Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-08-27 Thread kubilay
I am Python developer. I am so excited about Nim. I am using it with Nimpy. And 
i am learning Nim coding now. Excellent programming language. It has bright 
future. I like so much Nim.

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-08-26 Thread GordonBGood
@jyelon: A little further comment with respect to the advantages of Nim's owned 

> I'm surprised everyone is treating owned and unowned refs as if they were 
> something new. C++ has owned and unowned refs

As explained in my previous post, **Nim 's `owned ref`'s are not the same as 
C++'s `unique_ptr` nor `shared_ptr` but combines the two**: the Nim compiler 
does data flow analysis just as the C++ compiler does for "unique_ptr"'s to 
determine when these references go out of scope and can be deallocated. 
However, Nim's version also has (originally intended to be optional) reference 
counting as C++'s shared_ptr's do to verify the data flow analysis and that the 
compiler/programmer are correct, which C++ does not. Thus, Nim's "dangling" 
ref''s are also better than C++'s `weak_ptr in that in Nim, they can be (maybe 
optionally eventually) checked that they go out of scope before the owned ref's 
to which they refer.

So in addition to the advantage that these can be (maybe when this is 
implemented) optional and then zero run-time execution cost, what I didn't 
mention was that **they also can prevent cyclic data memory leaks, which both 
C++ 's `shared_ptr` and Swift's automatic reference counting can have**.

**In the current implementation, cyclic data causes a crash on attempt to 
deallocate an `owned ref` which contains a cycle, which is better than an 
undetected memory leak**

**There is a (currently unimplemented) proposed extension in the original Bacon 
/Dingle paper that uses a recursive "deepDestroy" technique to cause 
destruction of cyclic data that can be implemented without data races**; this 
is somewhat costly when there are many deeply nested ref's as they require 
extra nested destruction passes, but nesting isn't that common or commonly that 
deep so this should be minimal and only on deallocation. **If a version of this 
were implemented in Nim, the `newruntime` would work like much the current 
Garbage Collected Nim** other than needing to have a few owned's and unown's 
injected into the code in a few places, and as things progress, even some of 
those could possibly be inferred by the compiler.

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-08-16 Thread GordonBGood

> I'm surprised everyone is treating owned and unowned refs as if they were 
> something new. C++ has owned and unowned refs

I'm afraid you are far behind the curve here, Nim's owned/dangling ref's aren't 
like those of C++ at all, see [@Araq's original post on the 
forum]( with follow-up discussion and 
[another follow-up thread](

In short, in his research, @Araq found a paper that describes a way of doing 
this that is not just pure reference counting but rather more like C++ 
"unique_ptr" but better as it can optionally verify the correctness with 
reference counting - it is more like a cross between C++ "unique_ptr" and 
"shared_ptr" but not the same as either. Since then, we have been working at 
improving on the work in the original research paper to (hopefully) get 
something even better than that.

> But anybody considering this would have immediately understood the cost 
> tradeoffs: you pay the performance penalty of maintaining the reference 
> counts, and you pay the price of doing the extra work to clear out the 
> unowned refs.

In Nim's implementation, reference counts are optional and something that one 
would turn on for debug/development so as to make sure the compiler/programmer 
are doing their job properly, then turned of for release in which case there is 
no reference counters used nor checks made if that option is selected. As to 
"clearing out unowned ref's", if you are referring to dangling ref's, they are 
actually just something like C++ "weak_pointer" and thus there is no "clearing 
out to be done; if checks are turned off and the compiler and programmer are 
mistaken, then the program may fail by trying to reference a deallocated 
pointer. As to "clearing out owned ref's when they go out of scope, that is 
just a simple automatic deallocation just as for any pointer when it is 

Thus, the Nim version of owned/dangling ref's can be zero cost for 
release/danger mode.

When the ownership model fails as when one needs to have the equivalent of 
multiple owners of the same data, then it is proposed that one would implement 
an override that would do a deep copy just as one would implement a "Clone" 
trait in Rust for this case. When one wants to share the same data such as 
across threads, then one does the overrides to implement reference counted 
pointers that are basically the same as C++ "shared_ptr", but the need for 
those should be fairly rare and when required the overhead of their use will 
likely be much less than other overheads, such as those related to thread 
context switching.

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-08-16 Thread cblake
Oh, I had meant to include `{.closure.}`. Oops. Fixed.

A stack (of something) is fundamentally required for general non-linear/tree 
cases. TCO can only help your linear cases (partly why I call them "easy"). 
Good trees have well bounded depth, but yeah, wildly unbalanced ones can cause 
trouble for **any** impl, recursive or not. A non-recursive one may minimize 
the per-stack entry storage a bit better, though.

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-08-15 Thread GordonBGood

> Recursion working makes code look much nicer, IMO.

IMO, too. Before coming to Nim, my previous favourite languages were Elm, F#, 
and Haskell (in no particular order), so that should tell you what I like.

> Equivalent state machines are often ugly, trickier to get right, and a pain 
> point...

Again, agreed. Unfortunately, even if the compiler allowed your desired code, 
it currently isn't extended to handle the case, as {.inline.} iterators are 
just loops "under the covers", they would have to have re-write rules that 
include nested loops (which is close to my desired feature of Tail Call 
Optimization- TCO). If the iterators were "first class" ({.closure.}) iterators 
then they would be doing proc recursion, which again would require TCO so as 
not to build stack. Since Nim doesn't support Tail Call Optimization directly 
and C/C++ compilers only **MAY** do it with full optimization turned on (it 
isn't guaranteed), if there are any concerns with depth of the call stack, one 
will have to write the **UGLY** state machine code!

> the example considered among the more compelling by the Python guys...

I don't think Python has TCO even yet, so depth of tree recursion could be a 
problem even with your example snippet, depending on the depth of the Tree.

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-08-15 Thread jyelon
I'm surprised everyone is treating owned and unowned refs as if they were 
something new. C++ has owned and unowned refs. In C++, they're called 
"std::unique_ptr" and "dumb pointers." The semantics of the C++ version are 
almost exactly the same as the semantics of the nim version - the one 
difference is that in the newruntime, before you release the owned ref, you're 
required to manually clear out any dangling unowned refs - and it verifies that 
you have done that. In C++, you're not required to clear out the unowned refs. 
But, that means that in C++, you can end up with dangling unowned refs.

It would actually be very easy to implement the newruntime's semantics in C++, 
because C++ smart pointers are very flexible. Anybody could have done this at 
any time. But anybody considering this would have immediately understood the 
cost tradeoffs: you pay the performance penalty of maintaining the reference 
counts, and you pay the price of doing the extra work to clear out the unowned 
refs. In exchange, any code that would have accessed a dangling ref will access 
a nil pointer instead - which is better, because it's a caught error. I think 
it's telling that this is not a common thing to do - perhaps this indicates 
that most programmers don't consider these tradeoffs worthwhile.

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-08-15 Thread cblake
There are always workarounds since CPUs are little state machines. That should 
be news to no one. Recursion working makes code look much nicer, IMO. For what 
it's worth, the example considered among the more compelling by the Python guys 
back in the Python 2.3 days when they added generators was in-order binary 
search tree traversal: 

iterator inorder[T](t: Tree[T]): T =
  if t:
for x in inorder(t.left): yield x
yield t.label
for x in inorder(t.right): yield x


which parallels the usual recursive call structure quite well. I think it would 
be great if the above Nim actually worked. Equivalent state machines are often 
ugly, trickier to get right, and a pain point (and yeah, usually faster). But 
"expressive" has always been a main goal of Nim. :-)

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-08-15 Thread GordonBGood

> but I felt your post risked leaving that impression.

No, I didn't intend to leave that impression and you make your point. My real 
point is that iterators are an abstraction to make the basic cases of the use 
of enumeration over a range or collection of some type easy; I think they will 
always be limited in use for more complex cases such as recursion and if they 
did have this capability added, they would then have the danger of causing 
races. My real point was that there are other ways to implement **the effect of 
recursive iterators** for those who really need them, with my lazy linear list 
example showing one of the ways.

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-08-15 Thread cblake
I do not agree that lazy linear lists are the "main example" of recursion. They 
may be the _simplest_ example, thusly allow several easy workarounds. I 
mentioned "trees" right in my comment. Most of the (admittedly subjective) 
elegance of tree algorithms comes from the way recursive code structure mirrors 
recursive data structure. `lib/pure/collections/critbits.nim:iterator leaves` 
shows some ugliness required to workaround there, for example.

I agree it may not be a high priority or even in the top 10. I do not think it 
would be considered a "no real need" extra/extraneous fluff/"feature bloat". I 
know you didn't say that, exactly, but I felt your post risked leaving that 

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-08-14 Thread GordonBGood
@lscrd, @mratsim, @cblack:

> @mratsim's code may not trigger it, but at least in /devel there seems to be 
> a check in semexprs.semOverloadedCallAnalyseEffects that errors out with 
> errRecursiveDependencyIteratorX ("recursion is not supported in iterators: 
> '$1'"). The error message was even updated just a couple months ago. It is 
> not hard to trigger this erroring out with trees that are "run-time switched" 
> recursions vs. @mratsim's compile-time switched recursion. I for one would 
> love full recursion support in iterators...

The message is correct that "recursion is not supported in iterators: '$1'"; it 
can't be supported for iterators because in the general case these are 
re-written as simple loops which can't reliably be nested when there is no 
proper "escape" logic. @mratsim's example showing it working for accessing 
array elements works because that use triggers a different special re-write 
rule that doesn't have the same escape logic. The general case is shown 
triggering the error message [in this Wandbox 
snippet](, which if the error 
message weren't trigger would run away and stack overflow.

There are a limited number of cases where recursion is actually useful with its 
results not easy to obtain other wise, with the main one being lazily deferred 
"function" type streams or lazy lists; for these, the lazy deferral breaks the 
race. However, these are actually their own iterators so there is no real need 
for recursive iterators and rather they are implemented just with closures as 

# rolling your own recursive closure "iterator" stream...

import sugar

  CIS[T] = ref object # an Co-Inductive Stream (CIS) non-memoizing
head: T
tailf: () -> CIS[T]
iterator items[T](cis: CIS[T]): T {.inline.} =
  var ccs = cis
  while ccs != nil: yield ccs.head; ccs = ccs.tailf()

proc numsFrom(strt: int): CIS[int] = # we specify the iteration here
  if strt > 100: return nil # we can add the escape logic here
  CIS[int](head: strt, tailf: () => numsFrom(strt + 1))

for n in 0.numsFrom: # or can add escape logic here
  if n > 1000: break else: stdout.write n, " "


as per [this other Wandbox 

The latter technique is highly recommended as with them it is much easier to 
control data races and it can be easily extended for multi-level recursion.

There are some current difficulties implementing this to cross multi-threads 
due to the discussed limitations of the single-threaded Garbage Collector, but 
there are work arounds (although we a fair amount of boilerplate code).

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-08-14 Thread GordonBGood

> For the time being, Nim v1 will have a GC. We should improve what we have now 
> instead of jumping ship to this brand new runtime which is a massive risk..

I respect your caution about "newruntime", and of course version 1.0 will still 
have the current GC options as a fall back.

If there were no concern with the current state of multi-threading in Nim or a 
user doesn't require multi-theading or only very simple "naive" limited 
multi-threading, the current GC runtime is fine and we should have been at 
version 1.0 long ago or we are already there as proposed with version 0.20.X 

However, @jyelon has expressed the need for a **multi-threaded GC** , which 
would seem to be the only way to cleanly fix the problems and limitations with 
current multi-threading, and @Araq has said that "improving what we have now" 
by implementing a multi-threading GC is much bigger task than the 
implementation of the current "newruntime" spec.

Yes, the jury is out until we can actually try the new spec on practical 
applications and see how much it affects current packages, but the alternative 
of "fixing what we have" as to making multi-threading competitive could take 
years and Nim may well lose the currently developing interest momentum by that 

I have become an owned ref evangelist because I see it quite simply mitigating 
the huge mess which is the current type system structure built around all the 
limitations of the current GC and data type definitions, but if it doesn't work 
out, will become a promoter of whatever way forward we can come up with that 
fixes these problems in a reasonable amount of time.

That said, I tend to favour non-GC solutions as even the best multi-threading 
GC in the world (perhaps that of Haskell) still has those limitations of 
undeterministic destruction, garbage collection compression moving memory 
locations, etc., etc. Besides, depending on GC just makes us an "also-ran" to 
be compared to such languages as GoLang, D, Crystal, Chapel, etc., etc. and not 
in the realm of "something unique" as the likes of Rust, Pony, etc., yet when 
compared to these last offers a much easier to learn and use experience (I 
think and hope).

My personal "back-up plan" if the "newruntime" doesn't work out would be to add 
some libraries or packages that would replace the "naive" implementations of 
channels and threadpool so as not to require all the extra boilerplate of 
creating GC-Safe wrappers in order to use non-"naive" multi-threading, and am 
actively working on those now while waiting for the "newruntime" to stabilize 
to the point where I can try it out. I believe that would be the fastest way 
forward to a stable version 1.0 if the "newruntime" doesn't work out. IMHO, we 
aren't really anywhere near version 1.0 without doing something about the 
implementation of multi-threading (for those that need it).

Of course, I admit that my use case is just for casual "hobby" projects and not 
in a production environment so it could well be different for others such as 

I love something innovative and unique, and the "newruntime" version of Nim 
could well be "it".

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-08-14 Thread dom96
> we believe that for typical use they will be almost as easy to use as GC'ed 
> references but without GC's downfalls in taking a huge development effort to 
> reduce memory access wait time latency while supporting multi-threading/Some/ 
> believe that. Others like myself need to see this in practice.|   
For the time being, Nim v1 will have a GC. We should improve what we have now 
instead of jumping ship to this brand new runtime which is a massive risk. 
Anyway, I share @jyelon thoughts and don't want them to feel like everyone in 
the Nim community has moved on to this new runtime idea, because that isn't the 

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-08-14 Thread GordonBGood

> I’ve found (Nim's) supposed to be faster than Julia...

Referring to your opening post, Nim is at least as fast as Julia but not that 
much faster for well written Julia code other than Julia's wait to pre-compile 
it's code when it's called the first time. The problem with writing Julia code 
is one always has to think about and check how it sees the (dynamic) types in 
order to get this speed; also, I think it's state of development of 
multi-threading capabilities is in at least as much a state of flux as Nim's 

But they are two different use cases: Nim produces stand alone executable code 
whereas Julia depends on its development environment to run (again at least 


> the thread-local heaps made it impossible to pass structured data from one 
> thread to another

Not impossible, but a little more boilerplate code is required to accomplish if 
one doesn't want to allow the system to just deepCopy the data between threads.

> I think sharing data structures between threads in garbage collected 
> languages is more common than you think. Java, definitely. C#, golang. 
> Anything that runs on the JVM, like scala or kotlin. All pure functional 
> languages, like haskell...

You may as well add F#, too.

Yes, all of those named languages now have multi-threaded GC; that is the way 
memory management has been conventionally done for Virtual Machine types of 
languages and Haskell now has a multi-threaded GC implementation, too.

There are lots of modern languages that don't have GC as in Apple's Swift 
(using reference counted pointers with automatic destruction, but with flaws), 
Rust (a kind of safe smart pointer but with reference counting as an option 
when that doesn't work), and of course C++ (depends on libraries used, but 
something like Rust without the type safety) and one can still get things done, 
although you are right that GC makes it fairly easy for lots of types of 

> I want a garbage collected language.

Don't knock Nim's new run time owned ref's until you've tried them: we believe 
that for typical use they will be almost as easy to use as GC'ed references but 
without GC's downfalls in taking a huge development effort to reduce memory 
access wait time latency while supporting multi-threading, high execution time 
overheads (even worse for multi-threaded versions), and non-deterministic 
destruction (not knowing exactly when heap memory will be free'ed after the 
data goes out of scope or even after the reference to the data is manually set 
to nil).

Have you actually tried multi-threading in those other languages to see how 
easy they are to use for your particular application? Have you actually tried 
to write something using multi-threading in modern Nim for your application? 
You'll never know how well they work or don't until you've actually written 
some Proof Of Concept little micro applications.

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-08-13 Thread jyelon
I think sharing data structures between threads in garbage collected languages 
is more common than you think. Java, definitely. C#, golang. Anything that runs 
on the JVM, like scala or kotlin. All pure functional languages, like haskell. 
Just a few examples. 

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-08-13 Thread mratsim
I think only Java has a multithreaded GC. But it's very hard to design and even 
harder to optimize because the GC will be a contention point.

What you could hopefully do is passing ownership of the table between threads 
with channels. And of course write shared data structure more easily.

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-08-13 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> However, instead of creating a garbage collector that can handle this

That seems to be very hard. You know D-lang had GC support from the beginning, 
and D-lang has bright devs. Now they try to follow Rust avoiding a GC, see



Nim has a good GC for single threaded applications, but maybe the newruntime 
with owned refs will be a even better solution.

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-08-13 Thread jyelon
Back in 2016, I evaluated nim. I thought it was wonderful, and I was 
particularly impressed with the metaprogramming features. I used to use Common 
Lisp, and macros were amazing, and I've been waiting for a modern fast language 
to include them. Kudos. I was about to start using nim, when I noticed a 
showstopper flaw: the thread-local heaps made it impossible to pass structured 
data from one thread to another. I made a comment about this in the forum:


At the time, I didn't get much response. But I could see that Araq's quite a 
visionary, so I assumed he would eventually see the problem and make a garbage 
collector that allows data structures to be passed between threads. I was 
half-right: in May 2019, he acknowledged the problem:

> I don't think "you cannot easily pass Table[string, string] to a different 
> thread and locks won't help you" is good enough for Nim in the long run. It's 
> high time we address this problem.

However, instead of creating a garbage collector that can handle this, he 
created a non-garbage-collected runtime. That's not what I'm looking for, I 
want a garbage collected language.

So, where things stand is: the lack of a garbage collector that supports 
sharing data structures between threads is still the only showstopper, for me. 
Aside from that, the language is great. I'm still holding out hope that this 
limitation will eventually be fixed. I'm patient, I've been checking in 
periodically since 2016, I'll keep checking in the future. 

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-08-01 Thread Kiloneie
Having curly braces {} and having to type semicolons every time; and more isn't 
less readable to me either, but it does add extra unnecessary stuff to type. 
Python style indentation(which to me is an upgrade from BASIC syntax which i 
have used) makes it faster to write what you are aiming to. But you know that's 
just an opinion D:.

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-07-31 Thread Neil_H
> Of course Python being taught in schools and universities helps its 
> popularity, but I don't think at all it's the only or even main reason for 
> the popularity.

The other reason of course is around the time python was introduced the main 
languages being used were C, C++ and Java (not counting other scripting 
languages like PHP and Perl that were mainly for web work)… so its no surprise 
it took off, because everybody really, was just waiting for it.

And to be honest I don't find Python that more readable, having a long def 
start to edge over to the right side of the screen because of all the 
indentation is certainly no more readable than the same def would be if it had 
braces inbetween but with all the code on the left side, and the braces on 
separate lines. Braces to split code never bothered me, however having to put 
semi-colons at the end of most lines did and certainly never added anything to 
the readability of C, C++, Java, PHP, Perl... etc, etc

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-07-31 Thread sschwarzer
> Python, I started to learn Python and found it quite easy to pick up, however 
> I decided that its growing way to big as a language, too many people are 
> changing it too much, and for me on Windows it just became another scripting 
> language, no better than say Perl... and yes Python may be very popular at 
> the moment and that's mainly because all the schools and university's etc use 
> it...but we all know that they just follow each other anyway, so just because 
> they all use it, does not mean its the best language out there. Anybody that 
> thinks that is a fool.

I don't see Python that negatively. The language clearly has its strengths, and 
personally I find it much more readable compared to Perl (not just now, but 
already very shortly after moving from Perl to Python).

By the way, my perception from using Python professionally for almost 20 years 
is that schools and universities introduced Python rather slowly, after it was 
already in wide use. Actually I had expected that Python would find its 
widespread use in education _much_ earlier. Of course Python being taught in 
schools and universities helps its popularity, but I don't think at all it's 
the only or even main reason for the popularity.

Regarding the "best language", I think there isn't any best language, only the 
best compromise for a given use case. :-)

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-07-31 Thread Kiloneie
I've found Nim just a couple of days ago and i am totally in love with it, i am 
reading on it on the way to work, at work and then i practice is at home, it's 
so nice to have a language that is beautiful, really easy to understand just by 
looking at the code whilst very powerful and performant. I think i will make 
some tutorial videos on it once i learn it some more.

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-07-31 Thread lscrd
Thanks for your explanation.

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-07-31 Thread Neil_H
I like Nim for all the reasons given here... for me personally, comparing with 
other languages...

Python, I started to learn Python and found it quite easy to pick up, however I 
decided that its growing way to big as a language, too many people are changing 
it too much, and for me on Windows it just became another scripting language, 
no better than say Perl... and yes Python may be very popular at the moment and 
that's mainly because all the schools and university's etc use it...but we all 
know that they just follow each other anyway, so just because they all use it, 
does not mean its the best language out there. Anybody that thinks that is a 

C programming, well ive stated before somewhere, I hate the C language, always 
have. why would anybody pick the * char to use as a pointer when in nearly 
every other language it was used for multiply... which meant when you look at C 
code... you see all these * and its like what a mess, what a complete and utter 

On windows...Nim is faster than Python and easier than C... reasons enough for 
me to try it. 

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-07-31 Thread cblake
@mratsim's code may not trigger it, but at least in `/devel` there seems to be 
a check in `semexprs.semOverloadedCallAnalyseEffects` that errors out with 
`errRecursiveDependencyIteratorX` ("recursion is not supported in iterators: 
'$1'"). The error message was even updated just a couple months ago. It is not 
hard to trigger this erroring out with trees that are "run-time switched" 
recursions vs. @mratsim's compile-time switched recursion. I for one would love 
full recursion support in iterators (and so would love to be wrong, if I am).

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-07-31 Thread lscrd
This is Interesting. Thank you.

So the documentation is wrong when it says: “Neither inline nor closure 
iterators can be recursive”. Here: 

Or is there something I did not understood? 

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-07-31 Thread mratsim
Nim iterators can be recursive, this is my iterator on arbitrarily nested 
arrays or sequences to construct tensors.

iterator flatIter*[T](s: openarray[T]): auto {.noSideEffect.}=
  ## Inline iterator on any-depth seq or array
  ## Returns values in order
  for item in s:
when item is array|seq:
  for subitem in flatIter(item):
yield subitem
  yield item


Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-07-31 Thread lscrd
> Note that Nim iterators correspond to Python generators…

I would like, but they are less powerful. Generators can be recursive in Python 
while iterators cannot. And in Python it’s easy to use a generator without a 
_for_ loop thanks to the _next_ function.

But, despite these limitations, iterators in Nim are very pleasant and easy to 
use, compared with the way to define them in other languages such as Julia. 
And, I agree with you, they are amazingly useful.

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-07-30 Thread cdunn2001
Some people use C++ for speed and Python for rapid prototyping and glue-logic, 
but combining the two can be tricky. Nim replaces both. It's not quite as fast 
as C++ (unless you are very careful about memory) and not quite as agile as 
Python (imo), but when you need both, Nim is great.

Note that Nim iterators correspond to Python generators, an amazingly useful 
feature. Combined with templates, it swamps C++ in agility. And macros take it 
to a whole nother level.

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-07-28 Thread cantanima
> "performance usually doesn't matter, and if it matters, is not because of the 
> language, but because of the code written"
> I dont know why you write this statement -- it is obviously wrong, and I am 
> sure you know that it is wrong.

It's not entirely wrong. For _many_ applications, performance doesn't matter. 
For those applications that do, algorithms typically matter a **lot** more than 
the choice of programming language.

For example, on a sufficiently large list (which probably isn't very large) a 
custom-written [Bubble 
Sort]( in the C language (or 
Nim, or even assembly) will always lose to Python's built-in `sort`, because 
[TimSort]( scales far, far 

Things like this are not that uncommon. This is one reason higher-level 
languages can outperform hand-coded assembly in some cases: it's easier, and 
more efficient, to write good, correct algorithms in higher-level languages.

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-07-27 Thread kidandcat
Of course it completely depends on the IT field you work on. I have experience 
working with mastodon apps in big teams with teams of more than 20 developers. 
In that kind of scenario the performance is the smallest problem you will have 
to handle.

And of course the performance is very important, but in years of experience you 
see tons of people worried exclusively about execution performance, and there 
are hundreds of metrics you should have in mind too. Everybody compares 
languages only based in execution performance when in the business field, 
development performance usually has a higher value

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-07-26 Thread mratsim
For me performance is everything and any language that is not as fast as 
hand-tuned C, Fortran or Assembly is a non-starter.

And the whole world of High-Performance Computing and Machine Learning is the 
same. When you train models for hours (or even days or week), a mere 20% speed 
difference is huge.

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-07-26 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> performance usually doesn't matter, and if it matters, is not because of the 
> language, but because of the code written

I dont know why you write this statement -- it is obviously wrong, and I am 
sure you know that it is wrong.

Languages like Python, Ruby, LabView, Octave, R, Processing and many more are 
generally very slow, as long as you cannot just call C libs. Do write a 
Delaunay triangulation, a RTree search, a dijkstra shortest path search in one 
of these languages and show me how fast your smart code executes.

I came to Nim from Ruby some years ago, was not too unhappy with Ruby, but 
knowing that your code could be 20 times faster when you create a C routine of 
it, made me not happy.

Maybe what you want to say was that most modern compiled languages like Rust, 
D, Nim, Crystal are all very close to C, so that benchmarks makes not much 

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-07-26 Thread kidandcat
Nim is the definitive language for two things (and none of them is performance, 
because performance usually doesn't matter, and if it matters, is not because 
of the language, but because of the code written)

  * Nim's macro system is so powerful that you can do nearly anything you 
imagine, this makes the language flexible enough to overcome any challenge.
  * Nim's structure of decoupled backends gives Nim a very high chance of 
survivavility as it can easily target language-specific platforms (for example 
the browser by targeting Javascript)

Re: What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-07-26 Thread dom96
I think it's great :)

I've modified your post to get rid of that gist you've embedded (a link is 

What do you think about the programming language NIM?

2019-07-26 Thread nickjonson
While looking for different benchmarks I’ve found It’s supposed to be faster 
than Julia for many operations, though it doesn’t have so many libraries:

[]( This gist compares the performance of Julia, Nim, C++ 
and R - the latter using either 
[POMP]([](\)), or 
[LibBi]([]( in a simple simulation of an 
 epidemiological model. In addition to keeping track of susceptibles, infecteds 
and recovereds, I also store the cumulative number of infections. Time moves in 
discrete steps, and the algorithm avoids language-specific syntax features to 
make the comparison as fair as possible, including using the same algorithm for 
generating binomial random numbers and the same random number generator; the 
exception are the R versions, POMP uses the standard R Mersenne Twister for the 
random number generator; I'm not sure what LibBi uses. The algorithm for 
generating random binomial numbers is only really suitable for small np.

Benchmarks were run on a Mac Pro (Late 2013), with 3 Ghz 8-core Intel Xeon E3, 
64GB 1866 Mhz RAM, running OSX v 10.11.3 (El Capitan), using Julia v0.6.1, Nim 
v0.17.3, clang v5.0.0, emscripten v1.37.34, node v8.9.1, and R v3.3.2.

## Nim version

### Native

Compile using: This file has been truncated. show original nim.cfg

@if asmjs or wasm:


@if emscripten or asmjs or wasm:

@if not wasm:


This file has been truncated. show original sir.cpp #include  #include 
 #include  #include  #include  #include 
 #include  #include  #include  This file has 
been truncated. show original There are more than three files. show original