[newbie-it] File RAR

2001-02-15 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Mi  stato inviato un file RAR. L'utilit di archiviazione mi restituisce un 
errore ("l'utility rar non si trova nel tuo PATH"). Come posso fare per 
aprire questo tipo di file?
Grazie a chi vorr rispondermi.


[newbie-it] POWER OFF

2001-02-15 Per discussione Fabio Gambini

qualcuno sa come ripristinare la funzione di spegnimento automatico del 
computer quando linux dice "POWER OFF" ? il mio coputer fino a ieri la 
supportava, poi c' stato un disguido con il bios ed ora 

Re: [newbie-it] ..sulla compilazione..

2001-02-15 Per discussione Fabio Coatti

Il 00:06, gioved 15 febbraio 2001, scrivesti:
  ciao a tutti,
  come mai dopo aver scompattato i sorgenti del kernel
  in usr/src, e aver cambiato directory in ./linux il
  comando make xconfig mi risponde che make 
  prima non me lo faceva...:)

 Non ne ho idea, ma se il kernel in questione  il 2.4 guarda che nel
 README  SCONSIGLIATO l'uso di /usr/src/linux come cartella per i
 sorgenti, per problemi di incopatibilit.

Non confondiamo le cose,altrimenti non se ne esce pi. L'errore 
segnalato  che il sistema non sa assolutamente cosa sia il make, non 
che ci sia qualche incompatibilit. Quindi per qualche motivo o il 
comando make  stato tolto dal sistema (cancellato, disinstallato l'rpm 
relativo, eccetera) o non  pi nel path di ricerca.  Ora, per prima 
cosa vediamo se l'rpm  installato, quindi prova a vedere se l'rpm 
make-3.79.1-5mdk (o versione simile) c' (con rpmdrake, kpackage, od aun 
ancora pi semplice rpm -qa | grep make)

Dopodich vediamo se  nel path con which make, che dovrebbe rispondere

[cova@cagnina cova]$ which make

Se lo trova, verifica di aver digitato bene il comando make ed al limite 
posta l'errore, che magari ci si capisce un po' di pi.

 IO ho usato /usr/local/linux per esempio ed  andato tutto ok!

Non c'entra...

 Inoltre spero che ./linux sia /linux!

In che senso?

Fabio Coatti   http://www.ferrara.linux.it/members/cova 
Ferrara Linux Users Group   http://ferrara.linux.it
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

Re: [newbie-it] Client telnet per linux

2001-02-15 Per discussione a . marcedone

Si, debbo collegarmi da un sistema windows. CRT dove lo trovo? Come si

  Un buon client telnet per collegarsi ad un sistema linux?
  Ho provato putty (ottimo, solo 240K), ma crea dei garbage nello schermo.

 intendi un client per windows? in tal caso io mi trovo bene con CRT

Re: [newbie-it] Client telnet per linux

2001-02-15 Per discussione Rocco T

On 15-Feb-2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Si, debbo collegarmi da un sistema windows. CRT dove lo trovo? Come si

Si chiama proprio CRT.
Eccolo qui winfiles.cnet.com/apps/98/terminals.html
..il primo della lista con tanto di link al sito della casa
Occhio anche a secure crt .. puo essere molto utile.
Eppoi a seguire una carrettata di altri client.. ti puoi passare il tempo :))

[newbie-it] Non complicarti la vita Pasquale!!!

2001-02-15 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mi spiace che tu abbia incontrato cosi' tanti problemi per installare la
Mandrake7.2!!!Io personalmente ritengo che sia l'installazione +
semplice di tutte le distribuzioni...a patto che imposti xo' l'avvio da
CDROM nel Bios del tuo computerbasta che all'avvio premi Canc quando
ti viene richiesto,cioe' circa 3-5 secondi dopo l'avvio...e modifichi la
"partenza"...che di solito e' impostata su Floppycosi' poi al
successivo riavvio parte da sola l'installazione e dovrai seguire
scrupolosamente tutte le opzioni che ti verranno richieste...
Prima pero' vai nel pannello di controllo di Windows...su System e
copiati nome e cognome di tutte le periferiche e l'hardware che hai
segnati tutto su un foglio...e quando arrivi in un punto
dell'installazione Mandrake in cui devi scegliere qual installazione
fare, cioe' se automatica,personalizzata o custom, tu seleziona
personalizzataperche' se hai gia' creato la partizione Ext2 e di
Swap con Partition Magic come hai detto, allora devi solo impostare
la partizione di boot con una slash..."/"...e null'altro...il resto lo
fara' tutto Mandrakeil bello e' che ti verra' chiesta la scelta per
ogni cosa da formalizzare nell'installazione...che dura circa 1/2 ora!!!
In bocca al lupoe se hai bisogno ancora di qualche
consiglio: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Prendi anche tu GRATIS l'email che ti PAGA: http://www.dmail.it/webmail
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ci sono le newsletter a prova di spamming e le rubriche dello SpyStocks
Team, un valore che non ti costa nulla!
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[newbie-it] modem usb

2001-02-15 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ciao a tutti,
oggi ho (re)installato Mandrake 7.2 e con mia grande sorpesa ho notato
che Hard Drake riconosceva il mio modem usb (chip sgs Thomson)!!
Il modem e` collegato alla posrta usb 2.Vorrei sapere come faccio a
farlo funzionare con kppp, per esempio. a quale porta in dev e`
Qualcuno puo` aiutarmi?
Ciao a tutti e grazie


2001-02-15 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ciao a tutti,
ho (re)installato mandrake 7.2 e con mio grande stupore ho constatato
che il mio modem usb (sgs thomson) viene riconosciuto correttamente da
Hard Drake! Vorrei sapere come fare ad utilizzarlo ad esmpio con kppp.
Visto che e` collegato alla seconda porta usb nella directory dev
qual'e` il dispositivo a cui e` collegato?
Qualcuno puo` aiutarmi?
Ciao e grazie,

[newbie-it] Scheda grafica

2001-02-15 Per discussione Bruno Maiolo

mi chiamo bruno, e ho da chiedere un consiglio alla ML
ho provato ad installare MDK 7.2 sul mio pc (PIII800 256Mb Ram 20 Gb HD
Matrox g450 dual head)
e non riesco a far funzionare il server x. Qualcuno  in grado di darmi
qualche dritta sulla configurazione della scheda grafica?
seconda domandina: qualcuno  roiuscito a far funzionare una HP930 usb? con
lpr o CUPS)

[newbie-it] cd

2001-02-15 Per discussione Fabio Gambini

ciao a tutti, c' qualcuno che mi pu indicare come fare a vedere i cd con 
linux mandrake? dove devo guardare? 
grazie 1000

[newbie-it] installare

2001-02-15 Per discussione Fabio Gambini

sembrar incredibile, ma non riesco ad installare null su linux.
mi manca il famosissimo file qt-1.4. io ho provato su tucows a trovare una 
cosa simile, ma non riesco neanche ad installare quello.
c' qualcuno che sa come si fa?
ciao Fabio

R: [newbie-it] Scheda grafica

2001-02-15 Per discussione Antonio Bonifati

il supporto per la tua matrox probabilmente non c' ancora.
guarda qui:


ti funziona se usi il server X per la G400?

hint: prova con
# XFdrake --expert
la lista delle schede grafiche supportate dai vari server X :
# less /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/Cards

per la stampante controlla qui se  supportata
(altrimenti occorre sperare che lo sia in futuro,
cos  stato per la mia WinPrinter HP 820Cxi)


purtroppo bisogna stare attenti quando si compra...

-Messaggio originale-
Da: Bruno Maiolo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Data: gioved 15 febbraio 2001 15.20
Oggetto: [newbie-it] Scheda grafica

mi chiamo bruno, e ho da chiedere un consiglio alla ML
ho provato ad installare MDK 7.2 sul mio pc (PIII800 256Mb Ram 20 Gb HD
Matrox g450 dual head)
e non riesco a far funzionare il server x. Qualcuno  in grado di darmi
qualche dritta sulla configurazione della scheda grafica?
seconda domandina: qualcuno  roiuscito a far funzionare una HP930 usb? con
lpr o CUPS)

Re: [newbie-it] modem usb

2001-02-15 Per discussione Casa

Il 14:33, gioved 15 febbraio 2001, scrivesti:
 Ciao a tutti,
 oggi ho (re)installato Mandrake 7.2 e con mia grande sorpesa ho notato
 che Hard Drake riconosceva il mio modem usb (chip sgs Thomson)!!
 Il modem e` collegato alla posrta usb 2.Vorrei sapere come faccio a
 farlo funzionare con kppp, per esempio. a quale porta in dev e`

Booh, guarda dentro /dev/usb, probabilmente e' una di quelle tipo ttyUSB1 ma 
non posso saperli ;-)

Ciao, Nicola.

chi va pian va san e va lontan

Re: [newbie] commands

2001-02-15 Per discussione angry

good info, thx
to all others: this is a "newbie" list and I would hope that we would
advocate linux as much as possible even if it means spoonfeeding newbies.
If you want to show your superior l33t skillz, then get on IRC and respond
to all questions with "RTFM".  Every user that is converted to linux is
one who will not purchase WIN** or whatever. Sorry I am AFU at the moment,
but everyone needs help at some point, and if you don't wish to spoonfeed
newbies, there are many outlets for expert knowledge.

Tom Brinkman wrote:

 On Wednesday 14 February 2001 08:37 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  keith dalpe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   totally new in the old world i came from dos/widoze
  you would type cd/dir to change directories
  could some one please show me a type of directory change command
  i would be greatful
Check out http://www.linuxnewbie.org/nhf/intel/commands/index.html
  for basic command structure. -Dale

 From a command shell, run this command

whatis `ls /sbin`  commands.txt

 (note that those are BACKTICK marks)

 Do the same thing for /usr/sbin, /bin, /usr/local/bin,
 /usrX11R6/bin, etc.  This will output one-line descriptions of well
 over 2500 commands.  Eventually, type "less commands.txt" to read the
 file.  Then use either 'man' or 'info' to learn more about each
 commands capability.
 Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay


Re: [newbie] crashing x

2001-02-15 Per discussione Charley Peggy Robinson

  The best advice I got on this was to install using the vgalo option. 
This got X to work and then I could get into the video and screen
resolution without its crashing.


Re: [newbie] LILO configuration

2001-02-15 Per discussione Romanator

dison Andrs wrote:
 Hello everybody
 I want to know how can i do to configurate the lilo for I can boot with
 Linux and Windows.
 dison Andrs Rivera Norea
 Ingeniero de Sistemas
 Departamento de Informtica
 Universidad de San Buenaventura
 Medelln - Colombia

If you are using lilo rather than Grub boot loader,at the lilo prompt,
type in: dos
Pressthe enter key.

This will start up Windows.


[newbie] help a poor goober out with lilo

2001-02-15 Per discussione Scott Cundiff

I got it on my laptop now I cant get it off. 
How do I tell lilo to hit the hills and give me back control of my 

Re: [newbie] help a poor goober out with lilo

2001-02-15 Per discussione Quaylar

At 06:34 15.02.2001 -0500, you wrote:
I got it on my laptop now I cant get it off.  How do I tell lilo to hit 
the hills and give me back control of my computer?

"fdisk /mbr" in a dos environment will wipe the mbr and lilo (if it was 
installed in the mbr)
but beware if u have a dual boot system, dunno how this would effect the 
boot loaders of windows


Re: [newbie] LILO configuration

2001-02-15 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 15 Feb 2001 22:23, Romanator wrote:
 dison Andrs wrote:
  Hello everybody
  I want to know how can i do to configurate the lilo for I can boot
  with Linux and Windows.
  dison Andrs Rivera Norea
  Ingeniero de Sistemas
  Departamento de Informtica
  Universidad de San Buenaventura
  Medelln - Colombia

 If you are using lilo rather than Grub boot loader,at the lilo
 prompt, type in: dos
 Pressthe enter key.

 This will start up Windows.


What you type in LILO to get Windows depends on the settings in 
/etc/lilo.conf. By default, Mandrake sets up LILO so that you should 
type "windows" to load Windows, but this is easily configurable both 
during and after the Mandrake install.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] help a poor goober out with lilo

2001-02-15 Per discussione BruceCadieux

If it is 95/98/ME then fdisk /mbr will get rid of Lilo and will restore your windows 
mbr when windows reboots. If you have 2000 then there are two comands, first fixboot 
and then fix mbr. That will repair the bootsector and the MBR. You should create a 
boot disk for linux. Then you can boot into linux when you want to, but don't have to 
sit there and wait around for which OS to boot into whenever you need to reboot the 

Bruce Cadieux
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at 

Re: [newbie] Problems Configuring Apache on LM 7.2

2001-02-15 Per discussione Édison Andrés

Do you change the config archive?

Tuan tran escribi:

 I have same problem. I could not run it. I installed
 OK, but when i ran apache it did not work. It said
 something like "... can not start..."
 Does anyone know about this? Please help

 --- Cyber Sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I to am in the process of installing Apache 1.3.17
  and hitting a few block's
  along the way. I call them learning opportunities.
  Anyways, did you
  decompress the tar file you downloaded before trying
  to configure it
  (tar -zxvf apache_1.3.17.tar.gz).
  Hope this helps
  - Original Message -
  From: "Michael" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: "Newbie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 5:22 PM
  Subject: [newbie] Problems Configuring Apache on LM
   I was tring to run configure on apache 1.3.17.
   permissions are 777. I ran ./configure in the
  correct directory.
   The response was "bash: ./configure: No such file
  or directory"
   I am logged in as root,  and the user and group
  are both root.
   The first line of configure is # !/bin/sh, the
  same as other configure
   that have been run, such as the configure for PHP
  which worked
   perfectly.  Does anyone have any ideas on what
  could be
   wrong here?
   Michael Lewis
   Registered Linux User #197864

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35
 a year!  http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/

dison Andrs Rivera Norea
Ingeniero de Sistemas
Departamento de Informtica
Universidad de San Buenaventura
Medelln - Colombia

[newbie] want my linux work faster and networking

2001-02-15 Per discussione Tafta Zani

hi guys,

I have heard that linux is relatively faster then 
But why do windows can open such large application 
like MS Word 2000
in less than five seconds but LM 7.2 needs more 
than that to open Star Office 5.2

Could any body recommend mesomething to be 
done (kernel compiling, 
turning off services, upgrade kernel, hdparm or 
something) ?

By the way, where shouldI go ifI want 
to learnbasic networkingunder Linux and 
to activatemyATA66 

AMDDuron 700 Mhz
Gigabyte GA-7ZX UDMA 66 onboard 
NVidia Riva TNT2 M64 16 Mb
Compex RE100TX
10 Gb Quantum FB UDMA 66



[newbie] OT - MS Luna interface

2001-02-15 Per discussione Dave Sherman

Sorry about the OT post, but I'm just wondering if anyone else thinks 
MS' new Luna interface for WinXP looks like a bad ripoff of Aqua. Apple 
may need to gear up for another 'look-n-feel' lawsuit...

Just my $.02

Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

[newbie] i586 or i686

2001-02-15 Per discussione Franki

Hi all,

I have a little question,,

If I download a kernel rpm, they are all listed as i586,, if I have a i686,
does that mean that I am not using a kernel for a 686?  and I am assuming
that I need to get the source and compile a new kernel to get the full
benefits of a Ppro/PII system?

are my assumptions correct?

[newbie] can't configure internet connection

2001-02-15 Per discussione Hatch169
 Can't seem to configure my cable modem. Mandrake sees my nic card and I got 
the information from my ISP about host name , IP adress, net mask. @home 
wasn't much help with the http proxy or ftp proxy. Can anyone help

RE: [newbie] want my linux work faster and networking

2001-02-15 Per discussione Owens, Blaine C

Remember that MS Word is a stand-alone of a whole 
family of MS Office products. Star Office launches the entire office suite. If 
MS Office did the same it would need to launch Word, Power Point, Excel, etc., 
etc. You are not comparing apples to apples.

  -Original Message-From: Tafta Zani 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 
  10:51 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] 
  want my linux work faster and networking
  hi guys,
  I have heard that linux is relatively faster then 
  But why do windows can open such large 
  application like MS Word 2000
  in less than five seconds but LM 7.2 needs more 
  than that to open Star Office 5.2
  Could any body recommend mesomething to be 
  done (kernel compiling, 
  turning off services, upgrade kernel, hdparm or 
  something) ?
  By the way, where shouldI go ifI want 
  to learnbasic networkingunder Linux and 
  to activatemyATA66 
  AMDDuron 700 Mhz
  Gigabyte GA-7ZX UDMA 66 onboard 
  NVidia Riva TNT2 M64 16 Mb
  Compex RE100TX
  10 Gb Quantum FB UDMA 66

[newbie] still crashing x

2001-02-15 Per discussione mishaco

ran win 98se all nite long 

abit ka7
64 mb , generic
s3 virge dx
linksys etherfast
sound blaster live value 
serial 2 button mouse
maxtor drive
1024 x 768 , 16 bit

woke up and the mouse had crashed like a drunk 3 year old into a play pool 

the system is still usable with the keyboard , so i spawned 25 internet explorers , 
control panel , command line , win explorer , etc . . .

we'll see what happens . 

anyone interested in slightly used abit ka7 motherboard ?
works some of the time . 
for sale cheap , or yer satisfaction cheerfully refunded . 


Sign up for your free web based email today!

Re: [newbie] Re: info on harddrive optimization in mandrake install?

2001-02-15 Per discussione Kipling Cooper

* walter hanagriff [EMAIL PROTECTED] [11 Feb 01 16:40]:
 I reasked my original questions with this info incase somebody has 
 already tested it with a quantum fireball
Everything I have read says before you tinker with your hardware,
back-up your files!

http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/linux/2000/06/29/hdparm.html is the
article I used.  "If you are using current hardware (i.e. your dirve
AND controller AND motherboard were manufactured in the last two to
three years), you are at considerably lower risk." but adds that
every user is responsible for the well-being of his box.
Very safe options are listed as -c3 and -m16 with more adventuraous
options listed as -X34, (or) -X66, -d1, and -u1.

For myself, I used -c1 -m16 -u1 and doubled my throughput.

Good hunting

Re: [newbie] want my linux work faster and networking

2001-02-15 Per discussione Michael O'Henly

Star Office is an astounding resource hog. I think Sun's promoting Star 
Office (and now Open Office) as a relatively inexpensive way to irritate 
Microsoft and create warm, fuzzy feelings about their "support" for Linux.

It depresses me to see all the effort being put into Open Office. It's like 
Mozilla all over again.

I simply can't believe that a functional office suite NEEDS to be such a pig.


On Thursday 15 February 2001 07:51, Tafta Zani wrote:

 I have heard that linux is relatively faster then windows.
 But why do windows can open such large application like MS Word 2000
 in less than five seconds but LM 7.2 needs more than that to open Star
 Office 5.2

Michael O'Henly
TENZO Design

Re: [newbie] want my linux work faster and networking

2001-02-15 Per discussione Édison Andrés

Open StarOffice 5.2 in Windows and take the time You can't compare
with two tools differents...
See ya.
Tafta Zani escribi:

guys,I have heard
that linux is relatively faster then windows.But
why do windows can open such large application like MS Word 2000in
less than five seconds but LM 7.2 needs more than that to open Star Office
5.2Could any body
recommend me something to be done (kernel compiling,turning
off services, upgrade kernel, hdparm or something) ?By
the way, where should I go if I want to learn basic networking under Linux
andto activate my ATA66
harddisk?AMD Duron
700 MhzGigabyte GA-7ZX UDMA
66 onboardNVidia Riva TNT2
M64 16 MbCompex RE100TX10
Gb Quantum FB UDMA 66TIA,Tafta

dison Andrs Rivera Norea
Ingeniero de Sistemas
Departamento de Informtica
Universidad de San Buenaventura
Medelln - Colombia

Re: [newbie] want my linux work faster and networking

2001-02-15 Per discussione Ribbo

Tanggal 15 Feb 2001, dari Tafta Zani :
 hi guys,
 I have heard that linux is relatively faster then windows.
 But why do windows can open such large application like MS Word 2000
 in less than five seconds 
 but LM 7.2 needs more than that to open Star Office 5.2

thats because windows already load another part of it during boot up.
im sure you noticed that windows tooks more time to boot after the
office apps installed.



"Consider yourself lucky. I only let the Adrianator do that."
-- Slash, "Quake 3 Arena"

Re: [newbie] i586 or i686

2001-02-15 Per discussione manuel dopp

its for all pentium 1, 2, 3 and amd/ibm cpu's

i am running and amd 6x86 and it's running fine


-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Datum: donderdag 15 februari 2001 17:29
Onderwerp: [newbie] i586 or i686

Hi all,

I have a little question,,

If I download a kernel rpm, they are all listed as i586,, if I have a i686,
does that mean that I am not using a kernel for a 686?  and I am assuming
that I need to get the source and compile a new kernel to get the full
benefits of a Ppro/PII system?

are my assumptions correct?

[newbie] cookfire

2001-02-15 Per discussione Bryant Morrison F47743C

Does anyone know what this new "cookfire" version is?  I'm guessing it is a
firewall version of Mandrake.

FN:Bryant Morrison
ORG:FedEx;EC Marketing
TITLE:LAN Administrator
ADR;WORK:;;30 FedEx Parkway 2nd Floor Horizontal;Collierville;TN;30817;United States
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:30 FedEx Parkway 2nd Floor Horizontal=0D=0ACollierville, TN 30817=0D=0AUnite=
d States

RE: [newbie] Re: info on harddrive optimization in mandrake install?

2001-02-15 Per discussione Franki

wow,, I am impressed as hell with that,, my cached reads went from 6 to

sh(i)t hot

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kipling Cooper
Sent: Friday, 16 February 2001 12:45 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: info on harddrive optimization in mandrake

* walter hanagriff [EMAIL PROTECTED] [11 Feb 01 16:40]:
 I reasked my original questions with this info incase somebody has
 already tested it with a quantum fireball

Everything I have read says before you tinker with your hardware,
back-up your files!

http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/linux/2000/06/29/hdparm.html is the
article I used.  "If you are using current hardware (i.e. your dirve
AND controller AND motherboard were manufactured in the last two to
three years), you are at considerably lower risk." but adds that
every user is responsible for the well-being of his box.

Very safe options are listed as -c3 and -m16 with more adventuraous
options listed as -X34, (or) -X66, -d1, and -u1.

For myself, I used -c1 -m16 -u1 and doubled my throughput.

Good hunting

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update fails

2001-02-15 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn

On Thursday 15 February 2001 02:41, you wrote:
 Dave Horsfall wrote:
  Mandrake 7.2 on a nondescript P133, 32Mb memory.
  order, instead of making a dependency tree).
  Anyone seen this?  Try as I might, even with different
  mirrors, I get the same bland error message...  Specifying the
  exact error would go a long way to solving this, like, is it
  my problem, or a network problem...
  I also found if I tried it long enough, it told me to use
  another site, so I guess there's a per-IP download limit?
  Other than that, I'm quite impressed with Mandrake, despite
  being in the Unix game for over 20 years...
  -- Dave


 Rather than using the update utility, I would recommend
 navigating to one of the many ftp sites and downloading the


Is there anyone out there who actualy succeeded with 'live 
update'? I certainly didn't :o(
Downloading the updates is sound advice.

Have fun,
Harm Bathoorn

Re: [newbie] SAMBA setup/web config

2001-02-15 Per discussione eryl

Devin Rader wrote:
 Hey all!
 I am trying to set up Samba on my Linux machine but am totally lost.  
 is make sure you have the samba package installed correctly by using this
 rpm -q samba
 When I run this it says I don't have that package installed.

Nope, you haven't installed the package.  This happened to me when I
first installed 7.0--I didn't install smbclient either.
 I never have seen the smb file in the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ directory and every
 time I try to start the daemon I get file not found errors.

That's the directory where it would be.
 Any help is appreciated.

Search the Mandrake rpm's on your install disks and install samba.  It's
on the first disk (3 seperate rpm's--all for the complete samba,
samba,client and common) 

This is a very useful site for getting samba up and running:


Re: [newbie] want my linux work faster and networking

2001-02-15 Per discussione eryl

 Tafta Zani wrote:
 hi guys,
 I have heard that linux is relatively faster then windows.
 But why do windows can open such large application like MS Word 2000
 in less than five seconds but LM 7.2 needs more than that to open Star
 Office 5.2

SO is a real pig.  It basically takes over your entire machine, desktop
and all.  That's why it takes so long to open.  If you want to be lean
and mean, use abiword or give koffice a try.
 Could any body recommend me something to be done (kernel compiling,
 turning off services, upgrade kernel, hdparm or something) ?

Probably won't help, because of the inherent design of the SO
 By the way, where should I go if I want to learn basic
 networking under Linux

go here:


Re: [newbie] help a poor goober out with lilo

2001-02-15 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn

On Thursday 15 February 2001 12:34, you wrote:

  I got it on my laptop now I cant get it off.  How do I tell 
 to hit the hills and give me back control of my computer?

What do you mean?

Harm Bathoorn

Re: [newbie] RPM musings....

2001-02-15 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn

On Thursday 15 February 2001 15:43, you wrote:
 RPMs are a funny thing, it's a very anti-climatic experience, it
 just kind of runs and then stops.  I think there should be a
 little more fanfare like a message box that says "Successfully
 your-most-favoritest-application!" at the end of the
 installation process. And forget it if you have to chase down
 more than a couple libraries to get the RPM installed - I think
 you could litterally spend all day chasing down libraries. 
 Seems like the RPM utility could do that for me since it appears
 to know better than me.  I tried to install the Aethera RPM
 which told me I needed Lib A, found that but Lib A needed Lib B,
 fount that but Lib B needed Lib C, and etc - sheesh!.

 I'd also like it to ask me where to install because it would be
 nice to be able to installed "locally" (like /home/mjohnson/bin)
 but I guess that would be some sort of security risk.  Yeah, I
 guess I could download the source code and modify the config and
 makefiles but I'm usually not in the mood to do that and I don't
 want heaps of source code on my hd.

 But I guess in the end, RPMs are better than nothing...

You just re-invented SuSE's installtool YaST ;o) Works quite well 
automatically fulfilling unfulfilled dependencies, I think 
something similar for Mdk or RPMS in general wouldn't hurt.

Have fun,
Harm Bathoorn

Re: [newbie] can't configure internet connection

2001-02-15 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn

On Thursday 15 February 2001 17:12, you wrote:

   Can't seem to configure my cable modem. Mandrake sees my nic
 card and I got the information from my ISP about host name , IP
 adress, net mask. @home wasn't much help with the http proxy or
 ftp proxy. Can anyone help

Use drakconf, and make sure you enable dhcp when configuring your 
connection. Works so deadsimple you don't believe it. During boot 
you should be able to see the connection (probably eth0) being 
After that  the connect to a  network or internet tab in 
drakconf should offer a disconnect from the internet button.

RE: [newbie] SAMBA setup/web config

2001-02-15 Per discussione Franki

Think this is what you were chasing...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of eryl
Sent: Friday, 16 February 2001 1:48 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] SAMBA setup/web config

Devin Rader wrote:

 Hey all!

 I am trying to set up Samba on my Linux machine but am totally lost.
 is make sure you have the samba package installed correctly by using this

 rpm -q samba

 When I run this it says I don't have that package installed.

Nope, you haven't installed the package.  This happened to me when I
first installed 7.0--I didn't install smbclient either.

 I never have seen the smb file in the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ directory and
 time I try to start the daemon I get file not found errors.

That's the directory where it would be.

 Any help is appreciated.

Search the Mandrake rpm's on your install disks and install samba.  It's
on the first disk (3 seperate rpm's--all for the complete samba,
samba,client and common)

This is a very useful site for getting samba up and running:


Re: [newbie] Problems Configuring Apache on LM 7.2

2001-02-15 Per discussione Michael

I finally just scrapped 1.3.17 and went back and downloaded 1.3.14,
which works fine.  Apparently, this is something unique to the newer

Michael Lewis   
Registered Linux User #197864

Tuan tran wrote:
 I have same problem. I could not run it. I installed
 OK, but when i ran apache it did not work. It said
 something like "... can not start..."
 Does anyone know about this? Please help
 --- Cyber Sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I to am in the process of installing Apache 1.3.17
  and hitting a few block's
  along the way. I call them learning opportunities.
  Anyways, did you
  decompress the tar file you downloaded before trying
  to configure it
  (tar -zxvf apache_1.3.17.tar.gz).
  Hope this helps
  - Original Message -
  From: "Michael" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: "Newbie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 5:22 PM
  Subject: [newbie] Problems Configuring Apache on LM
   I was tring to run configure on apache 1.3.17.
   permissions are 777. I ran ./configure in the
  correct directory.
   The response was "bash: ./configure: No such file
  or directory"
   I am logged in as root,  and the user and group
  are both root.
   The first line of configure is # !/bin/sh, the
  same as other configure
   that have been run, such as the configure for PHP
  which worked
   perfectly.  Does anyone have any ideas on what
  could be
   wrong here?
   Michael Lewis
   Registered Linux User #197864
 Do You Yahoo!?
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 a year!  http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/

Re: [newbie] 3D accelerated X seems no different...

2001-02-15 Per discussione Mark

If you have installed the Nvidia 0.9-6 drivers then you should have X 
4.0 or better. There is a problem with these drivers if you are running 
a Geforce 2GTS, but I don't know if the same applies to the TNT cards. 
Go and have a look at www.evil3d.net they have a fix for the driver. And 
BTW it is worth updating to X 4.0.2, or at least I think so..

Mark Hillary
Registed Linux User 200755

Matt Schroeder wrote:

 I installed the 3.3.6 (I believe) 3D accelerated X for Nvidia and it seems
 that it is just as slow.  Also there are glitches that I didn't have before
 when I was using the standard or the 4.0? version.
 I'm trying to get things like GLTron and Tuxracer to be A LOT better because
 they are llike watching a slide show right now.
 I have  a P3 600 with 128 megs of ram and an 8 meg Nvidia TNT card.
 (Actually it's on the MOBO.) and runs as a PCI card.
 What did I do wrong?
 What's the best way to get max 3d performance out of X?

Re: [newbie] help a poor goober out with lilo

2001-02-15 Per discussione Scott Cundiff

Where is the lilo installed so that if I want to reformat I can take it off?
Is there a way to access it after the hard drive has been reformatted
because it is still there and the only boot option is linux, which isnt
there.   lol  got myself into a knot...  :)
- Original Message -
From: "H.J.Bathoorn" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] help a poor goober out with lilo

 On Thursday 15 February 2001 12:34, you wrote:

   I got it on my laptop now I cant get it off.  How do I tell
  to hit the hills and give me back control of my computer?

 What do you mean?

 Harm Bathoorn

RE: [newbie] help a poor goober out with lilo

2001-02-15 Per discussione Bryant Morrison F47743C

If your referring to REMOVING LILO, boot up with a Win 9x boot disk and type
"fdisk /mbr"

This will remove lilo from the MBR on your hard drive and allow you to boot
WinDozE again.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of H.J.Bathoorn
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 12:02 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] help a poor goober out with lilo

On Thursday 15 February 2001 12:34, you wrote:

  I got it on my laptop now I cant get it off.  How do I tell
 to hit the hills and give me back control of my computer?

What do you mean?

Harm Bathoorn

[newbie] Ram optimization also

2001-02-15 Per discussione drak

I red and did the HD optimization... now i was wondering if there is any 
memory ops I could also do? 
Does xwindows really take that much that much ram? 

running a abit bx6 r2
P3 500
128 mbs ram
rage lt pro 
3com 5909b nic to a dsl router (cisco 675)

also I use iceWM and cannot figure out how to get it to shut down
any help would be greatly appeciated... 


Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update fails

2001-02-15 Per discussione Matt Schroeder

I have had good experiences with some things.  I just do a few at a  time.

For instance I have no more updates listed under the category "bugfix"

I had 4 and did them this lunch hour.

Some have dependency conflicts and unfortunately as far as I know it has no
dependency checking.

I wonder if anyone has gotten their updates list down to nothing...


- Original Message -
From: "H.J.Bathoorn" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update fails

 On Thursday 15 February 2001 02:41, you wrote:
  Dave Horsfall wrote:
   Mandrake 7.2 on a nondescript P133, 32Mb memory.
   order, instead of making a dependency tree).
   Anyone seen this?  Try as I might, even with different
   mirrors, I get the same bland error message...  Specifying the
   exact error would go a long way to solving this, like, is it
   my problem, or a network problem...
   I also found if I tried it long enough, it told me to use
   another site, so I guess there's a per-IP download limit?
   Other than that, I'm quite impressed with Mandrake, despite
   being in the Unix game for over 20 years...
   -- Dave
  Rather than using the update utility, I would recommend
  navigating to one of the many ftp sites and downloading the

 Is there anyone out there who actualy succeeded with 'live
 update'? I certainly didn't :o(
 Downloading the updates is sound advice.

 Have fun,
 Harm Bathoorn

Re: [newbie] SAMBA setup/web config

2001-02-15 Per discussione Martin Cleaver

 I am trying to set up Samba on my Linux machine but am totally lost.

I quite understand and Samba is far too complex for non-techies like you and
me. I eventually get it done by resorting to the Samba Step by Step, that
just gives yu a very  basic fairly low security and very low tech recipe to
get the server running. ?http://dcfonline.sfu.ca/ying/linux/samba/

Then you can learn the easier way using swat.


I have no idea what you did in this message, but any attempt by me to type
in it results in Chinese!

Re: [newbie] want my linux work faster and networking

2001-02-15 Per discussione carjam

Notice that office is only about 10 meg? Where does it go? Well, the windows
directory grows by a few hundred meg.

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] want my linux work faster and networking

 Tanggal 15 Feb 2001, dari Tafta Zani :
  hi guys,
  I have heard that linux is relatively faster then windows.
  But why do windows can open such large application like MS Word 2000
  in less than five seconds
  but LM 7.2 needs more than that to open Star Office 5.2

 thats because windows already load another part of it during boot up.
 im sure you noticed that windows tooks more time to boot after the
 office apps installed.



 "Consider yourself lucky. I only let the Adrianator do that."
 -- Slash, "Quake 3 Arena"

RE: [newbie] help a poor goober out with lilo

2001-02-15 Per discussione Franki

u need to lose the mbr (master boot record.) from your hd,, I thought that
format did that anyway,,,

I think you can just make a windows boot disk from another
machine(win95/98/ME), then make sure that you have sys.com on it,, (if not
it is in the Windows/command dir of a winblows machine...)

then just boot from the floppy and type sys c:

that should overwrite lilo if you havn't already...

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Scott Cundiff
Sent: Friday, 16 February 2001 2:51 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] help a poor goober out with lilo

Where is the lilo installed so that if I want to reformat I can take it off?
Is there a way to access it after the hard drive has been reformatted
because it is still there and the only boot option is linux, which isnt
there.   lol  got myself into a knot...  :)
- Original Message -
From: "H.J.Bathoorn" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] help a poor goober out with lilo

 On Thursday 15 February 2001 12:34, you wrote:

   I got it on my laptop now I cant get it off.  How do I tell
  to hit the hills and give me back control of my computer?

 What do you mean?

 Harm Bathoorn

Re: [newbie] help a poor goober out with lilo

2001-02-15 Per discussione Édison Andrés

And How can I put again

Bryant Morrison F47743C escribi:

 If your referring to REMOVING LILO, boot up with a Win 9x boot disk and type
 "fdisk /mbr"

 This will remove lilo from the MBR on your hard drive and allow you to boot
 WinDozE again.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of H.J.Bathoorn
 Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 12:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] help a poor goober out with lilo

 On Thursday 15 February 2001 12:34, you wrote:

   I got it on my laptop now I cant get it off.  How do I tell
  to hit the hills and give me back control of my computer?

 What do you mean?

 Harm Bathoorn

dison Andrs Rivera Norea
Ingeniero de Sistemas
Departamento de Informtica
Universidad de San Buenaventura
Medelln - Colombia

Re: [newbie] Ram optimization also

2001-02-15 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn

On Thursday 15 February 2001 20:13, you wrote:
 I red and did the HD optimization... now i was wondering if
 there is any memory ops I could also do?
 Does xwindows really take that much that much ram?

 running a abit bx6 r2
 P3 500
 128 mbs ram
 rage lt pro
 3com 5909b nic to a dsl router (cisco 675)

 also I use iceWM and cannot figure out how to get it to shut
 down properly
 any help would be greatly appeciated...

To shutdown rightclick anywhere on your desktop and select 
logout. Or is that what isn't working properly. A very unelegant 
way is to hit ctrl,alt and backspace simultaniously.

Semper Avanti,
Harm Batthoorn

Re: [newbie] help a poor goober out with lilo

2001-02-15 Per discussione Sebastiaan Vandenbore

Boot with a DOS disk.
At the command prompt type :

2)   SYS A: C:

This will create a new MBR an give you back control of your PC.

--- "Scott Cundiff" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Where is the lilo installed so that if I want to reformat I can take it off?
Is there a way to access it after the hard drive has been reformatted
because it is still there and the only boot option is linux, which isnt
there.   lol  got myself into a knot...  :)
- Original Message -
From: "H.J.Bathoorn" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] help a poor goober out with lilo

 On Thursday 15 February 2001 12:34, you wrote:

   I got it on my laptop now I cant get it off.  How do I tell
  to hit the hills and give me back control of my computer?

 What do you mean?

 Harm Bathoorn

Best regards,
Sebastiaan Vandenbore
A HREF="http://www.sixfigureincome.com/?456324"Take back your life. FREE Email 
Newsletter shows you how!/A

Get your free email address from http://mail.vu

[newbie] full install isn't really full

2001-02-15 Per discussione Franki

Hi all,

Just noticed a couple of things, you can't really beat a per-package
install, I selected all on the install screen and have since discovered
that alot of what I wanted was missing.

Also, thought I'd use the package manager in x,,, so I ran it, and noticed
that many times, it would ask you to swap disks,, but wouldn't eject or let
you eject,, I found the answer was to open a terminal and umount it
manually,, then swap CD's and off it goes again.. (maybe that problem is my
CDrom, which is actually a GD-2500 DVD-ROM...
but thought I'd mention it incase anyone else was having that prob




-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bryant Morrison
Sent: Friday, 16 February 2001 2:49 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] help a poor goober out with lilo

If your referring to REMOVING LILO, boot up with a Win 9x boot disk and type
"fdisk /mbr"

This will remove lilo from the MBR on your hard drive and allow you to boot
WinDozE again.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of H.J.Bathoorn
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 12:02 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] help a poor goober out with lilo

On Thursday 15 February 2001 12:34, you wrote:

  I got it on my laptop now I cant get it off.  How do I tell
 to hit the hills and give me back control of my computer?

What do you mean?

Harm Bathoorn

Re: [newbie] help a poor goober out with lilo

2001-02-15 Per discussione Scott Cundiff

Right on this was the answer.  Thanks.
- Original Message -
From: "Bryant Morrison F47743C" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 1:49 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] help a poor goober out with lilo

 If your referring to REMOVING LILO, boot up with a Win 9x boot disk and
 "fdisk /mbr"

 This will remove lilo from the MBR on your hard drive and allow you to
 WinDozE again.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of H.J.Bathoorn
 Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 12:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] help a poor goober out with lilo

 On Thursday 15 February 2001 12:34, you wrote:

   I got it on my laptop now I cant get it off.  How do I tell
  to hit the hills and give me back control of my computer?

 What do you mean?

 Harm Bathoorn

RE: [newbie] (OT) want my linux work faster and networking

2001-02-15 Per discussione Liaw, Andy

Sorry for the OT...

I installed M$ Money 2001 on the Windoze part of my machine the other day.
Anyone wants to guess how much disk space it took up?

"Complete install" = approx. 250 MB


 -Original Message-
 From: carjam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 2:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] want my linux work faster and networking
 Notice that office is only about 10 meg? Where does it go? 
 Well, the windows
 directory grows by a few hundred meg.
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 4:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] want my linux work faster and networking
  Tanggal 15 Feb 2001, dari Tafta Zani :
   hi guys,
   I have heard that linux is relatively faster then windows.
   But why do windows can open such large application like 
 MS Word 2000
   in less than five seconds
   but LM 7.2 needs more than that to open Star Office 5.2
  thats because windows already load another part of it 
 during boot up.
  im sure you noticed that windows tooks more time to boot after the
  office apps installed.
  "Consider yourself lucky. I only let the Adrianator do that."
  -- Slash, "Quake 3 Arena"

[newbie] Downloading Updates

2001-02-15 Per discussione Jack Gillis

I have seen several references to downloading updates for MD 7.2.
Have looked all over the linux-mandrake site and haven't found them. 

Would someone please point me to them?

Thank you.

[newbie] System is becoming slower

2001-02-15 Per discussione Mark Johnson

I installed 7.2 on a K6 200 w/ 128MB and 10G 5400rpm drive.  I was dubious
that linux could run on such a system, but it actually ran way better than
expected until now.  Now having been used everyday for about a month things
are getting progressively slower. Whenever I'm running Konquerer it seems to
be just beating the hell out of my HD. Sometimes when I go to logout nothing
happens I have to actually power down the computer - (I guess I could just
kill X from the command line?).  It's taking forever to boot up and to
startup applications.

If this was windows I would say that these are symptoms of a fragmented HD.
Does the HD get fragmented in Linux too?  

What should I do short of a reformat and install to freshen things up?

[newbie] How to turn off network tasks. - security question

2001-02-15 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

I ran nmap on my 
system and found that I have a lot of open ports (apparently I have a lot of 
network services running). For example, MySQL, FTP, HTTP, etc. My 
question is, how much of a security risk is this, and how do I shut of these 
services and/or close these ports? Does the x11 port need to be left open 
for x to function? I know this must be a common question, I tried 
researching all over the place, but I can't seem to get a good understanding of 
how to actually do the stuff. Thanks, all!


[newbie] dialup in startup

2001-02-15 Per discussione andrew

I am sure that there is way to get Mandrake 7.1 to dialup after the
machine is rebooted without the user being at the machine

Can someone tell me how to do that?
I runa script that starts the modem up dialing


[newbie] Is there something like these in Linux?

2001-02-15 Per discussione jf arocha

Having been a Mac user for many years (and a recent Linux convert with
LM7.2)), there are a few things that I have become used to while doing
day-to-day work. One of them is a macro program (QuickKeys, OneClick and
KeyQuencer). I am interested in getting something like this for Linux or
even something that works like Applescript.

Also, in the Mac there are a couple of programs (TypeIt4Me, for those who
know, is one of them. And I think in Windows too, Autocorrect-plus, or
something like that) that work like the autocorrect feature in M$Word, but
do it system-wide, with any program. Is here something like that in Linux?

Any ideas?



Re: [newbie] System is becoming slower

2001-02-15 Per discussione eryl

Mark Johnson wrote:
 I installed 7.2 on a K6 200 w/ 128MB and 10G 5400rpm drive.  I was dubious
 that linux could run on such a system, but it actually ran way better than
 expected until now.  Now having been used everyday for about a month things
 are getting progressively slower. Whenever I'm running Konquerer it seems to
 be just beating the hell out of my HD. Sometimes when I go to logout nothing
 happens I have to actually power down the computer - (I guess I could just
 kill X from the command line?).  It's taking forever to boot up and to
 startup applications.
 If this was windows I would say that these are symptoms of a fragmented HD.
 Does the HD get fragmented in Linux too?
 What should I do short of a reformat and install to freshen things up?

Sounds like your /var might be getting full (is it a separate
partition).  You might want to delete the zipped /var/log messages and
then adjust chron so that it rotates the logs more often.

[newbie] Missing some programs on Mandrake 7.2

2001-02-15 Per discussione Keith Christian

I used the "custom" install on my store-bought Mandrake 7.2 set, and some
programs that were installed on Mandrake 7.0 are not there, among them:
Apache, PHP, MySQL, and some smaller utilities such as mtools, compress,

Have these been removed from the CD set, or did I choose an incorrect
install option?  I checked "install everything" from Custom install, and
thought that would provide me with everything I had with Mandrake 7.0 and
maybe more.

Note, this is not an upgrade, but a fresh install of 7.2 on a different



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[newbie] RAM Disk Error

2001-02-15 Per discussione Rem

I have had a very odd problem:
I have a computer, with Athlon 700 Mhz, 30G HD, and 512MB RAM. I wanted to
put Mandrake 7.2 on it and it will give "ramdisk error" (It can not generate
the ramdisk) at the begining of installation and quit. Any idea why?

The oddest thing perhaps, is that i didn't have that odd problem when I used
another cd that was burnt earlier to install the system...

Any comments are welcome.


[newbie] Netatalk and cups.

2001-02-15 Per discussione James Little

We are using a PC as a print/file server.  We do this, so we can print from
Linux, Unix, Windows, Novell, and MacOS and have them all use the same
spool, and also have them all be able to use the same shared directory.
I've had this machine set-up before with Mandrake 7.1, and all these things
worked perfectly.  I have since installed 7.2, and all the other things are
working.  I installed Netatalk, and used the same config files.  AFPD is
working correctly, but I can't make PAPD work.  I can generate the
postscript files and move them to the Linux box, and print them directly.  I
can also see the Printer listed under LaserWriter8 in the chooser, but I
cannot print directly to it from MACOS.  It always tells it's processing a
job.  Any help is appreciated.

[newbie] KDE 2.1

2001-02-15 Per discussione Rem

Hi again,

I have Mandrake 7.2 and KDE 2.0
I am afraid to upgrade KDE to 2.0.1 from the software update wizard. Can
anyone tell me if it is really installable? Sometime ago when I tried, I
could not get to install the KDE rpms. Another thing is that whether it
would be worthwile to upgrade



RE: [newbie] Missing some programs on Mandrake 7.2

2001-02-15 Per discussione Franki

yeah, I just commented on the same thing, selected "install everything" and
if forgot most of what I wanted.. so I installed manually, they are all
there,, make things quicker and use the package manager in drake config on
the desktop.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Keith Christian
Sent: Friday, 16 February 2001 6:08 AM
Subject: [newbie] Missing some programs on Mandrake 7.2

I used the "custom" install on my store-bought Mandrake 7.2 set, and some
programs that were installed on Mandrake 7.0 are not there, among them:
Apache, PHP, MySQL, and some smaller utilities such as mtools, compress,

Have these been removed from the CD set, or did I choose an incorrect
install option?  I checked "install everything" from Custom install, and
thought that would provide me with everything I had with Mandrake 7.0 and
maybe more.

Note, this is not an upgrade, but a fresh install of 7.2 on a different



Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: [newbie] KDE 2.1

2001-02-15 Per discussione Michael O'Henly

Personally, I'd hold off a few weeks for the release version of KDE 2.1. This 
is a significant upgrade and, in my experience, even more stable than 2.0.1.


On Thursday 15 February 2001 13:41, Rem wrote:
 Hi again,

 I have Mandrake 7.2 and KDE 2.0
 I am afraid to upgrade KDE to 2.0.1 from the software update wizard. Can
 anyone tell me if it is really installable? Sometime ago when I tried, I
 could not get to install the KDE rpms. Another thing is that whether it
 would be worthwile to upgrade



Michael O'Henly
TENZO Design

Re: [newbie] DB2 and cron.daily problem solved!

2001-02-15 Per discussione Meph Istopheles


 Update . . . I found the answer with a search of the
 http://www.google.com/linux site.  It's from the newbie
 archives, but for some reason the message didn't come up when I
 first searched.
 So for the first time, today, I did not get this message:
 DB2 problem.: Missing or empty key value specified

 Here is the fix:

 in /etc/cron.daily there is a file called htdig-dbgen
 do a "chmod -x htdig-dbgen" without the quotes (as root)
 Many thanks to all who answered my questions, especially to
 Paul who's solution is given above.

  Whoo-hoo!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  I've been so
caught up in other projects, I've had no time to really address
this any further than previous posts.

  You are perfection.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

[newbie] Pstricks

2001-02-15 Per discussione Carlos Berardi

i'm making figures in LaTeX with PsTricks. When watching the dvi file, 
figures (the ones made with pstricks) look good, but when translating to 
PostScript, they scramble a little.

Does anyone have an answer for this?

Carlos Berardi

Re: [newbie] I could calculate faster on my finger then the 2.4.1 Kernel!!!!!

2001-02-15 Per discussione Mark Weaver

 Adam Greene wrote:
 I just installed kernel 2.4.1 onto Linux Mandrake 7.2 and now it is
 slower than all get out.  I downloaded, extracted, ran make mrproper,
 make menuconfig, didn't change much (sound, ethernet, etc) and then
 compiled, installed, rebooted, and it takes a LOOONNN time to
 boot.  I switch back to the kernel that comes with Linux Mandrake 7.2
 and it runs like the wind.  Anyone got any ideas???

Probably cause you'er sending HTML mail to the list instead of sending
plain text.

"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

Re: [newbie] want my linux work faster and networking

2001-02-15 Per discussione Mark Weaver

isn't there a way to filter HTML mail from the list?

"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

Re: [newbie] want my linux work faster and networking

2001-02-15 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 15 February 2001 08:06 pm, Mark Weaver wrote:
 isn't there a way to filter HTML mail from the list?

  We could issue 12 ga shotguns ?

Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update fails

2001-02-15 Per discussione Romanator

Dave Horsfall wrote:
 On Wed, 14 Feb 2001, Romanator wrote:
  Rather than using the update utility, I would recommend navigating to
  one of the many ftp sites and downloading the updates.
 Probably easier - thanks.  Someone else mentioned it could be lack of
 memory - 32Mb can't quite cut it.
 -- Dave

Yeah. My updater freezes guite often. 
Registered Linux User #179293
High Energy Penguin Powered Email

[newbie] Change dpi resolution on HP850 DeskJet

2001-02-15 Per discussione Alexander Rhoads

I am stumped at how to change the default resolution on my HP850 DeskJet from 
150 to 300 dpi.  Mandrake 7.2 found the printer just fine, but it got 
configured at 150 dpi and I have not been able to find a setting that will 
hold it at 300 dpi.  I've tried CUPS Admin and the HP DeskJet Control Panel.  
Several places have given me the 300 dpi option, but nothing ever seems to 
save at 300.  Everything reverts to 150dpi.

Any suggestions?
Alexander Rhoads
Micro$oft Free w/Linux-Mandrake
Linux Registered Machine #94714

[newbie] Help with X

2001-02-15 Per discussione Aldo Colussi

Hi there.

I have a Matrox G450 video card. When I first intalled
Linux Mandrake 7.2 I had to copy in the directory
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/modues/drivers the mga driver
provided in the matrox website, and to change a little
bit the XF86Config-4 file.
Everything was working ok.

Now I installed I received the CD with the update of
Linux Mandrake 7.2 and after I installed it X is not
working. Specifically X starts for 3 seconds and I can
observe a blue screen with the arrow of the mouse, and
then I go back to the text mode and I receive the
message "Waiting for X server to shut down". Moreover
after that I don't see the text cursor anymore but
instead I observe a cursor that can be controlled by
the mouse. Even if I don't observe the text cursor, I
still can write commands and the computer executes
them, but I'm not able to see what I'm writing.

Can somebody tell me what's happening?

Thank you, Al

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RE: [newbie] want my linux work faster and networking

2001-02-15 Per discussione max . bernard

Try http://mandrakecampus.com/

"Owens, Blaine C" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 02/15/2001 08:23:14 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Max Bernard/BCP/International Thomson Publishing)

Subject:  RE: [newbie] want my linux work faster and networking

Remember that MS Word is a stand-alone of a whole family of MS Office
products. Star Office launches the entire office suite. If MS Office did the
same it would need to launch Word, Power Point, Excel, etc., etc. You are
not comparing apples to apples.

-Original Message-
From: Tafta Zani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 10:51 AM
Subject: [newbie] want my linux work faster and networking

hi guys,

I have heard that linux is relatively faster then windows.
But why do windows can open such large application like MS Word 2000
in less than five seconds but LM 7.2 needs more than that to open Star
Office 5.2

Could any body recommend me something to be done (kernel compiling,
turning off services, upgrade kernel, hdparm or something) ?

By the way, where should I go if I want to learn basic networking under
Linux and
to activate my ATA66 harddisk?

AMD Duron 700 Mhz
Gigabyte GA-7ZX UDMA 66 onboard
NVidia Riva TNT2 M64 16 Mb
Compex RE100TX
10 Gb Quantum FB UDMA 66



Remember that MS Word is a stand-alone of a whole 
family of MS Office products. Star Office launches the entire office suite. If 
MS Office did the same it would need to launch Word, Power Point, Excel, etc., 
etc. You are not comparing apples to apples.

  -Original Message-From: Tafta Zani 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 
  10:51 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] 
  want my linux work faster and networking
  hi guys,
  I have heard that linux is relatively faster then 
  But why do windows can open such large 
  application like MS Word 2000
  in less than five seconds but LM 7.2 needs more 
  than that to open Star Office 5.2
  Could any body recommend mesomething to be 
  done (kernel compiling, 
  turning off services, upgrade kernel, hdparm or 
  something) ?
  By the way, where shouldI go ifI want 
  to learnbasic networkingunder Linux and 
  to activatemyATA66 
  AMDDuron 700 Mhz
  Gigabyte GA-7ZX UDMA 66 onboard 
  NVidia Riva TNT2 M64 16 Mb
  Compex RE100TX
  10 Gb Quantum FB UDMA 66

[newbie] printer key

2001-02-15 Per discussione dalpe

has any one tried using lexmark z52 w/7.2
looking for linux printer wondering how well it works
also has anyone got a favorite key board please don't say ms natural
won't but anything w/ms on it
how about happy hacker

Re: [newbie] want my linux work faster and networking

2001-02-15 Per discussione Daniel B. Haun

On Thursday 15 February 2001 21:24, you wrote:
 On Thursday 15 February 2001 08:06 pm, Mark Weaver wrote:
  isn't there a way to filter HTML mail from the list?

   We could issue 12 ga shotguns ?

 Set the email reader to only display text? :)
 Or... in Kmail's case... uncheck " Prefer HTML to plain text"
under folder options :)

 daniel in NJ 


[newbie] Epson_777

2001-02-15 Per discussione s

Ok, what's the trick?  :)

I've tried through cups.  I've downloaded a 'driver' from linuxprinting and 
followed directions.  What is the trick to get it to work?  It is supposed to 
be "perfectly" supported, so I know that there must be a way.  But when it 
sends a test page to it's daemon, I get the big nothing.

Mandrake 7.2
GNU Ghostscript 5.50 

Re: [newbie] Epson_777

2001-02-15 Per discussione Jon Doe

On Friday 16 February 2001 12:43 am, s loudly grumbled:
 Ok, what's the trick?  :)

 I've tried through cups.  I've downloaded a 'driver' from linuxprinting and
 followed directions.  What is the trick to get it to work?  It is supposed
 to be "perfectly" supported, so I know that there must be a way.  But when
 it sends a test page to it's daemon, I get the big nothing.

 Mandrake 7.2
 GNU Ghostscript 5.50

i had the same problem, and found that if you configure and have lpr starting 
up at boot then cups won't work. After I removed lpr it worked fine.

Registered Linux User #181996

[newbie] about XMMS

2001-02-15 Per discussione Bernardus Yosef Juli

I'm using Linux Mandrake 7.2 and I use XMMS to play my
mp3 files. Evrytime i play mp3 file with XMMS, the
song always stop in the middle and sometime it does
not repeat to another song. Can some one help me?

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Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 
a year!  http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/

Re: [newbie] Epson_777

2001-02-15 Per discussione eryl

Jon Doe wrote:
 On Friday 16 February 2001 12:43 am, s loudly grumbled:
  Ok, what's the trick?  :)
  I've tried through cups.  I've downloaded a 'driver' from linuxprinting and
  followed directions.  What is the trick to get it to work?  It is supposed
  to be "perfectly" supported, so I know that there must be a way.  But when
  it sends a test page to it's daemon, I get the big nothing.
  Mandrake 7.2
  GNU Ghostscript 5.50
 i had the same problem, and found that if you configure and have lpr starting
 up at boot then cups won't work. After I removed lpr it worked fine.
 Registered Linux User #181996

And I got mine to work by setting the postscript to "Type 1" using
SPAdmin (the default is type 2)--run spadmin as root.  Give it a
try--can't hurt.