
2001-03-15 Thread Eyal Litman (Kamoon IL)
Title: unsubcribe


Re: Hypersonic website / docs

2001-03-15 Thread Jay Armstrong

Try http://sourceforge.net/projects/hsql/

The very bright guy who was doing HSQL development, Thomas Mueller, had to
move on to other things.  There's been some talk about trying to continue
maintaining HSQL -- if you're interested, let me know.

Jay Armstrong

At 02:38 PM 3/13/01 -, you wrote:

What's the correct url for the hypersonic website? I thought the official
one was hsql.oron.ch, which I'm sure worked until a few weeks ago but
doesn't now - I get a forbidden error when accessing it. Interestingly it
comes back with www.hypersonicsql.com in the error page, but that site
doesn't seem to exist in any form...

What gives? Is anyone on this list anything to do with Hypersonic and knows
what's happening with the site (it's been this way for a few days, and I've
just double-checked that it's not our web proxy)

Failing any kind of online help, are there docs buried within the Orion
document tree for Hypersonic? I couldn't see anything at all. 

What I'm actually after is some kind of command-line SQL client - does
Hypersonic have one? I know it's got that applet for administration (does
that even come as part of the Orion install?) but I don't want to fire up a
browser or mess around with appletviewer unless I have to. I do have a
homebrew client but it was written against Oracle so I don't know (yet)
what'll be involved in getting it to work with Hypersonic...



RE: Hypersonic website / docs

2001-03-15 Thread Chris Woods

I don't have any information for you about the Hypersonic site. I do,
however, have a link to a great tool, if you don't mind using a swing-based
java app.


(Just checked, hypersonic website down from here too)

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Julian
 Sent: Tuesday, 13 March, 2001 09:38
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Hypersonic website / docs


 What's the correct url for the hypersonic website? I thought the official
 one was hsql.oron.ch, which I'm sure worked until a few weeks ago but
 doesn't now - I get a forbidden error when accessing it. Interestingly it
 comes back with www.hypersonicsql.com in the error page, but that site
 doesn't seem to exist in any form...

 What gives? Is anyone on this list anything to do with
 Hypersonic and knows
 what's happening with the site (it's been this way for a few
 days, and I've
 just double-checked that it's not our web proxy)

 Failing any kind of online help, are there docs buried within the Orion
 document tree for Hypersonic? I couldn't see anything at all.

 What I'm actually after is some kind of command-line SQL client - does
 Hypersonic have one? I know it's got that applet for administration (does
 that even come as part of the Orion install?) but I don't want
 to fire up a
 browser or mess around with appletviewer unless I have to. I do have a
 homebrew client but it was written against Oracle so I don't know (yet)
 what'll be involved in getting it to work with Hypersonic...



Bugvoting doesn't work...

2001-03-15 Thread Henrik Kniberg

I tried to vote for bug 260 (message-driven beans don't receive messages
from topics), and got this:

Use of uninitialized value at /home/httpd/html/bugzilla/doeditvotes.cgi
line 37 (#1) (W) An undefined value was used as if it were already
defined. It was interpreted as a "" or a 0, but maybe it was a mistake.
To suppress this warning assign an initial value to your variables. [Thu
Mar 15 16:04:46 2001] doeditvotes.cgi: Use of uninitialized value at
/home/httpd/html/bugzilla/doeditvotes.cgi line 37.

Same thing in both Explorer and Netscape...



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fn:Henrik Kniberg

RE: Orion Team Needs New List Software

2001-03-15 Thread Julian Richardson

 Someone desperately needs to replace the list software currently
 the Orion-Interest mailing list.  This is really getting out of
 It's bad enough that everyone who posts gets messages like this
 natch.se... but now they're echoing to the list as well.

Isn't that a problem with the natch.se setup, rather than the list software

 If the only reason this hasn't been done is lack of suggestions,
 found use (no idea about administration) of Mailman lists to be
 pleasant.  http://www.list.org.

Is majordomo still popular? Used to be the software of choice a few years
back and I never had trouble with lists that use it - nice and flexible too.

Somebody said that the Orion list runs under Orion though, so I guess the
Orion people have an interest in keeping it that way :-) 



How to use CMP to find by custom types...

2001-03-15 Thread Alex Paransky

I am trying to implement Collection 
findByTarget(Target t) throws FinderException, RemoteException, method using 
Orion's CMP. My target is defined as follows:

public class Target implements java.io.Serializable 
 private long id;
 private String for;

 public long getId() {return 
 public String getFor() {return 

How can I tell Orion in orion-ejb-jar.xml to 
execute $1.getId() or $1.getFor() on the argument before using it in the 
query? The "spirit" of the query I really want to be generated 

select * from myTable where myTable.i = (value of 
$1.getId()) and myTable.b = (value of $1.getFor())


RE: Inconsistent EJB JNDI Locations

2001-03-15 Thread Margulies, Adam
Title: RE: Inconsistent EJB JNDI Locations

A related point? (I'm new to this and a bit confused)

Purely as an academic exercise I tried to access my EJB from an external application.
The Orion documentation on this is sparse to non-existant :(

What ended up working for me is the following:

1. Write an application-client.xml (undocumented, but I figured it out from another example)
 display-namePLJB User/display-name

note: i used the full classnames for my home and remote interfaces

2. put the application-client.xml in the META-INF directory for my ejb.jar
3. redeploy my .ear

4. write the client
5. write my own getInitialContext() for this client

 public static Context getInitialContext() throws NamingException
 Properties p = new Properties();

 return new javax.naming.InitialContext(p);
6. use the getInitialContext and then call lookup() using the _bean class name_(!?!?!)
Then narrowing works.

Context jndiContext = getInitialContext();
Object ref = jndiContext.lookup(UserBean);
UserHome home = (UserHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ref,UserHome.class);

My questions are:

Why do I have to lookup() using the Bean class name?
Why can't i lookup on either PLJB_User or UserHome?
Am I hopelessly overcomplicating this?

-Original Message-
From: Karl Avedal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 10:15 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Inconsistent EJB JNDI Locations

Hello Manne,

That's right, that is the way we recommend it to be done. Just want to clarify
something though. It is possible to lookup EJBs in another application. To do
so, use the parent attribute when defining the application in server.xml and the
children application's local context will extend the one of the parent, making
it possible to use EJBs from another application.

Karl Avedal

Manne Fagerlind wrote:

 I used the JNDI name java:comp/env/ejb/MyBean yesterday and it worked fine
 (older version of Orion; hope they haven't changed it). It seems that the
 object performing the lookup must be located inside the same enterprise
 application (i.e. application-entry in server.xml) for this to work,


 -Original Message-
 From: Gary Shea [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 09 March 2001 20:57
 Subject: Re: Inconsistent EJB JNDI Locations

 On Thu, 8 Mar 2001, Peter Pontbriand wrote:
  Yes, this is what works for us. Assuming that the Entity EJB is deployed
  with ejb-nameMyBean/ejb-name and that the Session EJB's deployment
  descriptor has an ejb-ref-nameejb/MyBean/ejb-ref-name, the home
  interface for MyBean is supposed to be found with
  'lookup(java:comp/env/ejb/MyBean)'. Unfortunately, this doesn't work,
  rather MyBean is found with 'lookup(MyBean)'.

 Recently I was looking at the spec while trying to figure out why
 Orion's JNDI setup isn't like the examples in the EJB books. Turns
 out that the java:comp/env/{jms,ejb,...} locations are 'recommended',
 not mandatory. Given that the non-Context contents of the env/
 directory must be String objects, it doesn't surprise me that the
 Orion folks decided it was tacky to put objects underneath a
 directory that's supposed to hold strings. Also, I noticed when
 attempting to create objects below the env/ directory using the
 JNDI api, they somehow get turned into strings! I'm a little unclear
 on whether this really happened or if I was doing something stupid,
 but it's what I think I saw!



RE: Why is Hypersonic SQL still being integrated

2001-03-15 Thread Julian Richardson

 I'm willing to take over maintenance/development on 
 this. Are people interested in keeping it alive
 (I know I am)?

Well I'm interested in it being kept alive for all the obvious reasons
stated on the list - small, free, relatively fast (for small projects anyway
by the sounds of it), portable etc.

It badly needs a command-line admin utility ala Oracle's SQLPlus though as
Unix servers typically won't have a graphical display for any graphical
management tool to hook up to. The applet - although a nice feature - which
was on the Hypersonic site before it died is really out of the question -
certainly having to fire up a browser just to work on the DB is too darn

Someone in this thread mentioned that it isn't sensible to use Hypersonic in
production environments - why not? What's so wrong with it that it wouldn't
work, just out of curiousity?



RE: Problem in Executing the First Example given in the Orion taglib-tutorial Documentation !!

2001-03-15 Thread Arved Sandstrom

Hi, Jay

I'm a "volunteer" on this list also, FWIW. I'm certainly a regular reader,
and I know and appreciate who posts what and when. I am no longer directly
associated with Orion here at work - we use it for development, but because
it is too inexpensive we can't use it for production (no, I am not kidding).
So I am dealing with iPlanet issues. But I try to keep up with Orion, even
if my knowledge of it is no longer leading-edge (which is why I rarely say
anything about it).

I was objecting to the tone of the email that I saw. I think there is one
person on a mailing-list who can and should "warn" people, and that's the
owner. Period. That being said, I hate and detest HTML-formatted email
myself. Like I said in my previous email, I very rarely encounter the other

Rather than having people take it upon themselves to act as policemen, it
would work a lot better if we had a regular advisory appear, just as on
other lists, with the authority of the list-owner. That way there is no
chance of personalities coming into it. Failing that, quote an acknowledged
best-practices/list etiquette reference instead of making it sound like it's
coming from you personally.

I'm a bit touchy about it because I've seen plenty of other lists and
newsgroups degenerate because of having too many cops. Eventually (and quite
rapidly) you have Etiquette Expert A disagreeing with Etiquette Expert B.
Yeah, this time around you, Mike and Robert were in accord - that may not
last forever.

Final point, and then I'll shut up. Srinivas doesn't seem to be doing his
homework, and he's clueless about some aspects of etiquette, but any
assumptions about his intentions are just that - assumptions. A threat to
take strong, punitive action against him, based on assumptions, and without
due diligence, is uncalled for. More to the point, if you're going to
threaten someone, do it in private - I neither need to see it nor do I want
to see it.

Arved Sandstrom

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jay Armstrong
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 7:40 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Problem in Executing the First Example given in the Orion
taglib-tutorial Documentation !!

Hi all,

Please implicate me with Mike and Robert Nicholson, who politely warned
Srinivas two days before Mike did (and after Magnus Rydin tried to answer
Srinivas' question the same day he asked it).  Note the "!!" at the end of
subject.  He "shouts" for help, but is still sending the annoying
read-response emails.

A single message here and there is no biggee.  But there is a growing
number of questions sent to this site.  I would wager that Mike reads most
of them.  He has helped me and a lot of others in the past.  He also wrote,
among other things, the Servlet Filter demo at OrionSupport.  Mike, thanks
for your help and please continue.

If you think Mike was too harsh, how about this (my personal opinion):
Anyone who can't or won't configure their email properly and/or ignores
polite warnings probably has no business trying to figure out J2EE
products, like Orion.  Anyone, like Mike, who gives a lot more than they
get from this interest group should be thanked for the valuable (and
UNPAID) help they provide.

So, bring on the "newbie" questions, but let's make it clear that there is
a "quid pro quo": don't irritate the volunteers.

Jay Armstrong

At 02:02 PM 3/14/01 -0400, you wrote:
Hey, Mike, having a bad day? Yeah, I don't like reading HTML-formatted
myself, nor do I enjoy clicking the No on the 'send reply on reading'
(I estimate that with the amount of email that I read and reply to, which
large, I might have to do this about once every two weeks, so it's
but I think you're stretching it with your tone of voice and some
unwarranted assumptions.

Do me a favour, don't implicate the rest of us by using a passive "you've
been warned". If you mean "_I_ warned you before, and I'm doing it again",
say so. Thanks.

While you're at it, if you're really going to take action against Srinivas,
don't forget to do everything that the MAPS RBL Team suggests that you
should do before going to them as a last resort - looks like a fair amount
of effort there on your part, and probably at least a month before you'd
have exhausted all avenues and have to go to the RBL. I'd hate to hear that
you're skipping all that due diligence whenever you have a wild hair.

Have a nice day.

Arved Sandstrom

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael J.
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 12:11 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Problem in Executing the First Example given in the Orion
taglib-tutorial Documentation !!
Importance: High

Yo, Srinivas...you've been warned before here...post in plain text and turn
off the 'send reply on reading' in your lousy Microcrap Outlook MUA or I
will be forced to submit you 


2001-03-15 Thread Eyal Litman (Kamoon IL)
Title: unsubcribe


Exception occurs when client is first started after orion restart...

2001-03-15 Thread Alex Paransky

I start Orion 1.4.7 and then run my client.  I get an exception.  I run the
client again, this time it works correctly.  The client does not have any
persistent state, so the "SAME" code and functions are executed every time.
The following trace shows, the first time I run, and then the second time I

Does anyone have any idea of what is going on?

javax.naming.NamingException: Error reading application-client descriptor:
No location specified and no suitable instance of the type
'com.indnet.model.IdSession' found for the ejb-ref com.indnet.model.Id
at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(NamingManager.java:668)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(InitialContext.java:246)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(InitialContext.java:222)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(InitialContext.java:178)
at com.indnet.model.common.HomeFinder.getHome(HomeFinder.java:28)
at com.indnet.model.user.test.Client.main(Client.java:16)
Exception in thread "main"


The exception is talking about com.indnet.model.IdSession, but I am not even
using this in my client, here is how my application-client looks like:


Any ideas?


Common access method for homes...

2001-03-15 Thread Alex Paransky

I am trying to create a class than can be used to access the home of a
particular bean.  For example, if I have an EJB called UserEntity, I would
create a special class called UserEntityHomeFinder which can be used to
easily obtain a home:

public class UserEntityHomeFinder {
  private static final HomeFinder
homeFinder =
new HomeFinder("com.indnet.model.User", UserEntityHome.class);

  public static UserEntityHome getHome() throws NamingException {
  (UserEntityHome) homeFinder.getHome();

As you can see, this class defines the name of the home interface.  I used
to use java:comp/env, however, the exception I got was that java:comp/env
was not available from a standalone client application.

So my question is this, is there a way to setup the naming conventions, so
that the CLIENT and SERVER can use uniform naming conventions to access the
homes of the bean?


Re: connection pooling

2001-03-15 Thread James Halloran

You need to include pooled-location="jdbc/OraclePooledDS" and look up 
"jdbc/OraclePooledDS" in the EJB or servlet.

From: Ugur Karakaya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: connection pooling
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 22:13:57 +0200

   i explained datasource (data-source.xml) for oracle to use
connection pooling with orion;


  from servlet;
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
javax.sql.DataSource ds = (javax.sql.DataSource)
Connection conn = ds.getConnection();

   but it open only one connection.

   what is my wrong ?



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RE: Problem in Executing the First Example given in the Orion taglib-tutorial Documentation !!

2001-03-15 Thread Jay Armstrong

Hi Arved,

Good points. Perhaps all these mail issues are growing pains.  

What we need is more Orion humor. When you're up to your ears in
alligators, it's tempting to kill ants with sledgehammers.  How about that
for a mixed metaphor?  

Also, I've seen the "too inexpensive" paradox with some well-funded
clients, some of which were dotcoms and which didn't survive the venture
capital drought.

All righty then, let's all get back to our Orion "love fest". :)

Good luck!


At 09:30 AM 3/15/01 -0400, you wrote:
Hi, Jay

I'm a "volunteer" on this list also, FWIW. I'm certainly a regular reader,
and I know and appreciate who posts what and when. I am no longer directly
associated with Orion here at work - we use it for development, but because
it is too inexpensive we can't use it for production (no, I am not kidding).
So I am dealing with iPlanet issues. But I try to keep up with Orion, even
if my knowledge of it is no longer leading-edge (which is why I rarely say
anything about it).

I was objecting to the tone of the email that I saw. I think there is one
person on a mailing-list who can and should "warn" people, and that's the
owner. Period. That being said, I hate and detest HTML-formatted email
myself. Like I said in my previous email, I very rarely encounter the other

Rather than having people take it upon themselves to act as policemen, it
would work a lot better if we had a regular advisory appear, just as on
other lists, with the authority of the list-owner. That way there is no
chance of personalities coming into it. Failing that, quote an acknowledged
best-practices/list etiquette reference instead of making it sound like it's
coming from you personally.

I'm a bit touchy about it because I've seen plenty of other lists and
newsgroups degenerate because of having too many cops. Eventually (and quite
rapidly) you have Etiquette Expert A disagreeing with Etiquette Expert B.
Yeah, this time around you, Mike and Robert were in accord - that may not
last forever.

Final point, and then I'll shut up. Srinivas doesn't seem to be doing his
homework, and he's clueless about some aspects of etiquette, but any
assumptions about his intentions are just that - assumptions. A threat to
take strong, punitive action against him, based on assumptions, and without
due diligence, is uncalled for. More to the point, if you're going to
threaten someone, do it in private - I neither need to see it nor do I want
to see it.

Arved Sandstrom

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jay Armstrong
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 7:40 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Problem in Executing the First Example given in the Orion
taglib-tutorial Documentation !!

Hi all,

Please implicate me with Mike and Robert Nicholson, who politely warned
Srinivas two days before Mike did (and after Magnus Rydin tried to answer
Srinivas' question the same day he asked it).  Note the "!!" at the end of
subject.  He "shouts" for help, but is still sending the annoying
read-response emails.

A single message here and there is no biggee.  But there is a growing
number of questions sent to this site.  I would wager that Mike reads most
of them.  He has helped me and a lot of others in the past.  He also wrote,
among other things, the Servlet Filter demo at OrionSupport.  Mike, thanks
for your help and please continue.

If you think Mike was too harsh, how about this (my personal opinion):
Anyone who can't or won't configure their email properly and/or ignores
polite warnings probably has no business trying to figure out J2EE
products, like Orion.  Anyone, like Mike, who gives a lot more than they
get from this interest group should be thanked for the valuable (and
UNPAID) help they provide.

So, bring on the "newbie" questions, but let's make it clear that there is
a "quid pro quo": don't irritate the volunteers.

Jay Armstrong

At 02:02 PM 3/14/01 -0400, you wrote:
Hey, Mike, having a bad day? Yeah, I don't like reading HTML-formatted
myself, nor do I enjoy clicking the No on the 'send reply on reading'
(I estimate that with the amount of email that I read and reply to, which
large, I might have to do this about once every two weeks, so it's
but I think you're stretching it with your tone of voice and some
unwarranted assumptions.

Do me a favour, don't implicate the rest of us by using a passive "you've
been warned". If you mean "_I_ warned you before, and I'm doing it again",
say so. Thanks.

While you're at it, if you're really going to take action against Srinivas,
don't forget to do everything that the MAPS RBL Team suggests that you
should do before going to them as a last resort - looks like a fair amount
of effort there on your part, and probably at least a month before you'd
have exhausted all avenues and have to go to the RBL. I'd hate to hear that
you're skipping all that due diligence whenever you have a wild 

AW: Orion Team Needs New List Software

2001-03-15 Thread gerrystarr

un subcribe

-Ursprngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Im Auftrag von Mike
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 15. Mrz 2001 04:02
An: Orion-Interest
Betreff: RE: Orion Team Needs New List Software

For those interested, the mailing list software behind this list is...

That's right, the list runs as a J2EE app in an Orion server (which IMHO is
quite impressive). There are obviously a few areas where it is still
catching up to the commercial list management software, but I'm sure the
Orion guys are tweaking it constantly to get around what are usually 'bad


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tim Endres
 Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 12:52 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Orion Team Needs New List Software

 The problem is not the autoresponder. It is the mailing list software that
 Orion uses, which appears to be years behind more common mailing
 list software.

  I suspect that the person the mail is from is not responsible, obviously
  moved on and someone at the company set up the autoresponder. We do that
  here when we have people leave. Be bad business to lose a
 customer because
  email wasnt replied to wouldnt it?
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeff Schnitzer
  Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 4:29 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Orion Team Needs New List Software
  Someone desperately needs to replace the list software currently hosting
  the Orion-Interest mailing list.  This is really getting out of hand.
  It's bad enough that everyone who posts gets messages like this from
  natch.se... but now they're echoing to the list as well.

Servlet Parameters

2001-03-15 Thread Chuck Butkus

I am having a problem with servlet parameters.  My servlets
gets parameters when I put Orion in debug mode and put it
directly under the "/orion/default-web-app/WEB-INF/classes/"
directory,  but the parameters don't come through when I put it in a 
web application.

Has anyone else seen this problem?  Is there anything special that needs
to go into the "web.xml" file so a servlet can accept parameters. I would
greatly appreciate any help.

Chuck Butkus

Problems with JNDI lookups of ejb-ref-name defined in application-client.xml from a client application...

2001-03-15 Thread Alex Paransky

I have a client application which has META-INF with the following
application-client.xml definition:


In the client, I attempt to do the following:

new InitialContext().lookup("ejb/id");

The above fails with the naming exception, telling me that ejb/id cannot be

Exception in thread "main" javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: ejb/id not
at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIContext.lookup(JAX)
at com.evermind.naming.jz.lookup(JAX)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:350)
at com.indnet.model.id.test.Client.main(Client.java:16)

If I change my client line to read:

new InitialContext().lookup("Id");

Things work correctly.  "Id" is the ejb-name used for my object:


What is the purpose of application-client.xml if I cannot create references
and use the name specified in ejb-ref-name to lookup the components?  Or
am I missing something?


Removal of SBs from expiring HTTP sessions ...

2001-03-15 Thread Gerald Gutierrez

I posted this msg this morning, but I haven't seen it appear on the list 
yet. I'm reposting in case it was lost ...

Session beans (SBs) must have their remove() methods called in order to 
"clean up" and return to an app server's object pool. I believe one common 
use of SBs is to create them and then bind them to HTTP sessions so that 
they can be reused by clients on subsequent requests.

There's no standard way to tell when an HTTP session expires. How, then, is 
it possible for the remove() method to be called to release a SB? Does this 
not cause
"memory leaks" to occur in two ways: 1) resources created by the SB are not 
released, and 2) the SB itself is not recycled?

RE: Removal of SBs from expiring HTTP sessions ...

2001-03-15 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

Can't you just make the SB a HttpSessionBindingListener and implement
valueUnbound() ?


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gerald
 Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 9:33 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Removal of SBs from expiring HTTP sessions ...

 I posted this msg this morning, but I haven't seen it appear on the list
 yet. I'm reposting in case it was lost ...

 Session beans (SBs) must have their remove() methods called in order to
 "clean up" and return to an app server's object pool. I believe
 one common
 use of SBs is to create them and then bind them to HTTP sessions so that
 they can be reused by clients on subsequent requests.

 There's no standard way to tell when an HTTP session expires.
 How, then, is
 it possible for the remove() method to be called to release a SB?
 Does this
 not cause
 "memory leaks" to occur in two ways: 1) resources created by the
 SB are not
 released, and 2) the SB itself is not recycled?

offtopic: Path issues

2001-03-15 Thread SCOTT FARQUHAR

When I have multiple web applications running on the one server - I'm having problems 
referencing files in other directories.

eg - I can't use "/images/anImage.gif" because that references the document root.  I 
can use "%= request.getContextPath() %/images/anImage.gif" ,but that gets tedious.  
Is there a better way to do it?

The other problem I have is referencing images from stylesheets and javascript files.  
Because they don't go through the JSP processor, I can't use request.getContextPath() 
.  Without mapping .css and .js to the jsp servlet - is there a way around this?

Also - with include files - are they always rooted from the web context

ie @ include file="/includes/pageheader.jsp" % -- does this map to  
http://myserver.com/mywebapp/includes/pageheader.jsp   ?

Does the same go for jsp:include page="/includes/pageheader.jsp" /  ?

Thanks in advance for any help.


RE: Removal of SBs from expiring HTTP sessions ...

2001-03-15 Thread Tim Endres

Does that actually work in the remote EJB model; I mean through the stubs?
If not, the servlets using the sessions could just as easily listen and in
turn inform the SB's.

 Can't you just make the SB a HttpSessionBindingListener and implement
 valueUnbound() ?
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gerald
  Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 9:33 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Removal of SBs from expiring HTTP sessions ...
  I posted this msg this morning, but I haven't seen it appear on the list
  yet. I'm reposting in case it was lost ...
  Session beans (SBs) must have their remove() methods called in order to
  "clean up" and return to an app server's object pool. I believe
  one common
  use of SBs is to create them and then bind them to HTTP sessions so that
  they can be reused by clients on subsequent requests.
  There's no standard way to tell when an HTTP session expires.
  How, then, is
  it possible for the remove() method to be called to release a SB?
  Does this
  not cause
  "memory leaks" to occur in two ways: 1) resources created by the
  SB are not
  released, and 2) the SB itself is not recycled?

Empty Cookies dont work in Orion 1.4.5

2001-03-15 Thread Jim Carroll

Cookies set as either empty or null as in the 

cookie1 = new Cookie("Name1",null);
cookie2 = new Cookie("Name2","");

... both fail in Orion 1.4.5. I'm not sure if this
is fixed in 1.4.7 or not but it seemed serious
enough to report on. Orion correctly SENDS the 
cookies to the browser but can't handle them
when they are returned in subsequent accesses.

RE: offtopic: Path issues

2001-03-15 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

Mr Farquhar,

You must always use rcp (or %= request.getContextPath() %) in front of
every path to make your web app fully portable. It may be tedious but
there's no other way around it besides making every path relative (which is
sometimes not possible with include files etc)

In stylesheets and JS files, use relative paths, this is the only way I can
see to do this effectively. It shouldn't be too much of a problem though.

%@ include % and jsp:include are always relative to the web app root.

NOTE: All JSP commands are relative to the web app root EXCEPT
response.sendRedirect() which is relative to the host (stupid spec bug!) so
you need to put an rcp in front of that.


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 10:17 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: offtopic: Path issues

 When I have multiple web applications running on the one server -
 I'm having problems referencing files in other directories.

 eg - I can't use "/images/anImage.gif" because that references
 the document root.  I can use "%= request.getContextPath()
 %/images/anImage.gif" ,but that gets tedious.  Is there a better
 way to do it?

 The other problem I have is referencing images from stylesheets
 and javascript files.  Because they don't go through the JSP
 processor, I can't use request.getContextPath() .  Without
 mapping .css and .js to the jsp servlet - is there a way around this?

 Also - with include files - are they always rooted from the web context

 ie @ include file="/includes/pageheader.jsp" % -- does this
 map to  http://myserver.com/mywebapp/includes/pageheader.jsp   ?

 Does the same go for jsp:include page="/includes/pageheader.jsp" /  ?

 Thanks in advance for any help.


RE: Removal of SBs from expiring HTTP sessions ...

2001-03-15 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

I can't see why this wouldn't work in the EJB model. I have other EJBs which
implement interfaces such as this.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tim Endres
 Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 11:19 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Removal of SBs from expiring HTTP sessions ...

 Does that actually work in the remote EJB model; I mean through the stubs?
 If not, the servlets using the sessions could just as easily listen and in
 turn inform the SB's.

  Can't you just make the SB a HttpSessionBindingListener and implement
  valueUnbound() ?
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gerald
   Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 9:33 AM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: Removal of SBs from expiring HTTP sessions ...
   I posted this msg this morning, but I haven't seen it appear
 on the list
   yet. I'm reposting in case it was lost ...
   Session beans (SBs) must have their remove() methods called
 in order to
   "clean up" and return to an app server's object pool. I believe
   one common
   use of SBs is to create them and then bind them to HTTP
 sessions so that
   they can be reused by clients on subsequent requests.
   There's no standard way to tell when an HTTP session expires.
   How, then, is
   it possible for the remove() method to be called to release a SB?
   Does this
   not cause
   "memory leaks" to occur in two ways: 1) resources created by the
   SB are not
   released, and 2) the SB itself is not recycled?

Re: Removal of SBs from expiring HTTP sessions ...

2001-03-15 Thread Rafael Alvarez

Hello Gerald,

You can create an object that implements HttpSessionListener
interface and override the valueUnbound method to call the
remove method or whatever you need to to with the SB.

Put it in the session, and when the session expires the
valueUnbound method is invoked. Be sure to implement the
java.io.Serializable interfaz to allow session persistence across
server restarts.

We use this technique for our Shopping Cart, and it has worked
pretty well so far.

Here is the class we use:

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.io.*;
import com.enkamino.cart.*;

 * @author  Rafael Alvarez
 * @version 1.1

public class ControlSesion implements HttpSessionBindingListener,java.io.Serializable{
ShoppingCart cart; // This hold the reference to the SB, becuse
   // you can't access to the session to retrieve
/** Creates new ControlSesion */
public ControlSesion(ShoppingCart cart) throws java.rmi.RemoteException{
this.cart = cart;

public void valueUnbound(final javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent be) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
java.rmi.RemoteException re = new
java.rmi.RemoteException("Error clearing the Cart ",e);
public void valueBound(final javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent be) {

GG I posted this msg this morning, but I haven't seen it appear on the list 
GG yet. I'm reposting in case it was lost ...

Best regards,
 Rafaelmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Empty Cookies dont work in Orion 1.4.5

2001-03-15 Thread Jim Carroll

Actually, they don't work in 1.4.7 either. This
seems like a rather serious bug to me.

- Original Message -
Date: Thursday, March 15, 2001 8:23 pm
Subject: Empty Cookies dont work in Orion 1.4.5

 Cookies set as either empty or null as in the 
cookie1 = new Cookie("Name1",null);
cookie2 = new Cookie("Name2","");
 ... both fail in Orion 1.4.5. I'm not sure if this
 is fixed in 1.4.7 or not but it seemed serious
 enough to report on. Orion correctly SENDS the 
 cookies to the browser but can't handle them
 when they are returned in subsequent accesses.

Removal of SBs from expiring HTTP sessions...

2001-03-15 Thread Greg Kwan

Session beans (SBs) must have their remove() 
methods called in order to "clean up" and return to an app server's object 
pool. I believe one common use of SBs is to create them and then bind them 
to HTTP sessions so that they can be reused by clients on subsequent 
requests.There's no standard way to tell when an HTTP session expires. 
How, then, is it possible for the remove() method to be called to release a 
SB? Does this not cause "memory leaks" to occur in two ways: 1) resources 
by the SB are not released, and 2) the SB itself is 
not recycled?

RE: offtopic: Path issues

2001-03-15 Thread Matt Krevs

I havent found a better way than the tedious %=request.getContextPath()%

In your web.xml, you can specify other file extenstions that can get
compiled into a servlet

!-- lets the servlet container know that anything with a .css extension is
to be compiled into a jsp --

!-- lets the servlet container know that anything with a .js extension is
to be compiled into a jsp --

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, 16 March 2001 9:17 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: offtopic: Path issues

When I have multiple web applications running on the one server - I'm having
problems referencing files in other directories.

eg - I can't use "/images/anImage.gif" because that references the document
root.  I can use "%= request.getContextPath() %/images/anImage.gif" ,but
that gets tedious.  Is there a better way to do it?

The other problem I have is referencing images from stylesheets and
javascript files.  Because they don't go through the JSP processor, I can't
use request.getContextPath() .  Without mapping .css and .js to the jsp
servlet - is there a way around this?

Also - with include files - are they always rooted from the web context

ie @ include file="/includes/pageheader.jsp" % -- does this map to
http://myserver.com/mywebapp/includes/pageheader.jsp   ?

Does the same go for jsp:include page="/includes/pageheader.jsp" /  ?

Thanks in advance for any help.


No suitable driver exception

2001-03-15 Thread Gregory Kaestle

Having a problem accessing JDBC Connection through a datasource, and can't
figure it out with orion. 
Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Here are the details, and am using Oracle 8i.

* classes12.zip located in the orion/lib dir.
* Here is my datasources xml snippet.
* Orion starts up fine.
* Here is the code... (no app-client xml file)
env.put("java.naming.provider.url", "ormi://localhost/default");
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(env);
DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/OracleCoreDS");
Connection conn = ds.getConnection();
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
* Running with orion.jar, jndi.jar, jdbc.jar, classes.zip
* Getting No suitable driver exception (SQLException) at Connection conn =

Any help would be greatly appreciated. =)


Can I use InterBase's DataSource instead of Orion's?

2001-03-15 Thread Gophern

In normal java application, I may use interbase.interclient.DataSource to
access Interbase:
interbase.interclient.DataSource ds = new interbase.interclient.DataSource
ds.setServerName ("");
... ...
thouth, the Orion's DataSource class does not fit my purpose, can/how I replace
with Interbase's DataSource class?

email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please help me, How to get Orion's Environment Such as HostName, Port...???

2001-03-15 Thread Urey.u

Dear All,
Orion Server was started. 
Could you please tell me,how to get Orion's 
Such as HostName,Port,Running 
Pathand so on in my 
application class file , not applet, servlet or JSP file?.


Re[2]: Removal of SBs from expiring HTTP sessions ...

2001-03-15 Thread Rafael Alvarez

Hello Mike,

Thursday, March 15, 2001, 7:31:23 PM, you wrote:

MCB Can't you just make the SB a HttpSessionBindingListener and implement
MCB valueUnbound() ?

Nope. For that to work you need your Remote interface to extend
HttpSessionBindingListener, but it already extends EJBObject.
There is a workaround, is to tedios that it's not worth the effort.

Best regards,
 Rafaelmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Re[2]: Removal of SBs from expiring HTTP sessions ...

2001-03-15 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

Remote interfaces are just interfaces. They can extend multiple other

So it's not real tedious at all? ;)

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Rafael Alvarez
 Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 1:55 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re[2]: Removal of SBs from expiring HTTP sessions ...

 Hello Mike,

 Thursday, March 15, 2001, 7:31:23 PM, you wrote:

 MCB Can't you just make the SB a HttpSessionBindingListener and implement
 MCB valueUnbound() ?

 Nope. For that to work you need your Remote interface to extend
 HttpSessionBindingListener, but it already extends EJBObject.
 There is a workaround, is to tedios that it's not worth the effort.

 Best regards,
  Rafaelmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please help me, How to get Orion's Environment Such as HostName, Port...???

2001-03-15 Thread urey

Dear All,
Orion Server was started. 
Could you please tell me,how to get Orion's 
Such as HostName,Port,Running 
Pathand so on in my 
application class file , not applet, servlet or JSP file?.


Re: Can I use InterBase's DataSource instead of Orion's?

2001-03-15 Thread Tim Endres

You should not be instantiating DataSource's directly. You should define
the DataSource in Orion's configuration file, and then access the DataSource
by name via your InitialContext.

 In normal java application, I may use interbase.interclient.DataSource to
 access Interbase:
 interbase.interclient.DataSource ds = new interbase.interclient.DataSource
 ds.setServerName ("");
 ... ...
 thouth, the Orion's DataSource class does not fit my purpose, can/how I replace
 with Interbase's DataSource class?

Custom UserManager.

2001-03-15 Thread Michael Gantz

Server : Orion-1.4.5

I've created a custom UserManager and referenced it in application.xml, 
I've taken out the principal tags in all the other files.  Here is my 
problem: my custom user manager loads up and the init method gets called 
but that's it.  The server never calls getUser on my user manager.  I'm 
very sure I'm missing something really silly and simple but I can't find 
it due to the complete lack of adequate documentation.

Thanks in advance.

Michael L. Gantz

Re[4]: Removal of SBs from expiring HTTP sessions ...

2001-03-15 Thread Rafael Alvarez

Hello Mike,

I have to thank you. I wasn't sure of that, so I check it. I write
something like:

public interface test extends java.io.Serializable, javax.ejb.EJBObject {
   void dummy();

And the compiler throwed and error (fastjavac from Forte CE 2.0). So I stated that it 
couldn't be done.
But now, after a crash and hour ago or so, I checked again and voila!,
it compiled OK.

I want to apologize.

Thank again,

Best regards,
 Rafaelmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: No suitable driver exception

2001-03-15 Thread Michael J. Cannon

try classes111.zip...your 8i may not be patched to a level that accepts

Sometimes works when nothing else does

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gregory
 Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 8:17 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: No suitable driver exception

 Having a problem accessing JDBC Connection through a datasource, and can't
 figure it out with orion.
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 Here are the details, and am using Oracle 8i.

 * classes12.zip located in the orion/lib dir.
 * Here is my datasources xml snippet.
 * Orion starts up fine.
 * Here is the code... (no app-client xml file)
   env.put("java.naming.provider.url", "ormi://localhost/default");
   InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(env);
   DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/OracleCoreDS");
   Connection conn = ds.getConnection();
   Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
 * Running with orion.jar, jndi.jar, jdbc.jar, classes.zip
 * Getting No suitable driver exception (SQLException) at Connection conn =

 Any help would be greatly appreciated. =)


Re: No suitable driver exception

2001-03-15 Thread theis . meggerle


 DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/OracleDS"); instead of
 DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/OracleCoreDS");


RE: Custom UserManager.

2001-03-15 Thread Christian Billen

I don't know what type of User manager you made, but I had problems using
EJBUserManager, I had to leave the principals.xml containing all my groups
(not my users) and the link to it in orion-application.xml.  I struggled for
a while on this since it doesn't make sense as all my users are in the
database. Maybe it is something related somehow and you could try it out?


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael Gantz
 Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 11:40 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Custom UserManager.

 Server : Orion-1.4.5

 I've created a custom UserManager and referenced it in application.xml,
 I've taken out the principal tags in all the other files.  Here is my
 problem: my custom user manager loads up and the init method gets called
 but that's it.  The server never calls getUser on my user manager.  I'm
 very sure I'm missing something really silly and simple but I can't find
 it due to the complete lack of adequate documentation.

 Thanks in advance.

 Michael L. Gantz