Re: [newbie] 128mb ram is detected as 64mb by linux

2000-09-26 Thread Mogens Jæger

ozgur cagdas wrote:

 dear newbies;

 i have 128mb sdram running on my system. My bios, windows and benchmark
 programs detect it as 128mb too. but under linux mandrake 7.0 i see it as
 64mb. I made a little search and learnt that ive to add line
 "append="mem=128M"" at the end of my lilo.conf file but it didnt work too,
 at least i think so, because my linux system resource meter still shows it
 as 64mb. If my config were succesfull it would show 128mb, right?
 im a little bit confused about this, pls help. tnx all!

First a 'standard' questions: have you done a "lilo" (as root) after you have
changed your lilo.conf?
Next: which mobo are you using? explanation: I have a Abit BP6 with 256 mb -
it would not see more than 64 mb! (like in your case BIOS and Windoze could
see it all). An BIOS-upgrade solved the problem.
It's not to say if it can help you, but give it a try
Good luck
Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] RAM Detection

2000-09-11 Thread Mogens Jæger

Dacia and AzureRose wrote:

 It must be manufacturer because I've never had
 mandrake not detect all of my ram yet my brother had
 to do the lilo thing to use his second 128M stick.

 --- Patti Wavinak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  My better half g has 256M and it is detected on
  every installation...I on
  the other hand also have 256M and it does NOT detect
  it :-( Personally he
  thinks it depends on who made the chip...some chips
  are more sensitive than
  others. We have the same amount of memory but
  different manufacturers so
  what he thinks makes a lot of sense.
  Registered Linux User #184611
   Original Message
  On 9/10/00, 6:04:21 AM, Dennis Myers
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding
  [newbie] RAM Detection:
   I just checked on my install of 7.0 to double boot
  with Win98 and found
   that the installation detected my 128M of ram. Why
  would it work on my
   machine when I read that so many others must do
  the append mem= thing to
   get their RAM recognized? Not complaining, just
  curious, cause maybe
   there is something in autodetect that happens
  during config. Has anyone
   else seen the correct ram detected during
   Dennis a registered linux user #180842

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

In my opinion it has nothing with the manufacturer to do - I had mine
256 Mb detected alright, and then changed to another MOBO - Abit BP6 -
and then I had only 64 Mb.
My solution was to upgrade to a new BIOS version - now I have them all
Sincerely Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] Dual Processor Support

2000-09-04 Thread Mogens Jæger

"Donnie R. Shelton" wrote:

 I have just installed mandrake 7.0 and when I hit ctrl-Alt F1 to look at
 what Mandrake thinks that I have it says that I have 1 600 mhz celeron
 processor, when I am sctually running a BP-6 with two celerons 533 on
 it. I have the board clocked and I scaled back just to make sure
 that that was not the problem, but needless to say.. I don't even know
 where to start. So far I really like Mandrake, but I have to have the dual
 support. Anyone even know where I can start??

 Donnie R. Shelton

Hey Donnie.
I have now for some time been using a similar system: an Abit BP6 with 2
Celleron 533 - and it works great.
What does it 'say' at boot-time. I have just tried the Ctrl-Alt-F1 and it too
said one 535 Mhz, but at boot-time the similar screen says 2, with a doubled
Bogomips. When I run the GIMP I can choose the number of processors (up to
30!) I want to use. I am pretty shure that Linux is using both processors -
have you ever tried to work with (large) pictures, make a print, and then go
on to the next - then you will be shure, if you use 1 or 2 processors.
I have upgraded to the "kernel-smp-2.2.17-0.21mdk.i586.rpm" to get support
for the ATA66 controller - it's really fast.
But I have a little question to you - I have tried to overclock it, but when
I try, it resets to a 300 MHz - how do you do?
Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] LS120 Floppy Problems

2000-08-27 Thread Mogens Jæger

Patrick Dyer wrote:

 Could someone help me. I just installed mandrake 7. I
 had mandrake 6 before and settin up my floppy drive
 was esay. I just modified  fstab, since my floppy was
 /dev/hdd and not /dev/fd0, and it worked wonderfully.

I don't know what you actually has to do, because my MD 7.1 did it all
by itself, but my LS-120 has the following line in my fstab:
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/hdd 0 0

 I thought the configuration would be easier in
 Mandrake 7. I followed all the procedures which I used
 in Mandrake 6 and the system will not read my floppy.
 When I click on the floppy icon the system hangs.
 Could someone tell me how to set up my floppy please.
 It is a LS120 floppy. It has a built in controller so
 it does not use the floppy controller on the

How that?
What is it then connected to?
Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] Memory detection problem using GRUB

2000-08-02 Thread Mogens Jæger

Chris Slater-Walker wrote:

 This seems to be a common problem; I have experienced it myself. I think it
 may be a problem with certain BIOSes not reporting memory correctly to the
 OS, but that's just a guess.

Yes you are right. I have just upgraded, from a Epox to a Abit board, and have
now problems with the RAM detection. I have tried to upgrade the BIOS, and
then it detects my 256 Mb RAM, but is unable to boot into Windoze - my
daughter won't accept that.

 Anyway, one way of fixing it with Grub which I use is to edit the file

 In the file you will see something like:

 title linux
 kernel (hd0,0)/boot/vmlinuz-secure root=dev/hda1 ide1=0xfff0,0xffe4

 title linux-up

 title failsafe

 So at the end of each line starting "kernel" add this: mem=256M

 You should find that Linux sees all your memory.

I will try that

 Chris Slater-Walker

Thanks Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] Memory detection problem using GRUB

2000-07-29 Thread Mogens Jæger

Patti Wavinak wrote:

 I have installed Mandrake 7.1 on a Pentium II 450Mhz with 256 MB of RAM.
 It is only showing 65 MB of ram being detected, even though I entered 256
 during install. In looking over the archives I notice there was
 discussion and how to fix this in the /etc/lilo.conf BUT I am using Grub.
 I am hoping that someone out there can help me with this problem.

 I am a real newbie -- my first install of Linux was 2 weeks ago on July
 8th and I love it!!!

 Patti Wavinak

I have just upgraded my system, to a dual-celleron on an Abit BP6, and have
got the same problem. My prior system was an AMD K6-3, and it had no
difficulties detecting the 256 Mb. I have tried to flash my BIOS - and wow -
now I have my 256 Mb back again, at least I thought, because now it will not
boot to windoze, so back again (my daughter can't accept beeing unable to
play on the computer).
I have tried to use the append="MEM=256", but it corrupts my system.
So in my case there is a clear link between 'missing' RAM and BIOS.

Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] cd install dilemma

2000-07-25 Thread Mogens Jæger

Charles A Edwards wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: "Brian King" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 4:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] cd install dilemma

  I have a similar problem. Also have 7.1 CD package and can't boot from
 CD - the
  bios setting doesn't work. I have uninstalled PnP. As far as I can get is
  "detecting CD ROM" and the "loading second image" message. The computer
  reboots into Windows or goes through the same thing again if i use a
  One I managed to get it to go through CD probing manually. Matshita was
 not on
  the list - although it's  on  Mandrake's  official hardware list. I went
  through all the other CDs that were found, but nothing else worked either.
  Strange thing is, installation was successful on my other machine with
  identical configuration. Any similar experiences, suggestions etc?

Use a Win Start Disk to boot to your CD-Rom. This will load the drivers
 and you should be able to run the Mandrake CD.


I have been through something like it. I have just upgraded my machine, and the
new BIOS turned out to be the problem. Both the old and new ones were from
AWARD, but in the new, I have to set my CDROM and LS120 drives to AUTO in the
'BIOS features setup menu'to be able to boot from them! Hopes this can be of
help to you.
Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] Corel Graphics 9 changing KDE menu

2000-07-10 Thread Mogens Jæger

 I guess they call it the cheap way around porting a windows program to
 linux.  I have decided to stay away from any further prgs in a format
 that must run through wine.

 Seeing I can't find any help with the problem I will just do a full
 mandrake install again.

Yes - me too. I trie with a upgrade - installation, but it did not solve my problem.

Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] Corel Graphics 9 changing KDE menu

2000-07-09 Thread Mogens Jæger

Paul wrote:

 On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, John Murphy wrote:

 Can anyone give me an idea on how track down what changed. I did a re-install
 of KDEbase and KDEadmin from CD but still have the same problem.

 Hi John,
 It sounds at least as if your application associations got messed up

 Perhaps creating a new temporary user would help. Log in as that user, run
 X-windows and check the mimetypes and set-up applications. After that you
 should be able to get going in copying the .kde/share/applnk and
 .kde/share/mimelnk folders from the temp-user to your own ~/.kde/share
 directory. chown them, and things should be pretty much back to normal
 If someone else has a better idea, then just forget what I said.

 Good luck,

 The deepest truth cannot be spoken

 )0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
 Registered  Linux  User   174403

Hey there
No - sorry - I can't help to solve the problem, but I am in the same situation,
and will try an 'upgrade' install, to help with my problems. My major problem
after having install and indeed uninstalled, is that I have to change my mouse
settings after each log-in - my normal value for acceleration is 8, where I only
gets 2 (default value) after log-in.
By the way - why do they call it a Linux program, when it installs/requires WINE
to operate?
Mogens Jæger

[newbie] SCSI card detected as USB

2000-07-02 Thread Mogens Jæger

Hey list
I have got a strange problem.
I have 2 SCSI cards in my box, because I have 2 scanners, and they
conflict on the same card.
When I ran Mandrake 7.0 I had no problems accessing my fladbed scanner,
mounted on a NEC-810 based controller, but now, that I have upgraded to
7.1, the SCSI card is detected as an USB - as far as I can see. Only
message is during boot, where I see a very short error statement.
How do I tell Mandrake to shut down on USB, so that I can use my
Thanks in advance
Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] Bus error (Solved)

2000-06-20 Thread Mogens Jæger

"Michael H. Collins" wrote:

 Dunno about Mandrake, because I have been afraid to install plugger.
 In SuSE 6.4 Plugger was causing this exact same thing.  Uninstalling
 plugger worked for me.

Thanks for the advice to all
Yes - somehow the plugger is the problem. I found that it was property of me,
so I changed it to root - no help. Next I will try to install it locally, to se
if it can run there on both.
Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] $6.50 for MDK 7.1 2-CD set (GPL version)

2000-06-20 Thread Mogens Jæger

Mark Weaver wrote:

 You can get the same thing at for $1.99 US.


Yes that is right - so they say anyway. I have ordered it more than a week ago
(the 'normal' edition as preorder), and because I live in Europe the charge
for delivery is a little higher.
But my problem is, that I have used my VISA-card for the order, but I don't
know if they have recieved everything they need to handle the order, because
they promice a acceptance-mail within 8 buissnes hours, but I have not
recieved anything yet. I mailed them directly about it - has still not got any
Does anybody know about the stability of the company?
Sincerely Mogens Jæger

[newbie] Bus error

2000-06-19 Thread Mogens Jæger

Hey folks.
I have a little problem, I don't know how to solve.
I have my daughter and I as users om my linux-box, so that we can have
our own desktop, mail-setup and so on. Mine works (mostly) OK, but when
she tries to start Netscape, she gets an: Bus error! why?
How can I change anything in the netscape-setup for her alone, that
dos'nt influence mine?
I have tried to delete all of her local settings (the .netscape dir) -
but no difference.
Thanks in advance
Mogens Jæger

[newbie] What is 'hack...'

2000-06-17 Thread Mogens Jæger

Hey list
I have just been hunting an upgrade, so I searched on where I found
some files, all starting with hack... like:
hackgimp-libgimp-1.1.22-1mdk.i586.rpm - actually I was looking for
'gimp-libgimp.' so what does it mean? is it the same?
Thanks in advance
Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] try yet again for help... cd rom/burner

2000-06-16 Thread Mogens Jæger

  I installed MD 7.1, I have a creative cdrw 4224 and I can play music on it
  just fine under linux, however when I go to access it for files, the light
  comes on and after a few minutes I get an error message that the contents of
  the directory /mnt/cdrom can not be displayednow the weirdI can't
  eject the cd and the light stays on. If I don't completely power down the
  machine the cdrom isn't recognized by the bios on the reboot.  If I
  completely shut down the power for the recomended 15 seconds and turn it
  back on my cdrom is back in the boot list again.
  Can anyone help me with all this weirdness?
  I am running an AMD K6-3 450, 128 mb ram, on a gigabyte MB, with the Ali
  Aladdin V AGPset rev 5.
  I have had problems with the cd-rw in linux from the begining and haven't
  gotten it fixed, but it never removed it from the bios before...what gives

I am almost using same type of machine like you, and have had the same problem -
not with my burner, but with my CD-rom. For me to see, the problem lies in the
supermount. When you starts your CD-player, it mounts the drive for audio-use,
and not as /mnt/cdrom (or likely), and then you can't open it as so. I have
noticed, that when I have had a audio-CD in the drive, I have to open it again,
using my 'player-program' and then inserting a CD-rom, it starts to act 'normal'
again - but right - it's locked until you unmount it with the program that has
got access to it.
Hopes it works for you
Mogens Jæger

Re: [Re: [newbie] Memory isnt being used/found]

2000-05-29 Thread Mogens Jæger

Jaguar wrote:

 Also check your CMOS and see if you have enabled "MEMORY HOLE 15 - 16 MB" (not
 even sure why this is available as I have never found a use for it) if it is
 enabled..disable it.

As far as I have understood it (in very short/popular terms), the 'memory hole 15 - 16 
mb' is
a successor to the 'ram-limit' at 640 kb. In the 'old' days, when the 86-family of
processors/computers were developed, they made space for the VGA-extension just above 
limit at 640 kb, so when the computers got 'bigger' they reserved a new pice for the 

 Bill Gerber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Linux will normally see 64M of ram; as yours sees only 16M I suspect
  that you have mismatched dimms, either brand or speed or both.  Try
  changing the order of the dimms in the sockets maybe with the biggest
  capacity dimm in slot 1 and see if linux sees more.  In any case to use
  more than 64M do the following...

Re: [newbie] Xcdroast

2000-05-28 Thread Mogens Jæger

Paul wrote:

 On Fri, 26 May 2000, Paul wrote:

 in the xcdroast-0.96e directory.
 My burner is a Plextor on a Adaptec 2940 SCSI-card. Before my
 experiments it worked OK, but now??
 Can you still access the CDdrive in any way? If that does not work, there
 is a bigger problem. I have downloaded the latest XCDRoast from the web
 and that worked fine for me without any strange effects. Tomorrow I will
 fire up the PC that has the CDBurner in it and see if I can find something
 for you.

 Hi again, Mogens.
 I checked, looked and searched, but all I can come up with is the
 executable in /usr/bin/Xcdroast, and some info about it in

 Sorry I can't help you further.

Hey Paul
Thanks for your help.
I have solved the problem - only I don't know, what I have done, that fixed
Yet: I had made a lot of 'screw-ups' (mainly more versions of the same lib's)
in my system, so I made a new (incl. format) install of the system, and then
upgrading to new versions of glib and gtk+ (both ver. 1.2.7.), from the
Mandrake 7.1 (I guess) trough rpm-files. - Actually everything seemed to work,
but not my Gimp, CD-burner and a few more (= nothing of my essential stuff
worked - beside the Netscape).
So now I have deinstalled the glib and gtk+ (rpm -e  --nodeps) and
compiled/installed the same numbers from tar's.
That's it - why??
Sincerely Mogens Jæger

[newbie] Many mails

2000-05-28 Thread Mogens Jæger

Hey list.
I have been thinking about, if it is possible to sort/split the list in
some way. Reason:
My mother-language is not english, so it is rather time-consuming for me
to read-trough all the mails in this list - and there are many, with the
result, that I am forced to run fast trough the mails, only reading the
subject - and if not of interest - delete. But - sometimes it happens
that I havent been on the net for a couple of days, resulting in more
than 100 mails waiting - I then often deletes to many, and thats is
anoying when you finds out that a number in the tread is missing.
I would suggest som main groups like 'networking' 'mailprograms'
'multimedia' 'the Mandrake 7.1 - issue'
Just a proposal
Mogens Jæger

[newbie] Xcdroast

2000-05-23 Thread Mogens Jæger

Hey there.
I have got a little problem. I have been trying to set my 'gear' up, so
that I can burn Wav files to a music-CD. No succex until now. I have
been trying diffrent programs, mostly 'development-editions' but none
has compiled correct, so I would turn back to the xcdroast-version on
the MD 7.0 cd. But when I have installed it, and as root are trying to
run it, I get the following:
Error: Some or all Generic-SCSI-Devices are missing.
Please create first the devices. Run "./"
in the xcdroast-0.96e directory.
My burner is a Plextor on a Adaptec 2940 SCSI-card. Before my
experiments it worked OK, but now??
An uninstall/reinstall does not help.
I have searched my whole harddisk, but I can't find the mentioned file -
I have tried to search both in capital letters (as stated) and in small
Please help
Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] Brahms

2000-05-21 Thread Mogens Jæger

David Olsson wrote:

 I`m a guitarteacher who just started using Linux.
 I downloaded a sequenser/notationprogram for
 Linux called Brahms, but I dont know how to
 installed it.
 Is there anyone out there who can help me?

 David in Sweden

Hej David
First of all you should read the 'readme' 'install' or somthing like
that file, in the main directory, but normally you should be able to
install it, through a compiling like this:
In the main dir. as normal user:
(and as root) make install
It can also be made through af shell-script - type something like:
If that's not enough, tell us what the executables files in the main-dir
is called
Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] staroffice as user

2000-05-18 Thread Mogens Jæger

David Olsson wrote:

 I installed staroffice as root, now I cant access staroffice
 as user.
 How do I do?

 David in Sweden

Hey David
You will have to install it 'again' when you are logged in as user.
Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] Nomail-info

2000-05-18 Thread Mogens Jæger

Paul wrote:

 On Wed, 17 May 2000, Denis HAVLIK wrote:

 well, you will not (unles you like reading 2000 mesages) if you set your
 reception to "nomail". Send sympa a message:
 set newbie nomail
 When you come back, send it "set newbie mail" to start receiving mail
 again. Third possibility is "set reception digest" for... digest.

 Great, thanks! I need this in June! :)

Who is 'sympa'?
Mogens Jæger

[newbie] Dual processor

2000-05-14 Thread Mogens Jæger

Hey there.
I know that I have asked this before, but I have not become any wiser on
the subject. I am planning an upgrade of my machine, so I am trying to
find out, if I can have any advantage of a dual processor system.
I have read the FAQ's on the Gimp homepage, but I can't find any thing
about support for multiple processors - does anybody know if the Gimp
support dual/multi processors?
Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] Parental Control

2000-05-10 Thread Mogens Jæger

"L. H. LOO" wrote:

 At 08-05-2000 07:42 AM, you wrote:
 What if he got himself a spare set of power cords ? It is not that costly.
 Just my 0.002 cents' concern.

 How, you may think, did I accomplish this? Well, when I went to work, so
 did the power cords. While at home, the computer was usable by me only.

Or - more likely - went to some 'friends' (that so called 'bad company') to
'studie' natures expressions?
I don't know if it is my (Scandinavian) liberal point of vue that makes the
difference, but some times it makes me pi to watch the (for me to see)
typical American offence over a couple (or more) undressed people (mostly
females) as long as it is OK to broadcast tons of movies, where people (lots
of them) gets brutally slaugtered.
Mogens Jæger

[newbie] lXaw3d

2000-05-10 Thread Mogens Jæger

Hey there
I am trying to install the xwTools for my Epson printer. I have a lot of
problems - the authors know that there are problems with Mandrake, so
they can't help me.
But one thing have I found - I am missing a file called 'lXaw3d' - does
anybody know, which 'packet','program' or whatever holds this file (or
should hold)???
Thanks in advance
Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] Writing to Windows Partition as Linux user

2000-05-06 Thread Mogens Jæger

Paul wrote:

 On Fri, 5 May 2000, Michael A. Kellogg wrote:

 Hi Folks!  Gotta a question . . .
 I really enjoy Mandrake 7.0 a great deal.  Because some of my apps are still
 Windows based, I still have a dos partition on my drive.  I can bring it up in
 LInux but am unable to write to it.  Anyone know how I could enable the
 partition to write?  Thanks!

 I know that root can write on a DOS partition. DOn't know (yet) how a
 regular user is able to do that.



 Happiness requires practice,
 just like playing the violin.

 )0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0( - ICQ 147208
 Registered Linux User 174403

Hey there
It's not that difficult. You have to edit your '/etc/fstab' lines for your
DOS-partitions, so that it holds the argument "uid=50?" - the ? is your ID. It
should look something like mine:
/dev/hda1 /win vfat user,uid=501,exec,conv=binary 0 0
Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] scsi drives

2000-05-06 Thread Mogens Jæger

flupke wrote:

 On Fri, 5 May 2000, Mike  Tracy Holt wrote:

  I'm getting ready to put together a new system and I'm considering using
  a scsi hard drive; can anybody tell me if there is much or any performance
  gain by doing this?
 Definitely yes. SCSI HD are no doubt faster than IDE.

   I've seen quite a few posts on these lists about
  problems with scsi cards / scsi devices with Linux; is this normal or should
  I expect things to go smoothly?
 For this point, I think you should consult the hardware-HOWTO and the
 SCSI-HOWTO, in order to be sure you take linux-friendly devices.


Hey there
I don't know anything about problems with SCSI cards/devices. OK - I only have a
burner and two different scanners attached to my system, but they works (and
installs) without any problems.
It's right that SCSI disk's are faster than IDE's but compared to price?
But one thing is shure, your Linux will be more stable, if you have a 'pure'
Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] how to put GLIB in path so it can be found ?

2000-05-05 Thread Mogens Jæger

duncan wrote:

 I am trying to install sane and after I have ./configure of glib1.2.6 and make
 and make install I get difficulties with gtk+1.2.6 not able to find glib 1.2.6.

 checking for glib-config... no
 checking for GLIB - version = 1.2.4... no
 *** The glib-config script installed by GLIB could not be found
 *** If GLIB was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
 *** your path, or set the GLIB_CONFIG environment variable to the
 *** full path to glib-config.
 configure: error:

 How do I indicate where glib has gone or make sure that gtk can find what it

 I cant find where GLIB_CONFIG environment variable is or where glib config
 script is .

 PLease can anyone help .

 Duncan Bayne

Hello Duncan
Use your find-files tool to locate the 'glib' files (mine is in '/usr/local/lib')
and when you've got the path, ad it as a line to '/etc/'. When done,
execute the command '/sbin/ldconfig' - all has to be done as root.
Regards Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] Disk drives

2000-05-04 Thread Mogens Jæger

John McCrudden wrote:

 Is there any way to change the name of a DOS_hda1 drive to something easyer?
 And where can i get Linux Games like Quake on the net?
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Yes. First - and most important - as root edit your /etc/fstab file, find the
'name' and write whatever you like. Next in / create a directory of the same
name. Then right click the icon on your desktop, and change to the new name. I
don't know if there should be any other places where the name must be changed,
but if .. you'l find out.
Of cource you have to remount the drive on the new adress (easyist way is to
Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] CD's + burner for audio

2000-05-04 Thread Mogens Jæger

Paul wrote:

 On Tue, 2 May 2000, KompuKit wrote:

 is thereor is there not...a application/program
 in mandrake...for creating/copying CD's using a
 If so, what's it called...and where is it on the CD?

 On the distro there are files called CDRECORD... and MKISOFS...
 You need to install those. After that, get a decent graphical front-end
 like XCDRoast or Gcombust. That makes life a lot easier :)

I know the XCDRoast - but does anybody know a program that can
convert/burn wav-files to an audio-CD. I know how to make a copy of an
music-CD but I am trying to make CD's out of my LP-collection.
Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] CD-player kscd versus Kfind

2000-05-04 Thread Mogens Jæger

Alan Shoemaker wrote:

 Mogensjust a guess here.  The problem you describe sounds
 like an artifact of supermount.  Try disabling it.


 Mogens Jæger wrote:
  Does anyone know how to tell Kfind, to searche all
  partitions, but not my CD-rom drive - it's pretty anoying to
  have your musik cut-off, just because you have to find a
  Mogens Jæger

Never - supermount is one of my absolute favorite enhancements compared
to the 'old' RH 6.1
Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] What's Mandrake 7.0 like?

2000-05-02 Thread Mogens Jæger

  What's mandrake-linux like?
 RH with some extra bits
  Is it stable?..
 is anything?
 i haven't had it die yet, applications and demons will crash from time to
 but i haven't had anything kill the kernel yet.

  Configuration easy?
 few points to look out for,
 ide cd-rw 's,
  if your bios manufacturer has removed support for the function that tells
 you how much ram is in the computer you'll have to set it buy hand.

  Is the powerpack worth buying?

shure is

 1:- you get loads of apps so you don't have to download them
 2:- the howto's are included which will be a great help if your new to linux
 3:- you're supporting the cause.

+ your getting two printed 'manuals'

 I'd wait until 7.1 is released,
 the kernel should be a lot better and detect more hardware (eg how much ram
 you have)

The 7.0 does that - but why it detects mine 256 Mb as 254 I don't understand.

 X windows should be quicker and less memory hungry
 it should have a lot of the bugs in 7.0 fixed.

That sounds great - as mentioned above I have 256 Mb (and a K6-3 400), but when
I am working with photo-scans (25 - 30 Mb files) in GIMP, it constantly uses al
of the ram, so I get 'delayed' in progress. Sometimes it seems as if it don't
'clear' memory when I moves on to the next picture - I have only 2 undo-levels.

Mogens Jæger

[newbie] CD-player kscd versus Kfind

2000-05-02 Thread Mogens Jæger

Does anyone know how to tell Kfind, to searche all partitions, but
not my CD-rom drive - it's pretty anoying to have your musik cut-off,
just because you have to find a file
Mogens Jger

Re: [newbie] where with sane?

2000-05-02 Thread Mogens Jæger

duncan wrote:

 Can anyone please help

 Have sane installed as far as kpackage is concerned but cannot do
 anything with it from there.

 Do I need to do something after the src rpm has been rebuilt.It says
 inreadme go to top level directory and do ./configure then make and then
 make installBut where is the top level directory?

The 'src' indicates that you have to compile it, before you can use the
program. So use Kfind or equivalent to look for anything with sane - I have
'sane-1.0.2' in my 'home-dir'.  Enter that and run './configure', 'make'
and as root 'make install'. When you has done, try to look at the Xsane too
- most resent version is 0.58. The GIMP user manual describes rather well,
how to use it under GIMP.

 I have also tried downloading the tar.gz versions of sane glib and gtk
 but get problems with glib version not in path and so not recognized by
 the gtk or sane during their attempted configure and make and make

Personally I find the tar versions easyer to use - you know at once where
the source is installed.

 I m surely missing something fundamental.

Try to make a ./configure - it comes up with an error messages if it can't
'go trough' and then return them here (you can direct it to me, if you

 PLease help before  I am insane.

 Regards duncan Bayne

Mogens Jæger

Re: [newbie] How do I get my scanner to work in other then root?

2000-04-29 Thread Mogens Jæger

flupke wrote:

 On Sat, 29 Apr 2000, Hugh Semmler wrote:

  I did get my scsi card to work under Mandrake 7. But I can only scan
  when Logged in as root. How can I allow all users to use the scanner.
  I should know this, But for some reason I cant get it to work.
 I don't know anything about scanner under linux (under windows neither...)
 but it looks like a permission problem on scanner device file.


  Any advice welcome

Yes - you have to use: chmod 777 /dev/sg?
The whole matter of using a scanner under Linux (=GIMP) is pretty well
described inthe Gimp user's manual
Mogens Jæger