Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik red1

This time i have to give Boh some short kicks.

On 5/19/10 7:11 PM, Boh Yap wrote:

although I strongly disagree that Dr.M guided us well! Because of HIS myopic 
vision we
have a crappy car that is hardly world-class,
Dr. M did not build the cars. It is us crappy Malaysians that work in 
those 'chong' (factory) that build those crappy cars. The PM only does 
vision and motivation. He better does that right. Pak Lah did that 
wrong. He goes. When Najib screws up, he goes too. A leader better lead 
or get out of the way. And he better not hold the screw driver or i will 
sell my junk wira now.

  If there is a actual policy to use FOSS (instead of an advisory) that
would help.
I prefer an actual govt agency user. That is something MDec should do. 
Not entertain MSC companies that just want tax savings.

Contrast this with Msia, an equivalent Inst. would be MIMOS, they
never had any 'gwailo' experts, all their top people were from a
certain privilaged class (too politically sensitive to mention!). And
after all these years they achieved  ??
For the love of Allah, such cronies must go. Malaysia will grow. One 
reason i embraced Islam is that Allah said such cronies will be hisab 
(calculation done) by Allah on the Day of Judegement and they will not 
rot in hell but burn eternally. I have not seen Allah nor hell. I just 
read about it in the Bible and the Quran.

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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik red1
Some people said i talked to fast and they cannot even see the bullets. 
So here i have to do slow replayyy-yy-yy:

On 5/19/10 6:31 PM, rafe azsnal wrote:

red1, i am and still working for mdec,
Y-y-e-e-s-s-s. You are on MDec side. I am on my side. I cannot speak for 
MDec. I have no locus standi to say anything nice about it. I have my 
own sad side to pitch. And MDec cannot pitch for me cos it is not on my 
side. It is as you said on its side. Duh.

what ever it is when one say
something bad about mdec i just got to defensive mode when i need to
protect the company i am working with.
We are stating facts. Tell me something good about MDec. And it will 
open up more cans of worms on each quote of yours. We rakyat has facts, 
facts, and more facts.

i dont care if any of u attack
me personally or not it just me.

You got yourself in the way. A 200 ton train cannot stop just ...

if you coming to mdec to kick my arse please do so tuan and i will
surely kick your arse back again.

for your ass.



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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik red1

On 5/20/10 12:52 AM, CL Chow wrote:
Government needs to create positive intervention but not creating 
Good point CL, but the disease is too thick in the sinew. And we are not 
asking for confrontational revolution. We want rightly guided govt 
servants such as Rafe to stop, sit down, take out his cigar and think. 
There are loopholes in MDec, and he knows it. He is smart.

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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik red1

On 5/19/10 7:26 PM, BRIAN RITCHIE wrote:

  If I can convince a Financial Institution to use FOSS widely, I don't believe 
the Gov
can;t be convinced to eventually shift.
 This can be a hint to Rafe. Help us convince one fucking institution. 
Start with MDec.

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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik red1

On 5/19/10 7:11 PM, Boh Yap wrote:

Makes you think its better left to market forces..!
Dr Lester Thurow wrote about the billionaire nations pointed to this 
strange US Govt intervention of Bill Gates Microsoft. He postured that 
no such country exist where its federal govt stops its richest kid from 
eating up the world. But that is the anti-trust law which you would know 
why. There is also the Patriot Act, again lots of intervention. Also, 
refer to their education system which is now in shambles. Want more? 
Look at their health care issue. Then finally look at their war for oil 
campaigns. In short govt is evil. But do not take the Taliban path. Try 
Dr. M's pragmatism.

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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik red1
Not worth it. I mean as friends its not worth the fight. I am looking 
for a bigger fight in a bigger war. And from Brian's comments i am not 
sure if i should or you should try to beat or work the system to help 
us. As Brian, i am seriously doubtful cos the nature of politics is that 
you got to pitch a hell lot to get where you want. And that is tiring 
and take us away from our real coding kicking SAP ass and arse work.

So i won't be bothering you much cos i cannot afford to. The ADempiere 
project is now at serious gear with OSGI and that is my thermonuclear 
achievement to blow SAP for all of us.

But you can do this:
1. Find a loophole in the system as Dr. M did. :)

On 5/19/10 6:31 PM, rafe azsnal wrote:

red1, i am and still working for mdec, what ever it is when one say
something bad about mdec i just got to defensive mode when i need to
protect the company i am working with. i dont care if any of u attack
me personally or not it just me. but when it go as far as this i feel
it is my responsibility to protect it. as i have done to you time and
time again. red1 i always treat you as my friend and you are still my
friend and you know i'll help you till the limit of my authority. i
hope every one of you here realize that all of us are just plain human
being where we make mistake every second of the day and hoping we
learn from there.

if you coming to mdec to kick my arse please do so tuan and i will
surely kick your arse back again. :)

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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik red1

Dear Brian,
I woke up this morning to check the emails as last nite i was bit down 
and slept thru. Now i am answering each piece and each point one by 
one.  I open yours first.
Firstly i must say i am encouraged by your email (2nd one) as it throws 
a lot of goodness into the debate. Your line of thinking is what i would 
say give me hope that there is someone out there who put good points for 
our rightful intellects to chew on. I agree 99% with you.

The contentious 1% comes from this:
1. We are not a developed nation by design. We did not ask to be behind 
UK by default. It was done onto us by the British when they came here to 
suck us of all our bijih and getah and then gave us independence which 
is more of an indemnity clause that we do not sue them back for all they 
took from us. They eventually hold all the stock markets such as the Tin 
Exchange and Gold Exchange and so on.
2. We are also a multi racial country not by our design. I am a 4th 
generation chinese who suddenly wondered why he is born on a kiasu 
Island and grew up by the beach of Port Dickson of a thin Peninsula. 
Later I found out that i am a 2nd class citizen and my daughter who got 
3As and the rest Bs in the last SPM is not given a UM seat. The China i 
left behind was also sucked dry with opium from the British.
3. However when i was thick in opposition (as a PAS member who stood for 
elections against Daim the then Finance Minister in 1986), i began to 
know this creature called Dr. Mahathir and in 1993 encountered him from 
the gallery of Parliament and that changed my outlook. I found out that 
there is this thinking called pragmatism.

Pragmatism as i see it means you may play black to get white. It means 
you may play dirty to get  it right. It means doing the right things and 
not just doing things right. From then on i speak alot of him in my 
speeches and learnt of all things particularly MSC. I see heights and 
achievements where others see disgrace and demons.

I love Dr. M's slogan for the MSC, "Malaysia's Gift to the World". I 
hate the present MDec's "Driving 'dont know what shit' transformation". 
It is plain, cliche, salesmanese, and uninspiring. Dr. M inspired me 
that "yes i can!". And i did. So now, i wish to do the same to others. 
But MDec is in the way. It blocks the juice and that inspiration from 
the masses. It dominate the news and headlines as if it is the beacon 
and icon of transformation. Bit more below.

On 5/19/10 6:26 PM, BRIAN RITCHIE wrote:

I humbly diagree. As Entrepreneurs, we don't need anything more than
tax exemption. I believe the Gov does grant that for some startups
that perform well though currently I think its tied to the grant
scheme which I do not favor.

Correct. As MDec is blocking the way cos its budgeted to do so. I quote 
Dato Salleh Majid, when i was sitting with him at tea 2 months ago. He 
said that govt machinery hamper entrepreneurs and SMEs. SIMIDEC and SME 
Bank force the market away. So i am saying if MDec exists i has to play 
its role. If not, then get out of my way. Thus my contention here is to 
ask MDec to play what its original role was.

We are not a top world economy. Tun Dr. Mahathir applied that principle of
guided (read interference) very well to put us up there.
No European country has an MDec like ours. It is there to arrest the slow
process (USA took 200 years) of going thru evolution.
We are not going to repeat wars and market crashes to reach where USA is
today. We learnt from their past and thus M'sia has the benefit of
hindsight, and MDec can do wonders if it applys the right pedals to the
right rubber.

I disagree. Evolution as a whole relies not only in the hands of one
organization (MDec in this case - no offense to Rafe agn). People have
to evolve and change the mindset. Our first thoughts when encountering
a problem is, which agency to blame, etc etc. The Government has to
evolve to meet the need and growth of the public and the Internet has
enabled us. We are now without boundaries. So as we keep pushing, they
will be forced to move and evolve ( this is in the same metaphor that
we r not evolved. Not implying that we r backward). Honestly, I would
not engage the Gov and hope for them or any agency to start or push
something. Private companies are the usual experimenters that
influence the Gov. When you have giants pushing through and saying,
look, we need this done, they will move b/c they can't afford not too.

The world is not flat ( i actually wrote in some blog reply to that 'The 
World is Flat' author) as it is tilted due to disparity in history and 
resulting financial and social systems. In Berlin you are not mugged at 
3am (my daughter partied till 3am there) cos the poor immigrant is 
granted 650 euro dough money. Again, the West can do that due to its 
evolution and revolutions of 200 years of wars, coups, beheadings, 
besides entrepreneurship, decentralised guilds and apprenticeships. We 
must be allowed to do our

Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik CL Chow
Government needs to create positive intervention but not creating
dependencies. And opportunities and aids we really needed are not  necessary
has to be monetary. We need hands that kick start our engines not to push us
miles by miles. A platform to express not a platform for us to build upon.

But our current state is as stated by Swee Meng, they tend to hold too much
power and abuse them. And this abuse of power is one of the factor we lack
really positive competition. Frankly, our competition is more towards
competing for government's grant than competing in the sense of creativity
and innovation. Just let those brave and fresh ideas speak up, and who cares
the number of failure? What we want are the succeed!!! That's what built the
silicon valley. That's gladiator arena!!!

Look at the recent Diaspora, they are bunch of college kids average age
under 20!!! The guts to voice up and to execute is the key to really
success!!! Who cares if their plan really work out, who cares if they cannot
maintain it. Kick start then worry later!!! Our IT field cannot
afford procrastination anymore!!!

Thank you.

CL Chow
"Please do not send me Microsoft Office/Apple iWork documents. Send
OpenDocument instead!";

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 9:32 PM, sweemeng ng  wrote:

> Problem asking for govt, too much power lay into their hand, and power
> corrupt. Abuse more often than more happen, if you knows where.
> another is, govt is hardly the most efficient govt, lack of transparency
> and layers of bureaucracy will cause problem. it is slow and
> without scrutiny will make thing worst.
> people will do it for money, without with right attitude and thinking of it
> as easy money. people will do it with the wrong reason, without the right
> idea. Lack of funding help filter out these guys.
> Remember cyberjaya, it is hardly silicon valley, and btw silicon valley is
> not planned by govt..
> And remember many technology and invention comes from individuals and small
> group, air plane is not the result of multimillion dollar project, phone is
> done by a few individuals. early rocketry is by small groups, in which the
> group later join nazi germany
> But, with govt intervening correctly, it will work out. The internet is
> mostly from govt money, earliest computer is from air defense command, and
> btw in which concept in modern day OS developed.
> And many product is from research grants
> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 7:26 PM, BRIAN RITCHIE 
> wrote:
>> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 7:11 PM, Boh Yap  wrote:
>> > hi,
>> >
>> > I tend to agree with Red, we are too far behind to let purely 'market
>> > forces' do their work.
>> Again I disagree. There is nothing stopping us from getting ahead. If
>> Malaysia is a 3rd world country without Internet connection at most
>> places, then yes, we are far behind. The tech scene here is vibrant if
>> allowed to flourish and not beaten down by such grants models which
>> creates a culture of dependency. So called "Entrepreneurs" are no more
>> hungry to get their ideas out, instead they sit down and keep writing
>> applications year after year hoping for a windfall before starting.
>> An enlightened government can guide/persuade in
>> > certain directions and accelerate the process, although I strongly
>> > disagree that Dr.M guided us well!
>> Again here I disagree about the role of the Government ( not Dr. M .
>> Politics is the least of my concern here)
>>  Because of HIS myopic vision we
>> > have a crappy car that is hardly world-class,  where owning a car has
>> > become a major drain on personal finances but we have no choice becos
>> > of the poorly developed public transportion (to support the crappy car
>> > industry). Plus the English vs BM language policy muckup in education
>> > which is causing our Sc & Technology to fall even further behind!
>> > Makes you think its better left to market forces..!
>> I disagree. How about countries like China, Japan and Indonesia even
>> where the English Language is also not their primary focus and most of
>> them can hardly speak as well as us public school educated Malaysians.
>> Language has nothing to do with this.
>> >
>> > But no, Gov should guide and nurture, create opportunities but you
>> > need an enlighthened gov to do so. The people making decisions need to
>> > understand the subject matter, or have experts on hand that do. They
>> > shld help by creating opportunities, in the use of FOSS for e.g. If
>> > there is a actual policy to use FOSS (instead of an advisory) that
>> > would help.
>> The Gov is not the only client in Malaysia. If the larger market share
>> of SMEs are using FOSS due to cost effectiveness and when the Gov
>> realises that this model works, they will look into implementing it in
>> their depts because there are valid use cases. If I can convince a
>> Financial Institution to use FOSS widely, I don't believe the Gov
>> can;t be convin

Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik sweemeng ng
Problem asking for govt, too much power lay into their hand, and power
corrupt. Abuse more often than more happen, if you knows where.

another is, govt is hardly the most efficient govt, lack of transparency and
layers of bureaucracy will cause problem. it is slow and
without scrutiny will make thing worst.

people will do it for money, without with right attitude and thinking of it
as easy money. people will do it with the wrong reason, without the right
idea. Lack of funding help filter out these guys.

Remember cyberjaya, it is hardly silicon valley, and btw silicon valley is
not planned by govt..

And remember many technology and invention comes from individuals and small
group, air plane is not the result of multimillion dollar project, phone is
done by a few individuals. early rocketry is by small groups, in which the
group later join nazi germany

But, with govt intervening correctly, it will work out. The internet is
mostly from govt money, earliest computer is from air defense command, and
btw in which concept in modern day OS developed.
And many product is from research grants

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 7:26 PM, BRIAN RITCHIE wrote:

> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 7:11 PM, Boh Yap  wrote:
> > hi,
> >
> > I tend to agree with Red, we are too far behind to let purely 'market
> > forces' do their work.
> Again I disagree. There is nothing stopping us from getting ahead. If
> Malaysia is a 3rd world country without Internet connection at most
> places, then yes, we are far behind. The tech scene here is vibrant if
> allowed to flourish and not beaten down by such grants models which
> creates a culture of dependency. So called "Entrepreneurs" are no more
> hungry to get their ideas out, instead they sit down and keep writing
> applications year after year hoping for a windfall before starting.
> An enlightened government can guide/persuade in
> > certain directions and accelerate the process, although I strongly
> > disagree that Dr.M guided us well!
> Again here I disagree about the role of the Government ( not Dr. M .
> Politics is the least of my concern here)
>  Because of HIS myopic vision we
> > have a crappy car that is hardly world-class,  where owning a car has
> > become a major drain on personal finances but we have no choice becos
> > of the poorly developed public transportion (to support the crappy car
> > industry). Plus the English vs BM language policy muckup in education
> > which is causing our Sc & Technology to fall even further behind!
> > Makes you think its better left to market forces..!
> I disagree. How about countries like China, Japan and Indonesia even
> where the English Language is also not their primary focus and most of
> them can hardly speak as well as us public school educated Malaysians.
> Language has nothing to do with this.
> >
> > But no, Gov should guide and nurture, create opportunities but you
> > need an enlighthened gov to do so. The people making decisions need to
> > understand the subject matter, or have experts on hand that do. They
> > shld help by creating opportunities, in the use of FOSS for e.g. If
> > there is a actual policy to use FOSS (instead of an advisory) that
> > would help.
> The Gov is not the only client in Malaysia. If the larger market share
> of SMEs are using FOSS due to cost effectiveness and when the Gov
> realises that this model works, they will look into implementing it in
> their depts because there are valid use cases. If I can convince a
> Financial Institution to use FOSS widely, I don't believe the Gov
> can;t be convinced to eventually shift.
> Yes there is OSCC MAMPU, but they have little actual
> > powers. And pork barrel sales tactics by the likes of MS, Oracle, SAP
> > are hard to beat if you are a independent FOSS developer. That is if
> > you really want to nuture technopreneur who produce real IP. Of course
> > if yr definition of entrepreneur as someone that can make a fast buck,
> > I'm sure Malaysia has a bunch of those that run SEO, Google Ad-Sense
> > scams that have multiple bogus sites/blogs that earn them a few
> > thousand click-thru $/mth. Is this the way to go for our high-income
> > economy?
> >
> > Story: how Sing built its bioTech industry.
> >
> > When Sing started their Inst. of Microbiological Research (may have
> > changed its name, this was in the mid 90's), they lured  80+ foreign
> > PHds, by giving them funds for research projects. These foreigners
> > headed they own project teams. The top man of the Inst. was a Sing.
> > and the no.2 man on each of those project teams are Sing. and of
> > course so were many technicians  Within a matter of about 5 years, the
> > Inst. was good enough to out-source contracts from the US, to
> > bio-engineer a rabbit (or something) for drug testing. And today Sing
> > is world class in Biot Tech, they started 15yrs ago, we are only now
> > talking about it!
> >
> > Contrast this with Msia, an equivalent Inst. would be MIMOS,

Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik BRIAN RITCHIE
On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 7:11 PM, Boh Yap  wrote:
> hi,
> I tend to agree with Red, we are too far behind to let purely 'market
> forces' do their work.

Again I disagree. There is nothing stopping us from getting ahead. If
Malaysia is a 3rd world country without Internet connection at most
places, then yes, we are far behind. The tech scene here is vibrant if
allowed to flourish and not beaten down by such grants models which
creates a culture of dependency. So called "Entrepreneurs" are no more
hungry to get their ideas out, instead they sit down and keep writing
applications year after year hoping for a windfall before starting.

An enlightened government can guide/persuade in
> certain directions and accelerate the process, although I strongly
> disagree that Dr.M guided us well!

Again here I disagree about the role of the Government ( not Dr. M .
Politics is the least of my concern here)

 Because of HIS myopic vision we
> have a crappy car that is hardly world-class,  where owning a car has
> become a major drain on personal finances but we have no choice becos
> of the poorly developed public transportion (to support the crappy car
> industry). Plus the English vs BM language policy muckup in education
> which is causing our Sc & Technology to fall even further behind!
> Makes you think its better left to market forces..!

I disagree. How about countries like China, Japan and Indonesia even
where the English Language is also not their primary focus and most of
them can hardly speak as well as us public school educated Malaysians.
Language has nothing to do with this.

> But no, Gov should guide and nurture, create opportunities but you
> need an enlighthened gov to do so. The people making decisions need to
> understand the subject matter, or have experts on hand that do. They
> shld help by creating opportunities, in the use of FOSS for e.g. If
> there is a actual policy to use FOSS (instead of an advisory) that
> would help.

The Gov is not the only client in Malaysia. If the larger market share
of SMEs are using FOSS due to cost effectiveness and when the Gov
realises that this model works, they will look into implementing it in
their depts because there are valid use cases. If I can convince a
Financial Institution to use FOSS widely, I don't believe the Gov
can;t be convinced to eventually shift.


Yes there is OSCC MAMPU, but they have little actual
> powers. And pork barrel sales tactics by the likes of MS, Oracle, SAP
> are hard to beat if you are a independent FOSS developer. That is if
> you really want to nuture technopreneur who produce real IP. Of course
> if yr definition of entrepreneur as someone that can make a fast buck,
> I'm sure Malaysia has a bunch of those that run SEO, Google Ad-Sense
> scams that have multiple bogus sites/blogs that earn them a few
> thousand click-thru $/mth. Is this the way to go for our high-income
> economy?
> Story: how Sing built its bioTech industry.
> When Sing started their Inst. of Microbiological Research (may have
> changed its name, this was in the mid 90's), they lured  80+ foreign
> PHds, by giving them funds for research projects. These foreigners
> headed they own project teams. The top man of the Inst. was a Sing.
> and the no.2 man on each of those project teams are Sing. and of
> course so were many technicians  Within a matter of about 5 years, the
> Inst. was good enough to out-source contracts from the US, to
> bio-engineer a rabbit (or something) for drug testing. And today Sing
> is world class in Biot Tech, they started 15yrs ago, we are only now
> talking about it!
> Contrast this with Msia, an equivalent Inst. would be MIMOS, they
> never had any 'gwailo' experts, all their top people were from a
> certain privilaged class (too politically sensitive to mention!). And
> after all these years they achieved  ??
> The lessons here is gov, can play an active role, experts are
> important irregardless of ethnicity, implementation of the policies is
> where we fail. Sing has technocrats, we only have bureaucrats and
> lesser...
> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:53 PM, red1  wrote:
>> i tend to agree loudly to this Brian, but my pitch is that if Malaysia wants
>> to be no.1 Govt has to interfere correctly.
>> We are not a top world economy. Tun Dr. Mahathir applied that principle of
>> guided (read interference) very well to put us up there.
>> No European country has an MDec like ours. It is there to arrest the slow
>> process (USA took 200 years) of going thru evolution.
>> We are not going to repeat wars and market crashes to reach where USA is
>> today. We learnt from their past and thus M'sia has the benefit of
>> hindsight, and MDec can do wonders if it applys the right pedals to the
>> right rubber.
>> I am frustrated with simple stuff:
>> 1. When IAP still features kuailohs instead of us M'sians. This is not to
>> ask for grants. This is not even to ask for recognition. But this is just to
>> ask to

Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik Boh Yap

clarification: to my earlier post.

"Sing has technocrats, we only have bureaucrats and

No offense to Rafe et al, in middle to lower rungs of management, they
are trying their best to do their job, within those constraints. What
is needed is more enlightened and technically savvy leadership at the
top, or at least capable advisors.

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 7:11 PM, Boh Yap  wrote:
> hi,
> I tend to agree with Red, we are too far behind to let purely 'market
> forces' do their work. An enlightened government can guide/persuade in
> certain directions and accelerate the process, although I strongly
> disagree that Dr.M guided us well! Because of HIS myopic vision we
> have a crappy car that is hardly world-class,  where owning a car has
> become a major drain on personal finances but we have no choice becos
> of the poorly developed public transportion (to support the crappy car
> industry). Plus the English vs BM language policy muckup in education
> which is causing our Sc & Technology to fall even further behind!
> Makes you think its better left to market forces..!
> But no, Gov should guide and nurture, create opportunities but you
> need an enlighthened gov to do so. The people making decisions need to
> understand the subject matter, or have experts on hand that do. They
> shld help by creating opportunities, in the use of FOSS for e.g. If
> there is a actual policy to use FOSS (instead of an advisory) that
> would help. Yes there is OSCC MAMPU, but they have little actual
> powers. And pork barrel sales tactics by the likes of MS, Oracle, SAP
> are hard to beat if you are a independent FOSS developer. That is if
> you really want to nuture technopreneur who produce real IP. Of course
> if yr definition of entrepreneur as someone that can make a fast buck,
> I'm sure Malaysia has a bunch of those that run SEO, Google Ad-Sense
> scams that have multiple bogus sites/blogs that earn them a few
> thousand click-thru $/mth. Is this the way to go for our high-income
> economy?
> Story: how Sing built its bioTech industry.
> When Sing started their Inst. of Microbiological Research (may have
> changed its name, this was in the mid 90's), they lured  80+ foreign
> PHds, by giving them funds for research projects. These foreigners
> headed they own project teams. The top man of the Inst. was a Sing.
> and the no.2 man on each of those project teams are Sing. and of
> course so were many technicians  Within a matter of about 5 years, the
> Inst. was good enough to out-source contracts from the US, to
> bio-engineer a rabbit (or something) for drug testing. And today Sing
> is world class in Biot Tech, they started 15yrs ago, we are only now
> talking about it!
> Contrast this with Msia, an equivalent Inst. would be MIMOS, they
> never had any 'gwailo' experts, all their top people were from a
> certain privilaged class (too politically sensitive to mention!). And
> after all these years they achieved  ??
> The lessons here is gov, can play an active role, experts are
> important irregardless of ethnicity, implementation of the policies is
> where we fail. Sing has technocrats, we only have bureaucrats and
> lesser...
> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:53 PM, red1  wrote:
>> i tend to agree loudly to this Brian, but my pitch is that if Malaysia wants
>> to be no.1 Govt has to interfere correctly.
>> We are not a top world economy. Tun Dr. Mahathir applied that principle of
>> guided (read interference) very well to put us up there.
>> No European country has an MDec like ours. It is there to arrest the slow
>> process (USA took 200 years) of going thru evolution.
>> We are not going to repeat wars and market crashes to reach where USA is
>> today. We learnt from their past and thus M'sia has the benefit of
>> hindsight, and MDec can do wonders if it applys the right pedals to the
>> right rubber.
>> I am frustrated with simple stuff:
>> 1. When IAP still features kuailohs instead of us M'sians. This is not to
>> ask for grants. This is not even to ask for recognition. But this is just to
>> ask to stop this nonsense of looking up to others that now we have our own
>> goat and mutton. This is asking for pride where pride is due. This does
>> wonders if you put some Malaysians up there where their words can inspire
>> more than just thru the inside pages of TheStar's Intech.
>> 2. MDec asked for help but do not change the rules of the game. Today the
>> game is fast-changing with its attendant processes to achieve it. We need
>> not copy and paste from Singapore nor Silicon Valley. Honestly i do not see
>> any borang gomen that is original. I can show you lots of principles in used
>> by 1st world nations that are mind boggling. No, not that i am asking to be
>> deported to those fascinating countries. I am just asking, 'learn from
>> others in order to overtake them'. Nope, i m not saying 'copycat them'. I am
>> saying look at the rules. We can change them well when it comes to u

Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik fenris
+1 to Brian n CL Chow ..

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 6:58 PM, CL Chow  wrote:

> One more vote for Brian, this is a cruel world and we need to help
> ourselves in order to really survive!!!
> Regards,
> CL Chow
> "Please do not send me Microsoft Office/Apple iWork documents. Send
> OpenDocument instead!";
> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 6:51 PM, Adzmely Mansor  wrote:
>> mesdames et messieurs,
>> if any lines are drawn i'll be standing the same line as Brian...
>> just a thought, no batteries included ...
>> :)
>> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 6:31 PM, rafe azsnal  wrote:
>>> red1, i am and still working for mdec, what ever it is when one say
>>> something bad about mdec i just got to defensive mode when i need to
>>> protect the company i am working with. i dont care if any of u attack
>>> me personally or not it just me. but when it go as far as this i feel
>>> it is my responsibility to protect it. as i have done to you time and
>>> time again. red1 i always treat you as my friend and you are still my
>>> friend and you know i'll help you till the limit of my authority. i
>>> hope every one of you here realize that all of us are just plain human
>>> being where we make mistake every second of the day and hoping we
>>> learn from there.
>>> if you coming to mdec to kick my arse please do so tuan and i will
>>> surely kick your arse back again. :)
>>> On 5/19/10, red1  wrote:
>>> > i tend to agree loudly to this Brian, but my pitch is that if Malaysia
>>> > wants to be no.1 Govt has to interfere correctly.
>>> > We are not a top world economy. Tun Dr. Mahathir applied that principle
>>> > of guided (read interference) very well to put us up there.
>>> > No European country has an MDec like ours. It is there to arrest the
>>> > slow process (USA took 200 years) of going thru evolution.
>>> > We are not going to repeat wars and market crashes to reach where USA
>>> is
>>> > today. We learnt from their past and thus M'sia has the benefit of
>>> > hindsight, and MDec can do wonders if it applys the right pedals to the
>>> > right rubber.
>>> >
>>> > I am frustrated with simple stuff:
>>> > 1. When IAP still features kuailohs instead of us M'sians. This is not
>>> > to ask for grants. This is not even to ask for recognition. But this is
>>> > just to ask to stop this nonsense of looking up to others that now we
>>> > have our own goat and mutton. This is asking for pride where pride is
>>> > due. This does wonders if you put some Malaysians up there where their
>>> > words can inspire more than just thru the inside pages of TheStar's
>>> Intech.
>>> >
>>> > 2. MDec asked for help but do not change the rules of the game. Today
>>> > the game is fast-changing with its attendant processes to achieve it.
>>> We
>>> > need not copy and paste from Singapore nor Silicon Valley. Honestly i
>>> do
>>> > not see any borang gomen that is original. I can show you lots of
>>> > principles in used by 1st world nations that are mind boggling. No, not
>>> > that i am asking to be deported to those fascinating countries. I am
>>> > just asking, 'learn from others in order to overtake them'. Nope, i m
>>> > not saying 'copycat them'. I am saying look at the rules. We can change
>>> > them well when it comes to us.
>>> >
>>> > In the end, i have a dream:
>>> > "Where Malaysia need not follow others to get there. Where Malaysia
>>> > dares to break the rules yet is correct in the end. Where Malaysia can
>>> > win, win in its own Blue Ocean".
>>> >
>>> > Rafe,
>>> > I am still at a lost why you suddenly blow up. I never mentioned your
>>> > name. It was Raja Iskandar who hentam more keras than me. I do not even
>>> > know that your CEO is who actually. They fill me in. To me i do not
>>> care
>>> > and i dont want to know. All i want to know is when do you want to get
>>> > into the bull ring and score your own KPI of '5 top world class
>>> > developers'. I been waiting. waiting since last year. I kept going to
>>> > the MDec cafe and sms you hoping to discuss progressively. Remember our
>>> > last sit-in last year where Azrul, Raja, Boh and you (with Rozi) was
>>> > around and you told me lots of stuff such as "Hacking contest with
>>> > USD10k prize" and i pour out free as in no need to pay me ideas - all
>>> in
>>> > the name of helping u and MDec. I never talk about getting me paid or
>>> > make me look good. I talked until hoarse about making Malaysia look
>>> good.
>>> >
>>> > Sincerely if you blew up tak tentu pasal again, i am going to
>>> personally
>>> > go there and kick your ass till the Pau Lady poster drops down.
>>> >
>>> > Don't make this into a personal war cos it is not. Think of our country
>>> > together or else fuck it!
>>> >
>>> > On 5/19/10 5:26 PM, BRIAN RITCHIE wrote:
>>> >> Let me say this. The biggest underlying problem with Malaysian
>>> >> "Technopreneurs" is the reliance on Gov to provide you with funding.
>>> >> While I think its great tha

Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik Boh Yap

I tend to agree with Red, we are too far behind to let purely 'market
forces' do their work. An enlightened government can guide/persuade in
certain directions and accelerate the process, although I strongly
disagree that Dr.M guided us well! Because of HIS myopic vision we
have a crappy car that is hardly world-class,  where owning a car has
become a major drain on personal finances but we have no choice becos
of the poorly developed public transportion (to support the crappy car
industry). Plus the English vs BM language policy muckup in education
which is causing our Sc & Technology to fall even further behind!
Makes you think its better left to market forces..!

But no, Gov should guide and nurture, create opportunities but you
need an enlighthened gov to do so. The people making decisions need to
understand the subject matter, or have experts on hand that do. They
shld help by creating opportunities, in the use of FOSS for e.g. If
there is a actual policy to use FOSS (instead of an advisory) that
would help. Yes there is OSCC MAMPU, but they have little actual
powers. And pork barrel sales tactics by the likes of MS, Oracle, SAP
are hard to beat if you are a independent FOSS developer. That is if
you really want to nuture technopreneur who produce real IP. Of course
if yr definition of entrepreneur as someone that can make a fast buck,
I'm sure Malaysia has a bunch of those that run SEO, Google Ad-Sense
scams that have multiple bogus sites/blogs that earn them a few
thousand click-thru $/mth. Is this the way to go for our high-income

Story: how Sing built its bioTech industry.

When Sing started their Inst. of Microbiological Research (may have
changed its name, this was in the mid 90's), they lured  80+ foreign
PHds, by giving them funds for research projects. These foreigners
headed they own project teams. The top man of the Inst. was a Sing.
and the no.2 man on each of those project teams are Sing. and of
course so were many technicians  Within a matter of about 5 years, the
Inst. was good enough to out-source contracts from the US, to
bio-engineer a rabbit (or something) for drug testing. And today Sing
is world class in Biot Tech, they started 15yrs ago, we are only now
talking about it!

Contrast this with Msia, an equivalent Inst. would be MIMOS, they
never had any 'gwailo' experts, all their top people were from a
certain privilaged class (too politically sensitive to mention!). And
after all these years they achieved  ??

The lessons here is gov, can play an active role, experts are
important irregardless of ethnicity, implementation of the policies is
where we fail. Sing has technocrats, we only have bureaucrats and

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:53 PM, red1  wrote:
> i tend to agree loudly to this Brian, but my pitch is that if Malaysia wants
> to be no.1 Govt has to interfere correctly.
> We are not a top world economy. Tun Dr. Mahathir applied that principle of
> guided (read interference) very well to put us up there.
> No European country has an MDec like ours. It is there to arrest the slow
> process (USA took 200 years) of going thru evolution.
> We are not going to repeat wars and market crashes to reach where USA is
> today. We learnt from their past and thus M'sia has the benefit of
> hindsight, and MDec can do wonders if it applys the right pedals to the
> right rubber.
> I am frustrated with simple stuff:
> 1. When IAP still features kuailohs instead of us M'sians. This is not to
> ask for grants. This is not even to ask for recognition. But this is just to
> ask to stop this nonsense of looking up to others that now we have our own
> goat and mutton. This is asking for pride where pride is due. This does
> wonders if you put some Malaysians up there where their words can inspire
> more than just thru the inside pages of TheStar's Intech.
> 2. MDec asked for help but do not change the rules of the game. Today the
> game is fast-changing with its attendant processes to achieve it. We need
> not copy and paste from Singapore nor Silicon Valley. Honestly i do not see
> any borang gomen that is original. I can show you lots of principles in used
> by 1st world nations that are mind boggling. No, not that i am asking to be
> deported to those fascinating countries. I am just asking, 'learn from
> others in order to overtake them'. Nope, i m not saying 'copycat them'. I am
> saying look at the rules. We can change them well when it comes to us.
> In the end, i have a dream:
> "Where Malaysia need not follow others to get there. Where Malaysia dares to
> break the rules yet is correct in the end. Where Malaysia can win, win in
> its own Blue Ocean".
> Rafe,
> I am still at a lost why you suddenly blow up. I never mentioned your name.
> It was Raja Iskandar who hentam more keras than me. I do not even know that
> your CEO is who actually. They fill me in. To me i do not care and i dont
> want to know. All i want to know is when do you want to get into the

Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik CL Chow
One more vote for Brian, this is a cruel world and we need to help ourselves
in order to really survive!!!

CL Chow
"Please do not send me Microsoft Office/Apple iWork documents. Send
OpenDocument instead!";

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 6:51 PM, Adzmely Mansor  wrote:

> mesdames et messieurs,
> if any lines are drawn i'll be standing the same line as Brian...
> just a thought, no batteries included ...
> :)
> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 6:31 PM, rafe azsnal  wrote:
>> red1, i am and still working for mdec, what ever it is when one say
>> something bad about mdec i just got to defensive mode when i need to
>> protect the company i am working with. i dont care if any of u attack
>> me personally or not it just me. but when it go as far as this i feel
>> it is my responsibility to protect it. as i have done to you time and
>> time again. red1 i always treat you as my friend and you are still my
>> friend and you know i'll help you till the limit of my authority. i
>> hope every one of you here realize that all of us are just plain human
>> being where we make mistake every second of the day and hoping we
>> learn from there.
>> if you coming to mdec to kick my arse please do so tuan and i will
>> surely kick your arse back again. :)
>> On 5/19/10, red1  wrote:
>> > i tend to agree loudly to this Brian, but my pitch is that if Malaysia
>> > wants to be no.1 Govt has to interfere correctly.
>> > We are not a top world economy. Tun Dr. Mahathir applied that principle
>> > of guided (read interference) very well to put us up there.
>> > No European country has an MDec like ours. It is there to arrest the
>> > slow process (USA took 200 years) of going thru evolution.
>> > We are not going to repeat wars and market crashes to reach where USA is
>> > today. We learnt from their past and thus M'sia has the benefit of
>> > hindsight, and MDec can do wonders if it applys the right pedals to the
>> > right rubber.
>> >
>> > I am frustrated with simple stuff:
>> > 1. When IAP still features kuailohs instead of us M'sians. This is not
>> > to ask for grants. This is not even to ask for recognition. But this is
>> > just to ask to stop this nonsense of looking up to others that now we
>> > have our own goat and mutton. This is asking for pride where pride is
>> > due. This does wonders if you put some Malaysians up there where their
>> > words can inspire more than just thru the inside pages of TheStar's
>> Intech.
>> >
>> > 2. MDec asked for help but do not change the rules of the game. Today
>> > the game is fast-changing with its attendant processes to achieve it. We
>> > need not copy and paste from Singapore nor Silicon Valley. Honestly i do
>> > not see any borang gomen that is original. I can show you lots of
>> > principles in used by 1st world nations that are mind boggling. No, not
>> > that i am asking to be deported to those fascinating countries. I am
>> > just asking, 'learn from others in order to overtake them'. Nope, i m
>> > not saying 'copycat them'. I am saying look at the rules. We can change
>> > them well when it comes to us.
>> >
>> > In the end, i have a dream:
>> > "Where Malaysia need not follow others to get there. Where Malaysia
>> > dares to break the rules yet is correct in the end. Where Malaysia can
>> > win, win in its own Blue Ocean".
>> >
>> > Rafe,
>> > I am still at a lost why you suddenly blow up. I never mentioned your
>> > name. It was Raja Iskandar who hentam more keras than me. I do not even
>> > know that your CEO is who actually. They fill me in. To me i do not care
>> > and i dont want to know. All i want to know is when do you want to get
>> > into the bull ring and score your own KPI of '5 top world class
>> > developers'. I been waiting. waiting since last year. I kept going to
>> > the MDec cafe and sms you hoping to discuss progressively. Remember our
>> > last sit-in last year where Azrul, Raja, Boh and you (with Rozi) was
>> > around and you told me lots of stuff such as "Hacking contest with
>> > USD10k prize" and i pour out free as in no need to pay me ideas - all in
>> > the name of helping u and MDec. I never talk about getting me paid or
>> > make me look good. I talked until hoarse about making Malaysia look
>> good.
>> >
>> > Sincerely if you blew up tak tentu pasal again, i am going to personally
>> > go there and kick your ass till the Pau Lady poster drops down.
>> >
>> > Don't make this into a personal war cos it is not. Think of our country
>> > together or else fuck it!
>> >
>> > On 5/19/10 5:26 PM, BRIAN RITCHIE wrote:
>> >> Let me say this. The biggest underlying problem with Malaysian
>> >> "Technopreneurs" is the reliance on Gov to provide you with funding.
>> >> While I think its great that the Gov gives out such grants, my
>> >> personal believe is that they shouldn't. Not at all. To no one, no
>> >> matter how great your idea is. This causes the exact situation we r
>> >> seeing here where

Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik Adzmely Mansor
mesdames et messieurs,

if any lines are drawn i'll be standing the same line as Brian...

just a thought, no batteries included ...


On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 6:31 PM, rafe azsnal  wrote:

> red1, i am and still working for mdec, what ever it is when one say
> something bad about mdec i just got to defensive mode when i need to
> protect the company i am working with. i dont care if any of u attack
> me personally or not it just me. but when it go as far as this i feel
> it is my responsibility to protect it. as i have done to you time and
> time again. red1 i always treat you as my friend and you are still my
> friend and you know i'll help you till the limit of my authority. i
> hope every one of you here realize that all of us are just plain human
> being where we make mistake every second of the day and hoping we
> learn from there.
> if you coming to mdec to kick my arse please do so tuan and i will
> surely kick your arse back again. :)
> On 5/19/10, red1  wrote:
> > i tend to agree loudly to this Brian, but my pitch is that if Malaysia
> > wants to be no.1 Govt has to interfere correctly.
> > We are not a top world economy. Tun Dr. Mahathir applied that principle
> > of guided (read interference) very well to put us up there.
> > No European country has an MDec like ours. It is there to arrest the
> > slow process (USA took 200 years) of going thru evolution.
> > We are not going to repeat wars and market crashes to reach where USA is
> > today. We learnt from their past and thus M'sia has the benefit of
> > hindsight, and MDec can do wonders if it applys the right pedals to the
> > right rubber.
> >
> > I am frustrated with simple stuff:
> > 1. When IAP still features kuailohs instead of us M'sians. This is not
> > to ask for grants. This is not even to ask for recognition. But this is
> > just to ask to stop this nonsense of looking up to others that now we
> > have our own goat and mutton. This is asking for pride where pride is
> > due. This does wonders if you put some Malaysians up there where their
> > words can inspire more than just thru the inside pages of TheStar's
> Intech.
> >
> > 2. MDec asked for help but do not change the rules of the game. Today
> > the game is fast-changing with its attendant processes to achieve it. We
> > need not copy and paste from Singapore nor Silicon Valley. Honestly i do
> > not see any borang gomen that is original. I can show you lots of
> > principles in used by 1st world nations that are mind boggling. No, not
> > that i am asking to be deported to those fascinating countries. I am
> > just asking, 'learn from others in order to overtake them'. Nope, i m
> > not saying 'copycat them'. I am saying look at the rules. We can change
> > them well when it comes to us.
> >
> > In the end, i have a dream:
> > "Where Malaysia need not follow others to get there. Where Malaysia
> > dares to break the rules yet is correct in the end. Where Malaysia can
> > win, win in its own Blue Ocean".
> >
> > Rafe,
> > I am still at a lost why you suddenly blow up. I never mentioned your
> > name. It was Raja Iskandar who hentam more keras than me. I do not even
> > know that your CEO is who actually. They fill me in. To me i do not care
> > and i dont want to know. All i want to know is when do you want to get
> > into the bull ring and score your own KPI of '5 top world class
> > developers'. I been waiting. waiting since last year. I kept going to
> > the MDec cafe and sms you hoping to discuss progressively. Remember our
> > last sit-in last year where Azrul, Raja, Boh and you (with Rozi) was
> > around and you told me lots of stuff such as "Hacking contest with
> > USD10k prize" and i pour out free as in no need to pay me ideas - all in
> > the name of helping u and MDec. I never talk about getting me paid or
> > make me look good. I talked until hoarse about making Malaysia look good.
> >
> > Sincerely if you blew up tak tentu pasal again, i am going to personally
> > go there and kick your ass till the Pau Lady poster drops down.
> >
> > Don't make this into a personal war cos it is not. Think of our country
> > together or else fuck it!
> >
> > On 5/19/10 5:26 PM, BRIAN RITCHIE wrote:
> >> Let me say this. The biggest underlying problem with Malaysian
> >> "Technopreneurs" is the reliance on Gov to provide you with funding.
> >> While I think its great that the Gov gives out such grants, my
> >> personal believe is that they shouldn't. Not at all. To no one, no
> >> matter how great your idea is. This causes the exact situation we r
> >> seeing here where people who get it sometimes abuse it ( or not) and
> >> people who don't whine ( or not ). What happened to the real spirit of
> >> Entrepreneurship ? What happened to starving days and running around
> >> to get your idea across to VCs and selling your services.
> >>
> >
> > --
> > Join Open Source Developers Club Malaysia
> >
> > Facebook Fan page
> >
> >

Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik rafe azsnal
red1, i am and still working for mdec, what ever it is when one say
something bad about mdec i just got to defensive mode when i need to
protect the company i am working with. i dont care if any of u attack
me personally or not it just me. but when it go as far as this i feel
it is my responsibility to protect it. as i have done to you time and
time again. red1 i always treat you as my friend and you are still my
friend and you know i'll help you till the limit of my authority. i
hope every one of you here realize that all of us are just plain human
being where we make mistake every second of the day and hoping we
learn from there.

if you coming to mdec to kick my arse please do so tuan and i will
surely kick your arse back again. :)

On 5/19/10, red1  wrote:
> i tend to agree loudly to this Brian, but my pitch is that if Malaysia
> wants to be no.1 Govt has to interfere correctly.
> We are not a top world economy. Tun Dr. Mahathir applied that principle
> of guided (read interference) very well to put us up there.
> No European country has an MDec like ours. It is there to arrest the
> slow process (USA took 200 years) of going thru evolution.
> We are not going to repeat wars and market crashes to reach where USA is
> today. We learnt from their past and thus M'sia has the benefit of
> hindsight, and MDec can do wonders if it applys the right pedals to the
> right rubber.
> I am frustrated with simple stuff:
> 1. When IAP still features kuailohs instead of us M'sians. This is not
> to ask for grants. This is not even to ask for recognition. But this is
> just to ask to stop this nonsense of looking up to others that now we
> have our own goat and mutton. This is asking for pride where pride is
> due. This does wonders if you put some Malaysians up there where their
> words can inspire more than just thru the inside pages of TheStar's Intech.
> 2. MDec asked for help but do not change the rules of the game. Today
> the game is fast-changing with its attendant processes to achieve it. We
> need not copy and paste from Singapore nor Silicon Valley. Honestly i do
> not see any borang gomen that is original. I can show you lots of
> principles in used by 1st world nations that are mind boggling. No, not
> that i am asking to be deported to those fascinating countries. I am
> just asking, 'learn from others in order to overtake them'. Nope, i m
> not saying 'copycat them'. I am saying look at the rules. We can change
> them well when it comes to us.
> In the end, i have a dream:
> "Where Malaysia need not follow others to get there. Where Malaysia
> dares to break the rules yet is correct in the end. Where Malaysia can
> win, win in its own Blue Ocean".
> Rafe,
> I am still at a lost why you suddenly blow up. I never mentioned your
> name. It was Raja Iskandar who hentam more keras than me. I do not even
> know that your CEO is who actually. They fill me in. To me i do not care
> and i dont want to know. All i want to know is when do you want to get
> into the bull ring and score your own KPI of '5 top world class
> developers'. I been waiting. waiting since last year. I kept going to
> the MDec cafe and sms you hoping to discuss progressively. Remember our
> last sit-in last year where Azrul, Raja, Boh and you (with Rozi) was
> around and you told me lots of stuff such as "Hacking contest with
> USD10k prize" and i pour out free as in no need to pay me ideas - all in
> the name of helping u and MDec. I never talk about getting me paid or
> make me look good. I talked until hoarse about making Malaysia look good.
> Sincerely if you blew up tak tentu pasal again, i am going to personally
> go there and kick your ass till the Pau Lady poster drops down.
> Don't make this into a personal war cos it is not. Think of our country
> together or else fuck it!
> On 5/19/10 5:26 PM, BRIAN RITCHIE wrote:
>> Let me say this. The biggest underlying problem with Malaysian
>> "Technopreneurs" is the reliance on Gov to provide you with funding.
>> While I think its great that the Gov gives out such grants, my
>> personal believe is that they shouldn't. Not at all. To no one, no
>> matter how great your idea is. This causes the exact situation we r
>> seeing here where people who get it sometimes abuse it ( or not) and
>> people who don't whine ( or not ). What happened to the real spirit of
>> Entrepreneurship ? What happened to starving days and running around
>> to get your idea across to VCs and selling your services.
> --
> Join Open Source Developers Club Malaysia
> Facebook Fan page
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups " Mailing List" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> For more options, visit this group at

Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik BRIAN RITCHIE
On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:53 PM, red1  wrote:
> i tend to agree loudly to this Brian, but my pitch is that if Malaysia wants
> to be no.1 Govt has to interfere correctly.

I humbly diagree. As Entrepreneurs, we don't need anything more than
tax exemption. I believe the Gov does grant that for some startups
that perform well though currently I think its tied to the grant
scheme which I do not favor.

> We are not a top world economy. Tun Dr. Mahathir applied that principle of
> guided (read interference) very well to put us up there.
> No European country has an MDec like ours. It is there to arrest the slow
> process (USA took 200 years) of going thru evolution.
> We are not going to repeat wars and market crashes to reach where USA is
> today. We learnt from their past and thus M'sia has the benefit of
> hindsight, and MDec can do wonders if it applys the right pedals to the
> right rubber.

I disagree. Evolution as a whole relies not only in the hands of one
organization (MDec in this case - no offense to Rafe agn). People have
to evolve and change the mindset. Our first thoughts when encountering
a problem is, which agency to blame, etc etc. The Government has to
evolve to meet the need and growth of the public and the Internet has
enabled us. We are now without boundaries. So as we keep pushing, they
will be forced to move and evolve ( this is in the same metaphor that
we r not evolved. Not implying that we r backward). Honestly, I would
not engage the Gov and hope for them or any agency to start or push
something. Private companies are the usual experimenters that
influence the Gov. When you have giants pushing through and saying,
look, we need this done, they will move b/c they can't afford not too.

> I am frustrated with simple stuff:
> 1. When IAP still features kuailohs instead of us M'sians. This is not to
> ask for grants. This is not even to ask for recognition. But this is just to
> ask to stop this nonsense of looking up to others that now we have our own
> goat and mutton. This is asking for pride where pride is due. This does
> wonders if you put some Malaysians up there where their words can inspire
> more than just thru the inside pages of TheStar's Intech.

Westeners are employed because of the Asian mentality that we are
inherently weak and not as good as them. While this may be partially
true, it is not always the aspect. More often than not, Western
companies are engaged because they have

a) They have well documented processes and project management skills
which most of our local groups pale in comparison
b) They have no choice but to play by the book because a lawsuit would
affect their International reputation which means we get the job done
within the said time. Local implementations more often than not tend
to have issues and yes I have seen this in much larger scale
c)  This is practiced in large companies where Westerners
r hired to convince Management and to have a blame shifter if the
project turns sour.

> 2. MDec asked for help but do not change the rules of the game. Today the
> game is fast-changing with its attendant processes to achieve it. We need
> not copy and paste from Singapore nor Silicon Valley. Honestly i do not see
> any borang gomen that is original. I can show you lots of principles in used
> by 1st world nations that are mind boggling. No, not that i am asking to be
> deported to those fascinating countries. I am just asking, 'learn from
> others in order to overtake them'. Nope, i m not saying 'copycat them'. I am
> saying look at the rules. We can change them well when it comes to us.

Again to my point. Reliance on MDeC is not warranted. While I think
its great what they r doing, I do not per say think we should be so
heavily reliant on them. If Entrepreneurs go out there and build their
own businesses without grants and prove that the model works, the
grant model will then be slowly phased out of existence b/c the Gov
and Agencies would realise that there is actually no need for them to
keep spoonfeeding the public but instead play catchup instead.


> In the end, i have a dream:
> "Where Malaysia need not follow others to get there. Where Malaysia dares to
> break the rules yet is correct in the end. Where Malaysia can win, win in
> its own Blue Ocean".
> Rafe,
> I am still at a lost why you suddenly blow up. I never mentioned your name.
> It was Raja Iskandar who hentam more keras than me. I do not even know that
> your CEO is who actually. They fill me in. To me i do not care and i dont
> want to know. All i want to know is when do you want to get into the bull
> ring and score your own KPI of '5 top world class developers'. I been
> waiting. waiting since last year. I kept going to the MDec cafe and sms you
> hoping to discuss progressively. Remember our last sit-in last year where
> Azrul, Raja, Boh and you (with Rozi) was around and you told me lots of
> stuff such as "Hacking contest with USD10k prize" and i pour out free 

Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik red1
i tend to agree loudly to this Brian, but my pitch is that if Malaysia 
wants to be no.1 Govt has to interfere correctly.
We are not a top world economy. Tun Dr. Mahathir applied that principle 
of guided (read interference) very well to put us up there.
No European country has an MDec like ours. It is there to arrest the 
slow process (USA took 200 years) of going thru evolution.
We are not going to repeat wars and market crashes to reach where USA is 
today. We learnt from their past and thus M'sia has the benefit of 
hindsight, and MDec can do wonders if it applys the right pedals to the 
right rubber.

I am frustrated with simple stuff:
1. When IAP still features kuailohs instead of us M'sians. This is not 
to ask for grants. This is not even to ask for recognition. But this is 
just to ask to stop this nonsense of looking up to others that now we 
have our own goat and mutton. This is asking for pride where pride is 
due. This does wonders if you put some Malaysians up there where their 
words can inspire more than just thru the inside pages of TheStar's Intech.

2. MDec asked for help but do not change the rules of the game. Today 
the game is fast-changing with its attendant processes to achieve it. We 
need not copy and paste from Singapore nor Silicon Valley. Honestly i do 
not see any borang gomen that is original. I can show you lots of 
principles in used by 1st world nations that are mind boggling. No, not 
that i am asking to be deported to those fascinating countries. I am 
just asking, 'learn from others in order to overtake them'. Nope, i m 
not saying 'copycat them'. I am saying look at the rules. We can change 
them well when it comes to us.

In the end, i have a dream:
"Where Malaysia need not follow others to get there. Where Malaysia 
dares to break the rules yet is correct in the end. Where Malaysia can 
win, win in its own Blue Ocean".

I am still at a lost why you suddenly blow up. I never mentioned your 
name. It was Raja Iskandar who hentam more keras than me. I do not even 
know that your CEO is who actually. They fill me in. To me i do not care 
and i dont want to know. All i want to know is when do you want to get 
into the bull ring and score your own KPI of '5 top world class 
developers'. I been waiting. waiting since last year. I kept going to 
the MDec cafe and sms you hoping to discuss progressively. Remember our 
last sit-in last year where Azrul, Raja, Boh and you (with Rozi) was 
around and you told me lots of stuff such as "Hacking contest with 
USD10k prize" and i pour out free as in no need to pay me ideas - all in 
the name of helping u and MDec. I never talk about getting me paid or 
make me look good. I talked until hoarse about making Malaysia look good.

Sincerely if you blew up tak tentu pasal again, i am going to personally 
go there and kick your ass till the Pau Lady poster drops down.

Don't make this into a personal war cos it is not. Think of our country 
together or else fuck it!

On 5/19/10 5:26 PM, BRIAN RITCHIE wrote:

Let me say this. The biggest underlying problem with Malaysian
"Technopreneurs" is the reliance on Gov to provide you with funding.
While I think its great that the Gov gives out such grants, my
personal believe is that they shouldn't. Not at all. To no one, no
matter how great your idea is. This causes the exact situation we r
seeing here where people who get it sometimes abuse it ( or not) and
people who don't whine ( or not ). What happened to the real spirit of
Entrepreneurship ? What happened to starving days and running around
to get your idea across to VCs and selling your services.

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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik Mohammed Firdaus

On 5/19/10, BRIAN RITCHIE  wrote:
> Let me say this. The biggest underlying problem with Malaysian
> "Technopreneurs" is the reliance on Gov to provide you with funding.
> While I think its great that the Gov gives out such grants, my
> personal believe is that they shouldn't. Not at all. To no one, no
> matter how great your idea is. This causes the exact situation we r
> seeing here where people who get it sometimes abuse it ( or not) and
> people who don't whine ( or not ). What happened to the real spirit of
> Entrepreneurship ? What happened to starving days and running around
> to get your idea across to VCs and selling your services.
> I'll give a shout out to Inigo Consulting ( Kage and Kaeru and crew)
> because they stood for principles of entrepreneurship. ( Correct me if
> I am wrong). They pooled their own money/allocated shares and sell
> their services to those who need them to make their paycheck. I had a
> very interesting conversation with them individually over separate
> occasions and its great to see how they have flourished through thick
> and thin.
> Most so called "Technopreneurs" in Malaysia don't deserve the damn
> title. Just get out and do your thing. Don't keep hoping for a
> freaking lottery from the Gov or any other party involved ( MDEC, etc
> - No offense to u Rafe.) Your busines strategy should be, hey if I get
> it great, but I should not consider it at all. Work with what I have
> and move to greater heights.
> If I was in charge, my first order of business would be to cancel
> grants to ALL parties.
> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:03 PM, rafe azsnal  wrote:
> > Raja, when the boat ride...? love to take a cruise with you. we go
> > pusing pusing.
> >
> > honestly i try to stop myself from replying to this childish respond
> > from you red1. who am i to say YOU are the WORLD LEADER when i am only
> > a macai working to feed my family. am i fortunate to have know you?
> > ermmm.. not too sure now. but then i have learn so much from you and
> > from everyone else that was involve and i thank you. maybe i am too
> > naive to think that i could change the world but then reality came and
> > slap me on the face "Hoi bangun la" reality told me.. "apa you ingat
> > the world evolve around you ka" again reality told me.. at that moment
> > rules and procedure come in place in which i have to follow. which i
> > am happy to follow not because of the cronies but only because THAT IS
> > THE RULES WHICH I NEED TO FOLLOW in order to get the thing done, in
> > which somehow it doesnt apply to you. funny ah? when you talk about
> > crony bitching about it yet somehow in the writing you want to be THAT
> > CRONY who can bypass everything in order to serve what ever agenda
> > that you want. kan.. kan.. kan
> >
> > tapi red1 takpe lah. im not here to argue and *please note* that i
> > never said i want to lead anything. i wish you all the best in suing
> > the government insyaAllah i'll read all the updates in the net and in
> > the papers.
> >
> > On 5/19/10, rafe azsnal  wrote:
> >> Noted and thank you very much.
> >>
> >> On May 17, 2010 2:59 AM, "red1"  wrote:
> >>
> >> Thanks for the moral support. I will sleep tonite better and rise to fight
> >> another day.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On 5/17/10 12:09 AM, Marcus Low wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Red1, the way u put ur msg into words is amazing.
> >>>
> >>> -...
> >>
> >> --
> >> Join Open Source Developers Club Malaysia
> >>
> >> Facebook Fan page
> >>
> >> http://www.fac...
> >>
> >
> > --
> > Join Open Source Developers Club Malaysia
> >
> > Facebook Fan page
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> >
> > Groups " Mailing List" group.
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> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >
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> >
> --
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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik BRIAN RITCHIE
Let me say this. The biggest underlying problem with Malaysian
"Technopreneurs" is the reliance on Gov to provide you with funding.
While I think its great that the Gov gives out such grants, my
personal believe is that they shouldn't. Not at all. To no one, no
matter how great your idea is. This causes the exact situation we r
seeing here where people who get it sometimes abuse it ( or not) and
people who don't whine ( or not ). What happened to the real spirit of
Entrepreneurship ? What happened to starving days and running around
to get your idea across to VCs and selling your services.

I'll give a shout out to Inigo Consulting ( Kage and Kaeru and crew)
because they stood for principles of entrepreneurship. ( Correct me if
I am wrong). They pooled their own money/allocated shares and sell
their services to those who need them to make their paycheck. I had a
very interesting conversation with them individually over separate
occasions and its great to see how they have flourished through thick
and thin.

Most so called "Technopreneurs" in Malaysia don't deserve the damn
title. Just get out and do your thing. Don't keep hoping for a
freaking lottery from the Gov or any other party involved ( MDEC, etc
- No offense to u Rafe.) Your busines strategy should be, hey if I get
it great, but I should not consider it at all. Work with what I have
and move to greater heights.

If I was in charge, my first order of business would be to cancel
grants to ALL parties.


On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:03 PM, rafe azsnal  wrote:
> Raja, when the boat ride...? love to take a cruise with you. we go
> pusing pusing.
> honestly i try to stop myself from replying to this childish respond
> from you red1. who am i to say YOU are the WORLD LEADER when i am only
> a macai working to feed my family. am i fortunate to have know you?
> ermmm.. not too sure now. but then i have learn so much from you and
> from everyone else that was involve and i thank you. maybe i am too
> naive to think that i could change the world but then reality came and
> slap me on the face "Hoi bangun la" reality told me.. "apa you ingat
> the world evolve around you ka" again reality told me.. at that moment
> rules and procedure come in place in which i have to follow. which i
> am happy to follow not because of the cronies but only because THAT IS
> THE RULES WHICH I NEED TO FOLLOW in order to get the thing done, in
> which somehow it doesnt apply to you. funny ah? when you talk about
> crony bitching about it yet somehow in the writing you want to be THAT
> CRONY who can bypass everything in order to serve what ever agenda
> that you want. kan.. kan.. kan
> tapi red1 takpe lah. im not here to argue and *please note* that i
> never said i want to lead anything. i wish you all the best in suing
> the government insyaAllah i'll read all the updates in the net and in
> the papers.
> On 5/19/10, rafe azsnal  wrote:
>> Noted and thank you very much.
>> On May 17, 2010 2:59 AM, "red1"  wrote:
>> Thanks for the moral support. I will sleep tonite better and rise to fight
>> another day.
>> On 5/17/10 12:09 AM, Marcus Low wrote:
>>> Red1, the way u put ur msg into words is amazing.
>>> -...
>> --
>> Join Open Source Developers Club Malaysia
>> Facebook Fan page
>> http://www.fac...
> --
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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik rafe azsnal
Raja, when the boat ride...? love to take a cruise with you. we go
pusing pusing.

honestly i try to stop myself from replying to this childish respond
from you red1. who am i to say YOU are the WORLD LEADER when i am only
a macai working to feed my family. am i fortunate to have know you?
ermmm.. not too sure now. but then i have learn so much from you and
from everyone else that was involve and i thank you. maybe i am too
naive to think that i could change the world but then reality came and
slap me on the face "Hoi bangun la" reality told me.. "apa you ingat
the world evolve around you ka" again reality told me.. at that moment
rules and procedure come in place in which i have to follow. which i
am happy to follow not because of the cronies but only because THAT IS
THE RULES WHICH I NEED TO FOLLOW in order to get the thing done, in
which somehow it doesnt apply to you. funny ah? when you talk about
crony bitching about it yet somehow in the writing you want to be THAT
CRONY who can bypass everything in order to serve what ever agenda
that you want. kan.. kan.. kan

tapi red1 takpe lah. im not here to argue and *please note* that i
never said i want to lead anything. i wish you all the best in suing
the government insyaAllah i'll read all the updates in the net and in
the papers.

On 5/19/10, rafe azsnal  wrote:
> Noted and thank you very much.
> On May 17, 2010 2:59 AM, "red1"  wrote:
> Thanks for the moral support. I will sleep tonite better and rise to fight
> another day.
> On 5/17/10 12:09 AM, Marcus Low wrote:
>> Red1, the way u put ur msg into words is amazing.
>> -...
> --
> Join Open Source Developers Club Malaysia
> Facebook Fan page
> http://www.fac...

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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik rafe azsnal
Noted and thank you very much.

On May 17, 2010 2:59 AM, "red1"  wrote:

Thanks for the moral support. I will sleep tonite better and rise to fight
another day.

On 5/17/10 12:09 AM, Marcus Low wrote:
> Red1, the way u put ur msg into words is amazing.
> -...

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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-16 Terurut Topik red1
Thanks for the moral support. I will sleep tonite better and rise to 
fight another day.

On 5/17/10 12:09 AM, Marcus Low wrote:

Red1, the way u put ur msg into words is amazing.

- cheers


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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-16 Terurut Topik Marcus Low

Red1, the way u put ur msg into words is amazing.

- cheers


red1 wrote:

Welcome to the club, where the talk is cheap and cronies are cheaper. 
This is not personal. This is a citizen's honestly exercising his 
rights not for himself but for the common good of all. I wonder if 
such a concept exist in this open source group.

I have never asked for money for my personal gain. If i did i would 
have been a millionaire. You can ask our friend in east coast how we 
turned down million dollar projects there due to wanton kickbacks 
there which i became privy to indirectly. I stayed in my farm living 
from hand to mouth for a while as long as its berkat and halal.

Then i was encouraged by MDec's call for Open Source initiative in the 
country. I sent countless articles, emails, writeups not to mention 
meetings in MDec's cafe and with anyone connected. I request and await 
for advice which never really give a clear answer but leave many holes 
in the picture. I choose my friends well and do not like to sit with 
just anybody. I stick to people who are not kiasu nor taking us for a 

But all the funding i am asking did not come because i did not make it 
'commercially exciting' nor fill the old decadent formats. I put it as 
it is. It is for the country's all of the above NKRAs shit and not for 
my personal gain. I am not on trial here but the country's future.

In the end what did i get? A personal attack so stinging that people 
thought i am going to take it sitting down. You have no idea who you 
are dealing with here.

Malaysia must grow, the cronies must go. If Rafe cannot take the heat 
then i suggest he take a boatride with Raja. Bear in mind tha MDec 
collect fat salaries from our taxes and i do not. I still live on the 
farm and i survive by selling overseas requests for consultancy. I am 
still willing to share my little humble pie to anyone who wishes to 
take this red pill.

Its time for a commission for inquiry why Malaysia is slipping in the 
rankings even though we spent billions.  A new facebook group anyone?

On 5/16/10 12:29 PM, CL Chow wrote:
Yes, what we need is a lot of big leap, not moving slowly and be 
grateful, we are fallen way far behind!!!

And again, this word of 'Malaysianising' is stupid, it sounds like as 
long as we put some big sum of money, we can have Malaysia's flag 
imprinted? So, can we enjoy the glamour to fulfill our high ego 
requirement? But actually ignoring the real meaning of a software? To 
benefit people and ease our tasks so we can help more people?

And about the VISTA Healthcare System Boh mentioned, it is developed 
by the US's department of Veterans Affair with primary goal is to 
help people, not to boost their reputation. Of course as long as you 
do things with a good intention, you will have good reputation sooner 
or later. And everyone from around the world is allowed and welcomed 
to join the development. Look at World VISTA and other branches, no, 
they are not advertised as a proud and glorified US's brand. And they 
are not evil Western products!

So, do we want to develop one real useful softwares or a bunch 
costly, shortly glorified, Malaysian only Malaysian brand software 
that can fulfill our high requirement Malaysian egotism only for a 
short while? And show the world how shallow we are?

And please, and again, do not abuse the name of FOSS, remember 
openness and Free for everybody! Malaysianising sounds more like 
proprietary ego shit to me! Can't we just put down everything, and 
work together? As humans!!! Think about the greater good, think about 
how much we can contribute to the world. Think, in neutral 
standing!!! Frankly, I don't think our government is!!!

By the way, I'm a inexperience young lad who just wanted to follow 
the teaching of FOSS. I know I might be wrong, but I won't be much 
wrong than most of us. Helping is an addiction, sharing is caring.

CL Chow

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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik Raja Iskandar Shah
i think straits people or orang laut (as in tuhfat al-nafis) is a more
appropriate description. strong principles and uncompromising. but
remembered in the history books as pirates because munshi abdullah screwed
up our history ;-(

as they say, it takes two to tango.

now, shall we take our family and have that dance under the twilight stars
on the deck of chow's ship ;-)

perhaps carlos ruiz will be kind enough to welcome us to the shores of
colombia ?

On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 2:09 PM, red1  wrote:

> On 5/16/10 1:51 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:
>> aye, red1
>> i am quite certain that you said you wanted a pirate ship ?
> u shuld know by now what kind of pirates we are. We are anarchic and
> chaotic, and we will lurk in the darkness to attack strongly. I tot that i
> can land on shore and put on a coat and tie to change the world. It seems
> not to be.
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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik CL Chow
I too, want a ship :)
a functional ship but not built using taxpayers' hard earned money.
And everyone is welcome to aboard the ship :)

CL Chow
"Please do not send me Microsoft Office/Apple iWork documents. Send
OpenDocument instead!";

On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 2:09 PM, red1  wrote:

> On 5/16/10 1:51 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:
>> aye, red1
>> i am quite certain that you said you wanted a pirate ship ?
> u shuld know by now what kind of pirates we are. We are anarchic and
> chaotic, and we will lurk in the darkness to attack strongly. I tot that i
> can land on shore and put on a coat and tie to change the world. It seems
> not to be.
> --
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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik red1

On 5/16/10 1:51 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:

aye, red1

i am quite certain that you said you wanted a pirate ship ?
u shuld know by now what kind of pirates we are. We are anarchic and 
chaotic, and we will lurk in the darkness to attack strongly. I tot that 
i can land on shore and put on a coat and tie to change the world. It 
seems not to be.

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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik red1

Welcome to the club, where the talk is cheap and cronies are cheaper. 
This is not personal. This is a citizen's honestly exercising his rights 
not for himself but for the common good of all. I wonder if such a 
concept exist in this open source group.

I have never asked for money for my personal gain. If i did i would have 
been a millionaire. You can ask our friend in east coast how we turned 
down million dollar projects there due to wanton kickbacks there which i 
became privy to indirectly. I stayed in my farm living from hand to 
mouth for a while as long as its berkat and halal.

Then i was encouraged by MDec's call for Open Source initiative in the 
country. I sent countless articles, emails, writeups not to mention 
meetings in MDec's cafe and with anyone connected. I request and await 
for advice which never really give a clear answer but leave many holes 
in the picture. I choose my friends well and do not like to sit with 
just anybody. I stick to people who are not kiasu nor taking us for a ride.

But all the funding i am asking did not come because i did not make it 
'commercially exciting' nor fill the old decadent formats. I put it as 
it is. It is for the country's all of the above NKRAs shit and not for 
my personal gain. I am not on trial here but the country's future.

In the end what did i get? A personal attack so stinging that people 
thought i am going to take it sitting down. You have no idea who you are 
dealing with here.

Malaysia must grow, the cronies must go. If Rafe cannot take the heat 
then i suggest he take a boatride with Raja. Bear in mind tha MDec 
collect fat salaries from our taxes and i do not. I still live on the 
farm and i survive by selling overseas requests for consultancy. I am 
still willing to share my little humble pie to anyone who wishes to take 
this red pill.

Its time for a commission for inquiry why Malaysia is slipping in the 
rankings even though we spent billions.  A new facebook group anyone?

On 5/16/10 12:29 PM, CL Chow wrote:
Yes, what we need is a lot of big leap, not moving slowly and be 
grateful, we are fallen way far behind!!!

And again, this word of 'Malaysianising' is stupid, it sounds like as 
long as we put some big sum of money, we can have Malaysia's flag 
imprinted? So, can we enjoy the glamour to fulfill our high ego 
requirement? But actually ignoring the real meaning of a software? To 
benefit people and ease our tasks so we can help more people?

And about the VISTA Healthcare System Boh mentioned, it is developed 
by the US's department of Veterans Affair with primary goal is to help 
people, not to boost their reputation. Of course as long as you do 
things with a good intention, you will have good reputation sooner or 
later. And everyone from around the world is allowed and welcomed to 
join the development. Look at World VISTA and other branches, no, they 
are not advertised as a proud and glorified US's brand. And they are 
not evil Western products!

So, do we want to develop one real useful softwares or a bunch costly, 
shortly glorified, Malaysian only Malaysian brand software that can 
fulfill our high requirement Malaysian egotism only for a short while? 
And show the world how shallow we are?

And please, and again, do not abuse the name of FOSS, remember 
openness and Free for everybody! Malaysianising sounds more like 
proprietary ego shit to me! Can't we just put down everything, and 
work together? As humans!!! Think about the greater good, think about 
how much we can contribute to the world. Think, in neutral standing!!! 
Frankly, I don't think our government is!!!

By the way, I'm a inexperience young lad who just wanted to follow the 
teaching of FOSS. I know I might be wrong, but I won't be much wrong 
than most of us. Helping is an addiction, sharing is caring.

CL Chow

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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik Raja Iskandar Shah
aye, red1

i am quite certain that you said you wanted a pirate ship ?

best place to get a pirate ship is in laut sulu

anyone else wants a ship ? not necessarily a pirate ship.

On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 1:33 PM, red1  wrote:

> Nampak macam going the way of Tony Fernandez plak? Aneh.. in the end who
> cries for Open Source? Am i to give up also cos i got smashed personally by
> 'Mr MDec'? Which i thought was public taxpayers' money and citizens' trust,
> and not some personal official's drawer who places Facebook and MS as higher
> priority.
> I wish MDec can back up its criticisms against me with an official letter.
> So i can then properly regard MDec as officialy wants me to end my pitching
> and high worth ideas for the country. They do not want me to expose where
> the RM10m funding promised to us went to. I got information and i am putting
> them out as fair comment. I did not name names. In the end i have to take
> legal action. Because this is getting serious. MDec made official claims in
> the press. It is time to take accountability.
> MDec bukanlah khazanah persendirian sesiapa tetapi amanah rakyat
> terutamanya warga sumber terbuka. Mereka perlu bantuan dan jawapan, bukan
> helah dan pemesongan sehingga program MOSCON menjadi alasan memerah tenaga
> warga tersebut tanpa balasan sewarjarnya. Isu sebenar bukanlah daya
> perjuangan mereka lagi. Kami sudah terbukti berjuang habis-habisan. Samada
> sebagai pengguna maupun pembuat.
> Sudah lama kedengaran rintihan mereka setiap kali program dan kali ini akan
> berulang. Ini bukan ramalan, tetapi amalan biasa. Dan saya sebagai rakyat
> prihatan dan peka tidak akan dan tidak patut berdiam diri. Yang lemah akan
> peluk apa saja ranting yang ada seolah terlalu lemah, miskin dan mengemis.
> Ini tidak mencerminkan daya permikiran yang sepatutnya dari warga generasi
> terkini. Bukan terbilang dan gemilang, tetapi makin tersilam dan terhilang.
> On 5/16/10 12:45 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:
>> yes red1 you must have been reading my mind ;p
>> plenty of proposals to fit into an 'ungreased' storage vault ! hahaha ..
>> and some are horrible that deserves to be flushed down the toilet ;p
>> but suprisingly, a few do get through. but the information need to be
>> packaged and must be quantified in terms of total value and rule of thumb
>> value. the 'angkatan' helps a lot as well.
>> // this afternoon my brother is coming to entice me to join in his
>> proposed shipping business in sabah. sounds very exciting. now everyone can
>> sail ?
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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik red1
Nampak macam going the way of Tony Fernandez plak? Aneh.. in the end who 
cries for Open Source? Am i to give up also cos i got smashed personally 
by 'Mr MDec'? Which i thought was public taxpayers' money and citizens' 
trust, and not some personal official's drawer who places Facebook and 
MS as higher priority.

I wish MDec can back up its criticisms against me with an official 
letter. So i can then properly regard MDec as officialy wants me to end 
my pitching and high worth ideas for the country. They do not want me to 
expose where the RM10m funding promised to us went to. I got information 
and i am putting them out as fair comment. I did not name names. In the 
end i have to take legal action. Because this is getting serious. MDec 
made official claims in the press. It is time to take accountability.

MDec bukanlah khazanah persendirian sesiapa tetapi amanah rakyat 
terutamanya warga sumber terbuka. Mereka perlu bantuan dan jawapan, 
bukan helah dan pemesongan sehingga program MOSCON menjadi alasan 
memerah tenaga warga tersebut tanpa balasan sewarjarnya. Isu sebenar 
bukanlah daya perjuangan mereka lagi. Kami sudah terbukti berjuang 
habis-habisan. Samada sebagai pengguna maupun pembuat.

Sudah lama kedengaran rintihan mereka setiap kali program dan kali ini 
akan berulang. Ini bukan ramalan, tetapi amalan biasa. Dan saya sebagai 
rakyat prihatan dan peka tidak akan dan tidak patut berdiam diri. Yang 
lemah akan peluk apa saja ranting yang ada seolah terlalu lemah, miskin 
dan mengemis. Ini tidak mencerminkan daya permikiran yang sepatutnya 
dari warga generasi terkini. Bukan terbilang dan gemilang, tetapi makin 
tersilam dan terhilang.

On 5/16/10 12:45 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:

yes red1 you must have been reading my mind ;p

plenty of proposals to fit into an 'ungreased' storage vault ! hahaha 
.. and some are horrible that deserves to be flushed down the toilet ;p

but suprisingly, a few do get through. but the information need to be 
packaged and must be quantified in terms of total value and rule of 
thumb value. the 'angkatan' helps a lot as well.

// this afternoon my brother is coming to entice me to join in his 
proposed shipping business in sabah. sounds very exciting. now 
everyone can sail ?

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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik Raja Iskandar Shah
yes red1 you must have been reading my mind ;p

plenty of proposals to fit into an 'ungreased' storage vault ! hahaha .. and
some are horrible that deserves to be flushed down the toilet ;p

but suprisingly, a few do get through. but the information need to be
packaged and must be quantified in terms of total value and rule of thumb
value. the 'angkatan' helps a lot as well.

// this afternoon my brother is coming to entice me to join in his proposed
shipping business in sabah. sounds very exciting. now everyone can sail ?

On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 12:04 PM, red1  wrote:

> thanks Raja for been the journalist. Reading yesterday's news. It is no
> better than my bitching. But who pitches for tomorrow? What proposal do you
> have? How long is it stuck in some ungreased drawer?
> On 5/16/10 11:47 AM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:
>> whatever it is, malaysia really needs to do quantum leaps on its
>> infrastructure.
>> the united nations ranks malaysia 12th on e-participation. very highly
>> commended and a great success for little people like me to be proud of.
>> BUT because our infra sucks big time, malaysia is dragged down in the
>> overall e-government development index to 32. 20 places down ! and colombia
>> is ranked 31 above us !
>> refer to :
>> like it or not, malaysia has to lay fibre optics through out the country,
>> then we can get full 3.5g or 4g or 5g or whatever.
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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik CL Chow
Yes, what we need is a lot of big leap, not moving slowly and be grateful,
we are fallen way far behind!!!

And again, this word of 'Malaysianising' is stupid, it sounds like as long
as we put some big sum of money, we can have Malaysia's flag imprinted? So,
can we enjoy the glamour to fulfill our high ego requirement? But actually
ignoring the real meaning of a software? To benefit people and ease our
tasks so we can help more people?

And about the VISTA Healthcare System Boh mentioned, it is developed by the
US's department of Veterans Affair with primary goal is to help people, not
to boost their reputation. Of course as long as you do things with a good
intention, you will have good reputation sooner or later. And everyone from
around the world is allowed and welcomed to join the development. Look at
World VISTA and other branches, no, they are not advertised as a proud and
glorified US's brand. And they are not evil Western products!

So, do we want to develop one real useful softwares or a bunch costly,
shortly glorified, Malaysian only Malaysian brand software that can fulfill
our high requirement Malaysian egotism only for a short while? And show the
world how shallow we are?

And please, and again, do not abuse the name of FOSS, remember openness and
Free for everybody! Malaysianising sounds more like proprietary ego shit to
me! Can't we just put down everything, and work together? As humans!!! Think
about the greater good, think about how much we can contribute to the world.
Think, in neutral standing!!! Frankly, I don't think our government is!!!

By the way, I'm a inexperience young lad who just wanted to follow the
teaching of FOSS. I know I might be wrong, but I won't be much wrong than
most of us. Helping is an addiction, sharing is caring.

CL Chow
"Please do not send me Microsoft Office/Apple iWork documents. Send
OpenDocument instead!";

On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Raja Iskandar Shah <> wrote:

> whatever it is, malaysia really needs to do quantum leaps on its
> infrastructure.
> the united nations ranks malaysia 12th on e-participation. very highly
> commended and a great success for little people like me to be proud of.
> BUT because our infra sucks big time, malaysia is dragged down in the
> overall e-government development index to 32. 20 places down ! and colombia
> is ranked 31 above us !
> refer to :
> like it or not, malaysia has to lay fibre optics through out the country,
> then we can get full 3.5g or 4g or 5g or whatever.
> countries like singapore, korea, japan, uk, .. are so far ahead of us on
> fixed line broadband, that we need to do that quantum leap into high speed
> wireless broadband to compete with them. thankfully, we have maxis, p1 and
> digi to innovate the telco industry. if it was left to tmnet, we will still
> be doing dial-up broadband which 80% of us are still doing right now.
> according to the united nations, bahrain has leap-frogged us !
> and india that the higher ups are so engrossed in wooing is ranked 119 !
> thankfully, we have fewer indians developing 'e-government' projects for us.
> malaysia boleh ;-)  malaysian macha' and thambi are much better lah ...
> colombia's national income per capita is us$4,620. malaysia's is us$7,250.
> to me it looks like tmnet has 'kencing' the country big time. how can a
> central american drug war ravaged country beat us in the overall
> e-government development index ?
> reference :
> (a beautiful site done using open source
> drupal)
> hopefully, someone with a facebook account can paste this to yb rais' and
> yb najib's facebook account.
> On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 10:14 AM, red1  wrote:
>> On 5/16/10 3:12 AM, Boh Yap wrote:
>>> ;-) if only the gov is this enlightened...
>>  If only the govt realised about MDec.
>> --
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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik red1
thanks Raja for been the journalist. Reading yesterday's news. It is no 
better than my bitching. But who pitches for tomorrow? What proposal do 
you have? How long is it stuck in some ungreased drawer?

On 5/16/10 11:47 AM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:
whatever it is, malaysia really needs to do quantum leaps on its 

the united nations ranks malaysia 12th on e-participation. very highly 
commended and a great success for little people like me to be proud of.

BUT because our infra sucks big time, malaysia is dragged down in the 
overall e-government development index to 32. 20 places down ! and 
colombia is ranked 31 above us !

refer to :

like it or not, malaysia has to lay fibre optics through out the 
country, then we can get full 3.5g or 4g or 5g or whatever.

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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik Raja Iskandar Shah
whatever it is, malaysia really needs to do quantum leaps on its

the united nations ranks malaysia 12th on e-participation. very highly
commended and a great success for little people like me to be proud of.

BUT because our infra sucks big time, malaysia is dragged down in the
overall e-government development index to 32. 20 places down ! and colombia
is ranked 31 above us !

refer to :

like it or not, malaysia has to lay fibre optics through out the country,
then we can get full 3.5g or 4g or 5g or whatever.

countries like singapore, korea, japan, uk, .. are so far ahead of us on
fixed line broadband, that we need to do that quantum leap into high speed
wireless broadband to compete with them. thankfully, we have maxis, p1 and
digi to innovate the telco industry. if it was left to tmnet, we will still
be doing dial-up broadband which 80% of us are still doing right now.

according to the united nations, bahrain has leap-frogged us !

and india that the higher ups are so engrossed in wooing is ranked 119 !
thankfully, we have fewer indians developing 'e-government' projects for us.
malaysia boleh ;-)  malaysian macha' and thambi are much better lah ...

colombia's national income per capita is us$4,620. malaysia's is us$7,250.
to me it looks like tmnet has 'kencing' the country big time. how can a
central american drug war ravaged country beat us in the overall
e-government development index ?

reference : (a beautiful site done using open source

hopefully, someone with a facebook account can paste this to yb rais' and yb
najib's facebook account.

On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 10:14 AM, red1  wrote:

> On 5/16/10 3:12 AM, Boh Yap wrote:
>> ;-) if only the gov is this enlightened...
>  If only the govt realised about MDec.
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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik red1

On 5/16/10 3:12 AM, Boh Yap wrote:

;-) if only the gov is this enlightened...

 If only the govt realised about MDec.

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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik Boh Yap
This is a silly question, but...

Since we are spending public funds for these Malaysianised projects,
assuming some of these will be rewritten, should the IP be made Open
Source, to the Malaysian people at least?

After all, that's what the insidious and unmoral western countries
do,... hence the world has something called VISTA (don't confuse this
with MS failed OS!) an open source Hospital Information System,
Originally developed by the US Dept of Defense for its veterans, among

;-) if only the gov is this enlightened...

On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 12:52 AM, azmi salim  wrote:
> y? coz all those junkies will dug-up those fibre cables to salvage the cable
> inlays / in general terms it is called "steel mesh protector"   
> hehhehehe :)
> On 16 May 2010 00:49, azmi salim  wrote:
>> humbly speaking, RM 200 mil xcukup untuk lay fibre optic cable on all
>> federal roads.
>> On 15 May 2010 20:45, Raja Iskandar Shah  wrote:
>>> i think rm200 million is better spent laying fibre optic cables on all
>>> federal roads then attach a wifi point to the street lights every 500 meters
>>> maxis thinks this concept is good
>>> Maxis to utilise TNB poles
>>> 13 May 2010 ... Maxis to utilise TNB poles. By JACK WONG
>>> ... KUCHING: Maxis Bhd plans to make use of Tenaga
>>> Nasional Bhd (TNB) poles ...
>>> - Cached
>>> and for once, terengganu gets into the action early ;-)
>>> finally i can dump tmnet !
>>> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 8:08 PM, sweemeng ng  wrote:

 call me cynical, but define malaysianise software.

 On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 7:24 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah
> Search Results
> New initiative aims to 'Malaysianise' computer software | The ...
> 14 May 2010 ... A nationwideinitiative to "Malaysianise" computer
> software used in the ... Communications and Multimedia Minister, Datuk 
> Seri
> Utama Dr Rais ...
> RM200mil to create software with Malaysian touch - Latest news ...
> 13 May 2010 ... A national project to “Malaysianise” computer software,
> used in the information technology sectors in the country has been 
> revealed.
> Rais ...
> - Cached
> RM200m to create software with Malaysian touch
> 13 May 2010 ... SIBU: A nationwide initiative to “Malaysianise”
> computer software used in the information technology sectors in the 
> country
> has been rolled ...
> - Cached
> RM200m to create software with Malaysian touch
> 3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 3 hours ago
> ... Datuk Seri Utama Dr Rais Yatim said his ministry had set up a
> RM200mil fund to finance the software “Malaysianisation initiative”. ...
> - 8 hours ago
> --
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 Groups " Mailing List" group.
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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik azmi salim
y? coz all those junkies will dug-up those fibre cables to salvage the cable
inlays / in general terms it is called "steel mesh protector"   
hehhehehe :)

On 16 May 2010 00:49, azmi salim  wrote:

> humbly speaking, RM 200 mil xcukup untuk lay fibre optic cable on all
> federal roads.
> On 15 May 2010 20:45, Raja Iskandar Shah  wrote:
>> i think rm200 million is better spent laying fibre optic cables on all
>> federal roads then attach a wifi point to the street lights every 500 meters
>> maxis thinks this concept is good
>> *Maxis* to utilise *TNB* 
>> poles
>> 13 May 2010 *...* *Maxis* to utilise *TNB* poles. By JACK WONG
>> *...* KUCHING: *Maxis* Bhd plans to make use of
>> Tenaga Nasional Bhd (*TNB*) poles *...*
>> - 
>> Cached
>> and for once, terengganu gets into the action early ;-)
>> finally i can dump tmnet !
>> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 8:08 PM, sweemeng ng  wrote:
>>> call me cynical, but define malaysianise software.
>>> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 7:24 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah <
>>>> wrote:

 Search Results

1. New initiative aims to '*Malaysianise*' computer *software* | The

14 May 2010 *...* A nationwideinitiative to "*Malaysianise*"
computer *software* used in the *...* Communications and Multimedia
Minister, Datuk Seri Utama Dr *Rais* *...**malaysianise*-computer-*
2. RM200mil to create *software* with Malaysian touch - Latest news

13 May 2010 *...* A national project to “*Malaysianise*” computer *
software*, used in the information technology sectors in the country
has been revealed. *Rais* *...* -

3. RM200m to create *software* with Malaysian 
13 May 2010 *...* SIBU: A nationwide initiative to “*Malaysianise*”
computer *software* used in the information technology sectors in
the country has been rolled *...* -

4. RM200m to create *software* with Malaysian 
3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 3 hours ago
*...* Datuk Seri Utama Dr *Rais* Yatim said his ministry had set up
a RM200mil fund to finance the *software* 
*...* - 8 hours ago

 Join Open Source Developers Club Malaysia

 Facebook Fan page

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

 Groups " Mailing List" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
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>> Facebook

Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik azmi salim
humbly speaking, RM 200 mil xcukup untuk lay fibre optic cable on all
federal roads.

On 15 May 2010 20:45, Raja Iskandar Shah  wrote:

> i think rm200 million is better spent laying fibre optic cables on all
> federal roads then attach a wifi point to the street lights every 500 meters
> maxis thinks this concept is good
> *Maxis* to utilise *TNB* 
> poles
> 13 May 2010 *...* *Maxis* to utilise *TNB* poles. By JACK WONG
> *...* KUCHING: *Maxis* Bhd plans to make use of
> Tenaga Nasional Bhd (*TNB*) poles *...*
> - 
> Cached
> and for once, terengganu gets into the action early ;-)
> finally i can dump tmnet !
> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 8:08 PM, sweemeng ng  wrote:
>> call me cynical, but define malaysianise software.
>> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 7:24 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah <
>>> wrote:
>>> Search Results
>>>1. New initiative aims to '*Malaysianise*' computer *software* | The
>>> *...*
>>>14 May 2010 *...* A nationwideinitiative to "*Malaysianise*" computer
>>>*software* used in the *...* Communications and Multimedia Minister,
>>>Datuk Seri Utama Dr *Rais* *...*
>>>2. RM200mil to create *software* with Malaysian touch - Latest news *
>>> ...*
>>>13 May 2010 *...* A national project to “*Malaysianise*” computer *
>>>software*, used in the information technology sectors in the country
>>>has been revealed. *Rais* *...*
>>> - 
>>> Cached
>>>3. RM200m to create *software* with Malaysian 
>>> touch
>>>13 May 2010 *...* SIBU: A nationwide initiative to “*Malaysianise*”
>>>computer *software* used in the information technology sectors in the
>>>country has been rolled *...*
>>> -
>>> Cached
>>>4. RM200m to create *software* with Malaysian 
>>> touch
>>>3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 3 hours ago
>>>*...* Datuk Seri Utama Dr *Rais* Yatim said his ministry had set up a
>>>RM200mil fund to finance the *software* “*Malaysianisation*initiative”.
>>> - 8 hours ago
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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik CL Chow
See, this is what I've meant, for the ego, the face... and the money
Frankly, is that the way of FOSS?

CL Chow
"Please do not send me Microsoft Office/Apple iWork documents. Send
OpenDocument instead!";

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 11:17 PM, red1  wrote:

> for their corrupted cronies, who else?
> On 5/15/10 9:50 PM, Hasan Abu Bakar wrote:
>> of course there are proposals for these. I wonder who are the
>> contractors.. :)
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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik red1

for their corrupted cronies, who else?

On 5/15/10 9:50 PM, Hasan Abu Bakar wrote:

of course there are proposals for these. I wonder who are the contractors.. :)


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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik Raja Iskandar Shah
whatever it is, since the money is there, i guess the loco and translation
teams should write to the ministry to ask for rm50k each. since we can own
the ip on our bits, then it is a big plus.

maybe a 1malaysia distro with english, malay, chinese, tamil, kadazan, ...
and 1malaysia persona, theme,  heck we can even have rais' face as

i guess openoffice with all those languages will be good for schools. no
harm asking.

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 9:50 PM, Hasan Abu Bakar wrote:

> of course there are proposals for these. I wonder who are the contractors..
> :)
> Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
> ---
> Network Security Engineer
> Sigma Rectrix Systems (M) Sdn Bhd
> Darwin Bizkuts-iPhone 10.0.0d3 Darwin Kernel Version 10.0.0d3: Fri Sep
> 25 23:30:45 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1357.5.30~3/RELEASE_ARM_S5L8900X
> iPhone1,2 arm N82AP Darwin
> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 9:14 PM, CL Chow  wrote:
> > May perhaps skeptical,
> > but 200mil without any detailed plans or proposal?!
> > Another way to waste more money for ego I suppose?
> > Regards,
> > CL Chow
> > "Please do not send me Microsoft Office/Apple iWork documents. Send
> > OpenDocument instead!";
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 9:05 PM, sweemeng ng  wrote:
> >>
> >> though 200mil is too much for translation work, personal opinion
> >>
> >> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 9:01 PM, Umarzuki Mochlis 
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> it is better to put use on enhancing & translating already available
> open
> >>> source softwares
> >>> 200 mil...Imagine how that could further advance the open source
> >>> softwares
> >>>
> >>> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 8:45 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah
> >>>  wrote:
>  i think rm200 million is better spent laying fibre optic cables on all
>  federal roads then attach a wifi point to the street lights every 500
> meters
>  maxis thinks this concept is good
>  Maxis to utilise TNB poles
>  13 May 2010 ... Maxis to utilise TNB poles. By JACK WONG
> ... KUCHING: Maxis Bhd plans to make use of
> Tenaga
>  Nasional Bhd (TNB) poles ...
> -
> Cached
>  and for once, terengganu gets into the action early ;-)
>  finally i can dump tmnet !
>  On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 8:08 PM, sweemeng ng 
> wrote:
> >
> > call me cynical, but define malaysianise software.
> >
> > On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 7:24 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah
> >  wrote:
> >>
> >> Search Results
> >>
> >> New initiative aims to 'Malaysianise' computer software | The ...
> >>
> >> 14 May 2010 ... A nationwideinitiative to "Malaysianise" computer
> >> software used in the ... Communications and Multimedia Minister,
> Datuk Seri
> >> Utama Dr Rais ...
> >>
> >>
> >> RM200mil to create software with Malaysian touch - Latest news ...
> >>
> >> 13 May 2010 ... A national project to “Malaysianise” computer
> >> software, used in the information technology sectors in the country
> has been
> >> revealed. Rais ...
> >> -
> Cached
> >>
> >> RM200m to create software with Malaysian touch
> >>
> >> 13 May 2010 ... SIBU: A nationwide initiative to “Malaysianise”
> >> computer software used in the information technology sectors in the
> country
> >> has been rolled ...
> >> -
> >> Cached
> >>
> >> RM200m to create software with Malaysian touch
> >>
> >> 3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 3 hours ago
> >> ... Datuk Seri Utama Dr Rais Yatim said his ministry had set up a
> >> RM200mil fund to finance the software “Malaysianisation initiative”.
> ...
> >> - 8 hours ago
> >>
> >> --
> >> Join Open Source Developers Club Malaysia
> >>
> >> Facebook Fan page
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> >>
> >> Groups " Mailing List" group.
> >> To post to this group, send email to
> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >>
> >> For more options, visit this group at
> >>
> >
> > --
> > Join Open Source Developers Club Malaysia
> >
> > Facebook Fan page
> >
> >
> >
> >

Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik Hasan Abu Bakar
of course there are proposals for these. I wonder who are the contractors.. :)

Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
Network Security Engineer
Sigma Rectrix Systems (M) Sdn Bhd

Darwin Bizkuts-iPhone 10.0.0d3 Darwin Kernel Version 10.0.0d3: Fri Sep
25 23:30:45 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1357.5.30~3/RELEASE_ARM_S5L8900X
iPhone1,2 arm N82AP Darwin

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 9:14 PM, CL Chow  wrote:
> May perhaps skeptical,
> but 200mil without any detailed plans or proposal?!
> Another way to waste more money for ego I suppose?
> Regards,
> CL Chow
> "Please do not send me Microsoft Office/Apple iWork documents. Send
> OpenDocument instead!";
> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 9:05 PM, sweemeng ng  wrote:
>> though 200mil is too much for translation work, personal opinion
>> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 9:01 PM, Umarzuki Mochlis 
>> wrote:
>>> it is better to put use on enhancing & translating already available open
>>> source softwares
>>> 200 mil...Imagine how that could further advance the open source
>>> softwares
>>> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 8:45 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah
>>>  wrote:

 i think rm200 million is better spent laying fibre optic cables on all
 federal roads then attach a wifi point to the street lights every 500 

 maxis thinks this concept is good
 Maxis to utilise TNB poles
 13 May 2010 ... Maxis to utilise TNB poles. By JACK WONG ... KUCHING: Maxis Bhd plans to make use of Tenaga
 Nasional Bhd (TNB) poles ... - Cached

 and for once, terengganu gets into the action early ;-)

 finally i can dump tmnet !

 On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 8:08 PM, sweemeng ng  wrote:
> call me cynical, but define malaysianise software.
> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 7:24 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah
>  wrote:
>> Search Results
>> New initiative aims to 'Malaysianise' computer software | The ...
>> 14 May 2010 ... A nationwideinitiative to "Malaysianise" computer
>> software used in the ... Communications and Multimedia Minister, Datuk 
>> Seri
>> Utama Dr Rais ...
>> RM200mil to create software with Malaysian touch - Latest news ...
>> 13 May 2010 ... A national project to “Malaysianise” computer
>> software, used in the information technology sectors in the country has 
>> been
>> revealed. Rais ...
>> - Cached
>> RM200m to create software with Malaysian touch
>> 13 May 2010 ... SIBU: A nationwide initiative to “Malaysianise”
>> computer software used in the information technology sectors in the 
>> country
>> has been rolled ...
>> -
>> Cached
>> RM200m to create software with Malaysian touch
>> 3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 3 hours ago
>> ... Datuk Seri Utama Dr Rais Yatim said his ministry had set up a
>> RM200mil fund to finance the software “Malaysianisation initiative”. ...
>> - 8 hours ago
>> --
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>> Facebook Fan page
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>> Groups " Mailing List" group.
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 Join Open Source Developers Club Malaysia

 Facebook Fan page

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

 Groups " Mailing List" group.

Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik CL Chow
May perhaps skeptical,
but 200mil without any detailed plans or proposal?!
Another way to waste more money for ego I suppose?

CL Chow
"Please do not send me Microsoft Office/Apple iWork documents. Send
OpenDocument instead!";

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 9:05 PM, sweemeng ng  wrote:

> though 200mil is too much for translation work, personal opinion
> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 9:01 PM, Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:
>> it is better to put use on enhancing & translating already available open
>> source softwares
>> 200 mil...Imagine how that could further advance the open source softwares
>> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 8:45 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah <
>>> wrote:
>>> i think rm200 million is better spent laying fibre optic cables on all
>>> federal roads then attach a wifi point to the street lights every 500 meters
>>> maxis thinks this concept is good
>>> *Maxis* to utilise *TNB* 
>>> poles
>>> 13 May 2010 *...* *Maxis* to utilise *TNB* poles. By JACK WONG
>>> *...* KUCHING: *Maxis* Bhd plans to make use of
>>> Tenaga Nasional Bhd (*TNB*) poles *...*
>>> - 
>>> Cached
>>> and for once, terengganu gets into the action early ;-)
>>> finally i can dump tmnet !
>>> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 8:08 PM, sweemeng ng  wrote:
 call me cynical, but define malaysianise software.

 On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 7:24 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah <> wrote:

> Search Results
>1. New initiative aims to '*Malaysianise*' computer *software* |
> *...*
>14 May 2010 *...* A nationwideinitiative to "*Malaysianise*"
>computer *software* used in the *...* Communications and Multimedia
>Minister, Datuk Seri Utama Dr *Rais* *...*
>2. RM200mil to create *software* with Malaysian touch - Latest news
> *...*
>13 May 2010 *...* A national project to “*Malaysianise*” computer *
>software*, used in the information technology sectors in the
>country has been revealed. *Rais* *...*
> -
> Cached
>3. RM200m to create *software* with Malaysian 
> touch
>13 May 2010 *...* SIBU: A nationwide initiative to “*Malaysianise*”
>computer *software* used in the information technology sectors in
>the country has been rolled *...*
> -
> Cached
>4. RM200m to create *software* with Malaysian 
> touch
>3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 3 hours ago
>*...* Datuk Seri Utama Dr *Rais* Yatim said his ministry had set up
>a RM200mil fund to finance the *software* 
> “*Malaysianisation*initiative”.
> - 8 hours ago
>  --
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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik sweemeng ng
though 200mil is too much for translation work, personal opinion

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 9:01 PM, Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:

> it is better to put use on enhancing & translating already available open
> source softwares
> 200 mil...Imagine how that could further advance the open source softwares
> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 8:45 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah <
>> wrote:
>> i think rm200 million is better spent laying fibre optic cables on all
>> federal roads then attach a wifi point to the street lights every 500 meters
>> maxis thinks this concept is good
>> *Maxis* to utilise *TNB* 
>> poles
>> 13 May 2010 *...* *Maxis* to utilise *TNB* poles. By JACK WONG
>> *...* KUCHING: *Maxis* Bhd plans to make use of
>> Tenaga Nasional Bhd (*TNB*) poles *...*
>> - 
>> Cached
>> and for once, terengganu gets into the action early ;-)
>> finally i can dump tmnet !
>> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 8:08 PM, sweemeng ng  wrote:
>>> call me cynical, but define malaysianise software.
>>> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 7:24 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah <
>>>> wrote:

 Search Results

1. New initiative aims to '*Malaysianise*' computer *software* | The

14 May 2010 *...* A nationwideinitiative to "*Malaysianise*"
computer *software* used in the *...* Communications and Multimedia
Minister, Datuk Seri Utama Dr *Rais* *...**malaysianise*-computer-*
2. RM200mil to create *software* with Malaysian touch - Latest news

13 May 2010 *...* A national project to “*Malaysianise*” computer *
software*, used in the information technology sectors in the country
has been revealed. *Rais* *...* -

3. RM200m to create *software* with Malaysian 
13 May 2010 *...* SIBU: A nationwide initiative to “*Malaysianise*”
computer *software* used in the information technology sectors in
the country has been rolled *...* -

4. RM200m to create *software* with Malaysian 
3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 3 hours ago
*...* Datuk Seri Utama Dr *Rais* Yatim said his ministry had set up
a RM200mil fund to finance the *software* 
*...* - 8 hours ago

 Join Open Source Developers Club Malaysia

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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

 Groups " Mailing List" group.
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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik Umarzuki Mochlis
it is better to put use on enhancing & translating already available open
source softwares
200 mil...Imagine how that could further advance the open source softwares

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 8:45 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah  wrote:

> i think rm200 million is better spent laying fibre optic cables on all
> federal roads then attach a wifi point to the street lights every 500 meters
> maxis thinks this concept is good
> *Maxis* to utilise *TNB* 
> poles
> 13 May 2010 *...* *Maxis* to utilise *TNB* poles. By JACK WONG
> *...* KUCHING: *Maxis* Bhd plans to make use of
> Tenaga Nasional Bhd (*TNB*) poles *...*
> - 
> Cached
> and for once, terengganu gets into the action early ;-)
> finally i can dump tmnet !
> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 8:08 PM, sweemeng ng  wrote:
>> call me cynical, but define malaysianise software.
>> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 7:24 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah <
>>> wrote:
>>> Search Results
>>>1. New initiative aims to '*Malaysianise*' computer *software* | The
>>> *...*
>>>14 May 2010 *...* A nationwideinitiative to "*Malaysianise*" computer
>>>*software* used in the *...* Communications and Multimedia Minister,
>>>Datuk Seri Utama Dr *Rais* *...*
>>>2. RM200mil to create *software* with Malaysian touch - Latest news *
>>> ...*
>>>13 May 2010 *...* A national project to “*Malaysianise*” computer *
>>>software*, used in the information technology sectors in the country
>>>has been revealed. *Rais* *...*
>>> - 
>>> Cached
>>>3. RM200m to create *software* with Malaysian 
>>> touch
>>>13 May 2010 *...* SIBU: A nationwide initiative to “*Malaysianise*”
>>>computer *software* used in the information technology sectors in the
>>>country has been rolled *...*
>>> -
>>> Cached
>>>4. RM200m to create *software* with Malaysian 
>>> touch
>>>3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 3 hours ago
>>>*...* Datuk Seri Utama Dr *Rais* Yatim said his ministry had set up a
>>>RM200mil fund to finance the *software* “*Malaysianisation*initiative”.
>>> - 8 hours ago
>>>  --
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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik Raja Iskandar Shah
i think rm200 million is better spent laying fibre optic cables on all
federal roads then attach a wifi point to the street lights every 500 meters

maxis thinks this concept is good
*Maxis* to utilise *TNB*
13 May 2010 *...* *Maxis* to utilise *TNB* poles. By JACK WONG *...* KUCHING: *Maxis* Bhd plans to make use of
Tenaga Nasional Bhd (*TNB*) poles *...* -

and for once, terengganu gets into the action early ;-)

finally i can dump tmnet !

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 8:08 PM, sweemeng ng  wrote:

> call me cynical, but define malaysianise software.
> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 7:24 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah <
>> wrote:
>> Search Results
>>1. New initiative aims to '*Malaysianise*' computer *software* | The *
>> ...*
>>14 May 2010 *...* A nationwideinitiative to "*Malaysianise*" computer
>>*software* used in the *...* Communications and Multimedia Minister,
>>Datuk Seri Utama Dr *Rais* *...*
>>2. RM200mil to create *software* with Malaysian touch - Latest news *
>> ...*
>>13 May 2010 *...* A national project to “*Malaysianise*” computer *
>>software*, used in the information technology sectors in the country
>>has been revealed. *Rais* *...*
>> - 
>> Cached
>>3. RM200m to create *software* with Malaysian 
>> touch
>>13 May 2010 *...* SIBU: A nationwide initiative to “*Malaysianise*”
>>computer *software* used in the information technology sectors in the
>>country has been rolled *...*
>> -
>> Cached
>>4. RM200m to create *software* with Malaysian 
>> touch
>>3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 3 hours ago
>>*...* Datuk Seri Utama Dr *Rais* Yatim said his ministry had set up a
>>RM200mil fund to finance the *software* “*Malaysianisation*initiative”.
>> - 8 hours ago
>>  --
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Re: [osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik sweemeng ng
call me cynical, but define malaysianise software.

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 7:24 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah  wrote:

> Search Results
>1. New initiative aims to '*Malaysianise*' computer *software* | The *
> ...*
>14 May 2010 *...* A nationwideinitiative to "*Malaysianise*" computer *
>software* used in the *...* Communications and Multimedia Minister,
>Datuk Seri Utama Dr *Rais* *...*
>2. RM200mil to create *software* with Malaysian touch - Latest news *
> ...*
>13 May 2010 *...* A national project to “*Malaysianise*” computer *
>software*, used in the information technology sectors in the country
>has been revealed. *Rais* *...*
> - 
> Cached
>3. RM200m to create *software* with Malaysian 
> touch
>13 May 2010 *...* SIBU: A nationwide initiative to “*Malaysianise*”
>computer *software* used in the information technology sectors in the
>country has been rolled *...*
> - 
> Cached
>4. RM200m to create *software* with Malaysian 
> touch
>3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 3 hours ago
>*...* Datuk Seri Utama Dr *Rais* Yatim said his ministry had set up a
>RM200mil fund to finance the *software* “*Malaysianisation*initiative”.
> - 8 hours ago
>  --
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[osdcmy-public] rm200 million for malaysianising software

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik Raja Iskandar Shah
Search Results

   1. New initiative aims to '*Malaysianise*' computer *software* | The *...
   14 May 2010 *...* A nationwideinitiative to "*Malaysianise*" computer *
   software* used in the *...* Communications and Multimedia Minister, Datuk
   Seri Utama Dr *Rais* *...**malaysianise*-computer-*software*
   2. RM200mil to create *software* with Malaysian touch - Latest news
   13 May 2010 *...* A national project to “*Malaysianise*” computer *
   software*, used in the information technology sectors in the country has
   been revealed. *Rais* *...* -
   3. RM200m to create *software* with Malaysian
   13 May 2010 *...* SIBU: A nationwide initiative to “*Malaysianise*”
   computer *software* used in the information technology sectors in the
   country has been rolled *...* -
   4. RM200m to create *software* with Malaysian
   3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 3 hours ago
   *...* Datuk Seri Utama Dr *Rais* Yatim said his ministry had set up a
   RM200mil fund to finance the *software* “*Malaysianisation* initiative”.
   *...* - 8 hours ago

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