[ASPUG] The Adelaide SharePoint User Group December newsletter

2015-12-10 Thread Daniel Brown

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Visual Studio Dev Essentials

Visual Studio Dev Essentials is a new, free program that brings together
everything developers need to create applications on any device or operating
system including Visual Studio Community and Visual Studio Code, and the
free tier of Visual Studio Team Services. Dev Essentials adds priority forum
support, training services from Pluralsight, Wintellect, and Xamarin,
and-something that many have asked for-monthly credits to use in Azure,
which will be coming in early 2016. You can find all the details on

Up-Coming Presentations at ASPUG

The Adelaide SharePoint User Group has booked in the following presenters
for the months outlined below. Feel free to register to attend any event at
any time!

As the dates get closer, the events will be updated with more detail, so
keep checking back!

. January - Joel Olsen

o   Eventbrite Link: http://aspug18012016.eventbrite.com.au

. February - Dan Holme

o   Eventbrite Link: http://aspug16022016.eventbrite.com.au

. March - James Milne

o   Eventbrite Link: http://aspug15032016.eventbrite.com.au

. April - Eugene Rosenfeld

o   Eventbrite Link: http://aspug19042016.eventbrite.com.au

New Website

The new website has been launched, driven by SharePoint 2013, this site, has
been in use for the past 7 years, but has recently been revamped! Check out
our new website at http://www.sharepointusers.org.au/Adelaide/

We also have a number of Social Media platforms:

. Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ASPUG

. LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/grp/home?gid=80657

. Twitter - https://twitter.com/aspug

List Management

Feel free to forward these emails to others who may be interested in the
Adelaide SharePoint User Group. If they wish to receive emails directly
about the Adelaide SharePoint User Group, they should send a message to me
at the address below.

If you would like to include meeting details in your works internal
newsletter, please also feel free to do so.

We are in the process of setting up a facility for companies who which to
include meeting details can be notified by an automated system. If you would
like to participate, please contact Daniel Brown (dan...@danielbrown.id.au
<mailto:dan...@danielbrown.id.au> ). 


Please let us know if you have any feedback on how we can improve the user
group. Also, if you would like to present to the group on your experiences
with SharePoint, just let us know. I can be contacted at
dan...@danielbrown.id.au <mailto:dan...@danielbrown.id.au>  or by visiting

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Re: 3rd party tool for SharePoint 2010 Synchronisation to AD

2012-11-28 Thread Daniel Brown
DataSync Studio I have found handy a couple of times -

I haven't used it against AD, but have for other platforms and works well,
might be something worth looking at.


On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 9:18 AM, Shahram Banihashem shb2...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Hi All,
 ** **
 I’m wondering if you know of any 3rd party tool that does the
 synchronisation between SharePoint and Active Directory?
 ** **
 The requirement are as below:

- 2-ways synchronisation of data between SharePoint (lists as well as
user profiles) and AD (a real 2-ways on each field not like SharePoint 2010
User Profile Synchronisation that does either import or export for each
- Ability to resolve the conflicts based on updated time
- Syncing AD fields and attributes as well as custom attributes
- Support for synchronising users, distribution lists, computers,
- Keep track of sync logs
- Possibility of custom LDAP query incorporating filters, etc.
- Syncing manually and automatically (scheduled)

 ** **
 I have come across *SharePoint AD Information Sync 2.0* (
 http://www.sharepointboost.com/active-directory-sync.html) but it doesn't seem
 to meet all the requirement.
 ** **
 Any suggestion is appreciated.



 ozmoss mailing list

ozmoss mailing list

RE: [SP2010] Windows Updates and WSS

2012-09-18 Thread Daniel Brown
Personally, Windows updates, via WSUS but anything which touches SharePoint
is deployed manual via test then prod.




From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Web Admin
Sent: Wednesday, 19 September 2012 11:28 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: [SP2010] Windows Updates and WSS


Hi all,


I have a question around the approval of WSS updates from our WSUS server.
The server admin wants to know whether to include these.


My feeling is yes but my concern is with someone installing these as part of
a usual maintenance/security update.


What are other people doing? What caught my attention was the WSS 2 update
that he included below.


Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 Service Pack 3 (KB923643) --  Last Review:
February 18, 2008

Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Service Pack 2 (KB953338)





ozmoss mailing list

RE: Slow crawl help

2012-07-17 Thread Daniel Brown
Hi Dylan,


How does it work with copying a large from share to server/vice versa? Is
the speed issue replicated?




From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Dylan Tusler
Sent: Wednesday, 18 July 2012 1:21 PM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: Slow crawl help


After exhaustive examinations by the data centres guys here, we can't see
why the crawl is so slow.


The bottleneck appears to be network performance. During an entire crawl
(about 80 hours) network traffic to and from Sharepoint server sits at about
10Mbps. Both the server and the location of the crawled files have NICs
capable of scaling traffic up to 10Gbps. We observe traffic overnight as
server backup is performed of around 400Mbps (which is occurring on top of
the crawl.)


There is no disk latency issue on our SharePoint infrastructure.




Time to call Microsoft?

Dylan Tusler
Team Lead Data, Development  Integration
ICTS Branch
Sunshine Coast Regional Council
P 07 5420 8002
E  mailto:dylan.tus...@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au
A Locked Bag 72, Sunshine Coast Mail Centre QLD 4560
W  http://www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/ www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au

Please consider the sanity of others before replying to replies to replies
to this email. Sometimes it just makes more sense to pick up the phone.




From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Dylan Tusler
Sent: Friday, 13 July 2012 13:31
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: Slow crawl help

I know we're crawling a DFS, with the actual content on a variety of
servers. The majority of it is on a single SAN though.


I'm trying to see if there are any obvious slowdowns, but having trouble
locating the logging data. When I go to
b26cbdb93-9472-4690-8e5f-409e72d802a9 } I get a list of crawled items, but
it is in a daft 50-to-a-page format that is difficult to do any analysis


Is there another place I can obtain this info that is more queryable?


Dylan Tusler
Team Lead Data, Development  Integration
ICTS Branch
Sunshine Coast Regional Council
P 07 5420 8002
E  mailto:dylan.tus...@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au
A Locked Bag 72, Sunshine Coast Mail Centre QLD 4560
W  http://www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/ www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au

Please consider the sanity of others before replying to replies to replies
to this email. Sometimes it just makes more sense to pick up the phone.




From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Chris Walsh
Sent: Friday, 13 July 2012 13:22
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: Slow crawl help

Are they all on the same subnet? Are there network QoS policies in place
that are affecting the search server from crawling that share?  What storage
infrastructure is hosting the 40GB of files?


Seems rather odd though, we're crawling 400+GB in under 8 hours for a full
crawl so something is amiss with your config.


From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Dylan Tusler
Sent: Friday, 13 July 2012 1:16 PM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: Slow crawl help


Thanks Sezai.


No crawler impact rules here.


We've only crawled this share once, so it has always taken this long, I
guess. I also suspect latency/bandwidth issues, as we seem to have network
traffic moving at about 100Mbps onto that server.


(I've checked a bunch of other metrics out in relation to RAM, CPU, and even
the OSS performance monitor stuff, and it all seems normal.)

Dylan Tusler
Team Lead Data, Development  Integration
ICTS Branch
Sunshine Coast Regional Council
P 07 5420 8002
E  mailto:dylan.tus...@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au
A Locked Bag 72, Sunshine Coast Mail Centre QLD 4560
W  http://www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/ www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au

Please consider the sanity of others before replying to replies to replies
to this email. Sometimes it just makes more sense to pick up the phone.




From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Sezai Komur
Sent: Friday, 13 July 2012 12:17
To: ozMOSS
Subject: Re: Slow crawl help

Has indexing that specific file share ever completed any faster? 

It could be the network link (latency  bandwidth?) between the SharePoint
server doing the crawling and the file share?


Another thing to check is if there is a Crawler Impact Rule configured,
review this in the Search Service Application, ensure there aren't any
configured for that specific file share. 


You can configure a max limit to the number of simultaneous requests, or set
a specific time in seconds for the crawler to wait between requesting each
document. This is handy to prevent a content source 

RE: Theming custom FBA login.aspx

2012-02-24 Thread Daniel Brown
Hi Salman,


It is a custom thmx file, which is included in a custom feature I have made


And Yes, I am using simple.master as well.


It appears that if I sign in and swap a user it will theme the login page, I
assume it has something to do with security on the theme library or
something but have not had a chance to revisit this.


Any help would greatly be appreciated.


Kind Regards,


Daniel Brown



From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Salman Ahmad
Sent: Saturday, 25 February 2012 5:22 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: Re: Theming custom FBA login.aspx


Hi Daniel, 


Would you please tell me, 

*   Are you using OOTB themes or have you created your custom thmx
*   Are you using simple.master for login page or you are using custom
master page?





From: Daniel Brown mailto:dan...@danielbrown.id.au  

Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 4:58 AM

To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com 

Subject: Theming custom FBA login.aspx


Howdy all,


Currently have a site collection using a thmx file for branding and would
like to extend it to the login page for the site. Has anyone done this


Googling only really revealed 1 site
tml) but alas no such luck.


Any tips or pointers would be greatly appricated.






ozmoss mailing list

ozmoss mailing list

RE: At your Disposal

2012-02-22 Thread Daniel Brown
Side Tracking a little:

Ø  Brian Said:

“you need to dispose of stuff you create yourself”


Ah, Back in an older language (C) before garbage disposal, this was the norm
:P malloc
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6ewkz86d%28v=vs.80%29.aspx () 
free http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/we1whae7%28v=VS.71%29.aspx ()
! Destroy what you create! This also applies for API’s.


Which at the heart of the issue, is exactly why Dispose needs to be called
with the SharePoint API as GC will not always get all objects from unmanaged
code, which in the deep back end, there is a substantial amount.




From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Brian Farnhill
Sent: Thursday, 23 February 2012 10:24 AM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: At your Disposal


No it doesn’t – you need to dispose of stuff you create yourself. The only
exception that that is when you create an SPSite yourself you can get the
RootWeb property without having to dispose of it, but anything that comes
from OpenWeb will need to be disposed of. SPDisposeCheck does a good job at
picking all that sort of stuff up.


As for the context – yes if your web part will only be dealing with objects
in the current context (eg. Both site and current user) then by all means
use it. You can at least grab the SPSite from context and then open up webs
within the site collection and then that’s one less thing to dispose of. 


Brian Farnhill
Solutions Architect, Extelligent Design | SharePoint Server MVP
phone: 0408 289 303 | twitter:  http://twitter.com/BrianFarnhill
@BrianFarnhill | blog:  http://blog.brianfarnhill.com/
blog.brianfarnhill.com | xbox:
http://live.xbox.com/en-AU/MyXbox/Profile?Gamertag=Modern%20Bogan Modern


From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Paul Noone
Sent: Thursday, 23 February 2012 10:50 AM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: At your Disposal


But surely disposing of the site via the using statement would include any
sub webs??


And why not just use SPContext to get the web anyway? I keep trying to find
best practice code examples to learn from and just wind up more confounded
than when I started.


From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Joseph Clark
Sent: Thursday, 23 February 2012 10:47 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: Re: At your Disposal


The using block only automatically disposes variables that are declared
within the initial parentheses (in this case the oSiteCollection object).

The oWebsite object is constructed within the main body of the using block,
so it won't get automatically cleaned up. 

Arguably, the demo code isn't well written, since the oWebsite variable
should be declared with a using statement as well, to avoid this kind of

For the record, calling dispose multiple times on the same object is safe
(provided the developer wrote the dispose method correctly, which you can
probably assume is true for all objects in the SharePoint API)

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Paul Noone
paul.no...@ceosyd.catholic.edu.au wrote:

Hi all, I continue to be confused by the continually conflicting example
code I find regarding site/web disposal.

It’s been my understanding that using is self-disposing. But the example
below includes a dispose call within the using statement. Is this correct?


using (SPSite oSiteCollection = new


SPWeb oWebsite = oSiteCollection.OpenWeb();

SPFolder oFolder = oWebsite.RootFolder; 

oFolder.WelcomePage = My Wiki Library/MyWelcome.aspx;




Description: NoteNote

Certain objects implement the IDisposable interface, and you must avoid
retaining these objects in memory after they are no longer needed. For
information about good coding practices, see Disposing Objects
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee557362.aspx .


Kind regards,

Paul Noone


Online Developer/SharePoint Administrator

Infrastructure Team, ICT
Catholic Education Office, Sydney
p: (02) 9568 8461

f: (02) 9568 8483
e:  mailto:paul.no...@ceosyd.catholic.edu.au
w:  http://www.ceosyd.catholic.edu.au/ http://www.ceosyd.catholic.edu.au/


ozmoss mailing list


ozmoss mailing list

RE: At your Disposal

2012-02-22 Thread Daniel Brown
Garbage Collection :D a feature in .NET


In essence it sits in the back end and tracks objects and disposes of them
in the back end on a schedule/when needed (not too sure on when it runs,
it’s been awhile). However its limited to managed code.




From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Paul Noone
Sent: Thursday, 23 February 2012 11:20 AM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: At your Disposal


Fine, I’ll bite. What’s GC stand for?? :D



From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Thursday, 23 February 2012 11:22 AM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: At your Disposal


Side Tracking a little:

Ø  Brian Said:

“you need to dispose of stuff you create yourself”


Ah, Back in an older language (C) before garbage disposal, this was the norm
:P malloc
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6ewkz86d%28v=vs.80%29.aspx () 
free http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/we1whae7%28v=VS.71%29.aspx ()
! Destroy what you create! This also applies for API’s.


Which at the heart of the issue, is exactly why Dispose needs to be called
with the SharePoint API as GC will not always get all objects from unmanaged
code, which in the deep back end, there is a substantial amount.




From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Brian Farnhill
Sent: Thursday, 23 February 2012 10:24 AM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: At your Disposal


No it doesn’t – you need to dispose of stuff you create yourself. The only
exception that that is when you create an SPSite yourself you can get the
RootWeb property without having to dispose of it, but anything that comes
from OpenWeb will need to be disposed of. SPDisposeCheck does a good job at
picking all that sort of stuff up.


As for the context – yes if your web part will only be dealing with objects
in the current context (eg. Both site and current user) then by all means
use it. You can at least grab the SPSite from context and then open up webs
within the site collection and then that’s one less thing to dispose of. 


Brian Farnhill
Solutions Architect, Extelligent Design | SharePoint Server MVP
phone: 0408 289 303 | twitter:  http://twitter.com/BrianFarnhill
@BrianFarnhill | blog:  http://blog.brianfarnhill.com/
blog.brianfarnhill.com | xbox:
http://live.xbox.com/en-AU/MyXbox/Profile?Gamertag=Modern%20Bogan Modern


From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Paul Noone
Sent: Thursday, 23 February 2012 10:50 AM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: At your Disposal


But surely disposing of the site via the using statement would include any
sub webs??


And why not just use SPContext to get the web anyway? I keep trying to find
best practice code examples to learn from and just wind up more confounded
than when I started.


From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Joseph Clark
Sent: Thursday, 23 February 2012 10:47 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: Re: At your Disposal


The using block only automatically disposes variables that are declared
within the initial parentheses (in this case the oSiteCollection object).

The oWebsite object is constructed within the main body of the using block,
so it won't get automatically cleaned up. 

Arguably, the demo code isn't well written, since the oWebsite variable
should be declared with a using statement as well, to avoid this kind of

For the record, calling dispose multiple times on the same object is safe
(provided the developer wrote the dispose method correctly, which you can
probably assume is true for all objects in the SharePoint API)

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Paul Noone
paul.no...@ceosyd.catholic.edu.au wrote:

Hi all, I continue to be confused by the continually conflicting example
code I find regarding site/web disposal.

It’s been my understanding that using is self-disposing. But the example
below includes a dispose call within the using statement. Is this correct?


using (SPSite oSiteCollection = new


SPWeb oWebsite = oSiteCollection.OpenWeb();

SPFolder oFolder = oWebsite.RootFolder; 

oFolder.WelcomePage = My Wiki Library/MyWelcome.aspx;




Description: NoteNote

Certain objects implement the IDisposable interface, and you must avoid
retaining these objects in memory after they are no longer needed. For
information about good coding practices, see Disposing Objects
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee557362.aspx .


Kind regards,

Paul Noone


Online Developer/SharePoint Administrator

Infrastructure Team, ICT
Catholic Education Office, Sydney
p: (02) 9568 8461

f: (02) 9568 8483

RE: MOSS 2007 Content Deployment Problems

2011-11-02 Thread Daniel Brown
Also, check the time between DB  WFE servers, Have seen a couple of
instances where the time difference can cause issues




From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Paul Noone
Sent: Thursday, 3 November 2011 8:32 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: MOSS 2007 Content Deployment Problems


Hi Chris,


I have never managed to get clean content deployment setup between two apps
in different domains, or with different configurations. A few things you
could check:


Are both farms running 64-bit OS?

Are they in the same domain?

Are the log file paths the same in both farms?

Have you tried turning off UAC on the destination farm?



From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Chris Howell
Sent: Wednesday, 2 November 2011 4:32 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: Re: MOSS 2007 Content Deployment Problems




Just an update. I made some progress by running:  psconfig -cmd upgrade
-inplace b2b -wait on the host where the pending upgrade was flagged. This
completed and then Content Deployment started working.


Now gets to the point where the Content Deployment job exports to the new
server. Job then fails with:


Content deployment job 'Remote import job for job with sourceID =
d5f5cedd-cc28-40b5-8dd9-c5f905f54e7b' failed.The exception thrown was
'System.IO.IOException' : 'The process cannot access the file 'Manifest.xml'
because it is being used by another process.'



On 2 November 2011 15:39, Chris Howell cjhow...@gmail.com wrote:



Can anyone help with some Content Deployment issues I'm experiencing?


I'm trying to move content between two DEV instances of MOSS. Both servers
report that they are build


I have tried the following and have issues at every point:


1. Content deployment from CA on current host pushing to new host

Job is permanently stuck in a state of Preparing


2. Exporting/Importing site using Chris O'Brien's SharePoint Content
Deployment Wizard

Exports successfully from host. No errors or warnings.


Error on import on new host: System.IO.IOException: The process cannot
access the file 'Manifest.xml' because it is being used by another process.
shown in GUI


Error in log:


[11/2/2011 3:31:10 PM]: FatalError: The
'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema:attribute' element is not supported in
this context.

   at System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet.InternalValidationCallback(Object
sender, ValidationEventArgs e)

   at System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet.ParseSchema(String targetNamespace,
XmlReader reader)

   at System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet.Add(String targetNamespace, String

   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.SPImport.CreateXmlReader(FileStream
fs, String schemaNamespace, String schemaFile)

eam reader)

   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.SPImport.DeserializeObjects()

   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.SPImport.Run()


3. Restore from CMP file

Have tried STSADM Restore of files. Returns error:


Your backup is from a different version of Windows SharePoint Services and
cannot be restored to a server running the current version. The backup file
should be

 restored to a server with version '1178817357.0.25229151.0' or later.


I can find no information on what version this is meant to be.


I've exhausted all the things I've come across before or can find. I've run
preupgradecheck on the current host and that reports Failed : Pending
upgrade operation detected in this farm. There has been no upgrade
attempted that I'm aware of and I've run the config wizard again with it
completing successfully.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.






ozmoss mailing list

RE: SharePoint - MS11-074

2011-09-21 Thread Daniel Brown
Please tell me I am reading this wrong…… (if I actually am lol).

Important Update for SharePoint

Windows Update will auto download it? (does this mean install? Based on what

But won’t run psconfig and leave the farm in the inconsistent state?

Makes me a little nervous so hoping I am wrong J



From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Aaron Saikovski
Sent: Thursday, 22 September 2011 9:45 AM
To: ozMOSS (ozmoss@ozmoss.com)
Subject: FW: SharePoint - MS11-074


Dear All,

Here’s some info around the latest MS11-074 security patch:






Aaron Saikovski | Senior Consultant | Microsoft Services Australia | APAC
SharePoint Ranger Team

Description: Description: cid:image001.png@01CBCE95.82E00700

' +61 2 8817 9280 |È +61 410 480 971 | 7 +61 2 9870 2499 | Blog:
http://blogs.msdn.com/aaronsaikovski http://blogs.msdn.com/aaronsaikovski/
| Web: www.microsoft.com/australia/services



ozmoss mailing list

SharePoint 2010 SP1 - June CU

2011-07-18 Thread Daniel Brown
Howdy all,


Rolling out a couple of SP1's and coming across this issue when I install
the June CU on Foundation.


07/18/2011 19:57:34.07 w3wp.exe (0x0CA4)
0x13BC SharePoint Foundation General
8nca   Verbose   Application error when access
/_layouts/permsetup.aspx, Error=String was not recognized as a valid
Boolean.   at System.Boolean.Parse(String value) at
Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.EntityEditor.ParseSpanData(String spans)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.EntityEditor.LoadPostData(String
postDataKey, NameValueCollection values) at
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessPostData(NameValueCollection postData, Boolean
fBeforeLoad) at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean
includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)

07/18/2011 19:57:34.07 w3wp.exe (0x0CA4)
0x13BC SharePoint Foundation Runtime
tkau   Unexpected   System.FormatException: String was not
recognized as a valid Boolean.at System.Boolean.Parse(String value)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.EntityEditor.ParseSpanData(String spans)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.EntityEditor.LoadPostData(String
postDataKey, NameValueCollection values) at
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessPostData(NameValueCollection postData, Boolean
fBeforeLoad) at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean
includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)


The action of what  I am doing is creating the default groups on a new
sharepoint site...


Have run psconfig ... and all upgrade and reports AOK


Nothing is showing up in the event log nor in any of the Sp logs either.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.





ozmoss mailing list

RE: feedback on SP1?

2011-07-14 Thread Daniel Brown
Imoh, if you have the previous one, update it ASAP.


With dev environments, keep them the same version you run your prod




From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Paul Noone
Sent: Friday, 15 July 2011 11:42 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: feedback on SP1?


Should everyone install that CU, or only those who installed a previous
build (like the dodgy SP1)?


We’re about to run up a 2010 dev farm so it would be good to know which
installer files I’m going to need.


From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Aaron Saikovski
Sent: Friday, 15 July 2011 11:31 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: feedback on SP1?


Maxine I would also deploy the June 2011 CU



it fixes a lot of UPA related issues as well







Aaron Saikovski | Senior Consultant | Microsoft Services Australia | APAC
SharePoint Ranger Team

Description: Description: cid:image001.png@01CBCE95.82E00700

' +61 2 8817 9280 |È +61 410 480 971 | 7 +61 2 9870 2499 | Blog:
http://blogs.msdn.com/aaronsaikovski http://blogs.msdn.com/aaronsaikovski/
| Web: www.microsoft.com/australia/services


From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Maxine Harwood
Sent: Friday, 15 July 2011 11:27 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: feedback on SP1?


Anybody got any feedback on SP2010 SP1? I am having difficulties with the
User Profile service that I would like to give it a go in my Dev environment
– any thoughts?


Another quickie- does anyone use any tools for AD Administration. I looked
at the offering from http://www.sharepointboost.com/ad-administration.html
which looked just like what I wanted, but it’s not quite on the money. I
need a tool that will allow selected users to update AD accounts (but not
delete/disable or add) and it must be capable of updating the custom
attributes within AD. Any ideas?



ozmoss mailing list

RE: 2007 - currentPublishingSite

2011-06-08 Thread Daniel Brown
Wouldn't you use currentPublishingSite.Title?


Without fully seeing what your trying to do. I assume you passing in
currentPublishingSite, checking if it's a root, if not, see if it's a news
site? In which case the SPContenxt may not actually contain the news title
as you may not be on the news site when you run this code?




From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Paul Noone
Sent: Wednesday, 8 June 2011 3:36 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: 2007 - currentPublishingSite


Unfortunately this check still fails to identify the name of the web. This
function is part of a feature receiver at site creation.


I'm wondering whether it's unable to get the name of the web this early?


Any advice appreciated.


private void CreateSampleContentPage(PublishingWeb currentPublishingSite)


 SPContentTypeId pageContentTypeId;

 string pageLayoutName;

 string pageName;

 string pageTitle;


 if (currentPublishingSite.IsRoot)


pageContentTypeId = _welcomePageContentTypeId;

pageLayoutName = _defaultWelcomePageLayoutName;

pageName = _defaultWelcomePageName;

pageTitle = _defaultWelcomePageTitle;


 // News site [3]

 else if (SPContext.Current.Web.Title.ToLower().Equals(news))


 pageContentTypeId = _ceoPageContentTypeId;

 pageLayoutName = _defaultceoPageLayoutName;

 pageName = _defaultceoPageName;

 pageTitle = _defaultNewsArticleTitle;







From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Paul Noone
Sent: Tuesday, 7 June 2011 11:49 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: 2007 - currentPublishingSite


Sweet. I was that close. ;)


Thanks Dan.


From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Tuesday, 7 June 2011 10:58 AM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: 2007 - currentPublishingSite







However, I'd do something like.


if (SPContext.Current.Web.Title.ToLower() == news)


// do something here






if (SPContext.Current.Web.Title.ToLower().Equals(news))


// do something here





From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Dan Sheedy
Sent: Tuesday, 7 June 2011 10:23 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: Re: 2007 - currentPublishingSite


Hey Paul.


I think you can test the current web title with;


if (SPContext.Current.Web.ToString() == News)




On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 1:34 PM, Paul Noone
paul.no...@ceosyd.catholic.edu.au wrote:

Hi all,


I am trying to check if the current site's Title (or Name) equals News but
appear to be having some syntax issues. J


Can someone please point me in the right direction?


if (currentPublishingSite.Title.Equals(News))


Kind regards,

Paul Noone


Online Developer/SharePoint Administrator

Infrastructure Team, ICT
Catholic Education Office, Sydney
p: (02) 9568 8461

f: (02) 9568 8483
e:  mailto:paul.no...@ceosyd.catholic.edu.au
w:  http://www.ceosyd.catholic.edu.au/ http://www.ceosyd.catholic.edu.au/


ozmoss mailing list


ozmoss mailing list

RE: WSSv3 - SPF2010 addcontentdbfail

2011-04-09 Thread Daniel Brown
Yeah, no issues detected nor found.


Have also run it though Test-SPContentDatabase and come up with nothing, all 
checks and passes.






From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of 
Michael Nemtsev
Sent: Saturday, 9 April 2011 4:29 PM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: WSSv3 - SPF2010 addcontentdbfail


Did you try to run stsadm –o preupgradecheck to identity if site can be 

See details there 



Michael Nemtsev

Microsoft MVP

B: http://msmvps.com/blogs/laflour

S: http://www.sharepoint-sandbox.com 


From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of 
Daniel Brown
Sent: Saturday, 9 April 2011 2:37 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: WSSv3 - SPF2010 addcontentdbfail


Howdy all,


Have run into a bit of a brick wall when adding/upgrading a WSSv3 db to a SPF 


Have followed the backup/restore/attach process.


In all instances, simplying running stsadm –o addcontentdb should foce an 
upgrade and all is well…. Howveer not in this instance and im hitting a brick 
wall 


When running stsadm –o addcontentdb, it either returns the following error:


An update conflict has occurred, and you must re-try this action. The object 
SPUpgradeSession Name=Upgrade-20110409-051113-176 was updated by 
COMPANY\spsetupuser, in the STSADM (3392) process, on machine IP-0A82874C.  
View the tracing log for more information about the conflict.


Regardless of what permissions, security or settings or even what account I’m 
logged in as!


Logs are up at: http://pastebin.com/EgPU3GqU



If anyone has any thoughts or ideas or suggestions to try, im out of them….


Checking out the logs, its complaining about the [proc_GetDatabaseInformation] 
getting supplied more than it should, Checking out the stored proc in the non 
upgraded vs upgraded contents database does show that the upgraded content 
database has the extra parameter of @RequestGuid uniqueidentifier = NULL 
OUTPUT, however modifying this stored proc produces no change in the upgrade 
process and it something which shouldn’t really need to happen.


If anyone has any insight or could take a look, it would be greatly appreciated.





ozmoss mailing list

RE: WSSv3 - SPF2010 addcontentdbfail

2011-04-09 Thread Daniel Brown
Also, after I run stsadm –o attachcontentdb, sometimes it finds a site 
collection in the db, other times not in manage content db’s in CA


From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of 
Michael Nemtsev
Sent: Saturday, 9 April 2011 4:29 PM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: WSSv3 - SPF2010 addcontentdbfail


Did you try to run stsadm –o preupgradecheck to identity if site can be 

See details there 



Michael Nemtsev

Microsoft MVP

B: http://msmvps.com/blogs/laflour

S: http://www.sharepoint-sandbox.com 


From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of 
Daniel Brown
Sent: Saturday, 9 April 2011 2:37 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: WSSv3 - SPF2010 addcontentdbfail


Howdy all,


Have run into a bit of a brick wall when adding/upgrading a WSSv3 db to a SPF 


Have followed the backup/restore/attach process.


In all instances, simplying running stsadm –o addcontentdb should foce an 
upgrade and all is well…. Howveer not in this instance and im hitting a brick 
wall 


When running stsadm –o addcontentdb, it either returns the following error:


An update conflict has occurred, and you must re-try this action. The object 
SPUpgradeSession Name=Upgrade-20110409-051113-176 was updated by 
COMPANY\spsetupuser, in the STSADM (3392) process, on machine IP-0A82874C.  
View the tracing log for more information about the conflict.


Regardless of what permissions, security or settings or even what account I’m 
logged in as!


Logs are up at: http://pastebin.com/EgPU3GqU



If anyone has any thoughts or ideas or suggestions to try, im out of them….


Checking out the logs, its complaining about the [proc_GetDatabaseInformation] 
getting supplied more than it should, Checking out the stored proc in the non 
upgraded vs upgraded contents database does show that the upgraded content 
database has the extra parameter of @RequestGuid uniqueidentifier = NULL 
OUTPUT, however modifying this stored proc produces no change in the upgrade 
process and it something which shouldn’t really need to happen.


If anyone has any insight or could take a look, it would be greatly appreciated.





ozmoss mailing list

RE: WSSv3 - SPF2010 addcontentdbfail

2011-04-09 Thread Daniel Brown
Finally finishing transferring the db over to another install and low and 
behold, the update kicks off…… o_0, I get the % counter as expected, its not on 
9.14%.. just not on the production environment. The db itself appears fine.


Which ahs lead me to think……


1 x SQL

1 x Web


When running stsadm –o addcontentdb …. Its got to upgrade it, does stsadm 
create a new temp db while it upgrades the old one… I’m thinking, maybe its 
running out of hdd space, the SQL box has the following:



C: 35GB/7.71GB

D: 50GB/32GB

Data is setup on D:\DATA, all databases live here, none on C:


But as the DB is itself approx. 7.9GB, could it be freaking out that C: does 
not have enough “free space”, even tho its not designed to use it?



Could this also be happening on the web server? Although I do not expect the 
web server to be pulling 8gb of content via stsadm to upgrade it, only to wack 
it back, but I may be wrong?




From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of 
Michael Nemtsev
Sent: Saturday, 9 April 2011 4:29 PM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: WSSv3 - SPF2010 addcontentdbfail


Did you try to run stsadm –o preupgradecheck to identity if site can be 

See details there 



Michael Nemtsev

Microsoft MVP

B: http://msmvps.com/blogs/laflour

S: http://www.sharepoint-sandbox.com 


From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of 
Daniel Brown
Sent: Saturday, 9 April 2011 2:37 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: WSSv3 - SPF2010 addcontentdbfail


Howdy all,


Have run into a bit of a brick wall when adding/upgrading a WSSv3 db to a SPF 


Have followed the backup/restore/attach process.


In all instances, simplying running stsadm –o addcontentdb should foce an 
upgrade and all is well…. Howveer not in this instance and im hitting a brick 
wall 


When running stsadm –o addcontentdb, it either returns the following error:


An update conflict has occurred, and you must re-try this action. The object 
SPUpgradeSession Name=Upgrade-20110409-051113-176 was updated by 
COMPANY\spsetupuser, in the STSADM (3392) process, on machine IP-0A82874C.  
View the tracing log for more information about the conflict.


Regardless of what permissions, security or settings or even what account I’m 
logged in as!


Logs are up at: http://pastebin.com/EgPU3GqU



If anyone has any thoughts or ideas or suggestions to try, im out of them….


Checking out the logs, its complaining about the [proc_GetDatabaseInformation] 
getting supplied more than it should, Checking out the stored proc in the non 
upgraded vs upgraded contents database does show that the upgraded content 
database has the extra parameter of @RequestGuid uniqueidentifier = NULL 
OUTPUT, however modifying this stored proc produces no change in the upgrade 
process and it something which shouldn’t really need to happen.


If anyone has any insight or could take a look, it would be greatly appreciated.





ozmoss mailing list

RE: WSSv3 - SPF2010 addcontentdbfail

2011-04-09 Thread Daniel Brown
Tempdb, master and the rest are all on the D: Drive. Likewise with the content 
db as well.


Have restored it via the SQL management studio, however CA will not attach a 
database which has not been upgraded, it butbe run via STSADM or powershell.


From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of 
Michael Nemtsev
Sent: Saturday, 9 April 2011 5:42 PM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: WSSv3 - SPF2010 addcontentdbfail


What’s the location of the temp files for SQL Server? They might be on C drive, 
hence you are running out of space.


I would use SQL Server Management studio to attach DB there, to make sure that 
temp files is created on D drive.

After you recover your DB via SQL Server management Studio you can go to 
Central Administrator and add the content DB there, specifying server name and 
database name


Michael Nemtsev

Microsoft MVP

B: http://msmvps.com/blogs/laflour

S: http://www.sharepoint-sandbox.com 


From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of 
Daniel Brown
Sent: Saturday, 9 April 2011 5:50 PM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: WSSv3 - SPF2010 addcontentdbfail


Finally finishing transferring the db over to another install and low and 
behold, the update kicks off…… o_0, I get the % counter as expected, its not on 
9.14%.. just not on the production environment. The db itself appears fine.


Which ahs lead me to think……


1 x SQL

1 x Web


When running stsadm –o addcontentdb …. Its got to upgrade it, does stsadm 
create a new temp db while it upgrades the old one… I’m thinking, maybe its 
running out of hdd space, the SQL box has the following:



C: 35GB/7.71GB

D: 50GB/32GB

Data is setup on D:\DATA, all databases live here, none on C:


But as the DB is itself approx. 7.9GB, could it be freaking out that C: does 
not have enough “free space”, even tho its not designed to use it?



Could this also be happening on the web server? Although I do not expect the 
web server to be pulling 8gb of content via stsadm to upgrade it, only to wack 
it back, but I may be wrong?




From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of 
Michael Nemtsev
Sent: Saturday, 9 April 2011 4:29 PM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: WSSv3 - SPF2010 addcontentdbfail


Did you try to run stsadm –o preupgradecheck to identity if site can be 

See details there 



Michael Nemtsev

Microsoft MVP

B: http://msmvps.com/blogs/laflour

S: http://www.sharepoint-sandbox.com 


From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of 
Daniel Brown
Sent: Saturday, 9 April 2011 2:37 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: WSSv3 - SPF2010 addcontentdbfail


Howdy all,


Have run into a bit of a brick wall when adding/upgrading a WSSv3 db to a SPF 


Have followed the backup/restore/attach process.


In all instances, simplying running stsadm –o addcontentdb should foce an 
upgrade and all is well…. Howveer not in this instance and im hitting a brick 
wall 


When running stsadm –o addcontentdb, it either returns the following error:


An update conflict has occurred, and you must re-try this action. The object 
SPUpgradeSession Name=Upgrade-20110409-051113-176 was updated by 
COMPANY\spsetupuser, in the STSADM (3392) process, on machine IP-0A82874C.  
View the tracing log for more information about the conflict.


Regardless of what permissions, security or settings or even what account I’m 
logged in as!


Logs are up at: http://pastebin.com/EgPU3GqU



If anyone has any thoughts or ideas or suggestions to try, im out of them….


Checking out the logs, its complaining about the [proc_GetDatabaseInformation] 
getting supplied more than it should, Checking out the stored proc in the non 
upgraded vs upgraded contents database does show that the upgraded content 
database has the extra parameter of @RequestGuid uniqueidentifier = NULL 
OUTPUT, however modifying this stored proc produces no change in the upgrade 
process and it something which shouldn’t really need to happen.


If anyone has any insight or could take a look, it would be greatly appreciated.





ozmoss mailing list

WSSv3 - SPF2010 addcontentdbfail

2011-04-08 Thread Daniel Brown
Howdy all,


Have run into a bit of a brick wall when adding/upgrading a WSSv3 db to a SPF 


Have followed the backup/restore/attach process.


In all instances, simplying running stsadm –o addcontentdb should foce an 
upgrade and all is well…. Howveer not in this instance and im hitting a brick 
wall 


When running stsadm –o addcontentdb, it either returns the following error:


An update conflict has occurred, and you must re-try this action. The object 
SPUpgradeSession Name=Upgrade-20110409-051113-176 was updated by 
COMPANY\spsetupuser, in the STSADM (3392) process, on machine IP-0A82874C.  
View the tracing log for more information about the conflict.


Regardless of what permissions, security or settings or even what account I’m 
logged in as!


Logs are up at: http://pastebin.com/EgPU3GqU



If anyone has any thoughts or ideas or suggestions to try, im out of them….


Checking out the logs, its complaining about the [proc_GetDatabaseInformation] 
getting supplied more than it should, Checking out the stored proc in the non 
upgraded vs upgraded contents database does show that the upgraded content 
database has the extra parameter of @RequestGuid uniqueidentifier = NULL 
OUTPUT, however modifying this stored proc produces no change in the upgrade 
process and it something which shouldn’t really need to happen.


If anyone has any insight or could take a look, it would be greatly appreciated.





ozmoss mailing list

RE: Discussion lists broken after installing SharePoint 2010 February Cumulative Update

2011-03-31 Thread Daniel Brown

Going by that I'd say you'd have the re-released, but you may want to double
check, hmm wonder if the versions are different between the release and
re-release??? Anyone know??

Other than that, the error code looks to be a range of things, from having
double - in a folder name in a library connected to outlook (i.e. --) to
about email related problems

Are there alerts on the lists with issues? Are there any lists with issues
without alerts? I suspect this is not the issue, but worth a shot.

The other general issue seems to be a missing assembly or assembly
reference, is this a 100% OOTB page? Custom web part? Anything?


-Original Message-
From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Jason Taylor
Sent: Friday, 1 April 2011 8:52 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: Discussion lists broken after installing SharePoint 2010
February Cumulative Update

Hi Daniel,
I'm not completely sure which version I have. I originally downloaded them
on the 7th March.

Cheers, Jason

-Original Message-
From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Friday, 1 April 2011 8:47 AM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: Discussion lists broken after installing SharePoint 2010
February Cumulative Update

Hi Jason,

Are you using the pulled or re-release CU?

MS pulled the original release and deployed it by (approx.) 2 weeks.



-Original Message-
From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Jason Taylor
Sent: Friday, 1 April 2011 8:20 AM
To: 'ozMOSS (ozmoss@ozmoss.com)'
Subject: Discussion lists broken after installing SharePoint 2010 February
Cumulative Update

Hi Everyone,
Going crazy with an issue we're experiencing after applying the SharePoint
2010 February Cumulative Update.
* We have a number of identical SharePoint site collections (500+)
that are all created using exactly the same method from a site template. In
the site collection is a Discussion list. After installing the Feb 2011 CU
the discussions lists have stopped working. You can browse to the list and
actually see the default view with items in the list, however when trying to
click on anything (items, add new, list settings, view settings, list
permissions) an exception is raised. All sites created after the CU
installation work fine. Nothing else has been changed other than installing
the CU.
This is the error that is shown when trying to view an item:
Cannot complete this action.

Please try again.nativehr0x80004005/nativehrnativestack/nativestack
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the
current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information
about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Cannot
complete this action.

Please try again.nativehr0x80004005/nativehrnativestack/nativestack

Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web
request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can
be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace:
[COMException (0x80004005): Cannot complete this action.

Please try again.nativehr0x80004005/nativehrnativestack/nativestack]

bstrUrl, String bstrListName, Boolean bFullBlown, Boolean bNeedInitAllViews,
ISP2DSafeArrayWriter p2DWriter, Int32 plDefaultViewIndex, Int32
plMobileDefaultViewIndex) +0
  Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetViewsSchemaXml(String bstrUrl,
String bstrListName, Boolean bFullBlown, Boolean bNeedInitAllViews,
ISP2DSafeArrayWriter p2DWriter, Int32 plDefaultViewIndex, Int32
plMobileDefaultViewIndex) +187

[SPException: Cannot complete this action.

Please try again.]
  Microsoft.SharePoint.SPGlobal.HandleComException(COMException comEx)
  Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetViewsSchemaXml(String bstrUrl,
String bstrListName, Boolean bFullBlown, Boolean bNeedInitAllViews,
ISP2DSafeArrayWriter p2DWriter, Int32 plDefaultViewIndex, Int32
plMobileDefaultViewIndex) +27813923
fullBlownSchema, Boolean bNeedInitallViews) +283
  Microsoft.SharePoint.SPList.get_Views() +58
  Microsoft.SharePoint.SPViewContext.RedirectIfNecessary() +265


  System.Web.UI.Control.EnsureChildControls() +132
  System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() +61
  System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() +224

RE: Discussion lists broken after installing SharePoint 2010 February Cumulative Update

2011-03-31 Thread Daniel Brown
Guess that answers the question of different version numbers!

14..5136.5002 (new) vs 14.0.5136.5001 (retracted)

-Original Message-
From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Jason Taylor
Sent: Friday, 1 April 2011 9:20 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: Discussion lists broken after installing SharePoint 2010
February Cumulative Update

Thank you Chris, it looks like I do have the wrong update. My version is:
14.0.5136.5001. I will try and apply the latest CU tonight and see if that
fixes it.

Why do they make this so hard. What ever happened to: Check for Updates -
Newer version found, do you want to install - Yes.

Cheers, Jason

-Original Message-
From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Chris Grist
Sent: Friday, 1 April 2011 8:54 AM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: Discussion lists broken after installing SharePoint 2010
February Cumulative Update

This is the one I got on the 22nd of March:

KB Article Number(s): 2464408, 2479795, 2494097, 2496287
Language: All (Global)
Platform: x64
Password: wRaCVa2xvE

-Original Message-
From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Jason Taylor
Sent: Friday, 1 April 2011 8:52 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: Discussion lists broken after installing SharePoint 2010
February Cumulative Update

Hi Daniel,
I'm not completely sure which version I have. I originally downloaded them
on the 7th March.

Cheers, Jason

-Original Message-
From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Friday, 1 April 2011 8:47 AM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: Discussion lists broken after installing SharePoint 2010
February Cumulative Update

Hi Jason,

Are you using the pulled or re-release CU?

MS pulled the original release and deployed it by (approx.) 2 weeks.



-Original Message-
From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Jason Taylor
Sent: Friday, 1 April 2011 8:20 AM
To: 'ozMOSS (ozmoss@ozmoss.com)'
Subject: Discussion lists broken after installing SharePoint 2010 February
Cumulative Update

Hi Everyone,
Going crazy with an issue we're experiencing after applying the SharePoint
2010 February Cumulative Update.
* We have a number of identical SharePoint site collections (500+)
that are all created using exactly the same method from a site template.
In the site collection is a Discussion list. After installing the Feb
2011 CU the discussions lists have stopped working. You can browse to the
list and actually see the default view with items in the list, however when
trying to click on anything (items, add new, list settings, view settings,
permissions) an exception is raised. All sites created after the CU
installation work fine. Nothing else has been changed other than installing
the CU.
This is the error that is shown when trying to view an item:
Cannot complete this action.

Please try
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the
current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information
about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Cannot
complete this action.

Please try

Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web
request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can
be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace:
[COMException (0x80004005): Cannot complete this action.

Please try

bstrUrl, String bstrListName, Boolean bFullBlown, Boolean bNeedInitAllViews,
ISP2DSafeArrayWriter p2DWriter, Int32 plDefaultViewIndex, Int32
plMobileDefaultViewIndex) +0
  Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetViewsSchemaXml(String bstrUrl,
String bstrListName, Boolean bFullBlown, Boolean bNeedInitAllViews,
ISP2DSafeArrayWriter p2DWriter, Int32 plDefaultViewIndex, Int32
plMobileDefaultViewIndex) +187

[SPException: Cannot complete this action.

Please try again.]
  Microsoft.SharePoint.SPGlobal.HandleComException(COMException comEx)
  Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetViewsSchemaXml(String bstrUrl,
String bstrListName, Boolean bFullBlown, Boolean bNeedInitAllViews,
ISP2DSafeArrayWriter p2DWriter, Int32 plDefaultViewIndex, Int32
plMobileDefaultViewIndex) +27813923
fullBlownSchema, Boolean bNeedInitallViews) +283
  Microsoft.SharePoint.SPList.get_Views() +58

RE: Indexing PDFs for new farm

2011-03-30 Thread Daniel Brown
+1 to the adobe 9 ifilter, has been great for us, no issues with it at all.




From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Nathan Rhodes
Sent: Thursday, 31 March 2011 1:14 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: Indexing PDFs for new farm


We have been using the Adobe Ifilter 9 for a fair while now in our MOSS 2007


It had been pretty rock solid however we had an issue a couple of weeks ago
were it looked to have stopped indexing, but after resetting all the crawled
content and running a full crawl it started indexing again. 


We have a number of PDF's in Japanese characters and English it handles this
quite well also.   





From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Paul Noone
Sent: Thursday, 31 March 2011 12:15 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: Indexing PDFs for new farm


Thanks Nigel. Will give it a look. I think Paul T mentioned this one before.


Anyone else using this over Adobe's?


From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Nigel Hertz
Sent: Thursday, 31 March 2011 1:01 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: Indexing PDFs for new farm


The Foxit iFilter http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/ifilter/  seems to have
much better performance from what I've seen.




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From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Paul Noone
Sent: Thursday, 31 March 2011 11:56 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: Indexing PDFs for new farm


Hi all,


What is the latest practice for indexing PDFs? Are people still using the
Adobe iFilter or is there a better approach?


Kind regards,

Paul Noone


Online Developer/SharePoint Administrator

Infrastructure Team, ICT
Catholic Education Office, Sydney
p: (02) 9568 8461

f: (02) 9568 8483
e:  mailto:paul.no...@ceosyd.catholic.edu.au
w:  http://www.ceosyd.catholic.edu.au/ http://www.ceosyd.catholic.edu.au/



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RE: Deploying custom app page on sp2010

2011-03-24 Thread Daniel Brown
Maybe post the logs?

-Original Message-
From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Maxine Harwood
Sent: Thursday, 24 March 2011 6:59 PM
To: ozMOSS
Cc: OzMoss
Subject: Re: Deploying custom app page on sp2010

I can now confirm the dll is in the GAC (deployed through VS2010 package),
but when I run the app, I get a sharepoint error and the log says that the
app could not load the file or assembly... 

Any suggestions?

Sent from Max's iPhone 

On 24/03/2011, at 11:23 AM, Nigel Witherdin nigel_wither...@hotmail.com

 In your Visual Studio solution, Right click on package and then click view
in designer. Click on Advanced (down the bottom). From here you can select
other DLLs to be packaged into your WSP
  Subject: Deploying custom app page on sp2010
  From: maxinetechg...@gmail.com
  Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 17:55:13 +1000
  To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
  I am trying to add a simple application page to sp2010. The code
references a third party app and works as a standard aspx page, but bringing
it into a 'sp2010 application page', the dll is not being included on the
deployed package and as a consequence, I get a 'file not found' error when I
run the aspx. Any suggestions or sites that will help me to deploy the all
to sharepoint? I've searched but the search terms i'm using are getting me
  Sent from Max's iPhone 
  ozmoss mailing list
 ozmoss mailing list
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RE: MOSS 2007 / TopAnswer.webpart

2011-03-17 Thread Daniel Brown
Hi Nigel,


That's for the info, the whole concept of WSS /SPF  MOSS/SP2010 patches
really is silly I think, to have to install them both separately vs. just a
single package is a thorn L


Will continue to look into this and post back, ill double check that the
right media was used  supplied and see what I can dig up J






From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Nigel Hertz
Sent: Thursday, 17 March 2011 3:13 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: MOSS 2007 / TopAnswer.webpart


I used the Feb 2010 CU for most of last year, and never had any such issues
(we also rebuilt a dev server during that time, and applied the same CU) I
think the google article is possibly referring to the fact that the WSS
updates must be applied before the MOSS updates (i.e. WSS SP2 then MOSS SP2
then WSS CU then MOSS CU)


Looking at MSDN and Technet, I found this which may be relevant:






From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Thursday, 17 March 2011 11:52 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: MOSS 2007 / TopAnswer.webpart


Howdy all,


Doing an install of MOSS 2007 SP2+Feb2010 CU and when provisioning the My
Site collection, SharePoint is coming back with


The IIS Web Site was extended with Windows SharePoint Services, but the
following error occurs in creating the default site
http://my.contoso.lan/;. Please correct the input and try to create the
default site again. Error: Failed to instantiate file TopAnswer.webpart
from module WebPartPopulation: Source path dwp\TopAnswer.webpart not


Google is telling me it is to do with MOSS 2007 SP2 not being applied while
WSS SP2 is only applied, however have applied everything possible and still
getting this problem.


Has anyone else seen this or fixed it?


Could it be a Feb 2010 CU problem?







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ozmoss mailing list

RE: Linking lists

2011-03-07 Thread Daniel Brown
HI Marko,


Welcome back to the world of SharePoint!!! (rocks back and forth), a lot of
places are still on 2007, but there is a move to SP2010 which has been
building steady for awhile now, I would say it's pretty much how new SP are
well and truly done these days, unless there are requirements not to.


Lookup Fields are what you are after, You simply create a column in your
desired list (table a) of type lookup, select the list (table b) and what
you want for the ID/Value and done.


A good example is at http://phase2.com/blog/?p=101


Hope this helps J







From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Marko Salonen
Sent: Tuesday, 8 March 2011 5:31 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: Linking lists


Hi all


I have been away from SharePoint for a bit (almost a year), and I am
guessing most places have gone to 2010? Anybody other than where I work
still using 2007? Nice to be back in the world of SharePoint anyway...


I have a requirement to import some old access databases into SharePoint
lists and I am wondering how to link the tables in SharePoint?

Specifically if Table 1 has a column A that is the value from Table 2 column
B how can I get it to lookup the value?




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ozmoss mailing list

Office Web Applications 2010

2011-02-28 Thread Daniel Brown
Howdy all,


Just a quick one, been doing a bit of searching on the subject, but turning
up conflicting information and was wondering irf someone has had first hand
experience with this.


Is it possible to add an Office Document developed in VS (with a code
behind) into Office Web App's 2010 and have it function?


If anyone has any sites of reference material it would greatly help.





ozmoss mailing list

SP2010 XsltListViewWebPart

2011-02-06 Thread Daniel Brown
Howdy all,

A bit of a developer question here I've got a XsltListViewWebPart added
on a SP2010 site page, in which I want to swap in and out which view it is
using at will.

Just doing it though a console application which will do it for now (will be
a feature activated event).


using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteurl))
using (SPWeb currentWeb = site.OpenWeb())
currentWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;

SPFile CurrentPage = currentWeb.GetFile(pageurl);

using (SPLimitedWebPartManager wpm =
currentWeb.GetLimitedWebPartManager(pageurl, PersonalizationScope.Shared))
const string SourceListName = Shared
const string SourceViewName = Documents View;
const string DestViewName = All Documents;

// get view ID
SPList SourceList =
SPView SourceListView =
SPView DestListView =

// loop though page, get LVWP
var listViews =
.Where(webpart = webpart is

// get first LVWP
XsltListViewWebPart listViewWP =

listViewWP.ViewGuid =
listViewWP.Visible = true;
listViewWP.Title = changed!;

currentWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;

}); // end elev

Now its worth noting that the title does indeed change (lol), but the view
will always remain the embedded view from the web part.

Has anyone done something simular or have a work around at all? I've event
tried blanking / replacing the listViewWP.XmlDefinition with
DestListView.HtmlSchemaXml and  DestListView.GetViewXml() without much joy.

Thanks in Advance,

ozmoss mailing list

The previous instance of the timer job....

2010-11-22 Thread Daniel Brown
Howdy all,

Has anyone come across an issue with WSSv3 where it is filling up the logs

11/23/2010 00:59:59.56 OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0430)
0x0F98Windows SharePoint Services   Timer
5uufMonitorableThe previous instance of the timer job '', id
'{FD730E80-C470-4D92-B0E5-F57C98ABDF4A}' for service
'{----}' is still running, so the current
instance will be skipped.  Consider increasing the interval between

THe Servicve GUID is all zero'd out :( and I'm unable to find the timer job
with the ID.

Im also getting hit by Config Refresh timer job messages.

11/23/2010 01:05:20.90 OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0430)
0x0F98Windows SharePoint Services   Timer
5uufMonitorableThe previous instance of the timer job 'Config
Refresh', id '{36585983-62A2-48C4-8104-60D7FDB1A9CE}' for service
'{3F4BC297-5757-49A7-B5AD-1CC2C90CDDC8}' is still running, so the current
instance will be skipped.  Consider increasing the interval between

Have cleared the cache and tweaked the timer job to increase its time, but
starting to hit a wall... all the info I can find says not the service,
delete the cache and restart it... However doing this every6day is not
viable nor desirable.

No error in the Event Logs on the SQL Server (also has plenty of space on
it), nor in logs of the WFE (both Event Viewer and WSS).


ozmoss mailing list

Re: Want Opinions on Reselling Solution

2010-11-04 Thread Daniel Brown
On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 9:12 AM, Mike MOSSuMS Stringfellow 
mike_stringfel...@hotmail.com wrote:

  That’s tongue in cheek, but it’s a warning to get it ‘productised’ before
 you have to install it at 10 clients, and end up supporting multiple
 customised versions.


Get it in some form of source control and in most cases, it pays to refactor
the code several times to ensure long term maintenance and development of
new versions, fixes,enhancements, etc

I'd also recommend getting it in an install package, either a MSI or use
something like http://sharepointinstaller.codeplex.com/ .. at the end of the
day, you want it to be a low cast and low overhead as possible, should a new
version come out, you don't want to have those 10 clients all need deep
manual removals and installs never under estimate the power of a
installer :)

That being said too consider what license you want to put it under,
either your own companies (most likey) or consider something like Codeplex,
CC, etc (however this path is a business decision and well yeah.. have your
case well and truely flushed out before goto to managtement with this :) )
ozmoss mailing list

Re: ANNOUNCING: New SPS2010 RTM IW Demo content for Customers and Partners!

2010-05-30 Thread Daniel Brown
Anyone have this up on an FTP site yet? :P
ozmoss mailing list

Download Tracker / SP2007

2010-05-24 Thread Daniel Brown
Howdy all,

Have a couple of errors relating to the download tracker in both the event
viewer and SP Logs... However searching turns out very little, some stuff
with PKS (but on the topic of upgrading 2k7 to 2010) much I was wondering if
anyone else has had the issue and knows how to resolve it.

The Event Viewer Error:

SP Logs:
05/25/2010 09:47:16.78 w3wp.exe (0x0B4C)
0x0670Windows SharePoint Services   General
8sl3HighDelegateControl: Exception thrown while building
custom control 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SPControlElement':
System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type
'Microsoft.MSIT.DownloadTracker.PageControl' from assembly
'Microsoft.MSIT.DownloadTracker, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=039e3027bfc6'. at
System.Reflection.Assembly._GetType(String name, Boolean throwOnError,
Boolean ignoreCase) at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetType(String name,
Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase) at
sControlAssembly, String sControlClass) at
tctlPage, String sControlAssembly, String sControlClass, String sControlSrc,
XmlNode xn...

Event Viewer:
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
site, SPWeb currentWeb)
site, Boolean reset)
sender, EventArgs e)

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

The Assembly is in the GAC and the public tokens match, obviously it cannot
load the 'PageControl' Class.

Has anyone seen,had or resolved this before?


ozmoss mailing list

Re: Register for SharePoint 2010 Beta Exams

2010-05-19 Thread Daniel Brown

Indeed they look great and are well worth it :)

Sent from my iPhone, please forgive briefness and/or typo's

On 20/05/2010, at 9:52 AM, Paul Turner paul.tur...@dws.com.au wrote:

The new 2010 exams are out for beta!!


Paul Turner
MCT, MCPD: Enterprise, MCSD, MCDBA, MCTS, MSF, Microsoft vTSP

M: 0412 748 168
A: 66 Henley Beach Road, Mile End SA 5031
E: paul.tur...@dws.com.au  W: www.dws.com.au

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Feed: MSDN Blogs
Posted on: Thursday, 20 May 2010 8:22 AM
Author: Gerry O'Brien
Subject: Register for SharePoint 2010 Beta Exams

Registration is now open for the SharePoint 2010 beta exams. If you  
pass the beta exam, the exam credit will be added to your transcript  
and you will not need to take the exam in its released form. The 71- 
xxx identifier is used for registering for beta versions of MCP  
exams. When the exam is released in its final form the 70-xxx  
identifier is used for registration. By participating in beta exams,  
you have the opportunity to provide the Microsoft Certification  
program with feedback about exam content,...(read more)

View article...

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Re: .NET 3.5 SP1 loopback issue

2010-05-09 Thread Daniel Brown
This is by design and not a bug, its a security feature so I am told

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 7:36 AM, Paul Noone 
paul.no...@ceosyd.catholic.edu.au wrote:

  Seems crazy there’s not a patch (or switch) for this yet.

 Playing with the registry always feels very dirty to me. J

 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Daniel Brown
 *Sent:* Saturday, 8 May 2010 10:49 AM
 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* Re: .NET 3.5 SP1 loopback issue

 Can confirm this morning that win2k8 r2 is effected by this also

 On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 12:16 PM, Paul Noone 
 paul.no...@ceosyd.catholic.edu.au wrote:

 Can I ask if everyone has routinely applied the fix for this issue or if
 it’s since been resolved with a patch somewhere?


 I’m thinking it’s the cause for my 401 errors when trying to call a web
 service via a workflow.

 Kind regards,

 Paul Noone

 Online Developer

 Information Communication and Technology
 Catholic Education Office, Sydney
 p: (02) 9568 8461

 f: (02) 9568 8483
 e: paul.no...@ceosyd.catholic.edu.au
 w: http://www.ceosyd.catholic.edu.au/

 ozmoss mailing list

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Re: .NET 3.5 SP1 loopback issue

2010-05-07 Thread Daniel Brown
Can confirm this morning that win2k8 r2 is effected by this also

On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 12:16 PM, Paul Noone 
paul.no...@ceosyd.catholic.edu.au wrote:

  Can I ask if everyone has routinely applied the fix for this issue or if
 it’s since been resolved with a patch somewhere?


 I’m thinking it’s the cause for my 401 errors when trying to call a web
 service via a workflow.

 Kind regards,

 Paul Noone

 Online Developer

 Information Communication and Technology
 Catholic Education Office, Sydney
 p: (02) 9568 8461

 f: (02) 9568 8483
 e: paul.no...@ceosyd.catholic.edu.au
 w: http://www.ceosyd.catholic.edu.au/

 ozmoss mailing list

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Re: Australian SharePoint Conference: ozMoss union

2010-05-04 Thread Daniel Brown
We've been lucky to obtain a booth at the conference where people can come
up and talk about user group, get put in contact with their local group or
just have a catch up, its a pretty informal booth.

Also hoping to organize some laptops to have a play with / white board with
SharePoint right then and there in a middle of a convo :)

SharePint anyone? :P

On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 6:13 AM, Chander R chanderra...@me.com wrote:

 I will be there

 On 04/05/2010, at 3:38 PM, Jeremy Thake jth...@made4the.net wrote:

 This e-mail list has been going for a while and I’ve got a lot out of it.
 For those of you going to the SharePoint Conference in Sydney in June (and
 if you’re not – why not?) it’d be great to meet you all in person rather
 than by name in e-mail discussions. Who’s actually going? I’m there all week
 in Sydney, but it’d be great to organise something when everyone’s

 *Only six weeks to go! Don't miss out on Australia's biggest 
 SharePointhttp://www.sharepointconference.com.au/event of the year!

 Something for everyone - one of the few IT events that specifically
 reaches out to multiple audiences

 ·20 sessions of end user/power user/business content including
 some great case studies including Telstra, Volvo and a number of Industry
 verticals such as finance,  insurance, legal and engineering

 ·20 sessions of pure technical content for IT Pro, Administrators,
 Developers and Analysts

 ·Content *is* relevant to those using WSS, MOSS 2007, and new 2010

 FREE Hosted SharePoint *Server* 2010 Site for EVERY delegate - thanks to 
 - Hosted Solutions Australia http://www.emantra.com.au/ you get to try
 out everything you learn AT the event and  for 3 months after - try 2010
 first hand!

 Hear from the best - International, Local, Microsoft, Industry Experts and
 Customers - see the 
 Speakerhttp://www.sharepointconference.com.au/speakers.htmlist and get to 
 collaborate with hundreds of your fellow SharePoint
 enthusiasts - ask all your *SharePoint* questions*!*

 Additional Training - Pre and Post event Get to the Point Training
 Workshops http://www.sharepointconference.com.au/agenda-get.htm for
 intensive half day courses - an excellent chance to up skill in both 2007
 and 2010 content.

 Exhibitor area - Support our 
 sponsorshttp://www.sharepointconference.com.au/sponsors.htmand see all the 
 great products and talk to the experts - 5 gold, 9 silver
 and 7 bronze sponsors

 r June 16 and 17   r Hilton, Sydney

 r $650 ex GST (group discounts available)

 r http://www.sharepointconference.com.au/www.sharepointconference.com.au

 The Australian SharePoint Conference Team




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Lookup Column rendering

2010-04-20 Thread Daniel Brown
Howdy all,

Just a quick one with any luck...

I've got a lookup column on a newform.aspx however it allows typing in it,
which is messing things up (as you can type anything in it, rather than only
what is in the fake drop down list).

Is there any way to prohibit free text in this fake DDL and actually make it
a real drop down list?


ozmoss mailing list

Re: Editing web part constrains view of page

2010-04-19 Thread Daniel Brown
You can also download it form
this one is for previous versions of IE)

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 1:06 PM, Paul Turner paul.tur...@dws.com.au wrote:

  IE 8 has F12, shows the developer toolbar (like firebug but better of
 course) :-)



 Paul Turner
 Senior Solutions Specialist

 M: 0412 748 168 P: 08 8238 0912 F: 08 8234 5966
 A: 66 Henley Beach Road, Mile End SA 5031
 E: paul.tur...@dws.com.au  W: 

 [image: dws logo]

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 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of
 Paul Noone [paul.no...@ceosyd.catholic.edu.au]
 *Sent:* Tuesday, 20 April 2010 12:54 PM
 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* RE: Editing web part constrains view of page

   Firebug is your friend - but only if the problem also occurs in Firefox.

 If not, at least you know it’s not a standards-compliance issue. J

 We hit many similar walls when branding from scratch using DIVs in place of
 the may nested tables approach.

 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Sezai Komur
 *Sent:* Tuesday, 20 April 2010 1:19 PM
 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* Re: Editing web part constrains view of page

 Paul is probably right, I've seen this sort of weirdness occur due to a
 custom Master Page design in place.

 If you compare the HTML markup emitted by a regular SharePoint page, to the
 HTML markup emitted when the web part toolbox appears to the right of the
 page in edit mode, you may notice some extra table tags in place.

 SharePoint positions the toolbox to the right in a table cell by wrapping
 most of the page content to the left in a table cell too, both of the table
 cells sit in the same table row within a new table.

 So check your master page for any errant HTML table tags that will be
 screwing up the nesting of tables for the entire page and therefor screwing
 up the entire page's rendering (not an easy thing to resolve)


 On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:03 AM, Paul Noone 
 paul.no...@ceosyd.catholic.edu.au wrote:

 How much customisation was done to the master/layout pages and CSS?

 Does the problem persist when you apply an OOTB master to the site, such as
 BlueBand or Default?

 Are you applying custom CSS through the UI’s Masterpage settings? If so,
 have you tried removing it to see if that’s the cause?

 Does it occur in all browsers? Have you tried debugging in Firefox using

 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Chris Howell
 *Sent:* Tuesday, 20 April 2010 12:55 PM
 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* Editing web part constrains view of page


 A user of one of the Team Sites has reported an issue where they edit a web
 part and their view of the page is constrained to a narrow height. The page
 is accessible but they have to scroll to see the web part settings.

 This appears to happen for any web part within the page.

 The screen shot attached shows the view.

 Has anyone come across this before and know how to fix it? I can recreate
 the issue but can't see the root cause.



 ozmoss mailing list

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SP2010 RTM's!

2010-04-16 Thread Daniel Brown

ozmoss mailing list

Re: Folder contribute permissions and file upload access denied

2010-04-15 Thread Daniel Brown
Nope, WSS SP2 then MOSS SP2 (if it is a MOSS Server), if its just a WSS
sererv, applying WSSSP2 is all that is needed

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 6:02 PM, Peter Shevtsov peter.shevt...@gmail.comwrote:

  Anyway, you asked by MOSS SP2 to install before WSS SP2.

 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Daniel Brown
 *Sent:* Thursday, April 15, 2010 11:29 AM

 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* Re: Folder contribute permissions and file upload access denied

 If it is a MOSS box, I'd get MOSS SP2 on there also.

 The WSS SP2 only updates WSS, where as the MOSS SP2 will only update the
 moss elements, same with language packs project server, etc

 On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 5:56 PM, Peter Shevtsov peter.shevt...@gmail.com

 No. Just WSS SP2.

 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Daniel Brown
 *Sent:* Thursday, April 15, 2010 11:15 AM

 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* Re: Folder contribute permissions and file upload access denied

 did you also install MOSS SP2?

 On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 5:43 PM, Peter Shevtsov peter.shevt...@gmail.com

 Even the server is MOSS, installing WSS SP2 fixing the problem.

 Thanks all for help.

 Best regards,

 *Peter Shevtsov*

 Consulting, development and implementation

 * *peter.shevt...@gmail.com* raviv.shmue...@hp.com

 ( +972 544 758829 | 6 +972 153 98 859285

 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Paul Noone
 *Sent:* Thursday, April 15, 2010 1:31 AM

 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* RE: Folder contribute permissions and file upload access denied

 Make sure the dreaded and pointless ViewFormPagesLockDown feature isn’t

 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Peter Shevtsov
 *Sent:* Wednesday, 14 April 2010 3:56 PM
 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Cc:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* Re: Folder contribute permissions and file upload access denied

 Permission folder.

 Best regards


 On 14/04/2010, at 01:24, Paul Noone paul.no...@ceosyd.catholic.edu.au

  Is the user trying to upload to the permissioned folder, or are they
 trying to upload to the library root?



 Online Developer, ICT
 CEO Sydney

 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Paul Turner
 *Sent:* Tuesday, 13 April 2010 10:35 PM
 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* RE: Folder contribute permissions and file upload access denied

 Is this it: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/971351

 * *


 * *

 *Paul Turner
 *Senior Solutions Specialist

 *M: *0412 748 168 *P: *08 8238 0912 *F:* 08 8234 5966
 *A:* 66 Henley Beach Road, Mile End SA 5031
 *E:* *paul.tur...@dws.com.au*  *W:* www.dws.com.au



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 necessarily be that of DWS Pty Ltd.
 *Please consider the environment before printing this email.*

 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Peter Shevtsov
 *Sent:* Tuesday, 13 April 2010 5:16 PM
 *To:* 'ozMOSS'
 *Subject:* RE: Folder contribute permissions and file upload access denied

 Thanks, Daniel.

 By the web. User is unable to reach upload form, instead of Upload button
 is appeared at right of New button.

 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Daniel Brown
 *Sent:* Tuesday, April 13, 2010 10:38 AM
 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* Re: Folder contribute permissions and file upload access denied

 I'd get SP2 on the environment first as its quickly running out of a
 supported lifecycle.

 Is the file being uploaded though the web or SPD?

 Also check out the file name for illegal characters (

 Also, what is the extension of the file?

 Also check the length of the url.



 On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 5:00 PM, Peter Shevtsov peter.shevt...@gmail.com

 Hello all,

 On production server I got “access is denied” for an user with contribute
 permissions while trying to upload a file. This folder breaks permission
 from document library. So, user has an limited access to the folder’s
 document library and a site as well.

 As my customer say, this production server is MOSS and updated by SP1
 infrastructure update.

 Is anybody can help?

 Thanks in advance,

 Best regards,

 *Peter Shevtsov*

 Consulting, development and implementation

 * *peter.shevt...@gmail.com* raviv.shmue...@hp.com

 ( +972 544 758829 | 6 +972 153 98 859285

 ozmoss mailing list

Re: SP2010 Internet Sites

2010-04-15 Thread Daniel Brown
Agreed it's still a great choice for Internet sites.

Sure SP2010 is W3C AA, Less tables, More DIV's and all the wizz bangs (which
are in their own right awesome).

But the main decide, like Paul is licensing.

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 8:54 AM, Paul Turner paul.tur...@dws.com.au wrote:

  SharePoint 2007 was (and still is) an excellent choice for Internet
 sites, so SharePoint 2010 is no different.  2010 now includes WC3 AA support
 so it should be even more compelling.

 To me it is just a licensing choice not a technology choice.

 * *


 * *

 *Paul Turner
 *Senior Solutions Specialist

 *M: *0412 748 168 *P: *08 8238 0912 *F:* 08 8234 5966
 *A:* 66 Henley Beach Road, Mile End SA 5031
 *E:* *paul.tur...@dws.com.au*  *W:* www.dws.com.au

 [image: dws logo]


 This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are only
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 to delete it immediately. Any opinion expressed in this e-mail may not
 necessarily be that of DWS Pty Ltd.
 *Please consider the environment before printing this email.*

 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Paul Noone
 *Sent:* Friday, 16 April 2010 7:30 AM

 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* RE: SP2010 Internet Sites

 Are MVPs allowed to say that? J

 @Sezai: When you say “supported use of folders in pages libraries” does
 this mean that filtering, linking, sending to etc. is all now possible?



 Online Developer, ICT
 CEO Sydney

 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Michael Nemtsev
 *Sent:* Friday, 16 April 2010 1:04 AM
 *To:* 'ozMOSS'
 *Subject:* RE: SP2010 Internet Sites

 Option3 - Drupal J


 *Michael Nemtsev*, Microsoft MVP



 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Darren Neimke
 *Sent:* Thursday, 15 April 2010 4:20 PM
 *To:* ozmoss@ozmoss.com
 *Subject:* SP2010 Internet Sites

 SP2010 Internet Sites?

 [ ] Woohoo!

 [ ] Meh

 Kind Regards,

 Darren Neimke


 The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with
 Hotmail. Get 

 ozmoss mailing list

ozmoss mailing list

Re: An old dll rearing its ugly head

2010-04-14 Thread Daniel Brown
Hmm, is there a chance there is mutliple copies of the dll in differnt
places? i.e GAC, BIN, '12 hive' etc?

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Marko Salonen 
marko.salo...@valeaustralia.com.au wrote:


 We have only the one web front end in the farm. I updated it manually.

 The specific conditions are; when the computer request form is used and a
 second approver is required.

 Note1: the 1st approver gets the new email, but if they chose to add a
 second approver, the second approver gets both the old and new email notice.

 Note2: Other forms that require a second approver do not cause this

 Note3: I checked the code for all the forms and they all call the utilities
 method the same way.



 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Paul Noone
 *Sent:* Thursday, 15 April 2010 11:20 AM
 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* RE: An old dll rearing its ugly head

 What are the very specific conditions under which this occurs? It sounds
 more like load balancing is picking up an old DLL from another front-end.

 Did you update the DLL manually or via a solution upgrade? If manually, did
 you copy it to all WFEs?



 Online Developer, ICT
 CEO Sydney

 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Marko Salonen
 *Sent:* Thursday, 15 April 2010 11:16 AM
 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* An old dll rearing its ugly head


 I have an Utilities.dll that other features utilize to create emails being
 sent to users.

 A while ago I updated the email format, rebuilt the solution and replaced
 the old dll in the GAC with the new.

 Everything is working fine, but under very specific conditions the process
 for a particular form sends both types of emails. (Old and new)

 I am not sure how this can happen, as all the features use this same
 utilities.dll, but only one in a particular scenario ends up

 sending both types of email.

 Is there a way I can “flush” the GAC or something?




 This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the
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 privilege is not waived or lost because this email has been sent to you by
 mistake.  Thank you.

 P Please consider the environment before printing this email

 ozmoss mailing list

ozmoss mailing list

Re: Connecting new Content DB

2010-04-14 Thread Daniel Brown
Cent Admin allows you to change the credentials of quite a few server/web
pool accounts, It is under:

Central Admin - Operations - Service Accounts (Under Security

the url is: http://URLTOCA:Port/_admin/FarmCredentialManagement.aspx

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 11:09 AM, Ken Thompson k...@homeground.org.auwrote:

  Where abouts do I change the ID of the application pool….?

 *Ken Thompson***

 IT Support - Systems Administrator

 HomeGround Services

 68 Oxford Street, Collingwood, VIC 3066

 Tel: 03 9288 9668 (Ex 668)

 Mob: 0404 852 325

 Fax: 03 9419 1876



 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Brendan Law

 *Sent:* Thursday, 15 April 2010 11:14 AM
 *To:* ozMOSS (ozmoss@ozmoss.com)
 *Subject:* RE: Connecting new Content DB

 You should be able to get it working with domain accounts…  You’ll need to
 change the ID of the application pool under which your SharePoint site is
 running, as that is what SharePoint will use to contact SQL in Windows Auth.

 *Brendan Law*

 Office: +61 3 9678 9012  |  Mobile: +61 4 0666 1454 |

 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Ken Thompson
 *Sent:* Thursday, 15 April 2010 11:08 AM
 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* RE: Connecting new Content DB

 /fail I set up the new accounts but that SQL server was setup for windows
 auth, have changed to mixed mode (so I can use SQL accounts)…gotta restart
 server though, and can’t until end of day!

 *Ken Thompson***

 IT Support - Systems Administrator

 HomeGround Services

 68 Oxford Street, Collingwood, VIC 3066

 Tel: 03 9288 9668 (Ex 668)

 Mob: 0404 852 325

 Fax: 03 9419 1876



 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Brendan Law
 *Sent:* Thursday, 15 April 2010 10:18 AM
 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* RE: Connecting new Content DB

 Hi Ken,

 Yeah, I would recommend setting up a domain service account to run your web
 applications under, and then granting that account owner permissions to the
 migrated content database.

 *Brendan Law*

 Office: +61 3 9678 9012  |  Mobile: +61 4 0666 1454 |

 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Ken Thompson
 *Sent:* Thursday, 15 April 2010 10:11 AM
 *To:* ozmoss@ozmoss.com
 *Subject:* Connecting new Content DB

 Hey Guys,

 I’ve moved our SharePoint to another database and trying to connect it but
 getting “error”. I’ve got the following log data in relation and it looks
 like a SQL access issue, I’m struggling to get it to work so hoping for a

 Server setup:


 -  Moss 2007

 -  SQL 2005 Express

 Have moved the content DB to our SQL server


 Do I need to setup some new accounts etc somewhere for the HGHVMOSS to
 access the DB moved to HGVMDB1?


 *Ken Thompson***

 IT Support - Systems Administrator

 HomeGround Services

 68 Oxford Street, Collingwood, VIC 3066

 Tel: 03 9288 9668 (Ex 668)

 Mob: 0404 852 325

 Fax: 03 9419 1876


 ozmoss mailing list

ozmoss mailing list

Re: An old dll rearing its ugly head

2010-04-14 Thread Daniel Brown
Have you done an IISRESET?

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Marko Salonen 
marko.salo...@valeaustralia.com.au wrote:


 No, just the once.


 No just the one copy in the GAC.



 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Paul Noone
 *Sent:* Thursday, 15 April 2010 11:40 AM

 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* RE: An old dll rearing its ugly head

 Very odd.

 Does the Utilities method describe the email contents twice - once for each

 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Daniel Brown
 *Sent:* Thursday, 15 April 2010 11:35 AM
 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* Re: An old dll rearing its ugly head

 Hmm, is there a chance there is mutliple copies of the dll in differnt
 places? i.e GAC, BIN, '12 hive' etc?

 On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Marko Salonen 
 marko.salo...@valeaustralia.com.au wrote:


 We have only the one web front end in the farm. I updated it manually.

 The specific conditions are; when the computer request form is used and a
 second approver is required.

 Note1: the 1st approver gets the new email, but if they chose to add a
 second approver, the second approver gets both the old and new email notice.

 Note2: Other forms that require a second approver do not cause this

 Note3: I checked the code for all the forms and they all call the utilities
 method the same way.



 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Paul Noone
 *Sent:* Thursday, 15 April 2010 11:20 AM
 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* RE: An old dll rearing its ugly head

 What are the very specific conditions under which this occurs? It sounds
 more like load balancing is picking up an old DLL from another front-end.

 Did you update the DLL manually or via a solution upgrade? If manually, did
 you copy it to all WFEs?



 Online Developer, ICT
 CEO Sydney

 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Marko Salonen
 *Sent:* Thursday, 15 April 2010 11:16 AM
 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* An old dll rearing its ugly head


 I have an Utilities.dll that other features utilize to create emails being
 sent to users.

 A while ago I updated the email format, rebuilt the solution and replaced
 the old dll in the GAC with the new.

 Everything is working fine, but under very specific conditions the process
 for a particular form sends both types of emails. (Old and new)

 I am not sure how this can happen, as all the features use this same
 utilities.dll, but only one in a particular scenario ends up

 sending both types of email.

 Is there a way I can “flush” the GAC or something?




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 P Please consider the environment before printing this email

 ozmoss mailing list


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Re: An old dll rearing its ugly head

2010-04-14 Thread Daniel Brown
I have seem some oddities in my dev box when just dragging and dropping
assemblies in the gac while I work away.

for example C:\Windows\Assembly becomes blank and gone, i did a brief search
on it and it appears to be some sort of memory fail safe of Win2k3.

Pending if you have 2k3, you could try to bounce the box if you haven't done
so already, as it looks asif both the old  new assembly are indeed loaded

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 11:21 AM, Marko Salonen 
marko.salo...@valeaustralia.com.au wrote:




 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Daniel Brown
 *Sent:* Thursday, 15 April 2010 11:49 AM

 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* Re: An old dll rearing its ugly head

 Have you done an IISRESET?

  On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Marko Salonen 
 marko.salo...@valeaustralia.com.au wrote:


 No, just the once.


 No just the one copy in the GAC.



 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Paul Noone
 *Sent:* Thursday, 15 April 2010 11:40 AM

 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* RE: An old dll rearing its ugly head

 Very odd.

 Does the Utilities method describe the email contents twice - once for each

 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Daniel Brown
 *Sent:* Thursday, 15 April 2010 11:35 AM
 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* Re: An old dll rearing its ugly head

 Hmm, is there a chance there is mutliple copies of the dll in differnt
 places? i.e GAC, BIN, '12 hive' etc?

 On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Marko Salonen 
 marko.salo...@valeaustralia.com.au wrote:


 We have only the one web front end in the farm. I updated it manually.

 The specific conditions are; when the computer request form is used and a
 second approver is required.

 Note1: the 1st approver gets the new email, but if they chose to add a
 second approver, the second approver gets both the old and new email notice.

 Note2: Other forms that require a second approver do not cause this

 Note3: I checked the code for all the forms and they all call the utilities
 method the same way.



 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Paul Noone
 *Sent:* Thursday, 15 April 2010 11:20 AM
 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* RE: An old dll rearing its ugly head

 What are the very specific conditions under which this occurs? It sounds
 more like load balancing is picking up an old DLL from another front-end.

 Did you update the DLL manually or via a solution upgrade? If manually, did
 you copy it to all WFEs?



 Online Developer, ICT
 CEO Sydney

 *From:* ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] *On
 Behalf Of *Marko Salonen
 *Sent:* Thursday, 15 April 2010 11:16 AM
 *To:* ozMOSS
 *Subject:* An old dll rearing its ugly head


 I have an Utilities.dll that other features utilize to create emails being
 sent to users.

 A while ago I updated the email format, rebuilt the solution and replaced
 the old dll in the GAC with the new.

 Everything is working fine, but under very specific conditions the process
 for a particular form sends both types of emails. (Old and new)

 I am not sure how this can happen, as all the features use this same
 utilities.dll, but only one in a particular scenario ends up

 sending both types of email.

 Is there a way I can “flush” the GAC or something?




 This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the
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 and delete this email without making a copy.  Any confidentiality or
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 This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the
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 and delete this email without making a copy.  Any confidentiality or
 privilege is not waived or lost because this email has been sent to you by
 mistake.  Thank you.

 P Please consider the environment before

Re: Folder contribute permissions and file upload access denied

2010-04-13 Thread Daniel Brown
I'd get SP2 on the environment first as its quickly running out of a
supported lifecycle.

Is the file being uploaded though the web or SPD?

Also check out the file name for illegal characters (

Also, what is the extension of the file?

Also check the length of the url.



On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 5:00 PM, Peter Shevtsov peter.shevt...@gmail.comwrote:

  Hello all,

 On production server I got “access is denied” for an user with contribute
 permissions while trying to upload a file. This folder breaks permission
 from document library. So, user has an limited access to the folder’s
 document library and a site as well.

 As my customer say, this production server is MOSS and updated by SP1
 infrastructure update.

 Is anybody can help?

 Thanks in advance,

 Best regards,

 *Peter Shevtsov*

 Consulting, development and implementation

 * *peter.shevt...@gmail.com* raviv.shmue...@hp.com

 ( +972 544 758829 | 6 +972 153 98 859285

 ozmoss mailing list

ozmoss mailing list

Re: No. of sharepoint databases in Sql Server

2010-03-24 Thread Daniel Brown
Unsure on total number, but I would assume it depends greatly on resources,
disk/CPU/ram due to the nature of the beast. The more resources, the faster
disks, etc would dictate it to a large degree i believe.


On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 10:19 AM, Ajay akhanna...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am looking at project where we will be provisioning new site collections
 in a new DB.

 Is there any kind of recommendation that how many databases we can have in
 Sql Server.

 I think I read somewhere that having more than 60 dbs can degrade
 performance,, can't find where I read.

 Please let me know your thought, recommendations on this


 ozmoss mailing list

ozmoss mailing list

RE: Net 3.5 on MOSS 64-bit [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]

2009-09-23 Thread Daniel Brown
Echoing what Fadi said. That seems to be the only thing I've heard of also.

From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 23 September 2009 3:14 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Net 3.5 on MOSS 64-bit [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]


You shouldn't if you used a vanilla windows server.  However, I have seen to
places (here included) where the windows image doesn't give the proper
permission to the temp directory (the framework temp directory that is).  So
after fixing the permission and re-registering the framework to
iis(aspnet_regiis.exe -i), it worked fine.



From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Paul Noone
Sent: Wednesday, 23 September 2009 3:42 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Net 3.5 on MOSS 64-bit


Can anyone please tell me what, if any, manual changes I need to make after
a 3.5 framework upgrade?


There seem to be no end of issues surrounding this but I'm still not
convinced I actually need to do anything beyond the installation.




Online Developer, ICT
CEO Sydney


ozmoss mailing list

RE: Services missing from server [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]

2009-09-22 Thread Daniel Brown
Did you use an account which has the correct security permissions on the
machine to install/configure?




From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Chris Howell
Sent: Wednesday, 23 September 2009 1:25 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Re: Services missing from server [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]



This is from enumservices from another box:

Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral,
Name /
DisplayNameWindows SharePoint Services Web Application/DisplayName

This service is not present on the box we have trouble with.


2009/9/23 Noja, Fadi fadi.n...@fahcsia.gov.au

Hmm, not sure.  have you tried rerunning the wizard?



From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Chris Howell
Sent: Wednesday, 23 September 2009 1:52 PM

To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Re: Services missing from server [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]


All of the following are running in services.msc:

Windows SharePoint Services Administration
Windows SharePoint Services Timer
Windows SharePoint Services Tracing
Windows SharePoint Services VSS Writer

2009/9/23 Noja, Fadi fadi.n...@fahcsia.gov.au

If you actually go into the services, what are running (windows services
that is)



From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Chris Howell
Sent: Wednesday, 23 September 2009 1:38 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Re: Services missing from server [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]


The role is meant to be Single Server or Web Server for small server farms.

Even when the view is changed to all this service is missing.

2009/9/23 Noja, Fadi fadi.n...@fahcsia.gov.au

What role did you choose for the server?  



From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Chris Howell
Sent: Wednesday, 23 September 2009 1:26 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Services missing from server



We have a DEV server that is now listing the server as not configured in
Farm Topology under the heading Services Running. 

Earlier there were no services listed to be able to configure. Have managed
to get most back via PSCONFIG but are now missing Windows SharePoint
Services Web Application

Can anyone advise how to get this missing service back?



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RE: DataViewWebPart Filter/Sort functionality problem

2009-09-21 Thread Daniel Brown
Howdy Paul,


I gave this a crack this morning using the minimal master out of the SDK 
MSDN but on both occasions it still failed to filter L


Mmmm... I'm wonder if this is one for MS Premier Support. L







From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Paul Noone
Sent: Monday, 21 September 2009 8:05 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: DataViewWebPart Filter/Sort functionality problem


Hi Daniel,


Is production using the same master and layout pages as dev? This smells
like a missing placeholder. I was getting similar wackiness with certain
views and libraries. Turned out the required JavaScript wasn't getting
called due to missing placeholders with innocuous names. From memory it was
PlaceHolderMiniConsole and PlaceHolderPageImage.




Online Developer, ICT
CEO Sydney


From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf
Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Sunday, 20 September 2009 12:50 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: DataViewWebPart Filter/Sort functionality problem


Howdy all,


I'm encountered a bizarre problem on a MOSS SP2 farm and am at a loss.


On Newly created or existing DataView Web Parts, the Filter/Sort on a column
is failing to actual manipulate the data shown.


When selecting from the drop down list:




the Column header displays the filter.gif, but the list is unfiltered:




The same occurs when applying a Ascending / Descending sort. It effects all
DVWP's regardless of database server, database, or table or view. Standard
SharePoint List views (List View Web Part) work as expected.


Closer inspection has found the following:


1.   Master, js, css references


The issue occurs is all references are removed as much as possible. Of
course it still may be a JavaScript/master page error. However this would
point at the generated js/html from MOSS itself.


2.   Source Files


The issue is outside that of the data source. If i take the page, copy and
paste it into another farm environment, the functionality performs as
expected. The Data sources are pointing to the same data via the same code,
the sort / filter function performs as expected.


3.   Postback


Sniffing the traffic on when attempting against LIVE and DEV show the
JavaScript postback includes the sort / filter parameters;

Note I have altered to make human readable.


LIVE   MSO_PageHashCode  2





__CALLBACKPARAM   __filter={Column @Column x:string;1033


MSO_PageHashCode  2

__EVENTTARGET g_57e38929_0c89_4f69_b465_13414db04ee6

__EVENTARGUMENT   NotUTF8;__filte...@column=aaron }




DEVMSO_PageHashCode  4-1890557563





__CALLBACKID  g_57e38929_0c89_4f69_b465_13414db04ee6

__CALLBACKPARAM   __filter={Column @Column x:string;1033


MSO_PageHashCode  4-1890557563





__CALLBACKID  g_57e38929_0c89_4f69_b465_13414db04ee6 SELECT DISTINCT
[Column] FROM [Table]

__CALLBACKPARAM   __filter={Column @Column x:string;1033



There is a difference in the conventions, LIVE's MSO_PageHashCode is short
2, whiles DEV's is a descriptive 4-1890557563.


This is browser and client independent - it has been tested on different
PC's with different OS and IE with the same result.


The only mentions I have found in reference to issues is if IIS had been
commissioned on a W2K3 SP2 machine using the SP1 i386 source (this is a
significant possibility for LIVE). I have reapplied SP2 and the issue is
still present.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.





ozmoss mailing list

Multiple List/Library alerts

2009-09-01 Thread Daniel Brown
Howdy all,


Has anyone ever the problem where, despite the users not showing any alerts
for any list/library, that they are getting up to 6 copies of the same alert
email when a document is added/changed/etc.






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RE: MYOB and SharePoint

2009-08-20 Thread Daniel Brown
Woaha! J


Talk about funky I'm chasing MYOB  up at the moment about this!


If there isn't much out there... could be a nice thing to write J





From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Adam J.
Sent: Thursday, 20 August 2009 9:16 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: MYOB and SharePoint


Just a quick question.  Has anyone seen any MYOB customisations recently?


I have a client we have been working with who is interested in the




Adam Clark

Principal Solutions Architect  / Director





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RE: Restoring outgoing mail settings and other nice things

2009-08-05 Thread Daniel Brown
I would assume they are stored in the config database, but i have never


Unsure of how email server interacts with the SP farm, as it adds it as a
server so to speak as part of the actual farm.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul Noone
Sent: Wednesday, 5 August 2009 3:35 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Restoring outgoing mail settings and other nice things


Hi all,


We're just running through some DR scenario tests on our dev farm. Lots of
detaching and reattaching databases. So far so good.


Where we've got stuck is with CA settings for things like Outgoing Mail
Settings. Any changes we make are simply not being restored. Are these
settings stored somewhere else perhaps?




Online Developer, ICT
CEO Sydney



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RE: new document requires a windows sharepoint services-compatible application

2009-07-30 Thread Daniel Brown
Hi Damian,


Is it Windows 7 at all? And are the different sites patched with without







From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Damian
Sent: Thursday, 30 July 2009 7:13 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: new document requires a windows sharepoint services-compatible


 Has anyone had this error occur even though the error doesn't occur on
other Sharepoint environments? Obviously I'm using the same client to browse
to these sites.

 The Test and Production sites are fine but when trying to add a new
document on the Pre Production environment the error displays!


Any ideas anyone? All suggestions welcome.



Damian Worrad



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RE: Site Description appears on all pages

2009-07-29 Thread Daniel Brown
The general rule of thumb is to never edit OOTB files, it can came back to
bite you in the behind pretty hard, especially with updates and service


I would ghost the master page (or use a custom one).


If you want to hide it, I'd do something like: SharePoint:ProjectProperty
Property=Description runat=server Visable=false/


To answer your other question of how to replace it with the title, the
following HTML will do it:


SharePoint:ProjectProperty Property=Title runat=server /




From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul Noone
Sent: Thursday, 30 July 2009 10:29 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Site Description appears on all pages


For WSS sites you can either unghost the master or delete it as required for
each page:



  td class=ms-webpartpagedescription

SharePoint:ProjectProperty Property=Description runat=server/



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul Noone
Sent: Thursday, 30 July 2009 10:53 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Site Description appears on all pages


Ken, are you referring to WSS site templates only?


If you use a custom master you can just remove the placeholder or replace it
with the page description.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of ken zheng
Sent: Thursday, 30 July 2009 10:45 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Site Description appears on all pages


Hi Guys:

   Just wonder if anyone has a simple way to remove the site description or
replace it with site name?

Right now he description appears on every single page. This is incredibly
annoying when the description tends to be rather lengthy.
The solution I found is to modify files under 
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server




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RE: Site Description appears on all pages

2009-07-29 Thread Daniel Brown
No, as that placeholder is already there. If you want to hide it, just add
Visable=false to the html : asp:ContentPlaceHolder
id=PlaceHolderPageDescription runat=server Visable=false /



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of ken zheng
Sent: Thursday, 30 July 2009 11:07 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Site Description appears on all pages


I can see there is a asp:ContentPlaceHolder id=PlaceHolderPageDescription
runat=server/ on the masterpage ,so can I replace it with


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 11:02:35 +0930
From: lied...@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Site Description appears on all pages
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com

I have searched master page but can't find line with ... ProjectProperty
Property=Description ...
which ContentPlaceHolder is it in?




Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 10:44:09 +0930
From: daniel.br...@internode.on.net
Subject: RE: Site Description appears on all pages
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com

The general rule of thumb is to never edit OOTB files, it can came back to
bite you in the behind pretty hard, especially with updates and service


I would ghost the master page (or use a custom one).


If you want to hide it, I'd do something like: SharePoint:ProjectProperty
Property=Description runat=server Visable=false/


To answer your other question of how to replace it with the title, the
following HTML will do it:


SharePoint:ProjectProperty Property=Title runat=server /




From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul Noone
Sent: Thursday, 30 July 2009 10:29 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Site Description appears on all pages


For WSS sites you can either unghost the master or delete it as required for
each page:



  td class=ms-webpartpagedescription

SharePoint:ProjectProperty Property=Description runat=server/



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul Noone
Sent: Thursday, 30 July 2009 10:53 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Site Description appears on all pages


Ken, are you referring to WSS site templates only?


If you use a custom master you can just remove the placeholder or replace it
with the page description.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of ken zheng
Sent: Thursday, 30 July 2009 10:45 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Site Description appears on all pages


Hi Guys:

   Just wonder if anyone has a simple way to remove the site description or
replace it with site name?

Right now he description appears on every single page. This is incredibly
annoying when the description tends to be rather lengthy.
The solution I found is to modify files under 
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server




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SharePoint 3rd party product licensing

2009-07-27 Thread Daniel Brown
Howdy all,


Somewhat following on from he previous thread in regards to per farm,
server, etc.


I’m interested to know people thoughts on these style of licensing and what
would be the preferred once of licensing for technologies such as




Daniel Brown – MACS – MCP – MCTS -
https://mvp.support.microsoft.com/profile/Daniel.Brown SharePoint MVP

South Australia's first SharePoint MVP

Adelaide SharePoint User Group Lead  http://www.aspug.org.au/

Blog:  http://www.danielbrown.id.au/ http://www.danielbrown.id.au

Mobile: 0419-804-099

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RE: Upgrading Farm to .NET Framework 3.5

2009-07-24 Thread Daniel Brown
Hi Karl,


I haven't experienced any issues with installing .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or
any of the .NET updates after it, nor have i heard of anyone else. All has
been good. However that's not a grantee you won't encounter any problems L


I would recommend if your able to, try it out on a test environment, failing
that you could build a quick one to do an initial test by using
VirtualPC/HyperV/VMWare. (It's not as easy as that and i would recommend
reading up about it prior to doing it as to not to cause a bunch of issues
on your network with duplicate PC's on the network, etc.).








From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Power, Karl
Sent: Friday, 24 July 2009 7:14 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Upgrading Farm to .NET Framework 3.5


Hi Folks,


We need to upgrade our MOSS 2007 farm (3 WFEs) to NET Framework 3.5 SP1.  I
can't find much documentation on the install procedure.  Is there a
particular order that the framework must be installed (like when installing
service packs) on the servers.  Have any of you guys encountered any
pitfalls when you upgraded?  Any info would be greatly appreciated,







Karl Power
Glanbia Business Services
Glanbia Plc
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[ASPUG] Adelaide SharePoint User Group July 2009 Newsletter

2009-07-19 Thread Daniel Brown
Howdy all,

Just a quick FYI about this month's Adelaide SharePoint User Group Meeting
tomorrow night, full newsletter can be found here
202009%20Newsletter.pdf .

Thank you.



July Meeting Information

This month will see Bob Bradley of Unify Solutions and Paul Turner of DWS
takes to the stage to talk on Enterprise provisioning and Running SharePoint
projects from a Team Lead point of view!

If you plan to attend the festivities, can you please ensure to reserve your
place by clicking
rm.aspx?eventID=31 here. This will help with catering and ensures everyone
gets enough to eat.

When  Where:

 Where: Microsoft Innovation Center Auditorium

 Address: Level 2, Westpac House, King William Street, Adelaide
%20william%20street%20adelaideencType=1  - Entrance is actually on Currie

 When: Tuesday, 21st of July @ 5:30PM


The agenda for this month's activities are:

 5:30PM - Arrive, Relax and Network

 6:00PM - Welcome, Introductions, SPS  SharePint Update- Daniel

 6:15PM - Lifecycle with MOSS - Paul Turner

Come along for a casual discussion on the challenges of running development
teams using MOSS.  Look at the development cycle, moving databases and
managing builds, followed by open topic forum  questions.

 7:00PM - Enterprise Provisioning - Bob Bradley

Organisations implementing MOSS are likely to face a number of challenges in
integrating SharePoint with their enterprise systems . especially those that
wish to implement SharePoint across a heterogeneous enterprise environment.

More information can be found
http://www.danielbrown.id.au/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=312 here.

 7:45PM -SharePoint Forum 

Bring along your SharePoint Questions and ask the experts.

 8:00 PM(ish) -Meeting Close and Move to the Grange Chancellor for
refreshments for continued forum and questions.

If you plan to attend the festivities, can you please ensure to reserve your
place by clicking
rm.aspx?eventID=31 here. This will help with catering and ensures everyone
gets enough to eat.

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RE: 2010 sneak peak

2009-07-13 Thread Daniel Brown
Ø  My guess is that the SharePoint Conference in October will probably add more 
clarity on these issues


Ill second that J


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Kirk Barrett
Sent: Tuesday, 14 July 2009 1:51 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Re: 2010 sneak peak


You're right Paul and soon after they ask about the the cost we then have to 
try and explain the licensing model :-)  


It will be interesting to see if the increase in functionality and features 
equates to a more complex licensing model for the server product and CALs. I 
notice the 'sneak peak' FAQ page simply says At this time, it is too early to 
disclose specific licensing details for the next release. My guess is that the 
SharePoint Conference in October will probably add more clarity on these issues.



2009/7/14 Paul Culmsee paul.culm...@sevensigma.com.au

Well said Michael. 


The sort of audience that is interested in sneak peaks are not necessarily the 
business perspective anyway. The business audience will look at it when they 
are good and ready - and will get interested once they know how much it costs 






From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Michael Nemtsev
Sent: Tuesday, 14 July 2009 10:02 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: 2010 sneak peak


SharePoint Community became crazy about this sneak view, everybody is 
tweeting the same thing :),  but nobody published any overview of what is 
really new from the business perspective


What SharePoint 2010 solved and brings new - no single world. 

Nobody published any SDK overview (I tired to tweet about new method in SDK via 
@laflour but need more time) 


It reminds me a Tweek person from South Park - exited, but no value :)


Michael Nemtsev
Readify | Microsoft MVP


T: 0424 184 978 | E: michael.nemt...@readify.net 

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RE: Exporting a contact list into another contact list

2009-07-06 Thread Daniel Brown
Ack, Sorry Wrong Link!


For WSS v3/MOSS 2007 see




From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Monday, 6 July 2009 6:40 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Exporting a contact list into another contact list


Hi Ken,


You can save the list as a template with its data and then download the stp
file form the gallery and import it into production farm.


has the details on how to perform it J







From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Ken Thompson
Sent: Monday, 6 July 2009 6:33 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Exporting a contact list into another contact list


Hey All,


Just setting up a new MOSS installation as a live version after playing with
our development one.


What's the best way to copy a contact list from the old site to the new
site, I'm hoping there is a way to open both up in access / excel etc. and
copy and paste from one to the other. I have tried exporting the data and
leaving it linked to the site, via access.but it doesn't show all the
columns I have in my view which I need to paste into.






Ken Thompson

IT Support

HomeGround Services

68 Oxford Street, Collingwood, VIC 3066

Tel: 03 9419 8855 Ex. 229

Mob: 0425 664 734

Fax: 03 9419 1876 

 http://www.homeground.org.au www.homeground.org.au



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[ASPUG] Adelaide SharePoint User Group July 2009 Newsletter

2009-07-06 Thread Daniel Brown
Howdy all,

Just a quick FYI about this month's Adelaide SharePoint User Group Meeting,
full newsletter can be found here
202009%20Newsletter.pdf .

Thank you.



July Meeting Information

This month will see Bob Bradley of Unify Solutions and Paul Turner of DWS
takes to the stage to talk on Enterprise provisioning and Running SharePoint
projects from a Team Lead point of view!

If you plan to attend the festivities, can you please ensure to reserve your
place by clicking
rm.aspx?eventID=31 here. This will help with catering and ensures everyone
gets enough to eat.

When  Where:

 Where: Microsoft Innovation Center Auditorium

 Address: Level 2, Westpac House, King William Street, Adelaide
%20william%20street%20adelaideencType=1  - Entrance is actually on Currie

 When: Tuesday, 21st of July @ 5:30PM


The agenda for this month's activities are:

 5:30PM - Arrive, Relax and Network

 6:00PM - Welcome, Introductions, SPS  SharePint Update- Daniel

 6:15PM - Lifecycle with MOSS - Paul Turner

Come along for a casual discussion on the challenges of running development
teams using MOSS.  Look at the development cycle, moving databases and
managing builds, followed by open topic forum  questions.

 7:00PM - Enterprise Provisioning - Bob Bradley

Organisations implementing MOSS are likely to face a number of challenges in
integrating SharePoint with their enterprise systems . especially those that
wish to implement SharePoint across a heterogeneous enterprise environment.

More information can be found
http://www.danielbrown.id.au/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=312 here.

 7:45PM -SharePoint Forum 

Bring along your SharePoint Questions and ask the experts.

 8:00 PM(ish) -Meeting Close and Move to the Grange Chancellor for
refreshments for continued forum and questions.

If you plan to attend the festivities, can you please ensure to reserve your
place by clicking
rm.aspx?eventID=31 here. This will help with catering and ensures everyone
gets enough to eat.

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RE: ssl redirect

2009-06-25 Thread Daniel Brown
Command line reference also for adding redirects for IIS7 from



%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config
nameofsite/virtualdirectoryname -section:system.webServer/httpRedirect
-enabled:true -destination:destinationofredirect -commitpath:apphost


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Friday, 26 June 2009 12:08 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: ssl redirect


This method  uses the HTTP Redirect module which is not installed by default
with IIS7. To install you, You will need to go into the Server Manager and
select it under the Role Services of IIS7/Web Server role.




From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Matthew
Sent: Friday, 26 June 2009 12:04 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Re: ssl redirect


-03-27/ ?

On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Matthew Cosier cos...@gmail.com wrote:

Sorry I didn't read that properly.  For redirection you might be able to
change the website in IIS (via http header redirection?)  I'm sure you can
change it to perm redirect.



On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Matthew Cosier cos...@gmail.com wrote:

Create a new extended web application for HTTPS, then go into IIS and stop
the HTTP website.  I find that's the easiest way.



On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Chris Grist cgr...@educationau.edu.au

Hi Guys.


Atm sharepoint is running on http/https i want to stop people accessing via
http. But some have bookmarks/links etc so id like the it to redirect.


Ive tried the following as a 403.4 error asp page:



Data = request.servervariables(QUERY_STRING)

URL = replace(Data, 403;, )

URL = replace(URL, http://;, https://;)

response.Status = 200 OK

response.redirect URL



However this goes http-https-http in the browser box and comes with a 403
error likely cause you are required to login


Chris Grist
Technical Officer, ICT Systems
Education.au Limited


Level 1, 182 Fullarton Road


p +61 8 83343291
f  +61 8 83343211


e cgr...@educationau.edu.au
w www.educationau.edu.au http://www.educationau.edu.au/ 




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RE: SharePoint Central Admin and site stopped and can't be started

2009-06-24 Thread Daniel Brown
It sounds like this product has messed with IIS and changed settings that
SharePoint prefers not to be changed.


All I can suggest is check the security on the site as 401 is Access denied
(indicated by the error in iis manager you get)


Error 401 is access denied.


Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes

401 Unauthorized 

Similar to 403 Forbidden, but specifically for use when authentication is
possible but has failed or not yet been provided. See Basic access
authentication http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_access_authentication
and Digest access authentication
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digest_access_authentication . 


As this is Windows Server 2008, double checking what authentication methods
are installed in the features of the Web Server role may give an indication,
However if it was working and not now, it is unlikely the 3rd party app
uninstall a windows server 2008 feature.





From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Chris Howell
Sent: Wednesday, 24 June 2009 6:20 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: SharePoint Central Admin and site stopped and can't be started



I realise this isn't an out and out SharePoint question but I need help to
try and get this fixed ASAP as I'm trying to help someone who is doing a
demo  in the environment tomorrow. I got roped into helping with this after
someone broke what I'd got working ;-)

Environment is:

Windows Server 2008
SharePoint 2007 SP1  Feb cumulative updates

Central Admin is stopped in IIS and cannot be started. No options to Manage
Web Site within IIS for CA or the site that is needed for the demo.

Only thing that has changed is that a vendor has been on the box and
installed Process Mentor. The .Net installation has also been updated.

The vendors product has created another site and some Application Pools.
Their site works although there were some errors associated with their

A process serving application pool 'ProcessMentor.AppPool' terminated
unexpectedly. The process id was '3972'. The process exit code was

Exception message: Security settings for this service require Windows
Authentication but it is not enabled for the IIS application that hosts this

Connecting to the server via IIS 6 and looking at the ASP.NET attributes for
Central Admin, there are no entries in the ASP.NET version field. On exiting
the tab I get:

IIS Manager

An invalid custom error message was found. Entry will be skipped

Error Code: 401

Sub Code: 0

The vendor is saying their site and product is working OK and that Central
Admin and the other affected sites were stopped when they started using the

I've tried looking for information but coming up blank.

Please can anyone help?




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RE: Import document's to document library invalid characters

2009-06-23 Thread Daniel Brown
Hi Tony,


Have a look at
it has all the invalid chars and a way to handle them programaticly.




From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of tony
Sent: Wednesday, 24 June 2009 8:44 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Import document's to document library invalid characters



Has anyone come across a tool to show which documents are invalid for a
SharePoint Document list thinking like grep etc. Having to upload 100gb
of information and finding every so often crashes cause i have a  in
the name.

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RE: Custom list changing column names - search

2009-06-17 Thread Daniel Brown
In conjunction with what Paul said, if you need to find out the internal
names, a good tool is SharePoint Manager http://www.codeplex.com/spm


HOWEVER, it should be used with caution as you have DIRECT access to the
SharePoint object model behind the scenes “stuff”.



Daniel Brown – MACS – MCP – MCTS - SharePoint MVP

Adelaide SharePoint User Group Lead http://www.aspug.org.au

Blog: http://www.danielbrown.id.au http://www.danielbrown.id.au/ 

Mobile: 0419-804-099

ý Please consider your Environment before printing this email.




From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul Turner
Sent: Wednesday, 17 June 2009 4:07 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Custom list changing column names - search


No.  Once a column is created, it has an internal name that never changes.
The SharePoint API and UI only let you change the display name.  Managed
properties refer to the internal names not display names (but they are often



Paul Turner
Senior Solution Specialist
M:  0412 748 168  P:  08 8238 0912 F: 08 8234 5966
A: 66 Henley Beach Road, Mile End SA 5031
E:  paul.tur...@dws.com.au   W: www.dws.com.au http://www.dws.com.au/ 


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Peter Milliner
Sent: Wednesday, 17 June 2009 3:23 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Custom list changing column names - search

Hello all,


Have searched and cannot seem to find answer.  I am using a custom search on
a list firstly by using scope.  I have also configured it so the search
results are returned in a table

With the columns from the list by using the managed properties mapped to
crawled properties (using the original column name) in the search


i.e  clientorganisaton is mapped to ows_organisation(text) – this is a
column name.


I have also adding using the properties in advanced search  to reflect
several columns in the list so users can search by list column names i.e.
Organisation. By editing the properties xml file.


My problem is that the administrator and the original creator of the list
has decided that several column names need to be changed – i.e. as simple as
changing FIRST NAME to First Name or TITLE to Last Name.


What I need to know is that if the column names are changed will I need to
reconfigure search/ managed properties mappings to reflect these changes or
does SharePoint use the original column names in search mappings. 


Any advice would be appreciated


Peter Milliner

Intranet (SharePoint Administrator)

Information Technology and Communications Unit

Bendigo Regional Institute of TAFE

PO Box 170, Bendigo Victoria 3552

T: +61 3 5434 1510
M: 0423 913 999
F: +61 3 5434 1497

E: pmilli...@britafe.vic.edu.au 
W: www.britafe.vic.edu.au

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RE: [SUMMARY] Trusted Domains and user accounts

2009-06-01 Thread Daniel Brown
Hi Mark,


Thanks for the tip, People Picker is now clear of the old domains. Because
the MOSS farm is already in the new domain, I did not have to supply
domain\username or the password, just the domain. i.e:


stsadm -o setproperty -pn peoplepicker-searchadforests -pv
domain:domain.local -url http://intranet.domain.local


Now for the next task of user profiles J ... then to do it in production J


Thanks again,




From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Mark Rhodes
Sent: Tuesday, 2 June 2009 11:40 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Trusted Domains and user accounts


Hey Dan,


Try this : stsadm -o setproperty -pn peoplepicker-searchadforests -pv
domain:domain.com,domain\username,password -url http://webapplication


I know it does not look like it would do the trick, but I’ve found it seems
to stop any results from appearing from the trusted domain – worth a shot? J



Mark Rhodes


Mark Rhodes  |  Emantra  |  Technology Specialist |
mark.rho...@emantra.com.au|  1300 728 953  |  +6177702


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Tuesday, 2 June 2009 12:01 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Trusted Domains and user accounts


Howdy all,


I have a client which has 2 domains, DOMAIN1 and DOMAIN2. DOMAIN1 is a old
domain and is knackered and DOMAIN1 will be its replacement. In the mean
time, the Windows Administrators have set up a trust between both domains.


Now in SharePoint which is in DOMAIN2, all DOMAIN1 user accounts are coming
though. This in itself isn’t an issue.


However because its the same accounts, 1 account for DOMAIN1 and 1 for
DOMAIN2. People  are adding the wrong accounts and hitting the wall with


i.e they add DOMAIN1\Daniel to the site, but Daniel is on DOMAIN2 (yes on
domain1 also, but we all know about users).


Has anyone done this before or have a way of removing the DOMAIN1 accounts
from the user profiles and prevent their importing?


Checked throughout the SSP but not much luck.


Apologies if it’s not explained clear.




Daniel Brown – MACS – MCP – MCTS - SharePoint MVP

Blog: http://www.danielbrown.id.au http://www.danielbrown.id.au/ 

Mobile: 0419-804-099


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RE: MOSS SP2..license bug

2009-05-21 Thread Daniel Brown
The workaround at the moment for it is to just reenter your key and all
comes back up fine.


It's not like it expires tomorrow, it does give you a 180 days (yay, how
nic!), so your in no immediate danger or being cut off from your farm.
Just a inconvenience at this stage.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel
Sent: Thursday, 21 May 2009 3:28 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: MOSS SP2..license bug


In Central Admin, go to Operations, click on Convert license type  under
the Upgrade and Migration heading


If it is set to a trial edition, it will read Office SharePoint Server
Trial with Enterprise Client Access License, if you haven't been
effected it will state the SharePoint, Standard, Enterprise, etc.


We're still working from the official work form the product team and are
liaising with them to help confirm it.




From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul
Sent: Thursday, 21 May 2009 3:21 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: MOSS SP2..license bug


I mean, how would it appear? As a great big animated banner? ;)

What screen? All I can see is version number on any setting screens.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel
Sent: Thursday, 21 May 2009 3:52 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: MOSS SP2..license bug


Though Central Admin


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul
Sent: Thursday, 21 May 2009 3:17 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: MOSS SP2..license bug


I've heard about it but not yet experienced it. At least not that we've


What's the easiest way to check?


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Tommy
Sent: Thursday, 21 May 2009 3:51 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: MOSS SP2..license bug


Interesting thing...


I found that my license is going back to Trial after installation of


Did you guys experience the same thing?



Tommy Segoro
Microsoft Business Management Solutions Specialist (MBMSS)

Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS)

Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)

Technical Lead, Advisory



L7 Solutions Pty Ltd
www.L7.com.au http://www.l7.com.au/  

Technical Support 1300 136 722

M: +61 404 457 754

F: +61 8 9221 7744

Ground Floor 256 Adelaide Terrace Perth WA 6000
PO Box 3044 Adelaide Terrace WA 6832


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RE: MOSS SP2..license bug

2009-05-20 Thread Daniel Brown
Though Central Admin


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul
Sent: Thursday, 21 May 2009 3:17 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: MOSS SP2..license bug


I've heard about it but not yet experienced it. At least not that we've


What's the easiest way to check?


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Tommy
Sent: Thursday, 21 May 2009 3:51 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: MOSS SP2..license bug


Interesting thing...


I found that my license is going back to Trial after installation of


Did you guys experience the same thing?



Tommy Segoro
Microsoft Business Management Solutions Specialist (MBMSS)

Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS)

Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)

Technical Lead, Advisory



L7 Solutions Pty Ltd
www.L7.com.au http://www.l7.com.au/  

Technical Support 1300 136 722

M: +61 404 457 754

F: +61 8 9221 7744

Ground Floor 256 Adelaide Terrace Perth WA 6000
PO Box 3044 Adelaide Terrace WA 6832


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RE: MOSS SP2..license bug

2009-05-20 Thread Daniel Brown
Ack, that was just meant for Paul, Sorry fumble fingers today.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel
Sent: Thursday, 21 May 2009 3:22 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: MOSS SP2..license bug


Though Central Admin


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul
Sent: Thursday, 21 May 2009 3:17 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: MOSS SP2..license bug


I've heard about it but not yet experienced it. At least not that we've


What's the easiest way to check?


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Tommy
Sent: Thursday, 21 May 2009 3:51 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: MOSS SP2..license bug


Interesting thing...


I found that my license is going back to Trial after installation of


Did you guys experience the same thing?



Tommy Segoro
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RE: good bdc tool [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

2009-05-19 Thread Daniel Brown
+1 for Meta man


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 8:56 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: good bdc tool [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


BDC meta man is good.







From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Chris Grist
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 9:24 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: good bdc tool




Anyone have a good BDC tool? Not really liking how Design Studio works.


Chris Grist
Technical Officer, ICT Systems
Education.au Limited


Level 1, 182 Fullarton Road


p +61 8 83343291
f  +61 8 83343211


e cgr...@educationau.edu.au
w www.educationau.edu.au http://www.educationau.edu.au/ 




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RE: SharePoint 2010 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

2009-05-19 Thread Daniel Brown
Correct. Officially its 41 days away as stated on the website. J


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 3:08 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint 2010 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


I don’t plan on, im just saying if its already leaked, it can’t be that far



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 3:35 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint 2010 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


I wouldn’t touch them with a 10 foot pole.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 3:05 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint 2010 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


I know.  But apparently it’s already been leaked on the torrent sites.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 3:33 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint 2010 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


As a follow up. This site states:


“The Microsoft Office 2010 Technical Preview is a limited, invitation only
program which will provide you with the opportunity to experience early,
pre-release versions of Office 2010 which will include the following
applications:  Word 2010, Excel 2010, Outlook 2010, PowerPoint 2010, OneNote
2010, Access 2010, InfoPath 2010 and Publisher 2010. “


No mention of SharePoint. L MS is still being very tight lipped about
SharePoint vNext in general.





From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 2:58 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint 2010 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


http://www.office2010themoviecom/ http://www.office2010themovie.com/ 


41 days to go.


AFAIK there has been only 1 mention of SharePoint being part of this, but it
was a note on a slide. All indications have just pointed to it being a Cient
only release (word, excel, PowerPoint, etc

Daniel Brown – MACS – MCP – MCTS - SharePoint MVP


South Australia's first SharePoint MVP

Blog: http://www.danielbrown.id.au http://www.danielbrown.id.au/ 

Mobile: 0419-804-099


ý Please consider your Environment before printing this email.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 2:54 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint 2010 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


The preview has leaked out already.  I heard the same thing, but I also
heard the beta will be in july.  I know the private beta has been out for a
couple of months.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Nigel Hertz
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 3:23 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint 2010 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


I’ve heard there’s a technical preview being released in July to selected
partners etc, but not from an official source. I’m wondering how to get my
hands on a copy  :p


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 3:21 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: SharePoint 2010 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


I’ve heard that beta for SharePoint 2010 is scheduled to be released in
July.  Does anyone know if it’s true?




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RE: SharePoint 2010 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

2009-05-19 Thread Daniel Brown
Correct. Like I said, the only mention of SharePoint 2010 being in the
technical preview was in the keynote session at TechEd USA last week where
it was just on a slide and not actually said. The main focus was on Office
Client applications.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 3:12 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint 2010 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


But no mention of SharePoint 2010.  



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 3:39 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint 2010 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Correct. Officially its 41 days away as stated on the website. J


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 3:08 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint 2010 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


I don’t plan on, im just saying if its already leaked, it can’t be that far



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 3:35 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint 2010 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


I wouldn’t touch them with a 10 foot pole.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 3:05 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint 2010 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


I know.  But apparently it’s already been leaked on the torrent sites.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 3:33 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint 2010 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


As a follow up. This site states:


“The Microsoft Office 2010 Technical Preview is a limited, invitation only
program which will provide you with the opportunity to experience early,
pre-release versions of Office 2010 which will include the following
applications:  Word 2010, Excel 2010, Outlook 2010, PowerPoint 2010, OneNote
2010, Access 2010, InfoPath 2010 and Publisher 2010. “


No mention of SharePoint. L MS is still being very tight lipped about
SharePoint vNext in general.





From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 2:58 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint 2010 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


http://www.office2010themoviecom/ http://www.office2010themovie.com/ 


41 days to go.


AFAIK there has been only 1 mention of SharePoint being part of this, but it
was a note on a slide. All indications have just pointed to it being a Cient
only release (word, excel, PowerPoint, etc

Daniel Brown – MACS – MCP – MCTS - SharePoint MVP


South Australia's first SharePoint MVP

Blog: http://www.danielbrown.id.au http://www.danielbrown.id.au/ 

Mobile: 0419-804-099


ý Please consider your Environment before printing this email.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 2:54 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint 2010 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


The preview has leaked out already.  I heard the same thing, but I also
heard the beta will be in july.  I know the private beta has been out for a
couple of months.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Nigel Hertz
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 3:23 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint 2010 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


I’ve heard there’s a technical preview being released in July to selected
partners etc, but not from an official source. I’m wondering how to get my
hands on a copy  :p


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 3:21 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: SharePoint 2010 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


I’ve heard that beta for SharePoint 2010 is scheduled to be released in
July.  Does anyone know if it’s true?




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Service Pack 2

2009-04-28 Thread Daniel Brown
Just as an FYI, SP2 has been released today.


Download links are : 
MOSS: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en
WSS: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en


Please use your test environment to make sure all is well before deploying
to your production environment J



Daniel Brown – MACS – MCP – MCTS -
https://mvp.support.microsoft.com/profile/Daniel.Brown SharePoint MVP

Blog:  http://www.danielbrown.id.au/ http://www.danielbrown.id.au

Mobile: 0419-804-099


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RE: Service Pack 2

2009-04-28 Thread Daniel Brown


For people with MOSS you will first need to install the WSS SP2, cancel the
COnfig Wizard, Install the MOSS SP2 and then run the config wizard..


Full details are up at




From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Chris Grist
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 8:49 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2


If we have moss, do we apply wss then moss or just the moss one?


Chris Grist
Technical Officer, ICT Systems
Education.au Limited


Level 1, 182 Fullarton Road


p +61 8 83343291
f  +61 8 83343211


e cgr...@educationau.edu.au
w www.educationau.edu.au http://www.educationau.edu.au/ 


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 8:34 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Service Pack 2


Just as an FYI, SP2 has been released today.


Download links are : 
MOSS: http://www.microsoftcom/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en
WSS: http://www.microsoftcom/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en


Please use your test environment to make sure all is well before deploying
to your production environment J



Daniel Brown – MACS – MCP – MCTS - SharePoint MVP

Blog: http://www.danielbrown.id.au http://www.danielbrown.id.au/ 

Mobile: 0419-804-099


ý Please consider your Environment before printing this email.



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2009-04-28 Thread Daniel Brown
Well id hope there be no issue installing them.. otherwise it be pointless
releasing them :P


Any issues will generally come from customizations.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:02 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Just installed them on my dev box.  No issues with the install.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Chris Grist
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:19 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2


If we have moss, do we apply wss then moss or just the moss one?


Chris Grist
Technical Officer, ICT Systems
Education.au Limited


Level 1, 182 Fullarton Road


p +61 8 83343291
f  +61 8 83343211


e cgr...@educationau.edu.au
w www.educationau.edu.au http://www.educationau.edu.au/ 


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 8:34 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Service Pack 2


Just as an FYI, SP2 has been released today.


Download links are : 
MOSS: http://www.microsoftcom/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en
WSS: http://www.microsoftcom/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en


Please use your test environment to make sure all is well before deploying
to your production environment J



Daniel Brown – MACS – MCP – MCTS - SharePoint MVP

Blog: http://www.danielbrown.id.au http://www.danielbrown.id.au/ 

Mobile: 0419-804-099


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2009-04-28 Thread Daniel Brown
From what I read and experienced, this was due to people installing the MOSS
SP1 prior to installing WSS SP1.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:06 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


No, with sp1 a lot of people experienced the wizard failing on them after
the sp install.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:35 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Well id hope there be no issue installing them.. otherwise it be pointless
releasing them :P


Any issues will generally come from customizations.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:02 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Just installed them on my dev box.  No issues with the install.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Chris Grist
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:19 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2


If we have moss, do we apply wss then moss or just the moss one?


Chris Grist
Technical Officer, ICT Systems
Education.au Limited


Level 1, 182 Fullarton Road


p +61 8 83343291
f  +61 8 83343211


e cgr...@educationau.edu.au
w www.educationau.edu.au http://www.educationau.edu.au/ 


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 8:34 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Service Pack 2


Just as an FYI, SP2 has been released today.


Download links are : 
MOSS: http://www.microsoftcom/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en
WSS: http://www.microsoftcom/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en


Please use your test environment to make sure all is well before deploying
to your production environment J



Daniel Brown – MACS – MCP – MCTS - SharePoint MVP

Blog: http://www.danielbrown.id.au http://www.danielbrown.id.au/ 

Mobile: 0419-804-099


ý Please consider your Environment before printing this email.



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2009-04-28 Thread Daniel Brown
What caused it?


What was the resolve for it?


I have yet to hear of SP1 failing due to just being installed. But it’s not
out of the realm of possibility.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:13 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Not always.  I had the issue and I did it in the right order.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:41 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


From what I read and experienced, this was due to people installing the MOSS
SP1 prior to installing WSS SP1.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:06 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


No, with sp1 a lot of people experienced the wizard failing on them after
the sp install.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:35 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Well id hope there be no issue installing them.. otherwise it be pointless
releasing them :P


Any issues will generally come from customizations.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:02 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Just installed them on my dev box.  No issues with the install.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Chris Grist
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:19 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2


If we have moss, do we apply wss then moss or just the moss one?


Chris Grist
Technical Officer, ICT Systems
Education.au Limited


Level 1, 182 Fullarton Road


p +61 8 83343291
f  +61 8 83343211


e cgr...@educationau.edu.au
w www.educationau.edu.au http://www.educationau.edu.au/ 


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 8:34 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Service Pack 2


Just as an FYI, SP2 has been released today.


Download links are : 
MOSS: http://www.microsoftcom/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en
WSS: http://www.microsoftcom/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en


Please use your test environment to make sure all is well before deploying
to your production environment J



Daniel Brown – MACS – MCP – MCTS - SharePoint MVP

Blog: http://www.danielbrown.id.au http://www.danielbrown.id.au/ 

Mobile: 0419-804-099


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2009-04-28 Thread Daniel Brown
Do you know what caused it?


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:17 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


It’s simple.  stsadm -o upgrade –forceupgrade





From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:44 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


What caused it?


What was the resolve for it?


I have yet to hear of SP1 failing due to just being installed. But it’s not
out of the realm of possibility.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:13 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Not always.  I had the issue and I did it in the right order.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:41 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


From what I read and experienced, this was due to people installing the MOSS
SP1 prior to installing WSS SP1.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:06 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


No, with sp1 a lot of people experienced the wizard failing on them after
the sp install.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:35 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Well id hope there be no issue installing them.. otherwise it be pointless
releasing them :P


Any issues will generally come from customizations.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:02 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Just installed them on my dev box.  No issues with the install.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Chris Grist
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:19 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2


If we have moss, do we apply wss then moss or just the moss one?


Chris Grist
Technical Officer, ICT Systems
Education.au Limited


Level 1, 182 Fullarton Road


p +61 8 83343291
f  +61 8 83343211


e cgr...@educationau.edu.au
w www.educationau.edu.au http://www.educationau.edu.au/ 


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 8:34 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Service Pack 2


Just as an FYI, SP2 has been released today.


Download links are : 
MOSS: http://www.microsoftcom/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en
WSS: http://www.microsoftcom/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en


Please use your test environment to make sure all is well before deploying
to your production environment J



Daniel Brown – MACS – MCP – MCTS - SharePoint MVP

Blog: http://www.danielbrown.id.au http://www.danielbrown.id.au/ 

Mobile: 0419-804-099


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2009-04-28 Thread Daniel Brown
Just to understand the situation  better.. it failed only on1 server (the
second to last one)? All 7 others worked fine?




From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:22 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Nope.  I think it had something to do with the time it took to install.  It
was on a 8 server farm.  So from the time I started the upgrade wizard on
the first one and by the time I reached the second last one (cause you have
to wait for them all to finish and that’s the one it failed on), it was over
4 hours.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:49 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Do you know what caused it?


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:17 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


It’s simple.  stsadm -o upgrade –forceupgrade





From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:44 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


What caused it?


What was the resolve for it?


I have yet to hear of SP1 failing due to just being installed. But it’s not
out of the realm of possibility.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:13 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Not always.  I had the issue and I did it in the right order.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:41 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


From what I read and experienced, this was due to people installing the MOSS
SP1 prior to installing WSS SP1.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:06 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


No, with sp1 a lot of people experienced the wizard failing on them after
the sp install.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:35 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Well id hope there be no issue installing them.. otherwise it be pointless
releasing them :P


Any issues will generally come from customizations.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:02 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Just installed them on my dev box.  No issues with the install.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Chris Grist
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:19 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2


If we have moss, do we apply wss then moss or just the moss one?


Chris Grist
Technical Officer, ICT Systems
Education.au Limited


Level 1, 182 Fullarton Road


p +61 8 83343291
f  +61 8 83343211


e cgr...@educationau.edu.au
w www.educationau.edu.au http://www.educationau.edu.au/ 


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 8:34 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Service Pack 2


Just as an FYI, SP2 has been released today.


Download links are : 
MOSS: http://www.microsoftcom/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en
WSS: http://www.microsoftcom/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en


Please use your test environment to make sure all is well before deploying
to your production environment J



Daniel Brown – MACS – MCP – MCTS - SharePoint MVP

Blog: http://www.danielbrown.id.au http://www.danielbrown.id.au/ 

Mobile: 0419-804-099


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2009-04-28 Thread Daniel Brown
Different files, different schema, Shared Service Provider, MySites, site
templates, lists/library templates, etc. WSS hotfixes/sp's don't contain the
updates for such things.


It will update only the WSS bits, but for the rest of MOSS it makes it go


The path for applying any update to MOSS has always been... install the WSS
patch.. cancel the config wizard, install the moss patch and then run the


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul Culmsee
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:50 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Why will it cause issues? I've never come across it myself, and I preferred
(till now) to do things in discrete steps so I know which step causes me a


So now you have me curious...


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 8:13 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 2 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]




Its WSS-MOSS-Config Wizard


You don't run the config wizard after you install the WSS update.


Running the config wizard after the WSS update WILL cause issues.



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RE: Moving databases to a new SQL server [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

2009-04-28 Thread Daniel Brown
Uh, doesn’t the database contain the server name, SID, etc of the actual DB


Simply making a the server name in AD/DNS to point to the new one wont
really make it work correctly and has the potential to cause some issues?


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Jon Bullen
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:52 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Moving databases to a new SQL server [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


May I recommend that you make a alias in AD for the server and use that
instead. That way and future DR or server moves involve updating the alias
and not having to rename the server in SharePoint. 




Jon Bullen  |  Senior Consultant  |  Microsoft Services

E-Mail Signature Orange Energy.gif

È +61 4 1048 0197 Canberra, Australia | www.microsoft.com/services

MSN IM:   mailto:jon_bul...@hotmail.com jon_bul...@hotmail.com


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From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:34 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Moving databases to a new SQL server [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Here’s how to do it








From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Zelda Leung
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 8:45 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Moving databases to a new SQL server


Hi all,

We’ve recently acquired a new SQL Server for our SharePoint databases, and
now need to move those databases for our development site from the old SQL
server to the new SQL server.

The process seems to be fairly simple on face value, but does anyone have a
website/list of “must do”s and “should know”s?



Zelda Leung
Principal Developer | IT Services | Legal Aid Queensland
p 3238 3626 | 44 Herschel Street

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RE: SharePoint Search can not search content of PDF Files [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

2009-04-27 Thread Daniel Brown
With the new x64 iFilter you no longer need to change registry settings,
install it, set the file assoc in SharePoint and re-crawl.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Tuesday, 28 April 2009 7:55 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint Search can not search content of PDF Files


I had the same issues when I tried installing Adobe.  It doesn't work well
for 64bit.  The fact that you have to go into the registry and play around
with things was the biggest worry.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Mai Anh Tuan
Sent: Friday, 24 April 2009 6:37 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint Search can not search content of PDF Files


After 4 hours checking; I change to foxit Ifilter and it working well;





From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 11:52 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint Search can not search content of PDF Files


Actually, with their new iFtiler, you no longer need reader installed, it
works now with just the iFilter.


Did this on 2 x64bit environments last week and PDF is indexing  searching
without a problem.


Check out :



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul Turner
Sent: Friday, 24 April 2009 10:41 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint Search can not search content of PDF Files


You need to install Acrobat on the index server.  See this:



Paul Turner
Senior Solution Specialist
M:  0412 748 168  P:  08 8238 0912 F: 08 8234 5966
A: 66 Henley Beach Road, Mile End SA 5031
E:  paul.tur...@sdm.com.au   W: www.dws.com.au http://www.dws.com.au/ 


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Mai Anh Tuan
Sent: Friday, 24 April 2009 10:42 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: SharePoint Search can not search content of PDF Files

Hi all experts,


I deployed Sharepoint search feature; I saw that I can search TXT, Excel,
Word file by content; but can not search content of PDF file; Most of my
files are PDF extention;


Pls help me to solve that stuck.


Tuan Mai.

Vietnamese National Power Transmission Corp.



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RE: Importing Custom Active Directory attributes into User Profiles

2009-04-27 Thread Daniel Brown
Hi Ken,


What type are they? String, Boolean, etc?






From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of ken zheng
Sent: Tuesday, 28 April 2009 11:26 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Importing Custom Active Directory attributes into User Profiles


Hi Guys:

Wonder if anyone across this problem and have any idea. We have created
a couple attributes in AD but they are not showed in Data source field to
map in Edit User Profile Property after I did full import. The full import
completed without error, did I miss something?




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2009-04-23 Thread Daniel Brown
I just went with the MP option for my blog.

-Original Message-
From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Thursday, 23 April 2009 10:25 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint Site [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Good spotting there Daniel.  There is another fix that doesn't require a
masterpage change or installing the feature.  You can modify the js file
itself instead of copying it and modifying it.  Only issue is all sites that
require the presence (that's what the name.dll is for) will not function

-Original Message-
From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Thursday, 23 April 2009 9:00 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint Site [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

It appears Fadi is already blogging about the how to :)


-Original Message-
From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of noonie
Sent: Thursday, 23 April 2009 8:24 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Re: SharePoint Site [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


The site wants to run the Name ActiveX Control in IE. Any way to turn
that off for public-facing web sites?

Neale NOON

2009/4/23 Noja, Fadi fadi.n...@fahcsia.gov.au:

 Just thought I'd let you guys now we've finally launched the fahcsia
 (http://www.fahcsia.gov.au).  It's a SharePoint site.   Let me know what
 think.  I personally think it needs to be prettied up a bit (more
 flash/silverlight, etc), but being a government site, we're very limited.


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RE: SharePoint Search can not search content of PDF Files

2009-04-23 Thread Daniel Brown
Actually, with their new iFtiler, you no longer need reader installed, it
works now with just the iFilter.


Did this on 2 x64bit environments last week and PDF is indexing  searching
without a problem.


Check out :



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul Turner
Sent: Friday, 24 April 2009 10:41 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: SharePoint Search can not search content of PDF Files


You need to install Acrobat on the index server.  See this:



Paul Turner
Senior Solution Specialist
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A: 66 Henley Beach Road, Mile End SA 5031
E:  paul.tur...@sdm.com.au   W: www.dws.com.au http://www.dws.com.au/ 


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Mai Anh Tuan
Sent: Friday, 24 April 2009 10:42 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: SharePoint Search can not search content of PDF Files

Hi all experts,


I deployed Sharepoint search feature; I saw that I can search TXT, Excel,
Word file by content; but can not search content of PDF file; Most of my
files are PDF extention;


Pls help me to solve that stuck.


Tuan Mai.

Vietnamese National Power Transmission Corp.



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RE: SP2 release date [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

2009-04-16 Thread Daniel Brown
Bets to back it up with a URL.


The original Blog post from Jie is up at




From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Friday, 17 April 2009 10:43 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: SP2 release date [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


For those who don't know, MOSS SP2 is scheduled to be released on the 28th
of April.




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RE: How to Built Sharepoint site that allow anonymous access?

2009-04-02 Thread Daniel Brown
Hi Tuan,


Is this for a corporate network? If do, the site needs to be placed in the
intranet or trusted sites zone on your clients, this will stop the prompt
for credentials.


It would also be wise to extend the web application in Central admin to the
intranet zone.


Anonymous access is only needed if you intent to expose it to true Anonymous
users, say on the internet, such as a public site, bog, etc. You will also
need the correct licensing for this also.






From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Mai Anh Tuan
Sent: Thursday, 2 April 2009 6:35 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: How to Built Sharepoint site that allow anonymous access?




I'm a new guy to MOSS; 


I built a Sharepoint that share document; I want to configure MOSS so that
everybody can access to document without asking for credential;


Pls help.




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RE: How to Built Sharepoint site that allow anonymous access?

2009-04-02 Thread Daniel Brown
Yes but does not have the publishing functionality.

WSS licenses fall under Windows, So as long as you have an server license which 
can be on the internet with anon access, your also covered with WSS.


-Original Message-
From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Thursday, 2 April 2009 7:18 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Cc: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: How to Built Sharepoint site that allow anonymous access?

Or you can consider WSS if document library is all you want, i think the
internet license is much much cheaper compared to MOSS

 Daniel Brown
 ernode.on.net To 
 Sent by:  ozmoss@ozmoss.com 
 ozmoss@ozmoss.com  cc 
 04/02/2009 04:23  RE: How to Built Sharepoint site
 PMthat allow anonymous access?
 Please respond to 

Hi Tuan,

For that, you would need a license for SharePoint on Interface facing
sites. Although I’m not licensing expert.

If  its in the corporate, I would just set it up with domain users and then
have a separate application which then has anon access enabled which you
publish to.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Mai Anh
Sent: Thursday, 2 April 2009 6:53 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: How to Built Sharepoint site that allow anonymous access?

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your response so early,

In my corporate, I use AD to deploy Group Policies so that we use
single-signon; the problem happened when I create a new site for Internet
purpose; I want to publish some corporate information on the internet and
of course publish for everyone user (anonymous users);

I ask specialist at Microsoft Vietnam; he told me that only configure at
IIS and Sharepoint; but didn’t remember how to do; which license type do I
need for that?



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 3:07 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: How to Built Sharepoint site that allow anonymous access?

Hi Tuan,

Is this for a corporate network? If do, the site needs to be placed in the
intranet or trusted sites zone on your clients, this will stop the prompt
for credentials.

It would also be wise to extend the web application in Central admin to the
intranet zone.

Anonymous access is only needed if you intent to expose it to true
Anonymous users, say on the internet, such as a public site, bog, etc. You
will also need the correct licensing for this also.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Mai Anh
Sent: Thursday, 2 April 2009 6:35 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: How to Built Sharepoint site that allow anonymous access?


I’m a new guy to MOSS;

I built a Sharepoint that share document; I want to configure MOSS so that
everybody can access to document without asking for credential;

Pls help.


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2009-03-18 Thread Daniel Brown
Having SP1 installed or not won't really help diagnose the error.


Are you able to check the logs and see if there are any extra information,
i.e ULS logs (typical found in the 12 hive at c:\Program Files\Common
Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\LOGS) or event viewer?






From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Thursday, 19 March 2009 1:36 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com


Have you got SP1 installed?



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Anthony Lee
Sent: Thursday, 19 March 2009 2:08 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: STSADM import


Hi guys,


I'm trying to do an import of a site collection to a blank site using stsadm
-o import command, however when the import is finished I receive the
following error:


Error: Key cannot be null.

Parameter name: key


Does anyone know what might be causing this error?






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2009-03-18 Thread Daniel Brown
I've also had this error when importing and exporting site collections on
both pre  post SP1 environments (as well as various other stsadm commands


My point is, due to the generic error message, more information will need to
diagnose and find the correct solution to get past this problem, rather than
installing  a hotfix and hoping it will work.. Troubleshooting 101. J


That being said, Id highly recommend getting to SP1 as soon as possible due
all the typical advantages of installing Service Packs (performance, bug
fixes,.. the usual service pack items).


 Note: Please use a test environment prior to installing SP1 on your
production environment.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Thursday, 19 March 2009 1:45 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com


From memory, one of the hot fixes in SP1 addresses this issue.  I remember
it having an issue with the OOTB workflow.  I'll look around and see if I
can find the kb article.



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Thursday, 19 March 2009 2:08 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com


Having SP1 installed or not won't really help diagnose the error.


Are you able to check the logs and see if there are any extra information,
i.e ULS logs (typical found in the 12 hive at c:\Program Files\Common
Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\LOGS) or event viewer?






From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Noja, Fadi
Sent: Thursday, 19 March 2009 1:36 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com


Have you got SP1 installed?



From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Anthony Lee
Sent: Thursday, 19 March 2009 2:08 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: STSADM import


Hi guys,


I'm trying to do an import of a site collection to a blank site using stsadm
-o import command, however when the import is finished I receive the
following error:


Error: Key cannot be null.

Parameter name: key


Does anyone know what might be causing this error?






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RE: Per page custom HEAD content

2009-03-15 Thread Daniel Brown
Hi Paul,


The page down the bottom has a link to a WSP/feature in which you can test
and deploy with no code J





From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul Noone
Sent: Monday, 16 March 2009 10:51 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Per page custom HEAD content


You can. But I was hoping to find a solution that didn't involve code.or
even an existing feature I could just hack up. J


Will take a look at the delegate option.





From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul Turner
Sent: Monday, 16 March 2009 9:10 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Per page custom HEAD content


You can do this with delegates.



Paul Turner
Senior Solution Specialist
M:  0412 748 168  P:  08 8238 0912 F: 08 8234 5966
A: 66 Henley Beach Road, Mile End SA 5031
E:  paul.tur...@sdm.com.au   W:


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul Noone
Sent: Friday, 13 March 2009 2:59 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Per page custom HEAD content

I'm looking for a method to allow additional scripts, meta tags or CSS to be
added to a page's head via the UI. Either through PageSettings.aspx or


I know that scripts and CSS can be added via a CEWP but this is very
inelegant and tends to affect validation.


Has anyone toyed with adding a custom placeholder to a master page's HEAD
section and mapping it to a custom column for the Page content type?
Something akin to the PlaceHolderAdditionalPageHead but editable from the


Any ideas on how to approach this?


Kind regards,




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RE: Changing a MOSS workspace name - properly

2009-03-09 Thread Daniel Brown
As an FYI.. which was raised by Brenton, the string replacement will work on
any part of the old/new domain. It doesn't have to be the start of the
domain, it can be the path also.


I.e: stsadm -o x -url http://localhost -oldurl bob -newurl joe


Will work as follows:


http://bob/page.aspx - http://joe/page.aspx

http://server/bob/page.aspx - http://server/joe/page.aspx
http://server/site/bob.aspx - http://server/site/joe.aspx


Its just does a String.Replace()


Ill be updating the codeplex site shortly





From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Monday, 9 March 2009 4:10 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Changing a MOSS workspace name - properly


Initial Checkin is up at http://spmembershipurltool.codeplex.com/ with a
release of a beta.


Currently it only tackles this issue of the URL's in the MySite Memberships.


I'm happy to continue to support, bug fix and develop this as needed. If
anyone wishes to contribute by all mean please contact me J


The info on the site is very basic for now, but over the next couple of
hours I'll add some more information /refine the site. 


It has also been run through SPDipose.






From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Monday, 9 March 2009 1:52 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Changing a MOSS workspace name - properly


STSADM extension is in the works J


Stay tuned J


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul Noone
Sent: Monday, 9 March 2009 1:32 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Changing a MOSS workspace name - properly


I'd absolutely love to see a feature or stsadm command that went recursively
through a site and updated URL instances in PublishingPageContent and
SummaryLink controls, My Site links and selected Web Parts.


This would be especially useful when migrating or deploying content from
another farm as many of these items only allow the use of absolute URLs.


Where's Gary Lapointe when you need him? J


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Brenton
Sent: Monday, 9 March 2009 1:46 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Changing a MOSS workspace name - properly


I did find a way to change them programmatically (link below), though I'm
not a developer and would not know how to implement these changes. Would
anyone be willing to assist me in doing this off list?





Brenton Crosby
Systems Administrator 

Hosting Services
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From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul Noone
Sent: Monday, 9 March 2009 7:43 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Changing a MOSS workspace name - properly


Hi Brenton,


There is no live link checking using the MySite Links store, certainly not
across apps or farms.


The Site Directory includes functionality to update links and names (via
timer job) but only for sites which are registered there. This doesn't
include web parts, lists or links in content areas on other sites. L


Wouldn't it be great if internal were reference objects that were updated
automatically? Wouldn't it?? J 




Online Developer, ICT
CEO Sydney

From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Brenton
Sent: Friday, 6 March 2009 5:39 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Changing a MOSS workspace name - properly


Hi all,


I have a small issue that cropped up after one of my production MOSS
workspace names was changed last week.


A number of staff have their mysite configured up and have a link to the old
workspace name under the Memberships - Sharepoint Sites. 


Is there any way to tell MOSS to update the link on staff member's MySite
now that the actual site link has changed? I'd like MOSS to update all links
that contain the old workspace name to the new. I thought there might be an
automated process something that would have updated all the mysite links as
I thought it might be based on some sort of a site id rather than a hard
link. It doesn't appear that way, at least on the surface


So for example, we changed the site name as follows, using the
_layouts/prjsetng.aspx (Title, Description, and Icon) page

Old site name mossfarm/SoftwareDev

New site name mossfarm/SoftwareSystems


The SoftwareDev (now SoftwareSystems) site has 4 subsites, which include


The user in question has a link to his own team's workspace, which is
currently something like

RE: Feb 2009 CTP of Visual Studio 2008 extensions for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 has been released!

2009-03-08 Thread Daniel Brown
There is a distinct difference between Supported, Against EULA and illegal.

Putting out a call for lawyers is not only incorrect but unnecessary You
didn't sign any contract, you accepted a EULA which you have a copy of.

-Original Message-
From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, 9 March 2009 11:15 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Re: Feb 2009 CTP of Visual Studio 2008 extensions for Windows
SharePoint Services 3.0 has been released!

Calling all AU contract law experts!

Is it illegal, if you have a license for the product AND server anyway?

As Tommy noted, many use laptops, and running up virtual images can drown
slow memory and HD subsystems. That's why I asked the question and was
considering it.

Unsupported and strongly discouraged, I fully understand.

But I would certainly be interested if it is in breech of contract before I
go down the route, as would many others I'm guessing!

For example, it's only quite recently that MS supported MOSS on virtual
environments, but every man and his dog was doing it before then.

Were they all then open to being sued by MS before that change, or is there
something specific about running MOSS without a Server (as WSS comes with
the server)?

My gut feeling is that, with multi-cores, virtualisation, SAAS, cloud,
licensing servers etc, software licensing is getting to the level of art
rather than a science.

So, as long as you stick to the spirit of the contract, I'm hoping MS would
be pragmatic (as they already give us devs nice things like SQL Express to
ease licensing issues).

Regards, Mike.

Mike Stringfellow
Level 5, 199 Hay Street
East Perth WA 6004
T +61 8 9449 8440
M +61 421 428 007
E michael.stringfel...@bankwest.com.au
E2 mike.stringfel...@sevensigma.com.au

 Bill WilliamsonTo 
 b...@bbqninja.co ozmoss@ozmoss.com   
 m cc 
 Sent by:  
 ozmoss@ozmoss.com Subject 
   Re: Feb 2009 CTP of Visual Studio   
   2008 extensions for Windows 
   SharePoint Services 3.0 has been
 06/03/2009 05:54  
 Please respond to 

I think it's something they should do, but technically illegal, so I doubt
you'll see people discussing it here :(

On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 6:50 PM, michael.stringfel...@bankwest.com.au

  Has anyone tried bamboo solutions free tool to get WSS+MOSS on Vista 32
  64bit + SQLExpress?


  I'm tempted to give it a go on my own PC to see if I can live without
  virtualisation, but I'd like to hear from anyone else who's tried this


  Paul Noone To
  paul.no...@ceosy ozmoss@ozmoss.com
  d.catholic.edu.au ozmoss@ozmoss.com
  Sent by:
  ozmoss@ozmoss.com Subject
  RE: Feb 2009 CTP of Visual Studio
  2008 extensions for Windows
  SharePoint Services 3.0 has been
  25/02/2009 06:34

  Please respond to

  Note to self: wait for Send/receive to complete before replying to old
  thread. J

  From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul
  Sent: Wednesday, 25 February 2009 8:10 AM
  To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
  Subject: RE: Feb 2009 CTP of Visual Studio 2008 extensions for Windows
  SharePoint Services 3.0 has been released!

  So you can develop locally. Or is that still too much to expect? ;)

  From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel
  Sent: Tuesday

RE: Changing a MOSS workspace name - properly

2009-03-08 Thread Daniel Brown
Initial Checkin is up at http://spmembershipurltool.codeplex.com/ with a
release of a beta.


Currently it only tackles this issue of the URL's in the MySite Memberships.


I'm happy to continue to support, bug fix and develop this as needed. If
anyone wishes to contribute by all mean please contact me J


The info on the site is very basic for now, but over the next couple of
hours I'll add some more information /refine the site. 


It has also been run through SPDipose.






From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Monday, 9 March 2009 1:52 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Changing a MOSS workspace name - properly


STSADM extension is in the works J


Stay tuned J


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul Noone
Sent: Monday, 9 March 2009 1:32 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Changing a MOSS workspace name - properly


I'd absolutely love to see a feature or stsadm command that went recursively
through a site and updated URL instances in PublishingPageContent and
SummaryLink controls, My Site links and selected Web Parts.


This would be especially useful when migrating or deploying content from
another farm as many of these items only allow the use of absolute URLs.


Where's Gary Lapointe when you need him? J


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Brenton
Sent: Monday, 9 March 2009 1:46 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Changing a MOSS workspace name - properly


I did find a way to change them programmatically (link below), though I'm
not a developer and would not know how to implement these changes. Would
anyone be willing to assist me in doing this off list?





Brenton Crosby
Systems Administrator 

Hosting Services
 http://www.westnet.com.au/ Westnet
Westnet - Voted Number 1 ISP in Customer Satisfaction six years running

Phone: (08) 9218 2600Fax: (08) 9218 2666
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From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul Noone
Sent: Monday, 9 March 2009 7:43 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Changing a MOSS workspace name - properly


Hi Brenton,


There is no live link checking using the MySite Links store, certainly not
across apps or farms.


The Site Directory includes functionality to update links and names (via
timer job) but only for sites which are registered there. This doesn't
include web parts, lists or links in content areas on other sites. L


Wouldn't it be great if internal were reference objects that were updated
automatically? Wouldn't it?? J 




Online Developer, ICT
CEO Sydney

From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Brenton
Sent: Friday, 6 March 2009 5:39 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Changing a MOSS workspace name - properly


Hi all,


I have a small issue that cropped up after one of my production MOSS
workspace names was changed last week.


A number of staff have their mysite configured up and have a link to the old
workspace name under the Memberships - Sharepoint Sites. 


Is there any way to tell MOSS to update the link on staff member's MySite
now that the actual site link has changed? I'd like MOSS to update all links
that contain the old workspace name to the new. I thought there might be an
automated process something that would have updated all the mysite links as
I thought it might be based on some sort of a site id rather than a hard
link. It doesn't appear that way, at least on the surface


So for example, we changed the site name as follows, using the
_layouts/prjsetng.aspx (Title, Description, and Icon) page

Old site name mossfarm/SoftwareDev

New site name mossfarm/SoftwareSystems


The SoftwareDev (now SoftwareSystems) site has 4 subsites, which include


The user in question has a link to his own team's workspace, which is
currently something like
mossfarm/SoftwareDev/SoftwareArchitects/default.aspx and has not updated
to the new working link which should be


Any ideas on how I can achieve this (and for all other users who have a
mysite configured with the membership links.. ) without breaking stuff?


Also, if this needs to be done in future, what would be the correct
procedure to do it and maintain the correct links in the users mysite? 


Thanks in advance.. long time reader, 1st time post



Brenton Crosby
Systems Administrator 

Hosting Services
 http://www.westnet.com.au/ Westnet
Westnet - Voted Number 1 ISP in Customer Satisfaction six years running

Phone: (08) 9218 2600Fax: (08

RE: Feb 2009 CTP of Visual Studio 2008 extensions for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 has been released!

2009-02-23 Thread Daniel Brown
Why would you install these on XP when WSS/MOSS is a server application?


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Bill Williamson
Sent: Tuesday, 24 February 2009 3:46 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Re: Feb 2009 CTP of Visual Studio 2008 extensions for Windows 
SharePoint Services 3.0 has been released!


Please tell me you can install it on Xp

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 4:05 PM, Aaron Saikovski 
aaron.saikov...@microsoft.com wrote:

Not sure if you guys have heard but we have updated and released the Feb 2009 
CTP of the VS2008 extensions for WSSV3.0.

More details can be found here:





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RE: Undo - Help!

2009-02-04 Thread Daniel Brown
Hi Trent,


Yes it is completely possible to restore to a new “temporary” web
application to retrieve the items you wish to get back.


More information about how to restore can be found at :


Essentially, you create a new web allocation and restore the backup into


Of course this is depends on if your backup is done via Staadm or though
SharePoint, if its a SQL backup then you should be able to create a web
application, delete the database it creates and restore it as the same name.


It really comes down to what backup solution did you use.





Daniel Brown – MACS – MCP – MCTS - SharePoint
https://mvp.support.microsoft.com/profile/Daniel.Brown  MVP


South Australia's first SharePoint MVP

Blog: http://www.danielbrown.id.au http://www.danielbrown.id.au/ 

Mobile: 0419-804-099


ý Please consider your Environment before printing this email.






From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Trent Allday
Sent: Thursday, 5 February 2009 10:29 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Undo - Help! 


HI Guys,


I have a custom web part which accesses list data within sharepoint. The
webpart has the ability to add/delete and modify list items. The problem is
someone has deleted many items and its urgent that we get them back. Because
the list items were deleted through code the items don’t go to recycle bin.


We have a backup of the sharepoint environment  sql server content


My Question:

Is it possible to restore the backup of the sharepoint environment to
another (new) web application so we can access the list items? We don’t want
to restore over the existing environment as too much other information has
been put in since that items were deleted.




Trent Allday




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RE: Error Run ASP .NET web application in x64 server

2009-01-28 Thread Daniel Brown
Hi Ken,


What version of ASP.NET and SharePoint are you running (x86 or x64)?






From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of ken zheng
Sent: Thursday, 29 January 2009 9:01 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Error Run ASP .NET web application in x64 server



   I wonder if anyone developed ASP .NET applcation referenceing Sharepoint
dlls in x64 windows 2003. I created a simple web project in visual studio
and reference Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing. But when I run the
applicaiton I got System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or
assembly 'Microsoft.Office.Server.Search, Version= I tried all
different setting of the Platform Target but still gets error. The IIS is
version 6, and works fine in console application.

  Anyone has same problem?




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RE: Error Run ASP .NET web application in x64 server

2009-01-28 Thread Daniel Brown
Oops, sorry for being unclear, is it x86 or x64?


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of ken zheng
Sent: Thursday, 29 January 2009 11:16 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Error Run ASP .NET web application in x64 server


It is .Net 3.5 app


Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 10:13:48 +1030
From: daniel.br...@internode.on.net
Subject: RE: Error Run ASP .NET web application in x64 server
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com

I wouldn't jump into such a drastic solution just yet. Re-Installation may
not help.


What version of .NET are you developing against?


I doubt it's an installation problem based that it works fine for console




From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of ken zheng
Sent: Thursday, 29 January 2009 10:11 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Error Run ASP .NET web application in x64 server


Thanks guys, I will reinstall it.




Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 10:08:33 +1030
From: daniel.br...@internode.on.net
Subject: RE: Error Run ASP .NET web application in x64 server
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com

Reinstalling may help, but I doubt it as it works fine with the console


It may have to do with the version of NET




From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Tommy Segoro
Sent: Thursday, 29 January 2009 10:04 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Error Run ASP .NET web application in x64 server


Hi ken i've never had that problem before. I'm currently developing in x64
win server 2003. Please check in GAC and see if search DLL is there if not
then may be you will need to reinstall MOSS. 

Sent from my Sony Ericsson XPERIAT X1.


From: ken zheng lied...@hotmail.com
Sent: Thursday, 29 January 2009 7:34 AM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Error Run ASP .NET web application in x64 server


   I wonder if anyone developed ASP .NET applcation referenceing Sharepoint
dlls in x64 windows 2003. I created a simple web project in visual studio
and reference Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing. But when I run the
applicaiton I got System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or
assembly 'Microsoft.Office.Server.Search, Version= I tried all
different setting of the Platform Target but still gets error. The IIS is
version 6, and works fine in console application.

  Anyone has same problem?




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RE: Embedded Form and Firefox

2009-01-21 Thread Daniel Brown
Hi Paul,


Yes, I have tried the latest version of FF without no luck.


I suspect that my initial assumption was right that it is an fault with FF
or SP not being compliant, Ill log a bug but I think I know where it is
going to go :P


With any luck SP14 won’t have this issue J





From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Paul Turner
Sent: Wednesday, 21 January 2009 6:28 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Embedded Form and Firefox


If it works in IE, it would be a Firefox bug J


Seriously... I’d be surprised if the InfoPath form even worked in Firefox.
Have you tried the latest FireFox?


Paul Turner


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 21 January 2009 12:24 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Embedded Form and Firefox


Howdy all,


I have a client who is trying to use a embedded InfoPath Form (via the
XMLForm Viewer Web Part) with Firefox. However InfoPath pops up twice for
authentication to the SSP and complains about a critical error.


The error is : iFrameCollection is not a function


Has anyone seen and dealt with this before?




Daniel Brown – MACS – MCP – MCTS - SharePoint MVP

Blog: http://www.danielbrown.id.au http://www.danielbrown.id.au/ 

Mobile: 0419-804-099


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