Re: [osg-users] osg to VRML

2008-02-28 Thread John F. Richardson

The following 2 posts are copied from the COIN mailing list Peder is a
Systems In Motion person. 

John F. Richardson


John Pye wrote:
> Hi all
> I've been reading the Inventor Mentor book and there is talk about the 
> file format that can be used to write 3D models and read them back. 
> But the book doesn't make any mention of VRML at all.
> I always assumed VRML was an XML-based language, but recently I learnt 
> that it looks very much like the Open Inventor file format.
> Can someone explain to me whether the file format created by 
> SoWriteAction is actually standard VRML, or something else, and if so,

In addition to what Robert said:

SoWriteAction just dumps anything you have in the scene graph, and it's
basically up to the user if this is a valid VRML97 scene graph. However, to
write a VRML97 file, you need to set the output header to "#VRML V2.0 utf8"
(see SoOutput::setHeaderString() [1]).

It's also possible to use SoToVRML2Action[2] to convert any scene graph into
a VRML97 scene graph.




JP -

My understanding is that there are 4 related file formats.
In chronological order:

  * Inventor (.iv) as output by SoWriteAction (starts with '#Inventor')
  * VRML1 (.wrl) similar to Inventor (starts with '#VRML V1.0')
  * VRML2/VRML97 (.wrl) (starts with '#VRML V2.0')
  * X3D (can use either VRML97 syntax or XML)

Hopefully someone will correct any errors.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 12:15 PM
To: Virginia Holmstrom; OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] osg to VRML

Hi Virginia,

On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 8:54 PM, Virginia Holmstrom
> Is there a recommended way to export an osg to vrml (.wrl) file? I have
compiled and run the VRML plugin but it only reads (vrml to osg).

There is no write support to VRML via the OpenVRML plugin.  The
Inventor/Coin plugin does has basic write support, and if Coin
supports write to .vrml then this route might be viable.

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Secon Call for Papers - ComputerGraphics / Web3D / Scenegraphs call for participation at Summer Computer Simulation Conference 08

2008-03-07 Thread John F. Richardson

Second Call for Participation for the Summer Computer Simulation Conference
(SCSC'08) conference in Edinburgh, Scotland on June 16-19, 2008. Deadline is
3 weeks away.

The Society for Modeling and Simulation international (
is the sponsor of a Simulation conference [Summer Computer Simulation
Conference (SCSC'08)] at the 2008 International Simulation Multi-conference
& 2008 Summer Simulation Multiconference (SummerSim'08). 
Other conferences in the multi-conference are the  International Symposium
on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems
(SPECTS'08) and the Grand Challenges in Modeling & Simulation (GCMS'08)

There is a "Computer Graphics for Simulation" Paper Track at the SCSC 08
conference. One of the main topic areas in the Track is Web3D and

The conference is being held in Europe and so may be of particular interest
to European Web3D, Collada and Game researchers. Web3D, Collada and game
researchers, along with researchers in scenegraph's and scengraph
applications to simulation are encouraged to submit papers. Papers can be
full papers or "work in progress/short" papers related to Web3D, Collada,
Scenegraph's and games related to industrial or general simulation. Don't be
shy. You can also submit papers on general Computer Graphics Topics. Authors
can also submit High resolution images for a Scientific Visualization
Contest. Visit the above links for more details.

Topic Areas: (See official call for complete list of subtopics within topic
General Computer Graphics [Rendering / VE lighting / Science & Industrial
Visualization for Simulation / massive VE's / Terrain / Haptics /
Transportation / ...] Web3D and Simulation [VRML/ X3D / COLLADA / GAMES /
Scenegraphs / Data Acquisition / Web3D format interoperability / .]
Computational Grids for Simulation [Irregular / adaptive / parallel /
massive grids] 3-D Modeling and Animation Systems use in Simulation [open
source / Commercial / Sketching / ] Art and Esthetics in Simulation
[Color / realistic textures / art in architecture /...]

Key dates
Submission of Full Papers (full, short, applications)March 28, 2008
Notification of Acceptance   April 30, 2008
Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration May 30, 2008

John F. Richardson

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Summer Computer Simulation Conference Paper Compuetr Graphics / Scenegraph's paper track Deadline Extended to April 26

2008-04-10 Thread John F. Richardson

Final Call for Papers for the Summer Computer Simulation Conference
(SCSC'08) conference in Edinburgh, Scotland on June 16-19, 2008. Paper
deadline has been extended to April 26, 2008.

The Society for Modeling and Simulation international (
is the sponsor of a Simulation conference [Summer Computer Simulation
Conference (SCSC'08)] at the 2008 International Simulation Multi-conference
& 2008 Summer Simulation Multiconference (SummerSim'08).  
Other conferences in the multi-conference are the  International Symposium
on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems
(SPECTS'08) and the Grand Challenges in Modeling & Simulation (GCMS'08)

There is a "Computer Graphics for Simulation" Paper Track at the SCSC 08
conference. One of the main topic areas in the Track is Web3D and

The conference is being held in Europe and so may be of particular interest
to European Web3D, Collada and Game researchers. Web3D, Collada and game
researchers, along with researchers in scenegraph's and scengraph
applications to simulation are encouraged to submit papers. Papers can be
full papers or "work in progress/short" papers related to Web3D, Collada,
Scenegraph's and games related to industrial or general simulation. Don't be
shy. You can also submit papers on general Computer Graphics Topics. Authors
can also submit High resolution images for a Scientific Visualization
Contest. Visit the above links for more details.

Topic Areas: (See official call for complete list of subtopics within topic
General Computer Graphics [Rendering / VE lighting / Science & Industrial
Visualization for Simulation / massive VE's / Terrain / Haptics /
Transportation / ...] Web3D and Simulation [VRML/ X3D / COLLADA / GAMES /
Scenegraphs / Data Acquisition / Web3D format interoperability / .]
Computational Grids for Simulation [Irregular / adaptive / parallel /
massive grids] 3-D Modeling and Animation Systems use in Simulation [open
source / Commercial / Sketching / ] Art and Esthetics in Simulation
[Color / realistic textures / art in architecture /...]

Key dates
Submission of Full Papers (full, short, applications)April 26, 2008
Notification of Acceptance   May 15, 2008
Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration May 30, 2008

John F. Richardson

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Collada Animation

2008-05-01 Thread John F. Richardson

The Web3D consortium has resurrected it's H-Anim working group. So, OSG
powers that be, might want to keep tabs on that working group. This would
possibly prevent many different skeletal standards among the Web3D / Collada
/ Scenegraph community.

John F. Richardson

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jeremy
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 12:31 PM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Collada Animation

On Thu, 2008-05-01 at 16:20 +0100, Kim C Bale wrote:
> I've been using the Feeling Software ColladaMax exporter for 3DSMax to
> export models so that I may use them in OSG. Now plain models work a
> treat. However, I have been given a file that contains an animation,
> and the animations don't appear to show when I load them into
> osgViewer.
> I had a feeling that they wouldn't, but is there something that I can
> do to enable them? Does anybody have any experience getting Collada
> model animations into osg? Is it supported at all?

A "standard" system for skeletal animation is something OSG currently
lacks. There was some discussion some months back about settling on one,
but that's unlikely to happen anytime soon.

For now, your main option is Cal3D. However, when I'm done with
osgWidget I'll probably devote that new time to helping Cedric Pinson
more with AnimTK, which I really believe to be a great toolkit (though
we'll have to eventually address it's usage of the GPL). I've already
contributed a bit to it and can speak for it's soundness, and both
myself and Cedric use Blender a great deal--so it's exporter there will
be rock solid. :)

I've made some videos of AnimTK mixing some simple animations from a
model made in Blender, they're on the osgWidget website (because it also
uses a simple osgWidget::Frame window :))

I can tell you this though: AnimTK is divorced from any kind of mesh
format, so it wouldn't be impossible for the Collada plugin to use it to
facilitate it's animation in OSG one day...

> Regards,
> Kim.

> To view the terms under which this email is distributed, please go to

> ___ osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] CG for Simulation BOF at Siggraph

2008-08-07 Thread John F. Richardson


Shameless Plug: 


SCS Simulation and Computer Graphics BOF

Tuesday 12:30-1:30PM

Room 507


Does not conflict with the OSG BOF.


Note: SCS = Society for Computer Simulation International (
<> )


There was an OpenScengraph paper published in the SCSC '08 conference
sponsored by SCS.

Also, a COIN paper (standards) in the SISO (Simulation Interoperability
Standards Organization) conference.

My paper (VRML) mentioned COIN and OSG.


I'll give a very short synopsis of the CG and simulation events at SCSC '08
and pass out flyers for SCSC '09. I'll also talk about some

OSG stuff from the National Association of Broadcasters meeting. BOF
Organized late and so the agenda is completely open.


The authors of the OSG paper were Johann Loewen and Kaies Chaouch from the
Kniversity of Kassel (DE).



Lastly, I will bring chocolate to the BOF.


John F. Richardson

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Siggraph Web3D and related technologies BOFs at a glance

2008-08-07 Thread John F. Richardson


Web3D sort of BOF's.  Plain text. Only the Siggraph conference. 

Web3D Plugfest and Web3D symposium left out. Hope this helps people.



|  Monday  Tuesday Wednesday
Thursday   |




| BlenderWeb3DCAD X3DX3D
Working   |

| Community   Consortium 10:30-12noon
10:30-12noon  |

| 2-3PM 10:00-11:30  Room 507
Room 501A|

| Room 501A  Room 501A


| BlenderX3D Med  OpenScengraph
KHRONOS Handheld  |

| Game  10:30-12noon12-1PM
11-2PM |

| 3-4PM Room 507  Room 501ARoom
507  |

| Room 501A


|Carto BOFWeb3D Tech TalkX3D
Humanoid   |

|   12:30-2:30PM3:30PM-5:30PM
3:30-5PM  |

|   Room 501A   Exhibit Floor Hall G
Room 507  |


|   Simulation and CG  OpenGL

|   12:30-1:30PM 6-8PM
4-6PM   |

|   Room 507  Wilshire Grand
Room 511A   |

|[Wilshire room]




Rationale: Blender is the open source exporter for X3D/Web3D that is
equivalent to high end

modelers. COLLADA and KHRONOS are Web3D technologies. Open Scengraph is

sort of the Open Inventor functional clone that has a totally free license
and is a Web3D technology

[hope this assessment is reasonably correct].

Shameless Plug: Simulation and Computer Graphics is my BOF. You must


Lots of other BOF's. However, these listed BOF's just about fill up anyone's
Web3D day

for the entire conference. Then there is the conference, exhibits, art
gallery, eating,

sleeping, partying. I do have a "pocket universe" with 29 hours per day for
those that

have to attend more BOF's.


John F. Richardson

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Siggraph Web3D and related technologies BOFs at a glance

2008-08-08 Thread John F. Richardson

I'll bring the CTK (cloning toolkit) to Siggraph.

John F. Richardson

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Jean-Sébastien Guay
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2008 6:21 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Siggraph Web3D and related technologies BOFs at a

Hi John,

> Open Scengraph is
> sort of the Open Inventor functional clone that has a totally free 
> license and is a Web3D technology
> [hope this assessment is reasonably correct].

For that last part, I think I saw someone doing a web browser plugin 
that uses OSG to display objects/environments in a web page, streaming 
the content over the net. I can't remember who or find a link though. 
Perhaps someone else will be able to refresh my memory.

But other than that, OSG can read some Web3D formats, and perhaps more 
in the future (if the new OpenVRML library is integrated).

> I do have a “pocket universe” with 29 hours per day 
> for those that have to attend more BOF’s.

I like your sense of humor. :-) If only that were possible... When 
making my Siggraph schedule I had a massive 4-way conflict on Wednesday, 
and another smaller conflict on Thursday. It was a hard choice to make. 
So much to see, and I can't clone myself...

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] loading vrml segfault

2008-09-25 Thread John F. Richardson

There is some header information that identifies the file type. So just
looking at the first few lines should identify the version. Editing the type
information can make a VRML 1.0 file believe that it is a VRML 97 file.

However, if there are serious errors in loading files then there is a node
with a field that has changed between VRML 1.0 and VRML 97.

The best place to find out such information is in the VRML 97 specification
and by looking at the various documents at

You have to search because the focus is on 3-D XML = X3D. So, some of the
VRML stuff is buried. But all the specs are there and probably archives of
the old stuff (like VRML 1.0).

One simple strategy is to preprocess and input files. This can be done
manually by inputting the file to Chisel [vrml syntax checker]

This will tell you what statements in the file are invalid. Then you have to
just replace them with the VRML 2 equivalent.

I thought that there was a VRML 1.0 to VRML 97 translator on the consortium
site but can't find it.

John F. Richardson

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ben Axelrod
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 11:41 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] loading vrml segfault

This page indicates that OpenInventor only supports VRML 1.0 files.
And from my own experience, OpenVRML only supports VRML 2.0 files.  Can OSG
handle both of these libraries at the same time?

I am a little doubtful since the VRML file must be parsed before it can be
determined if it is VRML 1.0 or VRML 2.0.  And OpenVRML segfaults when
trying to load a VRML 1.0 file.

Does anyone have any experience supporting both VRML 1.0 and VRML 2.0 file


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bob Huebert
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 6:20 PM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] loading vrml segfault

Hi Ben,

   I tried your wrl files using osg with the coin3d plugin (alternate for
some of what openvrml does) and got predictable results, given your post.

   When bombing on the Bad.wrl file, coin kindly provided the following:

% osgviewer Bad.wrl
Coin read error: Unknown field "mesh" in "VRMLShape"
 Occurred at line   5 in Bad.wrl
osgviewer: No data loaded

   Maybe this will help?


On Thu, 18 Sep 2008, Ben Axelrod wrote:

> When I try to load a VRML 1.0 file in OpenSceneGraph, it segfaults.  I am
using OpenSceneGraph 2.6, and OpenVRML 0.14.3.  I have attached the file
that causes the segfault, as well as the same file with some minor changes
to make it run properly.
> The segfault happens inside: osgDB::readNodeFile(filename).  It would be
great if OSG could detect the error, and return properly with an invalid
node.  But I understand if the fault is inside of OpenVRML.
> Thanks,
> -Ben
osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] loading vrml segfault

2008-09-25 Thread John F. Richardson

Probably windows only but

Octaga has a free tool for converting from vrml1 to vrml 97 : 
It comes with absolutely no guarantees and no warranty.

John F. Richardson

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John F.
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 10:15 AM
To: 'OpenSceneGraph Users'
Subject: Re: [osg-users] loading vrml segfault


There is some header information that identifies the file type. So just
looking at the first few lines should identify the version. Editing the type
information can make a VRML 1.0 file believe that it is a VRML 97 file.

However, if there are serious errors in loading files then there is a node
with a field that has changed between VRML 1.0 and VRML 97.

The best place to find out such information is in the VRML 97 specification
and by looking at the various documents at

You have to search because the focus is on 3-D XML = X3D. So, some of the
VRML stuff is buried. But all the specs are there and probably archives of
the old stuff (like VRML 1.0).

One simple strategy is to preprocess and input files. This can be done
manually by inputting the file to Chisel [vrml syntax checker]

This will tell you what statements in the file are invalid. Then you have to
just replace them with the VRML 2 equivalent.

I thought that there was a VRML 1.0 to VRML 97 translator on the consortium
site but can't find it.

John F. Richardson

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ben Axelrod
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 11:41 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] loading vrml segfault

This page indicates that OpenInventor only supports VRML 1.0 files.
And from my own experience, OpenVRML only supports VRML 2.0 files.  Can OSG
handle both of these libraries at the same time?

I am a little doubtful since the VRML file must be parsed before it can be
determined if it is VRML 1.0 or VRML 2.0.  And OpenVRML segfaults when
trying to load a VRML 1.0 file.

Does anyone have any experience supporting both VRML 1.0 and VRML 2.0 file


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bob Huebert
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 6:20 PM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] loading vrml segfault

Hi Ben,

   I tried your wrl files using osg with the coin3d plugin (alternate for
some of what openvrml does) and got predictable results, given your post.

   When bombing on the Bad.wrl file, coin kindly provided the following:

% osgviewer Bad.wrl
Coin read error: Unknown field "mesh" in "VRMLShape"
 Occurred at line   5 in Bad.wrl
osgviewer: No data loaded

   Maybe this will help?


On Thu, 18 Sep 2008, Ben Axelrod wrote:

> When I try to load a VRML 1.0 file in OpenSceneGraph, it segfaults.  I am
using OpenSceneGraph 2.6, and OpenVRML 0.14.3.  I have attached the file
that causes the segfault, as well as the same file with some minor changes
to make it run properly.
> The segfault happens inside: osgDB::readNodeFile(filename).  It would be
great if OSG could detect the error, and return properly with an invalid
node.  But I understand if the fault is inside of OpenVRML.
> Thanks,
> -Ben
osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] X3D content

2008-11-14 Thread John F. Richardson
Convert to VRML 97. Then load the VRML 97. Check the Web3D consortium
website for converters.


John F. Richardson



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ami guru
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 7:56 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: [osg-users] X3D content


Does OSG has any support node to load X3D content?


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenVRML and Windows

2008-12-04 Thread John F. Richardson


Your version is outdated. Here is an announcement on the latest version from
the openvrml mailing list.


OpenVRML 0.17.9 is now available.  The distribution can be obtained from




OpenVRML is a C++ runtime library for VRML97 and X3D worlds.  It is capable
of reading and displaying VRML/X3D; it can be used for creating loaders,
file converters, and VRML/X3D browsers.


OpenVRML includes an out-of-process viewer component for use in X11
environments along with hosts for this component in the form of a Mozilla
browser plug-in and a stand-alone player.


You can find OpenVRML on the Web at


  < <> >



New in OpenVRML 0.17.9:


-Use D-Bus for communication with the OpenVRML XEmbed control.


John F. Richardson



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Serge Lages
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 5:40 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: [osg-users] OpenVRML and Windows


Hi all,

I am currently trying to build the OSG VRML plugin under Windows, so I've
downloaded the 0.14.3 version of OpenVRML and tried to build it with VS8
SP1, and it's a real pain... :/ Maybe I've missed something but this version
really seems to be broken with "modern" compilers.

That's why I would like to know if anyone already have a compiled version of
this lib (build with VS8 SP1) ? Or at least a modified version of the
sources which build fine ?

Thanks for your help !

Serge Lages

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenVRML and Windows

2008-12-08 Thread John F. Richardson
Hello Jan,

Thanks for the correction.

What is the recommended method for loading VRML97 and X3D files...without
translation to another format before import.

John F. Richardson

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jan Ciger
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 3:16 PM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] OpenVRML and Windows

Hash: SHA1

John F. Richardson wrote:
> Hello,
> Your version is outdated. Here is an announcement on the latest version
> from the openvrml mailing list.
> OpenVRML 0.17.9 is now available.  The distribution can be obtained from


The OpenVRML plugin will not build with anything later than 0.14.3 due
to changed API and dependency on Boost. This is intentional. Upgrading
to 0.17.9 will *not* help.

The compilation issues with 0.14.3 are described here (minor updates for
 modern compilers):

It is described for Linux, but that patch should make OpenVRML compile fine.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mandriva -

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] ComputerGraphics / Web3D / Scenegraphs call for participation at Summer Computer Simulation Conference 08

2008-01-22 Thread John F. Richardson

This is a Call for Participation for the Summer Computer Simulation
Conference (SCSC'08) conference in Edinburgh, Scotland on June 16-19, 2008

The Society for Modeling and Simulation international (
is the sponsor of a Simulation conference [Summer Computer Simulation
Conference (SCSC'08)] at the 2008 International Simulation Multi-conference
& 2008 Summer Simulation Multiconference (SummerSim'08). 
Other conferences in the multi-conference are the  International Symposium
on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems
(SPECTS'08) and the Grand Challenges in Modeling & Simulation (GCMS'08)

There is a "Computer Graphics for Simulation" Paper Track at the SCSC 08
conference. One of the main topic areas in the Track is Web3D and

The conference is being held in Europe and so may be of particular interest
to European Web3D, Collada and Game researchers. Web3D, Collada and game
researchers, along with researchers in scenegraph's and scengraph
applications to simulation are encouraged to submit papers. Papers can be
full papers or "work in progress/short" papers related to Web3D, Collada,
Scenegraph's and games related to industrial or general simulation. Don't be
shy. You can also submit papers on general Computer Graphics Topics. Authors
can also submit High resolution images for a Scientific Visualization
Contest. Visit the above links for more details.

Topic Areas: (See official call for subtopics within topic areas)
General Computer Graphics.
Web3D and Simulation.
Computational Grids for Simulation.
3-D Modeling and Animation Systems use in Simulation.
Art and Esthetics in Simulation.

Key dates
Submission of Full Papers (full, short, applications)March 30, 2008
Notification of Acceptance   April 27, 2008
Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration May 15, 2008

John F. Richardson

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenVRML and Windows

2008-12-09 Thread John F. Richardson
Hello Jan,

Just exactly what makes COLLADA a better data format?

OSG has a native format and a runtime. COLLADA does not seem to have a
runtime. Oh and what are the ones that you left out (...).

John F. Richardson

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jan Ciger
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 2:31 PM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] OpenVRML and Windows

Hash: SHA1

John F. Richardson wrote:
> Hello Jan,
> Thanks for the correction.
> What is the recommended method for loading VRML97 and X3D files...without
> translation to another format before import.

VRML should work quite OK with the existing plugin. However, it will
load only the meshes, textures and few simple primitives, e.g. at the
level as exported by 3DS Max. It was intended as a stop gap solution for
loading old assets while migrating away from VRML to a better data
format (osg, Collada, ... ) when the Coin3D plugin stopped working properly.

It is *not* and was not intended to be a full VRML loader/viewer. That
would be a huge task and some of the VRML features do not have a
meaningful mapping to OSG (protos, scripts, interaction, etc.)

Regarding X3D I do not know - I have never used that.



Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mandriva -

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] ComputerGraphics for Simulation Workshop final call for papers at Summer Computer Simulation Conference 09

2009-02-17 Thread John F. Richardson
 Final Call for Papers for the Computer Graphics for Simulation Workshop at
the Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC'09) conference in Istanbul,
Turkey on July 13-16, 2009.


The Society for Modeling and Simulation international (
<> ) is the sponsor of a Simulation conference [Summer
Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC'09)] at the 2009 International
Simulation Multi-conference (ISMc'09). 

( )

Other conferences in the multi-conference are the International Symposium on
Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS'09)
and the Grand Challenges in Modeling & Simulation (GCMS'09) conference.


There is a "Computer Graphics for Simulation" Workshop at the SCSC'09
conference. One of the main topic areas in the Workshop is General CG, Web3D
(distributed simulation), Scenegraphs,  and Simulation.

SCSC'09 Call: ( ) [click
the CG Workshop link]


The conference is being held in Europe and so may be of particular interest
to the European branch of the Openscengraph community. Don't be shy. You can
also submit papers on general Computer Graphics Topics. Authors can also
submit High resolution images for a Scientific Visualization Contest. Visit
the above links for more details about sponsors, submission and program


Topic Areas: (See official call, for subtopics within topic areas)

General Computer Graphics.

Web3D, Data Acquisition and Simulation.

Computational Grids for Simulation.

3-D Modeling and Animation Systems use in Simulation.

Art and Esthetics in Simulation.


Key dates

Submission of Full Papers (full, short, applications)February 25, 2009

Notification of Acceptance   April 21, 2009

Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration May 15, 2009


John F. Richardson


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Computer Graphics for Simulation BOF - Wed after the OpenScenegraph BOF

2009-06-23 Thread John F. Richardson

Computer Graphics for Simulation BOF
Discussion of computer graphics technologies to support general simulations. 
Technologies can include scenegraphs, multi-user, lighting, modeling, Web3D, 
OpenGL, Collada, and game physics for simulation. Also, simulation topics like 

Wednesday, 3 - 4 pm
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Room 263
John F. Richardson

For those that want to spend an extra hour intellectualizing after the 
OpenSceneGraph BOF.

I will be talking for a few minutes on the recent activity from the Summer 
Computer Simulation Conference '09. I can talk and talk and talk, but if 
anyone else has a contribution related to CG / Simulation Methodologies / OSG 
/ Games / Inventor / Petri Nets / DIS/ HLA /..., you are welcome to speak.

I'll also be bringing Chocolate to the BOF. :)


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Re: [osg-users] OSG BOF at SIGGRAPH 2009

2009-07-15 Thread John F. Richardson

Hello Paul,


I have a BOF scheduled after the OSG BOF. I remember some post that seemed
to indicate that the organizers would have to provide A/V equipment.


If true, how much are the convention A/V people charging?


John F. Richardson

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Need OSG BOF organizer

2010-01-08 Thread John F. Richardson


I’m local and have a projector in case SIGGRAPH tries to rent you a projector 
like last year. But then it cost so much to tear it down, they left the 
SIGGRAPH projector up and running all day long. I have also organized BOF’s. 
So, I can help. I also like to bring bags of chocolate.


Has the BOF reservation process started? It seems a little bit early.


John F. Richardson


[] On Behalf Of Michael Weiblen
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 7:27 PM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Need OSG BOF organizer



FWIW bear in mind the OpenGL BOF is traditionally Wednesday eve, so the coveted 
Wed morning slots go quickly :-)

-- mew

On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 6:45 PM, Paul Martz  wrote:

Thanks, Wang Rui. Yes, everything can be done by Internet. With SIGGRAPH in Las 
Angeles this year instead of New Orleans, your flight from China will be just a 
few hours shorter. :-)

I haven't checked the SIGGRAPH web site to see if BOF registration is possible 
yet. I know the deadline is usually later, April or so. If you have questions 
about how to register the BOF at the SIGGRAPH web site, email me offline. (You 
don't need to register yourself at this time, just register the BOF.)

Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software LLC
_http://www.skew-matrix.com_ <>
+1 303 859 9466

Wang Rui wrote:

Hi Paul,

I'd like to help, based on the premise that all the organizational
matters could be done in internet. :)

Wang Rui

2009/12/30 Paul Martz :

Hi all -- I'm repeating my plea. Both Mike Weiblen and myself would like to
step down as BOF organizer for this year's SIGGRAPH. We need someone from
the OSG community to step forward and organize this event.

Can someone please take this on? If no one steps up for this, there will be
no OSG BOF at SIGGRAPH this year.
Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software LLC
_http://www.skew-matrix.com_ <>
+1 303 859 9466

osg-users mailing list

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Mike Weiblen -- Black Hawk, Colorado USA --

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Re: [osg-users] Need OSG BOF organizer

2010-01-12 Thread John F. Richardson

Just catching up on my email.

I'll be happy to organize the BOF.

John F. Richardson

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Paul Martz
Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 9:01 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Need OSG BOF organizer

Hi John -- Do you want to step up and be organizer? Wang Rui and I 
exchanged emails, and with him in China, perhaps it'd be better to have 
someone stateside organize the BOF. So the job is yours, if you'd take it.

Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software LLC
_http://www.skew-matrix.com_ <>
+1 303 859 9466

John F. Richardson wrote:
> Hello,
> I’m local and have a projector in case SIGGRAPH tries to rent you a 
> projector like last year. But then it cost so much to tear it down, they 
> left the SIGGRAPH projector up and running all day long. I have also 
> organized BOF’s. So, I can help. I also like to bring bags of chocolate.
> Has the BOF reservation process started? It seems a little bit early.
> John F. Richardson
> *From:* 
> [] *On Behalf Of 
> *Michael Weiblen
> *Sent:* Wednesday, December 30, 2009 7:27 PM
> *To:* OpenSceneGraph Users
> *Subject:* Re: [osg-users] Need OSG BOF organizer
> Hi,
> FWIW bear in mind the OpenGL BOF is traditionally Wednesday eve, so the 
> coveted Wed morning slots go quickly :-)
> cheers
> -- mew
> On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 6:45 PM, Paul Martz  <>> wrote:
> Thanks, Wang Rui. Yes, everything can be done by Internet. With SIGGRAPH 
> in Las Angeles this year instead of New Orleans, your flight from China 
> will be just a few hours shorter. :-)
> I haven't checked the SIGGRAPH web site to see if BOF registration is 
> possible yet. I know the deadline is usually later, April or so. If you 
> have questions about how to register the BOF at the SIGGRAPH web site, 
> email me offline. (You don't need to register yourself at this time, 
> just register the BOF.)
> Paul Martz
> Skew Matrix Software LLC
> _http://www.skew-matrix.com_ <>
> +1 303 859 9466
> Wang Rui wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> I'd like to help, based on the premise that all the organizational
> matters could be done in internet. :)
> Wang Rui
> 2009/12/30 Paul Martz  <>>:
> Hi all -- I'm repeating my plea. Both Mike Weiblen and myself would like to
> step down as BOF organizer for this year's SIGGRAPH. We need someone from
> the OSG community to step forward and organize this event.
> Can someone please take this on? If no one steps up for this, there will be
> no OSG BOF at SIGGRAPH this year.
> --
> Paul Martz
> Skew Matrix Software LLC
> _http://www.skew-matrix.com_ <>
> +1 303 859 9466
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
> <>
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
> <>
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
> <>
> -- 
> Mike Weiblen -- Black Hawk, Colorado USA --
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

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[osg-users] Siggraph 2010 OSG BOF best day/time for OSG community

2010-01-12 Thread John F. Richardson

Mike Weiblen mentioned that Wednesday morning slots are "coveted".

I believe that last year the slot registration process began in Jan [early 
Feb?]. So, this is the time for the community to think about the day/time for 
the BOF. Chime in.

John F. Richardson

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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Computer Graphics For Simulation paper track at SCSC'10 Call for papers

2010-02-04 Thread John F. Richardson

Deadline Feb 28, 2010.

One of the topic areas is Scenegraphs and general Web3D and their
applications to Simulation.


Second Call for Papers for the Computer Graphics for Simulation Track at the
Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC'10)
July 11-14, 2010 [Ottawa, Canada] [general conference
topics of interest list plus general author information, Ottawa
information,.] [this has the
SCSC'10 Tracks with the Computer Graphics for Simulation track details]

The details are at 
{please note that the submission deadline was moved forward to February 28,
2010 and acceptance notification to April 30, 2010, camera ready to May 28,

SCSC'10 is part of the 2010 International Simulation Multi-conference
You can go straight to the details or start at and browse...

Details above in cg_scsc2010.pdf, but a synopsis of topics is:
-   General Computer Graphics [rendering, terrain, deformations, large
VE's, volume visualization, military, CG support for simulation
-   Web3D for Simulation [VRML/X3D/COLLADA/OSG/KML/O3D, NVIDIA CUDA,
OpenCL [Open Compute Language for CPU/GPU scheduling,.]
-   Computational Grids for Simulation [adaptive, parallel,.]
-   3-D Modeling and Animation Systems use in Simulations [commercial,
open source, video, CAD, solid, organic, file export interoperability,.]
-   Art in Simulation [color, textures, lighting, art for VE's,.]

John F. Richardson

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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Deadline Extended [Computer Graphics For Simulation paper track at SCSC'10 final Call for papers]

2010-03-01 Thread John F. Richardson


Deadline March 22, 2010.

One of the topic areas is Scenegraphs and general Web3D and their
applications to Simulation.


Final Call for Papers for the Computer Graphics for Simulation Track at the
Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC'10)
July 11-14, 2010 [Ottawa, Canada] [general conference
topics of interest list plus general author information, Ottawa
information,.] [this has the
SCSC'10 Tracks with the Computer Graphics for Simulation track details]

The details are at 
{please note that the submission deadline was moved forward to March 22,
2010 and acceptance notification to April 30, 2010, camera ready to May 28,

SCSC'10 is part of the 2010 International Simulation Multi-conference
You can go straight to the details or start at and browse...

Details above in cg_scsc2010.pdf, but a synopsis of topics is:
-   General Computer Graphics [rendering, terrain, deformations, large
VE's, volume visualization, military, CG support for simulation
-   Web3D for Simulation [VRML/X3D/COLLADA/OSG/KML/O3D, NVIDIA CUDA,
OpenCL [Open Compute Language for CPU/GPU scheduling,.]
-   Computational Grids for Simulation [adaptive, parallel,.]
-   3-D Modeling and Animation Systems use in Simulations [commercial,
open source, video, CAD, solid, organic, file export interoperability,.]
-   Art in Simulation [color, textures, lighting, art for VE's,.]

John F. Richardson

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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] OpenSceneGraph BOF at SIGGRAPH 2010

2010-05-14 Thread John F. Richardson
Greetings and Salutations to the OpenSceneGraph community,

Just a First Heads up for the OpenSceneGraph BOF at SIGRAPH 2010 in LA.
Please add to the Latest Community News on the website...:)

Start thinking of participation! Prepare your advanced presentations!

I organized the Birds of a Feather (BOF) meeting early enough so that it
received a fairly reasonable time slot. The morning of the day of the OpenGL
BOF. The morning was chosen after getting some feedback from the community
which seemed interested in it not overlapping with the OpenGL BOF. The
OpenGL BOF is put on by Khronos in the late afternoon and they give out free

Note: Because I organized it early, it will be listed in the program guides.
Also, it will be listed on the SIGGRAPH kiosk. This is about as much free
advertisement as you get at SIGGRAPH.

Computer Graphics for Simulation BOF
Los Angeles Convention Center [Room TBA by the SIGGRAPH BOF staff]
Wednesday, July 28, 2:30PM - 3:30PM ( to see the
official listing)

OpenCL BOF is Tuesday [Khronos late afternoon and probably free beers] but
overlaps with the COLLADA BOF. WebGL {Khronos late afternoon and possibly
more free beers} on Thursday. The Blender meetings are Monday. Most of the
Web3D meetings do not overlap [Tuesday (Carto, X3D/HTML5, X3D Medical) or
Thursday (X3D CAD, X3D members)]. So, in general OpenSceneGraph BOF does not
overlap with other BOF's of interest. That is nice.

The Basic Conference [the inexpensive registration] has certain events. The
Poster sessions do not overlap with OSG. You can see the posters all week.
The Research Challenge does not overlap with OSG. The Keynote Speakers are
Monday and Tuesday. Exhibition, Sandbox, Studio and Emerging Technologies
are all week. So you have plenty of time to take in all the technology and
still ATTEND THE OSG BOF!!!!!!

John F. Richardson

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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] OpenSceneGraph BOF at SIGGRAPH 2010

2010-06-28 Thread John F. Richardson

30 days till the OpenScengraph BOF at SIGGRAPH 2010. I would appreciate it if 
possible presenters would give me a heads up so I can work up an introduction. has all the BOF's.

Including the real OpenScengraph BOF info

 Excerpt from the Siggraph site --
OpenSceneGraph BOF
Wednesday, 28 July | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM | Los Angeles Convention Center Room 
301 A

This session is for OpenSceneGraph (OSG) users and interested parties. People 
interested in using OSG and discussing their use of OSG are encouraged to 

John F. Richardson
richards (at)

Oops, noticed the last post about the BOF in May mentioned another BOF I'm 
helping out with. Apologies. However, it did have some synopsis information on 
all the OpenGL and other related events. So maybe it was not a complete waste 
of bandwidth.


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph BOF at SIGGRAPH 2010

2010-07-06 Thread John F. Richardson
Hello Robert,

A presentation on OSG-3.0/OpenGL ES would be fantastic. I was probably going
to ask you for a few "highlights" slides on the cutting edge of OSG in any

I was also thinking about a panel at the end of the BOF so maybe some panel
topic suggestions would be nice.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Monday, July 05, 2010 6:09 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph BOF at SIGGRAPH 2010

Hi John,

Many thanks for taking charge of the Siggraph BOF this year.  I won't
be at Siggraph so won't be able to help out directly, but can write a
presentation on the topic of OSG-3.0/OpenGL ES.  Since I won't be
physically with you I'll need a volunteer to give the talk on my
behalf, or for me to record a video message.  Or I could help
contribute content for other talks on the OSG-3.0/OpenGL ES topic.

Let me know your thoughts on how I might be able to contribute.

osg-users mailing list

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph BOF at SIGGRAPH 2010

2010-07-06 Thread John F. Richardson
Hello David,

The key is the release forms for unlimited distribution. If you are going to 
bring anything start the paperwork soon.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of David Glenn
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph BOF at SIGGRAPH 2010


I will be at Siggraph! I do plan to attend OSG BOF and drag as many of my 
fellows out of the desert that I can – all one of two of us that is! I'm not 
sure what I can get clearance to show off anything there, but if I can, I'll be 
ready - just in case! 

I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but that is why I attend this stuff 
anyway – to learn more!

I encourage as many people who can to attend!

Sorry to hear that you’re not going to be there Robert, but I’m sure that what 
ever is dreamed up will be interesting!

See some of you there I hope!
So Cal is fun in July and LA Live is an exiting place to be!

D Glenn

D Glenn (a.k.a David Glenn) - Join the Navy and See the World ... from your 

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[osg-users] Nine days until the OpenSceneGraph BOF at SIGGRAPH 2010

2010-07-19 Thread John F. Richardson

9 days till Siggraph OSG BOF.

RobertI need some slides on OSG-3.0/OpenGL ES. I sent an email to your
gmail account. Is that the correct one for off list communications?

Also, anyone else with material who will not be at the BOF, send it so I can
be a talking head on your topic. Best if received by Noon Pacific Standard
Time, 21 July.

John F. Richardson

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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] SIGGRAPH BOF reservations open

2011-01-07 Thread John F. Richardson
SIGGRAPH BOF Reservations are open as of Jan 7.

I facilitated the BOF last year and will be in Vancouver with my LCD Projector 
this year.

Last years schedule in LA was [Wednesday / 10-11AM] which worked well.

That would imply this years [Wednesday (10 August) / 10-11AM].

Any objections?


John F. Richardson

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] SIGGRAPH BOF reservations open

2011-01-10 Thread John F. Richardson
Hello Everyone,

OponSceneGraph BOF at SIGGRAPH
Wednesday 10 August 2011 10AM.

Be there or be square.
Note: Square is slang for Uncool, Not Groovy,

I will pop up again in May or June with further details.

John F. Richardson

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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Call for Papers [Graphics Track at the Summer Computer Simulation Conference '11]

2011-02-01 Thread John F. Richardson
There has been OSG papers in SCSC before..and discussions of OSG at the
presentations... I believe that this may of interest to the list members.

Call for papers,

The Computer Graphics for Simulation Track at the Summer Computer Simulation

Conference [SCSC'11] is soliciting high quality papers for Presentation at
2011 Summer Simulation Multiconference.
2011 Summer Simulation Multiconference (SummerSim'11)
June 27 - 30, 2011
  World Forum, The Hague, Netherlands

SCS's 2011 Summer Simulation Multiconference is a part of the 2011 
International Simulation Multi-conference (ISMC'11). This International 
Multiconference will include invited speakers, quality refereed papers,
topical workshops, joint plenary sessions, consolidated registration, and 
access for registrants to all Multi-conference activities hosted at the
Forum, The Hague, Netherlands. The program consists of the following:

* 2011 Summer Simulation Multiconference (SummerSim'11)
  o International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer & 
Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS'11)
  o Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC'11)
  o Grand Challenges in Modeling & Simulation (GCMS'11)
+ Methodology, Tools, Software Applications (M&S MTSA)
  o Posters Track
* 2011 SISO European Simulation Interoperability Workshop (Euro SIW)

Key Dates
Paper Submissions   February 15, 2011
Notification of Acceptance  April 15, 2011
Final SubmissionMay 15, 2011

General Conference Site [Conference information / Author's Guidelines / 
Publication Details] , .

Simulations can consist of focused physical simulations to complex 
interconnected systems. Simulations can be used to produce numbers. Some 
simulations can produce theories of human behaviors. Other simulations test 
security while others investigate industrial control. In some cases the
is just a number or statistic. In many cases, the result is anthropomorphic.
Many simulations use graphics to present the results. Many simulations use 
virtual objects to represent the input to simulations. In many cases, the 
simulation must be visualized to reveal useful patterns in processes and 
This workshop/paper track is designed to elicit papers that present novel 
results in simulation visualization. The workshop/paper track focuses on 
several topic areas. The General Computer Graphics topic area is designed to

solicit papers that apply state of the art graphics techniques to
simulation results and simulation virtual environments. The Web3D / WebGL / 
HTML5 topic area is designed to extract from the research community, state
the art techniques for visualizing distributed simulations. Many physically 
based simulations require solutions of complex systems of equations that
have efficient computational grids to produce realistic results with minimal

computer resources. The 3-D modeling and animation systems topic is an 
application topic that asks how mature and existing modeling and animation 
systems can be integrated into the task of visualizing simulations. The art 
and esthetics topic invites researchers to present their work on pure art 
applied to simulation visualization.
Many of the topic areas involve advanced computer graphics techniques and in

some cases, art of high caliber. Authors are encouraged to attach 
supplementary high-resolution renderings to their submissions for
in an exhibition at the conference [Fame and Glory is the reward].  WebGL
HTML5 is a new hot topic in Computer Graphics heavily promoted at SIGGRAPH 

Technical papers are solicited, but not limited to the following topics:

General Computer Graphics
. DEVS, simulation methodologies and Computer Graphics
. Rendering strategies and algorithms for architecture
. Visualizing deformation of mechanical and civil engineering structures

resulting from simulations
. Modeling and animation of machinery simulations
. Modeling and animation support for Industrial Processes
. Solid modeling for simulation
. Visualizing gas, explosion and fluid simulation
. Volume visualization for simulation (medical, structural, geological, 
fluids, gases)
. Visualizing terrain effects on simulations (fluid, telecommunications,

transport, security, military)
. Transportation visualization (structures, flight, vehicles, subways, 
tunnels, construction, security, military)
. Level of detail strategies for simulation visualization
. Massive virtual environments
. Visualization of mathematical objects
. Visualization of chemical and biological Objects
. Visualization of astronomical simulations
. Time and memory complexity of scientific visualizations
. Visualizing and g

Re: [osg-users] VRML plugin working in iPhone / iOS?

2011-03-29 Thread John F. Richardson
Try posting this to

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ryan Atkins
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] VRML plugin working in iPhone / iOS?

Thanks, Tom.

Any thoughts on VRML and OpenVRML dependencies?

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Re: [osg-users] VRML plugin working in iPhone / iOS?

2011-03-30 Thread John F. Richardson

The Communications Research Center of Canada is working on an X3D [VRML
follow on] version of FreeWRL for the iPhone and Android.

Try the Web3D consortium web site and see if there is a convertor.

John F. Richardson

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ryan Atkins
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] VRML plugin working in iPhone / iOS?

The writing seems to be on the wall about VRML.

Can OSG be used reliably as a batch conversion tool to get models from VRML
to .osgb?

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Re: [osg-users] VRML plugin working in iPhone / iOS?

2011-03-30 Thread John F. Richardson
Fantastic. Sorry about the bandwidth but I like to applaud. The CRC people
are excellent.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ryan Atkins
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] VRML plugin working in iPhone / iOS?

John F. Richardson wrote:
> The Communications Research Center of Canada is working on an X3D [VRML
> follow on] version of FreeWRL for the iPhone and Android.

I'm working with them and have been contributing some code to the project.

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[osg-users] Work In Progress Paper Call for 2011 Summer Simulation Multiconference

2011-04-04 Thread John F. Richardson

There is a Computer Graphics for Simulation Track at the SCSC'11 conference and 
the conference attracts other graphics papers. The track has Simulation / X3D, 
WebGL and Scenegraph themes, so if you did not make the Web3D conference feel 
free to submit to the general WIP track.

I know of one OSG paper that was submitted. Anyone want to make it 2. Or 3 or 
10 or 100? WIP is your potential venue.

Although this is call is for the WIP track for the multi-conference, I also 
encourage people to attend the conference if you are in Europe. It is a 
multi-conference and for the attendance fee you can attend SCSC'11 and other 
participating conferences [GCMS (sort of a supercomputer for Simulation 
conference), a telecommunications conference (SPECTS) and SISO's 
interoperability workshop].



June 27 - 30, 2011, World Forum, The Hague, Netherlands 

The purpose of this conference is to provide a forum to discuss recent advances 
in various aspects and applications of M&S, which are addressed by focus areas 
of each of the conference within this multi-conference. 

The multiconference bridges various areas of modeling and simulation ranging 
from theory, methodology, and applications to verification and analysis, and 
the challenges involved in the process into a single exciting venue for the 
interchange of ideas and scientific discussion and education.

Please submit the advanced but not fully developed results of your research for 
review by the technical program members of each conference using the following 


The length of the Work-in-Progress papers is up to 6 pages in final conference 
All the papers of this conference will be included in the conference 
proceedings and the presented papers will be archived in the ACM Digital 
Library for the SCSC and GCMS papers or in IEEE Xplore for the SPECTS papers. 

Important Dates
Paper Submission: April 22 2011
Notification: May 13 2011
Camera-Ready Paper: May 27 2011 

SummerSim 2011 Organizing Committee
General Chair: Hamid Vakilzadian, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA General 
Vice Chair: Francesco Longo, University of Calabria, Italy 

SPECTS General Chair: Jose Sevillano, University of Seville, Spain SCSC General 
Chair: Peter Kropf, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland GCMS General Chair: 
Roy Crosbie, Californian State University Chico, USA 

Poster Track Chair: Abdolreza Abhari, Ryerson University, Canada 

Sponsored by

The Society for Modeling and Simulation International, SCS in cooperation with 

Technical Co-Sponsorship with IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) and IEEE SMC 
Society for SPECTS

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[osg-users] Siggraph 2011 OpenScengraph BOF reminder

2011-06-06 Thread John F. Richardson

Scheduled for Wednesday, 10 August 10:00 am - 11:00 am [60 days to go]

So, if you are going to be at Siggraph 2011 and want to show off and make OSG 
jump through hoops at the greatest show on earth, chime in...

I'll post a reminder at the 30 day mark.

John F. Richardson

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] 33 days till OpenScengraph BOF at SIGGRAPH 2011

2011-07-05 Thread John F. Richardson

37 days till OpenScengraph BOF at SIGGRAPH 2011.

10 AM Wed 10 Aug 2011.

Anyone thinking of presenting at the BOF? Slots are 5 to 20 minutes.

John F. Richardson

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] 33 days till OpenScengraph BOF at SIGGRAPH 2011

2011-07-07 Thread John F. Richardson

There are no BOF's at SIGGRAPH Asia according to their website.

John F. Richardson

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of David Glenn
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2011 10:25 AM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] 33 days till OpenScengraph BOF at SIGGRAPH 2011


I woun't be there! I didn't get my pasport in time for the debrefing I now
have to do! I may be at SIGGRAPH AISA this year if I can gather the $5K it
will take for me to traval there! Maybe there is a BOF there for OSG!

D Glenn

D Glenn (a.k.a David Glenn) - Moving Heaven and Earth!

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Re: [osg-users] 33 days till OpenScengraph BOF at SIGGRAPH 2011

2011-07-28 Thread John F. Richardson
Hello David,

Yesyou can have a 10 - 15 minute slot. We want to know all about the 
recent projects.

John F. Richardson

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of David Angelo
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 2:58 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] 33 days till OpenScengraph BOF at SIGGRAPH 2011

Hi John,

sorry for the late response. It just became clear that I go to SIGGRAPH.
Is there still a presentation slot available (5-10min)? If not, no problem.
I could talk about AVANGO, a VR System using OpenSceneGraph and a
selection of recent projects.
Please let me know.


On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 8:55 PM, John F. Richardson
> Hello,
> 37 days till OpenScengraph BOF at SIGGRAPH 2011.
> 10 AM Wed 10 Aug 2011.
> Anyone thinking of presenting at the BOF? Slots are 5 to 20 minutes.
> John F. Richardson
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
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