Re: [ob] Dollar rises vs euro on renewed risk aversion

2009-08-05 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Saya coba jawab.

Hari Jumat ini ada pengumuman government unemployment report untuk bulan
Juli. Angkanya, menurut estimate, masih tinggi. Sepanjang unemployment masih
tinggi, recovery itu cuma "fake". Perusahaan masih belum mau hire orang,
malah di bulan Juli masih berkelanjutan layoff. Kalau tidak salah, sebagian
besar labour di USA bergerak di bidang services, dan itu menggerakkan 80%
dari economic output. Jika sector ini masih hit by crisis, maka demand
(spending) tidak akan naik dan ujung2nya recovery akan stall.

Menurut pandangan saya, yg harus dicermati pergerakan USD/Yen lebih
dibanding USD/EUR. Yen akan menguat jika ada risk aversion. Sedangkan EUR
lebih ke persepsi komoditi price.

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 11:32 PM, fifi young  wrote:

> Conclusion-nya jadi apa ya Yuta?
> Please advice, thanks.
> On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 11:29 PM, YUTA  wrote:
>> **This Friday looks like an important day.**
>> Dollar rises vs euro on renewed risk aversion
>> 11:29 AM EDT
>> By Vivianne Rodrigues
>> NEW YORK (Reuters) - The dollar rose against the euro on Wednesday as
>> reports showing greater-than-expected U.S. service sector contraction in
>> July and surprisingly high job cuts by private employers boosted demand for
>> the greenback as a safe-haven.
>> The advance contrasts with the dollar's sharp drop earlier in the week as
>> upbeat U.S. and Chinese manufacturing data gave investors confidence to buy
>> foreign currencies and riskier assets such as stocks.
>> However, Wednesday's lackluster reports signaled more uneasy times for the
>> broader U.S. economy and renewed risk aversion, traders said.
>> Increased risk aversion tends to favor currencies such as the yen, a
>> favored safe-haven, and the dollar versus higher-yielding counterparts.
>> "We're getting a mixed picture in this latest batch of data," said Joe
>> Trevisani, a chief market analyst, at FX Solutions, in Ridgewood, New
>> Jersey. "That's why we have seen the euro come off against the dollar."
>> In mid-morning trading in New York, the euro was 0.2 down percent at
>> $1.4371 after trading as high as $1.4437 earlier. The European currency hit
>> $1.4445 on Monday, its highest since December.
>> The dollar was 0.3 percent lower versus the yen at 94.93 yen.
>> The Institute for Supply Management said its non-manufacturing index fell
>> to 46.4 in July from June's 47.0. A reading above 50 signals expansion.
>> Economists expected a reading of 48.0.
>> The ISM non-manufacturing report was much weaker than expected,
>> contributing to a "risk-off kind of scenario" in the foreign exchange
>> markets, favoring the dollar, said Andrew Busch, a global FX strategist at
>> BMO Capital Markets in Chicago.
>> Another report showed new orders received by U.S. factories rose
>> unexpectedly in June, advancing for a third straight month [ID:nN04135411].
>> The services sector and new orders figures followed reports showing
>> larger-than-expected cuts by U.S. private employers in July and an increase
>> in planned layoffs at U.S. firms.
>> The labor markets data "weighed on risk appetite and consequently revived
>> some demand for safe-haven currencies," said Joe Manimbo, a currency trader
>> at Travelex Global Business Payments in Washington.
>> Another gauge on the state of the U.S. labor markets is expected on Friday
>> with the government's release of its monthly non-farm payrolls data.
>> Wednesday's ADP report "suggests that we could see a downside surprise to
>> Friday's broader employment data," said Manimbo.
>> Investors' focus will also be on policy decisions by the Bank of England
>> and European Central Bank due on Thursday.
>> (Additional reporting by Wanfeng Zhou and Gertrude Chavez-Dreyfuss in New
>> York; Editing by Dan Grebler)

Re: [ob] Deflation

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Saya coba jawab. Mudah2an senior yang lebih expert bisa bantu...

Dalam contect global, sekarang ini issue oversupply sudah bukan rahasia
lagi. Volume perdagangan dan juga pastinya value sudah mengerut double
digit. Harga bisa dibentuk "drive" oleh yang punya kepentingan, tetapi
fundamental tetap tidak akan terkalahkan.

Untuk antisipasi apa yg terjadi ini, butuh money injection supaya orang
spending, industri bisa bergerak, pabrik mulai operasi supaya demand akan
timbul. Jika demand ini tidak ada, maka deflasi sangat mungkin terjadi.

Hampir semua negara sudah menurunkan suku bunga. Jadi dari monetary policy,
kebijakan suku bunga rendah sudah maksimum. Sekarang bagaimana mengamati
stimulus harus berjalan baik untuk boost spending.

Jika US collapse, maka negara emerging juga akan terpengaruh. US masih
central dari trading aktivity dan world market. Jika mereka stabil atau
mendekati pemulihan (bottoming), maka "risk appetitte" akan timbul dan
terjadi inflow untuk invest di high risk (stock) di emerging market. Tetapi
jika terjadi sebaliknya, maka orang balik lagi ke safe haven, yaitu hard
currency (USD & Yen) serta gold.

2009/7/23 Ferry 

>  Kalau industry/ekonominya  BRIC gimana?
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *YUTA
> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 22, 2009 11:28 PM
> *To:* Obrolan Bandar
> *Subject:* [ob] Deflation
> Kalau saya prediksi, sekarang ini issue balik ke mortgage problem di US
> dimana Commercial property baik harga maupun rental masih turun terus.
> Ini menandakan bahwa industri belum berjalan. Yang kelihatan bergerak hanya
> paper assest (saham, bond) tetapi physical masih terbelit krisis.
> Import US juga mainly consumer products, terutama cheap furnitures dan
> garment. Belum ada (masih sedikit)import raw material atau machinery yang
> menggerakkan industri disana.
> Jepang masih terbelit bubble property dimana harga sewa dan jual turun
> sudah lebih satu dekade tanpa bisa dicegah.
> Saya rasa ini patut kita waspadai, jangan sampai spiral deflation ini mulai
> bergerak tanpa bisa dicegah.
> Semoga
> Rgds,
> Yuta

Re: [ob] 09:15 Milis ada gangguan ?

2009-06-03 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano

Hampir semua indikator yang support IHSG berbalik drastis dan cukup
mengkhawatirkan (jam 20:51)
BRIC - index Brazil -3.5%!! & Rusia -4.5%!!!
Emerging market index -0.83%
Oil -2.3%
VIX +3.3%!!
Euro melemah
Metal -1% s/d -2%

Tanda apa ini?

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 8:59 PM, Embah  wrote:

> 20:55
> Eropa udah merah tebel... kacao dah.
>  - Original Message -
> *From:* jsx_consultant 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 03, 2009 9:17 AM
> *Subject:* [ob] 09:15 Milis ada gangguan ?
>  09:15 Milis ada gangguan ?
> Posting embah kok engga mau muncul ?
> __ NOD32 3990 (20090406) Information __
> This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.

[ob] Unemployment Probably Topped 9% in May: U.S. Economy Preview

2009-05-30 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
*Mulai keluar berita jelek untuk minggu depan...*

Unemployment Probably Topped 9% in May: U.S. Economy Preview
By Shobhana Chandra

May 31 (Bloomberg) -- *Unemployment in the U.S. probably surpassed 9 percent
in May for the first time in more than 25 years*, underscoring forecasts
that the economy will be slow to pull out of the worst recession in half a
century, economists said before a report this week.

The jobless rate
climbed to 9.2
*the highest level since September 1983*, according to the median estimate
in a Bloomberg News survey ahead of the Labor Department’s *June 5* report.
Other data may show manufacturing and service industries shrank at a slower
pace and consumer spending dropped.

“The economy is decaying at a slower rate and that is the best you can say,”
said Steven 
chief economist at Mizuho Securities USA Inc. in New York. “I can’t tell you
we are out of the woods yet.”

*Economists forecast the jobless rate will head to almost 10 percent by the
end of the year*, depriving Americans of the income needed to propel
spending and stoke a vigorous recovery. Access to credit will likely also be
limited as record defaults and foreclosures make banks reluctant to lend.

The unemployment rate is predicted to rise from 8.9 percent in April.
Payrolls probably fell by 521,000 this month after declining by 539,000 in
April, the survey also showed. Job losses peaked at 741,000 in January, the
most since 1949.

The economy has lost 5.7 million jobs since the recession began in December
2007, the most of any economic slump in the post-World War II era.

Auto Slump

Restructuring at automakers including General Motors
Corp.and Chrysler
LLC may generate more job losses. AutoNation
Inc. , the largest U.S.
new-vehicle retailer, has said it will close seven showrooms in line with
bankrupt Chrysler’s termination of 789 dealerships.

Economists project the Labor report will show
payrolls by 150,000 in May, after slashing them by 149,000 in April.

Workforce reductions aren’t limited to the auto industry. American Express
Co. , the largest U.S.
credit-card company by purchases, said on May 18 it will cut 4,000 positions
as cardholders squeezed by rising unemployment fail to pay debts.

“We continue to be very cautious about the economic outlook,” Chief
Executive Officer Kenneth Chenault said in a statement.

Consumer spending has taken a turn for the worse after improving in the
first quarter. Purchases fell in April for a second month, and incomes
declined for the sixth time in the last seven months, economists project a
Commerce Department report tomorrow will show.

Short-Lived Gain

Household purchases rose at a 1.5 percent annual rate from January to March,
less than previously estimated, after plunging at a 4.3 percent annual rate
in the last three months of 2008, revised figures from Commerce last week

Gross domestic product shrank at a 5.7 percent pace in the first quarter,
less than the government previously estimated in April, the figures also
showed. Following the 6.3 percent pace of decline in the last three months
of 2008, the drop capped the worst six-month performance in five decades.

*Also tomorrow, a report may show manufacturing shrank this month at a
slower pace*. The Institute for Supply Management’s factory
indexrose to
42 in May from 40.1 in April, according to the Bloomberg survey
median. Readings below 50 signal contraction.

Underscoring the improvement at manufacturers, orders placed with factories
probably rose 0.8 percent in April, the second gain this year, economists
predicted ahead of a Commerce Department report June 3.

Service Industries

An ISM report the same day may show service industries, which make up almost
90 percent of the economy, are also stabilizing. The Tempe, Arizona-based
group’s gauge  of
non- manufacturing businesses probably increased to 45 in May from 43.7 the
prior month, according to the Bloomberg survey.

Stocks have surged and Treasuries have dropped amid reports showing the
worst of the downturn may have passed. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index has
gained 36 percent since March 9, when it hit the lowest level in more than
12 years, closing at 919.14 on May 29. Yields on the benchmark 10-year note
climbed to 3.74 percent last week from 2.86 percent during that period.

In other reports th

Re: Bls: Bls: [ob] Re: bursa global potensial koreksi besr2an -

2009-05-16 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Sumbang pendapat dari newbie:

Kalau (ini kalau) kita percaya sama statement dari Elaine:
1. 1089 adalah bottom di tahun lalu (2008) <--- Mr Oentong juga setuju bahwa
IHSG tidak akan buat lowest baru
2. Juni 1600an
3. Akhir tahun 1800-2200
4. Bullish selama 3-5 tahun ke depan dengan target awal 3000

Dicoba analisa pendapat diatas dan dihubungkan korelasinya, kelihatan "make
sense" karena:
1. Dari beberapa pendapat analyst dunia yang saya baca, sekarang ini adalah
bottoming process selama 6-9 bulan dan jika rally akan naik 30-50% dari the
lowest. Untuk IHSG, lowest 1089 terjadi di Okt 08 dan jika benar di Jun 09
menjadi 1600 maka kurang lebih naik 50% dalam periode waktu 9 bulan
2. Jika bottoming (1089-1600) terjadi maka index akan naik menjadi
1800-2200, dimana 2200 kurang lebih 200% dari the lowest. Supaya menarik
investor (inject new modal maupun newcomer) maka IHSG harus dijaga diratio
P/E yang attractive dulu untuk guarantee suistanable growth

Simplenya, scenario Elaine sangat make sense jika dia mengundang "real"
investor, maka IHSG akan "disesuaikan" precondition supaya investor (jangka
panjang) yang akan masuk akan nyaman dengan entry kondisi nanti. Tentu lain
halnya short term hedge yang cuma 3-6 bulan yang kayak jelangkung, datang
tak diundang pergi tak ditolak

Yang saya masih penasaran, apa tugas Ratu Sima
2009/5/16 swan silo 

>  Mbah dalam posting saya tadi saya katakan yg besar2an adalah koreksi
> tersebut melanda juga bursa2 dunia lainnya ..jadi bukan menyangkut
> besarnya angka koreksisedangka prediksi saya terkait ihsg saya
> katakan kondisi terburuk di 1550 an..jadi saya tidak bicara prosentase
> (soalnya malas hitung2nya)
>  --
> *Dari:* jsx_consultant 
> *Kepada:*
> *Terkirim:* Sabtu, 16 Mei, 2009 20:31:32
> *Topik:* Bls: [ob] Re: bursa global potensial koreksi besr2an -
>  Kemarin IHSG mendekati 1700 kalo turun lagi ke 1600 berarti turun
> 6%.
> Kalo cuman turun 6% sih belum bisa dibilang koreksi BESAR2AN.
> Anda kan prediksi IHSG turun ampe 1671 , jauh diatas prediksi
> Elaine di 1600.
> --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com ,
> swan silo  wrote:
> >
> > Mbah, maksud saya besar2an bukan dalam besarnya angka pnurunan melainkan
> skalanya yang menyangkut bursa2 utama dunia ..saya ingin memberikan
> gambaran bahwa kondisi jenuh pasar bukan hanya di BEI tapi juga pada bursa2
> utama lainnya sehingga memungkinkan terjadinya koreksi (DJIA sudah mulai)
> setelah mengalami rally yang cukup signifikan dan ini juga akan
> mempengaruhi BEIbahkan BEI sudah mulai(oh iya ...dalam posting saya
> sama sekali tidak menyebut angka2)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  _ _ __
> > Dari: jsx_consultant 
> > Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
> > Terkirim: Sabtu, 16 Mei, 2009 15:36:56
> > Topik: [ob] Re: bursa global potensial koreksi besr2an -
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 03:33
> >
> > BESAR BESARAN itu berapa persen ?.
> >
> > Bisa dishare cara mendapatkan angka persen TSB ?.
> >
> > --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, swan silo 
> wrote:
> > >
> > > Chart globall terlampir menunjukkan gambaran kondisi bursa global saat
> ini..
> > > Semua chart menunjukkan chart pattern ascending wedge.
> > >
> > > DAX, DJIA, FTSE, KOSPI 200, NASDAQ COMPOSITE, S&P 500, BSE telah break
> support tren line
> > >
> > > Adapun IHSG sudah mendahului break support tren line dan sedang menuju
> 1671...kemungkinan terburuk sampe ke 1550 an..
> > >
> > > HANGSENG, NIKKEI 225, SHANGHAI, STRAIT TIMES, telah menjauhi resisten
> line bolinger band yg menunjukkan pelemahan trend..
> > >
> > > SEMUA Macd sudah/akan dead cross...
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > yang terakhir SEMOGA SAYA SALAH
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Cepat, Bebas Iklan, Kapasitas Tanpa Batas - Dengan Yahoo! Mail Anda
> bisa mendapatkan semuanya. http://id.mail.
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Cepat, Bebas Iklan, Kapasitas Tanpa Batas - Dengan Yahoo! Mail Anda bisa
> mendapatkan semuanya. http://id.mail.
> >
> --
> Cepat, Bebas Iklan, Kapasitas Tanpa Batas - Dengan Yahoo! Mail Anda bisa
> mendapatkan semuanya. 

[ob] Prof JT - CPRO bisa tolong advisenya?

2009-05-08 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Prof JT - sebaiknya kalau mau ave down CPRO di mulai harga berapa? Masih
punya di harga atas dan rencana mau mulai ambil bawah.


Re: [ob] Re: Q1/2009 Emiten Performance Comparison

2009-04-30 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Mbah, kalau CPRO gimana Q1nya? Buat invest bagus nggak?
-Original Message-
From: "jsx_consultant" 

Date: Fri, 01 May 2009 03:10:51 
Subject: [ob] Re: Q1/2009 Emiten Performance Comparison

Laporan CPIN yg bagus ditanggapi market, CPIN +6,1% meskipun 
IHSG -15.

--- In, "jsx_consultant"  
> Q1/2009 Emiten Performance Comparison
> Scenario emiten yg laporan keuangannya bagus dikeluarkan duluan,
> ini memudahkan mencari saham saham yg berfundamental baik 
> dan lebih baik.
> Ini adalah daftar terakhir yg diurut berdasarkan RANKING ROE 
> kwartal 1. Yg ROE nya baik disebelah atas.
> Disampingnya tertera angka PER untuk memudahkan mencari saham
> bagus (ROE tinggi) dan harganya masih murah.

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[ob] Prof JT - CPRO

2009-04-29 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Kok nggak ada yg bahas CPRO ya? Berapa hari terakhir volume diatas rata2. Nggak 
jelas apa akumulasi atau distribusi. 

Prof JT, berapa SAR untuk CPRO? Apa ada signal bagus untuk bisa masuk? Tunggu 
diberapa yg aman? Tks a lot

Re: [ob] Do u ever think its a distraction?

2009-04-28 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Habis diskusi sama saudara yg dokter. Katanya yang bisa buat antivirus swine 
flu pada saat ini hanya AS dan Jepang. Negara lain belum bisa. Dulu China bisa 
buat Tamiflu, tetapi tidak buat kali ini. 

Kalau dicoba ditarik garis, apakah ada konspirasi untuk menggadangkan issue 
pandemik ini secara phenomenal dan menyebar melalui media internasional, jika 
tidak lain ada misi ekonomi terselubung?

Virus ini memang cukup ganas tetapi selama antivirus sudah ada, tergantung 
bagaimana mereka bisa membujuk Amerika dan Jepang untuk menjualnya. 

Let see...

-Original Message-
From: Iwan Mulyono 

Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 19:14:22 
Subject: Re: [ob] Do u ever think its a distraction?

Wabah SARS terjadi sekitar tahun 2003. Waktu itu tidak timbul crisis ekonomi
akibat outbreak ini. Paling hanya kunjungan antar negara yang menurun. CMIIW

2009/4/28 Huan Sheng 

> Sepertinya malah one step closer to the deep crisis.
> Entah kebetulan atau tidak, thn 1997 muncul penyakit flu yg dikenal dengan
> SARS di Hong Kong, lalu kemudian ASIA masuk ke krisis.
> Thn 2009, muncul lagi flu baru di Meksiko dan US, yg mana juga sedang dalam
> krisis.
> Ini ada link yg menarik untuk dibaca, bisa jadi HOAX saja, bisa jadi benar.
> - Original Message -
> *From:* andref_r 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 28, 2009 5:29 PM
> *Subject:* [ob] Do u ever think its a distraction?
>  The flu thing is a distraction from the recession?
> GBU all

Iwan Mulyono, M.D.

Re: [ob] Bakrie's IDR1,000,000,000 donation program

2009-04-18 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Actually I have it already. But, your wish is my command, so will buy some 
more. Make sure you are staying here in OB to see our happiness. Otherwise it 
will be meaningless 

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-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui 

Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 14:41:17 
Subject: [ob] Bakrie's IDR1,000,000,000 donation program

* *

*Please write your name here:*

*1. ...*
*2. ...*
*3. ...*
* Abdulrahim, Rei, Fifi, Ydizz, jkunci, JT, Tasrul, Dean, Oentoeng,
edwinkdr, halim, aimee, ruzli, rully, boyz, troyanese, tirta, billy, frendy,
retha, nabila, bettina, tbumi, kusumo_k, andref, hendra, hans, and all my
friends in OB community...

This is for Embah and OB, for his lifetime dedication to capital market.
Please tell me you're willing to join. *

It's time for us to give a 'real' christmas present to our beloved

[?] Thank you*. [?]


Re: [ob] Re: Masih ada belum dapat gain?

2009-04-16 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Salute juga buat Pak Oentoeng yang sudah berani menyuarakan fakta, walaupun 
mungkin terasa "berat". 

You people gain respect from OB communities. 

To "the greatest" Embah, "the genius" Elaine and our honorary mentor Pak JT. 
May God will lead to success and protect in everypath of your life. Thanks for 
generous dedication to all of us. 

Bersama kita bisa?

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-Original Message-
From: "Provokator Saham" 

Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 11:14:26 
Subject: [ob] Re: Masih ada belum dapat gain?

--- In, Elaine Sui  wrote:
> Anyway Elaine sudah warning about margin trading, and my target was 1600 in
> June, obviously there are other market participants who join our party.
> Oentoeng? Fred Schubert? I have no idea.

Dear Elaine...

Dalam kesempatan ini saya ingin mengucapkan SALUTE atas "keberhasilan" anda 
selama ini.
Yang lebih penting; sharing "strategic plan" anda itu yg telah membuat member 
OB ini sangat terbantu, sehingga mereka lebih bisa "merasakan" kenaikan yg sdh 
terjadi akhir2 ini.

Dan ini juga menjadikan "pengalaman berharga" bagi saya supaya ke depan dpt 
lebih baik.
Maklum prediksi (short term) dg kenyataan yg terjadi malah berbanding terbalik.
Pontang panting sikit, tp mayanlah masih bisa ikut pesta...hehehe...
Kondisi begini saya akan lebih banyak "membaca dan mendengar".

> please don't take too much stress. Be patient, slowly but surely we'll go to
> 5000.

Ok Elaine, you're the BOZZ now...I'm with YOU.

Good Luck!


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Re: [ob] Re: Masih ada belum dapat gain?

2009-04-16 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Elaine, just quick question. 

I am bidding with my colleagues that end of this year the JSX would be popping 
at 2,200. I'm pretty sure to pump up another 600 from current level wouldn't be 
impossible target for you to achieve. Is this viable target?

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-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui 

Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 16:37:23 
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: Masih ada belum dapat gain?


Pushing a 500pts rally (mid term), making 8:2 score **(short term) **and
resurrecting dead stocks (in 2 days) were not easy tasks, but so far it's a
great success and I have to say many thanks to all participant in OB. I
won't change my mind for even for 5-10% correction so the answer is YES, i'm
still investing.

Anyway Elaine sudah warning about margin trading, and my target was 1600 in
June, obviously there are other market participants who join our party.
Oentoeng? Fred Schubert? I have no idea.

I'm glad I can share my strategy to OB, hope you guys made some profit, and
please don't take too much stress. Be patient, slowly but surely we'll go to

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 1:49 PM, Rei  wrote:

> Are you still with me EL? Investing mode still on yeah?
> On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 11:52 AM, Elaine Sui wrote:
>> *IDX. I said this last Saturday, it's been 11% and we have only one day
>> left. Anyway I'm not supposed to 'leak' short term target coz my intention
>> to ask everyone to be investor, not day trader.
>> Kalau stock picks,... I dunno I'm getting bored with this question.
>> Elaine**
>> *
>>  On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 11:42 AM, jsx_consultant <
>>> wrote:
>>> --- In, Elaine Sui 
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > *Elaine punya target 15% this week, if you remember.
>>> >
>>> > Elaine*
>>> >
>>> Index or Stock ?, which stock dear ?.
>>> Now  IHSG 1637.
>>> + +
>>> + + + + +
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>>> kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
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Re: [ob] BUMI

2009-04-15 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Kalau koreksi ambil di 1080 lagi ya Pak JT?
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-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader" 

Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 10:47:12 
To: ; ; 

Subject: [ob] BUMI

Sekedar sharing., bukan karena ane udah exit ya.., Resistance level
1170-1180.., ti-ati., tapi kalau lari sampe break 1200.. HOLD !! 


Mudah-mudahan koreksi dulu biar sehat..,  sekalian jemput gue.. hahaha



Re: DEWA - RE: [ob] RE: MyLRI Re ELTY

2009-04-15 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
CNKO, CPRO, BNBR bagaimana?
Powered by my VerryBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader" 

Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 16:05:25 
Subject: RE: DEWA - RE: [ob] RE: MyLRI Re ELTY

Masih ke gocapan juga…., hehe..




From: [] On 
Behalf Of
Sent: 15 April 2009 15:50
Subject: Re: DEWA - RE: [ob] RE: MyLRI Re ELTY


Switch kemana :)

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT


From: "JsxTrader" 
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 15:46:14 +0700
Subject: RE: DEWA - RE: [ob] RE: MyLRI Re ELTY

Teman.., saya exit dulu yah…, sekedar mau TP dan switching…, yg mau lanjut 
silahkan, moga-moga bsk bisa break 94…, kalau iya saya akan coba BHSH…, kalau 
ngga ya nanti kita pungut lagi dibawah…hehe…, Good Luck.




From: [] On 
Behalf Of AURORA
Sent: 15 April 2009 14:32
Subject: Re: DEWA - RE: [ob] RE: MyLRI Re ELTY


setuju pak jt..

yang penting closing deket2 resistance aja...90 juga udah mantap..

besok hajar lagi...biar gak kena suspend hehehee


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Re: [ob] BUM-BUM On track ??

2009-04-15 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Saya juga sudah TP tadi pagi, terinspirasi Pak Artomoro.

Share ya Pak, kapan bisa masuk lagi. Ngeri resistance "repo" dibeberapa spot 
harga atas. 

Powered by my VerryBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader" 

Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 16:03:24 
Subject: RE: [ob] BUM-BUM On track ??

Ngga dibantai lah., Cuma distribusi biasa aja.., Saya TP dulu.., besok kalau
koreksi masuk lagi., ngiler abisnya., hehe., tapi jangan khawatir., arahnya
masih keatas.., I'll be back !!




From: []
On Behalf Of Iwan
Sent: 15 April 2009 15:38
Subject: [ob] BUM-BUM On track ??


Prof JT, BUM-BUM dibantai neh, gimana ? tambah posisi ?


- Original Message - 

From: Aria Bela Nusa   


Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 6:50 PM

Subject: RE: [SPAM][SPAM][ob] ITMG -> To Prof JT


Sptnya mixed hari ini - ada minings yg naek2, ada yg turun2 - tapi yg pasti
bankings + property (kayaknya ada hub keduanya) mulai gerak2, 'tuh



From: []
On Behalf Of hendi_lie
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 1:55 PM
Subject: [SPAM][SPAM][ob] ITMG -> To Prof JT


Prof, minta comment mengenai ITMG koq gak naek2... Tx


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Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

2009-04-11 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Pak Iban,

Saya download sesuai dengan link yang dikasih Pak JT. No problem, sekali 
download langsung jalan. 

Powered by my VerryBerry®

-Original Message-

Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2009 07:00:27 
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Pak Yuta boleh softwarenya di share?


Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "Yuta Tiziano" 

Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2009 04:10:36 
To: Obrolan Bandar
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Saya juga pakai Bold OS .247 operator telkomsel bisa download dan install.
Tapi JCI:IND tidak default jadi harus add dulu. Juga USD/IDR tidak ada. 
Software ini sangat cakep, bisa monitor dengan gratis. Soalnya kalau IPOT pakai 
apn operator. 

Powered by my VerryBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader™"

Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2009 03:14:38 
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Bold saya BM, logo O2 (os .247).., Curve saya 8130 garansi resmi, polos (no 
logo), dua-duanya bisa install App World, No problem at all termasuk install 
aplikasi yg ada di dalam App World juga lancar, operator pake TLKM dan XL yg 

Coba tanya temen2 yg berhasil download tuh.., mereka pakai apa?

btw Bloombergnya cakep lo, bukan cuma link doang seperti kalau kita download 

Powered by TLKM BullBerry®

-Original Message-

Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2009 09:07:50 
Subject: RE: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Pak JT
Tanya dikit, apa BB nya dari provider resmi atau beli di BM ?
Kali disini penyebabnya ??
Apa perbedaaan antara BB resmi dan BM ??

Thanks for sharing A3K

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of JsxTrader™
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2009 12:40 AM
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Mangkanya pake TLKM..., hehehe

Powered by TLKM BullBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "Margareth Renata" 

Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 17:36:03
To: OB
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Thanks Prof, setelah beberapa kali coba akhirnya bisa juga. Mungkin tadi
failed karena jaringannya. Once again makasih ya :)


from my Amazing BlackBerry®
powered by INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader™"

Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 17:17:55
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Hmm.., kenapa ya.., saya sih ngga masalah.., apa karena koneksinya? Dicoba
lagi aja, linknya cuma itu aja, barusan saya re-check jalan koq..., justru
kalau dari BB help malah ngga kebuka link downloadnya.., coba deh..

Powered by TLKM BullBerry®

-Original Message-

Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 16:51:13
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Sama Pak JT saya juga ga bisa download. Alasan sama dg mbak Retha
Ada link lain?
Sent from my DaonBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader™"

Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 16:46:47
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Kalo download dari BB help memang gak bisa, tapi kalau dari link yang saya
kasih bisa koq, saya coba di Bold and Curve jalan dengan baik.., dan bisa
install aplikasi2 yg ada didalamnya flawlessly. BOLD saya O2, OS .247 and
Curve polos with latest OS. (Lupa versinya)

Powered by TLKM BullBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "Margareth Renata" 

Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 16:40:17
To: OB
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Prof, Retha download kok gagal terus ya. Apa karena hanya untuk pelanggan
di Canada, US, UK?

"Discover a whole new world at BlackBerry App World. Currently only
available to customers located in Canada, United States, and the United


from my Amazing BlackBerry®
powered by INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader™"

Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 15:22:25
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Sekedar sharing for BB user..., install App World on your BB, banyak
aplikasi yg bagus2 disitu, baik yg free maupun bayar, termasuk Bloomberg.

("Bloomberg offers news, stock quotes, company descriptions, market
leaders/laggers, price charts, market trends analysis, and more. You are
also able to create a customized list of stocks that you want to follow
from markets around the world")

Ini linknya, Semoga Bermanfaat..

Powered by TLKM BullBerry®

-Original Message-

Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 14:55:37
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Memang mau pantengin seharian ??
Kalau saya sih pakai myidxport (yahoo messanger)
Misal, saya set PTBA > 7500, nah, kalau P

Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

2009-04-10 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Saya juga pakai Bold OS .247 operator telkomsel bisa download dan install.
Tapi JCI:IND tidak default jadi harus add dulu. Juga USD/IDR tidak ada. 
Software ini sangat cakep, bisa monitor dengan gratis. Soalnya kalau IPOT pakai 
apn operator. 

Powered by my VerryBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader™"

Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2009 03:14:38 
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Bold saya BM, logo O2 (os .247).., Curve saya 8130 garansi resmi, polos (no 
logo), dua-duanya bisa install App World, No problem at all termasuk install 
aplikasi yg ada di dalam App World juga lancar, operator pake TLKM dan XL yg 

Coba tanya temen2 yg berhasil download tuh.., mereka pakai apa?

btw Bloombergnya cakep lo, bukan cuma link doang seperti kalau kita download 

Powered by TLKM BullBerry®

-Original Message-

Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2009 09:07:50 
Subject: RE: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Pak JT
Tanya dikit, apa BB nya dari provider resmi atau beli di BM ?
Kali disini penyebabnya ??
Apa perbedaaan antara BB resmi dan BM ??

Thanks for sharing A3K

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of JsxTrader™
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2009 12:40 AM
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Mangkanya pake TLKM..., hehehe

Powered by TLKM BullBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "Margareth Renata" 

Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 17:36:03
To: OB
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Thanks Prof, setelah beberapa kali coba akhirnya bisa juga. Mungkin tadi
failed karena jaringannya. Once again makasih ya :)


from my Amazing BlackBerry®
powered by INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader™"

Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 17:17:55
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Hmm.., kenapa ya.., saya sih ngga masalah.., apa karena koneksinya? Dicoba
lagi aja, linknya cuma itu aja, barusan saya re-check jalan koq..., justru
kalau dari BB help malah ngga kebuka link downloadnya.., coba deh..

Powered by TLKM BullBerry®

-Original Message-

Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 16:51:13
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Sama Pak JT saya juga ga bisa download. Alasan sama dg mbak Retha
Ada link lain?
Sent from my DaonBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader™"

Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 16:46:47
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Kalo download dari BB help memang gak bisa, tapi kalau dari link yang saya
kasih bisa koq, saya coba di Bold and Curve jalan dengan baik.., dan bisa
install aplikasi2 yg ada didalamnya flawlessly. BOLD saya O2, OS .247 and
Curve polos with latest OS. (Lupa versinya)

Powered by TLKM BullBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "Margareth Renata" 

Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 16:40:17
To: OB
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Prof, Retha download kok gagal terus ya. Apa karena hanya untuk pelanggan
di Canada, US, UK?

"Discover a whole new world at BlackBerry App World. Currently only
available to customers located in Canada, United States, and the United


from my Amazing BlackBerry®
powered by INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader™"

Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 15:22:25
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Sekedar sharing for BB user..., install App World on your BB, banyak
aplikasi yg bagus2 disitu, baik yg free maupun bayar, termasuk Bloomberg.

("Bloomberg offers news, stock quotes, company descriptions, market
leaders/laggers, price charts, market trends analysis, and more. You are
also able to create a customized list of stocks that you want to follow
from markets around the world")

Ini linknya, Semoga Bermanfaat..

Powered by TLKM BullBerry®

-Original Message-

Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 14:55:37
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Memang mau pantengin seharian ??
Kalau saya sih pakai myidxport (yahoo messanger)
Misal, saya set PTBA > 7500, nah, kalau PTBA harganya > 7500, nanti muncul
di YM saya.
Kalau tetap mau pakai idx mobile, pakai provider yg biaya data nya murah/
unlimited aja.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung

-Original Message-
From: "tomyconan" 

Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 14:34:13
Subject: [ob] Re: lihat saham di blackberry

Pak,kalau idx nya makan kb nya bnyk ngak ya?soalnya kan datanya jalan

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[ob] Investors Are Still Wondering If Stock Rally Is for Real

2009-04-10 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
REUTERS | April 09, 2009 | 12:00 PM EDT

U.S. stocks typically rebound six months before the economy, but investors 
worry that the current 25 percent rally since the market's March 9 low could be 
a red herring.

At the same time, lack of investor conviction — or simple fear — can be 
considered a sign of a healthy market.

Reasons to be pessimistic about the economic outlook abound: unemployment is 
the highest since 1983, house prices are still falling by record amounts and 
persistent questions remain about which banks will still be in business next 

Many investors are holding out for clearer signs that the worst financial 
crisis in generations is over before they commit to jumping back into the stock 
market. They worry that more bad news awaits in the months ahead to trip up the 
latest rally.

Declining volume tells part of the technical story. The average total value of 
stocks traded each day on the Nasdaq has fallen about 40 percent from 2008 
levels so far this year through March.

Wall Street's fear gauge, the CBOE Market Volatility index, also remains 
stubbornly high, only dipping below 40 in recent sessions despite trading below 
30 in more normal times.

Still, stock prices may have reached a bottom in early March, said Linda 
Duessel, a market strategist at Federated Investors in Pittsburgh.

"Insofar as 'Will investors jump back in like they have historically?' I think 
the numbers are showing that they are much more reluctant," she said.

The S&P 500 Index is up 25 percent from a 12-1/2 year low in early March. Last 
week, a Reuters poll of Wall Street dealers showed seven of 11 economists 
forecast a turnaround starting in the third quarter.

Yet investors big and small have been hit with huge losses, with the benchmark 
S&P 500 index down 46 percent since hitting an all-time high in October 2007.

The equities market in the past has rebounded anywhere from three months to 
nine months before the economy reverses its slide, with the average time about 
six months.

"The market consensus right now is for positive GDP in the third quarter," said 
Tim Ghriskey, chief investment officer of Solaris Asset Management in Bedford 
Hills, New York. "The worry is, that might be a little bit premature."

The U.S. economy is on track for the worst recession since World War Two, 
leaving investors warier than in other downturns in recent years.

Wall Street has made several attempts to move higher since last October, only 
to be pulled back to new lows each time.

Bruce Bittles, chief investment strategist at Robert W. Baird & Co in 
Nashville, would like to see even more investor skepticism, as the point of 
maximum optimism is typically the top of the market.

"The more skepticism we see (in the market), the better the chances the market 
has of going up," he said. "We don't want to see optimism here, that would be a 
negative for market."

Given the view that the economy will turn around in the third quarter, some 
investors have returned to the market.

"People may be getting in sooner than the six months," said Carl Birkelbach, 
chairman and CEO of Birkelbach Investment Securities in Chicago. "I think that 
people will always pit fear against greed and once the market starts moving up, 
greed will start taking over."

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Re: [ob] Bullish for Asia

2009-04-09 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano

Maybe too detail questions but yet it might give us some "confidence" to invest 

1. What portion between stock and cash are you holding now? 

2. What best strategy now, put more on current (bottoming) or just straight to 
dollar averaging? BOW is one of tactic though

3. I do perceive that you are overweighting commodities (metal+coal+plantation) 
as they are now undevaluation from its fundamental things. Are the same 
situation happening in other countries, like China, Australia? as benchmarking 

Powered by my VerryBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui 

Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 12:03:54 
Subject: Re: [ob] Bullish for Asia

*'Clues ' are more like riddle, so no I don't give clues. I prefer to share
investment strategy. Buy this, short this, hold this. Target x% in y month.
Things like that. (last year I told everyone on how I work but seems nobody
believes so whatever lah)

If you have the access, you should invest in Iran Stock Exchange, overweight
on alternative energy sector (read:nuclear).

For Indonesia, 2/3Q09 is the revenge of the METALheads + coal + plantation.
Target up to 50%, in less than 6 months (Oct09). ps: these sectors have been
rising like 100% since Nov 08,..

BUMI, MEDCO, EMP and Bakrie Plants. are laggards, but they eventually will
catch up.


On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 7:56 PM,  wrote:

> Yeah! Just wonder how can Elaine get such a amazing prediction?
> El, please give us some clues...
> Tx b4
> Sent from my BlackBerry®
> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
> --
> *From*: fifi young
> *Date*: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 19:41:38 +0700
> *To*: 
> *Subject*: Re: [ob] Bullish for Asia
> Wow...!
> This is my 1st time ever to see Elaine in such a
> long writing...
> Seems you are so happy today...
> Oh yeah... it's election day... no wonder...
> You already knew who's gonna win...
> 'n you knew what will happen next...
> Every1 sure will always remember you...
> an awesome young lady with brilliant n hard head,
> cool hand to execute every single details...
> You are indeed 1 of a kind...
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Elaine Sui  wrote:
>> *JT said Buy on Weakness*
>> *Embah said this is not a bear rally*
>> *Artmoro said more less the same*
>> *Dean said Welcome bull*
>> *Sima flip flopped but she's bullish*
>> *Oentoeng and boyz disappears indefinitely (maybe they're getting married
>> somewhere lolz, rumor said)*
>> * Where's James Arifin?
>> Tasrul seems bullish*
>> *Rei is always bullish (even last year..ha ha)*
>> *Fifi is always be like a soccer mom on steroid*
>> *Abdulrazen the coolest and most handsome livestock in the world*
>> *Ruzli was OWNED by me*
>> *Billy seems expert on technical but has problem with recommendation
>> (buy..? sell? hold? reduce? add? what's the action? you can't recommend buy
>> and sell at the same time [?])*
>> *Buffett is still yangkut lolz but he's bullish
>> Jim rogers is bullish on commodities
>> Cramer is bullish
>> Even Professor Roubini now is not as bearish as he used to be.
>> **Almost all media coverage is showing bullishness on the economy,
>> especially Asia.
>> Well, it seems that OB family finally get together on the same track to
>> the North Pole. I said l...@everyone. I'm happy. You're happy. Everyone is
>> happy. In the end, you may double your portfolio if you're good, make five
>> fold if you're lucky or even ten fold if you were me. (not really but you
>> get the idea [?])
>> This may sound crazy too but I think there's a chance that Nikkei Index
>> will finally make a new all time high in five to ten years from now.
>> Indonesia, along with Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore were once called the
>> Asian Tigers in the 90's, and will be once again in 2010, together with
>> China (the Dragons), and Japan. Interestingly enough, Australia is LEANING
>> to Asia.
>> Ten years from now, I hope you guys still remember my name. I will get
>> what I want, I know my expectation, I share everything you need to know and
>> fgod sake if you still didn't make money like 100% for the last 6 months
>> I'm serious.
>> Elaine Sui*


Re: [ob] Reply to Embah - Is the Stock Market Headed Back Down?

2009-04-09 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Kalau yang saya tangkap, gerakan Dow akan banyak dipengaruhi oleh sector
financial terutama banking. Alasannya jelas, karena sekarang bagaimana
pemerintah US harus bisa membuang (menghapuskan buku) kredit macet (toxic
aset) dengan metoda akutansi. Dan juga pemerintah sedang melakukan stress
test untuk melihat apakah bail out plan berjalan lancar dan banking bisa
mulai menyalurkan kredit dan issue keringnya liquidity di pasar bisa

Untuk ini perlu beberapa bulan ke depan dan juga sambil melihat apakah
program bantuan dari pemerintah terhadap keluarga akan mulai memperlihatkan
hasil dengan naiknya buying power. Dengan bunga mendekati 0%, banking boleh
dibilang harus bertumpu income dari kredit, dan itu yang tidak berjalan.
Jika hanya dengan bail out, maka berapapun dana yg disuntik tidak akan
habisnya dan pemerintah bisa collapse. Ini yg ditakuti pasar.

Jadi, jika ternyata banking bisa menghasilkan profit dengan hasil Q2 > Q1
(atau even Wels Fargo ternyata Q1nya profit), maka boleh dibilang program
stimulus is workable dan pasar akan menerima bahwa krisis finansial sudah
mendekati babak akhir.

Jika sebaliknya kalau gagal, maka investor akan dump saham banking yang
pastinya akan menyeret saham lainnya dan Dow mostlikely akan buat new low ke

Begitu kira2 Pak Rei. Mungkin saja saya salah

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 7:30 PM, Rei  wrote:

> So setelah naik tinggi akan anjlok lagi krn alasan technical? Binun...
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 4:23 PM, Yuta Tiziano wrote:
>> Embah,
>> Mengenai pertanyaan Embah apakah Dow Jones akan buat new low. Ini saya
>> quote wawancara dari Time dengan Technical Analyst dari BoA/ML. Baca
>> statement di alinea terakhir.
>> Rgds,
>> Yuta
>> Is the Stock Market Headed Back Down?
>> By John Curran
>> After a four-week rally, stocks moved lower on Monday and Tuesday. Does
>> this spell the end of the uptrend or just healthy consolidation? To find
>> out, TIME contributing editor John Curran spoke with Mary Ann Bartels, stock
>> market technical analyst at Bank of America/Merrill Lynch.
>> TIME: After a big rally, stocks are moving lower this week. Should we be
>> concerned?
>> Bartels: We view this as a consolidation within a more bullish context.
>> That is, we think we can still achieve recovery highs with this rally.
>> So this is healthy?
>> No, I wouldn't say healthy. What we said coming into 2009 is that stocks
>> would enter a base-building phase that would, over time, heal the technical
>> damage done to the market in 2008. What base-building means is that you go
>> into a trading range. But we also could have some very exciting rallies in
>> the process of base-building.
>> So does this rally have more to go?
>> This rally can hit 1055 on the S&P 500 and 9800 on the Dow, but longer
>> term, we have to view this in the context of a base-building process, which
>> means that we are probably going to go back down and retest the lows before
>> this process is over. [The stock market's lows were 667 on the S&P 500 and
>> 6440 on the Dow, both reached in early March.]
>> The S&P 500 index is lately yielding more than Treasuries, be it the
>> T-bill, the five-year note or the 10 year. This is quite rare, but is it
>> significant?
>> Whenever the dividend yield on the S&P 500 rises above 3%, which it has,
>> that's significant, even if it's not above the 10-year Treasury. It says
>> stocks are attractive. That said, we are very cautious about what to own in
>> this market. Bottom line: If you can find high-quality companies -- meaning
>> they have a good balance sheet and provide yield -- we think for the
>> long-term investor this is now an attractive way to invest. The
>> consumer-staples sector (i.e., food, beverage, tobacco, etc.) is a good
>> sector for finding these types of stocks.
>> So base-building allows this rally to continue for a while, but you're
>> also saying that it could take the Dow back below 7000? What determines our
>> fate?
>> Whether we return to the lows will really depend on what happens to the
>> financial-sector stocks. The government has provided many new programs to
>> help fix our banking system, and how those programs work will determine
>> whether the financial stocks have to go to new lows. The broader stock
>> market has been building a technical base since October, but financial
>> stocks are just starting to build a base. The risk we have is that financial
>> stocks will have to go to new lows, and that will cause more volatility in
>> the o

[ob] Reply to Embah - Is the Stock Market Headed Back Down?

2009-04-09 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano

Mengenai pertanyaan Embah apakah Dow Jones akan buat new low. Ini saya quote 
wawancara dari Time dengan Technical Analyst dari BoA/ML. Baca statement di 
alinea terakhir.  


Is the Stock Market Headed Back Down?
By John Curran

After a four-week rally, stocks moved lower on Monday and Tuesday. Does this 
spell the end of the uptrend or just healthy consolidation? To find out, TIME 
contributing editor John Curran spoke with Mary Ann Bartels, stock market 
technical analyst at Bank of America/Merrill Lynch.

TIME: After a big rally, stocks are moving lower this week. Should we be 
Bartels: We view this as a consolidation within a more bullish context. That 
is, we think we can still achieve recovery highs with this rally.

So this is healthy?
No, I wouldn't say healthy. What we said coming into 2009 is that stocks would 
enter a base-building phase that would, over time, heal the technical damage 
done to the market in 2008. What base-building means is that you go into a 
trading range. But we also could have some very exciting rallies in the process 
of base-building.

So does this rally have more to go?
This rally can hit 1055 on the S&P 500 and 9800 on the Dow, but longer term, we 
have to view this in the context of a base-building process, which means that 
we are probably going to go back down and retest the lows before this process 
is over. [The stock market's lows were 667 on the S&P 500 and 6440 on the Dow, 
both reached in early March.]

The S&P 500 index is lately yielding more than Treasuries, be it the T-bill, 
the five-year note or the 10 year. This is quite rare, but is it significant?

Whenever the dividend yield on the S&P 500 rises above 3%, which it has, that's 
significant, even if it's not above the 10-year Treasury. It says stocks are 
attractive. That said, we are very cautious about what to own in this market. 
Bottom line: If you can find high-quality companies -- meaning they have a good 
balance sheet and provide yield -- we think for the long-term investor this is 
now an attractive way to invest. The consumer-staples sector (i.e., food, 
beverage, tobacco, etc.) is a good sector for finding these types of stocks.

So base-building allows this rally to continue for a while, but you're also 
saying that it could take the Dow back below 7000? What determines our fate?
Whether we return to the lows will really depend on what happens to the 
financial-sector stocks. The government has provided many new programs to help 
fix our banking system, and how those programs work will determine whether the 
financial stocks have to go to new lows. The broader stock market has been 
building a technical base since October, but financial stocks are just starting 
to build a base. The risk we have is that financial stocks will have to go to 
new lows, and that will cause more volatility in the overall market.

Are there any parallels to this stock market?

We've likened this market to 1937 and 1938. In '37 you saw a 50% correction 
within the equity market. But in 1938, from March '38 to November '38, the 
market had a 60% rally. That was all part of a base-building process. The stock 
market really didn't make its low until 1942, and that was a marginal new low 
-- all in the context of building a base. So what we're trying to tell 
investors is that the key to this market now is patience -- that this is going 
to take time but that this trading-range process will, over time, heal the 
market. And eventually, at some point in time, we will launch into a new bull 

O.K., back to the present: With stocks dropping this week, at what market level 
do you start to believe that we're going back to retest the lows of March?
If we go below 740 on the S&P and around 7030 on the Dow.

Good to know. Thanks.

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Re: [ob] Soros bilang: Ini masih BEAR MARKET RALLY

2009-04-07 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Maybe too late to comment. 

Every region is suffering turbulences due to sharp drop in demand amids overly 
surplus. And the country who can boost demand, in this case buying appetite, 
naming Asia (China, India and Indonesia too) will be escaping from what so 
called "crisis". 


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-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui 

Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 08:54:28 
Subject: Re: [ob] Soros bilang: Ini masih BEAR MARKET RALLY

*Well, what you mention below are manufactured in China, your bank run by
Indian. Facebook and other media is owned by Jews, you drive either Japanese
or Korean car which consumes Arab oil, and you eat local food.

What? Pirated movie? that goes to China too.. lolz.. American only own debt.

*On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 8:17 AM, JsxTrader™  wrote:

>  Yea..yea..yea..., china can produce about anything, but without US, who's
> gonna consume?? Hehe..., come on EL, you know better than that my dear.
> Who's gonna need US?? I DO..., Yes, I do..., I love their movie, music,
> junk food, gadget, books, Mac, Nike, etc..etc..etc..., point is, look around
> you, see how your live is closely 'related' to Uncle Sam..., IMHO, it is too
> arogan to say we don't need them..., lolz..
> Sent from my BullBerry® smartphone
> --
> *From*: Elaine Sui
> *Date*: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 23:12:20 +0700
> *To*: 
> *Subject*: Re: [ob] Soros bilang: Ini masih BEAR MARKET RALLY
> *That's right!
> Asia will survive without the US and Eurozone. China can produce any
> product, from cars, electronics, weapons, movies, everything. The US cannot
> create cheap labor like the Chinese. India has the most economic and
> technology students in the World. Indonesia has the biggest palm oil field,
> tin and coal mines. Japan has the most advanced robotic technology and Korea
> has the best drama TV series.. [?]
> Who need US? lolz really nowaday it becomes less and less significant to
> us.
> I have an interesting article, please read it.
> Elaine*
> On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 10:54 PM, Rei  wrote:
>>  So the recovery would be led/started in Asia and would eventually spread
>> to US & Europe...
>> On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 10:32 PM, Yuta Tiziano wrote:
>>> If I can summarize:
>>> 1. China economy will recover mid-year (optimist) or not later than end
>>> of this year (pesimist) helped by the gigantic stimulus packet
>>> 2. The snowball effect will spread all over the Asia region, particulary
>>> those countries who export commodities to China, including Indonesia
>>> 3. Indonesia economic (read: stock) will be depending how fast China
>>> economy bouncing back which they will start to (accumulate) buy resources as
>>> SEA-China trade is one fo the most busiest from trading amount and traffic
>>> viewpoint
>>> 4. And bit by bit, US economic will get its multiple positive influences
>>> from Asia
>>> That's how the recovery will work, right?
>>> Rgds,
>>> Yuta
>>> Powered by my VerryBerry®
>>> --
>>> *From*: Elaine Sui
>>> *Date*: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 22:08:31 +0700
>>> *To*: 
>>> *Subject*: Re: [ob] Soros bilang: Ini masih BEAR MARKET RALLY
>>> *
>>> "In the old days you needed to conquer a country with military force, and
>>> then you could control that country. Today it's not necessary at all. You
>>> can destabilize a country, make it poor, and then make it request help. And
>>> [in exchange] for the help that is given, you gain control over the policies
>>> of the country, and when you gain control over the policies of a country,
>>> effectively you have colonized that country." - DR. MAHATHIR BIN
>>> MOHAMMAD (July 2nd, 2001)
>>> I quote him coz this is what happens to the US. No country can beat the
>>> US with military forces, not even China or Russia. Today, effectively the US
>>> future is in the hand of China (it's the largest creditor, exceeding Japan,
>>> with more than $700 bil of T-Bonds.)
>>> Elaine*
>>> On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 6:47 PM, jsx_consultant <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Soros bilang: Ini masih BEAR MARKET RALLY
>>>> Tapi kalo kita perhatikan po

Re: [ob] Soros bilang: Ini masih BEAR MARKET RALLY

2009-04-07 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
If I can summarize:

1. China economy will recover mid-year (optimist) or not later than end of this 
year (pesimist) helped by the gigantic stimulus packet
2. The snowball effect will spread all over the Asia region, particulary those 
countries who export commodities to China, including Indonesia
3. Indonesia economic (read: stock) will be depending how fast China economy 
bouncing back which they will start to (accumulate) buy resources as SEA-China 
trade is one fo the most busiest from trading amount and traffic viewpoint 
4. And bit by bit, US economic will get its multiple positive influences from 

That's how the recovery will work, right?


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-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui 

Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 22:08:31 
Subject: Re: [ob] Soros bilang: Ini masih BEAR MARKET RALLY


"In the old days you needed to conquer a country with military force, and
then you could control that country. Today it's not necessary at all. You
can destabilize a country, make it poor, and then make it request help. And
[in exchange] for the help that is given, you gain control over the policies
of the country, and when you gain control over the policies of a country,
effectively you have colonized that country." - DR. MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMMAD
(July 2nd, 2001)

I quote him coz this is what happens to the US. No country can beat the US
with military forces, not even China or Russia. Today, effectively the US
future is in the hand of China (it's the largest creditor, exceeding Japan,
with more than $700 bil of T-Bonds.)


On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 6:47 PM, jsx_consultant <> wrote:

> Soros bilang: Ini masih BEAR MARKET RALLY
> Tapi kalo kita perhatikan pola wave IHSG dan DJI berbeda:
> - IHSG bentuk last wavenya: UPTREND (Higher Low + Higher High)
> - DJI bentuk last wavenya: masih DOWNTREND (Lower High + Lower Low)
> El, What do you think ?.
> Will Indonesia, China and India market have different market
> rally compared to US market ? Will the world's indexes decouple ?.
> + +
> + + + + +
> Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
> kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
> + + + + +
> + +Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: [ob] IHSG Hari Senin & Pekan Ini

2009-04-06 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Thanks. Trust nowadays will be tremendous time to invest. It won't come twice 
life time. 

Your theory is crazy but it's not crazy enough to be true. I like it.

Wise man says every cloud has a silver lining. I'm with you and time is my 
sincere friend. 

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-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui 

Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 13:57:16 
Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG Hari Senin & Pekan Ini

*Yes, but please don't expect it to happen overnight.

2009/4/6 Yuta Tiziano 

>  Earlier you said that BUMI's negative factor has bring IDX down below
> 2000. And along with optimistism and some good news, BUMI will touch the new
> higher of 10,000, which consequently will push toward IDX to 3,000,
> correct?. Just want to reconfirm.
> Powered by my VerryBerry®
> --
> *From*: Elaine Sui
> *Date*: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 13:26:57 +0700
> *To*: 
> *Subject*: Re: [ob] IHSG Hari Senin & Pekan Ini
> *Realizing profit? I see they're only losing potential gain. Yang penting
> Elaine sudah kasih tahu, mau ikut atau tidak it's not really my business.
> IDX will have new high perhaps next year, and this week the score will be
> 7:0 straight. But don't worry my dear technicalists, you'll get your
> correction next year, so be patience.
> lolz.. [?]
> Elaine**
> *
> 2009/4/6 Rei 
>>  It's mostly cause everyone is trading, letting go their holdings once
>> they make few points and then when the market goes higher, they will be in
>> confusion whether to buy at higher price or wait for is to
>> wait for correction, hence the wish for a correction hehehe I know..I know,
>> you said "Invest!"
>> Not many want to invest, everyone wants to realize their profits fast.
>> "Jsx Investor" (courtesy of pak Yudizz) [?]
>> 2009/4/6 Elaine Sui 
>> *Let the market decide.. ha ha ha.. well okay TA is not my field so no
>>> comment. Geez, why'd anyone want a correction.
>>> Elaine**
>>> *
>>> 2009/4/6 
>>>> Ms Elaine,
>>>> Any comment on below writings ?
>>>> A3K
>>>> >
>>>> > IHSG pada pekan lalu menguat 2.5% di level psikologis 1,500, berkat
>>>> > serangkaian laporan positif dari inflasi Maret, penurunan suku bunga
>>>> BI
>>>> > menjadi 7.50%, cadangan devisa capai $54.8 milyar (31 Maret), kenaikan
>>>> > harga komoditas serta penguatan rupiah ke 11,380 hari Jumat.
>>>> Positifnya
>>>> > hasil pertemuan G20 di London hari Kamis lalu & rencana Program
>>>> pembelian
>>>> > aset beracun oleh Pemerintahan Obama, telah angkat saham di seluruh
>>>> dunia,
>>>> > berkat spekulasi resesi ekonomi global akan segera berakhir. Solidnya
>>>> > laporan keuangan emiten (BUMI, BMRI, BBRI, BBCA, ELSA, BBNI, PTBA,
>>>> INDY)
>>>> > minggu lalu ikut dorong kenaikan IHSG ke tertinggi 1,511 hari Jumat.
>>>> > Tetapi euphoria rally akan dibatasi oleh dimulainya musim Earnings Q1
>>>> di
>>>> > AS (Alcoa & Chevron) yang berpeluang menunjukkan 'poor result'
>>>> &
>>>> > peluang profit taking jelang liburan Paskah & pemilu 9 April Jumat
>>>> pekan
>>>> > ini. Kondisi teknikal yang overbought & lemahnya ekonomi dalam negeri
>>>> &
>>>> > global ikut membatasi Rally dalam
>>>> >  Bear Market.
>>>> >
>>>> > Technical Analysis: IHSG menunjukkan pola reversal minor hari Jumat
>>>> berkat
>>>> > pola candle doji star, volume rendah, MFI menunjukkan toppish, MACD
>>>> > intraday negatif (pertama x dalam 3 hari terakhir) & masih ditutup
>>>> dibawah
>>>> > 50% retracement fibo di 1,504. Jika level 1,511 tîdak berhasil
>>>> ditembus
>>>> > Senin, potensi koreksi terbuka ke support 1,494/1,478. Formasi bullish
>>>> > IHSG : MACD diatas positif, golden cross 20 & 100 day EMA, candle
>>>> weekly
>>>> > long white candle + vol meningkat, seharusnya masih dukung potensi
>>>> > kenaikan kendati terbatas karena kondisi overbought (stochastic daily)
>>>> > pada pekan ini.  Ascending triangle resistance line di 1,525/30an &
>>>> sub
>>>> > wave 5 dalam koreksi wave IV, patut diwaspadai bullish player (Bear
>>>> Market
>>>> > Rally). Untuk medium term: IHSG bearish selama berada di bawah 200-day
>>>> EMA
>>>> > di 1,610 & 38.2% retracement fibo (2,832-1,089) di 1,754. Perkiraan
>>>> range
>>>> > pekan ini 1,420-1,530.
>>>> >
>>>> > Profit taking untuk akumulasi pekan depan: AALI, ANTM, BUMI, INDY,
>>>> LSIP,
>>>> of
>>>> > overbought).
>>>> > Akumulasi TLKM, ITMG, TBLA, MEDC, BISI, PTRO.
>>>> >
>>>> > Disclaimer.
>>>> >
>>>> > Blog:
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> + +
>>>> + + + + +
>>>> Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
>>>> kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
>>>> + + + + +
>>>> + +Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: [ob] IHSG Hari Senin & Pekan Ini

2009-04-05 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Earlier you said that BUMI's negative factor has bring IDX down below 2000. And 
along with optimistism and some good news, BUMI will touch the new higher of 
10,000, which consequently will push toward IDX to 3,000, correct?. Just want 
to reconfirm. 

Powered by my VerryBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui 

Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 13:26:57 
Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG Hari Senin & Pekan Ini

*Realizing profit? I see they're only losing potential gain. Yang penting
Elaine sudah kasih tahu, mau ikut atau tidak it's not really my business.
IDX will have new high perhaps next year, and this week the score will be
7:0 straight. But don't worry my dear technicalists, you'll get your
correction next year, so be patience.

lolz.. [?]

2009/4/6 Rei 

>  It's mostly cause everyone is trading, letting go their holdings once
> they make few points and then when the market goes higher, they will be in
> confusion whether to buy at higher price or wait for is to
> wait for correction, hence the wish for a correction hehehe I know..I know,
> you said "Invest!"
> Not many want to invest, everyone wants to realize their profits fast.
> "Jsx Investor" (courtesy of pak Yudizz) [?]
> 2009/4/6 Elaine Sui 
>*Let the market decide.. ha ha ha.. well okay TA is not my field so no
>> comment. Geez, why'd anyone want a correction.
>> Elaine**
>> *
>> 2009/4/6 
>>> Ms Elaine,
>>> Any comment on below writings ?
>>> A3K
>>> >
>>> > IHSG pada pekan lalu menguat 2.5% di level psikologis 1,500, berkat
>>> > serangkaian laporan positif dari inflasi Maret, penurunan suku bunga BI
>>> > menjadi 7.50%, cadangan devisa capai $54.8 milyar (31 Maret), kenaikan
>>> > harga komoditas serta penguatan rupiah ke 11,380 hari Jumat. Positifnya
>>> > hasil pertemuan G20 di London hari Kamis lalu & rencana Program
>>> pembelian
>>> > aset beracun oleh Pemerintahan Obama, telah angkat saham di seluruh
>>> dunia,
>>> > berkat spekulasi resesi ekonomi global akan segera berakhir. Solidnya
>>> > laporan keuangan emiten (BUMI, BMRI, BBRI, BBCA, ELSA, BBNI, PTBA,
>>> INDY)
>>> > minggu lalu ikut dorong kenaikan IHSG ke tertinggi 1,511 hari Jumat.
>>> > Tetapi euphoria rally akan dibatasi oleh dimulainya musim Earnings Q1
>>> di
>>> > AS (Alcoa & Chevron) yang berpeluang menunjukkan 'poor result'
>>> &
>>> > peluang profit taking jelang liburan Paskah & pemilu 9 April Jumat
>>> pekan
>>> > ini. Kondisi teknikal yang overbought & lemahnya ekonomi dalam negeri &
>>> > global ikut membatasi Rally dalam
>>> >  Bear Market.
>>> >
>>> > Technical Analysis: IHSG menunjukkan pola reversal minor hari Jumat
>>> berkat
>>> > pola candle doji star, volume rendah, MFI menunjukkan toppish, MACD
>>> > intraday negatif (pertama x dalam 3 hari terakhir) & masih ditutup
>>> dibawah
>>> > 50% retracement fibo di 1,504. Jika level 1,511 tîdak berhasil ditembus
>>>  > Senin, potensi koreksi terbuka ke support 1,494/1,478. Formasi
>>> bullish
>>> > IHSG : MACD diatas positif, golden cross 20 & 100 day EMA, candle
>>> weekly
>>> > long white candle + vol meningkat, seharusnya masih dukung potensi
>>> > kenaikan kendati terbatas karena kondisi overbought (stochastic daily)
>>> > pada pekan ini.  Ascending triangle resistance line di 1,525/30an & sub
>>> > wave 5 dalam koreksi wave IV, patut diwaspadai bullish player (Bear
>>> Market
>>> > Rally). Untuk medium term: IHSG bearish selama berada di bawah 200-day
>>> EMA
>>> > di 1,610 & 38.2% retracement fibo (2,832-1,089) di 1,754. Perkiraan
>>> range
>>> > pekan ini 1,420-1,530.
>>> >
>>> > Profit taking untuk akumulasi pekan depan: AALI, ANTM, BUMI, INDY,
>>> LSIP,
>>> of
>>> > overbought).
>>> > Akumulasi TLKM, ITMG, TBLA, MEDC, BISI, PTRO.
>>> >
>>> > Disclaimer.
>>> >
>>> > Blog:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> + +
>>> + + + + +
>>> Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
>>> kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
>>> + + + + +
>>> + +Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: [ob] Bumi manggung

2009-04-05 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Target berapa Pak Arto? 

Soft landing di 1,000 dulu atau AR kanan sekalian?

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-Original Message-
From: artomoro9 

Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 20:12:23 
Subject: [ob] Bumi manggung

Saya berharap besok bei minus -9 sampai -19 point. Agar bumi  bisa enak 
manggungnya. Kalo market plus, bumi ga dianggap. Kemaren2   semua tertuju pada 
saham non bumi.  jadi agar bumi bisa manggung mending ihsg di buat merah dulu. 
Mohon maaf kalo hal ini jadi buat ga nyaman buat obers. Semoga saya salah. Dan 
buat para sesepuh, mohon maaf sekali lagi jika postingan saya selama ini bikin 
ga nyaman buat para sesepuh. Peace.

Dapatkan alamat Email baru Anda!
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan sebelum diambil orang lain!

+ +
+ + + + +
Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus 
kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
+ + + + +
+ +Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [ob] Jagalah kebersihan..dan kerukunan

2009-04-04 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Pak DE,
Pak JT, juga Pak Tasrul dan Senior2 TA 

IHSG close di berapa supaya confirm break resisten dan indikator yg masih 
laggard menjadi reversal dan ikut pointing bull juga (atau paling tidak netral)?

Powered by my VerryBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Dean Earwicker 

Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 11:59:29 
Subject: [ob] Jagalah kebersihan..dan kerukunan

Berkali-kali saya pesen.. jagalah kerukunan, rapatkan barisan.

Kemaren bos ydizz, sekarang mbak fifi. Mohon rapatkan barisan, IHSG sedang
kritis untuk pembalikan trend (strong resisten), sementara indikator laggard
udah ngac*ng semua. MACD POSITIF, MA GOLDEN CROSS. Lapkeu ada yang turun
tapi mayoritas lumayan bagus/diatas ekspektasi, malah ada bbrp yang
spektakuler. Si bozz lagi mau ganggu emosi trader, baik lewat psikologi (EL
babat trader bearish 3:0 katenye, bos Rusli jadi korban..) ataupun dari
gerakan intraday (gocekan maut). Trader pemula pasti stress Jumat kemaren?
lah gw aja stress..hueuhueu sampe males trading..

Udah lah tenang-tenang aja knp sih. :) Ngejunk gak ngejunk yang penting
COAN, betoel? Ada peribahasa dari kampung saya di France:* "Alon alon asal
kelakon"*. Lebih baik terlambat asal selamat. Makin banyak indikator yang
menunjukkan bullish, maka resultnya:


Akhirnya datang juga.. memang agak terlambat, tapi ya resiko trend follower
emang begitu. Terima aja. Kalau mau invest, silakan saja. Secara TA sudah
mendukung, jadi BOW sajalah. Btw, saya lagi enggan posting banyak-banyak,
soalnya lagi bau nih tangannya, weekend kerja bakti sama warga dan aparat.
Lumayan belog nih..hehe

Yang berminat mau membantu, ada satu sekolah (TK) yang sangat membutuhkan:
1. Baju seragam TK
2. Alat tulis/peraga/buku pelajaran
3. Meja kursi papantulis untuk TK
4. komputer

Saat ini anak-anak belajar menumpang di salah satu kelas univ. Muhammadiyah.

Kalau untuk warga:
1. Disinfektan
2. Psikolog <-- perlu counselling karena tragedi ini membuat depresi.

btw Kalau baju dan makanan sudah menumpuk. Mohon bila memang ada coan yang
bisa di sumbangkan silahkan hubungi Koordinator Logistik Univ. Muhammadiyah

*M. Yuhdi*
021-749 0385

Atau datang langsung ke Posko Utama Bantuan Korban situ Gintung, Fakultas
hukum Univ. Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan, Kp. Gunung Utara,
Cirendeu- Banten.

Terima kasih banyak, GBU.


Re: [ob] Bakrie & Brother - Rugi 16,6T

2009-04-04 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Ada yg pernah ngikutin dulu pola BNBR bisa lolos krisis tahun 98 dengan 
mendilusi saham Bakrie family (kalau tidak salah cuma tinggal 2.5%). Mungkin 
pola ini berulang kali ini, tapi bukan terhadap BNBR karena tidak punya aset 
langsung, tapi gantinya BUMI, UNSP dll. Mungkin ini kabar baik malah ke 

Powered by my VerryBerry®

-Original Message-
From: nicholas alvin 

Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2009 22:59:34 
Subject: Re: [ob] Bakrie & Brother - Rugi 16,6T

BNBR di korbankan, bangkrut harusnya.

--- On Sat, 4/4/09, laun launa  wrote:

From: laun launa 
Subject: Re: [ob] Bakrie & Brother - Rugi 16,6T
Date: Saturday, April 4, 2009, 11:24 PM

Pertanyaan berikutnya, berapa persen modal kepemilikan yang hilang?
atau cuma sebatas cara untuk menghilangkan kewajiban membayar pajak?

From: Rita Pardede 
To: sa...@yahoogroups. com
Cc: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Friday, April 3, 2009 1:35:12 PM
Subject: [ob] Bakrie & Brother - Rugi 16,6T

PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk (BNBR) mencatatkan rugi bersih tahun 2008 ke level 
Rp16,624 triliun, bila dibandingkan pada periode tahun sebelumnya yang 
mengalami keuntungan Rp223,357 miliar. Artinya, BNBR mengalami penuruan dari 
laba menjadi rugi 7.542 persen.

Hal tersebut diungkapkan manajemen perseroan, dalam laporan keuangan yang 
dipublikasikan, di Jakarta,
Apa Efeknya pada groups ?

http://www.indonesi ancompany. com


Re: [ob] Re: Bandarmologi : INCO

2009-04-03 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Embah. Minggu depan akan keluar pengumuman hasil 1Q beberapa perusahaan dan 
rabu data ekonomi oleh the Fed. Walaupun kemarin jobless ratio hit the highest 
tapi Dow rebound dan tutup positif. 

Minggu depan ini penentuan bahwa rally ini adalah technical bear rally atau 
first leg bahwa bull sudah defeat bear. Analyst bilang cermati S&P 500, jika 
over 850, maka future mulai price in, walaupun hasil 1Q tidak memuaskan, tetapi 
financial term, investor sudah bisa memprediksi bahwa 2Q will surpass 1Q 
result. It means simply we are about to see bottoming phase.  

Mudah2an doa kita semua menjadi kenyataan. Dow tetap keep diatas 8000 (mudah2an 
keep rally) dan pemilu legislatif lancar minggu depan. Hidup OB. 

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-Original Message-
From: "jsx_consultant" 

Date: Sat, 04 Apr 2009 04:14:46 
Subject: [ob] Re: Bandarmologi : INCO

--- In, Boys n Girls  wrote:
> kalau demikian..
> tentunya retail akan terkonsentrasi di saham-saham harga bawah seperti TINS
> Menarik sekali sih..

BD beli INCO banyak dan hanya minoritas KECIL retail 'PKB' yg 
beli INCO.

Kalo barang murah, tentu mayoritas retail yg RASIONIL yg banyak 
beli ANTM. pak Tbumi pasti beli ANTM karena pak Tbumi sangat
rasionil. Lulus engga pak ?.


> 2009/4/4 jsx_consultant 
> >   Kalo menurut embah, BD masih dalam posisi pegang saham, tapi
> > ketika DJI mencapai 8000 dan menghadapi minggu pemilu, BD
> > masih meraba raba apakah DJI masih akan rally, sideways atau
> > turun lagi.
> >
> > Untuk menghindarkan RISK ini, BD mulai menjalankan STRATEGI
> > - Memainkan saham saham yg harganya belum naik (INCO,ANTM,TINS,INDF
> > dll yg laporan Q4nya negatif). Risk BD disini kecil mengingat
> > market BEI paling doyan main saham favorit murah ini (nostalgia
> > indah masa lalu)
> > - Memasang posisi KUDA KUDA defensif (kaki kiri maju, kaki kanan
> > kebelakang) pada saham TLKM, BUMI, UNVR untuk memperkuat posisi
> > memperkecil Market Risk. Termasuk posisi kuda kuda jangka pendek
> > pada INCO dan UNTR.
> > - Posisi DEFENSIF ini bisa berubah menjadi posisi MENYERANG jika
> > Pemilu lancar atau DJI melanjutkan rally.
> >
> > --- In ,
> > Rei  wrote:
> > >
> > > Jadi kira2 apa tujuan bandar, Mbah? Yg bagus aja performancenya masih ada
> > yg
> > > tdk naik, tetapi inco malah luar biasa kan kemarin2 padahal tahu sendiri
> > > kondisinya...
> > >
> > > 2009/4/4 jsx_consultant 
> > >
> > > > BD tentu punya maksud dengan menaikan INCO begitu spectaculernya
> > > > kecuali ada Corporate Action atau Good News.
> > > >
> > > > Embah pernah bilang saham yang Lap Keuangan Q4 2008 (Oct+Nov+Dec)
> > > > yg Net Profitnya negatif susah naiknya beberapa waktu lalu,
> > > > dan ini BENAR selama wave 5 berjalan kecuali beberapa hari
> > > > terakhir menjelang IHSG 1500...
> > > >
> > > > Anda bisa liat saham yg profit Q4 nya negatif pada daftar
> > > > dibawah ini yg dirangking berdasar LAST QUARTER ROE
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Lihat kolom LAST QUARTER yg diberi tanda ** (ROE + PER)
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In 
> > > > >>,
> > > > Halim Perdana  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Embah kemana nih, ditunggu ulasan bandarmologinya
> > > > >
> > > > > Just curious dengan kenaikan INCO yang luar biasa hari ini.
> > > > > Cucu takut ada unsur perbandaran disini, Bozz sebenarnya
> > > > > melakukan distribusi banking (sell on news BI Rate dan G20
> > > > > summit meeting) tapi untuk mengelabui, INCO diangkat
> > > > > sampai hampir mentok (sampai ucek2 mata lihat monitor
> > > > > tadi saking nggak percayanya).
> > > > >
> > > > > Faktor G20 ini juga yang membuat EL begitu yakin IHSG
> > > > > akan tetap di daerah hijau sampai hari jum'at.
> > > > >
> > > > > --
> > > > >
> > > > > Wakakaka ampun Mbah..maaf atas kelancangan cucumu ini.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> >  
> >

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[ob] To Elaine - just simple question

2009-04-02 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Dear Elaine,

If mind to answer. Perhaps the ongoing condition is what you have predicted 
that with the new mark-to-market accounting rules which is started Q2 will 
change US Bank valuation and attemp to solvent financial market creating 
capital inflow to emerging market, am I right? 

Then the question is, what obstacles you would expect of what condition to 
disturb the economic recovery? If nothing, shall we have a V shape recovery?

Tks for your head up analysis. 


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Re: [ob] Apologize to All OB Members

2009-04-02 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Its OK, gaya bahasa dan attitude is just a matter of personnel, can't be 
changed so easily. As long as tidak attack personality, don't mind. Yg penting 
"contents does matter". Ini sama dengan bisnis, yang dicari apa atau siapa yg 
bisa memberikan manfaat, regardless who they are. Kalau tulisan worthed dibaca 
walaupun penyampaian gaya bahasa tidak berkenan, tetap can be something 

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-Original Message-
From: "y_dizz" 

Date: Thu, 02 Apr 2009 12:02:45 
Subject: [ob] Apologize to All OB Members

Btw, saya mau tanya kepada rekan2 OB sekalian;
Postingan saya kayaknya banyak yang NYEBELIN ya?

Soalnya di blog STA ada posting gini nih:

09:31 PM Apr 02, 2009
Iya nih, OB tempat nya
penghakiman orang 2 yang
mestinya tidak dihakimi.
Mestinya yang pantes
dihakimi tuh mereka yang
bnyk cing-cong. But senior
OB masih gw hormati. Gw
paling kesel ama yang
namanya Y*, ngocol

Hahaha, ngakak saya bacanya...
Ternyata saya udah jadi PUBLIC ENEMY ya, like Elaine and Oentoeng few times ago.

Sekali lagi saya mohon maaf kalo selama 9 bulan saya join OB, ada postingan 
saya yang dirasa menyinggung perasaan kalian. Saya masih senang nongkrong di 
warungnya Embah, sudah dalam tingkat addicted malah. Kalo memang dirasa 
mengganggu, saya akan berusaha mengubah gaya tulisan saya yang sedikit LIAR.


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Re: [ob] INDF to pak JT

2009-04-01 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Pak JT, kok seperti C&H? Apa bisa?

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-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader" 

Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 11:50:51 
Subject: RE: [ob] INDF to pak JT

INDF mulai ada tanda-tanda tuh., tinggal tunggu volume aja., sekarang ada di
support yg cukup kuat lah.., sabar aja, BDnya emang nyebelin., dah lama saya
ngga main ini barang.






From: []
On Behalf Of iwan jalal
Sent: 02 April 2009 11:28
Subject: [ob] INDF to pak JT


Pak JT, 

kalo INDF gimana critanya ini? kok yg lain manjat2 dia diem ? apa boleh di
kumpuli di harga segini?



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Re: [ob] Re: Kapan naek?

2009-04-01 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Kalau main JSMR emang perlu lumutan dulu nunggu bulanan baru digerakkan. Kalau 
trader harian, ni saham mungkin tidak cocok.

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-Original Message-
From: "y_dizz" 

Date: Thu, 02 Apr 2009 03:07:57 
Subject: [ob] Re: Kapan naek?

JSMR bandare edan, udah nunggu sampe jamuran, kagak diangkat2. Nunggu saya cut 
loss ya? Hahaha...


--- In, Halim Perdana  wrote:
> Nunggu apa sih, kok belum naek2 :

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Re: To Pak Hmin [ob] FRIDAY'S DARK CLOUD

2009-03-26 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Pak Hmin

Kalau tidak salah dulua Bapak pernah bilang lihat kondisi Mar-Apr (apa Apr-Mei 
ya), baru tentuin mau mulai beli saham lagi. 

Jadi sekarang confirm sudah mulai aktif lagi boss? (walaupun masih bear 

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-Original Message-

Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 06:46:35 

Kalau saya bilang masih relatif murah semua percaya tidak ?

Tips.. Coba bandingkan harga lsip aali dengan eps mereka di Q4.. Saya rasa 
semua setuju kalau Q4 adalah peghasil terjelek emiten cpo
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

-Original Message-

Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 06:36:34 
To: OB

Yg mana pak hmin?


Mau nambah mumpung masih murah kayak kata pak hmin.


Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-

Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 06:18:55 

Kadang saya bingung juga

Susah bertahan di atas 2000 atau susah turun ke bawah 2000

Untung aja beberapa emiten cpo valuasinya gak mahal.. Jadi bisa dikit tenang.

Ada asuransi kalau ternyata gagal
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

-Original Message-
From: "y_dizz" 

Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 06:15:11 

Udah dari kemarin too much good news from CPO, tapi harga susah banget stabil 
dia atas MYR 2000. Hmm, jadi curiga...

Btw, BUMI @10k..?!? Gue suka gaya loe, LOLz :-D


--- In, ruzli  wrote:
> Break Up Or Down ???
> Kalau Up, I Ave up
> Kalau Down, I Short dulu :)
> CPO futures rise on farmers' strike
> Commodity markets show signs of rebound
> ReutersWall St. rallies late as data offsets bond sale gloom
> Pada 26 Maret 2009 12:34,   menulis:
> > Plese break your cpo
> >
> > I need help
> >
> > Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung
> > Teruuusss...!
> >
> >
> > From: Elaine Sui
> > Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 12:29:42 +0700
> > To: 
> > Subject: Re: [SPAM][SPAM]Re: [ob] FRIDAY'S DARK CLOUD
> >
> > I will sell it @ 20k also BUMI @ 10k, possibly in 2011. I can wait.
> >
> > Elaine
> >
> > 2009/3/26 ruzli 
> >>
> >> Dear EL
> >>
> >> You like Mining & Energy Stocks such as ADRO.
> >> How about PTBA ???
> >> Is it on your list too ?
> >>
> >> Regards
> >>
> >> Ruz
> >>
> >> Pada 26 Maret 2009 12:08, Elaine Sui  menulis:
> >>>
> >>> So it's confirmed. Sometimes I wonder why I'm so good.
> >>>
> >>> Elaine
> >>>

Re: [ob] BUMI - Rem Tangan belum dilepas

2009-03-24 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Pak JT,

Diatas 830, maksudnya apakah beli sewaktu harga bergerak spot diatas 830 atau 
hanya waktu closing di atas 830?

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-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader" 

Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 14:10:26 
Subject: RE: [ob] BUMI - Rem Tangan belum dilepas

Gerak dong.., dari kemarin kan naik meskipun sikit-sikit..., diatas 830 ane
mau tambo cie.. hehe


-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of ruzli
Sent: 24 Maret 2009 13:57
Subject: Re: [ob] BUMI - Rem Tangan belum dilepas

Paj JT sendiri masih Pegang ??
Katanya kalau minggu ini ga gerak mau keluar aza ?

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Re: Change to new subject tag [ob]

2009-03-21 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Setuju mbanget mbah. Kadang2 BB atau computer suka diintip sama teman, kalau 
terbaca ada tulisan "obrolan bandar" di mail topik, wah bisa jadi salah 
pengertian, dipikir saya Bandar beneran. Mending kalau masih dikira Bandar 
saham, kalau Bandar Judi atau kata yg negatif lainnya, kan bisa berabe.

Bravo buat mbah yang selalu adaptif dan akomodatif dengan improvement. 


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-Original Message-
From: "jsx_consultant" 

Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 02:39:13 
Subject: Change to new subject tag [ob]

Change to new subject tag [ob]

Mulai hari ini, Subject tag dirubah dari [obrolan-bandar] 
menjadi [ob] untuk mempersingkat panjangnya Subject.


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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: To Mbah - Ekonomi is truly bottoming?

2009-03-19 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Aimee benar bahwa recovery tidak akan instant. Andai statement bahwa US sudah 
krisis mulai Dec 07, maka jika kita ambil cutoff timingnya "today" maka at 
least bottoming proses bisa berjalan berbulan2, sesuai dengan declining period. 

Tetapi yang saya mau share, leading economic indicators tidak melemah sesuai 
perkiraan, which is good news, isn't it?. 

Neighbourhood countries surrounding US, terutama Asia, sudah melihat bahwa 
sepanjang US belum recover, maka pemulihan hanya semu. Semua sepakat bahwa US 
harus recover duluan before others. Ini penting, karena dulu dunia menganggap 
kalau US jatuh, biarkan saja. Ternyata domino effect dan korelasi supply demand 
tidak terbantahkan dalam borderless financial trading system abad modern. 

The Fed sudah mengeluarkan strategi diluar konvensional mechanism (penurunan 
exchange rate), seperti issuance USD 1.2T bond. Ini berakibat penurunan USD. 
Oil yg priced in USD, dengan melemahnya value maka harga menjadi murah dan 
trigger orang beli dengan quantity yg banyak dengan value USD yg sama. Apakah 
ini akan berlanjut dengan kenaikan harga komoditas lain? Maybe yes maybe no. 
But need action to move the economic. Doing nothing will kill the curing 
process to point of no return. 

April contract akan berakhir besok dan May delivery contract di trade di angka 
near to USD 52. Above USD 50 sudah boleh dibilang bagus karena oil dulu mulai 
bull setelah close di angka USD 50, semoga sejarah repeat itself.  

Singkatnya, proses pemburukan sudah mulai melandai dan within calculated risk. 
Is it bottoming? Why not? Billion peoples in this planet is waiting this timing 
and now about to come. Cheers.  

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-Original Message-

Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 19:13:26 
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: To Mbah - Ekonomi is truly bottoming?

Misi numpang lewat,

Aimee YAKIN ekonomi maupun pasar modal BELUM bottoming out.
Aimee pernah kirim postingan supaya semua DIMOHON bersabar.
SITUASI INI bisa terus berlangsung sampai akhir TAHUN ini.
Negeri ANTAH BRANTAH perlu membenahi dulu sistem perbankan dan finansial
SATU HAL yang mungkin tidak familiar, konsumsi domestik mereka pun tidak
INVESTOR-INVESTOR ASING yang juga berkontribusi besar thdp NEGERI ANTAH
BRANTAH belum berniat 'meminang kembali' harta karun dari negeri ini. HAL
INI membikin mereka agak kelimpungan karena alternatif mengobral TREASURY
BOND dan mencetak peredaran uang melalui kebijakan THE FED bak 'keluar dari
mulut harimau, trus masuk ke mulut buaya'.
Di satu sisi kasihan, karena ekonomi dunia yang begitu US Consumer Sentris
ini telah menjadikan US sbg TITIK EKSPOR UTAMA, tanpa mengantisipasi
terjadinya hal yang di luar dugaan sekarang ini.
Dulu Negeri ANTAH BRANTAH terlalu memanjakan Negeri Laksmana Chengho dgn
melunakkan sedemikian rupa pembelian TREASURY BOND sbg CADANGAN DEVISA. INI
telah memicu pelunakan besar-besaran thdp kisaran harga KPR di NEGERI ANTAH


NIkmati saja potensi bear rally sekarang ini.

Calon bibit sementara : LSIP, SGRO, UNSP, AALI.

[obrolan-bandar] To Mbah - Ekonomi is truly bottoming?

2009-03-19 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Dear Mbah dan rekan/senior yg lain,

Di perusahan saya bekerja (multinational dengan 100 offices worldwide), setiap 
minggu ada weekly digest dan update tentang various sector yang dirangkum dari 
seluruh dunia dari karyawan/vendor/supplier/customer langsung (bukan dari 
news). Di dua minggu terakhir ini bad news mulai cease out dan kebalikannya 
good news mulai bertebaran. 

- Penjualan LCD Samsung di USA naik 20% dibanding periode lalu
- Steel price mulai naik dari bottom dipacu dari statement China yang akan beli 
dan guarantee dari PM Thailand untuk buat steel factory bagi automotive
- AUD mulai naik against USD diiringi naiknya eksport komodity dan bursa +11% 
week on week
- dll

Bagaimana pendapat Mbah soal ini? Dan juga sebagai bahan diskusi untuk kita 
semua. Jika ada yg punya good news, tolong dishare juga. 

Optimisme ini harus tumbuh di hati kita dan juga di BEJ, kalau benar2 global 
economic recovery is just round the corner. 


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[obrolan-bandar] To Mbah - Ekonomi is truly bottoming?

2009-03-19 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Dear Mbah dan rekan/senior yg lain,

Di perusahan saya bekerja (multinational dengan 100 offices worldwide), setiap 
minggu ada weekly digest dan update tentang various sector yang dirangkum dari 
seluruh dunia dari karyawan/vendor/supplier/customer langsung (bukan dari 
news). Di dua minggu terakhir ini bad news mulai cease out dan kebalikannya 
good news mulai bertebaran. 

- Penjualan LCD Samsung di USA naik 20% dibanding periode lalu
- Steel price mulai naik dari bottom dipacu dari statement China yang akan beli 
dan guarantee dari PM Thailand untuk buat steel factory bagi automotive
- AUD mulai naik against USD diiringi naiknya eksport komodity dan bursa +11% 
week on week
- dll

Bagaimana pendapat Mbah soal ini? Dan juga sebagai bahan diskusi untuk kita 
semua. Jika ada yg punya good news, tolong dishare juga. 

Optimisme ini harus tumbuh di hati kita dan juga di BEJ, kalau benar2 global 
economic recovery is just round the corner. 


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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Mohon maaf semua,...........Mbah, JsxTrader

2009-03-18 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Pak Hendrik dolgado dulu juga tahan banting ..
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-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader™"

Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 15:57:51 
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Mohon maaf semua,...Mbah, JsxTrader

Yeee..., kenapa jadi gw tertuduhnya, Mbah duluan tuh.., ane cuma nanya 
doang.., mosok gitu aja ngambek.. Hehe

Tapi ya.., di OB ini gw mencatat ada dua orang yg tahan pukul.., Tbumi dan Pak 
Angelo, dijail'in and diledekin banyak orang tapi asik2 aja tuh.., 
hahaha... Salut dah buat mereka.., control emosinya luar biasa..

Hmm.., Siapa lagi ya yg masuk kategori OBer tahan pukul? 

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-Original Message-
From: "\"::Pak_AA:\":" 

Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 16:21:24 
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Mohon maaf semua,...Mbah, JsxTrader

Ane suka postingan pak Adjies2000. Banyak yang saya kasih label untuk
ditandai, kalau2 suatu saat perlu dibaca ulang.

Semangat Pak. Biasa itu mah dijahilin pak JT hehehe

On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 2:06 PM, adjies2000  wrote:
> Mohon maaf semua untuk kegaduhan yang telah muncul
> Aku berjanji menjadi anak baik...duduk diam dan tidak posting.
> Terima kasih
> Salam

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Wave 5 is running

2009-03-11 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
All this time, baru sekali ini posting dari Aimee agak soft dan sounds 

Apakah V recovery is just round the corner?

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-Original Message-
From: "y_dizz" 

Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 07:46:45 
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Wave 5 is running


Minggir semuanya, biar gue tabrak tuh jin2 yang nongkrong di kanan..!!


--- In, RATU SIMA  wrote:
> Jolind,
> SAAT INI, pasar sudah sangat oversold. Kalo ingin melikuidasi posisi short,
> SILAKAN. Saya juga ancang-ancang ngambil posisi LONG, salah satunya ANTM.
> TAPI PERLU DIGARISBAWAHI, ini tidak berarti 'bullish' mode. Pelajari dulu
> apakah rasio koreksi positif dan negative commensurate, kalo tidak 'bearish'
> mode masey ON. Kalo agak signifikan positifnya berarti kemungkinan bear
> rally berlanjut.
> BAGI YANG 'DOMPETNYA' TEBEL, saya anjurkan posisi LONG untuk saham-saham
> sektor finansial US.
> Aimee.

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[obrolan-bandar] China Mine Blast May Boost Coal Prices

2009-02-23 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano

SHANGHAI -- China's coal prices could rally if Beijing orders stringent safety 
checks at coal mines in the wake of a blast in northern Shanxi province on 
Sunday, which killed at least 74 miners.

Analysts say China was facing a coal output surplus of more than 50 million 
metric tons this year before the fatal explosion, but this could fall sharply 
and shore up prices if mines are forced to close temporarily or permanently.

Beijing has long pledged to improve safety at its coal mines, and last year 
shut more than 1,000 shafts that it considered unsafe. But a death toll of 
3,200 people last year, while representing a 15% decline from 2007, means the 
country's coal mines remain the world's deadliest.

"What sets this accident apart is that it happened at a state-owned coal mine 
of relatively large size," said Li Chaolin, a market watcher with the China 
Coal Transportation and Distribution Association. "So it is possible that 
stringent safety checks will be carried out not only in small coal mines but 
also in large ones with good safety records," he said.

View Slideshow

At Least 74 Killed in China Mine Blast

Tunlan coal mine, where the explosion occurred, is a large, modernized coal 
mine under the state-owned Shanxi Coking Coal Group with annual coal production 
capacity of 5 million tons, according to the official Xinhua news agency. The 
group's major products include high-quality coking coal - a raw material used 
in steel production.

Prior to the blast, analysts believed coal prices were set for a sustained 
period of weakness due to falling demand from power plants and other 
industries. Coal mines that were scheduled to resume output after annual checks 
and spring ending the demand for coal for heating also were expected to weigh 
on prices. Coal accounts for two-thirds of China's total energy mix, and around 
90% of output is from small coal mines, defined as having a capacity of less 
than 300,000 tons a year.

Shanxi province produces a quarter of China's coal output, which last year 
totaled 2.62 billion tons.

Ma Xiaoguang, a coking coal analyst at Umeta, said all coal mines in Shanxi 
below 300,000 tons of annual capacity shut down in mid-December due to sluggish 
downstream demand and annual safety checks. She said the mines were originally 
scheduled to resume production by the end of March, when the annual meeting of 
China's legislature is due to wrap up, but now it seems likely the reopenings 
will be delayed.

"Proximity to the National People's Congress means the accident will likely 
come up as a topic during the meeting" and the potential ramifications will be 
greater, Ms. Ma added.

Xinhua said Beijing has ordered a probe into the blast, and three officials at 
the mine have been dismissed.

Jin Yang
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Re: [obrolan-bandar] A Snap Punchliner

2009-02-23 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Dear Aimee, 

Your statement just clear enough, at least for me. No more questions. Oh by the 
way, your home is just adjascent to my little house.

Meanwhile, wud you share some different perspective to the quoted article 
below?, thanks.  

--- qt ---
U.S. economy seen starting recovery in second half of '09: poll

23 Feb 2009, 03:59 AM EST

By Lucia Mutikani

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. economy is set to contract sharply in the first 
quarter, with the current cyclical downturn on track to rival the 1973-75 slump 
as soaring unemployment depresses demand, a survey showed.

However, a survey of 47 professional forecasters released by the National 
Association of Business Economists on Monday predicted the recession-hit 
economy would begin to recover in the second half of this year, returning to a 
potential growth trend in 2010.

The recovery was seen driven by the Obama administration's $787 billion 
economic stimulus plan, the group said.

"The steady drumbeat of weak economic and financial market data have made 
business economists decidedly more pessimistic on the economic outlook for the 
next several quarters," said NABE President Chris Varvares.

"The good news is that economic activity is expected to turn up in the second 
half of the year and 2010 is expected to see modestly above-trend growth of 3.1 
percent," Varvares said.

The survey, conducted between January 29 and February 12, forecast real gross 
domestic product would shrink by an annualized rate of 5.0 percent in the first 
quarter, moderating to a 1.7 percent contraction in the second quarter.

The economy was expected to expand by 1.0 percent in the third quarter, with 
growth quickening to 2.1 percent in the final three months of the year, the 
poll respondents said.

Advance government estimates showed GDP shrank at a 3.8 percent annual rate in 
the fourth quarter, but this figure is likely to be revised to show a bigger 
contraction when preliminary figures are released on Friday.

In November, the NABE survey had forecast first-quarter GDP sliding at an 
annual rate of 1.3 percent, before rising by an anemic 0.5 percent in the 
second quarter.

The U.S. economy tipped into recession in December 2007, triggered by the 
collapse of the domestic housing market and the accompanying global credit 


With real estate and stock market prices crumbling, household wealth is 
declining and their spending capacity has been severely eroded. The resulting 
slump in demand is forcing companies to lay off workers in huge numbers, 
exacerbating the severity of the 13-month-old downturn.

"Cumulatively, the cyclical downturn will rival that of 1973-75. In the current 
downturn, real GDP is predicted to decline 2.8 percent -- slightly less than 
the 3.1 percent during the early '70s," the NABE said.

The survey forecast the unemployment rate peaking at 9.0 percent in the fourth 
quarter, before edging lower from the second quarter of 2010.

The U.S. jobless rate is currently at 7.6 percent, a 16-year high.

"Job losses are expected to persist through 2009, though steadily diminishing 
over the course of the year. Average monthly payroll losses of 421,000 through 
the first half of the year will taper to 114,000 during the second half," the 
NABE said.

House prices, as measured by the Federal Housing Finance Agency, were predicted 
to fall 5.3 percent this year, while declining home sales were seen reaching a 
bottom by mid-2009. Restoring stability to the housing market is widely seen as 
crucial to reviving the economy.

The slump in consumer demand was expected to suppress inflation pressures, with 
the consumer price index forecast to fall 0.8 percent in 2009, before 
rebounding to 1.9 percent in 2010.

Despite the pessimistic near-term outlook, the survey forecast the economy 
expanding at a rate of 3.1 percent in 2010, largely driven by the government's 
massive stimulus plan.

"NABE panelists foresee the United States as the leader in shaking off the 
recession shroud," the group said.

--- unqt ---

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-Original Message-

Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 18:39:43 
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] A Snap Punchliner

Dear Yuta,

U sound smart. I believe U're.

1. I'm just a newbie around the corner. As a side-activity, we co-own one of
leading foreign financial institutions across the world. Sometimes, when I
am in good mood, travel around the world to see the reality of market
condition. In my freetime I write for Reuters and Bloomberg of what's coming
up in my mind.
2. We're still doing a strongly hedged-portfolio in equity with extremely
tight entry and exit points. We've just taken profit from precious metals
(target is at 1000 we set prior to mania euphoria). Today I declared to all
our layers to cancel short-covering in oil. We dismiss our plan to purchase
National Oilwell Varco stocks. Its risk doesn't equalize its reward YET.
3. I have no an

Re: [obrolan-bandar] A Snap Punchliner

2009-02-23 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Dear Aimee,

Have several questions on these to just make it clearer:
1. Are you a player or broker or just comentator?
2. Do you have position on stock market or wait approriate timing to entry?
3. What kind of target you are aiming? To push people to sell lower, to prevent 
people from buying higher, to stop people to buy stock or none of above?

You use very intellectual languange, like a Phd degree, so you aren't just 
ordinary guy. Trust me, a lot of peoples was influenced by your statement, if 
this is meant something for you. And I am classified as one of them. 

Hope you can clarify above for better understanding.  

Powered by my VerryBerry®

-Original Message-

Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 17:18:01 
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] A Snap Punchliner

Bro Aria,

It's ALL about money. No matter how significant people regard him as a Super
Human-like thing on this planet. I just DON'T think so.

Market reactions are always negating his every new decision in his new
occupancy. Why?

Nationalizing its 1 or 2 banks WILL trigger tens, hundreds, and even
thousands of financial institutions in the country. It is a saving-life
scenario by betting its own HEART as its most vital body organ.

Again Bro, U might be a knocker in charting, BUT if U research it back when
almost all the world stock indices formed bearish wedge by the end of 08 &
early 2009 as well as its rebounds have been much shorter than its
corrections. It obviously means that market is still down the hill.

Kay bro... this is coming down to a larger scene which is economically
falling into the failure of Keynesian. The cure is NOT YET FOUND. I'm
convinced. Next time I'm going to explain it in clear-cut words.

So bullish time = )!(@*#*$&$&^%#|+...@%^$#*&)%&_%*(_^%$#


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Volatilitas Won/Kospi vs IDR/IHSG

2009-02-19 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Precisely, ada kemungkinan IDR akan terus melemah vs USD (following Won) dan 
akan menarik IHSG kebawah seperti Kospi, begitu ya Pak?

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-Original Message-
From: Boys n Girls 

Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 13:18:03 
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Volatilitas Won/Kospi vs IDR/IHSG

kayaknya mbah juga worry soal KS11 dan won nya
you are not alone mbah...

Btw...any other stock than BUMI right now ??

I find nothing

2009/2/20 jsx_consultant 

>   Volatilitas Won/Kospi   vs   IDR/IHSG

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Info APN telkomsel

2009-02-19 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Saya punya teman di Telkomsel bilang, sebaiknya diisi "internet" daripada 
"telkomsel". Tapi alasan yg jelas tidak ada. Mungkin dari segi koneksi lebih 
Ingat, pakai apn operator kena biaya gprs diluar paket unlimited. Telkomsel 
belum punya paket unlimited apn blackberry + quota apn operator.

Semoga membantu. 

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-Original Message-
From: "Jeffry Lesmana" 

Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 10:04:41 
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Info APN telkomsel

Untuk Telkomsel seharusnya bisa jalan tanpa set APN.

Kalau ga bisa, APN diisi : Telkomsel

Username dan password : dikosongkan saja.


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powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-

Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 09:56:39 
To: Obrolan Bandar
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Info APN telkomsel

Teman2 ada yang tau APN Telkomsel berikut username & password untuk IPOT 
melalui BB.

Thanks atas bantuan infonya.

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] OOT - Push Email

2009-02-17 Terurut Topik yuta tiziano
Berikut ada beberapa tips untuk hemat batere BB:
1. Waktu normal, matikan lampu LED, brightness set 10 dan auto dim set to off 
serta backlight time out 10 sec
2. Untuk bulky email seperti OB matikan fungsi getar, sound dan LED. Cuma kita 
harus sering2 check email
3. Set 2G i/o 3G
4. Ada yg bilang dengan Wi-Fi menyala walaupun out of coverage, bisa lebih irit 
tapi belum technically proven

Semoga membantu. Oh ya, itu buat Bold ya, mungkin beda sama tipe lain. 

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-Original Message-
From: "dho" 

Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 08:46:06 
To: Milis OB
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] OOT - Push Email

Hehehehe... Makasih pak sharingnya...
Daripada linglung liat market...
Lebih hemat dari saya ya... Kalo 36 jam hampir sama 8310 saya dulu, semenjak 
ganti ini jadi boros
Btw lagi cari cara nih untuk aplikasikan idenya cak Odink...qeqeqeqe

-Original Message-
From: "JT" 

Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 15:41:01 
Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] OOT - Push Email

Kurang lebih kuat 36 Jam Pak.., phone call jarang, normal chat, heavy email,  
sms, and IPOT sekali-sekali..,  wi-fi always on, network 2G, OS ..221..., dan 
gak pake baterai gendongnya Pak Odink… hehehe




From: [] On 
Behalf Of dho
Sent: 17 Februari 2009 14:54
To: Milis OB
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] OOT - Push Email


Eh pak JT, tanya
?™ boldnya bapak battery-nya bisa tahan 1 hari?
Punya saya ini ndak bisa... Jam segini sdh tinggal 30%
Sama ya?


From: "JT" 
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 07:51:34 +
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] OOT - Push Email

Jalanin di 2G only, bat jauh lbh irit.. 

Sent from my BlackBerry® powered by ISAT 

-Original Message- 
From: "Yudizz"> > 

Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 14:25:42 
To:> > 
Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] OOT - Push Email 

Sebenernya ada beberapa alternatif push mail selain Blackberry. Selain Seven 
yang Pak JT sebutkan, juga ada Mail Exchange untuk handset2 Symbian & Windows 
Mobile. Alternatif lain untuk yang Symbian juga bisa pake Emoze atau Nokia 
Messaging. Semuanya gratisan, cuma bayar biaya GPRS doang. 

Sayang untuk ketahanan baterai, rasanya tidak ada yang se-efisien BB. 


Send from My Nokia Nseries 
supported by Mail for Exchange 2.0 

--- original message --- 
From: "JT"> > 
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] OOT - Push Email 
Date: 17th February 2009 
Time: 11:37:33 am 

Sekedar sharing untuk yg butuh push email.. 

Sebagai alternative BlackBerry.., SEVEN lumayan bagus juga, saya lagi coba 
di Window Mobile 6, bener-bener real time, kadang-kadang malah lebih cepet 
dari BB.., gratis lagi, Cuma kena biaya GPRS aja, so untuk yg HP-nya sdh 
punya paket GPRS, apalagi yg unlimited, should be no problem, masalah yg 
saya hadapi Cuma baterai jadi boros, tapi bisa diatasi dengan mematikan 
fungsi 3G dan switch ke 2G only. 

Oh ya, SEVEN juga bisa jalan di Nokia dll, info lanjut silahkan liat di web to download the software, klik; 

Sorry OOT, market lagi bingung, jadi dari pada kita ikut bingung, mending 
main gadget. hehehe 




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[obrolan-bandar] DOW udah hijau 22:54

2009-02-09 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Bozz BEJ kegocek lagi? 

Mudah2an ini pengaruh positif bahwa paket stimulus akan disetujui oleh Senat. 

Jika ternyata tidak, susah buat dibayangkan

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] OOT : BB Bold u/ high speed modem

2009-01-31 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Pak JT, jadi kesimpulannya Matrix Indosat bagus ya buat streaming data terutama 
untuk IPOT. Kalau tiap hari lihat lihat live trade, sebulan habis berapa ya? Oh 
ya, bagaimana ganti PIN di web? Trus, kalau switching antar operator, misal 
Telkomsel ke Indosat bisa nggak? Sorry banyak nanya, tapi worthed kok 
penjelasan dari the one and only Mr JT

Rumornya ada 2 BB baru yg mau di-launch, mungkin tunggu Nokia N97 dulu, namanya 
Magnum dan Pluto. Keduanya base Bold dan Jave, tetap qwerty tapi touch screen. 
Bisa browse untuk detailnya. Apa tunggu duo ini dulu ya?

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "JT" 

Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2009 16:15:26 
Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] OOT :  BB Bold u/ high speed modem

Eittsss.., ane dah coba.., jangan nyalahin BB.., barusan test BOLD as
MODEM., dgn matrix gprs (apn:indosatgprs) dapet 375 kbps download, upload 36
kbps di ( tiga kali coba hasilnya ngga jauh beda) .., buka
Reuters and Metastock lancar!! (FYI, sementara pake IM2 broadband dgn modem
ZTE hsdpa, signal hsdpa  mentok, metastock ngga kebuka., rese emang nih
IM2).., apalagi kalau Cuma buka yahoo finace


Buka IPOT?? Piece of cake.., and you know what, saya coba streaming
Youtube.. LANCAR JAYA !! (Ada patah-patah dikit sih, tapi jauh lebih bagus
dari speedy) I am sure kalau paket datanya hsdpa bisa lebih yahud lagi
speednya., so, the problem is your sim card Pak, I am positive about it..


So., this baby is SO Good.., ipot ok, you tube ok, modem ok.., apa lagi nih
yg mesti di test ... Hehehe..,  jd kesimpulannya, utk street trader, it's a
must have.,  hehehe..,




From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: 31 Januari 2009 14:14
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] OOT : BB Bold u/ high speed modem


Belum tapi kesimpulan sy ini soal handset bukan di simcardnya

Sent from my BlackBerryR
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT


From: "JT" 
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2009 14:10:08 +0700
Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] OOT : BB Bold u/ high speed modem

Sdh coba pake handset lain dgn kartu yg sama?? Hasilnya gimana., ok deh,
ntar saya coba, kebetulan saya juga pake matrix., I'll let you know.




From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: 31 Januari 2009 14:01
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] OOT : BB Bold u/ high speed modem


Saya pake matrix Pak.

Browsing di BB terbatas banget, youtube aja ga bisa.

Mengenai speed itu yg masalah.

Setting BB jadi modem external emang agak ribet. Akhirnya berhasil connect.
Mau diset 3G ga ngaruh.
Connected di kanan bawah desktop bisa diatur mau berapa 'munculnya'
115,2kbps, empat ratus atau sembilan ratus?
Tapi speed 'riil'nya ane test cuma dua puluhan kbps.

Maksudnya spy praktis ga perlu bawa macem2 banyak hp/gadget/kartu.


Sent from my BlackBerryR
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT


From: "JT" 
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2009 13:43:41 +0700
Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] OOT : BB Bold u/ high speed modem

Iya Pak, sayang amat buat modem.., kalau sekali-sekali sih ok lah.., dulu
sih pernah coba pake 8707v.., keceng tuh, mentok dapet 300'an sesuai spec
3G.., kalau bold blum pernah coba.., yg suck inet providernya kali.. IM2

Sekedar share, kalau utk modem, gw demen sonyericson, ngga perlu software2an
(pc suite), just a bluetooth koneksi di laptop yg support PAN.., setelah di
pair, klik connect (di icon Bluetooth)... jreng, langsung nyambung..., kalau
BB buat modem agak ribet setting awalnya.


-Original Message-

On Behalf Of
Sent: 31 Januari 2009 12:28
To: Obrolan bandar
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] OOT : BB Bold u/ high speed modem

Aduh.. Mendingan boldnya buat gw... Heheheee...
Sayng mas dijadiin modem, cepet jebol...
-Original Message-

Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2009 04:43:09 
To:> >
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] OOT : BB Bold u/ high speed modem

Ada yg udah berhasil menjadikan BBold sbg high speed modem diconect ke
pc/laptop ?, tolong dishare.

Khan lumayan kalo bisa browsing 3G/HSDPA dgn bold. Ga usah beli modem

Ane sudah berhasil connect internet dgn laptop ane pake kabel data dgn BB
Tapi speednya suck

Sent from my BlackBerryR
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

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Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.10.15/1924 - Release Date: 1/30/2009
5:31 PM


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Re: [obrolan-bandar] OOT NOKIA E90

2009-01-30 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Pak JT, tidak hanya Technicalist tapi juga Gadget-mania juga. Kenapa tertarik 
sama Javelin Pak? Harganya sudah hampir sama sama Bold. 

Saya juga baru langganan IPOT BB, menurut Pak JT, IM2 yg paling lancar ya? 
Rencana mau punya BB yg specialist Trading via IPOT, lagi naksir Javelin juga. 
Cuma belum 3G.

Kalau ada yg sudah pakai Javelin untuk trading pakai IPOT, tolong share 
reviewnya, tks. 

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "JT" 

Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 21:28:14 
Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] OOT NOKIA E90

APN isi indosatm2, user & pswd sesuai dgn punya anda.., that's all.

Trus kalau mau jadi'in modem, tinggal colok ke notebook atau pake bluetooth,
tapi mesti ada settingannya dulu di notebook, prosedurnya saya lupa, bisa
dilihat kok di webnya BB.., nah jadi ngga perlu bawa-bawa modem, all you
need is a Bluetooth connection di laptop..


-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: 30 Januari 2009 21:15
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] OOT NOKIA E90

Caranya gmana tuh?
Sy ga connect2 IPOT nya.
Apa perlu setting APN lg?
Please share ..
Ane ga perlu BIS, yg penting bisa IPOT sm Browsing. Sayang nih, sdh
langganan IM2 unlimited setahun
Sent from my BlackBerryR smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung

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[obrolan-bandar] Warren Buffett on Obama, stocks and the economy

2009-01-22 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Saya quote phrase terakhir ucapan Warren Buffet:
“So clearly it’s a better time to be buying stocks than a couple of years ago. 
Is it better than tomorrow? I have no idea... But the real question is did I 
get my money’s worth when I bought it?”

Any comment?

Warren Buffett feels Barack Obama’s understanding of economics, intelligence 
and rational thinking makes him the right man for the job of getting the U.S. 
economy out of the serious trouble it has found itself in, but warns that there 
won’t be any magical “Superman-type” transformation in the next three or six 

“So you’ve got the right person in the operating room, but it doesn’t mean the 
patient is going to leave the hospital tomorrow,” the billionaire investor said 
in an interview airing Thursday on PBS’s Nightly Business Report as part of the 
program’s 30th anniversary.

Mr. Buffett served as an economic advisor to Obama during his campaign, warning 
him about how terrible things were getting. However, he really isn’t an advisor 
anymore and says his advice isn’t needed given the talented team the President 
has put together. Nonetheless, the Oracle of Omaha says he is available anytime.

“We’ve had to get the credit system partially fixed in order for the economy to 
have a chance of starting to turn around. But there’s no magic bullet on this. 
They’re going to throw everything from the government they can in,” Mr. Buffett 
said, adding that while the credit situation is improving and the corporate 
debt market has loosened up in the past month, the rate of business descent is 

“Peoples’ buying habits have changed. Fear has taken over and fear is a tough 
thing to fight because you can’t go on television and say don’t be afraid, that 
doesn’t work,” he said.

The chairman and CEO of holding company Berkshire Hathaway Inc. acknowledged 
that nobody knows how long the recession will last or whether fiscal stimulus 
and tax cuts will work, but stressed that just like when fighting a fire, you 
use every weapon available. Mr. Buffett also feels that we are always creating 
new problems and multi-trillion dollar deficits have the potential to produce 
significant inflationary consequences.

“I mean you are giving a medicine dosage to the patient on a scale that we 
haven’t seen in this country,” he said. “And there will be after effects and 
they can’t be predicted exactly.”

In terms of regulation, Mr. Buffett said some rules are probably needed, but 
they likely couldn’t have stopped the housing bubble.

And what about buying stocks? While unwilling to recommend anything specific, 
he said his “greed quotient” has risen as stocks have fallen and there are a 
lot more things selling at sensible prices now than they were two years ago. 

Jonathan Ratner 
Reuters, 23 January 2009
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Re: OOT - Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] (unknown)

2009-01-20 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Pak Rei sering ke Jepang ya? Di Tokyo ya? Bisnis apa pak? Kalau tidak keberatan 
untuk berbagi info bisnis yg bagus di Jepang, supaya kami bisa tambah modal di 

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-Original Message-
From: Rei 

Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 21:42:27 
Subject: Re: OOT - Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] (unknown)

Betul, memang sulit diterapkan tapi kalo kita berkunjung ke Jepang (contoh
awal) luar biasa...contohnya saja (terkahir kali sblm kita sudahi topik ini,
ntar dimarahin yg lain hehe), kita sering kali kalo belanja gak dikasih uang
kembalian malah di sini pelayannya sering bilang "uang pas aja pak" atau
"kembalian kurang 50 perak", dst. Kalo pengalaman saya di sana (sdh berulang
kali saya alami...) kembalian 4 Yen saja (itu sebetulnya gak bisa buat apa2
krn koin 1 yen gak ada artinya, tp kenapa masih ada ya?) saya dikejar2 krn
saya tinggalkan gitu saja (maksudnya gak mau ambil), dia kejar2 saya utk
kembalikan 4 yen-nya. Contoh satu lagi, saya mau naik bus dan mau bayar
tiket buat anak saya juga krn dia sdh bisa duduk sendiri, eh malah dikasih
gratis...katanya ngak perlu bayar krn bisa ikut (dipangku) ortunya. Nah lho,
kita suka rela mau bayar malah gak dikasih bayar? hehe

Yah gitu saja, kita masih mesti belajar banyak. Saya makan di restoran di
sini, makanan pesanan saya asin setengah mati, malah pelayannya bengang
bengong dan mesem2 doang kagak bilang apa2 waktu saya complain keasinan.
Akhirnya dibuang deh tuh daging...ampun deh. Pelayannya aja minta maaf aja
nggak. Bosnya gimana tuh?

2009/1/20 David Hartanto 

> Se7 banget Pak Rei, kuncinya bagi bisnis owner adalah keinginan dan
> keseriusan untuk mau mengeluarkan biaya untuk SDM dan IT. Karena untuk
> perusahaan yang sifatnya jasa yah dua hal itu yang harus benar2
> diperhatikan. Contoh yang paling nyata adalah BCA, Bank BUMN coba aja
> bandingkan jaman dulu dan sekarang, at least sekarang he..he..he.. Customer
> Servicenya sudah lebih rapi, seger dan murah senyum. Yang paling menonjol
> dan bisa langsung kita rasakan adalah dari mau masuk pintu aja Satpamnya
> sudah bisa ucapkan selamat pagi, dibukakan pintu dan mengerti untuk
> mengarahkan nasabahnya sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. Memang sih untuk bisa
> satisfy setiap orang hampir tidak mungkin, why? Karena terlalu banyak
> ragamnya dan adanya batasan yang tidak mungkin untuk dilanggar demi
> terciptanya Customer Satisfaction.
> --- Pada *Sel, 20/1/09, JT * menulis:
> Dari: JT 
> Topik: RE: OOT - Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] (unknown)
> Kepada:
> Tanggal: Selasa, 20 Januari, 2009, 7:47 PM
>Yes Sir.., masih sebatas teori aja.., kalaupun sdh mulai diterapkan,
> masih standart-standart aja, itupun belum banyak yg melakukannya, padahal
> sekarang ini 'satisfy' udah ngga cukup.., tapi harus 'extremely satisfy'
>  .., memang betul seperti Pak Meizal bilang bahwa ukuran satisfy buat orang
> beda-beda, nah tantangannya sekarang memang 'one on one' dan 'tailor made'
> for every customer/group…, tapi ini sulit lah buat perusahaan gede.., kalau
> perusahaan kecil masih sangat bisa melakukannya…, well, tapi buat kita, ngga
> usah yg 'dalem-dalem' dulu lah, yg standart-standart aja  kalau bisa
> dilakukan sdh bagus...
> To Pak Meizal; buku ttg CS sangat banyak Pak, one of my favorite, yg saya
> baca berulang-ulang, Hug Your Customers…,
> JT
> *From:* obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:obrolan- ban...@yahoogrou
>] *On Behalf Of *Rei
> *Sent:* 20 Januari 2009 18:38
> *To:* obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
> *Subject:* Re: OOT - Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] (unknown)
> Ini yang selalu saya ributkan pak JT...di sini menurut pengalaman saya
> pribadi konsep CS hanya sebatas "hiasan di mulut" dimana para bisnis hanya
> terfokus utk mencari profit belaka dgn embel2 CS...bahkan saya pernah
> berbisnis dgn salah 1 pakar "Customer Satisfaction" dan nyatanya? Hanya
> jualan teori saja krn dia tdk mempraktekan apa yg diumbar2 selama ini ke
> saya (sbg customer dia). Mau tahu real CS? coba lihat di Jepang sana...
> 2009/1/20 jsxtrader >
> kebetulan saya juga mempelajari Consumer Satisfaction. ., memang di
> Indonesia ini urusan kepuasan pelanggan ini belum digarap dgn baik,
> padahal salah satu element penting dalam kesuksesan suatu bisnis,
> terutama dibidang jasa, ya CS.., semua orang tau betapa pentingnya CS
> tapi ya masih sebatas tau aja, ngga serius menggarapnya. .., contohnya
> sdh terlalu banyak, hampir setiap hari kita temui.
> Ngomong2 soal CS, Ada satu buku lama, kalau ngga salah judulnya "Hug
> Your Customer", sangat bagus & menarik untuk dibaca, saya rekomen utk
> temen-temen yg punya bisnis jasa utk baca buku tsb..., trust me it,
> kalau anda praktekan, konsumen anda akan semakin loyal.
> JT
> --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com ,
> Dewi Mulyani Marselo
>  wrote:
> >
> > ikutan nambahin, di sini ga ada yang namanya kepuasan konsumen.
> > saya pernah berlangganan paket 120rb, berl

Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] (unknown)

2009-01-20 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Aktualnya harus dibagi 8 lagi supaya byte -> bit. 

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: David Hartanto 

Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 17:13:01 
Subject: Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] (unknown)

Opps sorry, he..he..he..maklum gaptek. Diketawain Pak JT dah ane. Walah bikin 
sedih setelah dicek lagi ternyata uploadnya cuma 200 kb/s download 350 kb/s. 

--- Pada Sel, 20/1/09, y_dizz  menulis:
Dari: y_dizz 
Topik: Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] (unknown)
Tanggal: Selasa, 20 Januari, 2009, 3:44 PM

54 Mbps itu speed LAN Pak, yang dipakai untuk koneksi modemnya. 

koneksi Speedy sendiri paling pol 1 Mbps, itupun jarang banget dapet 

angka segitu.

Sekarang Speedy kalo buat buka website luar agak lambat, nggak 

sekencang dulu. Tapi masih reliable lah, kalo IM2 sih itu memang 




--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, David Hartanto 



> Kalo Speedy diJakarta Pusat (Gajah Mada), masih lumayan (54 Mbps), 

barusan dari daerah Jakarta Barat (Puri) Fastnet juga ok, padahal 

cuma paket yang 139rb. Di Selatan banyak keambil bandwithnya oleh 

daerah Thamrin, Sudirman kali Bos. Dah tek tok berapa kali hari ini, 

Pak JT?


> --- Pada Sel, 20/1/09, jsxtrader  menulis:

> Dari: jsxtrader 

> Topik: Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] (unknown)

> Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

> Tanggal: Selasa, 20 Januari, 2009, 3:10 PM












> sorry Pak, saya lagi dikantor, dan pake koneksi IM2 yg 



> banget... (dulu the best).., jadi ngga bisa buka MS realtime.., utk 


> support BMRI sekitar 1890'an.., antm & smgr saya lupa..., ntar deh 



> cek..




> BTW, IM2 belakangan ini jelek amat ya, cuma dapet sekitar 



> speedy juga begitu, yg lain mengalami hal yg sama ngga? apa cuma di 


> daerah saya aja? (kebayoran baru)




> JT




> --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Alexander Halim 


>  wrote:


> >


> > klo seblm join milis ini, gw andalin info tmn yg udah join milis 



> ini, biasa gw beli shm paling cepat dijual dlm bbrp mggu an,,ga 


> daytrade gt dx,,antm, tlkm, bmri, smgr level supportnya diangka brp 



> boss JT?? thx


> > 


> > 


> >   Lebih bergaul dan terhubung dengan lebih baik. Tambah lebih 


> banyak teman ke Yahoo! Messenger sekarang! 


> http://id.messenger invite/


> >




























>   Kenapa BBM mesti naik? Apakah tidak ada solusi selain itu? 

Temukan jawabannya di Yahoo! Answers! http://id.answers.




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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Sabtu-Minggu Milis OB Rame Bgt..

2009-01-18 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Ada kemungkinan supply premium tersendat kalau ledakan/kebakaran dahsyat. Bagi 
yg pakai pertamina, ada baiknya isi tanki full, just in case, kecuali pakai 
shxxl. Barang langka, sayang harga nggak bisa naik, karena subsidy. Kalau harga 
naik, coal bisa ikut naik. Jadi, buy BUMI. 

Lho, kok nggak nyambung.

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "cipto_jh" 

Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2009 16:22:28 
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Sabtu-Minggu Milis OB Rame Bgt..

Walah.. saya malah blum tahu/baca beritanya pak, baru nyampai rumah

Tapi kek-nya faktor2 semisal itu, ndak terlalu 'dong' gtu ya ke
market, kecuali klu berita 'depo'-nya Iran yg kebakaran itupun plus
tambahan berita: karena di 'hit' ama musuh bebuyutannya hehehe..
*canda pak*

--- In, riva darwito 
> saat ini lagi ada kebakaran hebat di depo pertamina plumpang jakarta
utara. apakah hal ini akan mempengaruhi kondisi market esok ?
> rgrds, Riva
> To:
> From: cipto...@...
> Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2009 15:54:52 +
> Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Sabtu-Minggu Milis OB Rame Bgt..
> Baru selesai baca2 postingan, se-jam-an lebih, wuakeh
tenan, emang
> susee klu udah OB addicted, sampai lupa weekend-an, asal jangan lupa
> pacar (buat yg bujangan) ama lupa keluarga (u/ yg dah merit) ajah 
> hehehe..
> Met istirahat semua-nya.. siap2 buat besok.. jaga 'stamina' biar tetep
> Salam 
> _
> Manage multiple email accounts with Windows Live Mail effortlessly.

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Take a break with NACHOS

2009-01-16 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Have you tried Hard Rock Cafe's Nachos, Elaine? Opine it is the best in town. 
Melted cheese nicely blended with crispy chips with some hot paprica poured on 
top. So yummy, I like it.

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui 

Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 23:07:09 
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Take a break with NACHOS

 *We were watching ever-changing numbers after numbers for five days in a
row. Take a break.

Nachos anyone? [?]

1 1/2 tbsp. butter
1 tbsp. corn starch
1/2 cup milk
1 oz. cream cheese, cubed
1 cup sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
1/8 cup monterey jack, shredded

1/2 tsp. chili powder
1/4 tsp. paprika

In a small saucepan over low-medium heat, melt butter and stir in corn
Pour in the milk, add cream cheese, and continue to stir until mixture is
fully incorporated.
While stirring mix in cheddar and jack cheeses, chili powder, paprika, and
hot pepper sauce.
Continue to stir until cheese has melted and all ingredients are well
Pour over tortilla chips.


Re: [obrolan-bandar] BUMI: Technical Analysis Challenge....Re: Ampun tobat, semua milis isinya bumi..

2009-01-16 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano

Senin scenarionya bagaimana? AR kanan lagi ke menuju 1000 dulu atau RTB (return 
to base) balik ke 385an (AR kiri 3x) lagi?

Mohon sharing penerawangannya.

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "jsx_consultant" 

Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 09:07:43 
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] BUMI: Technical Analysis ChallengeRe: Ampun 
tobat, semua milis isinya bumi..

Sayembara Support BUMI berakhir HAPPY ENDING...

- Dari 385 ampe 510
- Dari AR KIRI ampe AR KANAN
- dari -10% ampe +20%
- TOTAL GAIN +30% sehari...

Happy CUAN to all of you Guys, especially yg sudah IKUT sayembara.

Tapi semua juga seharusnya HAPPY karena angka Support BUMI
yang dikemukan PESERTA termasuk TINNGI2, tidak ada yg GOCAP.

Ini memberikan SEMANGAT buat BD2 untuk membuat BUMI AR kanan
hari ini...

What a HAPPY DAY for embah to see you ALL HAPPY...

--- In, "jsx_consultant"  wrote:
> Embah arahin soal BUMI ini kearah yg lebih konstruktif:
> - Ada engga yg sanggup ngitung SUPPORT BUMI dilevel berapa ?.
> - Angka Support harus disertai gambar dan alasan tehnicalnya.
> - Pemenang adalah orang yg berhasil memberikan angka Support
>   dimana harga BUMI at least pernah mendekat minimal plus
>   minus 2% dari angka Support dan harga BUMI kemudian
>   berhasil naik dari LOWnya minimal 10%.
> - Angka Support harus masuk milis OB sebelum jam 9:30 WIB
>   dimilis OB besok tgl 16/01/2008.
> Hadiah:
> - Sebuah Mercy yg akan disediakan ama ibu Fify atau minimal
>   jalan jalan ama ibu Fify.
> --- In, Dean Earwicker
>  wrote:
> >
> > Serius, gimana mau naik kalo dijelek-jelekin terus. Coba ngomong
> yang
> > bagus-bagus, di puji-puji, bilang aja bravo, atau apalah, pokonya
> semua
> > rayuan gombal keluarin aja, boong juga gpp. Nanti pasti dikutip di
> koran dan
> > media, biar manajemennya baca terus ge'er sendiri dan pro retail.
> Asing pun
> > berani beli lagi.
> >
> > Ntar kalo udah naik banyak, baru kita rame-rame jualan diatas.
> Gimana seh..
> > pake trik donk..
> >
> > Regards,
> > DE
> >

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Re: IPOT BB - Re: [obrolan-bandar] (Baru diomongin JT sdh mau AR) Re: Klbf

2009-01-09 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano

Saya pakai OS versi .214 (download dan upgrade sendiri), sekarang jadi lumayan 
cepat dan battery tahan lama dibanding versi .1xx. Tapi kalau lihat running 
trade IPOT terus, battery bisa tahan berapa lama? Apakah bisa seharian?

By the way, ada nggak ya software yg bisa check/monitor harga saham 
(live/delay) secara terus menerus tapi pakai APN BB (supaya nggak bayar lagi)? 
Sekarang saya cuma bisa pakai Yahoo!Go versi 3.0, bisa check Ticker price tapi 
harus refresh dulu setiap mau check update price. Mohon sharing. 

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "Arief Josep Chandra" 

Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 18:18:48 
Subject: Re: IPOT BB - Re: [obrolan-bandar] (Baru diomongin JT sdh mau AR) Re: 

Tergantung dari versi OS nya juga sih.
Saya pake 8820 waktu versi .072 masih bisa konek walau TCP kosong. 
Setelah upgrade OS ke versi .110 dan .124, harus diisi dulu APN nya baru bisa 
Versi ipot yg digunakan juga
Mungkin beda versi OS ada perubahan setting dasar.

Sent from my XL-HuronBerry®

-Original Message-
From: JsxTrader 

Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 09:03:21 
Subject: Re: IPOT BB - Re: [obrolan-bandar] (Baru diomongin JT sdh mau AR) Re: 

Yes Sir, TCP ngga diisi apa2 tapi bisa jalan.., nih saya lagi coba lagi.., aneh 
juga sih, karena kalau di BB Jadul saya (8707V) ngga mau..,  OS BB Bold saya  
V. (platform, provider-nya XL.., IPOT versi


From: | d r e a m | 
To: Milis OB 
Sent: Friday, January 9, 2009 11:00:41 PM
Subject: Re: IPOT BB - Re: [obrolan-bandar] (Baru diomongin JT sdh mau AR) Re: 

Kalau TCP dan APN Operatornya di kosongin dan IPOT bisa jalanbos JT 
beruntung banget. AFAIK, IPOT pakai APN Operator jadi tentunya harus diisi.

Kalau ada extra biaya atau tidak itu tergantung dengan paket BIS yang kita 
ambil, misalnya ISAT (Matrix) langganan BIS 190.000 (sebelum ppn) terdiri dari 
140 rb utk apn BlackBerry™ which is unlimited dan 50rb untuk APN Operator untuk 
50 MB pertama.

Bos JT pakai OS berapa untuk Boldnya?

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

From: JsxTrader 
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 07:36:54 -0800 (PST)
Subject: IPOT BB - Re: [obrolan-bandar] (Baru diomongin JT sdh mau AR) Re: Klbf

saya punya yg 8707v (3G) juga sering putus2, tapi setelah setting network di 
set utk 2G only, jauh lebih lancar.

Kalau di BOLD, belum banyak tes, baru coba sebentar aja.., herannya kalau di 
BOLD, TCP ngga diisi tetap bisa jalan..., penasaran juga kalau begitu si IPOT 
pake APN siapa ya, tadi sih ada yg bilang bisa otomatis switch ke apn 
provider.., nanti lah saya tes, kalau dikosongin gitu motong pulsa apa ngga.


From: anru dadaq 
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Friday, January 9, 2009 7:09:47 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] (Baru diomongin JT sdh mau AR) Re: Klbf

Ya. Punya saya jg. Saya masih trial bb ipot.. Tp sering putus. Kalau
terima call. Susah nyambung lagi. Apa ada tips khusus?

On 1/9/09, rudyho  wrote:
> Kalo pake ISAT, TCP ndak diisi apn indosatgprs ndak mau jalan pak...
> H
> Ato punya saya yg ndeso ya... hehehhehe
> Sent from my BlackBerry(R)
> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
> -Original Message-
> From: "M. Irwan Santoso" 
> Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 15:27:45
> To: 
> Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] (Baru diomongin JT sdh mau AR) Re: Klbf
> cuman mo sharing,
> setau saya kalau applikasi yang streaming, selalu pakai APN operator pak.
> karena untuk APN BB sepengetahuan saya tidak diperbolehkan streaming.
> seperti juga tidak bisa pakai APN BB
> untuk TCP kosong, berarti provider akan switch otomatis APN mana yang
> dipakai.
> sedangkan kalau kita isi APN, setiap applikasi yang
> streaming dijamin tidak bisa jalan.
> karena kita paksa lwt APN
> oleh karena itu untuk aplikasi stock yang relatif datanya konsisten
> seperti istock indosat, marketfilter, IPOT,
> APN harus dikosongkan atau diisi APN operator.
> On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 3:21 PM, JsxTrader  wrote:
>> Paket yg 250 mb dari isat.., btw saya coba di bold, TCP dikosongin tetep
>> jalan, providernya XL, saya ngga tau apakah itu artinya pake apn BB atau
>> bukan, yg pasti TCP kosong, tapi kalau pake 8707v ngga bisa, TCP harus
>> diisi
>> apn provider baru jalan..
>> Logikanya kalau pake apn BB bisa jalan, kita ngga kena chrge gprs lagi..,
>> ada yg bisa kasih info??
>> Sent from my BlackBerry(R)
>> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
>> From: yuta.tiziano@
>> Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 08:15:10 +
>> To: Obrolan Bandar
>> Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] (Baru diomongin JT sdh mau AR) Re: Klbf
>> Ikut paket unlimited atau bayar gprs
>> lagi Pak?
>> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry(R)
>> From: "JsxTrader"
>> D

Re: Balasan: [obrolan-bandar] Sell ANTM INCO ??

2009-01-09 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Kalau emang turun, kesempatan untuk ave down bagi yg sudah punya di harga 
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: denni denni 

Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 06:28:06 
Subject: Balasan: [obrolan-bandar] Sell ANTM INCO ??

kalo yg ambil di bawah ya pasang trailing utk secure profit
utk yg ambil di atas pasang CL disiplin...
utk yg belum ambil ya sabar hehehe

Halim Mintareja  wrote:cumman copy paste dari 
bloomberg aja

Sell Copper, Nickel Before Index Rebalancing Ends: Chart of Day

  Selalu bersama teman-teman di Yahoo! Messenger
 Tambahkan mereka dari email atau jaringan sosial Anda sekarang!

Re: [obrolan-bandar] (Baru diomongin JT sdh mau AR) Re: Klbf

2009-01-09 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano

Sepengetahuan saya, APN kosong berarti pakai BB. Ada juga yg sarankan untuk 
diisi dengan "" supaya program tertentu tidak nyelonong pakai APN 
Kalau diisi dengan APN operator, tentunya kena beban GPRS.  

Ada yg bisa tambah penjelasan?

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader" 

Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 08:21:35 
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] (Baru diomongin JT sdh mau AR) Re: Klbf

Paket yg 250 mb dari isat.., btw saya coba di bold, TCP dikosongin tetep jalan, 
providernya XL, saya ngga tau apakah itu artinya pake apn BB atau bukan, yg 
pasti TCP kosong, tapi kalau pake 8707v ngga bisa, TCP harus diisi apn provider 
baru jalan..

Logikanya kalau pake apn BB bisa jalan, kita ngga kena chrge gprs lagi.., ada 
yg bisa kasih info??

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-

Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 08:15:10 
To: Obrolan Bandar
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] (Baru diomongin JT sdh mau AR) Re: Klbf

Ikut paket unlimited atau bayar gprs 
lagi Pak?
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader" 

Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 08:12:06 
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] (Baru diomongin JT sdh mau AR) Re: Klbf

Pake ipot BB, lumayan ok

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: "Margareth Renata" 

Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 08:06:07 
To: OB
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] (Baru diomongin JT sdh mau AR) Re: Klbf

Lihat running trade-nya pake apa Pak JT?


Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader" 

Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 07:53:16 
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] (Baru diomongin JT sdh mau AR) Re: Klbf

Saya ngga liat chart, cuma liat running trade di BB, rasanya sih vol cukup 
ok.., saya td sesi 1 iseng msk 440, sell done 480, lagi nongkrong lagi di 
45O... Tunggu gebukan Hehe.., asik juga nih nyipet pake BB

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: ruzli 

Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 14:37:08 
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] (Baru diomongin JT sdh mau AR) Re: Klbf

Boleh dikejar ?

2009/1/9 JsxTrader 

>Kelihatannya Breakout dari fase akumulasi, kita tunggu volumenya,
> mdh2an masuk fase mark up.., cermati.
> Sent from my BlackBerry(R)
> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
> --
> *From*: "JsxTrader"
> *Date*: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 06:56:11 +
> *To*: 
> *Subject*: Re: [obrolan-bandar] LK Q4 - The Next Tsunami
> Ngga, cuma monitor aja pake BB, lagi ngga konsen jd ngga berani ambil
> posisi dulu..
> Sent from my BlackBerry(R)
> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
> --
> *From*: "anru dadaq"
> *Date*: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 14:49:35 +0800
> *To*: 
> *Subject*: Re: [obrolan-bandar] LK Q4 - The Next Tsunami
> Pa JT, kemarin ga main PGAS? gaya mainnya mirip sekali.
> dari awal, 1950 & 1970 kalau bukan, berarti ada duplikasinya :)
> 2009/1/9 JsxTrader 
>> Insya Allah next week dah bisa ikut nyopet lagi..., hehe
>> Sent from my BlackBerry(R)
>> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
>> --
>> *From*: ruzli
>> *Date*: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 13:40:42 +0700
>> *To*: 
>> *Subject*: Re: [obrolan-bandar] LK Q4 - The Next Tsunami
>> Welcome Back Boss
>> Ready to Ride ?
>> Regards
>> 2009/1/9 JsxTrader 
>>> Kita tunggu reversal.., I'll jump in at the first clue...
>>> --Original Message--
>>> From: Bandar Junior
>>> Sender:
>>> To:
>>> ReplyTo:
>>> Sent: Jan 9, 2009 12:53
>>> Subject: [obrolan-bandar] LK Q4 - The Next Tsunami
>>> Bentar lagi Q4 muncul
>>> Kira2 BEJO ketawa atau nangis ya?
>>> Ayo para bull waria, masih BUY kah?
>>> Kalau miss (or mrs?)Elaine bilang sih BUY BUY BUY, kok sekarang jadi no
>>> comment miss? lagi atit gigi ya?
>>> + +
>>> + + + + +
>>> Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
>>> kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
>>> + + + + +
>>> + +Yahoo! Groups Links
>>> Sent from my BlackBerry(R)
>>> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
>>> + +
>>> + + + + +
>>> Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
>>> kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
>>> + + + + +
>>> + +Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [obrolan-bandar] (Baru diomongin JT sdh mau AR) Re: Klbf

2009-01-09 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Ikut paket unlimited atau bayar gprs 
lagi Pak?
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader" 

Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 08:12:06 
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] (Baru diomongin JT sdh mau AR) Re: Klbf

Pake ipot BB, lumayan ok

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: "Margareth Renata" 

Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 08:06:07 
To: OB
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] (Baru diomongin JT sdh mau AR) Re: Klbf

Lihat running trade-nya pake apa Pak JT?


Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader" 

Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 07:53:16 
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] (Baru diomongin JT sdh mau AR) Re: Klbf

Saya ngga liat chart, cuma liat running trade di BB, rasanya sih vol cukup 
ok.., saya td sesi 1 iseng msk 440, sell done 480, lagi nongkrong lagi di 
45O... Tunggu gebukan Hehe.., asik juga nih nyipet pake BB

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: ruzli 

Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 14:37:08 
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] (Baru diomongin JT sdh mau AR) Re: Klbf

Boleh dikejar ?

2009/1/9 JsxTrader 

>Kelihatannya Breakout dari fase akumulasi, kita tunggu volumenya,
> mdh2an masuk fase mark up.., cermati.
> Sent from my BlackBerry(R)
> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
> --
> *From*: "JsxTrader"
> *Date*: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 06:56:11 +
> *To*: 
> *Subject*: Re: [obrolan-bandar] LK Q4 - The Next Tsunami
> Ngga, cuma monitor aja pake BB, lagi ngga konsen jd ngga berani ambil
> posisi dulu..
> Sent from my BlackBerry(R)
> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
> --
> *From*: "anru dadaq"
> *Date*: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 14:49:35 +0800
> *To*: 
> *Subject*: Re: [obrolan-bandar] LK Q4 - The Next Tsunami
> Pa JT, kemarin ga main PGAS? gaya mainnya mirip sekali.
> dari awal, 1950 & 1970 kalau bukan, berarti ada duplikasinya :)
> 2009/1/9 JsxTrader 
>> Insya Allah next week dah bisa ikut nyopet lagi..., hehe
>> Sent from my BlackBerry(R)
>> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
>> --
>> *From*: ruzli
>> *Date*: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 13:40:42 +0700
>> *To*: 
>> *Subject*: Re: [obrolan-bandar] LK Q4 - The Next Tsunami
>> Welcome Back Boss
>> Ready to Ride ?
>> Regards
>> 2009/1/9 JsxTrader 
>>> Kita tunggu reversal.., I'll jump in at the first clue...
>>> --Original Message--
>>> From: Bandar Junior
>>> Sender:
>>> To:
>>> ReplyTo:
>>> Sent: Jan 9, 2009 12:53
>>> Subject: [obrolan-bandar] LK Q4 - The Next Tsunami
>>> Bentar lagi Q4 muncul
>>> Kira2 BEJO ketawa atau nangis ya?
>>> Ayo para bull waria, masih BUY kah?
>>> Kalau miss (or mrs?)Elaine bilang sih BUY BUY BUY, kok sekarang jadi no
>>> comment miss? lagi atit gigi ya?
>>> + +
>>> + + + + +
>>> Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
>>> kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
>>> + + + + +
>>> + +Yahoo! Groups Links
>>> Sent from my BlackBerry(R)
>>> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
>>> + +
>>> + + + + +
>>> Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
>>> kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
>>> + + + + +
>>> + +Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [obrolan-bandar] BUMI - Skenario Yg Mana ?

2009-01-08 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Urutan sebab akibat. Sebab ada yg mau beli murah maka akibatnya di-excute 
beberapa plan untuk mark down the price. Tinggal tunggu the worst to come 
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "Elaine Sui" 

Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 11:00:30 
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] BUMI - Skenario Yg Mana ?

*One for all, all for one.

2009/1/9 Jack Cowok 

>  Dilihat dari pergerakan BUMI yg tiba2 STROKE di iringi dengan berita
> berita gak karuan.
> Maka ada Skenario besar menyertainya.
> Yang mana?
> 1. Ada pihak yg mau membeli BUMI di harga murah.
> 2. Bid Offer di isi maksimal hari ini untuk menjatuhkan Mental.
> 3. Broker yg menjual besar besaran, lagi kesulitan likuiditas.
> 4. Cuci tangan dari kemungkinan yg berhubungan dengan kasus Sarijaya.
> Sebelum adanya pemeriksaan.
> Salam
> Jack

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BUMI TP 6.000 FW: BNIS BREAKING NEWS OF BUMI--- U/ 10 LEMBAR SAHAM

2009-01-08 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Rumornya memang ada beberapa institusi asing yg mau ambil dibawah, sebelum 
digoreng naik. Bagi yg tidak tahan, sebaiknya cut loss. Disclaimer
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: D0N Qicot 

Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 21:05:33 
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BUMI TP 6.000 FW: BNIS BREAKING NEWS OF 

namanya saham gorengan, BUMI kalo di AR kiri terus artinya emang ada penumpang 
yg ketinggalan (belon diangkut)
liat aja SULI, berhari hari di jedotin kiri terus...hari ini mungkin jedot 
tunggu aja 580 - 640boleh dech hajar kanan, itu saham emang BxxxSxT.

--- On Thu, 1/8/09, edward  wrote:

From: edward 
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BUMI TP 6.000 FW: BNIS BREAKING NEWS OF BUMI--- 
Date: Thursday, January 8, 2009, 9:23 AM


- Original Message - 
From: y_dizz 
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2009 8:54 AM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BUMI TP 6.000 FW: BNIS BREAKING NEWS OF BUMI

Memang sih menambah nilai aset, tapi proses akuisisi kaya gini kan 
jelas menyedot laba bersih. Kalo kaya gini mah yang untung BUMI, 
bayar pajaknya makin kecil. Lha kita yang pegang saham yg bongkok, 
deviden-nya mau dibayar pake apa? Pake kolornya Bakrie?

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, "Gambler.BEJ" 
> Karena yg dianalisa adalah fundamentalnya pak, jadi tidak salah. 
> Tapi kan selalu ada faktor lain yg bisa mempengaruhi, 
> kredibilitas management, sentimen pasar, harga produk yg dijual, 
> Bumi kalau menurut saya secara perhitungan fundamental - produk 
> harga segitu masih kemurahan, tapi kalau dilihat faktor2 lainnya, 
Rp 50 
> pun saya masih mikir berulang2 kali untuk beli. CAnya terlalu 
> bisa2 ada rencana menjual aset2 berharganya macam KPC dan Arutmin 
> dilepas utk nutup utang, nah kalau yg macam ini terjadi BUMI di 
harga Rp 
> 50 pun masih kemahalan.
> CA BUMI yg terakhir utk mengakusisi DEWA (5x harga pasar) dan Fajar 
> apakah akan menambah nilai BUMI ataukah malah merugikan BUMI ada yg 
> bagi info dan pendapat?
> quote:
> *Jakarta* - Akuisisi yang dilakukan PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI) 
> terhadap dua perusahaan tambang yakni PT Darma Henwa Tbk (DEWA) 
dan PT 
> Fajar Bumi Sakt dinilai akan makin meningkatkan beban perseroan. 
> begitu akuisisi ini dapat memberikan nilai tambah terhadap aset 
> Analis Danareksa Sekuritas Felicia Barus seperti dikutip dari riset 
> Danareksa, Rabu (7/1/2008) memperkirakan bahwa akusisi yang 
> dengan pembelian saham DEWA, dapat meningkatkan jumlah utang BUMI. 
> tetapi, akuisisi ini dapat memberikan nilai tambah terhadap aset 
> sebesar Rp48/saham.
> Bumi membeli 76,9% saham saham perusahaan PT Fajar Bumi Sakti 
senilai Rp 
> 2,47 triliun. Bumi juga melakukan pembelian secara tidak langsung 
> DEWA sebesar 43,6% senilai Rp 2,4 triliun.
> *Berikut analisa Danareksa terhadap pembelian akuisisi BUMI.*
> * Transaksi beli BUMI terhadap DEWA di Rp354/saham terlalu mahal
> * Harga beli sekitar 5x dari harga pasar saat ini
> * Harga beli mengimplikasikan PE 09F sebesar 27x, lebih tinggi 
> PE 09F BUMI yang hanya 4,8x
> * Tidak mendatangkan keuntungan bagi pemegang saham minoritas
> * Transaksi beli Fajar Bumi menguntungkan
> * Menambah value sebanyak Rp48/saham, 5,6% dari harga BUMI saat 
> yang sebesar Rp850/saham
> * Memberikan kontribuasi tambahan 7% ke pendapatan BUMI 09-10F .
> * Belum kami masukkan dalam perhitungan forecast saat ini
> *Dampak terhadap gearing*
> * Diperkirakan 09-10F net gearing akan mencapai 156-126% 
> adalah 131-74%).
> * Net gearing masih lebih rendah dari level historis tertinggi 
> 268% di tahun 2006.
> * Interest coverage ratios 09-10F dipertahankan di 3-2x (2006 
di 2,9x).
> *Kepemilikan saham BUMI di Fajar Bumi sebesar 75% melalui urutan 
> usahanya.*
> 1. BUMI ---99%---> Bumi Resources Investment (Sales & Purchase 
> Agreemen)--- > Ancara Properties Limited ---76,9%---> Leap Forward 
> Finance ---98,5%---> Fajar Bumi Sakti.
> *Kepemilikan saham BUMI di Darma Henwa sebesar 43,6% melalui urutan 
> usahanya. * 
> 2. BUMI ---99%---> Bumi Resources Investment (Sales & Purchase 
> Agreemen)--- > Goodrich Management Corp ---80%---> Zurich Asset 
> Investment 55%> PT Darma Henwa Tbk. 
> sumber: 
> http://www.detikfin read/2009/ 01/07/113631/ 1064359/6/ beban-
bumi-naik-pasca- akuisisi- darma-henwa- dan-fajar- bumi



Re: BAPPEPAM and BEI ACT QUICK!! Re: [obrolan-bandar] Pengumuman idx soal sp

2009-01-06 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Turut prihatin. Sharing pengalaman saja, ada aset kantor yang jadi sitaan dan 
jadi barang bukti pxlxsi. Sorry to say, sudah hampir 2 tahun tidak bisa 
diapa-apakan. Sementara proses pengadilan tidak jelas arahnya.  Mudah2an semua 
cepat selesai. 
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Johan 

Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 22:26:22 
Subject: RE: BAPPEPAM and BEI ACT QUICK!! Re: [obrolan-bandar] Pengumuman idx 
soal sp

Gak bisa pak, aset sarijaya termasuk aset nasabah sudah di bekukan
polisi atas permintaan bapepam dan bei, karena di dalam nya sudah ada
unsur pidana  yang melibatkan penggunaan  dana nasabah, ini
bukan suspend krn kesalahan broker biasa yang terjadi, udah pidana.

--- Pada Sel, 6/1/09, Andy  menulis:
Dari: Andy 
Topik: RE: BAPPEPAM and BEI ACT QUICK!! Re: [obrolan-bandar] Pengumuman idx 
soal sp
Tanggal: Selasa, 6 Januari, 2009, 7:13 AM

bukannya bisa jual lewat telpon langsung ke 
biasanya AB yg di suspend akan melakukan trading lewat 
AB lainnya, dan pembukuan dilakukan manual.
ini tidak bisa dilakukan, atau dalam hal ini mungkin TIDAK 
MAU dilakukan oleh pemilik SP (Keluarga R), artinya memang penyalahgunaan 
yg dilakukan sudah dalem bener, alias mungkin udah hilang tuh saham2 

  -Original Message-
  obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:obrolan- ban...@yahoogrou] On 
  Behalf Of Johan
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 6:25 
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: BAPPEPAM 
  and BEI ACT QUICK!! Re: [obrolan-bandar] Pengumuman idx soal 


  Mayoritas nasabah SP saya yakin adalah trader seperti 
saya yang bergabung karena ada olt. kalo saya investor yang hanya buy 
and hold udah saya gabung di broker plat merah aja.Yang terjadi hari 
adalah,  bumi dan indf yang saya buy semalam sebelum di suspend, 
pagi2 sudah bisa take profit, karena di suspend, cm bisa liat indf ke 
puncak dan jatuh lagi tanpa bisa pasang trailing stop, dan lebih kesal 
hanya bisa liat gain di bumi berbalik menjadi loss dan tidak bisa 
melakukan CL 3% sesuai trading plan, paper loss dan potential loss ini 
sapa yang akan bertanggung jawab? 

Yang di perlukan 
nasabah/trader sekarang adalah, ACT SWIFTLY, secepatnya kembalikan hak 
nasabah yang mase ada, jika saham ada langsung balikin ke masing2 
nasabah,Masa saya capek2 selama 2008 trading jagain porto saya, 
melototin monitor tiap jam bursa,  susah payah udah berhasil keluar 
dari klub nyangkut, trus sekarang karena kesalahan dan kelemahan 
pengawasan saya ikutan di suspend dan tidak bisa trading,  
sementara pihak yang berwenang hanya mampu menjawab, belum tau, atau 
udah tanggung jawab kepolisian, bla bla bla kan tiap transaksi saya 
bayar pajak  untuk apa pajak itu kalo cuma bisa dapat jawaban 
klasik tidak punya kejelasan dari yang nama nya badan pengawas pasar 

Rasanya di hantam papa bear, di pentoeng pak oentoeng 
selama 2008 tidak ada apa apanya  di banding keselnya hari ini cuma 
bisa nonton porto yang susah payah di jaga akhirnya jd rusak krn 
gak jelas sampe kapan gini.

Apa perlu ada ilmu baru yang di 
ajarkan di ob, sebelum menguasai ilmu memilih stock yang baek, 
seharusnya belajar dulu gimana milih sekuritas yang baek? 


--- Pada Sel, 
6/1/09, fuyi  menulis:

Dari: fuyi 
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] 
  Pengumuman idx soal sp
  obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Tanggal: Selasa, 6 
  Januari, 2009, 1:33 AM

  Berdasarkan pengalaman OBERS, kalau ada kasus seperti ini, apa yg 
  harus kami lakukan (pemilik account)?  dan apkh dana kita yang 
  cash bisa dicairkan nggak? Aduh sedih banget...

  2009/1/6, steve ivan : 

penyalahgunaan rekening efek nasabah bukan suatu 
tindakan yg terpuji... dan hebatnya ini dilakukan oleh perusahaan 
sekelas Sarijaya...
sedih, kaget, skaligus kesel setengah 
smoga orang yg bertanggung jawab atas kasus ini 
ditindak tegas!

  chatting dengan teman di Yahoo! Pingbox baru sekarang!! 
Membuat tempat 
  chat pribadi di blog Anda sekarang sangatlah mudah



  Selalu bisa chat di profil jaringan, blog, atau situs web pribadi! Yahoo! 
memungkinkan Anda selalu bisa chat melalui Pingbox. Coba!

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BUMI jadi pemegang saham pengendali DEWA

2009-01-03 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Kalau saya tebak, scenarionya seperti ini:
1. BUMI beli DEWA dan transfer beberapa coal mining (yg minor) dan besarkan 
aset DEWA
2. Harga premium, karena perhitungkan present price adalah discounted future 
value dengan pertimbangan no 1 tadi. Ditambah faktor interest karena pembayaran 
3. BNBR akan ambil alih DEWA dari BUMI
4. Berikutnya kalau BNBR perlu hutang, cukup menjamin/menjual DEWA, tidak perlu 
otak/atik BUMI karena BNBR sudah tidak majority di BUMI
5. Tentunya dengan projection bahwa commodity terutama COAL masih sangat 
prospektif sekali ke depan 

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-Original Message-
From: "troyanese" 

Date: Sun, 04 Jan 2009 00:46:47 
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BUMI jadi pemegang saham pengendali DEWA

Beberapa yang aneh :

1. Transaksi 3 Tr tidak material, sehingga tidak perlu RUPS disaat 
BUMI kesulitan likuiditas sehingga mau buy back aja hrs pake ngutang ? 

2. Beli di harga 510 saat harga di pasar cuma Rp. 50 (jumlah offer 
cukup besar.

3. Belinya 3 Tr dan dah dibayar 492 M. Bukannya kemaren mau buy back 
BUMI diharga relatif rendah pake utangan dan sekarang malah mau beli 
perusahan lain di harga mahal dan sudah bayar pula 492 M. Kenapa 492 M 
nya gak buat buy back BUMI ?

Jangan-jangan skenarionya memang mau menggembosi BUMI (merugikan 
publik dan tidak melalui RUPS, sebab kalo lewat RUPS publik hampir 
pasti gak setuju) dengan membeli saham milik pihak tertentu di DEWA 
dengan harga mahall sekaleee :D

Kalo ini gak diusut oleh BAPEPAM, bisa jadi ntar BEI hanya tempat 
menggarong uang masyarakat. Kalo dah begini ya selamat tinggal deh 

--- In, d...@... wrote:
> nih sama group Bakrie...
> harga saham DEWA saat ini di posisi 50/saham, tekanan jual dipasar 
> belum reda..., terus BUMI yg mau beli dgn harga 510/saham (romornya 
> yg dimiliki zurich milik keluarga AB:info kontan). kalau 
> begini bukannya investor BUMI yg dirugikan bukan?
> Menurut Direktur BUMI and Corporate Sec.: "transaki tersebut tidak
> material, jadi tidak perlu ada RUPS di BUMI untuk ambil action beli 
> padahal menurut saya besar sekali jumlah 3T yg digunakan 
> disaat krisis likuidtas saat iniaya'-aya' wae nih and bullshit
> banget.heheheh.
> untuk take over/akusisi seperti ini ada peran dan campur tangan 
> engga ya? seperti waktu BUMI mau buyback pake utang dilarang oleh
> bappepam, ini keputusan yg wise dari Bappepam agar investor 
minoritas di
> BUMI tidak dirugikan.
> Kalau bener kejadian traksaksi ini,..jelas Mr. AB personal yg 
> dan ini sudah penipuan dan kriminal-just my opini...tidak ada lagi
> transparansi dan due diligent atas transaksi yg material dalam ambil
> keputusan...tanpa adanya RUPS, menurut saya ini PENIPUAN...BAPPEPAM 
> bertindak!!!
> mohon sharing dari senior, skenario apa yg lagi dimainkan AB and 
> Thanks, D
> > Berita di KONTAN BUMI menjadi pemegang saham pengendali DEWA 
> > pembelian Zurich asset investment. Nilai pembelian sekitar 3.5 
> > atau
> > Rp. 510 per saham.
> > Kenapa kemaren perusahaan-perusahaan group Bakrie rame-rame pada 
> > dari utang yang nilainya puluhan milyar sampai trilyunan, tapi 
> > bisa
> > belanja trilyunan dengan DP yang sudah dibayar senilai 492 
> > jadi defaultnya emang disengaja yah...
> >

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[obrolan-bandar] CPRO - Snow Lion Beli 1,95 Miliar Saham CP Prima

2009-01-02 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Mungkin ini yg menyebabkan nilai transaksi CPRO melonjak akhir Des lalu, 
seperti pertanyaan Pak DE beberapa hari lalu. Bagaimana prospek CPRO kedepan, 
mohon sharing rekan2? 

⁠Snow Lion Beli 1,95 Miliar Saham CP Prima 

Fri, 02 Jan 2009 21:13:00 

TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta:Snow Lion Investment Limited membeli 1,95 miliar 
lembar saham PT Central Proteinaprima Tbk. (CP Prima) Pembelian saham emiten 
berkode CPRO atas nama PT Pertiwi Indonesia tersebut dilakukan pada 24 Desember 

Sekretaris Perusahaan CP Prima Albert Sebastian menyatakan pengalihan tersebut 
akan merubah komposisi kepemilikan saham pada perseroan. "Namun, pengalihan 
saham itu tidak mengakibatkan perubahan pemegang saham pengendali," kata 
Albert, dalam suratnya kepada Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), Jumat (2/1).

Pada tanggal 19 Desember 2008, otoritas bursa sempat menghentikan sementara 
perdagangan (suspensi) hak memesan efek terlebih dahulu (HMETD) saham CP Prima 
sejak sesi pertama di seluruh pasar. Bursa menghentikan sementara perdagangan 
itu karena ingin mengklarifikasi informasi dari perseroan, terutama terkait 
HMETD itu.

Ototritas bursa juga sempat mencermati pergerakan harga saham perusahaan 
pembudidayaan udang terintegrasi terbesar dunia ini akibat penurunan yang tidak 
wajar di awal Desember 2008. Berdasar data BEI, harga saham CP Prima melemah Rp 
28 atau 29,1 persen dari level Rp 96 menjadi Rp 68 per lembar pada periode 3-28 
November 2008.

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[obrolan-bandar] Oil jumps above $39 as Israel-Gaza conflict widens

2008-12-28 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano

Oil jumps above $39 as Israel-Gaza conflict widens


Published: December 28, 2008

SINGAPORE (AP) - Oil prices rose to above $39 a barrel Monday in Asia, jumping 
for a second trading day as a widening conflict between Israel and Gaza raised 
tensions in the oil-rich Middle East.

Light, sweet crude for February delivery rose $1.37 to $39.08 a barrel in 
electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange by midday in Singapore. 
The contract on Friday rose $2.36 to settle at $37.71.

Israel expanded its deadliest-ever air offensive against Gaza's Hamas rulers 
Sunday and prepared for a possible ground invasion. Arab leaders protested the 
attacks and Syria broke off indirect peace talks with the Jewish state.

With the two-day death toll nearing 300, Hamas fired rockets deeper than ever 
into Israel.

"There could be fear that an escalating Middle East conflict could disrupt 
supplies, though I don't see that happening at this point," said Gerard Rigby, 
energy analyst with Fuel First Consulting in Sydney. "(Israel-Palestinian 
conflict)  always causes a bit of a blip and is one component that could 
support prices short-term."

Oil prices have fallen 73 percent since peaking at $147.27 a barrel on July 11 
as a credit crisis in the U.S. sparked a steep drop-off in consumer demand and 
corporate earnings. Analysts expect more dismal economic news from the fourth 
quarter over the next few weeks.

"More bad profit reports, jobs reports, thousing results will put pressure on 
prices," Rigby said. "Once Obama comes in, that might start changing sentiment 
and generate more optimism."

Barack Obama is scheduled to be sworn in as U.S. president on Jan. 20.

Trading volumes have been low as many traders take off the week between 
Christmas and New Year's Day.

In other Nymex trading, gasoline futures rose 3.16 cents to 88 cents a gallon. 
Heating oil gained 3.30 cents to $1.28 a gallon while natural gas for January 
delivery jumped 16.3 cents to $5.99 per 1,000 cubic feet.

In London, February Brent crude rose $1.56 to $39.93 a barrel on the ICE 
Futures exchange.
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Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] IPOT Blackberry

2008-12-28 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Kalau begitu, apa ada software lain yg bisa pantau running trade pakai APN 
blackberry? Yg langganan seperti RTI pakai apa ya? Dan langganannya berapa per 
bulan? Pak JT mungkin bisa bantu. 

Setahu saya, biasanya software yang perlu ambil data "live" dari server 
tertentu (bukan dari server Blackberry) seperti IPOT ini, settingnya harus 
pakai APN operator dan tidak termasuk paket unlimited. 

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-Original Message-

Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 17:08:04 
Subject: Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] IPOT Blackberry

Saya jg baru pake ipot bb n emang sebaiknya jangan digeber pake runing trade bs 
kemakan banyak bandwithnya n aplagi paket std cmn 50 mb klo ga salah 1 jam klo 
di komp kena 1-2 mb kira2. Jd lebih baik buat liat quote ama transaksi a ja 
jual beli aja
Sent via BlackBerry® from Telstra

-Original Message-
From: Nadya Kho 

Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2008 00:38:13 
Subject: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] IPOT Blackberry

Nah ini yang saya maksud pak rudyho sama saya juga pake mentari dan 
rencananya kalo pake Blackberry saya aktifkan BIS nya...hahaha ternyata bayar 
lagi toh.. Persis sama yang pak Willy ngomong juga musti bayar lagi soalnya 
APN nya APN operator.
pak rudy kalo jalanin IPOT 1 jam kira2 makan berapa kb ya...



Dari: rudyho 
Kepada: Milis ObrolanBandar 
Terkirim: Minggu, 28 Desember, 2008 20:31:24
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] IPOT Blackberry

Weleh... Kalo di telkomsel ndak tau pak, apa memang ndak bisa bundling ya? 
Kalo di isat sih saya pernah denger teman pakai...
Jadi dia pakai nomor awalan 0814... terus ditambah layanan  BlackBerry™
Saya juga cuman pake BISdgn kartu pra bayar mentari... hehehe
Jadi kalo running ipot di  BLACKBERRY™ ya bayar..untung ndak mahal2x tarif di 
isat 1rp/kb 

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 13:15:31 +
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] IPOT Blackberry

Gimana caranya pak, bukanya gak ada paketnya



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From: "rudyho" 
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 12:37:13 +
To: Milis ObrolanBandar
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] IPOT Blackberry

Yup...karena ipot menggunakan apn operator BUKAN apn blackberry.
Jadi kalo kita hanya berlangganan layanan blackberry, otomatis HARUS BAYAR 
Omong2x..yg dimaksud UNLIMITED ini apa sih?
Kan sekarang juga ada layanan INTERNET UNLIMITED...
Telkomsel dengan FLASH-nya...
Indosat dengan MATRIX BROADBAND-nya. ..etc
Jadi kalo kita berlanggan  BlackBerry™ DAN unlimited Broadband internet servis 
(2 paket) otomatis ndak bayar lagi Cmiiw

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

From: willytandra@
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 12:07:12 +
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] IPOT Blackberry

Betul pak. Ada tambahan biaya lagi meskipun sudah pake langganan blackberry yg 
unlimited. Sy pake telkomsel unlimited tetapi ketika buka ipot tetap ada 
tambahan charge lg krn yg dipake memang apn operator.


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From: "rudyho" 
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 07:52:51 +
To: Milis ObrolanBandar
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] IPOT Blackberry

Kalo sdh pake unlimited broadband ya mestinya ndak bos... 
Tapi kalo cuman langganan blackberry, ya otomatis kepotong, kan apn yg dipake 
apn operator... Cmiiw

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

From: Nadya Kho 
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 14:33:32 +0800 (SGT)
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] IPOT Blackberry

Guys mau tanya dong (mohon dibantu)

1. Kalau saya jalanin IPOT via BlackBerry apakah potong pulsa lagi ? walaupun 
sudah pake unlimited.
2. Kalau mau chat via .. bisa di BlackBerry? kalo bisa potong 
pulsa lagi gak?

Thx atas tanggapannya ya

Mulai chatting dengan teman di Yahoo! Pingbox baru sekarang!! 
Membuat tempat chat pribadi di blog Anda sekarang sangatlah mudah  

  Menambah banyak teman sangatlah mudah dan cepat. Undang teman dari 
Hotmail, Gmail ke Yahoo! Messenger sekarang!

[obrolan-bandar] BUY!!!!! Pemodal Global Optimistis Tahun 2009 Ekonomi Pulih

2008-12-26 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano

Pemodal Global Optimistis Tahun 2009 Ekonomi Pulih

London (ANTARA News/Reuters) - Memasuki tahun baru 2009, satu fenomena tak 
biasa menyeruak di dunia investasi yaitu harapan relatif optimistis.
Ada embel-embel kata relatif di situ, namun pesan terpenting adalah tahun baru 
akan membawa akhir satu masa nestapa yang dirasakan banyak investor namun kini 
menyaksikan saham-saham global pulih lagi harganya dan semua jenis aset 
berisiko tinggi akan dimainkan lagi oleh pemodal.
Apa yang tersedia kini tentunya bukan hanya hari-hari bullish (kecenderungan 
naiknya lagi harga saham) di pasar modal yang mengaburkan krisis kredit, tetapi 
juga harapan besar investor untuk pulihnya lagi perekonomian. Beberapa kalangan 
percaya pemulihan itu mulai tampak.
"Orang sedang mengambil posisi di era pasca resesi. Itulah yang sedang berlaku 
saat ini. Apa yang selama ini kita lihat adalah harga-harga sudah terlalu 
murah. Orang ingin segera melewati kekacauan ini," kata Charlie Morris, kepala 
analisis laba pada HSBC Global Asset Management.
Tema besar tahun 2009 adalah tatkala perekonomian global akan terus memburuk 
setidaknya hingga beberapa kuartal ke depan, pasar modal justru sudah menaksir 
kecenderungan itu.
Jadi, manakala sebuah perusahaan seperti Generali Investments dari Itali 
memprediksi pertumbuhan global pada masa resesi tahun depan akan 1,7 persen, 
saat bersamaan mereka memproyeksikan indeks harga saham naik 14 sampai 15 
persen dalam kurun 12 bulan mendatang.
Prediksi ini sebagian didorong oleh proyeksi bahwa siklus investasi cenderung 
lebih dulu memulihkan diri ketimbang normalnya lagi siklus ekonomi dan laba.
"Pasar modal dan kredit kerap lebih dulu pulih dibanding siklus ekonomi. Jadi, 
meskipun PDB tidak bisa tumbuh sampai paruh kedua tahun depan, aset-aset 
berisiko lebih tinggi akan lebih dulu pulih (saham dan obligasi termasuk yang 
disebut aset berisiko, red)," kata Michael Dicks, konsultan investasi pada 
Barclays Wealth, kepada para kliennya dalam sebuah paparan proyeksi ekonomi 
tahun 2009.
Jajak pendapat Reuters yang menjaring pendapat para pengelola dana dan para 
analis melukiskan sebuah gambaran mengenai tumbuh moderatnya indeks saham pada 
2009, masing-masing dua digit di negara-negara maju dan di atas 20 persen di 
negara-negara berperekonomian berkembang.
Sinyal membaik
Mulai tahun depan mulai muncul tanda-tanda bahwa akar dari simpul gejolak pasar 
keuangan dunia dalam satu setengah tahun terakhir telah terpetakan.
Data bulan lalu memberi gambaran bahwa ketika investor diselimuti skeptisme, 
sebenarnya mereka tidaklah seskeptis itu karena aliran dana dan 
indikator-indikator aset lainnya tengah bergerak menuju arah sama, menyasar 
Penjejak arah pemulihan ekonomi, EPFR Global, mencatat beberapa tanda bahwa 
tarikan berinvestasi mulai menemukan gairahnya lagi pada minggu kedua Desember 
Pasar saham di negara-negara berperekonomian berkembang disebut oleh lembaga 
ini telah membukukan investasi masuk netto terbesar sejak pertengahan Juli, 
kurang lebih satu miliar dolar AS (Rp11 triliun).
Pasar obligasi yield (dividen) tinggi juga tumbuh cukup moderat karena tawaran 
risiko yang relatif atraktif.
Sementara volatilitas (gejolak) pasar modal jauh lebih mereda dalam dua bulan 
terakhir, setidaknya menurut perhitungan Indeks Volatilitas VIX. Indeks 
kecemasan berinvestasi ini turun sekitar 40 persen dari puncaknya pada Oktober 
Sinyal bagus lainnya mengenai berangsur pulihnya kepercayaan investor muncul 
dari indeks pertumbuhan dagang maritim rilisan Baltic Exchange yang bulan ini 
dicatat sebagai bulan positif pertama sejak Mei 2008. Ini mengindikasikan 
gairah transaksi ekspor impor dunia naik lagi.
Di pasar saham sendiri, indeks harga saham global utama MSCI (dari Morgan 
Stanley Capital Investment yang merangkum indeks saham seluruh dunia yang 
menjadi acuan indeks saham global) menjadi seksi kembali dengan mencatat 
kinerja terbaik sejak Mei 2008. Tawaran gain bulanan ini hanya terjadi lima 
kali dalam 18 bulan terakhir.

"Jika kita sudah 24 bulan mengalami resesi, maka kita sudah terbiasa dengan 
kondisi itu, dan kini adalah masa untuk memulai melihat pulihnya kembali pasar 
modal," kata investor Wall Street, Jim O'Shaughnessy dalam Simposium Investasi 
Reuters di New York.
Kunci kata yang diberikan O'Shaughnessy adalah "jika." Untuk sementara waktu 
para investor berharap tahun 2009 adalah tahun yang lebih ramah untuk pasar 
keuangan, mereka memprediksi kejatuhan ekonomi global adalah hal normal "jika" 
penurunan ekonomi dunia memang sangat tajam dan tidak biasa.
Namun, semua prediksi itu akan sia-sia belaka jika resesi berubah menjadi 
Tapi itu bukan hal yang diinginkan terjadi dan bukan pula sesuatu yang 
diharapkan para investor. Jajak pendapat Merill Lynch kepada para manajer 
investasi yang diadakan bulan lalu memperlihatkan, 26 persen responden 
memprediksi perekonomian global akan tumbuh lebih kuat tahun depan ketimbang 
"Pesimisme se

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: TRUB

2008-12-25 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Ada rumor, managementnya sedang bersengketa, ada shareholder yang mau 
mengundurkan diri tapi belum reach to conclusion. Mereka sedang mengundang 
investor baru untuk memperkuat modal dan menggantikannya, tapi under 
discussion. Sepanjang management belum solid, harga mungkin belum akan 
bergerak, I guess. Mudah2an cepat kelar dan bisa kembali fokus ke bisnis dan 
harga akan naik kembali. Bisnis mereka sendiri sangat segmented dan punya 
prospek tapi sayang situasi belum mendukung. 

Mohon dikoreksi kalau salah. 

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-Original Message-
From: "FromBuitenzorg" 

Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 05:55:27 
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: TRUB

Mungkin TRUB hrs meyakinkan kepercayaan pasar Pak. 

Sebabnya? blank, tapi kalo punya chart historisnya mungkin bisa 
dipelajari apakah antara daya rangsang volume terhadap harga ke 
depannya--sekalipun up-down teruji akan valuable dan prospective.

Cuma view yg bisa salah.


"raynaldoy"  wrote:
> Ada yang tau kenapa saham trub tidak bergerak2 dari 50, padahal TRUB 
> sudah mengungumkan ada proyek PLTU di 2009

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PGAS memperkirakan penjualan 33 persen tahun depan

2008-12-23 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Pak JT 

Ini serius. Candle kan yg temuin orang Jepang karena dulunya dipakai untuk 
memprediksi arah dan pergerakan harga oleh para trader beras. 

Bagaimana kalau Pak JT mencari pola tersendiri korelasi antara beberapa 
parameter utama dengan volume, seperti yg bapak jelaskan dibawah. Bapak kan 
master Volume dan TA tentunya. Siapa tahu ada roadmap yang bisa dipetakan dalam 
bentuk baku atau turunan terhadap pola tertentu, kayak candle gitu lho. Kan 
bisa dinamakan sesuai penemunya, seperti pola Darvas dll.

Saya dukung Pak. Sayang kalau ilmunya tidak digali lebih dalam lagi.  

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-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader" 

Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2008 17:13:21 
Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PGAS memperkirakan penjualan 33 persen tahun 

Teoritis begitu, Cuma kita ngga bisa membandingkannya begitu saja, harus
dilihat juga seberapa besar pergerakan harga, seberapa besar rata-rata
volume, bagaimana trend-nya.., dst. Jadi ada faktor-faktor lainnya yg harus
dipertimbangkan..., tidak bisa black & white begitu, ya kurang lebih
seperti halnya menginterpretasikan candlestick lah, sangat tergantung
posisinya dimana, gimana candle sebelumnya, gimana vol-nya, apakah berada di
area SAR dll.., jadi bukan berarti ada doji berarti bakal reversal..., nah
membaca volume kira-kira juga begitu..., bingung ya ? hehe...


-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of poetra
Sent: 23 Desember 2008 16:47
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PGAS memperkirakan penjualan 33 persen tahun

Mohon pencerahan Pak JT, apa artinya jika harga naik dan volume lebih
kecil dibandingkan hari kemarinnya (saat harga turun) itu artinya juga
bukan ther real movement?


--- In, "JsxTrader" 
> One thing sir..., so far volume never lie to me..., liat volume waktu
jatuh dua hari kemarin.., saya dah ngga percaya that was a real
movement..., tapi ada yg bilang.., susahlah liat volume..., contohnya
bumi... hehe.., bumi is different case..
> JT
> -Original Message-
> From:
[] On Behalf Of pemainedan
> Sent: 23 Desember 2008 15:42
> To:
> Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PGAS memperkirakan penjualan 33 persen
tahun depan
> haha... the market precedes the news. right, pak JT??! (mirip spt
> embah yg dulu posting ada kelucuan di Bloomberg)
> --- In, "JsxTrader" jsxtrader@
> wrote:
> >
> > Halah…, bisa aje tuh yg bikin berita.., baru juga kemarin
> beritanya busuk-busuk semua…, hehe…, Pak Halim
advise please…
> >
> >
> >
> > JT
> >
> >
> >
> > From: [mailto:obrolan-
>] On Behalf Of Joe Grunk
> > Sent: 23 Desember 2008 15:05
> > To:
> > Cc:
> > Subject: [obrolan-bandar] PGAS memperkirakan penjualan 33 persen
> tahun depan
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 57141923
> >
> > IQP, (23/12) - Perusahaan Gas Negara, memperkirakan
> penjualan 33
> > persen tahun depan. Perusahaan diprediksi mampu menjual antara 700
> juta - 800
> > juta cubic feet per hari gas di 2009, Kata presiden direktur Hendi
> Prio
> > Santoso selasa. Tahun ini perseroan memperkirakan akan mampu
> menjual 600 juta
> > cubic feet gas per hari. PGN mengatakan sumbangan terbesar
> penjualan adalah
> > kepada industri listrik dimana mereka baru saja menandatangani
> kontrak 210
> > juta cubic feet per hari dengan PLN.
> >
> > End (AF)
> >
> >
> >
> >_
> >
> > Berselancar lebih cepat dan lebih cerdas dengan Firefox
>>  3!
> >
> > No virus found in this incoming message.
> > Checked by AVG -
> > Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.10.0/1861 - Release Date:
> 12/22/2008 11:23 AM
> >
> + +
> + + + + +
> Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
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[obrolan-bandar] Stocks: Brace for a volatile week

2008-12-21 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Mudah2an volatile ke atas jadi BEI bisa ngekor sekalian window dressing dan 
litttle happy ending. Optimis dikit, boleh kan

Stocks: Brace for a volatile week

By Ben Rooney, staff writer
December 20, 2008: 11:28 AM EST

Investors return Monday for the last few trading days of what has been a 
tumultuous year and face a slew of economic reports in a holiday-shortened 
trading week.

The days before Christmas bring reports on housing, the GDP, personal income 
and spending, and the latest reading on initial unemployment claims.

Trading could also be volatile with many investors out for the Christmas 
holiday. U.S. markets will close early Wednesday and will remain closed on 

Swings in the market are often amplified when fewer market participants are 
present. So even a modest amount of buying could turn into a more substantial 

"We could rally next week just because no one's here," said Dave Rovelli, 
managing director of U.S. equity trading at Canaccord Adams in New York.

And the market could find some short-term support "from a relief standpoint," 
said Abigail Doolittle, a portfolio manager at Johnson Illington Advisors, 
which has nearly $700 million in assets under management.

Doolittle said the government's support of the auto industry and optimism about 
President-elect Barack Obama's economic stimulus plans may buoy the market.

But given the outlook for first-quarter corporate results, a long-term rebound 
is unlikely, said Rovelli.

Indeed, fourth-quarter earnings per share for the companies in the S&P 500 
are forecast to decline more than 10%, according to estimates from Thomson 

Stocks capped a rocky week on a mixed note Friday as investors digested the 
Bush Administration's $13.4 billion auto bailout. The major indexes seesawed 
all week amid another interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve and dismal 
financial reports from Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs.

Monday: The housing market will be in focus as the Hope Now Alliance, a 
government program that aides homeowners facing foreclosure, reports on its 
2008 efforts and looks ahead to next year.

Tuesday: The government will release its final revision for third-quarter gross 
domestic product. Economists think the economy shrank at an annual rate of 0.5% 
in the quarter, unchanged from last month.

Also on Tuesday, the National Association of Realtors is set to announce 
figures for existing and new home sales in November.

Both reports are expected to show further declines. Existing home sales are 
forecast to decline to 4.93 million from 4.98 million in October. New home 
sales are seen falling to 420,000 from 433,000, according to estimates gathered 

Meanwhile, the University of Michigan is expected to revise its consumer 
sentiment index lower to a reading of 58.6 from the 59.1 reading it announced 
on Dec. 12.

And the government's latest weekly crude inventory report will be released at 
10:35 a.m. Oil prices have been hovering around 4-1/2 year lows despite a 
pledge by OPEC to cut production, starting in January.

Wednesday: Despite an early close at 1 p.m. ET for the Christmas holiday, the 
market will have a healthy dose of economic news to digest.

At 8:30 a.m. ET, the Commerce Department will issue its monthly report on 
November personal income and spending.

Personal spending is expected to be flat after a modest 0.3% increase in 
October, while spending is forecast to fall 0.8% after a decline of 1% the 
month before.

Also, the Labor Department will report its weekly jobless claims. Last week, 
the number of first-time unemployment filers, which had been at a 26-year high, 
fell more than expected.

Thursday: U.S. markets are closed for the Christmas holiday.

Friday: U.S. markets reopen for a full trading day. With the exception of 
Japan, all other world markets are shut in observance of Boxing Day.
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Re: [obrolan-bandar] (MY PREDIKSI Oil 2009) Re: The fact of OIL...

2008-12-20 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Kalau prediksi saya, high-nya akan tembus pak mungkin balik ke kisaran 65-70. 
Alasannya, sekarang ini "demand" masih belum riil karena banyak perusahaan yg 
minimize/limit atau scale down operationalnya. Salah satu contoh, beberapa 
shipping lines lebih memilih untuk docking (=istirahatkan) kapal mereka untuk 
minimize loss. Biasanya pertengahan tahun, traffic perdagangan akan mulai trend 
up, disaat itu "real demand" akan terbentuk. Apalagi ditambah factor in dengan 
spekulasi, maka harga akan terbentuk lebih cepat daripada demandnya sendiri. 

February crude futures end higher  

By Polya Lesova 
Last update: 2:55 p.m. EST Dec. 19, 2008 

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Crude-oil futures rose above $42 a barrel Friday as 
investors bid up the new February contract, but continued to sell off the 
January contract, whose volatile action sent prices to as low as $32.40 a 
barrel. Crude oil for February delivery, now the most active contract, rose 69 
cents to end at $42.36 a barrel on Nymex. The front-month January contract, 
which expired Friday, ended down $2.35 at $33.87 a barrel on the New York 
Mercantile Exchange.

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-Original Message-
From: "FromBuitenzorg" 

Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 03:53:58 
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] (MY PREDIKSI  Oil 2009) Re: The fact of OIL...

Sebenarnya sangat menyenangkan sekali andai minyak bisa mencapai 
$25/barrel, krn dapat memberikan rangsangan ekonomi dan lajunya yg 
lebih baik...Harga BBM akan murah, komoditi lain bisa bersaing.

Karena "Minyak Selalu Top News di Segala Bursa". berikut ini saya 
coba buat "sepintas saja" Outlook & Forecast 2009

-Kembali ke th 2006, dimana pertumbuhan ekonomi cukup bagus, harga 
minyak, dg range $55 - 60/barre'
- Thn 2007 sedikit membaik, tetapi pada akhir 2007 terjadi krisis 
finansial US. Harga minyak januari -Desember, dg range $60 - 
Thn 2008, krisis global, harga minyak range $100- 39/barrel (bukan 
angka Piet item, yg riil)

Dengan mempertimbangkan yg ditulis Pak Aris sebelumnya dan kondisi 
ekonomi global serta kemungkinan supply-demand 2009, forecast 

-Konsumsi minyak dunia 2009 masih tetap lumayan tinggi, tetapi 
sedikit lebih rendah dibanding 2007 dan 2008 atau turun HANYA 
sekitar 0.5-0.6 persen atau tidak lebih 1%. Thn 2006 diabaikan krn 
lebih rendah dibanding 2007/2008.

- Prediksi Harga Minyak Mentah: Low 35 ; High 52

Kita liat apakah akan terbukti, bisa di-trace mulai awal 2009 s.d. 
Feb. 2009.

Lain2. Permintaan batubara masih cukup baik dan akan meningkat 
apabila harga minyak kurang kondusif.



--- In, "Aria Bela Nusa" 
> The facts that the price of OIL has still been coming down, down 
> recently - despites of :> 
> . USD is weakness to EUR
> . The OPEC cuts the quotas of production> . 
>   Winter seasons, 
> . the bail-outs, etc
> The reasons behind we see that the above is no influence, effects 
to price
> absolutely - are the demand (real - expected) would be decreasing 
over the
> up-coming periods factually - recessions being previously faced in 
some rich
> countries deepens further
> Happy Chuan,
> Aria

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[obrolan-bandar] Libur Akhir Tahun BEI

2008-12-20 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano

INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Akhir tahun 2008 sebentar lagi akan berakhir. Bursa Efek 
Indonesia (BEI) juga sudah menjadwalkan libur akhir tahunnya yang dimulai sejak 
31 Desember 2008 hingga 4 Januari 2009. 

"Senin 5 Januari 2009, bursa mulai buka kembali," kata Corporate Secretary BEI 
Humas BEI, Frederica Wydiasari kepada INILAH.COM, Sabtu (20/12).  

Sementara, menurut Samuel Securities, pekan ini akan menjadi pekan yang 
menentukan arah pergerakan indeks dalam satu dua bulan ke depan. 

Berdasarkan riset perusahaan, indeks masih berada di tengah-tengah level key 
support dan key resistance di level 1233 dan level 1340-an. 

Penembusan salah satu dari kedua level tersebut akan membuka kunci arah indeks 
berikutnya di mana kedua-duanya menjanjikan upside dan downside yang cukup 
besar. [cms] 

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Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: IHSG pagi ini-mbah

2008-12-17 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Calling Elaine to answer as she is most competence to anwer.  

Silahkan Elaine

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-Original Message-
From: "jsx_consultant" 

Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 09:19:24 
Subject: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: IHSG pagi ini-mbah

Dollar turun terhadap Euro dengan cepatnya saat ini...

Dulu ketika US dollar Index menurun dengan cepat, mereka 
memindahkan assetnya ke komo sehingga komo naik ratusan persen.

Nah sekarang kemana itu FUND lari ?. 

Apakah sebagian akan dipindahkan ke emerging market ?

Any idea ?. 

--- In, "y_dizz"  wrote:
> Pukul 15:37, Dow Fut -124. Capee deh sama tuh bule, maunya apa sih?
> Kira2 masih optimis akhir tahun Dow bisa tutup di atas 9500 nggak ya? 
> Pak Artomoro, Polar Expressnya kapan berangkat nih? Masa delay, kaya 
> naik kereta ekonomi aja. Hehehe
> --- In, Vincent Chase 
>  wrote:
> >
> > ikut yg mana neh mbah? future merah tua apa regional yg hijau?
> >

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: bozz lagi duduk manis...

2008-12-12 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Dear Elaine

Good thing is progressing. Ready to restart 15 days white candle until 
Christmass' eve?

U.S. Treasury Ready to Prevent Failure of Automakers (Update2) 

By John Brinsley and Jeff Green

Dec. 12 (Bloomberg) -- The Bush administration dropped its opposition to using 
the $700 billion bank bailout to provide financing for U.S. automakers, after 
the Senate yesterday failed to approve emergency loans. 

“Because Congress failed to act, we will stand ready to prevent an imminent 
failure until Congress reconvenes and acts to address the long-term viability 
of the industry,” Treasury spokeswoman Brookly McLaughlin said in an e-mailed 

The Treasury has used all but about $15 billion of the first half of the 
Troubled Asset Relief Program’s funds since the plan was enacted Oct. 3. 
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has until today repeatedly resisted calls to 
use the program to aid the automakers. 

While the Treasury’s one-sentence statement doesn’t mention the TARP, White 
House spokeswoman Dana Perino said earlier in a separate statement that the 
Bush administration is considering using some of the program to keep the auto 
companies afloat. 

“Under normal economic conditions we would prefer that markets determine the 
ultimate fate of private firms,” Perino said. “However, given the current 
weakened state of the U.S. economy, we will consider other options if necessary 
-- including use of the TARP program -- to prevent a collapse of troubled 

The administration’s shift comes after repeated statements by Paulson that any 
injection of funds required a plan “that leads to viability.” 

Revive Lending 

“The intent of the TARP was to deal with financial institutions and major 
systemic issues and getting lending going in capital institutions,” Paulson 
said in a Nov. 13 Bloomberg Television interview. “Congress, I believe, should 
address the question of the auto industry.” 

Emergency loans for General Motors Corp. and closely held Chrysler LLC were 
rejected late yesterday after talks failed over Republican senators’ demands 
that union workers accept a cut in wages next year. GM and Chrysler said they 
may run out of cash for their operations as sales head toward their lowest in 
17 years. 

Senator Bob Corker , a Tennessee Republican involved in failed efforts to forge 
a compromise last night, said providing TARP money without union commitments to 
restructure and wage concessions would make it “less likely” that the companies 
become more competitive. Such a move would put “good money after bad,” Corker 
said in a Bloomberg Television interview. 

GM Chief Executive Officer Rick Wagoner told Congress last week, and has said 
repeatedly, that the Detroit-based automaker is trying to avoid bankruptcy at 
all costs. Lead director George Fisher said last week that GM considered and 
rejected the option and it was “way down the list” of alternatives. 

GM Shortage 

Still, GM also has said it will lack the minimum $11 billion needed to pay 
bills by the end of this month, raising the prospect of bankruptcy should it 
fail to win a cash infusion. GM reported having $16.2 billion as of Sept. 30. 

An attempt to restructure GM in bankruptcy would end up as liquidation, because 
sales would plummet as buyers flock to solvent car companies, Wagoner has said. 

Chrysler has said it will run out of money early next year. It ended the third 
quarter with $6.1 billion in cash and needs at least $3 billion on hand to 
operate, Chief Executive Officer Robert Nardelli told Congress on Nov. 18. 

Pressure was mounting on GM and Chrysler this week before the congressional 
failure as both faced demands from a small number of parts-makers for payments 
in advance because of the bankruptcy concerns, people familiar with the matter 

Ford Chief Executive Officer Alan Mulally said his company doesn’t need 
emergency U.S. loans, though he predicted last week that the automaker could be 
dragged into bankruptcy by the failure of GM. 

To contact the reporters on this story: John Brinsley in Washington at ; Jeff Green in Washington at 

Last Updated: December 12, 2008 10:40 EST
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-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui 

Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2008 21:07:19 
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: bozz lagi duduk manis...

*Yes, buy more. But why'd you be my fan? Anyhow, thanks, I take that as a
compliment. Elaine salah predict about the big three, I thought It's gonna
be smooth. Damn republicans, they wanna pass the problem to the next

Somehow I'm not worried at all. Christmas is near, cheer up!

2008/12/12 Frendy 

>  hauhaua..still BUY ? hari ini udah batal 15 consecutive white
> candlesnyalol
> but. i'm still one of ur fanssoBUUUYYY.MORE
> - Original Message -
> *From:* Elaine Sui 
> *To:*

Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] PAK JSX TRADER... bumi

2008-12-11 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Pak JT, 
Pakai software apa di BB, yang live ya?
Saya cuma bisa monitor pakai Yahoo go.
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-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 06:50:21 
Subject: Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] PAK JSX TRADER... bumi

Wah sayang ngga bisa ikutan hajar kanan.., hehe.., cuma bisa liat BB 
kelap-kelip... hehehe.., selamet deh buat semuanya.., let's ride.. !!

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powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: "fifi young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 13:06:26 
Subject: Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] PAK JSX TRADER... bumi

Prof. JT ikut MABOK GOYANG INUL...hehe...
ati-ati dijalan...

*** Instinct saya koq kuat juga ya?
 belum baca apa2, sebelum market buka pasang ENRG di 65...
 begitu market buka...Tiiing...'DONE'...,

 haha...! Instinct!

Soale 'DENDAM' nech ma ENRG !

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 12:50 PM, rudd haas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   enrg udah finish duluan langsung ar
> bumi masih dalam perjalanan; mudahan ikut ar
> elty masih jalan
> btel baru mengeliat2
> bagusnya av up?
> --- On *Thu, 12/11/08, Elly Tan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
> From: Elly Tan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] PAK JSX TRADER... bumi
> To:
> Date: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 12:00 PM
>   Pak JT,
> Ya pak JT setuju... yang dangdutnya paling kencang untuk saham
> Bakrie Energi hari ini.
> Lumayan tadi ikutan dangdut bareng energi
> Tapi Btel masih slow dance  pakHe222
> Salam
>  --
> *From:* JsxTrader <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
> *To:* obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
> *Sent:* Thursday, December 11, 2008 4:40:52 AM
> *Subject:* Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] PAK JSX TRADER... bumi
>  Sorry Pak, saya lg mobile, ngga didepan monitor, sy cuma monitor pake BB
> aja..., kalau liat di layar HP saya sih kayaknya bakrie lagi dangdutan..,
> termasuk ELTY saya.., cihuy !! Hehe..
> Sent from my BlackBerry(R)
> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
>  --
> *From*: Ned Putra
> *Date*: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 11:22:53 +0700 (ICT)
> *To*: 
> *Subject*: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] PAK JSX TRADER... bumi
>  Pak JT mohon intipin BUMI donk.. TQ
>  --
> *Dari:* rudd haas <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
> *Kepada:* obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
> *Terkirim:* Kamis, 11 Desember, 2008 11:00:14
> *Topik:* Re: [obrolan-bandar] PAK JSX TRADER... bumi
> keliatana setelah lama ga dibicarakan bumi mulai menarik nih
> masih kuat naik / intraday ya  please
> --
> Coba Yahoo! Messenger 9.0 baru
> Akhirnya
> datang juga!

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Test (tolong direply)

2008-12-07 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Thanks Pak JT,

Sepertinya (Telkomsel) BB dan yahoo-nya juga masalah. Soalnya ada beberapa 
message yg tidak masuk dari yahoo ke gmail karena bouncing, dan ada message di 
BB yg delay kalau dibandingkan dengan web. Aneh juga kadang2 terima posting di 
BB yg merupakan balasan tapi originalnya tidak masuk. 

Anyway, thanks atas replynya.

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-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2008 10:40:12 
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Test (tolong direply)

Saya pake ISAT BB, belakangan sering delay sampe bbrp hari, memang tidak semua 
email sih, hanya sebagian kecil saja, ngga tau problemnya di ISAT, Di B.Berry 
server, atau memang di yahoo.

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powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-

Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2008 10:33:43 
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Test (tolong direply)

Dear Rekans, 
Sudah berapa hari ini Network Blackberry Telkomsel lagi ngadat. Saya kirim 
beberapa posting ke OB tetapi tidak terupload di push email, padahal kalau saya 
check di web yahoo ternyata masuk. Sorry, ini saya kirim test dari handset 
Blackberry, karena kelihatan koneksi Blackberry sudah on lagi, tolong ada yg 
reply ya kalau masuk. Thanks. Yuta
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[obrolan-bandar] Test (tolong direply)

2008-12-07 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Dear Rekans, 
Sudah berapa hari ini Network Blackberry Telkomsel lagi ngadat. Saya kirim 
beberapa posting ke OB tetapi tidak terupload di push email, padahal kalau saya 
check di web yahoo ternyata masuk. Sorry, ini saya kirim test dari handset 
Blackberry, karena kelihatan koneksi Blackberry sudah on lagi, tolong ada yg 
reply ya kalau masuk. Thanks. Yuta
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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Arah index?

2008-12-06 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
El, I'll try to figure out my guesstimate. That's because ID banks are more 
resilient to (external) crisis and thus they are more healthy than US banks, 
aren't they? In simply word, you wanted to say that financial sector will be 
gaining profit faster than other sectors? Means BUY FINANCE?

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-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2008 19:13:34 
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Arah index?

*BUY! I'll be consistent with this, Rei. You should check it yourself,
market is now getting more and more resistant to bad news. The news media
has the ability to make good news sounds bad, and bad news sounds worse.

Massive layoffs. Falling oil price. Bailouts. From an investor view, these
are GOOD news. Massive layoffs = efficiency. Falling oil price = lower
operating cost. Bailouts = Govt. takeovers/acquisition.

Since about one hundred years ago, the economy always has the ability to
cure itself, and for Q109 (or FY08) results,they will be overall above
expectation. Investors should get maximum investment return if they start to
accumulate now.

And I know Oentoeng is somehow bullish too, but he's kinda awkward as a bear
messenger to say that..[?]

Rei, since you're an investor, why don't you -in your spare time- compare ID
banks vs US banks. You'll see that ID banks are quite expensive - valuation
wise - for a reason. Can you tell me why?

2008/12/6 Rei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  Buat para master di sini, bagaimana feeling kalian mengenai arah index
> menjelang akhir tahun dan memasuki Q1 2009?
> Tentu sdh jelas ada beberapa pihak yg menginginkan index bullish dgn
> postingan "buy" tiap kali, ada yg masih mau index jatuh dgn ancaman
> "pentungan/bom", dst.
> Dari postingan2/komen2 yg muncul belakangan ini sptnya index akan
> naik dulu (1400? 1800? 2000?) sblm dipentung lagi ke bawah 1000? Semua cuma
> bisa mengira2... Yah tidak ada yg bisa kasih prediksi 100%, tp setidak2nya
> ada arah buat pegangan kita... :-)

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Arah index?

2008-12-06 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
El, I'll try to figure out my guesstimate. That's because ID banks are more 
resilient to (external) crisis and thus they are more healthy than US banks, 
aren't they? In simply word, you wanted to say that financial sector will be 
gaining profit faster than other sectors? Means BUY FINANCE?

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-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2008 19:13:34 
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Arah index?

*BUY! I'll be consistent with this, Rei. You should check it yourself,
market is now getting more and more resistant to bad news. The news media
has the ability to make good news sounds bad, and bad news sounds worse.

Massive layoffs. Falling oil price. Bailouts. From an investor view, these
are GOOD news. Massive layoffs = efficiency. Falling oil price = lower
operating cost. Bailouts = Govt. takeovers/acquisition.

Since about one hundred years ago, the economy always has the ability to
cure itself, and for Q109 (or FY08) results,they will be overall above
expectation. Investors should get maximum investment return if they start to
accumulate now.

And I know Oentoeng is somehow bullish too, but he's kinda awkward as a bear
messenger to say that..[?]

Rei, since you're an investor, why don't you -in your spare time- compare ID
banks vs US banks. You'll see that ID banks are quite expensive - valuation
wise - for a reason. Can you tell me why?

2008/12/6 Rei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  Buat para master di sini, bagaimana feeling kalian mengenai arah index
> menjelang akhir tahun dan memasuki Q1 2009?
> Tentu sdh jelas ada beberapa pihak yg menginginkan index bullish dgn
> postingan "buy" tiap kali, ada yg masih mau index jatuh dgn ancaman
> "pentungan/bom", dst.
> Dari postingan2/komen2 yg muncul belakangan ini sptnya index akan
> naik dulu (1400? 1800? 2000?) sblm dipentung lagi ke bawah 1000? Semua cuma
> bisa mengira2... Yah tidak ada yg bisa kasih prediksi 100%, tp setidak2nya
> ada arah buat pegangan kita... :-)

Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Analisa volume

2008-12-03 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Tanda2 alam? Buy more seperti kata Elaine?
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-Original Message-
From: bayu murti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2008 11:06:03 
Subject: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Analisa volume

bener banyak email yang telat pak 

--- Pada Rab, 3/12/08, jsxtrader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> menulis:
Dari: jsxtrader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Analisa volume
Tanggal: Rabu, 3 Desember, 2008, 4:35 PM


Untuk realtime Saya Pake MS Pak.., kalau untuk quick look sih pake 

dari RTI atau IPOT sdh ok lah, saya liat HOTS juga ok, Chartnexus 

juga bolehlah untuk EOD, cuma data untuk Indexnya ngga lengkap.

BTW email anda ngga masuk ke Outlook saya ya? tapi di web ada, banyak 

email-email lainya dari OB yg juga telat banget masuk, termasuk dari 

mbah.., udh beberapa hari nih kayak gini, jadi saya mesti cek di 

web.. apa yahoo lagi ngawur lagi ya?  

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, "Darwin Gunawan" 



> Pak JT,


> mo tanya aja, untuk analisa ta biasanya pake software apa?



> 2008/12/3 hendras <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >


> >   Thanks pak JT

> >

> > --

> > Hendra

> >

> >

> >

> > 2008/12/3 jsxtrader <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ..>

> >

> >>   Tergantung kebutuhan Pak.., apa yg mau diukur (kekuatan trend, 


> >>

> >> SAR, kekuatan GAP, validitas candle, validitas breakout, dsb) 

dan time

> >> framenya. Bisa dibandingkan dgn rata-rata dari suatu titik 


> >> bisa juga dibandingkan dengan volume di 'sekitar-nya' , atau bisa 


> >> deng volume di har-hari tertentu, dsb.

> >>

> >> Penjelasan detailnya agak, panjang Pak, nanti ya, kapan kapan 


> >> diskusikan.

> >>

> >> Tuh bumi digebukin lagi kan..., ampun dah..., presurenya gede 


> >> mudah-mudahan temen-temen ngga ada yg benjol-benjol.

> >>

> >> --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com ,

> >> hendras  wrote:

> >> >

> >> > Pak JT,

> >> >

> >> > kalo volume dikatakan besar/kecil itu biasanya dibandingkan 


> >> volume yg

> >> > mana ya ?

> >> > apakah sehari sebelumnya, volume rata-rata seminggu, sebulan, 

3 bulan

> >> etc...

> >> > Mohon petunjuknya. .

> >> > Thanks.

> >> >

> >> > --

> >> > Hendra

> >> >

> >>

> >>

> >  

> >




> -- 

> Darwin Gunawan




  Menambah banyak teman sangatlah mudah dan cepat. Undang teman dari 
Hotmail, Gmail ke Yahoo! Messenger sekarang!

[obrolan-bandar] Making sense of WALL STREET

2008-12-02 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
  Pak JsxTrader

Kenapa DOW sukar ditebak, salah satu alasannya ini.

If you have difficulty understanding the current world financial situation,
the following should help...


Once upon a time in a village in India , a man announced to the villagers
that he would buy monkeys for $10.

The villagers seeing there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest
and started catching them.*

The man bought thousands at $10, but, as the supply started to diminish, the
villagers stopped their efforts. The man further announced that he would now
buy at $20. This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started
catching monkeys again.

Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to
their farms. The offer rate increased to $25 and the supply of monkeys
became so little that it was an effort to even see a monkey, let alone catch

The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at $50! However, since he
had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now act as
buyer, on his behalf.

In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers: ' Look at all
these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I will sell them
to you at $35 and when he returns from the city, you can sell them back to
him for $50. '

The villagers squeezed together their savings and bought all the monkeys.

Then they never saw the man or his assistant again, only monkeys everywhere!
Welcome to WALL STREET.*

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Global Stocks Will R ally as Prices Hit ‘Extreme’ Lows...iklan

2008-11-30 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
What is underlying reason for saying today crisis is fake, dear Elaine?

Lehman banckruptcy, almost dying Citibank, half dead GM/Ford/Chrysler, and too 
many big shot to name it. Are they just acting “tumbal“? to the new world 
economy. Too bad huh?

Future is yes better than now, but at least why suddenly people make up mind 
too soon? Can't understand clearly. 

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-Original Message-
From: "Elaine Sui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2008 21:30:21 
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Global Stocks Will R ally as Prices Hit ‘Extreme’ 

*Read carefully. The recovery is expected to happen in 2H09, by that time
almost everything create a new highs (price discounts everything, anyone?).
The so called crisis in the US is not real. There is no crisis at all, it's
a stupid soap-opera on TV like CNBC, CNN, Fox, even OB, and other controlled
media. Next year, ppl will already forget what's happening this year.

On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 11:37 AM, sulistyo_winarto <

>   Global Stocks Will Rally as Prices Hit `Extreme' Lows, RBS Says
> By Alexis Xydias
> Nov. 28 (Bloomberg) -- Investors should exploit the "extreme
> opportunity" presented by stock valuations that have overestimated the
> extent to which earnings will slump, according to strategists at Royal
> Bank of Scotland Group Plc.
> While European earnings may decline a further 18 percent, current
> equity prices suggest the market is predicting a 45 percent drop, Ian
> Richards and Graham Bishop, strategists at RBS in London, wrote in a
> report today. U.S. earnings may contract another 15 percent, they wrote.
> "Risk premia have hit extreme, and unsustainable, highs," they wrote.
> "This has driven valuations to extreme lows." The price of European
> equities relative to trailing earnings may almost double as investors
> attempt to anticipate the bottom of the recession, according to the
> report.
> "We look for the U.S. economy to lead recovery through the second half
> of 2009," the note said. "Markets invariably pre- empt economic
> recovery and we expect equities to rise substantially."

[obrolan-bandar] Northstar Ambil Alih Seluruh Utang Bakrie ke Odickson

2008-11-28 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Apa BUMI akan terbang minggu depan? Ketidakpastian sudah terungkap. Apa sudah 
boleh collect BNBR? 
Comment please

Jumat, 28/11/2008 23:44 WIB

Northstar Ambil Alih Seluruh Utang Bakrie ke Odickson

Wahyu Daniel, Angga Aliya ZRF - detikFinance

Jakarta - Northstar Pacific sepakat untuk mengambil alih utang PT Bakrie & 
Brothers Tbk (BNBR) kepada Odickson Finance. Sebagai imbalannya, Northstar akan 
menjadi pemilik saham PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI).

Demikian disampaikan Presdir BNBR Nalinkant A Rathod dalam jumpa pers di Wisma 
Bakrie 2 pada Jumat (28/11/2008) 

"PT Bakrie & Brothers mengumumkan telah mencapai kesepakatan dengan Northstar 
Pacific untuk membentuk satu kerjasama yang sudah tertuang dalam Sales and 
Purchase Agreement (SPA) pada 31 Oktober untuk membentuk strategic 
partnership," ujar Nalinkant.

Ia menjelaskan, kerjasama ini diterjemahkan dalam bentuk pengambilalihan 
aset-aset yang telah dijaminkan BNBR ke Odickson Finance. Dengan kerjasama ini, 
Northstar secara tidak langsung mengambil kontrol dari aset-aset portofolio 

"Dan Northstar berada dalam posisi untuk menjadi strategic partner di BUMI. 
Jumlah utang yang sangat signifikan BNBR kepada Odickson telah diambil alih 
oleh Northstar. Dan dia (Northstar) akan mengukuhkan dirinya untuk membentuk 
joint venture di BNBR," jelas Nalinkant.

Dalam catatan detikFinance, BNBR memiliki pinjaman sebesar US$ 1,086 miliar ke 
Odickson Finance baru dibayar US$ 118,7 juta atau tersisa sekitar US$ 967,3 

"Semua utang selesai, semua kewajiban dapat dipenuhi. Tinggal yang US$ 200 juta 
yang akan kita selesaikan sebelum akhir tahun ini," jelasnya.

Ia menambahkan, kesepakatan akhir masih akan dihitung lagi, termasuk berapa 
nilai dari aset yang diambil alih Northstar. 

Dalam catatan detikFinance, sisa pinjaman saat ini yang masih harus dibayarkan 
BNBR mencapai US$ 1,146 miliar plus Rp 501,7 miliar kepada Odickson Finance, JP 
Morgan, ICICI, Mandiri Sekuritas, PT Sucorinvest Gani, PT PNM Investments 
Management, PT Sarijaya Securities, PT Dinar Sekuritas.

Sementara utang gadai saham Bumi Resources (BUMI) dan Bakrie Sumatra Plantation 
(UNSP) ke Recapital Securities dan PT Aldira sebesar Rp 144,9 miliar sudah 
mengalami gagal bayar. 

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] UPGRADE YOUR TARGET NOW

2008-11-28 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Dear Elaine,

I really like your statement. Pinpoint, sharp and very determine.

Mind to disclose what justification behind? Inflow or any kind of?

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-Original Message-
From: "Elaine Sui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2008 14:20:59 
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] UPGRADE YOUR TARGET NOW









**ps: for reference, this was my downgrade call (April 8th, 08), when
commodities hit all time highs:

that followed my subtle warning for IDX crash (Dec 29th, 07), just couple
days before it hit highest, and never came back:

I'm not always right, but most of the time I get what I want. lol.*

Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BBRI - BMRI - PTBA - PGAS - TLKM

2008-11-27 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Bocorannya dong Pak JT untuk BUMI. Saya rasa banyak yang lagi nunggu ulasan Pak 
JT mengenai pergerakan BUMI, hari ini maupun beberapa hari ke depan. Tidak 
hanya saham BUMI sendiri, tetapi juga efek ke saham yg lain. Sepertinya 
majority saham lain mengikuti pergerakan BUMI, seperti saran dan ulasan Embah 
untuk trading mengikuti arah Wave dan Market.

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 07:22:29 
Subject: Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BBRI - BMRI - PTBA - PGAS - TLKM

Pelajari gerakan harga dan vol, ntar deh kita bahas, lagi melototin bumi nih...

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Richard Ropongi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 11:32:29 
Subject: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BBRI - BMRI - PTBA - PGAS - TLKM

Pak JT, bisa nentuin resist di 1860, caranya gmana ya? 


Dari: JsxTrader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Terkirim: Kamis, 27 November, 2008 10:04:05
Topik: RE: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BBRI - BMRI - PTBA - PGAS - TLKM

1860 Bu…, saya masih tunggu harga diskon
From:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:obrolan- [EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of fifi young
Sent: 27 Nopember 2008 9:56
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BBRI - BMRI - PTBA - PGAS - TLKM
Pak JT,
Pacar Gelap-nya hari ini resistant diberapa?
2008/11/27 JsxTrader <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
Menunya masih seperti yg kemarin…, kalau gap up jangan ikut-ikutan makan 
kanan.., antri aja, tunggu market stabil.. Good Luck !!
From:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com] 
On Behalf Of anru dadaq
Sent: 27 Nopember 2008 4:54

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject:Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BBRI - BMRI - PTBA - PGAS - TLKM
candlenya :
BBRI   : ++
TLKM, ANTM   : 0
PGAS :  -
DJ +, OIL-GAS : +,
Utk BC masih sptnya masih bisa naik sampai jum'at. 
Utk non BC, secara total, bikin keder mbah :)
kalau dari analisa pa JT (vol spike), dr pergerakan bandar, ditambah candle, 
BMRI bisa gap-up atau sideways terus naik tajam
pgas candle sell-if, tp harga naik, sptnya bisa naik dikit tuh
jadi, hari ini prefer mana nih pa JT? saya ngikut... :)

2008/11/26 jsxtrader [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
Error! Filename not specified.
No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com
Version: 8..0.175 / Virus Database: 270.9.9/1808 - Release Date: 11/26/2008 
8:53 PM

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com
Version: 8.0.175 / Virus Database: 270.9.9/1808 - Release Date: 11/26/2008 8:53 

Nama baru untuk Anda! 
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan @rocketmail. 
Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!

Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BBRI - BMRI - PTBA - PGAS - TLKM

2008-11-27 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Bocorannya dong Pak JT untuk BUMI. Saya rasa banyak yang lagi nunggu ulasan Pak 
JT mengenai pergerakan BUMI, hari ini maupun beberapa hari ke depan. Tidak 
hanya saham BUMI sendiri, tetapi juga efek ke saham yg lain. Sepertinya 
majority saham lain mengikuti pergerakan BUMI, seperti saran dan ulasan Embah 
untuk trading mengikuti arah Wave dan Market.

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 07:22:29 
Subject: Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BBRI - BMRI - PTBA - PGAS - TLKM

Pelajari gerakan harga dan vol, ntar deh kita bahas, lagi melototin bumi nih...

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Richard Ropongi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 11:32:29 
Subject: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BBRI - BMRI - PTBA - PGAS - TLKM

Pak JT, bisa nentuin resist di 1860, caranya gmana ya? 


Dari: JsxTrader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Terkirim: Kamis, 27 November, 2008 10:04:05
Topik: RE: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BBRI - BMRI - PTBA - PGAS - TLKM

1860 Bu…, saya masih tunggu harga diskon
From:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:obrolan- [EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of fifi young
Sent: 27 Nopember 2008 9:56
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BBRI - BMRI - PTBA - PGAS - TLKM
Pak JT,
Pacar Gelap-nya hari ini resistant diberapa?
2008/11/27 JsxTrader <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
Menunya masih seperti yg kemarin…, kalau gap up jangan ikut-ikutan makan 
kanan.., antri aja, tunggu market stabil.. Good Luck !!
From:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com] 
On Behalf Of anru dadaq
Sent: 27 Nopember 2008 4:54

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject:Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BBRI - BMRI - PTBA - PGAS - TLKM
candlenya :
BBRI   : ++
TLKM, ANTM   : 0
PGAS :  -
DJ +, OIL-GAS : +,
Utk BC masih sptnya masih bisa naik sampai jum'at. 
Utk non BC, secara total, bikin keder mbah :)
kalau dari analisa pa JT (vol spike), dr pergerakan bandar, ditambah candle, 
BMRI bisa gap-up atau sideways terus naik tajam
pgas candle sell-if, tp harga naik, sptnya bisa naik dikit tuh
jadi, hari ini prefer mana nih pa JT? saya ngikut... :)

2008/11/26 jsxtrader [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
Error! Filename not specified.
No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com
Version: 8..0.175 / Virus Database: 270.9.9/1808 - Release Date: 11/26/2008 
8:53 PM

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com
Version: 8.0.175 / Virus Database: 270.9.9/1808 - Release Date: 11/26/2008 8:53 

Nama baru untuk Anda! 
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan @rocketmail. 
Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Northstar Pastikan Beli BUMI

2008-11-27 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Besok, yg sudah ambil barang murah beberapa hari terakhir terpaksa akan 
merelakan untuk diambil mahal oleh Northstar, mengkaleee 
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-Original Message-
From: "john.nuel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 10:35:17 
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Northstar Pastikan Beli BUMI

ada bocoran harga jadi di berapa? tetap 2100 ? kira-kira besok BUMI ke
langit atau masih ke bumi?

--- In, "Kidod25" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Northstar Pastikan Beli BUMI
> Indro Bagus SU - detikFinance
> Paparan Publik Bakrie Grup (Indro) Jakarta - Konsorsium Northstar 
> Pacific Partners Ltd dan Texas Pacific Group memastikan akan 
> mengeksekusi saham PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI) milik PT Bakrie & 
> Brothers Tbk (BNBR). Penandatangan akan dilakukan paling cepat Jumat 
> malam (28/11/2008).
> "Due diligence sudah rampung. Sekarang kami sedang membahas mekanisme 
> pembayaran," ujar CEO Northstar Pacific, Patrick Walujo dalam 
> penjelasannya yang diterima detikFinance, Kamis (28/11/2008).
> Pernyataan Patrick sekaligus menyanggah kabar yang menyatakan bahwa 
> transaksi jual beli tersebut akan batal dilaksanakan. Patrick 
> mengatakan kedua belah pihak saat ini sedang membahas mekanisme 
> pembayaran dan penentuan harga pembelian saham-saham BUMI milik BNBR.
> "Kami memahami bahwa porsi sahamnya saat ini sudah tidak mencapai 
> 35%. Sebagian besar sudah dilepas ke pasar oleh kreditur-krediturnya. 
> Mungkin saham yang akan kami ambil antara 10% hingga 20%," ujar 
> Patrick.
> Apa yang dikatakan Patrick mengungkap fakta bahwa BNBR kesulitan 
> mengumpulkan seluruh portofolionya di BUMI. Seharusnya BNBR menguasai 
> 35% saham BUMI. Namun karena sebanyak 26,42% saham BNBR di BUMI 
> sedang digadaikan kepada sejumlah kreditur asing maupun lokal, BNBR 
> harus mengumpulkan saham-sahamnya agar dapat dijual ke Northstar.
> Sayangnya, hingga saat ini BNBR masih belum dapat mengamankan 35% 
> saham-sahamnya yang beredar di tangan kreditur-krediturnya. Namun 
> proses negosiasi antara BNBR dengan kreditur-krediturnya masih 
> berlangsung.
> "Kami masih menunggu proses restrukturisasi Bakrie Group dengan para 
> krediturnya, terutama dari pihak lokal yang belum selesai. Tapi dalam 
> satu dua hari ke depan, Bakrie Group berkomitmen dapat menyelesaikan 
> masalah dengan krediturnya," jelas Patrick.
> Kendati demikian, Patrick menegaskan bahwa transaksi tidak mungkin 
> dibatalkan. Berapapun jumlah saham yang dapat dikumpulkan BNBR, 
> Northstar akan melakukan penandatanganan paling cepat Jumat malam 
> (28/11/2008).
> "Kami sudah membidik BUMI sejak dua tahun lalu. Oleh karena itu kami 
> tidak mungkin memilih opsi walk away dalam transaksi ini. Dalam satu 
> dua hari ini akan ada kesepakatan dengan Bakrie Group," ujar Patrick.
> Northstar Pacific adalah perusahaan nasional pengelolaan dana dan 
> investasi yang didedikasikan untuk penanaman modal di Indonesia. 
> Fokus usaha Northstar diarahkan pada sektor di mana Indonesia 
> memiliki keunggulan komparatif dibandingkan dengan negara di kawasan 
> Asia Tenggara.
> Pada 2007, Northstar Pacific bersama Texas Pacific Group membentuk 
> konsorsium Northstar Equity Partnes untuk mengambil alih 71,6% saham 
> Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional (BTPN) senilai Rp1,7 triliun dari 
> Recapital Advisors.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] IHSG - Chart

2008-11-27 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Jangan takut, sepanjang Pak Artomoro yg kelonin, masih still on the track. 

Kecuali kalau Pak Artomoro udah kabur duluan. Bubar jalan
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-Original Message-
From: "fifi young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 15:41:56 
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] IHSG - Chart

Iya gimana nech BUMI?

Udah dielus-elus & dikelonin...

eh koq ngadat..?

BD-nya pengen lebih mesra kaleee..

On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 2:56 PM, JsxTrader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>sampai Jam 14.45 - IHSG, indikator masih ok.., sebenernya tadi udh
> sip..., sayang BUMI ngadat lagi.., MACD SLIP keatas... jangan terlalu
> khawatir, ini cuma efek BUMI
> Salam,
> JsxTrader

Re: [obrolan-bandar] To elaine again:, full ammo till friday

2008-11-26 Terurut Topik yuta . tiziano
Dear Elaine, 

Trust that you are amongst one who don't trust that Soros is entering emerging 
market, nor buying BUMI, am I right?

But suddenly the IDX market is getting its flavour when BUMI goes up. 

Can you smell something here? A real or fake? Opinion please.
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-Original Message-
From: "Elaine Sui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 23:15:48 
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] To elaine again:, full ammo till friday

*Oentoeng mau say bullish tetapi masih malu malu saja ah... ^_^ kalau bear
ribut, bull sembunyi.. [EMAIL PROTECTED] .ha ha ha ha. Elaine bercanda ya.

2008/11/26 denni denni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   huhuy...jangan bangunin macan tidur :)
> *Elaine Sui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
> *Don't lie to me!!! bisa bawa BUMI naik pasti general. Now everyone's
> counting you, and the burden is all yours to handle, general  ^_^ See, I'm
> watching the right person, at the right moment, at the right price. lol..
> Where's oentoeng anyway... is he still around?
> Elaine**
> *
> 2008/11/25 artomoro9 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> i am not generals lho, itu temen2 aja yg suka ngeledek saya pake nama itu.
>> BUMI bawa ke 8000? waooo.. itu baru generals.  generals is GM, not
>> artomoro. rite?
>> hehehe.
>> artomoro (jangan jual murah BUMI anda)
>> From: Elaine Sui [mailto:elainesui83@ 
>> Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 9:55 PM
>> To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. 
>> com
>> Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] To elaine: Re: full ammo for tommorow
>> I'm watching you cuz I want to know how good you really are. I heard
>> you're
>> one of those generals, so show me that you're as good as I expect you to
>> be.
>> Bring bumi up to where it fell from, 8000 that is. This could be the
>> biggest
>> swing trades on earth, like 1000% gain?
>> If you, come on. You're that big, right? Make them happy,
>> general.
>> Elaine
>> --
>>  Nama baru untuk Anda!
>> Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan
>> @rocketmail.
>> Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!
> --
>  Dapatkan nama yang Anda sukai!
> Sekarang Anda dapat memiliki email di dan

[obrolan-bandar] Indonesia - why there is no recession in the world's leading Muslim economy

2008-11-20 Terurut Topik Yuta Tiziano
Quoted dari

One of good news. Mudah2an benar dan menjadi kenyataan.

*Indonesia - why there is no recession in the world's leading Muslim economy
**By Terry Lacey

Wednesday, November 12, 2008*

*Report by Terry Lacey*

Following the election of US President-elect Barack Obama there is likely to
be a slow recovery in confidence in the United States financial and banking
system. A recession is unavoidable in the US and EU, but with only a
downturn in developing countries. This crisis of confidence in the Western
banking and financial system comes during the dying days of the most
unpopular American presidency in living memory. Financial mismanagement and
weak regulatory frameworks have devastated the US economy, making the rich
richer and the poor poorer. Two million Americans may lose their homes.
Millions in the US and Europe will lose their jobs.

Yet the devastating legacy of the Bush presidency leaves open great
opportunities for Indonesia, the Muslim world and the developing countries
of the South.

Indonesia can play a key role in leading the Muslim world toward economic
recovery, and help minimize the impact of global recession.

First, by managing its national economy to maintain growth, demand, imports
and exports. The nominal Gross Domestic Product for 2009 is projected at
$547 billion. Indonesia is already in the top 20 economies of the world.

Indonesia is currently overtaking Belgium and Sweden. It will soon overtake
Turkey, the Netherlands and Austria as it enormous size, resources and
population come into play. It is a strong candidate to join the top 10
economies in the world within two decades.

Second, by mobilizing investment for oil, gas, energy projects, biofuels,
infrastructure (roads, railways, ports), manufacturing and retailing
sectors. It needs over $40 billion for electricity alone, to finance an
additional 40,000 MWe of power by 2025. Indonesia will become a nuclear
power, and plans four power stations. Total foreign investment needed
overall during the next 15 years exceeds $100 billion.

Investment is still coming from the US and EU (including Eastern Europe) but
increasingly from the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China), and also from
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation countries like Canada, Japan, Korea,
Taiwan, and from Association of Southeast Asian Nations member states
(including Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand). Investment
is also coming in greater volume from the Gulf Arab states, Israel and South

Third, Indonesia can help lead Muslim economies by using its economic size
and prestige as a member of the United Nations Security Council to join
Brazil, Russia, India, China and Southern countries to bring about changes
in policies and in the balance of power in world organizations dealing with
trade, finance and development, especially the World Bank, the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Trade Organization (WTO).

Indonesia has major reservations about the IMF following its own experience
in 1998. German Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck said that the world should
not slip into creating a shadow world economic government run by an inner
IMF council. Indonesia is also tired of being kept on the fringes in the

Asia and Southern countries want a new deal. Muslim countries collectively
represent an increasingly important source of capital, while Western
liquidity has partly dried up. Muslim economies represent important
investment sources as well as investment destinations. The collective size
of Muslim economies represents significant demand for Western goods and
services, relatively unaffected by the recession in the West.

Indonesia can still deploy export credits, sovereign funds, Islamic finance
and other non-traditional financial sources, such as environmental funds and
carbon credits. Despite the global downturn Indonesia is still pulling in
some bank finance.

A $140 million syndicated loan for Excelcomindo for telecommunications
expansion was announced recently.  Low-cost airline Lion Air is buying 12
Boeing 737 planes even though the required local cash contribution for the
last four has risen to 30 percent. Lion Air will use its own cash to carry
on expanding. St. Miguel Corp. of the Philippines is competing with a US-led
consortium to clinch a $1.3 billion coal supply deal, to buy PT Bumi
Resources from Bakri Brothers. There is money here and money coming in.

Standard and Poors is holding Indonesian credit ratings stable and its
credit rating may even be raised. Singapore could slip into recession but
Indonesia will not, and the reason is mostly sheer size plus improved
financial and economic management.

Indonesia is in a key position as the largest Muslim country in the world
with a population of 230 million and a land area of 1.9 million square

The Indonesian Gross Domestic Product was $843.7 billion in t