[newbie] Remote Administration Confusion

2000-09-15 Thread Eric Mings

I have been trying to get a handle on how to remotely administer a 
linuxbox I would like to have colocated at my ISP. I have read howtos 
and minihowtos until my head is spinning. God what I wouldn't give 
for a simple Timbuktu like approach to this problem in linux. So far 
I have gotten ssh2 setup on both machines (which are current on my 
LAN and I'll call "local" and "remote"). I can use ssh to login from 
local to remote as root, which I would think is the first step. 
However, now the confusion begins. Ideally I would like to display a 
kde desktop on my local machine that reflects the remote machine. I 
have heard numerous times about people supposably doing this such 
that it works just like sitting in front of the remote machine (apart 
from bandwith delay in response). Both my machines are running 
mandrake 7. I will be using a cable modem to connect from the local 
to the remote machine at the isp. Could someone please tell me the 
concrete simple steps to get this working?

I also gather that it might be useful (and much faster) to use NFS to 
mount the remote machine disk on my local machine, but I also get the 
impression that security in that approach is a big concern.  Thoughts 
on this approach would also be appreciated!

And yes, I already know about webmin as a partial solution, but it 
doesn't get close to what I would need to be able to do to make this 
practical for me.

Thanks much for any advice!

Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] TR4 tape mounting?

2000-08-12 Thread Eric Mings

I searched the archives and found my questions asked by others a 
couple of times but no answer. I have a Seagate tr4 type IDE tape 
drive that I want to use for backups with BRU. I installed the drive 
and Mandrake properly detected it and "configured" it. It shows 
during the startup as hdd. However I cannot figure out how to get it 
to mount so that it can be used. I cannot find an entry in the fstab 
that seems to identify it. Could someone please tell me how to add 
the appropriate entries so the tape can be mounted. Thanks much.

Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] Need help with charitable linux project

2000-06-17 Thread Eric Mings

I decided to post to this list because I have been using Linux-Mandrake
for a while and feel it is probably the best option for a project I
intend to start. I am hopeful that perhaps some of you may be able to
assist with knowledge or other resources. I am a psychologist who does a
lot of work in nursing homes. In my experience there is a population in
every nursing home that I have visited who are intellectually intact and
quite lonely and bored due to their circumstances. Some of these people
are relatively young and suffer a debilitating disease such as MS, and
others are elderly persons who have retained their intellectual abilities
in the context of declining health. They have lost the physical ability
to interact with the outside world as the rest of us do, and typically
feel quite out of place in an environment where most of their peers are
too confused to provide them much human interaction.

I want to begin placing computers in these facilities for the sole use of
residents who wish to use them to reach out to the world they can no
longer physically access (via email and web access). Obviously I need a
multiuser system and need to minimize costs and maximize reliability and
ease of use. Consequently I plan to try to obtain donations of equipment
and will probably use Linux-Mandrake as the operating system (unless I
were to find another Linux version that would be more user friendly for
novices). I am trying to keep any costs to the nursing homes to a bare
minimum (such as a phone line for internet access) because this industry
is in  financial difficulty in the US and unlikely to be willing to
burden any significant costs to participate in such an effort.

If anyone knows of a company that might consider donation of equipment,
or if you wish to provide any expertise you may have in setting up and
maintaining Linux-Mandrake for use in such an environment please contact
me directly _off_list_, so as to not burden this list with further
discussion that might not be of interest to most list members.  Thanks in
advance to anyone who may be interested in such a project.

Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] Removing a windows partition

2000-05-31 Thread Eric Mings

I originally setup my disk with both linux and a windows partition. I am 
no longer using windows on this machine and would like to remove the 
partition without risk of damaging my linux data. Ideally I would like to 
be able to expand one of my linux partitions to take advantage of the new 
space, however making a new linux partition would be an acceptable option 
as well. How can I do this without the possibility of damaging my linux 
system data? Thanks.


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] KPPP doesn't work after upgrade to Mandrake 7

2000-05-20 Thread Eric Mings

I recently upgraded from 6.1 to v7. I haven't used my kppp dialer for a 
couple of months but last I checked I could connect to my isp. I now 
immediately get disconnected and my system log says "The remote system is 
required to authenticate itself but I couldn't find any secret (password) 
which would let it use an IP address" What is up with this? Did the 
upgrade change  something about my pppd settings? Suggestions appreciated.


Eric Mings Ph.D.

Re: [newbie] KPPP doesn't work after upgrade to Mandrake 7

2000-05-20 Thread Eric Mings

You neeed to put all of your setting back. I think it is looking for the PAP
connection info where you have your username and secret. Check that and make
sure your password is in there.

- Original Message -
From: Eric Mings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2000 9:30 PM
Subject: [newbie] KPPP doesn't work after upgrade to Mandrake 7

 I recently upgraded from 6.1 to v7. I haven't used my kppp dialer for a
 couple of months but last I checked I could connect to my isp. I now
 immediately get disconnected and my system log says "The remote system is
 required to authenticate itself but I couldn't find any secret (password)
 which would let it use an IP address" What is up with this? Did the
 upgrade change  something about my pppd settings? Suggestions appreciated.

My setup is the same as well as I can tell. The username and password are 
displayed in Kppp just as they always were. I even reentered the 
password. If there is something else I need to check please let me know. 


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] Cool email client

2000-01-31 Thread Eric Mings

A few months back someone posted a url to a new cool email client that 
was due to be released in Dec 99 as I remember. I cannot seem to find the 
message in the archives. This program seemed to be as elegant as Emailer 
and full featured as Outlook Express on the Mac, and was supposed to be 
able to archive messages among other things. Anyone have an idea what I 
am talking about and the url? Thanks much.


Eric Mings Ph.D.

  /(   )\

[newbie] Dual boot with two hard drives?

2000-01-06 Thread Eric Mings

I currently have one hard drive partitioned with linux and windows. I 
would like to remove windows from that disk entirely and use the space 
only for linux. I have another hard drive that I am putting in where I 
would like to install windows. How do I go about this transition with 
totally screwing up something in the process? Suggestions would be 
greatly appreciated!


Eric Mings Ph.D.

  /(   )\

Re: [newbie] Two systems

1999-12-22 Thread Eric Mings

Unless they are useing one of the internal cablemodems it most likely to
work. They general just plug into a ethernet card. They may require extra
software however that doesn't have a linux port.. 

I have a cable modem connnected to the uplink port of an ethernet hub and 
it works great for my Macs. I haven't configured the linux boxes on my 
net to use it because I need static IP numbers for them. However, I can 
see no reason why it would make any difference what kind of machine on 
the network is going through the cable modem. Of course, then I could be 
completely wrong :-)


Eric Mings Ph.D.

  /(   )\

[newbie] X window remote access?

1999-12-08 Thread Eric Mings

I have read some information about x window being a server and client 
program. I was under the impression the server and client could exist on 
seperate computers. Is it possible to access a machine across a network 
as root running K desktop and x windows? I clearly do not fully 
understand how this works. I have used telnet some but that is pretty 
limited for what I want. I would like to be able to colocate one of my 
machines (running Mandrake 6.1 and K desktop) at an ISP and need to know 
if I can access it for administration across the net with X windows/K 
desktop. Could someone please clarify this for me. Thanks.


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] Amd?

1999-12-03 Thread Eric Mings

Under what circumstances is it useful to have amd running? I read the man 
pages but it still is not clear to me whether I need this running on a 
machine that will be primarily a web server. I generally access this 
machine to work on it either directly or via appletalk (no windows 
network accesses). Thanks.


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] Memory - what a hoot!

1999-11-22 Thread Eric Mings

I originally posed the question about where to find good prices on 
memory. Thanks to everyone who responded! 

Anyways, as a comparison, the local CompUSA quoted me a price close to 
$500 for 128 meg PC 100 memory. I just ordered it from Access Micro for 
$140! I repeatedly asked to make _sure_ the Access Micro memory was PC100 
(not 66) and they assured me it is.  Amazing to me. There are probably 
other sources that would have been close to that amount but I wanted to 
pay by business check instead of plastic (which many others 
couldn't/wouldn't do). Pays to shop around!


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] amd question

1999-11-22 Thread Eric Mings

Can someone please tell me what this means in the syslog and what needs 
to be done about it? Thanks!

Nov 22 16:53:17 tiger amd[508]: Unknown host: .directory
Nov 22 16:53:17 tiger amd[508]: Using NFS version 0, protocol udp on host 


Eric Mings Ph.D.

Re: [newbie] Memory - what a hoot!

1999-11-22 Thread Eric Mings

Sure, call me lazy, but do you happen to have an URL for Access Micro? 
I'd like to pick up another 128 for this machine and that's the best
price I've seen since I bought this stick 6 months ago.

U http://www.accessmicro.com/   ;-)

Actually the price they quoted me on the phone was better than what I 
remember seeing on their website. I would call for a price.


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] A little OT- Memory

1999-11-21 Thread Eric Mings

If anyone has suggestions for places to find the best prices on memory 
upgrades that I can use for my PIII 450 linux box I would appreciate it. 
I am going to be using it as a server and need at least PC100 128 meg 
chips (though I would like to buy 256 if I could find an affordable 
source). I have looked at several mainstream mailorder places and prices 
vary widely. Y'all can email me directly if you think this is not of 
general interest to others. Thanks much.


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] ADSL?

1999-11-17 Thread Eric Mings

No one yet contacted me so I thought I might try again. Anyone out there 
using a linux box connected to an ISP through ADSL? If so please contact 
me off list if you are willing to share your experiences of getting it 
running. Thanks.


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] ADSL soon (I hope)

1999-11-16 Thread Eric Mings

I can almost taste it :-)

After months of waiting it appears that I will soon finally get adsl 
through a local ISP provider (assuming Bell South actually shows up to do 
their part). In anticipation I had my linux box built with dual ethernet 
cards. Currently one card connects to my home network and I have 
connected to the net via a 56k modem. Now instead I will have my other 
ethernet card connnected to an adsl modem. Has anyone setup a system with 
adsl connection to the net and might have some pointers about issues I 
need to consider? For example, I think there is more than one type of 
adsl modem available and I don't know if it makes a difference which one 
I choose. 


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] What is this?

1999-11-09 Thread Eric Mings

I asked about this once before under a subject about being concerned 
regarding a possible scan of my machine. Unfortunately I did not receive 
a reply as yet. Just recently I have begun to find entries in my syslog 
such as:

Nov  9 21:51:18 tiger kernel: nfs: RPC call returned error 111 
Nov  9 21:51:18 tiger kernel: RPC: task of released request still queued! 
Nov  9 21:51:18 tiger kernel: RPC: (task is on xprt_pending) 

Can anyone tell me what would likely cause this? I have portsentry now 
and it doesn't appear to show any violations. The manual would appear to 
indicate that rpc allows c programs to make c calls across a network. 


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] Relay test your mail server

1999-11-09 Thread Eric Mings

Just saw this on a Mac mail server list. You can relay test your mail 
server by using your mail server machine to telnet to:


It will automatically relay test your mail server on that machine and 
provide you the results onscreen as it happens. Pretty cool!


Eric Mings Ph.D.

Re: [newbie] APACHE and PHP

1999-11-08 Thread Eric Mings

Upon searching both the expert and newbie mail list archives as well as the
newsgroups I see several people have asked this questions and none have
recieved an answer.

Has anyone else come up against this...and if so what is the solution?

Yes I have.. and damn I wish I remember exactly what I did. |:-{

The essence of it is that I removed all references to the midgard module 
in the apache config file and instead used the regular php3 module which 
is also included in the distribution. This works perfectly. I was never 
able to comprehend exactly what advantages the midgard module provided 
over basic php so I am living happily in my ignorance :-)


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] Anyone have virtual interfaces coming up at boot?

1999-10-28 Thread Eric Mings

I am beginning to get very frustrated. Steve has been trying his best to 
help me, but so far we have not found a solution. I cannot get virtual 
ethernet interfaces to come up at boot. It seems to be something with the 
network script in inet.d that does not add the available virtual 
interface startup scripts to the startup list. I am running Mandrake 6.1 
on the problem machine. I have RedHat 6 running on another machine with 
no such problems. Does anyone out there have virtual interfaces loading 
successfully at bootup running Mandrake 6.1 ? If so please contact me if 
you are willing to help me find my problem. Thanks.


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] Still can't get virtual interface up at boot

1999-10-26 Thread Eric Mings

I posted before about not being able to get the virtual interface eth0:1 
to come up at boot since upgrading to Mandrake 6.1 from 6.0. I have 
investigated the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory and there 
definitely is a ifcfg-eth0:1 script there along with other scripts. Is 
there some reason that these scripts are not being properly run at 
startup? I can easily bring up the virtual interface manually with 
ifconfig. Thanks.


Eric Mings Ph.D.

Re: [newbie] Still can't get virtual interface up at boot

1999-10-26 Thread Eric Mings

Testing the /etc/rc.d/init.d/network script shows it's getting tossed
out of the list of interfaces on lines 51-52 or 55.  From hacking back
through the commands, it looks like it's the ':' in the '(ifcfg-lo|:)'.

Try pulling the '|:' out of there and see if it works correctly.


I tried that and unfortunately to no effect. I think you are on the right 
track though, I believe that area of the script builds the list of 
interfaces to bring up  and does not produce anything but lo , eth0 , 
eth1 , etc. I think that in an effort to "ingore aliases, alternative 
configurations, and editor backup files" the script fails to add virtual 
interfaces and even a ppp interface if they exist. This would also 
explain why I was never able to get ppp0 to load on boot. Unfortunately, 
I don't know enough egrep to figure out what is wrong, but it would 
appear to be a bug in the code. Help?


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] DNS server analysis tool?

1999-10-24 Thread Eric Mings

On the Mac there is a great commercial DNS server analysis tool called 
"DNS expert" available that queries a DNS server and looks for 
misconfigurations and security issues for any given domain name you 
choose. However, it is a hundred bucks and I cannot justify that for the 
limited use I have for it since my evaluation time ran out :-( 

Seems to me there must be some linux tool that can perfrom the same level 
of analysis of DNS records to make sure they are setup correctly. Any 


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] I really screwed up

1999-10-22 Thread Eric Mings

I modified the startup script for mysql and now it hangs during the 
machine bootup. I tried using my Mandrake startup disk I created during 
installation, but it just gets to the same point and hangs (apparently 
loads the same init scripts). What do I do now?


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] I really screwed up- part two

1999-10-22 Thread Eric Mings

I realized that when using the startup disk without a command it was 
loading from my regular hard disk. However, when I used the rescue mode, 
I got a kernel panic stating it couldn't find init. I really would 
appreciate some help on this!!


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] Virtual Network Interfaces

1999-10-20 Thread Eric Mings

How does one successfully get Mandrake 6.1 to activate a virtual network 
interface ( e.g. eth0:1 on bootup? I can use Webmin to 
successfully set this up on a machine running RedHat 6 but it will not 
work on a machine running Mandrake 6.1. I _think_ it did work on Mandrake 
6 before I upgraded but I am not sure. I tried also checking linuxconfig 
but nothing I did seemed to make a setting that would stick on the next 
bootup. Help?


Eric Mings Ph.D.

Re: [newbie] 100dpi

1999-10-17 Thread Eric Mings

Don wrote in part:


Oooo i've really learned a lesson! Yeah rick, u really turned my life around.

No i'm not 13-14 and u can take ur nettiquet and screw it.

Blah, blah, blah

I have not been involved in this discussion but he continues to pollute 
my mailbox as well as all the others on this list. He threatens to change 
addresses if he is removed. I have placed a complaint with mindspring 
(postmaster and abuse address), his provider. I suggest others equally 
disgusted consider doing the same. 


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] Backup options

1999-10-16 Thread Eric Mings

I would like to be able to use a backup program to backup some files to a 
harddrive in a directory on another computer on my network. Seems to  me, 
from what I have looked at, that the two main commercial backup programs 
are focused towards tape drives. Could someone tell me what my best 
option might be for this usage (Preferably cheap or free :-) .  I am used 
to Retrospect on the Mac that can backup to damn near anything with ease. 


Eric Mings Ph.D.

Re: [newbie] OK maybe I should start from scratch

1999-10-11 Thread Eric Mings

I am pleased to say that I seem to have solved the problems I reported.  
I changed some nonobvious settings in bios and was able to get the 
machine to boot from floppy (though I am not sure why the changes I made 
were necessary). I then did an upgrade to Mandrake 6.1 and, lo and 
behold, now my machine loads up Linux at lightning speed (as it should). 
Again I am not sure why the improvement but all seems normal. Now I will 
just wait and hope the freezing problems are gone as well! 


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] Problems with 6.1 new Apache

1999-10-11 Thread Eric Mings

Since upgrading to Mandrake 6.1, I can no longer access any of my PHP 
pages on Apache (Advanced Extranet Server?). I get the error:

Fatal error: midgard module not found in - on line 0

What is this about?


Eric Mings Ph.D.

Re: [newbie] OK maybe I should start from scratch

1999-10-11 Thread Eric Mings

Curiousity makes me ask what you changed in the BIOS... :)

I changed several things numerous times in attempts to get it to work. I 
believe the thing that finally did it was enabling a "swap" floppy 
setting (though I had previously setup the boot sequence to start with A 
and also enabled a one time floppy seek at bootup without success). 
BTHOOM (Beats the * out of me :-)


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] OK maybe I should start from scratch

1999-10-10 Thread Eric Mings

I have posted several strange problems I have had with my LinuxMandrake 
installation on a PIII 450 I have. Strangely enough none of them actually 
stop linux from running but caused considerable inconvenience in many 
ways. I am about to the point where I think I should perhaps reinstall 
everything. However I am not sure that would do it. Here is a list of the 
the problems I have mentioned and some new ones:

Linux loads VERY slowly compared to RedHat on an old 486, once loaded 
however the startup process is normal and generally the machine appears 
to run OK. LILO also loads very slowly before that, and I can no longer 
get DOS to load at all from LILO (it says loading DOS and nothing 

I have had some intermittent problems with screen freezes in KDE under 
one of two conditions, either while scrolling a window quickly with the 
scroll tab or when the machine is left alone for several hours.

Now the kicker. I decided to see if upgrading to 6.1 would help before I 
went to more desperate measures. The machine will NOT boot from either 
the CDROM or the floppy (yes I did set the bios boot sequence to allow 
that). It will wait a LONG time and then go on to boot from the C drive.

I must say I am getting very frustrated and feel clueless at this point. 
I have looked around in the bios settings to see if something is 
obviously wrong but haven't found it. 

If anyone can help me figure this out I would greatly appreciate it. I 
know several suggestions were made previously to some of the individual 
problems I posted, but perhaps this more total picture of my mess might 
help clarify the underlying problem(s). I suspect that some combination 
of incorrect bios settings , hardware, and/or disk corruption may be to 


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] Linux Machine Freezing

1999-10-09 Thread Eric Mings

One of the main reasons I started using linux was the much touted great 
reliability and minimal crashes. However recently I have had considerable 
problems with the machine (pentium 450) freezing up when left alone for 
several hours. The situation is that I am running KDE and using Kppp to 
maintain a connection to my ISP. No other programs are running during 
these times except daemons. When I return to the machine my mouse is 
completely unresponsive as is the keyboard. At first I thought maybe a 
screen saver was doing it, but it did the same thing last night with no 
screen saver running. I have looked at the system log but don't see 
anything obvious. Ideas and suggestions for solving this would be greatly 


Eric Mings Ph.D.

Re: [newbie] Linux Machine Freezing

1999-10-09 Thread Eric Mings

Sounds like possibly a heat problem. What's the average ambient temp
in the room with the P450? Also, are you overclocking it? If so,
that's a good way to get it to lock up!

No overclocking. Don't know the temp, but I have two Macs and a 486 
running in the same room with no problems. The problem is intermittent 
and not associated with a change in the general temp.


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] Linux very slow to load - repost

1999-10-05 Thread Eric Mings

I never received any solutions or explanations for the difficulty I 
mentioned in my prior post so I figured I would try again. I know that 
with a high volumn list such as this, questions quickly become lost in 
the pile if not addressed soon after posting. Anyways,
below is my problem. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I recently installed Mandrake 6 on a 450 pentium box and, although it 
runs well, it seems very slow to initially load up. I have redhat 6 
running on an old 486 and it loads MUCH faster. Here is the difference, 
it takes forever for the LILO prompt to come up after the basic bios 
settings display is finished. Sometimes I even have to restart to get it 
to come up at all.  It then takes almost forever for the "loading linux" 
to finish. After that point all is normal in the startup process.  Both 
of these aspects are very fast on my old 486 with redhat. Any ideas what 
could be causing this?


Eric Mings Ph.D.

Re: [newbie] Linux very slow to load - repost

1999-10-05 Thread Eric Mings

Well, you asked for ideas, not educated guesses.


1.  Do you have a Seagate IDE Disk?

I have a IBM 7200 rpm IDE

From BIOS to LILO, what occurs besides a disk read?  Does it switch to
multi-mode there?  Does it try to implement UDMA?

I cant tell what it does. It just goes from displaying the bios settings 
to displaying the LILO message and the the loading linux message.

What does your startup log look like?  Any {Seek Complete} Errors?

I haven't found any errors.

What bus speed and what chipset on the P-II?

Not sure of bus speed, the processor is a PIII 450. Regardless, I am sure 
it is much more capable than what is in my old 486 that loads up almost 

And if it is just a very slow load and normality is established afterward,
why worry?

Because it seems abnormal which leads me to believe there may be hidden 
problems that I haven't found yet. Hopefully this info is somewhat 
helpful it trying to figure it out. 

Re: [newbie] Linux very slow to load - repost

1999-10-05 Thread Eric Mings

Is your machine attempting to boot from the floppy or CDROM before
jumping to the hard drive?  That could the problems you report.
It does not appear to be doing that.

The bios was set for attempting C,cdrom,A

I then set it for C only . No difference.

Re: [newbie] Linux very slow to load - repost

1999-10-05 Thread Eric Mings

seems like a problem with the spin-up for your harddisk to me...  What kind
of hard disk is it? SCSI or IDE? Size, make/brand... ?

IBM IDE 10gig 7200 rpm


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] Linux very slow to load

1999-09-28 Thread Eric Mings

I recently installed Mandrake 6 on a 450 pentium box and, although it 
runs well, it seems very slow to initially load up. I have redhat 6 
running on an old 486 and it loads MUCH faster. Here is the difference, 
it takes forever for the LILO prompt to come up after the basic bios 
settings display is finished. Sometimes I even have to restart to get it 
to come up at all.  It then takes almost forever for the "loading linux" 
to finish. After that point all is normal in the startup process.  Both 
of these aspects are very fast on my old 486 with redhat. Any ideas what 
could be causing this?


Eric Mings Ph.D.

RE: [newbie] ADSL?

1999-01-16 Thread Eric Mings

Unfortunatly us backward european don't have ADSL yet.  :(

When it is release in the UK next year, I will post something up on
connecting with it.

Hopefully by then I will be connected. Since no one else has responded 
yet, seems I may be at the frontier's edge on this. I am expecting 
installation a week from monday. This is all new to my ISP as well. I am 
their "test case", primarily because I have been bugging them to get it 
up for months. I may be wrong, but I think the major primary players in 
my area (the phone companies themselves- Bell South and Sprint) won't 
hook up ADSL to a linux box, in some areas they are not even authorizing 
mac boxes yet. I will certainly keep folks posted on experiences. 
Meanwhile if anyone has done this yet I would love to hear from you. 


Eric Mings Ph.D.

[newbie] Hostile probe?

1999-01-04 Thread Eric Mings

This morning I found unusual log entries in my syslog that indicated that 
"amq requested mount of" and then a buch of letters and symbols. Further 
down in the log I found an entry of rpc.statd that states "STAT_FAIL to 
/i for SM_MON of" and again a lot of unusual symbols and letters. On 
further down in the log is another entry that states "nfs: RPC call 
returned error 111" followed by and entry "RPC task of released request 
still queued!" and "(task is on exprt_pending)" 

I have never seen these type entries before. This machine is connected to 
the net by a dialup. Does this reflect some type of attempt to probe the 
machine? Thanks.

[Re: [newbie] MS releases new Windows and NT Keyboard (humor)]

1999-01-04 Thread Eric Mings

The point is frozen, the beast is dead, the fluff gets up your nose ..