[newbie-it] Modem Conexant SoftK56

2001-04-05 Per discussione Marco

Ritorno al discorso modem con chipset Conexant [che grazie a Demis
siamo riusciti a far funzionare!] per comunicare agli interessati (se
già non avevano risolto) che dai 5 tentativi con NO DIALTONE prima di
ottenere la connessione ... sono passato a UNO!!!

Uso la stringa di chiamata: AT3fxDT



[newbie-it] Dosemu

2001-04-05 Per discussione Germano

Qualcuno usa o ha mai usato dosemu?
E' facile da configurare o faccio prima a cercare un programma simile che 
giri sotto Linux?

Ciao a tutti e grazie


[newbie-it] Modem Conexant

2001-04-05 Per discussione Marco

Allora provo a ripetere il tutto a beneficio di chi non ha seguito il
dibattito di qualche tempo fa ... (non me ne vogliate se sbaglio qualche
passaggio ma sono in ufficio e qui purtroppo non ho Linux).
Cercherò di essere molto chiaro nei passaggi sapendo di annoiare chi (e
sono molti) ne sa molto + di me (chi ne sa come me però sarà contento;)

1) Scaricare il driver per il modem dal sito http://www.olitec.com
1.a cliccare su tux - il pinguino di linux - in basso a sinistra
1.b nella nuova finestra cliccare sulla scritta: "Utilisez votre carte
PCI 56K V2 sous Linux".
1.c Scaricare il driver per il vostro kernel (ad esempio se avete La
Mandrake 7.2 dovrete scaricare il driver: PCI_56K_V2_K2.2.17.tar.gz
1.e Controllare da Windows (con Microsoft System Information da Modem -
informazioni avanzate) la stringa di inizializzazione del proprio modem
e trascriverla (è un qualcosa che dovrebbe assomigliare a

2) In linux copiare il file .tar.gz appena scaricato nella directory in
cui vorrete scompattarlo

3) scompattare il file con il comando:
   tar -xzvf PCI_56K_V2_K2.2.17.tar.gz
che creerà una nuova directory chiamata:

4) Entrare nella nuova directory ed editare (come root!) il file
lin_hsf.inf inserendo dopo la scritta [Generic]e prima di quelle già
presenti e con la stessa sintassi la vostra stringa di inizializzazione.
Salvare il file modificato.

5) lanciare il comando ./ins_all (sempre come root) [questo dovrete
farlo ogni volta che rientrate in linux ... o meglio dovrete
automatizzarlo in modo che si esegua ogni volta che entrate in linux]

6) a questo punto lanciare kppp (se usate kde) o il corrispettivo per
gnome e scegliete impostazioni del modem c'è una stringa di chiamata
tipo ATDT ... io l'ho cambiata in AT3fxDT (prima per 5 o 6 volte mi
dava l'errore NO DIALTONE poi si connetteva ... ora si connette al
secondo tentativo).

Provate a connettervi (ovviamente sottintendo che ognuno deve avere
già settato tutti i dati per la connessione al proprio provider
internet) ... e in bocca al lupo



R: [newbie-it] Dosemu

2001-04-05 Per discussione luca laghi

 Qualcuno usa o ha mai usato dosemu?
 E' facile da configurare o faccio prima a cercare un programma simile che
 giri sotto Linux?

Bench veramente inesperto l'ho installato e configurato correttamente. Se
hai bisogno di una mano penso di poterti dare qualche dritta.

[newbie-it] rete!

2001-04-05 Per discussione osvaldo

ciao a tutti!
intanto grazie a tutti per l'aiuto datomi fino ad 
ora...e comunque ho deciso di rifarmi vivo per un nuovo quesito.
ho installato sul mio pc in ufficio mdrk 7.2 e sono 
riuscito con enorme soddisfazione a configurare la scheda di rete, la 
connessione ad internet tramite LAN, la posta e tutto il resto...questo mi ha 
dato enorme gioia! peròc'è ancora qualcosa che non quadra...
nel nostro ufficio abbiamo una decina di PC (uindos 
95 o 98) e cinque MAC (una bella rete mista) ed un server locale (uindos NT) in 
cui ognuno di noi deposita i propri dati nella propria cartella.
se apro la directory home (KDE), sotto la voce 
"rete" io vedo tutti i PC accesi e riesco ad accedere alle loro cartelle 
condivise, a leggere i documenti condivisi etc etcma se provo ad entrare nel 
server non riesco a trovarci niente! non vedo le cartelle dei singoli utenti, 
come invece succede se uso uindos...
...qualche suggerimento?
grazie mille, osva

Re: [newbie] Do I need to worry about these worms?

2001-04-05 Per discussione Mark Weaver

You really should start using portSentry as well. a single layered
security scheme is almost as bad as having none at all. especially if
you're new to ipchains and configuring them.


Jon Doe wrote:
 Do I need to worry about these worms that are going around? I don't run any
 services, I don't even have inetd running and I use PMfirewall for my dialup
 connection, no networks either.

Re: [newbie] ports 1024 and 1025 are killing me

2001-04-05 Per discussione s

I don't think anything commonly "runs" on these ports.  I am also using 
pmfirewall and found 1024 to be left open by it, so I just put an entry in 
its conffig file to close it.  The test I ran only goes up to 1024, maybe 
I'll add one for 1025 too.  :)
vi /usr/local/pmfirewall/pmfirewall.rules.local 
and copy one of the rules and change the port number like so:
$IPCHAINS -A input -p tcp -s $REMOTENET -d $OUTERNET 1024 -j DENY -l
It seems to work for me.

On Wednesday 04 April 2001 11:12 pm, you wrote:
 Does anyone know what could possibly be running on ports 1024 and 1025? the
 port tester page says it can connect to both ports and I can't figure out
 why, I don't run any services and I have PM firewall installed, everything
 else is stealthed, why oh why is 1024 and 1025 open?

Re: [newbie] Do I need to worry about these worms?

2001-04-05 Per discussione s

Not too much.  But there are test scripts available from sans.org to test 
your machine.  

On Wednesday 04 April 2001 10:08 pm, you wrote:
 Do I need to worry about these worms that are going around? I don't run any
 services, I don't even have inetd running and I use PMfirewall for my
 dialup connection, no networks either.

Re: [newbie] Re: LI boot prompt

2001-04-05 Per discussione Steve Bergman

cyberclay wrote:

   Yes, I have a rescue disk.  By rescue disk, what I mean is:
 I have the bootdisk I used to start the initial installation, and
 if the bootdisk and cd-rom are both in my computer when it boots,
 I can type rescue at the mandrake prompt and it will eventually
 drop me to a root prompt.
   However, the problem here is that lilo is nowhere to be found on
 this filesystem.
   Also, within the /boot/grub directory there is no install.sh script.
   I believe my root partition is /dev/sda1 (I have a scsi hard
 Please help!
What I really meant was the diskette that you have the option to create 
at the end of the installation.  What you have boots you into a ram disk 
with minimal functionality.  The emergency boot disk created at the end 
of the installation knows all about your scsi controller/drive and boots 
you into your actual installation on the hard disk.

What kind of scsi controller do you have?  Do you know which driver it 


Re: [newbie] networking question

2001-04-05 Per discussione Ed Tharp

first step...turn off Plug and pray in bios...
- Original Message -
From: "Christopher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 2:07 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] networking question

 How did you get Linux to see your network card?  I've Mandrake 7.2 Deluxe,
 and have yet to get it to see my LinkSys 10/100 card.  I'm lost.  Any help



 - Original Message -
 Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 9:32 PM
 Subject: [newbie] networking question

  Box #1 runs windows 2000
  Box #2 runs mandrake 7.2 and windows 2000
  they are networked together with a lynksys 4 port
  router. I have a cable modem for internet access.
  I know how to get them networked for file sharing when
  they are both windows 2000... but what about when
  Linux is running? (which is what I want to do full
  time on the second box)
  I can see all my files on my windows partition in
  linux. I would love be be able to share out that
  directory so I can still access them on the win2k box.
  Is this easily done?
  I realize this question might not be suited for this
  list.. so if anyone could point me to a good website
  on this or maybe reccomend a good book?
  Brian J Susol  Raynham MA
  ICQ# 9088592
  Yahoo: bsusol
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: [newbie] Error message ????

2001-04-05 Per discussione n6tadam

Yes, I have seen this error before,

I believe it is caused my the fact that when you enter one of your
designated runlevels, you might well have an automatic mount system on your
floppy drive. If there is a disk in at the time, then this may well produce
the error.


Thomas Adam

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 2:02 PM
Subject: [newbie] Error message 

 Any one ever seen this???

 I shut down my server last night and moved it to another room.  When I
 booted it back up I got this during the boot up process.

 These are the last four lines before the error...

 /dev/hda1; clean...
 /dev/hda3; clean...
 end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00 Floppy, sector 0
 /sbin/e2fsck: Device not configured while trying to open /dev/fd0

 ***An error occurred during the file system check***
 ***You will now be given a chance to log into the***
 ***system in single user mode to fix the problem ***
 ***Running 'e2fsck -v -y partition might help  ***

 Jason G

Please note that the content of this message is confidential between the original 
sender and the intended recipient(s) of the message. If you are not an intended 
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the message and return it to the original sender.

If you have any complaints about this message please reply to:

The Purbeck School E-Mail server running:

Re: [newbie] networking question

2001-04-05 Per discussione Steve Bergman

Ed Tharp wrote:

 first step...turn off Plug and pray in bios...
 - Original Message -
 From: "Christopher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 2:07 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] networking question
 How did you get Linux to see your network card?  I've Mandrake 7.2 Deluxe,
 and have yet to get it to see my LinkSys 10/100 card.  I'm lost.  Any help


The first thing you should know is that linksys changes chip suppliers 
like most of us change clothes.  Over the last few years, the same model 
cards have used 4 or 5 different chips.  The tulip family and it's 
clones have given the developers fits.  You might try using the 
old_tulip driver.

#/etc/rc.d/init.d/network stop
# modprobe old_tulip
#/etc/rc.d/init.d/network start

If this works you can edit /etc/conf.modules and change tulip to old_tulip.

There was a post earlier by acar (subj: LINKSYS ETHERFAST)  that you 
might want to look at first.  If that doesn't work try the above.



Re: [newbie] Vmware

2001-04-05 Per discussione Lúcio Costa

Thanks Nima.

Can You tell me how to configure the VMware to access more then one CDRom
Drive ?
In my Computer, I have 3 CDROM Drives, CDRW(scsi); CDROM(scsi);
Can I use this 3 Drives in only one configuration ?



At 15:05 04/04/2001 -0500, you wrote:

Well, you have to be more specific about accessing a
cdrw-drive. Do you
want to be able to burn cd's? If that is the case, then you are out
luck as far as I know, because VMware does not support that yet.
If not, then in you vmware configuration, you point your CDROM to
/dev/scd0 or/dev/scd1 or what ever your CDROM is setup as. I hope

On Tue, 3
Apr 2001, [iso-8859-1] Lúcio Costa wrote:

Re: [newbie] Re: LI boot prompt

2001-04-05 Per discussione cyberclay

 What I really meant was the diskette that you have the option to create 
 at the end of the installation.  What you have boots you into a ram disk 
 with minimal functionality.  The emergency boot disk created at the end 
 of the installation knows all about your scsi controller/drive and boots 
 you into your actual installation on the hard disk.
 What kind of scsi controller do you have?  Do you know which driver it 

  Believe it or not, I got it working.  I re-ran the installation
program, and switched to virtual terminal #2 (a shell) after it was
done "Finding Available Packages" (or something like that) because
at that point my scsi disks were mounted.
  Then I made some symbolic links from /mnt/etc/lilo.conf to
/etc/lilo.conf and /mnt/boot to /boot and re-ran lilo, which re-did
my MBR, and now it works.
  The only problem was that I had to boot with an old kernel because
I couldn't run mkinitrd (it wasn't installed) which caused some errors
at bootup.
  But anyway, my computer boots up now. . . 
  But there are a few more problems.  Please see Re: X upgrade problem

Thanks for your help!


Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta 3 and Toshiba Laptop 1715X

2001-04-05 Per discussione Tim Holmes

Try www.linmodems.org/  

You may have some fortune finding some information and/or drivers there
to config and use your internal, or external (Most USB modems are
actually WinModems) to work inside of Linux.


T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Oder Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010404 14:25]:
| david wrote:
|  What a pleasent surprise, installed beta 3, started it up and the sound
|  drivers were already there, no need to download them from OSS.
| It is the same with me. And your modem? I don't know how to solve the
| problem of this winmodem. Any help would be really appreciate. Oder.

RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 ISDN

2001-04-05 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

nslookup is your friend.

Fire up nslookup.

Do you get a prompt back from nslookup?

No, then you haven't set up your resolver...

Yes, give it a few entries to try.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gez Keenan
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 4:56 PM
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 ISDN

Configured with conf-isdn-account.
Get a connection but browser wont go anywhere.
Think its something to do with DNS and routing but blowed if I can figure it
Anybody help?


Re: [newbie] connecting to PC Anywhere

2001-04-05 Per discussione Tim Holmes

Per Michael's suggestion, I downloaded and install VNC.  I connected
once to the server on my Windows machine and it was slow, the screen was
HUGE, but it worked.  I could navigate and do what I needed.  However,
as soon as I disconnected I lost something.  Each time I try to connect
it tells me it doesn't like my passwd. I've reset that passwd like 15
times now!  Still can't reconnect.

I've then set up a server on my Linux box, and have then connected to it
via Windows.  But it gives me a TWM X connection.  Why doesn't it
display my current X connection which lately has been KDE?  I don't much
see a point in using it from Windows to Linux if I can't see what I
would see if I were sitting at that machine.

Does anybody have any insight on those two problems?  At the end of the
day it doesn't matter honestly.  I have KVM switch on my desk (Which I
highly recommend for people with multiple machines in one office.) so I
can just switch over to the other machine with only two key strokes.
But it would be pretty kewl to just look to another desktop and find out
what Windoze did wrong that time to create that sound an error message

Thanks for the suggestion and any further help.

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Adrian Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010402 17:14]:
| awesomeness.  thanks much, i'll go hunting=)
| Adrian Smith
| 'de telepone dude
| Telecom Dept.
| x 7042
|  "Michael O'Henly" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2:50:39 PM 4/2/01 
| What you want is VNC. I don't have the URL at hand but searching on "VNC" 
| will give you their site. VNC is a free, cross-platform remote desktop and 
| works beautifully to give *nix users access to Windows (or vice versa).
| M.
| On Monday 02 April 2001 13:21, Adrian Smith wrote:
|  is there a program out there that i can use to dial in  connect with a
|  windows box running pc anywhere?
|  thanks
|  Adrian Smith
|  'de telepone dude
|  Telecom Dept.
|  x 7042
| -- 
| Michael O'Henly
| TENZO Design

Re: [newbie] KDE 2.1.1 - do I also need to update XFree86?

2001-04-05 Per discussione msoltys

Michael Leone wrote:
 Hello all.
 I'm using KDE 2.1, on XFree86 4.0.1. I want to upgrade to KDE 2.1.1,
 I realize I need all the k*.rpms (well, not all the other languages),
 and all the qt*.rpms. BUT .. are the XFree86 updates actually required
 to run KDE 2.1.1? I'd rather not update X just yet.
I think you need the XFree86 updates. When I tried to install 2.1.1
without them, rpm complained that it needed some libraries that were
provided by the newer version of XFree. So I upgraded XFree and that
went smoothly, then installed KDE 2.1.1 and all is well for now.

Good Luck,

Mickey Soltys

Re: [newbie] User permissions

2001-04-05 Per discussione Tim Holmes

The impression I get from your message is that you don't have root
access to the machine.  And if you're using telnet sounds like you don't
have any other sort of authentication option kerberos or even the use of

But the skinny of it is that only the root(superuser) can restart the
machine.  If you have root access you can then su - or however you
preferr and then issue the shutdown -r now command that was mentioned by
another user.

If you don't have access to do so you will have to contact that system's

If you're running ssh and you have root access you can simply use the
command of:

ssh -l root host.name.of.machine shutdown -r now

It will prompt you for the passwd and then issue the command.  I then
suggest you use a ping command of some sort, to see that the machine
went down and then came back up.


T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Brett [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010403 19:54]:
| I want to be able to to telnet to a machine running mandrake-linux.
| How do I set a normal user to have "superviser" rights, so that I can
| restart the machine remotely.
| Thanks guys.

[newbie] Linksys 10/100 and LInux-Mandrake 7.2

2001-04-05 Per discussione Christopher

Hello all,

 Here's my setup:

Aptiva 233
Linksys 10/100 Ethernet card
 -- Connected to a 5 port 
 -- Hub is connected to an external 
cable box.

I went to the main page for sending in 
tech questions for the Mandrake folks to answer. The replied "sorry, since 
your matter doesn't concern installation, I can't help you." So, my world 
is now in your good folks' hands. How do I get Linux to 1) see my card, 
and then 2) get the card to see the internet? Feel free to send help in 
"dummy" style if you wish. My other machines have Windows 98 on them, 
using the same card. I'm used to just opening up Internet Explorer, and 
bam, there's the net (no log in procedures) (and none behind the 



Re: [newbie] KDE 2.1.1 - do I also need to update XFree86?

2001-04-05 Per discussione Terry

I have been having sooo many problems upgrading to
KDE 2.1.1 from KDE 2.0.1 running under LM 7.2 .. I
have tried every single installation instruction that
someone has posted, and none of them work (even KDE's
instructions!) .. i even uninstalled KDE 2.0.1 and
then tried to install 2.1.1, and still get dependency
errors.  And when I install the RPM's, I have to use
the --nodeps option, regardless.  Everything seems to
work fine, but when I reboot, the graphical logon
screen for KDE starts to appear, then disappears, and
I'm stuck at the console.  Can anyone help?  This is
getting to be VERY frustrating!!

Terry Sheltra

--- msoltys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Michael Leone wrote:
  Hello all.
  I'm using KDE 2.1, on XFree86 4.0.1. I want to
 upgrade to KDE 2.1.1,

  I realize I need all the k*.rpms (well, not all
 the other languages),
  and all the qt*.rpms. BUT .. are the XFree86
 updates actually required
  to run KDE 2.1.1? I'd rather not update X just
 I think you need the XFree86 updates. When I tried
 to install 2.1.1
 without them, rpm complained that it needed some
 libraries that were
 provided by the newer version of XFree. So I
 upgraded XFree and that
 went smoothly, then installed KDE 2.1.1 and all is
 well for now.
 Good Luck,
 Mickey Soltys

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Re: [newbie] so, I broke my mouse

2001-04-05 Per discussione Tim Holmes

You can boot into single user mode, or just boot in and using the TAB
key log in as root into failsafe.  Run the command:


It will pop up a util that will allow you to config your mouse.  Once
it's done, save your changes, exit the program, exit failsafe and
restart X Server.  That should now allow your newly configured mouse to

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Adam Willcox [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010403 20:26]:
| Hehe, accidently set my mouse to usb when it is in fact ps/2... HEHE.   Anyone know 
|a common file where linux stores all this stuff so I can edit it with vi? :)  BTW, 
|how do I get my mouse wheel working?

Re: [newbie] Dual boot problems...

2001-04-05 Per discussione Tim Holmes

I guess I'll take a crack at this one! :0)  So here goes.

Having had one of my machines set up as a Dual boot at one point, I've
encountered several different things.  I've also installed different
distros, but I'll try and stick with the Mandrake info here.

First of all let's start with the hard drives and how they are set up.

Linux and Windows set up the HDD differently.  for example, two hard
drives, each with two partitions.  You would think that in Windows that
it would go as follows:

X-zibit A
Partition 1 -- C:
Partition 2 -- D:
Partition 1 -- E:
Partition 2 -- F:

But that's not *always* the case!  At one point that Dual boot was only
Windows with drives C through G.  Well C, E, and F were on HDD 1 and D 
G were on HDD 2.  I simply gave up using tools to rename them.  But it
ended up looking like this.

X-zibit B
Partition 1 -- C:
Partition 2 -- E:
Partition 3 -- F:
Partition 1 -- D:
Partition 2 -- G:

Linux, I think, handles how it sets that up a bit better.  For example
in the case of the example I used above about HDD1 and HDD2, it will
give those HDDs the name of /dev/hd and then the a,b,c, so on for which
HDD it is.  So in Linux, X-zibit A would then translated to:

X-zibit C
Partition 1 -- /dev/hda1
Partition 2 -- /dev/hda2 (possibly to /dev/hda5)
Partition 1 -- /dev/hdb1
Partition 2 -- /dev/hdb5

Now I'm not entirely sure why it gives the second partition to HDD2 as
/dev/hdb5, but I've noticed that a lot on different Linux distros.  So I
can't explain that.

Having explained that, Linux is kind of picky about where it's boot
information is. That's the MBR which would be on HDD 1 in your instance
as well as /boot which should be on the first 1024 sectors of HDD 2.

I've tried putting that /boot and install Linux on what would be
/dev/hda2 from X-zibit C, drive D: from X-zibit A, it won't boot at all.
LiLO gives you nothing because it doesn't recognize how it's set up. So
it forces you to use the first partition on the second drive.

You could, in making your dual boot systems, install Windows on the
HDD1, then install Linux on HDD2.  Making that drive bootable and go
into the BIOS each time you boot and tell it to boot from HDD1 or HDD2.
Which is possible and I know people that do that.  But you lose the
chance of accessing data on that Windows partition which is
automatically supermounted when Mandrake boots. (Caldera will do this as

It's always best to set your swap as the last part of your HDD.
Normally the swap is twice the size of what your RAM is. (128 MB RAM,
256 MG Linux Swap)  If you put the /swap at the end of the HDD it
doesn't cause any problems with where is /boot, or things of that

So, from what I can gather, you want to have a dual boot system, with
out the use of a floppy.  So you will install Windows on HDD1, make sure
you fdisk /mbr just to be sure before you start the Linux install. The
install Linux on HDD2.  Installing / on /dev/hdb1 and then /home on
/dev/hdb5.  You may also want to partition it differently, and DiskDrake
can do all of that for you if you would like.  I normally go through and
set that up myself.

After you run the install, install everything on the second HDD, install
the boot information on /dev/hda1, which it will default to in the
install.  Remove all bootable media, reboot, and you should see the
stage1, stage2 then offer you a menu which will give you windows,
floppy, linux and some other options.  I normally go and in an edit the
boot information in the install and remove the floppy option.  Since if
you boot from the floppy, you wouldn't see that menu anyway!  I don't
see the point in leaving it in there, but others could agrue reasons to
keep it.

Well, I think that's a start at least.  And hopefully this didn't add to
the confusion of it all, but hopefully this will be found as helpful

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Dave Linsalata [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010401 21:47]:
| Hello,
| Well it's been two hours since I got Mandrake up, and, despite hundreds of
| "how do I's" and "why doesn't this work" floating around in my head, I'm
| loving it!  But I have a problem.  And I need help (please:))
| *skip down for meat of question...keep reading if you know win98...the below
| data /could/ apply to my main question*
| My old setup was thus:
| Hard Drive 1 - partitioned into 2 HDs, of which one was pseudo-partitioned
| using partition magic into swap and ext2 space.
| Hard Drive 2 - 500 megs compressed into 800 megs.
| The letter was C and D for 1, and E (with the compressed host on H)
| (F and G are CD and CD-RW drives)
| Now, after installing Mandrake, my setup is thus:
| Hard drive 1 - same partitions, but for some reason letters are now C and E)
| Hard drive 2 - now letter D, and has 1.97 gigs free (apparently) with my
| data sitting in a "drivespace.000" hidden file
| I understand that this is a mandrake list, but I wanted to throw this out 

[newbie] Internal modem installation (and is Rockwell conexant softk56 supported?)

2001-04-05 Per discussione Steve Bergman


I have an friend that just got 7.2 installed on his machine.  It has a 
Rockwell Conexant (softk56) modem.  I have suggested that he get something 
else.  His hardware config is unknown and he is not (yet  ;-)  a techie.  He 
doesn't see and com ports on the machine so I'm recommending an internel.  
Perhaps a USR sportster.

(Note: It shows up in harddrake with all the info about what kind of modem it 
is.  Does anyone know if perhaps it *IS* support.  The install linked 
/dev/ttyS2 to /dev/modem)

I always do all my configuration from the command line and turn of all that 
stuff that autodetects things and never set anything up through the graphical 
interface.  So it is due to my extreme ignorance of things "user friendly" 
that I must ask this question.

Once the modem is plugged in, what happens.  Should the modem be set for plug 
and play or be at a fixed com port.  What would he need to do to get it going.

I would do this myself but I don't have easy access to the machine.

Thanks for any enlightenment.

Oh, BTW.  He is very impressed with Mandrake, modem problems aside.  He's 
migrating over from WinME.  During the install, he chose to nuke his Windows 
partition so he's obviously cut off from the net right now but perservering. 

-Steve Bergman

Re: [newbie] SiS on-board graphics

2001-04-05 Per discussione Civileme

On Saturday 31 March 2001 22:15, you wrote:
 Hello Folks!

 I've installed Mandrake 7.20 on a machine which has a Jetway 531CF
 m/board. Although the installation appeared to work just fine, I'm
 having problems with video. The m/board has SiS 620 on-board graphics
 and no matter what I do with the video settings, I'm getting thin,
 randomly spaced, broken vertical lines on screen. Ideas anyone?


Install in expert mode and select 3.3.6 with accel, then
try that.  Your noise should disappear.  XFree-4.0.x does not seem to have 
good support for the SiS 530/620

Civileme (who has a 530 running 3D accel in 7.2)

 --- CrossPoint v3.30.021 R

[newbie] Where to place tarballs

2001-04-05 Per discussione asmiller

Seems like a very basic question, but it is also one I've never seen 
addressed anywhere.  Where do you guys put tarballs and rpm's for new 
applications and patches before you open them?  Is this entirely 
arbitrary or is there a customary location to put them before using 

Thanks in advance


Re: [newbie] Linksys 10/100 and LInux-Mandrake 7.2

2001-04-05 Per discussione Robin Regennitter

On Thursday 05 April 2001 07:37 am, you wrote:

There's an description on how to get your linksys card to work.  Go to 
Hopes that heips.

 Hello all,

   Here's my setup:

 Aptiva 233
 Linksys 10/100 Ethernet card
   -- Connected to a 5 port Hub
   -- Hub is connected to an external cable box.

  I went to the main page for sending in tech questions for the Mandrake
 folks to answer.  The replied "sorry, since your matter doesn't concern
 installation, I can't help you."  So, my world is now in your good folks'
 hands.  How do I get Linux to 1) see my card, and then 2) get the card to
 see the internet?  Feel free to send help in "dummy" style if you wish.  My
 other machines have Windows 98 on them, using the same card.  I'm used to
 just opening up Internet Explorer, and bam, there's the net (no log in
 procedures) (and none behind the scenes).



Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="Attachment: 1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

[newbie] script help

2001-04-05 Per discussione Hipólito López

Hi to all,

If I have a file with the following data:

listen 010:atm1.7530
listen 010:atm120.7080
listen 010:nac1.7506
listen 010:ist1.7508
listen 010:tar.7501
listen 010:nacpos.7510

How I can extract of the second column since ':' to '.' 
010:atm1.7530 atm1
010:atm120.7080   atm120

I think with the command awk I can do that.. but right now I don't have any

Can anybody help me?

Thanks in advance


Re: [newbie] script help

2001-04-05 Per discussione Civileme

On Thursday 05 April 2001 15:52, you wrote:
 Hi to all,

 If I have a file with the following data:

 listen 010:atm1.7530
 listen 010:atm120.7080
 listen 010:nac1.7506
 listen 010:ist1.7508
 listen 010:tar.7501
 listen 010:nacpos.7510

 How I can extract of the second column since ':' to '.'
 010:atm1.7530   atm1
 010:atm120.7080 atm120

 I think with the command awk I can do that.. but right now I don't have any

 Can anybody help me?

 Thanks in advance

cat datafilename | gawk -F: '{ print $2 }' | gawk -F. '{ print $1 }'  outfile

then it will have the contents in outfile that you desire.


Yeh, one-line filters are common for something that would be a hairy VB job.

Re: [newbie] Where to place tarballs

2001-04-05 Per discussione Civileme

On Thursday 05 April 2001 11:38, you wrote:
 Seems like a very basic question, but it is also one I've never seen
 addressed anywhere.  Where do you guys put tarballs and rpm's for new
 applications and patches before you open them?  Is this entirely
 arbitrary or is there a customary location to put them before using

 Thanks in advance

I usually put tarballs in my home directory and double-check that the install 
will not destroy or overwrite anything I want.  rpms, I put in 
/home/username/tmp so I don't have to login as root to DL them.


RE: [newbie] Where to place tarballs

2001-04-05 Per discussione jason . a2 . greene

I put mine in /usr/src



-Original Message-
From: asmiller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 1:38 PM
To: newbie
Cc: asmiller
Subject: [newbie] Where to place tarballs

Seems like a very basic question, but it is also one I've never seen 
addressed anywhere.  Where do you guys put tarballs and rpm's for new 
applications and patches before you open them?  Is this entirely 
arbitrary or is there a customary location to put them before using 

Thanks in advance


Re: [newbie] Problems with Sound Blaster ISA Card

2001-04-05 Per discussione Joan Tur

Simon Zarate escribi:

 I have a Sound Blaster SB16 ISA CARD, but linux don't see the card.  I have
 a Pentium II 233 MHZ with 64 MB of RAM.  What i can do?


# sndconfig

Maybe it isn't installed.  Download and install the rpm.

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Joan.Tur.pagina.de  www.ClubIbosim.org
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

Re: [newbie] script help

2001-04-05 Per discussione Michael R. Batchelor

 listen 010:atm1.7530
 listen 010:atm120.7080
 How I can extract of the second column since ':' to '.'
 010:atm1.7530 atm1
 010:atm120.7080 atm120

cat datafilename | gawk -F: '{ print $2 }' | gawk -F. '{ print $1 }'


$ cut -f 2 -d : datafile|cut -f 1 -d .  outfile

Probably uses fewer cpu cycles if the datafile is big.


Re: [newbie] Internal modem installation (and is Rockwell conexant softk56 supported?)

2001-04-05 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Steve Bergman wrote:

 I have an friend that just got 7.2 installed on his
 machine.  It has a Rockwell Conexant (softk56) modem.  I
 have suggested that he get something else.  His hardware
 config is unknown and he is not (yet  ;-)  a techie.  He
 doesn't see and com ports on the machine so I'm
 recommending an internel. Perhaps a USR sportster.

 (Note: It shows up in harddrake with all the info about
 what kind of modem it is.  Does anyone know if perhaps it
 *IS* support.  The install linked /dev/ttyS2 to /dev/modem)

 I always do all my configuration from the command line and
 turn of all that stuff that autodetects things and never
 set anything up through the graphical interface.  So it is
 due to my extreme ignorance of things "user friendly" that
 I must ask this question.

 Once the modem is plugged in, what happens.  Should the
 modem be set for plug and play or be at a fixed com port. 
 What would he need to do to get it going.

 I would do this myself but I don't have easy access to the

 Thanks for any enlightenment.

 Oh, BTW.  He is very impressed with Mandrake, modem
 problems aside.  He's migrating over from WinME.  During
 the install, he chose to nuke his Windows partition so he's
 obviously cut off from the net right now but perservering.


 -Steve Bergman

Stevego here for help, as that's a winmodem he's got.


Re: [newbie] KDE 2.1.1 - do I also need to update XFree86?

2001-04-05 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Terry wrote:
 I have been having sooo many problems upgrading to
 KDE 2.1.1 from KDE 2.0.1 running under LM 7.2 .. I
 have tried every single installation instruction that
 someone has posted, and none of them work (even KDE's
 instructions!) .. i even uninstalled KDE 2.0.1 and
 then tried to install 2.1.1, and still get dependency
 errors.  And when I install the RPM's, I have to use
 the --nodeps option, regardless.  Everything seems to
 work fine, but when I reboot, the graphical logon
 screen for KDE starts to appear, then disappears, and
 I'm stuck at the console.  Can anyone help?  This is
 getting to be VERY frustrating!!

 Terry Sheltra

Terrywhen you have a dependancy error then you need to 
make sure that the file specified in the error gets installed 
on your system.  To do that you need to locate the .rpm file 
that the file specified in the error is part of and install 
it.  This needs to be done for every file that is specified 
in the dependency error messages that are displayed by the 
rpm program.

If you use --nodeps to force rpm to install a package that is 
giving you a dependancy error then that package will be 
broken and not work untill the dependency is resolved.

The --nodeps switch can be used to make reluctant .rpm files 
install, but the package will only work properly if the 
dependency you forced rpm to ignore is bogus.  But, how do 
you know if a dependency is bogus?  On my system the last 
remaining dependency that was not allowing 2.1.1 to install 
was kdesu.  A search of my rpm database showed that kdesu was 
installed (and I use kdesu all the time so I already knew it 
was on the system).  

I figured that this was a bogus dependency.  So with all 
other dependencies already resolved I went ahead and 
installed the 2.1.1 .rpms with the --nodeps switch.  Then 
after doing a 'rpm --rebuilddb', running the update-menus 
program and rebooting the system, version 2.1.1 of KDE worked.

RE: [newbie] KDE 2.1.1 - do I also need to update XFree86?

2001-04-05 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] KDE 2.1.1 - do I also need to update XFree86?

Sorry to jump in here, but be careful in what you start. I tried installing KDE 2.1.1 and first had to go and find 14 dependencies in two stages. First test said I need 7 additional files, second try after I got those said I needed 7 more, I got those and then test said I needed 3 more and that there was a conflict with 22 files from a previous install. It is a snowball that never stops rolling down hill and gathers mass as it goes. Something is missing in the Package of Mandrake RPMs for KDE 2.1.1

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alan
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE 2.1.1 - do I also need to update XFree86?

Terry wrote:
 I have been having sooo many problems upgrading to
 KDE 2.1.1 from KDE 2.0.1 running under LM 7.2 .. I
 have tried every single installation instruction that
 someone has posted, and none of them work (even KDE's
 instructions!) .. i even uninstalled KDE 2.0.1 and
 then tried to install 2.1.1, and still get dependency
 errors. And when I install the RPM's, I have to use
 the --nodeps option, regardless. Everything seems to
 work fine, but when I reboot, the graphical logon
 screen for KDE starts to appear, then disappears, and
 I'm stuck at the console. Can anyone help? This is
 getting to be VERY frustrating!!

 Terry Sheltra

Terrywhen you have a dependancy error then you need to 
make sure that the file specified in the error gets installed 
on your system. To do that you need to locate the .rpm file 
that the file specified in the error is part of and install 
it. This needs to be done for every file that is specified 
in the dependency error messages that are displayed by the 
rpm program.

If you use --nodeps to force rpm to install a package that is 
giving you a dependancy error then that package will be 
broken and not work untill the dependency is resolved.

The --nodeps switch can be used to make reluctant .rpm files 
install, but the package will only work properly if the 
dependency you forced rpm to ignore is bogus. But, how do 
you know if a dependency is bogus? On my system the last 
remaining dependency that was not allowing 2.1.1 to install 
was kdesu. A search of my rpm database showed that kdesu was 
installed (and I use kdesu all the time so I already knew it 
was on the system). 

I figured that this was a bogus dependency. So with all 
other dependencies already resolved I went ahead and 
installed the 2.1.1 .rpms with the --nodeps switch. Then 
after doing a 'rpm --rebuilddb', running the update-menus 
program and rebooting the system, version 2.1.1 of KDE worked.

Re: [newbie] Problems with Sound Blaster ISA Card

2001-04-05 Per discussione Linux User

log in as root and run


- Original Message -
From: "Simon Zarate" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 12:35 PM
Subject: [newbie] Problems with Sound Blaster ISA Card

 I have a Sound Blaster SB16 ISA CARD, but linux don't see the card.  I
 a Pentium II 233 MHZ with 64 MB of RAM.  What i can do?

 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Re: [newbie] KDE 2.1.1 - do I also need to update XFree86?

2001-04-05 Per discussione Robin Regennitter

On Thursday 05 April 2001 01:01 pm, you wrote:

opps   I forgot to mention that you need the libmng files.  you can get
it in kde2.1 directory in the unsupported directory at the Mandrake's ftp

 Terry wrote:
  I have been having sooo many problems upgrading to
  KDE 2.1.1 from KDE 2.0.1 running under LM 7.2 .. I
  have tried every single installation instruction that
  someone has posted, and none of them work (even KDE's
  instructions!) .. i even uninstalled KDE 2.0.1 and
  then tried to install 2.1.1, and still get dependency
  errors.  And when I install the RPM's, I have to use
  the --nodeps option, regardless.  Everything seems to
  work fine, but when I reboot, the graphical logon
  screen for KDE starts to appear, then disappears, and
  I'm stuck at the console.  Can anyone help?  This is
  getting to be VERY frustrating!!
  Terry Sheltra

 Terrywhen you have a dependancy error then you need to
 make sure that the file specified in the error gets installed
 on your system.  To do that you need to locate the .rpm file
 that the file specified in the error is part of and install
 it.  This needs to be done for every file that is specified
 in the dependency error messages that are displayed by the
 rpm program.

 If you use --nodeps to force rpm to install a package that is
 giving you a dependancy error then that package will be
 broken and not work untill the dependency is resolved.

 The --nodeps switch can be used to make reluctant .rpm files
 install, but the package will only work properly if the
 dependency you forced rpm to ignore is bogus.  But, how do
 you know if a dependency is bogus?  On my system the last
 remaining dependency that was not allowing 2.1.1 to install
 was kdesu.  A search of my rpm database showed that kdesu was
 installed (and I use kdesu all the time so I already knew it
 was on the system).

 I figured that this was a bogus dependency.  So with all
 other dependencies already resolved I went ahead and
 installed the 2.1.1 .rpms with the --nodeps switch.  Then
 after doing a 'rpm --rebuilddb', running the update-menus
 program and rebooting the system, version 2.1.1 of KDE worked.

Re: [newbie] KDE 2.1.1 - do I also need to update XFree86?

2001-04-05 Per discussione Robin Regennitter

On Thursday 05 April 2001 01:01 pm, you wrote:

what I did to upgrade 2.1.1 from 2.0.1 was first thing first.

put XFree in its own directory
and cd to that directory and type:
rpm -Fvh *.rpm

and put qt2 in its directory
and cd to that directory and type:
rpm -Uvh --replacefiles *.rpm

and finally with all your kde rpm in the directory
all by itself and type.
rpm -Uvh --nodeps *.rpm

you may have a conflict with kdeaddutil rpm
you can either use
rpm -e kdeaddutil*.i586
and that should remove the package or

just simply use
rpm -Uvh --nodeps --replacefiles *.rpm
to install all your 2.1.1 with no dependency and to replace the files
that conflicts with kdeaddutil files.

Hope that helps.


 Terry wrote:
  I have been having sooo many problems upgrading to
  KDE 2.1.1 from KDE 2.0.1 running under LM 7.2 .. I
  have tried every single installation instruction that
  someone has posted, and none of them work (even KDE's
  instructions!) .. i even uninstalled KDE 2.0.1 and
  then tried to install 2.1.1, and still get dependency
  errors.  And when I install the RPM's, I have to use
  the --nodeps option, regardless.  Everything seems to
  work fine, but when I reboot, the graphical logon
  screen for KDE starts to appear, then disappears, and
  I'm stuck at the console.  Can anyone help?  This is
  getting to be VERY frustrating!!
  Terry Sheltra

 Terrywhen you have a dependancy error then you need to
 make sure that the file specified in the error gets installed
 on your system.  To do that you need to locate the .rpm file
 that the file specified in the error is part of and install
 it.  This needs to be done for every file that is specified
 in the dependency error messages that are displayed by the
 rpm program.

 If you use --nodeps to force rpm to install a package that is
 giving you a dependancy error then that package will be
 broken and not work untill the dependency is resolved.

 The --nodeps switch can be used to make reluctant .rpm files
 install, but the package will only work properly if the
 dependency you forced rpm to ignore is bogus.  But, how do
 you know if a dependency is bogus?  On my system the last
 remaining dependency that was not allowing 2.1.1 to install
 was kdesu.  A search of my rpm database showed that kdesu was
 installed (and I use kdesu all the time so I already knew it
 was on the system).

 I figured that this was a bogus dependency.  So with all
 other dependencies already resolved I went ahead and
 installed the 2.1.1 .rpms with the --nodeps switch.  Then
 after doing a 'rpm --rebuilddb', running the update-menus
 program and rebooting the system, version 2.1.1 of KDE worked.

[newbie] Freedom Annonymous Software on L-M 7.2

2001-04-05 Per discussione Anthony

Hi guys!

Has anyone got Freedom software (http://www.freedom.net) to work under L-M. 
7.2 and how?..TIA

[newbie] Word attachments in emails

2001-04-05 Per discussione Jeff Malka

I sometimes get attachments of documents in MS Word format.  What do I have
to do to make such attachments open up in Linux in a form I can see them?

I am using Mandrake 7.2 and also have WP for Linux free edition installed.

Thank you.

Registered Linux user  183185

[newbie] Problem playing MP3

2001-04-05 Per discussione Lon Lentz

  I'm running LM 7.1 on a CTX 770 notebook. It has an internal SB 16
compatible. I have set it up with HardDrake. I can get the .WAVs to play
with no problem. MP3s are giving me a problem. I've used kmp3 and a couple
other media players (the ones that come in 7.1). The player seems to load
the file. The timer seems to progress at something like quarter speed. And
no sound is outputed. The MP3 plays in Winamp and Windows Media Player
without a problem. Any ideas would be much appreciated.

Lon Lentz
Applications Developer  CyberEntomologist - Alvion Technologies
DataWarehousing and List Sales - Market Your Lists on the Net!
941-574-8600 Ext. 210

Re: [newbie] KDE 2.1.1 - do I also need to update XFree86?

2001-04-05 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Thursday 05 April 2001 15:01, you wrote:
 Terry wrote:
  I have been having sooo many problems upgrading to
  KDE 2.1.1 from KDE 2.0.1 running under LM 7.2 .. I
  have tried every single installation instruction that
  someone has posted, and none of them work (even KDE's
  instructions!) .. i even uninstalled KDE 2.0.1 and
  then tried to install 2.1.1, and still get dependency
  errors.  And when I install the RPM's, I have to use
  the --nodeps option, regardless.  Everything seems to
  work fine, but when I reboot, the graphical logon
  screen for KDE starts to appear, then disappears, and
  I'm stuck at the console.  Can anyone help?  This is
  getting to be VERY frustrating!!
  Terry Sheltra

 Terrywhen you have a dependancy error then you need to
 make sure that the file specified in the error gets installed
 on your system.  To do that you need to locate the .rpm file
 that the file specified in the error is part of and install
 it.  This needs to be done for every file that is specified
 in the dependency error messages that are displayed by the
 rpm program.

 If you use --nodeps to force rpm to install a package that is
 giving you a dependancy error then that package will be
 broken and not work untill the dependency is resolved.

 The --nodeps switch can be used to make reluctant .rpm files
 install, but the package will only work properly if the
 dependency you forced rpm to ignore is bogus.  But, how do
 you know if a dependency is bogus?  On my system the last
 remaining dependency that was not allowing 2.1.1 to install
 was kdesu.  A search of my rpm database showed that kdesu was
 installed (and I use kdesu all the time so I already knew it
 was on the system).

 I figured that this was a bogus dependency.  So with all
 other dependencies already resolved I went ahead and
 installed the 2.1.1 .rpms with the --nodeps switch.  Then
 after doing a 'rpm --rebuilddb', running the update-menus
 program and rebooting the system, version 2.1.1 of KDE worked.
This is all well and good except that for me the dependencies list keeps 
growing with every file that I add to satisfy the previous dependencies list. 
I can not find the missing link, but something is seriously wrong with the 
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] Word attachments in emails

2001-04-05 Per discussione Civileme

On Thursday 05 April 2001 14:55, you wrote:
 I sometimes get attachments of documents in MS Word format.  What do I have
 to do to make such attachments open up in Linux in a form I can see them?

 I am using Mandrake 7.2 and also have WP for Linux free edition installed.

 Thank you.

 Registered Linux user  183185

The best filters are probably on StarOffice bloatware.  AbiWord will also 
open Word97 files pretty well, but gets confused on Word2000 (probably cause 
of the animated, talking paper clip;-)


[newbie] Freedom Anonymous Software

2001-04-05 Per discussione Civileme

Personal Firewall--In 8.0 you can use Bastille in interactive mode, or you 
can download PM Firewall for free

Cookie Manager--Squid can be set up to handle this and also to compress ads 
broadcaast to you to one pixel on your screen

Ad Manager--see remarks concerning Squid--also Mandrake Internet Security 
Pack has this feature

Keyword Alert--Portsentry or IPlog properly configured will do this

Untraceable Encrypted email--Hmmm it is not the point usually to make email 
untraceable, and it is getting harder and harder to do with relaying servers 
requiring additional info all the time.  But the encryption is well done by 
GNU Privacy Guard (GPG)

Anonymous browsing and chat--Being undetected online is pretty easy with any 
of a number of Chat and Instant Messenger tools.

So you have these capabilities built into your Mandrake installation under a 
number of names, and they are compatible with AOL Instant Messenger and 
o9ther software that Freedom claims to be incompatible with.  Plus, with the 
Mandrake software, you have the freedom to make changes and redistribute.

It is a nice idea to put all of these features in one package.  Maybe we can 
add something like that to future releases.


Re: [newbie] ports 1024 and 1025 are killing me

2001-04-05 Per discussione s

On Thursday 05 April 2001 01:08 pm, you wrote:
 On Thursday 05 April 2001 03:11 am, you wrote:
  I don't think anything commonly "runs" on these ports.  I am also using
  pmfirewall and found 1024 to be left open by it, so I just put an entry
  in its conffig file to close it.  The test I ran only goes up to 1024,
  maybe I'll add one for 1025 too.  :)
  vi /usr/local/pmfirewall/pmfirewall.rules.local
  and copy one of the rules and change the port number like so:
  $IPCHAINS -A input -p tcp -s $REMOTENET -d $OUTERNET 1024 -j DENY -l
  It seems to work for me.

 Yes it works, but I found out that ICQ was opening those ports. So now I
 can't connect to ICQ with those ports blocked. Is having those ports open
 for ICQ a problem?

 The port tester page I use is:


Having even one port open is a problem in that it tells anyone who is 
scanning the net looking for open machines that there is a responding machine 
there.  So, to me, having 100 open ports is no worse than one.  Even if 
you're on a dial up, your ip address will stay within a range easily scanned 
by these port scanners.  But you must be able to use your software of choice 
or why bother with the internet at all.  So, you may have to look into ip 
chains.  There is documentation on your machine installed by mandrake on the 
subject and it's all over the internet.  Do a google search.  Now you 
shouldn't have to build an entire ipchain script.  PMFirewall uses ipchains, 
so if you could find enough info to word a rule to allow icq to connect, 
probably much the same way realplayer or napster needs to be set up, you 
could add it into your pmfirewall rules.  That's what'd I'd do.

Re: [newbie] Word attachments in emails

2001-04-05 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear Jeff:

Best way to see Word documents in Linux is to download StarOffice, which
is not only a great office suite in its own right, but is known for its
superlative conversion of MSWord documents. To get StarOffice, go to
www.sun.com, more specifically


and download for free the latest StarOffice 5.2 version

Warning: It's a huge download (97 megs compressed, 250 megs
uncompressed). However, you can also order it on CD for $10 from Sun
(just the CD, no manual included).


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

RE: [newbie] Freedom Anonymous Software

2001-04-05 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Civileme
 Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 7:17 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Freedom Anonymous Software
 Personal Firewall--In 8.0 you can use Bastille in interactive 
 mode, or you 
 can download PM Firewall for free
 Cookie Manager--Squid can be set up to handle this and also 
 to compress ads 
 broadcaast to you to one pixel on your screen
 Ad Manager--see remarks concerning Squid--also Mandrake 
 Internet Security 
 Pack has this feature
 Keyword Alert--Portsentry or IPlog properly configured will do this
 Untraceable Encrypted email--Hmmm it is not the point usually 
 to make email 
 untraceable, and it is getting harder and harder to do with 
 relaying servers 
 requiring additional info all the time.  But the encryption 
 is well done by 
 GNU Privacy Guard (GPG)
 Anonymous browsing and chat--Being undetected online is 
 pretty easy with any 
 of a number of Chat and Instant Messenger tools.
 So you have these capabilities built into your Mandrake 
 installation under a 
 number of names, and they are compatible with AOL Instant 
 Messenger and 
 o9ther software that Freedom claims to be incompatible with.  
 Plus, with the 
 Mandrake software, you have the freedom to make changes and 
 It is a nice idea to put all of these features in one 
 package.  Maybe we can 
 add something like that to future releases.

  As an added note Freedom has to connect to it's web server each
time it is launched and it is almost never able to do so.

  The bottom line being that you can not use it to handle any 
of the task for which it was installed.


[newbie] xinetd failed on shutdown

2001-04-05 Per discussione Jeff Malka

Does mandrake's (7.2) "update" take days to complete or is it broken?

I am running Mandrake 7.2 and because my cups was not working (no printing),
I decided as a last resort to try Update from the original CDs.  That
upgraded some thing and since then cups is working fine.

But, after asking for language and keyboard option, the "upgrade" runs
forever and seems frozen.  Is that normal?

In fact I left it running for 6-8 hours while it was "searching for items to
upgrade" and finally had to shutoff the PC because I had no other way to
stop it and I thought it was frozen (even though the cursor moved with the
mouse).  When I rebooted into Linux, it checked the files and all seems fine
and works fine, but now when I shutdown correctly, xinetd shows "Failed" in
the scrolling lists of things it does on shutdown.

What is xinetd and how do I correct this?  What rpm from the original CDs
should I re-install to restore things so xinetd would not fail on shutdown?

Thank you.

Registered Linux user  183185

Re: [newbie] Problems with Sound Blaster ISA Card

2001-04-05 Per discussione Simon Zarate

Thanks the problem was resolved!!!


Subject: Re: [newbie] Problems with Sound Blaster ISA Card
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 21:59:42 -0400

Simon Zarate escribió:

  I have a Sound Blaster SB16 ISA CARD, but linux don't see the card.  I 
  a Pentium II 233 MHZ with 64 MB of RAM.  What i can do?


# sndconfig

Maybe it isn't installed.  Download and install the rpm.

 Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
 Joan.Tur.pagina.de  www.ClubIbosim.org
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Re: [newbie] SiS on-board graphics

2001-04-05 Per discussione Simon Zarate

Open DrakConf, and try changing: Type or monitor and resolution.  I have the 
same onboard card use Sis620.  Try using 1024 x  768 with 16 bits.

Only use 4 MB for graphic card this is enough for this resolution, remember 
test each change before you finish or you need reinstall Linux how happend 
to me.


From: Civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] SiS on-board graphics
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 12:03:17 -0700

On Saturday 31 March 2001 22:15, you wrote:
  Hello Folks!
  I've installed Mandrake 7.20 on a machine which has a Jetway 531CF
  m/board. Although the installation appeared to work just fine, I'm
  having problems with video. The m/board has SiS 620 on-board graphics
  and no matter what I do with the video settings, I'm getting thin,
  randomly spaced, broken vertical lines on screen. Ideas anyone?

Install in expert mode and select 3.3.6 with accel, then
try that.  Your noise should disappear.  XFree-4.0.x does not seem to have
good support for the SiS 530/620

Civileme (who has a 530 running 3D accel in 7.2)

  --- CrossPoint v3.30.021 R

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[newbie] CD Rom .... not liking it.!

2001-04-05 Per discussione Brett - CTC

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
I ran through the install process of 7.2

Had no troubles, but when I've gone to use the CD rom from in the OS is says
it's "mounted" by I can't access it from RPMDrake.

It asks me to insert CD2, which I do and it says it can't find the file.
What I notice is that it's not even access the CD-Rom.

What else can I do from here?

Thanks again guys.


- Original Message -
From: "Simon Zarate" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Problems with Sound Blaster ISA Card

 Thanks the problem was resolved!!!


 Subject: Re: [newbie] Problems with Sound Blaster ISA Card
 Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 21:59:42 -0400
 Simon Zarate escribi:
   I have a Sound Blaster SB16 ISA CARD, but linux don't see the card.  I
   a Pentium II 233 MHZ with 64 MB of RAM.  What i can do?
 # sndconfig
 Maybe it isn't installed.  Download and install the rpm.
  Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
  Joan.Tur.pagina.de  www.ClubIbosim.org
  Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Re: [newbie] configuring sound card

2001-04-05 Per discussione Simon Zarate

You are using the right driver? Look for HArdware compatible list.


From: Hipólito López [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Linux-Newbie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] configuring sound card
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 14:40:13 -0800

Hi to all,

Anybody can tell me where can I find a document for configuring my sound
card CMI8330 on LM 7.2?

harddrake detect the sound card but when I configuring the I/O port and IRQ
and DMA I got an error

mpu40 - timeout .

and when I try to run the artsd I got another error 'Error while initialing
the sound driver
   device /dev/dsp can't
opened(no surch  device)

I supose that this error is because my sound card isn't good configurated.

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Re: [newbie] Word attachments in emails

2001-04-05 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

StarOffice is included in the store-bought versions of Mandrake, too.
-- cmg

Benjamin Sher wrote:
 Dear Jeff:
 Best way to see Word documents in Linux is to download StarOffice, which
 is not only a great office suite in its own right, but is known for its
 superlative conversion of MSWord documents. To get StarOffice, go to
 www.sun.com, more specifically
 and download for free the latest StarOffice 5.2 version
 Warning: It's a huge download (97 megs compressed, 250 megs
 uncompressed). However, you can also order it on CD for $10 from Sun
 (just the CD, no manual included).
 Sher's Russian Web
 Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: [newbie] Internal modem installation (and is Rockwell conexant softk56 supported?)

2001-04-05 Per discussione Steve Bergman

On Thursday 05 April 2001 15:13, you wrote:
 Steve Bergman wrote:
  I have an friend that just got 7.2 installed on his
  machine.  It has a Rockwell Conexant (softk56) modem.  I
  have suggested that he get something else.  His hardware
  config is unknown and he is not (yet  ;-)  a techie.  He
  doesn't see and com ports on the machine so I'm
  recommending an internel. Perhaps a USR sportster.
  (Note: It shows up in harddrake with all the info about
  what kind of modem it is.  Does anyone know if perhaps it
  *IS* support.  The install linked /dev/ttyS2 to /dev/modem)
  I always do all my configuration from the command line and
  turn of all that stuff that autodetects things and never
  set anything up through the graphical interface.  So it is
  due to my extreme ignorance of things "user friendly" that
  I must ask this question.
  Once the modem is plugged in, what happens.  Should the
  modem be set for plug and play or be at a fixed com port.
  What would he need to do to get it going.
  I would do this myself but I don't have easy access to the
  Thanks for any enlightenment.
  Oh, BTW.  He is very impressed with Mandrake, modem
  problems aside.  He's migrating over from WinME.  During
  the install, he chose to nuke his Windows partition so he's
  obviously cut off from the net right now but perservering.
  -Steve Bergman

 Stevego here for help, as that's a winmodem he's got.


[newbie] strange modem lockup.

2001-04-05 Per discussione Franki

Hi everyone,

I have a permanent dialup connection, and every now and then the modem will
just lock up and nothing short of turning it off will fix it... its a 56 K
KTX external modem, and the problem has only been since it was put on the
linux machine..

It will work for a month sometimes, and then it will just freeze for no
apparent reason.

Does anyone know of a init script that would reset a ktx ext?

or something that might solve the problem?

Both the phone line and the power run through a surge arrestor , so surges
can't be the problem, so I am at a bit of a loss as to what it might be.


Frank Hauptle
/ /  _
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Gshop  Network Payment Solutions.

[newbie] What is the difference between PM firewall and Firestarter firewall?

2001-04-05 Per discussione Anthony

The author for firestarter ( http://firestarter.sourceforge.net) clearly 
stated that pointman(author of PMfirewall) help him with the script. However, 
the firewall has a very nice GUI (4 us Newbie) to work with, and it does 
work, blocking all the ports including 1024 and 1025 that so many people are 
having trouble with pm firewall filtering. I find it easy to configure and 
work very effectively..IMHO So, What to the expert have to say about 
firestater? Am I complete loss or on the right track here? ;))

[newbie] LM 7.1 and StarOffice

2001-04-05 Per discussione Jesse C. Chang

I got LM 7.1 from CheapBytes.com (2 CDs for 3.95), and it came with StarOffice.
However, it says it's "staroffice-es".  Does that mean it's in Spanish?  If so,
anyone have any idea why that was the version that was included?

I don't want to install it if it's going to be in Spanish...


   !!   Jesse C. Chang  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  `|'   "I have the simplest tastes.  I am always
  /|\   satisfied with the best."  -- Oscar Wilde

Re: A twist on the OpenSource paradigm: (was RE: [newbie] Linux Tax S oftware?)

2001-04-05 Per discussione Todd Lyons

acar wrote:

 Of course, there is no need to write this software in a low-level language.
 Some of the very high level languages would be nearly ideal for this

From one of my home LUGs:

"Thomas G. Moore" wrote:
 What applications for computing income tax are available
 for Linux?

Here's my work in progress: 


Blue skies...   Todd
| Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get what you want.  |
| http://www.mrball.net  |  Sometimes you get experience. |
| http://faq.mrball.net  | --unknown origin   |

Re: [newbie] Problems FreeS/WAN compiling the kernel

2001-04-05 Per discussione Todd Lyons

"Jose M. Sanchez" wrote:

 You'll need to copy the appropriate files to the right place and edit
 /etc/lilo.conf accordingly.

A potential time saver, do this before you make your kernel image. 
First do your make *config.  Edit the Makefile and uncomment the line
which says "export INSTALL_PATH /boot".  Edit lilo.conf for the new
image which gets installed creating a new entry with a new label (or
change one of the older labels..up to you how you do it).  The image
installed will be /boot/vmlinuz.

  make dep clean bzlilo modules modules_install

will do it all.
Blue skies...   Todd
| Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get what you want.  |
| http://www.mrball.net  |  Sometimes you get experience. |
| http://faq.mrball.net  | --unknown origin   |

Re: [newbie] Zoom ISA Modem = WinModem ?

2001-04-05 Per discussione Todd Lyons

Carroll Grigsby wrote:

 the box: If it's a Winmodem, some manufacturers will say "For Windows
 only". Not all do. If you don't like guessing games, there is a listing

Additionally, if it says "for DOS", you can bet good money that it will
be usable.  If it says it has an onboard 16550, it will undoubtedly work
as long as you can get the io and irq set to what you need.
Blue skies...   Todd
| Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get what you want.  |
| http://www.mrball.net  |  Sometimes you get experience. |
| http://faq.mrball.net  | --unknown origin   |

Re: [newbie] Freedom Anonymous Software

2001-04-05 Per discussione Anthony

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: Re: [newbie] Freedom Anonymous Software
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 22:57:59 -0400

On Thursday 05 April 2001 20:11, you wrote:
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Civileme
  Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 7:17 PM
  Subject: [newbie] Freedom Anonymous Software
  Personal Firewall--In 8.0 you can use Bastille in interactive
  mode, or you
  can download PM Firewall for free
  Cookie Manager--Squid can be set up to handle this and also
  to compress ads
  broadcaast to you to one pixel on your screen
  Ad Manager--see remarks concerning Squid--also Mandrake
  Internet Security
  Pack has this feature
  Keyword Alert--Portsentry or IPlog properly configured will do this
  Untraceable Encrypted email--Hmmm it is not the point usually
  to make email
  untraceable, and it is getting harder and harder to do with
  relaying servers
  requiring additional info all the time.  But the encryption
  is well done by
  GNU Privacy Guard (GPG)
  Anonymous browsing and chat--Being undetected online is
  pretty easy with any
  of a number of Chat and Instant Messenger tools.
  So you have these capabilities built into your Mandrake
  installation under a
  number of names, and they are compatible with AOL Instant
  Messenger and
  o9ther software that Freedom claims to be incompatible with.
  Plus, with the
  Mandrake software, you have the freedom to make changes and
  It is a nice idea to put all of these features in one
  package.  Maybe we can
  add something like that to future releases.

   As an added note Freedom has to connect to it's web server each
 time it is launched and it is almost never able to do so.

   The bottom line being that you can not use it to handle any
 of the task for which it was installed.


 Thanks charles and Civilme

I was inquriring for someone else who insist in using freedom software who
insist in using Freedom software. I personally use junkbuster and it works
very good. However, I did purchase my mandrake dist..therefore I will make
use of all its features :))  Thanks again for the help and suggestions
