[nycwireless] Easter Egg Access - Apple's New Airport supports 40/64 bit WEP

2008-01-16 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

A little background for folks, the new Apple AirPort supporting 802.11n 
doesn't officially support 40/64 bit WEP except for an Easter egg access. 
According to the post, n disables 40/64 bit WEP. Can folks chime in if this 
is correct with other vendors products? 40/64 bit WEP has a purpose for legacy, 
so stop moaning and groaning about WPA, 802.1x, etc. Just answer the question. 


P.S. Thanks to Rini for pointing to out to me.

MacInTouch Reader

I just got an Airport Extreme Basestation and was surprised to find out that 
despite the claims of the marketing material, it is not possible to set it to 
40-bit WEP mode; the only WEP-compatible mode it offers is named WEP 
(Transitional Security Network), and it requires a 128-bit key specified in 
ASCII mode only (13 letters).

So, not only are 40-bit keys not supported, but also there are restrictions on 
the keys, because you can't specify the key in hex like you can on most 

This is not a major problem if you're starting a new wireless installation; for 
the user who is new to wireless and just purchased an AppleTV, this is probably 
the best, easiest to setup wireless router out there. Unfortunately, in my case 
I was trying to replace the router in a pre-existing network with many nodes, 
some of which are only WEP-40bit capable, so I was stuck. 

I did a bit of digging up around the support forums; some people had a similar 
problem, but nobody had the solution, so I called Apple's tech support, and 
this is what the second-level guy told me: 

1) legacy WEP is not compatible with 802.11n draft. Switching to this mode 
requires disabling the 802.11n protocol, thereby eliminating this router's best 
feature, and potentially showing the AppleTV in a bad light, which is probably 
why Apple decided to leave the feature out and strong arm people into using 
radio modes that guarantee good performance. 

2) To activate WEP, you need to select a non-802.11n radio mode; from the 
Airport/Wireless tab, hold command (or control on Windows) while clicking on 
the Radio Mode tab, and select the appropriate non-n mode, for instance 
802.11b/g compatible. WEP 40bit and 128bit become options in the Wireless 
Security popup. Unlike with the Transitional mode, you can specify a 
hexadecimal key by prefixing it with a dollar sign. 

Hope this helps!

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[nycwireless] Test - Ignore 3:51:45pm

2007-01-27 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

We're just testing the list due to some issues we were having.

Thank you,
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RE: Re: [nycwireless] OpenDNS?

2006-11-08 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Robin,

You raise a very important question. How does OpenDNS handle for
us mail server folks the antispam (RBL, SURBL, MX) lookups for
non-existant domains? Funny thing, is they have suggest mailservers
use them for DNS queries.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Robin-David Hammond%KB3IEN
Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2006 11:41 AM
To: Jon Baer
Cc: nycwireless@lists.nycwireless.net
Subject: Re: [nycwireless] OpenDNS?

I do not use this service as its claim to 'correct spelling mistakes'
must inherently chose one 'mistake' over another, sucks to be the guy
whose site isn't chosen. Additionally resolving false or mistyped
domains stands to break much spam filtering.

If you want reliable DNS root servers look no further than ORSN.net.

Robin-David Hammond KB3IEN

On Fri, 3 Nov 2006, Jon Baer wrote:

 Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 10:56:49 -0500
 To: nycwireless@lists.nycwireless.net
 Subject: [nycwireless] OpenDNS?
 Apologies if this service has already been discussed on this list ...


 Has anyone tried this service on their routers?

 OpenDNS makes money by offering clearly labeled advertisements 
 alongside organic search results when the domain entered is not valid 
 and not a typo we can fix. OpenDNS will provide additional services on

 top of its enhanced DNS service, and some of them may cost money. 
 Speedy, reliable DNS will always be free.

 - Jon

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[nycwireless] OpenDNS does not resolve fake MX...

2006-11-08 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,
   I ran a few DNS tests against OpenDNS and I won't say it works
splendidly as they describe it. In summary, don't use OpenDNS on your
mail server.

- does NOT resolve fake MX records
- does resolve A records for fake records
So, if you run a mail server with anti-spam checks against no MX or
A records, don't use OpenDNS or turn off this test since it won't be

From OpenDNS Website 

I run a mail server. May I use OpenDNS?
OpenDNS resolution works splendidly for mail servers. As of August 31,
2006, that includes those mail servers running a DNS real-time blacklist
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RE: [nycwireless] Municipal Broadband - Must read!

2006-01-07 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

Having read the article, this is not about higher taxes guys...
It's about competition. Free market competition, which isn't occurring
in the broadband market in the US. This also isn't about fast internet
for the 1%, like me who has fiber in Westchester that is 5Mb/2Mb for
$35/month. This is going to be a bigger problem, much BIGGER. Such as if
the internet was developed and fostered in Asia/Europe. We need to keep
the USA competitive, hence the purpose of getting fast broadband to all.
The internet is going to grow the economy through online business and

Question for all you folks... how much $$$ was used for the
Philly Muni Wireless? A big fat $0 Read the article, before you post
about taxes  muni wireless. Also, here's another good blurb from the


Community Internet has the potential to revolutionize and democratize
communications in this country. And that may be the reason why big cable
and telephone companies and their political allies have launched a
sophisticated misinformation campaign. These companies and their
coin-operated think tanks generally make three paradoxical arguments
against municipal broadband. First, they contend that municipalities
have no place in the free market. Of course, the cable and telephone
giants don't mention that their own monopolies-which control 98 percent
of the broadband market-have been cemented with extensive public
subsidies, tax breaks and incentives (as well as free rein to tear up
city streets). Verizon, for instance, didn't complain last fall when
Pennsylvania handed them subsidies for broadband deployment worth nearly
10 times what Wireless Philadelphia will cost. Neither did Comcast
object when Philadelphia approved a $30 million grant to build a
skyscraper that will house its headquarters. To the incumbent providers,
unfair competition means any competition at all.

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RE: [nycwireless] Google: Mobile Product Search, please!

2005-11-03 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Rob,

Good points. If Froogle doesn't do it, pricegrabber.com or
another major site will. The race is on


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Rob Kelley
 Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 8:57 AM
 To: nycwireless@lists.nycwireless.net
 Subject: [nycwireless] Google: Mobile Product Search, please!
 From [http://sidewayzen.com ]:
 Froogle ([Froogle.com ]) is Google's product search. Give it 
 a search term, and it'll return a list of stores and prices. 
 Cool, but it's not part of the [http://google.com/palm  
 |mobile Google] you can use from your PDA or smartphone. 
 Google needs to make it easy to do product comparison in the 
 store itself.
 Here's the first use case at Barnes and Noble:
 1. I see a big fat computer book. It's expensive.
 2. I whip out my phone and go to froogle.com. It shows me a 
 simple search box and a radio button for my saved 
 filters--I've created a custom search to just do BN.com, 
 Amazon.com, and Half.com.
 3. I enter the ISBN of the book.
 4. Froogle gives me a simple screen showing me the prices at each.
 5. Based on the info, I suck it up and buy the book there.
 Let's get cooler...
 Second use case:
 There's an out-of-print children's book called JellyBeans 
 for Breakfast. I want to know where I can find this book for 
 my daughter.
 I whip out the phone:
 1. I go to froogle.com
 2. I type in Jellybeans for Breakfast, then I select based 
 on location and enter 10011 3. Froogle shows a list of 
 stores near me that have this out-of-print book.
 4. I click the phone number of the store and the phone calls 
 to confirm.
 As far as I know, neither of these features exist now, but 
 not even the basic Froogle interface exists for mobile users. 
 Please Google, help us here!
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RE: [nycwireless] Sprint sells iDEN, announces WiMAX

2005-10-27 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Rob and all,

First of all, before we all believe a word of this. Some
background on how legit PCS Intel is? Since there's a lot of things that
make me doubt how accurate the whole story is. The iDEN spectrum buyback
has been in the works for a while, I don't believe the tie-in to WiMax
as changing the world for Sprint. Can we confirm this... Since I smell
fish... A classic example from the article.

As a part of the transaction of iDEN to the federal government, Sprint
will gain a blank check to rebuild the 700 and 800 MHz bands in their
image, taking licenses as needed from whoever has them regardless of how
fairly they gained them at FCC auction in the past.

Yeah right... I don't believe this.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 11:20 AM
To: nycwireless@lists.nycwireless.net
Subject: [nycwireless] Sprint sells iDEN, announces WiMAX

Sprint sells iDEN, announces WiMAX

Here's the scoop from

''The Department of Defense, working with the FCC, DHS, the President,
and Congress has brokered a framework agreement to purchase Sprint
Nextel's iDEN network as the first phase of a national overhaul of its
security framework in regards to communication.''

''Sprint intends to deploy a national, non-fixed ))WiMax(( network with
as much, if not more coverage than the existing CDMA network.''

Wow.  Gee.  Huh.  Uh, so for us consumers, what the heck does this mean?


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RE: [nycwireless] Sprint Announces EVDO. Wifi Shootout While EVDO goes Nationwide.

2005-06-14 Thread Ben N. Serebin
 Hello Bob,

Interesting to hear this... Sprint and EVDO. Funny NYC is on
round 2 of cities for deployment. I would be impressed if Sprint lit up
cities so quickly.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Robert Kim Wireless Internet Advisor
 Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 12:04 PM
 To: Dana Spiegel
 Cc: nycwireless@lists.nycwireless.net
 Subject: [nycwireless] Sprint Announces EVDO. Wifi Shootout 
 While EVDO goes Nationwide.
 Dana, Hi... Sprint just announced that they will announce 
 Nationwide EVDO Coverage. What do see the market migration 
 potential being from wifi to evdo? Ironic timing in light of 
 the WIFI Shootout no? Looks like Verizon n Sprint will have a 
 shootout of their own... AND against WIFI too...
 Anyone know stats on number of folks who own computers VS 
 laptops VS use WIFI???
 It'd be fun to see how much market share EVDO skims off the 
 top of WIFI and who will stay firm in the wifi trench till 
 wimax gets big.
 If you're interested, i put up a quick report about Sprint 
 Vs. Verizon EVDO at http://wirelessinternetcoverage.com
 But, personally, i'd love to know who and WHEN the biggest 
 part of the wifi to evdo market migration will happen... thoughts?
 lemme know.. thanks! bob
 On 6/14/05, Dana Spiegel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
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RE: [nycwireless] Fwd: [IP] Earthlink mods the Linksys 54G for IPv6

2005-06-12 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

Impressive... The multi-talented WRT54G  EarthLink. IP4  IP6.

Very cool,

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Anthony Townsend
 Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2005 11:12 AM
 To: nycwireless@lists.nycwireless.net
 Subject: [nycwireless] Fwd: [IP] Earthlink mods the Linksys 
 54G for IPv6
 Begin forwarded message:
  From: David Farber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: May 28, 2005 10:38:39 AM EDT
  To: Ip ip ip@v2.listbox.com
  Subject: [IP] Earthlink mods the Linksys 54G for IPv6
  Begin forwarded message:
  From: Jim Warren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: May 27, 2005 5:28:27 PM EDT
  To: Dave Farber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: fwd (from a friend): Earthlink mods the Linksys 
 54G for IPv6
  Thought this might be of interest to those who are using 
 wireless in 
  their homes or business:
  I found this via the Inquirer:
  THE RESEARCH ARM of the american ISP giant Earthlink, has 
  experimental firmware for the popular Linksys WRT54G routers 
  (currently selling for $59 greenbacks), modified by them 
 to add IPv6 
  removes the need for NAT translation and can in fact make every 
  device in your home have a public IPv6 address (if such 
 devices and 
  computers support IPv6).
  You are subscribed as [EMAIL PROTECTED] To manage your 
  subscription, go to  http://v2.listbox.com/member/?listname=ip
  Archives at: http://www.interesting-people.org/archives/interesting-
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RE: [nycwireless] Commercial Grade Access Points.

2005-05-17 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Robin-David,

I recommend you look into using a Soekris board with a Linux
based OS, such as Pebble. So you can configure it as you see fit. The
hardware below meets your requirements.

Hardware to Make your own APs

OS for Hardware Above

Good luck,

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Hammond, Robin-David%KB3IEN
 Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 9:42 AM
 To: nycwireless@lists.nycwireless.net
 Subject: [nycwireless] Commercial Grade Access Points.
 I am looking to purchase access points for a corporate 
 environment to working in conjunction with a router.
 It is my understanding that the use of the internet from the 
 access points will be available to the public, although based 
 on the installation it is unlikely that the public will be 
 able to establish a quality link with these APs.
 We naturally are concerned about traffic shaping on the 
 whole, and port blocking unregistered users from certain TCP 
 operations : SMTP, SNMP, POP, FTP we expect to use a captive portal.
 While it is my intention to build this from scratch using 
 some combination of IPF's mssclamp and trickle and or CBQ, 
 ALTQ. As the captive portal will also be running squid, and 
 NATing a computer network and a cluster of VoIP systems. I am 
 open to any suggestions/ pitfall warnings.
 Also of great concern is ease of replacement of the APs. It 
 used to be that commercial grade access points could be 
 configured by way of a serial port only, and that if two 
 access points were allowed to share a physical segment there 
 was no way one access point could be used as a bridge to 
 attack the other. With configuration by https or worse yet 
 SNMP it is impossible to put 2 APs on the same network 
 segment and not expect trouble. It is also harder to write 
 scripts to restore settings on this APs than their serial 
 counterparts. APs might fail, or otherwise become 
 deprogrammed. In what may be the Famous Last Words of NORAD: 
 Hey! whats this button do? Are these old world access 
 points still on the market?
 Has anyone any experience with such security concerns?
 The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common.
 Instead of altering their views to fit the facts, they alter 
 the facts to fit their views ... which can be very 
 uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs 
  -- Doctor Who, Face of Evil
 Robin-David Hammond   KB3IEN
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RE: [nycwireless] Re: skinny on the Junxion Box?

2005-05-01 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Rob,

Very cool... I like the captive portal capability.

I took the jump after seeing Jose's emerging technologies on an
EVDO card. I'm getting the Kyocera kpc650 card. I'll post to the list my
thoughts on it.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Rob Kelley
 Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2005 6:51 PM
 To: nycwireless@lists.nycwireless.net
 Subject: [nycwireless] Re: skinny on the Junxion Box?
 So I've been doing a little digging around to figure out what 
 makes the Junxion different from the Stompbox, if at all. 
 It doesn't seem to be the software. Check out the scoop from 
 the user manual (nice screenshots), in particular pages 39 and 40:
 The following Open Source Software is included with the Junxion Box: 
 __GPL and LGPL Software.__
 The Junxion Box is provided with the following software 
 licensed under the GPL and LGPL. A copy of the GNU GPL 
 license is available from the Free Software Foundation 
 * Linux operating system version 2.4.20
 * iptables from Harald Welte and others (http://www.netfilter.org)
 * BusyBox from Erik Andersen (http://www.busybox.net)
 * SPLASH from Willem de Bruijn (http://splash-snap.sourceforge.net)
 * PPP from Paul Mackerras
 * Host AP driver from Jouni Malinen (http://hostap.epitest.fi)
 * Card Services for Linux from David Hinds
 * WISP-Dist from Vladimir Ivaschenko
 __Other Open Source Software.__ The Junxion Box is provided 
 with the following software licensed under BSD licenses or 
 other open source software licenses. The software and license 
 details are available from the referenced web sites.
 * Internet Software Consortium DHCP Server (http://www.isc.org)
 * thttpd from Jef Poskanzer (http://www.acme.com)
 * OpenSSH from the OpenBSD Project (http://www.openssh.com)
 * Net-SNMP from the NET-SNMP Project 
 (http://www.net-snmp.org) /quote
 Is there any significant difference here?  What added value 
 is the Junxion providing (besides a nifty box cut-out and a 
 nice paint job).
 I love both units--just looking to quantify the differences. 
 skinny on the Junxion Box?
 Somebody pointed out this unit as a solution for offering 
 EVDO to wifi
 users: http://www.junxion.com/product/
 As I get it, it's a wireless modem and a wi-fi AP inside one box?
 Seems to me this is similar to what was done with MagicBike (plugging
 a wireless AP into a cell phone's Internet account).
 Is this something that can be homegrown with current 
 open-source Linux
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RE: [nycwireless] Subway Entrance LED Screens use WiFi

2005-04-21 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

I agree with Anthony. I bet it's against the TOS unless they
have a deal with Verizon, highly unlikely. I think a smarter way would
be EVDO. Then you could have ad screens anywhere in NYC.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Anthony
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 5:15 PM
To: Rob Kelley
Cc: nycwireless@lists.nycwireless.net
Subject: Re: [nycwireless] Subway Entrance LED Screens use WiFi

what happens when Verizon pulls the plug on its wi-fi network!

On Apr 21, 2005, at 1:36 PM, Rob Kelley wrote:

 FYI. From a press release from the Antenna manufacturer:

 ;:The content delivery process is all-digital and extremely fast, 
 with the ads sent via the Internet from Clear Channel in New York to 
 UDN's Las Vegas office. There, the advertising content is play 
 scheduled using the Webpavement sign operating system and web-based 
 server, edited (if necessary) by UDN's creative department and finally

 uploaded to individual screens via the Verizon wireless connection. 
 We can remotely administer the system from anywhere - Las Vegas, for 
 example - and the open architecture means we were able to customize 
 the functionality to our specific needs, adds Williams.

 ;:Each screen is fitted with an omni directional WiFi-Plus Ultra-M 
 antenna, which had proved to give the best performance on the 
 Manhattan streets, a demanding environment because of the multiple 
 obstacles of buildings, cars and pedestrian traffic.

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RE: [nycwireless] Muniwireless: Andrew Seybold on Wi-Fi chaos: the next citizens band?

2005-04-04 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Anthony,

I agree, that this is a serious problem, too many APs in a small
area and the inability to login into most of them. I've run into this
same exact problem about 3-6 months ago at many internet cafes in
Manhattan. This problem is probably limited to highly dense wireless
equipped areas though. Typically, I'm unable to login to any APs except
the closest most powerful one even though my laptop sees 10-20 APs. Due
to this and inability to have access in areas outside the NYC area, I've
started looking into other technologies such as EVDO/1xRTT.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Anthony Townsend
 Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 4:21 PM
 To: List Nyc Wireless
 Subject: [nycwireless] Muniwireless: Andrew Seybold on Wi-Fi 
 chaos: the next citizens band?
 what do you all think?
 i believe i've been running into interference issues here and 
 there in Manhattan - which may signal this is about to become 
 more widespread.
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RE: [nycwireless] soekris software

2005-03-14 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Bob,

Very cool But the price is out of this world, $1200+. If it
was at the $500 price point, I'd probably pick one up for traveling
purposes when I make the EVDO upgrade.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of bob
wireless internet evdo  wifi hotspot guy
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 5:36 PM
To: nycwireless@lists.nycwireless.net
Subject: [nycwireless] soekris software

Anybody have software for the Soekris Box? i need it to work with the
EVDO card AND have port forwarding and advanced admin features that
Junxion does NOT offer...


Robert Kim,
Wireless Internet Wifi Hotspot Advisor
http://evdo-coverage.com http://wireless-internet-broadband-service.com
2611 S Pacific Coast Highway 101
Cardiff by the Sea CA 92007 : 206 984 0880
 Wireless Internet Service Is ONLY Broadband with Broadband Customer

 Service(tm) OUR QUEST: To Kill the Cubicle! (SM)
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[nycwireless] Monthly Meeting Wed Feb 23 - The Fight for Wireless Within Municipalities

2005-02-21 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

Just a reminder about our upcoming meeting this Wed (The Fight for 
Wireless within Municipalities)  next Month's meeting (WiFi Dog). Details 

Help support the NYCwireless cause. We are collecting 2005 membership 
dues now. Only $25 includes a new safemail account. Either paypal or bring a 
check/cash to the meeting. See the following URL for more details. 1st time 
members get a t-shirt and sticker.


See you Wed,


Monthly NYCwireless Meeting

Date / Time: Wednesday, February 23th @ 7:15pm

Meeting Cost: Free!

 Agenda (times are approximate):

 7:00 Networking - old fashion way via verbal communication.
 7:15 Intro to NYCw  Announcements
 7:30 Presentation - Bruce Kushnick (details below)
 8:45 Mixing - break out into group topics

Speaker: Bruce Kushnick, Chairman of TeleTruth, http://www.teletruth.org

Topic: The Fight for Wireless within Municipalities

BIO of Speaker and Company

Bruce Kushnick, head of TeleTruth.org -- he will talk about how the behavior of 
the entrenched telecom powers, resisting all alternatives (municipal and 
commercial) is part of a decades long pattern of abuse of their market power. 
Bruce has been at the forefront of the fight against these abuses -- especially 
in Pennsylvania, where he filed complaints to get Verizon to deliver on their 
promise -- fiber to every home.
http://www.teletruth.org/PennBroadbandfraud.html. His bio is here: 

Agenda After Speaker

* Hands-on Breakout Session - divide into various focus groups (e.g. Intro 
to Beginners, Antennas and Access Points, Volunteerism, Soekris Development, 
Network Security) for QA and hands on questions.
* Other miscellaneous updates.
* SIG Updates

Meeting Location: Bway.net, 459 Broadway, 2nd Floor.
About 2 blocks north of Canal, near the corner of Grand St. On the west side of 
the street, then up one flight of stairs. Via subway (Canal Street stop): the 
J,M,N,Q,R,W,Z, and a bit further, but still on Canal is A,C,E,1,6,9.

A handicap accessible entrance is available if you send an e-mail letting know 
ahead of time. Also, let me ( Ben Serebin ) know if you have any ideas for 
speakers for our meetings. Thank you.

If you have anything to bring or discuss, we will set aside time for you, too!

Who should attend?
Wireless ISPs
Wireless technicians and engineers
Business people interested in wireless
People working in the wireless community Wireless Security professionals
People new to wireless People interested in meeting others involved in the 
wireless community Buyers of wireless technology products and services
Those interested in lively technical discussions ranging from beginner to 
People new to wireless

Monthly NYCwireless Meeting

Date / Time: Wednesday, March 30th @ 7:15pm

Speaker: Lead Developers for WiFiDog, http://www.ilesansfil.org/wiki/WiFiDog

Topic: A complete and embeddable captive portal solution (open-source, GPL) for 
wireless community groups or individuals who wish to open a free HotSpot while 
still preventing abuse of their Internet connection.

BIO of Speakers and Group

Alison is communications PhD researching wifi community development, at least 
one other developer, and Michelle Kasparsak - who is our expert on locative 

Benoit Grégoire (Île Sans Fil). Benoit Grégoire is the current technical 
coordinator of Île Sans Fil. He holds a B.S. in computer engineering and 
primarily works as a consultant to Quebec's public education sector, where he 
specializes in e-learning, learning objects standards and free software project 
management. Benoit was also involved in several Open Source software projects 
(he started the LibOfx (OFX banking protocol implementation), got heavily 
involved in GnuCash (accounting software), and currently works on the WifiDog 
embedded captive portal system.

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2005-02-18 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,
If anyone orders a 
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RE: [nycwireless] Assembly Hearing on WiFi

2005-02-17 Thread Ben N. Serebin

It's a public hearing, meaning yes, anyone can attend. See the
URL for more information.


A Few Issue highlighted from the URL


1. What is the Department of Buildings' process for approving new
wireless antennas and how does the Department record their placement?

2. What criteria are used to approve or deny permits for new wireless
antennas? Is any regard given to proximity of schools or public
buildings? Is co-locating realistic and/or encouraged?

3. Is there an official process for notifying the people residing in, or
near, a building that is planning to install wireless antennas and what
input do residents have in the process?

4. What is the latest evidence regarding the health effects of wireless
antenna emissions? Is there ongoing research on this topic?


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Robert Kim, EVDO-Coverage, Verizon Agent
 Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 1:21 PM
 To: 'Gunnar Hellekson'; 'Jack Unger'
 Cc: nycwireless@lists.nycwireless.net
 Subject: RE: [nycwireless] Assembly Hearing on WiFi
 Gunnar, Jack... Sorry I missed the first part... What Hearing 
 is this..??
 Is it open to public?
 Robert Kim,
 Wireless Internet Wifi Hotspot Advisor
 2611 S Pacific Coast Highway 101
 Cardiff by the Sea CA 92007 : 206 984 0880
  Wireless Internet Service Is ONLY Broadband with 
 Broadband Customer
  OUR QUEST: To Kill the Cubicle! (SM)
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RE: [nycwireless] Reminder - NYCwireless Meeting Tonight (Wed 12/8), WiFi TV or not?

2004-12-08 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Louis,

I hoped someone would, but no one did. :-( If anyone wants to...
It would be appreciated. I hope to get the presentation shortly and post
it online. I'll email the list when I receive it.


-Original Message-
From: Louis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 12:24 PM
To: Ben N. Serebin
Subject: Re: [nycwireless] Reminder - NYCwireless Meeting Tonight (Wed
12/8), WiFi TV or not?

Will anyone be recording tonights meeting?


Ben N. Serebin wrote:
 Hello All,
   Just another reminder for our meeting tonight, Wed 12/8.
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[nycwireless] Next Meeting Dec 8 / Yesterday's Meeting Recap (YellowArrow Intel)

2004-11-18 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,
December meeting is planned for December 8th, with a
presentation by a software company distributing a free wireless add-on
focusing on security. More details will be posted shortly.

Fascinating meeting yesterday. Both presentations were location
based services, and very impressive (too bad we don't record them,
anyone interested in attending meetings or donating equipment to do
this?). Looks like the market is starting to develop. Very cool. With
YellowArrow creating a public awareness of public art and their location
via SMS text messaging  soon to be MMS picture messaging and Intel's
Research Lab open-source software that ties in wireless APs to pinpoint
your location comparable to differential GPS in highly dense
environments like NYC. Pretty impressive. I'll put their presentations
on our website shortly. Past presentations are online.

Last Night's Presentations by

Previous Presentations
See everyone at the December meeting
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[nycwireless] Reminder about NYCwireless Monthly Meeting this Wednesday

2004-11-16 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

  Reminder about our November meeting this Wednesday. Plans are under 
way for announcing the December meeting as well.

Wednesday, November 17th at 7:15pm

Meeting Location: Bway.net, 459 Broadway, 2nd Floor.
About 2 blocks north of Canal, near the corner of Grand St. On the west side of 
the street, then up one flight of stairs. Via subway (Canal Street stop): the 
J,M,N,Q,R,W,Z, and a bit further, but still on Canal is A,C,E,1,6,9.

Speaker: Brian House

Topic: The YellowArrow creates an interactive forum for people to leave and 
discover messages pointing out what counts. Participants place arrows to draw 
attention to different locations and objects — a favorite view of the city, an 
odd fire hydrant, the local bar. After placing an arrow, a participant sends a 
text message to 1.646.270.5537 with the sticker’s unique code and the brief 
message they wish to connect it with. Messages range from literary quotations 
to personal commentaries to game-like prompts to action. When a person 
encounters an arrow, he or she sends the sticker’s unique code to 
1.646.270.5537 and immediately receives the message associated with it on their 
mobile phone. Through this location-based exchange of text messages, the 
YellowArrow becomes a symbol for the unique characteristics, personal 
histories, and hidden secrets that live within our everyday environment. 
YellowArrow.org is the online gallery of photos and maps of YellowArrows placed 

and the group:

Counts Media is a company that creates art-driven entertainment experiences. 
Our mission is to enrich the human experience by changing the way people look 
at their environments. Past work of the team members can be found at 
http://www.knifeandfork.org, http://www.stadtblind.org, and 

Look forward to seeing you there,
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[nycwireless] November Meeting Scheduled / Past Presentations / Request for Video of Oct Mtg / Oct Presentations

2004-10-30 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

Our November meeting is scheduled. Details below and on the

November Meeting (open to all and free)
- Topic - Yellow Arrow, a communication medium utilizes a yellow arrow
and wireless technology. See our website for more details.
- Speaker - Brian House
- Date - November 17th @ 7:15pm (note, this is the 3rd Wed of the month
due to Thanksgiving.
- http://www.nycwireless.net/nycw_newsevents.html

Past Presentations
- The last meeting, someone asked about the presentation on which
firmwares to use for hacking the Linksys WRT54G, I recommend they see
the presentation The Hackers Perspective: The Linksys WRT54G by Jon
Baer since it talks about the various firmwares that are available.

Request for October Meeting Video
- someone was video taping the meeting this past Wednesday, can you
please email me offlist, so I can get the video up on our webservers so
folks can see it. Ideally, the format is mpeg2, mpeg4, quicktime, or
windows media. Thanks.

October Meeting Presentations
- I would like to post these online, so Jon and Brian, can I get your
presentations, also offlist.

Thanks and good to see everyone at the next meeting,
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[nycwireless] OT: GPS cables and connectors...

2004-10-30 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

A bit off-topic, but anyone recommend a good GPS place to get
cables, connectors, antennas, and even custom made stuff.

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[nycwireless] NYCwireless Monthly Meeting - Wed 10/27

2004-10-26 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Everyone,

  We are having a great monthly meeting this Wednesday. Both are
excellent speakers, so you'll learn a lot from this meeting.

Monthly General Meeting Wed. Oct 27, 7:15pm.
*** Speaker Topics ***
- hijacking and injecting bad data into wireless sessions (by Jon Baer)
- defending against hijacking and injecting bad data into wireless
sessions (by Brian Walden)

Location Details:
Bway.net, 459 Broadway, 2nd Floor, 2 block north of Canal St.

If you have any topic suggestions for meetings, let me know.

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RE: [nycwireless] NYCwireless Monthly Meeting - Wed 10/27

2004-10-26 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

What Jon meant to say, is all you Citibank folks, bring your
username and passwords for the demo. Oh, and depending on how
successful the presentation is, the bar might be free all night. ;-)

See everyone tomorrow,

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jon Baer
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 7:53 PM
Subject: RE: [nycwireless] NYCwireless Monthly Meeting - Wed 10/27

Bring your laptop/card so you can interactively participate in the
hi-jacking :-)

It's pretty non technical, 5 slides and the demo.

- Jon 

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[nycwireless] FW: Special NYCwireless Meeting - Wed 9/27

2004-09-28 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

Apologies, but my first message on Monday never made it to the
mailing list (it was delivered to the server, just not broadcast out to
everyone). So, here it is again and even updated.

Reminder, you must buy a ticket ahead of time for this event.
It's only $5, less than half a movie, so don't get cheap on us. Hope to
see you there.


-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 5:05 PM
To: nycwireless @ lists . Nycwireless . net
Subject: Special NYCwireless Meeting - Wed 9/27

Hello Everyone,

  We are having a special NYCwireless monthly meeting this
Wednesday. It's being held at Pace University across from City Hall. See
below for more details.

Date: September 29, 2004
Time: 7:00 PM -- 11:00 PM
Campus: New York City Downtown , Multipurpose Room
Audience: This event is open to the public and Pace community.
Contact: More information about this event is available online.
This event is ticketed. Admission is $5; free for Pace students. To
order tickets call 212-346-1715 between noon - 4pm Monday - Friday
beginning September 16th . Both Pace University's Michael Schimmel
Center for the Arts and the Multi Purpose Room can be found by entering
on Spruce Street between Park Row and Gold Street, just east of City
Hall Park.

Tickets must be purchased for this event ($5).

Spectropolis Downtown Dialogue Series:
Victory of the Commons: The Case for a Public Airwaves Movement
September 29, 7:00 pm, Multi-Purpose Room at Pace University, 3 Spruce
Street This panel will evaluate the case for a widespread social
movement advocating open spectrum policies led by community wireless
groups. Panelists will present the successes and failures of earlier
media and technology movements including media reform, low-power FM,
public access television, and open source software. In the past year,
two million people filed FCC comments to oppose a change in the media
ownership rules that would have increased the market share of corporate
broadcasters. Similarly, large hardware manufacturers and corporations
have begun using open source software, which was developed through the
collaborative efforts of a huge number of volunteer programmers.
Currently, we are in the midst of another social movement that threatens
to disrupt the status quo. Local wireless groups have begun to offer
free Internet access to their communities using WiFi, thereby creating
an alternative to commercial services. Present obstacles to the
development of a widespread social movement advocating open spectrum
policies will also be discussed.

Participants: Chris Anderson - Indymedia New York, Dharma Dailey -
Prometheus Radio, Anthony Townsend - NYCwireless, Michael Scott Jones -
Manhattan Neighborhood Network.
Moderator: Laura Forlano - Columbia University

Next Month's Meeting
(it's going to be a technical meeting, so be prepared)

Regular Monthly General Meeting Wed. Oct 27, 7:15pm.
- Location Details: Bway.net, 2 block north of Canal St.
- hijacking and injecting bad data into wireless sessions (Jon Baer)
- defending against hijacking and injecting bad data into wireless
sessions (Brian Walden)

If you have any topic suggestions for meetings, let me know. Thanks,

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RE: [nycwireless] Secure Wifi is the Norm for Public Hotspots inKorea

2004-06-14 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hey Anthony,

I agree with Jim on this one... I would be hesitant to install
an app on my computer (e.g. spyware, etc).

Is a different client app needed for the various networks, or
can it just be re-configured per network?


-Original Message-
From: nycwireless-bounces AT lists.nycwireless.net On Behalf Of Jim
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 2:42 PM
To: Anthony Townsend
Cc: nycwireless AT lists.nycwireless.net
Subject: Re: [nycwireless] Secure Wifi is the Norm for Public Hotspots

I've been suggesting this  (using 802.1x) for years.  No client app 

On Jun 14, 2004, at 6:55 AM, Anthony Townsend wrote:

 thought this post from my blog might interest all...

 Unlike most of the rest of the world, where using public Wi-Fi (even 
 when you pay) is a use-at-your-own-risk activity w/ no link-layer 
 encryption, in Korea the first network I tried to use -requires- you 
 to install a small client app that sets up a secure, private 
 connection for you.

 there's a screen shot as well of the splash page, but not the client 
 because its PC-only and my Mac doesnt run Windowz



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[nycwireless] Microsoft Departs Wireless Business....

2004-05-28 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

I found this interesting Microsoft leaving the hardware
wireless business, possibly because of my favorite vendor, Linksys.


Surprisingly, Microsoft announced it will pull out of the Wi-Fi home
networking hardware business. The company broke into this market niche
in 2002 with a line of 802.11b products, which later evolved into a new
802.11g line that included routers and USB, PC Card and PCI card
adapters. Analysts indicate that Microsoft's decision may have been
based on the stiff competition the software giant faced in this market,
especially after Cisco acquired wireless home networking market leader
Linksys. In addition, the company was somewhat late to market with its
11g products, which analysts from the Synergy Research Group believe may
have hurt its sales in this market.

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RE: [nycwireless] New York City Group Plans High Speed Wireless Network

2004-04-27 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

This was discussed in the NY Times yesterday (or the day
before). Maybe the speaker tomorrow (NYCwireless meeting tomorrow
evening) will further elaborate on this.

By the way, if anyone sees an ad for the NYCwireless meeting
tomorrow, please let me know. I submitted a handful the meeting to a
handful of weekly's and have yet to see one.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 3:08 AM
Subject: [nycwireless] New York City Group Plans High Speed Wireless

New York City Group Plans High Speed Wireless Network

The Alliance for Downtown New York proposed a wireless broadband system
in Lower Manhattan, which would leverage high-speed wireless technology
to keep the Lower Manhattan area connected in case of an emergency. The
Lower Manhattan Wireless Redundancy System would carry data and could be
used for voice if necessary, says the Alliance. There is a glitch,
however. The proposed network covering Lower Manhattan includes the
installation of antennas and related equipment in five of the tallest
office buildings in the area and carries a price tag of $10 million. The
Alliance has not yet secured funding.  The group says the network also
could be used by small- and mid-sized business, enabling a larger chunk
of the business community to access high-speed broadband services at
reasonable prices. (Source: New York Times)



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[nycwireless] Off-Topic (anyone own or use the Toughbook W2?)

2004-04-21 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

A bit off-topic, but I'm looking to purchase the Panasonic
Toughbook W2 and wanted to know if anyone has seen it or owns it. I have
a few questions for you. Please reply off-list.


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RE: [nycwireless] The multiple SSID option/feature ...

2004-04-14 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Jon,

The Cisco 350 has it, and I think the 1200. With the various
SSIDs, you VLAN each.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of jon baer
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 8:32 AM
Subject: [nycwireless] The multiple SSID option/feature ...

Does anyone know what APs are currently carrying the feature?

From what Ive read you can take one SSID (public), hook it into one 
and another (private), and place it into another segment ... does
HostAP have the option?  I know it was something that was talked about
alot but people complained not too practical + would never be adopted
but its being done ... albeit either with multiple and same security set
or very configurable ...

- Jon

pgp key: http://www.jonbaer.net/jonbaer.asc
fingerprint: F438 A47E C45E 8B27 F68C 1F9B 41DB DB8B 9A0C AF47

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[nycwireless] CORRECTION - NYCwireless General Monthly Meeting (Wed 3/31)

2004-03-29 Thread Ben N. Serebin

CORRECTION - Someone pointed out a mistake in my email, it's this Wed,
March 31st the meeting, not April 31st.

Hello Everyone,

  Next Meeting is this Wednesday March 31 @ 7:15pm.

The presenter will be Charlie Ridgway. The presentation will be
a case study on site surveying
and preparing for deploying wireless in a building for a NYCwireless
project in Brooklyn.

- Monthly General Meeting Wed. March 31, 7:15pm. More details on

- Next Month's General Monthly NYCwireless Meeting (Wed. April 28 at
7:15pm. Will feature Jordan Silbert (of Alliance of Downtown NY)
reviewing the Lower Manhattan WiFi Network in 2003 and announce the
kick-off of a community-application contest. More details will be
released shortly.

For Travel and Content Details

If you have any topic suggestions for meetings, let me know. Thanks, 

P.S. plug timeThanks to Bway.net for hosting our meetings... check
them out for DSL./plug time

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[nycwireless] Reducing the cost of bridges...

2004-01-12 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Dana,

Cheaper, run Linux. ;-) And I wish I had Gbps speeds on my 14.4k
cellular modem too. On a more serious note, the reason for the greater
expense is smarter firmware to understand and know which MAC is on which
side of the bridge. So, these devices probably require more network
knowledgeable programmers, than the standard I read the programmers manual.

Sorry for all the sarcasm, :-)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dana Spiegel
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 3:09 PM
Subject: [nycwireless] Re: nycwireless Digest, Vol 11, Issue 8

Ok, so this device (which does indeed appear to do what I want) is $149 at
JR. Question: are there other devices that are *cheaper* (the D-link
WRT-2000AP in my previous email was only $89.

Why does adding support for multiple mac address almost double the price
(perhaps I am missing something here)?

Dana Spiegel
sociableDESIGN  ::  www.sociableDESIGN.com
123 Bank Street, Suite 510, New York, NY 10014 m  +1 917 402 0422  ::  f  +1
760 454 3690  ::  

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RE: [nycwireless] Verizon HotSpot - NOT!!!

2004-01-09 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Don and all,

If their DSL doesn't allow it, the following ISP's have modified
their Terms of Service to allow wireless community sharing, AceDSL.net,
Bway.net, Cloud9.net, and Speakeasy.net. Adding an open wireless network
has other benefits such as increasing PR for the pool hall. I'll email
you offlist to discuss this further.


-Original Message-
From: Don Montalvo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 3:46 AM
To: Ben N. Serebin; NYCwireless
Cc: Stan Shaffer
Subject: RE: [nycwireless] Verizon HotSpot - NOT!!!

i'm sure the owners (the hunt brothers) would be open to the idea if it
can be done legally (within their isp's guidelines for the service
they're already paying for...i believe they have a dsl line in the
office), and if it would increase profit.

not sure if the isp would have a problem with an open wifi network...or
if the charges would go up, but it has to be legal.

i'm 100% convinced the increased traffic during normal work hours will
increase profit for them. but word would have to get out...they can
handle that with fliers and word of mouth...not to mention that once
it's posted on the azbilliards.com forum, everyone'll know. :D

i'm a macsysadmin (http://donmontalvo.com) so i can help make this
happen...plus i've been going to the poolroom for years and am an
a-class player so i have some pull.

the bottom line is the owners are tech-challenged and if it can be
explained to them in a way they could understand...if they can be
convinced they'll make money...it's pretty dooable.

i figure a couple of access points and the place could have complete
coverage inside...not sure about outside (or even if the owners would
want outside connectivity).


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RE: [nycwireless] Routing question

2004-01-07 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Chris,

Technically it does not matter if all your routing and firewall
rules are setup correct. But for sake of simplicity, I recommend that
you make eth1 and eth2 different subnets and do not setup routing
between the 2. Make all traffic from eth2 route out to the internet.
This will make your LAN inaccessible from the wireless subnet. So, if
you're on wireless and want to access your eth1, SSH or VPN in.

I only wish more users had secure setups like this. Don't forget
our SSID of www.nycwireless.net.

Good luck,

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Christopher W. Allermann
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 10:49 PM
To: nycwireless AT lists.nycwireless.net
Subject: [nycwireless] Routing question

I have here a Linux box with 3 nic's in it...

eth0 is connected to my DSL router
eth1 is connected to my LAN switch (IP
eth2 will be connected to an AP

I'm feeding everything through the Linux box so I can set up some strict
firewall rules and IDS beyond the capabilities that the AP has.

I'm stuck here pondering if I should set up eth2 as a separate subnet,
or just as another address in the subnet.

Has anybody run a similar configuration?  What does your configuration
look like?

Chris Allermann - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: [nycwireless] G5 Antenna Extender

2003-12-09 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Michael,

A bit pricey for an antenna, I would see what type of connector
the G5 has, I don't think it's the standard AirPort connector. Some
other one from the G5 case If it IS the standard AirPort, then
ORiNOCO connectors are used. Then I would check out fab-corp.com. They
has a desktop omni for $50 or so. They won't be as pretty as the Dr.
Bott's, then again... It's a G5 style antenna. Which I understand, as
a Mac ( PC) owner. Let us know if you take the plunge...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 4:22 PM
Subject: [nycwireless] G5 Antenna Extender


Is anyone familiar  with these products?  Any good/bad results?


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[nycwireless] Reminder - General Monthly Meeting Tonight (Tues 11/25)

2003-11-25 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

Just sending out a reminder about our monthly meeting tonight @ Bway
(more details below). The topic will be WiFi VoIP including a demo by Dustin

See everyone tonight

- Original Message - 
From: Ben N. Serebin

Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 10:12 PM
Subject: Upcoming NYCwireless Monthly General Meeting (11/25)  Social
Impact Meeting (11/19)

 Hello All,

 We have 2 NYCwireless meetings coming up our Monthly General
 Meeting and a Special Interest Group (SIG) called Social Impact Meeting.
 Note, the Monthly General Meeting is on TUESDAY this Month.

 - WiFi Social Impact SIG Meeting - Wed. Nov. 19, 7:15pm. @ Bway.net's
 Location.. Introduction and discussion about possible projects, organized
 and run by Laura Forlano.

 - Monthly General Meeting - Tues. Nov. 25, 7:15pm. @ Bway.net's Location.
 Topic - WiFi VoIP Phone Presentation by Dustin Goodwin.


 If you have any topic suggestions for meetings, let me know. Thanks,

 P.S. plug timeThanks to Bway.net for hosting our meetings... check them
 out for DSL./plug time

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Re: [nycwireless] FCC Makes Additional Spectrum Available For Unlicensed Use

2003-11-13 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

So, how many usable channels are we talking about?


- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 4:54 PM
Subject: [nycwireless] FCC Makes Additional Spectrum Available For
Unlicensed Use

 FCC Makes Additional Spectrum Available For Unlicensed Use

 Washington, DC
 November 13, 2003

 As part of its ongoing effort to promote more flexible, innovative, and
 driven uses of the radio spectrum, the FCC today made available an
 255 megahertz of spectrum in the 5.470-5.725 GHz band for unlicensed

 In the Report and Order approved yesterday, the Commission made the
 available for use by unlicensed National Information Infrastructure
 devices, including Radio Local Area Networks (RLANs), operating under Part
15 of
 the FCC's rules.  This increases the spectrum available for use by
 devices in the 5 GHz region of the spectrum by nearly 80% -- and is a
 significant increase in the spectrum available for unlicensed devices
across the
 overall radio spectrum.  This action will also harmonize the spectrum
 for these U-NII devices throughout the world, enabling manufacturers to
 product development costs by allowing the same products to be used in many
 of the world.

 The additional available spectrum for U-NII devices will enable continued
 and innovation in wireless broadband services, including services offered
 wireless internet service providers (WISPs).  WISPs use unlicensed devices
 provide a broadband alternative for rural and underserved areas.  Although
 are a relatively nascent industry, their deployment rates have been

 In addition to making additional spectrum available for U-NII devices, the
 Commission also adopted several allocation changes consistent with the
 of the 2003 World Radio Conference and an agreement reached with the U.S.
 Department of Defense, the National Telecommunications and Information
 Administration (NTIA).  These changes will ensure that critical Federal
 Government operations are protected from harmful interference.  In
addition to
 the allocation changes, to provide federal users with additional
protection from
 harmful interference, the Order requires that U NII devices operating in
 5.250 5.350 GHz and the 5.470 5.725 GHz bands employ dynamic frequency
 (DFS) - a listen-before-talk mechanism -- and transmit power control

 Action by the Commission November 12, 2003, by Report and Order (FCC 03
 Chairman Powell, Commissioners Abernathy, Copps, Martin, and Adelstein.
 Chairman Powell issuing a statement and Commissioner Abernathy issuing a
 separate statement.

 Office of Engineering and Technology contact:  Ahmed Lahjouji at (202)

 ET Docket No. 03 - 122

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[nycwireless] Projector and Streaming Audio for Upcoming 10/29 Meeting

2003-10-28 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

In preparation for the upcoming meeting tomorrow night (10/29 @
7:15pm), does anyone have a projector they are willing to lend for an hour
(I'll buy you a beer). Also, anyone interested in streaming audio, Terry
will setup the server to support it if someone is willing to encode the
audio on their laptop. Contact me if you are interested.


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Re: [nycwireless] RE: nycwireless Digest, Vol 8, Issue 23

2003-10-27 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello George and all your wireless group leaders,

FreeNetworks.org contains a list of wireless user groups, so contact
them to get you on the website.

Good luck,

- Original Message - 
From: George Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 10:06 AM
Subject: [nycwireless] RE: nycwireless Digest, Vol 8, Issue 23

 Hi all, I would appreciate letting me know how we can join the links to
 Wireless user group web sites. We have just had our first meeting.




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Re: [nycwireless] dongle

2003-10-17 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Rob,

From the sport of dongle hunting. I think this is what you want... I
no nothing about it, except it's a USB based Dongle-sized wireless card.


Other options... that are bigger



Let us know how it works out if you go for it,

- Original Message - 
From: Rob Kelley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 6:17 PM
Subject: [nycwireless] dongle

 Thank you, it's a good product, but I'm hoping for something smaller.

 Still looking for a dongle
 Dying for a dongle
 Gotta have more...dongle



 P.S. Sorry for homage to Christopher Walken cowbell scene. If you
 haven't seen it, check http://www.geekspeakweekly.com/cowbell/

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Re: [nycwireless] Polls/surveys about wireless usage (by coffeebuyers, etc.)?

2003-10-01 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

I don't know if the NYCw website would be best for this, especially
since many wireless visitors of stores are not NYCw members. Unless we want
to stack the deck for wireless locations. I think a better approach would be
if someone camped out at a free  paid wireless location to ask a series of
questions to each wireless user. And better yet, while conduct these surveys
to have a laptop with a sign on the back saying, Got Wireless? Yes, It's
Here! To talk with potential wireless users, on why they don't do wireless
outside of their house, or explain the pros and cons.


- Original Message - 
From: freelance writer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: [nycwireless] Polls/surveys about wireless usage (by
coffeebuyers, etc.)?

 There seems to be a lot of support for doing this sort of poll and so far,
 no objections.  Does the nycwireleless staff think its merit is
 to use the nycwireless site (and hence visitors and community) as one
 of testing?  Some kind of pop-up or sidebar, etc?

 From: Joe Plotkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Anthony Townsend [EMAIL PROTECTED],freelance writer
 Subject: Re: [nycwireless]  Polls/surveys about wireless usage (by coffee
 buyers, etc.)?
 Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2003 03:09:31 -0400
 Perception is a funny thing.
 Why is it that these coffee shop owners no longer see wireless as a way
 draw additional customers? In other words, are they taking these
 for granted because they sit too long?
 Is user behavior different when node use is free?  Do they feel obliged
 buy more? Do free node users spend less time camping because their use
 more casual?
 It would be very worthwhile to do a formal study.
 --- Joe
 At 11:31 PM -0400 9/30/03, Anthony Townsend wrote:
 I think that no one has systematically asked these questions.
 In fact, I think that many coffee shop owners are not excited about
 wireless users lurking since they don't make a lot of additional
 purchases. Rumor has it that more than one Starbucks' manager has
 deliberately disconnected the Tmobile APs to deter wireless campers in
 their stores.
 On Tuesday, September 30, 2003, at 07:20 pm, freelance writer wrote:
 I promise to quiet down after this new thread, but my original question
 about how to convince a small-business owner to share their connection
 has raised a question which I think deserves some consideration.
 Are there any poll or survey results out there that would give a small
 business-owner a good idea of what to expect if he or she were to
 free wireless access?
 Answering questions like
 * How much more time will a wireless laptop user spend than a regular
 * What percentage of wireless users would go to a say, coffee shop
 provided access v. one that didn't? (And what distances would they go
 do so, etc?
 * How many purchases can the average coffee shop wireless user be
 expected to make?
 I would have expected there to be dozens of studies, but I haven't
 any raw data or any journalistic references.  Can someone point me in
 right direction, or, alternately, would anyone like to help me in
 coordinating such a survey?  I think it could be really useful.
 Help protect your PC.  Get a FREE computer virus scan online from
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 Joe Plotkin
 Bway.net - NYC's Best Internet
 459 Broadway 2nd Floor
 New York, NY  10013
 vox: 212.982.9800
 fax:  212.982.5499
 web: http://www.bway.net

 Instant message with integrated webcam using MSN Messenger 6.0. Try it now
 FREE!  http://msnmessenger-download.com

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[nycwireless] JR no longer carries ORiNOCO/Proxim gear...

2003-09-26 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

Bad news, I was at JR and they no longer stock Proxim/ORiNOCO gear.
No wireless cards, no APs. No Cisco either. Anyone know of a place in the
city that sells Cisco or Proxim gear? Circuit City doesn't, neither does
Best Buy. Looks like DataVision is the last place I know that sells Proxim
and Cisco and antennas. :-(


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Re: [nycwireless] odd problem w/ 128bit WEP and DHCP

2003-09-22 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Guthrie,

I've seen WEP issues arise due different methods of implementing
(ASCII vs. HEX) across different manufacturers and OSes. So, make sure you
choose the same implementation and key size. Also make sure you've updated
the AirPort software from Apple. Let's you pick between ASCII and HEX. Then
I recommend you choose the 40 bit key (aka 64 bit) and then pick ASCII for
all machines. Remember, WEP keys are case sensitive. Also XP has this bug
that says you are associated with an AP even if you type the wrong WEP
key. If you're not getting an IP with WEP on (but w/o it you are), then
you're not associated with the AP.


- Original Message - 
From: Guthrie Collin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2003 4:25 PM
Subject: [nycwireless] odd problem w/ 128bit WEP and DHCP


 I recently installed a wireless network at my friend's office. I used
LinkSys's BEFW11S4 (802.11b
 + firewall/dhcp/NAT + 4 port switch) for an access point that provided
service to two computers
 using NetGear's MA111 USB wireless adapter (which is a fantastic device
for Windows computers -
 great cfg software) and an eMac with the Airport Extreme card.

 I initially setup the SSID to be hidden, added 128bit WEP using a
shared-key and MAC
 authentication. All the computers could become part of the network, but
only one (a NetGear
 client) could receive an IP from the access point. All the rest complained
that they could not
 reach the DHCP server. I checked and double-checked my keys, cfg, etc. and
all was well, but it
 still wouldn't work. When I turned off the 128bit encryption, however,
each client became a valid
 part of the network, with an IP and everything.

 Has anyone experienced this problem before? Or does someone have an idea
why the 128-bit WEP would
 affect DHCP on this device?

 Any and all ideas are appreciated.



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Re: [nycwireless] UPS Delivers Public-access Wi-Fi To Its Retail Outlets

2003-09-12 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

Interesting article paid WiFi planned in UPS stores. Ah, but UPS
forgot one thing, the cost of adding chairs in the stores. :-)


--- snip  from URL below 

UPS plans to use promotional offers, such as a free hour of Web time in
return for upgrading a package shipment from ground to air, Costides said.
UPS will piggyback the connection to the Internet through an
already-installed nationwide network that serves in-store computers and
point-of-sales systems, Costides said. The network uses Digital Subscriber
Lines (DSL) with an average throughput of 256Kbit/sec., or in some cases,
cable modems.

UPS has isolated and secured the portion of the network that will carry
public traffic between in-store systems, Costides said. During peak periods
for the in-store systems, managers will be able to cut back throughput on
the network carrying Wi-Fi traffic.

--- snip  

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 5:41 PM
Subject: [nycwireless] UPS Delivers Public-access Wi-Fi To Its Retail

 UPS Delivers Public-access Wi-Fi To Its Retail Outlets

 United Parcel Service sees the technology as a way to drive customer
 traffic and enhance its relationship with mobile workers.


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Re: [nycwireless] UPS Delivers Public-access Wi-Fi To ItsRetailOutlets

2003-09-12 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

I agree... if it was Duane Reade... they might even out number
Verizon. :-)   Also, UPS bought Mailboxes Etc, and is converted them to The
UPS Store. So, there will be more than you think. Anyway... there are no
chairs still.


- Original Message - 
From: Charlie Ridgway caridgway  lycos  com
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: [nycwireless] UPS Delivers Public-access Wi-Fi To

 And really how many UPS stores are there.  If FedEx, who has almost as
many stores on each block as Duane Reade, jumped on the Wi-Fi bandwagon it
might be something worth talking about.

 A seed hidden in the heart of an apple is an orchard invisible.
 Welsh Proverb

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[nycwireless] Follow-up After the Meeting - Announcing the Winner of the PalmTungsten C

2003-08-28 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

Well, tonight's meeting went well. The streaming audio was a
success, so that'll be repeated. I'll also be posting Jonah's presentation
and clip, the TechTV Defcon show, and Brian's 4DI Defcon Review shortly.
Now, onto announcing the Winner.

Before the winning announcement, a brief thanks to Palm for donating
a Tungsten C to giveaway to one extremely lucky member. OK, now for what
you've been waiting for the envelope please (factoid, chance of
winning was about 2%), the NYCwireless member who is the Winner of the Palm
Tungsten C is, drum roll please Charlie Ridgway. So, Charlie, you
need to contact me and arrange for pickup of the device. Hopefully we'll
have more giveaways in the future, so stay tuned and (prepare for membership
plug) become a NYCwireless sticker bearing member.

Membership Details

What you, Charlie, have to look forward to in your new Palm Tungsten
C built-in 802.11b, 65k colors, 64MB of memory, Palm OS 5.2.1, 400 MHz
Intel XScale CPU, and a Rechargeable Lithium Ion/Polymer battery valued at
$500!!! Ok, enough, check it out for more details.


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Re: [nycwireless] [ot] Laptop repairs ...

2003-08-27 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hey Gabriel,

Not sure I would show... Jon might hunt you down. :-)


- Original Message - 
From: Gabriel Mino [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 5:51 PM
Subject: RE: [nycwireless] [ot] Laptop repairs ...

 Have you tried these guys   http://www.nyc.gov/html/dos/home.html

 Srry, couldn't resist

 ;  p

 see ya @ the meeting

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jon Baer
 Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 4:10 PM
 Subject: [nycwireless] [ot] Laptop repairs ...

 greetings ...

 off topic, sorry, thought id ask here before moving on ... im currently
 experiencing massive problems w/ my laptop display (thinkpad t20) and
 looking for somewhere to take it besides shipping it back and forth to ibm
 (aka wasting your time) ... does anyone know of a good place in the

 thanks in advance.

 - jon

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[nycwireless] Use of a Projector for our Monthly Meeting?

2003-08-26 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

Can anyone lend us a projector for 1.5 hours on Wed. night
7:15pm-8:45pm for our Monthly Meeting?

-Ben Serebin

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[nycwireless] handling email borne viruses

2003-08-22 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

I don't think disabling port 25 is the way to solve this problem
(more of a not on my network solution). Soap box time if ISPs ran AV
software as part of all their plans, I don't think email viruses would be
such a problem. I host a few domains on my Windows based mail server, and
I've been catching about 200 a day, slowing the tide somewhat. Now if only
more ISPs did this


- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 6:36 PM
Subject: [nycwireless] NYCW newslog?


 Has anyone thought about an NYCW newslog for up-to-the-minute information
 about / affecting NYCW related networks? For instance, it'd probably be
 good to let people know how the latest Microsoft worms / viruses are
 affecting networks. I just disabled all outgoing connectionsto port 25
 from Tompkins Square Park because of the latest silly email virus.

 John Klos
 Sixgirls Computing Labs
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Re: [nycwireless] WavePoint II -- still useful?

2003-08-20 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Jeff,

A friend just setup one of them tonight, so as Kevin said, get
yourself a cheap router/firewall (SMC, Linksys, for ~$40 bucks) and use the
WavePoint as an access point. The range and stability on the WavePoint II
will beat most new residential devices (Linksys, SMC, NetGear, DLink,
Microsoft, etc) now. Yeah it doesn't have a pretty configuration tool, so,
if you don't feel comfortable using the application, AP Manager, sell the WP
II and get a plastic AP with a web administration front end. Also supports
dual wireless networks, pretty cool if you ask me.


- Original Message - 
From: Kevin Arima [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 11:17 PM
Subject: Re: [nycwireless] WavePoint II -- still useful?

 On Wed, 20 Aug 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've got an Orinoco Wavepoint II which I've been sitting on for a while.
  One of the nice things about it: you can stick two orinoco cards in it
  create a pretty large coverage area.  But now that you can pick up APs
  well under $100, and since I live in a relatively tiny apartment, should
  just ebay this and get something more modern and/or consumer oriented?
  Is there anything this thing can do that others can't?

 About the only things I can think of is bridge filtering, 802.1X auth and
 connecting an external antenna.  It cannot do NAT or DHCP, so you would
 need an external router for that.

 Kevin Starfox Arima
 NYCwireless - http://www.nycwireless.net/
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[nycwireless] Last Month's Presentations Online

2003-08-14 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

Last month's presentations are online. See the following URL for more


WiFi vs. 3G - Past, Present, and Future
From the July 30th, 2003 Meeting by Anthony Ikemefuna of Cellynk
Communications Corporation. PDF or PPT File

Secure Communications via SSH or SSL
From the July 30th, 2003 Meeting by Jon Baer PDF or PPT File

Thanks again to the speakers,

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[nycwireless] emergency request for projector for meeting tonight.

2003-07-30 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

Our projector use fell through for tonight's NYCw meeting tonight
and wanted to know if anyone had access to a projector for tonight's
meeting. We have 2 speakers who have PowerPoint slides for everyone.


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[nycwireless] Tonight's Monthly Meeting - thank you...

2003-07-30 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for a great meeting. Anthony
Ikemefuna about cellular / 802.11 protocols and insight to the future of
convergence, Jon Baer on network security and his demo of using a network
sniffer, Yury Gitman about his cool Magic Bike, Joe Plotkin about the DMCA
and the dangers surrounding it, and Terry for his generous use of the

As per low speaker volume, if anyone has microphone and amplifier
equipment they want to donate or allow for monthly use, drop me an email so
we can use this so people don't have to shout over the noise of the AC.

Look forward to seeing everyone at next month's meeting. I think Jon
is going to speak about mapping nodes via his bike, more to come on this.
Also, a demo by Dario of ControlAP (Windows/Mac/Linux [technically a Java
based] captive portal solution) would be cool too. Dario?  ;-)

Good night,

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[nycwireless] Upcoming NYCwireless Monthly Meeting - Wed. 7/30

2003-07-29 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Everyone,

Just a reminder we are having our monthly meeting this Wednesday
7/30 @ 7:15pm. The 2 main speakers are :

- Anthony Ikemefuna about cellular technologies and pro/cons of
various 802.11 protocols

- Jon Baer about network security and the importance of it.

See below for the details.

Also, don't forget to join the NYCwireless membership so you can
be part of us. Mail/PayPal in your dues or bring them to the meeting. See
http://nycwireless.net/membership/ for more details. Also, members who join
before the first planned election (more details will be announced about this
at meetings and on the list) will have a chance to ** WIN ** a Palm Tungsten
C (http://www.palm.com/products/handhelds/tungsten-c/) compliments of Palm.
This is a new WiFi enabled Palm device.

Sorry about the late notification,



Main Speakers

- Anthony Ikemefuna about cellular technologies and pro/cons of
various 802.11 protocols

- Jon Baer about network security and the importance of it.

Mini Topics

- Joe Plotkin with an intro to the DMCA and how it affects you.

- Yury Gitman will present the Magicbike

- Jon Baer will show and talk about war biking,

- Hands-on Breakout Session - divide into various focus groups (e.g. Intro
to Beginners, Antennas and Access Points, Volunteerism, Soekris Development,
Network Security) for QA and hands on questions.

- Other miscellaneous updates.

- SIG Updates


*** Date / Time ***
Wednesday, July 30 @ 7:15pm

*** Meeting Location: ***
Bway.net, 459 Broadway, 2nd Floor

Meeting Location: Bway.net, 459 Broadway, 2nd Floor. About 2 blocks north of
Canal, near the corner of Grand St. On the west side of the street, then up
one flight of stairs. Via subway (Canal Street stop): the J,M,N,Q,R,W,Z, and
a bit further, but still on Canal is A,C,E,1,6,9. A handicap accessible
entrance is available if you notify me of your needs ahead of time.
[Prepare for Ad : Thanks to Bway for providing meeting space. See them for
your ISP needs. http://www.bway.net ]

Mini-FAQ about NYCwireless Meetings

Q - Who can attend the meeting?
A - Anyone. It's open to the general public.

Q - When are the meetings?
A - Normally, they are the last Wednesday of every month.

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Re: [nycwireless] Can Verizon go underground?

2003-07-26 Thread Ben N. Serebin

While, I agree some smaller cities have done cell underground, NYC
has one of the largest if not the largest underground subway system in the
world. So, making it wireless, is not so easy.

RCR News Article About Chicago
The 18-month installation, covering two 11.4 [note, that's about 11 1/2
miles, not 114] mile tunnels, will begin immediately and limited service
will be available to carriers in seven to nine months.

NYC MTA Subway Facts (I consider these pretty impressive.)
- 685 track miles
- 490 subway stations

I think Jon has a point... if VZ did go underground, and they would
probably win the wireless fight. Hopefully when the subways are made
wireless, that each carrier gets to install equipment as per Chicago.


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Re: [nycwireless] $10 Gigafast 801.11b cards ...

2003-07-23 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

If your time is worth something, I wouldn't recommend these wireless
cards if they were free. Stick to the $40-$50 Proxim ORiNOCO Silver Wireless
PC Card and you'll be buying yourself a high quality card with excellent
support. Wireless cards are NOT ALL EQUAL. I feel I need to repeat this a
lot. Note, I have no connection to Proxim, I just like their cards compared
(price and quality) with others.

I was just in Bryant Park and a user couldn't properly configure his
Linksys card... is no access worth $10, if so, best of luck.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 2:46 PM
Subject: [nycwireless] $10 Gigafast 801.11b cards ...


 thought id forward along, $10 after rebate seems like a good deal ...

 guess just a matter of time before they start giving them away *inside* a
 happy meal :-)

 - jon

 pgp key: http://www.jonbaer.net/jonbaer.asc
 fingerprint: F438 A47E C45E 8B27 F68C 1F9B 41DB DB8B 9A0C AF47

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[nycwireless] RIAA Copycatting Road Runner?

2003-07-17 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

A Road Runner type RIAA letter, that's news to me as well. Can
someone scan the letter and put it on a website.


- Original Message - 
From: Daniel Thor Kristjansson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 12:53 PM
Subject: Re: [nycwireless] WiFi Hotspots Elude RIAA Back to the issue of
record keeping

 I put some aggressive filtering up on my router after getting
 disconnected do to a RIAA member e-mail. I didn't want to, and it
 doesn't stop anyone technical from sharing if they want to -- not that
 it makes much sense with the upstream bandwidth I give them and the
 limited time they spend near my apartment. But I think it keeps people
 who just happen to have a p2p app running with suspect file titles from
 getting me disconnected from the net. Hopefully they won't need to
 download from a passive FTP website :/

  Please everyone avoid buying music from RIAA member labels. The sooner
  these people go out of business the sooner we can get our intellectual
  freedom back. Help your friends with bands set up websites to sell
  their music and to promote it on mp3 websites. I've seen some of my
  favorite bands killed by label politics, mergers and terrible
  contracts, don't let this happen to any band you love.

 -- Daniel
When truth is outlawed; only outlaws will tell the truth.  - RLiegh

 On Thu, 17 Jul 2003, Jon Baer wrote:

 ]to me what is kinda funny is that the entire group keeps going around
 ]claiming of nothing bad ever happening on public nodes yet meanwhile
 ]is a news.com article claiming *last spring* Townsend got a letter
 ]he was violating copyright laws ...
 ]then people leave to actually start companies based around technology to
 ]prevent it (http://www.emenity.com/tech/neighborsafe.html), which can
 ]make sense.
 ]your slides are good but then come to the same exact conclusions there
 ]now ... this data still does not identify the user.  its a funny
 ]because as soon as you do make an attempt to identify you have people
 ]crying for anonymity ... so whether its technical or political it sure
 ]as long as there are methods around to fake certs, user/pass, mac
 ]ips, steal keys, etc then there will seem to be no solution because
 ]will always advocate any method and all they will say is log/access
 ]is a pita and proves nothing, etc, etc, etc.
 ]in the meantime id propose network-based IDS for public wifi to @ least
 ]notifying the ap owner :-)
 ]- jon
 ]pgp key: http://www.jonbaer.net/jonbaer.asc
 ]fingerprint: F438 A47E C45E 8B27 F68C 1F9B 41DB DB8B 9A0C AF47

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Re: [nycwireless] Wi-Fi security for my notebook - what can i do?

2003-07-15 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

Jon made some excellent points. Just a few things to add. If you run
XP, enable the built-in firewall, doesn't hurt.

Also there is another option besides SSH, and it's SSL. Outlook
Express (and numerous other email apps on Windows and the Mac OS) include
the ability to encrypt your POP3/SMTP/IMAP [email] traffic over SSL simply
by clicking the option (under Accounts-Advanced) and having an ISP's email
server that also supports it. Similar to the way people use SSL for
ecommerce, you should use SSL for your email on open public hotspots. Or
make sure you use SSL when logging into your Web Mail.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 6:07 PM
Subject: Re: [nycwireless] Wi-Fi security for my notebook - what can i do?

 from my experiences, there are a few windows related items you should do
 before hopping onto a public network:

 1. turn off file/printer sharing (available in your network adapters
 properties) ... this will cut off netbios/microsoft sharing over certains
 ports on your laptop.  if you do not do it and someone scans ur IP for
 active ports (135/139/145) then getting into ur shares is as simple as
 putting ur ip into explorer \\YOUR_IP

 if you do keep shares open on ur laptop i beleive you can rename them
 with $ and they will not show up, better than nothing.  if you can (as a
 good general security thumb, kill any services that you really don't need
 when ur on a public wifi connection)

 2. kill any connection made to hotmail/real/yahoo/gnutella/etc ... the
 part about being on a public network is not knowing what your laptop is
 actually doing on the network.  in some cases you might have it setup to
 check mail x seconds and everything will be sent out in the clear without
 you clicking a button.

 3. ask your isp for an ssh account even if you dont know what it is.
 someone can always show u how to set it up using your email.  this is
 important if using pop3 or imap or connecting to ur workplace
 without a vpn.  (i think the boingo client comes w/ a vpn, not sure).

 4. the firewall software most likely crashes because microsoft already
 includes it own, under network properties in the advanced tab, there is
 internet connection firewall which should always be active.  the bad part
 about using it is that there is no notifications like other 3rd party aps,
 so you won't know someone is accessing your ports.  probably the best part
 about the 3rd part fw solutions is that they also notify you on outbound
 connections (so you can tell it when an app should *not* transmit over the

 the best tip (for the ultra paranoid) is to not stay idle for a long time,
 if you need something just get it, unplug ur card or disable tcp/ip in
 network card configuration or disable the device.  there are also other
 small but pretty important hacker items that u'll never see like arp
 poisoning and rouge devices/laptops ...

 if anyone has more opinions please post ...

 - jon

 pgp key: http://www.jonbaer.net/jonbaer.asc
 fingerprint: F438 A47E C45E 8B27 F68C 1F9B 41DB DB8B 9A0C AF47

 - Original Message - 
 From: Laura Andriani [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 9:21 AM
 Subject: [nycwireless] Wi-Fi security for my notebook - what can i do?

  Hi everyone,
  I'm new to wi-fi but love it already.  I've been reading tons online and
  print about security issues, however.
  I'm kinda freaked out at this point. Not that I use my notebook to do a
  of super-secure stuff, but what can I do specifically on my notebook
  running XP home) to amp-up the safety and security while I'm on a
  network at the park, at a cafe, at the airport, etc. etc.
  Is configuring my settings enough, or should I download/purchase more
  software like Norton or Zone Alarm Pro (though i have mixed feelings
  many people complain these two often crash your system)?  I'm willing to
  spend some extra money to ensure I'm not open to hackers, but I dont
  invest in crap that won't help.  Any advice??

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Re: [nycwireless] wi-fi newbie question

2003-07-11 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Ruben,

Yes, you have learned all wireless is not created equal. Quality
varies dramatically (sometimes I feel like a broken record about this). But,
I've never heard such bad signal strength though. 8 feet, and it's 40%. That
could be interference from other factors, defective equipment, or a steel
laptop (joke). I recommend you borrow some other equipment to test this
against, such as starting out with a different wireless card (my favorite,
an ORiNOCO Silver PC Card, ~$40) and then maybe a different AP.


- Original Message - 
From: Ruben Rivera [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 10:47 AM
Subject: [nycwireless] wi-fi newbie question

Ok Ive finally jumped on the wi-fi train but it aint moving. I just
purchased a Linksys BEFW11S4 ap router and a Netgear wireless card for my
laptop. In a matter of minutes I was up and running with a 100% signal
strength. Of course my laptop was only 13 inches away from the AP. Once I
started to move away for the AP is when the problems started. At 5 ft the
signal strength went down to 80%. At 8 ft it was a wimpy 40%. Both distances
had direct line of site. Once I turn the corner to the next room at about 10
ft the signal was lost completely. I tried playing around with the antenna
and although it helped some it didnt do that much. I also tried 3 4
different channels but that didnt work either.

Did I buy a garbage AP and wi-fi card or is there something else I can do to
enjoy surfing the web from my couch?


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Re: [nycwireless] ATT, MCI to offer public VPNs

2003-07-10 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

Yes, Louis hit the nail on the head. That VPN announcement is all
marketing and no substance. Real solution for security, is people should be
using email protocols over SSL/SSH and Web Mail over SSL entirely. They
should also demand that their email providers support and use STARTTLS, for
mail server to mail server encryption. If my Win OS email server (Merak)
supports it, all those Linux/BSD guys should be running it too. ;-)


P.S. Let's not start a war on encryption, please

- Original Message - 
From: withoutwires [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: [nycwireless] ATT, MCI to offer public VPNs

 This seems silly to me.  While it does make your wireless more secure, you
 are essentually VPNing into them, and then getting your e-mail.  So from
 their network to your e-mail/IM/etc server, you still are only as secure
 as the traffic between those two.  This seems to not take advantage of the
 real benefits of using VPN which is end to end encryption.

 One could use SSL / SSH (That is what I use for e-mail / remote
 connections when hanging outside in the sun at one of the many NYC
 wireless nodes).  Now I would like a secure IM solution, I'll have to
 investigate that.  I believe ICQ supports end to end encryption and I
 believe an AIM beta supports it as well, haven't seen anything about yahoo
 supporting it.  Of course, having a single encrypted connection rather
 then having to 'worry' about each of your applications handling it would
 be nice, but it doesn't seem like the below hotspotvpn would help.

 OK, now that I review again, the below is good, but it seems if someone
 was serious about security, it might not be the best solution since it
 isn't end to end; but it would 'secure' your wireless connection so others
 can't peek at your traffic, that is good.  But I can't imagine someone
 paying for that.  Then again, I can't understand how Starbucks/T-Mobile is
 charging $30/mo for wireless access either; but I'm sure someone is paying
 (I used to!).


  this would actually be a nice feature to have free @ hotspots, u can get
  it for $8 @ http://www.hotspotvpn.com at the moment.
  - jon
  ATT, MCI offer VPN solutions for WiFi
  ATT and MCI yesterday announced separate plans to offer VPN services
  for clients on WiFi networks. ATT inked a partnership with GRIC
  Communications to offer secure wireless access to its enterprise
  clients. The new VPN service will be available at more than 2,000 WiFi
  locations in 20 countries by the end of this year. ATT also said it
  would offer VPN services for enterprise users on Cometa Networks' new
  WiFi service. ATT is a partner in Cometa along with IBM and Intel.
  In a separate announcement, MCI said it has partnered with WiFi service
  operator Wayport to offer VPN services for MCI's enterprise clients who
  use Wayport's company network. GRIC Communications also has a VPN deal
  with Wayport.

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[nycwireless] wto comment deleted....

2003-06-24 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Kevin,

I agree... it's been deleted.

Also, just a reminder to everyone, please make the subject reflect
what the message is about.


- Original Message - 
From: Kevin Arima [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: [nycwireless] Re: nycwireless Digest, Vol 4, Issue 25

 On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Jordan Schuster wrote:

  third thing's third, for those who have, or are about to, join
  NYCwireless as a full member (membership info:
  http://nycwireless.net/membership/ for more details)

 Is it me, or does the membership page contain phrases that isn't
 appropriate for an official page like this?  We do not need any
 investigations or similar just because the certain TLAs were snooping
 around looking for terrorist.  Just my 2 fiat cents.

 Kevin Starfox Arima

 (I'm referring to the disrupt the WTO when it meets in NYC (just
 kidding) portion).
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[nycwireless] Upcoming NYCwireless Monthly Meeting 6/25

2003-06-23 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Everyone,

Just a reminder we are having our monthly meeting this upcoming
Wed. 5/25 @ 7:15pm. Main speaker is a Columbia Univ. Professor Schulzrinne
speaking about a project called 7DS. See below for the details.

Also, don't forget to join the NYCwireless membership so you can
be part of us. Mail/PayPal in your dues or bring them to the meeting. See
http://nycwireless.net/membership/ for more details. Also, members who join
before the first planned election (more details will be announced about this
at meetings and on the list) will have a chance to ** WIN ** a Palm Tungsten
C (http://www.palm.com/products/handhelds/tungsten-c/) compliments of Palm.
This is a new WiFi enabled Palm device.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend this month since I'll be speaking
in DC,



- Professor Henning Schulzrinne of Columbia Univ., Assoc. Professor in the
Dept. of Computer Science  Dept. of Electrical Engineering, will be
speaking about their project called 7DS. 7DS is a new peer-to-peer
architecture, protocols and implementation that enables devices to share
resources, in order to increase their data availability. Devices can also
serve as ad-hoc gateways into the Internet. In 7DS, peers can be either
mobile or stationary.

- Hands-on Breakout Session - divide into various focus groups (e.g. Intro
to Beginners, Antennas and Access Points, Volunteerism, Soekris Development,
Network Security) for QA and hands on questions.

- Other miscellaneous updates.

- SIG Updates


*** Date / Time ***
Wednesday, June 25 @ 7:15pm

*** Meeting Location: ***
Bway.net, 459 Broadway, 2nd Floor

Meeting Location: Bway.net, 459 Broadway, 2nd Floor. About 2 blocks north of
Canal, near the corner of Grand St. On the west side of the street, then up
one flight of stairs. Via subway (Canal Street stop): the J,M,N,Q,R,W,Z, and
a bit further, but still on Canal is A,C,E,1,6,9. A handicap accessible
entrance is available if you notify me of your needs ahead of time.
[Prepare for Ad : Thanks to Bway for providing meeting space. See them for
your ISP needs. http://www.bway.net ]

Mini-FAQ about NYCwireless Meetings

Q - Who can attend the meeting?
A - Anyone. It's open to the general public.

Q - When are the meetings?
A - Normally, they are the last Wednesday of every month.

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Re: [nycwireless] verizon question

2003-06-12 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Alex and all,

That's good to hear they are using higher bandwidth connections...
not like it matters when you sit on a park bench on 79th and Columbus and
see 24 networks. 1 is Verizon's and 8 are Linksys. ;-)


- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:56 PM
Subject: Re: [nycwireless] verizon question

[delete portion of e-mail]
 A little bird told me they deploy highest available speed available given
 distance. I.E. up to 7.1/768 if phone is close enough to CO.

 Alex Pilosov| DSL, Colocation, Hosting Services
 Pilosoft, Inc.  | http://www.pilosoft.com

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Re: [nycwireless] latest orinoco firmware?

2003-04-03 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hey John,

8.72. as the URL gets cut off



- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 5:02 PM
Subject: [nycwireless] latest orinoco firmware?


 i just wanted to make sure are the latest firmware for orinoco gold/silver
 is 8.10?

 - jon

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[nycwireless] Spring Cleaning.... anyone in the need of hardware?

2003-04-02 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Everyone,

Well... I seem to be the collector of older PCs  stuff and then the
distributor. Well, you know the process. E-mail me off-list if you want
anything. You must come to my apt. to pick them up, Upper West Side.

If anyone wants to donate to me a small USB/Firewire enclosure for a
2.5 IDE drive, I would appreciate it.

What's Available
P60 Desktop - CompuAdd (works)
P90 MiniTower - CompuAdd (works)
P166 MiniTower- Generic (works)
PPro 200 Desktop - Dell (works)
Sony PCG-F350 Vaio Laptop - no HD, trackpad dead, no battery, has AC Adapter
Sony PCG-951A Vaio Laptop - IDE controller bad?, no HD, has AC Adapter +
HDs = Western Digital 4GB + 2.6GB, Seagate 1.7GB  Laptop 2.5 IDE 4GB?
2 Modem PCI Cards (33.6 + ?)
Video 3D Accelerator PCI
Dual PCI Video Accelerator Card (Voodoo SLI?)


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Re: [nycwireless] RE: nycwireless digest, Vol 1 #702 - 7 msgs

2003-02-06 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

I'm happy Chris sees what I was saying, I'm just hoping Vivato teams
up with Linksys, Apple, or another major wireless player to go mainstream.


- Original Message -
From: Christopher Mc Carthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 9:31 AM
Subject: [nycwireless] RE: nycwireless digest, Vol 1 #702 - 7 msgs

 Wasn't the guy from Vivato a certain John Richey, formerly (still?) at
 Agere (Lucent, Orinoco whatever) and someone who (I've read) knows his
 wlan stuff?

 Anyway, WRT the licensing comment here and in a later message, that's a
 very important point IMHO.  Doesn't matter how good the technology is
 unless it's widely available. It was when Apple announced their Airport
 kit that I first heard of 802.11b, and it was only then that I thought
 that wireless communications (besides the ubiquitous cell phone) were
 actually feasible (in real life as opposed to in 007
 films/documentaries) for mere non millionaire mortals like myself.

 And then one day I heard about the community groups, like NYC Wireless
 and Personal Telco, it was a real revelation :)

 -Original Message-
 Subject: Re: [nycwireless] 802.16a Approved!!!
 Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2003 10:52:03 -0500

 The news is just as exciting as the 2-hour sales pitch from Vivato @ the
 montly meeting ;-)

 Im still trying to figure out that product ... an AP w/16 radios beamed
 the max power (fixed) allowed by FCC (in PTP situations) thus allowing
 to fan out PTP over a given area.  Does that sum it up?

 I still don't get why Ben was screaming @ them about the license if they
 already got it, or did they?


 I find 802.16 as just another ploy for people to go out and buy yet more
 cards for another network which will no doubt be a paid service.

 - Jon

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[nycwireless] Maps Node Database Server Currently Down...

2003-02-02 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Everyone,

A problem arose with the Maps Node Database Server upgrade over the
weekend so the Maps Node DB Server is currently unavailable. It should be
back up and running within a day or so.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

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Re: [nycwireless] Vivato Comment...

2003-01-31 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello John,

I think the point of their technology* is to focus the RF on the
client, and not have to bombard all areas in front of the antenna with RF. I
think the analogy would be Vivato = rifle, while traditional wireless =
shotgun.  *Then again, since the technology is still in development, we
really won't know until it's been tested by an outside reviewer.


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: [nycwireless] Vivato Comment...

  1st of all, the Vivato show and tell, was actually a science
  experiment on the effects of high powered radio waves on men's
  organs. ;-) Kidding, I hope...

 I just checked ... everything is ok (whew) ... :-)

  down on radio waves saturating everywhere, and just focusing on one
  (only that person is effected). That's why I want it licensed, so I see
  in my home and my neighbors... so one does not need to AMP Up to
  your neighbor, but Focus Out using Vivato technology.

 This is the part that would really piss me off about their product (and I
 hope would tick off other commercial entities as well), and the worst part
 think is with say SSID broadcasting off you would almost never know what
 sucking up all the airwaves unless you really looked into it.  To see
 on all the channels in Netstumbler got me to thinking what massive
 interference it is likely to cause.  Plus the power output is fixed like
 said ... a case of radiation over mobility, there has to be effects of
 sitting in that much power over time.  But all in all I'd say its a unique
 technique for WiFi ...

 - Jon

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[nycwireless] Projector Request for Meeting Tomorrow Night...

2003-01-28 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Everyone,

Our typical projector connection is having trouble borrowing a
projector for tomorrow's meeting, so if you have access to one and can
borrow it for tomorrow evening, please e-mail me.

Thank you,

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[nycwireless] Upcoming NYCwireless Monthly Meeting 1/29/03

2003-01-27 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Everyone,

Just a reminder we are having our monthly meeting this upcoming
Wednesday, 1/29, @ 7:15pm.

As always, there will be b wireless (802.11b).

If you are interested in presenting at a future meeting or have ideas for
one, let me know... thanks and look forward to seeing you there.

*** Date / Time ***
Wednesday, January 29 @ 7:15pm

*** Meeting Location: ***
Bway.net, 459 Broadway, 2nd Floor
Almost 2 blocks north of Canal, near the corner of Grand St. On the west
side of the street, then up one flight of stairs. Closest trains are N/R,
but several subway stops are nearby, within a few blocks -- A/E, 1,2, 6
(Canal St for all). A handicap accessible entrance is available if you
notify me of your needs ahead of time.
[Prepare for Ad : Thanks to Bway for providing meeting space. See them for
your ISP needs. http://www.bway.net ]

*** Tentative Agenda ***
7:15pm - 7:45pm - Introduction to 802.11 by Jacob Farkas.
7:45pm - 8pm - Show and Tell by Vivato ( http://www.vivato.net )
8pm - 8:30pm - Intro to 802.11g by Chris Blume.
8:30pm - 8:45pm - Other miscellaneous updates.
8:45pm - ? - QA and discussions.

See all this information online at

Mini-FAQ about NYCwireless Meetings (to slow the stream of repetitive

Q - What are the dues?
A - There are none.

Q - Who can attend the meeting?
A - Anyone. It's open to the general public.

Q - When are the meetings?
A - Normally, they are the last Wednesday of every month.

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Re: [nycwireless] DLink DWL-900+ and Standalone Repeating

2003-01-20 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Jon,

Article summed up states it supports SMC and Linksys AP to repeat.
Added to the other article, the author tested compliance with a Cisco 340
AP. No ORiNOCO support though.

As per complaining about decreased repeating throughput, it's
usually not an issue since if one is only sharing internet since wireless
throughput is faster than 99% of all residential connections.


- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 5:05 AM
Subject: Re: [nycwireless] DLink DWL-900+ and Standalone Repeating

 Hash: SHA1


 There is some more info on it here:


 I beleive the worst part about repeating/bridging in general is the
 throughput you sacrifice.

 - - Jon
 Version: PGP 8.0


 NYCwireless - http://www.nycwireless.net/
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Re: [nycwireless] Two Questions

2003-01-07 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Michael and all,

Firstly... what type of AP are you attempting to get the Bronze card
working with? I've heard issues with Microsoft APs and Bronze cards.

Secondly... make sure you are bridging with the AP, and not doing
NAT. NAT allows TCP/IP hence VNC works, but browsing the network does not.
Look over your AP's instruction to determine how to bridge.


- Original Message -
From: Michael Yellin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 6:21 PM
Subject: [nycwireless] Two Questions

   Hello All,

I am having 2 problems currently.

First off, got a new Laptop, with XP Home.  I installed my bronze card
 into the laptop, and it recognized it, and installed all the drivers.  I
 it up, but no matter what, I can't access the wireless network.  To
 my problems more, I took the card out, and put in a Silver card, and it
 worked fine, no need to make any changes.  I then took the bronze, and put
 it into another machine with XP, although I now don't remember if it was
 HOME or another version, and set it up with out any problems, and it
 fine.  Switched the cards, and again, the Bronze doesn't work in the
 original laptop.

Any ideas???

The next problem, which doesn't seem to be effected by bronze or silver
 cards, is,  I have a computer in the car, running 98se.  I installed the
 Orinoco drivers, and it installed fine.  I set up the wireless manager
 as in the past.  Made sure all of my other network setting were correct.
 Here is where it gets weird.  I can access the net, and e-mail.  But, I
 can't browse the wireless network in network neighborhood.  Only the car
 computer is listed, none of the other wireless computers are there.  Also,
 am able to connect to the car computer from another wireless computer
 WIN VNC.  So, I know at least that the wireless card is working to some
 degree.  Any one have some ideas on what settings to check.

 Thanx, in advance, for the help.

 Michael Yellin
 Director of Business Development
 20311 Valley Blvd. Ste. H
 Walnut, Ca. 91789
 Toll Free (877) 839-1988
 ph. (909) 839-1988
 fax (909) 839-1978

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Re: [nycwireless] orinoco silver antennas

2003-01-07 Thread Ben N. Serebin

Try changing the location of your AP, getting a better AP (would
suggest wireless card, but ORiNOCOs are good), or antennas.

As per antennas, not familiar with local places, but here is a
handful of places to get them from online. There are more, but I don't know
they off-hand.

www.dbiplus.com (they re-direct you to resellers), seems to have good prices


- Original Message -
From: lo+nycw @ eskimo.com
To: nycwireless @ lists.spack.org
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 2:29 PM
Subject: [nycwireless] orinoco silver antennas

 Does anybody know where one can get an antenna for an Orinoco silver card
 for less than $89+tax (Datavision price, the only place I have been able
 to find one).  Alternatively, is there an alternative solution if ther
 signal is just a tiny bit too weak?

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Re: [nycwireless] http://wifi.meetup.com?

2003-01-03 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello All,

If anyone goes to this, I'm curious if it's just NYCwireless users?


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject: [nycwireless] http://wifi.meetup.com?

 Hash: SHA1

 They have the NYC WiFi meetup listed next week @ Wednesday, Jan 8 @ 7:00PM
 but I seriously doubt the locations listed have free access:

 Cosi, 504 Avenue Of The Americas, New York, NY (map)
 Starbucks Coffee, 424 Park Ave S, New York, NY (map)
 John's Pizzeria, 278 Bleecker st., New York, NY (map)

 Does anyone know if this is the first meetup?

 - - Jon

 Version: PGP 8.0


 NYCwireless - http://www.nycwireless.net/
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2003-01-03 Thread Ben N. Serebin
Hello Frank and all,

SMC cards are infamous for being bad. And that's as in bad, no
good. A few months ago when I saw one in action, the client software was
still buggy, and range was severely limiting. They've released a few new
versions, so I can't attest to those. Also, last time I checked, DLink cards
shared the same software...

As per the 22Mbps and 256 bit encryption in this product (e.g.
SMC2435W), the 22Mbps is not a 802.11b (or a) standard, and so this would
be only with other 22Mbps APs (such as the SMC2455W). And the 256 bit
encryption is also a SMC Standard. Note the joke it's an SMC thing
only, so it's not really a standard. Even some of SMC APs don't support
their own standard (e.g. SMC2655W). Need I say more...

For those w/o the internet or in a rush, JR has the ORiNOCO
gold cards. And ORiNOCO has a number of aliases... Proxim, Agere, Avaya, and
WaveLAN. Or you could use the internet, see below.



P.S. Sorry about all the sarcasm... ;-)

- Original Message -
Cc: Ben Serebin [EMAIL PROTECTED]; James C.Y. Lin
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: [nycwireless] WHAT'S A GOOD WIRELESS CARD TO GET?

 Thanx for the advice, Kevin.  I haven't seen any Cisco
 or Orinoco cards in the stores I've been into though.
 I used an Orinoco card this past summer when i was
 working overseas, but it was a rental.

 What about the SMC card I was referring to?  Have you
 heard of it before?  It's supposed to go up to 22 mbps
 with up to 256 bit encryption.  The box is still


 --- Kevin Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  All cards are not created equally. Cisco is best
  because it has the
  hightest signal strength (100mw).second is the
  Orinoco (aka agere, and
  I think dell and others). The linksys and others
  have less (like
  30mw ) . if you do google you may find this info.
  Most folks get
  orinoco becuase it is the best all around value (
  best price, good
  signal, most expandable) at $50-80. The cisco is
  about $100-150.
  On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, Zephyr wrote:
   Happy new year to all!
   I attempted to post my question to the list a
   ago, but the list administrator wan't helpful at
   so I'll go ahead and ask you guys for advice, if
   don't mind.
   Which card should I get?  I bought a card made by
   (never before heard of it) that supposedly goes up
   22 mbps and is capable of 256-bit encryption.  I
   haven't opened the box yet, since I'm new to all
   but I'll prolly give it a try soon, unless I get
   type of warning from you guys...
   I have a Dell 8200 laptop with XP.  What other
   do you have for a newbie like me?  I just want to
   enjoy getting online through wireless, since I
   about it when I was in San Francisco...
   Thanks in advance!
   --- Ben Serebin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello Guys and all,
If you have a Linksys combo AP + router
your happy... then good.
The original reason I recommended users to avoid
them was they tended to
have lower output power and lack of detachable
antennas compared with other
APs (WAP11, ORiNOCOs, Cisco 350 Rugged). Hence,
non-recommended status
they got (notice past tense) by me. I'm a firm
believer in the ability to
add an antenna in case your apt/house is too
to get full coverage.
This seems to have changed with version 2 of the
Linksys BEFW11S4. Not sure
if it has all the functionality of the WAP11,
not a big deal if it does
not, since Linksys tends to add a fair amount of
functionality in their
firmware as time goes on. As per the output
Linksys might
(haven't seen posted specs on this) have
this and fixed this
problem, since Linksys created an amp (to
the low power output in
version 1s).
In any case, I'll still stick with my herd of
RG-1000s by ORiNOCO = Agere =
Avaya = WaveLAN = and now Proxim,
- Original Message -
From: James C.Y. Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: David Rosenstrauch
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: [nycwireless] New to List/Mac-PC
in Bklyn
 Yeah... Why?

 I have a WAP11 for two years and 4 months ago
bought their combo device
 (Router + AP) and am very happy about the

 Is there any potential damage or drawback I
not faced?

 - Original Message -
 From: David Rosenstrauch
 Sent: Thursday,