Re: [newbie-it] inastallo prima windows o Linux ?

2002-04-23 Per discussione Loredana

 Il 17 aprile,in merito a inastallo prima windows o
Linux ?, mike ha scritto:

 fai una / da 3.5-4 Gb così installi in /opt o /usr 
 quello che vuoi e il resto usalo per /home lasciando
 inalterata la swap

L'installazione di Windows98 e Linux Mandrake sembra
essere riuscita!
(non ho lasciato altro spazio..., ma per adesso va
bene così)

La situazione che compare è la seguente(facendo

Dispositivo AvvioInizioFine   Blocchi   Id 

/dev/hda1   * 1  1018   8177053+   b 
Win95 FAT32
/dev/hda2  1019  2498  118881005 
/dev/hda5  1019  1464   3582463+  83 
/dev/hda6  1465  1495248976   82 
Linux swap
/dev/hda7  1496  2498   8056566   83 

In particolare il mounting point della partizione
fat32 risulta: /mnt/windows
E' corretto? mi spiego:
in una delle varie prove di installazione che ho fatto
mi sembra di ricordare che,anche se riuscivo ad
accedere a windows (da linux) proprio attraverso
questo percorso, il mounting point relativo alla
partizione di Windows non risultava definito nella
lettura della tabella di partizioni.
E' tutto a posto?

Grazie per l'aiuto ricevuto,è stato prezioso (in
particolare: grazie mike)


Vinci i Mondiali - La Grande Sfida dei Mondiali FIFA

Re: [newbie-it] manta

2002-04-23 Per discussione Marco Forti

Alle 13:57, lunedì 22 aprile 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti,
 qualcuno usa il modem speed touch usb?
 Mi interesserebbe soprattutto il comtenuto file /etc/ppp/peers/adsl,
 per controllare i parametri.
 Grazie a tutti
Dai un'occhiata qui:
(funziona perfettamente anche con Mandrake 8.2 - lo sto usando anche adesso!)
Se hai problemi contattami



la mente è una cosa meravigliosa
tutti dovrebbero averne una !!!

KMail powered by Linux Mandrake 8.2

[newbie-it] DVD con Xine

2002-04-23 Per discussione spadonei

Chi riesce a vedere i DVD con questo programma? A me sembrano mancare dei

Ciao Ivo

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Re: [newbie-it] DVD con Xine

2002-04-23 Per discussione LukenShiro

Un bel di', a molte leghe di distanza, il nobile [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
detto' al suo fido scrivano codesta missiva:
 Chi riesce a vedere i DVD con questo programma? A me sembrano mancare
 dei plug-in.

Se ti mancano basta installarli :) Al solito indirizzo:
Tanto per la cronaca io ho:

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18-ac3
Netiquette? .. Uhmm ... chi era costei??

Re: [newbie-it] Login come root

2002-04-23 Per discussione LukenShiro

Un bel di', a molte leghe di distanza, il nobile Luigi De Pascale 
detto' al suo fido scrivano codesta missiva:
 Avrei un problemino di login da sottoporre.
 Su una macchina con 3-4 utenti non si riesce piu' a loggarsi come
 Il comando su funziona bene mentre il login diretto no.

Sembra un problema di impostazioni di sicurezza. Prova ad abbassare il 
livello. 'msec'/'draksec' spesso tende ad essere fin troppo invasivo :(

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18-ac3
Netiquette? .. Uhmm ... chi era costei??

Re: [newbie-it] linux win98

2002-04-23 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Alle 01:17, martedì 23 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
 Il lun, 2002-04-22 alle 21:36, miKe ha scritto:
  non lo capisce ma si adegua...

 Scusate se invio una mail per non dire nulla di concreto, ma...
 miKe, questa battuta è DA INCORNICIARE!


Mike probabilmente, ai tempi, era grande abbastanza per rimanere alzato a 
fare quello della notte... :-)
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

[newbie-it] Ispell

2002-04-23 Per discussione Stefano Sebastiani

Qualcuno mi sa indicare come configurare Ispell perchè controlli le mie email 
che scrivo con Kmail?

Re: [newbie-it] Koffice 1.1.1

2002-04-23 Per discussione LukenShiro

Un bel di', a molte leghe di distanza, il nobile Emiliano La Licata 
detto' al suo fido scrivano codesta missiva:
 In Koffice 1.1.1 su Mandrake 8.1 quando do il comando anteprima di
 stampa per un documento appare una schermata con tutti i caratteri
 illeggibili e non cambia molto quando si stampa il documento.
 Per le immagini invece l'anteprima è ottima.

Sinceramente non saprei. Probabilmente qualche font e' corrotto o 
altrimenti danneggiato, hai gia' provato a vedere se fa lo stesso con 
altri tipi di carattere?

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18-ac3
Netiquette? .. Uhmm ... chi era costei??

[newbie-it] W32.klenz e buonumore

2002-04-23 Per discussione max

Scusate il fuori argomento (OT x gli esterofili),

Mi hanno appena mandato un bel virus (W32.klez) l'ho aperto con un editor 
esadecimale ed indovinate tra le tante stringhe cosa ho trovato: this 
program must be run in win32. 
Se usate linux, quindi, fate i buoni: riaprite il file con il vostro vecchio 
winzozz e fatevi infettare un pochino! 

Saluti e buone feste..e scusate ancora.


Re: [newbie-it] problemi con scheda audio

2002-04-23 Per discussione tom

Alle 01:21, martedì 23 aprile 2002, Martina ha scritto:

 Ti devo dare una bella notizia NON FUNZIONA nemmeno sto sistema sto
 sndconfig nn eSISTE mah meglio che ci rinuncio!
 No, continuerò fino a quando il mio caro pc nn deciderà di esalare l'ultimo
 respiro stanco di nn funzionare (lo so è tutta questione di abilità mah!)
 Ciao e Scusatemi Martina

Scusate mi intrometto ma molti dei problemi che hai descritto li incontravo 
pure io con una scheda differente (una yamaha)
e nelle varie richieste di aiuto mi era arrivato un link ke magari ti puo 
tornare utile 

se nn ricordo male c'è anke un riferimento ad una S.B.128

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] linux win98

2002-04-23 Per discussione miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 12:47, martedì 23 aprile 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] linux  win98, Fabio 
Manunza ha scritto:
 Alle 01:17, martedì 23 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
  Il lun, 2002-04-22 alle 21:36, miKe ha scritto:
   non lo capisce ma si adegua...
  Scusate se invio una mail per non dire nulla di concreto, ma...
  miKe, questa battuta è DA INCORNICIARE!

 Mike probabilmente, ai tempi, era grande abbastanza per rimanere
 alzato a fare quello della notte... :-)

insomma... avevo una quindicina d'anni più o meno...
diciamo che ero grande abbastanza ai tempi di indietro tutta, ma

- -- 

Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] inastallo prima windows o Linux ?

2002-04-23 Per discussione miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 12:28, martedì 23 aprile 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] inastallo prima windows 
o Linux ?, Loredana ha scritto:
  Il 17 aprile,in merito a inastallo prima windows o

 L'installazione di Windows98 e Linux Mandrake sembra
 essere riuscita!

avevi dubbi?

 /dev/hda1Win95 FAT32

 /dev/hda5   Linux
 /dev/hda6   Linux swap
 /dev/hda7  Linux

 In particolare il mounting point della partizione
 fat32 risulta: /mnt/windows
 E' corretto? 

si, tipico della mandrake

 E' tutto a posto?

sembra di si,
se non dovessi avere la partizione vfat in fstab la puoi sempre aggiungere

/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat defaults,users,showexec,noauto 0 0

1. con noauto non avrai il montaggio automatico al boot
2. showexec non ti farà apparire come eseguibili tutti i file di win$
3. users ti consentirà di montare e smontare da utente, trascinando la proprietà sul 
disco; in particolare, ti consente di montare da 'pippo' e smontare da 'pluto'
è meglio di settare umask a zero (sicurezza) e ti consente di essere proprietaria del 
(se entri con un solo utente alla volta, metti 'user')
0 0 per non fare il check della partizione (programmato o in seguito a chiusura sporca)

man fstab  per ogni dubbio

 Grazie per l'aiuto ricevuto,è stato prezioso (in
 particolare: grazie mike)




Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] X-CD-Roast su mdk8.2

2002-04-23 Per discussione [HCS]OKreZ

Io ho avuto il tuo stesso problema, allora ho disinstallato i pacchetti 
xcdroast, cdrecord, mkisofs e li ho compilati a mano dai sorgenti (segui le 
istruzioni che trovi su

On Sunday 14 April 2002 23:40, you wrote:
 Salve a tutti.

 Ho installato la mdk8.2, ed ho visto che ha attivato in automatico il
 supermount: e' una funzione davvero utile.

 Premetto di avere un lettore CDROM 32x TEAC, un masterizzatore WAITEC WT624
 ed uno scanner Artec AT6, il tutto SCSI su un controller Advansys.

 Il problema e' che X-CD-Roast si rifiuta di funzionare:
 Se inserisco un CD con dei dati che voglio masterizzare, X-CD-Roast mi dice
 che il CD e' vuoto (Ho provato ad inserirlo sia nel lettore che nel

 Ho provato a dare il comando da root:

 supermount disabled

 Ma il problema persiste.

 Ho anche modificato il file /etc/fstab togliendo le linee che richiamano il
 supermount, e aggiungendo (da Linuxconf) i dispotivi appena rimossi, per
 non fargli usare il supermount.

 Ho riavviato il tutto, ma niente da fare.

 Ho notato anche che il comando 'cdrecord -scanbus' mi risponde cosi':

 Cdrecord 1.11a15 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Jörg
 Linux sg driver version: 3.1.22
 Using libscg version 'schily-0.5'
 0,0,0 0) *
 cdrecord: Warning: controller returns wrong size for CD capabilities page.
 cdrecord: Warning: controller returns wrong page 20 for CD capabilities
 page (2A).
 0,1,0 1) 'TEAC' 'CD-ROM CD-532S  ' '3.0A' Removable CD-ROM
 0,2,0 2) 'WAITEC  ' 'WT624   ' '7.0P' Removable CD-ROM
 0,3,0 3) 'ULTIMA  ' 'AT6 ' '1.01' Scanner
 0,4,0 4) *
 0,5,0 5) *
 0,6,0 6) *
 0,7,0 7) *

 Perche' il sistema sta usando il driver sg, anziche' quello per la
 Advansys?!? Cosa sono quei due Warning che mi compaiono subito prima del

 Ringrazio anticipatamente chiunque mi possa aiutare,


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Re: [newbie-it] [Forse OT] PHP Nuke

2002-04-23 Per discussione Giovanni Mazzamati

Alle 02:29, martedì 23 aprile 2002, Brunini Alessandro ha scritto:
 dunque: per non creare casini mi sono installato in una partizione
 apposita una Mandrake in uno spazio partizionato creato per queste

 Ho installato Nuke, php e phpMyAdmin, oltre che SQL.

 Ho creato l'utente root con il comando
 mysqladmin -u root password.ecc

 in pratica ho fatto tutto fino a quando mi dici:

 Edita /etc/my.cnf

 Non c'è quel file :

 Lo devo creare io?


 Se apro un browser a http://localhost/phpMyAdmin
 ottengo numerosi errori che rimandano alla riga 255 del file

 Ho modificato tale riga aggiungendo l'utente root e la sua pswd.

 Con phpMyAdmin non riesco ad aggiungere il file config.php...
 mi dà errore.

 Plz help me.

 Un saluto e grazie.

Sto notando che, o hai l'orologio di sitema non correttamente impostato o sei 
un animale notturno... ma veniamo al dunque...

Il file my.cnf va creato, ma ho notato che non è vitale.
Nella dir dove hai posto phpmyadmin c'è il file Perchè è 
quello che devi modificare. Non occorre modificare altro.

Se mi mandi l'errore che ti viene restituito...

Non avevo sul mio sistema Nuke, allora per essere sicuro che i suggerimenti 
che ti sto dando siano validi, ho scaricato l'ultima versione di PHP-Nuke 
Per prima cosa (attraverso PHPMyAdmin) ho creato il db nuke.
Per popolarlo ho eseguito una query utilizzando come input il file nuke.sql.
Ho inserito la password di MySql in config.php 
ho dato
chmod 666 config.php
E... sembra che funzioni.
Giovanni Mazzamati

Linux Mandrake 8.1
KDE 2.2 user
Registred User #183142

Un giorno le macchine riusciranno a risolvere tutti i problemi,
ma mai nessuna di esse potrà porne uno.

Albert Einstein

[newbie-it] cambiamento distro

2002-04-23 Per discussione vittorio

smanetto da non troppo tempo con mandrake, ho capito un pò di cose.. non 
troppe x la verità.. ma una forse si: che non imparerò molto su linux

mi sembra che mandrake faccia un pò quello che gli pare senza dare 
troppe spiegazioni: aggiornamenti intelligenti.. e così via..

giacchè devo prendere un pc nuovo, ho chiesto un pò in giro quale distro 
dovrei montare su x imparare veramente qualcosa.. tutti mi dicono 
slackware.. io leggo dappertutto che forse è la distro + difficile da 

come ho premesso non sono quell'espertone di linux
ora: metto slack o no? avreste eventualmente qualche altra distro da 

in +: l'hd che mi arriverà sarà di 80gb, quanto spazio dedichereste a 
linux al posto mio?
x adesso non ci posso fare tutto, xchè so fare poco.. ma il mio 
obiettivo sarebbe quello di fare un giorno tutto, usando win solo x giocare

quindi cosa mi dite?

(ditemi anche se ho detto una marea di stronzate riguardo mdk..)


Sostieni anche tu

Re: [newbie-it] cambiamento distro

2002-04-23 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Il mer, 2002-04-24 alle 02:20, vittorio ha scritto:
 smanetto da non troppo tempo con mandrake, ho capito un pò di cose.. non 
 troppe x la verità.. ma una forse si: che non imparerò molto su linux
 mi sembra che mandrake faccia un pò quello che gli pare senza dare 
 troppe spiegazioni: aggiornamenti intelligenti.. e così via..

Parli di Linux o della distro Mandrake?
Cmq IMHO Mandrake è una distro con un indirizzo ben preciso: il mondo
E a meno che tu non sia il videogiocatore sfegatato con la mandrake puoi
veramente fare di tutto.
Guarda che io nè sono un programmatore nè studio informatica.
Voglio però avere i miei dati al sicuro sul PC, navigare con
tranquillità, non dover riavviare ad ogni piccola modifica e tante altre
belle cose Made in M$.
Un po' troppo facile? Forse per utenti come me (ndr: sono un laureando
in Medicina) va bene così.

 giacchè devo prendere un pc nuovo, ho chiesto un pò in giro quale distro 
 dovrei montare su x imparare veramente qualcosa.. tutti mi dicono 
 slackware.. io leggo dappertutto che forse è la distro + difficile da 
 come ho premesso non sono quell'espertone di linux
 ora: metto slack o no? avreste eventualmente qualche altra distro da 

Io mi sono scaricato la 8, ma non ho ancora avuto voglia di installarla.
Domanda di rigore in questi casi: a che ti serve?

 in +: l'hd che mi arriverà sarà di 80gb, quanto spazio dedichereste a 
 linux al posto mio?

Con 80 GB la domanda mi pare retorica...

 x adesso non ci posso fare tutto, xchè so fare poco.. ma il mio 
 obiettivo sarebbe quello di fare un giorno tutto, usando win solo x giocare

Io già lo sto facendo con MDK... tra parentesi mi sono iscritto a
Tra i giochi da me installati: Quake III, Caesar III, Course of Monkey
Mi sono iscritto 2 giorni fa.

 quindi cosa mi dite?
 (ditemi anche se ho detto una marea di stronzate riguardo mdk..)

Un saluto, e ricorda che con MDK dovresti fare tutto quello che puoi
fare con altre distro.
Forse è un po' troppo giocherellona? Un look  Feel troppo poco Geek?
Questi sono solo gusti personali.

Ciao ;)

Re: [newbie] Sony 24x CDRW #CRX175A1 8.1 ?

2002-04-23 Per discussione db

Someone below did mention not being able to copy disks ... what reasonably
priced CDRW do you recommend for a Pentium three Windows/ Mandrake 8.1

(I can get a new Sony 24x online for $60 plus shipping and the 16x I have on
another machine has been great with no limitations...)

 I'm not surprised about such possibilities of an anticopy measure coming
 from Sony.  That's why I won't touch any Sony products.

 db wrote:
  What CDRW burning software came with it / do you use on your CRX175A1?
  see them being sold cheaply online bare bones without software.  I think
  have adaptec 4 or something around here somewhere already for a Sony 16x
  have on another machine... not sure what I will need for this one ...
  Wonder if they are equipping them with some kind of anti-piracy thingee
  nowdays.  I know the 16x didn't have any problem like that when burning
 On Sun, 2002-04-21 at 16:51, db wrote:
 Does anyone know if the Sony 24x CDRW #CRX175A1 cdburner will work for
 with Mandrake 8.1?
 Worked for me on 8.1, and set itself up easily in 8.2. I burn data CDs
 at 24x, but have difficulty copying music CDs. Mayhaps its payback for
 pirating music:-)
 james Mellema, CRNA
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[newbie] networking

2002-04-23 Per discussione Luc Vermeersch

how to configure NIC? Gave it a fixed IP-address ( and
hostname luc (name of the computer in the network) but keep getting
error message hostname 'localhost' can't be found. The other
computers in the network run on windows 98 SE
Any suggestions?--
Luc Vermeersch
Wereldverbond van de Arbeid - WVA
Trierstraat 33, B-1040 Brussel, België
tel 32-2/285.47.11 - fax 32-2/230.87.22

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Re: [newbie] [2] Installing mosfet-liquid theme - the sequal

2002-04-23 Per discussione Marco Verheul

 On 22 Apr 2002 23:27:27 +0200
 Marco Verheul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried once again to install the mosfet-liquid theme on Mandrake 8.1
it seems for this package to install you also need to install
 libpng3-1.2.1-6mdk. No 
here's where things go wrong because this
 package seems to conflict with a dozen other 
 Does this sound familiar to anyone? I there anybody out there who
succeeded in running this theme on 8.1?  I also tried the hard way to
 install from source, 
but gcc won't cooperate (see my other message
 Running gcc...).

 you probably tried to install the rpm built for kde 3.0 and are using
 2.2.2? check kde- .. the liquid RPM they have there is for 3.0.

I downloaded the mosfet theme 
rpm that is specifically for kde 2.2 and when installing this rpm it requires 
6mdk. I have a libpng2(..etc) installed, but that seems not to be 



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[newbie] networking 2

2002-04-23 Per discussione Luc Vermeersch

OS is Mandrake 8.1
forgot to mention it--
Luc Vermeersch
Wereldverbond van de Arbeid - WVA
Trierstraat 33, B-1040 Brussel, België
tel 32-2/285.47.11 - fax 32-2/230.87.22

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[newbie] Installing XFree86 4.1

2002-04-23 Per discussione Ellen Slater

Hi all,

I noticed that I have some header files missing for 
XFree86. I searched and the software manager tells me that CD 1 (x86) has the 
required files.
I click on install. I am prompted for CD1. The disk 
is ejected and it prompts again for CD1. I tried all the disks in case the 
header files are not on CD1.
Questions: Has this happen to anyone else? Why does 
it reject/eject the CD? How do I locate the files on the CDto install 
manually? If the files are not present on the CD, what do I do?
(example of file searching for: Intrinsic.h which 
should be located in 
usr/include/X11 :the 
directory X11 was not created)

I appreciate some help,

Re: [newbie] ARTS / Audio Codec97 / and VT8233 Audio Chip configuration

2002-04-23 Per discussione John Richard Smith

On Monday 22 April 2002 19:05, you wrote:
 On Mon, 22 Apr 2002 09:31:52 +0100

 John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sunday 21 April 2002 19:40, you wrote:
   It seems you succesfully loaded the ALSA driver modules for your
   sound(card), including the OSS emulation modules snd-pcm-oss and
   snd-mixer-oss :)
   Can you use K - multimedia - sound - Sound Mixer? Can you hear an
   audio CD with the KDE CD player afterwards? What happens when you try
  The mixer modules are there to be used,depending upon which Alias in
  modules.conf one enabled. In the examples given previously the OSS driver
  install that DrakX created for you the mixers come up set midway on the
  volume contoll sliders.
  The manually enabled alsa driver produces a mixer control whose setting
  come up initially as nil volume, I manually reset them and have the new
  volume levels set as default.

 Did you unmute the relevant channels (the green LED's)?

  However should the wrong aliases be enabled in modules.conf there is no
  mixer utility at all, it is greyed over. See examples listed previously
  for details of the settings employed that work.
  In the DrakX OSS install I have sound from Kstart-Multimedia-Sound-CD
  Player only , no sound on any other device whatsoever. The devices
  themselves do seem to be playing,there is the usual number counter
  clocking up it's numbers as the tune is played in those devices that
  display as such, and those with the Horizontal slider bars invariably
  slide.They look as though they are outputting something , but  sound is
  not heard. That includes Xmms.

 And the same happens when the ALSA drivers are loaded? You can check with
 'cat /proc/interrupts' before and after running a sound application if the
 card has generated interrupts while 'playing'.

  Both drivers do not create any KDE sound jingles.There is nothing to
  indicate the system 's  own OS sounds are configured at all.

 big snip and good luck!



Did you unmute the relevant channels (the green LED's)?   

I had reset the volume settings but not the Geen LED.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Installing XFree86 4.1

2002-04-23 Per discussione Raffaele Belardi

I have a CDplayer and a CDRecorder on my PC. With MDK8.1 rpmdrake 
ejected the CDRecodered tray, but really expected the cd to be in the 
CDPlayer... It fooled me more than once!
That's now fixed with MDK8.2.

Could it apply to you ;-) ?


 I noticed that I have some header files missing for XFree86. I searched 
 and the software manager tells me that CD 1 (x86) has the required files.
 I click on install. I am prompted for CD1. The disk is ejected and it 
 prompts again for CD1. I tried all the disks in case the header files 
 are not on CD1.
 Questions: Has this happen to anyone else? Why does it reject/eject the 
 CD? How do I locate the files on the CD to install manually? If the 
 files are not present on the CD, what do I do?

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Re: [newbie] networking

2002-04-23 Per discussione ed Tharp

what does your file  /etc/hosts  say?

On Tuesday 23 April 2002 03:11 am, you wrote:
 how to configure NIC? Gave it a fixed IP-address ( and
 hostname luc (name of the computer in the network) but keep getting
 error message hostname 'localhost' can't be found. The other
 computers in the network run on windows 98 SE
 Any suggestions?--
 Luc Vermeersch
 Wereldverbond van de Arbeid - WVA
 Trierstraat 33, B-1040 Brussel, België
 tel 32-2/285.47.11 - fax 32-2/230.87.22
 URL :

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[newbie] apm with LM 8.2

2002-04-23 Per discussione Marc Audard


Unfortunately my upgrade from LM 8.0 to 8.2 did not manage
to keep the apm work. With the new version on my Dell Inspiron
laptop, apm -s and apm -S freezes the computer after reopening
the lid. I tried with disabling the apm in the BIOS with no


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Re: [newbie] Taskbar plots too slow

2002-04-23 Per discussione Marc Audard


I found out that I could reduce the time in the KDE
control center. It now works OK.


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[newbie] aliases

2002-04-23 Per discussione Payal

When I types aliases on Mandrake 8.2 I get list of aliases. Say if I want
to remove a few of them, whichfile should I edit?
Thanks and bye.

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Re: [newbie] aliases

2002-04-23 Per discussione Roy Murray

/etc/aliases.txt, but be careful which one's  you remove
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 8:43 AM
Subject: [newbie] aliases

 When I types aliases on Mandrake 8.2 I get list of aliases. Say if I want
 to remove a few of them, whichfile should I edit?
 Thanks and bye.

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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[newbie] webcams with Linux

2002-04-23 Per discussione Marc Audard


I plan to use a webcam (e.g., Logitech Webcam) on my laptop.
I would like to know if such devices work with Linux. What
are the tools to use? Has anybody some experience?



PS: reply to my address too, since I am not registered to
the mailing list.

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AW: [newbie] webcams with Linux

2002-04-23 Per discussione - hybrid -

you may have a look at
and there's allready a prog with LM 8.2 which worked fine with my
logitech cam ...

my usb logitech cam was automounted , i didn't do anything :)

... XP , while X stands for cra 

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Gesendet: Dienstag, 23. April 2002 15:43
Betreff: [newbie] webcams with Linux


I plan to use a webcam (e.g., Logitech Webcam) on my laptop.
I would like to know if such devices work with Linux. What
are the tools to use? Has anybody some experience?



PS: reply to my address too, since I am not registered to
the mailing list.

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Re: [newbie] [2] Installing mosfet-liquid theme - the sequal

2002-04-23 Per discussione Joan Tur

Es Dilluns 22 Abril 2002 23:27, en Marco Verheul va escriure:

 I tried once again to install the mosfet-liquid theme on Mandrake 8.1
 and it seems for this package to install you also need to install
 libpng3-1.2.1-6mdk. No here's where things go wrong because this package
 seems to conflict with a dozen other packages.
8.2 is no longer using libpng2 and it's using libpng3 instead... may be you 
can find a prior version compiled with libpng2 ??  I'm sorry but I don't know 
where  O8-)

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
   AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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Re: [newbie] aliases

2002-04-23 Per discussione Payal


/etc/aliases.txt, but be careful which one's  you remove
/etc/aliases.txt does not exists at all.

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Re: [newbie] Taskbar plots too slow

2002-04-23 Per discussione Damian G

On Mon, 22 Apr 2002 19:29:21 +0200
Marc Audard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I successefully upgraded from LM8.0 to LM 8.2 by making a clean
 install (without the /home partition being reformatted). I noticed
 one problem that I would like to share:
 when launching an X application, e.g. gnome shell, the Ktaskbar
 correctly plots this application, but also plots another one as
 if the system was launching the former application (hourglass moving).
 However, the application is clearly there and working. Only after
 a certain amount of time does the second entry in the Ktaskbar 
 disappear.  Any idea?

just to let you know you are not alone, it happens to me too. i got no clue about it, 
but it happens only with certain kinds of apps, including Galeon...



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[newbie] KMail problem-one box and multiple users

2002-04-23 Per discussione L.V.Gandhi

I have one PC with mdk 8.2 linux with 3 users A,B and C.
All should have access to the mail retrieved from ISP's pop3 server and should
 be able to send mail through ISP's SMTP server.
 This is required because in the absence of one another can download mail and
send mail. However they shouldn't have access to other files of the friends.

What I made?
First I opened kmail in one of the users. This created the necessary files in
Mail folder of that user.
Then I made a folder Mail in /var/spool/ and copied the files created as 
I did chmod g+rws to /var/spool/Mail.
I created group Mail and made all the three members of that group.
I made all the files in /var/spool/Mail group rw.

Now when the first user connects and downloads mail. OK. But Kmail now changes
the inbox permissions rw of that user only. group permissions are removed.
Once he replies/composes a mail and sends it outbox permission also changes as
above. Because of this other user can not download mail or send any mail.
How to avoid these changes?
If it can't be avoided how it can be rectified.(users are not expected to do 
any comand line job or to run  any other program)
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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Re: [newbie] aliases

2002-04-23 Per discussione Danny Luker

To change the alias system wide (all users) you can make the needed changes 
to (as root):


To make the changes for your user only and preserve the system defaults you 
can edit ...


... so to remove a default alias for, say 'alias md=mkdir',  for your 
loginin only you could simply add the line ...

alias md=

to your ~/.bashrc  file.   The original alias would still be available on 
other logins...

WARNING:  Be careful changing the aliases.  The reason the folks a Mandrake 
(or other distro for that matter)  is to make things abit easier AND to help 
avoid disaster.  Change them with care..

Have Fun!

On Tuesday 23 April 2002 08:43 am, you wrote:
 When I types aliases on Mandrake 8.2 I get list of aliases. Say if I want
 to remove a few of them, whichfile should I edit?
 Thanks and bye.

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Re: [newbie] Triple booting - success and a question

2002-04-23 Per discussione Barry Premeaux

On Monday 22 April 2002 10:29 pm, you wrote:

 I do have one problem, however. When I installed Mdk 8.2 I used a XFS
 filesystem for the / partition. RH can't see it. I know that I can find
 a module for the RH kernel and add it (although I don't know how to do

 reformatting it ext3?

When I was going through my struggles of setting up a dual MD8.1/MD8.2 boot 
setup, my first install of MD8.2 was on the XFS filesystem.  I went back and 
reinstalled it as EXT3.  Since it was a fresh install, I didn't have backup 
issues to worry about.  During install, I selected expert and deleted the 
previous partitions before setting up the new ones for EXT3.  (I was changing 
the partition structure anyway.)  I've not had a problem with kernel panick 
since reformating.  I'm wondering if you just tried to reformat or did you 
actually delete the previous partitions?


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[newbie] Track network card id?

2002-04-23 Per discussione Phil R Lawrence

During Proxies configuration (during install) I am given the option of tracking
network card id.  It says this is useful for laptops.

What does this option do and how does it work?

Phil R Lawrence

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[newbie] Kmail and html mails

2002-04-23 Per discussione rsch77

Hello all,
How can I properly view html mails using Kmail ?
When I open them, I see only the html source.
Thanks in advance,


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[newbie] CDROM problems...

2002-04-23 Per discussione Kirtis Bakalarczyk

For some reason that is unknown to me my CD-ROM refuses to work in linux and 
i know it isn't a hardware problem because it works fine in windows.
And i know it isn't that it isn't mounted or something like that because it 
produces a whole slew of errors at boot time.  I've struggled with this one 
for a while and it would be nice if i could install stuff off the CD for once.

Anyway here's the output from dmesg. Some help would be appreciated.

Linux version 2.4.8-26mdk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 2.96 
2731 (Mandrake Linux 8.1 2.96-0.62mdk)) #1 Sun Sep 23 17:06:39 CEST 2001
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
 BIOS-e820:  - 0009f800 (usable)
 BIOS-e820: 0009f800 - 000a (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 000e6c00 - 0010 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 0010 - 03ffdc00 (usable)
 BIOS-e820: 03ffdc00 - 03fffc00 (ACPI data)
 BIOS-e820: 03fffc00 - 0400 (ACPI NVS)
 BIOS-e820: fffe6c00 - 0001 (reserved)
On node 0 totalpages: 16381
zone(0): 4096 pages.
zone(1): 12285 pages.
zone(2): 0 pages.
Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=linux ro root=305 devfs=mount quiet
Initializing CPU#0
Detected 399.088 MHz processor.
Console: colour dummy device 80x25
Calibrating delay loop... 796.26 BogoMIPS
Memory: 61536k/65524k available (1086k kernel code, 3600k reserved, 397k 
data, 712k init, 0k highmem)
Dentry-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
Buffer-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Page-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
CPU: Before vendor init, caps: 0183f9ff  , vendor = 0
CPU: L1 I cache: 16K, L1 D cache: 16K
CPU: L2 cache: 512K
Intel machine check architecture supported.
Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#0.
CPU: After vendor init, caps: 0183f9ff   
CPU: After generic, caps: 0183f9ff   
CPU: Common caps: 0183f9ff   
CPU: Intel Pentium II (Deschutes) stepping 02
Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done.
Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
mtrr: v1.40 (20010327) Richard Gooch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
mtrr: detected mtrr type: Intel
PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xfd9a3, last bus=1
PCI: Using configuration type 1
PCI: Probing PCI hardware
Unknown bridge resource 0: assuming transparent
Unknown bridge resource 1: assuming transparent
Unknown bridge resource 2: assuming transparent
PCI: Using IRQ router PIIX [8086/7110] at 00:07.0
Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers.
isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards...
isapnp: Calling quirk for 01:00
isapnp: SB audio device quirk - increasing port range
isapnp: Card 'Creative SB16 PnP'
isapnp: 1 Plug  Play card detected total
PnP: PNP BIOS installation structure at 0xc00f6770
PnP: PNP BIOS version 1.0, entry at f:9d68, dseg at 400
PnPBIOS: PNP0c02: request 0x510-0x518 ok
PnPBIOS: PNP0c02: request 0x910-0x918 ok
PnPBIOS: PNP0c02: request 0xd10-0xd18 ok
PnPBIOS: PNP0c02: request 0x4d0-0x4d2 ok
PnPBIOS: PNP0c02: request 0x8000-0x8040 ok
PnPBIOS: PNP0c02: request 0x7000-0x7010 ok
PnP: 16 devices detected total
Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4
Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039
Initializing RT netlink socket
apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x03 (Driver version 1.14)
Starting kswapd v1.8
VFS: Diskquotas version dquot_6.5.0 initialized
devfs: v0.115 (20010827) Richard Gooch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
devfs: boot_options: 0x1
vesafb: framebuffer at 0xf600, mapped to 0xc480, size 4096k
vesafb: mode is 800x600x16, linelength=1600, pages=3
vesafb: protected mode interface info at c000:03d4
vesafb: scrolling: redraw
vesafb: directcolor: size=0:5:6:5, shift=0:11:5:0
Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 100x37
fb0: VESA VGA frame buffer device
pty: 256 Unix98 ptys configured
Serial driver version 5.05c (2001-07-08) with HUB-6 MANY_PORTS MULTIPORT 
ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
block: queued sectors max/low 40554kB/13518kB, 128 slots per queue
RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 4096K size 1024 blocksize
Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 6.31
ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
PIIX4: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 39
PIIX4: chipset revision 1
PIIX4: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
ide0: BM-DMA at 0x1000-0x1007, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
ide6: Creative SB16 PnP IDE interface
hda: ST38641A, ATA DISK drive
hdm: probing with STATUS(0x00) instead of ALTSTATUS(0xff)
hdm: CRD-8320B, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
ide6 at 0x100-0x107,0x300 on irq 12
hda: 16809660 sectors (8607 MB) w/128KiB Cache, CHS=1046/255/63, UDMA(33)


hdm: irq timeout: status=0x51 { DriveReady 

Re: [newbie] KMail problem-one box and multiple users

2002-04-23 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 23 April 2002 4:06 pm, you wrote:
 I have one PC with mdk 8.2 linux with 3 users A,B and C.
 All should have access to the mail retrieved from ISP's pop3 server and
 should be able to send mail through ISP's SMTP server.
  This is required because in the absence of one another can download mail
 and send mail. However they shouldn't have access to other files of the

 What I made?
 First I opened kmail in one of the users. This created the necessary files
 in Mail folder of that user.
 Then I made a folder Mail in /var/spool/ and copied the files created as
 I did chmod g+rws to /var/spool/Mail.
 I created group Mail and made all the three members of that group.
 I made all the files in /var/spool/Mail group rw.

 Now when the first user connects and downloads mail. OK. But Kmail now
 changes the inbox permissions rw of that user only. group permissions are
 removed. Once he replies/composes a mail and sends it outbox permission
 also changes as above. Because of this other user can not download mail or
 send any mail. How to avoid these changes?
 If it can't be avoided how it can be rectified.(users are not expected to
 do any comand line job or to run  any other program)

How about running fetchmail as a daemon periodically polling the ISP mailbox 
and then handing over to procmail to replicate the mail into 3 mailboxes. 
Kmail can easily be configured to read mail from a local procmail mailbox. As 
for sending each user can send to the same smpt server using the same account 
There is a nice writeup on fetchmail/procmail at and the man 
pages for fetchmail and procmail are very informative.



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Re: [newbie] Kmail and html mails

2002-04-23 Per discussione Danny Luker

On the Menu bar select 'Folder' then 'Prefer HTML to plain text.' That should 
do the trick.   It is selected on a folder by folder basis so you will have 
to turn it on for each folder you want to view HTML in.


On Tuesday 23 April 2002 11:52 am, you wrote:
 Hello all,
 How can I properly view html mails using Kmail ?
 When I open them, I see only the html source.
 Thanks in advance,


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Re: [newbie] aliases

2002-04-23 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

Payal wrote:
 /etc/aliases.txt, but be careful which one's  you remove
 /etc/aliases.txt does not exists at all.

Well, I think he meant /etc/aliases but understanding is you do this
to /home/youruser/.bashrc or /home/youruser/.bash_profile...

I'm thinking there is a global/system wide default as well, but I've never used


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Re: [newbie] aliases

2002-04-23 Per discussione Tim Holmes

Word to the wise, do not toy with /etc/profile.d/.  Just leave those
alone, and as I've detailed in the past, create your own ~/.aliases for
your user. (Check the archives.  This has been covered before.)

The best place to add your aliases is in ~/.aliases.  Yes, you can put
them in ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile, but it's best to keep those files
small, and a typo is more friendly in ~/.aliases then it would be in
~/.bashrc etc;

So set up your ~/.aliases by using your favorite text editor.  Here's
the format:

alias alias_name=command_to_alias

Here's an example:

alias mp='mplayer -vo x11'

To get rid of an alias, use the unalias command.  It's built into the

$ type unalias
unalias is a shell builtin

So after you've created all your aliases in ~/.aliases, end the file
with your Unaliases

unalias md
unalias d

Follow that format.  It will prevent problems in the future, and you're
not affecting other users that might want those default aliases.  alias
rm=rm -i is a good example.

After you've created/edited your ~/.aliases, at the end of your
~/.bashrc add this line:

source ~/.aliases

This will set up aliases for each time you open a new terminal.  Source
your ~/.bashrc and it will re-read your environment files.

 T. Holmes  |  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  UIN:  17021091
| Hi,
| When I types aliases on Mandrake 8.2 I get list of aliases. Say if I want
| to remove a few of them, whichfile should I edit?
| Thanks and bye.
| -Payal
| Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
| Go to

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[newbie] segmentation fault

2002-04-23 Per discussione Norman Zhang


I am trying to install LM 8.2 on my workstation. But I get the following
error message when trying to select language.

Segmentation fault: seems like memory is missing as the install crashes.

The machine is fine running LM 8.1. I got an exactly the same machine and it
is running LM 8.2 fine. Does anyone know why? I don't think there's anything
wrong with the hardware, as this machine works with 8.0 and 8.1.


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[newbie] Ogle DVD player volume

2002-04-23 Per discussione Terry Sheltra

Anyone using Ogle as their DVD player able to figure out this?  I can
play DVDs fine, but the volume is very low .. I have to crank up the
system volume all the way for it to sound halfway decent.  Any place
that I can look to find out why this happens?



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[newbie] ImageMate on Linux?

2002-04-23 Per discussione ellaree b. philippen

I have an ImageMate external drive (USB) for transferring pictures from 
my Olympus camera. It says it works with Wins and Macs. Does anyone know 
if it will work with my Mandrake8.1,
and if so, how do I install it??


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Re: [newbie] aliases

2002-04-23 Per discussione James Thomas

You can make your own in .bashrc (and remove them from there) or (as root) 
you can edit /etc/profile.d/

When I types aliases on Mandrake 8.2 I get list of aliases. Say if I want
to remove a few of them, whichfile should I edit?
Thanks and bye.

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[newbie] where is hdparm in Mandrake 8.2?

2002-04-23 Per discussione Andy Liaw

Hi all,

I used hdparm to tune my IDE HDD when I had LM7.2 and
8.0.  After I installed LM8.2, I couldn't find hdparm!
 Typing whereis hdparm as root turns up nothing.  Am
I missing something obvious?


Andy Liaw

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Re: [newbie] Sony 24x CDRW #CRX175A1 8.1 ?

2002-04-23 Per discussione Jim Dawson

I have a Sony CD-RW (the Sony CD-RW was the only decent one I could find
at a reasonable price at the time) and as far as I can tell the closest
thing to an anti-copy measure it has is the crappy Windows CD burning
software that it came with. Even that will copy audio CDs and allow you
to burn your MP3s.

On Mon, 2002-04-22 at 13:21, Sevatio wrote:
 Being that Sony is notorious for putting limits and/or leaving out key 
 features so as to protect their investments in the music industry... 
 How is that burner?  Does it work as well as other burners?
 db wrote:
  Does anyone know if the Sony 24x CDRW #CRX175A1 cdburner will work for sure
  with Mandrake 8.1?
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2002-04-23 Per discussione Sean Christmass

subscribe newbie

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attachments, is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is only 
intended for the recipients(s) named above. If you are not the intended 
recipient any use, disclosure or copying of this e-mail is unauthorised and 
prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the 
Shire of Manjimup.Any views expressed in this e-mail message 
are those of the individual sender, except where the message states otherwise 
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This e-mail message has been scanned for Viruses and Content and cleared by 
MailMarshal - 
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Re: [newbie] where is hdparm in Mandrake 8.2?

2002-04-23 Per discussione ai4a

Andy Liaw wrote:
 Hi all,
 I used hdparm to tune my IDE HDD when I had LM7.2 and
 8.0.  After I installed LM8.2, I couldn't find hdparm!
  Typing whereis hdparm as root turns up nothing.  Am
 I missing something obvious?
 Andy Liaw
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more
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 Go to

Yes. It is not installed automatically. You need to install hdparm.

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Re: [newbie] KMail problem-one box and multiple users

2002-04-23 Per discussione Warren Post

It's not the solution you're looking for, but I would establish a separate POP account 
for each user. Some ISPs will set up more than one POP account per customer, or you 
can do this through any of the free POP services on the net. I'm using 
for just this purpose and recommend it.

Once each user has his own separate POP account, you should be able to set each user's 
instance of Kmail to chech his and only his POP account.
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

On Tue, 23 Apr 2002 20:36:19 +0530
L.V.Gandhi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have one PC with mdk 8.2 linux with 3 users A,B and C.
 All should have access to the mail retrieved from ISP's pop3 server and should
  be able to send mail through ISP's SMTP server.
  This is required because in the absence of one another can download mail and
 send mail. However they shouldn't have access to other files of the friends.
 What I made?
 First I opened kmail in one of the users. This created the necessary files in
 Mail folder of that user.
 Then I made a folder Mail in /var/spool/ and copied the files created as 
 I did chmod g+rws to /var/spool/Mail.
 I created group Mail and made all the three members of that group.
 I made all the files in /var/spool/Mail group rw.
 Now when the first user connects and downloads mail. OK. But Kmail now changes
 the inbox permissions rw of that user only. group permissions are removed.
 Once he replies/composes a mail and sends it outbox permission also changes as
 above. Because of this other user can not download mail or send any mail.
 How to avoid these changes?
 If it can't be avoided how it can be rectified.(users are not expected to do 
 any comand line job or to run  any other program)
 203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
 MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
 [EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

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[newbie] msec --PERM.LOCAL file format

2002-04-23 Per discussione Fred Fraley

Can someone point me to the format for the perm.local file for msec?  I find 
references to same as ... but the files referred to don't exist on my 

Specifically -- at level 3 the umask of 022 doesn't allow write access to my 
/mnt/windows directory for wine.  I have created a windows group and added 
the group to user profiles  Now I want to change the umask to 007.
I can umount and remount to get things working, but msec's resetting back to 
the defaults is frustrating.



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Re: [newbie] msec --PERM.LOCAL file format

2002-04-23 Per discussione Tim Cruikshank

On April 24, 2002 00:07, Fred Fraley wrote:
   Can someone point me to the format for the perm.local file for msec?  I
 find references to same as ... but the files referred to don't exist on
 my system.

   Specifically -- at level 3 the umask of 022 doesn't allow write access to
 my /mnt/windows directory for wine.  I have created a windows group and
 added the group to user profiles  Now I want to change the umask to 007. I
 can umount and remount to get things working, but msec's resetting back to
 the defaults is frustrating.




Have a look at the files in /usr/share/msec 
There is a perm.x there for each level of msec.

Hope this helps,
Tim C

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Re: Please do post It![newbie] Ogg Vorbis conversions

2002-04-23 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Sun, 2002-04-21 at 18:34, Dimitris Ioannou wrote:

 Well, Please do post us exactly what you did because many of us I suppose are 
 interested in knowing how to get the things working like you dit
 Dimitris Ioannou

I'm working on getting together everything I've done so far.  I've still
got to get xmms to jump through one more hoop, and then I'll post the
whole thing at one time.  :)


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
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[newbie] Re: [expert] OT (was Smoking Grass)

2002-04-23 Per discussione Damian G

On Tue, 23 Apr 2002 23:47:13 -0400
David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hehehehe yea yea it was invented by the Evil Bill so he could sell terribly bad 
without ppl realizing that!!

a very very smoked Damian

 Here we go again.  
 All those who pay-by-the-byte, start saving up your pennies. here comes 
another long WAY OT thread.  
 Adam and Christina Koch said onto me:  
| |He was the guy who first made LSD
|LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) was first synthesized by the Dr. Albert
|Hofmann in 1938.  He worked for the Swiss pharmaceutical company Sandoz
|You might want to read your drug history a bit more thoroughly.

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Re: [newbie] Ogg Vorbis conversions

2002-04-23 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Sun, 2002-04-21 at 14:16, dfox wrote:
 That's quite impressive! I doubt mp3 would be neawrly that efficient. I
 did some mp3 to ogg conversions on some 22050 khz (old time radio type
 files) on one 12 meg file, ogg turned it into a 7 meg file. That's for
 about an hour's worth of audio (lo fi of course).
 Out of curiosity, about how long did oggenc take to do that conversion?
 And did you have to replace the sore CPU afterwards? :)


You are right about the sore cpu.  Look at the output of the time
command on this sample conversion I did:

[elx@tamriel tmp]$ time sox -V ggordon4-23-02b.wav ggordon4-23-02b.ogg
sox: Detected file format type: wav

sox: Chunk fmt
sox: Chunk data
sox: Reading Wave file: Microsoft PCM format, 2 channels, 44100 samp/sec
sox: 176400 byte/sec, 4 block align, 16 bits/samp, 249786368
data bytes
sox: Input file ggordon4-23-02b.wav: using sample rate 44100
size shorts, encoding signed (2's complement), 2 channels
sox: Input file ggordon4-23-02b.wav: comment ggordon4-23-02b.wav

Channels: 2  Rate: 44100
sox: Output file ggordon4-23-02b.ogg: using sample rate 44100
size shorts, encoding signed (2's complement), 2 channels
sox: Output file: comment ggordon4-23-02b.wav

363.00user 3.42system 6:09.99elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata
0inputs+0outputs (294major+334minor)pagefaults 0swaps
[elx@tamriel tmp]$ ls ggordon4-23-02b.*
ggordon4-23-02b.ogg  ggordon4-23-02b.wav
[elx@tamriel tmp]$ ll ggordon4-23-02b.*
-rw-rw-r--1 elx  elx  20739735 Apr 24 00:20
-rw-rw-r--1 elx  elx  249786412 Apr 24 00:10
[elx@tamriel tmp]$


As you can see, it really sucks the cpu power. I was able to operate OK
while it was running, but I've got a 964 mhz Athlon here.

Sorry it took so long to get back with you, but by the time you asked
your question, I had already eliminated all wav's on my system; the one
above I had to generate on purpose so I could get you some decent
timing  numbers.  I think the result is well worth the intensive time; I
did'nt notice a lag here, but then I did'nt put any additional stress on
the cpu either.  A 240 or so meg wav file converted to a 20 meg ogg in a
little over 6 minutes. :)

L8r, LX

Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] Re: [expert] OT (was Smoking Grass)

2002-04-23 Per discussione David

See what I mean?

Damian G said onto me:  

   |On Tue, 23 Apr 2002 23:47:13 -0400
   |David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   |hehehehe yea yea it was invented by the Evil Bill so he could sell terribly bad
   |products without ppl realizing that!!
   |a very very smoked Damian
   | Here we go again.  
   | All those who pay-by-the-byte, start saving up your pennies. here comes
   | another long WAY OT thread.  
   | Dave 
   | Adam and Christina Koch said onto me:  
   || |He was the guy who first made LSD
   ||LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) was first synthesized by the Dr. Albert
   ||Hofmann in 1938.  He worked for the Swiss pharmaceutical company Sandoz
   ||You might want to read your drug history a bit more thoroughly.

David L. Steiner   Registered Linux User   #262493
Mandrake  8.2  Enlightenment  0.16.5   Sylpheed  0.7.4claws
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Homepage:

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