Re: [osg-users] osgUtil::Optimizer and osgSim::DOFTransform with data variance STATIC

2012-02-28 Thread Magnus Kessler
On Monday 27 Feb 2012 19:49:53 Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
 Hi Magnus,
  But maybe this question is more to the authors of osgmaxexporter. Why
  does osgmaxexporter unconditionally set the data variance to STATIC?
  What are the use cases where one would model a STATIC DOFTransform?
 DOFTransforms are a relic of Multigen (Presagis) Creator, and in that
 software they were the most widely used transform node. Modelers (as you
 probably know) are fond of putting lots of transforms (and groups) all
 over the scene graph, to keep things understandable to them, and to make
 it easier to modify the model later.
 Unfortunately, there are often many of these transforms that aren't
 really useful once the models are in the simulation software. So yes,
 there is a valid use case for static DOFTransforms - transforms that
 were just put there by the modeler for convenience, but which don't have
 any use in simulation.
 Now, I agree with you, the STATIC data variance should not be
 unconditionally applied. There can be rules to determine when it should
 be, for example if the DOFTransform does not have any limits.
 At my previous employer, we had made a custom osgconv which would
 massage the scene graph before calling the osgUtil::Optimizer on it (I
 think I mentioned this before on this list). This massage is highly
 dependent on what you'll be doing with your data, which is why I don't
 think it would be useful to submit such a thing - OSG provides the tools
 for you to do the right thing in your situation. But just as an example,
 our tool would:
 * Normalize state to expected values (we didn't require artists to set
 the right filtering or face culling manually, we enforced it in the
 tools, so that osgUtil::Optimizer's various merge operations could give
 good results)
 * Flag nodes as dynamic if we didn't want them optimized away (we had
 various rules, including if a comment contained Dynamic, if a DOF had
 limits, etc.
 * Remove most Group nodes since these just hinder the merge visitors and
 in most cases, better batching (less draw calls) is more important than
 better spatial culling.
 Again, I've talked about these things in the past, and others have
 shared similar or related advice too.
 Hope this helps,

Thanks, Jean-Sebastien, for your detailed explanation. You've effectively 
confirmed what I suspected. In our workflow, where DOFTransforms are only 
occasionally used for a very specific purpose they should never be marked 
STATIC in the first place.

I believe that this is true for all workflows where DOFTransforms are being 
added through the osgmaxexporter. There they require a conscious decision of 
the modeller to add them to the scene through a special osgmaxexporter 
helper object. And as modellers don't really like to use functionality that 
is not native to their tool until they absolutely have no other choice an 
accidental use is rather improbable.

I'll patch osgmaxexporter and take it from there.

Thanks everyone for their contributions on this thread.


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] A few questions on GraphicsWindowEmbedded

2012-02-28 Thread Preet

I was able to display osg content on Qt's Declarative interface
(QtQuick, QML, etc) using the osg::GraphicsWindowEmbedded class. I
followed the examples for the FLTK and GLUT toolkits to get this (sort
of) working. There are a few of things I don't understand, and would
appreciate some clarification on.

* What do the parameters passed to the
osgViewer::GraphicsWindowEmbedded constructor (x,y,w,h) actually do? I
played around with the values and it had no visible effect on my
displayed result

* What does GraphicsWindowEmbedded do behind the scenes? Since you
don't explicitly specify a GraphicsContext for it, does that mean it
uses the OpenGL context of the framework you're embedding it into?

* I noticed that the viewport is rendered onto the window in absolute
coordinates. With QtQuick, when you create an item to display on the
screen, it has a child/parent relationship and coordinates are
relative to the parent. Moving the parent will also move the child as
you'd expect. This doesn't happen with GraphicsWindowEmbedded though,
probably because with QtQuick, all the elements are painted onto one
'canvas' (I think), and GraphicsWindowEmbedded just paints straight
onto that.

* If, instead of having GraphicsWindowEmbedded draw on my screen
whenever I call the viewer's frame() method, is it possible to render
the viewer camera's output to a texture that I could manually draw
onto a quad or something? This way I don't have to specify absolute
coordinates for the viewport like I mentioned above. I already tried
this by rendering to an osg::Image, then painting it on the screen
with Qt, but I have a relatively old computer and
osg::Image-readPixels() takes too much time. My results with the
osgscreencapture example were also pretty terrible (15-16 fps @

For anyone else who needs to do something similar, here's some scrap
code you can use to define a QDeclarativeItem that'll show an osg
view.  (header)  (source)


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgCompute] Computation on a rendered texture quad

2012-02-28 Thread Jaco Cronje

I got it working, thanks.

Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] A few questions on GraphicsWindowEmbedded

2012-02-28 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Preet,

On 28 February 2012 09:16, Preet wrote:
 * What do the parameters passed to the
 osgViewer::GraphicsWindowEmbedded constructor (x,y,w,h) actually do? I
 played around with the values and it had no visible effect on my
 displayed result

They tell the GraphicsWidnowEmedded object where about the window it's
representing is in desktop coordinates.

 * What does GraphicsWindowEmbedded do behind the scenes? Since you
 don't explicitly specify a GraphicsContext for it, does that mean it
 uses the OpenGL context of the framework you're embedding it into?

GraphicsWindowEmbedded actually does nothing behind the scenes at all
- it's a non op class designed to make it possible to reuse the
osgViewer::Viewer and CompositeViewer classes in places that already
provide the graphics context and are strictly single threaded and have
a single window.  It's really tricking these classes that a designed
to work with multi-threading and multi-context capable systems where
makeCurrent() and swapBuffers() implementations are accessible to work
without doing this operations so when calls to makeCurrent() and
swapBuffers() are made by the viewer classes nothing happens.  Since
nothing happens it's entirely up to the calling app to do it for the
viewer because it can't do itself.

Since GraphicsWindowEmbedded is design to avoid properly implementing
the key context management functions on the OSG or a subclass side it
does restrict how you can use the viewer classes.  It's very much a
crude approach to provide viewer functionality, easy to get working
yes, fully capable no.  You can't add the full capabilities back in
when using GraphicsWindowEmbedded, if you don't need multi-threading
or multi-context this will be fine, but if you do look elsewhere.

Actually implementing a GraphicsWindow properly is the most powerful
way to adapt 3rd party graphics contexts with the osgViewer, and this
is done by the osgQt::GraphicsWindowQt class, as was as the
GraphicsWindowX11, Win32, Cocoa and Carbon implementations found
natively in osgViewer.

 * I noticed that the viewport is rendered onto the window in absolute
 coordinates. With QtQuick, when you create an item to display on the
 screen, it has a child/parent relationship and coordinates are
 relative to the parent. Moving the parent will also move the child as
 you'd expect. This doesn't happen with GraphicsWindowEmbedded though,
 probably because with QtQuick, all the elements are painted onto one
 'canvas' (I think), and GraphicsWindowEmbedded just paints straight
 onto that.

I know absolutely nothing about QtQuick or how you've implemented the
integration with GraphicsWindowEmbedded so I can't say anything about

 * If, instead of having GraphicsWindowEmbedded draw on my screen
 whenever I call the viewer's frame() method, is it possible to render
 the viewer camera's output to a texture that I could manually draw
 onto a quad or something? This way I don't have to specify absolute
 coordinates for the viewport like I mentioned above. I already tried
 this by rendering to an osg::Image, then painting it on the screen
 with Qt, but I have a relatively old computer and
 osg::Image-readPixels() takes too much time. My results with the
 osgscreencapture example were also pretty terrible (15-16 fps @

If you want to do off screen rendering then this is very different
thing, GraphicsWindowEmedded is not the best thing to do this, what
you'll want is a pbuffer, osgViewer provides this.

I really don't have a clue what you are trying to achieve in the end
with your application, or why you are attempting to use QtQuick. Might
I suggest to explain to the community what type of application you are
trying to develop, what platforms you are targeting and then let
others suggest to you which route would be best rather than picking a
non standard solution without actually saying why you've done this.

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Slow rendering with displaylist.

2012-02-28 Thread Martin Großer

I am surprised about my little test program. I would like compare displaylists 
with frame buffer objects. Because, I suppose that the displaylists have to be 
faster than the vbo, because the displaylists are precompiled. But in my 
example I get another result:

VBO: 225 FPS
DL: 88 FPS

Is that possible?

Following a part of my code:

// Geometry (Grid-Plane)
::osg::Geometry* geom = new osg::Geometry;

// Vertex Array (Grid with 1000 x 1000 quads)
::osg::ref_ptr ::osg::Vec3Array  v = new ::osg::Vec3Array();
for(unsigned int x=0; x  1000; x++)
  for(unsigned int y=0; y  1000; y++)
   // create points

  // Vertex Buffer Object
  osg::VertexBufferObject* vbo = geom-getOrCreateVertexBufferObject();

// Primitive
::osg::DrawArrays* da = new 

// Geometry Node
::osg::Geode* geode = new osg::Geode;


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Slow rendering with displaylist.

2012-02-28 Thread Daniel Trstenjak

Hi Martin,

 I am surprised about my little test program. I would like compare
 displaylists with frame buffer objects. Because, I suppose that the
 displaylists have to be faster than the vbo, because the displaylists
 are precompiled. But in my example I get another result:

I think what you're testing is the performance difference between vertex
data on system memory and vertex data on graphics card memory.

It doesn't makes that much sense to compare displaylists with fbos,
because displaylists are about opengl commands and fbos about opengl data.



 Daniel Trstenjak Tel   : +49 (0)7071-9457-264
 science + computing ag   FAX   : +49 (0)7071-9457-511
 Hagellocher Weg 73   mailto:
 D-72070 Tübingen WWW   :  

Vorstand/Board of Management:
Dr. Bernd Finkbeiner, Michael Heinrichs, 
Dr. Roland Niemeier, Dr. Arno Steitz, Dr. Ingrid Zech
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/
Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Philippe Miltin
Sitz/Registered Office: Tuebingen
Registergericht/Registration Court: Stuttgart
Registernummer/Commercial Register No.: HRB 382196

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Slow rendering with displaylist.

2012-02-28 Thread Mathias Fröhlich


On Tuesday 28 February 2012, Martin Großer wrote:
 I am surprised about my little test program. I would like compare
 displaylists with frame buffer objects. Because, I suppose that the
 displaylists have to be faster than the vbo, because the displaylists are
 precompiled. But in my example I get another result:

 VBO: 225 FPS
 DL: 88 FPS

 Is that possible?

Yes, that's possible.
Plenty aspects of this:

* GPUs just work in terms of vbos. That means when you program a gpu, you will 
set up some memory regions for different purposes. Including the vertex 
program inputs. You need a base pointer, some data types, stride etc... Then 
you set up some more memory for the fragment processors samplers tell the 
hardware the base pointer, the data types, strides, dimensions and whatnot. 
Then tell the setup unit that you want to draw some triangles using these 
arrays. This *is* basically what you do when you do buffer object draws.

* DLists are implemented using vbos anyway. Thinking about how a gpu works in 
its own. Compiling just could mean to setup a set of vbo arrays and fire the 
draw on this. Dlist only provide a little more overhead in the sense that you 
can have degenerated display lists like dliststartglBegin(); 
glVertex()dlistend. This list could be combined with one just providing 
more vertices and containing a terminating glEnd. Which shows pretty fast 
that dlist handling can get pretty complicated in all its corner cases that 
are spect in old OpenGL standards valid and backward compatible up to today.

* Dlists are deprecated. So driver writers assume since some time that the 
more optimized fast path should be the vbo/drawarray path.



Dr. Mathias Fröhlich, science + computing ag, Software Solutions
Hagellocher Weg 71-75, D-72070 Tuebingen, Germany
Phone: +49 7071 9457-268, Fax: +49 7071 9457-511
Vorstand/Board of Management:
Dr. Bernd Finkbeiner, Michael Heinrichs, 
Dr. Roland Niemeier, Dr. Arno Steitz, Dr. Ingrid Zech
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/
Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Philippe Miltin
Sitz/Registered Office: Tuebingen
Registergericht/Registration Court: Stuttgart
Registernummer/Commercial Register No.: HRB 382196

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Slow rendering with displaylist.

2012-02-28 Thread Martin Großer
Hello Daniel,

That is basically true. I want to get a feeling about DisplayLists and VBOs. I 
know that the display list is a precompiled sequence of OpenGL commands. That 
is the reason that I tought the display lists should be faster. But the 
question isn't the comparison, but the slow render performance when I want to 
use display lists. I think everything is wrong in my implementation. But I 
don't know what.



 Datum: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 11:37:36 +0100
 Von: Daniel Trstenjak
 An: OpenSceneGraph Users
 Betreff: Re: [osg-users] Slow rendering with displaylist.

 Hi Martin,
  I am surprised about my little test program. I would like compare
  displaylists with frame buffer objects. Because, I suppose that the
  displaylists have to be faster than the vbo, because the displaylists
  are precompiled. But in my example I get another result:
 I think what you're testing is the performance difference between vertex
 data on system memory and vertex data on graphics card memory.
 It doesn't makes that much sense to compare displaylists with fbos,
 because displaylists are about opengl commands and fbos about opengl data.
  Daniel Trstenjak Tel   : +49 (0)7071-9457-264
  science + computing ag   FAX   : +49 (0)7071-9457-511
  Hagellocher Weg 73   mailto:
  D-72070 Tübingen WWW   :   
 Vorstand/Board of Management:
 Dr. Bernd Finkbeiner, Michael Heinrichs, 
 Dr. Roland Niemeier, Dr. Arno Steitz, Dr. Ingrid Zech
 Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/
 Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
 Philippe Miltin
 Sitz/Registered Office: Tuebingen
 Registergericht/Registration Court: Stuttgart
 Registernummer/Commercial Register No.: HRB 382196
 osg-users mailing list

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Re: [osg-users] Slow rendering with displaylist.

2012-02-28 Thread Daniel Trstenjak

Hi Martin,

 That is basically true. I want to get a feeling about DisplayLists and
 VBOs. I know that the display list is a precompiled sequence of OpenGL
 commands. That is the reason that I tought the display lists should be
 faster. But the question isn't the comparison, but the slow render
 performance when I want to use display lists. I think everything is
 wrong in my implementation. But I don't know what.

My point about system/graphics card memory is wrong. I thought
about glVertexPointer, but this call isn't even compiled into
a display list and shouldn't be used with one.

So OSG will most likely use glBegin/glEnd to put the vertex data into
the display list.

It boils down to what Mathias ;) said, it's an implementation issue,
dirty corner cases and driver developers don't optimize the
display lists anymore, because they're deprecated and just not used
that much anymore.



 Daniel Trstenjak Tel   : +49 (0)7071-9457-264
 science + computing ag   FAX   : +49 (0)7071-9457-511
 Hagellocher Weg 73   mailto:
 D-72070 Tübingen WWW   :  

Vorstand/Board of Management:
Dr. Bernd Finkbeiner, Michael Heinrichs, 
Dr. Roland Niemeier, Dr. Arno Steitz, Dr. Ingrid Zech
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/
Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Philippe Miltin
Sitz/Registered Office: Tuebingen
Registergericht/Registration Court: Stuttgart
Registernummer/Commercial Register No.: HRB 382196

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Slow rendering with displaylist.

2012-02-28 Thread Martin Großer

thanks to you, it was very helpful. Now I will only use VBOs.


 Datum: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 12:44:15 +0100
 Von: Daniel Trstenjak
 An: OpenSceneGraph Users
 Betreff: Re: [osg-users] Slow rendering with displaylist.

 Hi Martin,
  That is basically true. I want to get a feeling about DisplayLists and
  VBOs. I know that the display list is a precompiled sequence of OpenGL
  commands. That is the reason that I tought the display lists should be
  faster. But the question isn't the comparison, but the slow render
  performance when I want to use display lists. I think everything is
  wrong in my implementation. But I don't know what.
 My point about system/graphics card memory is wrong. I thought
 about glVertexPointer, but this call isn't even compiled into
 a display list and shouldn't be used with one.
 So OSG will most likely use glBegin/glEnd to put the vertex data into
 the display list.
 It boils down to what Mathias ;) said, it's an implementation issue,
 dirty corner cases and driver developers don't optimize the
 display lists anymore, because they're deprecated and just not used
 that much anymore.
  Daniel Trstenjak Tel   : +49 (0)7071-9457-264
  science + computing ag   FAX   : +49 (0)7071-9457-511
  Hagellocher Weg 73   mailto:
  D-72070 Tübingen WWW   :   
 Vorstand/Board of Management:
 Dr. Bernd Finkbeiner, Michael Heinrichs, 
 Dr. Roland Niemeier, Dr. Arno Steitz, Dr. Ingrid Zech
 Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/
 Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
 Philippe Miltin
 Sitz/Registered Office: Tuebingen
 Registergericht/Registration Court: Stuttgart
 Registernummer/Commercial Register No.: HRB 382196
 osg-users mailing list

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[osg-users] Scene as Texture

2012-02-28 Thread Hartmut Leister
Hello Osg-Users,

I want, at a specific time, capture the screen (of my osgViewer) and use it as 
a texture for a quad.
What would be the best way to achieve this? Is there already an example for 

Thanks for the advice in advance.
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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Slow rendering with displaylist.

2012-02-28 Thread Luc Frauciel
Hi Martin,

Be aware that for some combinaison of driver/hardware, VBO just don't work 
I've encoutered the case on  some Intel/ATI chipsets. 
A simple terrain created with VPB couldn't be loaded.
With VBO OFF, everything was OK.

Be also aware that if you use small geometries, there is a high overhead 
with VBO at initialization. 

It could be a good idea to make VBO you default implementation, but don't 
forget to have fallbacks when things will go wrong (especially if you have 
no control over target hardware)


De :
Martin Großer
A :
OpenSceneGraph Users
28/02/2012 13:01
Objet :
Re: [osg-users] Slow rendering with displaylist.
Envoyé par :


thanks to you, it was very helpful. Now I will only use VBOs.


 Datum: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 12:44:15 +0100
 Von: Daniel Trstenjak
 An: OpenSceneGraph Users
 Betreff: Re: [osg-users] Slow rendering with displaylist.

 Hi Martin,
  That is basically true. I want to get a feeling about DisplayLists and
  VBOs. I know that the display list is a precompiled sequence of OpenGL
  commands. That is the reason that I tought the display lists should be
  faster. But the question isn't the comparison, but the slow render
  performance when I want to use display lists. I think everything is
  wrong in my implementation. But I don't know what.
 My point about system/graphics card memory is wrong. I thought
 about glVertexPointer, but this call isn't even compiled into
 a display list and shouldn't be used with one.
 So OSG will most likely use glBegin/glEnd to put the vertex data into
 the display list.
 It boils down to what Mathias ;) said, it's an implementation issue,
 dirty corner cases and driver developers don't optimize the
 display lists anymore, because they're deprecated and just not used
 that much anymore.
  Daniel Trstenjak Tel   : +49 (0)7071-9457-264
  science + computing ag   FAX   : +49 (0)7071-9457-511
  Hagellocher Weg 73   mailto:
  D-72070 Tübingen WWW   : 
 Vorstand/Board of Management:
 Dr. Bernd Finkbeiner, Michael Heinrichs, 
 Dr. Roland Niemeier, Dr. Arno Steitz, Dr. Ingrid Zech
 Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/
 Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
 Philippe Miltin
 Sitz/Registered Office: Tuebingen
 Registergericht/Registration Court: Stuttgart
 Registernummer/Commercial Register No.: HRB 382196
 osg-users mailing list

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Re: [osg-users] Slow rendering with displaylist.

2012-02-28 Thread Glenn Waldron
Also be aware that on some architectures display lists are just plain
faster for static geometry in many cases. I've certainly seen that on

Glenn Waldron / @glennwaldron

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 8:29 AM, Luc Frauciel luc.frauc...@star-apic.comwrote:

 Hi Martin,

 Be aware that for some combinaison of driver/hardware, VBO just don't work
 I've encoutered the case on  some Intel/ATI chipsets.
 A simple terrain created with VPB couldn't be loaded.
 With VBO OFF, everything was OK.

 Be also aware that if you use small geometries, there is a high overhead
 with VBO at initialization.

 It could be a good idea to make VBO you default implementation, but don't
 forget to have fallbacks when things will go wrong (especially if you have
 no control over target hardware)


 De :Martin Großer grosser.mar...@gmx.deA :OpenSceneGraph Users 
 osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.orgDate:28/02/2012 13:01Objet :Re:
 [osg-users] Slow rendering with displaylist.Envoyé par :


 thanks to you, it was very helpful. Now I will only use VBOs.


  Datum: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 12:44:15 +0100
  Von: Daniel Trstenjak
  An: OpenSceneGraph Users
  Betreff: Re: [osg-users] Slow rendering with displaylist.

  Hi Martin,
   That is basically true. I want to get a feeling about DisplayLists and
   VBOs. I know that the display list is a precompiled sequence of OpenGL
   commands. That is the reason that I tought the display lists should be
   faster. But the question isn't the comparison, but the slow render
   performance when I want to use display lists. I think everything is
   wrong in my implementation. But I don't know what.
  My point about system/graphics card memory is wrong. I thought
  about glVertexPointer, but this call isn't even compiled into
  a display list and shouldn't be used with one.
  So OSG will most likely use glBegin/glEnd to put the vertex data into
  the display list.
  It boils down to what Mathias ;) said, it's an implementation issue,
  dirty corner cases and driver developers don't optimize the
  display lists anymore, because they're deprecated and just not used
  that much anymore.

   Daniel Trstenjak Tel   : +49 (0)7071-9457-264
   science + computing ag   FAX   : +49 (0)7071-9457-511
   Hagellocher Weg 73   mailto:
   D-72070 Tübingen WWW   :
  Vorstand/Board of Management:
  Dr. Bernd Finkbeiner, Michael Heinrichs,
  Dr. Roland Niemeier, Dr. Arno Steitz, Dr. Ingrid Zech
  Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/
  Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
  Philippe Miltin
  Sitz/Registered Office: Tuebingen
  Registergericht/Registration Court: Stuttgart
  Registernummer/Commercial Register No.: HRB 382196
  osg-users mailing list

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Re: [osg-users] Testing of OpenSceneGraph svn/trunk in prep for 3.1 dev release

2012-02-28 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi All,

I have now checked in the last build and runtime fixes that should be
required for the 3.1.0 dev release, but will await for some more
community testing before tagging the release.  So please, svn update
again and let me know how you get on.

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Windows Touch Support

2012-02-28 Thread Olaf Flebbe

Hi *,

I submitted a patch to enable MultiTouch Support for Windows 7 and above.

A first patch featured a CMAKE Variable WIN32_MUTITOUCH controlling 
support for Multitouch on Windows.


* It depends on a recent SDK (Which is part of Visual Studio 2010, but 
not by default part of VS 2008).

* It updated the WIN_VER Variable to use the WIN7 API, iff 
WIN32_MUTITOUCH is enabled

* It did call Win7 (Vista and upwards?) specific API's, breaking OSG on 
for instance Win XP.

Robert rejected it because of these shortcomings and proposed to discuss 
other ways to use this API on osg-users.

I now propose a different patch:

* It should now work with all Visual Studio Versions.
* WIN_VER is left as-is
* I added the missing declarations from a recent SDK, if not supplied by 
the SDK

* If someone chooses to update WIN_VER, the declarations should not break.
* All API Calls are runtime detected.
* No CMake Variable, Support is enabled automatically .

What do you think? Please find attached a zip of the changed 
GraphicsWindowWin32.cpp as of SVN trunk of yesterday.


BTW: Maybe there is a transformation of coordinates of touchpoints 

Description: application/compressed-tar
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] [osgPPU] Perfomance issues with PBO for input textures

2012-02-28 Thread Shahar Kosti
I'm new to osgPPU and OSG in general, so please bear with me :)

I'm trying to use the built-in mechanism in osgPPU::Unit for copying the 
rendered textures to the CPU. I'm using a simple tester based on one of the 
osgPPU, and my initialization code is structured like this:


// Somewhere in the middle of the Processor graph:
osgPPU::Unit* pUnit = new osgPPU::UnitInOut();
pUnit-setUsePBOForInputTexture(0, true);

With this code the frame rate drops significantlly, from 60 to 10-30 
(dependning on the viewport size). If I comment out the glGetTexImage call 
inside Unit.cpp, everything works as before (but nothing gets copied, of 

Considering I don't mind getting the texture with a delay of a few frames, is 
there any way to improve the performance of the current implementation?
I must say I've read about PBO (, but 
I'm not sure whether this is the correct approach here, or how to integrate it 
with the existing code base.


Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] more than 1 object in the same viewer

2012-02-28 Thread Renato Oliveira

I am wondering if i can load 2 object files and have them share the same scene 
or viewer as a whole object? i was thinking the same way as the geode work when 
you add a Drawable (addDrawable())

if it is possible? can someone can give me an exemple? much appreciated.

Thank you!


Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] more than 1 object in the same viewer

2012-02-28 Thread Paul Martz

Is there a reason why you can't use a Group node with two children?

On 2/28/2012 8:24 AM, Renato Oliveira wrote:


I am wondering if i can load 2 object files and have them share the same scene 
or viewer as a whole object? i was thinking the same way as the geode work when 
you add a Drawable (addDrawable())

if it is possible? can someone can give me an exemple? much appreciated.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] more than 1 object in the same viewer

2012-02-28 Thread Renato Oliveira
i guess i really dont know how to use it. i very new to openscenegraph and i 
was just able to learn how to load a single obj file for 1 viewer only. i also 
saw that that i can split the viewer into views so that the objects can have 
diffrent cameras but my real goal is just to have shapes loaded that will be 1 
whole object att the end.

do you have any exemples or hints in how to use the grope with childrens?

i have a root node and i add the loaded objects to it, but only the last object 
add will display.

Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Scene as Texture

2012-02-28 Thread Chris Hanson
  The osgprerender example shows how to setup a scene to render to a
texture for use on a quad.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere.
Training • Consulting • Contracting
3D • Scene Graphs (Open Scene Graph/OSG) • OpenGL 2 • OpenGL 3 • OpenGL 4 •
GLSL • OpenGL ES 1 • OpenGL ES 2 • OpenCL
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LIDAR • Kinect • Embedded • Mobile • iPhone/iPad/iOS • Android
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2012-02-28 Thread Martin Großer
Hello Paul,

In OpenGL I have to define the varying variables for the transform feedback 
between the compiling and linking of the shader program.

glTransformFeedbackVaryings(programHandle, 1, varyings, GL_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS);

How can I do this in OSG?

Additinally I use osg 2.8.4 from the Fedora repository.


 Datum: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 09:51:15 -0700
 Von: Paul Martz
 An: OpenSceneGraph Users
 Betreff: Re: [osg-users] GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_NV in OSG

 Yes, it's possible, but there are no examples that I know of. You might
 binding a buffer object in a Camera pre-draw callback, for an example of
 On 2/27/2012 8:21 AM, Martin Großer wrote:
  Is it possible to use GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_NV extension in osg?
 I would like write back my vertex position data into a new Vertex Buffer
 Object. Is there any example about this?
 osg-users mailing list

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[osg-users] GraphicsWindowQt keyReleaseEvent key value is always 0

2012-02-28 Thread Alexandre Amalric
Hi osg users,

I recently found something strange with osgQT, when a key release event is
added to the event queue the key value is always 0.

It seems to be related to the void GLWidget::keyReleaseEvent( QKeyEvent*
event ) function in the osgQT/GraphicsWindowQt.cpp file.

On key press the QKeyEvent is remaped to get the proper key value but not
in the key release event.

The code is :

void GLWidget::keyReleaseEvent( QKeyEvent* event )
setKeyboardModifiers( event );
_gw-getEventQueue()-keyRelease( (osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KeySymbol)
*(event-text().toAscii().data()) );

// this passes the event to the regular Qt key event processing,
// among others, it closes popup windows on ESC and forwards the event
to the parent widgets
if( _forwardKeyEvents )
inherited::keyReleaseEvent( event );

But it should be :

void GLWidget::keyReleaseEvent( QKeyEvent* event )
setKeyboardModifiers( event );
int value = s_QtKeyboardMap.remapKey( event );
_gw-getEventQueue()-keyRelease( value );

// this passes the event to the regular Qt key event processing,
// among others, it closes popup windows on ESC and forwards the event
to the parent widgets
if( _forwardKeyEvents )
inherited::keyReleaseEvent( event );

I made the fix on my version of the file and it works great.

I'm using OSG 3.0.1 and QT 4.8.0.

Kind regards,
Alexandre AMALRIC   Ingénieur RD
PIXXIM S.A. 73E, rue Perrin-Solliers 13006 Marseille
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] more than 1 object in the same viewer

2012-02-28 Thread Renato Oliveira
Got it working after setting the scales. but possitioning and scalling properly 
will be a challenge.

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2012-02-28 Thread Sergey Polischuk
Hi, Martin

afaik, there is no way, you should use opengl calls to get it working

28.02.2012, 20:10, Martin Groer
 Hello Paul,

 In OpenGL I have to define the varying variables for the transform feedback 
 between the compiling and linking of the shader program.

 glTransformFeedbackVaryings(programHandle, 1, varyings, GL_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS);

 How can I do this in OSG?

 Additinally I use osg 2.8.4 from the Fedora repository.



  Datum: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 09:51:15 -0700
  Von: Paul Martz
  An: OpenSceneGraph Users
  Betreff: Re: [osg-users] GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_NV in OSG
  Yes, it's possible, but there are no examples that I know of. You might
  binding a buffer object in a Camera pre-draw callback, for an example of

  On 2/27/2012 8:21 AM, Martin Großer wrote:

  Is it possible to use GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_NV extension in osg?
  I would like write back my vertex position data into a new Vertex Buffer
  Object. Is there any example about this?

  osg-users mailing list
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 belohnen Sie mit bis zu 50,- Euro!
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2012-02-28 Thread Paul Martz

On 2/28/2012 9:10 AM, Martin Großer wrote:

Hello Paul,

In OpenGL I have to define the varying variables for the transform feedback 
between the compiling and linking of the shader program.

glTransformFeedbackVaryings(programHandle, 1, varyings, GL_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS);

How can I do this in OSG?

The same way. You can issue an OpenGL call any time you have a current context 
(Camera pre draw callback, Drawable draw callback, etc).

A quick glance at the Program header file reveals that you can get the program 
ID with a call to:


Additinally I use osg 2.8.4 from the Fedora repository.



Datum: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 09:51:15 -0700
Von: Paul
An: OpenSceneGraph

Yes, it's possible, but there are no examples that I know of. You might
binding a buffer object in a Camera pre-draw callback, for an example of

On 2/27/2012 8:21 AM, Martin Großer wrote:


Is it possible to use GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_NV extension in osg?

I would like write back my vertex position data into a new Vertex Buffer
Object. Is there any example about this?



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Re: [osg-users] [osgPPU] Perfomance issues with PBO for input textures

2012-02-28 Thread Art Tevs
Hi Shahar,

I would say that this is expected behaviour. This is due to the case, that the 
texture has to be copied from the GPU memory to the CPU memory. With PBOs this 
should be done through DMA or somehow directly without involving CPU for this, 
however the PCIe bus is the bottleneck here. I

In general, consider if you need to have the resulting texture on the CPU at 
all ;) Maybe you can comeup with shaders which do exactly this, what you would 
do on the CPU. 

Actually with PBOs you can have asynchronous texture transfer. Not sure about 
download from GPU, but surely for uploading to the GPU. However, I can imagine 
that whenever you download the texture in every frame, which is automatically 
doen by osgPPU, the execution might stall, while the download isn't complete 
yet. Hence, what you might try is to write a callback which will just switch on 
the PBO use every nth frame, if you don't need the output of osgPPU in every 
frame. It might be that this could solve the problem, since the texture can be 
downloaded asynchronously during the rendering of the n frames.

I am not sure if this will work out, but you might try this.


kshahar wrote:
 I'm new to osgPPU and OSG in general, so please bear with me :)
 I'm trying to use the built-in mechanism in osgPPU::Unit for copying the 
 rendered textures to the CPU. 
 I'm using a simple tester based on one of the osgPPU examples, and my 
 initialization code is structured like this:
 // Somewhere in the middle of the Processor graph:
 osgPPU::Unit* pUnit = new osgPPU::UnitInOut();
 pUnit-setUsePBOForInputTexture(0, true);
 With this code the frame rate drops significantlly, from 60 to 10-30 
 (dependning on the viewport size). If I comment out the glGetTexImage call 
 inside Unit.cpp, everything works as before (but nothing gets copied, of 
 Considering I don't mind getting the texture with a delay of a few frames, is 
 there any way to improve the performance of the current implementation?
 I must say I've read about PBO (, but 
 I'm not sure whether this is the correct approach here, or how to integrate 
 it with the existing code base.

Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [forum] About the camera direction of the AnimationPathManipulator.

2012-02-28 Thread Chow Ngaiman
In fact, I want to set the camera direction by setting the setHomePosition() 
function but seems useless.

Thanks in advance.

Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Culling time is extremely long

2012-02-28 Thread Suyang Dong
I use compositeViewer, (osg 2.8.1) and each view contains no more than small 
amount of vertices. However the culling time, showed by the Statshelper, can be 
more than 30.
The tricky thing is it is inconsistent between runs. Sometimes the culling time 
is 5 ~ 6. Then after I rerun the program, it shoots up to more than 30

I have attached the file for initializing views,  

Looking for help.

Thank you!


Read this topic online here:


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Terrain texture brush implementation

2012-02-28 Thread Cao Wenjie

As OSG newbie, I'm working on a terrain texture brush task.

My goal: 
Use mouse controlled brush paint grass area on a prebuild terrain(has original 

Now I successfully complete a demo, but the method I use seems unattractive.

My implementation now:
(Use OverlayNode method)
1. Load prebuild terrain(T1) and it to scene.
2. Duplicate the terrain node(Terrain T2).
3. Change the texture of T2, make is full of grass texture.
4. Use T2 as OverlaySubgraph, T1 as child to OverlayNode, so now, in the scene, 
I can see a single terrain full of grass.
5. Set color of each vertex in T2, make it complete transparent.
6. handle my mouse brush area, calculate effected vertices of T2 in brush area, 
and raise the transparent value of those vertices.
7. now the brush area will gradually show grass texture.

I did some search about the question, seems multi-texture is another way, but I 
didn't figure out how. As I need control blend on individual vertex(brush 
area), I only found functions to change the blend of whole texture units.

 Any tip of a smart way will be grateful :-)

Thank you!

Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Culling time is extremely long

2012-02-28 Thread Tueller, Shayne R Civ USAF AFMC 519 SMXS/MXDEC
1) Are you running on Linux or Windows?

2) Are you running OSG debug or release optimized?

3) Are you running with the default cull settings?

If you want helpful feedback, providing more info will provoke a better
response from the community.

I just see a screenshot of your stats. I don't see any file with
initializing code...


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Suyang
Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2012 4:07 PM
Subject: [osg-users] Culling time is extremely long

I use compositeViewer, (osg 2.8.1) and each view contains no more than
small amount of vertices. However the culling time, showed by the
Statshelper, can be more than 30.
The tricky thing is it is inconsistent between runs. Sometimes the
culling time is 5 ~ 6. Then after I rerun the program, it shoots up to
more than 30

I have attached the file for initializing views,  

Looking for help.

Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Terrain texture brush implementation

2012-02-28 Thread Jason Daly

On 02/26/2012 06:58 AM, Cao Wenjie wrote:


As OSG newbie, I'm working on a terrain texture brush task.

My goal:
Use mouse controlled brush paint grass area on a prebuild terrain(has original 

Now I successfully complete a demo, but the method I use seems unattractive.

My implementation now:
(Use OverlayNode method)
1. Load prebuild terrain(T1) and it to scene.
2. Duplicate the terrain node(Terrain T2).
3. Change the texture of T2, make is full of grass texture.
4. Use T2 as OverlaySubgraph, T1 as child to OverlayNode, so now, in the scene, 
I can see a single terrain full of grass.
5. Set color of each vertex in T2, make it complete transparent.
6. handle my mouse brush area, calculate effected vertices of T2 in brush area, 
and raise the transparent value of those vertices.
7. now the brush area will gradually show grass texture.

I did some search about the question, seems multi-texture is another way, but I 
didn't figure out how. As I need control blend on individual vertex(brush 
area), I only found functions to change the blend of whole texture units.

  Any tip of a smart way will be grateful :-)

Hi, CaoWenjie

The Source engine (used by Half Life 2) uses a multitexturing technique 
to achieve what you're trying to do.  I implemented a viewer for Source 
engine .bsp files a while back.  If you look in 
src/osgPlugins/bsp/VBSPReader.cpp, starting around line 803, you'll see 
a way to do this using TexEnvCombine operations on two texture units.

The first combiner (on texture unit 0) does the interpolation between 
the two textures.  The second combiner (on unit 1) just does the normal 
modulation between the combined color from the first unit and the vertex 

In this case, the first combiner uses the Alpha value from the vertex 
color (SRC_ALPHA) to decide how much to blend between the two textures 
(that's Operand2 in the INTERPOLATE operation).  In your case, you'd 
want to set Operand2 based on your brush value.

Note that your graphics card needs to support the ARB_tex_env_crossbar 
extension for this to work (most modern cards do).

Hope this is useful...


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Is the ZIP plugin thread-safe?

2012-02-28 Thread Glenn Waldron
After experiencing problems, a quick review indicates to me that the ZIP
plugin is not thread safe. Has anyone had any experience in using it in a
multi-threaded environment?

Evidence: ZipArchive holds an HZIP handle that corresponds to an open ZIP
file. This handle contains internal file pointers that can be modifed
concurrently by multiple threads attempting to read from the ZIP at the
same time (e.g., from the DatabasePager).

Any insights into this before I attempt to fix it?

Glenn Waldron / @glennwaldron
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Is the ZIP plugin thread-safe?

2012-02-28 Thread Terry Welsh
Is the problem in the public domain Zip Utils code?  I would only
suggest looking for a more current version.  I bet the code in OSG is
pretty dated by now, and maybe someone has addressed this.
Terry Welsh
mogumbo 'at'
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Is the ZIP plugin thread-safe?

2012-02-28 Thread Glenn Waldron
No, it's that the OSG ZipArchive uses a single control structure that ends
up getting shared across threads (and not in a good way). It is a pretty
simple fix, I think.

Glenn Waldron / @glennwaldron

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 3:21 PM, Terry Welsh wrote:

 Is the problem in the public domain Zip Utils code?  I would only
 suggest looking for a more current version.  I bet the code in OSG is
 pretty dated by now, and maybe someone has addressed this.
 Terry Welsh
 mogumbo 'at'
 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Culling time is extremely long

2012-02-28 Thread Sergey Polischuk

Culling time is more about amount of nodes\drawables in scene and how they 
organized into graph, and less about vertices itself. You can try to run your 
model through osg optimizer with SPATIALIZE_GROUPS option. Also check if you 
use any cull callbacks with heavy running time.
And if you have some nodes on which culling is disabled ( 
setCullingActive(false) ) deeply in graph structure, this can kill your 
performance too.


26.02.2012, 03:07, Suyang Dong
 I use compositeViewer, (osg 2.8.1) and each view contains no more than small 
 amount of vertices. However the culling time, showed by the Statshelper, can 
 be more than 30.
 The tricky thing is it is inconsistent between runs. Sometimes the culling 
 time is 5 ~ 6. Then after I rerun the program, it shoots up to more than 30

 I have attached the file for initializing views,

 Looking for help.

 Thank you!


 Read this topic online here:


 osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Not Loading External References

2012-02-28 Thread Cary, Karl A.
I am using osgDB::readNodeFile to load in some .flt files. What I am
wondering is if there is some type of option that can have it not load
the external references in the files. Right now I just send a
NodeVisitor through to round up a list of all the ProxyNodes and then I
run through that list and remove them from their parents. While this
works, it is not ideal as I have to go through and actually load in of
the references. I do not need the references themselves. Unfortunately
editing the actual .flt files is not an option. If this is the best
solution, so be it.  Thanks.



osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Slow rendering with displaylist.

2012-02-28 Thread Sergey Polischuk

From my own experience, display lists runs with good speed when:
1) vertex number is at most like 100k, with huge vertices count per drawable 
vbos tends to be faster
2) display lists works best with triangle strips \ indexed list

both display lists and vbos performance can greatly vary with different data 
types in vertex attributes (f.e. ushort indices is generally faster then ubyte 
and uint,  texcoords\ vertex colors works best with float or ushort etc) and 
vertex attributes count, in some combinations vbos faster, in others dls.

As a side note, you'd better use triangles instead of quads, as they can work 
quite a bit slower than triangles


28.02.2012, 14:20, Martin Groer

 I am surprised about my little test program. I would like compare 
 displaylists with frame buffer objects. Because, I suppose that the 
 displaylists have to be faster than the vbo, because the displaylists are 
 precompiled. But in my example I get another result:

 VBO: 225 FPS
 DL: 88 FPS

 Is that possible?

 Following a part of my code:

 // Geometry (Grid-Plane)
 ::osg::Geometry* geom = new osg::Geometry;

 // Vertex Array (Grid with 1000 x 1000 quads)
 ::osg::ref_ptr ::osg::Vec3Array  v = new ::osg::Vec3Array();
 for(unsigned int x=0; x  1000; x++)
   for(unsigned int y=0; y  1000; y++)
    // create points

 #ifdef ENABLE_VBO
   // Vertex Buffer Object
   osg::VertexBufferObject* vbo = geom-getOrCreateVertexBufferObject();

 // Primitive
 ::osg::DrawArrays* da = new 

 // Geometry Node
 ::osg::Geode* geode = new osg::Geode;




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Re: [osg-users] A few questions on GraphicsWindowEmbedded

2012-02-28 Thread Preet
Hi Robert,

Thanks for the thorough response. Simply put, QtQuick is a different
way to build up GUIs. It uses a hybrid CSS/JS language called QML to
design a UI instead of the widget / forms approach that GUI toolkits
usually employ. It is geared specially towards mobile and tablet

I'm working on a couple of projects for systems which have a small
touch display where typical UI design isn't appropriate. A very
specific example is an in car infotainment system. I'd like to use OSG
to render map data and display it in on my interface which I've built
through QtQuick. Here's an example of what my interface looks like:

Unlike normal QGLWidgets, which the GraphicsWindowQt class uses,
creating an item in QtQuick to display stuff is slightly different;
there are no 'widgets'. You instead create an item, where you get
access to a single paint() method where the only OpenGL functionality
you have is making direct calls. All QtQuick items are rendered onto a
single QGLWidget canvas. For example, I can do stuff like:

//glVertex2d(boundingRect().left(), boundingRect().top());

And the item would render in its own assigned space on the screen,
maintaining all of its positional parent child relationships.



On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 4:54 AM, Robert Osfield wrote:
 Hi Preet,

 On 28 February 2012 09:16, Preet wrote:
 * What do the parameters passed to the
 osgViewer::GraphicsWindowEmbedded constructor (x,y,w,h) actually do? I
 played around with the values and it had no visible effect on my
 displayed result

 They tell the GraphicsWidnowEmedded object where about the window it's
 representing is in desktop coordinates.

 * What does GraphicsWindowEmbedded do behind the scenes? Since you
 don't explicitly specify a GraphicsContext for it, does that mean it
 uses the OpenGL context of the framework you're embedding it into?

 GraphicsWindowEmbedded actually does nothing behind the scenes at all
 - it's a non op class designed to make it possible to reuse the
 osgViewer::Viewer and CompositeViewer classes in places that already
 provide the graphics context and are strictly single threaded and have
 a single window.  It's really tricking these classes that a designed
 to work with multi-threading and multi-context capable systems where
 makeCurrent() and swapBuffers() implementations are accessible to work
 without doing this operations so when calls to makeCurrent() and
 swapBuffers() are made by the viewer classes nothing happens.  Since
 nothing happens it's entirely up to the calling app to do it for the
 viewer because it can't do itself.

 Since GraphicsWindowEmbedded is design to avoid properly implementing
 the key context management functions on the OSG or a subclass side it
 does restrict how you can use the viewer classes.  It's very much a
 crude approach to provide viewer functionality, easy to get working
 yes, fully capable no.  You can't add the full capabilities back in
 when using GraphicsWindowEmbedded, if you don't need multi-threading
 or multi-context this will be fine, but if you do look elsewhere.

 Actually implementing a GraphicsWindow properly is the most powerful
 way to adapt 3rd party graphics contexts with the osgViewer, and this
 is done by the osgQt::GraphicsWindowQt class, as was as the
 GraphicsWindowX11, Win32, Cocoa and Carbon implementations found
 natively in osgViewer.

 * I noticed that the viewport is rendered onto the window in absolute
 coordinates. With QtQuick, when you create an item to display on the
 screen, it has a child/parent relationship and coordinates are
 relative to the parent. Moving the parent will also move the child as
 you'd expect. This doesn't happen with GraphicsWindowEmbedded though,
 probably because with QtQuick, all the elements are painted onto one
 'canvas' (I think), and GraphicsWindowEmbedded just paints straight
 onto that.

 I know absolutely nothing about QtQuick or how you've implemented the
 integration with GraphicsWindowEmbedded so I can't say anything about

 * If, instead of having GraphicsWindowEmbedded draw on my screen
 whenever I call the viewer's frame() method, is it possible to render
 the viewer camera's output to a texture that I could manually draw
 onto a quad or something? This way I don't have to specify absolute
 coordinates for the viewport like I mentioned above. I already tried
 this by rendering to an osg::Image, then painting it on the screen
 with Qt, but I have a relatively old computer and
 osg::Image-readPixels() takes too much time. My results with the
 osgscreencapture example were also pretty terrible (15-16 fps @

 If you want to do off screen rendering then this is very different
 thing, GraphicsWindowEmedded is not the best thing to do this, what
 you'll want is a 

Re: [osg-users] How to prevent resize of viewer window (WindowsandLinux)

2012-02-28 Thread Cary, Karl A.
I would be very interested in this as well. I have been having this
issue for a long time. Our development systems all have one widescreen
monitor at 1920x1080 and then one SD monitor at 1280x1024. If we want to
run a 1280x1024 window on the widescreen as the left monitor, all is
fine. However if you want it to run on the 1280x1024 monitor and it is
the left most monitor, only 75% of the time it's fine. The other 25% go
between showing up on the wrong screen and running at 1280x1024 inside
of a 1920x1080 full screen window.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jason
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] How to prevent resize of viewer window

On 02/24/2012 04:13 AM, Robert Osfield wrote:
 You should be able to do the cross platform route, but if there is a 
 bug on the OSG side on one particular platform we as a community just 
 need to fix it.  I just have access to Linux, and have very little 
 Windows experience so can't help out with debugging the Windows side, 
 so have to rely on Windows dev to get things working perfectly under 
 Windows - this normally works out pretty well.

 To resolve the issue the best route would be to create a small example

 that illustrates the problem so that others can reproduce, confirm the

 problem and then work to fix it.  Modifying an existing osg example 
 would probably be a good place to start.

I found a little program I can test with.  It looks like the MWM
property for resizing is being set correctly, just the window manager
(Metacity, in my case) is ignoring it.  I'm putting together a
submission that uses the ICCCM hints instead.


osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] How to prevent resize of viewer window (WindowsandLinux)

2012-02-28 Thread Jason Daly

On 02/28/2012 04:04 PM, Cary, Karl A. wrote:

I would be very interested in this as well. I have been having this
issue for a long time. Our development systems all have one widescreen
monitor at 1920x1080 and then one SD monitor at 1280x1024. If we want to
run a 1280x1024 window on the widescreen as the left monitor, all is
fine. However if you want it to run on the 1280x1024 monitor and it is
the left most monitor, only 75% of the time it's fine. The other 25% go
between showing up on the wrong screen and running at 1280x1024 inside
of a 1920x1080 full screen window.

Hi, Karl,

Sounds like you've got a different problem to me.

My patch is only for preventing the interactive resizing of the window 
(i.e: by clicking the mouse on the window's border and dragging it).

I've seen problems like you mention before (I'm guessing you're on 
Linux).  Usually, some combination of options to the xorg.conf file can 
be set to fix it, or at least make it behave consistently.  If you're 
using the NVIDIA proprietary driver, check the driver's README.txt file 
for a list of options you can set.


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Rendering without calling osgViewer::frame

2012-02-28 Thread Sean O'Connell
In my application I have a bunch of cameras that render to textures.  Is there 
a way for me to trigger them to render without calling osgViewer::frame or 
going through the osgViewer class?  Ideally I could simply call 
camera-renderView() or something similar.  Is this possible?

Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Rendering without calling osgViewer::frame

2012-02-28 Thread Jason Daly

On 02/28/2012 06:20 PM, Sean O'Connell wrote:

In my application I have a bunch of cameras that render to textures.  Is there a 
way for me to trigger them to render without calling osgViewer::frame or going 
through the osgViewer class?  Ideally I could simply call camera-renderView() 
or something similar.  Is this possible?

Hi, Sean,

Short answer:

In theory, it's possible, but I wouldn't recommend it.

What are you trying to accomplish, in more broad terms?  There's 
probably a better way to do what you're trying to do (have you looked at 
osgPPU yet?)

Long answer:

The main problem with this is that the cull and draw traversals are 
normally spawned off into separate threads, with the exact configuration 
depending on the threading model in use.

If you look at the implementation of the frame() method (in the base 
class implementation ViewerBase.cpp), you'll see that it's a pretty 
simple method that calls:


If you then look at the renderingTraversals() method, you'll see it's a 
lot more complicated, since it has lots to do, and it needs to be able 
to deal with each of the different threading models that could be in use.

You might be able to write your own version of renderingTraversals() to 
handle your specific use case and only render the cameras that you want, 
but you're likely to run into all kinds of problems.

As I said earlier, there's probably a better way to do what you're 
trying to do.  If you explain your task at a higher level, someone might 
be able to come up with a solution for you.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Rendering without calling osgViewer::frame

2012-02-28 Thread Wang Rui
Hi Sean,

In the coming OpenSceneGraph 3.0 Cookbook (will be published in March), I
provide such an example that renders OSG scene graph using
osgUtil::SceneView directly in GLUT. You may find the source code at:
The source code are completely in public domain so you may choose to buy
the book or not. :-)

But as Jason suggested, this is not recommended in most cases as you can't
make use of a lot of OSG features anymore.


Wang Rui

2012/2/29 Sean O'Connell

 In my application I have a bunch of cameras that render to textures.  Is
 there a way for me to trigger them to render without calling
 osgViewer::frame or going through the osgViewer class?  Ideally I could
 simply call camera-renderView() or something similar.  Is this possible?

 Read this topic online here:

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