[newbie-it] Sound

2001-04-07 Per discussione Mavricijo Babic

Ho un soundblaster del tipo creative AVE 64, qunado guardo su DarkConf vedo 
cche e installato, pero se qunado voglio ascoltare qualce CD or qualce Mp3 
non sento nesun sound. Cosa posso fare, sono un pricipante su Linux? 

R: [newbie-it] linux sul secondo hard disk

2001-04-07 Per discussione bartosz szarata

sono riuscito instalare linux sul secondo disco solo da instalazione expert 
facendo partycioni.

  -Messaggio originale-Da: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Per conto di 
  emi80Inviato: sabato 7 aprile 2001 0.09A: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Oggetto: [newbie-it] linux sul secondo 
  hard disk
  Un po' di tempo fa c'era stata una discussione 
  sul fatto che linux mandrake potesse essere installato sul secondo 
  A riguardo avrei una domanda da fare: ho aggiunto 
  un altro hard disk al mio computer e vorrei installare linux sul secondo. Il 
  problema e': se sul primo installo win e lascio vuoto il secondo (senza 
  formattarlo) e faccio l'installazione raccomandata, linux viene installato sul 
  Faccio questa domanda perche' tale installazione 
  e' l'unica che mi funziona. Se cerco di fare le partizioni da me, sebbene sono 
  certo che siano giuste, mi da' errore nell'installazione.

R: [newbie-it] Re: Modem Conexant

2001-04-07 Per discussione Demis

E' bello vedere che SIAMO riusciti a superare un ostacolo cos difficile!

Le prime volte che ho utilizzato il driver Olitec avevo cambiato anche la
stringa di inizializzazione da ATZ in AT e risultava l'unico modo per far
funzionare il mio modem. Adesso non funziona +!
Ho provato con la stringa di chiamata ATX3DT, che ha funzionato una sola
Da allora il risultato  solo un antipatico NO DIALTONE. E' possibile che
utilizzando queste soluzioni "precarie" abbia danneggiato in qualche modo il

Demis Cortello (dex)

[newbie-it] SUSE 7.1

2001-04-07 Per discussione Francesco Speranza

Con Linux 
Magazine di aprile e' uscito il CD di SUSE 7.1. Volevo provare questa 
versione con il kernel 2.4 ma il cd non parte all'avvio.Ho provato in vari 
modi ma non ci sono riuscito. Sul readme si legge che alcuni bios non 
potrebbero supportare il boot di questo cd . Come devo fare per avviare 
l'installazione ?

Re: [newbie-it] linux sul secondo hard disk

2001-04-07 Per discussione Francesco Speranza

Potresti impostare l'HD ide per Linux come primario 
e quello con Win come secondario ( come ho fatto io... ) e in questo modo 
mandrake si installera' direttamente sul primario senza alcun problema e senza 
nessuna partizione.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 10:43 
  Subject: R: [newbie-it] linux sul secondo 
  hard disk
  sono riuscito instalare linux sul secondo disco solo da instalazione expert 
  facendo partycioni.
-Messaggio originale-Da: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Per conto di 
emi80Inviato: sabato 7 aprile 2001 0.09A: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Oggetto: 
[newbie-it] linux sul secondo hard disk

Un po' di tempo fa c'era stata una discussione 
sul fatto che linux mandrake potesse essere installato sul secondo 
A riguardo avrei una domanda da fare: ho 
aggiunto un altro hard disk al mio computer e vorrei installare linux sul 
secondo. Il problema e': se sul primo installo win e lascio vuoto il secondo 
(senza formattarlo) e faccio l'installazione raccomandata, linux viene 
installato sul secondo?
Faccio questa domanda perche' tale 
installazione e' l'unica che mi funziona. Se cerco di fare le partizioni da 
me, sebbene sono certo che siano giuste, mi da' errore 


Re: [newbie-it] linux sul secondo hard disk

2001-04-07 Per discussione bosva

 emi80 wrote:
 Un po' di tempo fa c'era stata una discussione sul fatto che linux
 mandrake potesse essere installato sul secondo HD.
 A riguardo avrei una domanda da fare: ho aggiunto un altro hard disk
 al mio computer e vorrei installare linux sul secondo. Il problema e':
 se sul primo installo win e lascio vuoto il secondo (senza
 formattarlo) e faccio l'installazione raccomandata, linux viene
 installato sul secondo?
 Faccio questa domanda perche' tale installazione e' l'unica che mi
 funziona. Se cerco di fare le partizioni da me, sebbene sono certo che
 siano giuste, mi da' errore nell'installazione.

io, da perfetto ignorante, ho fatto esattemente come te...e tutto ha
funzionato...ho aggiunto un secondo hd, sul primo ho uindos e sul
secondo ho linux e le partizioni se le  create lui in fase di
installazione...io gli ho semplicemente detto di utilizzare il secondo
spero di esserti stato di aiuto...
ciao, osva
salutatemi a bilgheiz

RE: [newbie-it] SUSE 7.1

2001-04-07 Per discussione Rocco T

On 07-Apr-2001 Francesco Speranza wrote:
 Con  Linux Magazine di aprile e' uscito il CD di SUSE 7.1. Volevo 
 provare questa versione con il kernel 2.4 ma il cd non parte all'avvio.
 Ho provato in vari modi ma non  ci sono riuscito. Sul readme si legge 
 che alcuni bios non potrebbero supportare il boot di questo cd . Come 
 devo fare per avviare l'installazione ?

Forwardo da un'altra ml, fermo restando che puoi creare un floppy per il boot
dell'installazione utilizzando rawrite e l'immagine di boot contenuta nel cd
stesso(insomma come si faceva una volta quando i cd-rom non bootavano): 

Salve, SuSE fornisce una patch per rendere avviabile il CD di Linux,
trovatetutte le istruzioni al seguente indirizzo WEB:


Scusandoci per l'inconveniente, Le auguro buon proseguimento di giornata.

Re: [newbie-it] linux sul secondo hard disk

2001-04-07 Per discussione Lele

bosva ha scritto:

  emi80 wrote:
  Un po' di tempo fa c'era stata una discussione sul fatto che linux
  mandrake potesse essere installato sul secondo HD.
  A riguardo avrei una domanda da fare: ho aggiunto un altro hard disk
  al mio computer e vorrei installare linux sul secondo. Il problema e':
  se sul primo installo win e lascio vuoto il secondo (senza
  formattarlo) e faccio l'installazione raccomandata, linux viene
  installato sul secondo?
  Faccio questa domanda perche' tale installazione e' l'unica che mi
  funziona. Se cerco di fare le partizioni da me, sebbene sono certo che
  siano giuste, mi da' errore nell'installazione.

 io, da perfetto ignorante, ho fatto esattemente come te...e tutto ha
 funzionato...ho aggiunto un secondo hd, sul primo ho uindos e sul
 secondo ho linux e le partizioni se le  create lui in fase di
 installazione...io gli ho semplicemente detto di utilizzare il secondo
 spero di esserti stato di aiuto...
 ciao, osva
 salutatemi a bilgheiz

Anch'io non ho avuto problei con l'installazione sul 2 hd, basta dire a
mandrake di utilizzarlo e provvede a lla formattazione da solo, cliccando su
alloca automaticamente, se usi l'installazione automatica.
Se vuoi puoi anche ridimensionare una eventuale partizione fat indicando la
dimensione voluta, per solo con la procedura custom.

Re: [newbie-it] napster C.

2001-04-07 Per discussione Corrado

ioadamo wrote:

 ciao a tutti

 Qualcuno di voi sa per caso indicarmi qualche clone di napster che funzioni
 sotto linux e i risultati che avete ottenuto.
 Io ho usato Knapster, Gnapster, Lopster, napster, ma non sono riuscito a
 scaricare quasi nulla perch molti server rifiutavano la connessione e molte
 connessioni si interrrompevano frequentemente.
 Grazie per ogni vostro consiglio.

Io uso Gnapster, mai avuto problemi; usi Napster sotto Windows?
Problemi, l?


[newbie] Space

2001-04-07 Per discussione Michael Falzon

Hi All need more space how can i do this with out 

O's Mandrake 6.1

Size Used Avail Use% Mounted 
1.9G 1.7G 144M 92% 
23M 786k 21M 4% 
5.6G 3.0G 2.2G 58% 
612M 612M 0 100% 
631M 631M 0 100% /mnt/cdrom1

Michael FalzonLast Of The BBs SysopMozy's 
Swamp BBs  Red Dwarf BBshttp://mozysswamp.yi.orgRegistered Linux 
user #204397

Re: [newbie] a.out .. I couldn't run it

2001-04-07 Per discussione Jesse C. Chang

Did you try:



Also, I'm not sure if it matters or not, but is the path of a.out in your
.bashrc file?


   !!   Jesse C. Chang  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  `|'   "I have the simplest tastes.  I am always
  /|\   satisfied with the best."  -- Oscar Wilde

RE: [newbie] ADSL setup

2001-04-07 Per discussione Dan Sampsel

Thanks in advance for the help.what's already been provided is greatly

1. Ran netconf. verified  corrected outlined info.

2. Quit netconf; had to manually restart network.
   A. error reported:
done-with error
Bringing up interface eth0
determing IP info for eth0 via dhpcd...failed.
/sbin/dhpcd already running
/sbin/dhpcd:if not then delete /var/run/dhpcd-eth0.pidfile

3. #locate dhcpcd-command not found
   #find dhcpcd-no such file or directory

4. #ifconfig

Link Encap: Local Loopback
net addr: Mask:
RX Packets: 2 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX Packets: 2 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txquelen:0

Hope this covers any dx need


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dave Sherman
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 9:16 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] ADSL setup


As root, run netconf and make sure you are using dhcp for your ethernet
card. Click the "Host name and IP network devices" button. In the next
dialog, click the "Adapter 1" tab. The Enabled box should be checked
(indented), and Dhcp should be selected. The Net device should show eth0,
and the Kernel module should show your NIC driver (eepro100, for the Intel
Pro/100 NIC I received from Qwest). Accept any changes.

Next, click the "Name server specification (DNS)" button. You should have
Qwest's domain name server IP addresses in the text boxes for "IP of name
server 1" and "IP of name server 2". If not, enter them. If you don't
know, use for the first, and for the second. You
do NOT need to check the "DNS is required..." box. Accept any changes.

Quit netconf. If you made any changes, then netconf should prompt you to
restart networking. If it doesn't, you will need to do it manually (in a
terminal, as root):
/etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart

If the command fails, then read the error message. It may be that dhcpcd
(the dhcp client daemon) is not installed, and therefore you are unable to
use dhcp to get your network config. If this is the case, run rpmdrake and
install dhcpcd. Then start networking again, as with the restart command

If you're not sure, try locate dhcpcd. My output looks like this:

[root@numidea dave]# locate dhcpcd
[root@numidea dave]#

Note the last item, /sbin/dhcpcd. This is the actual program you need.

If you have dhcpcd installed and running, then in a terminal, run
ifconfig. You output should look something like this:

[root@numidea dave]# ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:03:47:1B:EC:68
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:17014 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:5943 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:10 Base address:0xd400

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  RX packets:46 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:46 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0

[root@numidea dave]#

Note the IP address of device "eth0". If you only have "lo" but no "eth0",
then your network card isn't initialized -- probably because the dhcp
client is either not installed, or not running, or else the driver module
failed to load. If you know which module your NIC needs, try "modprobe
modulename". If you get an error message, troubleshoot -- wrong module?
hardware conflict? module already loaded (this one is ok, that means the
driver is already running)? Try restarting networking again (see command

Next, run route -n. Here's my output (sorry about the column formatting):

[root@numidea dave]# route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination  Gateway   Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface   U0  0   0   eth0   U   0  0  0   lo  UG 0  0 0 eth0
[root@numidea dave]#

See the third line, starting wiith -- this is your default route.
Notice that it is linked to eth0 (last column). Notice the Gateway column.
The Gateway entry is the internal IP of your Cisco 678 router. It might
not be, I don't know if Qwest configures them all the same or
not. But if you have a default gateway entry, then it is timie to try and
get online. Just launch Netscape.

Hopefully a page will load. If not, then try pinging
(www.sony.com). If you can ping the IP 

Re: [newbie] LM 7.2 LM 8.0 Beta 3 experiences

2001-04-07 Per discussione Carlos Arigs

El Sbado 07 Abril 2001 11:58, escribiste:

 Alan was gracious enough to try an help with the KDE 2.1.1 update for LM
 7.2, but to know avail, all I got were pages of dependancy errors.  So i
 reinstalled LM 7.2 two more times after that because once software updates
 would not work, and could not send email, now I think it is stable just a
 few update problems LICQ and KDElibs.

I follow the Eric Indiogine instructions, and everything go fine:

1. download all the rpms to a directory

2. test using: rpm -Uvh --test *.rpm

3. take care of all mising stuff (go to www.rpmfind.net and do search there) 
Personally, I only need to download libfreetype.so.6 and sgml-tools

4. cd directory with kde rpms + files downloaded at 3.

5. rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force *.rpm (Eric sugest rpm -Uvh *.rpm, but for me 
don't works)

6. rpm --rebuilddb

7. update-menus -v

8. restart PC

Good luck

[newbie] Sound Blaster Live! Value

2001-04-07 Per discussione Terry

Many thanks to all those who helped with my problem of
upgrading to KDE 2.1.1 .. I was finally able to get
things working (after spending literally hours weeding
through all the dependency issues there were). 
Everything seems to work just wonderfully, except for
my sound card.  The module is loaded correctly at
boot, and within KDE.  The KDE Control Center
recognizes the sound card just fine, but no sound
comes out.  Any ideas?


Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Re: [newbie] Shutdown with power down; how?

2001-04-07 Per discussione Nathan Russell

On Saturday 07 April 2001 11:24, Craig Hagerman wrote:

 While I am on the subject, where can I change permissions to allow non root
 users to shutdown from a terminal. (I am the only user.)

Tried using sudo?  

[newbie] Verisign Digital IDs and Linux. Do they work?

2001-04-07 Per discussione Romanator

Hi everybody,

Has any one bothered to get a digital ID from Verisign? And, what is a
challenge phrase?
Is it worth getting?

Registered Linux User #179293
Turbo Charged Penguin Email

Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster Live! Value

2001-04-07 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Saturday 07 April 2001 11:23 am, you wrote:
 Many thanks to all those who helped with my problem of
 upgrading to KDE 2.1.1 .. I was finally able to get
 things working (after spending literally hours weeding
 through all the dependency issues there were).
 Everything seems to work just wonderfully, except for
 my sound card.  The module is loaded correctly at
 boot, and within KDE.  The KDE Control Center
 recognizes the sound card just fine, but no sound
 comes out.  Any ideas?


 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.
Do you possibly have a list of the files you had to install and what version 
they are? I gave up after about 12 hrs of trying cause the dependency list 
was growing at an exponential rate :  )'  
Dennis M. registered Linux user # 180842

[newbie] linux on a notebook

2001-04-07 Per discussione inf rarood


can anyone tell me if i can fit mandrake on a notebook/and how to do this
i am using 7.2
thanks in front

Re: [newbie] linux on a notebook

2001-04-07 Per discussione Dave Sherman

A notebook PC is no different than a desktop PC. If you have enough hard 
drive space, RAM, and a powerful enough CPU (at least a Pentium), you can 
install Mandrake Linux on it.

However, you should be aware that Mandrake might not have full support for 
your hardware. This is less of an issue now than it was a few years ago, 
but brand-new hardware is sometimes still not supported, because a driver 
has not been written yet, or it is only available in beta quality. Check 
the hardware compatibility list at Mandrake's website.

Just follow the instructions for installation, and you should be fine.


On Wednesday 04 April 2001 04:44, thus spake inf rarood:

 can anyone tell me if i can fit mandrake on a notebook/and how to do
 this i am using 7.2
 thanks in front

"...[W]e preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and
foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews
and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God."
(1 Cor 1:23-24)

Re: [newbie] Creating Calendars

2001-04-07 Per discussione David E . Fox

On Monday 02 April 2001 09:57, you wrote:
 Dear All, I do a bi-montly 5 page newsletter using MSWord. I use the
 calendar Wizard for the calendars and events. I want to begin to do this

I wonder if you could take the template file from MSWord that does the
calendars (I'm not sure what it is though) and bring it into staroffice.

Also, Word Perfect could probably do it, but I don't think the templates
are included in the free version, or maybe they are limited. I did note when 
I tried WP on linux (free version) there were very few fonts included.

I used WP (Corel Suite 8) when I worked at the local Census office, and I
made calendars for recruiting with test schedules etc. and it worked rather 
well. I don't know if that functionality will be repeated in the Linux 

 I just downloaded the iceSculptor demo from Cnet.com but to buy it is
 expensive, I think-$79.99. This program is supposed to be able to create

LaTeX :). You can do anything with it, but the learning curve is quite steep.
It's more of a text processing language than a word processor, since you
edit the files in any plain ascii editor and then process them through LaTeX.
But it's been around for years on Linux (predates it in fact) and you can 
probably find style files to do what you want. 


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

Re: [newbie] Partition Corrupted.

2001-04-07 Per discussione David E . Fox

On Tuesday 27 March 2001 08:21, you wrote:
 I have 64 MB SWAP in my Linux Mandarake 7.2 box, i want to make it 125MB,
 can i do it without re installation ? Can i do it without data loss ? i

If you have extra space somewhere else, you don't even have to resize
your partitions if you add secondary swap space as a swap file. Swap files 
are slower than regular swap partitions, but since part of your swap already 
is a partition, you might not notice that much of an impact.

As root do something like:

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M size=64
# mkswap /swapfile
# swapon /swapfile

This sets up, formats, and attaches a 64 meg area called swapfile as 
additional swap space.

If you want to make it available on boot, then you'll also need to add it to 
your /etc/fstab.


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

Re: [newbie] LM 7.2 LM 8.0 Beta 3 experiences

2001-04-07 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

g wrote:
 I just erased LM 8.0  beta 3 and went back to LM 7.2
 because i was having problems with screen resolution and
 other oddities.

 I haven't had the greatest experience yet with LM 7.2, and
 it could be because my pc is about 5 or 6 years old
 Dell Dimensions XPS R400
 addl 256K Ram

 Neither 7.2 or 8.0 beta recognizes my sound card (Crystal
 Semiconductor) or my graphics card STB nVidia ZX 8MB, get
 the message Propriatery hardware go to linux.aureal.com -
 which doesn't appear to exist.

 So i have to use FBDev for graphics card w/LM 7.2 (there is
 no FBDev for 8.0 Beta 3, at least that I could find)  There
 is STB 128, but that fell short on the screen resolution -
 shifted to right and off top of screen

 I have no clue what to do about sound...Altec lansing
 speakers are now dust collectors and paper holders.

 Over the past 3 weeks i have installed LM 7.2 at least 30
 times, 8.0 Beta 3 at least 3 times.

 Alan was gracious enough to try an help with the KDE 2.1.1
 update for LM 7.2, but to know avail, all I got were pages
 of dependancy errors.  So i reinstalled LM 7.2 two more
 times after that because once software updates would not
 work, and could not send email, now I think it is stable
 just a few update problems LICQ and KDElibs.

 It's been an interesting experience - wife and kids want to
 kill me because none of their software works (MS windows 98
 -Math Blaster and Jumpstart collections) I couldn't get LM
 7.2 to install with Windows so i wiped out windows, oppps.

 i even tried to go back to windows 98 but when I go to
 format the hard drive it errors out, so i'm stuck with
 Linux until i get another computer for the kids and wife to
 put MS Windows back on.

 But for some unknown reason it's addictive, or maybe it's
 the challenge, not knowing anything about Unix but willing
 to stake your home life and computer on it.

 Total spend on my LM 7.2 forray $37, $25 for the LM 7.2
 software via Walmart, $12 for CD's so my neighbor could
 burn LM 8.0 Beta 3 for me.

 If anyone wants the CD's (2) of LM8.0 Beta 3, send me a
 self addressed return envelope with postage paid and i'll
 ship them to ya. They ain't doing me any good.   Drop me a
 note and I'll send ya my address.

gwhat size is your hard drive?

[newbie] hjow do i resize my /home partition?

2001-04-07 Per discussione Jeffrey C.

i need a little help on how to resize my /home partition, i have a 1.2 gb
hdd. i want to resize the area of my harddisk where my programs are
installed for linux. since i dont need a whole lot of /home space, i would
resize the area where packages are installed so i can load more.
i have a 512mb hdd i use for windows 98 (seeing thats the only way i can use
200MHz MMX processor
32 mb of ram
1.2GB, 512MB hdds
2mb S3 vision 964 PCI video card
SB AWE32/64 soundcard (recognized but not working uder linux, help if you

FREE Personalized Email at Mail.com
Sign up at http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup

RE: [newbie] linux on a notebook

2001-04-07 Per discussione Jeffrey C.

--Original Message--
From: "inf rarood" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: April 4, 2001 9:44:05 AM GMT
Subject: [newbie] linux on a notebook


can anyone tell me if i can fit mandrake on a notebook/and how to do this
i am using 7.2
thanks in front
if you have a hdd big enough you can install linux mandrake.
for a big install a 2.5 GB hdd should suffice.
if your like me a 1.2GB hdd will do too.

FREE Personalized Email at Mail.com
Sign up at http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup

[newbie] XFree86-4..

2001-04-07 Per discussione H . J . Bathoorn

Hello everyone,
I've been looking all over the place: How do I get Mdk 7.2 NOT to 
use XFree86-4.x..x. but good old XFree86-3.3.6 when starting X. 
I mean which file (and where) can I edit, using DrakConf etc. is 
not an option if Xwindow will not start.
Otherwise: how do I uninstall version 4.0.1 in favour of 3.3.6 as 
during installation Mdk doesn't give me a choice and 4.0.1 doesn't 
like my old thinkpad much.
Semper avanti,sailing on Linux,
Harm Bathoorn Free evermore.
Hoek. NL.
   |  _

[newbie] KDE 2.1.1 + Mozilla 0.8.1 for LM72

2001-04-07 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

Just wanted to pass on the good news that KDE 2.1.1 (the upgrade from KDE 
2.1)  is now available in i586 rpm format from:


All of these i586 rpms (just issued on April 7)  have been built from the 
Cooker site and made available on LM72 (i.e. using our version 3.0 rpm 
instead of the version 4 rpm required for Cooker's i586 rpms.

Another big news item: The new Mozilla 0.8.1 files have also just been made 
available as i586 rpms for LM72.

But please remember: these are UNsupported rpms. They are NOT supported 
officially by Mandrake.


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: [newbie] linux on a notebook

2001-04-07 Per discussione Robert F. Trettel

Check out this site http://www.linux-laptop.net  you should find anything
Enjoy yourself
R.F. Trettel

- Original Message -
From: "Jeffrey C." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 4:43 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] linux on a notebook

 --Original Message--
 From: "inf rarood" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: April 4, 2001 9:44:05 AM GMT
 Subject: [newbie] linux on a notebook


 can anyone tell me if i can fit mandrake on a notebook/and how to do this
 i am using 7.2
 thanks in front
 if you have a hdd big enough you can install linux mandrake.
 for a big install a 2.5 GB hdd should suffice.
 if your like me a 1.2GB hdd will do too.

 FREE Personalized Email at Mail.com
 Sign up at http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup

[newbie] Removing a full directory via command line

2001-04-07 Per discussione Andrew Iovannisci

Hi all,

Is there a way to delete a non-empty directory via the command line
without going through the trouble of removing every file and sub-directory 


Mandrake 7.2
KDE 2.1
kernal 2.2.17
Registered Linux User # 202836

Re: [newbie] Removing a full directory via command line

2001-04-07 Per discussione Jesse C. Chang

Andrew Iovannisci wrote:

 Is there a way to delete a non-empty directory via the command line
 without going through the trouble of removing every file and sub-directory 

rm -r directoryname


   !!   Jesse C. Chang  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  `|'   "I have the simplest tastes.  I am always
  /|\   satisfied with the best."  -- Oscar Wilde

[newbie] WARNING: Forget KDE 2.1.1 from Texstar!

2001-04-07 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

My deep apologies. I assumed that the KDE 2.1.1 files (and the Mozilla 0.8.1 
files)  at Texstar (http://texstar.dyn.dhs.org), which claims be an 
exclusively LM72 rpm site, would have produced rpms that work with LM72's rpm 
version 3.0 and that they would also supply rpms for all dependencies.

That's why I didn't even bother to test their KDE 2.1.1 before making my 
announcement. Furthermore, while their Mozilla 0.8 (based on the Feb. 17, 
2001 version) installs and works perfectly (except for Mozilla's fonts bug in 
Preferences), their Mozilla 0.8.1 installs with two major error messages,
neither of which I understand:

1) runtime mismatch
2) leaking context

I've therefore aborted installation of both KDE 2.1.1 and Mozilla 0.8.1.

Perhaps Texstar is not aware of the rpm incompatibility issue (LM72 uses rpm 
version 3, LM-8, i.e. Cooker, uses rpm version 4).

My apologies again.


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: [newbie] LM 7.2 LM 8.0 Beta 3 experiences

2001-04-07 Per discussione g

 gwhat size is your hard drive?

400MHz internal/ 100MHz external
L1 cache = 32 KB
L2 cache = 512 KB
System Chip set = Intel 440BX AGPset
Data bus width = 64 bits
Address bus width = 32 bits
DMA channels = 7
Interrupt levels = 15
Sys BIOS chip = 2 Mb (256 KB)
Sys clock = 100 MHz

30 GHz hard drive

Re: [newbie] Vmware

2001-04-07 Per discussione Syamsul Anwar

many thanks I'll try to set to these :)

On 6 Apr 2001, at 20:09, Nima S. Panahi wrote:

 Well, I guess I will answer since I don't see anyone answering this.
 Correct me if I am wrong, but are not the ports at /dev/par0 and the
 such /dev/parport and the such? /dev/lp0 and the such?
 On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Syamsul Anwar wrote:
  I am presently evaluating VMWare too. Which device in /dev points to
  the parallel port? I have no idea what to get VMWare to use for
  parallel port emulation. Thanks!

Re: [newbie] Update problems

2001-04-07 Per discussione s

I've found that force is never good.  When using updates, I tell it to quit 
and then get what it says it needed, then retry.  If what it needs isn't on 
the update list, check your cds (in rpmdrake), or even rpmfind.net.

On Saturday 07 April 2001 09:32 am, you wrote:
 I am running LM 7.2.
 I just completed the updates via DrakConf, Software Updates.

 When i get to gtk+licq-0.39-4mdk i get the following error msg
 Licq s0.85 is needed by gtk+licq-0.39-4mdk
 Force or Quit.
 i choose quit
 I then go to licq and try to update that first, but recv same msg.

 Same for Kdelibs needs kdelibs-sound

 Again force or quit

 So i quit.

 How do you update these?

Re: [newbie] Removing a full directory via command line

2001-04-07 Per discussione Andrew Iovannisci

On Saturday 07 April 2001 20:30, you wrote:

 Yeah, use rm - r directory name

 make sure that there is no alias for rm that asks for confirmation for
 deletion, otherwise if you delete a large directory structure, you will
 get to confirm lots and lots of files.

Ahh, I have an alias rm="rm -i" that is forcing me to confirm the deletion of 
every file. So, how do I get rid of the alias?

Mandrake 7.2
KDE 2.1
kernal 2.2.17
Registered Linux User # 202836

Re: [newbie] WARNING: Forget KDE 2.1.1 from Texstar!

2001-04-07 Per discussione Stan Finley

I just installed the KDE 2.1.1 rpms from texstar without a hitch on 7.2.
Works fine here.


- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Sher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 3:28 PM
Subject: [newbie] WARNING: Forget KDE 2.1.1 from Texstar!

 Dear friends:

 My deep apologies. I assumed that the KDE 2.1.1 files (and the Mozilla
 files)  at Texstar (http://texstar.dyn.dhs.org), which claims be an
 exclusively LM72 rpm site, would have produced rpms that work with LM72's
 version 3.0 and that they would also supply rpms for all dependencies.

 That's why I didn't even bother to test their KDE 2.1.1 before making my
 announcement. Furthermore, while their Mozilla 0.8 (based on the Feb. 17,
 2001 version) installs and works perfectly (except for Mozilla's fonts bug
 Preferences), their Mozilla 0.8.1 installs with two major error messages,
 neither of which I understand:

 1) runtime mismatch
 2) leaking context

 I've therefore aborted installation of both KDE 2.1.1 and Mozilla 0.8.1.

 Perhaps Texstar is not aware of the rpm incompatibility issue (LM72 uses
 version 3, LM-8, i.e. Cooker, uses rpm version 4).

 My apologies again.


 Sher's Russian Web
 Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: [newbie] Removing a full directory via command line

2001-04-07 Per discussione Jesse C. Chang

Andrew Iovannisci wrote:

 Ahh, I have an alias rm="rm -i" that is forcing me to confirm the deletion of 
 every file. So, how do I get rid of the alias?

unalias rm


   !!   Jesse C. Chang  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  `|'   "I have the simplest tastes.  I am always
  /|\   satisfied with the best."  -- Oscar Wilde

Re: [newbie] WARNING: Forget KDE 2.1.1 from Texstar!

2001-04-07 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear Stan:

Could you please send us a copy of your TexStar KDE 2.1.1 directory of rpms 
and a second directory of DEP (any dependencies which you had to install 
prior to installing KDE 2.1.1? This would be a great help, indeed.

Thank you so much.


On Sunday 08 April 2001 01:04, you wrote:
 I just installed the KDE 2.1.1 rpms from texstar without a hitch on 7.2.
 Works fine here.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Benjamin Sher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 3:28 PM
 Subject: [newbie] WARNING: Forget KDE 2.1.1 from Texstar!

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: [newbie] Removing a full directory via command line

2001-04-07 Per discussione Digital Wokan

Prefix it with a backslash.  That overrides aliases.
\rm -r /home (just kidding about the /home part)

Andrew Iovannisci wrote:
 Ahh, I have an alias rm="rm -i" that is forcing me to confirm the deletion of
 every file. So, how do I get rid of the alias?
Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

[newbie] Trying for the KDE 2.1 from KDE 2.0

2001-04-07 Per discussione g

i was not able to update all my LM7.2 packages under DrakConf, Sotware 
update, rcvd following msg when i tried updating gtk+licq, licq, kdelibs and 

licq is needed by gtk+licq
Force or Quit

Same for kdelibs and kdelibs-sound

I choose quit on both these.

So i then went and pulled down KDE 2.1 and followed Alan's instructions and 
here's what I got.  Does the above have anything to do with these error 
messages or they are not related?

[root@dhcp-173-12 Download]# rpm -Uvh *
error: apmd-3.0final-12mdk.php3 does not appear to be a RPM package
error: autoconf-2.13-6mdk.php3 does not appear to be a RPM package
error: automake-1.4-14mdk.php3 does not appear to be a RPM package
error: enscript-1.6.1-15mdk.php3 does not appear to be a RPM package
error: flex-2.5.4a-13mdk.php3 does not appear to be a RPM package
error: gettext-0.10.35-16mdk.php3 does not appear to be a RPM package
error: libjpeg-devel-6b-15mdk.php3 does not appear to be a RPM package
error: mtools-3.9.7-4mdk.php3 does not appear to be a RPM package
error: pciutils-2.1.8-5mdk.php3 does not appear to be a RPM package
error: ppp-2.4.0-3mdk.php3 does not appear to be a RPM package
error: failed dependencies:
pciutils is needed by kdeadmin-2.1-1mdk
mtools is needed by kdebase-2.1-2mdk
ppp is needed by kdenetwork-2.1-2mdk
apmd is needed by kdeutils-2.1-1mdk
autoconf is needed by kdevelop-1.4-4mdk
automake is needed by kdevelop-1.4-4mdk
flex is needed by kdevelop-1.4-4mdk
enscript is needed by kdevelop-1.4-4mdk
gettext is needed by kdevelop-1.4-4mdk
libjpeg-devel is needed by kdevelop-1.4-4mdk   

How do i fix this?

Re: [newbie] XFree86-4..

2001-04-07 Per discussione Steve Helder

I was able to get the option on which version of XFree86 to install when
installing in expert mode.  I also choose development, but don't think that
should matter.  The Mandrake installer asked me I think right at the X
server configuration.

- Original Message -
From: "H.J.Bathoorn" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 6:15 PM
Subject: [newbie] XFree86-4..

 Hello everyone,
 I've been looking all over the place: How do I get Mdk 7.2 NOT to
 use XFree86-4.x..x. but good old XFree86-3.3.6 when starting X.
 I mean which file (and where) can I edit, using DrakConf etc. is
 not an option if Xwindow will not start.
 Otherwise: how do I uninstall version 4.0.1 in favour of 3.3.6 as
 during installation Mdk doesn't give me a choice and 4.0.1 doesn't
 like my old thinkpad much.
 Semper avanti,sailing on Linux,
 Harm Bathoorn Free evermore.
 Hoek. NL.
|  _

Fw: [newbie] WARNING: Forget KDE 2.1.1 from Texstar!

2001-04-07 Per discussione Stan Finley

- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Sher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Stan Finley" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 5:44 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] WARNING: Forget KDE 2.1.1 from Texstar!

 Dear Stan:

 Thanks so very much. I will try again. May I ask if you could send this
 message to the Newbie list. I think it will be of help to many others.

 Thanks so much again.


 On Sunday 08 April 2001 02:19, you wrote:
  Hello Benjamin - I used the link below to download all of the rpms
  those obviously out of country).  It was suggested by the texstar site
  two other files were needed, ie, freetype2-2.0.2-1mdk.i586.rpm and
  freetype2-devel-2.0.2-1mdk.i586.rpm, which I got from a link on the
  site.  I installed the two freetype files first and then started in on
  kde rpms from the link below.  The unsatisfied dependencies were very
  and were taken care of with the rpms that I downloaded.  I found that if
  unsatisfied dependencies could be fixed with the downloaded rpms,
a --nodeps
  worked fine when required.
  That's about all I did.  Took about 30 minutes to do it.  I even did
most of
  the work while in KDE using the package manager.  Good luck with your
  - Original Message -
  From: "Benjamin Sher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: "Stan Finley" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 4:31 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] WARNING: Forget KDE 2.1.1 from Texstar!
   Dear Stan:
   Could you please send us a copy of your TexStar KDE 2.1.1 directory of
   and a second directory of DEP (any dependencies which you had to
   prior to installing KDE 2.1.1? This would be a great help, indeed.
   Thank you so much.
   On Sunday 08 April 2001 01:04, you wrote:
I just installed the KDE 2.1.1 rpms from texstar without a hitch on
Works fine here.
- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Sher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 3:28 PM
Subject: [newbie] WARNING: Forget KDE 2.1.1 from Texstar!
   Sher's Russian Web
   Benjamin and Anna Sher

 Sher's Russian Web
 Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: [newbie] LM 7.2 LM 8.0 Beta 3 experiences

2001-04-07 Per discussione Dan Sampsel

Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 g wrote:
  I just erased LM 8.0  beta 3 and went back to LM 7.2
  because i was having problems with screen resolution and
  other oddities.
  I haven't had the greatest experience yet with LM 7.2, and
  it could be because my pc is about 5 or 6 years old
  Dell Dimensions XPS R400
  addl 256K Ram
  Neither 7.2 or 8.0 beta recognizes my sound card (Crystal
  Semiconductor) or my graphics card STB nVidia ZX 8MB, get
  the message Propriatery hardware go to linux.aureal.com -
  which doesn't appear to exist.
  So i have to use FBDev for graphics card w/LM 7.2 (there is
  no FBDev for 8.0 Beta 3, at least that I could find)  There
  is STB 128, but that fell short on the screen resolution -
  shifted to right and off top of screen
  I have no clue what to do about sound...Altec lansing
  speakers are now dust collectors and paper holders.
  Over the past 3 weeks i have installed LM 7.2 at least 30
  times, 8.0 Beta 3 at least 3 times.
  Alan was gracious enough to try an help with the KDE 2.1.1
  update for LM 7.2, but to know avail, all I got were pages
  of dependancy errors.  So i reinstalled LM 7.2 two more
  times after that because once software updates would not
  work, and could not send email, now I think it is stable
  just a few update problems LICQ and KDElibs.
  It's been an interesting experience - wife and kids want to
  kill me because none of their software works (MS windows 98
  -Math Blaster and Jumpstart collections) I couldn't get LM
  7.2 to install with Windows so i wiped out windows, oppps.
  i even tried to go back to windows 98 but when I go to
  format the hard drive it errors out, so i'm stuck with
  Linux until i get another computer for the kids and wife to
  put MS Windows back on.
  But for some unknown reason it's addictive, or maybe it's
  the challenge, not knowing anything about Unix but willing
  to stake your home life and computer on it.
  Total spend on my LM 7.2 forray $37, $25 for the LM 7.2
  software via Walmart, $12 for CD's so my neighbor could
  burn LM 8.0 Beta 3 for me.
  If anyone wants the CD's (2) of LM8.0 Beta 3, send me a
  self addressed return envelope with postage paid and i'll
  ship them to ya. They ain't doing me any good.   Drop me a
  note and I'll send ya my address.
 gwhat size is your hard drive?
Whoa, Alan! And I thought MY experiences were bad. 
Daniel T. Sampsel

[newbie] Internet security + Harddisk optimise danger + Wheel mouse.

2001-04-07 Per discussione Charles Darcy


I've just installed Linux Mandrake 7.2. It's early days yet, but
after years of frustration with that other poor excuse for an OS, I'm
really looking forward to a stable, sensible environment. All is going
well so far, but I do have a couple of concerns, mentioned below. I very
much appreciate any advice from the list.

-- Harddisk Optimise Danger --

During the installation, I selected 'Use harddisk optimisations',
even though there was a warning about possible data corruption in some

Is there a real risk of data corruption ?

If there is corruption, will it be immediately evident, or might my
file system suddenly disappear 6 months down the track ?

In case its relevant, my system has a Quantum Fireball Plus LM 15GB
disk and a Pentium III 733MHz processor on a Gigabye GA-60XM7E (Intel
815E AGPset) motherboard.

-- Internet Security --

Another concern I have is internet security, an issue I
unfortunately know very
little about. I use the internet throught a dialup connection (PPP) and
browse/download with Netscape. I don't forsee any additional needs in
the near

I simply want to ensure that no one can "snoop/mess with" my system
while I'm online. I've read a couple of earlier mail's on the subject
and I will try the pmfirewall configured with all the defaults (except
external interface which I'll set to ppp0), in conjunction with
portsentry. I hope this will do the job ?

I am not altogether sure what command line arguments I should pass
to portsentry or what mode to start it in. Also, can I automate the
process of starting portsentry, so that it will be running whenever I
make a PPP connection (I understand that pmfirewall does this somehow) ?

-- Wheel Mouse --

I have a Trekker Wheel mouse, but haven't been able to configure my
system to recognise it. The mouse works fine, as a two-button mouse,
under the default configuration, but I've found the wheel/third button
very useful under Windows. Does Linux support the wheel, and if so, how
might I configure the system to use it ?

If there are any other important first steps I should take after a
fresh installation, I'd like to hear of them. I think updating the RPM's
might be something to look
into, but I want to be sure of my internet security before I spend too
much time

Thanks for any advice,



Re: [newbie] XFree86-4..

2001-04-07 Per discussione Anthony

On Saturday 07 April 2001 18:15, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 Hello everyone,
   I've been looking all over the place: How do I get Mdk 7.2 NOT to
 use XFree86-4.x..x. but good old XFree86-3.3.6 when starting X.
 I mean which file (and where) can I edit, using DrakConf etc. is
 not an option if Xwindow will not start.
 Otherwise: how do I uninstall version 4.0.1 in favour of 3.3.6 as
 during installation Mdk doesn't give me a choice and 4.0.1 doesn't
 like my old thinkpad much.

When rebooting go to console not in X and mount  ur cd-rom if it is not 
mounted. ie: mount /dev/cdrom /mnt /cdrom
Now that Ur cd is mounted insert the mandrake cd and type,
cd  /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS
We want to use the rpm command to install or overwrite these packages.
rpm -Uhv --force XFree86-server-common-3.3.6-18mdk.i586.rpm

Now that we have the 3.3.6 server installed, we want to configured Xserver 
again with the XFdarke graphical program.. type,
XFdrake --noauto --expert
Configure your card and monitor and Reboot . Hope that solved UR problems 

Fwd: Re: [newbie] KDE 2.1.1 and XFree86 4.0.3

2001-04-07 Per discussione Anthony

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE 2.1.1 and XFree86 4.0.3
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 09:33:27 -0600
From: Salvatore "Eric" Indiogine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Recently I upgraded KDE 2.1 - 2.1.1 with XFree86 4.0.3.  I had no problems,
but be carefull and follow the instructions.

1. download all the rpms to a directory.
2.  test using: rpm -Uvh --test *.rpm
3.  take care of all missing stuff ( go to http://rpmfind.net a do search

4. su - root
5. telinit 3
6. cd directory-with-kde-rpms
7. rpm -Uvh *.rpm
8. rpm --rebuilddb
9. update-menus -v
10. shutdown -r now
11. login to new KDE

Take care,

Eric Indiogine

On Monday 02 April 2001 07:57, msoltys wrote:
 Hello All,
   I installed KDE 2.1 from the rpms and would now like to upgrade to
 2.1.1 as 2.1 has some minor annoyances. I notice that the Sourceforge
 directory where the 2.1.1 fpms are located, also contains rpms for
 XFree86 4.0.3. Do I need to upgrade XFree in order to run KDE 2.1.1 ?
 Has anyone tried XFree86 4.0.3 and what do you think.
   I am running LM 7.2 2.2-17.


 Mickey Soltys


Re: [newbie] Internet security + Harddisk optimise danger + Wheel mouse.

2001-04-07 Per discussione Dennis Myers

I can address only one of the issues, and that is security. I have installed 
PMFirewall in the past, but now use Linux-Bastille. It is a free firewall and 
has a very nice gui for configuration. It will explain a bit about what each 
of the selections are about and advise what is the best thing to be done, 
although some choices may not fit your setup, in which case you can elect not 
to take the advice. Anyway it seems to be thorough and lets you know a lot 
more about what is going on than does PMFirewall. Current release is stable 
and is a final release candidate.  Take a look at the website and then you 
can decide,http://www.bastille-linux.org/  Enjoy  

On Saturday 07 April 2001 22:21, you wrote:

 I've just installed Linux Mandrake 7.2. It's early days yet, but
 after years of frustration with that other poor excuse for an OS, I'm
 really looking forward to a stable, sensible environment. All is going
 well so far, but I do have a couple of concerns, mentioned below. I very
 much appreciate any advice from the list.

 -- Harddisk Optimise Danger --

 During the installation, I selected 'Use harddisk optimisations',
 even though there was a warning about possible data corruption in some

 Is there a real risk of data corruption ?

 If there is corruption, will it be immediately evident, or might my
 file system suddenly disappear 6 months down the track ?

 In case its relevant, my system has a Quantum Fireball Plus LM 15GB
 disk and a Pentium III 733MHz processor on a Gigabye GA-60XM7E (Intel
 815E AGPset) motherboard.

 -- Internet Security --

 Another concern I have is internet security, an issue I
 unfortunately know very
 little about. I use the internet throught a dialup connection (PPP) and
 browse/download with Netscape. I don't forsee any additional needs in
 the near

 I simply want to ensure that no one can "snoop/mess with" my system
 while I'm online. I've read a couple of earlier mail's on the subject
 and I will try the pmfirewall configured with all the defaults (except
 external interface which I'll set to ppp0), in conjunction with
 portsentry. I hope this will do the job ?

 I am not altogether sure what command line arguments I should pass
 to portsentry or what mode to start it in. Also, can I automate the
 process of starting portsentry, so that it will be running whenever I
 make a PPP connection (I understand that pmfirewall does this somehow) ?

 -- Wheel Mouse --

 I have a Trekker Wheel mouse, but haven't been able to configure my
 system to recognise it. The mouse works fine, as a two-button mouse,
 under the default configuration, but I've found the wheel/third button
 very useful under Windows. Does Linux support the wheel, and if so, how
 might I configure the system to use it ?

 If there are any other important first steps I should take after a
 fresh installation, I'd like to hear of them. I think updating the RPM's
 might be something to look
 into, but I want to be sure of my internet security before I spend too
 much time

 Thanks for any advice,



Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] Removing a full directory via command line

2001-04-07 Per discussione Daniel J. Ferris

I think I sent that message to your real e-mail address instead of the
list.  Whoops. :-)


At the command line just type:

unalias rm

Then rm will no longer be aliased by the shell.

Just please PLEASE remember never to run rm -r as root or you face the
very real danger of trashing your system.

Also, be VERY careful if the directory you are deleting contains symbolic
links, because rm -r will follow them.  If you have write permissions to
the files the link points to, they will be trashed as well.


On Sat, 7 Apr 2001, Andrew Iovannisci wrote:

 On Saturday 07 April 2001 20:30, you wrote:

  Yeah, use rm - r directory name
  make sure that there is no alias for rm that asks for confirmation for
  deletion, otherwise if you delete a large directory structure, you will
  get to confirm lots and lots of files.

 Ahh, I have an alias rm="rm -i" that is forcing me to confirm the deletion of
 every file. So, how do I get rid of the alias?

Ad astra per aspera.
[To the stars by aspiration.]

[newbie] Bt878 ATI TV Wonder VE

2001-04-07 Per discussione Jeff

I have this Tv card and didn't even think it would
work in linux but it shows up in HardDrake.  So I went
looking around and saw that it should work with bttv. 
It doesn't work with Kwintv as is.  Before I start
downloading kernel 2.4 and switching around stuff I'd
like to make sure that it's not something trivial I
need to do to get it to work.  Ok HardDrake shows the
following: (twice for some strange reson theres two
entries for the card)
Vendor: Brooktree Corporation
Model: Bt878
Kernel Module: bttv
Bus Type: PCI

and modules.conf has these lines for the card

alias char-major-81 bttv
alias tvcard0 bttv

I just installed Mandrake Freq 3/16/01 on this pc for
the first time but I've used linux for awhile.  I've
never needed to mess with the tv card in it though. 
If a kernel upgrade and configuring everything by hand
will be better than it's no big deal because it's
definately going to be needed soon anyway since the
net card in this box needs the new tulip and I'd
rather use iptables for my network anyway.

Thanks in advance for any help with this card.


Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

[newbie] KDE 2.1.1 for LM72 -- Success After All!

2001-04-07 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

Well, looks like I was wrong again. But this time it's a pleasant surprise.

Let's go back to the KDE 2.1.1 upgrade for LM72 site from Texstar at:


This site has i586 rpms for  LM72 that will allow you to upgrade your current 
KDE to the final version 2.1.1

I just sucessfully upgraded my KDE 2.1 to KDE 2.1.1 using the instructions 
and files at Texstar. See my instructions and explanation below.

All of these i586 rpms (just issued on April 7)  have been built from the 
Cooker site and made available on LM72 (i.e. using our version 3.0 rpm 
instead of the version 4 rpm required for Cooker's i586 rpms.

Another big news item: The new Mozilla 0.8.1 files have also just been made 
available as i586 rpms for LM72.

But please remember: these are UNsupported rpms. They are NOT officially 
supported by Mandrake.


I'll take the blame for my share of the responsiblity for misleading 
everybody earlier (not once but twice) but the author of Texstar should take 
his share of the blame, too.

When you arrive at Texstar, AVOID any links on the main screen (FTP or HTTP 
links, etc.). That was my mistake earlier. This is NOT the entrance to the 
KDE 2.1.1 files. 

Instead, look at the top left corner of the screen. You will see a penguin 
(that is NOT a link but should be one). Right below it you will find the link 
you want: Pclinuxonline. As you can see, it is underlined. Click on it.

Now look for the section pertaining to KDE 2.1.1 for LM72.

First, download the two freetype2 files

freetype2-2.0.2-1mdk.i586.rpm  freetype2-devel-2.0.2-1mdk.i586.rpm   

 and install them first. Then create a KDE-2.1.1 directory and download all 
the files INDIVIDUALLY. I don't think there is any other way. Here is what my 
directory looks like. I call it KDE-FINAL:

[sher@sher07 sher]$ cd KDE-FINAL
[sher@sher07 KDE-FINAL]$ ls
[sher@sher07 KDE-FINAL]$

Now, after installing the 2freetype2 files, install the KDE files (all 53 of 
them, 120.1 meg) as follows:

#rpm -Uvh --nodeps --replacefiles *.rpm

When I first did an rpm -Uvh *.rpm I got an error message telling me that 
there was one failed dependency, namely, that kdesu was not installed. That's 
not true because kdesu is included in kde-base (and is not available 
separately in LM72). So, there are NO failed dependencies. But some files in 
KDE2.1.1 must replace certain files in earlier versions of KDE 2 (you must 
first install KDE 2.0 or KDE 2.01 in order to upgrade to KDE 2.1.1.

Installation was a success. All 53 files returned 50 hashes each. There was 
one error message about a certain font but it said: "skipping." so I am sure 
everything installed OK.

After installation, exit KDE,  then in the console do a:

#rpm --rebuilddb  (rebuilding the database)


#update-menus -v

Then reboot and you've got KDE 2.1.1. You can check the Control Center to see 
the new version number.

My thanks to everyone who helped. Hope I have been of help to others, 
especially to other newbies like myself.

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

[newbie] do you remove a sound card

2001-04-07 Per discussione Michael Falzon

Hi All
Just one thing how do you remove a sound card

Why ? had a old sb 8 bit card, with the new m/b it 
does not have 8 bit ISA port 

so i had to remove the old card

Michael FalzonLast Of The BBs SysopMozy's 
Swamp BBs  Red Dwarf BBshttp://mozysswamp.yi.orgRegistered Linux 
user #204397