Re: [newbie] S3 Savage 2000 and XFree86 4.2.1 problems

2002-10-24 Thread shipahoy
On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 16:49:15 -0400
Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK, shipahoy, what version of Savage do you have? I have the Savage 2000
   w/ 64 MB RAM. When I used the 1.1.25t driver, my screen colors looked 
 like someone took a garden rake to them and Xine takes a dump a moment 
 after starting up. I ended up copying back the original savage_drv.o 
 file and now the quality is back, but I still can't get Xine to stay 
 open now. sigh I done broke it, I think.
 Any ideas how to bring life back to Xine? It played my DVDs the best of 
 the bunch.
Sorry for the delay in replying.

 I have the savage4. From reading the site again it seems
that some things on the Savage 2000 are still broken.

I suppose eventually it will get sorted out.

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[newbie] kdm problem

2002-05-17 Thread shipahoy


I did a fresh install of Mandrake 8.2, but without installing KDE2. I then
installed KDE3. This went well, and KDE3 is great. My problem is that now
I can't get into KDE3 from kdm. It takes me to IceWM instead.

Now, gdm does take me to KDE3, and Xstart gives me the option of 11KDE
which also correctly takes me into KDE3. So I think I've screwed up a
config file for kdm somewhere.

I twigged the /etc/X11/prefdm file by adding the path to /opt/kde3 which
loads kdm. The problem is that kdm has an entry for KDE which points to

Question: How do I setup kdm as default chooser for window managers? And
how do I get it to point correctly to KDE3?

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Re: [newbie] Publishing in Linux

2002-03-24 Thread shipahoy

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002 00:48:47 -0500
sda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't think it's intended to be anything but well, Scribus. You're not
 kidding about being in the early stages - have you actually tried it?
 It's quite `rough', and if it's trying to emulate PageMangler than
 that's just too bad. PageMaker is not a bonafide publishing app, and is
 targeted towards more of the office secretary market. Adobe has InDesign
 as their flagship layout app - not bad, v2 is quite elegant and
 intuitive, especially if one is used to Illustrator. I like it, but then
 I like Illustrator.
 I don't think Scribus is going anywhere in the next five years, if I
 remember correctly there's only one guy working on it. I gave it a
 workout a couple months ago - terrible, I'd rather use TeX. ;)

I did try it briefly. I tried to import a text file and it hung. 

It might one day be quite useful for small businesses and home users who
only need basic features.

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Re: [newbie] Publishing in Linux

2002-03-24 Thread shipahoy

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002 16:00:37 +0200
Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 BTW, anyone here used TeXmacs?  It claims to be much better than LyX 
 and totally WYSIWYG (if recent /. posts are anything to go by) but 
 I'm skeptical. 

TeXmacs is very, very impressive, but it is aimed squarely at the
hard-core maths and science folks. 

Its similar to LyX in having classes such as book, article, letter etc,.
and it does itemise, enumerate, description, tables etc just like LyX but
without the easy to use pull-down menu.

One thing that does stand out, compared with other Linux apps
and especially LyX, is the interesting way it handles fonts.

I haven't tried to use it to write a large text document, and from what I
have seen, it would not be as easy to do it in TeXmacs as in LyX.

Still, its one to keep an eye on, even if you are not a mathematician.
Definitely give it a try.

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Re: [newbie] Publishing in Linux

2002-03-23 Thread shipahoy

On Sat, 23 Mar 2002 14:48:02 +0200
Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't think Adobe (or any software house) will ever be convinced they
 can make $ out of Linux (hardware firms have woken up to the potential,
 but that's a qualitativey different situation).  However, we will
 probably see Linux apps which can produce Quark or FrameMaker-compatible
 documents soon  -- after all, KWord is modelled on FrameMaker, I think
 (possibly one reason why I'm not terribly keen on it - I just can't
 think in terms of frames).

Scribus is intended to be the Linux equivalent of Adobe PageMaker, Quark
or Adobe Indesign. It looks promising, is progressing nicely by the looks
of it, but is still in the very early stages of development..

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 Major Display Bug

2002-03-22 Thread shipahoy

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 10:29:18 -0900
civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Get the driver for the ProSavage.  It is not fully supported by XFree. 
  In 8.1 it would not work at ALL on a number of boards.

Presumably this is the latest 1.1.23t savage_drv.o from as
recommended by Via.

If it is it has no effect on the problem in my system. 

According to a German Linux site: 

The problem is with PCI latency. Google translation of one post: I the
problem meanwhile located. It lies indeed to the PCI Latency. I do not
have yet the exact evil author, but if one exchanges the Kernelfiles pci
irq.c and pci pc.c with the older files from 2.4.15/16 - and naturally
again compiled -, disappears strip/runs it. I did not notice any
instabilities or losses yet.

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Re: [newbie] Publishing in Linux

2002-03-22 Thread shipahoy

On Fri, 22 Mar 2002 13:31:36 +0200
Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes, LyX is a bit of a brainteaser at first, because it's so 
 different.  However, for most purposes you only really need to learn 
 a small subset of what is possible with the program (actually, the 
 same goes for something like Word - if I had the time to learn all 
 the features in Word 2000, I'd spend it learning C++).  I have a very 
 basic guide at
Nice tutorial.

Of course, another reason to use LyX over proprietary applications is that
the data is not locked away in a file format that might be unrecoverable,
or only recoverable with great difficulty, within a few years. That will
probably be the case with WordPerfect files one day. But LyX files are
human readable in any plain text editor.

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 Major Display Bug

2002-03-21 Thread shipahoy

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 14:23:58 -
Andy Napier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Have exactly the same issue,
 Posted this on the forum earlier this week.
 New comment for Mandrake Linux 8.2: Your first impressions story
 Re: Mandrake Linux 8.2: Your first impressions ,by Andy70
 First system is;
 Athlon 2100XP
 MSI 6340 ver 5 KM133 (BIOS = 6.1)
 Micron 133B1 PC 133 memory
 Seagate ST 320414A
 Toshiba SD-R1102 DVD/CD-RW
 Intel Pro/100 NIC.
 32 MB Frame Buffer
 32 MB AGP Aperture
 XFree = 4.2.0
 Second System
 Athlon 1900XP
 MSI 6340 ver 5 KM133 (BIOS = 6.1)
 Micron 133B1 PC 133 memory (also tried Samsung memory but don''t have
 the model to hand)
 Seagate ST 320414A (different drive from the first)
 Samsung SD308 Combo drive
 Intel Pro/100 NIC.
 8 MB Frame Buffer
 32 MB AGP Aperture
 XFree = 4.2.0
 Standard install on both, as I said you can see the problem almost from
 the begging of the install.
 The corruption is horizontal lines moving randomly across the screen
 that seem to show a distorted image of the current displayed screen.
 The weird thing is it only occurs if there is drive access.  After the
 install finishes and you sit at the login screen everything looks OK. 
 Until you login and the drive starts to access again.
 I thought it may be over aggressive BIOS timings, but there set to
 normal. I'll have a further tweak tomorrow to see if I can sort it.
 I haven't had chance yet to try a graphics card in them yet, hopefully
 tomorrow.  As for BIOS timings, I reduced everything to minimum and the
 issue remains.

I installed kernel 2.4.8-34mdk under Mandrake 8.2 and the problem does not
occur under that kernel., so there must be something in kernel-2.4.18 that
is causing this.

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Re: [newbie] Publishing in Linux

2002-03-21 Thread shipahoy

On Fri, 22 Mar 2002 01:03:32 +0200
Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I did my MA dissertation on Word and spent so long setting up styles to
 do what I wanted, it would have been quicker to have formatted
 everything by hand (and this was something very, very simple - I just
 wanted decimal numbered subheadings, blockquotes etc. of the normal type
 you'd find in the LaTeX article class).  After numerous misnumberings
 and other glitches, I finally got it working long enough to get a
 printout. Oh well, I thought, it was probably worth the effort, since
 I can use the same styles in other papers.  Then I came back after the
 summer break, and all my styles were gone.
I did my Ph.D dissertation in WordPerfect for Windows. I don't know how
many months I wasted in trying to get it to behave properly. It would
suddenly decide to screw-up my page numbering, or much worse, decide to
reorganise all my footnotes. It would take hours to sort out the mess, and
then it would do it again. 

Word processors like WP and Word are great for short business letters, but
they are not designed for writing very large, complex, multi-chapter
documents with equations and footnotes.

I wish I had known about LyX and LaTeX at the time. It would have saved me
a lot of time and trouble. Advanced use of LyX is a steep learning curve,
but its the most productive platform there is for writing large, complex

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[newbie] 8.2 Major Display Bug

2002-03-20 Thread shipahoy


I installed Mandrake 8.2 in a fresh partition and am getting streaky,
flickering lines across the screen. It worsens with heavy hard drive or
user activity. 

This started during installation and continues after installation. I have
tried various screen resolutions and colour depth settings, tried
noframebuffers, and 3.3.6 XFree,  but the same thing happens. 

I think this is the 2.4.18 kernel having a problem with my KM133 based

Duron 800
My mainboard is:
Soltek SL-75MAV with KM133a chipset and Savage4 onboard graphics.

I am using exactly the same hardware and settings I have for Mandrake 8.1
which still works flawlessly on this hardware setup.

Any suggestions as to how to solve this problem?

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[newbie] boot disk doesn't work

2002-01-16 Thread shipahoy

My Mandrake 8.1 boot disk doesn't work. This includes the one made on
installation and any I make from Mandrake Control Centre. Trying to boot
with them gives this error on boot:

Could not find ramdisk image: initrd.img

The boot disk for my Redhat 7.1 partition works fine.

I have
AMD Duron 800
Soltek SL-75MAV mobo

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Re: [newbie] gnomeppp pppd daemon dies

2001-12-05 Thread shipahoy

On Mon, 3 Dec 2001 16:31:52 -0500

  Can some Gnome guru out there (I know you're on this list) PLEASE tell
  what I have misconfigured, and why it's only a misconfiguration with

lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 connection. I basically gave up on it and made kppp work..if ya get
gnome ppp 
 to work I'd love to know how you did it :-)

I'd really like to know this too. Fed up with trying to get gnomeppp to
work, I installed the RedHat rp3 dialer which works flawlessly in Redhat,
but I can't figure out the permissions to get it work in Mandrake. I can
get it to run, minus the full applet functions, as root, but not as normal
user. I've searched and searched for an answer, but to no avail. 

If anyone knows

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Re: [newbie] Evolution

2001-11-01 Thread shipahoy

On Thu, 1 Nov 2001 14:14:52 -0600
Gary Traffanstedt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I'm looking for user experiences with Evolution. I'm wanting to switch to it 
 from Kmail only because I like the way it does spell check. I've been using 
 KMail since I first started using Linux and so I know that KMail is quite 
 dependable. Is there anything I should know about Evolution before making the 
 switch? Should I not make the switch and if so, why? Etc., etc., etc. Any 
 input would be most appreciated!

I've tried the latest version 0.15 off cooker. I liked the look of the address book 
which I thought might serve my purposes rather well for listing detailed business 
addresses. I spent an hour or so carefully filling in addresses, went to create a new 
category and the machine froze solid putting an end to that experiment. I won't trust 
it with my data anymore. Evolution is not quite ready for mission critical functions 

Its also a bit Redmondian for my taste, and I can't figure out how to do *proper* 
rather than US English in the spell check which makes it less than useless for my 

I'll stick with Sylpheed which is in rapid development and coming along very nicely. 
It handles huge folders (20megs or more) and mailing lists better than any mail client 
I've ever used.

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[newbie] port 6000

2001-10-31 Thread shipahoy

I did a netstat and noticed that my machine is listening on port 6000. I think this is 
something to do with the Xserver, and it probably isn't necessary for it to be 
listening on a single user machine. 

Any idea how to turn this service off?

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[newbie] libpng3 incompatibility

2001-10-25 Thread shipahoy

I updated to libpng3 as a requirement for mozilla 0.9.5, but now abiword 
fails because it wants libpng2.
I get this error when running abiword from console:
libpng warning: Application was compiled with png.h from libpng-1.0.12
libpng warning: Application  is running with png.c from libpng-1.2.0
libpng error: Incompatible libpng version in application and library
** ERROR **: No such image: scroller-h-trough.png
/usr//bin/abiword: line 68:  2128 Aborted $ABISUITE_LIBEXEC/AbiWord_d $@

Is there anyway around this, such as a way to run both libpng libraries, or do I have 
to stop using abiword until it is recompiled with libpng3?

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Re: [newbie] libpng3 incompatibility

2001-10-25 Thread shipahoy

On Thu, 25 Oct 2001 03:07:10 -0500
Texstar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hmmm, when I installed the libpng3 rpm it left the libpng2 and libpng2-devel 
 rpm installed on my computer. I haven't tried abiword 9.4.1-1 so I'll check 
 into it. is still installed on my system.

Running rpm -q --whatrequires shows a huge list of apps which are not 
misbehaving, which suggests that the problem is with abiword-

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[newbie] Gnome apps mouse focus

2001-10-23 Thread shipahoy

I did a reinstall of mandrake 8.1 and have lost a setting somewhere. When I used to 
run Gmome apps like Pan and Sylpheed in KDE the window focus would follow the mouse, 
now I have to click in a frame to focus it.

For example, in Sylpheed if the mouse is in the message view frame, and I scroll the 
mouse to view the message, the thread frame or folder frame scrolls instead until I 
click in the message view frame to focus it. 

Its very annoying. I didn't used to do this. I use KDE not Gnome, and I've tried every 
setting I think of in Gnome Control Centre to put it to rights, but nothing works.

How do I get my scroll mouse to behave properly in Gnome apps? There must be a setting 
in Gnome that will do this, but I'm damned if I can find it.


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Re: [newbie] Gnome apps mouse focus

2001-10-23 Thread shipahoy

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 12:57:19 +0200

 Remove a package called imwheel.
That worked.  Thanks.

It makes you wonder why imwheel is there in the first place.

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Re: [newbie] 8.1 install problem

2001-10-04 Thread shipahoy

 Yep, i hink you are right, it's a kernel, becouse, when i tried the
 MDK 8.1 Beta 1 , the 3dfx of mine worked perfect, and it was
 a different kernel (i think)...
Its XFree 4.10. I installed a barebones Mandrake 8.0 and upgraded to 8.1
but kept XFree 4.03. The 2.4.8 kernel accepted the KM133 chipset/graphics

The problem is I can''t do a lot because there are a lot of packages
that are dependent on Xfree 4.1 such as Drafconf, so I can''t configure
my mouse or do anything with fonts.

Mandrake 8.1 is not a lot of use to me in this state.

Is there any way to get XFree86 4.1 to like a KM133A chipset with
integrated onboard S3 SavagePro graphics?

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