[newbie-it] Re: Modem Conexant

2001-04-06 Per discussione Marco

Legion wrote:

innanzitutto grazie 1000,se un super ignorante come me (la prima volta
che edito un file!) e' riuscito a farlo funzionare.

Prego, è solo un piacere ... anche se i ringraziamenti li giro a Demis
(è lui che ha scoperto tutto ... io ho solo riportato ... GRAZIE DEMIS!)

qualche chiarimento:
-e' normale che si connetta senza fare alcun rumore,vero?
... direi di sì ... credo dipenda dal settaggio del volume del modem

-con la stringa di chiamata ATDT  mi si e' connesso dopo 3-4 NO
DIALTONE...con la stringa in AT3fxDT  ma da' immediatamente
forse e' il diverso modem?
Penso di sì ... ad esempio a me dava subito errore con la stringa che
era stata consigliata all'inizio (scusate ma non ricordo neanche più
qual'era)... così lasciai ATDT ... poi dopo alcune prove ho visto che
AT3fxDT funzionava prima ...

-il comando automatico mi hanno detto di metterlo su /etc/rc.d/rc.local
...non so cosa sia ora guardo...cmq e' giusto?

Sì ... a tal proposito ti riporto qualche riga presa
dalla "bibbia" «Appunti Linux» di Daniele Giacomini:

Cito: «... Per una convenzione diffusa, lo script rc.local che dovrebbe
essere contenuto in questa directory ( /etc/rc.d/,
o altra directory a seconda della propria distribuzione GNU/Linux),
viene eseguito alla fine della procedura di
inizializzazione del sistema, e viene lasciato a disposizione
dell’amministratore che può modificarlo come crede. Volendo
fare un’associazione con il sistema Dos, si potrebbe paragonare questo
script al file AUTOEXEC.BAT. ...»



R: [newbie-it] Re: Dosemu

2001-04-06 Per discussione luca laghi

Mi serviranno un paio di giorni per altre cose, ma lo far senz'altro.

Re: R: [newbie-it] Dosemu

2001-04-06 Per discussione Germano

Il 14:16, gioved 05 aprile 2001, hai scritto:
  Qualcuno usa o ha mai usato dosemu?
  E' facile da configurare o faccio prima a cercare un programma simile che
  giri sotto Linux?

 Bench veramente inesperto l'ho installato e configurato correttamente. Se
 hai bisogno di una mano penso di poterti dare qualche dritta.

Volevo solamente sapere:
1) Se lo puoi lanciare come utente senza troppe difficolt

2) Se i programmi ci girano decentemente

3) Se lanciando programmi autoinstallanti alla Win...s puoi controllare dove 
te li vada a scrivere

4) Se il pacchetto dosemu-freedos serve a simulargli una partizione FAT oppure
gli da una mano a crearla sull' hard-disk

Scusa per la mole delle domande e comunque grazie

Ciao Germano

[newbie-it] dosemu

2001-04-06 Per discussione luca laghi

Secondo quanto riportato nel manualetto che si 
scarica assieme a DOSemu dalsito www.dosemu.org dopo l'istallazione di dosemu è 
necessario creare unadirectory che all'avvio DOSemu farà considerare a DOS 
come disco C. Percreare tale directory con tutte le cose che occorrono 
esiste unprogrammuccio anch'esso presente nel file .tar che si scarica, che 
si chiamabootdir.first. Una volta creata questa directory ci si può mettere 
dentrotutto ciò che si vuole. Ad esempio io ci ho messo dentro Freedos, 
laricostruzione gratuita di DOS scaricabile al sito www.freedos.org.Ciò che fa bootdir.firts 
può essere fatto con semplicità a mano:all'avvio dosemu legge tutte le 
istruzioni sulla macchina dal file di testo/etc/DOsemu.conf. Alla voce 
hdimage potete inserire il nome della directorynella quale DOSemu dovrà 
rintracciare DOS e dovrà fare considerare a DOScome disco C. Dopo questa 
modifica inserite nella directory in questione ilsistema operativo DOS e il 
gioco è fatto. Ogni volta che in DOS salvatefiles semplicemente questi vanno 
a finire nella directory da voi creata.Se per tale directory l'utente ha i 
privilegi necessari DOS potrà essereutilizzato da lui 
tranquillamente.Nel file DOSemu.conf alla voce $ports potete specificare 
gli indirizzi dellevarie porte alle quali DOS potrà accedere. La sintassi 
opportuna èspecificata a fianco, rendendo facile il lavoro.Spero di 
esservi stato d'aiuto.Luca

[newbie-it] linux sul secondo hard disk

2001-04-06 Per discussione emi80

Un po' di tempo fa c'era stata una discussione sul 
fatto che linux mandrake potesse essere installato sul secondo HD.
A riguardo avrei una domanda da fare: ho aggiunto 
un altro hard disk al mio computer e vorrei installare linux sul secondo. Il 
problema e': se sul primo installo win e lascio vuoto il secondo (senza 
formattarlo) e faccio l'installazione raccomandata, linux viene installato sul 
Faccio questa domanda perche' tale installazione e' 
l'unica che mi funziona. Se cerco di fare le partizioni da me, sebbene sono 
certo che siano giuste, mi da' errore nell'installazione.


[newbie] Telnet Service ...

2001-04-06 Per discussione Brett - CTC

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
When I check the services, the Telnet service is set to "On Demand" ..

How would I make it "Automatic", so the service is always running.



RE: [newbie] networking question

2001-04-06 Per discussione Daryl Johnson

You need to run Samba on the linux box.

Daryl Johnson
Proplan Associates

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of BJS
 Sent: 05 April 2001 02:32
 Subject: [newbie] networking question
 Box #1 runs windows 2000
 Box #2 runs mandrake 7.2 and windows 2000
 they are networked together with a lynksys 4 port
 router. I have a cable modem for internet access.
 I know how to get them networked for file sharing when
 they are both windows 2000... but what about when
 Linux is running? (which is what I want to do full
 time on the second box)
 I can see all my files on my windows partition in
 linux. I would love be be able to share out that
 directory so I can still access them on the win2k box.
 Is this easily done?
 I realize this question might not be suited for this
 list.. so if anyone could point me to a good website
 on this or maybe reccomend a good book?
 Brian J Susol  Raynham MA
 ICQ# 9088592
 Yahoo: bsusol
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

[newbie] network : multihome

2001-04-06 Per discussione vivid_liou

Hi , Could anyone help me to configure the folloing situation ?

A physical interface of  a router is multihomed with and nets .
and  the  ip address of  my host running linux is, how to  confiure as my default route ?
the default gateway and my host are not one the same net .

I tried the command " route add default gw " , but it shows "
SIOCADDR : Nework is unreachable"

Thanks a lot

Re: [newbie] Telnet Service ...

2001-04-06 Per discussione Dan

Telnet runs under inetd(assuming it is turned on under
inetd.conf).  Inetd listens to the port that telnet
requests come in on.  If a request comes in it starts
the telnet daemon.  This is done to save system
resources since inetd also listens for alot of other
services.  This saves on system resources.  Rather
than have a lot of services listening, you have one. 
Unless you have alot of telnet requests, this setup is
just fine.
--- Brett - CTC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 *This message was transferred with a trial version
 of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
 When I check the services, the Telnet service is set
 to "On Demand" ..
 How would I make it "Automatic", so the service is
 always running.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

[newbie] what packages version is suitable for Mandrake 7.0

2001-04-06 Per discussione vivid_liou

Dear All :

My system is Mandrake 7.0.  When I try to install libcap-0.6.2-1.i586.rpm , it
shows " only package with major number =3 is suported by this version of RPM "
but How do I know whick rpm is suitable ? When I get a package , how do I know
its major number ?

Thanks a lot !

[newbie] Silly Question?

2001-04-06 Per discussione Caspar Kennerdale

will mandrake install over a ntfs formatted hardrive

i want to install over windows 2000, ideally without repartitioning- 
(because I'm using a work computer)

The 7.1 cd I have wont work (although did with win 98)

Also when the compiuter had win 98 it automtaically configured xwindows.

I have tried installing under VMwar- and xwindows just wont configure!

anyone got any siggestions- or is re-format and dual bot the only way 

thanks in advance
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RE: [newbie] KDE 2.1.1 - do I also need to update XFree86?

2001-04-06 Per discussione Liaw, Andy

Check which package the file belong to at rpmfind.net.


 -Original Message-
 From: Terry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 10:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE 2.1.1 - do I also need to update XFree86?
 also forgot to ask .. some of these dependency errors
 list files that I have no idea what package they come
 from (so far the ones that appear regularly are
 "libfreetype.so.6" and "glibc-devel") .. what
 package(s) are these files found in?
 --- Robin Regennitter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thursday 05 April 2001 01:01 pm, you wrote:
  what I did to upgrade 2.1.1 from 2.0.1 was first
  thing first.
  put XFree in its own directory
  and cd to that directory and type:
  rpm -Fvh *.rpm
  and put qt2 in its directory
  and cd to that directory and type:
  rpm -Uvh --replacefiles *.rpm
  and finally with all your kde rpm in the directory
  all by itself and type.
  rpm -Uvh --nodeps *.rpm
  you may have a conflict with kdeaddutil rpm
  you can either use
  rpm -e kdeaddutil*.i586
  and that should remove the package or
  just simply use
  rpm -Uvh --nodeps --replacefiles *.rpm
  to install all your 2.1.1 with no dependency and to
  replace the files
  that conflicts with kdeaddutil files.
  Hope that helps.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Re: [newbie] ld.so missing in Mandrake 7.2

2001-04-06 Per discussione Frederico Figueiredo

hi Steve...
thanks for the advice, but it didn't work! it did made sense what you said,
but I still have the same problem and I don't have the time to find out what
is wrong...
I thinking in installing RedHat (that I'm sure it works) only for the
application, since I need it for school.
And yes, Limes is the ancient (but still useful) multiprocessor simulator
for 486's! Do you want it?


- Original Message -
From: "Steve Bergman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] ld.so missing in Mandrake 7.2

 Frederico Figueiredo wrote:

  I've recently installed Mandrake 7.2...
  I'm now using a software application (Limes) that uses the dynamic
  ld.so, but this file (library) doesn't exist in the rpm
  ld.so-1.9.11-4mdk.i586.rpm (for Mandrake 7.2)but it exists (for example)
  the same rpm but for the RED HAT distribution!
  What can I do? I really need help!
  Thanks a lot!
 Try this:

 #cd /lib

 #ln -s ld-2.1.3.so ld.so

 This links ld.so to the modern name for the library.  ldconfig updates
 the systems map of what libraries are where.
 Be very careful.  Do not get the arguments backwards or you could really
 hose your system.
 Is Limes that ancient multiprocessor simulator for 486's?

[newbie] Telnet vs SSH

2001-04-06 Per discussione Nadin Merali

What is the difference and does every os have ssh?  For example windows
has a telnet program.  Will windows also have a ssh program?



Re: [newbie] Telnet vs SSH

2001-04-06 Per discussione =?windows-874?b?U2FyYXZ1dCBUZWVwcHJhc2FuIFwovtXoqNTrx1wp?=

ssh under windoz available in 3rd party program likes Secure CRT

- Original Message - 
From: "Nadin Merali" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 10:16 PM
Subject: [newbie] Telnet vs SSH

 What is the difference and does every os have ssh?  For example windows
 has a telnet program.  Will windows also have a ssh program?

Re: [newbie] Telnet vs SSH

2001-04-06 Per discussione Jeremy H.

you have to download for windows  SecureCRT
- Original Message - 
From: Nadin Merali [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 10:16 AM
Subject: [newbie] Telnet vs SSH

 What is the difference and does every os have ssh?  For example windows
 has a telnet program.  Will windows also have a ssh program?

Re: [newbie] KDE 2.1.1 - do I also need to update XFree86?

2001-04-06 Per discussione Eric

Not to discourage anybody, but Mandrake 8.0 should come out "real soon now 
TM".  The third beta is already out.  We are testing the beta and it is 
starting to look really good.

I would just wait for MDK 8.0 to come out.  That release will have KDE 2.1.1, 
as well as the 2.4.2 kernel and other wonderful new stuff ( I want Evolution, 
gimme, gimme).

Eric Indiogine

On Friday 06 April 2001 08:19, you wrote:
 also forgot to ask .. some of these dependency errors
 list files that I have no idea what package they come
 from (so far the ones that appear regularly are
 "libfreetype.so.6" and "glibc-devel") .. what
 package(s) are these files found in?


 --- Robin Regennitter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thursday 05 April 2001 01:01 pm, you wrote:
  what I did to upgrade 2.1.1 from 2.0.1 was first
  thing first.
  put XFree in its own directory
  and cd to that directory and type:
  rpm -Fvh *.rpm
  and put qt2 in its directory
  and cd to that directory and type:
  rpm -Uvh --replacefiles *.rpm
  and finally with all your kde rpm in the directory
  all by itself and type.
  rpm -Uvh --nodeps *.rpm
  you may have a conflict with kdeaddutil rpm
  you can either use
  rpm -e kdeaddutil*.i586
  and that should remove the package or
  just simply use
  rpm -Uvh --nodeps --replacefiles *.rpm
  to install all your 2.1.1 with no dependency and to
  replace the files
  that conflicts with kdeaddutil files.
  Hope that helps.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: [newbie] Telnet vs SSH

2001-04-06 Per discussione Tim Holmes

The difference is in security for the most part.  There are some other
perks to SSH that telnet does not allow.  For example you could shut
down a machine with the command:

ssh -l root hostname.dns.com shutdown -h now

Once you execute that command, it will ask you for the RSA key passcode
and then log into that machine, execute that command and then log out.
The machine will then shut down.  This can't be done in telnet. And if
it can, it's not done easily, I've tried the command and it won't allow
it or look like there's a simple way to do that.

[timh@r2d2 timh]$ ssh yoda uptime
timh@yoda's password:
 11:39am  up 51 days, 11:44,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

There's an example.

There's also the security. With Telnet, you can't telnet in as root due
to the fact that it sends a plain text passwd and it's not hard at all
to catch those passwds.  SSH sends a plain text key.  The key has the
passcode encrypted within that key.

Windows comes with Telnet.  And it's installed by default in Win98SE,
and up.  (If you actually disable networking, you install the telnet.exe
to install the Windows networking.)  Windows does now however have a SSH
anything.  I don't know if they ever will, and since they're recent
statements about OpenSource, Linux and GPL, I doubt they will do
something like that any time soon.

There are plenty of applications you can buy or download as FREEware.
Personally I like and use SecureCRT.  Which can be coupled with a SFTP
client.  SecureCRT does suppor telnet.  Hummingbird has a good suite for
telnet, I believe it supports SSH, and it should connect to an X Server.
However it's pricey.  Last I heard it was like $700 or so.  But there
are other ways of getting software that will perform the task you need
with out spending a dime, or with out spending an arm, a leg, and a knee

Hope that clears things up for you a little.

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Nadin Merali [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010406 11:16]:
| What is the difference and does every os have ssh?  For example windows
| has a telnet program.  Will windows also have a ssh program?
| Thanks
| Nadin

RE: [newbie] KDE 2.1.1 - do I also need to update XFree86?

2001-04-06 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Terry wrote:

 also forgot to ask .. some of these dependency errors
 list files that I have no idea what package they come
 from (so far the ones that appear regularly are
 "libfreetype.so.6" and "glibc-devel") .. what
 package(s) are these files found in?


Terry glibc-devel is actually glibc-devel-2.1.3-16mdk, a 
package, not a file. libfreetype.so.6 is provided by 

[newbie] modem lockup

2001-04-06 Per discussione Franki

Hi everyone,

I have a permanent dialup connection, and every now and then the modem will
just lock up and nothing short of turning it off will fix it... its a 56 K
KTX external modem, and the problem has only been since it was put on the
linux machine..

It will work for a month sometimes, and then it will just freeze for no
apparent reason.

Does anyone know of a init script that would reset a ktx ext?

or something that might solve the problem?

Both the phone line and the power run through a surge arrestor , so surges
can't be the problem, so I am at a bit of a loss as to what it might be.


Frank Hauptle
/ /  _
---/ /  (_)__  __   __
--/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
-//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
Gshop  Network Payment Solutions.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Marchiori Carlo
Sent: Friday, 6 April 2001 5:08 PM
Subject: [newbie] lilo and Win98

My pc configuration looks like this

/dev/hdb (MBR untouched by lilo)
/dev/hdb1 primary Windows partitition (FAT32), active partition
/dev/hdb2 extended Windows partition (LBA)
/dev/hdb5 logical Windows partition (FAT32)

/dev/hdc  (MBR untouched by lilo)
/dev/hdc1 (/boot) primary linux partition. Lilo is installed here. There is
also the Mandrake 7.0 (air) kernel on here.
/dev/hdc2 extended linux partition
/dev/hdc5 (/) logical linux partition
/dev/hdc6 swap linux partition
/dev/hdc7 (/home) logical linux partition

Well, the phenomenology is the following:
1) If the boot disk is /dev/hdb (I set this editing the BIOS), Windows98
starts correctly.
2) If the boot disk is /dev/hdc (I set this editing the BIOS), then LILO
starts correctly and shows the prompt:
- if I choose linux, then linux starts without any problem
- if I choose windows then the line "loading windows" shows up and
then the system blocks.

Anybody can help me? Thank you anyway. Bye

RE: [newbie] Telnet vs SSH

2001-04-06 Per discussione Franki

you can also download terra-term pro, and the ssh addin..

but the best ssh I have used in windoze is Zoc, they have a new version
which is in beta, but gives you unlimited use, I have had it for a while and
its great...

full color the whole bit.

Frank Hauptle
/ /  _
---/ /  (_)__  __   __
--/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
-//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
Gshop  Network Payment Solutions.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Nadin Merali
Sent: Friday, 6 April 2001 11:16 PM
Subject: [newbie] Telnet vs SSH

What is the difference and does every os have ssh?  For example windows
has a telnet program.  Will windows also have a ssh program?



[newbie] Installing Kerberos 5 on LM 7.2

2001-04-06 Per discussione Mandrake

Has anyone accomplished installing the latest version of Kerberos 5 via RPM
from Red Hat or via tar.gz on the Mandrake 7.2?  I am looking for some
instructions because my feeble attempts thus far have been unsucessful.


[newbie] Mandrake Update

2001-04-06 Per discussione ai4a

I am trying to install glibc-2.2.2-4mdk using Mandrake Update (so I can
install XFree86). The install fails with errors (lots os them). I get so
many errors that the list goes off the bottom of my screen. I can find
no way to scroll to the bottom of the error list. Therefore I cannot get
to the 'force' or 'quit' buttons. How does one scroll to the bottom of
the error list?
My system:
LM 7.2 
AMD 500mhz
128M ram

Thanks charles

[newbie] KDE 2.1.1 help

2001-04-06 Per discussione Dale Kosan

Okay, I might have screwed up here.I installed xfree86 4.0.3-2.1 in a vain 
attempt to install KDE 2.1.1.Now when I do a rpm -Uvh *.rpm --test  I get the 
following error:

[dale@gandalf kde2.1.1]$ su root
[root@gandalf kde2.1.1]# rpm -Uvh *.rpm --test
error: failed dependencies:
libXft.so.1 is needed by kdeadmin-2.1.1-1mdk
libXft.so.1 is needed by kdebase-2.1.1-1mdk
libXft.so.1 is needed by kdebase-nsplugins-2.1.1-1mdk
libXft.so.1 is needed by kdegames-2.1.1-1mdk
libXft.so.1 is needed by kdegraphics-2.1.1-1mdk
libXft.so.1 is needed by kdelibs-2.1.1-1mdk
libXft.so.1 is needed by kdelibs-sound-2.1.1-1mdk
libXft.so.1 is needed by kdemultimedia-2.1.1-1mdk
libXft.so.1 is needed by kdenetwork-2.1.1-1mdk
libXft.so.1 is needed by kdepim-2.1.1-1mdk
libXft.so.1 is needed by kdesdk-2.1.1-1mdk
libXft.so.1 is needed by kdetoys-2.1.1-1mdk
libXft.so.1 is needed by kdeutils-2.1.1-1mdk
libXft.so.1 is needed by kdevelop-1.4.1-1mdk
libXft.so.1 is needed by koffice-2.0.1-7mdk
libXft.so.1 is needed by libqt2-2.3.0-2mdk
libXft.so.1 is needed by libqt2-devel-2.3.0-2mdk
libXft.so.1 is needed by qt2-designer-2.3.0-2mdk
kdesu is needed by gsu-0.9-8mdk

I did a search on rpmfind and found out that 
provides the above.Did I upgrade to high? How do I know if I am running the 
newest version of Xfree and can I still install KDE2.1.1?Thanks for all your 

Re: [newbie] CD Rom .... not liking it.!

2001-04-06 Per discussione AndyMonks
did you enable supermount?


Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update

2001-04-06 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

ai4a wrote:
 I am trying to install glibc-2.2.2-4mdk using Mandrake
 Update (so I can install XFree86). The install fails with
 errors (lots os them). I get so many errors that the list
 goes off the bottom of my screen. I can find no way to
 scroll to the bottom of the error list. Therefore I cannot
 get to the 'force' or 'quit' buttons. How does one scroll
 to the bottom of the error list?
 My system:
 LM 7.2
 AMD 500mhz
 128M ram

 Thanks charles

charlesthe glibc-2.2.2-4mdk version is for cooker (8.0), 
not 7.2.  Get the glibc- version that is on the 
7.2 update mirror sites.  Mandrake Update shouldn't be 
accessing the glibc-2.2.2-4mdk version if you're running 7.2.

Re: [newbie] KDE 2.1.1 help

2001-04-06 Per discussione s

Yeah, I got that sh*t too with 4.0.3-2, either use 4.0.3-1 or upgrade glibc 
to 2.2 and use 4.0.3-3.  I did the later and as a side effect I have aa fonts.
(Something is messed up the -2  I think).

On Friday 06 April 2001 02:59 pm, you wrote:
 Okay, I might have screwed up here.I installed xfree86 4.0.3-2.1 in a vain
 attempt to install KDE 2.1.1.Now when I do a rpm -Uvh *.rpm --test  I get
 the following error:

 [dale@gandalf kde2.1.1]$ su root
 [root@gandalf kde2.1.1]# rpm -Uvh *.rpm --test
 error: failed dependencies:
 libXft.so.1 is needed by kdeadmin-2.1.1-1mdk
 libXft.so.1 is needed by kdebase-2.1.1-1mdk
 libXft.so.1 is needed by kdebase-nsplugins-2.1.1-1mdk
 libXft.so.1 is needed by kdegames-2.1.1-1mdk
 libXft.so.1 is needed by kdegraphics-2.1.1-1mdk
 libXft.so.1 is needed by kdelibs-2.1.1-1mdk
 libXft.so.1 is needed by kdelibs-sound-2.1.1-1mdk
 libXft.so.1 is needed by kdemultimedia-2.1.1-1mdk
 libXft.so.1 is needed by kdenetwork-2.1.1-1mdk
 libXft.so.1 is needed by kdepim-2.1.1-1mdk
 libXft.so.1 is needed by kdesdk-2.1.1-1mdk
 libXft.so.1 is needed by kdetoys-2.1.1-1mdk
 libXft.so.1 is needed by kdeutils-2.1.1-1mdk
 libXft.so.1 is needed by kdevelop-1.4.1-1mdk
 libXft.so.1 is needed by koffice-2.0.1-7mdk
 libXft.so.1 is needed by libqt2-2.3.0-2mdk
 libXft.so.1 is needed by libqt2-devel-2.3.0-2mdk
 libXft.so.1 is needed by qt2-designer-2.3.0-2mdk
 kdesu is needed by gsu-0.9-8mdk

 I did a search on rpmfind and found out that
-1mdk//XFree86-libs-4.0.3-1.1 provides the above.Did I upgrade to high? How
 do I know if I am running the newest version of Xfree and can I still
 install KDE2.1.1?Thanks for all your help...

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update

2001-04-06 Per discussione s

What Alan says is basically true, but if you're brave at heart, here's a 
method that can enable one to upgrade to glibc 2.2 on a 7.2 install. 
 I followed these instructions here except where they say do a --force 
--nodeps, do a --test and get the other 2 - 4 dependencies.  I haven't had a 
problem, yet (being the operative word) and have been using this set up for 
about 9 or 10 days.  Oh I did upgrade my menu app tho it suggests not to.  
But it was necessary to that I wouldn't get an error when I upgrade-menu 
after installing kde2.1.1.  
This should keep you from getting a screen full of errors.  I think you can 
scroll through the screens by typing tab + pgup/pgdown (or the arrows), or 
maybe its ctrl + arrows.  H*ll, I can't remember.  Experiment with those 
extra keys.  But you can change to another console by typing F2, F3 and so on 
and back again.  (I find that handy.)
Anyway, good luck.

On Friday 06 April 2001 01:37 pm, you wrote:
 I am trying to install glibc-2.2.2-4mdk using Mandrake Update (so I can
 install XFree86). The install fails with errors (lots os them). I get so
 many errors that the list goes off the bottom of my screen. I can find
 no way to scroll to the bottom of the error list. Therefore I cannot get
 to the 'force' or 'quit' buttons. How does one scroll to the bottom of
 the error list?
 My system:
 LM 7.2
 AMD 500mhz
 128M ram

 Thanks charles

Re: [newbie] Word doc reader in linux?

2001-04-06 Per discussione David E . Fox

On Thursday 29 March 2001 11:25, Jennifer Davis wrote:
 Yes, I used abi to read and edit word files.  One feature it lacks that I
 do miss are the styles.  If you are merely reading, it should not be a

And it seems to not have tables, either.

For what it's worth, I read my resume, which I originally created in 
Star Office format, exported to Word 97 .doc format, into abiword 
as well as the newest koffice / kword I built from cvs last night. Abiword
reads it IMHO better than does kword, even though it doesn't have tables (it
centers the table information on mutilple lines.)  Abiword is a bit old as 
well; it was built from a ximian Gnome install I did a few months back and I 
haven't updated yet.

Kword lost the tables entirely (they are pretty simple, just a two-element 
table with company centered in one half of the table and the dates centered 
in the other half. Kword shows part of the table at the top of the document, 
then 0's followed by white space where the tables should go in the document.
Not only that, but the bullet list on the second page was obliterated into one
line of gibberish.

 Jennifer Davis


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

Re: [newbie] KDE 2.1.1 help

2001-04-06 Per discussione Dale Kosan

How did you upgrade to glibc 2.2?

[newbie] Gnome icons on KDE desktop

2001-04-06 Per discussione Giovanni Montana

Hi folks,

I am using Mandrake 7.2. When I log in as a user into KDE 2.0 some Gnome 
icons and windows appear on the desktop ... how can I get rid of them? 

I thought of looking for a KDE configuration file inside the .kde folder ... 
am I right? If yes, which file should I modify?

Thanks a lot!


Re: [newbie] KDE 2.1.1 help

2001-04-06 Per discussione s

I just wrote all that in another email, but it hasn't shown up on the list 
yet.  It'll probably beat this one, but I'll cut and paste:
What Alan says is basically true, but if you're brave at heart, here's a 
method that can enable one to upgrade to glibc 2.2 on a 7.2 install. 
 I followed these instructions here except where they say do a --force 
--nodeps, do a --test and get the other 2 - 4 dependencies.  I haven't had a 
problem, yet (being the operative word) and have been using this set up for 
about 9 or 10 days.  Oh I did upgrade my menu app tho it suggests not to.  
But it was necessary to that I wouldn't get an error when I upgrade-menu 
after installing kde2.1.1.  YMMV.

On Friday 06 April 2001 06:31 pm, you wrote:
 How did you upgrade to glibc 2.2?

Re: [newbie] resolv.conf

2001-04-06 Per discussione German Aguilar
Hi Michael I did'nt read previous emails about it, but i have problems with my telnet and ftp services, they are too slow, what can i do, thanks in advance   - Original Message - From:Michael Falzon Sent:Martes, 03 de Abril de 2001 01:04 a.m. To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:[newbie] resolv.conf Hi all I have sent a email out about this be for and I was give this#!/bin/kshcd /etccp resolv.conf resolv.backecho hostresorder host bin  resolv.confcat resolv.back  resolv.confrm resolv.backthis is now add " hostresorder host bin " line after line after line...and it still not working right ( all local mail ftp telnet are sometime tooslow )o/s Mandrake 6.1CPU AMD 700Ram 96 mghdd 8gbif you need to know more ask's me ...Michael FalzonLast Of The BBs SysopsMozy's Swamp BBs  Red Dwarf BBsRegistered Linux user #20439724/7 Help Desk +61409967695http://mozysswamp.yi.org Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update

2001-04-06 Per discussione ai4a

s wrote:
 What Alan says is basically true, but if you're brave at heart, here's a
 method that can enable one to upgrade to glibc 2.2 on a 7.2 install.
  I followed these instructions here except where they say do a --force
 --nodeps, do a --test and get the other 2 - 4 dependencies.  I haven't had a
 problem, yet (being the operative word) and have been using this set up for
 about 9 or 10 days.  Oh I did upgrade my menu app tho it suggests not to.
 But it was necessary to that I wouldn't get an error when I upgrade-menu
 after installing kde2.1.1.
 This should keep you from getting a screen full of errors.  I think you can
 scroll through the screens by typing tab + pgup/pgdown (or the arrows), or
 maybe its ctrl + arrows.  H*ll, I can't remember.  Experiment with those
 extra keys.  But you can change to another console by typing F2, F3 and so on
 and back again.  (I find that handy.)
 Anyway, good luck.
 On Friday 06 April 2001 01:37 pm, you wrote:
  I am trying to install glibc-2.2.2-4mdk using Mandrake Update (so I can
  install XFree86). The install fails with errors (lots os them). I get so
  many errors that the list goes off the bottom of my screen. I can find
  no way to scroll to the bottom of the error list. Therefore I cannot get
  to the 'force' or 'quit' buttons. How does one scroll to the bottom of
  the error list?
  My system:
  LM 7.2
  AMD 500mhz
  128M ram
  Thanks charles

Thanks all:
Yes I know that glibc-2.2.2 is development. I am just on a learning
expedition. It does not matter if I destroys my LM 7.2. I can just
reinstall it. 
I have tried every key combination I could think of. Still can not get
to the bottom of the error messages. But no matter. Good old alt, ctrl 
f2 then kill will take care of it. But it has been a good learning

[newbie] ADSL setup

2001-04-06 Per discussione Dan Sampsel

I've installed LM 7.2. I'm having a devil of a time setting up my ADSL
connection. Everything is functioning in MacroHard. I'm using qwest.net's
DSL services. A call to "tech support" yielded the standard "we don't
support Linux". Fine. He told me that he "doesn't think" they use PPPoE,
only DHCP. Great. When I setup ADSL in Linux  try to fire up Netscape, I
keep getting "server not found" message. Trying to change Linux to
DHCP+PPoE, it responds by telling me I'm currently connected to the internet
and gives me 2 options. A. Disconnect, or, B. Change my configuration. What
simple problem am I overlooking?

Daniel T. Sampsel

Re: [newbie] Vmware

2001-04-06 Per discussione Nima S. Panahi

Well, I have the Gsx version and used to have the Vmware workstation. Now,
in gsx, one can setup as much as six scsci type devices (maybe in
workstation too, but I forget). Now, the devices linked to the scsi do not
have to be real scsci.. one can map atapi to scsi for example. All these
setting are under the configuration editior.  When you first setup with
the wizard, it only allows you to setup one cdrom, one floppy and one
disk. Afterwards you can use the configuration editor to add or change

Now, for example, I have SCSI 0:0 linked to my virtual
disk then have
Device   typename
SCSI 0:1 CD-ROM  /dev/scd0
SCSI 0:2 CD-ROM  /dev/scd1
SCSI 0:3 CD-ROM  /dev/scd2

and the such.

If vmware does not have scsi (which I don't remeber), the it is still
possible. Of course, for P-M one has the virtual disk.
Device   type   name
P-S CD-ROM /dev/hdc (if that is your IDE CD) or /dev/scd0 (if you have
used ide-scsi emulation)
S-M CD-ROM /dev/scd1
S-S CD-ROM /dev/scd2

and the such. put in the right device names for your machine, but you get
the idea. Basically, for SCSI you can have upto six devices and for IDE
only 4. I hope that helps, and sorry for answering late.

On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, [iso-8859-1] Lúcio Costa wrote:

 Thanks Nima.

 Can You tell me how to configure the VMware to access more then one CDRom
 Drive ?
 In my Computer, I have 3 CDROM Drives, CDRW(scsi); CDROM(scsi); CDROM(atapi).
 Can I use this 3 Drives in only one configuration ?



 At 15:05 04/04/2001 -0500, you wrote:
 Well, you have to be more specific about "accessing" a cdrw-drive. Do you
 want to be able to burn cd's? If that is the case, then you are out of
 luck as far as I know, because VMware does not support that yet.
 If not, then in you vmware configuration, you point your CDROM to
 /dev/scd0 or/dev/scd1 or what ever your CDROM is setup as. I hope that
   On Tue, 3
 Apr 2001, [iso-8859-1] Lúcio Costa wrote:

Re: [newbie] Vmware

2001-04-06 Per discussione Nima S. Panahi

Well, I guess I will answer since I don't see anyone answering this.
Correct me if I am wrong, but are not the ports at
/dev/par0 and the such
/dev/parport and the such?
/dev/lp0 and the such?

On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Syamsul Anwar wrote:

 I am presently evaluating VMWare too. Which device in /dev points to
 the parallel port? I have no idea what to get VMWare to use for
 parallel port emulation. Thanks!

 On 4 Apr 2001, at 15:05, Nima S. Panahi wrote:

  Well, you have to be more specific about "accessing" a cdrw-drive. Do
  you want to be able to burn cd's? If that is the case, then you are out
  of luck as far as I know, because VMware does not support that yet. If
  not, then in you vmware configuration, you point your CDROM to /dev/scd0
  or/dev/scd1 or what ever your CDROM is setup as. I hope that helps.

Re: [newbie] ADSL setup

2001-04-06 Per discussione Dave Sherman

I am using Qwest DSL and Mandrake 7.2 at this very moment. So I know it 
works. Question: do you have the Cisco 67x router, or just the internal 
NIC? I am running the Cisco, which has its own DHCP server built-in. I had 
to configure the DHCP server to provide my DNS servers and default 
gateway. I set both my Windows and Mandrake boxes to use DHCP, and 
everything works perfectly.


On Friday 06 April 2001 19:54, Dan Sampsel wrote:
 I've installed LM 7.2. I'm having a devil of a time setting up my ADSL
 connection. Everything is functioning in MacroHard. I'm using
 qwest.net's DSL services. A call to "tech support" yielded the standard
 "we don't support Linux". Fine. He told me that he "doesn't think" they
 use PPPoE, only DHCP. Great. When I setup ADSL in Linux  try to fire up
 Netscape, I keep getting "server not found" message. Trying to change
 Linux to DHCP+PPoE, it responds by telling me I'm currently connected to
 the internet and gives me 2 options. A. Disconnect, or, B. Change my
 configuration. What simple problem am I overlooking?

 Daniel T. Sampsel

"...[W]e preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and
foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews
and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God."
(1 Cor 1:23-24)

[newbie] 3DForce B-16 nVIDIA RIVA TNT2

2001-04-06 Per discussione Meph Istopheles

  I'm thinking of getting this:


  I can't find anything but a post to some foreign language list
(can't even make out the language -- I think Portugese) on this

  I assume that as it uses nVidia Riva TNT2, it likely will work
in lm7.2, but I dunno.  Anyone have this card working?


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

RE: [newbie] ADSL setup

2001-04-06 Per discussione Dan Sampsel

I have switched over to the Cisco, since the internal (infernal) Intel 2100
would not provide net access for Linux. Where am I falling down in the
configuration process?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dave Sherman
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] ADSL setup

I am using Qwest DSL and Mandrake 7.2 at this very moment. So I know it
works. Question: do you have the Cisco 67x router, or just the internal
NIC? I am running the Cisco, which has its own DHCP server built-in. I had
to configure the DHCP server to provide my DNS servers and default
gateway. I set both my Windows and Mandrake boxes to use DHCP, and
everything works perfectly.


On Friday 06 April 2001 19:54, Dan Sampsel wrote:
 I've installed LM 7.2. I'm having a devil of a time setting up my ADSL
 connection. Everything is functioning in MacroHard. I'm using
 qwest.net's DSL services. A call to "tech support" yielded the standard
 "we don't support Linux". Fine. He told me that he "doesn't think" they
 use PPPoE, only DHCP. Great. When I setup ADSL in Linux  try to fire up
 Netscape, I keep getting "server not found" message. Trying to change
 Linux to DHCP+PPoE, it responds by telling me I'm currently connected to
 the internet and gives me 2 options. A. Disconnect, or, B. Change my
 configuration. What simple problem am I overlooking?

 Daniel T. Sampsel

"...[W]e preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness
to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ
the power of God and the wisdom of God." (1 Cor 1:23-24)

[newbie] Kmail cable modem

2001-04-06 Per discussione Philip Brandt

Hi --
I'm trying to see if I can set up Kmail to retreive my e-mail. I get as far
as the SMTP tag where it asks for Server and Port. I have a cable modem and
all the documentation on e-mail (as well as tech support) said that I need
to switch to Outlook Express, so I'm not really sure what to fill in for
Server and Port. What I have tried has returned, for example, "Can't find
host. STMP://mail:25." I use my cable modem for Netscape and all is fine

My questions are:
a.) Is configuring Kmail possible with a cable modem?
b.) If so, where would I find the settings to install in Kmail to get this
to work?


Re: [newbie] Telnet vs SSH

2001-04-06 Per discussione Andrew


one major difference between the two is that telnet does not use
encryption for data and ssh does...


On Fri, 6 Apr 2001, Nadin Merali wrote:

 What is the difference and does every os have ssh?  For example windows
 has a telnet program.  Will windows also have a ssh program?



/ /  _
---/ /  (_)__  __   __
--/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
-//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

[newbie] snag

2001-04-06 Per discussione Robert Boggs

I'm getting an error 501 in pine when I'm sending messages. It says
something about root at bellsouth.net not working. Anyone know how to fix
this? I can fetchmail fine. Thanks for any help Robert

Re: [newbie] ADSL setup

2001-04-06 Per discussione Dave Sherman


As root, run netconf and make sure you are using dhcp for your ethernet 
card. Click the "Host name and IP network devices" button. In the next 
dialog, click the "Adapter 1" tab. The Enabled box should be checked 
(indented), and Dhcp should be selected. The Net device should show eth0, 
and the Kernel module should show your NIC driver (eepro100, for the Intel 
Pro/100 NIC I received from Qwest). Accept any changes.

Next, click the "Name server specification (DNS)" button. You should have 
Qwest's domain name server IP addresses in the text boxes for "IP of name 
server 1" and "IP of name server 2". If not, enter them. If you don't 
know, use for the first, and for the second. You 
do NOT need to check the "DNS is required..." box. Accept any changes.

Quit netconf. If you made any changes, then netconf should prompt you to 
restart networking. If it doesn't, you will need to do it manually (in a 
terminal, as root):
/etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart

If the command fails, then read the error message. It may be that dhcpcd 
(the dhcp client daemon) is not installed, and therefore you are unable to 
use dhcp to get your network config. If this is the case, run rpmdrake and 
install dhcpcd. Then start networking again, as with the restart command 

If you're not sure, try locate dhcpcd. My output looks like this:

[root@numidea dave]# locate dhcpcd
[root@numidea dave]#

Note the last item, /sbin/dhcpcd. This is the actual program you need.

If you have dhcpcd installed and running, then in a terminal, run 
ifconfig. You output should look something like this:

[root@numidea dave]# ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:03:47:1B:EC:68
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:17014 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:5943 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:10 Base address:0xd400
loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  RX packets:46 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:46 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
[root@numidea dave]#  

Note the IP address of device "eth0". If you only have "lo" but no "eth0", 
then your network card isn't initialized -- probably because the dhcp 
client is either not installed, or not running, or else the driver module 
failed to load. If you know which module your NIC needs, try "modprobe 
modulename". If you get an error message, troubleshoot -- wrong module? 
hardware conflict? module already loaded (this one is ok, that means the 
driver is already running)? Try restarting networking again (see command 

Next, run route -n. Here's my output (sorry about the column formatting):

[root@numidea dave]# route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination  Gateway   Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface   U0  0   0   eth0   U   0  0  0   lo  UG 0  0 0 eth0
[root@numidea dave]#  

See the third line, starting wiith -- this is your default route. 
Notice that it is linked to eth0 (last column). Notice the Gateway column. 
The Gateway entry is the internal IP of your Cisco 678 router. It might 
not be, I don't know if Qwest configures them all the same or 
not. But if you have a default gateway entry, then it is timie to try and 
get online. Just launch Netscape.

Hopefully a page will load. If not, then try pinging 
(www.sony.com). If you can ping the IP address, then at least you are 
hitting the web. It's a domain resolution problem. If you can't even ping 
the IP, try another known IP address, like those DNS entries I gave you 
above. If you are still stuck, then you aren't even getting outside your 
router, and possibly not even outside your PC. Try pinging your router 
(the Gateway IP address). If you can't get it, then you are stuck inside 
your PC. Time to read the Networking HOWTO and see if it can help you :-)

Good luck,

On Friday 06 April 2001 20:58, thus spake Dan Sampsel:
 I have switched over to the Cisco, since the internal (infernal) Intel
 2100 would not provide net access for Linux. Where am I falling down in
 the configuration process?

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dave Sherman
 Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 6:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] ADSL setup


Re: [newbie] Kmail cable modem

2001-04-06 Per discussione Dave Sherman


The Server entry should either be your POP3 server name (like 
"mail.myisp.com" or something), or its IP address. For Port, use 25 for 
SMTP (the default). Your other option is to set up Sendmail and be your 
own SMTP server. I've never done that, so I can't help you there.


On Friday 06 April 2001 21:09, thus spake Philip Brandt:
 Hi --
 I'm trying to see if I can set up Kmail to retreive my e-mail. I get as
 far as the SMTP tag where it asks for Server and Port. I have a cable
 modem and all the documentation on e-mail (as well as tech support) said
 that I need to switch to Outlook Express, so I'm not really sure what to
 fill in for Server and Port. What I have tried has returned, for
 example, "Can't find host. STMP://mail:25." I use my cable modem for
 Netscape and all is fine there.

 My questions are:
 a.) Is configuring Kmail possible with a cable modem?
 b.) If so, where would I find the settings to install in Kmail to get
 this to work?


"...[W]e preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and
foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews
and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God."
(1 Cor 1:23-24)

[newbie] free space

2001-04-06 Per discussione Julio Gutierrez

how do I know how much free HD space I have under linux?
Thank you!!


Re: [newbie] free space

2001-04-06 Per discussione Andrew

Use the command df -h to display that...



On Fri, 6 Apr 2001, Julio
Gutierrez wrote:

 how do I know how much free HD space I have under linux?
 Thank you!!


/ /  _
---/ /  (_)__  __   __
--/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
-//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

[newbie] strange r key problem

2001-04-06 Per discussione cyberclay

  I recently upgraded to the 8.0beta2 release of Mandrake, but
now I'm having a very peculiar problem.  The r and z keys on my
keyboard do not work in X Windows.  Instead of typing the character,
as expected, the border of the current window changes focus.  I'm
using the sawfish window manager in conjunction with gnome.
  I have no idea what could be causing this -- any help would be
much appreciated.


Re: [newbie] free space

2001-04-06 Per discussione cyberclay

try using the "df" command

- Original Message - 
From: "Julio Gutierrez" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 11:19 PM
Subject: [newbie] free space

 how do I know how much free HD space I have under linux?
 Thank you!!

[newbie] Texttar LM72 rpm Goldmine

2001-04-06 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

Thanks to Peter Schram, I discovered a real goldmine for LM72 rpms. Here
is the address:


You will find here the latest Mozilla 0.8.1, the latest galeon (and all
required dependencies -- one of which, the libdst++ .so.3 or something
like that included in GConf), the latest Gnome 1.4 (including Nautilus),
etc. etc.

Be sure to bookmark the site. A real goldmine.

Once again, my thanks to Peter Schram.


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

RE: [newbie] 3DForce B-16 nVIDIA RIVA TNT2

2001-04-06 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

What you are looking at is a Jaton card.

Check them out at www.jaton.com

The 32 meg version is only a few dollars more and is a better buy.

It is a TNT2 and it works fine under Mandrake 7.2.

Nvidia's drivers work fine as well.

It's a good inexpensive solution.

I have two Linux machines with this card installed (32meg version)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Meph Istopheles
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 9:49 PM
To: Newbie
Subject: [newbie] 3DForce B-16 nVIDIA RIVA TNT2

  I'm thinking of getting this:


  I can't find anything but a post to some foreign language list
(can't even make out the language -- I think Portugese) on this

  I assume that as it uses nVidia Riva TNT2, it likely will work
in lm7.2, but I dunno.  Anyone have this card working?


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

Re: [newbie] free space

2001-04-06 Per discussione Nathan Russell

On Saturday 07 April 2001 00:54, Cybreclay wrote:
 try using the "df" command

Or use gtop - it gives a good graphical display on one of the panels.  


[newbie] Mozilla 0.8 LM72 rpm (March 26) at Textar -- Correction

2001-04-06 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

Just for the record:

The Mozilla 0.8.1 LM72 rpm available at Texttar's LM72 site is still the
old Feb 17, 2001 version. However, I expect soon to see the latest 0.8.1
LM72 rpm available on their site. URL:


I do not believe that you can use the Cooker version because of the
incompatible versions of the rpm file (version 3 vs. version 4) in LM72
vs LM8.


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

[newbie] Installing Linux on laptopdesktop on....

2001-04-06 Per discussione PENA FAMILY

Just to share this with those of you interested. On a cable channel called
TechTV they will be installing a Linux OS, don't know which distro, on both
a desktop and laptop on the air. The intent I guess is to give hints and or
show what you may encounter trying to install a Linux distro.

You can check their website for exact time since all I know is they are
planning it on a Thursday and Friday next week.

The shows name is Screen Savers.

[newbie] a.out .. I couldn't run it

2001-04-06 Per discussione JA GUESS

I compiled my file and when I tried to run the a.out
file it tells me bash: a.out: command not found. When
I see the files that I've got I see the a.out there in
green color with an * after. Someone tell me how the
hell can I make it to run the programs that I'm
writing .. Ive got 7.2 version of this linux. 

Thanks to anyone that can help me

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Re: [newbie] KDE 2.1.1 - do I also need to update XFree86?

2001-04-06 Per discussione Terry

also forgot to ask .. some of these dependency errors
list files that I have no idea what package they come
from (so far the ones that appear regularly are
libfreetype.so.6 and glibc-devel) .. what
package(s) are these files found in?


--- Robin Regennitter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thursday 05 April 2001 01:01 pm, you wrote:
 what I did to upgrade 2.1.1 from 2.0.1 was first
 thing first.
 put XFree in its own directory
 and cd to that directory and type:
 rpm -Fvh *.rpm
 and put qt2 in its directory
 and cd to that directory and type:
 rpm -Uvh --replacefiles *.rpm
 and finally with all your kde rpm in the directory
 all by itself and type.
 rpm -Uvh --nodeps *.rpm
 you may have a conflict with kdeaddutil rpm
 you can either use
 rpm -e kdeaddutil*.i586
 and that should remove the package or
 just simply use
 rpm -Uvh --nodeps --replacefiles *.rpm
 to install all your 2.1.1 with no dependency and to
 replace the files
 that conflicts with kdeaddutil files.
 Hope that helps.

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Re: [newbie] Linksys coding line

2001-04-06 Per discussione Jeremy H.

there is not really a need to compile the driver.. 
if you use drake config=linxconf=network tab=select the 
adapter1=choose eth0=then choose tulip from the drop down for the 
module.. enter in the ip address, host name etc.. then restart you 
network.. this will work. it worked for me at least.. I hope 
that this will help you.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 8:43 
  Subject: [newbie] Linksys coding 
  Hello all,
   Thanks to those of you who have 
  responded to my call for help with my Linksys 10/100 card. I'm trying to 
  compile the code via the info provided in one of the links (the heart of 
  The code reads as follows:
  gcc DMODULE D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/net/inet Wall 
  Wstrict-prototypes O6 c tulip.c `[ -f /usr/include/linux/modversions.h ] 
  Everytime I type in that code above, I get 
  errors out the yeeng yang. I think it's a matter of not adding a 
  (spacebar) where needed. I used the archiver program to extract all of 
  the files found in the tgz file foundon my Linux drivers 
   I finally figured out 
  that the (O6) is actually an uppercase "o". Can some one modify the code 
  above putting the word (spacebar) where I should be adding a space. And 
  also note if those are 2 underscores together "D__kernel" or is it supposed to 
  be only one.
  Thanks for your time and 