 (only because it is not a pentium
   and doesn't have 32megs ram...otherwise it would be
   Mandrake 7, like mine)...anyway can sit on the porch and
   sign in to my Mandrake machine, as user, su to root, and
   run mp3s from the command line (mp3s are all on my archive
   hard drive - windoze drive).
   It is way cool, sitting there listening to mp3s thru the stereo
   from my computer upstairs, while stting on the porch and
   enjoying the breeze!  While doing all that, can check mail
   on another terminal window, via connection on my Mandrake
   machine upstairs, while switching to another terminal window
   and chatting on or downloading a file from some
   ftp site or surfing the web (text style that is).  Is linux cool
   or what!
   We love it!
   Paul wrote:
On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Dennis Myers wrote:
Hugo GONZALEZ wrote:

 I don't have sounds either (cannot play system sounds, wav files,
etc), but music CDs and avi videos have no problem: sound is perfect.
Try playing a CD, I didn't realized CD had sound until two weeks
 after I
installed Mandrake. Why CDs and avi files have no problem with sound?
still don't know, I am trying to find out.   Hugo

Hugo, if you are running KDE or Gnome for a desktop go to settings ,
sound and check the enable box in the upper left of the window,
your sounds and apply and you should have system sound.  Or did we
already give this a try?  Dennis
Another option would be to just open an xterm and do
play path/name_of_wave_file
Yes, folks. Linux can play wav's without a graphical environment! :)
You can't depend on your eyes
when your imagination is out of focus.
- Mark Twain
)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403

Re: [newbie] Lost root password

2000-07-14 Thread Eric MC.D

Yes, it can !!
With or without 'single' or 'init 1'.
All you have to do is, have a boot and rescue
floppy at dispo.

Keith Robinson wrote:
 if someone can physically access a machine and boot it,
 there is no software security possible, regardless of the operating system.
 On Thu, 13 Jul 2000, you wrote:
  Does not sound like much security to me.
  Registered Linux user  183185
  - Original Message -
  From: Ricardo Núñez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 4:28 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Lost root password
Somehow I lost root password. Is thre any way to login
as root again?
Thanks a lot.
   Reboot in single user mode (in Lilo, type linux s) and run passwd
   Ing. Ricardo Núñez
   Webmaster de la DST
   Universidad Simón Bolívar

Re: [newbie] Install partitions help

2000-07-13 Thread Eric MC.D

Jeff Malka wrote:
 I just received my 7.1 CDs and installed Mandrake 7.1 with no apparent
 However that was no feat because I just used the "recommended" install.
 That installed everything together and I would prefer to have separate
 partitions for various mounting points.
 Prior to goinf the "recommended" install root I tried a custom install with
 the following partitions:
 /boot 10  MB
 /opt516   MB
 /usr1000 MB
 /home 1000 MB
 / 66 MB
 but the install told me that did not give it enough space to install all the

A fully isntall take about 1,3GB.
If it can help, mine is :
/boot   30 MB  (15 MB =Ok)
/usr3 GB   (free 44%)
/   800 MB  (free 15%) (/opt included)
/usr/local 620 MB  (free 38%)
/home 1,6GB  (free 58%)
swap   256MB

 Can someone tell me how large I need to make the various partitions to
 install a standard, normal install (not development, etc.)?
 Since this is a brand new install, I do not mind re-installing into separate
 partitions if I only knew what sizes to make them.
 Thank you.
 Registered Linux user  183185

Re: [newbie] Seeking Tutorial on compiling Kernel

2000-07-13 Thread Eric MC.D

When I compiled my first kernel, I had (goddies) a little
guide by hand (self made and getted in several docs) 
about WHAT was needed and for WHAT. (approximatively)
So, that first experience was a success.
And have always 3 kernels ready for use in lilo,
the linus, an experimental and a good stable.
So, have always a good one to select within lilo
and there may be no pb. 
And I didn't remove my old /lib/modules, figured out as
/lib/modules/x.x.xx (modules created by the kernel version)
Same for (for all security)

Romanator wrote:
 Thanks for the encouragement. It's amazing. An OS that can be customized
 by the user.
 Don't you love this?
 Keith Robinson wrote:
  My own experience witrh (re)compiling the kernel is very positive. It has
  taught me the most about my system and about Linux.
  Take your time. Read lots and read the HOWTOs from Linus and all as you go. If
  you don't understand something as you work your way through it, hop on the Net
  and find out.
  we are all terrified at first that we are gonna break the kernel. Bear in mind
  that the kernel that is running the system you are working from is not the same
  as the one you are compiling. So, If you break the one you are compiling you
  still have your working system.
  Take your time. Allow several hours to work through it. When you are done you
  will have the satisfaction of having built a totally customized operating
  system just for your machine and for your needs.
  On Wed, 12 Jul 2000, you wrote:
   Thanks Mark,
   The first time is always the scariest.
   Mark Weaver wrote:
There are probably 1-2 ways that I've seen to do this. I've found the best
and easiest ways are documented in the Kernel-HOWTO and the
Firewall-HOWTO...or was that the any rate, check
out for sure the kernel HOWTO and take a look in both of the other
two. One of the other two give some great build commands for doing a
kernel. I don't mean to be confusing but I'm fairly certain it was the...
Sorry about that. I just checked to make sure and you'll find the info you
need to do a kernel in the Kernel-HOWTO and the Firewall HOWTO. In the
firewall howto the section that you want to check out is section 6.1
"Compiling a kernel"
Good luck and may the force be with you!  :)
I love my Linux Box...
REASON # 2 ...X-windows is just a suedonym.
Registered Linux user # 182496
On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, Romanator wrote:
 Hi Mark,

 Sorry, I just caught the end of the thread on compiling a new kernel.
 I was hoping to integrate the NVIDIA graphics cards along with 3COM905c
 series Etherlink
 drivers but I have to compile the kernel in order for them to be

 What were the 'make' commands for compiling a new kernel.

 Registered Linux User #179293

 Mark Weaver wrote:
  I know what you mean. The real fun part is when something goes wrong and
  you have to figure out what it is and how to fix it. I've done that
  serveral times. One time I had the kernel about where you're descibing and
  I was going after that last 1%. Well, :) ,  When I rebooted after
  "thinking" I had gotten that last bit I got a kernel panic and things went
  south real fast from there. It took me about two hours to get it un-hosed
  from there, but I got it. That's when I learned about how you can over-lay
  an installation of Linux over top of the older one. As long as they're the
  same version "usually" only the system files get over-written. It worked
  quite nicely for me and saved my bacon!
  I'm much more careful these days when I do anything with the kernel. I
  make sure I back things up like the old kernel and it's support files and
  what-nots. That makes installing the "old" kernel much less painless if
  the need arises.
  I love my Linux Box...
  REASON # 2 ...X-windows is just a suedonym.
  Registered Linux user # 182496
  On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, excalibur wrote:
   Thanks Mark, I took a shot at it and did fairly well, actually. I used 
   online documentation. My results were 99% perfect, I'd say. Gotta go 
back for
   that remaining 1%. I was impressed with the process enough that I thnk 
   stick with this and take it further. I used to say of that other OS,
   "##@?!!  If I could  only get into the guts of this I would" Well, 
   it is. An Os where I can do that.
   Mark Weaver wrote:
Have you looked at the HOWTO's that are located in
There is 

Re: [newbie] LILO Mandrake 7.1, resume

2000-07-13 Thread Eric MC.D

Wienand Drenth wrote:
 Thanks everyone for their info on lilo/grub.
 Could someone please confirm if the following conclusions are correct:
 First there  is LILO that needs a /boot partition before cylinder 1024;

It seems that there are no more pbs with the new lilo, I'm
not sure.

 Then there is Grub that doesn't have this limitation.
 But, if your hd is LBA, then there won't be a problem at all.
   How do I check if my hd is lba. In /etc/lilo.conf was a line "lba32".
 Should this do the trick?
Didn't try it,have an LBA and don't need that, but look at
your bios.
On the start of your bios press 'del' key.
Ther you'll find the info.
 Thanks, and once again.

Re: [newbie] PMFirewall

2000-07-13 Thread Eric MC.D

I tryed PMfirewall on the following machine:
-networkcard : none
-internet connection: via ISDN card
-POP to retrieve from ISP (no IMAP)
Want to close all ports to the outside.
On the untared pmfirewall dir ~/pmfirewall-1.1.4
Type: sh
The install proc.: (questions (summerized) - responses.)
*dir to install: /usr/pmfirewall #(or where you
*network :   ippp0
*unrestricted access ?   Y
   IP range:
   add others ?  N
*IP ragnges to block completely ?N
*IP address assigned via DHCP ?  N
*Running FTP ports 220/21 ?  N
*"   SSH   22 ?  N
*"   Telnet server 23 ?  N
*"   SMTP server   25 ?  N
*"   DNS  server   53 ?  N
*"   Finger server 79 ?  N
*"   Web server80 ?  N
*"   POP server   110 ?  Y
 IP address
*Allow IDENT  113 ?  N
*Running NNTP server  119 ?  N
*If using NTP 123 ?  N
*Open NetBIOS/Samba   137-139 ?  N
*Running  IMAP server 143 ?  N 
*"   SSL web server   443 ?  N
*"   routed (RIP) 520 ?  N
*Open NFS2049 ?  N
*X server   5999-6003 ?  N
*Other ports to open  ?  N
*Start on boot-up ?  Y
*Autodetect IP address?  Y
*Masquerade for other PC's?  N

*Start pmfirewall when succ PPP connection ?  N
Now, start pmfirewall:
cd /usr/pmfirewall ( or rhe dir you installed pmfirewall)
sh pmfirewall start
If there are no error messages you'r ok !


PortService Status
--- --
21  FTP stealth
23  Telnet"
25  SMTP  "
79  Finger"
80  HTTP  "
110 POP3  "
113 IDENT "
139 NetBIOS   "
143 IMAP  "
443 HTTPS "

Hope this help someone.

Re: [newbie] Netscape/password

2000-07-13 Thread Eric MC.D

Darryl Gibson wrote:
 Hello list,
 When I select "Get Messages" in Netscape I'm prompted for a password. My
 user's password doesn't work, but Root's password does. Root isn't even
 logged onto the machine. Why is this, and how can I permit users to get
 their mail, without using Root's password?
 Darryl Gibson
 Linux Neophyte (tm)
 RLU # 182668
 This computer is 100% Microsoft FREE
Are you sure about your passwd ?
When netscape ask for a password to retrieving mail from
the net (ISP) this means OMHO that the 'remember my
on the 'edit' of 'pop.yourISP' (or imap) is not set.
When set, you are asked for that password only one's for
the first time you logon.


Re: [newbie] Lost root password

2000-07-12 Thread Eric MC.D

An other way, or if single no more exist 
(Sorry Bascule, I doubt it can be done in this mode):

Start with the boot and rescue disk (cd inserted).
After the intro message (if message is), type exit.
Mount a root partition on the HD, utilize fdisk -l to see 
the existing partitions.
After mount it as 
edit the file with the command:
vi /mnt/rootpart/etc/passwd
the first line will be:
With the x key delete all the chars between roo: and :0:0
Must be:
Save with ZZ (vi command)
Verify with
cat /mnt/rootpart/etc/passwd
Then unmount as
umount /mnt/rootpart
Type exit and Ctrl+Alt+Del
Now after boot you are connected as root but without
Simply type 
to set a new password for root.
Hope I didn't forget

bascule wrote:
 at the lilo prompt, try
 linux s or linux single
 on some systems this will boot the machine to a single user mode with no
 need to login, then you can run (if memory serves) 'passwd root' at the
 prompt and change the password for root
 some people think this is a security flaw in linux but i have read that
 this behaviour can be turned off and i believe is done so if mandrake is
 installed with 'high' security mode but i'm not sure about that, maybe
 someone can confirm or deny?
 hope this helps
  Somehow I lost root password. Is thre any way to login
  as root again?
  Thanks a lot.

Re: [newbie] CD RW compatibility

2000-07-12 Thread Eric MC.D

benjamin michael mcclelland wrote:
 not sure if first message went through... anyone know of any CD RW drive
 that are for sure compatible with Mandrake 7.1? I would like one that
 mandrake allready has the drivers to... Im looking for an external
 SCSI.  Is USB supported with Mandrake... I thought It was only with the
 kernel that hasnt been released yet.
Read HOWTO-Hardware