[OGD] what would you do with this plant?

2008-09-28 Thread nancy
Greetings -
Last year I purchased a vandaceous plant; it bloomed shortly thereafter with 
mutated flowers. I waited to see subsequent flowerings, thinking that perhaps 
some trauma had caused a one-time glitch. Here in the deep south, USA, these 
plants bloom pretty often, and after three more instances of the exact same 
mutation, I think the plant has some genetic defect. 
So, my question: what should I do with it? Beautiful, healthy plant, but the 
flowers - oh, my! I guess I'm too much of a plant geek to trash the plant, but 
I don't want to give it to an unsuspecting third party, either. Maybe offer it 
at a meeting, with the warning that the plant is a mutated freak with horrific 
flowers? It is Ascda. Tahourdin 'Bronze Grape' so the flowers, at least, are 
Thanks - Nancy

Boredom: the desire for desires.

   Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910)

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] The continuing obsession with orchids and sex, uh, continues...

2008-07-16 Thread nancy

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Pleurothallis anfracta

2008-02-20 Thread nancy
Hello -
I have been unable to find any kind of cultural
information for this new plant - Jay Pfahl's site
describes it as 'terrestrial' and that's all I can
Hoping somebody else in the sub-tropics is growing
this and can advise.
Many thanks - Nancy

Middle age is youth without levity, 
and age without decay.
   -Daniel Defoe (1660-1731)


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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Weyman Bussey / Houston, Texas (US) article

2008-01-09 Thread nancy
Greetings Viateur -
I particularly appreciated the upside-down photo of
Stanhopea tigrina! Our local paper always seems to
invert photos of Hylocereus and Brugmansia flowers!
They *want* the flowers to grow *up*!
Regards - Nancy

1. Weyman Bussey / Houston, Texas (US)

Humor is reason gone mad.   
  Groucho Marx


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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Weird fungus problem

2007-10-13 Thread nancy
Greetings -
We've had an exceptionally wet spring, summer, and now
autumn in the deep south, USA. I've been having
problems with various fungus growths on the wood that
most of my orchids are mounted upon, primarily
grapevine wood.
After consulting our county agent, I used a Bordeaux
mixture on the mounts (also some mushroomy wood and
lined wire baskets); this pretty well eliminated the
mushroom and tree-ear type of fungus, but I still have
something that appears to be lichen creeping over a
lot of the wood.
Any suggestions on an attack for this? I can scrape
off the ruffled edges, but the flat parts are just too
smooth, and I'd like to kill off whatever spores are
causing this growth. Not unattractive, but still...
Regards - Nancy

A fruit is a vegetable with looks and money.
Plus, if you let fruit rot, it turns into wine,
something Brussels sprouts never do. 
---P.J. O'Rourke


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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Question about eliminating fungus

2007-09-05 Thread nancy
Greetings -
It has been an unusually wet summer, even for south
Louisiana, and September is predicted to be more of
the same - a daily soaking; sometimes days of drizzle.
This too-much hs led to an unexpected problem for me;
I grow almost everything on a mount of some kind. I
haven't had problems with orchids rotting (or
liquefying), but am beginning to have fungus problems
on the wood mounts themselves (mostly grapevine, also
cork, catalpa, cedar, etc.). The growths include
several kinds of typical mushrooms as well as some
bract/tree-ear types.
In my arsenal I have Physan, Bordeaux and elemental
sulfur powders - will any of these help? I suppose
these are a type of mycelium, rather than what I think
of as a typical fungus.
If not, then what can I try?
Thanks - Nancy


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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] two questions now

2007-08-27 Thread nancy
Hello -
Last week I asked if the names of naturally-occuring
hybrids are written with upper or lower case; any
Also, I have a plant labeled V. Fuch's Delight x Vanda
coerulea; with the parents in the opposite order, this
is Vanda Motes Indigo...I think it would have the same
name either way, correct?
Thanks - Nancy

It isn't enough for your heart to break 
because everybody's heart is broken now.   
--Allen Ginsberg


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[OGD] Another question for the experts - natural hybrids

2007-08-23 Thread nancy
Greetings -
Can someone tell me if the names of naturally-occuring
hybrids are capitalized, or not? Stanhopea
a/Assidensis and Catasetum s/Sodiroi are two that come
to mind.
In entering these kinds of plants for judging, how
would they be considered? Some show books seem to
break plant groups down into very small segments, with
species and hybrids separated. 
Thanks - Nancy

It isn't enough for your heart to break 
because everybody's heart is broken now.   
--Allen Ginsberg


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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Coryanthes culture

2007-07-29 Thread nancy
As luck would have it, I was browsing through the Alec
Pridgeon book yesterday, and actually read the text on
Coryanthes species - he said that they typically grow
in ant nests, so should be grown very acid with a lot
of fertilizer to mimic the natural habitat.
I live in the deep south, USA, and was on the verge of
buying a mature plant early this spring at a show; two
of my society friends dragged me away from the vendor.
They said practically everyone has killed one, and
nobody has ever had one bloom (or, it has chosen to
die), including one of our members who operates a
commmercial GH and can grow everything, literally.
So, I got a seedling-size plant for $5 in March. It is
still alive and is growing, mounted on TX grapevine.
I've been treating it like all the others, except a
weekly spray of seaweed with a buffer to lower the pH.
I think I will try to go more acid and stronger
fertilizer, and see.
For what it's worth - Nancy

A computer once beat me at chess, but it was 
no match for me at kick boxing.---Emo Philips

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Some questions about names, etc. relating to AOS awards

2007-07-01 Thread nancy
Hello -
This is a multiple-part question, and answers (or
theories) about any of it would be appreciated. I
guess I will state what I suspect to be true, and
those who know can tell me what is so/not so. I'm
making up the names!
Cattleya Pretty Girl - would this likely be a
Cattleya Pretty Girl 'Dazzling' - a division or
Would the grex name (is that the right term?)
'Dazzling' lead me to believe that this plant had been
awarded by AOS?
When I look up Cattleya Pretty Girl in the wildcatt
DB, I find that the parents are Cattleya Pretty and
Cattleya Girl, and that this cross has been awarded;
when I look at the details, I see that Pretty Girl
'Smart', Pretty Girl 'Sassy' and Pretty Girl 'Lovely'
all have received some kind of AOS award. If I have
just Cattleya Pretty Girl, this has no bearing on my
plant, correct? When it blooms, it might be a 'dawg'?
Or not?
In another case, I look at the tag on my seedling, and
I see that the parents are Cattleya Beauty 'Beau'
AM/AOS x Cattleya Eye Candy 'Thrilling' AM/AOS - even
with awarded parents, does this have any bearing on
the seedling itself? Other than high hopes that it
will be the best of both parents?
Also, regarding showing such a plant - when filling
out the tag, does the award pedigree of the parents
relate to the (now blooming) offspring in judging?
i.e., will it be compared to one/both parents? Or
judged on its own merits?
Last question: my friend made a cross, but did not
register it (lovely to me, but a bow-wow to her). It
is still a valid name, correct? Even though not
Thanks! Ah, so many questions!
Good growing - Nancy

Il n'existe que deux choses infinies, l'univers et la 
betise humaine...mais pour l'univers, je n'ai pas 
de certitude absolue.
  (Albert Einstein / 1879-1955)

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Stanhopea websites

2007-06-22 Thread nancy
Hi Les -
Short on cultural information, but lots of everything
else stanhopea - it is a part of the Houston (TX)
society's website.
Regards - Nancy


I am a deeply superficial person.
---Andy Warhol

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Question about the AOS judging process

2007-05-11 Thread nancy
Greetings -
While reading through the booket published by an
orchid society for their upcoming show, I noticed the
notations about submitting plants for AOS judging
regarding displaying plants that had been displayed at
a previous show. If a plant has been seen already
(same flowering), then it can be entered into a
display with a notation not for AOS judging. This I
understand; it enhances and makes a society's display
The situation with our society is this: another
neighboring society has an upcoming show; our society
always makes a display for their show. The very next
weekend, our own society is hosting a show. So - the
likelihood of our very small group assembling two
entirely different sets of plants one week apart is
pretty remote.
My question for those who are judges, or knowledgeable
about this process: rather than sending our 'second
string' (aka, pathetic) plants to the first show, and
keeping the nicer ones for our own, can we display
*unseen* plants at the first show, and notate them as
not for AOS judging and then have them eligible for
judging at our show a week later?
Of course, we always want to set up the most
attractive booth we can, but we certainly want to
dazzle and awe at our hometown show.
Any valid opinions on this?
Thanks - Nancy

Pay attention, boy. I'm cutting but you ain't 
bleeding.   --Foghorn Leghorn

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Dendrobium chrysanthum

2007-04-13 Thread nancy
Marc and Charlie -
Thanks for the advice - this did not look like a plant
that would like to grow upright (or be able to!). Of
course, the photos of the flowers are just beautiful.
Charlie - good to hear about your 'dwarfing'
technique. I had thought I was doing pretty well,
keeping some plants deciduous for 2-3 years running...
Regards - Nancy

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Dendrobium chrysanthum

2007-04-11 Thread nancy
Greetings -
What is the best way to physically grow this plant?
All the photos that I've seen seem to show pendant
foliage, though my newly-acquired plant is a cluster
of reed-like stems. I now have read that the
individual canes can reach 6-8' (0ver 2.5m!). 
How do members grow this? Potted? Mounted? Basket? I
think I have a fairly good idea of the culture, but am
stumped as to how to 'plant' this rascal.
Regards - Nancy

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] New Program To Keep Track Of Your Plants

2007-02-23 Thread nancy
Sorry to send this to the list at large, but I found
that the OGD archives 'protects' the e-dresses of
Hi Rick - I've been playing around with your program
for 2 days, and it seems very functional with a couple
of exceptions. If you would rather, I could contact
you off-list, but I would need that 'protected' info!
Thanks - Nancy

Love is an irresistible desire 
to be irresistibly desired.   
 ---Robert Frost

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] The biology of scents in orchids

2007-01-30 Thread nancy
Hi Lee -
This is a really interesting topic to me as well; I
would very much like to see anything you unearth on
It took me awhile to track down a book by Arthur
Holst, _The World of Catasetums_. There is one chapter
on scent, mostly devoted to analyzing the chemical
components of the perfumes of Catasetinae, but very
You say 'volatile esters', I say 'banana'.
The presence or absence of scents in hybrids is a
critical factor to me - I think it is a terrible thing
to lose the scent of B. nodosa, while the distinctive
lip shows strongly in the hybrids - odd.
Regards - Nancy

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Catasetinae and sex of flowers

2006-11-18 Thread nancy
Greetings -
I just had to use the S word...after poking around
the internet without finding the answers to these
questions, I thought someone here would have this
information stored in his/her giant brain.
As I understand, Clowesia was broken away from
Catasetum because they have perfect flowers, while the
Catasetum have either male, female or (to muddle
things further) hermaphrodite flowers.
First - is there a difference between 'perfect' and
hermaphroditic flowers? And, if so, will I be able to
tell by looking? Male vs female flowers are pretty
easy to tell apart in Catasetums and Cycnoches, but
what of the hermaphrodite? 
Also, I have a species cross of Clowesia x Catasetum -
will the flowers be perfect, male, female, or
something else?
Sexual oddities notwithstanding, whenever a plant in
this group flowers, it is really quite a thrill -
these do *not* look like all the other girls!
Thanks. Regards - Nancy

Better sleep with a sober cannibal 
than a drunken Christian.
   Herman Melville (1819-1891)

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Water/no water for deciduous catasetinae

2006-10-26 Thread nancy
Greetings -
I face the same dilemma every year: when fall and
winter-blooming cycnoches, catasetum, etc. have lost
most/all of their foliage, and are beginning to send
out an inflorescence - I'm always uncertain whether to
water normally or stop (or something in between). I
think I've tried both; it seems like sometimes the
inflorescence grows normally, sometimes it shrivels
Some of the growers who bloom these spectacular
rascals every year - what is your verdict on this?
Common sense says no leaves=no water...but it also
says buds+water = flowers.
And how about fertilizer? I am in the deep south, USA,
if it makes a difference. 
When they bloom, it *is* always a real thrill.
Regards - Nancy

Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. 
It's the transition that's troublesome. 
Isaac Asimov

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] A question about the AOS judging process

2006-10-12 Thread nancy
Greetings -
Ah, so many goofy questions!
At a recent show, I had a Platystele stenostachya
pulled by the AOS judges, and considered for an award.

Since it was not awarded, local wisdom says it may
continue to live...
The experienced member of our society who takes our
plants to shows commented that if the plant *had* been
awarded, the judges would have had to count the number
of flowers on it - a mind-boggling notion. Anyone
familiar with this plant can attest that the flowers
are knee-high to a dust mote and appear in clusters.
This is a fairly old plant, so it has hundreds and
hundreds (maybe a thousand) of blooms.
Is this true? I have read descriptions of awarded
plants, and everything is quantified, but making a
count on a miniature of this type baffles my logical
Still, I am curious - true or false?
Regards - Nancy

If it's beautifully arranged on the plate, you know 
someone's fingers have been all over it.   
-- Julia Child

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Platystele misera

2006-09-30 Thread nancy
Greetings -
I don't know about this particular species, but I've
seen those swirling columns of gnats (Southerners know
what I mean) vanishing into my Platystele
stenostachya. Have they pollinated it? I don't have a
magnifier powerful enough to see.
Regards - Nancy

If it's beautifully arranged on the plate, you know 
someone's fingers have been all over it.   
-- Julia Child

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Correct pronunciations

2006-08-19 Thread nancy
Greetings -
Can someone direct me to a site that lists the correct
pronunciations for orchid genera and (hopefully)
species as well? I am giving a presentation, and am
totally blathering the names. Words like 'kusukusense'
have me in a cold sweat!
Thanks for any directions - Nancy

They [orchids] are hot and moist in operation, 
under the dominion of Venus, 
and provoke lust exceedingly. 
--Susan Orlean

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Porpax (Eria) meirax

2006-08-18 Thread nancy
Greetings -
If another soul on this list is growing this plant (or
anything remotely like it), I would very much
appreciate some cultivation advice, including light,
water, fertilizing, heat, sun, bloom time, etc.
Very little to be found by googling.
Thanks. Regards - Nancy

They [orchids] are hot and moist in operation, 
under the dominion of Venus, 
and provoke lust exceedingly. 
--Susan Orlean

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] squirrels and capsaicin

2006-07-05 Thread nancy
Hi Peter -
I have to argue with you on this issue; I've tried
spraying with hot sauce, to no avail. Two years ago, I
mixed a pound of ground cayenne with a pound of white
grease, and smeared the mixture on the legs and tops
of my wooden orchid racks (think 6' tall saw horses).
Didn't bother the squirrels one bit! I even saw them
cleaning their feet by licking - no reaction.
A person at our local Wild Birds Unlimited said that
squirrels hate the bitter taste of safflower seed, so
mixing in a good proportion at first 'trains' them to
avoid your bird feeders - I have also found a bottle
of safflower oil, and may try that as an oil spray if
our temps ever cool down.
For what it's worth - Nancy

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Re: [OGD] Keiki paste/squirrels

2006-07-04 Thread nancy
Hello Sandy -
I've lost a number of plants to squirrels myself; I do
not know whether keiki paste can save them or not, but
I can send you my recipe for 'Squirrel Sauce Picquant'
- I've started to permit my son to target them with my
BB rifle. Incredibly and maddeningly destructive - for
some reason, encyclia and certain laelia p'bulbs are
very attractive to them.
Also, potting in round clay pellets (they look like
Cocoa Puffs cereal) is a mistake I will not make
Good luck - Nancy

Voici mon secret. Il est très simple : 
on ne voit bien qu'avec le c½ur. 
L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.
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Re: [OGD] Dubious Orchid Names/Imelda and Martha

2006-04-21 Thread nancy
Hello -
Don't want to get off-topic, but I've always loved
these remarks from Eleanor Roosevelt: I once had a
rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I
was not 
pleased to read the description in the catalogue: 'no
good in a bed, but fine up against a wall'.
So perhaps it's not all good - Martha may be a 'dawg'.
And Eleanor must certainly have been a pistol.
Regards - Nancy

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Re: [OGD] Unusual places to buy orchids

2006-03-30 Thread nancy
Hi Sharon -
Last year I bought a Phal. at our local Flea Market -
surprisingly, they had two for sale.
Both were in one of the cluttered little back room
nooks, high up on a shelf.
Real survivors.
Regards - Nancy


Pay attention, boy. I'm cutting but you ain't 
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Re: [OGD] chilling phals

2006-03-16 Thread nancy
Hi Iris -
In the deep south, many people seem to keep cymbidiums
as outdoor plants. I've heard of those who went so far
as to put the pot into a cooler, which is kept filled
with ice, renewed as it melts, until the inflorescence
is well established.
A bit radical, but sometimes our winters can be too
Regards - Nancy

Better sleep with a sober cannibal 
than a drunken Christian.
   Herman Melville (1819-1891)

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[OGD] Peloric then not peloric Phalaenopsis?

2006-03-13 Thread nancy
Greetings -
Well, this has been a bizarre 6 months or so, capped
off by another weirdness: Dvra. Hawaiian Delight 'The
Clown' is a peloric Phal. I've had it for 7-8 years,
bought it because I found the peloric flowers
charming. They have always been peloric, every
blooming, every year.
The flowers on the first of 2 inflorescences just
opened, and the flowers are - regular, not peloric.
Is this more after-effects of the dreaded
Katrina/Rita? Is it an anomaly, or has it thrown off
the mutant genes, and now will produce standard
flowers? It is rather distressing!
Thanks for any input on this - the flowers are pretty
enough, but the peloric flower was so very lovely!
Regards - Nancy (south Louisiana)

Better sleep with a sober cannibal 
than a drunken Christian.
   Herman Melville (1819-1891)

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[OGD] treasures that grow well in your climate

2005-11-08 Thread nancy
Hi Leo -
Though I chimed in on this discussion, I'm agreeing
with Paul and Diane - In the deep south, I have
several dozen vandaceous plants; other heat-loving
genera, and one Zygo. The hybridizer swore that it was
bred to be heat-tolerant, and gawd help me, I believed
him. I wanted to believe.
Actually, I do grow standard Cymbidiums with
reasonable success, and often with spectacular
blooming. I grow it, however, as a strictly outdoor
plant. Temps in the 'teens (every few years) can
freeze off the buds, but the plants themselves seem to
relish the cold.
But, yes, since the yard is my temperature-controlled
greenhouse, I choose the heat-lovers. That doesn't
stop me from wanting to *see* actual flowers on the
cool-growing plants! In person.
Regards - Nancy

My mother had a great deal of trouble with me,
but I think she enjoyed it.   
 ---Mark Twain

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[OGD] Miltonia in Louisiana

2005-11-06 Thread nancy

Hello Viateur -
I've been told that Miltonia spectabilis can *survive*
when grown warmly; I don't know anyone personally who
has not watched it die. The others will steadily
decline until they cease to exist...definitely not
warm-growing or even warm-tolerant or even
There is a grower in New Orleans who keeps a cool
greenhouse and has great success with Miltonia - when
I consider what it costs to cool our home, the idea of
cooling a glass box is pretty daunting!
Regards - Nancy (84F right now, and not yet 10:30)

My mother had a great deal of trouble with me,
but I think she enjoyed it.   
 ---Mark Twain

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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Cooling orchids/Harvey Brenneise

2005-11-04 Thread nancy

Hi Harvey -
Like many people in south Louisiana, I look lustfully
at photos of Disa, Dracula, Miltonia, etc. I have
never seen these in reality, only in photos...
On the positive side, we can grow most things outside
most of the time.
I know of several people here who artificially chill
their Cymbidiums to stimulate blooming (when we get
some of those freakish January weeks of 75F temps, the
spikes often mutate into foliage). What they do, in
essence, is place the pots in a styrofoam cooler
(cheap at walmart), and refill around the pot with ice
once or twice a day. Only necessary for about 2 weeks.
Some may say it is worth it.
More problematic is keeping even intermediate-growing
orchids alive in a climate with temps over 80F for
9-10 months of the year. It is 82F right now, and
barely noon. They can take years to fully lose the
will to live, and the decline is s long and s
heartwrenching - darn them!
Regards - Nancy

My mother had a great deal of trouble with me,
but I think she enjoyed it.   
 ---Mark Twain

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Re: [OGD] nz sphagnum moss burn?

2005-10-30 Thread nancy
Hi Steve -
I live in the deep South, US. Here, in my opinion,
sphagnum moss is the 'kiss of death' if you grow
primarily outside. Our combination of moisture, heat
and humidity allow it to form a slimy glob of
algaecicles and funguscicles. I don't even use it when
It's a little warm here for Neof. falcata, but I grow
Neostylus and Darwinara (both 1/2 falcata) on mounts
of bark or osmunda with no sphagnum at all, and they
have aggressive roots like fingers. So long as they
get sufficient moisture, they are happy plants.
Sphagnum is disgusting stuff in this climate.
Regards - Nancy

You can lead a horticulture 
but you can't make her think.
-  Dorothy Parker

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Re: [OGD] Sulphur Powder

2005-10-21 Thread nancy

Hi John -
My 11-year-old son joined the Boy Scouts this spring;
his troop does a lot of camping. They were told,
before summer camp, to mix half baby powder and half
elemental Sulphur in a shaker. Treat all clothing, and
begin a few days before camp to treat self.
This concoction was supposed to ward off bited by
tickes and chiggers.
Combined with standard insect repellent, he came home
after 2 weeks relatively bite-free.
After 5+ months of regular washing, his camping
clothing still has a pretty 'punky' smell, but that's
tolerable compared to the bites he could have gotten.
Regards - Nancy

Truth is mighty and will prevail. 
There is nothing wrong with this, 
except that it ain't so.
   Mark Twain (1835-1910)

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[OGD] Fungus, horse manure, etc.

2005-09-28 Thread nancy
Hello Nic and other orchid enthusiasts -
I believe the fungus (or bacteria) that I personally
dealt with after our previous hurricane affected
primarily the plants with broad, succulent leaves
(like Phalaenopsis), and I do believe that it was
caused by the damage of high-velocity dust, sand and
other debris.
We have heard of some wind-borne fungus blowing in
from the south (New Orleans and the coast) that
attacks oncidium-alliance plants and causes them to
rot from the ground up. Luckily (or not), I have no
talent for oncidiums, and they die before I finish
writing my check.
Re: plants in horse manure - my cymbidiums are in 100%
HM, and could not be healthier or happier. The roots
are impressive, and they bloom enthusiastically. These
are tough plants, and I don't worry about fungus. 
I have catasetums, cycnoches and that type of plant in
a mix of about half HM and half coarse gravel. Nic,
you've asked me why the addition of gravel - I grow
these plants in plastic pots, and the gravel helps to
keep them upright in slight wind. I will treat these
with fungicide simply because the leaves seem rather
fragile, and might be liable to injury from the
hurricane-force winds. 
I do expect to lose a few plants; however, following
Hurricane Lili in 2002, a number of orchids bloomed
impressively - I speculate that some 'survival'
hormores were triggered by the abuse they took!
Regards - Nancy

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[OGD] post-hurricane orchid care

2005-09-26 Thread nancy

Greetings from south Louisiana -
We escaped damage from Katrina, but took a pretty good
hit from Rita. Last Monday, at our regular orchid
society meeting, several people were talking about a
wind-borne fungus that was attacking oncidium alliance
plants post-Katrina.
After our *last* hurricane in 2002, I lost several
plants, most notably Phalaenopsis, to what I think was
a bacterial rot initiated by impact from 100mph dust
or sand.
So - some suggestions on trying to head off any
problems this time? I will treat all foliage with
It is still essentially mid-summer here, so the plants
are going back into the yard.
I'd be grateful for any advice.
Regards - Nancy
p.s. plants that were dead before the storm - still

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Re: [OGD] green thumb in Texas

2005-09-17 Thread nancy
Hi Mike -
Seconding Viateur's advice - Houston has an active,
world-class orchid society; I see member's names pop
up in articles and conversations often.
In addition, the Houston society maintains a
wonderful, informative website (with many photos).
Regards - Nancy

They made us many promises, more than I can   
remember, but they never kept but one; they promised   
to take our land, and they took it   
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[OGD] Revisiting Rhyncholaelia digbyana

2005-07-30 Thread nancy
Greetings -
I had solicited advice a few months ago on caring for
my digbyana, which had produced over a dozen growths
and was forming buds. Here is a photo of the plant in
It was really quite thrilling!
Now that the (13, I think) flowers have finished,
would I be better advised to continue
feeding/watering, or slack off a little and let it
have a rest? Of course, I'd like each year's flowering
to be ever-more-spectacular!
Thanks in advance. Regards - Nancy

Tu es responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as approvoise.
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[OGD] OGRES website

2005-07-13 Thread nancy

Hello Viateur -
I think many of the ratings websites have been meshed
with this one:
Regards - Nancy

I think that I shall never see 
A billboard lovely as a tree. 
Perhaps, unless the billboards fall, 
I'll never see a tree at all.
(Ogden Nash, Song of the Open Road, 1933)

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[OGD] Another question on hybrid names

2005-05-22 Thread nancy
Hello -
My plant is labeled Neo. falcata x Rhy. coelestis
'alba' - is this still Neostylis Lou Sneary? The
flowers are pure white...is the 'alba' form of the
Rhynchostylis still considered the same species?
Can someone tell me how often this might bloom in the
deep south? When I got it, I thought that the Rhy.
addition would make it more heat-tolerant than the
Neo. falcata - which is apparently true. Neo. falcata
is notoriously difficult to grow here.
Thanks. Regards - Nancy

Some cause happiness wherever they go; 
others whenever they go.
---Oscar Wilde

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[OGD] Re: Rhyncholaelia digbyana

2005-05-12 Thread nancy
Hello again -
I may have given an incorrect impression when I asked
about successfully bringing multiple new growths to
This plant has never been reluctant to flower;
however, it generally gets 2-3 inflorescences on 3-5
new growths each summer (and sometimes one or two in
It now has about 14 new growths, large ones; I have
been picturing in my mind half (or more) of these with
Hey, a girl can fantasize!
It is grown outside, in sun strong enough to bring out
the red-purple in the foliage (okay, and a few crunchy
I will be a little more specific with my fertilizing.
Regards - Nancy

Measure twice; cut once.
Nancy's first rule of woodworking
When it comes down to marrying,
better speak once, think twice.
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[OGD] Re: sterilizing pots (and demonizing bleaching)

2005-05-12 Thread nancy

Hi Bert -
My intention was never to castigate those who like to
bleach their pots!
With a house and yard full of children and pets, a
container of bleach and pots is a very bad idea.
Whereas, I have a door from my kitchen (and the oven)
right to the patio (where I repot).
And, your pots must be in much better shape than mine
are when you clean them. Soaking in bleach does not
remove roots on the outside and inside, mildew,
fungus, and algae. Spider webs, insect eggs and
casings, cocoons, etc. That involves a lot of
scrubbing and resoaking.
I'm a hobbyist, and the oven method works best for me.
And yes, I am in absolute charge of the oven! I doubt
anyone else in this family knows where we 'keep' it.
Regards - Nancy

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[OGD] Re: Sterilizing pots

2005-05-10 Thread nancy
Mike said: But, if you are 
worried about the cost of a gallon of bleach or less 
than $1 of electricity, you have chosen the wrong
There you go!
Like Iris, I run a full load of pots, when the oven
needs to be cleaned anyway (you cannot use chemicals
in a self-cleaning oven!). At perhaps 5-6 times a
year, I think the cost is negligible compared to
scrubbing and bleaching and rinsing and dipping in
fungicide, algaecide, viricide, soap, etc.
And bleaching out the knees and hems of my jeans!
After the oven-cleaning process, the only thing left
in/on the pots and in/on the oven interior is a fine
layer of white ash - I shop-vac it out.
Regards - Nancy

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[OGD] Rhyncholaelia digbyana

2005-05-10 Thread nancy
Greetings -
This mature plant is quite large, mounted on a cork
slab. It has 12-14 new growths, and I would be just
thrilled to have many of them produce flowers.
Is there a recommended method for helping to insure
this outcome? I really don't want to shoot myself in
the foot.
It is now in mostly full sun, and I have been
fertilizing it regularly along with the other orchids,
i.e., about every 2 weeks with a general-purpose
The flowers of this particular species are what led me
to my ever-evolving orchid addiction - I find it
really so arresting, both the color and form and the
I want to see lots of flowers! Thanks for any advice.
Regards - Nancy (south Louisiana)

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[OGD] Re: Pink ladyslippers removed from

2005-04-22 Thread nancy
The storefront is still there but all the product 
links have been blocked by e-bay

Incorrect. The plants can be bid on easily. And
presumably delivered 'in the spring' according to the
Regards - Nancy

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[OGD] 2 questions: naming orchids and bird repellent

2005-04-12 Thread nancy
Hello -
A few years back I bought a seedling of Encyclia alata
x Encyclia tampencis (sic). By the time my plant
bloomed, this cross had been named Encyclia Cindy. I
just found the original label, which says Enc. alata
'Barbara' x Enc. tampencis 'Mendenhall'...this
resulting plant is still Enc. Cindy, correct? Or no?
Second question: with spring, I've been moving my
orchids out into the yard, repotting as I go (good
intentions!); I keep finding many of them de-potted
every day by birds. No idea what causes this
attraction. Poor Cattleytonia Why Nott has been
refilled with medium 5 times in 3 days...I've hung a
few dozen FREE AOC CDs around the trees and shrubs,
but this doesn't scare 'em. A few years ago, a big
inflatable snake served as a perch until it was
punctured (by bird feet).
Any suggestions to repel them?
A change from squirrels, in any case.
Regards - Nancy
Blooming: Gongora tricolor!!! Wow!

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[OGD] Re: Gramm. scriptum and 'catch roots'

2005-04-08 Thread nancy

Thanks to all who chimed in on both this species and
also contributed to the fascinating discussion of
these upward-growing roots. 
I was advised when I bought this plant that I'd need
to repot and somehow force those roots into the
potting medium - luckily, I have not yet had time to
shoot myself in the foot!
Thanks to all, and good growing. Regards - Nancy
(with a couple of Stanhopea species exhibiting this

Cogito, ergo spud.
(I think, therefore I yam.)

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[OGD] New photo organizing scheme at www.orchidphotos.org

2005-03-11 Thread nancy
Hi Eric -
The indexed genera listing is a huge improvement! If I
had a complaint about your site, it certainly was that
the opening of (in some cases) nearly a hundred
thumbnails was unwieldy and time-consuming. The
species I wanted to see was, of course, invariably
towards the end of the alphabetical listing.
Thanks for this wonderful resource! Impressive,
beautiful, and useful.
Regards - Nancy

Cogito, ergo spud.
(I think, therefore I yam.)

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[OGD] Chysis bractescens

2005-02-23 Thread nancy
Hello -
My last question about this species, I swear!
Two of my three buds have just opened this morning -
how long might they last? My real question: will this
plant be able to attend a show mext weekend (March
4-5)? It would like to go!
Regards - Nancy

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[OGD] Re: Angraecum sesquipedale blooming time

2005-02-21 Thread nancy
Hi Nicholas -
I purchased a seedling 2 years ago that was labeled
'winter blooming' - so there must be cultivars that
bloom at other times. It came from Carter  Holmes,
perhaps they could assist you.
Not much help. Regards - Nancy

Cogito, ergo spud.
(I think, therefore I yam.)

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[OGD] More Stanhopea questions

2005-02-11 Thread nancy
Hello -
I've received lots of good advice here about this
genera (my true favorite), and have come across some
things on which I'd like to get opinions.
The _Taylor's Guide to Orchids_ says to give Stanhopea
a month long, cool, dry rest 'after growth is
complete.' My plants seem to grow continuously...I've
thought that Stanhopeas should be kept well-watered
always, though less often in winter, as they don't dry
out as quickly. Do they need this rest?
Also, the next sentence says, Divide them often after
growth (there's *that* again!) to keep them blooming
well. Should Stanhopeas be routinely divided? My
inclination is to let them get big!
Also, I have to admit being broadsided by this
statement, Flowers (Stanhopea wardii) keep well
frozen. For what reason would I want to freeze these
flowers? They don't strike me as being a good table
decoration (defrosted? still frozen?)...
Thanks in advance. Regards - Nancy

Cogito, ergo spud.
(I think, therefore I yam.)

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[OGD] critter creek labs

2005-02-05 Thread nancy
Hello -
Can someone give me the current e-mail address of Jane
and/or Critter Creek Labs? My mails have bounced!
Many thanks. Regards - Nancy

'I have done that,' says my memory. 
'I cannot have done that' - says my pride, and remains adamant. 
.At last - memory yields.
---Friedrich Nietzsche

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[OGD] Cycnoches warsweiczii

2005-01-10 Thread nancy
Hello -
Sorry, it may be spelled incorrectly...this plant had
two fully-formed inflorescences, with the buds pretty
close to opening. Then, we had a cold spell, and I
brought the plant inside...tragedy! The buds blasted,
fell off.
So...I thought it would now be entering dormancy until
spring, so I depotted and removed all the medium, set
it on a shelf where it would stay bright and dry -
this is what I typically do with this genera,
catasetum, etc.
Yesterday, I found that two new inflorescences have
started (they are only 1/2 or so long); I checked my
file, and found that it usually blooms in February, so
I potted it back up.
To make a long story short, have I shot myself in the
foot here? You can lie to me if you want to!
Regards - Nancy
Blooming: Angraecum distichum, Rodriguezia batemanii,
Barkeria palmeri, Liparis condylobulbon, Sophronitis
cernua and Platystele stenostachya - which makes those
other little guys look huge!

Everything is funny as long as 
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[OGD] Re: Sophronitis and Laelia

2004-12-17 Thread nancy
Okay, wait - is my S. cernua now a Laelia, or is L.
anceps now Sophronitis?
Anyway, Iris was right - Rhyncholaelia digbyana smells
every bit as nice as the Brassavola...
Regards - Nancy

Everything is funny as long as 
 it’s happening to someone else.   
 --- Will Rogers

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[OGD] Re: Iguanas

2004-08-28 Thread nancy
Leslie Bursey Anybody have iguanas eating their
orchids or other plants?

Hello - 
Not iguanas*S*, but we have a 7-year-old pet
iguana...and learned fairly early that she must be
carefully monitored when roaming. 
These (delightful) creatures are arboreal herbivores,
so climbing up on a plant and eating all the buds off
of it is just simply in its nature - and a horrific
experience for an orchid grower!
I believe that they are attracted to non-green colors,
particularly in the yellow-to-red spectrum.
Still, a very good companion, if well fed with
Regards - Nancy (and Buzz)
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[OGD] Re: use of woofter

2004-08-22 Thread nancy
Hello -
I have never knowingly hurled epithets at anyone, or
any group. 
I was under the impression that we had ascertained
that a 'woofter' was the large sound-generating round
thing in a lound speaker! 
My subscription to the Miriam-Webster
'word-of-the-day' just doesn't include such eclectic
A thousand apologies - especially to all those who
have just found out the true definition of 'woofter'
and now feel insulted. Perhaps I am myself a
Regards - Nancy
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[OGD] Re: Iris Cohen's Inaccuracies

2004-08-21 Thread nancy
Isn't this the date palm calling the ginkgo

Dear Iris -
I don't care what that crotchety old grouch says about
you - you are delightful, funny and generous with your
knowledge and experience.
Perhaps he is a woofter as well.
Warmest regards - Nancy

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[OGD] Re: Notylia care

2004-04-23 Thread nancy
Hello -
Can I get some advice on culture of Notylia species? I
have two, cork mounted. While they are not failing,
they are not thriving either. I believe these are heat
Any advice? Both have begun inflorescences several
times; in every case, they have reached a couple of
inches in length, and then dried away.
Thanks so much. Good growing - Nancy (zone 9a)

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