Re: [osdcmy] Call For Distros Workshop

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Soire Meira
Insyaallah.. i will there!

2011/2/28 Harisfazillah Jamel 

> Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera,
> I call for Distros workshop again and meet all of you, guys and gals
> and all parties and distros can present each other projects and work
> together to get all the projects success.
> No one win, and no one will gain. We really need each others.
> My target date is 26 March 2011. Fazli and I will arrange this.
> Thank you.
> --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011
> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

*Maui Sabily 2011* 
*GPG KeyID*: DBDA3074
*GPG Fingerprint*: 3CCE D281 C894 4FB0 3D22 2141 75C6 E41F DBDA 3074

Soire Meira 2008 - 2011
EascobaNET, Inc 2006 - 2010
Ch0kL@Thack 2002
PaleoY2K 1998 - 2000

Sabily NetBook Remix 10.10
Sabily Zakat Calc 0.2-1 Beta (Debian) 
Asmawi Office 0.1 Alpha (Webase Presentiton) 
Soire TV & Radio  (Windows Only - continue
version on Linux)
BrutuSamaDia  (Remote Desktop Penetration
Mauiware.AYU.0.6  (Virus Cleanner & Get Back
Hidden Files)

Malicious of Dark Knight - "Hack To Learn, Don't Learn To Hack"

To unsubscribe from and detail about this group


MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

[osdcmy] Call For Distros Workshop

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Harisfazillah Jamel
Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera,

I call for Distros workshop again and meet all of you, guys and gals
and all parties and distros can present each other projects and work
together to get all the projects success.

No one win, and no one will gain. We really need each others.

My target date is 26 March 2011. Fazli and I will arrange this.

Thank you.

To unsubscribe from and detail about this group


MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik aziman noor
tak tahu la dah berapa kali ADMIN, close this topic, tapi bukok balik.
Please STOP.

2011/2/28 Muhd Syazwan Md Khusaini :
> I really hope that this email stop here.
> distro wars are already end. gatal nak perang juga, sila direct email
> please..muhahaha :p
> p/s: mailing list ni under monitor some big guys in industry, so stop being
> childish (am I say it right?)
> 2011/2/28 simpleLinux <>
>> Thanks to people who understand my (insert bad words here) opinions.
>> 2011/2/28 simpleLinux <>
>>> Saya minta maaf kepada semua pihak ;p rasa macam bersalah pulak sampai
>>> ada yg salah faham
>>> 2011/2/28 Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar 

 Bapak aku cakap, kalau nak jual barang kasi orang beli, bagi free dulu.
 Nanti dia beli la tu. Teknik ni macam stail 'tokan' sikit tapi tak salah

 Sekadar cadangan untuk geng My1OS.

 On 02/28/2011 01:24 PM, Soire Meira wrote:

 sama le kite.. he3 (^_^)v
 bgus jgk cadangan tulis2 tu..
 apa kata klu kita buat kelas trus.. lg best kn.. pggil semua dtg, bagi
 penerangan then ajaq serta di akhiri perbincangan. lbh mesra gitu!

> Cheers
> Sent via BlackBerry® 9700
> From: ApOgEE 
> Sender:
> Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 13:08:48 +0800
> To: 
> ReplyTo:
> Subject: Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen
> Mulanya, aku malas nak campur apa kau orang bebel-bebelkan kat sini...
> Namun, makin lama aku tengok, dah makin menjadi-jadi la pulak... rileks
> la kawan-kawan.
> Tolong berhemah dan tak perlulah nak mulakan flame-war kat sini...
> Lama-lama nanti orang naik menyampah...
> Kalau kita nak berniaga, kena peribadi baik, hati baik, mulut baik...
> barulah ramai pelanggan nak tengok barang kita...
> Kalau kita nak berkawan, juga kena peribadi baik, hati baik, mulut
> baik... barulah ramai orang nak kawan dengan kita...
> Memang benar "jangan menilai buku berdasarkan kulitnya sahaja"... tapi
> hakikatnya, memang orang menilai buku dari kulitnya...
> Kalau kita mulut busuk, suka sindir, caci, hina orang lain,
> lama-kelamaan orang lain yang takde kena mengena pun jadi
> tak suka kita pada pandangan pertama...
> Aku fikir, ada lebih baik kita beri nasihat dengan cara lebih berhemah
> dan tidak menuding secara terus kepada sesuatu pihak.
> Misalnya, jika kita lihat beberapa orang dikalangan kita kurang
> pengetahuan berkaitan GNU/GPL, maka kita tulislah artikel
> pasal GNU/GPL mengikut pengetahuan kita, dalam bahasa kita... Jika kita
> lihat ada dikalangan kita yang tak tahu pasal repository, kita
> tulislah artikel pasal repository... Jika kita lihat ada dikalangan
> kita yang tak tahu pasal dpkg/apt-get/yum/rpm/pkgtool/pkg_add, kita
> tulislah artikel pasal perkara tersebut... Jika kita lihat ada
> dikalangan kita tak tahu pasal perkara yang kita tahu, tulislah sahaja
> artikel korang, kongsikannya dalam mailing list ini ... kami sangat
> mengalu-alukannya... kalau ianya tak menjadi ilmu
> pada pihak yang kita sasarkan, mungkin ianya jadi ilmu pada pihak lain
> yang lebih memerlukan.
> Nak jual distro ke, astro ke, bistro ke, kenalah tunjukkan atau
> buktikan barang yang kita nak jual tu sesuatu yang baik dan berfaedah
> kepada pembeli... oleh itu, kita bolehlah tulis sedikit sebanyak
> perihal barang yang kita nak jual dan jawab dengan baik kemusykilan
> bakal pembeli... baru mereka tak salah faham
> Nak sebarkan khabar orang menyapu ke, melompat ke, meniarap ke,
> tolonglah pastikan khabar itu benar dan sebaiknya tidak
> menyakiti hati mana-mana pihak yang sensitif dengan isu tersebut.
> Bayangkan jika ada orang tuduh kita secara melulu dengan
> tuduhan yang tidak benar dan menyakitkan hati, adakah kita senang
> hati?... begitu juga mereka yang dituduh tu, mereka juga ada hati
> dan perasaan...
> Akhir kata, aku ni bukan siapa-siapa pun kat mailing list ni. Aku
> hanyalah salah seorang pembaca tegar mailing list ini. Aku tak memihak
> kepada sesiapa yang mungkin kelihatan bertelagah disini. Hanya
> berpesan-pesan untuk renungan kawan-kawan yang dihormati sekalian.
> Sekian, terima kasih

 To unsubscribe from and detail about this group


 MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
>>> --
>>> Fariz Luqman
>>> The Chairman of SimpleLinux
>>> Visit:
>>> Fb:
>>> "There IS a Malaysian Linux Distro"
>>> ---
>>> F

Re: [osdcmy] birgHPC: Instant Computing Cluster for Bioinformatics

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Muhd Syazwan Md Khusaini
On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 5:09 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel <> wrote:

> forwarded to list.

boss, rasenye saya dah forward hari tu :p

> -- Forwarded message --
> From: THChew 
> Date: Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 10:42 AM
> Subject: [utm-oss] birgHPC: Instant Computing Cluster for Bioinformatics
> To: UTM Open Source Software Group 
> birgHPC (Bioinformatic Research Group High Performance Computing) is a
> free Linux Live CD distribution based on PelicanHPC and Debian Live.
> It is developed by the Bioinformatics Research Group (BIRG), Faculty
> of Biosciences and Bioengineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
> The idea of creating birgHPC comes from the fact that most PCs in the
> computer laboratories are under utilised. The students, for example,
> only use the computer laboratories during the day but after office
> hours and especially during holidays, these PCs are idle. These PCs
> can provide valuable computing resources to researchers by simply
> converting them into a high performance computing cluster.
> Conventional cluster setup, however, is troublesome and lengthy,
> involving manual software configurations and installations and not to
> mention extra budget. birgHPC aims to simplify these by using Linux
> Live CD technology, combining with automated configurations and built-
> in software. The main feature of birgHPC is the ability to convert PCs
> interconnected within the same private local area network (LAN) to a
> high performance computing cluster, specifically for molecular
> dynamics studies, using just one CD. Other features included in
> birgHPC are the Ganglia cluster monitoring, the auto slots detection,
> both OpenMPI and MPICH2 capabilities as well as tools for molecular
> dynamics (GROMACS, Grace, DSSP, VMD and PyMol) and bioinformatics
> (mpiBLAST and ClustalW-MPI).
> Visit (or
> if you are inside UTM) for more information and downloads.
> For more options, visit this group at
> --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011
> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Muhd Syazwan @ jipang_menjerit

To unsubscribe from and detail about this group


MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen [Distro Workshop Again]

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Muhd Syazwan Md Khusaini
I do think it's time we make a special forum session at MOSC2011 ;)

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 4:37 AM, Soire Meira  wrote:

> Xsabaq nk berkumpul.. suke3... bila ni?.. hu3..
> p/s: Harisfazillah Jamel "betul tu, kena stop bnda ni kang jd cite lain
> plak, dh le malaysia ni zaman KILL'EM UP"
> 2011/2/28 darXness darXness 
> have been waiting for thismoment.maybe MOSC 2011?prepare 1 slot,n
>> everyone can say what the want to say,n end all the controversion
>> there
>> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 10:38 AM, Ahmad Arafat Abdullah
>>  wrote:
>> > Yups..
>> >
>> > show up.. and talk! :)
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel
>> >  wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Team and friends,
>> >>
>> >> I need to stop this... This things has being going for long and its
>> >> hurts a lot of people.
>> >>
>> >> I need to start this all over again. I need to call for Distros
>> >> workshop again and meet all of you, guys and gals and all parties and
>> >> distros can present each other projects and work together to get all
>> >> the projects success.
>> >>
>> >> No one win, and no one will gain. We really need each others.
>> >>
>> >> My target date is 26 March 2011. Fazli and I will arrange this.
>> >>
>> >> Thank you.
>> >>
>> >> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Khalid Mohd 
>> wrote:
>> >> > Assalammualaikum
>> >> >
>> >> > @Garfield WTF
>> >> >
>> >> > I'm not shooting everyone in this thread. my post are only for
>> >> > simplelinux.
>> >> > the way he make accusation are baseless. he didn't know us or meet
>> us,
>> >> > so
>> >> > why he just come here and bashing us? is it he feel threaten? there's
>> a
>> >> > lot
>> >> > of untrue story wondering around the net about my1os. so please,
>> there's
>> >> > so
>> >> > little info about my1os that you know, don't judge us by only reading
>> >> > other
>> >> > people post. simplelinux just testing our beta version ( he did not
>> >> > mention
>> >> > it... right? ), we know GPL, we know about open source law.. and we
>> DID
>> >> > NOT
>> >> > use ubuntu repo ~!!. since this is my last post, i just wanna say,
>> >> > "simplelinux or anyone who did not like my1os, go on with your
>> hatred,
>> >> > we
>> >> > dont care because we will move on to the next level, and you can stay
>> >> > behind
>> >> > ... with your hatred, accusation and your "Fitnah".
>> >> >
>> >> > This is my last post. so sad when people choose to believe what they
>> >> > read
>> >> > and believe baseless accusation.
>> >> >
>> >> > Regards.
>> >> >
>> >> > On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar
>> >> >  wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> didn't know slax/slackware use dpkg
>> >> >>
>> >> >> On 02/28/2011 02:03 AM, Garfield WTF wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Oi! WTF is wrong with you guys!?
>> >> >> People from distros which uses dpkg fighting each other!?
>> >> >> WTF!?
>> >> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> MOSC2011
>> >>
>> >> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > $ uname -a
>> > NetBSD  5.0.2 NetBSD 5.0.2 (GENERIC) #0: Sat Feb  6 17:53:27 UTC 2010
>> >
>> /home/builds/ab/netbsd-5-0-2-RELEASE/i386/201002061851Z-obj/home/builds/ab/netbsd-5-0-2-RELEASE/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC
>> > i386
>> >
>> > --
>> > To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> >
>> >
>> > MOSC2011
>> >
>> > MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> MOSC2011
>> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
> --
> --
> *Maui Sabily 2011* 
> *GPG KeyID*: DBDA3074
> *GPG Fingerprint*: 3CCE D281 C894 4FB0 3D22 2141 75C6 E41F DBDA 3074
> Soire Meira 2008 - 2011
> EascobaNET, Inc 2006 - 2010
> Ch0kL@Thack 2002
> PaleoY2K 1998 - 2000
> Developer:
> Sabily NetBook Remix 10.10 
> Al-Quds
> Sabily Zakat Calc 0.2-1 Beta (Debian) 
> Asmawi Office 0.1 Alpha (Webase Presentiton) 
> Soire TV & Radio  (Windows Only - continue
> version on Linux)
> BrutuSamaDia  (Remote Desktop Penetration
> Testing)
> Mauiware.AYU.0.6  (Virus Cleanner & Get Back
> Hidden Files)
> Malicious of Dark Knight

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Muhd Syazwan Md Khusaini
I really hope that this email stop here.
distro wars are already end. gatal nak perang juga, sila direct email
please..muhahaha :p

p/s: mailing list ni under monitor some big guys in industry, so stop being
childish (am I say it right?)

2011/2/28 simpleLinux <>

> Thanks to people who understand my (insert bad words here) opinions.
> 2011/2/28 simpleLinux <>
> Saya minta maaf kepada semua pihak ;p rasa macam bersalah pulak sampai ada
>> yg salah faham
>> 2011/2/28 Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar 
>>  Bapak aku cakap, kalau nak jual barang kasi orang beli, bagi free dulu.
>>> Nanti dia beli la tu. Teknik ni macam stail 'tokan' sikit tapi tak salah
>>> kan?
>>> Sekadar cadangan untuk geng My1OS.
>>> On 02/28/2011 01:24 PM, Soire Meira wrote:
>>> sama le kite.. he3 (^_^)v
>>> bgus jgk cadangan tulis2 tu..
>>> apa kata klu kita buat kelas trus.. lg best kn.. pggil semua dtg, bagi
>>> penerangan then ajaq serta di akhiri perbincangan. lbh mesra gitu!
>>>  2011/2/28 

 Sent via BlackBerry® 9700
 *From: * ApOgEE 
 *Sender: *
 *Date: *Mon, 28 Feb 2011 13:08:48 +0800
 *To: *
 *ReplyTo: *
 *Subject: *Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen


 Mulanya, aku malas nak campur apa kau orang bebel-bebelkan kat sini...
 Namun, makin lama aku tengok, dah makin menjadi-jadi la pulak... rileks
 la kawan-kawan.
 Tolong berhemah dan tak perlulah nak mulakan flame-war kat sini...
 Lama-lama nanti orang naik menyampah...

 Kalau kita nak berniaga, kena peribadi baik, hati baik, mulut baik...
 barulah ramai pelanggan nak tengok barang kita...
 Kalau kita nak berkawan, juga kena peribadi baik, hati baik, mulut
 baik... barulah ramai orang nak kawan dengan kita...

 Memang benar "jangan menilai buku berdasarkan kulitnya sahaja"... tapi
 hakikatnya, memang orang menilai buku dari kulitnya...
 Kalau kita mulut busuk, suka sindir, caci, hina orang lain,
 lama-kelamaan orang lain yang takde kena mengena pun jadi
 tak suka kita pada pandangan pertama...

 Aku fikir, ada lebih baik kita beri nasihat dengan cara lebih berhemah
 dan tidak menuding secara terus kepada sesuatu pihak.
 Misalnya, jika kita lihat beberapa orang dikalangan kita kurang
 pengetahuan berkaitan GNU/GPL, maka kita tulislah artikel
 pasal GNU/GPL mengikut pengetahuan kita, dalam bahasa kita... Jika kita
 lihat ada dikalangan kita yang tak tahu pasal repository, kita
 tulislah artikel pasal repository... Jika kita lihat ada dikalangan kita
 yang tak tahu pasal dpkg/apt-get/yum/rpm/pkgtool/pkg_add, kita
 tulislah artikel pasal perkara tersebut... Jika kita lihat ada
 dikalangan kita tak tahu pasal perkara yang kita tahu, tulislah sahaja
 artikel korang, kongsikannya dalam mailing list ini ... kami sangat
 mengalu-alukannya... kalau ianya tak menjadi ilmu
 pada pihak yang kita sasarkan, mungkin ianya jadi ilmu pada pihak lain
 yang lebih memerlukan.

 Nak jual distro ke, astro ke, bistro ke, kenalah tunjukkan atau buktikan
 barang yang kita nak jual tu sesuatu yang baik dan berfaedah
 kepada pembeli... oleh itu, kita bolehlah tulis sedikit sebanyak perihal
 barang yang kita nak jual dan jawab dengan baik kemusykilan
 bakal pembeli... baru mereka tak salah faham

 Nak sebarkan khabar orang menyapu ke, melompat ke, meniarap ke,
 tolonglah pastikan khabar itu benar dan sebaiknya tidak
 menyakiti hati mana-mana pihak yang sensitif dengan isu tersebut.
 Bayangkan jika ada orang tuduh kita secara melulu dengan
 tuduhan yang tidak benar dan menyakitkan hati, adakah kita senang
 hati?... begitu juga mereka yang dituduh tu, mereka juga ada hati
 dan perasaan...

 Akhir kata, aku ni bukan siapa-siapa pun kat mailing list ni. Aku
 hanyalah salah seorang pembaca tegar mailing list ini. Aku tak memihak
 kepada sesiapa yang mungkin kelihatan bertelagah disini. Hanya
 berpesan-pesan untuk renungan kawan-kawan yang dihormati sekalian.

 Sekian, terima kasih

>>>  --
>>> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>>> MOSC2011
>>> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
>> --
>> *Fariz Luqman*
>> The Chairman of SimpleLinux
>> Visit:
>> Fb:
>> "There IS a Malaysian Linux Distro"
>> ---
>> Facebook:
> --
> *Fariz Luqman*
> The Chairman of SimpleLinux
> Visit:
> Fb:
> "There IS a Malaysian Linux Distro"
> ---
> Face

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik simpleLinux
Thanks to people who understand my (insert bad words here) opinions.

2011/2/28 simpleLinux <>

> Saya minta maaf kepada semua pihak ;p rasa macam bersalah pulak sampai ada
> yg salah faham
> 2011/2/28 Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar 
>  Bapak aku cakap, kalau nak jual barang kasi orang beli, bagi free dulu.
>> Nanti dia beli la tu. Teknik ni macam stail 'tokan' sikit tapi tak salah
>> kan?
>> Sekadar cadangan untuk geng My1OS.
>> On 02/28/2011 01:24 PM, Soire Meira wrote:
>> sama le kite.. he3 (^_^)v
>> bgus jgk cadangan tulis2 tu..
>> apa kata klu kita buat kelas trus.. lg best kn.. pggil semua dtg, bagi
>> penerangan then ajaq serta di akhiri perbincangan. lbh mesra gitu!
>>  2011/2/28 
>>> Cheers
>>> Sent via BlackBerry® 9700
>>> --
>>> *From: * ApOgEE 
>>> *Sender: *
>>> *Date: *Mon, 28 Feb 2011 13:08:48 +0800
>>> *To: *
>>> *ReplyTo: *
>>> *Subject: *Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen
>>>  OFF TOPIC...
>>> Mulanya, aku malas nak campur apa kau orang bebel-bebelkan kat sini...
>>> Namun, makin lama aku tengok, dah makin menjadi-jadi la pulak... rileks
>>> la kawan-kawan.
>>> Tolong berhemah dan tak perlulah nak mulakan flame-war kat sini...
>>> Lama-lama nanti orang naik menyampah...
>>> Kalau kita nak berniaga, kena peribadi baik, hati baik, mulut baik...
>>> barulah ramai pelanggan nak tengok barang kita...
>>> Kalau kita nak berkawan, juga kena peribadi baik, hati baik, mulut
>>> baik... barulah ramai orang nak kawan dengan kita...
>>> Memang benar "jangan menilai buku berdasarkan kulitnya sahaja"... tapi
>>> hakikatnya, memang orang menilai buku dari kulitnya...
>>> Kalau kita mulut busuk, suka sindir, caci, hina orang lain, lama-kelamaan
>>> orang lain yang takde kena mengena pun jadi
>>> tak suka kita pada pandangan pertama...
>>> Aku fikir, ada lebih baik kita beri nasihat dengan cara lebih berhemah
>>> dan tidak menuding secara terus kepada sesuatu pihak.
>>> Misalnya, jika kita lihat beberapa orang dikalangan kita kurang
>>> pengetahuan berkaitan GNU/GPL, maka kita tulislah artikel
>>> pasal GNU/GPL mengikut pengetahuan kita, dalam bahasa kita... Jika kita
>>> lihat ada dikalangan kita yang tak tahu pasal repository, kita
>>> tulislah artikel pasal repository... Jika kita lihat ada dikalangan kita
>>> yang tak tahu pasal dpkg/apt-get/yum/rpm/pkgtool/pkg_add, kita
>>> tulislah artikel pasal perkara tersebut... Jika kita lihat ada dikalangan
>>> kita tak tahu pasal perkara yang kita tahu, tulislah sahaja
>>> artikel korang, kongsikannya dalam mailing list ini ... kami sangat
>>> mengalu-alukannya... kalau ianya tak menjadi ilmu
>>> pada pihak yang kita sasarkan, mungkin ianya jadi ilmu pada pihak lain
>>> yang lebih memerlukan.
>>> Nak jual distro ke, astro ke, bistro ke, kenalah tunjukkan atau buktikan
>>> barang yang kita nak jual tu sesuatu yang baik dan berfaedah
>>> kepada pembeli... oleh itu, kita bolehlah tulis sedikit sebanyak perihal
>>> barang yang kita nak jual dan jawab dengan baik kemusykilan
>>> bakal pembeli... baru mereka tak salah faham
>>> Nak sebarkan khabar orang menyapu ke, melompat ke, meniarap ke, tolonglah
>>> pastikan khabar itu benar dan sebaiknya tidak
>>> menyakiti hati mana-mana pihak yang sensitif dengan isu tersebut.
>>> Bayangkan jika ada orang tuduh kita secara melulu dengan
>>> tuduhan yang tidak benar dan menyakitkan hati, adakah kita senang
>>> hati?... begitu juga mereka yang dituduh tu, mereka juga ada hati
>>> dan perasaan...
>>> Akhir kata, aku ni bukan siapa-siapa pun kat mailing list ni. Aku
>>> hanyalah salah seorang pembaca tegar mailing list ini. Aku tak memihak
>>> kepada sesiapa yang mungkin kelihatan bertelagah disini. Hanya
>>> berpesan-pesan untuk renungan kawan-kawan yang dihormati sekalian.
>>> Sekian, terima kasih
>>  --
>> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> MOSC2011
>> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
> --
> *Fariz Luqman*
> The Chairman of SimpleLinux
> Visit:
> Fb:
> "There IS a Malaysian Linux Distro"
> ---
> Facebook:

*Fariz Luqman*
The Chairman of SimpleLinux

"There IS a Malaysian Linux Distro"


To unsubscribe from and detail about this group


MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik simpleLinux
Saya minta maaf kepada semua pihak ;p rasa macam bersalah pulak sampai ada
yg salah faham

2011/2/28 Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar 

>  Bapak aku cakap, kalau nak jual barang kasi orang beli, bagi free dulu.
> Nanti dia beli la tu. Teknik ni macam stail 'tokan' sikit tapi tak salah
> kan?
> Sekadar cadangan untuk geng My1OS.
> On 02/28/2011 01:24 PM, Soire Meira wrote:
> sama le kite.. he3 (^_^)v
> bgus jgk cadangan tulis2 tu..
> apa kata klu kita buat kelas trus.. lg best kn.. pggil semua dtg, bagi
> penerangan then ajaq serta di akhiri perbincangan. lbh mesra gitu!
>  2011/2/28 
>> Cheers
>> Sent via BlackBerry® 9700
>> --
>> *From: * ApOgEE 
>> *Sender: *
>> *Date: *Mon, 28 Feb 2011 13:08:48 +0800
>> *To: *
>> *ReplyTo: *
>> *Subject: *Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen
>>  OFF TOPIC...
>> Mulanya, aku malas nak campur apa kau orang bebel-bebelkan kat sini...
>> Namun, makin lama aku tengok, dah makin menjadi-jadi la pulak... rileks la
>> kawan-kawan.
>> Tolong berhemah dan tak perlulah nak mulakan flame-war kat sini...
>> Lama-lama nanti orang naik menyampah...
>> Kalau kita nak berniaga, kena peribadi baik, hati baik, mulut baik...
>> barulah ramai pelanggan nak tengok barang kita...
>> Kalau kita nak berkawan, juga kena peribadi baik, hati baik, mulut baik...
>> barulah ramai orang nak kawan dengan kita...
>> Memang benar "jangan menilai buku berdasarkan kulitnya sahaja"... tapi
>> hakikatnya, memang orang menilai buku dari kulitnya...
>> Kalau kita mulut busuk, suka sindir, caci, hina orang lain, lama-kelamaan
>> orang lain yang takde kena mengena pun jadi
>> tak suka kita pada pandangan pertama...
>> Aku fikir, ada lebih baik kita beri nasihat dengan cara lebih berhemah dan
>> tidak menuding secara terus kepada sesuatu pihak.
>> Misalnya, jika kita lihat beberapa orang dikalangan kita kurang
>> pengetahuan berkaitan GNU/GPL, maka kita tulislah artikel
>> pasal GNU/GPL mengikut pengetahuan kita, dalam bahasa kita... Jika kita
>> lihat ada dikalangan kita yang tak tahu pasal repository, kita
>> tulislah artikel pasal repository... Jika kita lihat ada dikalangan kita
>> yang tak tahu pasal dpkg/apt-get/yum/rpm/pkgtool/pkg_add, kita
>> tulislah artikel pasal perkara tersebut... Jika kita lihat ada dikalangan
>> kita tak tahu pasal perkara yang kita tahu, tulislah sahaja
>> artikel korang, kongsikannya dalam mailing list ini ... kami sangat
>> mengalu-alukannya... kalau ianya tak menjadi ilmu
>> pada pihak yang kita sasarkan, mungkin ianya jadi ilmu pada pihak lain
>> yang lebih memerlukan.
>> Nak jual distro ke, astro ke, bistro ke, kenalah tunjukkan atau buktikan
>> barang yang kita nak jual tu sesuatu yang baik dan berfaedah
>> kepada pembeli... oleh itu, kita bolehlah tulis sedikit sebanyak perihal
>> barang yang kita nak jual dan jawab dengan baik kemusykilan
>> bakal pembeli... baru mereka tak salah faham
>> Nak sebarkan khabar orang menyapu ke, melompat ke, meniarap ke, tolonglah
>> pastikan khabar itu benar dan sebaiknya tidak
>> menyakiti hati mana-mana pihak yang sensitif dengan isu tersebut.
>> Bayangkan jika ada orang tuduh kita secara melulu dengan
>> tuduhan yang tidak benar dan menyakitkan hati, adakah kita senang hati?...
>> begitu juga mereka yang dituduh tu, mereka juga ada hati
>> dan perasaan...
>> Akhir kata, aku ni bukan siapa-siapa pun kat mailing list ni. Aku hanyalah
>> salah seorang pembaca tegar mailing list ini. Aku tak memihak
>> kepada sesiapa yang mungkin kelihatan bertelagah disini. Hanya
>> berpesan-pesan untuk renungan kawan-kawan yang dihormati sekalian.
>> Sekian, terima kasih
>  --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011
> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

*Fariz Luqman*
The Chairman of SimpleLinux

"There IS a Malaysian Linux Distro"


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MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar
Bapak aku cakap, kalau nak jual barang kasi orang beli, bagi free dulu. 
Nanti dia beli la tu. Teknik ni macam stail 'tokan' sikit tapi tak salah 

Sekadar cadangan untuk geng My1OS.

On 02/28/2011 01:24 PM, Soire Meira wrote:

sama le kite.. he3 (^_^)v
bgus jgk cadangan tulis2 tu..
apa kata klu kita buat kelas trus.. lg best kn.. pggil semua dtg, bagi 
penerangan then ajaq serta di akhiri perbincangan. lbh mesra gitu!

2011/2/28 >


Sent via BlackBerryŽ 9700

*From: * ApOgEE>>
*Sender: *

*Date: *Mon, 28 Feb 2011 13:08:48 +0800
*To: *>>
*ReplyTo: *

*Subject: *Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen


Mulanya, aku malas nak campur apa kau orang bebel-bebelkan kat
Namun, makin lama aku tengok, dah makin menjadi-jadi la pulak...
rileks la kawan-kawan.
Tolong berhemah dan tak perlulah nak mulakan flame-war kat sini...
Lama-lama nanti orang naik menyampah...

Kalau kita nak berniaga, kena peribadi baik, hati baik, mulut
baik... barulah ramai pelanggan nak tengok barang kita...
Kalau kita nak berkawan, juga kena peribadi baik, hati baik, mulut
baik... barulah ramai orang nak kawan dengan kita...

Memang benar "jangan menilai buku berdasarkan kulitnya sahaja"...
tapi hakikatnya, memang orang menilai buku dari kulitnya...
Kalau kita mulut busuk, suka sindir, caci, hina orang lain,
lama-kelamaan orang lain yang takde kena mengena pun jadi
tak suka kita pada pandangan pertama...

Aku fikir, ada lebih baik kita beri nasihat dengan cara lebih
berhemah dan tidak menuding secara terus kepada sesuatu pihak.
Misalnya, jika kita lihat beberapa orang dikalangan kita kurang
pengetahuan berkaitan GNU/GPL, maka kita tulislah artikel
pasal GNU/GPL mengikut pengetahuan kita, dalam bahasa kita... Jika
kita lihat ada dikalangan kita yang tak tahu pasal repository, kita
tulislah artikel pasal repository... Jika kita lihat ada
dikalangan kita yang tak tahu pasal
dpkg/apt-get/yum/rpm/pkgtool/pkg_add, kita
tulislah artikel pasal perkara tersebut... Jika kita lihat ada
dikalangan kita tak tahu pasal perkara yang kita tahu, tulislah
artikel korang, kongsikannya dalam mailing list ini ... kami
sangat mengalu-alukannya... kalau ianya tak menjadi ilmu
pada pihak yang kita sasarkan, mungkin ianya jadi ilmu pada pihak
lain yang lebih memerlukan.

Nak jual distro ke, astro ke, bistro ke, kenalah tunjukkan atau
buktikan barang yang kita nak jual tu sesuatu yang baik dan berfaedah
kepada pembeli... oleh itu, kita bolehlah tulis sedikit sebanyak
perihal barang yang kita nak jual dan jawab dengan baik kemusykilan
bakal pembeli... baru mereka tak salah faham

Nak sebarkan khabar orang menyapu ke, melompat ke, meniarap ke,
tolonglah pastikan khabar itu benar dan sebaiknya tidak
menyakiti hati mana-mana pihak yang sensitif dengan isu tersebut.
Bayangkan jika ada orang tuduh kita secara melulu dengan
tuduhan yang tidak benar dan menyakitkan hati, adakah kita senang
hati?... begitu juga mereka yang dituduh tu, mereka juga ada hati
dan perasaan...

Akhir kata, aku ni bukan siapa-siapa pun kat mailing list ni. Aku
hanyalah salah seorang pembaca tegar mailing list ini. Aku tak memihak
kepada sesiapa yang mungkin kelihatan bertelagah disini. Hanya
berpesan-pesan untuk renungan kawan-kawan yang dihormati sekalian.

Sekian, terima kasih

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MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Soire Meira
sama le kite.. he3 (^_^)v
bgus jgk cadangan tulis2 tu..
apa kata klu kita buat kelas trus.. lg best kn.. pggil semua dtg, bagi
penerangan then ajaq serta di akhiri perbincangan. lbh mesra gitu!


> Cheers
> Sent via BlackBerry® 9700
> --
> *From: * ApOgEE 
> *Sender: *
> *Date: *Mon, 28 Feb 2011 13:08:48 +0800
> *To: *
> *ReplyTo: *
> *Subject: *Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen
> Mulanya, aku malas nak campur apa kau orang bebel-bebelkan kat sini...
> Namun, makin lama aku tengok, dah makin menjadi-jadi la pulak... rileks la
> kawan-kawan.
> Tolong berhemah dan tak perlulah nak mulakan flame-war kat sini...
> Lama-lama nanti orang naik menyampah...
> Kalau kita nak berniaga, kena peribadi baik, hati baik, mulut baik...
> barulah ramai pelanggan nak tengok barang kita...
> Kalau kita nak berkawan, juga kena peribadi baik, hati baik, mulut baik...
> barulah ramai orang nak kawan dengan kita...
> Memang benar "jangan menilai buku berdasarkan kulitnya sahaja"... tapi
> hakikatnya, memang orang menilai buku dari kulitnya...
> Kalau kita mulut busuk, suka sindir, caci, hina orang lain, lama-kelamaan
> orang lain yang takde kena mengena pun jadi
> tak suka kita pada pandangan pertama...
> Aku fikir, ada lebih baik kita beri nasihat dengan cara lebih berhemah dan
> tidak menuding secara terus kepada sesuatu pihak.
> Misalnya, jika kita lihat beberapa orang dikalangan kita kurang pengetahuan
> berkaitan GNU/GPL, maka kita tulislah artikel
> pasal GNU/GPL mengikut pengetahuan kita, dalam bahasa kita... Jika kita
> lihat ada dikalangan kita yang tak tahu pasal repository, kita
> tulislah artikel pasal repository... Jika kita lihat ada dikalangan kita
> yang tak tahu pasal dpkg/apt-get/yum/rpm/pkgtool/pkg_add, kita
> tulislah artikel pasal perkara tersebut... Jika kita lihat ada dikalangan
> kita tak tahu pasal perkara yang kita tahu, tulislah sahaja
> artikel korang, kongsikannya dalam mailing list ini ... kami sangat
> mengalu-alukannya... kalau ianya tak menjadi ilmu
> pada pihak yang kita sasarkan, mungkin ianya jadi ilmu pada pihak lain yang
> lebih memerlukan.
> Nak jual distro ke, astro ke, bistro ke, kenalah tunjukkan atau buktikan
> barang yang kita nak jual tu sesuatu yang baik dan berfaedah
> kepada pembeli... oleh itu, kita bolehlah tulis sedikit sebanyak perihal
> barang yang kita nak jual dan jawab dengan baik kemusykilan
> bakal pembeli... baru mereka tak salah faham
> Nak sebarkan khabar orang menyapu ke, melompat ke, meniarap ke, tolonglah
> pastikan khabar itu benar dan sebaiknya tidak
> menyakiti hati mana-mana pihak yang sensitif dengan isu tersebut. Bayangkan
> jika ada orang tuduh kita secara melulu dengan
> tuduhan yang tidak benar dan menyakitkan hati, adakah kita senang hati?...
> begitu juga mereka yang dituduh tu, mereka juga ada hati
> dan perasaan...
> Akhir kata, aku ni bukan siapa-siapa pun kat mailing list ni. Aku hanyalah
> salah seorang pembaca tegar mailing list ini. Aku tak memihak
> kepada sesiapa yang mungkin kelihatan bertelagah disini. Hanya
> berpesan-pesan untuk renungan kawan-kawan yang dihormati sekalian.
> Sekian, terima kasih
> --
> Best Wishes,
> M. Fauzilkamil Zainuddin
> ApOgEE a.k.a JeRuNgKuN
> - ApOgEE on LaunchPad
> - Art Of ApOgEE
> - Coder's Talk
>  --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011
> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
> --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011
> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

*Maui Sabily 2011* 
*GPG KeyID*: DBDA3074
*GPG Fingerprint*: 3CCE D281 C894 4FB0 3D22 2141 75C6 E41F DBDA 3074

Soire Meira 2008 - 2011
EascobaNET, Inc 2006 - 2010
Ch0kL@Thack 2002
PaleoY2K 1998 - 2000

Sabily NetBook Remix 10.10
Sabily Zakat Calc 0.2-1 Beta (Debian) 
Asmawi Office 0.1 Alpha (Webase Presentiton) 
Soire TV & Radio  (Windows Only - continue
version on Linux)
BrutuSamaDia  (Remote Desktop Penetration

[osdcmy] Pick Your Browsers : The 2011 Readers' Choice Awards: Web Browsers

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Harisfazillah Jamel
On desktop

The Best Major Desktop Browser category accepted nominations for
desktop browsers that are considered to be mainstream. Although "major
Web browsers" is technically a grouping reserved for those released by
well known browser makers, lesser known offerings that boasted a
relatively significant user base were considered for inclusion.

The five finalists include a grouping of browsers that most folks have
either used before or at least heard of. This category should prove to
be exciting, as loyal Web surfers make their voices heard on which
browser is truly the best in the people's eyes.

On mobile

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MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik myusnizam
Sent via BlackBerry® 9700

-Original Message-
From: ApOgEE 
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 13:08:48 
Subject: Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen


Mulanya, aku malas nak campur apa kau orang bebel-bebelkan kat sini...
Namun, makin lama aku tengok, dah makin menjadi-jadi la pulak... rileks la
Tolong berhemah dan tak perlulah nak mulakan flame-war kat sini... Lama-lama
nanti orang naik menyampah...

Kalau kita nak berniaga, kena peribadi baik, hati baik, mulut baik...
barulah ramai pelanggan nak tengok barang kita...
Kalau kita nak berkawan, juga kena peribadi baik, hati baik, mulut baik...
barulah ramai orang nak kawan dengan kita...

Memang benar "jangan menilai buku berdasarkan kulitnya sahaja"... tapi
hakikatnya, memang orang menilai buku dari kulitnya...
Kalau kita mulut busuk, suka sindir, caci, hina orang lain, lama-kelamaan
orang lain yang takde kena mengena pun jadi
tak suka kita pada pandangan pertama...

Aku fikir, ada lebih baik kita beri nasihat dengan cara lebih berhemah dan
tidak menuding secara terus kepada sesuatu pihak.
Misalnya, jika kita lihat beberapa orang dikalangan kita kurang pengetahuan
berkaitan GNU/GPL, maka kita tulislah artikel
pasal GNU/GPL mengikut pengetahuan kita, dalam bahasa kita... Jika kita
lihat ada dikalangan kita yang tak tahu pasal repository, kita
tulislah artikel pasal repository... Jika kita lihat ada dikalangan kita
yang tak tahu pasal dpkg/apt-get/yum/rpm/pkgtool/pkg_add, kita
tulislah artikel pasal perkara tersebut... Jika kita lihat ada dikalangan
kita tak tahu pasal perkara yang kita tahu, tulislah sahaja
artikel korang, kongsikannya dalam mailing list ini ... kami sangat
mengalu-alukannya... kalau ianya tak menjadi ilmu
pada pihak yang kita sasarkan, mungkin ianya jadi ilmu pada pihak lain yang
lebih memerlukan.

Nak jual distro ke, astro ke, bistro ke, kenalah tunjukkan atau buktikan
barang yang kita nak jual tu sesuatu yang baik dan berfaedah
kepada pembeli... oleh itu, kita bolehlah tulis sedikit sebanyak perihal
barang yang kita nak jual dan jawab dengan baik kemusykilan
bakal pembeli... baru mereka tak salah faham

Nak sebarkan khabar orang menyapu ke, melompat ke, meniarap ke, tolonglah
pastikan khabar itu benar dan sebaiknya tidak
menyakiti hati mana-mana pihak yang sensitif dengan isu tersebut. Bayangkan
jika ada orang tuduh kita secara melulu dengan
tuduhan yang tidak benar dan menyakitkan hati, adakah kita senang hati?...
begitu juga mereka yang dituduh tu, mereka juga ada hati
dan perasaan...

Akhir kata, aku ni bukan siapa-siapa pun kat mailing list ni. Aku hanyalah
salah seorang pembaca tegar mailing list ini. Aku tak memihak
kepada sesiapa yang mungkin kelihatan bertelagah disini. Hanya
berpesan-pesan untuk renungan kawan-kawan yang dihormati sekalian.

Sekian, terima kasih

Best Wishes,

M. Fauzilkamil Zainuddin

ApOgEE a.k.a JeRuNgKuN - ApOgEE on LaunchPad - Art Of ApOgEE - Coder's Talk

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MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

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MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik ApOgEE

Mulanya, aku malas nak campur apa kau orang bebel-bebelkan kat sini...
Namun, makin lama aku tengok, dah makin menjadi-jadi la pulak... rileks la
Tolong berhemah dan tak perlulah nak mulakan flame-war kat sini... Lama-lama
nanti orang naik menyampah...

Kalau kita nak berniaga, kena peribadi baik, hati baik, mulut baik...
barulah ramai pelanggan nak tengok barang kita...
Kalau kita nak berkawan, juga kena peribadi baik, hati baik, mulut baik...
barulah ramai orang nak kawan dengan kita...

Memang benar "jangan menilai buku berdasarkan kulitnya sahaja"... tapi
hakikatnya, memang orang menilai buku dari kulitnya...
Kalau kita mulut busuk, suka sindir, caci, hina orang lain, lama-kelamaan
orang lain yang takde kena mengena pun jadi
tak suka kita pada pandangan pertama...

Aku fikir, ada lebih baik kita beri nasihat dengan cara lebih berhemah dan
tidak menuding secara terus kepada sesuatu pihak.
Misalnya, jika kita lihat beberapa orang dikalangan kita kurang pengetahuan
berkaitan GNU/GPL, maka kita tulislah artikel
pasal GNU/GPL mengikut pengetahuan kita, dalam bahasa kita... Jika kita
lihat ada dikalangan kita yang tak tahu pasal repository, kita
tulislah artikel pasal repository... Jika kita lihat ada dikalangan kita
yang tak tahu pasal dpkg/apt-get/yum/rpm/pkgtool/pkg_add, kita
tulislah artikel pasal perkara tersebut... Jika kita lihat ada dikalangan
kita tak tahu pasal perkara yang kita tahu, tulislah sahaja
artikel korang, kongsikannya dalam mailing list ini ... kami sangat
mengalu-alukannya... kalau ianya tak menjadi ilmu
pada pihak yang kita sasarkan, mungkin ianya jadi ilmu pada pihak lain yang
lebih memerlukan.

Nak jual distro ke, astro ke, bistro ke, kenalah tunjukkan atau buktikan
barang yang kita nak jual tu sesuatu yang baik dan berfaedah
kepada pembeli... oleh itu, kita bolehlah tulis sedikit sebanyak perihal
barang yang kita nak jual dan jawab dengan baik kemusykilan
bakal pembeli... baru mereka tak salah faham

Nak sebarkan khabar orang menyapu ke, melompat ke, meniarap ke, tolonglah
pastikan khabar itu benar dan sebaiknya tidak
menyakiti hati mana-mana pihak yang sensitif dengan isu tersebut. Bayangkan
jika ada orang tuduh kita secara melulu dengan
tuduhan yang tidak benar dan menyakitkan hati, adakah kita senang hati?...
begitu juga mereka yang dituduh tu, mereka juga ada hati
dan perasaan...

Akhir kata, aku ni bukan siapa-siapa pun kat mailing list ni. Aku hanyalah
salah seorang pembaca tegar mailing list ini. Aku tak memihak
kepada sesiapa yang mungkin kelihatan bertelagah disini. Hanya
berpesan-pesan untuk renungan kawan-kawan yang dihormati sekalian.

Sekian, terima kasih

Best Wishes,

M. Fauzilkamil Zainuddin

ApOgEE a.k.a JeRuNgKuN - ApOgEE on LaunchPad - Art Of ApOgEE - Coder's Talk

To unsubscribe from and detail about this group


MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

[osdcmy] birgHPC: Instant Computing Cluster for Bioinformatics

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Harisfazillah Jamel
forwarded to list.

-- Forwarded message --
From: THChew 
Date: Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 10:42 AM
Subject: [utm-oss] birgHPC: Instant Computing Cluster for Bioinformatics
To: UTM Open Source Software Group 

birgHPC (Bioinformatic Research Group High Performance Computing) is a
free Linux Live CD distribution based on PelicanHPC and Debian Live.
It is developed by the Bioinformatics Research Group (BIRG), Faculty
of Biosciences and Bioengineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

The idea of creating birgHPC comes from the fact that most PCs in the
computer laboratories are under utilised. The students, for example,
only use the computer laboratories during the day but after office
hours and especially during holidays, these PCs are idle. These PCs
can provide valuable computing resources to researchers by simply
converting them into a high performance computing cluster.
Conventional cluster setup, however, is troublesome and lengthy,
involving manual software configurations and installations and not to
mention extra budget. birgHPC aims to simplify these by using Linux
Live CD technology, combining with automated configurations and built-
in software. The main feature of birgHPC is the ability to convert PCs
interconnected within the same private local area network (LAN) to a
high performance computing cluster, specifically for molecular
dynamics studies, using just one CD. Other features included in
birgHPC are the Ganglia cluster monitoring, the auto slots detection,
both OpenMPI and MPICH2 capabilities as well as tools for molecular
dynamics (GROMACS, Grace, DSSP, VMD and PyMol) and bioinformatics
(mpiBLAST and ClustalW-MPI).

Visit (or
if you are inside UTM) for more information and downloads.

For more options, visit this group at

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MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen [Distro Workshop Again]

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Soire Meira
Xsabaq nk berkumpul.. suke3... bila ni?.. hu3..

p/s: Harisfazillah Jamel "betul tu, kena stop bnda ni kang jd cite lain
plak, dh le malaysia ni zaman KILL'EM UP"

2011/2/28 darXness darXness 

> have been waiting for thismoment.maybe MOSC 2011?prepare 1 slot,n
> everyone can say what the want to say,n end all the controversion
> there
> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 10:38 AM, Ahmad Arafat Abdullah
>  wrote:
> > Yups..
> >
> > show up.. and talk! :)
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel
> >  wrote:
> >>
> >> Team and friends,
> >>
> >> I need to stop this... This things has being going for long and its
> >> hurts a lot of people.
> >>
> >> I need to start this all over again. I need to call for Distros
> >> workshop again and meet all of you, guys and gals and all parties and
> >> distros can present each other projects and work together to get all
> >> the projects success.
> >>
> >> No one win, and no one will gain. We really need each others.
> >>
> >> My target date is 26 March 2011. Fazli and I will arrange this.
> >>
> >> Thank you.
> >>
> >> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Khalid Mohd 
> wrote:
> >> > Assalammualaikum
> >> >
> >> > @Garfield WTF
> >> >
> >> > I'm not shooting everyone in this thread. my post are only for
> >> > simplelinux.
> >> > the way he make accusation are baseless. he didn't know us or meet us,
> >> > so
> >> > why he just come here and bashing us? is it he feel threaten? there's
> a
> >> > lot
> >> > of untrue story wondering around the net about my1os. so please,
> there's
> >> > so
> >> > little info about my1os that you know, don't judge us by only reading
> >> > other
> >> > people post. simplelinux just testing our beta version ( he did not
> >> > mention
> >> > it... right? ), we know GPL, we know about open source law.. and we
> >> > NOT
> >> > use ubuntu repo ~!!. since this is my last post, i just wanna say,
> >> > "simplelinux or anyone who did not like my1os, go on with your hatred,
> >> > we
> >> > dont care because we will move on to the next level, and you can stay
> >> > behind
> >> > ... with your hatred, accusation and your "Fitnah".
> >> >
> >> > This is my last post. so sad when people choose to believe what they
> >> > read
> >> > and believe baseless accusation.
> >> >
> >> > Regards.
> >> >
> >> > On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar
> >> >  wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> didn't know slax/slackware use dpkg
> >> >>
> >> >> On 02/28/2011 02:03 AM, Garfield WTF wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> Oi! WTF is wrong with you guys!?
> >> >> People from distros which uses dpkg fighting each other!?
> >> >> WTF!?
> >> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> >>
> >>
> >> MOSC2011
> >>
> >> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > $ uname -a
> > NetBSD  5.0.2 NetBSD 5.0.2 (GENERIC) #0: Sat Feb  6 17:53:27 UTC 2010
> >
> /home/builds/ab/netbsd-5-0-2-RELEASE/i386/201002061851Z-obj/home/builds/ab/netbsd-5-0-2-RELEASE/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC
> > i386
> >
> > --
> > To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> >
> >
> > MOSC2011
> >
> > MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
> >
> >
> --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011
> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

*Maui Sabily 2011* 
*GPG KeyID*: DBDA3074
*GPG Fingerprint*: 3CCE D281 C894 4FB0 3D22 2141 75C6 E41F DBDA 3074

Soire Meira 2008 - 2011
EascobaNET, Inc 2006 - 2010
Ch0kL@Thack 2002
PaleoY2K 1998 - 2000

Sabily NetBook Remix 10.10
Sabily Zakat Calc 0.2-1 Beta (Debian) 
Asmawi Office 0.1 Alpha (Webase Presentiton) 
Soire TV & Radio  (Windows Only - continue
version on Linux)
BrutuSamaDia  (Remote Desktop Penetration
Mauiware.AYU.0.6  (Virus Cleanner & Get Back
Hidden Files)

Malicious of Dark Knight - "Hack To Learn, Don't Learn To Hack"

To unsubscribe from and detail about this group


MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Soire Meira
Alamak.. apa ni smpai gaduh2 ni.. sorry.. sy org baru.. xtau sgt pasal
OpenSources ni.. tp kn.. saya teringin sgt nk cuba my1OS.. nk cd satu hu3..
tp kn sy suka dengan cadangan ni...
*"3- Please participate in some meetups/events, bring your own distro, demo
it, prove it, show it, give a kick on haters ass!! if u do so people knowing
u and respecting u rather than keep on BARKING and SHOUTING when people
bashing on your product."*
so kita tak perlu bergaduh and boleh kita lihat kelemahan distro masing2
dari pandang mereka yg lbh arif then jgn bkecil ati dengan teguran
tersebut.. jadikanlh ia cabaran masa depan distro masing2. pasti kita
menemui kejayaan. jika kita tidak dpt trima kritikan org dan hanya didalam
kelompok sendiri pasti kita tidak tahu apa kehendak sebenar duniawi ini...

kenapa kita perlu bergaduh? (bukan bergaduh, bersaing secara sihat)
sebenarnya hanya kritikan membakar semangat untuk membina jati diri bagi sy
(tidak melibatkn komuniti). sudah pastinya ia akn membuatkn sy berasa ingin
terus kehadapan.

إن عظم الجزاء مع عظم البلاء ، وإن الله تعالى إذا أحب قوما ابتلاهم ، فمن رضي
فله الرضا ، ومن سخط فله السخط

*Sesungguhnya besarnya ganjaran itu dinilai pada besarnya bala’ yang
menimpa. Dan sesungguhnya Allah itu apabila mencintai sesuatu kaum, maka
akan mereka itu diberi dugaan. Oleh sebab itu barangsiapa yang redha –
dengan ujian yang menimpa, dia akan memperoleh keredhaan Allah dan
barangsiapa yang tidak maka padanya kemurkaan Allah. *

[Riwayat al-Tirmidzi, al-Albani menyatakannya sebagai hasan dalam Sahih dan
Dha’if Sunan al-Tirmidzi.]

p/s: klu CD tu kena beli (RM111 tu, xpa tgh kumpul duit ni)... maybe
feedback @ modification pun kena *beli* jgk la kn  he3 (^_^)v

2011/2/28 Ahmad Arafat Abdullah 

> For all especially who keep fighting in this issue, 1st i just want to say:
> 1- both of your distro is new, prove to us that it's valueable and usable +
> user-friendly, not just on desktop use or whatever, but on your aspect of
> "manners"
> 2- Most of us here is seasoned users (more than 10 years ), some of them
> developers too.. please do respect with them with your words.. please..
> don't behave like others is small kid who just know opensource yesterday!!!
> 3- Please participate in some meetups/events, bring your own distro, demo
> it, prove it, show it, give a kick on haters ass!! if u do so people knowing
> u and respecting u rather than keep on BARKING and SHOUTING when people
> bashing on your product.
> Please don't think OSS lovers and supporters like.. ( u put a suitable
> words for it ).. anything u throw at them and claimed it, they will rush and
> pick it up and SIMPLY TRUST it..
> we're supportive, but those words make me feel sick.. sorry dude.. *I'm
> nobody*, but my BSD team (for example), Kris Moore the PCBSD founder,
> Josh, Matt Olander the iXSystem CTO itself i never seen them say such words
> in our mailing list or even during our conversation..
> That really make them respected!! Try to look at yourself and compare..
> behave like them ( as an example ) then people will respect your product
> too..
> last but not least..
> dont put a words "bangsa" issue here la.. if not u better be a
> politician!!! ahahaa
> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Khalid Mohd  wrote:
>> Assalammualaikum
>> @Garfield WTF
>> I'm not shooting everyone in this thread. my post are only for
>> simplelinux. the way he make accusation are baseless. he didn't know us or
>> meet us, so why he just come here and bashing us? is it he feel threaten?
>> there's a lot of untrue story wondering around the net about my1os. so
>> please, there's so little info about my1os that you know, don't judge us by
>> only reading other people post. simplelinux just testing our beta version (
>> he did not mention it... right? ), we know GPL, we know about open source
>> law.. and we DID NOT use ubuntu repo ~!!. since this is my last post, i just
>> wanna say, "simplelinux or anyone who did not like my1os, go on with your
>> hatred, we dont care because we will move on to the next level, and you can
>> stay behind ... with your hatred, accusation and your "Fitnah".
>> This is my last post. so sad when people choose to believe what they read
>> and believe baseless accusation.
>> Regards.
>> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar <
>>> wrote:
>>> didn't know slax/slackware use dpkg
>>> On 02/28/2011 02:03 AM, Garfield WTF wrote:
>>> Oi! WTF is wrong with you guys!?
>>> People from distros which uses dpkg fighting each other!?
>>> WTF!?
>>>   --
>>> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>>> MOSC2011
>>> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
>> --
>> To unsubscribe from and detail about th

Re: [osdcmy] Re: Open Source Education Council (OEC) - First Meeting

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Din Mujahideen
+1000 :))

2011/2/28 Soire Meira 

> Only have free time at Weekend (Saturday - Sunday)
> 2011/2/28 Slaya Chronicles - Geeko Acolyte 
> Ready and willing - also jobless and free.
>> Out of country from March 21-25
>> Eric
>> On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 5:49 PM, Harisfazillah Jamel
>>  wrote:
>> > Team,
>> >
>> > OEC will have first meeting in March. Need volunteers for this and
>> > committed council members on behalf of OSS community.
>> >
>> > Eric, Ejat, Wariola, Fazli, Black, Red1, Raja and others community
>> > leaders. we need to have teh tarik session. Friends of OSS in industry
>> > is pushing us for this. So I believe we need to contribute back by
>> > admin this.
>> >
>> > Opinions needed.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> MOSC2011
>> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
> --
> --
> *Maui Sabily 2011* 
> *GPG KeyID*: DBDA3074
> *GPG Fingerprint*: 3CCE D281 C894 4FB0 3D22 2141 75C6 E41F DBDA 3074
> Soire Meira 2008 - 2011
> EascobaNET, Inc 2006 - 2010
> Ch0kL@Thack 2002
> PaleoY2K 1998 - 2000
> Developer:
> Sabily NetBook Remix 10.10 
> Al-Quds
> Sabily Zakat Calc 0.2-1 Beta (Debian) 
> Asmawi Office 0.1 Alpha (Webase Presentiton) 
> Soire TV & Radio  (Windows Only - continue
> version on Linux)
> BrutuSamaDia  (Remote Desktop Penetration
> Testing)
> Mauiware.AYU.0.6  (Virus Cleanner & Get Back
> Hidden Files)
> Malicious of Dark Knight - "Hack To Learn, Don't Learn To Hack"
>   --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011
> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

To unsubscribe from and detail about this group


MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik
"dont put a words "bangsa" issue here la.. if not u better be a
politician!!! ahahaa" - I really like that one :)


On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 10:37 AM, Ahmad Arafat Abdullah  wrote:

> For all especially who keep fighting in this issue, 1st i just want to say:
> 1- both of your distro is new, prove to us that it's valueable and usable +
> user-friendly, not just on desktop use or whatever, but on your aspect of
> "manners"
> 2- Most of us here is seasoned users (more than 10 years ), some of them
> developers too.. please do respect with them with your words.. please..
> don't behave like others is small kid who just know opensource yesterday!!!
> 3- Please participate in some meetups/events, bring your own distro, demo
> it, prove it, show it, give a kick on haters ass!! if u do so people knowing
> u and respecting u rather than keep on BARKING and SHOUTING when people
> bashing on your product.
> Please don't think OSS lovers and supporters like.. ( u put a suitable
> words for it ).. anything u throw at them and claimed it, they will rush and
> pick it up and SIMPLY TRUST it..
> we're supportive, but those words make me feel sick.. sorry dude.. *I'm
> nobody*, but my BSD team (for example), Kris Moore the PCBSD founder,
> Josh, Matt Olander the iXSystem CTO itself i never seen them say such words
> in our mailing list or even during our conversation..
> That really make them respected!! Try to look at yourself and compare..
> behave like them ( as an example ) then people will respect your product
> too..
> last but not least..
> dont put a words "bangsa" issue here la.. if not u better be a
> politician!!! ahahaa
> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Khalid Mohd  wrote:
>> Assalammualaikum
>> @Garfield WTF
>> I'm not shooting everyone in this thread. my post are only for
>> simplelinux. the way he make accusation are baseless. he didn't know us or
>> meet us, so why he just come here and bashing us? is it he feel threaten?
>> there's a lot of untrue story wondering around the net about my1os. so
>> please, there's so little info about my1os that you know, don't judge us by
>> only reading other people post. simplelinux just testing our beta version (
>> he did not mention it... right? ), we know GPL, we know about open source
>> law.. and we DID NOT use ubuntu repo ~!!. since this is my last post, i just
>> wanna say, "simplelinux or anyone who did not like my1os, go on with your
>> hatred, we dont care because we will move on to the next level, and you can
>> stay behind ... with your hatred, accusation and your "Fitnah".
>> This is my last post. so sad when people choose to believe what they read
>> and believe baseless accusation.
>> Regards.
>> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar <
>>> wrote:
>>> didn't know slax/slackware use dpkg
>>> On 02/28/2011 02:03 AM, Garfield WTF wrote:
>>> Oi! WTF is wrong with you guys!?
>>> People from distros which uses dpkg fighting each other!?
>>> WTF!?
>>>   --
>>> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>>> MOSC2011
>>> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
>> --
>> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> MOSC2011
>> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
> --
> $ uname -a
> NetBSD  5.0.2 NetBSD 5.0.2 (GENERIC) #0: Sat Feb  6 17:53:27 UTC 2010
> i386
>  --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011
> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

.: war|ola :.
Use Fedora Linux for better computing experience

To unsubscribe from and detail about this group


MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: Open Source Education Council (OEC) - First Meeting

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Soire Meira
Only have free time at Weekend (Saturday - Sunday)

2011/2/28 Slaya Chronicles - Geeko Acolyte 

> Ready and willing - also jobless and free.
> Out of country from March 21-25
> Eric
> On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 5:49 PM, Harisfazillah Jamel
>  wrote:
> > Team,
> >
> > OEC will have first meeting in March. Need volunteers for this and
> > committed council members on behalf of OSS community.
> >
> > Eric, Ejat, Wariola, Fazli, Black, Red1, Raja and others community
> > leaders. we need to have teh tarik session. Friends of OSS in industry
> > is pushing us for this. So I believe we need to contribute back by
> > admin this.
> >
> > Opinions needed.
> >
> >
> >
> --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011
> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

*Maui Sabily 2011* 
*GPG KeyID*: DBDA3074
*GPG Fingerprint*: 3CCE D281 C894 4FB0 3D22 2141 75C6 E41F DBDA 3074

Soire Meira 2008 - 2011
EascobaNET, Inc 2006 - 2010
Ch0kL@Thack 2002
PaleoY2K 1998 - 2000

Sabily NetBook Remix 10.10
Sabily Zakat Calc 0.2-1 Beta (Debian) 
Asmawi Office 0.1 Alpha (Webase Presentiton) 
Soire TV & Radio  (Windows Only - continue
version on Linux)
BrutuSamaDia  (Remote Desktop Penetration
Mauiware.AYU.0.6  (Virus Cleanner & Get Back
Hidden Files)

Malicious of Dark Knight - "Hack To Learn, Don't Learn To Hack"

To unsubscribe from and detail about this group


MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen [Distro Workshop Again]

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik darXness darXness
have been waiting for thismoment.maybe MOSC 2011?prepare 1 slot,n
everyone can say what the want to say,n end all the controversion

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 10:38 AM, Ahmad Arafat Abdullah
> Yups..
> show up.. and talk! :)
> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel
>  wrote:
>> Team and friends,
>> I need to stop this... This things has being going for long and its
>> hurts a lot of people.
>> I need to start this all over again. I need to call for Distros
>> workshop again and meet all of you, guys and gals and all parties and
>> distros can present each other projects and work together to get all
>> the projects success.
>> No one win, and no one will gain. We really need each others.
>> My target date is 26 March 2011. Fazli and I will arrange this.
>> Thank you.
>> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Khalid Mohd  wrote:
>> > Assalammualaikum
>> >
>> > @Garfield WTF
>> >
>> > I'm not shooting everyone in this thread. my post are only for
>> > simplelinux.
>> > the way he make accusation are baseless. he didn't know us or meet us,
>> > so
>> > why he just come here and bashing us? is it he feel threaten? there's a
>> > lot
>> > of untrue story wondering around the net about my1os. so please, there's
>> > so
>> > little info about my1os that you know, don't judge us by only reading
>> > other
>> > people post. simplelinux just testing our beta version ( he did not
>> > mention
>> > it... right? ), we know GPL, we know about open source law.. and we DID
>> > NOT
>> > use ubuntu repo ~!!. since this is my last post, i just wanna say,
>> > "simplelinux or anyone who did not like my1os, go on with your hatred,
>> > we
>> > dont care because we will move on to the next level, and you can stay
>> > behind
>> > ... with your hatred, accusation and your "Fitnah".
>> >
>> > This is my last post. so sad when people choose to believe what they
>> > read
>> > and believe baseless accusation.
>> >
>> > Regards.
>> >
>> > On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar
>> >  wrote:
>> >>
>> >> didn't know slax/slackware use dpkg
>> >>
>> >> On 02/28/2011 02:03 AM, Garfield WTF wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Oi! WTF is wrong with you guys!?
>> >> People from distros which uses dpkg fighting each other!?
>> >> WTF!?
>> >>
>> --
>> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> MOSC2011
>> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
> --
> $ uname -a
> NetBSD  5.0.2 NetBSD 5.0.2 (GENERIC) #0: Sat Feb  6 17:53:27 UTC 2010
> i386
> --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011
> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

To unsubscribe from and detail about this group


MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen [Distro Workshop Again]

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Ahmad Arafat Abdullah

show up.. and talk! :)

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel <> wrote:

> Team and friends,
> I need to stop this... This things has being going for long and its
> hurts a lot of people.
> I need to start this all over again. I need to call for Distros
> workshop again and meet all of you, guys and gals and all parties and
> distros can present each other projects and work together to get all
> the projects success.
> No one win, and no one will gain. We really need each others.
> My target date is 26 March 2011. Fazli and I will arrange this.
> Thank you.
> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Khalid Mohd  wrote:
> > Assalammualaikum
> >
> > @Garfield WTF
> >
> > I'm not shooting everyone in this thread. my post are only for
> simplelinux.
> > the way he make accusation are baseless. he didn't know us or meet us, so
> > why he just come here and bashing us? is it he feel threaten? there's a
> lot
> > of untrue story wondering around the net about my1os. so please, there's
> so
> > little info about my1os that you know, don't judge us by only reading
> other
> > people post. simplelinux just testing our beta version ( he did not
> mention
> > it... right? ), we know GPL, we know about open source law.. and we DID
> > use ubuntu repo ~!!. since this is my last post, i just wanna say,
> > "simplelinux or anyone who did not like my1os, go on with your hatred, we
> > dont care because we will move on to the next level, and you can stay
> behind
> > ... with your hatred, accusation and your "Fitnah".
> >
> > This is my last post. so sad when people choose to believe what they read
> > and believe baseless accusation.
> >
> > Regards.
> >
> > On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar
> >  wrote:
> >>
> >> didn't know slax/slackware use dpkg
> >>
> >> On 02/28/2011 02:03 AM, Garfield WTF wrote:
> >>
> >> Oi! WTF is wrong with you guys!?
> >> People from distros which uses dpkg fighting each other!?
> >> WTF!?
> >>
> --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011
> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

$ uname -a
NetBSD  5.0.2 NetBSD 5.0.2 (GENERIC) #0: Sat Feb  6 17:53:27 UTC 2010

To unsubscribe from and detail about this group


MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Ahmad Arafat Abdullah
For all especially who keep fighting in this issue, 1st i just want to say:

1- both of your distro is new, prove to us that it's valueable and usable +
user-friendly, not just on desktop use or whatever, but on your aspect of

2- Most of us here is seasoned users (more than 10 years ), some of them
developers too.. please do respect with them with your words.. please..
don't behave like others is small kid who just know opensource yesterday!!!

3- Please participate in some meetups/events, bring your own distro, demo
it, prove it, show it, give a kick on haters ass!! if u do so people knowing
u and respecting u rather than keep on BARKING and SHOUTING when people
bashing on your product.

Please don't think OSS lovers and supporters like.. ( u put a suitable words
for it ).. anything u throw at them and claimed it, they will rush and pick
it up and SIMPLY TRUST it..

we're supportive, but those words make me feel sick.. sorry dude.. *I'm
nobody*, but my BSD team (for example), Kris Moore the PCBSD founder, Josh,
Matt Olander the iXSystem CTO itself i never seen them say such words in our
mailing list or even during our conversation..

That really make them respected!! Try to look at yourself and compare..
behave like them ( as an example ) then people will respect your product

last but not least..

dont put a words "bangsa" issue here la.. if not u better be a politician!!!

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Khalid Mohd  wrote:

> Assalammualaikum
> @Garfield WTF
> I'm not shooting everyone in this thread. my post are only for simplelinux.
> the way he make accusation are baseless. he didn't know us or meet us, so
> why he just come here and bashing us? is it he feel threaten? there's a lot
> of untrue story wondering around the net about my1os. so please, there's so
> little info about my1os that you know, don't judge us by only reading other
> people post. simplelinux just testing our beta version ( he did not mention
> it... right? ), we know GPL, we know about open source law.. and we DID NOT
> use ubuntu repo ~!!. since this is my last post, i just wanna say,
> "simplelinux or anyone who did not like my1os, go on with your hatred, we
> dont care because we will move on to the next level, and you can stay behind
> ... with your hatred, accusation and your "Fitnah".
> This is my last post. so sad when people choose to believe what they read
> and believe baseless accusation.
> Regards.
> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar <
>> wrote:
>> didn't know slax/slackware use dpkg
>> On 02/28/2011 02:03 AM, Garfield WTF wrote:
>> Oi! WTF is wrong with you guys!?
>> People from distros which uses dpkg fighting each other!?
>> WTF!?
>>   --
>> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> MOSC2011
>> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
> --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011
> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

$ uname -a
NetBSD  5.0.2 NetBSD 5.0.2 (GENERIC) #0: Sat Feb  6 17:53:27 UTC 2010

To unsubscribe from and detail about this group


MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar

For BSD there's a Debian GNU/kFreeSD

On 02/28/2011 10:25 AM, Ahmad Arafat Abdullah wrote:

And BSD? huhu...

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar>> wrote:

didn't know slax/slackware use dpkg

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MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen [Distro Workshop Again]

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Harisfazillah Jamel
Team and friends,

I need to stop this... This things has being going for long and its
hurts a lot of people.

I need to start this all over again. I need to call for Distros
workshop again and meet all of you, guys and gals and all parties and
distros can present each other projects and work together to get all
the projects success.

No one win, and no one will gain. We really need each others.

My target date is 26 March 2011. Fazli and I will arrange this.

Thank you.

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Khalid Mohd  wrote:
> Assalammualaikum
> @Garfield WTF
> I'm not shooting everyone in this thread. my post are only for simplelinux.
> the way he make accusation are baseless. he didn't know us or meet us, so
> why he just come here and bashing us? is it he feel threaten? there's a lot
> of untrue story wondering around the net about my1os. so please, there's so
> little info about my1os that you know, don't judge us by only reading other
> people post. simplelinux just testing our beta version ( he did not mention
> it... right? ), we know GPL, we know about open source law.. and we DID NOT
> use ubuntu repo ~!!. since this is my last post, i just wanna say,
> "simplelinux or anyone who did not like my1os, go on with your hatred, we
> dont care because we will move on to the next level, and you can stay behind
> ... with your hatred, accusation and your "Fitnah".
> This is my last post. so sad when people choose to believe what they read
> and believe baseless accusation.
> Regards.
> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar
>  wrote:
>> didn't know slax/slackware use dpkg
>> On 02/28/2011 02:03 AM, Garfield WTF wrote:
>> Oi! WTF is wrong with you guys!?
>> People from distros which uses dpkg fighting each other!?
>> WTF!?

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MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Ahmad Arafat Abdullah
And BSD? huhu...

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar <> wrote:

> didn't know slax/slackware use dpkg
> On 02/28/2011 02:03 AM, Garfield WTF wrote:
> Oi! WTF is wrong with you guys!?
> People from distros which uses dpkg fighting each other!?
> WTF!?
>   --
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> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

$ uname -a
NetBSD  5.0.2 NetBSD 5.0.2 (GENERIC) #0: Sat Feb  6 17:53:27 UTC 2010

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MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik darXness darXness
> I'm not shooting everyone in this thread. my post are only for simplelinux.
> the way he make accusation are baseless. he didn't know us or meet us, so
> why he just come here and bashing us? is it he feel threaten? there's a lot
> of untrue story wondering around the net about my1os. so please, there's so
> little info about my1os that you know, don't judge us by only reading other
You know there's so little info about my1OS,so why not u promote n
tell us all the information.tell us sumthing that we didnt know.n
lastly,IMPRESS us

> people post. simplelinux just testing our beta version ( he did not mention
> it... right? ), we know GPL, we know about open source law.. and we DID NOT
> use ubuntu repo ~!!. since this is my last post, i just wanna say,
1st,simpleLinux already told us he tested beta version.:)
DID NOT use ubuntu repo?prove it please.

> "simplelinux or anyone who did not like my1os, go on with your hatred, we
> dont care because we will move on to the next level, and you can stay behind
> ... with your hatred, accusation and your "Fitnah".
> This is my last post. so sad when people choose to believe what they read
> and believe baseless accusation.
> Regards.
so this is how you treat us?your previous post said we are part of u,n
u are part of us.but is it how you treat us and asnwer all that
question just like that,n if u cant answer,u just walk away?what a

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MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Khalid Mohd

@Garfield WTF

I'm not shooting everyone in this thread. my post are only for simplelinux.
the way he make accusation are baseless. he didn't know us or meet us, so
why he just come here and bashing us? is it he feel threaten? there's a lot
of untrue story wondering around the net about my1os. so please, there's so
little info about my1os that you know, don't judge us by only reading other
people post. simplelinux just testing our beta version ( he did not mention
it... right? ), we know GPL, we know about open source law.. and we DID NOT
use ubuntu repo ~!!. since this is my last post, i just wanna say,
"simplelinux or anyone who did not like my1os, go on with your hatred, we
dont care because we will move on to the next level, and you can stay behind
... with your hatred, accusation and your "Fitnah".

This is my last post. so sad when people choose to believe what they read
and believe baseless accusation.


On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar <> wrote:

>  didn't know slax/slackware use dpkg
> On 02/28/2011 02:03 AM, Garfield WTF wrote:
> Oi! WTF is wrong with you guys!?
> People from distros which uses dpkg fighting each other!?
> WTF!?
>  --
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> MOSC2011
> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

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MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar

didn't know slax/slackware use dpkg

On 02/28/2011 02:03 AM, Garfield WTF wrote:

Oi! WTF is wrong with you guys!?
People from distros which uses dpkg fighting each other!?

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MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Oi! WTF is wrong with you guys!?
People from distros which uses dpkg fighting each other!?

I do somehow agree with your points too, but the way you express it, a
little bit too harsh.
You are consider as an old timers in the OSS community too, so you should
know that sometimes when we talked to harsh, might spark a distro war.
Especially when you are representing a distro project.
So I think it is best we try our best to educate the newcomers and guide
them for the benefit of the OSS community. We don't want those M$ fanboys to
looks down at us for fighting each others, don't we? :)
But anyway, the points you have voices, I do agree with them. :)

No offense, but they way you walk into this discussion is a little bit rude.
What I mean is, you should have talk in a proper way instead for straight
shooting to simpleLinux and also the rest of the people in this thread who
are asking question instead of giving opinion.
Not everyone is shooting at My1OS in this thread at the moment.

By the way, since My1OS is still fully dependent on Ubuntu's repo, I think
you guys should make it available for the public to download the ISO, and
sell the support service separately.
I believe that My1OS is not suitable to use the RedHat way to make it
commercial for the moment.
Here is the reasons:

   1. Huge parts of RHEL are done by RedHat themself, of course, they were
   build based on OpenSource components. While My1OS, it is built based on
   Ubuntu, which its entire structure remain the same as Ubuntu.
   2. RedHat is charging for the subscription to their own repo, which is
   done by them self, and hosted by them self. My1OS is still solely dependent
   on the Ubuntu repo, and as we all know, the Ubuntu repo is free for public.
   3. RHEL's source code are available for the public for free. Thus, CentOS
   exist, where it is entirely the same as RHEL, and this is how RedHat let the
   public use RHEL for free and settle themself without providing official
   support from RedHat. So, if My1OS is an OpenSource project, then the codes
   that is added to the original Ubuntu shall be release to the public as well.
   At least, it shall be available for the public to download and use without
   giving them official support. But so far, I can't seems to find any download
   links at the My1OS website.
   4. To make My1OS able to be commercial, I believe just adding something
   on the original Ubuntu is not enough. It should have something more.
   Example, My1OS shall prepare own repo for as an additional repo inside the
   My1OS for regular updates on the components which has been added onto the
   modded Ubuntu of yours. Or else, it doesn't really make sense for people to
   pay for the distro copy if they are just able to have access to the Ubuntu
   repo which it is free for the public to access.

You may feel that I am trying to attack you. But I would like to make it
clear, I am not shooting at your project, I am just voicing out my own
opinion from what I see so far.
By the way, please do not tell me to buy the distro, as I do not intend to
purchase anything at the moment. But I do hope to see a demo from you and
your fellow developers during some OSS events. Also I hope that you can made
it on the next inter-distro meetup and introduce your My1OS project to the
community if you wish to convince the public that your distro are worth to
be a commercial distro. Via these type of meetups or events, it is the best
way to stay those to the OSS community and eliminate any misunderstanding
among supporters of each distro.

@Khalid Mohd
I think it is best to be polite rather than just come in here and straight
make enemy with everyone.
It is ok to defend on the project that ourself working on. But still, since
it is an OpenSource project, you should be good with the rest of the people
in the OSS community. An OSS project will only be successful with the
support of the community, be it your own project's community, or the whole
OSS community in whole.
By the way, as you said, the DVD burning and packaging of the cover do need
cost. So wouldn't it be great to make it available for the public to
download the ISO and burn the ISO them self?
Anyway, I am not trying to be offensive to you, but I do hope that you can
be more polite. Most of the time, people judge hows a group by how a member
for that group behave. So I believe you wouldn't want people to think more
negative about your group now, right?

Finally, I hope everyone to stop engaging in distro wars. Its year 2011 now,
distro wars shouldn't be still continue until now.
In fact, all people from dpkg based distro should stop fighting! Have you
every see CentOS guys bashing Fedora? I hardly see such case happen. This is
how RPM based distros are well respected.
Plus, nowadays each distros from each Linux family are working close to
bring Linux to another level, to compete with the common opponent, M$
Windows. So we all, supporters from each diffe

Re: [osdcmy] My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
Aku pelik kenapa ramai yg bertelingkah pasal hal mcm ni. Yang penting fahami
lesen dan jgn mencuri, idea dan resources. Rezeki melimpah ruah dengan
foss.jgn sempitkan fikiran.aku dah berjaya JIMATKAN wang kerajaan dekat
SEJUTA ringgit dengan solution foss.tak logik kalau ada mana2 kompeni foss
yg bazirkan duit kerajaan.kalau nak habiskan duit kerajaan,cuba jd
distributor microsoft jual exchange atau office je.

sekarang aku tgh tunggu syazwan lapor diri kat openkod sdn bhd,kompeni baru
aku yg dicipta khas untuk bisnes foss.Cepat bro projek manyak mau masuk..aku
tak menang tangan dah ni..hahhahhah

Sent from my iPhone

On 28 Feb 2011, at 00:21, Khalid Mohd  wrote:


wow ... tajam sungguh kata-kata sahabat ni ... Terima kasih la sebab bagi
komen yang tak membangun. ni la salah satu punca oss kat malaysia tak boleh
nak naik .. baru nak naik, cakap macam2 ...bila related dengan kerajaan je,
terus kata sapu duit govt. ade bukti ke bang? untuk makluman semua, kami
tidak menerima walau satu sen pun duit dari kerajaan. apa yang ada sekarang
ini, kami jalan atas KOS SENDIRI. maaflah, bukan saya emosional, tapi bila
ada tuduhan tak berasas dari bangsa sendiri ni yang sensitif. Kami telah pun
membuat satu pertemuan dengan team OSDC. tanya diorang la kalau kami ni
jenis nk sapu duit orang. nak burn DVD, buat packaging, promotion tu semua
kene guna duit bang oi, bukan bayar pakai bulu ketiak. Kami panjat ke atas
dengan mengunakan penat lelah kami. kami cari cara lain untuk bawak OSS ke
govt. Bunuh Ubuntu??? saudara, ubuntu tu derivative debian, linux mint dari
ubuntu, maknanya kalau ikut cakap saudara ni, ubuntu bunuh debian, linux
mint bunuh ubuntu la ... mcm tu? ape la... saudara, kami jalan atas kapasiti
sendiri la, kalau taknak support, takpe la, tapi jangan la tuduh melulu.
sekian, terima kasih.

2011/2/27 simpleLinux <>

> Bak kata SM Salim " Apa Nak Jadi, Apa dah Jadi" hahahahaha..
> Pandangan saya: Diorang ni guna kerajaan untuk mempromosikan produk mereka
> dan berbangga dengan nya. Depa kutuk saya kata "Sekurang2 nya kami adalah
> sistem operasi "PERTAMA" yang mendapat pengiktirafan kerajaan" melalui
> replay di fb. dan mereka juga dapat mengaut keuntungan dengan alasan "sistem
> operasi ni takde virus la bro...".. masih menggunakan repo drpd Ubuntu ;p..
> nak guna model perniagaan Red Hat..
> mungkin boleh la diorang hire developer bijak (bijak?) diseluruh negara
> untuk membantu diorang sikit2 melumpuhkan nama Ubuntu drpd distribusi tu
> untuk menggantikannya dengan my1os utk mengaburi mata orang hahahaha..
> senangnya nak mengaut keuntungan drpd open source, dah nama "SUMBER TERBUKA"
> rembat je, modify sikit2 tambah compiz fusion utk menarik minat orang lain,
> tambah key cain 30 sen dengan support 50 sen dan charge RM 100... hihihihi
> xD jangan marah dengan kata2 pedas ini.. (kalau nasib baik tak kena quote)
> On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 3:09 AM, riZer Enterprise <
>> wrote:
>> geng putera
>> 2011/2/27 Haris bin Ali :
>> > Tradisi bisnes bumiputra Malaya?
>> >
>> > //
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 8:05 AM, red1  wrote:
>> >> I just got this sms from a friend who knows nothing about IT,
>> >> "Apa tu MY1OS?.. Budak2 sapu dana kerajaan saja".
>> >>
>> >> This is not my opinion. I got the sms to prove for such an opinion from
>> a
>> >> member of the public. I hate to be in controversy but what to do. We
>> are
>> >> surrounded by it.
>> >>
>> >> I replied to him this,
>> >> "Gomen malas berfikir. Inovasi kene fikir dalam2. Kene cari inovator yg
>> >> cerdik, payah. Asyik yg kaki hentam belaka, kononnya terlalu high std.
>> Maka
>> >> sapu jela lagi senang. Lagipun, cepat dapat, cepat makan bersama-sama.
>> :)"
>> >>
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>> >>
>> >
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> --
> *Fariz Luqman*
> The Chairman of SimpleLinux
> Visit:
> Fb:
> "There IS a Malaysian Linux Distro"
> ---
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[osdcmy] Re: Open Source Education Council (OEC) - First Meeting

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Slaya Chronicles - Geeko Acolyte
Ready and willing - also jobless and free.

Out of country from March 21-25


On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 5:49 PM, Harisfazillah Jamel
> Team,
> OEC will have first meeting in March. Need volunteers for this and
> committed council members on behalf of OSS community.
> Eric, Ejat, Wariola, Fazli, Black, Red1, Raja and others community
> leaders. we need to have teh tarik session. Friends of OSS in industry
> is pushing us for this. So I believe we need to contribute back by
> admin this.
> Opinions needed.

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MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

[osdcmy] Fwd: Open Source Education Council (OEC) - First Meeting

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Slaya Chronicles - Geeko Acolyte
Sori, tersend ke Haris saje.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Slaya Chronicles - Geeko Acolyte 
Date: Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: Open Source Education Council (OEC) - First Meeting
To: Harisfazillah Jamel 

Roger and I am willing. Tengah menggangur sekalang so free.

I will be out of the country from March 21-25.


On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 5:49 PM, Harisfazillah Jamel
> Team,
> OEC will have first meeting in March. Need volunteers for this and
> committed council members on behalf of OSS community.
> Eric, Ejat, Wariola, Fazli, Black, Red1, Raja and others community
> leaders. we need to have teh tarik session. Friends of OSS in industry
> is pushing us for this. So I believe we need to contribute back by
> admin this.
> Opinions needed.

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MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Working With LPI

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Slaya Chronicles - Geeko Acolyte
Klang Valley must be where it starts. Things get done in KL/PJ area
faster and the movers and shakers are here.

Being a FOSS person and someone from Perak, I would love it if my home
state becomes the epicentre for LPI or any FOSS certification
programme; alas, only in KL/PJ things can feasibly get moving.

So before we get all excited because of one or more capable but out of
state instituition(s) is/are "interested" (but no signature on the
dotted line) and invest time into those ventures, may I suggest
putting more effort where the action is - KL/PJ.

IPTA is already hopeless; yes hopeless, all talk and no action (i.e. I
am interested and let's have a couple of events together but
eventually people get transferred and end_of_story) and essentially
managed by a bunch of politicians masquerading as academicians. IPTS
i.e. not the Governement linked ones - profit oriented but easier to
work with as it is easier to understand their motivation i.e. you will
only need to come out with a good business proposal.

Free/Open Source is free as in freedom and not free as percuma.

We need to stop becoming philosphers and cheerleaders and become more
business friendly. Tell people how to make money.


On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 11:57 PM, fenris  wrote:
> TPM .. insya allah .. just kena tgk waktu dan hari .
> On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 9:12 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel
>  wrote:
>> TQ Nadem,
>> Will look into the books.
>> Fenris,
>> We are going to do it in TPM. OK ke?
>> On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 12:43 AM, Nadeem  wrote:
>> > good luck i did the lpic1 101 exam last 2 weeks and it was not that easy
>> > i
>> > thought it will be easier i use two books
>> > sybex lpic-1 book and course technology book. i do recommend the sybex
>> > if
>> > you are new to linux and if you want to review quickly then course
>> > technology is shorter
>> > good luck
>> >
>> >
>> > On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 12:27 AM, fenris  wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Mau join!
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MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] FLOSS in Watson

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Slaya Chronicles - Geeko Acolyte
And it runs on SUSE Linux.


On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 5:41 AM, sweemeng ng  wrote:
> For those that remember Watson the Supercomputer that plays Jeapardy
> recently. The article from Association for the Advancement of Artificial
> Intelligence magazine, describe on Watson and the OpenQA project.
> Apparently they uses a few open source component,
> They use UIMA for text processing, and producing annotation (meta data in a
> way)that is usable for computer
> And they apache hadoop, to distribute the text processing job to several
> computer to make it faster.
> enjoy the read(though it can be a bit heavy)
> --
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MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Khalid Mohd

says whatever you want... people like you are not worth talking to.. its
look like you hold a grudge against us and we don't even care. why? because
ur minded are so "simple" and of course.. harmless..

p/s - Yes we are PROUD ... so what~!!???

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 12:07 AM, simpleLinux <> wrote:

> Pay RM 100 and then someone will be at your house... xD (kidding)
> download links is not available tho.. hmm.. buying it is a mandatory la Cik
> Mawi
> On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 11:01 PM, Soire Meira  wrote:
>> erk.. apa kes ni? ada my1OS.. hu3 nk satu CD.. nk try la.. xkn xblh kot..
>> xpun bg je link blh sy download..
>> 2011/2/27 simpleLinux <>
>>> nope, who said I have not yet tested the my1os?
>>> sorry, it's just my opinion.. as said by sweemeng ng, we are harmless..
>>> ;p don't worry
>>> (p/s do not be TOO PROUD it will make you a failure)
>>> On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 8:58 PM, red1  wrote:
 Since i started this thread and now i know that the accusation is
 baseless, i withdraw this accusation with sincere apology. Hope to meet up
 with your team to figure out 'perjuangan yang lebih besar' :)

 On 2/27/11 8:18 PM, Dev wrote:

> Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera pada semua.
> I'm thrill to this thread and issues address by my honorable members.
> Thank you for bringing this up to us. We do appreciate all views and
> criticism positively.But i can't hesitate to ask, do you guys have
> evidence support such accusation saying that we're "sapu duit gomen" .
> If so, would kindly please present (in flesh and blood) your
> accusations regarding this issue. I'd love to see it.
> @simpleLinux
> I appreciate your views on our products, if you want to purchase from
> us, do send me an email with your contact details and payment so that
> i can personally send it to your doorstep. Holding grudge againts us
> doesn't make any of the situation good. We are in the opensource
> world, i'm asking you as a sign of good faith or brother-in-arms, to
> let it go and let the majority user who uses my1os judge us.
> Alas i may recall, maybe this is one of the reason as to why
> opensource in Malaysia doesn't well grown to maturity, as the factor
> of "holding grudge" againts and condemning each other comes into play.
> For goodness sake, we are one of you and you are one of us. We, the
> developer doesn't condemn each other, or do we? Or backstabbing
> someone and be hypocrite about it, do we? Just to clear this up, who
> is our real enemy? The real enemy is ourselves. Other than that, i
> rest my case.
> Above all, i would humbly ask for apology if there's any words coming
> from my keyboard and my mind that doesn't suit well to the majority of
> this mailing list as i would humbly remind myself that,
>  "Think before you open your mouth"
> all the time.
> Have a nice weekend guys,
>  Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera pada semua.
> On Feb 27, 2:22 pm, simpleLinux<>  wrote:
>> Bak kata SM Salim " Apa Nak Jadi, Apa dah Jadi" hahahahaha..
>> Pandangan saya: Diorang ni guna kerajaan untuk mempromosikan produk
>> mereka
>> dan berbangga dengan nya. Depa kutuk saya kata "Sekurang2 nya kami
>> adalah
>> sistem operasi "PERTAMA" yang mendapat pengiktirafan kerajaan" melalui
>> replay di fb. dan mereka juga dapat mengaut keuntungan dengan alasan
>> "sistem
>> operasi ni takde virus la bro...".. masih menggunakan repo drpd Ubuntu
>> ;p..
>> nak guna model perniagaan Red Hat..
>> mungkin boleh la diorang hire developer bijak (bijak?) diseluruh
>> negara
>> untuk membantu diorang sikit2 melumpuhkan nama Ubuntu drpd distribusi
>> tu
>> untuk menggantikannya dengan my1os utk mengaburi mata orang hahahaha..
>> senangnya nak mengaut keuntungan drpd open source, dah nama "SUMBER
>> rembat je, modify sikit2 tambah compiz fusion utk menarik minat orang
>> lain,
>> tambah key cain 30 sen dengan support 50 sen dan charge RM 100...
>> hihihihi
>> xD jangan marah dengan kata2 pedas ini.. (kalau nasib baik tak kena
>> quote)
>> On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 3:09 AM, riZer Enterprise<
>>> wrote:
>>> geng putera
>>> 2011/2/27 Haris bin Ali:
 Tradisi bisnes bumiputra Malaya?

>>> //

>>> On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 8:05 AM, red1  wrote:

> I just got this sms from a friend who knows nothing about IT,
> "Apa tu MY1OS?.. Budak2 sapu dana 

Re: [osdcmy] My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Khalid Mohd

wow ... tajam sungguh kata-kata sahabat ni ... Terima kasih la sebab bagi
komen yang tak membangun. ni la salah satu punca oss kat malaysia tak boleh
nak naik .. baru nak naik, cakap macam2 ...bila related dengan kerajaan je,
terus kata sapu duit govt. ade bukti ke bang? untuk makluman semua, kami
tidak menerima walau satu sen pun duit dari kerajaan. apa yang ada sekarang
ini, kami jalan atas KOS SENDIRI. maaflah, bukan saya emosional, tapi bila
ada tuduhan tak berasas dari bangsa sendiri ni yang sensitif. Kami telah pun
membuat satu pertemuan dengan team OSDC. tanya diorang la kalau kami ni
jenis nk sapu duit orang. nak burn DVD, buat packaging, promotion tu semua
kene guna duit bang oi, bukan bayar pakai bulu ketiak. Kami panjat ke atas
dengan mengunakan penat lelah kami. kami cari cara lain untuk bawak OSS ke
govt. Bunuh Ubuntu??? saudara, ubuntu tu derivative debian, linux mint dari
ubuntu, maknanya kalau ikut cakap saudara ni, ubuntu bunuh debian, linux
mint bunuh ubuntu la ... mcm tu? ape la... saudara, kami jalan atas kapasiti
sendiri la, kalau taknak support, takpe la, tapi jangan la tuduh melulu.
sekian, terima kasih.

2011/2/27 simpleLinux <>

> Bak kata SM Salim " Apa Nak Jadi, Apa dah Jadi" hahahahaha..
> Pandangan saya: Diorang ni guna kerajaan untuk mempromosikan produk mereka
> dan berbangga dengan nya. Depa kutuk saya kata "Sekurang2 nya kami adalah
> sistem operasi "PERTAMA" yang mendapat pengiktirafan kerajaan" melalui
> replay di fb. dan mereka juga dapat mengaut keuntungan dengan alasan "sistem
> operasi ni takde virus la bro...".. masih menggunakan repo drpd Ubuntu ;p..
> nak guna model perniagaan Red Hat..
> mungkin boleh la diorang hire developer bijak (bijak?) diseluruh negara
> untuk membantu diorang sikit2 melumpuhkan nama Ubuntu drpd distribusi tu
> untuk menggantikannya dengan my1os utk mengaburi mata orang hahahaha..
> senangnya nak mengaut keuntungan drpd open source, dah nama "SUMBER TERBUKA"
> rembat je, modify sikit2 tambah compiz fusion utk menarik minat orang lain,
> tambah key cain 30 sen dengan support 50 sen dan charge RM 100... hihihihi
> xD jangan marah dengan kata2 pedas ini.. (kalau nasib baik tak kena quote)
> On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 3:09 AM, riZer Enterprise <
>> wrote:
>> geng putera
>> 2011/2/27 Haris bin Ali :
>> > Tradisi bisnes bumiputra Malaya?
>> >
>> > //
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 8:05 AM, red1  wrote:
>> >> I just got this sms from a friend who knows nothing about IT,
>> >> "Apa tu MY1OS?.. Budak2 sapu dana kerajaan saja".
>> >>
>> >> This is not my opinion. I got the sms to prove for such an opinion from
>> a
>> >> member of the public. I hate to be in controversy but what to do. We
>> are
>> >> surrounded by it.
>> >>
>> >> I replied to him this,
>> >> "Gomen malas berfikir. Inovasi kene fikir dalam2. Kene cari inovator yg
>> >> cerdik, payah. Asyik yg kaki hentam belaka, kononnya terlalu high std.
>> Maka
>> >> sapu jela lagi senang. Lagipun, cepat dapat, cepat makan bersama-sama.
>> :)"
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> MOSC2011
>> >>
>> >> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> > --
>> > To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> >
>> > MOSC2011
>> >
>> > MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> MOSC2011
>> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
> --
> *Fariz Luqman*
> The Chairman of SimpleLinux
> Visit:
> Fb:
> "There IS a Malaysian Linux Distro"
> ---
> Facebook:
>  --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011
> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

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MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Learning from Tahrir Square

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Khalid Mohd

maafkan saya kerana mencelah, saya amat bersetuju dengan Tuan Harisfazillah.
Inisiatif red1 tu bagus tetapi kita kene prepare fact and figure untuk
dibawa keatas. kuatkan komuniti. apa yang penting, kerjasama~!!... kita kena
tukar strategi.. dari dulu sampai sekarang, kita hanya bergerak sendiri2
saja .. tapi kali ni kita kumpulkan suara2 kita menjadi satu. bergerak
sebagai satu kumpulan. tak kisah la redhat ke, debian ke, ubuntu ke,
slackware ke .. baru nampak kita ni besar dan gagah macam badang..

On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 10:04 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel <> wrote:

> Red1
> The adhoc committee is here red1. Its all of us in this list. What we
> are doing now in this list and discussion and meetup is the kick ass,
> to the government.
> But we are doing it in our way.
> We need to show to GOV that OSS community is here. We need to have
> workshops of OSS knowledge sharing across Malaysia, we need to have
> IPTA and IPTS to have OSS day, we need to get big conference one a
> year going at our own "tahrir square", we need contribution upstream
> start from Pasukan Terjemahan, we need to push for certification in
> OSS, so big-big companies can invest here and use our human resources.
> We need to have a bigger crowd of OSS contributors and supporter in
> Malaysia so we can have the political mileage. The biggest crowd in
> OSS.
> To tell you the truth, we don't have that mileage yet. We need to
> buildup our community first.
> We need community leaders, OSS community teach us everyone can
> contribute, so everyone can be a leaders. This leaders need to get
> their community going and need to set their goal right.
> We in (this list) will try to cater all the above but its all
> depend from the support of all OSS community in Malaysia.
> Their is NO unwritten policy of supporting proprietary software, its a
> written policy to pick the right company and software that can cater
> to agencies need. The most important are the support and kumpulan
> pakar (expert).
> And we in OSS industry, lack of its. I could not point to any local
> OSS company that can have better support in OSS or have thats many
> engineers, developers and management with OSS support.
> And for menjadi pelobi. Yes we still can have that but we need to
> prepare facts and figure. How big is the demand for OSS, how big is
> our community and what impact can we have in term of economy.
> Red1 Im in for this adhoc committee, but we  need to disscuss points
> and facts that we can used if we want this kumpulan pelobi to success.
> and
> Thank You to friends in MDeC and MAMPU thats keep on supporting us. If
> you want them to keep on supporting us, we need to keep them in OSS
> porfolio or seksyen. To do that we need to show numbers and support to
> their bosses. Baru senang kita hendak melobi dan mereka membantu.
> Komuniti OSS buka sahaja mengajar saya tentang gotong royong melakukan
> sesuatu, malah jika mahu membuktikan sesuatu kita perlu melakukan ia
> dahulu baru kita boleh minta orang lain turut bersama kita.
> Thank you.
> On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 8:58 PM, red1  wrote:
> > Dear fellow inmates, i mean freedom fighters. Sorry for this but after
> > watching lots of Al-Jazeerah, it finally hits me. We should no longer be
> > afraid of voicing out our grievances against govt's depts inefficiencies
> and
> > failures in promoting local talent or at least believing in locals as
> > budding technopreneurs who can one day succeed, given real support
> instead
> > of intimidation.
> >
> > No, no i am not saying that we are living under a 30 year dictatorship. I
> am
> > saying we are living in a P. Ramlee's era of been afraid to voice out and
> > that is why P. Ramlee died a pauper, broken man, broken in by his own
> > country.
> >
> > What Tahrir's Square teaches us is that today's youth and mostly in
> > are indeed hungry for change and self-sufficiency in using FOSS, but
> lacked
> > the support the govt supposedly is there for, which sadly comes in bits
> and
> > scraps, some big RM10m promise and then silence and denials as well as
> > diversions and excuses. We are worse than Tahrir Square.
> >
> > Such big events happening across the thousand year history of Sahara
> desert
> > must bring something home to us. It must at least stir us to reach for
> more
> > solidarity and courage to kick ass. I once again call for the formation
> of
> > an adhoc committee (non-registered, to hell with ROS) for MOSS to put
> > political pressure on the govt to change the unwritten policy of
> supporting
> > proprietary software and paying lip service to FOSS all this while.
> >
> > red1
> >
> >
> > --
> > To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> >
> >
> > MOSC2011
> >
> > MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
> >
> >

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Muhd Syazwan Md Khusaini
I don't want the CD, but I just want the repo..based Ubuntu kan? buat macam
sabily boleh? (lalala~) :p

On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 5:07 PM, simpleLinux <> wrote:

> Pay RM 100 and then someone will be at your house... xD (kidding)
> download links is not available tho.. hmm.. buying it is a mandatory la Cik
> Mawi
> On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 11:01 PM, Soire Meira  wrote:
>> erk.. apa kes ni? ada my1OS.. hu3 nk satu CD.. nk try la.. xkn xblh kot..
>> xpun bg je link blh sy download..
>> 2011/2/27 simpleLinux <>
>>> nope, who said I have not yet tested the my1os?
>>> sorry, it's just my opinion.. as said by sweemeng ng, we are harmless..
>>> ;p don't worry
>>> (p/s do not be TOO PROUD it will make you a failure)
>>> On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 8:58 PM, red1  wrote:
 Since i started this thread and now i know that the accusation is
 baseless, i withdraw this accusation with sincere apology. Hope to meet up
 with your team to figure out 'perjuangan yang lebih besar' :)

 On 2/27/11 8:18 PM, Dev wrote:

> Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera pada semua.
> I'm thrill to this thread and issues address by my honorable members.
> Thank you for bringing this up to us. We do appreciate all views and
> criticism positively.But i can't hesitate to ask, do you guys have
> evidence support such accusation saying that we're "sapu duit gomen" .
> If so, would kindly please present (in flesh and blood) your
> accusations regarding this issue. I'd love to see it.
> @simpleLinux
> I appreciate your views on our products, if you want to purchase from
> us, do send me an email with your contact details and payment so that
> i can personally send it to your doorstep. Holding grudge againts us
> doesn't make any of the situation good. We are in the opensource
> world, i'm asking you as a sign of good faith or brother-in-arms, to
> let it go and let the majority user who uses my1os judge us.
> Alas i may recall, maybe this is one of the reason as to why
> opensource in Malaysia doesn't well grown to maturity, as the factor
> of "holding grudge" againts and condemning each other comes into play.
> For goodness sake, we are one of you and you are one of us. We, the
> developer doesn't condemn each other, or do we? Or backstabbing
> someone and be hypocrite about it, do we? Just to clear this up, who
> is our real enemy? The real enemy is ourselves. Other than that, i
> rest my case.
> Above all, i would humbly ask for apology if there's any words coming
> from my keyboard and my mind that doesn't suit well to the majority of
> this mailing list as i would humbly remind myself that,
>  "Think before you open your mouth"
> all the time.
> Have a nice weekend guys,
>  Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera pada semua.
> On Feb 27, 2:22 pm, simpleLinux<>  wrote:
>> Bak kata SM Salim " Apa Nak Jadi, Apa dah Jadi" hahahahaha..
>> Pandangan saya: Diorang ni guna kerajaan untuk mempromosikan produk
>> mereka
>> dan berbangga dengan nya. Depa kutuk saya kata "Sekurang2 nya kami
>> adalah
>> sistem operasi "PERTAMA" yang mendapat pengiktirafan kerajaan" melalui
>> replay di fb. dan mereka juga dapat mengaut keuntungan dengan alasan
>> "sistem
>> operasi ni takde virus la bro...".. masih menggunakan repo drpd Ubuntu
>> ;p..
>> nak guna model perniagaan Red Hat..
>> mungkin boleh la diorang hire developer bijak (bijak?) diseluruh
>> negara
>> untuk membantu diorang sikit2 melumpuhkan nama Ubuntu drpd distribusi
>> tu
>> untuk menggantikannya dengan my1os utk mengaburi mata orang hahahaha..
>> senangnya nak mengaut keuntungan drpd open source, dah nama "SUMBER
>> rembat je, modify sikit2 tambah compiz fusion utk menarik minat orang
>> lain,
>> tambah key cain 30 sen dengan support 50 sen dan charge RM 100...
>> hihihihi
>> xD jangan marah dengan kata2 pedas ini.. (kalau nasib baik tak kena
>> quote)
>> On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 3:09 AM, riZer Enterprise<
>>> wrote:
>>> geng putera
>>> 2011/2/27 Haris bin Ali:
 Tradisi bisnes bumiputra Malaya?

>>> //

>>> On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 8:05 AM, red1  wrote:

> I just got this sms from a friend who knows nothing about IT,
> "Apa tu MY1OS?.. Budak2 sapu dana kerajaan saja".

>>>  This is not my opinion. I got the sms to prove for such an opinion
> from

Re: [osdcmy] Learning from Tahrir Square

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik rafe azsnal
well put Red1, very much is nice to see the world leader is mumbling
about small and petty stuff.. :)

i believed those who went to OSCONF 2009 hear that MDeC CEO mention
about the RM 10 Million funding to the Open Source Company again
COMPANY and it need to be an MSC COMPANY which applied and approve and
applied for funding... we didnt lie red1 and we did not fail...
between the year of 2009 till 2010 we funded 48 OPEN SOURCE pre-seed
which value 150k X 48 (do the math on your own) and we funded 6 MSC
COMPANY on MGS which value at 1.5Million X 6 (do the math again)...
xpe xpe because i baik hati let me give you the overall number 
jeng.. jeng..jeng.. total to RM 16.2 MILLION which we have exceed the
10MILLION cap. if you need the list of the company please do send us a
FORMAL LETTER requesting for the data and InsyaAllah we will consider
your request.

i would be bitter too if i do get my hand on some of the $$ which
again im telling you do the freeking paper work do it proper do it
according to what we ask by the book... :) again we dont bend the
rules for you sir...

every year MDeC do ask for the audited acc from our MSC company in
order for them to exclude themselves from tax and from there we see a
huge different on number which representing Open Source Company and
we're very proud of the work that we have done directly and

how can you said that we FAIL if all you have as proof is "habuk" this
has been happening twice already tuan accusing us without proof i feel
sad for you and i feel sad that you think of us the way that you want
to think.

late last year i told the community where we will step back and the
community need to lead not only on the conference but on the overall
state of the movement. i personally have wash my hand on the OSS
portfolio but i never turn down anyone who ask for our help. we still
stand strong with every one here but being butcher like this making us
felt that NO making me feel useless to help you and the rest. what the
purpose if none is being appreciated? and none being remember?

sit down and think hard my brother Red1 my teacher Red1 be what that
you have thought me to be dont go as low as this you are not this man
you are better. and do thing better. InsyaAllah tuhan tu maha adil dan
saksama kalau rasa dianaya tak kan Dia biarkan kita merana.

take care dear World Leader, may the force be with you.


On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 7:17 PM, red1  wrote:
> Terima kasih kerana memberi keprihatinan yang mendalam walaupun saya
> bukanlah mengunakan nickname female yang mampu menarik perhatian sptmn yg
> lain. Kita semua tahu bahawa setiap amalan kita bergerak dari niat (as our
> friend thinks sex is a good intention, but it is, as part of nature).
> Pada asasnya, sesebuah gerakan NGO meletakkan niat yang bersifat visi atau
> visionary dan bukannya kebajikan atau welfare semata-mata. Ya, memang ada
> welfare dalam gerak-kerja kita, dan saya terlibat secara langsung apabila
> mengeluarkan rahsia-rahsia kod dan kaedah ERP kepada dunia selama 7 tahun
> kebelakangan ini. Negara kita pun ada kebajikan - Kementerian Kebajikan
> namanya. Tetapi cubalah mintak. Takkan dapat, kerana syaratnya ketat.
> Lagipun bukanlah niat negara kita atau mana-mana negara (hatta negara
> Komunis) mampu bersifat kebajikan tanpa sesebuah visi yang membina ekonomi
> negara. Itu sebabnya negara komunis amat gagal kerana tiada insentif besar
> yang diletakkan di depan mata kita (selain seks bagi nafsu-nafsi kelas lebih
> bawah).
> Bagi kita yang ingin memperjuangkan sesuatu bukan setakat periuk nasi
> masing-masing, tetapi kebaikan untuk generasi akan, hendaklah melihat kepada
> fungsi politik yang lebih wajar, iaitu kembali kepada apa asasnya atau
> maksudnya sesebuah gerakan NGO. Kita mampu sebagai NGO dan perlu sebagai
> dasar untuk berdepan dengan establishment kerana sifat NGO adalah pressure
> group (selain cooperative grouping atau welfare interest). Sedihnya ramai
> daripada kita terutamanya dalam kerajaan hari ini tidak membaca social
> contract Voltaire dimana apabila rakyat sudah membayar sejumlah cukai yang
> besar dari segala aktiviti ekonominya, maka kerajaan mempunyai tanggungjawab
> mengembalikan jumlah tersebut dengan setimpalnya.
> Ramai yang menganggap seolah perjuangan kita adalah kebajikan semata-mata
> dan seolah-olah kita perlu mengemis dengan ihsan kerajaan untuk mendapat
> secebis perhatian atau peruntukkan.
> No, that is blady nonsensical. Ini adalah hak mutlak kita, sebagai rakyat,
> yang berlesen pengundi, ber IC biru, berumur akil baligh dan Law Abiding
> Citizens untuk mendapat layanan yg sewajarnya.
> Tetapi setakat ini kita tidak bergerak lebih daripada yang remeh-temeh dan
> biasa. Kita perlu mengeluarkan satu memoranda keras kepada kerajaan (do them
> a favour) supaya mengambil perhatian yang serius dan mengotakan apa jua
> janji dari MDec misalnya.
> I believe the PM is not even aware of us nor aware that MDec has failed in
> its j

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik simpleLinux
Pay RM 100 and then someone will be at your house... xD (kidding)

download links is not available tho.. hmm.. buying it is a mandatory la Cik

On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 11:01 PM, Soire Meira  wrote:

> erk.. apa kes ni? ada my1OS.. hu3 nk satu CD.. nk try la.. xkn xblh kot..
> xpun bg je link blh sy download..
> 2011/2/27 simpleLinux <>
>> nope, who said I have not yet tested the my1os?
>> sorry, it's just my opinion.. as said by sweemeng ng, we are harmless.. ;p
>> don't worry
>> (p/s do not be TOO PROUD it will make you a failure)
>> On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 8:58 PM, red1  wrote:
>>> Dev,
>>> Since i started this thread and now i know that the accusation is
>>> baseless, i withdraw this accusation with sincere apology. Hope to meet up
>>> with your team to figure out 'perjuangan yang lebih besar' :)
>>> On 2/27/11 8:18 PM, Dev wrote:
 Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera pada semua.

 I'm thrill to this thread and issues address by my honorable members.
 Thank you for bringing this up to us. We do appreciate all views and
 criticism positively.But i can't hesitate to ask, do you guys have
 evidence support such accusation saying that we're "sapu duit gomen" .
 If so, would kindly please present (in flesh and blood) your
 accusations regarding this issue. I'd love to see it.

 I appreciate your views on our products, if you want to purchase from
 us, do send me an email with your contact details and payment so that
 i can personally send it to your doorstep. Holding grudge againts us
 doesn't make any of the situation good. We are in the opensource
 world, i'm asking you as a sign of good faith or brother-in-arms, to
 let it go and let the majority user who uses my1os judge us.

 Alas i may recall, maybe this is one of the reason as to why
 opensource in Malaysia doesn't well grown to maturity, as the factor
 of "holding grudge" againts and condemning each other comes into play.
 For goodness sake, we are one of you and you are one of us. We, the
 developer doesn't condemn each other, or do we? Or backstabbing
 someone and be hypocrite about it, do we? Just to clear this up, who
 is our real enemy? The real enemy is ourselves. Other than that, i
 rest my case.

 Above all, i would humbly ask for apology if there's any words coming
 from my keyboard and my mind that doesn't suit well to the majority of
 this mailing list as i would humbly remind myself that,

  "Think before you open your mouth"

 all the time.

 Have a nice weekend guys,

  Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera pada semua.

 On Feb 27, 2:22 pm, simpleLinux<>  wrote:

> Bak kata SM Salim " Apa Nak Jadi, Apa dah Jadi" hahahahaha..
> Pandangan saya: Diorang ni guna kerajaan untuk mempromosikan produk
> mereka
> dan berbangga dengan nya. Depa kutuk saya kata "Sekurang2 nya kami
> adalah
> sistem operasi "PERTAMA" yang mendapat pengiktirafan kerajaan" melalui
> replay di fb. dan mereka juga dapat mengaut keuntungan dengan alasan
> "sistem
> operasi ni takde virus la bro...".. masih menggunakan repo drpd Ubuntu
> ;p..
> nak guna model perniagaan Red Hat..
> mungkin boleh la diorang hire developer bijak (bijak?) diseluruh negara
> untuk membantu diorang sikit2 melumpuhkan nama Ubuntu drpd distribusi
> tu
> untuk menggantikannya dengan my1os utk mengaburi mata orang hahahaha..
> senangnya nak mengaut keuntungan drpd open source, dah nama "SUMBER
> rembat je, modify sikit2 tambah compiz fusion utk menarik minat orang
> lain,
> tambah key cain 30 sen dengan support 50 sen dan charge RM 100...
> hihihihi
> xD jangan marah dengan kata2 pedas ini.. (kalau nasib baik tak kena
> quote)
> On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 3:09 AM, riZer Enterprise<
>> wrote:
>> geng putera
>> 2011/2/27 Haris bin Ali:
>>> Tradisi bisnes bumiputra Malaya?
>> //
>> On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 8:05 AM, red1  wrote:
 I just got this sms from a friend who knows nothing about IT,
 "Apa tu MY1OS?.. Budak2 sapu dana kerajaan saja".

>>  This is not my opinion. I got the sms to prove for such an opinion

>>> a
>>> member of the public. I hate to be in controversy but what to do. We
 surrounded by it.

>>  I replied to him this,
 "Gomen malas berfikir. Inovasi kene fikir dalam2. Kene cari inovator
 cerdik, payah. Asyik

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Soire Meira
erk.. apa kes ni? ada my1OS.. hu3 nk satu CD.. nk try la.. xkn xblh kot..
xpun bg je link blh sy download..

2011/2/27 simpleLinux <>

> nope, who said I have not yet tested the my1os?
> sorry, it's just my opinion.. as said by sweemeng ng, we are harmless.. ;p
> don't worry
> (p/s do not be TOO PROUD it will make you a failure)
> On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 8:58 PM, red1  wrote:
>> Dev,
>> Since i started this thread and now i know that the accusation is
>> baseless, i withdraw this accusation with sincere apology. Hope to meet up
>> with your team to figure out 'perjuangan yang lebih besar' :)
>> On 2/27/11 8:18 PM, Dev wrote:
>>> Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera pada semua.
>>> I'm thrill to this thread and issues address by my honorable members.
>>> Thank you for bringing this up to us. We do appreciate all views and
>>> criticism positively.But i can't hesitate to ask, do you guys have
>>> evidence support such accusation saying that we're "sapu duit gomen" .
>>> If so, would kindly please present (in flesh and blood) your
>>> accusations regarding this issue. I'd love to see it.
>>> @simpleLinux
>>> I appreciate your views on our products, if you want to purchase from
>>> us, do send me an email with your contact details and payment so that
>>> i can personally send it to your doorstep. Holding grudge againts us
>>> doesn't make any of the situation good. We are in the opensource
>>> world, i'm asking you as a sign of good faith or brother-in-arms, to
>>> let it go and let the majority user who uses my1os judge us.
>>> Alas i may recall, maybe this is one of the reason as to why
>>> opensource in Malaysia doesn't well grown to maturity, as the factor
>>> of "holding grudge" againts and condemning each other comes into play.
>>> For goodness sake, we are one of you and you are one of us. We, the
>>> developer doesn't condemn each other, or do we? Or backstabbing
>>> someone and be hypocrite about it, do we? Just to clear this up, who
>>> is our real enemy? The real enemy is ourselves. Other than that, i
>>> rest my case.
>>> Above all, i would humbly ask for apology if there's any words coming
>>> from my keyboard and my mind that doesn't suit well to the majority of
>>> this mailing list as i would humbly remind myself that,
>>>  "Think before you open your mouth"
>>> all the time.
>>> Have a nice weekend guys,
>>>  Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera pada semua.
>>> On Feb 27, 2:22 pm, simpleLinux<>  wrote:
 Bak kata SM Salim " Apa Nak Jadi, Apa dah Jadi" hahahahaha..

 Pandangan saya: Diorang ni guna kerajaan untuk mempromosikan produk
 dan berbangga dengan nya. Depa kutuk saya kata "Sekurang2 nya kami
 sistem operasi "PERTAMA" yang mendapat pengiktirafan kerajaan" melalui
 replay di fb. dan mereka juga dapat mengaut keuntungan dengan alasan
 operasi ni takde virus la bro...".. masih menggunakan repo drpd Ubuntu
 nak guna model perniagaan Red Hat..

 mungkin boleh la diorang hire developer bijak (bijak?) diseluruh negara
 untuk membantu diorang sikit2 melumpuhkan nama Ubuntu drpd distribusi tu
 untuk menggantikannya dengan my1os utk mengaburi mata orang hahahaha..
 senangnya nak mengaut keuntungan drpd open source, dah nama "SUMBER
 rembat je, modify sikit2 tambah compiz fusion utk menarik minat orang
 tambah key cain 30 sen dengan support 50 sen dan charge RM 100...
 xD jangan marah dengan kata2 pedas ini.. (kalau nasib baik tak kena

 On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 3:09 AM, riZer Enterprise<

> wrote:
> geng putera

> 2011/2/27 Haris bin Ali:
>> Tradisi bisnes bumiputra Malaya?

> //

> On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 8:05 AM, red1  wrote:
>>> I just got this sms from a friend who knows nothing about IT,
>>> "Apa tu MY1OS?.. Budak2 sapu dana kerajaan saja".

> This is not my opinion. I got the sms to prove for such an opinion from
>> a
>> member of the public. I hate to be in controversy but what to do. We
>>> are
>>> surrounded by it.

> I replied to him this,
>>> "Gomen malas berfikir. Inovasi kene fikir dalam2. Kene cari inovator
>>> yg
>>> cerdik, payah. Asyik yg kaki hentam belaka, kononnya terlalu high
>>> std.
>> Maka
>> sapu jela lagi senang. Lagipun, cepat dapat, cepat makan bersama-sama.
>> :)"

>> --
>> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> MOSC2011

[osdcmy] FLOSS in Watson

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik sweemeng ng
For those that remember Watson the Supercomputer that plays Jeapardy
recently. The article from Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Intelligence magazine, describe on Watson and the OpenQA project.

Apparently they uses a few open source component,

They use UIMA for text processing, and producing annotation (meta data in a
way)that is usable for computer

And they apache hadoop, to distribute the text processing job to several
computer to make it faster.

enjoy the read(though it can be a bit heavy)

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MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik simpleLinux
nope, who said I have not yet tested the my1os?

sorry, it's just my opinion.. as said by sweemeng ng, we are harmless.. ;p
don't worry

(p/s do not be TOO PROUD it will make you a failure)

On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 8:58 PM, red1  wrote:

> Dev,
> Since i started this thread and now i know that the accusation is baseless,
> i withdraw this accusation with sincere apology. Hope to meet up with your
> team to figure out 'perjuangan yang lebih besar' :)
> On 2/27/11 8:18 PM, Dev wrote:
>> Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera pada semua.
>> I'm thrill to this thread and issues address by my honorable members.
>> Thank you for bringing this up to us. We do appreciate all views and
>> criticism positively.But i can't hesitate to ask, do you guys have
>> evidence support such accusation saying that we're "sapu duit gomen" .
>> If so, would kindly please present (in flesh and blood) your
>> accusations regarding this issue. I'd love to see it.
>> @simpleLinux
>> I appreciate your views on our products, if you want to purchase from
>> us, do send me an email with your contact details and payment so that
>> i can personally send it to your doorstep. Holding grudge againts us
>> doesn't make any of the situation good. We are in the opensource
>> world, i'm asking you as a sign of good faith or brother-in-arms, to
>> let it go and let the majority user who uses my1os judge us.
>> Alas i may recall, maybe this is one of the reason as to why
>> opensource in Malaysia doesn't well grown to maturity, as the factor
>> of "holding grudge" againts and condemning each other comes into play.
>> For goodness sake, we are one of you and you are one of us. We, the
>> developer doesn't condemn each other, or do we? Or backstabbing
>> someone and be hypocrite about it, do we? Just to clear this up, who
>> is our real enemy? The real enemy is ourselves. Other than that, i
>> rest my case.
>> Above all, i would humbly ask for apology if there's any words coming
>> from my keyboard and my mind that doesn't suit well to the majority of
>> this mailing list as i would humbly remind myself that,
>>  "Think before you open your mouth"
>> all the time.
>> Have a nice weekend guys,
>>  Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera pada semua.
>> On Feb 27, 2:22 pm, simpleLinux<>  wrote:
>>> Bak kata SM Salim " Apa Nak Jadi, Apa dah Jadi" hahahahaha..
>>> Pandangan saya: Diorang ni guna kerajaan untuk mempromosikan produk
>>> mereka
>>> dan berbangga dengan nya. Depa kutuk saya kata "Sekurang2 nya kami adalah
>>> sistem operasi "PERTAMA" yang mendapat pengiktirafan kerajaan" melalui
>>> replay di fb. dan mereka juga dapat mengaut keuntungan dengan alasan
>>> "sistem
>>> operasi ni takde virus la bro...".. masih menggunakan repo drpd Ubuntu
>>> ;p..
>>> nak guna model perniagaan Red Hat..
>>> mungkin boleh la diorang hire developer bijak (bijak?) diseluruh negara
>>> untuk membantu diorang sikit2 melumpuhkan nama Ubuntu drpd distribusi tu
>>> untuk menggantikannya dengan my1os utk mengaburi mata orang hahahaha..
>>> senangnya nak mengaut keuntungan drpd open source, dah nama "SUMBER
>>> rembat je, modify sikit2 tambah compiz fusion utk menarik minat orang
>>> lain,
>>> tambah key cain 30 sen dengan support 50 sen dan charge RM 100...
>>> hihihihi
>>> xD jangan marah dengan kata2 pedas ini.. (kalau nasib baik tak kena
>>> quote)
>>> On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 3:09 AM, riZer Enterprise<
 geng putera

 2011/2/27 Haris bin Ali:

> Tradisi bisnes bumiputra Malaya?


 On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 8:05 AM, red1  wrote:
>> I just got this sms from a friend who knows nothing about IT,
>> "Apa tu MY1OS?.. Budak2 sapu dana kerajaan saja".
 This is not my opinion. I got the sms to prove for such an opinion from
> a

> member of the public. I hate to be in controversy but what to do. We
>> are
>> surrounded by it.
 I replied to him this,
>> "Gomen malas berfikir. Inovasi kene fikir dalam2. Kene cari inovator
>> yg
>> cerdik, payah. Asyik yg kaki hentam belaka, kononnya terlalu high std.
> Maka

> sapu jela lagi senang. Lagipun, cepat dapat, cepat makan bersama-sama.
> :)"

> --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011
> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

*Fariz Luqman*
The Chairman of SimpleLinux

"There IS a Malaysian Linux Distro"


To uns

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik red1

Since i started this thread and now i know that the accusation is 
baseless, i withdraw this accusation with sincere apology. Hope to meet 
up with your team to figure out 'perjuangan yang lebih besar' :)

On 2/27/11 8:18 PM, Dev wrote:

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera pada semua.

I'm thrill to this thread and issues address by my honorable members.
Thank you for bringing this up to us. We do appreciate all views and
criticism positively.But i can't hesitate to ask, do you guys have
evidence support such accusation saying that we're "sapu duit gomen" .
If so, would kindly please present (in flesh and blood) your
accusations regarding this issue. I'd love to see it.

I appreciate your views on our products, if you want to purchase from
us, do send me an email with your contact details and payment so that
i can personally send it to your doorstep. Holding grudge againts us
doesn't make any of the situation good. We are in the opensource
world, i'm asking you as a sign of good faith or brother-in-arms, to
let it go and let the majority user who uses my1os judge us.

Alas i may recall, maybe this is one of the reason as to why
opensource in Malaysia doesn't well grown to maturity, as the factor
of "holding grudge" againts and condemning each other comes into play.
For goodness sake, we are one of you and you are one of us. We, the
developer doesn't condemn each other, or do we? Or backstabbing
someone and be hypocrite about it, do we? Just to clear this up, who
is our real enemy? The real enemy is ourselves. Other than that, i
rest my case.

Above all, i would humbly ask for apology if there's any words coming
from my keyboard and my mind that doesn't suit well to the majority of
this mailing list as i would humbly remind myself that,

  "Think before you open your mouth"

all the time.

Have a nice weekend guys,

  Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera pada semua.

On Feb 27, 2:22 pm, simpleLinux<>  wrote:

Bak kata SM Salim " Apa Nak Jadi, Apa dah Jadi" hahahahaha..

Pandangan saya: Diorang ni guna kerajaan untuk mempromosikan produk mereka
dan berbangga dengan nya. Depa kutuk saya kata "Sekurang2 nya kami adalah
sistem operasi "PERTAMA" yang mendapat pengiktirafan kerajaan" melalui
replay di fb. dan mereka juga dapat mengaut keuntungan dengan alasan "sistem
operasi ni takde virus la bro...".. masih menggunakan repo drpd Ubuntu ;p..
nak guna model perniagaan Red Hat..

mungkin boleh la diorang hire developer bijak (bijak?) diseluruh negara
untuk membantu diorang sikit2 melumpuhkan nama Ubuntu drpd distribusi tu
untuk menggantikannya dengan my1os utk mengaburi mata orang hahahaha..
senangnya nak mengaut keuntungan drpd open source, dah nama "SUMBER TERBUKA"
rembat je, modify sikit2 tambah compiz fusion utk menarik minat orang lain,
tambah key cain 30 sen dengan support 50 sen dan charge RM 100... hihihihi
xD jangan marah dengan kata2 pedas ini.. (kalau nasib baik tak kena quote)

On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 3:09 AM, riZer Enterprise 

geng putera

2011/2/27 Haris bin Ali:

Tradisi bisnes bumiputra Malaya?


On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 8:05 AM, red1  wrote:

I just got this sms from a friend who knows nothing about IT,
"Apa tu MY1OS?.. Budak2 sapu dana kerajaan saja".

This is not my opinion. I got the sms to prove for such an opinion from


member of the public. I hate to be in controversy but what to do. We are
surrounded by it.

I replied to him this,
"Gomen malas berfikir. Inovasi kene fikir dalam2. Kene cari inovator yg
cerdik, payah. Asyik yg kaki hentam belaka, kononnya terlalu high std.


sapu jela lagi senang. Lagipun, cepat dapat, cepat makan bersama-sama.


To unsubscribe from and detail about this group


MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik sweemeng ng
Actually don't worry about them too much, some members foss community may
seems very opinionated. They usually harmless. We are from many layers of
life, thus all will have a different opinion of stuff.

The sapu duit argument is always been in Malaysian mouth. Every time govt
use money, for positive or negative, they will just say it is wasting money.
Everybody seems to want the money for subsidy only, hmmm. Of course there is
this administration track record, though that would be another debate

p.s I hope that that just because some of us here, you loses hope to the
local community

On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 8:18 PM, Dev  wrote:

> Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera pada semua.
> I'm thrill to this thread and issues address by my honorable members.
> Thank you for bringing this up to us. We do appreciate all views and
> criticism positively.But i can't hesitate to ask, do you guys have
> evidence support such accusation saying that we're "sapu duit gomen" .
> If so, would kindly please present (in flesh and blood) your
> accusations regarding this issue. I'd love to see it.
> @simpleLinux
> I appreciate your views on our products, if you want to purchase from
> us, do send me an email with your contact details and payment so that
> i can personally send it to your doorstep. Holding grudge againts us
> doesn't make any of the situation good. We are in the opensource
> world, i'm asking you as a sign of good faith or brother-in-arms, to
> let it go and let the majority user who uses my1os judge us.
> Alas i may recall, maybe this is one of the reason as to why
> opensource in Malaysia doesn't well grown to maturity, as the factor
> of "holding grudge" againts and condemning each other comes into play.
> For goodness sake, we are one of you and you are one of us. We, the
> developer doesn't condemn each other, or do we? Or backstabbing
> someone and be hypocrite about it, do we? Just to clear this up, who
> is our real enemy? The real enemy is ourselves. Other than that, i
> rest my case.
> Above all, i would humbly ask for apology if there's any words coming
> from my keyboard and my mind that doesn't suit well to the majority of
> this mailing list as i would humbly remind myself that,
>  "Think before you open your mouth"
> all the time.
> Have a nice weekend guys,
>  Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera pada semua.
> On Feb 27, 2:22 pm, simpleLinux <> wrote:
> > Bak kata SM Salim " Apa Nak Jadi, Apa dah Jadi" hahahahaha..
> >
> > Pandangan saya: Diorang ni guna kerajaan untuk mempromosikan produk
> mereka
> > dan berbangga dengan nya. Depa kutuk saya kata "Sekurang2 nya kami adalah
> > sistem operasi "PERTAMA" yang mendapat pengiktirafan kerajaan" melalui
> > replay di fb. dan mereka juga dapat mengaut keuntungan dengan alasan
> "sistem
> > operasi ni takde virus la bro...".. masih menggunakan repo drpd Ubuntu
> ;p..
> > nak guna model perniagaan Red Hat..
> >
> > mungkin boleh la diorang hire developer bijak (bijak?) diseluruh negara
> > untuk membantu diorang sikit2 melumpuhkan nama Ubuntu drpd distribusi tu
> > untuk menggantikannya dengan my1os utk mengaburi mata orang hahahaha..
> > senangnya nak mengaut keuntungan drpd open source, dah nama "SUMBER
> > rembat je, modify sikit2 tambah compiz fusion utk menarik minat orang
> lain,
> > tambah key cain 30 sen dengan support 50 sen dan charge RM 100...
> hihihihi
> > xD jangan marah dengan kata2 pedas ini.. (kalau nasib baik tak kena
> quote)
> >
> > On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 3:09 AM, riZer Enterprise <
> >
> >
> >
> > > wrote:
> > > geng putera
> >
> > > 2011/2/27 Haris bin Ali :
> > > > Tradisi bisnes bumiputra Malaya?
> >
> > > > //
> >
> > > > On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 8:05 AM, red1  wrote:
> > > >> I just got this sms from a friend who knows nothing about IT,
> > > >> "Apa tu MY1OS?.. Budak2 sapu dana kerajaan saja".
> >
> > > >> This is not my opinion. I got the sms to prove for such an opinion
> from
> > > a
> > > >> member of the public. I hate to be in controversy but what to do. We
> are
> > > >> surrounded by it.
> >
> > > >> I replied to him this,
> > > >> "Gomen malas berfikir. Inovasi kene fikir dalam2. Kene cari inovator
> yg
> > > >> cerdik, payah. Asyik yg kaki hentam belaka, kononnya terlalu high
> std.
> > > Maka
> > > >> sapu jela lagi senang. Lagipun, cepat dapat, cepat makan
> bersama-sama.
> > > :)"
> >
> > > >> --
> > > >> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> > > >>
> >
> > > >> MOSC2011
> >
> > > >> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
> > > >>
> >
> > > > --
> > > > To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> > >
> >
> > > > MOSC2011
> >
> > > > MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
> >

[osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Dev
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera pada semua.

I'm thrill to this thread and issues address by my honorable members.
Thank you for bringing this up to us. We do appreciate all views and
criticism positively.But i can't hesitate to ask, do you guys have
evidence support such accusation saying that we're "sapu duit gomen" .
If so, would kindly please present (in flesh and blood) your
accusations regarding this issue. I'd love to see it.

I appreciate your views on our products, if you want to purchase from
us, do send me an email with your contact details and payment so that
i can personally send it to your doorstep. Holding grudge againts us
doesn't make any of the situation good. We are in the opensource
world, i'm asking you as a sign of good faith or brother-in-arms, to
let it go and let the majority user who uses my1os judge us.

Alas i may recall, maybe this is one of the reason as to why
opensource in Malaysia doesn't well grown to maturity, as the factor
of "holding grudge" againts and condemning each other comes into play.
For goodness sake, we are one of you and you are one of us. We, the
developer doesn't condemn each other, or do we? Or backstabbing
someone and be hypocrite about it, do we? Just to clear this up, who
is our real enemy? The real enemy is ourselves. Other than that, i
rest my case.

Above all, i would humbly ask for apology if there's any words coming
from my keyboard and my mind that doesn't suit well to the majority of
this mailing list as i would humbly remind myself that,

 "Think before you open your mouth"

all the time.

Have a nice weekend guys,

 Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera pada semua.

On Feb 27, 2:22 pm, simpleLinux <> wrote:
> Bak kata SM Salim " Apa Nak Jadi, Apa dah Jadi" hahahahaha..
> Pandangan saya: Diorang ni guna kerajaan untuk mempromosikan produk mereka
> dan berbangga dengan nya. Depa kutuk saya kata "Sekurang2 nya kami adalah
> sistem operasi "PERTAMA" yang mendapat pengiktirafan kerajaan" melalui
> replay di fb. dan mereka juga dapat mengaut keuntungan dengan alasan "sistem
> operasi ni takde virus la bro...".. masih menggunakan repo drpd Ubuntu ;p..
> nak guna model perniagaan Red Hat..
> mungkin boleh la diorang hire developer bijak (bijak?) diseluruh negara
> untuk membantu diorang sikit2 melumpuhkan nama Ubuntu drpd distribusi tu
> untuk menggantikannya dengan my1os utk mengaburi mata orang hahahaha..
> senangnya nak mengaut keuntungan drpd open source, dah nama "SUMBER TERBUKA"
> rembat je, modify sikit2 tambah compiz fusion utk menarik minat orang lain,
> tambah key cain 30 sen dengan support 50 sen dan charge RM 100... hihihihi
> xD jangan marah dengan kata2 pedas ini.. (kalau nasib baik tak kena quote)
> On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 3:09 AM, riZer Enterprise 
> > wrote:
> > geng putera
> > 2011/2/27 Haris bin Ali :
> > > Tradisi bisnes bumiputra Malaya?
> > > //
> > > On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 8:05 AM, red1  wrote:
> > >> I just got this sms from a friend who knows nothing about IT,
> > >> "Apa tu MY1OS?.. Budak2 sapu dana kerajaan saja".
> > >> This is not my opinion. I got the sms to prove for such an opinion from
> > a
> > >> member of the public. I hate to be in controversy but what to do. We are
> > >> surrounded by it.
> > >> I replied to him this,
> > >> "Gomen malas berfikir. Inovasi kene fikir dalam2. Kene cari inovator yg
> > >> cerdik, payah. Asyik yg kaki hentam belaka, kononnya terlalu high std.
> > Maka
> > >> sapu jela lagi senang. Lagipun, cepat dapat, cepat makan bersama-sama.
> > :)"
> > >> --
> > >> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> > >>
> > >> MOSC2011
> > >> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
> > >>
> > > --
> > > To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> >
> > > MOSC2011
> > > MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
> > >
> > --
> > To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> >
> > MOSC2011
> > MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
> >
> --
> *Fariz Luqman*
> The Chairman of SimpleLinux
> Visit:
> Fb:
> "There IS a Malaysian Linux Distro"
> ---
> Facebook:

To unsubscribe from and detail about this group


MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Fwd: missing dependencies

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
Sila download pakej ziplib dari URL berikut dan install, sebelum install
aplikasi tersebut

2011/2/27 riZer Enterprise 

> -- Forwarded message --
> From: riZer Enterprise 
> Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 00:53:02 +0800
> Subject: missing dependencies
> To:
> OK gambar dah ok shutter bug tak set betul nama pun shutterBUG hehehe
> dear friends,
> Could you pls help; rasa malu nak tanya kerana menampakkan ketakpandaian
> saya
> but i still need your help. macam mana nak tambah depends: libzip >=
> 0.9-i486-1
> pada vector linux 6.0 lite saya.
> Saya berjaya meng'install game openlierox kalau guna VL5.9 lite tapi
> tak leh kalu guna vl6.0. saya minat game ni sebab keganasan dia hehehe
> thanks
> azhar
> --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011
> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan

To unsubscribe from and detail about this group


MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

Re: [osdcmy] Learning from Tahrir Square

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik red1

Terima kasih kerana memberi keprihatinan yang mendalam walaupun saya
bukanlah mengunakan nickname female yang mampu menarik perhatian sptmn
yg lain. Kita semua tahu bahawa setiap amalan kita bergerak dari niat
(as our friend thinks sex is a good intention, but it is, as part of

Pada asasnya, sesebuah gerakan NGO meletakkan niat yang bersifat visi
atau visionary dan bukannya kebajikan atau welfare semata-mata. Ya,
memang ada welfare dalam gerak-kerja kita, dan saya terlibat secara
langsung apabila mengeluarkan rahsia-rahsia kod dan kaedah ERP kepada
dunia selama 7 tahun kebelakangan ini. Negara kita pun ada kebajikan -
Kementerian Kebajikan namanya. Tetapi cubalah mintak. Takkan dapat,
kerana syaratnya ketat. Lagipun bukanlah niat negara kita atau
mana-mana negara (hatta negara Komunis) mampu bersifat kebajikan tanpa
sesebuah visi yang membina ekonomi negara. Itu sebabnya negara komunis
amat gagal kerana tiada insentif besar yang diletakkan di depan mata
kita (selain seks bagi nafsu-nafsi kelas lebih bawah).

Bagi kita yang ingin memperjuangkan sesuatu bukan setakat periuk nasi
masing-masing, tetapi kebaikan untuk generasi akan, hendaklah melihat
kepada fungsi politik yang lebih wajar, iaitu kembali kepada apa
asasnya atau maksudnya sesebuah gerakan NGO. Kita mampu sebagai NGO dan
perlu sebagai dasar untuk berdepan dengan establishment kerana sifat
NGO adalah pressure group (selain cooperative grouping atau welfare
interest). Sedihnya ramai daripada kita terutamanya dalam kerajaan hari
ini tidak membaca social contract Voltaire dimana apabila rakyat sudah
membayar sejumlah cukai yang besar dari segala aktiviti ekonominya,
maka kerajaan mempunyai tanggungjawab mengembalikan jumlah tersebut
dengan setimpalnya.

Ramai yang menganggap seolah perjuangan kita adalah kebajikan
semata-mata dan seolah-olah kita perlu mengemis dengan ihsan kerajaan
untuk mendapat secebis perhatian atau peruntukkan.

No, that is blady nonsensical. Ini adalah hak mutlak kita, sebagai
rakyat, yang berlesen pengundi, ber IC biru, berumur akil baligh dan
Law Abiding Citizens untuk mendapat layanan yg sewajarnya.

Tetapi setakat ini kita tidak bergerak lebih daripada yang remeh-temeh
dan biasa. Kita perlu mengeluarkan satu memoranda keras kepada kerajaan
(do them a favour) supaya mengambil perhatian yang serius dan
mengotakan apa jua janji dari MDec misalnya.

I believe the PM is not even aware of us nor aware that MDec has failed
in its job. It is not MDec's role to tell its boss if it fails. It is
the job of the NGOs.

Get it? Sexists included. :)

Yours Sincerely,

On 2/27/11 4:59 PM, simpleLinux wrote:
good1... +1!
  for this I agreed.. ;p rather than using the name of the
government (that wuz done by **1**) we can arise and show the world
what FOSS *in general can do. let's get into the crowd and support the
Open Source community Malaysia... we can form a big communities of of
the smaller communities. we can contribute something instead of
just criticizing like the world is ours.. so that we can share codes,
or at least share information.. theehee xD 
  On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 10:04 AM,
Harisfazillah Jamel 

The adhoc committee is here red1. Its all of us in this list. What we
are doing now in this list and discussion and meetup is the kick ass,
to the government.

But we are doing it in our way.

We need to show to GOV that OSS community is here. We need to have
workshops of OSS knowledge sharing across Malaysia, we need to have
IPTA and IPTS to have OSS day, we need to get big conference one a
year going at our own "tahrir square", we need contribution upstream
start from Pasukan Terjemahan, we need to push for certification in
OSS, so big-big companies can invest here and use our human resources.

We need to have a bigger crowd of OSS contributors and supporter in
Malaysia so we can have the political mileage. The biggest crowd in

To tell you the truth, we don't have that mileage yet. We need to
buildup our community first.

We need community leaders, OSS community teach us everyone can
contribute, so everyone can be a leaders. This leaders need to get
their community going and need to set their goal right.

We in (this list) will try to cater all the above but its all
depend from the support of all OSS community in Malaysia.

Their is NO unwritten policy of supporting proprietary software, its a
written policy to pick the right company and software that can cater
to agencies need. The most important are the support and kumpulan
pakar (expert).

And we in OSS industry, lack of its. I could not point to any local
OSS company that can have better support in OSS or have thats many
engineers, developers and management with OSS support.

And for menjadi pelobi. Yes we still can have that but we need to
prepare facts and figure. How big is the demand for OSS, how big is
our community and what impact can

Re: [osdcmy] Learning from Tahrir Square

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik simpleLinux
typo (as always) of of > out of

On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 4:59 PM, simpleLinux <> wrote:

> good1... +1!
> for this I agreed.. ;p rather than using the name of the government (that
> wuz done by **1**) we can arise and show the world what FOSS *in general can
> do. let's get into the crowd and support the Open Source community
> Malaysia... we can form a big communities of of the
> smaller communities. we can contribute something instead of
> just criticizing like the world is ours.. so that we can share codes, or at
> least share information.. theehee xD
> On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 10:04 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel <
>> wrote:
>> Red1
>> The adhoc committee is here red1. Its all of us in this list. What we
>> are doing now in this list and discussion and meetup is the kick ass,
>> to the government.
>> But we are doing it in our way.
>> We need to show to GOV that OSS community is here. We need to have
>> workshops of OSS knowledge sharing across Malaysia, we need to have
>> IPTA and IPTS to have OSS day, we need to get big conference one a
>> year going at our own "tahrir square", we need contribution upstream
>> start from Pasukan Terjemahan, we need to push for certification in
>> OSS, so big-big companies can invest here and use our human resources.
>> We need to have a bigger crowd of OSS contributors and supporter in
>> Malaysia so we can have the political mileage. The biggest crowd in
>> OSS.
>> To tell you the truth, we don't have that mileage yet. We need to
>> buildup our community first.
>> We need community leaders, OSS community teach us everyone can
>> contribute, so everyone can be a leaders. This leaders need to get
>> their community going and need to set their goal right.
>> We in (this list) will try to cater all the above but its all
>> depend from the support of all OSS community in Malaysia.
>> Their is NO unwritten policy of supporting proprietary software, its a
>> written policy to pick the right company and software that can cater
>> to agencies need. The most important are the support and kumpulan
>> pakar (expert).
>> And we in OSS industry, lack of its. I could not point to any local
>> OSS company that can have better support in OSS or have thats many
>> engineers, developers and management with OSS support.
>> And for menjadi pelobi. Yes we still can have that but we need to
>> prepare facts and figure. How big is the demand for OSS, how big is
>> our community and what impact can we have in term of economy.
>> Red1 Im in for this adhoc committee, but we  need to disscuss points
>> and facts that we can used if we want this kumpulan pelobi to success.
>> and
>> Thank You to friends in MDeC and MAMPU thats keep on supporting us. If
>> you want them to keep on supporting us, we need to keep them in OSS
>> porfolio or seksyen. To do that we need to show numbers and support to
>> their bosses. Baru senang kita hendak melobi dan mereka membantu.
>> Komuniti OSS buka sahaja mengajar saya tentang gotong royong melakukan
>> sesuatu, malah jika mahu membuktikan sesuatu kita perlu melakukan ia
>> dahulu baru kita boleh minta orang lain turut bersama kita.
>> Thank you.
>> On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 8:58 PM, red1  wrote:
>> > Dear fellow inmates, i mean freedom fighters. Sorry for this but after
>> > watching lots of Al-Jazeerah, it finally hits me. We should no longer be
>> > afraid of voicing out our grievances against govt's depts inefficiencies
>> and
>> > failures in promoting local talent or at least believing in locals as
>> > budding technopreneurs who can one day succeed, given real support
>> instead
>> > of intimidation.
>> >
>> > No, no i am not saying that we are living under a 30 year dictatorship.
>> I am
>> > saying we are living in a P. Ramlee's era of been afraid to voice out
>> and
>> > that is why P. Ramlee died a pauper, broken man, broken in by his own
>> > country.
>> >
>> > What Tahrir's Square teaches us is that today's youth and mostly in
>> > are indeed hungry for change and self-sufficiency in using FOSS, but
>> lacked
>> > the support the govt supposedly is there for, which sadly comes in bits
>> and
>> > scraps, some big RM10m promise and then silence and denials as well as
>> > diversions and excuses. We are worse than Tahrir Square.
>> >
>> > Such big events happening across the thousand year history of Sahara
>> desert
>> > must bring something home to us. It must at least stir us to reach for
>> more
>> > solidarity and courage to kick ass. I once again call for the formation
>> of
>> > an adhoc committee (non-registered, to hell with ROS) for MOSS to put
>> > political pressure on the govt to change the unwritten policy of
>> supporting
>> > proprietary software and paying lip service to FOSS all this while.
>> >
>> > red1
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> >

Re: [osdcmy] Learning from Tahrir Square

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik simpleLinux
good1... +1!

for this I agreed.. ;p rather than using the name of the government (that
wuz done by **1**) we can arise and show the world what FOSS *in general can
do. let's get into the crowd and support the Open Source community
Malaysia... we can form a big communities of of the
smaller communities. we can contribute something instead of
just criticizing like the world is ours.. so that we can share codes, or at
least share information.. theehee xD

On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 10:04 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel <> wrote:

> Red1
> The adhoc committee is here red1. Its all of us in this list. What we
> are doing now in this list and discussion and meetup is the kick ass,
> to the government.
> But we are doing it in our way.
> We need to show to GOV that OSS community is here. We need to have
> workshops of OSS knowledge sharing across Malaysia, we need to have
> IPTA and IPTS to have OSS day, we need to get big conference one a
> year going at our own "tahrir square", we need contribution upstream
> start from Pasukan Terjemahan, we need to push for certification in
> OSS, so big-big companies can invest here and use our human resources.
> We need to have a bigger crowd of OSS contributors and supporter in
> Malaysia so we can have the political mileage. The biggest crowd in
> OSS.
> To tell you the truth, we don't have that mileage yet. We need to
> buildup our community first.
> We need community leaders, OSS community teach us everyone can
> contribute, so everyone can be a leaders. This leaders need to get
> their community going and need to set their goal right.
> We in (this list) will try to cater all the above but its all
> depend from the support of all OSS community in Malaysia.
> Their is NO unwritten policy of supporting proprietary software, its a
> written policy to pick the right company and software that can cater
> to agencies need. The most important are the support and kumpulan
> pakar (expert).
> And we in OSS industry, lack of its. I could not point to any local
> OSS company that can have better support in OSS or have thats many
> engineers, developers and management with OSS support.
> And for menjadi pelobi. Yes we still can have that but we need to
> prepare facts and figure. How big is the demand for OSS, how big is
> our community and what impact can we have in term of economy.
> Red1 Im in for this adhoc committee, but we  need to disscuss points
> and facts that we can used if we want this kumpulan pelobi to success.
> and
> Thank You to friends in MDeC and MAMPU thats keep on supporting us. If
> you want them to keep on supporting us, we need to keep them in OSS
> porfolio or seksyen. To do that we need to show numbers and support to
> their bosses. Baru senang kita hendak melobi dan mereka membantu.
> Komuniti OSS buka sahaja mengajar saya tentang gotong royong melakukan
> sesuatu, malah jika mahu membuktikan sesuatu kita perlu melakukan ia
> dahulu baru kita boleh minta orang lain turut bersama kita.
> Thank you.
> On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 8:58 PM, red1  wrote:
> > Dear fellow inmates, i mean freedom fighters. Sorry for this but after
> > watching lots of Al-Jazeerah, it finally hits me. We should no longer be
> > afraid of voicing out our grievances against govt's depts inefficiencies
> and
> > failures in promoting local talent or at least believing in locals as
> > budding technopreneurs who can one day succeed, given real support
> instead
> > of intimidation.
> >
> > No, no i am not saying that we are living under a 30 year dictatorship. I
> am
> > saying we are living in a P. Ramlee's era of been afraid to voice out and
> > that is why P. Ramlee died a pauper, broken man, broken in by his own
> > country.
> >
> > What Tahrir's Square teaches us is that today's youth and mostly in
> > are indeed hungry for change and self-sufficiency in using FOSS, but
> lacked
> > the support the govt supposedly is there for, which sadly comes in bits
> and
> > scraps, some big RM10m promise and then silence and denials as well as
> > diversions and excuses. We are worse than Tahrir Square.
> >
> > Such big events happening across the thousand year history of Sahara
> desert
> > must bring something home to us. It must at least stir us to reach for
> more
> > solidarity and courage to kick ass. I once again call for the formation
> of
> > an adhoc committee (non-registered, to hell with ROS) for MOSS to put
> > political pressure on the govt to change the unwritten policy of
> supporting
> > proprietary software and paying lip service to FOSS all this while.
> >
> > red1
> >
> >
> > --
> > To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> >
> >
> > MOSC2011
> >
> > MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
> >
> >
> --
> Malaysia Open Source Software Conference 2011