FW: [ozmidwifery] here is a hot one

2002-10-30 Thread Sally Westbury

Seems like you are safe
from the hate mail.

It seems to me that there is the universal
blank look about NMAP from many many midwives. Most
of the independent midwives in for the long battle but I do wonder where the
other midwives are. 

It does need to be a partnership.

As an aside.. the two most amazing consumers I know both started direct entry midwifery .. more power to you both.

Love Sally

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Jo  Dean
Sent: Wednesday, 30 October 2002 12:54 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] here is a
hot one

here is a topic that will get many of you annoyed at
me!( thought it was about time)

I have noticed a trend happening and wanted to point this
out. There has been discussion in the past of the lack of consumer
support and push for change. Yes, I agree to and extent as most of the
community are oblivious to what is going on. Those consumers who do now
are usually slogging their arses off to get change...with no real benefits to
themselves in any way other than satisfaction that SOMEONE else may not end up
with a scar on her belly for no reason (unlike the one on my belly that I can
never get free of)

Now here is the juicy bit..I am starting to realise that
it appears that there is a large portion of midwives who lament about the way
birth is today, they know what it happening and yet when there is something
like NMAP being suggested it suddenly is left up to consumers to do the
work. I am referring to situations like last week when here in SA a
meeting was held to see what to do next with NMAP implementationtwo
consumers (who work beyond their limits anyway) and one uni lecturer
attended..no midwives. I know that women are the ones who will
benefit from something like NMAP, but hey! there are midwives that will be in far
greater positions career wise (money wise) job satisfaction wise and so forth
if NMAP does get implemented. 

I suppose what I am saying is that yes, consumers need to
CARE (sorry about caps!) or drag the children to meeting after meeting with
pollies; we are not the ones who should be using our home computers and
resources and so forth without reimbursement; we are not the ones who should be
putting families and friends second to trying to improve maternity services

Here in SA we have some very strong and determined women who
are not going to benefit from something like NMAP but we are the ones who are
working tirelessly to get it happening. I would like to ask all SA midwives
if you agree with the NMAP and would like to see it happen here in SA
then BE THERE TO SUPPORT US SUPPORT YOU! There is only so much that
Cheryl, Megan, Jen, Emma, Carolyn and myself can do guys! Now those of
you who know me know that I am not really a bitch (well most of the time), but
I am just about ready to say stuff it and go and dig in my rose
garden and not do anything other than take the occasional phone call in
reference to CARES SA. Those of you who know me know how passionate
I am about women's rights to the best type of care - midwifery care.but at
the moment I am looking around and not seeing any midwife fighting for NMAP
with us. I know that many of you are fighting within the system, but we
as consumers need to know that you support us by being there at meetings or
something! I know you work and have families BUT SO DO WE!

Anyway, I will sit back and wait for the hate mail to
come rolling inI am not attacking those of you who are active; just those
who are sitting back and letting others fight a fight for you! I have
read about maintaining passion for midwifery...but not seen much commitment and
support for those consumers who are trying to keep the option of
midwifery alive.

cheers guys!

Jo Bainbridge
founding member CARES SA
phone: 08 8388 6918
birth with trust, faith  love...

Re: [ozmidwifery] breastfeeding web site

2002-10-30 Thread Grant and Louise

  ? www.breasted.com.au
  ---Original Message---
  Date: Wednesday, 30 
  October 2002 05:41:50 PM
  To: Ozmidwifery 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] 
  breastfeeding web site
  Hi, can anyone help me? I am looking for a breastfeeding 
  information website that is entitled BSMed or something like that. Has 
  anyone heard ofit??? Cheers, Julia M.--This mailing list 
  is sponsored by ACE Graphics.Visit http://www.acegraphics.com.au 
  to subscribe or unsubscribe..


 IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - 

Re: [ozmidwifery] midwifery in Mullumbimby

2002-10-30 Thread Sue Cookson
Hi Jessica,
There are always a lot of stories about the birthing environment in this
There are 4 hospitals in the northern rivers where births occur - this is
soon to be 3 I believe, when Byron Bay hospital ceases to accept births in
the new year due to a shortage of insured and willing GPs. (Is this accurate
Of the 3 others, Mullumbimby is definitely the one promoting itself as a low
intervention setting, but is not a birth centre. There is no  midwives
clinic, and everyone must book in through a GP. The selection criteria
changes a lot, but is generally fairly flexible - they allow VBACs,
sometimes older primips etc. There are no epidurals or c/sections here, but
they will augment labours and do some assisted deliveries. At present the
use of water is permitted in labour, but no official waterbirths - the women
have to pay an outside contactor for the erection and hire of the water pool
(about $250). There are 3 or 4 Gps who attend births at Mullum, and about 7
midwives working there, and they vary as always in their attitudes and
approach. There are 3 birth rooms, but the midwives are shared with the rest
of the patients in the small hospital. About 100 births a year.
BUT, overall not too bad!!

Limore Base however is a teaching hospital with a 40% epidural rate, and
climbing c/section rates. There is a nice postnatal ward, although only
small for the volume of births. In my opinion, a bit of Russian Roulette as
to attitudes and outcomes.

Murwillimbah is not a teaching hospital, and is fairly conservative in its
attitudes etc. A few years ago 5 homebirth midwives had boycotted this place
due to its attitude to homebirth clients.

I spoke to a Paed from Lismore the other day who said the birthing unit at
Lismore was being revamped in 2004 and he was pushing to have pools
available to women for labouring! He actually said a few months ago that
Lismore was a bit of a 'white elephant' in the area due to its refusal to
act on the needs of the birthing women!!

There is also a new hospital proposed to replace both Byron bay and
Mullumbimby in the next few years, and a birth clinic (again not centre) is
planned for that too.

So who knows, in 2004 there may be a vibrant new look for birth in this

But at present the usual political and territorial problems exist here -
little support for homebirth women and the homebirth midwives, and a
decreasing number of practising GP/obs.

Hope this helps!!

Sue Cookson

feeling tired

 Dear Mullum midwives,
 Just wondering if midwives working in the Mullumbimby and surrounding areas
 could fill me in on the work climate up there.
 I'm living in Melbourne at the moment finishing off a post grad midwifery
 course.  Planning on moving up to Northern NSW towards the end of 2004 with my
 partner and 2 little girls.
 I'm passionate about women birthing in a supportive environment and would love
 to hear about what might be up there for a fairly newly registered midwife who
 is very KEEN!
 I hear there is a great birthing community up there - and a birth centre in
 I'd really appreciate some tips from anyone in the know
 love Jessica Simms
 This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
 Visit http://www.acegraphics.com.au to subscribe or unsubscribe.

This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
Visit http://www.acegraphics.com.au to subscribe or unsubscribe.

RE: [ozmidwifery] Birth ads

2002-10-30 Thread Vicki Chan
Title: Message

love to you and Sarah

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Pinky 
  McKaySent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 1:00 PMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Birth 
  I have my lovely Sarah (19) in hospital with 
  quinsy -drains IV antibiotics etc (She NEVER gets sick so this is a shock to 
  her ) when she had a blood test at the clinic the previous day,she 
  thought the nurse was going to "do it like the blood bank" that she visited 
  with a biology class a couple of years ago - the nurse said -"you MUST have 
  had needles at school ! Sarah nodded "no" - she couldnt talk andhasnt 
  been immunised.The woman asked, were you one of the ones who hid in the 
  toilet? THATs why you are sick now!! -I didnt have the energy to argue -just 
  asked could Sarah please lie down as she wasnt feeling at all well, then sat 
  with her.
  Thankfully all the hopital nurses have been 
  Im just on the way back to hospital to see her 
  but will contact the relevant people in the next week or two and will keep you 
- Original Message - 
Vicki Chan 

Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:54 
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Birth 

Sure, Pinky...I'm ready for anything it takes!!
Love, Vicki

  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Pinky 
  McKaySent: Monday, October 28, 2002 9:21 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
  [ozmidwifery] Birth ads
  Hi Liz,
  I am a trained advertising copywriter (I have 
  done weekend workshops with some of the top creative directors in 
  Melbourne -with a two year old on my breast -most of these guys were 
  more familiar with the association between breasts and fast cars!)- 
  Yes I can help - my time is very limited but I can take on small chunks 
  and am happy to pass on contacts.
  I was invited on GMA for an interview this 
  doesnt cost at all -although they have a system where you can pay $3000 
  for an interview -I have costings for ads in an elusive notebook - they 
  charge per state on a sliding scale so a national ad is a multiple of 
  state prices - Sydney is more expensive withWA and Q 
  lessexpensive,but around $200 per state per 30 second ad - 
  Birthingis a non commercial issue but we need something to pin 
  it on - they arent a current affair show so wont be involved in politics 
  and probably like to think they are not having rabid "birth nazis" on 
  their show. I reckon we could get Nic and Vicki on if GMA was simply sent 
  a copy of their video with a good press release and followup. I am happy 
  to talk to the producer if they are happy to be interviewed!!! They will 
  get about 3 minutes if it comes off - better than 30 
  Then if this comes off - any money raised / 
  sponsorship for an ad can be put towards an ad - TWO bites of the 
  Do you want me to go ahead and contact the 
  producer?-Vicki are you ready for an interview re midwifery and your 
  and Nics work helping women enjoy birth in this technological age - I 
  think a fairly 'mainstream' approach would be all you will get on Bert - 
  he is a nice interviewerbut conservative and wouldnt be out to 
  create controversy -hiswomen producers are older first time 
  mothers who were probably epiduralled then back to work quite early. The 
  In Union video footage would be a lovely reinforcer for a piece 
  highlighting NMAP and womens choices/the benefits of having your 'own' 
  midwife - not necessarily at home -(Slide all that in sideways around an 
  interview about the video if that is the only way to get it on) 
  -To get on TV/ in the media - it needs to affect a majority or 
  be sensational (ie ACA who only want sensation and edit/ alter the context 
  of anything said during a pre-recorded interview).
  It also helps to have a website to refer 
  women to for further info.

RE: [ozmidwifery] educating the community

2002-10-30 Thread Vicki Chan
Title: Message

  Hey.. They 
  make me cry every time! And I see them nearly every day! I do believe 
  though, the latest video, "Reach" takes the cake...those who were at Noosa and 
  the latest workshops have seen it! Stunning!! The others have hit the scrap 
  heap!! Time to move on! 
  Fear not, though Tania, like the 
  phoenix, ...your images will rise again.We are always on the lookout for new 
  images so anyone who has amazing photos of pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, 
  parenting, and would like to help change the world with them...please talk to 
  Nic on 07 3276 1001 or at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Full 
  permission of those pictured and the photographer if professional shots would 
  be required. BTW Liz N...the glorious image of you, your partner, and your two 
  littlies got snuck in for the final showing of 'From a Distance" 
  beautiful!!If we were to do something for TV, we would do 
  something specially! It would be great!!
  Love to all...Vic 
  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of Tom, Tania and Sam SmallwoodSent: Monday, October 28, 2002 8:58 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] 
  educating the communityI think you're thinking of the wonderful 
  work Vicki and Nic have done with the song "from a distance" by Bette 
  Midler. We were lucky enough to have a couple of our birth photos 
  included in that piece, and yep, gets me going just thinking about 

Re: [ozmidwifery] Birth ads

2002-10-30 Thread Aviva Sheb'a
Title: Message

Oh, golly, here's wishing you both strength, 
- Original Message - 
From: Pinky 
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 1:29 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Birth ads

I have my lovely Sarah (19) in hospital with quinsy 
-drains IV antibiotics etc 

Re: [ozmidwifery] breastfeeding web site

2002-10-30 Thread barbara glare chris bright

Dear Julia, is this what you were looking for?

Love, Barb

This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
Visit http://www.acegraphics.com.au to subscribe or unsubscribe.

Re: [ozmidwifery] RE: Milk

2002-10-30 Thread Aviva Sheb'a

hmmm...same with tobacco? My mother could not 
understand why I refused breast at 7 months. 
- Original Message - 
From: Robyn 
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 6:00 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] RE: Milk 

observation is during consultationbabies fuss at the breast and 
eventuallybreast refuse. When I take a detailed history the common 
denominator is something the mother swallowsevery single day that is 
altering the taste and smell of her milk and the baby reacts to this. When 
we investigate the smell and taste and eliminate the possible cause from her 
ingestion the baby inevitably stops fussing and enjoys breastfeeding 
again. I think it is more likely to occur early in the breastfeeding 
history when the mother has been ingesting a common denominator during pregnancy 
because the taste and smell of the ingested product/food crosses into 

regards, Robyn

Re: [ozmidwifery] Midwifery in the UK

2002-10-30 Thread Aviva Sheb'a

Maybe this is what it was like convincing the 
world that it was round.
- Original Message - 
From: Andrea 
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 6:20 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Midwifery in the UK
Hi Oz listers,I read Jo Bainbridge's comments about the 
lack of support from midwives in OZ for those consuemrs working their butts 
off for NMAP, and I empathised with her sentiments exactly. Right now I am 
slogging my way around the UK trying to get midwives to look at their 
practice and to rediscover their midwifery roots, because midwifery is on a 
slippery downward slope here in the UK.One reason that midwives are 
unable to go to meetings etc is that they are overworked because of short 
staffing etc. When midwives have to work as obstetric nurses this leads to 
burnout and despondancy. Finding extra time and commitment to go to meetings 
may just seem impossible.This comment is not intended as an excuse for 
not getting more invovled, nor a "let out" for midwives - I think they 
should make that extra effort, because not only will they advance the cause 
of their own profession, but they will reconnect with passionate consumers 
who will help to lift their spirits and remind them of what it is all 
about.I had a shocking experience the other day at a Conference in Wales 
- too long to write it all up again here - but have a read of my Diary 
entry. http://www.birthinternational.com/diary/index.htmlThis 
is happening in Australia too, I feel sure and we must fight to make sure it 
does not become widespread.I am hoping that the next Future Birth tour 
in April will expose a lot more midwives to NMAP and also to ACMI - the last 
Future Birth tour attracted over 1100 midwives in all, and very few of them 
were ACMI members, for example. I hope to get a similar number to this 
series so we can spread the word further and inspire the younger midwives to 
take up the challenges. Please spread the word! The details are on our web 
site. http://www.birthinternational.com/event/futbirth2003/index.htmlYours 
from a wet, cold and windy Wales (wish I could bring some of this rain home 
with me in 2 weeks!)Andrea-Andrea RobertsonBirth 
International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Educatione-mail: 
mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.Visit http://www.acegraphics.com.au to 
subscribe or unsubscribe.

[ozmidwifery] midwives can make a difference

2002-10-30 Thread Sally Williams

Dear List,

Just wanted to let youknow of a seminar at 
Monash Medical Centre on 4/12/02. 

Presented by Southern Health and Deakin University 
it is called Midwives Can Make a Difference.

Speakers include Nicky Leap whose keynote address 
is "how can midwifery practice flourish in a medical environment?"
Mary Anne Biro "An appeal to midwives"
Hilda Bastian "Midwives working with women to make 
a difference"
Plus Elizabeth Bethune, Diane 
Bobbie Carroll, Nicole Youl,Vanessa Owen and 
Michael Wilson.

It starts at 8.30 for registration, is being held 
in the main lecture theatre at Monash and costs $120 before 4/11, $150 after and 
$60 for students (stating student number.
Registrations close 28/11.

Registration and payment to:
 Women's and Children's Programme 
 Monash Medical 
 Locked Bag 29
 Clayton South 3168

cheques/money orders to Southern 

For further info contact:
 Women's and Children's 
 9594 2547

Kerry Chouzadjian
9594 6962

See you there


FW: [ozmidwifery] pesky consumers

2002-10-30 Thread Sally Westbury

Reminds me of a celtic
music festival I was at with my 17 year old daughter..
the bagpipes were going off.. Im saying this is
fantastic.. getting my scot blood pumping
in my veins.. while my daughter is
saying.. Ive got a headache.. this is so boring can we go home.. and
I remembered that her dad is English and she was enjoying her birthright too!!

Love to you Jo.. what would we be doing if women didnt question the
system too.. it would to so lonesome.

Love Sally

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Jo  Dean Bainbridge
Sent: Wednesday, 30 October 2002
5:39 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] pesky

hey everyone,

thanks for hose who have made comments and thanks to all
those off list replies. As I said before, there are mw who are slogging
hard and my comments were not directed at you. As I said before, I know
you guys work hard and have other commitments too and finding the time is
sometimes really hard. There are midwives here in SA who are supportive
and so on and I send my love to Tania, Wendy, Roz, Julie, and all the
rest. It is sometimes really hard to make the effort to go to meeting
after meeting and put in many hours writing and sending letter after
letter. I would just like those mw who want change to take a moment to
think that there are consumers like Cheryl, Megan and myself who all have children
(6 in Cheryl's case; 4 in Megan's and I have three under 6) and we also work in
paid employment, run homes, take the kids to sports and such and we each are
still running our own particular groups (Homebirth Network, Birth Matters,
CARES and now trying to pull even more energy and time to get the SA branch of
MC happening) and have to be dealing with all the issues and such that come up
within the realms of the groups (like trying to save VBAC in SA)...

it is just really hard for us to do this without more
support.We need to see that those who are going to benefit from our
sacrifices are trying too.

God, what a whinge!!! Well I am of British decent...it
is my birth rite to be a whinge! And I have spent the last 5 years listening to
the whinging of my kids so I just thought I would give it a
try.nah! I will have some more chocy instead.

Jo Bainbridge
founding member CARES SA
phone: 08 8388 6918
birth with trust, faith  love...

Re: [ozmidwifery] Birth ads

2002-10-30 Thread Pinky McKay
Title: Message

Thanks Vicki

  - Original Message - 
  Vicki Chan 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 7:49 
  Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Birth 
  love to you and Sarah

-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Pinky 
McKaySent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 1:00 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
Re: [ozmidwifery] Birth ads
I have my lovely Sarah (19) in hospital with 
quinsy -drains IV antibiotics etc (She NEVER gets sick so this is a shock to 
her ) when she had a blood test at the clinic the previous day,she 
thought the nurse was going to "do it like the blood bank" that she visited 
with a biology class a couple of years ago - the nurse said -"you MUST have 
had needles at school ! Sarah nodded "no" - she couldnt talk andhasnt 
been immunised.The woman asked, were you one of the ones who hid in the 
toilet? THATs why you are sick now!! -I didnt have the energy to argue -just 
asked could Sarah please lie down as she wasnt feeling at all well, then sat 
with her.

Thankfully all the hopital nurses have been 

Im just on the way back to hospital to see her 
but will contact the relevant people in the next week or two and will keep 
you informed.


  - Original Message - 
  Vicki Chan 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:54 
  Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Birth 
  Sure, Pinky...I'm ready for anything it takes!!
  Love, Vicki

-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Pinky 
McKaySent: Monday, October 28, 2002 9:21 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
[ozmidwifery] Birth ads
Hi Liz,

I am a trained advertising copywriter (I 
have done weekend workshops with some of the top creative directors in 
Melbourne -with a two year old on my breast -most of these guys 
were more familiar with the association between breasts and fast 
cars!)- Yes I can help - my time is very limited but I can take on 
small chunks and am happy to pass on contacts.

I was invited on GMA for an interview this 
doesnt cost at all -although they have a system where you can pay $3000 
for an interview -I have costings for ads in an elusive notebook - they 
charge per state on a sliding scale so a national ad is a multiple of 
state prices - Sydney is more expensive withWA and Q 
lessexpensive,but around $200 per state per 30 second ad - 
Birthingis a non commercial issue but we need something to 
pin it on - they arent a current affair show so wont be involved in 
politics and probably like to think they are not having rabid "birth 
nazis" on their show. I reckon we could get Nic and Vicki on if GMA was 
simply sent a copy of their video with a good press release and 
followup. I am happy to talk to the producer if they are happy to be 
interviewed!!! They will get about 3 minutes if it comes off - better 
than 30 seconds!!

Then if this comes off - any money raised / 
sponsorship for an ad can be put towards an ad - TWO bites of the 

Do you want me to go ahead and contact the 
producer?-Vicki are you ready for an interview re midwifery and 
your and Nics work helping women enjoy birth in this technological age - 
I think a fairly 'mainstream' approach would be all you will get on Bert 
- he is a nice interviewerbut conservative and wouldnt be out to 
create controversy -hiswomen producers are older first time 
mothers who were probably epiduralled then back to work quite early. The 
In Union video footage would be a lovely reinforcer for a piece 
highlighting NMAP and womens choices/the benefits of having your 'own' 
midwife - not necessarily at home -(Slide all that in sideways around an 
interview about the video if that is the only way to get it on) 
-To get on TV/ in the media - it needs to affect a majority 
or be sensational (ie ACA who only want sensation and edit/ alter the 
context of anything said during a pre-recorded interview).

It also helps to have a website to refer 
women to for further info.


Re: [ozmidwifery] educating the community

2002-10-30 Thread Pinky McKay
Title: Message

Have you seen Vicki Bells photos? - lots of 
bellys and bubs -on my book covers and my website -check out Vickis website too 
- www.vickibell.com.au
Must be a creative name!!pinky

  - Original Message - 
  Vicki Chan 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 8:06 
  Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] educating the 

They make me cry every time! And I see them nearly every day! I do 
believe though, the latest video, "Reach" takes the cake...those who were at 
Noosa and the latest workshops have seen it! Stunning!! The others have hit 
the scrap heap!! Time to move on! 
Fear not, though Tania, like the 
phoenix, ...your images will rise again.We are always on the lookout for new 
images so anyone who has amazing photos of pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, 
parenting, and would like to help change the world with them...please talk 
to Nic on 07 3276 1001 or at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Full 
permission of those pictured and the photographer if professional shots 
would be required. BTW Liz N...the glorious image of you, your partner, and 
your two littlies got snuck in for the final showing of 'From a Distance" 
beautiful!!If we were to do something for TV, we would do 
something specially! It would be great!!
Love to all...Vic 

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Tom, Tania and Sam SmallwoodSent: Monday, October 28, 2002 
8:58 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] 
educating the communityI think you're thinking of the wonderful 
work Vicki and Nic have done with the song "from a distance" by Bette 
Midler. We were lucky enough to have a couple of our birth photos 
included in that piece, and yep, gets me going just thinking about 

RE: [ozmidwifery] pesky consumers

2002-10-30 Thread Larry Megan

Hi Jo, 
thanks for the support, but my husband only knows about the three children he 
fathered, (3 not 4)

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jo  Dean 
  BainbridgeSent: Wednesday, 30 October 2002 8:09To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ozmidwifery] pesky 
  hey everyone,
  thanks for hose who have made comments and thanks 
  to all those off list replies. As I said before, there are mw who are 
  slogging hard and my comments were not directed at you. As I said 
  before, I know you guys work hard and have other commitments too and finding 
  the time is sometimes really hard. There are midwives here in SA who are 
  supportive and so on and I send my love to Tania, Wendy, Roz, Julie, and all 
  the rest. It is sometimes really hard to make the effort to go to 
  meeting after meeting and put in many hours writing and sending letter after 
  letter. I would just like those mw who want change to take a moment to 
  think that there are consumers like Cheryl, Megan and myself who all have 
  children (6 in Cheryl's case; 4 in Megan's and I have three under 6) and we 
  also work in paid employment, run homes, take the kids to sports and such and 
  we each are still running our own particular groups (Homebirth Network, Birth 
  Matters, CARES and now trying to pull even more energy and time to get the SA 
  branch of MC happening) and have to be dealing with all the issues and such 
  that come up within the realms of the groups (like trying to save VBAC in 
  it is just really hard for us to do this without 
  more support.We need to see that those who are going to benefit from our 
  sacrifices are trying too.
  God, what a whinge!!! Well I am of British 
  decent...it is my birth rite to be a whinge! And I have spent the last 5 years 
  listening to the whinging of my kids so I just thought I would give it a 
  try.nah! I will have some more chocy instead.
  Jo Bainbridgefounding member CARES 
  SAemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]phone: 08 
  8388 6918birth with trust, faith  

[ozmidwifery] Fw: your film

2002-10-30 Thread elizabeth mcalpine
Sally Westbury,
This is from the national co-ordinator of 'Wild spaces' film festival.

I didn't think about asking for it as a side show but even David Rose told
me he couldn/t add to the program.

In Fremantle,  Phoebe Coyne is the contact.

Liz Mc

- Original Message -
From: Sal of Wild Spaces [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: elizabeth mcalpine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: your film

 Hi Elizabeth, my name is Sal, which is not short for Sally.

 Please know, again, that adding five minutes to the festival is not
possible.  It is not my reponsibility to disseminate any issue, no matter
how important it is.   I repete, the program is closed for this year and if
you wish to screen it in Wild Spaces than you'll need to wait for it to be
considered in next year's festival.


 On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 10:53:55
  elizabeth  mcalpine wrote:
 Dear Sally,
 My disappointment was great, because when you said you'd be there at
 I thought I had an appointment with you.
 If I had known about 'Wild Spaces and this festival, I would have
 to have this film included.  It was only recently that I obtained the
 thus my request for 'late entry'.
 It is a matter of urgency to disseminate this short film, which needs no
 words, to resonate in human, particularly women's consciousness, to
 its message.  The film, In Union is about humanizing childbirth in
 contrast to industrialized childbirth which has severe implications for
 civilization such as aggression and other dysfunctions, and total
 for nature's laws.
 Similarly, this industrialized childbirth is familiar in animal
 and catastrophic births among endangered species in zoos is due to the
 ignorance (or rejection??) of mammalian birth physiology. The corollary
 industrialized farming with its degradation of the planet, manipulative
 techniques and recent disasters such as mad cow and foot and mouth
 antibiotic resistance, exogenous oestrogens and its effects, alerts one
 the possibilities of impending disaster in industrialized childbirth.
 An additional 5 minutes to the program is about 100 breaths - not much at
 all.   Your assistant, whose name I forget (sorry) copied the video to
 computer.  Did he tell you?  Did you see it??
 Sally, I implore you to view the film and reconsider.
 Many thanks,
 Elizabeth McAlpine
 Subject: your film
  Hi Elizabeth,
  As I was leaving to come to you last night my landlords arrived at my
 house and I felt obliged to talk with them.  As we had not made a
 time I did not feel the pressure that you would be here at 8pm and felt
 you would leave the tape and an explanation if you did not wish to wait
  As I already explained to you yesterday when you rang, the festival
 program is complete and if were to slot in an extra film it would need to
 about one minute long, there is not the room for any longer films.
  If you would like your film to be considered for next year's festival
 are more than welcome to forward on your film to next year's
 the details of which will be on the web-site from the start of next year.
  Again my apologies that I could not meet up with you yesterday.
  Sal Lintott,
  Wild Spaces National Coordinator.
  On Mon, 28 Oct 2002 23:20:24
   elizabeth  mcalpine wrote:
  - Original Message -
  From: elizabeth mcalpine
  Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 9:47 PM
  Dear Fellow Social Justice Seekers,
  The appointment I had with a Sal Lintott in Melbourne, was to discuss
 issue of women's choice in childbirth, of which they have none.   It is
 an increasing global issue - particularly in developed countries, and
 recommended by the World Health Organization in 1985 as being of
 importance.   Reference can be given if necessary.
  Industrialized childbirth harms future generations, and leads to lack
 respect for nature and the environment.   It is so important.
  Sal did not turn up, and I left 50 minutes later, disappointed and
  Is anyone at the other venues interested in a 6 minute segment of
 HUMANIZED BIRTH which needs no words to say what it is about except for
 future generations rights, as well as womens rights..   ie.  the right to
 non violent birth.It can be arranged that women will attend post
 screening to explain the situation to interested parties.
  Elizabeth McAlpine
  Outgrown your current e-mail service? Get 25MB Storage, POP3 Access,
  Advanced Spam protection with LYCOS MAIL PLUS.

[ozmidwifery] Fw:

2002-10-30 Thread elizabeth mcalpine

Dear Listers, 

Just in case you don't know or have forgotten a 
previous circulation.

"The Art of Birthing"; an exhibition for artists to 
celebrate creation in its purest form.


to raise money for the Maternity Coalition with 
proceeds shared equally between the artist and MC.


Jan Harrod 03 95377465
Becc Cossartwalsh 0397581608

Just in case you didn't know.

Liz Mc

[no subject]

2002-10-30 Thread elizabeth mcalpine


Interesting website and magazine - "made" for 
humanized childbirth supporters.


Liz Mc

RE: [ozmidwifery] breastfeeding web site

2002-10-30 Thread Julia Monaghan
Dear Barb, Thanks, I'm sure this must be it. I will pass it on to my friend.
Cheers, Julia M.


Dear Julia, is this what you were looking for?

Love, Barb

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This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
Visit http://www.acegraphics.com.au to subscribe or unsubscribe.

Re: [ozmidwifery] midwives can make a difference

2002-10-30 Thread Justine Caines
Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] midwives can make a difference

Thanks for the info Sally, but wheres NMAP, Id say thats women working with midwives, enough talk we need ACTION!!!

In solidarity


Dear List,
Just wanted to let you know of a seminar at Monash Medical Centre on 4/12/02. 
Presented by Southern Health and Deakin University it is called Midwives Can Make a Difference.
Speakers include Nicky Leap whose keynote address is how can midwifery practice flourish in a medical environment?
Mary Anne Biro An appeal to midwives
Hilda Bastian Midwives working with women to make a difference
Plus Elizabeth Bethune, Diane Phillips,
Bobbie Carroll, Nicole Youl,Vanessa Owen and Michael Wilson.
It starts at 8.30 for registration, is being held in the main lecture theatre at Monash and costs $120 before 4/11, $150 after and $60 for students (stating student number.
Registrations close 28/11.
Registration and payment to:
Seminar Registration
Women's and Children's Programme Office
Monash Medical Centre
Locked Bag 29
Clayton South 3168
cheques/money orders to Southern Health
For further info contact:
Women's and Children's Programme
9594 2547
Kerry Chouzadjian
9594 6962
See you there

Re: [ozmidwifery] here is a hot one

2002-10-30 Thread Terry Garnons-Williams

Here's another blank look... out of 
ignorance, as I work agency and have just come back on line... Also, after so 
many years of snappy little shortened titles, I find them annoying - NMAP may 
just be another one of them - snappy little way of saying something about 
something that someone wants me to buy... No offence is intended, but it's the 
truth for me. Cheers! Terry

  - Original Message - 
  Malavisi, Pete 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 5:25 
  Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] here is a hot 
  on you Jo, you're spot we need to do this together, we have a local group here 
  and sadly I am often the only midwife who attends the meetings and all I can 
  think of is where is everyone else? Last week I put up a notice to set up a 
  working party of midwives to look at our local maternity service, no one has 
  put their name on the list as yet, basically it pisses me off, I know all the 
  reasons why but to be perfectly honest I'm not interested in the excuses any 
  more, maternity services in this country as a rule are appalling and we as a 
  collective have an opportunity to change things for the better, I honestly 
  believe in NMAP and what it stands for and have a great respect for all those 
  who have put the work into it, the least I can do is raise it at any 
  opportunity I can and speak in favour of it, whenever I tell any consumers 
  about it, they think it is a great idea. It worries me though when I get 
  blank looks from many of the midwives I work with, it just all seems a bit too 
  much for them, bad luck I believe in it and for as long as I can I will push 
  for NMAP. 
  yours in midwifery pete malavisi
-Original Message-From: Jo  Dean Bainbridge 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, 30 October 2002 
12:54To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
[ozmidwifery] here is a hot one
here is a topic that will get many of you 
annoyed at me!( thought it was about time)

I have noticed a trend happening and wanted to 
point this out. There has been discussion in the past of the lack of 
consumer support and push for change. Yes, I agree to and extent as 
most of the community are oblivious to what is going on. Those 
consumers who do now are usually slogging their arses off to get 
change...with no real benefits to themselves in any way other than 
satisfaction that SOMEONE else may not end up with a scar on her belly for 
no reason (unlike the one on my belly that I can never get free 
Now here is the juicy bit..I am starting to 
realise that it appears that there is a large portion of midwives who lament 
about the way birth is today, they know what it happening and yet when there 
is something like NMAP being suggested it suddenly is left up to consumers 
to do the work. I am referring to situations like last week when here 
in SA a meeting was held to see what to do next with NMAP 
implementationtwo consumers (who work beyond their limits anyway) 
and one uni lecturer attended..no midwives. I know that women are 
the ones who will benefit from something like NMAP, but hey! there are 
midwives that will be in far greater positions career wise (money wise) job 
satisfaction wise and so forth if NMAP does get implemented. 

I suppose what I am saying is that yes, 
consumers need to demand change BUT WE ARE NOT THE ONES WHO SHOULD BE LEFT 
TO PUT OUR CHILDREN IN CARE (sorry about caps!) or drag the children to 
meeting after meeting with pollies; we are not the ones who should be using 
our home computers and resources and so forth without reimbursement; we are 
not the ones who should be putting families and friends second to trying to 
improve maternity services alone! 
Here in SA we have some very strong and 
determined women who are not going to benefit from something like NMAP but 
we are the ones who are working tirelessly to get it happening. I 
would like to ask all SA midwives if you agree with the NMAP and would 
like to see it happen here in SA then BE THERE TO SUPPORT US SUPPORT 
YOU! There is only so much that Cheryl, Megan, Jen, Emma, Carolyn and 
myself can do guys! Now those of you who know me know that I am not 
really a bitch (well most of the time), but I am just about ready to say 
"stuff it" and go and dig in my rose garden and not do anything other than 
take the occasional phone call in reference to CARES SA. Those 
of you who know me know how passionate I am about women's rights to the best 
type of care - midwifery care.but at the moment I am looking around and 
not seeing any midwife fighting for NMAP with us. I know that many of 
you are fighting within the system, but we as consumers need to know that 
you support us by being there at meetings or something! 

Re: [ozmidwifery] RE: Milk

2002-10-30 Thread Terry Garnons-Williams

Of note is a recent booklet put out 
by GreenPeace - after extensive exploration, S26 was found to contain 
Genetically modified products... makes me wonder what we are doing in hospitals 
with our very tiny bubs, feeding them S26 routinely... Heinz on the other 
hand does not appear to contain GMO's - I discuss these findingswith every 
mother who is (or is considering) formula feeding - again, many do not know and 
would probably look at breast feeding a little bit closer if they did 
Cheers! Terry

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 8:24 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] RE: Milk 
  same applies to the risks of Cow's milk formulas, many babies are sensitised 
  in-utero because of the mothers ingestion during pregnancy and then they have 
  increased risks of all the problems associated with Dairy 
  need to run Breastmilk advertisingto be displayedon National and 
  International media in opposition to the Advertisements about how good cow's 
  milk is. Not many women realise that Infant Formula is Cow's Milk they 
  have a very surprised expression when you explain these things. We need 
  to be educating/informing women, there is so much to learn, everyday I learn 
  something new.
  see many babies affected by Cow's milk and of course many other products 
  too. One of the vogue products at present is Blackmores Pregnancy and 
  Breastfeeding capsules.The babies whose mothers are taking these 
  products start tobreast refuse and when I ask the mother to cut the 
  capsule in half and taste it she can clearly understand why the baby doesn't 
  want her milk. Smelling inside the bottle of tablets and other products 
  and tastingwill give you an idea of what the baby experiences. 
  When they stop taking these products inevitably the baby settles back into 
  happy breastfeeding.
  the moral to Soy and Cow's Milk is replace it with BREAST MILK and that means 
  regards. Robyn
-Original Message-From: Valerie  Richard 
James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 
10:19 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 

Greetings! The British 
government's Committee on Toxicity in Food and the Environment 
(C oT) has assessed the risks to 
consumers of the phytoestrogens (isoflavones) in soy foods and other 
products, especially the risks toinfants of hormonal disruption from 
consumption of soy infant formulas
You can see their findings here 

We draw your attention 
in particular to the chapters on fertility and reproduction, and on thyroid 

You will find more on these topics at www.soyonlineservice.co.nz 

Having this information, who would knowingly feed their child soy... or 
themselves, for that matter? Yet, incredibly, this Committee has not 
suggested that consumers be told of this. All it does isconclude that 
doctors only prescribe soy formulas"when clinically 
indicated"(whatever that means). 

It does not even suggest that doctors tell their patients what risks 
there may be, or that these risks should be matters of "informed 

How many mothers would submit to exposing their baby, if they knew the 
full extent of risk to their child's future ?

Consultations with the UK Food Standards Agency are invited until 
December 3, 2002. WeURGE you to express an opinion on whether soy baby 
foods should be sold at all, or whether they should have health warning 
labeling (eg this product may make your child infertile and cause 
thyoid diseases), and whether the general public should be warned of the 
risks to adults.

The "Precautuionary Principle" would indicate, from the material 
offered by the CoT Committee, that isoflavones should be removed from soy 


[ozmidwifery] Invitation to push NMAP for Sunshine Coast midwives

2002-10-30 Thread Greg Barbara Cook

This maybe placed into an inappropriate forum but it may also 
be a great place to lend an ear to some influential political members and 
members of the communityabout NMAP. Maybe even Advance Australia where... 
, this could be birthing reform. All about networking, being seen and heard and 
preferably not always the same people.
Any Sunshine Coast midwife available to attend. I am a bit 
concerned about the time though 12am - 3 but it did say lunch.
Cheers Barb

  Refugees, War and 
  Advance, Australia 
  Margaret Reynolds
  National President of the United Nations Association of 
  Australia, Former Qld Senator
  Joins with
  Juan Escalante
  Asylum Seeker, Argentinian 
  Sunshine Coast Hinterland Branch of the ALP
  November 24
  12am to 3
  The CWA Hall, Short St, Nambour
  Cost $18 ($15 concession)
  This includes lunch and 
  Bookings essential by returning the form and 
  payment to Sunshine Coast Hinterland ALP, PO Box 111, Mapleton 4560 by 
  November 18
  For further information phone Ian on 5445 7303 
  (evenings) or Gillian 5492 4857
  Please print off and return with 
  I wish to book …….. seats for the Lunch with Margaret 
  Reynolds and Juan Escalante
  Enclosed please find a cheque for ……… (Tickets will 
  be at the door)

[ozmidwifery] Obstetric Perception - Your thoughts?

2002-10-30 Thread Debby M

I have recently been corresponding with a friend of mine who is an obstetrician. He supports midwifery models of care, particularly those that offer integrated choice so that midwives and obstetricians can work together.
He did state to me however that he believes one of the great obstacles to such models is the reluctance of most midwives to work other than an 8 hour shift, and to possibly have to do away with family time and holidays and to be called out at odd hours to attend births. 
I am sure there are probably some out there that do like the straight forwardness of shifts however I would be interested to hear the opinion of you ladies (and gentlemen) about your experience of the dedication of midwives when they are expected to provide ongoing antenatal, birth and postnatal support - outside the normal 8 hour shift, as my gut feeling is that the majority of midwives would love the opportunity to be able to fully use their skills in the support and care of pregnant and birthing women without unnecessary "guidance" or interferrence.
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