How to use mySQL DB as Datasource?

2001-09-27 Thread Michael Simons

I'm aware that's a really newbie question but that's what I am ...

Any docs or anything else on this?

thanks in advance, michael

Dipl.-Math. (fh) Michael Simons
UNIOPT AG // unique logistic optimization
Maximilianstr. 29; D-93047 Regensburg
phone: ++49(0)941/59578-0

admin -restart does not work correctly

2001-09-27 Thread Michael Simons

On my Linux box (kernel 2.4) the command

$ java -jar /opt/orion/admin.jar ormi://localhost/  admin adminpassword -restart

doesn't work. The following messages are written to the console where orion server is 

Error starting RMI-Server: IO Error: Address already in use
Error starting HTTP-Server: Address already in use

A shutdown after issuing the restart command doesn't work either.
Any hints what I'm missing would be highly appreciated.


Dipl.-Math. (fh) Michael Simons
UNIOPT AG // unique logistic optimization
Maximilianstr. 29; D-93047 Regensburg
phone: ++49(0)941/59578-0


2001-09-27 Thread OMurchu, Oisin

in the orion-application.jar file in your application-deployments\APP_NAME 
directory - I tend to get multiple library path="./lib" / tags in 
it, which causes Orion to hang. (Orion adds these into tags in itself upon 
deployment for some strange reason.)

  -Original Message-From: Magnus Rydin 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 26 September 2001 
  20:17To: Orion-InterestSubject: SV: STRANGE (and BIG!!!) 
  bet is that you have something strange in your ejb-jar.xml that causes Orion 
  to start eating memory like popcorn.
  would be great to hear the typo that led to this situation once you've found 
-Ursprungligt meddelande-Från: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]För Mirel 
RataSkickat: den 26 september 2001 18:50Till: 
Orion-InterestÄmne: Re: STRANGE (and BIG!!!) 

  It's a little bit strange... I'm implementing security 
  on my application and customizing my xml descriptors. All went ok (I had 
  Basic Authentication) and I wanted to implement security also in the EJBs 
  methods. I change the ejb-jar.xml source and this text appears 
  Auto-deploying UbicuaCMP.jar (Classes were 
  updated)... The compiler has run outof memory. Consider using 
  the "-J-mxnumber" command line option to increase the maximum 
  heap size.Error compiling D:\Orion155\ubicua/UbicuaCMP.jar: Syntax 
  error in sourceOrion/1.5.2 initialized
  I work with 512MB memory... so I don´t think is a 
  problem of lack of memory... I try to use also the 
  "-J-mxnumber" command but it doesnt work !. Can anybody 
  explain where and how works this command ? (a sample example will be 
  wellcomed !)

Error restoring application state

2001-09-27 Thread Daniel López


Lately I'm getting this error when I update my web applications and
hence the application state is not restored and I lose all my sesions.
The complete error message is:
Error restoring application state:
(Writing aborted by exception;

It might be that I'm storing a reference to some object that cannot be
serializable, but it used to work and I can't see the problem. Besides,
the problem comes from an orion internal class so I don't know where to
start looking. Is there any way to get a more detailed error message?
Has anybody come across this message before? Any hits?

Thanks in advance?,

Newbie classpath problem - please help

2001-09-27 Thread Derek_Hardy

I've installed Orion 1.5.2 on my Windows NT4 development machine.

I have a system classpath that points to lots of standard classes, for
utilities, etc.

If I start Orion with the command java -jar orion.jar then it doesn't pick
anything up from the classpath,
if on the otherhand I start Orion with the command java -jar -cp %CLASSPATH%
orion.jar then I get a error
with the following message The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax
is incorrect

Do I need to set the classpath elsewhere?


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The Virgin One account is a secured personal bank account with The Royal Bank 
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a representative only of Virgin Direct Personal Financial Service Ltd. 
Registered office: Waterhouse Square, 138-142 Holborn, London EC1N 2TH, UK. 
Registered in England no 3414708.

The Virgin Deposit Account is a personal deposit account with The Royal Bank of 
Scotland plc administered by Virgin Direct Personal Financial Service Ltd.

All telephone calls are recorded and may be monitored. 


2001-09-27 Thread David Bonilla

Hi Magnus !!!

Our security developing on Orion goes very good. Now I have 
more specific questions.

1. The web interface and EJBs security works 
but when I try to use a restricted a EJB method I only get a 
remoteException (I know... it´s normal). Is there some way to control if this 
exception is caused by a Security Constraint ? (To show for example... "You´re 
not allowed to do that").

2. I try to use two users with 
twodifferent roles/groups but it doesn´t work (I must do something 
wrong...) have you some kind of application (like the illuminati apply you 
sended me) but with two different users and different roles/groups 

3. At least, but not at last... with who must 
we talk about Orion pricing and the possibility to include it into a 
"all-in-one" pack with our application ?

Thank you very much Magnus !!!

Best Regards !!
__David Bonilla FuertesTHE BIT 
BANG NETWORKhttp://www.bit-bang.comProfesor Waksman, 
8, 6º B28036 MadridSPAINTel.: (+34) 914 577 747Móvil: 656 62 83 
92Fax: (+34) 914 586 


2001-09-27 Thread David Bonilla

I have implemented security on my application and I´m a newbie 
with these questions. My apply catch the exceptions and show it via 

When I try to access a method that 
I don't have permission for, I get a com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: dave is not allowed 
to call this EJB method, check your security settings (method-permission in 
ejb-jar.xml and security-role-mapping in 
This a Orion propietary Exception 
and my question is... Wich is the Exception that throws every ApplicationServer 
? a generic RemoteException ? and how can I manage it to control if it´s a 
security exception and show, for example, a "You´re not allowed to do that" text 
in my JSP ?

Thank you very much, mates 

__David Bonilla FuertesTHE BIT 
BANG NETWORKhttp://www.bit-bang.comProfesor Waksman, 
8, 6º B28036 MadridSPAINTel.: (+34) 914 577 747Móvil: 656 62 83 
92Fax: (+34) 914 586 

Transactions for stateless SessionBeans

2001-09-27 Thread Tommy Wassgren

 I'm using a data-source (Oracle) from a stateless session bean.
 The session bean uses bean managed transactions (User transactions).
 Reading and writing data to the Oracle database works fine.
 The only problem is that when the ejb-transaction gets rolled back the
 database transaction does not roll back.
 Simplified example:
 // Get the connection
 Context context = new InitialContext();
 ds = (DataSource)context.lookup(jdbc/MyDSCore);
 Connection conn = ds.getConnection();
// If a rollback occurs here the data still gets updated
 catch(Exception e)
 My bdata-sources.xml/b looks like this:
 Does anyone have any idea of why the transactions are not working


2001-09-27 Thread Bruno Baloi

You could alos try using Jikes as a compiler 

We had the same problem,(we had an excessive ammount of beans - ~300),
and at deployment time Orion would barf bwith the same exception. We
went on to use jike as a runtime compiler and not only the deployment
was ten times faster, it also flawless !!! Give it a shot !

(Oh, you  need to modify the server.xml file - compiler
executable=jikes classpath=/)

Good luck !


-Original Message-
From:   Magnus Rydin
Sent:   Wed 9/26/2001 3:16 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject:SV: STRANGE (and BIG!!!) PROBLEM

My bet is that you have something strange in your ejb-jar.xml that
Orion to start eating memory like popcorn.
It would be great to hear the typo that led to this situation once
found it.
  -Ursprungligt meddelande-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]För Mirel Rata
  Skickat: den 26 september 2001 18:50
  Till: Orion-Interest
  Ämne: Re: STRANGE (and BIG!!!) PROBLEM

It's a little bit strange... I'm implementing security on my
and customizing my xml descriptors. All went ok (I had Basic
and I wanted to implement security also in the EJBs methods. I change
ejb-jar.xml source and this text appears :

Auto-deploying UbicuaCMP.jar (Classes were updated)... The compiler
run out
of memory.  Consider using the -J-mxnumber command line option
increase t
he maximum heap size.
Error compiling D:\Orion155\ubicua/UbicuaCMP.jar: Syntax error in
Orion/1.5.2 initialized

I work with 512MB memory... so I don´t think is a problem of lack of
memory... I try to use also the -J-mxnumber command but it doesnt
!. Can anybody explain where and how works this command ? (a sample
will be wellcomed !)

Description: application/ms-tnef

Cocoon 2

2001-09-27 Thread Jens Kutschke


I'd like to know if anyone has made experiences in 
using Cocoon2with Orionserver.
I've installed it and get the following 

When Cocoon wants to set the 
"lexical-handler"-property for the SAX-parser it fails. That is because, in my 
opinion, Cocoon 2 uses crimson.jar instead of xerces.jar. If I delete 
crimson.jar to force Cocoon to use Xerces, Orion doesn't work 

Has anybody had that problem before or knows how to 
fix this?


Jens Kutschke

Kutschkemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Newbie classpath problem - please help

2001-09-27 Thread SAURUGGER,PETER (A-PaloAlto,ex2)

-cp does not work in conjunction with -jar. The jar file gets its class path
from the manifest file. 

You can drop jars into the the implicit classpath at your jre/lib/ext. I
have not tried it, but Orions classloader may pick up jars in the Orion

For your applications, you can specify a lib directory in application.xml
library path=.../; for web applications WEB-INF/lib will do.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 2:48 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Newbie classpath problem - please help

I've installed Orion 1.5.2 on my Windows NT4 development machine.

I have a system classpath that points to lots of standard classes, for
utilities, etc.

If I start Orion with the command java -jar orion.jar then it doesn't pick
anything up from the classpath,
if on the otherhand I start Orion with the command java -jar -cp
orion.jar then I get a error
with the following message The filename, directory name, or volume label
is incorrect

Do I need to set the classpath elsewhere?


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House, Whiting Road, Norwich NR4 6EJ, UK. Registered in England No. 3072766.

The Virgin One account is a secured personal bank account with The Royal
of Scotland plc. It is provided by Virgin Direct Personal Finance Ltd which
a representative only of Virgin Direct Personal Financial Service Ltd. 
Registered office: Waterhouse Square, 138-142 Holborn, London EC1N 2TH, UK. 
Registered in England no 3414708.

The Virgin Deposit Account is a personal deposit account with The Royal Bank
Scotland plc administered by Virgin Direct Personal Financial Service Ltd.

All telephone calls are recorded and may be monitored. 

Re: Newbie classpath problem - please help

2001-09-27 Thread Joe Sackett


In server.xml
  library path=c:\java\jdk1.3.1\lib\tools.jar/
to include shared jars in Orion's environment.
You can also deploy classes as J2EE applications:
  application name=TestApp path=d:\Projects\Test\TestApp.ear/

- Joe

-Original Message-
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, September 27, 2001 10:32 AM
Subject: Newbie classpath problem - please help

I've installed Orion 1.5.2 on my Windows NT4 development machine.

I have a system classpath that points to lots of standard classes, for
utilities, etc.

If I start Orion with the command java -jar orion.jar then it doesn't
anything up from the classpath,
if on the otherhand I start Orion with the command java -jar -cp
orion.jar then I get a error
with the following message The filename, directory name, or volume label
is incorrect

Do I need to set the classpath elsewhere?



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Virgin Direct Personal Financial Service Ltd is regulated by the Personal
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House, Whiting Road, Norwich NR4 6EJ, UK. Registered in England No.

The Virgin One account is a secured personal bank account with The Royal
of Scotland plc. It is provided by Virgin Direct Personal Finance Ltd which
a representative only of Virgin Direct Personal Financial Service Ltd.
Registered office: Waterhouse Square, 138-142 Holborn, London EC1N 2TH, UK.
Registered in England no 3414708.

The Virgin Deposit Account is a personal deposit account with The Royal
Bank of
Scotland plc administered by Virgin Direct Personal Financial Service Ltd.

All telephone calls are recorded and may be monitored.



2001-09-27 Thread Alex Paransky


java -Xmx128M 
-Dcom.slsideas.pagegen.SystemRoot=. -jar %ORION_HOME%\orion.jar 


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of OMurchu, 
  OisinSent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 12:53 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: RE: STRANGE (and BIG!!!) 
  check in the orion-application.jar file in your 
  application-deployments\APP_NAME directory - I tend to get multiple 
  library path="./lib" / tags in it, which causes Orion to hang. 
  (Orion adds these into tags in itself upon deployment for some strange 
-Original Message-From: Magnus Rydin 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 26 September 2001 
20:17To: Orion-InterestSubject: SV: STRANGE (and 
bet is that you have something strange in your ejb-jar.xml that causes Orion 
to start eating memory like popcorn.
would be great to hear the typo that led to this situation once you've found 

  -Ursprungligt meddelande-Från: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]För Mirel 
  RataSkickat: den 26 september 2001 18:50Till: 
  Orion-InterestÄmne: Re: STRANGE (and BIG!!!) 
It's a little bit strange... I'm implementing security 
on my application and customizing my xml descriptors. All went ok (I had 
Basic Authentication) and I wanted to implement security also in the 
EJBs methods. I change the ejb-jar.xml source and this text appears 

Auto-deploying UbicuaCMP.jar (Classes were 
updated)... The compiler has run outof memory. Consider using 
the "-J-mxnumber" command line option to increase the 
maximum heap size.Error compiling D:\Orion155\ubicua/UbicuaCMP.jar: 
Syntax error in sourceOrion/1.5.2 initialized

I work with 512MB memory... so I don´t think is a 
problem of lack of memory... I try to use also the 
"-J-mxnumber" command but it doesnt work !. Can anybody 
explain where and how works this command ? (a sample example will be 

Re: Newbie classpath problem - please help

2001-09-27 Thread Dmitriy Serebryakov

check doc on orion-web.xml

- Original Message -
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 5:47 AM
Subject: Newbie classpath problem - please help

 I've installed Orion 1.5.2 on my Windows NT4 development machine.

 I have a system classpath that points to lots of standard classes, for
 utilities, etc.

 If I start Orion with the command java -jar orion.jar then it doesn't
 anything up from the classpath,
 if on the otherhand I start Orion with the command java -jar -cp
 orion.jar then I get a error
 with the following message The filename, directory name, or volume label
 is incorrect

 Do I need to set the classpath elsewhere?


 E-mail communication is not secure and may be intercepted by a third
party. This
 message is confidential to the intended addressee. If you are not the
 addressee, please inform us immediately and then delete this message.
 Direct does not accept responsibility for changes made to this message
after it
 was sent. Although Virgin Direct believes this e-mail is free of any virus
or other
 defect which may affect a computer, it is the responsibility of the
recipient to ensure
 that it is virus free and Virgin Direct does not accept any responsibility
for any loss
 or damage arising in any way from it's use.

 Virgin Direct Personal Financial Service Ltd is regulated by the Personal
 Investment Authority for life insurance, pension and unit trust business
 represents only the Virgin Direct marketing group. Registered office:
 House, Whiting Road, Norwich NR4 6EJ, UK. Registered in England No.

 The Virgin One account is a secured personal bank account with The Royal
 of Scotland plc. It is provided by Virgin Direct Personal Finance Ltd
which is
 a representative only of Virgin Direct Personal Financial Service Ltd.
 Registered office: Waterhouse Square, 138-142 Holborn, London EC1N 2TH,
 Registered in England no 3414708.

 The Virgin Deposit Account is a personal deposit account with The Royal
Bank of
 Scotland plc administered by Virgin Direct Personal Financial Service Ltd.

 All telephone calls are recorded and may be monitored.

Re: admin -restart does not work correctly

2001-09-27 Thread Markus Holmberg

You are (which certainly is recommended) running Orion as a non-root
process. Non-root processes are not allowed to rebind (unfortunately I
can't explain closer, because I don't have the details). The answer is:
it's normal. If you necessarily need to use restart, run as root (there
might be some other way).


On Thu, Sep 27, 2001 at 09:43:30AM +0200, Michael Simons wrote:
 On my Linux box (kernel 2.4) the command
 $ java -jar /opt/orion/admin.jar ormi://localhost/  admin adminpassword -restart
 doesn't work. The following messages are written to the console where orion server 
is running:
 Error starting RMI-Server: IO Error: Address already in use
 Error starting HTTP-Server: Address already in use
 A shutdown after issuing the restart command doesn't work either.
 Any hints what I'm missing would be highly appreciated.
 Dipl.-Math. (fh) Michael Simons
 UNIOPT AG // unique logistic optimization
 Maximilianstr. 29; D-93047 Regensburg
 phone: ++49(0)941/59578-0


Markus Holmberg

Re: admin -restart does not work correctly

2001-09-27 Thread Xiaowen Wang

On Thu, 27 Sep 2001, Michael Simons wrote:

 On my Linux box (kernel 2.4) the command

 $ java -jar /opt/orion/admin.jar ormi://localhost/  admin adminpassword -restart

 doesn't work. The following messages are written to the console where orion server 
is running:

 Error starting RMI-Server: IO Error: Address already in use
 Error starting HTTP-Server: Address already in use

 A shutdown after issuing the restart command doesn't work either.
 Any hints what I'm missing would be highly appreciated.


Take a look at about shutdown orion server. You need to
use -force to do the shutdown. As for the restart, it's not documented
there. So just stop, then start. The address already in use error msg is
because the shutdown is not clean, the port is still in use.

problem with collection mapping in cmps.

2001-09-27 Thread Mayssam Sayyadian

Dear friends,
i'm deploying a cmp which has a collection of other cmps as a cmp
attribute, and i've prepared a orion-ejb-jar.xml like the following:

entity-deployment name=xxx table=TABLE
 primkey-mapping ... /primkey-mapping
 cmp-field-mapping name=participations
  collection-mapping table=TABLE_PARTICIPATIONS
cmp-field-mapping name=id .../
   value-mapping type=MyType
cmp-field-mapping name=value
 entity-ref home=Participation
  cmp-field-mapping name=value persistence-name=participation_id/

The problem is that when i deploy, i found orion is building his own
tables instead of building the TABLE which i specified, and the worse is
that there is no participation, and i come to SQLException which states
participations is not a column in the table.

it would be much appriciated if anybody could help me.
Thnx in advance.


OrionRemoteException: Error (de-)serializing object:

2001-09-27 Thread Andres Garcia Hourcade

I have an application (jsp  ejb) running with version 1.4.0, i am trying to
upgrade the same EAR in 1.5.2 version, but i get this error.

What i am doing wrong ?

com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: Error (de-)serializing object:; nested exception is:

Many thanks

Re: How to use mySQL DB as Datasource?

2001-09-27 Thread Chris Callaghan

Download the JDBC driver from and put 
that into your orion/lib directory, then edit 
orion/config/data-sources.xml to add in the data-source.

Docs on the data-sources.xml can be found here:

You will need to use and 

If you want to use CMP then you'll have to setup the database-schema.xml 
( as well.

Have fun!

Michael Simons wrote:

 I'm aware that's a really newbie question but that's what I am ...

 Any docs or anything else on this?

 thanks in advance, michael

Re: problem with collection mapping in cmps.

2001-09-27 Thread Joel B. Kinney

Hi Mayssam,
I have experianced the same kind of problem. I had a few cmps that
had collection and map mappings to other cmps. When I changed the
orion-ejb-jar.xml and redeployed the changes didnt take effect.

The solution seemed to be to recopy the orion-ejb-jar.xml to the
appropriate application-deployments dir. After I did that it worked

Hope this helps,

On Fri, 28 Sep 2001, Mayssam Sayyadian wrote:

 Dear friends,
 i'm deploying a cmp which has a collection of other cmps as a cmp
 attribute, and i've prepared a orion-ejb-jar.xml like the following:
 entity-deployment name=xxx table=TABLE
  primkey-mapping ... /primkey-mapping
  cmp-field-mapping name=participations
   collection-mapping table=TABLE_PARTICIPATIONS
 cmp-field-mapping name=id .../
value-mapping type=MyType
 cmp-field-mapping name=value
  entity-ref home=Participation
   cmp-field-mapping name=value persistence-name=participation_id/
 The problem is that when i deploy, i found orion is building his own
 tables instead of building the TABLE which i specified, and the worse is
 that there is no participation, and i come to SQLException which states
 participations is not a column in the table.
 it would be much appriciated if anybody could help me.
 Thnx in advance.

Re: OrionRemoteException: Error (de-)serializing object:

2001-09-27 Thread Chris Callaghan

Make sure you are closing your all of your ResultSets after you've 
finished with them (same for Statement and Connection objects).


Andres Garcia Hourcade wrote:

I have an application (jsp  ejb) running with version 1.4.0, i am trying to
upgrade the same EAR in 1.5.2 version, but i get this error.

What i am doing wrong ?

com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: Error (de-)serializing object:; nested exception is:

Many thanks

RE: OrionRemoteException: Error (de-)serializing object:

2001-09-27 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

Orion 1.5.2 is much stricter about what you can put into app / session
scopes. Any objects you want to store MUST be serializable (they didn't have
to be in 1.4.0, the 1.5.2 behaviour is more spec compliant).

I think the ResultSet you're using isn't serializable. Try pulling the data
out first into your own data structure, and then storing that.


Mike Cannon-Brookes :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Atlassian ::
 Supporting YOUR J2EE World

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andres Garcia
 Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 11:56 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: OrionRemoteException: Error (de-)serializing object:

 I have an application (jsp  ejb) running with version 1.4.0, i
 am trying to
 upgrade the same EAR in 1.5.2 version, but i get this error.

 What i am doing wrong ?

 com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: Error
 (de-)serializing object:; nested exception is:

 Many thanks

Orion caches http responses and never hits the jsp??

2001-09-27 Thread Curt Smith

I had marveled at Orion's great JSP performance stats
vs WLS and others.

While pulling my hair out debugging my MVC web tier (type 2)
I noticed that when my request was the same (same values on
a submit page) the jsp was never hit, where if I always changed
my form values it would proceed to hit my MVC controller component
and thus excersize my machinery.

For static pages this is a wonderful feature. 

For debugging and dynamic content and scenarios this is either
agravating for debugging or plain wrong if my MVC will generate
different response for the same request dependant on context that
the Orion cache can't know about.

How do I turn off this cache behavior?

Very nice J2EE container Orion!



JNDI naming federation

2001-09-27 Thread Sergei Batiuk

Does ORION support JNDI naming federation?

For example, I have several ORIONs in my distrubuted environment. Each has
its own unique services. I would like them to share the same JNDI naming
space so that I had uniform access to services in my distrubuted

Does anyone have any experience with this technique in ORION?

Best regards,

SV: Orion caches http responses and never hits the jsp??

2001-09-27 Thread Magnus Rydin

This is your browser caching the pages, not the server.
Either turn off cache:ing in your browser, or add something like the
following to your pages:
% response.setHeader(Cache-Control,no-cache);%

There is also loads of meta-tags to use i your pages to prevent browser

 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]For Curt Smith
 Skickat: den 28 september 2001 05:18
 Till: Orion-Interest
 Amne: Orion caches http responses and never hits the jsp??

 I had marveled at Orion's great JSP performance stats
 vs WLS and others.

 While pulling my hair out debugging my MVC web tier (type 2)
 I noticed that when my request was the same (same values on
 a submit page) the jsp was never hit, where if I always changed
 my form values it would proceed to hit my MVC controller component
 and thus excersize my machinery.

 For static pages this is a wonderful feature.

 For debugging and dynamic content and scenarios this is either
 agravating for debugging or plain wrong if my MVC will generate
 different response for the same request dependant on context that
 the Orion cache can't know about.

 How do I turn off this cache behavior?

 Very nice J2EE container Orion!

