RE: JSP bug in state saving

2000-07-13 Thread Tom Wnuk

'%@ include...' is a static process. If you're using 
'jsp:useBean...' in both that could be causing your problems. Also, 
why do you include page two into page one and then set the action to call page 
one again?

not create another JSP page to process the login and then you can always do a 
redirect to whatever page you'd like.

not sure what your code looks like so it's just a guess. You're probably 
not using the 'jsp:usebean...' correctly in this situation. Code 
snippets would help.


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
  hanasakiSent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 5:08 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: JSP bug in state saving
I have written two JSP pages. 
The first does a JSP:include of the second in one of its table 
cells. Page 1 shows an ID with myBeanX.getID() 
Each of the pages uses MyBeanX with the same variable name and a scope 
of session. 
The included page, page 2, is actually a login page that does a 
myBeanX.setID = id for login from the page and then calls the main 
page, page one, as its action. Page 2 also displays the current id 
with myBeanX.getID(). 
When page 1 is called, from page 2, it shows the previous ID while page 
2, the included page, shows the "just set ID". Page 2 is the expected 
behavior. Page 1 is laggin behind. Comments, suggestions would 
  be appreciated. 
  Thank you. 

RE: JSP bug in state saving

2000-07-13 Thread Tom Wnuk

That's not what I meant.  During the compile of the jsp page include files
are merged into their parent file becoming one piece of static code.

The jsp:usebean.. will reference the instance of the object that is
defined by the id for that users session.  I'm not sure what will happen or
if it's even legal to have jsp:useBean... occur more than once in the
source that actually gets compiled.

It would help to see code snippets to ensure we're all talking about the
same thing here.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 1:05 PM
To: Tom Wnuk
Cc: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: JSP bug in state saving

Even though it is a static process, the bean is an instance of a "new'ed"
object running in the VM.  It is just the html that is in the jsp that is

On Thu, 13 Jul 2000, Tom Wnuk wrote:

 Using '%@ include...' is a static process.  If you're using
 'jsp:useBean...' in both that could be causing your problems.  Also, why
 you include page two into page one and then set the action to call page

 Why not create another JSP page to process the login and then you can
 do a redirect to whatever page you'd like.

 I'm not sure what your code looks like so it's just a guess.  You're
 probably not using the 'jsp:usebean...' correctly in this situation.
 snippets would help.

   -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of hanasaki
   Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 5:08 AM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: JSP bug in state saving

 a.. I have written two JSP pages.
 b.. The first does a JSP:include of the second in one of its table
 cells.  Page 1 shows an ID with myBeanX.getID()
 c.. Each of the pages uses MyBeanX with the same variable name and a
 scope of session.
 d.. The included page, page 2, is actually a login page that does a
 myBeanX.setID = id for login from the page and then calls the main page,
 page one, as its action.  Page 2 also displays the current id with
 e.. When page 1 is called, from page 2, it shows the previous ID while
 page 2, the included page, shows the "just set ID".  Page 2 is the
 behavior.  Page 1 is laggin behind.
   Comments, suggestions would be appreciated.
   Thank you.

RE: Multiple User Debugging Env? Doesnt' Exist?

2000-07-13 Thread Tom Wnuk

would agree with Darren, each developer should have their own instance of Orion 
Server running on their own desktop. I'm assuming their machines are big enough 
and if you're using any of the full featured IDE's like VisualAge, VisualCafe, 
or JBuilder, than they probably can handle an instance of 

One of 
the kindest things Evermind is doing is allowing developers free use of their 
software for development purposes. Allaire just recently announced that 
same approach, why, because when you the developers use your software they're 
most likely to recommend it's use for production. I digress, 

to share an instance of the web server for developing servlets is futile. 
I've been developing enterprise applications since 1983 on my PC, some were 
strictly PC apps others were mainframe Cobol, and most were distributed using 
C/C++ and now Java. I can't imagine sharing a development environment with 
other developers at least not until you get to integrated testing. 
You'll be amazed at how the time for development actually reduces and you can 
end up with more features and a more solid product. If it takes someone 5 
days to do something in a shared environment that would take 2 in a dedicated 
one, by the time the 5th day rolls around they won't feel like spending more 
time testing and fine tuning their piece.

think the biggest challenge will be to ensure you have someone who really 
understands the Orion environment, otherwise, all is lost.There 
area lot of developers that don't want to know how to admin apiece 
of software like OrionServer, they just want to be users. If that's 
the case, then I would think about running multiple instances of Orion on the 
server for each developer or teams of developers assuming you have at least one 
person who now becomes a dedicated admin resource.

my 2 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steven 
  PunteSent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 1:51 PMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: Multiple User Debugging Env? Doesnt' 
  Dear Darren:
   Thank for you reply. I'm 
  coming to the same conclusion, 
   and I would like to ask the 
  Orion community at large, how
   does everyone do 
   1) Do you 
  set up individual web servers for each developer,

   and thus use a normal debugging convention?
   2) Is there 
  any way to share a server, in particular, allow

   debugging by various developer of their actives, 

   allowing other user to work normally. 
   I'm coming to believe this later paradigm (i.e. "2") is 
   ever done and is probably 
   What environment do you have 
  for debugging?
   Any comments 
  STeve Puntee-Business Software ArchitectTechnologent 
- Original Message - 
To: Orion-Interest 
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 12:18 
Subject: RE: Real Debuggin On Orion? 


AFAIK, there does not exist the ability to do what 
you're looking for with any application server/IDE combo. I think you 
are going to be stuck running the entire application server in debug mode to 
step through the code.

While I haven't tried it with Orion, I've debugged 
servlets in Resin using the 1.3 JDK, the JPDA ( 
and Forte ( I 
don't see why this wouldn't work the same for Orion.

get around the issues with multiple developers, you might want to use CVS, a 
central "unit test" development server, and individual servers installed on 
each of the developers machines. Developers would check out the code 
to their local machine, test on their local copy of Orion (with the ability 
to run it in debugging mode without screwing everyone else up) and post 
their changes back to the unit test server to check for 

a side note, CVS is a good thing if you're not using it already, especially 
when multiple developers get into the mix...


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steven 
  PunteSent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 10:28 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: Re: Real Debuggin On Orion? 
   Thanks for the 
   From your description it 
  sounds like the operation and control
   of tomcat is taken over by 
  the IDE. No one else would be 
   able to use this server 
  while you are in this debug mode.
   This same strategy 
  should/must be doable for Orion or
   any other java based 
   Perhaps my desire to have 
  a server BOTH be running
   for some users, and also 
  be able to 

Using a Policy File?

2000-07-12 Thread Tom Wnuk

I'm trying to use a policy file when starting Orion and it always fails w/o
ay errors.

The reason I'm trying to use it is because of my problem using JMS where I'm
unable to write to a queue. 

Initially, I've set all access to all files using:

grant codeBase "file:C:/orion/-" {

Orion starts to deploy the first bean and then terminated w/o any messages
or errors.


Tom Wnuk


What's going on with Evermind?

2000-07-12 Thread Tom Wnuk


What's going on with Evermind?  

I've sent messages to this list, sales, info, and support about different
issues and no one has responded.  I thought I remember someone saying that
they were overwhelmed since returning from JavaOne and that the support
situation would be resolved this week.

I haven't seen it, if anything it's gotten much worse and there's been
nothing but silence from the Orion team.  If we knew what was happening it
would minimize the frustration levels.  I'm going to be hard pressed to
recommend this product for production use given the type of support I've
gotten over the past few days -- none!

I'm really trying to hold-on here because I really like the Orion server but
if I can't use it because of the lack of documentation or support,
welldon't want to think about it.

Is anyone else feeling the same?


Tom Wnuk


RE: Session time out TOOOO early!

2000-07-11 Thread Tom Wnuk

you saying Orion detects changes in JSP used beans?

great if it truly does because most jsp/servlet engines out there do Not. 
If the JSP page changes then it will be recompiled but that doesn't necessarily 
mean you'll get the new bean unless Orion has their own class-loader. The 
beanclass is already loaded in the JVM, not your instance but the class 
used for creating instances. I don't know of anyone who dynamically 
reloads the beans. In order to pick up the new bean the server needs to be 

I hope 
you're right because this has been a big headache in managing changes to JSP 
used beans.



  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steven 
  PunteSent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 1:11 PMTo: 
  Orion-InterestCc: Orion-InterestSubject: Re: Session 
  time out T early!
   If aJSP pages uses a 
  session bean, not EJB but just a server side java bean,
   and that bean is recompiled, 
  the server will detect thisand reload it, but
   it will also dump and 
  re-start a users present session. This makes sense.
   Otherwise there would be an 
  attempt to use the old session bean object
   in the context of the new compiled 
  session bean.
   In summary the session will appear 
  time-out any time a related bean 
   being used in session scope is 
  STeve Puntee-Business Software ArchitectTechnologent Inc[EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Original Message - 
To: Steven Punte 
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2000 7:24 
Subject: Re: Session time out T 

I have the same problem, mail me if u received 

  - Original Message - 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Monday, July 10, 2000 3:19 
  Subject: HELP: Session time out T 
   I'm having serious problem 
  with the servlet session timing-out
   way before it 
  should. I'm running Orion on Solaris, and typically
   only see the problem when 
  development is active (i.e. team
   members changing server side java 
  bean files).
   I have set the session 
  time-out to 6 hours in the web.xml file as show 
   My JSP file is as simple 
  as possible:
  %@ page language="java" session="true" 
  %%@ page import="java.util.*" 
  %htmlheadtitle%= "Session Bug" 
  Session Information: brLast Accessed %= new Date( 
  session.getLastAccessedTime()) % brCreation Time 
  %= new Date( session.getCreationTime() ) % brID 
  %= session.getId() % brMax Interval %= 
   In the above examples, the 
  creation time typically only hold from 5 minutes to 15 
   and will then move forward 
  to the present time forgetting all other session information.
   Any suggestion 
  greatly appreciated:
  STeve Puntee-Business Software 
  ArchitectTechnologent Inc[EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-07-10 Thread Tom Wnuk

Is anyone using JMS via EJB's with Orion?

I haven't gotten any responses; therefore, I'm assuming no one is doing this
or just hasn't come across the similar problems.


Tom Wnuk


JMS QConnectionFactory via EJB's

2000-07-09 Thread Tom Wnuk

How do I create queueConnectionFactories?

I'm able to configure JMS using queues from a stand-alone program by
specifying the factory  queue name in the application-client.xml file, but
I'm unable to locate the queueConnectionFactory from an Stateless Session

Has anyone tried this configuration and what did you have to do?

I'm using the factory as defined in the CoffeeMaker example,

I'm also using version 1.1.9.


Tom Wnuk


UPDATE: JMS QConnectionFactory via EJB's

2000-07-09 Thread Tom Wnuk

OK, I figured out how to enable the qConnectionFactory by adding a
resource-ref to the Bean's definition in the ejb-ref file.  

First, was that the correct and only solution?

Second, I'm now getting an exception thrown when sending the message to the
queue, "In Read Mode" is the exception message.

I'm assuming I need to add security for this resource or something along
those lines.  The deployment of the bean has created the orion-ejb-jar.xml
and it added a persistence attribute for the queue.

Can someone explain what is necessary to make use of JMS queues from EJB's?
Has anyone done this yet?  Orion developers?

One of my objectives is to keep the ejb-jar.xml as clean/simple as possible
in order to maintain portability between AppServers.  So far, except for
JMS, I've been able to do it.


  -Original Message-
 From:     Tom Wnuk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2000 7:30 AM
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  JMS QConnectionFactory via EJB's
 How do I create queueConnectionFactories?
 I'm able to configure JMS using queues from a stand-alone program by
 specifying the factory  queue name in the application-client.xml file,
 but I'm unable to locate the queueConnectionFactory from an Stateless
 Session Bean.
 Has anyone tried this configuration and what did you have to do?
 I'm using the factory as defined in the CoffeeMaker example,
 I'm also using version 1.1.9.
 Tom Wnuk


Linux JSP

2000-07-07 Thread Tom Wnuk

I've done a fresh install with the latest binaries from Orion, 1.1.3, onto
my RH 6.2 Linux machine and I'm still having problems executing my JSP

The first page I bring up via my browser is a JSP page, compiles  displays,
no problem.  The second page which is also a JSP page is launched via a POST
from my form on the first page.

Once I submit the form, I receive an immediate response from the server with
a '404 Not Found' message displayed.  It's obvious it didn't even attempt to
compile but there's an entry in the default-web-access.log file that
indicates the POST and the 404 response.

These pages work fine on my Win2k machine.

Has anyone had any problems using JSP pages installed on Linux and why would
it work differently, it's the same exact code except for the JDK.  I'm using
Sun's JDK 1.2.2-L for Linux.

I'm really at a loss on this one!


Tom Wnuk


RE: Linux JSP, conclusion!

2000-07-07 Thread Tom Wnuk

You won't believe it!

What is different between Windows/DOS and UNIX?  Everything is Case
Sensitive in UNIX.

Apparently, the creators of the files I'm using were not consistent with
their naming of files and their references, amazing!

Anyway, I sincerely apologize for flooding the list with these msgs but I'm
sure each one of has gone down that path before (time to walk away and get a
new pair of eyes).


  -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 7:38 AM
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  Linux  JSP
 I've done a fresh install with the latest binaries from Orion, 1.1.3, onto
 my RH 6.2 Linux machine and I'm still having problems executing my JSP
 The first page I bring up via my browser is a JSP page, compiles 
 displays, no problem.  The second page which is also a JSP page is
 launched via a POST from my form on the first page.
 Once I submit the form, I receive an immediate response from the server
 with a '404 Not Found' message displayed.  It's obvious it didn't even
 attempt to compile but there's an entry in the default-web-access.log file
 that indicates the POST and the 404 response.
 These pages work fine on my Win2k machine.
 Has anyone had any problems using JSP pages installed on Linux and why
 would it work differently, it's the same exact code except for the JDK.
 I'm using Sun's JDK 1.2.2-L for Linux.
 I'm really at a loss on this one!
 Tom Wnuk


404 Not Found w/JSP

2000-07-06 Thread Tom Wnuk


I moved my Orion installation from my Win2k machine to my RH 6.2 Linux
computer.  Simply jar'd it up and unjar'd on the other side.  After a couple
minor changes, fired it up and my EJb's are working just fine.  

I am having a problem with JSP though.  It compiles and loads the first jsp
page w/o a problem.  When I try and move to the next JSP page I receive a
'404 Not Found' message in the browser and the URL is:;jsessionid=PNMLEOPINIEF

On my Win2k machine I don't get the 'jsessionid=' data (tried it by renaming
the jsp file to break the process).  I am using sessions for these JSP

This same configuration worked fine in Win2k but fails on Linux.  I've set
all of the file and dir permissions to world readable  writable just to
eliminate that as a potential problem.  I also assume all of Orion's
defaults and have not created any orion-* specific XML configuration files
-- didn't need to on Win2k for this testing.

I'm sure it's a simple configuration setting but I have no idea what's
causing it.  I never see any session data stored anywhere on my Win2k box so
I don't know where it's being stored.  Keep in mind, I'm assuming all

Has anyone seen this before?


Tom Wnuk


RE: 404 Not Found w/JSP

2000-07-06 Thread Tom Wnuk

Whatever I changed before moving to Linux does also exist on my Win2k

I should be able to track it down but if anyone has seen this it would be


  -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 2:36 PM
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  404 Not Found w/JSP
 I moved my Orion installation from my Win2k machine to my RH 6.2 Linux
 computer.  Simply jar'd it up and unjar'd on the other side.  After a
 couple minor changes, fired it up and my EJb's are working just fine.  
 I am having a problem with JSP though.  It compiles and loads the first
 jsp page w/o a problem.  When I try and move to the next JSP page I
 receive a '404 Not Found' message in the browser and the URL is:;jsessionid=PNMLEOPINIEF
 On my Win2k machine I don't get the 'jsessionid=' data (tried it by
 renaming the jsp file to break the process).  I am using sessions for
 these JSP pages.
 This same configuration worked fine in Win2k but fails on Linux.  I've set
 all of the file and dir permissions to world readable  writable just to
 eliminate that as a potential problem.  I also assume all of Orion's
 defaults and have not created any orion-* specific XML configuration files
 -- didn't need to on Win2k for this testing.
 I'm sure it's a simple configuration setting but I have no idea what's
 causing it.  I never see any session data stored anywhere on my Win2k box
 so I don't know where it's being stored.  Keep in mind, I'm assuming all
 Has anyone seen this before?
 Tom Wnuk


RE: AW: Update: Performance Scalability

2000-07-05 Thread Tom Wnuk

  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
  Von:Kirk Kalvar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Gesendet am:Dienstag, 4. Juli 2000 17:19
  An: Orion-Interest
  Betreff:RE: Update: Performance  Scalability
  Could you be more specific?  You weren't accessing the db
  connection pool, but what did you do to fix it?
  Thanks in Advance,
  Kirk S. Kalvar
 -Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2000 9:27 AM
To:   Orion-Interest
Subject:  Update: Performance  Scalability
In a previous message I expressed my concern about
performance as compared with Weblogic 5.1.  With
from Karl Avedal, I made some changes to my application
am very pleased to announce that Orion is approximately 2x

faster than Weblogic 5.1.
I wasn't using the DB connection pool and it is a pleasure
work with a product that does conform and support the
J2EE specification.
In general, migrating from WL to Orion has been pretty
painless.  Most of the changes were container specific,
config files, etc. and no code changes.  The only code
changes I'm now going to make has to do with improving my
code.  This exercise has identified areas that were
inefficient or were specific to WL.
BTW,  my evaluation of Orion and two other Ejb servers has

        resulted in Orion as my choice hands down.
Tom Wnuk

Performance Scalability Concern

2000-07-05 Thread Tom Wnuk

Actually, there is a simple method to turn it off.

From Magnus Stenman:
"Remove parser.jar and jaxp.jar from the Orion directory and then start
with a -Dxml.parser=xerces switch. This launches Orion using the xerces
parser only. I hope it helps."

I agree, they have stepped outside the spec on this one but maybe the spec
should be changed.  How does a container process the ejb-jar.xml file if it
can't load a parser?  Hopefully, they don't have to write another one just
to conform.  It's one of those gray areas I think.

At least I don't have to 'hack' the jar files and Orion has provided a


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: Performance  Scalability Concern

Tom Wnuk wrote:

 I just migrated some ejb's from a Weblogic 5.1 installation to Orion.
 version I'm using is whatever was available from the web site about a week
 ago -- orion.jar dated 6-5-2000, v1.xx.

 Some observations:

 1.  XML not DOM Level 2
 My beans have used XML from the beginning and I'm using xerces  xalan.
 Orion uses parser.jar from Sun which is DOM Level 1 compliant and includes
 the org.w3.* and org.xml.* packages.  This creates a problem when my beans
 try and utilize methods that are in DOM Level 2 such as
 and Node.importNode().  My temporary solution was to remove those classes
 from the parser.jar file, they're then picked up by xerces.jar which
 in the classpath.

IMHO this is a problem in Orion. As far an application is concerned, they
should only be able
to see the J2EE classes. Somehow the class loader scheme needs to insulate
from the server classes. In this case XML is not part of the current J2EE
and I'm hoping they won't add it. I haven't looked at an future specs on

Eric :-)

 2.  Performance significantly slower
 It's not rocket science, but I clocked the elapsed time it takes to
 a round trip from a test client.  Using the same code, Orion was at least
 slower than WL 5.1 and did not scale well when more clients were added.
 WL 5.1  Orion 1.x
 One client  .4xx.8xx
 Multiple (3).6xx2.xx

 I could live with 2x slower but when adding more clients it simply gets
 worse, much worse.   For development purposes no problem, not ready for
 production use though.

 Also, the only known difference between the two deployments is, the JDBC
 driver.  I'm reading/writing to an Oracle 8i database using a JDBC 2.0
 2 driver whereas with Orion I'm using JDBC Type 4 (thin driver from
 I'm sure this adds to the response time issue but I can't believe it's the
 cause of the scalability problem.

 I'm sure there's more tweaking I could do with Orion, but as I'm sure
 everyone is aware, documentation is hard to find.

 Also, does anyone have any benchmarks using Type 2 vs. Type 4 drivers?

 Please, feedback is welcome.

 I'm evaluating Orion, JBoss, and JRun.  I'm leaning towards Orion for many
 reasons that I won't go into here but scalability is a 'big' issue.


 Tom Wnuk

   Name: winmail.dat
winmail.datType: application/ms-tnef
   Encoding: base64

RE: Performance Scalability Concern

2000-07-05 Thread Tom Wnuk

understand but if you didn't have a J2EE container how would you resolve 

in the CLASSPATH all objects within the same JVM are effected by the order; 
therefore, the idea of self-contained components break down. They're all 
subject to the JVM including J2EE implementations.

Do you 
really want to start dynamically loading your own specific classes via 
reflection? I don't.

many vendors do you know even truly have as close to a full J2EE implementation 
that Orion has?
is going to rely on plug-ins so now your reliant on multiple vendors and release 
schedules. Weblogic ($$$) is very very close but they fall down in some 
areas as well, and IBM well.


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Eric 
  RichardsonSent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 8:13 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: Re: Performance  Scalability 
  ConcernI see that, but that sets the policy of which 
  libraries to use at the server level. When you have a large codebase then 
  pieces of it and the applications may use different non-binary compatible 
  versions and this breaks the component model of J2EE. Except for the J2EE 
  version, each app should be self reliant. 
  This is what I think anyway. Eric :-) 
  Tom Wnuk wrote: 
  Actually, there is a simple method to turn it off. 
From Magnus Stenman: "Remove parser.jar and jaxp.jar from the 
Orion directory and then start Orion with a -Dxml.parser=xerces 
switch. This launches Orion using the xerces parser only. I hope it 
I agree, they have stepped outside the spec on this one but maybe the 
spec should be changed. How does a container process the 
ejb-jar.xml file if it can't load a parser? Hopefully, they don't 
have to write another one just to conform. It's one of those gray 
areas I think. 
At least I don't have to 'hack' the jar files and Orion has provided a 
-Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 7:25 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: Performance  Scalability Concern 
    Tom Wnuk wrote: 
 I just migrated some ejb's from a Weblogic 5.1 installation to 
Orion. The  version I'm using is whatever was available from the 
web site about a week  ago -- orion.jar dated 6-5-2000, v1.xx. 
  Some observations:   1. XML not DOM 
Level 2  My beans have used XML from the beginning and I'm using 
xerces  xalan.  Orion uses parser.jar from Sun which is DOM 
Level 1 compliant and includes  the org.w3.* and org.xml.* 
packages. This creates a problem when my beans  try and 
utilize methods that are in DOM Level 2 such as Document.normalize() 
 and Node.importNode(). My temporary solution was to remove 
those classes  from the parser.jar file, they're then picked up by 
xerces.jar which resides  in the classpath. 
IMHO this is a problem in Orion. As far an application is concerned, they 
should only be able to see the J2EE classes. Somehow the class 
loader scheme needs to insulate the application from the server 
classes. In this case XML is not part of the current J2EE spec and 
I'm hoping they won't add it. I haven't looked at an future specs on 
Eric :-) 
   2. Performance significantly slower  
It's not rocket science, but I clocked the elapsed time it takes to 
complete  a round trip from a test client. Using the same 
code, Orion was at least 2x  slower than WL 5.1 and did not 
scale well when more clients were added. 
WL 5.1 Orion 1.x 
.4xx .8xx 
.6xx 2.xx 
  I could live with 2x slower but when adding more clients 
it simply gets  worse, much worse. For development 
purposes no problem, not ready for  production use though.  
 Also, the only known difference between the two deployments is, the 
JDBC  driver. I'm reading/writing to an Oracle 8i database 
using a JDBC 2.0 Type  2 driver whereas with Orion I'm using 
JDBC Type 4 (thin driver from Oracle).  I'm sure this adds to 
the response time issue but I can't believe it's the  cause of the 
scalability problem.   I'm sure there's more tweaking I 
could do with Orion, but as I'm sure  everyone is aware, 
documentation is hard to find.   Also, does anyone have any 
benchmarks using Type 2 vs. Type 4 drivers?   Please, 
feedback is welcome.   I'm evaluating Orion, JBoss, and 
JRun. I'm leaning towards Orion for many  reasons that I won't 
go into here but scalability is a 'big' issue.   Thanks 
     Tom   Tom Wnuk  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Name: winmail.dat  winmail.dat 
Type: application/ms-tnef 
Encoding: base64

RE: HELP: Reoccurring ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from Orion

2000-07-05 Thread Tom Wnuk

I was 
just getting a similar error but it was due to an existing jsp page that was 
using a tag incorrectly. In my case they we're using %@ some java code 
% which Orion didn't like and it threw an out-of-bounds exception on a 

There's probably an JSP syntax error somewhere in your 

to Orion developers:
thing that would be more helpful, trace messages in the console window or even 
to a log file. Sometimes you'll get an error w/o a stack trace and all you 
get is an 'unable to display the page' message, not very helpful. 
How about msgs upon startup so we can determine what's been loaded or not, 

anyone know if tracing exists in Orion and if so, how do you turn it 


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steven 
  PunteSent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 10:42 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: HELP: Reoccurring 
  ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from Orion
  Dear Orion Interest Group:
   Has anyone experienced this 
  error below? My team is repeatedly 
   running into this, but 
  I cannot create the problem in a 
   manner. We are using no 
  arrays, so the error is from somewhere inside 
   Orion. Once this error occurs, 
  all JSPs on all application become
   Any help appreciated!
  7/5/00 10:19 AM ebusinessWebApp: Servlet 
  13274200 at 
  Code) at 
  Code) at 
  Code) at 
  Code) at 
  Code) at 
  Code) at 
  Code) at Code)
  STeve Puntee-Business Software 
  ArchitectTechnologent Inc[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: HELP: Reoccurring ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from Orion

2000-07-05 Thread Tom Wnuk


-Original Message-
From: Karl Avedal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 3:32 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: HELP: Reoccurring ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from Orion

Hello Tom,

There's an application log file written for every application. You can
find it in application-deployments/myapplication/application.log (or
similar depending on if you use another deployment dir and depending on
your application name...)

With the graphical console that is days away from a preview you'll
easily see exactly what is loaded into the server, so if you can just
wait a few more days...

Karl Avedal

Tom Wnuk wrote:

 I was just getting a similar error but it was due to an existing jsp
 page that was using a tag incorrectly.  In my case they we're using
 %@ some java code % which Orion didn't like and it threw an
 out-of-bounds exception on a String. There's probably an JSP syntax
 error somewhere in your code.Note to Orion developers:One thing that
 would be more helpful, trace messages in the console window or even to
 a log file.  Sometimes you'll get an error w/o a stack trace and all
 you get is an 'unable to display the page' message, not very
 helpful.   How about msgs upon startup so we can determine what's been
 loaded or not, etc..Does anyone know if tracing exists in Orion and if
 so, how do you turn it on?Tom

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
  Steven Punte
  Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 10:42 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: HELP: Reoccurring ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  from Orion

  Dear Orion Interest Group: Has anyone experienced this
  error below?  My team is repeatedlyrunning into this,
  but I cannot create the problem in a deterministic
  manner.  We are using no arrays, so the error is from
  somewhere insideOrion.  Once this error occurs, all JSPs
  on all application becomenon-functinoal. Any help
  appreciated! 7/5/00 10:19 AM ebusinessWebApp: Servlet error
  java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 13274200
  com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.tb(Compiled Code)
  com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(Compiled Code)
  at com.evermind.server.http.df.o3(Compiled Code)
  at com.evermind.server.http.df.forward(Compiled
  at Code)
  at Code)
  at Code)STeve Punte

  e-Business Software Architect
  Technologent Inc

Setting library path

2000-07-05 Thread Tom Wnuk

I've got a number of supporting classes that my ejb's need access to.  I
originally copied the dir structure beneath the ./lib dir and everything
worked fine.  I'd really like to keep it with the rest of the application
but can't seem to get the server to search the CLASSPATH for these classes
and I've tried setting the library path in the config/application.xml file.
library path="../lib" /

I'm obviously missing something simple, help!


Tom Wnuk


Update: Performance Scalability

2000-07-04 Thread Tom Wnuk


In a previous message I expressed my concern about performance as compared
with Weblogic 5.1.  With assistance from Karl Avedal, I made some changes to
my application and am very pleased to announce that Orion is approximately
2x faster than Weblogic 5.1.

I wasn't using the DB connection pool and it is a pleasure to work with a
product that does conform and support the latest J2EE specification.  

In general, migrating from WL to Orion has been pretty painless.  Most of
the changes were container specific, config files, etc. and no code changes.
The only code changes I'm now going to make has to do with improving my
code.  This exercise has identified areas that were inefficient or were
specific to WL.

BTW,  my evaluation of Orion and two other Ejb servers has resulted in Orion
as my choice hands down.   


Tom Wnuk


XML Parser

2000-07-02 Thread Tom Wnuk

 It appears that the default parser is from Sun.  I'd like to use xerces 
 xalan for my XML management.  There are methods such as normalize() which
 only exist with DOM 2 and are not present in Sun's parser.  I'm also using
 importNode which I'd guess is also missing.  I have updated the xerces 
 xalan jars that are distributed with the latest version.
 Is it possible to Not use Sun's parser and specify xerces?
 Tom Wnuk
