[newbie] Opera for Linux

1999-10-22 Thread John May

If anybody is interested in Opera for Linux, you can go to Opera's
homepage at:  http://www.opera.com/alt_os.html and check on the status.

There are ports for BeOS (currently downloadable in Beta 5 form),
Psion/EPOC32, MacOS, Linux, OS/2 and they are working on getting started
on Amiga.

It doesn't look as though there will be a beta version of the Linux/X11
port anytime soon, so I guess I will keep using Fontastic Netscape,
but then again, I do have a BeOS 4.5 CD that needs to be installed :-)

Re: [newbie] MS Internet Explorer

1999-10-21 Thread John May

VMware is an emulation program that allows you to run another OS,
(Windows, DOS, WinNT), inside of Linux.  So, in Xwindows you run it just
like any other program and it starts up and boots, just like a computer,
except it runs whatever OS, you set it up to run.  It is like another 
computer inside your computer.  You can try it free, but you have to pay
for it after the licese expires.  Go to www.vmware.com, they have more

On Thu, 21 Oct 1999, Hugh wrote:

 What is VMWARE? And how does it allow someone to run windoze programs?

Re: [newbie] Bash and Aliases problem

1999-10-21 Thread John May

When I make aliases, I put them into the /etc/bashrc file, so that no
matter who I login as, I always have them.  Here is how I formatted my

alias ls="ls -Fa --color"

This would alias the "ls" command to show all dot files in color.  Othere
commands should be similar such as:

alias rm="rm -rf"

This would alias the "rm" command to not ask for permission to delete and
do it recursively (including subdirs, maybe a bad thing).

On Thu, 21 Oct 1999, prabhakar+nitika wrote:

 Hi everyone:
 I am trying to set up some aliases for frequently used commands. 
 I have tried adding them to ~/.bashrc and /etc/profile and /etc/bashrc,
 but have not had any luck in getting bash to recognize the aliases.
 Would there be any reason at all that my ~/.bashrc would not get 
 read by bash. Does anyone have any ideas as to what I am doing wrong 

[newbie] Still SMP troubles...

1999-10-20 Thread John May

I tried the "fix" that Axalon (MandrakeSoft) suggested, but the VMware
modules still won't compile, they complain that the header files are a
little different than my currently running kernel version, and it quits
the compiler.  So, I can't get VMware to install.  I hate to say it, but
I *need* VMware and if I can't get it to install, then I am switching to
SuSE, where I know it works.

Axalon if you are reading this, I don't know what you mean by, "There
are also provided modversions*.h for the different kernel-* packages for
those who only want kernel-headers installed."  What does that mean?  Is
there anyway I can get kernel headers for my currently running kernel

-- Axalon's Reply --

"Nope means somebody doesn't know what they are talking about much less
doing... Edit /usr/src/linux/Makefile add the smp onto EXTRAVERSION,
make clean  make dep".

[newbie] SMP troubles

1999-10-19 Thread john may

Why do i get an error message everytime I try to recompile some program
that uses SMP (Symmetric Multi-Processing)?  For example, I am trying to
install VMware's Emulator on my Linux Machine (Mandrake 6.1, kernel
version 2.2.13-7mdk) and when I invoke their install script, it gives me
the following error message...

-  Begin Error -

What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your
running kernel?
[/usr/src/linux/include]?   --- I accept the default and it shoudl be

The directory of kernel headers (version 2.2.13-7mdk) does not match
your running kernel (version 2.2.13-7mdksmp).  Consequently, even if the
compilation of the module was successful, the module would not load into
the running kernel.

- End Eror -

Did Mandrake drop the ball on this, or is there something I am missing.
I have all the kernel source installed and it is in
/usr/src/linux/include.  Anybody else run into problems on an
SMP machine?  Help please.  I would have posted this to VMware, but i
have noticed the same problem with several packages while trying to
build and SMP version.  I ran into a similar problem while just trying
to recompile a new kernel..

-- John

[newbie] getting quake2 to work

1999-10-17 Thread John May

I was wondering if anybody on the list has been able to get Quake2, to run
in gl mode using acceleration on a Banshee based video card.  I have read
the HOWTOs, and I've downloaded the files from www.3dgamers.com and
installed them correctly, I can even run the test3Dfx program, using sudo,
but I cannot get quake2 to run.  Oh yeah, I also configured SVGAlib.  For
some reason, the Device3Dfx RPM does build correctly on my SMP machine, so I
had to resort to using sudo.


RE: [newbie] Kernel Recompile

1999-08-20 Thread John May

I found a tidbit of information that may pertain to your situation.  Here is 
the URL for the info: http://www.patoche.org/LTT/kernel/0153.html

Basically, the info says that these modules aren't needed.  You can safely 
comment these out in /etc/conf.modules.  They are just some compression types 
for network protocols that were left over and not commented out.

 original message 

 I am using Mandrtake 6.0 with the s.s.9-27 kernel that comes with it.  I 
 recompiled the kernel using the following steps:
 xconfig -- checked off only the items needed by my computer.
 make dep
 make bzImage
 make modules
 make modules install
 The last command, make modules install, automatically installed the new 
 kernel and system map.  I know this because the old ones were there too.  
 Lilo was changed with the /sbin/lilo command.  However, when i rebooted the 
 new kernel I got the following error message repeated down the screen:
 can't find module: net-pf-01
 My compute is at home and is not hooked up to any network and I thought I 
 told it to not load any of the networking daemons.  Any ideas on what may be 
 Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com

RE: Re: [newbie] Changing the Window Manager

1999-08-20 Thread John May

If you want to use WindowMaker you have to choose AfterStep, using the method 
below and then in AfterStep you can swith to WindowMaker from the menu at the 
bottom left corner.  I think it says something like "switch to..."

 You can run `desktopcfg` from the command-line, or (from KDE) click on the
 K Menu, then Utilities Desktop Switching Tool.  This will let you choose
 bewteen Gnome, KDE, and AnotherLevel.  The command-line tool gives you a
 few more options.
 For even more control, you could just put the window manager directly in
 your .xinitrc file.  If you're interested, I can explain it, but otherwise
 I don't want to take up bandwidth with a bunch of stuf nobody wants to
 -Matt Stegman
 On Fri, 20 Aug 1999, Steve Spiller wrote:
  This may seem like a dumb question, but I have only run Linux-Mandrake
  for 1 week. When I run startx, it automatically boots into KDE. This is
  fine, but I would like to test the other Window Managers that I
  installed. How do I use startx to boot into WindowMaker (for example)?

[newbie] nVidia TNT/TN2 Drivers

1999-08-19 Thread John May

Anybody looking for TNT/TNT2 drivers for Linux go here: 

nVidia has developed an SVGA for their TNT/TNT2 chipset.

[newbie] Motherboard question

1999-08-19 Thread John May

I was wondering if anybody else is using the Abit BH6 motherboard.  I am
having a problem with Linux where the mouse works fine in the console (text
only, not in Xwin) and then when I start Xwin my mouse craps out and just
jumps around all over the screen.  I have tried stopping the GPM service and
then restarting Xwin and that doesn't help, I have also tried different
mouse protocols.  BTW, the mouse is a PS/2 Generic Mouse (intellimouse
clone).  I have another linux box with Mandrake on it and the mouse works
fine on that one, so I was wondering if it may be the motherboard, this is a
new machine.

Re: [newbie] Trashed Linux installation

1999-08-18 Thread John May

Tom's root boot disk is good,that is what I use.  It has saved 
my neck a few times.

Original message from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] newbie@linux-
On 17 Aug, Andy Goth wrote:
 What kind of errors are you getting?
 I got a bunch of I-node table errors.  Since I've been 
working on it
 (reinstallations), I don't have them anymore.
 I guess what I'm looking for is a way to boot from a floppy 
 depending on a wrecked installation.  All I need to do is fix 
the disk.
 Andy Goth [EMAIL PROTECTED]  zap.to/andygoth 
ICQ: 35256413
 "Success is a disease; it can make smart people think they 
can't lose."
 -- Bill Gates, on why IBM is going 
  (as seen in Pirates of Silicon 
 "Down with big brother!"   -- George 

Look at Tom's root boot disk:
-Matt Stegman

Re: [newbie] Linux drive disappeared!

1999-08-18 Thread John May

I have Winblows98, Linux and Beos 4.5 on my computer and 
out of the three, I would say that BeOS is the best, but then 
again, there aren't near as many apps for BeOS as there are 
for Linux.  So, I am using Linux.  Of all the Linux Distributions I 
have tried, Linux-Mandrake is the best for newcomers, and 
believe me I have tried them ALL.

Original message from: alann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Caymen wrote:
 It is just Microsofts way of saying that WINDOWS is the 
ONLY OS to have.
 Ken Wilson wrote:
  Windows will not recognize your Linux partitions.  Also, 
your drive
  designation in Windows is not arbitrary.  If you remove a 
drive it once had
  by partitioning it for another file system it will just 
redesignate the
  drives that are left, keeping them in alphabetic 
I think it's a good thing.

My linux system works.  I don't want MS messing with 
somethings not
If I could access my Linux partitions with MS, I bet it would 

I recently installed Be, and Be sees the linux partitions, 
haven't tried
to access them yet..
BeOS seems to me to be some sort of 'nix.

Coming to you with Linux-Mandrake 6.0

Re: [newbie] About other unices

1999-08-18 Thread John May

I did some work on a Sun SparcStation 20 and I must say that 
using Solaris is like pulling teeth compared to using Linux.  
Although, I did like that 21" monitor and some of the utilties 
that came with OpenWindows.

Original message from: "Jeanette Russo" newbie@linux-
I have tried Solaris for Intel and Sco Unix and neither is very 
good for a
desktop OS.
Haven't tried FreeBsd but have heard good things about it.
Sco and Solaris are both more difficult fo configure than Linux 
and the
hardware support
is much more limited.
You have not had fun until you try to setup Solaris to dial 
into the
internet and try to download
a compiler since Sun doesn't give you one and you can't 
install any software
to use it without it.

- Original Message -
From: Lorenzo Jimenez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 1999 9:10 AM
Subject: [newbie] About other unices

 Hi all.

 Being sometime here and reading about which distribution 
of Linux is best,
 and talking about if Linux is for the average user, I want to 
talk of what
 do you think about other flavors of unix.

 What do you think about FreeBSD ( 
http://www.freebsd.org/internet.html ).
 They have linux apps compability. Do you think is better to 
 has many problems with the hardware).

 Just to make conversation, not flames!


Re: [newbie] Does Linux use the Bios for Harddrives?

1999-08-18 Thread John May

I usually setup my partitions like this for a workstation/smb 
server install. I have two 4 GB HDDs.

swap - 128MB
/ - 300MB
/usr - 3GB (depending on the size of your HDD)
/home - 4GB the rest usually around 

You might want to have more mount points if you are using 
the server for web serving or a hardcore server.  You are most 
likely to get a little extra security if you put the files you are 
serving on a seperate HDD than your Linux system files, i.e. if 
you are serving out of /home/httpd, then mount that on a 
seperate HDD.

Original message from: Victor Richardson newbie@linux-
Thanks for the info, I've beating my head against a wall for a 
week now. I won't be
hosting websites, but it will be doing 
file/printer/email/internet routing. I'll
just adjust the files accordingly. Did you mount "/usr" , 
"/usr/local" within the "/" partition? How about a "/tmp"?


Brett Jones wrote:

 On Tue, 17 Aug 1999, you wrote:
  Would the same parameters hold true for a server?

 I've got a server with 1 4.5 gig SCSI drive, and 1 8.4 gig 
IDE drive. This is
 what it's tables looks like.

 /boot   20 m
 /   850 m
 /var400 m
 /home   600 m
 /home/httpd 1500 m
 /home/ftp   bal.

 /home/httpd/vhost   bal.

 This box is going to host web sites for myself, and 
hopefully many others. This
 partition table is what made sense to me, I'm sure others 
have there own ideas.

 Brett Jones

Re: [newbie] Taking the plunge..

1999-08-18 Thread John May

I guess for some people that *really* need to learn the basics of Linux quick 
this might be a good idea, but for me I just got all the material off of the 
Internet I could read and learned all the goods about Linux through that.  All I 
spent was the time to learn all the material.  That only too me 3 years to do.

Original message from: pete moss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$1000 sounds WAY too steep.  a good $30 to $50 book and some practice
would give you just as much im sure.  if you want to give me $1000, i
could show you a few things :)


Toby Sheets wrote:
 OK folks:
 I now have Linux working except for my sound card or SCSI stuff but the
 main part of the system is at least stable enough for me to poke around.
 I don't really know what to do with it all except for play some of the
 new fangled games.
 Anyway, there's a huge class coming to town teaching Unix and Linux.
 It's $1000 for 2 8 hour classes with tons of hands-on labs. Now, I can
 get around DOS and consider myself a quick learner, especially with
 computers, so I'm not really concerned with sensory overload in a long
 class like this.
 Does anyone have an opinion on whether the price is reasonable or should
 I look elsewhere for some really in-depth quick training?
 They are also offering another 2 day course right after the first one
 for the same price.
 Their web page for the course is at
 and the Level II course is at
 Any opinions would be appreciated.
 PS: If anyone remembers about a week ago a gentleman offered to mail me
 his external modem for free since I had a winmodem that would not run
 under Linux. Well, I got it yesterday. I didn't save his email so I
 don't know who it was but THANK YOU! ...and I *will* pass it on to
 someone else for free once I have purchased a new USR 56K.
 Petey wrote:
  Is there any support for DVD kits with MPEG-2 cards within Linux?  If so,
  what brands are Linux compatible?  If not, will there be any support in 
  near future, say in the 2.4 kernel?  Thanks for the help.
  Jason Peterson

Re: [newbie] Ethernet Question (was 10/100 Ethernet)

1999-08-18 Thread John May

Since you are using 10/100 NICs, why not use a 100baseT Hub?  You can find 
them pretty cheap off of the internet and would probably give you the speed 
boost you want.  Like it was said below, 10Mb/s is only 1.25 MB/s, not 10 
MB/s.  So on a 10baseT network you are running at a MAX of 10 MegaBITS 
per second.

Original message from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] newbie@linux-
actual speed transferred isn't 1.25 megabyte... its less than that maybe
about 1megabyte tops per second.  so 425 megabyte transferred in about 8 
is pretty reasonable

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/18/99 01:57:53 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Hamka B Hj Suleiman/SKO/PCSB/Petronas)
Subject:  [newbie] Ethernet Question (was 10/100 Ethernet)

I have a simple three user ethernet at home, and all is well. I just have on
question concerning speed. I have 10/100 baseT NIC`s and a 10baseT hub. I
know that the speed will only go as fast as the hub, but is seems realy slow.
For instance, it takes around 8 minutes to transfer 425 megs. And the thing
is, these computers are in my room, at the max only 15 feet apart. In a week
they have to be more than 200 feet apart. Whats the hold up ? They are all
good computers too. (PII`s)

Re: [newbie] HOORAH!

1999-08-18 Thread John May

usually if i want to do a CD-less install I just download Serv-U (an FTP server) 
and add an anonymous user with the correct permissions mapped out to a 
directory on the FTP computer and just poing the Linux install program to the 
Serv-U computer's IP address and it works like a champ.

Original message from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Well, my CD-less install was a success! Sure, I could have spent 7 dollars
and saved hours and hours of irk, but then I wouldn't feel so proud and yet

In case anyone's interested, the correct path for an FTP install is . . .


The first part varies from mirror to mirror, but the important part is to
stop after the 6.0, but before the mandrake (this isn't clear from the docs
or the install program).

Though I haven't even run X or anything, the setup seems to have gone
without a hitch. Thanks to everyone for helping me, and to the people at
Mandrake for making an install so simple even *I* could do it (with an
awful lot of help).

 - Chris

Re: [newbie] Viruses?

1999-08-18 Thread John May

Exactly that is why you can't be infected by a Winblows virus on a Mac 
platform and vice versa.  It also is the same reason you can't run Winbloze 
apps in Linux without an emulator.  BTW, haven't seen too many viruses for 
Linux lately and how many are there for Winblows, umm ... around 50,000?

Original message from: Dan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Toby Sheets wrote:

 Is Linux susceptible to the same virii that Windoze is?

No, because viruses are written for a particular processor/OS platform,
and none of the calls upon which a DOS/windows virus would rely are
present in Linux.  Of course, if you're running WINE or VMWare, that's
another story...

Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good
with ketchup.

Re: [newbie] Ethernet Question (was 10/100 Ethernet)

1999-08-18 Thread John May

No, it isn't.  10baseT and 100baseT are only specs for the speed data is 
transferred.  Unshielded category 3, 4 or 5 twisted pair cable is limited to 
100m cable length.  10base2, or BNC, is limited to 185m.

Original message from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I got this hub for free :) Also, I read that 100baseT hubs can be twice as 
far away as a 10baseT hub. Is this true?


Re: [newbie] Linux4Win Install Problems

1999-08-18 Thread John May

I actually tried doing the Lnx4win on my Celeron 400 machine with 128MB Ram 
and it was so slow that after it installed I almost immediately uninstalled it.  
Once you have linux on native ext2 partitions running the Lnx4win install will 
just seem too slow for you.

Original message from: "Martin White" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Had absolutely no list activity all day, then got a whole host of repeated
items alll at once (!!). Not sure if my post got through during all of that,
so i'm forwarding it again as i'd really like to suss this one out.
Apologies if it get's received by people more than once

- Original Message -
From: Martin White [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 16, 1999 3:27 PM
Subject: Linux4Win

 Don't know if anyone can help, but if i try and install Linux4Win on my
 Lattitude CPt333, i get past the formating stage, into the install, and
 shortly after being asked which packages i want, everything bombs out 
 the following (written down and typed so please excuse any possible

 install exited abnormally -- received signal 7
 sending termination signals ... done
 sending kill signals ... done
 unmounting filesystems...
 umount failed /sbin/losetup -d /dev/loop7 /tmp/rhimage/dev/loop7: No
 such file or directory
 TabAlt-Tab Between elements | Space selects | f12 next 
 /dos umount failed
 You may safely reboot your system.
 Does anyone have any ideas please ? I don't really want to properly
 partition my machine at this stage as i may need to reclaim the space
 temporarily from time to time, and it will be handy to be able to just
 the Mandrake directory to the network for safe keeping.

 I have done MANY Mandrake installs before and can normally sort other
 peoples problems, but this one seems to be a non-starter !!


Re: [newbie] USB

1999-08-14 Thread John May

The only reason I ask is because when I recompiled my kernel I saw a section for USB 
"USB - Not for the faint of heart".  I compiled it in as modules, and when I loaded 
the module it 
seemed to recognize my USB controller, but I didn't know exactly how to use it.  BTW, 
this was on 
the 2.2.9-27 build kernel.

Original message from: Dan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
John May wrote:
 Does anybody have any resources regarding USB in Linux?  Particularly on setting up 
modems.  I
 read somewhere that it was possible.

In current production kernels (2.0.x, 2.2.x), there is no USB support. 
There is _very_ basic USB support in the development kernels (2.3.x;
2.3.11 is the latest), but I still don't think there's enough to
actually use a modem.

"Since all the world is but a story, it were well for thee to buy the
more enduring story rather than the story that is less enduring"
-- The Judgment of St. Colum Cille

RE: [newbie] WindowMaker

1999-08-14 Thread John May

Glad to hear it worked for you.

Original message from: scott worley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks John.

I've got 0.60 compiled and it appears to be working.  I use appear because I
added some of the pentium optimizations to the Makefiles.  I used the same
optimizations that the Mandrake kernel source used.  


On 14-Aug-99 John May wrote:
 First of all, I know what you mean.  I have to put up with about 5 WinNT
 servers at work when 2 
 Linux boxes could be doing the job of all 5.
 Ok.  WindowMaker 0.52 comes with the Mandrake distribution.  You can either
 install that if you 
 haven't already, or you can go ahead with installing the 0.60 version.  To
 install the 0.60 version, 
 you have download the tar ball and you have to compile it (you said you did
 this).  Besides the 
 0.60 tar ball you also need a library called libPropList, I think that's what
 its called, this also comes 
 with Mandrake as an RPM.  I don't know if you need all the utilites, but I
 installed all the C 
 Development and extra utilities, just in case and I didn't get any compile
 errors, except for a few 
 warnings.  I installed the 0.60 version and it isn't all that different, just
 some bug fixes.  If you just 
 want to check out WindowMaker, I would install the version that comes with
 Mandrake and try that 
 out.  There were a lot of configuration issues I had to go through to get the
 0.60 version to work.
 Some things you have to do to install 0.60:
 1. Remove the windowmaker RPM from Linux, if installed.  Also remove the
 wmaker-conf RPM if it 
 is installed too.
 2. untar the 0.60 tar ball, and run the configure script, can get the
 configure options if you type:
   ~#: ./configure --help
 The configure script will let you know if anything is missing or if something
 isn't right.  Generally if 
 the configure script gives no errors, you should be able to compile without
 errors and install it ok.
 If you install WindoMaker (wmaker) into /usr/local/bin, then you will have to
 add that to your 
 path.  You can edit /etc/profile or /etc/bashrc and add the line 
 If you want the program in a different directory, you can edit the Makefile
 to tell WindowMaker 
 where to install, but by default, it is installed in: /usr/local/bin
 3. Run make
 4.  Run make install
 Building WindowMaker with Gnome and KDE support won't break anything, it just
 adds support.
 That should get you started.  I agree with you KDE reminds me too much of
 Winblows and I want 
 to get as far away from Windblows as possible.  There are a lot of things
 that could go wrong and 
 it might get frustrating, but it's all part of learning your way around
 linux. 8-)
 Original message from: scott worley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I would like to try WindowMaker.  I have downloaded the 0.60 tar balls a
back but I don't know if Mandrake comes with all the required libs  tools. 

Do you really need automake, libtool, etc. or is gcc enough?

Does the Makefile require modification to put WindowMaker  components into
correct directories on Mandrake?  I've noticed that both RH  SuSE seem
customize their rpm's of WindowMaker.

When I built 0.60 the resulting config files were in text format. I
followed the directions to convert to binary form so I could use the GUI
program but the conversion script gave an error. Is this normal?

Does building WM with Gnome or KDE support harm WM's performance any? I
those hooks are there to load the appropriate libs when a Gnome/KDE app is

I have to put up with NT and soon W2k for 8hrs at work. It would be nice to
something completely different.


E-Mail: scott worley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 14-Aug-99
Time: 14:32:13

This message was sent by XFMail

[newbie] WindowMaker

1999-08-13 Thread John May

I use WindowMaker and call me a geek, but I like it better than Gnome and KDE put 
together.  I 
guess the main reason I like it so much is because of the DockApps that you can use.  
has about the same thing, but I like WindowMaker better.  For people that are used to 
though, KDE would probably make more sense, but I am tired of Windoze and I want 
that looks as different from that as possible

I have some experience with WindowMaker, so if anybody has any questions, you can ask.

Original message from: "Carlos Rubinstein" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I believe a command that will change the desktop mgr. is "desktopcfg" from
 the command line.   Have heard lots of good things about WindowMaker; see

Re: [newbie] Printing from Netscape

1999-08-13 Thread John May

First, check to see if the lpd daemon is running.

You might want to go to the command line and as root type: lpc

There you can restart the printing daemon bye issuing the command:

#lpc restart lp0  ...or...
#lpc start lp0

The command to print out of Netscape is lpr.
To print out of Netscape on my box, I use:  lpr -Php5l

I named my queue hp5l because I have a Hewlett Packard 5L, but for you you would use: 
lpr -Plp0

Hope this helps.

Original message from: "John Connell" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have tried "lpr"--didn't work! Thanks anyway.
- Original Message -
From: Hidong Kim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 13, 1999 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Printing from Netscape

 John Connell wrote:
  Hi All. Can anyone tell me how I can print from Netscape? I have a Canon
  BJ4000 and can print test pages in L-M6.0, but cannot print from
  My printer is on lp0. It keeps asking for the right print command. I
  tried -Plp0 plus a few others with no results. Thanks for your responses
  John Connell

 Hi, John,

 Try 'lpr' as the print command.  Good luck,


Re: [newbie] Printing from Netscape

1999-08-13 Thread John May

When you type lpr you have to also specify a printer queue, so it would be something 
lpr -Plp0

You substitute lp0 with the name of your printer queue.

Original message from: John Connell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
When I type "lpr" in the command line I get the message "lpr: lp unknown printer"


Re: [newbie] How to use Gnome w/Mandrake 6.0?

1999-08-13 Thread John May

You can choose it out of the drop-down box in the K Login box.  If you aren't using 
that, you can 
change your desktop with desktopcfg or switchdesk.  Type either of the two at the 
prompt as your normal user.

Original message from: Jim Snyder [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How do I use Gnome with Mandrake 6.0?

I am really happy with KDE except for occasional lockups but would like to try

Many thanks.


RE: [newbie] WindowMaker

1999-08-13 Thread John May

First of all, I know what you mean.  I have to put up with about 5 WinNT servers at 
work when 2 
Linux boxes could be doing the job of all 5.

Ok.  WindowMaker 0.52 comes with the Mandrake distribution.  You can either install 
that if you 
haven't already, or you can go ahead with installing the 0.60 version.  To install the 
0.60 version, 
you have download the tar ball and you have to compile it (you said you did this).  
Besides the 
0.60 tar ball you also need a library called libPropList, I think that's what its 
called, this also comes 
with Mandrake as an RPM.  I don't know if you need all the utilites, but I installed 
all the C 
Development and extra utilities, just in case and I didn't get any compile errors, 
except for a few 
warnings.  I installed the 0.60 version and it isn't all that different, just some bug 
fixes.  If you just 
want to check out WindowMaker, I would install the version that comes with Mandrake 
and try that 
out.  There were a lot of configuration issues I had to go through to get the 0.60 
version to work.

Some things you have to do to install 0.60:

1. Remove the windowmaker RPM from Linux, if installed.  Also remove the wmaker-conf 
RPM if it 
is installed too.

2. untar the 0.60 tar ball, and run the configure script, can get the configure 
options if you type:
~#: ./configure --help

The configure script will let you know if anything is missing or if something isn't 
right.  Generally if 
the configure script gives no errors, you should be able to compile without errors and 
install it ok.
If you install WindoMaker (wmaker) into /usr/local/bin, then you will have to add that 
to your 
path.  You can edit /etc/profile or /etc/bashrc and add the line  

If you want the program in a different directory, you can edit the Makefile to tell 
where to install, but by default, it is installed in: /usr/local/bin

3. Run make

4.  Run make install

Building WindowMaker with Gnome and KDE support won't break anything, it just adds 

That should get you started.  I agree with you KDE reminds me too much of Winblows and 
I want 
to get as far away from Windblows as possible.  There are a lot of things that could 
go wrong and 
it might get frustrating, but it's all part of learning your way around linux. 8-)

Original message from: scott worley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I would like to try WindowMaker.  I have downloaded the 0.60 tar balls a while
back but I don't know if Mandrake comes with all the required libs  tools. 

Do you really need automake, libtool, etc. or is gcc enough?

Does the Makefile require modification to put WindowMaker  components into the
correct directories on Mandrake?  I've noticed that both RH  SuSE seem
customize their rpm's of WindowMaker.

When I built 0.60 the resulting config files were in text format. I
followed the directions to convert to binary form so I could use the GUI config
program but the conversion script gave an error. Is this normal?

Does building WM with Gnome or KDE support harm WM's performance any? I assume
those hooks are there to load the appropriate libs when a Gnome/KDE app is

I have to put up with NT and soon W2k for 8hrs at work. It would be nice to use
something completely different.


Re: [newbie] Checking IRQ settings

1999-08-13 Thread John May

A better way to check your interrupts, at least from the command line, is:
~#: cat /proc/interrupts

Original message from: Richard Lamont [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Sat, 14 Aug 1999,  Toby Sheets [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How is this done in Linux?

On the command line:  cat  /proc/interrupts
In KDE:  K-Settings-Information-Interrupts.

Note that inactive devices don't always appear.
I don't know why this should be.


Richard Lamont

[newbie] USB

1999-08-13 Thread John May

Does anybody have any resources regarding USB in Linux?  Particularly on setting up 
modems.  I 
read somewhere that it was possible.

Re: [newbie] Printing from Netscape

1999-08-13 Thread John May

Wow you're right.  Is this a possible problem with the package.  I typed: lpc
after that I typed status and when I did, I get the same seg fault.  Can anybody else 
confirm this?

Original message from: John Connell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
John May wrote:

 First, check to see if the lpd daemon is running.

 You might want to go to the command line and as root type: lpc

 There you can restart the printing daemon bye issuing the command:

 #lpc restart lp0  ...or...
 #lpc start lp0

 The command to print out of Netscape is lpr.
 To print out of Netscape on my box, I use:  lpr -Php5l

 I named my queue hp5l because I have a Hewlett Packard 5L, but for you you would 
 lpr -Plp0

 Hope this helps.

 Original message from: "John Connell" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have tried "lpr"--didn't work! Thanks anyway.
 - Original Message -
 From: Hidong Kim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, August 13, 1999 1:00 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Printing from Netscape
  John Connell wrote:
   Hi All. Can anyone tell me how I can print from Netscape? I have a Canon
   BJ4000 and can print test pages in L-M6.0, but cannot print from
   My printer is on lp0. It keeps asking for the right print command. I
   tried -Plp0 plus a few others with no results. Thanks for your responses
   John Connell
  Hi, John,
  Try 'lpr' as the print command.  Good luck,

When I entered the cmmands "lpc start/restart lp0"-- I r'cd "Segmentation fault"  I
have also tried the command "lpr -Plp0" in Netscape to no avail! lpd is running.

[newbie] 3dfx VooDoo Banshee

1999-08-10 Thread John May

I need more of an opinion on this one.  I am getting a new 3D graphics card
and I was wanting to know how well the 3dfx VooDoo Banshee chip workes with
Xwindows.  I am considering, in particular, the Diamond Monster Fusion.  Has
anybody had any experience with this card?  I would appreciate any info.


Re: [newbie] file structure troubles...

1999-08-10 Thread John May

What you do is type in your root password.
Once you are at the prompt (#:) you type in the following:

# fsck /dev/hda1  (don't type the #)

(or whatever partition you want such as /dev/hda2, /dev/hda3)
Be sure to check all your ext2 partitions..
If errors are found just say you want to fix them with "y".

- Original Message -
From: Joe Brault [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 1999 9:25 PM
Subject: [newbie] file structure troubles...

 When I turn on my system, I get an error message that tells me I need to
 maintenance programs on my file structure, but I do not know where these
 progs are, can anyone help me?  The computer won't even boot properly, it
 asks for a root password, then puts me at a prompt.


[newbie] Retrieving Hotmail E-mail

1999-08-08 Thread John May

I would like to retrieve my Hotmail E-mail without going through the
web-browser login procedure and I found a program to do it called Hotmole.
I tried using the program, but I get an error message the following is the
last few lines:

 --- Hotmole ---
Command line processed ok.
Examining Hotmail's Front page
Redirected to http://lc2.law5.hotmail.passport.com/cgi-bin/login
loggin in ...1...1st curl failed
addr= https://lc2.law5.hotmail.passport.com/cgi-bin/dologin...
1st phase of login failed
Error logging into Hotmail. Exiting.

Does anybody else use Hotmole to get their Hotmail?  I tried the author's
homepage, but the url ( http://www.jin-sei-kai.demon.co.uk/hugo/hotmole/ ),
doesn't work.  If not, anybody have a similar program that will check and
download my Hotmail to my local inbox?  I looked at the program's, skimpy
documentation and it just says that the error means to try again, and I did,
but always the same response.

Any help would be appreciated.

Re: [newbie] booting to GUI

1999-08-08 Thread John May

If i am not mistaken I believe you have to edit 
your /etc/inittab file and put a 5 in place of the 3 in the runlevel 

  - Original Message - 
  Stephan Rex 
  Sent: Sunday, August 08, 1999 8:14 
  Subject: [newbie] booting to GUI
  Hi all,
  I updated somefiles yesterday, and now 
  linux only boots to the command line login prompt and not the KDE login. Some 
  which file and what options do i need to change to fix this?

Re: [newbie] Retrieving Hotmail E-mail

1999-08-08 Thread John May

Yes, I installed Curl already.  I have already gotten past that problem.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, August 08, 1999 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Retrieving Hotmail E-mail

 Did you install curl? 

Re: [[newbie] Retrieving Hotmail E-mail]

1999-08-08 Thread John May

I would love to do that, but I have the hotmail account from a long time,
since before it was owned by Microshaft.  The only way to close the account
is to not use it for 120 days, and I can't go without checking it for that
long.  I wish they had a way to forward the mail to a POP3 account, but they
don't, so I am stuck, right where they want me.

- Original Message -
From: Michael Scottaline [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 08, 1999 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: [[newbie] Retrieving Hotmail E-mail]
 Hotmail is owned by M$.  Why not use "Linuxmail.org" or "linuxstart.com"?
 Either can be directed to forward automagically to your popmail account,
 right to your inbox when you check your popmail account.  ;-)

[newbie] Lynx

1999-08-07 Thread John May

I am getting an error message when I try to run Lynx, it says:

$ lynx
metamail: can't open temporary file!

That's all it says then I goes back to the prompt.  Anybody have any ideas?
