Re: ANSWER: How to use pooled connections in Orion?

2000-10-22 Thread Mark

Thank you Al.

I realize I haven't worded my question correctly, though.  Maybe a
better way to say it is, where is Orion's JNDI environment defined?
That is, how does Orion know the location of the LDAP server on the
network, plus the binding (login) credentials required so that the
data-sources.xml example can work its auto-magic?

If I were doing this programmatically I'd create an InitialDirContext
parameterized with a Hashtable of  connection parameters.  Presumably
Orion does the same thing behind the scenes. Where are those connection
parameters defined to Orion?

Many thanks,



Orion will bind the Datasource to the JNDI environment for you, you set
up in the data-sources.xml file. for instance for my Oracle instance the

file is ... defined in data-sources.xml like so

?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE data-sources PUBLIC "Orion data-sources"

  An example/default DataSource that uses an ordinary
  JDBC-driver (in this case hsql) to create the connections.
  This tag creates all the needed kinds
  of data-sources, transactional, pooled and EJB-aware sources.
  The source generally used in application code is the "EJB"
  one - it provides transactional safety and connection pooling.

this will bind my DataSource to "java:comp/env/jdbc/RedbookDS"


- Original Message -
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2000 8:01 PM
Subject: RE: ANSWER: How to use pooled connections in Orion?

 Deepak et al:

 I'm confused about how Orion populates the JNDI server with the
 DataSource object.  Obviously for the code fragment you posted to
 an object "jdbc/SQLServerDS" has to exist in your directory server.
 does it get there?

 I would have guessed that admin.jar -installDataSource was the answer,

 but I find no switch there which would tell Orion how to find the
 directory server.


 Many thanks for your posts, they're very helpful!



 The way you access the datasource is dependent on where will you
 datasource from. I'm currently accessing the datasource from a servlet

 is pretty straightforward:

 InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
 DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/SQLServerDS");

 The above method might not be portable but it works for me so I
 Note that you don't need any special Orion datasource name. DataSource

 defined in javax.sql.*

 The portable way which require more work is to add the following to

 web.xml if you access the datasource from servlets and/or JSP:

 descriptionA data source/description

 Now, you can access the datasource by:

 InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
 DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/myDS");


 -Original Message-
 From: Luis M Bernardo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 7:39 AM
 To: Goel, Deepak
 Subject: Re: ANSWER: How to use pooled connections in Orion?

 hi. thanks for posting this message, but could you show me how you
 the connection (a code snippet)? Looking at old postings I see some
 using a DataSource and some others a ConnectionPoolDataSource. Also,

 use a DriverManagerDataSource, some other people use a


 On Sat, 7 Oct 2000, Goel, Deepak wrote:

  Hello everyone,
  I've seen that many people are confused over how to setup pooled
  in Orion (even I was initially). Now since I figured out through
  documentation and through some hit and try, I would like to share
  instructions. Keep in mind that this is only one way of setting it
  there are other ways to setup depending on capabilities of the

  1. Basically, the first step is to create a non-pooled version of

  source. This can be done by adding something like this to your

RE: EJB Help..

2000-10-22 Thread Jim Archer

Uaually, I need to build on top of legacy code. If I had time I would build 
a tool to generate the 2.0 entity beans and descriptors from a database 
schema, but I don't have time. I have seen these tools for 1.1, so someone 
will be doing it.

Currently, my project is to build something brand new.


--On Saturday, October 21, 2000 8:23 PM -0400 Cory Adams 


 Thanks for the reply.  I have not looked over the 2.0 spec. in detail yet
 but I will.

 Are you mapping cmp entity beans to an existing db structure most of the


 At 07:28 PM 10/21/00 -0400, you wrote:
 Hi Cory...

 I doubt we'll see anything thats database engine specific supported in
 CMP.  I agree that sequences are extremely usefull and wish that there
 was a  standard way on implementing them on database engines so that
 JDBC (and  therefore J2EE) could take full advantage. PostgreSQL has a
 sequence and MS  SQL Server has an identity field and so on.
 Unfortunatly, database vendors  have no standard for implementing them.

 You can write code to generate a unique value for a primary key. You
 could  code up a session bean that uses JDBC to create a new record in a
 table  with no fields but the identity field. Of course, this bean would
 be  database specific and it would be used by the non-database specific
 CMP  entity beans.

 Orion makes a key generator available called counter.jar, which you can
 read about in the Orion FAQ (although I don't know what its licensing
 terms  are - check this before you rely on it in your app).

 Setting aside the question of sequence types and primary key generation,
 I  have not yet run into a RDBMS data structure I don't think I could
 replicate using EJB 2.0 CMP. Even if I did, I could isolate part with
 BMP  or session beans and use CMP for the rest. I expect if I found
 something so  strange 2.0 CMP could not handle it that I would try to
 redesign it so that  it could be handled. I would probably end up with a
 better and simpler  design.

 With EJB 2.0 CMP, I have a very good chance of getting my J2EE app to
 run  on whatever database on whatever compliant server on whatever
 operating  system. And, all the work it does for me is nice as well.
 Also, with EJB  2.0, its entirely possible to create a tool that would
 let you draw a UML  diagram and generate almost the entire back end of
 an app - deployment  descripters, code, maybe everything but the QL-
 automatically and then make  changes a snap. There is no such tool now,
 but give some time.

 The best source of how to do CMP, unfortunatly, is still the spec.

 Anyhow, I thought EJB 1.1 was of limited utility. I think 2.0 is much,
 much  better and can probably handle most systems. Just my opinion.


 --On Saturday, October 21, 2000 3:11 AM -0400 Cory Adams


 How could a CMP managed entity bean handle a create for say an Oracle
 database table that used db specific sql for describing the key using a

 Where the sql itself might look like

 insert into customer (id, name, address) values(cust_sequence.NEXTVAL,
 "Jim" "12 Willow Street");

 Maybe this is trivial.

 Better yet could I ask you to provide some of the sources of information
 that you use to help all of us better understand how to do CMP with
 perhaps complex RDBMS entity relationships?



 At 09:07 PM 10/20/00 -0400, Jim Archer wrote:
 What types of relationships do you feel EJB 2.0 can't adequately
 support? I  have been studying 2.0 CMP carefully, and it seems to be
 quite powerfull.  There may be holes in it, but it can handle the
 majority of real works  cases.


 --On Friday, October 20, 2000 12:28 PM -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you don't use an object-relational mapping tool you're still in
 for a lot of hurt with EJB if you have a complex data model. I don't
 think CMP really addresses the kind of data models large systems
 have. Nor does the relationship support in EJB 2.0 either. I think
 you'll end up doing JDBC BMP with your Session and Entity beans.
 Performance is only an issue when you make everything a stateful
 session bean or an entity bean. There are rules for when it's
 appropriate to make things entity beans. There still isn't a whole
 lot of useful information around on design EJBs yet though with most
 of it only explaining the basics including the ORA book.

 On Fri, 20 Oct 2000, Duffey, Kevin wrote:


 I only meant to use the /classes folder because my ejb code is in the
 same project as the rest of my code (Servlets, javabeans, action
 classes, etc). Since it all compiles to the same one folder, I
 assume I will have to "move" the ejb compiled classes every time I
 compile them. What I was hoping for was a way to not have to do
 this..instead, just let the whole project compile to the
 WEB-INF/classes folder (all my code), and then have Orion pick up on
 the ejb changes from that point. It appears to me from what 

Re: Orion in production

2000-10-22 Thread Christian Sell

IMHO the docs from the better-known app server vendors are just more
In most cases they aren't actually better. The best docs I've ever seen for
applications of this kind are those for open-source CORBA ORBs - ORBacus
springs to mind. Maybe Orion can emulate those.

I dont know what docs you have been looking at. For me, looking at the JRun
3.0 documentation makes me feel like a desert wanderer hitting an oasis. I
think a nicely written, consistent, complete, tutorial-like introduction IS
a real value. Now, when relating to the issues covered by the J2EE standard,
I can accept that we have the spec and are excpected to read it (thoroughly
and completely). But when it comes to server-specific issues, I think full,
well-written docs are a must.

Also, regarding the pricing issue. I dont think those management types are
all that stupid. The fact that a company has 1500 employees, has a huge
service force and has been in the business for a decade or more may well be
worth a few bucks. Its all a matter of perspective, and there is more than
one justified perspective IMO. I as a techie running a small shop am well
(somewhat) able to cope with orions deficiencies (only a handful of
developers, strange definition of "documentation", etc.) in favor of its
qualities. But I do accept that a management type running a 300+ heads shop
sees things from a different angle. I thinks it is also fair to reflect that
in the pricing..

Problem with Cookies

2000-10-22 Thread waheed

Dear Friends,

When I was trying to set a cookie using a JSP Page using Orion Server, it is working 
once in while. I don't know the exact problem. Whereas the same code i tried with 
Jakarta-Tomcat, i is working properly.

Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanking you

saif Khan

Waheed Rahuman

Get Your Free ScanMail and Email At

RE: Orion in production

2000-10-22 Thread Duffey, Kevin

I don't think I could say it better myself. I totally agree with you. The
fact is, while a few people in the organization I work for believe a small
company has little or no support, Magnus, Karl and a number of competent
Orion users have given me far better support than I have got from Allaire or least 100x better. I mean this. I get answeres EVERY DAY about
things I have questions for. Not only was BEA slow in responding (over 1
week), but the people they have their answering questions, first of all are
not the developers, second of all don't know the product very well, and
third..those that know it can only explain the "basic" things. Technical
questions seem to elude all but the developers of BEA and you can't talk to
them directly.

 -Original Message-
 From: Sven van 't Veer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 2:29 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Orion in production
 "Duffey, Kevin" wrote:
  easiest to set up. I played around with WebLogic for two 
 weeks (on and off)
  and still couldn't get my simple JSP page to show up. 
 WebSphere was a
  nightmare, and while Resin was easy to work with, its not a 
 full J2EE app
  IBM WebSphere..about a year late for the full J2EE support. 
 I can't even
  believe IBM WebSphere still doesn't support Servlet 2.2 and 
 JSP 1.1! I don't
  care how many billions you put into your software..if it 
 doesn't even meet
  the standards that have been in place for almost a year sure doesn't
  say a lot to me that the money is being spent in the right places!
  you have little itty bitty Orion (Ok..they are big to me! 
 ;) over here
  support EJB 2.0, Servlet 2.3, full J2EE support, 
 clusterable, easy to set
  up, fast, etc..
  I sound like I am a sales man for Orion, but you know..I 
 tend to read up and
  test alot of the latest stuff and Orion kicks the 
 competitions ass hands
 AFIK Orion is a very small company, only a hand full of 
 people which is
 great. IMHO lagre companies waste a lof of time and money on meetings
 and stuff like that which is really bad for productions. 
 Before starting
 for myself I worked in a couple of those and, eventhough the salary is
 generally very good the working climate sucks. I hate 
 meetings, 90 % of
 the time is wasted discussing off-topic issues. The company I 
 worked for
 had about 50 developers working which isn't even that big (considering
 Weblogic witb it's 1500). Every day started with a staff 
 meeting of one
 hour with the section heads and one hour of the section heads 
  with all
 the section members, resulting in about man hours lost per section per
 If there is anything that makes small companies great, it's their
 agility. Orion has already implemented mos t of the EJB 2.0 
 specs while
 weblogin has just launched it's fully 1.1 compliant server.
 I'd take Orion over any othjer server, and not only because of it's
 price, but because it seems there are some really competent people
 working on this server.
 Sven E. van 't Veer
 Java Developer

RE: EJB Help..

2000-10-22 Thread Duffey, Kevin


Good news...I used ANT 1.1 and made a simple build script that compiles my folder into a .jar file including the META-INF dir. I was
finally able to get EJB deployed!!! So i am stoked about that. I do have a
lot to learn still, and the spec from what I heard was mostly for vendors to
understand..didn't help developers too much. But I will read it again. I am
also still reading on an EJB book from ORiely press that covers EJB 1.1. It
talks more about CTM's than EJB J2EE servers to my surprise, but I suppose
they are the same thing.

I really want to use stateless EJB session objects that work with entity
objects. I don't want my web/client side to access entity objects
directly...I don't know if thats the right way or not. What do you think?
One of our developers here thinks we should just use Entity objects
directly, but I don't see how that will help locate our logic on the ejb
server. Do ejb session objects work directly with entity objects? much to little time. I think I'll be just in time for EJB
2.0! :)

 -Original Message-
 From: Juan Lorandi (Chile) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 2:52 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: EJB Help..
 the create method must reside in the Home interface and must match an
 ejbCreate method in the bean class...
 the Home And Remote interfaces ( and must be
 implemented somewhere,
 because the Bean class doesn't implement it...
 EJB Servers/Containers, at deploy time, build a class that 
 implements them
 and calls your ejb--
 providing an indirection pattern which enables to provide transaction,
 security, caching and pooling support
 I suggest you read (again) extra carefully the ejb spec, and 
 don't skip any
 section, specially the ones about 
 Container responsabilities, this will give you the insight to 
 know why your
 app isn't behaving well...
 PS: Copies of your Login*.java and the ejb-jar.xml would be welcome...
 -Original Message-
 From: Duffey, Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Viernes, 20 de Octubre de 2000 17:22
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: EJB Help..
  Double check your ejb-jar.xml--are you setting LoginHome as 
 your Home
  interface in there? Is there a LoginHome.create() method 
  declared? Is there
  a LoginBean.ejbCreate() method defined?
 Hmm..I don't have a LoginHome.create()..the Orion Primer 
 didn't show that. I
 have a, and I think is
 the only one with a create() method in it. Should both the "interface"
 classes have a create() in it?
 Also, why is Orion trying to compile it if its already 
 compiled? Or is this
 some sort of "assembly" routine Orion does? I assume from 
 what I read that
 the EJB server "implements" the is it 
 generating its own code
 at runtime and that is what compiling is failing?
 Thanks again.

RE: Remote object callback from a session bean

2000-10-22 Thread Duffey, Kevin

What your are proposing seems like it should work. I am surprised it
doesn't. Why would it not work? Does it not work with RMI? If you can call
methods on an object from the client to the server, why can't it be the
reverse..where the client object passed in (this) is like a "server" object
to the server (which would assume the role of a client in this case). I
thought RMI is two I can't make sense of why this wouldn't work.

 -Original Message-
 From: Juan Lorandi (Chile) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 2:54 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Remote object callback from a session bean 
 Message Beans, regretably, they're only a public draft at 
 this moment, tough
 orion already provides some support for them
 -Original Message-
 From: John D'Ausilio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Viernes, 20 de Octubre de 2000 17:22
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Remote object callback from a session bean 
 Tell me if I'm insane or not ...
 I have a session bean, and one of the services it provides is 
 a long-running
 process which needs to inform the object on whose behalf it 
 is running when
 various events occur.
 1. Client gets the session bean and calls 
 createProcess(processID, this) ...
 passing itself along
 2. Session bean does it's thing, create a process and gives 
 it the client
 object reference
 3. As the process processes, at various points it calls 
 receiveEvent() on
 the client object reference
 Seems to me that this should be feasible using standard RMI 
 stuff .. I made
 an interface extending Remote that exposes the receiveEvent 
 call, made the
 client class extend UnicastRemoteObject, and ran rmic on the class to
 generate a stub. The stub source looks sensible. Everything 
 actually runs
 without error, but the client callback never gets executed 
 and the client
 finishes but never terminates, as there are a couple of 
 RMI-related threads
 that never die.
 I've successfully tested some vanilla RMI stuff and made remote object
 calls, but I had to create a .java.policy file. Is there some 
 mechanism that needs to be set up for Orion?
 Has anyone tried anything this funky? Is there an 
 easier/saner way to do

Re: EJB 2.0 Dependent Object problem - NPE on deploy

2000-10-22 Thread Earl Marwil


Try adding a field-name tag in your dependent cmp-field declarations:


I can't remember how I discovered this - it worked for me when I first 
looked into ejb 2.0 / cmr / orion a couple of months ago.

Also, the ejb-name for the entity must match exactly with the role-source 
ejb-name in the relationship. You have Temp20CmpDo.eb.Person in the former 
and and Temp20CmpDo.eb.PersonEJB in the latter.

Hope this helps,


   Earl S. Marwil, Ph.D. /  Senior Scientist / SCIENTECH, Inc.
   __o  /  TEL: (208) 525-3717  / 1690 International Way
      -\,     /  FAX: (208) 529-4721  / Idaho Falls, ID 83402
 0/ 0__   /  net: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Orion in production

2000-10-22 Thread Duffey, Kevin


 One thing we'll probably end up doing is getting a pricey app 
 server so we
 can tell outside folks we have it, and then continue using 
 Orion so that we
 can assure ourselves that things will work. Seems stupid, but 
 that's the way
 things are.

Thats a good ideas as long as they don't use any netcraft website style
stuff..where they can enter a domain name and see the server and version
info! :)

 One valid concern our business folks have is, "what is 
 Orion's future?" _I_
 don't know where they stand from a business viewpoint 
 (revenue, profits,
 business plan) and so it's really tough to know whether 
 they'll be around in
 a year. What's to stop them being bought out? For this reason 
 we'll end up
 using Orion in production to some degree, but we'll also have a shiny
 stand-by app server migration plan, JIC.

That is a concern of ours as well. I am hoping with WebLogic 6.0 I can
easily move our app from Orion to WebLogic so that I can "prove" to my boss
that its moveable. I have experienced the same pains you that while
our app is fully Java (and hopefully soon J2EE), it doesn't seem to be
easily moveable as once thought. I think its probably 99% server related..I
haven't had to change any code to run on different servers. But it does
require some tweaking, and I have yet to move my Orion app successfully to
WebLogic. I think that is because WebLogic is far from implementing J2EE as
Orion has. (Pretty sad when you compare the small team of Orion compared to
the large team of developers WebLogic has).

RE: Orion in production - new howto

2000-10-22 Thread Joe Walnes

I've just added a new HowTo to Details one approach to 
running Orion securely on UNIX/Linux. Also includes a useful shell script 
for administering Orion with.

This is just one way of securing Orion... as Mike said, we'd love to hear 
how others approached the problem.

-Joe Walnes

-- At 05:28 22/10/2000, Mike Cannon-Brookes wrote --
This sounds fascinating - I'd love to know more about *ix permissions,
securing Orion properly etc.

You sound like you've got it all down pat, if you wouldn't mind, I'd love to
learn more about your setup - as I'm sure other Orion users would. How about
writing a quick how to doc about securing Orion on *ix?

The OrionSupport team will love you for it ;)

RE: EJB Help..

2000-10-22 Thread Jim Archer

Hi Kevin...

Accessing entity beans through session beans is usually the recomended 
procedure, but it does depend on what your doing.


--On Sunday, October 22, 2000 10:32 AM -0700 "Duffey, Kevin" 


 Good news...I used ANT 1.1 and made a simple build script that compiles my folder into a .jar file including the META-INF dir. I was
 finally able to get EJB deployed!!! So i am stoked about that. I do have a
 lot to learn still, and the spec from what I heard was mostly for vendors
 to understand..didn't help developers too much. But I will read it again.
 I am also still reading on an EJB book from ORiely press that covers EJB
 1.1. It talks more about CTM's than EJB J2EE servers to my surprise, but
 I suppose they are the same thing.

 I really want to use stateless EJB session objects that work with entity
 objects. I don't want my web/client side to access entity objects
 directly...I don't know if thats the right way or not. What do you think?
 One of our developers here thinks we should just use Entity objects
 directly, but I don't see how that will help locate our logic on the ejb
 server. Do ejb session objects work directly with entity objects? much to little time. I think I'll be just in time for
 EJB 2.0! :)

 -Original Message-
 From: Juan Lorandi (Chile) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 2:52 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: EJB Help..

 the create method must reside in the Home interface and must match an
 ejbCreate method in the bean class...

 the Home And Remote interfaces ( and must be
 implemented somewhere,
 because the Bean class doesn't implement it...

 EJB Servers/Containers, at deploy time, build a class that
 implements them
 and calls your ejb--
 providing an indirection pattern which enables to provide transaction,
 security, caching and pooling support

 I suggest you read (again) extra carefully the ejb spec, and
 don't skip any
 section, specially the ones about
 Container responsabilities, this will give you the insight to
 know why your
 app isn't behaving well...



 PS: Copies of your Login*.java and the ejb-jar.xml would be welcome...

 -Original Message-
 From: Duffey, Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Viernes, 20 de Octubre de 2000 17:22
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: EJB Help..


  Double check your ejb-jar.xml--are you setting LoginHome as
 your Home
  interface in there? Is there a LoginHome.create() method
  declared? Is there
  a LoginBean.ejbCreate() method defined?

 Hmm..I don't have a LoginHome.create()..the Orion Primer
 didn't show that. I
 have a, and I think is
 the only one with a create() method in it. Should both the "interface"
 classes have a create() in it?

 Also, why is Orion trying to compile it if its already
 compiled? Or is this
 some sort of "assembly" routine Orion does? I assume from
 what I read that
 the EJB server "implements" the is it
 generating its own code
 at runtime and that is what compiling is failing?

 Thanks again.

Data Sources Help

2000-10-22 Thread David Kenzik

Can anyone provide a step-by-step 'hello world' procedure for setting up
data-sources.xml properly and calling the resource from within a servlet?

Alternatively, can someone review my setup and comment on what might be

The section of my data-sources.xml looks like this:



I'm attempting to create a connection within my servlet. Snippets of
the relevant code:

public class DSTest extends HttpServlet 
InitialContext ctx;
DataSource ds;


public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException {

PrintWriter out = res.getWriter(); 

try {
ctx=new InitialContext();
ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/d123DS");
con = ds.getConnection();




catch (NamingException e) { System.out.println(e); }

It is catching the NamingException, telling me:

javax.naming.NamingException: Error instantiating web-app JNDI-context: No 
location specified for resource-ref d123DS

So I went and added to my application's web.xml, since this isn't under the
default orion application:


 descriptionTest Data Source/description

And it still catches the same exception.

Am I missing something simple? I'll gladly write up a tutorial for this for if I can get this working. 

My environment: jdk 1.3, orion 1.4.0

Any help would be wonderful.

David S. Kenzik
Original Music -

java:comp/UserTransaction not found

2000-10-22 Thread Greg Matthews

dear all,

i'm sort of still learning about entity beans and 
wondered if 
anyone had any pointers for an error i'm 

i receive *no* error when i try to obtain a 
reference to a UserTransaction
from a stateless server bean under 

i receive the following error when i try to obtain 
a reference to a UserTransaction
from a java program running *outside* orion, that 
is similar to CartClient in
the orion examples.

java:comp/UserTransaction not found

i can get around this error by having a stateless 
session bean do the UserTransaction
stuff, and act as a facade to the other various entity and session bean methods
but was wondering if there was a way around the 
above problem.


RE: Orion in production

2000-10-22 Thread Gary Shea

On Today, Duffey, Kevin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I don't think I could say it better myself. I totally agree with you. The
 fact is, while a few people in the organization I work for believe a small
 company has little or no support, Magnus, Karl and a number of competent
 Orion users have given me far better support than I have got from Allaire or least 100x better. I mean this. I get answeres EVERY DAY about
 things I have questions for.

I wish I could say the same.  I've asked maybe five questions, and
received exactly one answer.  That one took a week or so.  I've
basically given up on the support address.  And I'm a paying customer!
Not too excited about buying any more licenses at this point.

Gary Shea, Inc.

Re: Data Sources Help

2000-10-22 Thread Gary Shea

On Today, David Kenzik ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
   ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/d123DS");

Well, it took me a couple weeks (not full time!) to figure out that
even though they tell you to use java:comp/env/jdbc... it doesn't
actually work.  Instead do your lookup on just "jdbc/d123DS".

At least, that's what worked for me...


 David S. Kenzik
 Original Music -

RE: Orion in production

2000-10-22 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

I agree that sometimes support can be lacking, but I've worked out the key -
specific questions!

I find if I send them a specific question (usually with a working example
I'll whip up), they can deploy it and get an answer to me quite quickly (1-2
days). If you ask a vague question like "How do JNDI bindings work in local
apps?" it generally doesn't illicit a response ;)

Just my experiences,

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gary Shea
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 1:34 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Orion in production

On Today, Duffey, Kevin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I don't think I could say it better myself. I totally agree with you. The
 fact is, while a few people in the organization I work for believe a small
 company has little or no support, Magnus, Karl and a number of competent
 Orion users have given me far better support than I have got from Allaire
or least 100x better. I mean this. I get answeres EVERY DAY about
 things I have questions for.

I wish I could say the same.  I've asked maybe five questions, and
received exactly one answer.  That one took a week or so.  I've
basically given up on the support address.  And I'm a paying customer!
Not too excited about buying any more licenses at this point.

Gary Shea, Inc.

Re: Data Sources Help

2000-10-22 Thread David Kenzik

  Gary Shea said...

  On Today, David Kenzik ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/d123DS");
  Well, it took me a couple weeks (not full time!) to figure out that
  even though they tell you to use java:comp/env/jdbc... it doesn't
  actually work.  Instead do your lookup on just "jdbc/d123DS".

Yes, Greg Matthews sent me a note shortly after receiving my inquiry with
that same answer-- this is the case, "java:comp/env/jdbc..." won't work, you
must shorten it to simply "jdbc/SOURCENAME".

Now that is out of the way, and it __was__ working for a bit. Really!

However, I wanted to restart Orion and pass it some debugging info to find a
pesky connection leak. Now my Orion won't startup:

Error initializing server: DriverManagerDataSource driver 
'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver' not found

I've changed nothing and can't figure out what the heck would've caused

My jdbc drivers are available because if I comment out my
data-sources tag and start Orion, my servlets that use the Oracle jdbc
driver directly (without the Orion driver manager) work just fine.

I'm totally boggled at this point. Any ideas? 

Also, does anyone else notice that it takes nearly an hour for messages to
make it to the list distribution, or is it just my location versus the
Evermind mail server I guess I'm used to instant email. ;-)

David S. Kenzik
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