There has been OSG papers in SCSC before......and discussions of OSG at the
presentations... I believe that this may of interest to the list members.

Call for papers,

The Computer Graphics for Simulation Track at the Summer Computer Simulation

Conference [SCSC'11] is soliciting high quality papers for Presentation at
2011 Summer Simulation Multiconference.
            2011 Summer Simulation Multiconference (SummerSim'11)
                        June 27 - 30, 2011
                  World Forum, The Hague, Netherlands

SCS's 2011 Summer Simulation Multiconference is a part of the 2011 
International Simulation Multi-conference (ISMC'11). This International 
Multiconference will include invited speakers, quality refereed papers,
topical workshops, joint plenary sessions, consolidated registration, and 
access for registrants to all Multi-conference activities hosted at the
Forum, The Hague, Netherlands. The program consists of the following:

    * 2011 Summer Simulation Multiconference (SummerSim'11)
          o International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer & 
Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS'11)
          o Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC'11)
          o Grand Challenges in Modeling & Simulation (GCMS'11)
                + Methodology, Tools, Software Applications (M&S MTSA)
          o Posters Track
    * 2011 SISO European Simulation Interoperability Workshop (Euro SIW)

Key Dates
Paper Submissions               February 15, 2011
Notification of Acceptance          April 15, 2011
Final Submission                May 15, 2011

General Conference Site [Conference information / Author's Guidelines / 
Publication Details] , .

Simulations can consist of focused physical simulations to complex 
interconnected systems. Simulations can be used to produce numbers. Some 
simulations can produce theories of human behaviors. Other simulations test 
security while others investigate industrial control. In some cases the
is just a number or statistic. In many cases, the result is anthropomorphic.
Many simulations use graphics to present the results. Many simulations use 
virtual objects to represent the input to simulations. In many cases, the 
simulation must be visualized to reveal useful patterns in processes and 
This workshop/paper track is designed to elicit papers that present novel 
results in simulation visualization. The workshop/paper track focuses on 
several topic areas. The General Computer Graphics topic area is designed to

solicit papers that apply state of the art graphics techniques to
simulation results and simulation virtual environments. The Web3D / WebGL / 
HTML5 topic area is designed to extract from the research community, state
the art techniques for visualizing distributed simulations. Many physically 
based simulations require solutions of complex systems of equations that
have efficient computational grids to produce realistic results with minimal

computer resources. The 3-D modeling and animation systems topic is an 
application topic that asks how mature and existing modeling and animation 
systems can be integrated into the task of visualizing simulations. The art 
and esthetics topic invites researchers to present their work on pure art 
applied to simulation visualization.
Many of the topic areas involve advanced computer graphics techniques and in

some cases, art of high caliber. Authors are encouraged to attach 
supplementary high-resolution renderings to their submissions for
in an exhibition at the conference [Fame and Glory is the reward].  WebGL
HTML5 is a new hot topic in Computer Graphics heavily promoted at SIGGRAPH 

Technical papers are solicited, but not limited to the following topics:

General Computer Graphics
.     DEVS, simulation methodologies and Computer Graphics
.     Rendering strategies and algorithms for architecture
.     Visualizing deformation of mechanical and civil engineering structures

resulting from simulations
.     Modeling and animation of machinery simulations
.     Modeling and animation support for Industrial Processes
.     Solid modeling for simulation
.     Visualizing gas, explosion and fluid simulation
.     Volume visualization for simulation (medical, structural, geological, 
fluids, gases)
.     Visualizing terrain effects on simulations (fluid, telecommunications,

transport, security, military)
.     Transportation visualization (structures, flight, vehicles, subways, 
tunnels, construction, security, military)
.     Level of detail strategies for simulation visualization
.     Massive virtual environments
.     Visualization of mathematical objects
.     Visualization of chemical and biological Objects
.     Visualization of astronomical simulations
.     Time and memory complexity of scientific visualizations
.     Visualizing and graphing simulation data
.     Verifying Accuracy of visualizations against simulation results
.     Interaction techniques and haptic devices for simulation
.     Visualizing damage to military and civilian transport
.     Realistic lighting for simulation

Web3D / WebGL / HTML5 for Simulation
.     VRML/X3D for simulation
.     WebGL technology and WebGL for Distributed Simulations
.     COLLADA / OSG / KML / Game simulations / DEVS  and CG / Coupled DEVS
and CG
.     Scenegraphs and strategies for simulation visualization optimization
.     Collaborative medical simulation
.     Data acquisition for simulation
.     Distributed military simulation visualization
.     Interoperability between military and civilian file formats
.     NVIDIA CUDA, OpenCL [Open Compute Language for CPU/GPU Scheduling]

Computational Grids for Simulation
.     2-D and 3-D irregular grids for simulation
.     Adaptive grids for simulation
.     Parallel algorithms for computational grids
.     Grids for very large virtual environments

3-D Modeling and Animation Systems use in Simulation [including DEVS]
.     2-D and 3-D commercial modeling and animation
.     2-D and 3-D open source modeling and animation
.     Use of video to visualize simulation
.     Video input to simulations
.     2-D drawing and sketching for use in simulation
.     Use of commercial and open source export formats in simulation

Art and Esthetics in Simulation
.     Art and design strategies for simulated objects
.     Color
.     Creating realistic textures for simulation visualization
.     Art in constructing virtual environments

Refer to the following for further information on the Track:

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