Re: [PD] pd-scheme / SIOD

2013-09-17 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Hi List, Hi Larry

I havent been using PD for a while.

But i have a little project which i like to explore

I found i nice "scheme" script in the context of the linux-sound-editor "snd", 
that synthesizes plenty of birds, animals and insects.

So i was wondering if it possible to get this running inside of PD, so i can be 
played in realtime...

How difficult is it to compile "SIOD" on OS X ?

i dont know much about "scheme" and various dialects - so i post a little 
snippet of the code, to find out, if that would work.

;;;  Frogs and Toads 
;;; Knudsen's frog

(definstrument (a-frog beg dur freq amp amp-env gliss gliss-env pulse-dur 
pulse-env fm-index fm-freq)
  (let* ((start (seconds->samples beg))
 (stop (+ start (seconds->samples dur)))
 (base (make-oscil freq))
 (modm (if (and fm-index (> fm-index 0.0)) (make-oscil fm-freq) #f))
 (frqf (if gliss-env (make-env gliss-env :duration dur :base 32 :scaler 
(hz->radians gliss)) #f))
 (pulse (make-pulsed-env pulse-env pulse-dur (/ 1.0 pulse-dur)))
 (ampf (make-env amp-env :duration dur :scaler amp))
 (index (hz->radians (* fm-freq fm-index
 (lambda ()
   (do ((i start (1+ i)))
   ((= i stop))
 (outa i (* (env ampf)
(pulsed-env pulse 0.0)
(oscil base (+ (if frqf (env frqf) 0.0) 
   (if modm (* index (oscil modm)) 0.0))

(define (knudsens-frog beg amp)
  (a-frog beg .25 480 amp '(0 0 1 1 3 1 4 0) 
  50 '(0 0 .5 .2 .8 1 1 1) 
  (/ .25 7) '(0 .1  .5 .4  .6 .75  1 .9  1.5 1  2 .9 2.3 .1) 
  1.75 40))  ; 0.01 here is about 1.75 as an fm index: (/ (radians->hz 
.01) 40)

;;; cricket-like:
(with-sound (:play #t) 
(a-frog 0 .25 2000 .5 '(0 0 1 1 3 1 4 0) ; or 3000 6000 etc
50 '(0 0 .5 .2 .8 1 1 1) 
(/ .25 5) '(0 0 1 0 5 1 8 0 20 0) 
0.01 40))

(with-sound (:play #t) 
(a-frog 0 .25 4000 .5 '(0 0 1 1 3 1 4 0) 
0 #f
(/ .25 10) '(0 0 1 1 2 1 4 0 10 0) 
0.0 10))

;;; frog-like
(with-sound (:play #t) 
(a-frog 0 .25 2000 .5 '(0 0 1 1 3 1 4 0) 
50 '(0 0 .5 .2 .8 1 1 1) 
(/ .25 10) '(0 0 1 1 2 1 3 0 4 0 5 1 7 1 8 0 20 0) 
0.0 10))

(definstrument (a-cricket beg dur freq freq1 amp amp-env pulse-dur pulse-env)
  (let* ((start (seconds->samples beg))
 (stop (+ start (seconds->samples dur)))
 (base (make-oscil freq))
 (base1 (make-oscil freq1))
 (pulse (make-pulsed-env pulse-env pulse-dur (/ 1.0 pulse-dur)))
 (ampf (make-env amp-env :duration dur :scaler amp)))
 (lambda ()
   (do ((i start (1+ i)))
   ((= i stop))
 (outa i (* (env ampf)
(pulsed-env pulse 0.0)
(+ (* .8 (oscil base 0.0))
   (* .2 (oscil base1 0.0))

;(with-sound (:play #t) (a-cricket 0 .12 4500 5400 .5 '(0 0 1 1 3 1 4 0) (/ .11 
3) '(0 0 1 .8 5 1 6 0 15 0)))

;;; -

and this

(define* (calling-all-mammals :optional (beg 0.0) (spacing 0.0))
  (indri beg 0.25)(set! beg (+ beg spacing))
  (+ beg 2))

(define* (calling-all-insects :optional (beg 0.0) (spacing 0.0))
  (mosquito(+ beg 0) 5 560 0.2)(set! beg (+ beg 
  (mosquito(+ beg 1) 3 880 0.05)   (set! beg (+ beg 
  (broad-winged-tree-cricket   (+ beg 5.5) 2.0 0.2)(set! beg (+ beg 
  (long-spurred-meadow-katydid (+ beg 8) 0.5)  (set! beg (+ beg 
  (southern-mole-cricket   (+ beg 18.5) 3 0.15)(set! beg (+ beg 
  (handsome-trig   (+ beg 22) 2 0.5)   (set! beg (+ beg 
  (fast-calling-tree-cricket   (+ beg 24.5) 2 0.25)(set! beg (+ beg 
  (dog-day-cicada  (+ beg 27) 2 0.1)   (set! beg (+ beg 
  (linnaeus-cicada (+ beg 29.5) 2 0.125)   (set! beg (+ beg 
  (lyric-cicada(+ beg 32) 2 0.125) (set! beg (+ beg 
  (confused-ground-cricket (+ beg 34.5) 2 0.3) (set! beg (+ beg 
  (tinkling-ground-cricket (+ beg 37) 2 0.3)   (set! beg (+ beg 
  (marsh-meadow-grasshopper(+ beg 39.5) 0.3)   (set! beg (+ beg 
  (striped-ground-cricket  (+ beg 45) 2 0.25)  (set! beg (+ beg 
  (sphagnum-ground-cricket (+ beg 47.5) 2 0.3) (set! beg (+ beg 
  (southeastern-field-cricket  (+ beg 50) 2 0.13)  (set! beg (+ beg 
  (snowy-tree-cricket  (+ beg 52.5) 2.1 0.3)   (set! beg (+ beg 
  (slightly-musical-conehead   (+ beg 55) 2 0.4)   (set! beg (+ beg 

[PD] PD on Android - how far is it and how far can it go...

2010-07-08 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Hi List.

   i have some question about PD on Android.

Honestly, i dont know much about Android, so please be patient

I would like to know how far the development is, the last info i read said, 
that sound is not working..

Any idea how long it will take ?

The other question is, if it is possible to use pd on android in the 
background, so that another app is sending some data (would be: Compass data 
and direction)
to PD and let PD process the sound...

Would it further be possible to have some HRTF functionality with that , or are 
there librarier involved that cannot be ported to android ?

Any other suggestion how that could be realised in android ?

Have a good time...and thank you for your help


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Re: [PD] second instrument/piece in the silent percussion project...

2010-04-16 Thread luigi rensinghoff
Hey Jaime

 i can only talk for me ;-) I like it a lotthe MANO controller.

And its just one object ??? 

Very cool work... please organize concerts in europe, or better germany 

Thumbs up

ciao luigi

Am 16.04.2010 um 23:46 schrieb

>>>>> hello everyone,
>>>>> In the link below there is a video documentation of a brand
>>>>> performance with the new MANO Controller called Silent
>>>>Construction 2
>>>>> in a new webpage... lots of new things...
>>>>> For those who were in Sao Paulo for the PdCon you may have
>>>>> Silent Construction 1 (for Silent Drum). As in that case
>>>>everything is
>>>>> done in Pd/GEM and a few new externals...
>>>>> hope you like it...:

Dipl.-Ing. Luigi Rensinghoff
Mobil: 01775412191
Festnetz: 0351-7966370

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[PD] Suggestion of Wii-Instrument to port to PD

2010-02-16 Thread luigi rensinghoff

Hi List,

   i found this project and i really liked it.

It has some aspects that i was not able to implement in pd.

If you are interested, have a look at the Source Code and the youtube video. I 
really dont know how to program, but it would be really cool if someone on the 
list likes it as well and wants to put effort into making this a 


Have fun

All the best



Dipl.-Ing. Luigi Rensinghoff
Mobil: 01775412191

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Re: [PD] Motion Plus Data to be used with Puredata/OSC-Data-stream

2009-12-14 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi Florian, Johannes an Mike

   after a little abstinence period i want to come back to my  
wiimote experiments and would like to know
how far the integration of the MotionPlus into the pd-external went  

I setup up my laptop-environment and downloaded the latest stuff from  

So my first step was trying to compile it on my ubuntu laptop and some  
questions aroused, which
are based on the fact that i still dont know enough of c-programming  
and the compilation process.

I looked into the file and tried to set up all pathes  
according to my system and here is my first


it is referring to this part of the


# specify the path to CWiid:
LIBCWIID_PATH = "cwiid-svn/libcwiid"

# You shouldn't need to change anything beyond here! #

ifdef PD_PATH
PD_EXTRA_PATH := ../../../../lib/libs
PD_DOC_PATH := ../../../../lib/pd-help
PD_INCLUDE := -I../../../pd/src
PD_EXTRA_PATH := /usr/local/lib/pd/extra
PD_DOC_PATH := /usr/local/lib/pd/doc

Since i have a somewhat unusual location of my files i ask my self if  
these pathes have to point to the locations where these files are

(taken from wiimote.c file)


Is that Right ???

I am always confused whether the path means the location of the  
sources or the binaries.

I get the following error:
in line 55: balance_cal hat unvollständigen Typen
unbenutzter Parameter für "mesg", "timestamp" "ap"

nicht deklariert für "CWIID_FLAG_MOTIONPLUS"

i guess some pathes are not set right

Another thing i never know wit the declaration of pathes...

When do i use " " " quotes ??

like in


do i need the first slash ??

why is somtime an "I" used and sometimes not ?


i looked for the locations of my header files:

/usr/include/sys and
/usr/include and

So my makefile should look like that - i thought




and further down:


I appreciate any help

Thanks Luigi

Am 03.Okt.09 um 03.Okt.09 MESZ 10:35 schrieb Luigi Rensinghoff:


Thanks a lot

Sounds Promising

Am 03.Okt.09 um 03.Okt.09 MESZ 10:23 schrieb Florian Krebs:


I added Mike, the developer of the PD-External and IOhannes, who is  
also actively working with the External to our conversation.

I continued working on the PD-external a bit the last weeks, and I  
think it would be great to set up a repository for it.

@Mike Woz: Can we put it in the PureData development svn ?

What I did was basically integrate multiple bluetooth dongle  
support (to be able to use more than 7 wiimotes on one computer). I  
haven't used the MotionPlus so far, but as I remember my collegue  
IOhannes is planning to use this for a project in a couple of  
weeks, and also Mike has done some work with the MotionPlus for the  

So again I would say next step is to put it in svn.



- Original Message - From: "Luigi Rensinghoff" >

To: ; 
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 12:30 PM
Subject: Motion Plus Data to be used with Puredata/OSC-Data-stream

Hello there,

   i am writing to you because the web told me, that   
you are actively developing or working on the cwiid-library or the  
Wiimote-PD-External for Puredata.

I worked on a music-improvisation project with the wiimote and  
wrote quite a bit of PD-Patches and used the PD-External on linux,  
that  depends on the cwiid library.

I stopped further development because of the shortcomings due to  
accelerometers only and the complicated IR-Things with the wiimote.
When i heard of the release of the MotionPlus, i was very excited  
and  was looking forward to the time, when the MotionPlus was  
usuable with  the PD-External.

So now my question:

Is it possible to use the MotionPlus with a recent version of  
cwiid  and the pd-external ? What do i need to do for that ?

Simply compile the PD-External against a cwiid-MotionPlus branch ?

Did you make any tests with that ? I could read that it is still  
more  or less beta...

I further would like to know if you are planning to continue  
working  on that, to know if in the near future i can count on a  

[PD] Consistency Problem - OS X[intel] - when modifying Abstractions

2009-01-05 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Hi List,

I notice a bug, thats coming back on OS X PD-extended. The occurs when  
i change an Abstraction, but not the original, but an active  
"instance" of a patch.

Fpr example i have many instances of the same abstraction encapsulated  
in other abstractions.

While patching i decide to change something - for example add an  
outlet - i open the instance change it and try to save it.

PD seems to update all occurring abstractions and meanwhile the  
"parent-window" seems to disappear and it is not possible to save the  
patch anymore...

I have to force quit PD after that. Strangely enough the change is  
saved in the abstraction. but of course it is totally annoying for  
the workflow.

I think i had this issue before and it disappeared in a more recent  
release of PD-Extended for OS-X Intel

I am sorry i cannot post an example patch right now, maybe tonight...

For now i would like to ask if anybody is having the same  
problemand how to fix it, or maybe knows under which "subject" it  
might have been saved in the archive..

All the Best and a Happy New Year


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Re: [PD] live distro with pd extended

2008-10-14 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

On Oct 14, 2008, at 5:21 PM, Roman Haefeli wrote:

Hi List

Well maybe it was discussed before

I am looking for a live distro like "puredyne" , that i can start
from a CD, with my patches on an usb stick.

Since i have to usse a "foreign" computer for a performance.

I tried with puredyne but i am missing many externals from pd-

Is there anything like a debian-live cd with the complete and full  

extended ??

i'm no expert in live distro area, but why don't you simply add the
missing externals to the pure:dyne usb installation? i guess, it is
easier to adapt the pd inside the distro than to adapt the distro  



I didnt manage tocompile them...due to.c compiler missing i  
think .

and the "repository"  - thing with apt-get didnt work as i expected  


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[PD] live distro with pd extended

2008-10-14 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Hi List

Well maybe it was discussed before

I am looking for a live distro like "puredyne" , that i can start  
from a CD, with my patches on an usb stick.

Since i have to usse a "foreign" computer for a performance.

I tried with puredyne but i am missing many externals from pd- 

Is there anything like a debian-live cd with the complete and full pd- 
extended ??

Thanks luigi

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Re: [PD] warmest reverb?

2008-10-11 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
partconv is great

but eats a lot of cpu

and vst ??

cheers luigi

On Oct 11, 2008, at 7:15 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

> Hey all,
> I am currently working furiously on a sound design project.  I used
> freeverb since it is quick and easy.  But now I want to replace it
> with the warmest reverb Pd can offer.
> Any suggestions?
> .hc
> -- 
> --
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> don't have to examine our own lives.", from "The Idols of
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Re: [PD] how pd refers to abstractions under OS X - example of "adsr" in vanilla version

2008-09-21 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

i ran into  similar situations in the past and use the following  
procedure now.
Which can easily adapted if  you want to copy a complicated (meaning:  
consinsting of many different abstractions, that you got from  
collections, built yourself or whatever).

So in your example i would open the example patch (the main-patch)  
and as you did save to a different location.

Then i would create a folder next to the target location and call it  
maybe "abs" or "lib"

Then i would add a "declare" - statement including the new folders (i  
noticed that on OSX you need always the Full path whereas on XP and  
linux the relative path is sufficient)

And the open all the abstractions contained in the main original path  
and save the with the same names in the newly created folders

That way you can easily copy "projects" from one computer to another...
I use several folders where i collect the abstractions i use.

For example i dont want to have pd look into all the abstraction  
folders included in pd-extended. It was mentioned before that this  
increases loading time.

So i just copy the one or two abstractions i use from maybe "list- 
abs" or "mapping" and thats it

Maybe that can help you

Does someone recommend a different procedure ??

All the Best


On Sep 20, 2008, at 7:32 PM, Lao Yu wrote:

> Steffen,
> On Sep 20, 2008, at 10:22 PM, Steffen Juul wrote:
>> How do you open it? Are you opening it from the "help browser"?
> from the "open" dialog. when I invoke an abstraction I create a new
> object and give it the name of the abstraction. in the case of
> "output~" that I mention to Claude the abstraction that I create in
> my patch wouldn't look like the one in the "figs" folder which I want
> to use.
> Hmmm
> Best
> Jurgen
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Re: [PD] Py/pyext binary for OS X 10.4?

2008-08-16 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

I had one...

but didnt touch it for over half a year. So i dont really know if it  
is working.

I remember that i didnt want to go through the flext build system,  
but at the end it wasnt actually that hard

actually i see some py.pd_darwin in the pd-extended folder, but i  
guess they dont work



Am 15.08.2008 um 23:14 schrieb Phil Stone:


Sorry to revive an old thread (from last March), but the URL  
referred to

by Thomas below no longer seems to work.  Anybody have a working
py/pyext binary for OS X 10.4?  The one in the latest Pd-extended  

to have the compiled-by-10.5 problem, and won't load.

Many thanks,

Phil Stone

In ,
Thomas Grill (gr at writes:

Hey all,
I had the chance to compile py on a 10.4 machine... the binary is in I hope it works for you.


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Luigi Rensinghoff

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[PD] MIDI clkin and realtimein

2008-08-14 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Hi Dear List and Listers..

for the first time i do more with MIDI

i checked some posts in the archive, but they are quite old...

The Problem: I would like to sync PD to an incoming MIDI-Clock, and  
the best would be to route it through PD to the MIDI-Equipment ...

Is that possible on OS X ???

It seems [midiclkin] is working somehow but .. after measuring the  
time between incoming beats and converting it to bpm it is not quite  

and i dont know how to send it to the output. I guess using somekind  
of external program that does the midi- patching is the choice...  
(Any Idea ?)

Or are there any midi related objects, that are not in pd-extended,  
but compile on OS X, by now ??

midirealtimein...does still not work on OS X, right ??



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Re: [PD] sequencer app for osx (Iannis Xenakis?)

2008-08-12 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
cool good to know

Am 12.08.2008 um 14:39 schrieb Derek Holzer:

> Isn't there an implementation of GENDYN in Supercollider?
> Gendy2.html
> best,
> Derek
> Luigi Rensinghoff wrote:
>> Am 12.08.2008 um 14:07 schrieb s.koepf:
>>> Hallo Ignacio,
>>> ah, I see. Unfortunately I don't know of available software here. In
>>> your situation, I would try to directly contact Peter Hoffmann.
>> Did so earlier this dayi am interested, too... Just to have a
>> look at it..
>> Lets keep in touch if someone gets the App (And of course if
>> Peter Hoffmann is willing to share it)
>> Best Luigi
>>> Siegfried Koepf
>>> Ignacio Viano wrote:
>>>> Thanks Siegfried, that's what I already have. Actually, what I'm
>>>> looking for
>>>> is the software itself. Any ideas about that? Thanks
>>>> Ignacio
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> -- 
> derek holzer ::: ::: 
> macumbista
> ---Oblique Strategy # 149:
> "Take a break"
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Re: [PD] sequencer app for osx (Iannis Xenakis?)

2008-08-12 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Am 12.08.2008 um 14:07 schrieb s.koepf:

> Hallo Ignacio,
> ah, I see. Unfortunately I don't know of available software here. In
> your situation, I would try to directly contact Peter Hoffmann.

Did so earlier this dayi am interested, too... Just to have a  
look at it..

Lets keep in touch if someone gets the App (And of course if  
Peter Hoffmann is willing to share it)

Best Luigi

> Siegfried Koepf
> Ignacio Viano wrote:
>> Thanks Siegfried, that's what I already have. Actually, what I'm  
>> looking for
>> is the software itself. Any ideas about that? Thanks
>> Ignacio
>> - 
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Re: [PD] Ultrasonic 'theremin' patch

2008-08-07 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff 

here i found it ... maybe it can be helpful for you


Am 07.08.2008 um 22:57 schrieb Luigi Rensinghoff:

> Thats very cool...
> i heard of someone implementing that with a nord-modular
> If you browse the forums maybe you can find it...
> Its a cool thing to have for Sound-Installations...
> Best
> Luigi
> Am 07.08.2008 um 21:16 schrieb Ico Doornekamp:
>> Hi all,
>> Yesterday I found out that modern audio cards can do much higher
>> sample
>> rates then 48000, which allows for entertaining experiments with
>> ultrasound.
>> I'm not sure if this has been done before, but I'm pretty happy
>> with the
>> results so far.
>> I've created a patch running on a samplerate of 88200 Hz, which sends
>> out high-frequency chirps over two laptop speakers. The chirps are
>> reflected back to the bultin mic using both hands. The reflection is
>> correlated with the outgoing chirps to calculate the time the sound
>> waves needed to return to the mic, thus measuring the distance to the
>> hands or any objects hovering above the laptop.
>> This particular patch just drives two tone generators whose
>> frequencies
>> depend on the measured distances, which are played back over the same
>> speakers as the high-frequency chirps. The result is a
>> two-tone-polyphonic theremin-like instrument.
>> If only I could play this thing in tune...
>> A simple demonstration video and the patch can be found at
>> This patch just a first test using ultrasound, I'm sure much more
>> interesting things can be done using this technique.
>> The patch is not very well documented at this time, and I think
>> getting
>> things to work needs a fair amount of tweaking for each different
>> setup.
>> Things that need to be setup properly are output level of the
>> soundcard,
>> a magic gain factor after the correlation, and the range that
>> should be
>> inspected for echo peaks to avoid detecing of reflections from the
>> ceiling.  I think it would be possible to make the patch do some
>> auto-detection of some of the paremeters like ceiling height and gain
>> factors, which would make a nice addition for future versions.
>> Enjoy,
>> Ico
>> -- 
>> :wq
>> ^X^Cy^K^X^C^C^C^C
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Re: [PD] Ultrasonic 'theremin' patch

2008-08-07 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Thats very cool...

i heard of someone implementing that with a nord-modular

If you browse the forums maybe you can find it...

Its a cool thing to have for Sound-Installations...



Am 07.08.2008 um 21:16 schrieb Ico Doornekamp:

> Hi all,
> Yesterday I found out that modern audio cards can do much higher  
> sample
> rates then 48000, which allows for entertaining experiments with
> ultrasound.
> I'm not sure if this has been done before, but I'm pretty happy  
> with the
> results so far.
> I've created a patch running on a samplerate of 88200 Hz, which sends
> out high-frequency chirps over two laptop speakers. The chirps are
> reflected back to the bultin mic using both hands. The reflection is
> correlated with the outgoing chirps to calculate the time the sound
> waves needed to return to the mic, thus measuring the distance to the
> hands or any objects hovering above the laptop.
> This particular patch just drives two tone generators whose  
> frequencies
> depend on the measured distances, which are played back over the same
> speakers as the high-frequency chirps. The result is a
> two-tone-polyphonic theremin-like instrument.
> If only I could play this thing in tune...
> A simple demonstration video and the patch can be found at
> This patch just a first test using ultrasound, I'm sure much more
> interesting things can be done using this technique.
> The patch is not very well documented at this time, and I think  
> getting
> things to work needs a fair amount of tweaking for each different  
> setup.
> Things that need to be setup properly are output level of the  
> soundcard,
> a magic gain factor after the correlation, and the range that  
> should be
> inspected for echo peaks to avoid detecing of reflections from the
> ceiling.  I think it would be possible to make the patch do some
> auto-detection of some of the paremeters like ceiling height and gain
> factors, which would make a nice addition for future versions.
> Enjoy,
> Ico
> -- 
> :wq
> ^X^Cy^K^X^C^C^C^C
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Re: [PD] adapting wiimote_navigation_example patch with osculator

2008-08-07 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff


have a look at the "mapping" abstractions they are very useful in  
this context

For the actual point, i usually use "autoscale" to find out what the  
range should be, but then "expr" (if you know exactly how you have to  

is good for adjusting the range.

The x-y coordinates might be the other way around in osculator, check  
carefully (timeline is a good tool to check the OSC data)


Am 07.08.2008 um 01:41 schrieb punchik punchik:

hello im trying to use the wiimote_navigation_example patch but  
since im on macosx, im trying to use osculator instead of the  
wiimote object for linux.
I can receive my wiimote data in pd with osculator without any  
But it seems the second outlet of the wiimote object outputs the  
acceleraion data in a diferent scale than osculator. The  
acceleration x y z varialbes that i get from osculator goes from 0  
to 0.9  and when i use them in the patch instead of the wiimote  
object everything begins to spin very fast and never stops

any idea how to fix this??



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Re: [PD] wiimote for macosx

2008-08-06 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

As much as i know its still not working well.

and the use of Osculator is still recommended on OS X

bye luigi

Am 06.08.2008 um 16:00 schrieb punchik punchik:

hello , do anybody have compiled the wiimote object for macosx? if  
not where can i get a working wiiremote object from hans steiner  
compiled for macosx?

thanks in advance

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Luigi Rensinghoff

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Re: [PD] Idiomatic Pd

2008-07-28 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi Luke..

I think that is very useful

even better would it be to have that in a PD-Patch ;-)

so it is 100% clear what is meant and maybe easier to read...



Am 28.07.2008 um 03:34 schrieb Luke Iannini:

There are some amazing sets of abstractions being released recently,
which has served to highlight the many extant styles of patching.  I
was wondering if there was interest in establishing a set of
guidelines for patching in the vein of PEP 8 for Python; I've found
that document to be very relaxing as it is a standardized approach to
OCD.  More seriously, it greatly helps when reading other people's
code or collaborating.

The only one I have seen so far for Pd covers best practices for
layout.  I'd want to include that, but also codify naming, arguments,
common idioms, and so on.

I've begun to collect some of my practices to start things off.  I was
hoping we could all lazy-vote the document together in this thread and
I'll then compile it into a PdPedia/ document.  So, feel free
to object to or replace my propositions.

* If giving $0 as an argument to an abstraction, it is always first in
the argument list [1]
* * When possible, pass parent arguments in numeric order, like [child
$0 $1 $2 other1 other2] etc.
* Sends and Receives are written in camelCase, with "R" appended to
complementary receives (e.g. in GUIs, $0mySlider for the send and
$0mySliderR for the receive)
* When prepending $0 to a symbol, only add a "-" to separate it from
another number, like [r $0-1stSend].  Otherwise the symbol should
immediately follow, like [r $0mySend].
* When working with stereo, Left and Right pairs are written with Le
and Ri appended (to distinguish them from an R denoting "receive",

Programming recommendations
* To invert a toggle, use [== 0]
* Use the loadbang of the parent of both abstractions to initialize
two or more interdependent abstractions

[1] I think of this like emulating the "self" convention in Python

And so on...

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Luigi Rensinghoff

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Re: [PD] bcr2000 and midi-feedback

2008-07-22 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

thats cool

i didn know/never used that

Am 22.07.2008 um 15:50 schrieb kristof lauwers:


You can set the value of the slider without having it sent back with
a 'set' message

[ctlin 1]
[set $1(
[s rec]



At 15:31 2008-07-22, you wrote:


I have assigned a knob on my bcr2000 to a vertical slider in pd.  

the sliders properties, I have set send-symbol and receive-symbol to
"send" and "rec". I then have

[ctlin 1]
[/ 127]
[s rec]

[r send]
[* 127]
[ctlout 1]

This basically works, the upper one is receiving from the bcr and  
the fader in pd, the lower one is updating the display on the bcr  

the knob is moved in pd.

The problem is that pd sends it's send-symbol, even if the fader is
moved as a result of the receive-symbol. This means that the bcr  
the value right back, with a small delay, which causes the whole  
to be

very reluctent to accept movements from the bcr.

I could make some logic that doesn't send the value back if it was
received from midi, but thought I'd ask if there was a simpler  

For instance is it possible to have pd's knobs *not* send it's
send-symbol if the fader was moved as a result of a receive-symbol?

peace, love & harmony
Atte   | |

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Luigi Rensinghoff

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Re: [PD] bcr2000 and midi-feedback

2008-07-22 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Am 22.07.2008 um 15:31 schrieb Atte André Jensen:


I have assigned a knob on my bcr2000 to a vertical slider in pd. Under
the sliders properties, I have set send-symbol and receive-symbol to
"send" and "rec". I then have

[ctlin 1]
[/ 127]
[s rec]

[r send]
[* 127]
[ctlout 1]

This basically works, the upper one is receiving from the bcr and  

the fader in pd, the lower one is updating the display on the bcr when
the knob is moved in pd.

The problem is that pd sends it's send-symbol, even if the fader is
moved as a result of the receive-symbol. This means that the bcr get's
the value right back, with a small delay, which causes the whole to be
very reluctent to accept movements from the bcr.

I could make some logic that doesn't send the value back if it was
received from midi, but thought I'd ask if there was a simpler  

i cant think of any

probably you need to pit the send and receive out of the slider and  
do something

with "t b b" and "spigot"...

but that would be what you call the "logic"

cheers luigi

For instance is it possible to have pd's knobs *not* send it's
send-symbol if the fader was moved as a result of a receive-symbol?

peace, love & harmony
Atte   | |

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Luigi Rensinghoff

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Re: [PD] saving state of a patch

2008-07-21 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Am 21.07.2008 um 20:16 schrieb Atte André Jensen:

Frank Barknecht wrote:

Then I would recommend [sssad]. It's the most simple of them all and
doesn't need any externals. (Note that it's missing from pd- 

autobuilds currently for reasons I don't understand.)

Ok, thanks for all the advice, I'll look at sssad, then.

First problem: It seems it's there, but broken (is it my that's  


but creating a single [sssad] object gives:

libdir_loader: added 'sssad' to the canvas-local objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'sssad' to the canvas-local objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'sssad' to the canvas-local objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'sssad' to the canvas-local objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'sssad' to the canvas-local objectclass path
error: maximum object loading depth 1000 reached
... couldn't create

However google suggested that I should create [sssad/sssad], and that
worked. Unfortunately right-clicking->help totally freezes up my  

(something that never happens). What's up with that? Is that just a
single bug (so "don't click here") or a symptom of something bad?

Did i have tat onc, too ??

because of "prepend" - "list prepend" ??

I am not sure

Should I try to rescue what's there (and if so, what to do) or abandon
it and install just sssad anew (and if so how/from where).

Additional question: I never saw the slash in objects (like in
[sssad/ssad]) before, it that some kind of namespace thing? Where  
can I
read more on that, including pros/cons and recommended ways/ 

Its all in the mailing list archives ;-) One favourite subject, i  

peace, love & harmony
Atte   | |

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Luigi Rensinghoff

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Re: [PD] saving state of a patch

2008-07-21 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff


if you just need to save for example the "initial" state of the patch  
- and since you said you are a beginner.

1) Use number2 instead of number, like toggle it has an "init/no  
init" switch, so it saves one state.

2) You can send all the parameters you want to save to a messagebox,  
just with | set $1 (. With clever naming and the use of abstractions  
you dont have to do much wiring
	But be careful: Message Boxes dont save their state within  
subpatches so they have to be in the "parent" patch. And actually  
when PD crashes a lot it is a bit dangerous, because you may loose
all your settings before you can save them. of course you  
can as well use textfile ore arrays, but just for saving ONE state  
like the initial one you can get along with that, without having to  
use sssad or memento.

On the other hand: sooner or later you will need them ;-) So  
you can also dive into it from the beginning ;-)

Best Luigi

If you need an example patch, let me know

Am 17.07.2008 um 17:46 schrieb Atte André Jensen:


I'm trying to build something generic for performing live with pd and
for the most parts, it's going really well.

But I need to save the state of "everything" (a patch with some
instances of some abstractions), so that the widgets will preserve  

state between sessions.

I looked into memento, but couldn't make it do anything useful, not  
the manuals/memento/* stuff. Is memento broken and if not, could  
provide a brief example of how to use it. If broken, what other  

are there?

Thanks in advance for any response.

peace, love & harmony
Atte   | |

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Luigi Rensinghoff

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[PD] OS X PD-Extended - help-path question

2008-07-19 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi List

A Little question about the helppath-startup flag...

I am using Pd version 0.40.3-extended-20080622 on OSX Macbook/Intel

The lib/path definitions finally work fine, but i wonder where i have  
to put an additional -helppath folder.

I made a patch where all the "mapping" - objects are collected, just  
to have an overview. And if i right click the objects i want the  
helpfile to open.

But instead the abstractions open. Even though the help files are in  
the help-browser in the subfolder 5.reference/mapping.

What should i do ??

1) Include the startup flag -helppath ... bla bla ? There i dont know  
if on apple the path has to be in  " "'s"

2) Add a new path ? So it doesnt make a difference if is "path" or  
"helppath" ??

3) Modify the file ??

4) Go back to use a .pdrc-file ??



Luigi Rensinghoff

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Re: [PD] vst~ again Status and Questions

2008-07-16 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Am 17.07.2008 um 00:17 schrieb Thomas Grill:

Am 16.07.2008 um 21:47 schrieb Luigi Rensinghoff:

But i cant get the edit window to work (on XP)

does your vst plugin have an editor at all?
I know there are some that don't work too well, but even those  
should at least show up.

No it doesnt show up ... nothing...

...i think i can use plogue bidule for it.. but its a shame ;-)  
something pd cant do 

is it supposed to work ??

yes, it usually does


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[PD] vst~ again Status and Questions

2008-07-16 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi List

What about the infamous vst~ object ??

I am trying it on XP now...installed pd-extended 0.39.3 and there is  
no help file ???

Ok...i took it from somewhere else and i can load the plugins .. just  

But i cant get the edit window to work (on XP)

is it supposed to work ??

And on Mac ? is somebody on a version with Edit-window ??




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[PD] Speed of messages (WII-OSC..etc)

2008-07-12 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi dear List

I have a question regarding my Wiimote-OSC experiments.

The wiimote data gets into PD via OSC, either through OSculator or  
through a linuxbox running the wiimote external.

So i have problems computing really really fast movements from the  
wiimote and i would like to ask if somebody knows about the speed of  
messages, be it in OSC, PD or Osculator

1) What do you think is a reasonable message-rate for fast motion- 
data ? I have the impression i need to slow down the data (with  
speedlim, pipe or resample) to be able to process it

 properly - any experience with that or recommendations ?

2) What would you consider the bottleneck ?

3) Could it be an advantage to transform incoming OSC-messages into a  
signal ? instead of dealing with floats ?

The idea behind it is to combine x-y IR Data from the wii with the  
accelleration data (Mapping accelleration to velocity, but catch the  
note from the IR-Position)

Did anybody find a good solution for that ?




Luigi Rensinghoff

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Re: [PD] int.lib for PD? (interpolating between numerous preset values)

2008-07-12 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff


This looks really nice and exciting.

I would like to incorporate the patch in the wiimote experiments i the 2D variables could actually be catched from the wii-IR  

What i dont understand is the "synth" part ??

i did not have a closer look yet

for now i am just getting this error: Warning_synth_not_implemented 
(using_SBlive): symbol Kontakt-2

If i understand right it is just necessary to connect a synth via  
MIDI, so what does the error message mean ?


Thanks for posting it

Bye Luigi

Am 12.07.2008 um 09:51 schrieb Anders Friberg:

Hi Joseph,
I did exactly that but in pd so I wonder who it was?
Anyway my patch is called pDM and can be downloaded at
It includes 2D interpolation of a number of variables. The corner  
values of each variable are set to specific values and the rest of  
the space is more or less linearly interpolated. Since 4 points are  
defined it will result in a somewhat curved surface. All this is  
described in the papers, see the readme.
Defining presets in arbitrarily positions in the space would be an  
interesting extension that needs some other method of interpolation.



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Re: [PD] print all abstractions and externals

2008-07-08 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Great !!!

Thats very helpful..

Is it diffcult to implement detecting abstractions within  
abstractions ???

That would be perfect

Cheers Luigi

Am 04.07.2008 um 13:20 schrieb Hans-Christoph Steiner:

I've made a patch that might be useful for others. In the attached
patch you can open a pd-file and the main window prints all the
abstractions or externals that you need to make the patch work. It
doesn't detect abstractions within abstractions though and it also
prints objects like [5] or [$1], I didn't find a solution for this
(small) problem yet. (I'd think it is bad pratice to use [5] in
sted of [5(  or am I wrong?)
I wanted to make a patch that copied all the necessary abstractions
and the file itself to a new folder but I ended up with this
simpler solution...


Luigi Rensinghoff

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Re: [PD] Trax - Sinusoidal Model Synthesis in Pure Data

2008-06-29 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi Rich

How is your project going ??

I cant wait to beta-test, what do you think ??

When is it ready to be released or pre-leleased..

Best Luigi

Am 29.04.2008 um 17:10 schrieb Rich E:

I re-tarred and re-uploaded trax.tar.gz, can you try it again?  
Sorry about that..


On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 12:11 PM, Andy Farnell  

> On Mon, 28 Apr 2008 11:32:18 -0700
> "Rich E" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > thanks for all the comments.  I'd love to hear if people are  

>  > it to work, having problems, making cool sounds, etc.
>  Rich, I had a problem unpacking the source file .tar.gz on Linux.
>  I was going to grab from CVS when I'm not so busy, but just to
>  let you know.
>  a.
>  --
>  Use the source
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[PD] Midi File Playback

2008-06-28 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi List

I would like to play back a midi file and i am using "seq" for that.  
It looks like "xeq" is not under active development any more and thus  

a good choice for OSX..

Seq works fine so far ... but...what about playback speed ??

Do i have to send a MIDI - metro message via midiin ??

As another way i tried to use qlist (after having converted the  
midifile to a textfile, but that seems to be an overcomplicated way)

Any suggestions ??

Thanks Luigi


Luigi Rensinghoff

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Re: [PD] autosaving incluing GOP subpatches Autosaver

2008-06-22 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi List, Hi Georg

I would like to have one subject discussed...

I am encountering a problem (OS X Mac-Intel - Pd-extended version  

When quite a big patch i am working on (CPU-load around 80-90%) i  
actually can not close it in a clean way.

Sometimes i slightly modify subpatches, or pd thinks they are  
modified because some numberboxes have a different value comapred to  
the state when opening a patch.

Every Time i want to close the Master-parent-patch PD asks whether i  
want to discard changes. Sometimes the subpatch in question is opened  
and i can save it sometimes pd does not show me the subpatch.

Is there a way to (auto)save a patch INCLUDING all related subpatches ??

The GOP issue has been discussed, i dont know if thats related ?

Thanks List


Am 10.06.2008 um 11:12 schrieb Georg Werner:


when working under unstable conditions i thought about an  
autosaving funtion for Pd. This an abstraction i did and like to  
It does saving every x minutes as well as immediate saving with a  

All options are explained in the help file.

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[PD] Anybody Using Faust ??

2008-06-16 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hey List...

what do think about "Faust" ???

Is anybody using it outside the "academic" research and teaching  

I just managed to get the "Eks" Extended Karplus Strong compiled on  
Intel Mac..

and would like to know if there is anybody with some experiences on  

Cheers Luigi


Luigi Rensinghoff

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Re: [PD] Troubleshooting help CPU Overload

2008-06-16 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Actually the problem disappeared...

Just in case it appears again i have some more questions...

Am 13.06.2008 um 13:50 schrieb IOhannes m zmoelnig:

Luigi Rensinghoff wrote:

Hi List...

I have a patch that drives the cpu-load up

Wha do you think is the most common source for that ??

streams of messages (i often find that people just send tons of
statechanges triggering all kind of superfluous calculations, while  

really are just interested in the "settled" state)

naive search implementations, denormals, memory allocation,...

Could you explain that a little more ??? denormals, memory allocation ??

How should i pin down the malicious circuit/external or whatevr it  

try to find out when problems occur (do you have constant load?  
is the CPU load growing while the patch is running?) what does this  

you regarding your program logic?
try to disable parts of the patch (by deleting it). does the  
problem go

away? try to narrow down the culprit.
use [print] for debugging rather than the numberbox (nbx will not tell
you if a number changes 1 times per tick)

use a profiler (e.g. valgrind, shark,...)

What is that ???

It seems not to be related to Audio-Processing

even with audio turned off, [vline~] has a known bug (fixed by claude,
but i don't know whether this has already made it into Pd) that would
start eating CPU if you keep sending it messages.
there might be other objects that have similar problems (that is
audio-objects that start eating CPU without dsp-on)

it could have been that actuallyi realized it was behaving very  
strange and replaced it 


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Re: [PD] sssad and polywavesynth

2008-06-16 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

I found the solution myself...after a bit of hackingIf anyone is interested, its attached (The trick was to OSCroute and get rid of the " " - space in the listbye Luigi

Description: Binary data
Am 16.06.2008 um 19:31 schrieb Enrique Erne:hi Luigicould you pack the synth in an abstraction and give it an ID as arguemnt? then u could use the $1 as prefix for all your parameters and sssad.but this way you can't load a preset from the other instance. this problem could be solved with OSC or a list for each parameter.i.e. "synthA/freq 123" or "synthA freq 123"good luck :)eniLuigi Rensinghoff wrote: Dear ListIf someone also uses the great "Polywavesynth".welli have a little weird problem..I would like to use two of them in one patch and store and recall presets for each of them..lets say poly1 and poly2...i create sssad_panel poly1 and poly2but if i save a preset from poly1 it also catches the values from poly2 so.they are not 100% independent from each other..It might be a bit complicated to unterstand...but the same probably happens with anything that is stored with sssadWhat am i doing wrongThanks Luigi -------< Luigi Rensinghoff[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing listUNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> mailing listUNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->  >---<Luigi Rensinghoff[EMAIL PROTECTED]skype:gigischinkeichat:gigicarlo ___ mailing list
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[PD] sssad and polywavesynth

2008-06-16 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Dear List

If someone also uses the great "Polywavesynth".well

i have a little weird problem..

I would like to use two of them in one patch and store and recall  
presets for each of them..

lets say poly1 and poly2...

i create sssad_panel poly1 and poly2

but if i save a preset from poly1 it also catches the values from  
poly2 so.they are not 100% independent from each other..

It might be a bit complicated to unterstand...but the same probably  
happens with anything that is stored with sssad

What am i doing wrong

Thanks Luigi


Luigi Rensinghoff

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[PD] Troubleshooting help CPU Overload

2008-06-13 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi List...

I have a patch that drives the cpu-load up

Wha do you think is the most common source for that ??

How should i pin down the malicious circuit/external or whatevr it is..

It seems not to be related to Audio-Processing




Luigi Rensinghoff

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Re: [PD] Question on Nightly builds...MacIntel

2008-06-13 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Since there are Mac-Intel builds only once in a while...

i would very much appreciate if there you be an annouce-e-mail if  
there is a new Mac-Intel-Build

Thanks to all


Am 12.06.2008 um 20:48 schrieb Mike McGonagle:

Hello all,

I have noticed the the last week or so that there are no Mac builds  
for the nightly stuff. Is there something happening with the Mac  

Also, when there were things for the Mac, there was also something  
labeled with 'dyn'. Is that another separate distro? When I tried  
to download those things, it came up with a Pd-Extended app, named  
the same as the other Mac version, but when I tried to run it, it  
acted like it was starting, but then just quit. I checked the  
console, but couldn't find any error messages.



Peace may sound simple—one beautiful word— but it requires  
everything we have, every quality, every strength, every dream,  
every high ideal.

—Yehudi Menuhin (1916–1999), musician
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Luigi Rensinghoff

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Re: [PD] Non-transposing delay

2008-06-05 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff


what about vd~ ?? Is it not what you are looking for ?

Or is "non-transposing-delay" any kind of special term i dont know of ??


Am 05.06.2008 um 18:17 schrieb Jamie Bullock:

Hi folks,

Does anyone know of Pd implemenation (or external) of a non- 

variable delay?




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[PD] chuck~ object

2008-05-19 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi list

i am following the chuck list...and there was an object mentioned  
named [chuck~]

its for max/msp but maybe someone wants to port it or  "flext"-ize it...

just an idea...

bye Luigi


Luigi Rensinghoff

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Re: [PD] fftease-help was Re: chromatic fft

2008-05-12 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Am 12.05.2008 um 10:11 schrieb IOhannes m zmölnig:

> Luigi Rensinghoff wrote:
>> Hi List...
>> i looked at these objects today (very proud because i inally have my
>> flext installation running) ;-)
>> And comparing the flext distribution with the original from here...
> oh, that's getting more complicated than it should:

Dont worry ;-) i can handle it ;-)

> it seems like the fftease you are trying to run is the backport  
> done by
> thomas grill using flext.

> i was rather referring to eric's original objects (the link you have
> posted) which are now (for some time) available for Pd anyhow, so no
> need to use the reverse-engineered(?) objects by thomas

i tend to use first what is in PD-extended (svn) so it just happened  
that i used the felxt-port first

>> The help files from the original are far more descriptive .
>> Shouldnt at least the text-parts be included in pd-extended ??
>> I think the help files will not work directly because the objects  
>> have
>> varying numbers of in- and outlets...
> if you use eric's fftease-library, the help-files should work:-)

Well, for me its fine (although i think the compilation of erics  
files did not work for intel-macs)

I was just thinking that, if Pd-extended is adressing people who do  
their first steps with PD it might be much better
to have more descriptive help-files...


Enjoy the sun ;-)

Bye Luigi

> mfgasdr
> IOhannes

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[PD] fftease-help was Re: chromatic fft

2008-05-11 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi List...

i looked at these objects today (very proud because i inally have my  
flext installation running) ;-)

And comparing the flext distribution with the original from here...

The help files from the original are far more descriptive .

Shouldnt at least the text-parts be included in pd-extended ??

I think the help files will not work directly because the objects  
have varying numbers of in- and outlets...


Just a suggestion


Am 11.05.2008 um 21:38 schrieb Mirko Maier:

Mirko Maier wrote:

hi list,
please, i need a hint, is there a possibilty for
chromatic control over the fft bins?

i think of the pd example "I03.resynthesis" but having an array with

chromatic (or same-distant) intervals for the whole range.

i guess eric lyon's fftease library is what you might be looking for.

ok, thanx, but which object exactly is it?


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Luigi Rensinghoff

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[PD] OSX-intel extended Audiio droputs

2008-05-07 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi Listi am quite desperate;-(Working on areally nice patch with boids and sound.I have the latest available OS-X extended for Intel, which is still from nightly autobuilds (20080505), because it has a working boid3D external.There is pmpd and Gem involved but the load meter is only a 30 percent.After about 7 seconds of running the patch (no Gui-elemnt or number box running) i start to have nasty crackle sounds.I have no idea where they come fromi put the delay to 100 ms and the -rt audioflag...patch is attachedIf anybody has an Idea ??

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Re: [PD] boids2D 3D again

2008-05-06 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff


i got it working now - fantastic

The only parameter i dont quite understand is the "wall"

probably silly.what does l/t/r/b/f/b stand for...

Thanks Luigi

Am 06.05.2008 um 04:24 schrieb marius schebella:

Luigi Rensinghoff wrote:

Hi List

i looked at boids - just like someone before - more or less
accidently, but i think thats
a very cool external with a lot of musical potential.

Now two questions:

Does anbody know how to compile on mac-Intel ? Or is there a binary
somewhere ??

boids is included in pd-extended for example.


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Luigi Rensinghoff

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Re: [PD] declare - paths - prefPane - trouble

2008-05-06 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

p.s. could you do me a favour: please restrain from just pressing  
reply on a random email when you actually want to start a new  
thread. just hit new mail and type in [EMAIL PROTECTED] thanks.

Sure, sorry..i had no idea it makes a different

Bye Luigi

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Luigi Rensinghoff

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[PD] declare - paths - prefPane - trouble

2008-05-06 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Hi List

Latest Pd-extended on Intel-OSX is actually not usable right now...

The PrefPane crashes and it is confusing how, and if and "declare" is  


i would like to start PD-extenden with an "empty" paths-prefpane, to  
edit it manually.

As far as i understand the bug-reports the PrefPane can handle up to  
ten entries...which could be enough for me right now.

How can i start with a blank PrefPane ?? I tried the hint from the  
readme, but it seems not to work.

I dont understand where the extended Package holds the startup- 

Any ideas ??

Thanks Luigi

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[PD] boids2D 3D again

2008-05-05 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Hi List

i looked at boids - just like someone before - more or less  
accidently, but i think thats
a very cool external with a lot of musical potential.

Now two questions:

Does anbody know how to compile on mac-Intel ? Or is there a binary  
somewhere ??

I tried the CVS-Version on linux, but it looks like it did not  
compile right (maybe the double-float problem) ?

In which version was the problem fixed ??

When i open the help-patch, basically it looks like the values going  
to the gemspheres a far too little (range from -0.2 to 0.2 - instead  
of expected -4 to 4)

and every time i change a parameter boids3D stops the calculation and  
has to be re-initiated again..

BTW: Does anybody have a little "sound-boids"- example patch ?? Once  
it is working ?



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Re: [PD] ANN - Gesture Recognition Capabilities

2008-05-04 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi all

very interesting, really..

yet it does take me away more and more from my inital question ;-)

And a practical solution to implement some simplicistic gesture  
recognition in PD..

..and wait for the summer, when the PD bindings are ready...

I hope there will be some creative, artisitic examples then..

Best Regards


Am 04.05.2008 um 13:59 schrieb Georg Holzmann:


Hm. You can incorporate changes over time using a standard  
ANN by wrapping your time-ordered vectors over a given time period  
a single input vector and increasing the number of inputs to the  

accordingly. But of course this introduces latency and other problems
(e.g. it could massively increase the number of training examples

Pd has the ann_td external, which provides a 'time delay' neural  

which I believe incorporates time using a method similar to that
described above.

Yes of course, one other possibility is to use time delayed neural
networks ...

For example a hidden markov model or echo state network (=  
special kind

of recurrent neural network) should work.

I'm intrigued! Presumably these approaches avoid the latency  
problem by
maintaining the network's state? Are there other advantages --  
easier to


Hm ... I did not think about latency ... but if you do not process the
data in blocks there should not be a significant latency (also for the
time delay NN) ?

However, the advantage of the echo state network is that training is
linear and you cannot get in a suboptimal solution as with feedforward
neural networks (where the error surface has multiple local minimas) -
see for example
for a short introduction.
And it is recurrent - so in general more powerful ... from the link  

"On a number of benchmark tasks, ESNs have starkly outperformed all
other methods of nonlinear dynamical modelling"

If you are interested, I implemented ESNs (with various extensions)  
in a
C++ library with python bindings: http://, a

PD external will hopefully follow in summer ...


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Luigi Rensinghoff

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[PD] ANN - Gesture Recognition Capabilities

2008-05-03 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi List...

Maybe a question to who ever used "ann", or maybe the two developers  
Johannes Zmoelnig and Davide Morelli

I posted a link...

Do you think "ann" is powerful and fast enough to do something like  
that ??

Would be nice to hear your opinion about that

Thanks Luigi___ mailing list
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[PD] circle of fifths chord progression

2008-05-01 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi List

Did anybody ever implement something like that in PD ?? 

Maybe a good exercise to do with data-structures

just an idea

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[PD] Oops Sorry for the last posting

2008-05-01 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff


too quick...

sorry for that


Luigi Rensinghoff

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[PD] Hey Robert

2008-05-01 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi Robert

Luigi here, i think last year .. in Berlinwe met fiddled around  
and you had a performance..

with that cool french guy at the josetti Höfe...

Do you remember his name ??

i would like to get in touch and maybe have a little performance with  
him in a small cafe/salon here

i know you gave me his adresse back then but i had a harddrive crash

hope things are going well

Will you be in Berlin any time ?? again..this year ??

All the Best



Luigi Rensinghoff

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Re: [PD] Trax - OS X Installation

2008-04-28 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi Rich

I know Linux is better ;-) especially for PD, but i am on a Macbook

There unfortunately is no makefile for oscbank, and the makefile for  
sdiflists seems not to work for me. The included binary neither...

But i found another oscbank in some extended distribution from svn or  

Too bad...

/Applications/01_AUDIO/Pd-extras/SMS/sdiflists.pd_darwin: dlopen(/ 
Applications/01_AUDIO/Pd-extras/SMS/sdiflists.pd_darwin, 10): Symbol  
not found: _SdifFReadAllASCIIChunks
  Referenced from: /Applications/01_AUDIO/Pd-extras/SMS/ 

  Expected in: flat namespace

/Applications/01_AUDIO/Pd-extras/SMS/sdiflists.pd_darwin: dlopen(/ 
Applications/01_AUDIO/Pd-extras/SMS/sdiflists.pd_darwin, 10): Symbol  
not found: _SdifFReadAllASCIIChunks
  Referenced from: /Applications/01_AUDIO/Pd-extras/SMS/ 

  Expected in: flat namespace

Thats the error i get when i try to load sdiflists (thats the one i  
compiled myself)

any idea ??

Thanks Luigi

Am 25.04.2008 um 05:34 schrieb Rich E:

This is a patch I've been working on for quite some time now, finally
packaged with some documentation and an example qlist with it.  Trax
is a fancy additive synthesizer that stores partials in data
structures and re-synthesizes them using [oscbank~].  It gets the
sinusoidal models from SDIF files with 1TRC frames, which have to be
imported with [sdiflists].  I'd like to know how well it works for
others, it makes great sounds on my Ubuntu laptop, although I had much
worse results on a Macbook.

You can get the externals from cvs or:

I personall control Trax with a Wacom Intuos3, so there are mappings
programmed for it that get wacom data using [linuxevent].  *note: I
chose not to use [hid] because it is possible to call the wacom with
[linuxevent /dev/input/wacom], which is always symbolically linked to
the correct /dev/input/event*.  I couldn't ever get [hid] to do find
the wacom on its own, without specifying exactly which event number it
is on.

You can also listen to a couple pieces I wrote using Trax, which also
use other fun Pd stuff and recorded in Ardour:

Now, on to SMS, Spectral Model Synthesis, that is..


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Luigi Rensinghoff

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Re: [PD] Trax - Sinusoidal Model Synthesis in Pure Data

2008-04-28 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff


that opens really some doors to new sounds. Thanks very much.

I dont have a wacom unfortunately, but ia m playing around with a  
WiiRemote quite a bit.

Rich, do you have any plans for that ?

Any idea for a good mapping scheme ??

Am 25.04.2008 um 05:34 schrieb Rich E:

This is a patch I've been working on for quite some time now, finally
packaged with some documentation and an example qlist with it.  Trax
is a fancy additive synthesizer that stores partials in data
structures and re-synthesizes them using [oscbank~].  It gets the
sinusoidal models from SDIF files with 1TRC frames, which have to be
imported with [sdiflists].  I'd like to know how well it works for
others, it makes great sounds on my Ubuntu laptop, although I had much
worse results on a Macbook.

You can get the externals from cvs or:

I personall control Trax with a Wacom Intuos3, so there are mappings
programmed for it that get wacom data using [linuxevent].  *note: I
chose not to use [hid] because it is possible to call the wacom with
[linuxevent /dev/input/wacom], which is always symbolically linked to
the correct /dev/input/event*.  I couldn't ever get [hid] to do find
the wacom on its own, without specifying exactly which event number it
is on.

You can also listen to a couple pieces I wrote using Trax, which also
use other fun Pd stuff and recorded in Ardour:

Now, on to SMS, Spectral Model Synthesis, that is..


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Luigi Rensinghoff

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Re: [PD] pd-msg

2008-04-25 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff


not yet...but if you post the patch, or the part with th 200 or more  

i would test the difference.

I am surprised where this discussion is going...many useful tips so far.

I personally dont like that $0 $1 confusion somehow, but thats just  
because i dont remeber what i did when i open

the patch many months later or so..

Wires are somehow more "haptic" and its a part of pd that i like,  
sort of the typical pd-character, but
as in the 24 24 matrix thing - when you have to do more than 100  
connections in one patch, then its kind of silly, this weaving
so dynamic object creation or just "automated" connecting seems to be  
a good way..

To come to a little bit more practical example..

I am facing the problem - again with the mapping library - and this  
is, where it does not work with abstractions - i would like to have one

abstraction with a mapping object inside, but not always the same...

i post the example, later - where i am now experimenting with this  

basically its like that..

lets say you have an abstraction:


inside of that there is the core-math object like

exponential_curve or exponential_sigmoid

so it would be cool to just send the argument "expoential_curve" to  
the abstraction so this object is created..

well...not very clear i guess..

but i will post it later

What about the

route audio~ float  - object 

did nobody ever have the same problem ??

good night luigi

Am 26.04.2008 um 00:06 schrieb Mike McGonagle:

Just curious, but has anyone tried to test the performance differences
between sending messages as compared to actually connecting things up
with wires?

I am curious weather or not one of my patches would work with
messages, as I want to instantiate close to 200 oscillators, with each
taking about 7 or 8 parameters per grain.


On 4/25/08, Roman Haefeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Fri, 2008-04-25 at 20:09 +0200, Frank Barknecht wrote:

Mike McGonagle hat gesagt: // Mike McGonagle wrote:

And yes, while this is possible, it just seems very "difficult"  
at best, to
be able to create a patch and lay it out in such a way that you  
can make
those sorts of selections. LOTS of planning would need to go  
into such a


What I generally do *if* I'm doing dynamic patching is write as  
much as
possible into an abstraction and just create copies of that.  

may help with automating that.

A very useful trick for these abstractions is to avoid doing  
at all and just pass $0 as an argument. Then inside the  
abstraction, use

[r $1-inlet] receivers where $1 is the $0 of the parent as passed as
argument instead of inlets, and [s $1-outlet] instead of outlets.  
Outside of
the patch use [s $0-inlet] to write to the fake inlet, and [r $0- 
to read from the fake sender outlet. Do the same for signals with  
and throw~/catch~ pairs. Most dynamic connections can be avoided  
by this


If you need to pass data from one dynamically created abstraction to
another, use a similar approach with numbered arguments. Again  
this can

be seen in action in the redesign of nqpoly4~.pd that I once did and
that's in svn/pd-extended as well, or in polypoly.pd.

this is basically the approach, that probably all dynamic patches  
 netpd are based on. no connections are created or deleted  

 (it's just too cumbersome and relies on undocumented features).
 parts that need to be deleted separately go into their own  
subpatch, so
 that they can be deleted simply by sending 'clear' to the  


 however, there _are_ issues, that cannot solved that way. whenever
 signals are involved with dynamically created abstractions, it's  

 to get one-block-delays due to the creation order of the
 [throw~]s/[catch~]es and [send~]s/[receive~]s. don't know how to  

 with that yet.


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Peace may sound simple—one beautiful word— but it requires everything
we have, every quality, every strength, every dream, every high ideal.
—Yehudi Menuhin (1916–1999), musician

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Luigi Rensinghoff

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Re: [PD] polymatrix...patchbay for audio and anything

2008-04-25 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Sorry, i dont get it ??

what do you mean...

Am 25.04.2008 um 12:48 schrieb hard off:

ahh, name changegets me every time.

who thought of mtx_*~ though???  a bit over the top isn't it?

why "over the top" ??

and still no help file.  obviously audio matrices are so simple  
that everyone can understand them ;P

i have a mtx:*~-help file


Luigi Rensinghoff

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Re: [PD] pd-msg

2008-04-24 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Yes, you just need to set those arguments when you add the objects  
to the patch. I am not really sure where it is, but there is a  
listing of each of the objects in PD and what arguments they can  

Oh yes i found it

its just in the properties menu of the object - silly me

Hope this helped.




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Peace may sound simple—one beautiful word— but it requires  
everything we have, every quality, every strength, every dream,  
every high ideal.

—Yehudi Menuhin (1916–1999), musician
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Luigi Rensinghoff

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[PD] pd-msg

2008-04-24 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Hi List 

there is this well-written "tips and tricks" folder that desribes how  
to create objects/abstractions by sending messages. folder #5: 2.create_new_abstract.pd..

First, thanks to who put that together, this is extremely helpful and  
only documented here...

So my question is:

Is there a way to find out the indexnumber of the objects (the  
creation-order-number), that is needed for the

| connect a b c d(

message ??

The scenario:

imagine you build many objects and easily want to connect them with a  
little counter-like think.

1) How do you find out the number that needs to be given to  
"connect" ???

2) Which additional arguments can be send to which object ??

  for example i would like to build a number-box, using the built- 
in "send" and "recieve" mechanism...
  Is that possible ???



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Re: [PD] direction

2008-04-24 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Hi there,since i am experimenting quite a bit with the the last dayswell, there is many times a solution for problems that i am facingThere is an object called "diff_n" which does simple differentiation, and thats exactly what you are looking for..maybe that helpsI have attached a dont need the mapping-abs in order to see how its made and how it is workingCheers Luigi

Description: Binary data
Am 24.04.2008 um 22:21 schrieb Matthew Logan:Looks like the decrease and increase represent bangs... On 4/24/08, Ben Carney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: it looks good, but not working. I have made a fe assumptions in your sketch.does the big X represent the patch chords crossing to opposite inlets? also, i am assuming that the decrease and increase at the bottom arenumber boxes. with these assumptions, i am getting no changewhatsoever in the number boxe at the bottom.also, before sending this i looked back, connected a number box tot he outlet of [-  ] and i am never getting a value above 0, therfore nochange is occurring.On 4/24/08, Claude Heiland-Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Ben Carney wrote:>> > I need to be able to tell direction the slider is being "slid"> > relative to the direction it started from.> >>>  ((slider value) - (previous slider value)) > 0 >>>  slider>   |>  [t f f]>   \ />X>   / \>  [-]>   |>  [>   0]>   |>  [select 0 1]>   ||>  decrease increase >>>>  Hope this helps,>>>  Claude>  -->>--Ben C. mailing listUNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> mailing listUNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->  >---<Luigi Rensinghoff[EMAIL PROTECTED]skype:gigischinkeichat:gigicarlo ___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] VOSIM - Voice Synth and similar

2008-04-07 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi Frank, thanks for your helpful remark...

Am 07.04.2008 um 12:57 schrieb Frank Barknecht:

Luigi Rensinghoff hat gesagt: // Luigi Rensinghoff wrote:

I came across that email, when i searched the archive list for voice-
synths for PD.

For a Project i would like to have a synthesized "singing" voice.

VOSIM is the name of a very basic algorithm for formant synthesis. I
posted an abstraction which does classical VOSIM a while ago called
vosim~.pd. To make it sing or speak, some more work is needed,

Would you mind posting it again ???

Well, i dont want it to really "sing", i would just like to have some  
"human-like" - sounds..that

are "synthesized" ... lets say "vocaloid"-formant sounds

i tried "flite", but thats to much "spoken" for my needs

however, and
you may be better of with some of the readymade speech synthesis
objects by Bryan.

Yes i saw that "vosim" patch mentioned, but i think it is not  
accessible anymore in the pd-archive...

Concerning [paf~], the readme tells that it is a Percussion  
Detector ??

Which README??



Paf is copyright (C) 1999 Miller Puckette.
Permission is granted to use this software for any purpose, commercial
or noncommercial, as long as this notice is included with all copies.




This is the README file for the "paf" percussion detector.  This  

is available from as part of the "toys"
library.  - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

have a nice day...


paf~ as I know it it also a formant synthesis object (PAF for
"phase-aligned formants"). For patent reasons it's not part of Pd ATM.
It will probably come back when the patent expires (in 2010?). Check
Miller's book for a description of the algorithm and a slightly
limited implementation as an abstraction is part of the docs.

 Frank Barknecht _  

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Luigi Rensinghoff

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[PD] VOSIM - Voice Synth and similar

2008-04-06 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi List...

I came across that email, when i searched the archive list for voice- 
synths for PD.

For a Project i would like to have a synthesized "singing" voice.

Any Suggestions, which Patch, External or other implementation to  
look for ??

Actually Perry Cooks "Spasm" seems to be the most "complete" -  
correct me if i am wrong...

Somewhere i read that there was a PD-Patch planned, but i guess it  
was never made public.

Concerning [paf~], the readme tells that it is a Percussion Detector ??

Thanks, Luigi

>vosim, chant, spasm, and Perry Cooks new thing
>that follows lip positions, and in Pd there
>if [paf~], and if you can't find it for any reason
>I have the source.


>On Sat, 26 May 2007 19:36:07 +
>"josue moreno"  wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> can anyone tell me if there is some software for simulate singing  
voices? It

> can be cool if there is a spanish oriented one
> my OS is Mac OS X 10.4.8 ppc
> thanks
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[PD] reading suggestions for wii/sensor data conversion

2008-04-02 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Hi List

I am a bit stuck with my ongoing experiments.

What i am trying to do is to send acceleration (xyz or pry) data from  
the wii/osculator to pd/pmpd to have it visualized
with some "masses" generated with pmpd.

I would liek to simply generate some force in the x or -x dirction to  
move a mass.

The data i get from the wii is i guess already "accelleration" and  
not absolute position, since i would liek to avoid using the ir- 
sensor bar.

I am missing a mathematical trick there, any suggestions or hints for  
further reading. I was working with the "mapping"-abstractions, which  
- as it seems - for any type of conversion.

Thans very much


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[PD] reading suggestions for wii/sensor data conversion

2008-04-02 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi List

I am a bit stuck with my ongoing experiments.

What i am trying to do is to send acceleration (xyz or pry) data from  
the wii/osculator to pd/pmpd to have it visualized

with some "masses" generated with pmpd.

I would liek to simply generate some force in the x or -x dirction to  
move a mass.

The data i get from the wii is i guess already "accelleration" and  
not absolute position, since i would liek to avoid using the ir- 
sensor bar.

I am missing a mathematical trick there, any suggestions or hints for  
further reading. I was working with the "mapping"-abstractions, which  

- as it seems - for any type of conversion.

Thans very much


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[PD] Hexloader on Mac/Intel was Re: mtx_* and similar on OS X

2008-04-01 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi, thanks for your response...

i manages to get mtx_~ running by loading mtx_mul~first...

i was just wondering, about the hexloader external..

i read in the archice that there were some issues, taht it didnt work  
any more

in more recet releases

does it work with pd 41-4 on a macbook ?
I couldnt find it in svn

quite strange

thanks luigi

Am 31.03.2008 um 01:51 schrieb marius schebella:

I am not 100% sure, but i think you need a library called hexloader to
load these objects. (should load on startup with pd-extended. then  

will know that it has to load äh...
I think you can also try mtx_mul.

Luigi Rensinghoff wrote:

Hi List

i can imagine this was asked before..

i am on OSX and i was trying to go through pdmtl-abstractions
i cam across

the mtx_* object which cannot be loaded...because it appears as  



how do i know which one is which 

this question might concern many other libs i guess...

even  ">~" or something might not load because of a similar issue




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Luigi Rensinghoff

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[PD] mtx_* and similar on OS X

2008-03-30 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi List

i can imagine this was asked before..

i am on OSX and i was trying to go through pdmtl-abstractions
i cam across

the mtx_* object which cannot be loaded...because it appears as  
somethin like

Description: application/applefile

how do i know which one is which 

this question might concern many other libs i guess...

even  ">~" or something might not load because of a similar issue


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Re: [PD] sc4pd binary for intel ?

2008-03-27 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Oh  not very the PD-community on its declien ;-)

So i ask againthere is a gap between developers and users ;-)

Please anybody who has flext running on an intel mac...

Do us ( - the regular user-crowd) a big favour, try to compile sc4pd  
and post it somewhere

Is it only me who would be thankful for that ?? I guess not

Thanks crowd


Am 26.03.2008 um 17:40 schrieb marius schebella:

no, I just tried to compile it, but got an error.

Luigi Rensinghoff wrote:

Hi List...

Does anybody have sc4pd compiled for intel mac.

I feel scared thinking to go through flext installation and
compilation on may macbook.

I would say you are right about that, people will always tell you that
it is easy, but what they mean is: search the web for an hour and find
all documentation, download sourcecode from svn, read documentation
about how to compile, post error messages that you get (because  
that is
what usually is happening with things that are not compiled yet...)  

wait for help, try again, post again, wait again...
usually frustration gets bigger with every time and you give up.
but actually in this case, the flext part is easy. (well...)

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Luigi Rensinghoff

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[PD] sc4pd binary for intel ?

2008-03-26 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Hi List...

Does anybody have sc4pd compiled for intel mac.

I feel scared thinking to go through flext installation and  
compilation on may macbook.

Would be great

Bye Luigi

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[PD] sc4pd binary for intel ?

2008-03-25 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Hi List...

Does anybody have sc4pd compiled for intel mac.

I feel scared thinking to go through flext installation and  
compilation on may macbook.

Would be great

Bye Luigi

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[PD] msd binaries mac intel anywhere ??

2008-03-22 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Hi List, happy easter...

I was going through the "mapping"-abstractions and when i tried to  
run anything

with "pm"--blabla...

i realized that msd seems to be broken, or not compiled for intel-mac

looks like Nikolas' Site is down...

So does anyone have msd copiled for mac-Intel or a Link ???

Thanks Luigi

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[PD] Wii remote controller and Mac OS X

2008-03-21 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

How is the Progress with the wiiremote external ??? (especially Mac- 

I have played around with OSculator and its really working fine.

Anybody else playing around with the Wii ???

Happy Easter



Luigi Rensinghoff

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[PD] Miller's PD-Guitar Workshop LAC 2008

2008-03-14 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi List, Hi Miller

i was at Miller's Workshop in Cologne for the LAC 2008.

For those wo were not there:

It was about a new approach for guitar-synthesis within PD and the  
setup was

a divided-pickup from Roland, a 6 channel preamplifier (selfmade) and  
some new patches in PD.

I am trying to get some more information about which Pickup was used  
by Miller (was it the GK-3 ??)

Miller mentioned, that there might be a amplifier available in 6  
months or so (did someone write down the name of the person who is  
going to build and sell it ?)

Is there any Web-page with more information about it ??

I remember that some guys attending mentioned that there might be a  
different way to amplify the signal from the pickup so that it can be  
fed to

a line-input of any soundcard..

Any Suggestions would be appreciated

Have a nice day


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Re: [PD] Fun with Lua coroutines

2007-10-31 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Hi List...

I would be interested to know as well ;-)

Back on the list ;-)

What could pdlua be good for ? Or better asked - and i would  
appreciate an answer for non-nerds - what reason could there be for  
using another extension language within pd ?? For what kind of  
problems ?
What is the difference to for examples python, or writing a specifi  
external ???

I am just curiousif it is something worth learning for me

bye.have a good time


Am 30.10.2007 um 23:26 schrieb Mike McGonagle:

> Hum, exactly where on goto10 is the stuff for pdlua? I looked and
> there doesn't seem to be an obvious link.
> Thanks,
> Mike
> On 10/30/07, Frank Barknecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> ah, Lua is so much fun. Attached is some coroutine scheduling to
>> create lots of bullets as an excercise for the bullet hell
>> Ikaruga-style shmup I'm going to write for Pd/Gem in 2008. Or maybe
>> not. Anyway, pdlua required, get it from
>> Ciao
>> --
>>  Frank Barknecht _  
>> __footils.org__
>> ___
>> mailing list
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>> listinfo/pd-list
> -- 
> Help the Environment, Plant a Bush back in Texas!
> "I place economy among the first and most important republican
> virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared.
> To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with
> perpetual debt."
> -- Thomas Jefferson, third US president, architect and author  
> (1743-1826)
> "Give Peace a Chance" -- John Lennon (9 October 1940 – 8 December  
> 1980)
> Peace may sound simple—one beautiful word— but it requires everything
> we have, every quality, every strength, every dream, every high ideal.
> —Yehudi Menuhin (1916–1999), musician
> If you think you can, or you think you can't, you are probably right.
> —Mark Twain
> "Art may imitate life, but life imitates TV."
> Ani DiFranco
> ___
> mailing list
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> listinfo/pd-list

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Re: [PD] metastudio released - trying to test

2007-10-25 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Am 25.10.2007 um 01:29 schrieb Ed Kelly:

> no idea what's going on.  It's fairly complex. It uses only 17% cpu
> for the pd process but the gui uses something about 95%.

Ah. I'm so bad at documenting my projects, but I'm insanely busy  
right now with teaching. Believe me - I'm quite profoundly behind  
with many things, but will get around to writing proper help files  
at some point.

And yes, the gui. I needed to get to this point because I'd really  
like a more efficient gui, but my solution will be for now to make  
versions that are gui-less as well. The gui is only needed for  
composing the patterns and stuff - in performance it's not  
necessary. So - perhaps 0.2 will have this feature. I had to get  
0.1 finished first.

Wouldn't it be nice to switch the gui on and off at will? Now  
there's a thought.


Yahoo! Answers - Get better answers from someone who knows. Try it  

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Hi Ed,

i would like to try out what metastudio actually is and does ;-)

the demopatches open fine..but then ???

Do i have to load some etxtfiles ???

i really cannot see how i should get sound out of it...could you help ?ß

Thanks Luigi___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] polyWaveSynth issue

2007-09-08 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi pdlers

i was curious to check out that synth, but i get this error.

the screenshot i from ubuntu, but it was the same on OS X.

Bild 3.png
Description: application/applefile

i am sure you know the trick, thanks luigi___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] ieee1394

2007-06-07 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Am 07.06.2007 um 11:06 schrieb Tim Boykett:

> Hello PDPers,
> I have seen that the ieee1394 capture objects in PDP are working.
> So ow the other way: is there some way to have a ieee1394 output
> object?
> chrz,
> tm
> ___
> mailing list
> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 
> listinfo/pd-list

on which platform ??

is pdp_ieee1394 ready in pd-extended OSX-Intel ??

Thsnks Luigi

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Re: [PD] Realtime-version of I07.phase.vocoder.pd

2007-05-19 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Hi list...

i am working on this right now. And since i never really had a deep  
look into all the tabread-thingies, some questions came up.

Just to give you a quick sketch of my approach:

I used the I07-patch and i am working with two of them (each 1  
second) so i can swap from one to another.

I have two 8 second tables that record the live signal from a vd~.

So here my questions, just in case someone found a solution for that  
(i am sure you did ;-) )

1) How to avoid clicks when the whole contents of a table is replaced/ 
updated. I tried something with vlineare there some "zero- 
crossing" modules for that ?

2) It seems to be possible to replace the contents of a table (the  
beginning) while playing the later contents of it. Is it possible to  
replace just a portion of a table without overwriting until the end ?

  the whole patch becomes somewhat unstable because of the  
graphics-display, any idea for a workaround ?

3) if i have a quite fast running number (index). "select" seems to  
be to slow or unstable in any way quite unreliable. i made a  
workaround with moses and ">" ...not very elegant.

after cleaning up i will post the patch

bye luigi

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Re: [PD] Looping samples with tabread4~

2007-05-16 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Have a look at s-bitcrusher

just as an inspiration for a GUI maybe, its not exactly what you  
want, but its worth a look


Am 16.05.2007 um 23:08 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

You're on exactly the right track and thinking all the right things.

An important value to grab is the length of the sample (in samples)

which you can get from [soundfiler]. Multiply your [phasor~] by the

magnitude of the loop and add it to an offset in samples and that  

be the table index you need.

(please excuse awful html formatting , using webmailer )



Maybe I haven’t looked hard enough but I just haven’t been able to  
find any examples on building a sample playback engine  that will  
allow for sample-start, loop-start and loop-end positions to be  
set. The question is what would be the easiest way to achieve this.

I have been thinking about ways to achieve the sample clock driver  
but since I’m new to PD perhaps my thinking is too complex.

My ideas have been:

Should I try generating the sample clock driver using two phasor~  
objects where one phasor~ handles sample-start ‘til loop-end and  
let the other one (loop-start ‘til loop-end) kick in once the first  
one has completed it’s first and single run.

Perhaps using a vline~ for the first part instead of a phasor~
Simply using one phasor~ object and offsetting the start value of  
it’s second cycle to the loop-start position
Simply using a vline~ object and “loop it” with a different start  
position the second time onwards.

I suppose I would have to use the samphold~ object to make the  
shift between phasor~ or vline~ or just to offset the start  
position of a phasors~ second cycle.

Any ideas or examples on how to best achieve this would be more  
than welcome.


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Re: [PD] Realtime-version of I07.phase.vocoder.pd

2007-05-15 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Thanks a lot to all.

especially for putting my idea somewhere between Albert Einstein and  
Freddy Mercury ;-)

welli'll post my results


Am 15.05.2007 um 17:12 schrieb Damian Stewart:

> Luigi Rensinghoff wrote:
>> Thats exactly what i mean..
>> a variable realtime-time-expansion ;-)
> i had a pretty thorough dig through I07.phase.vocoder a few months  
> back. what you'd basically need to do is something along the lines  
> of using [tabwrite~] to write the audio signal in to $0-sample,  
> banging it at the end of the table to make it start recording from  
> the beginning again. you'd also need something monitoring the  
> current position (use [r location] to receive the current  
> position), making it jump back to the start when it hit the end.
> attached is my [d-pvocst~] which is a hacked up version of the help  
> version that a) plays in stereo (with additional logic for dealing  
> with mono files) and b) automatically loops between adjustable  
> start and end sample numbers in the input arrays. it should be  
> fairly easy to rig it up to tabwrite~ a live audio stream in to $0- 
> sample-l and $0-sample-r in the way i described above.
> enjoy!
> -- 
> Damian Stewart
> f r e y
> live music with machines
> #N canvas 50 31 1101 773 12;
> #X floatatom 486 370 5 0 0 0 - #0-transpo-set -;
> #X floatatom 164 424 3 0 0 0 - #0-speed-set -;
> #X floatatom 52 426 7 0 0 0 - #0-location-set -;
> #X text 161 405 hundredths;
> #X text 490 335 in cents;
> #X text 415 362 normal;
> #N canvas 0 110 569 458 hann-window 0;
> #N canvas 0 22 450 300 (subpatch) 0;
> #X array \$0-hann 2048 float 0;
> #X coords 0 1 2047 0 300 100 1;
> #X restore 82 311 graph;
> #X obj 378 165 osc~;
> #X obj 378 190 *~ -0.5;
> #X obj 378 214 +~ 0.5;
> #X obj 331 247 tabwrite~ \$0-hann;
> #X obj 38 173 /;
> #X obj 127 142 samplerate~;
> #X obj 177 204 swap;
> #X obj 177 228 /;
> #X obj 49 201 * 1000;
> #X obj 38 115 t f b f;
> #X msg 173 92 resize \$1;
> #X obj 173 116 s \$0-hann;
> #X msg 382 130 0;
> #X obj 330 131 t f b;
> #X text 15 8 calculate Hann window table (variable window size) and
> constants window-hz (fundamental frequency of analysis) \, window-sec
> and window-msec (analysis window size in seconds and msec).;
> #X obj 37 88 r \$0-window-size;
> #X obj 330 105 r \$0-window-hz;
> #X obj 177 252 s \$0-window-hz;
> #X obj 48 228 s \$0-window-msec;
> #X obj 38 251 s \$0-window-sec;
> #X connect 1 0 2 0;
> #X connect 2 0 3 0;
> #X connect 3 0 4 0;
> #X connect 5 0 9 0;
> #X connect 5 0 20 0;
> #X connect 6 0 5 1;
> #X connect 6 0 7 1;
> #X connect 7 0 8 0;
> #X connect 7 1 8 1;
> #X connect 8 0 18 0;
> #X connect 9 0 19 0;
> #X connect 10 0 5 0;
> #X connect 10 0 7 0;
> #X connect 10 1 6 0;
> #X connect 10 2 11 0;
> #X connect 11 0 12 0;
> #X connect 13 0 1 1;
> #X connect 14 0 1 0;
> #X connect 14 1 4 0;
> #X connect 14 1 13 0;
> #X connect 16 0 10 0;
> #X connect 17 0 14 0;
> #X restore 436 570 pd hann-window;
> #N canvas 430 22 805 756 insample 0;
> #N canvas 0 22 450 300 (subpatch) 0;
> #X array \$0-sample-r 4e+06 float 0;
> #X coords 0 1 4e+06 -1 400 150 1;
> #X restore 277 187 graph;
> #X obj 27 401 unpack s f;
> #X obj 27 574 soundfiler;
> #X text 358 355 read a sample;
> #X obj 281 355 loadbang;
> #X obj 112 367 44100;
> #X obj 27 366 t a b;
> #X obj 37 598 s \$0-samplength;
> #X obj 124 401 s \$0-insamprate;
> #X obj 27 651 /;
> #X obj 27 675 * 1000;
> #X obj 27 698 s \$0-samp-msec;
> #X obj 65 651 r \$0-insamprate;
> #X obj 8 71 hip~ 5;
> #X obj 8 10 inlet;
> #X obj 128 33 samplerate~;
> #X obj 128 57 s \$0-insamprate;
> #X msg 281 384 ../soud/voice.wav;
> #X obj 281 414 s \$0-read-sample;
> #X obj 28 160 r \$0-read-sample;
> #X obj 27 516 pack s s s;
> #X obj 27 481 t s b b;
> #X obj 99 483 symbol \$0-sample-l;
> #N canvas 0 22 450 300 (subpatch) 0;
> #X array \$0-sample-l 4e+06 float 0;
> #X coords 0 1 4e+06 -1 400 150 1;
> #X restore 276 19 graph;
> #X obj 119 502 symbol \$0-sample-r;
> #X obj 9 97 tabwrite~ \$0-sample-l;
> #X obj 8 46 adc~ 1;
> #X obj 66 49 adc~ 2;
> #X obj 69 74 hip~ 5;
> #X obj 70 124 tabwrite~ \$0-sample-r;
> #X obj 27 622 moses 1;
> #X msg 76 325 44100;
> #X obj 197 306 sel mono;
> #X obj 331 572 soundfiler;
> #X obj 341 596 s \$0-samplength;
> #X obj 331 649 /;
> #X obj 331 673 * 1000;
> #X obj 331 696 s \$0-samp-msec;
> #X obj 369 649 r \$0-insamprate;
> #X obj 331 523 pack s s s;
> #X obj 331 488 t s b b;
> #X obj 403 490 symbol \$0-sample-l;
> #X obj 423 509 symbol \$0-sample-r;
> #

Re: [PD] Realtime-version of I07.phase.vocoder.pd

2007-05-15 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Am 15.05.2007 um 16:03 schrieb Damian Stewart:

> Luigi Rensinghoff wrote:
>> Has someone done that before ? Or can someone give me a hint ?
> live time-compression wouldn't make any sense, since you can't travel
> forward in time or can you? (dun-dun-DUN)
> you'd need some kind of spooling/unspooling delay if you wanted live
> time-compression to be possible. it could get gradually 'behind'  
> real-time
> as you time-expanded, and would then speed forward 'toward' real- 
> time as
> you time-compressed.

Thats exactly what i mean..

a variable realtime-time-expansion ;-)

> -- 
> Damian Stewart
> f r e y
> live music with machines
> ___
> mailing list
> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 
> listinfo/pd-list

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[PD] Realtime-version of I07.phase.vocoder.pd

2007-05-15 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Hi List

i come back to an old question, that i havent completely resolved for  

I need something like the phase-vocoder from the fft-examples but for  

Basically: variable live-time-compression-expansion-delay-something.

Has someone done that before ? Or can someone give me a hint ?



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Re: [PD] Exquisite corpse

2007-05-08 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
however ;-)

anyone started already ?

Am 08.05.2007 um 18:36 schrieb Kyle Klipowicz:

> I like this idea, but would rather it be pd-exquis #2, since it is a
> bit more involved. Let's see how #1 goes, and then try Luigi's if we
> can handle it!
> ~Kyle
> On 5/8/07, Luigi Rensinghoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I would like to move the brainstorming into another direction.
>> Hoping that you all like it.
>> What if:
>> 1) we leave the idea of just creating 30 seconds, but everybody is
>> allowed to contribute to the whole time-interval (lets say 3-5  
>> minutes)
>>   of course everybody should create "light" or "slim" elements.
>> Not to dense ;-)
>>   everybody should know how many modules there will be at the  
>> end.
>> 2) Instead of connecting the individual contributions on the
>> timescale connect it on the "patching" level
>>   for example:
>>   every module should have lets say 2 audio inlets 2 control
>> inlets 4 audio outlets and 4 control outlets
>> 3) limiting the pd-version to a basic one would be a shame. One
>> solution could be to agree on one PD-extended version and extensive
>> and careful use of the import-function
>> That way all the modules can be combined in many different ways and
>> after the creation of the individual modules, we have music until the
>> end of time.
>> Just an idea...
>> Luigi
>> Am 06.05.2007 um 20:10 schrieb Chris McCormick:
>> > Hi List,
>> >
>> > I realised I will not be able to sleep until I send this idea to  
>> the
>> > list, so here goes:
>> >
>> > Let's play a composition game. The game is based upon the  
>> Surrealist
>> > "exquisite corpse" method
>> > <> and it works like
>> > this:
>> >
>> > 1. Everyone who wants to play will reply to this message off- 
>> list. You
>> > will be required to make a Puredata composition around 30 seconds
>> > long,
>> > and you will have to do so within 3 days at some point in the  
>> next few
>> > weeks. If you can commit to this then go ahead and reply to me.
>> >
>> > 2. When it is your turn, you will receive a patch with two
>> > subpatches in
>> > it, and the name and email address of the person following you. The
>> > left
>> > hand subpatch will contain the person before you's work. The right
>> > hand
>> > subpatch will be empty. Each work/subpatch is triggered with a  
>> bang,
>> > and outputs a bang when it is finished. The composition must work
>> > in pure-puredata (Miller's) to ensure that it will work the same  
>> for
>> > everyone involved on all OSes etc. Your mission is to create a  
>> work in
>> > the right hand subpatch that goes together with the person  
>> preceding
>> > you (e.g. both will have their trigger bang hit at the same time so
>> > they should work together in some way). Whatever style of music and
>> > Pd mechanisms you choose are up to you, as long as your work  
>> does not
>> > depend upon any variables from the preceding patch (counters, etc)
>> > since
>> > the person after you won't have access to that patch. Once you're
>> > done,
>> > you mail it to the next person in the list with your own subpatch
>> > moved
>> > from the right hand side to the left hand side, and the next person
>> > does
>> > the same thing.
>> >
>> > 3. At the end everyone will mail me their subpatch and we will
>> > string all
>> > of the pieces together, overlapping so that each piece is played
>> > twice -
>> > once together with the piece before, and once with the piece after,
>> > and
>> > we'll post it back to the pd-list for everyone to hear. Should  
>> be fun
>> > and hopefully sound interesting!
>> >
>> > Ok, now I can go to sleep. :)
>> >
>> > Best,
>> >
>> > Chris.
>> >
>> > ---
>> >
>> >
>> > ___
>> > mailing list
>> > UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
>> > listinfo/pd-list
>> >
>> ___
>> mailing list
>> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 
>> listinfo/pd-list
> -- 
> (()()()(()))()()())(
> (())(())()(((
> ))(__
> _())(()))___
> (((000)))oOO

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Re: [PD] Exquisite corpse

2007-05-08 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
I would like to move the brainstorming into another direction.

Hoping that you all like it.

What if:

1) we leave the idea of just creating 30 seconds, but everybody is  
allowed to contribute to the whole time-interval (lets say 3-5 minutes)
  of course everybody should create "light" or "slim" elements.  
Not to dense ;-)
  everybody should know how many modules there will be at the end.

2) Instead of connecting the individual contributions on the  
timescale connect it on the "patching" level
  for example:
  every module should have lets say 2 audio inlets 2 control  
inlets 4 audio outlets and 4 control outlets

3) limiting the pd-version to a basic one would be a shame. One  
solution could be to agree on one PD-extended version and extensive  
and careful use of the import-function

That way all the modules can be combined in many different ways and  
after the creation of the individual modules, we have music until the  
end of time.

Just an idea...


Am 06.05.2007 um 20:10 schrieb Chris McCormick:

> Hi List,
> I realised I will not be able to sleep until I send this idea to the
> list, so here goes:
> Let's play a composition game. The game is based upon the Surrealist
> "exquisite corpse" method
>  and it works like  
> this:
> 1. Everyone who wants to play will reply to this message off-list. You
> will be required to make a Puredata composition around 30 seconds  
> long,
> and you will have to do so within 3 days at some point in the next few
> weeks. If you can commit to this then go ahead and reply to me.
> 2. When it is your turn, you will receive a patch with two  
> subpatches in
> it, and the name and email address of the person following you. The  
> left
> hand subpatch will contain the person before you's work. The right  
> hand
> subpatch will be empty. Each work/subpatch is triggered with a bang,
> and outputs a bang when it is finished. The composition must work
> in pure-puredata (Miller's) to ensure that it will work the same for
> everyone involved on all OSes etc. Your mission is to create a work in
> the right hand subpatch that goes together with the person preceding
> you (e.g. both will have their trigger bang hit at the same time so
> they should work together in some way). Whatever style of music and
> Pd mechanisms you choose are up to you, as long as your work does not
> depend upon any variables from the preceding patch (counters, etc)  
> since
> the person after you won't have access to that patch. Once you're  
> done,
> you mail it to the next person in the list with your own subpatch  
> moved
> from the right hand side to the left hand side, and the next person  
> does
> the same thing.
> 3. At the end everyone will mail me their subpatch and we will  
> string all
> of the pieces together, overlapping so that each piece is played  
> twice -
> once together with the piece before, and once with the piece after,  
> and
> we'll post it back to the pd-list for everyone to hear. Should be fun
> and hopefully sound interesting!
> Ok, now I can go to sleep. :)
> Best,
> Chris.
> ---
> ___
> mailing list
> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 
> listinfo/pd-list

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Re: [PD] mod~ ???

2007-05-07 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Hi there,

I am not so terribly into that right now..

Just an idea.

What if you just shift the table and write it to a second one...

silly probably...

just an idea

Am 07.05.2007 um 20:25 schrieb Derek Holzer:

> Sorry! Should read:
> Yes, correct. If I have a table that's 100 places long, and I set the
> offset to 95 and the length to 30, I would like to get a loop that
> starts at 95 and when it reaches 100, continue playing at 0 up to 25.
> The next loop would then begin again at 95 and wrap around through  
> 0 to
> 25, und so weiter.
> apologies,
> d.
> Derek Holzer wrote:
>> Yes, correct. If I have a table that's 100 places long, and I set the
>> offset to 95 and the length to 25, I would like to get a loop that
>> starts at 95 and when it reaches 100, continue playing at 0 up to 25.
>> The next loop would then begin again at 95 and wrap around through  
>> 0 to
>> 25, und so weiter.
>> best,
>> d.
>> Frank Barknecht wrote:
>>> Ah, sorry: I now read, that you don't want to start at the beginning
>>> of the sample but at the offset-point again. Then some more math is
>>> needed, I'll give it a shot a bit later.
> -- 
> derek holzer :::
> ---Oblique Strategy # 175:
> "What are the sections sections of? Imagine a caterpillar moving"
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Re: [PD] Exquisite corpse

2007-05-06 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Definetly crazy enough to become something ingenious ,-)

Sweet dreams ;-)

Am 06.05.2007 um 20:10 schrieb Chris McCormick:

> Hi List,
> I realised I will not be able to sleep until I send this idea to the
> list, so here goes:
> Let's play a composition game. The game is based upon the Surrealist
> "exquisite corpse" method
>  and it works like  
> this:
> 1. Everyone who wants to play will reply to this message off-list. You
> will be required to make a Puredata composition around 30 seconds  
> long,
> and you will have to do so within 3 days at some point in the next few
> weeks. If you can commit to this then go ahead and reply to me.
> 2. When it is your turn, you will receive a patch with two  
> subpatches in
> it, and the name and email address of the person following you. The  
> left
> hand subpatch will contain the person before you's work. The right  
> hand
> subpatch will be empty. Each work/subpatch is triggered with a bang,
> and outputs a bang when it is finished. The composition must work
> in pure-puredata (Miller's) to ensure that it will work the same for
> everyone involved on all OSes etc. Your mission is to create a work in
> the right hand subpatch that goes together with the person preceding
> you (e.g. both will have their trigger bang hit at the same time so
> they should work together in some way). Whatever style of music and
> Pd mechanisms you choose are up to you, as long as your work does not
> depend upon any variables from the preceding patch (counters, etc)  
> since
> the person after you won't have access to that patch. Once you're  
> done,
> you mail it to the next person in the list with your own subpatch  
> moved
> from the right hand side to the left hand side, and the next person  
> does
> the same thing.
> 3. At the end everyone will mail me their subpatch and we will  
> string all
> of the pieces together, overlapping so that each piece is played  
> twice -
> once together with the piece before, and once with the piece after,  
> and
> we'll post it back to the pd-list for everyone to hear. Should be fun
> and hopefully sound interesting!
> Ok, now I can go to sleep. :)
> Best,
> Chris.
> ---
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Re: [PD] call for PDP testing on Mac OS X

2007-05-05 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Hi List

Have been away from PD for a while.
I am seeing great effort do fix some things here.

pdp seems to work fine, after a quick first look.
No success with pidip (Intel Macbook)

Scripts/../extra/pidip.pd_darwin: dlopen(/Applications/Pd-0.39.2-,  
10): Symbol not found: _theora_decode_YUVout
   Referenced from: /Applications/ 
   Expected in: dynamic lookup

[import]: ERROR: can't load library in pidip

Please dont forget pdp_ieee1394 ;-)

Bye Luigi

>  Nose Hair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have been trying to test PDP on os 10.4.9 but it seems as though
>> pdp_glx does not work so I cant create a window to view pdp_noise and

Did you start X11 before starting PD ???
Thats not mentioned very often but is necessary...

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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] Berlin workshop: Crouching Table, Hidden Pointer

2007-04-30 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Am 30.04.2007 um 11:31 schrieb Derek Holzer:

> x workshops at pickledfeet, Berlin
> Linienstrasse 54, Berlin 10119
> U2, Rosa-Luxemburg-Pl. U8, Rosenthaler Pl.
> telephone: 3050187482.
> 5th May 2007
> 2PM
> Please RSVP [EMAIL PROTECTED] to reserve places as these are limited
> *Crouching Table, Hidden Pointer--Pure Data for soundfiles and live
> sampling with Derek Holzer*
> The Shaolin Temple secret for manipulating recorded sound in Pure Data
> lies in the arcane arts of the Table. Seekers of enlightenment will be
> shown how to load soundfiles from the harddrive into tables, or  
> capture
> live audio from the microphone, so that these sounds can be looped,
> stretched, pitchshifted, granulated and mangled. The Way is a long and
> dangerous one, and some basic understanding of PD is recommended, but
> some of you will triumph!
> Time will also be set aside for responding to participants' questions
> about their own PD audio projects.
> ---What to bring:
> Essential:
> 1) Laptop running Linux, OS X or Windows
> 2) Pure Data Extended installed from:
> 3) Soundcard (internal or external, quality a non-issue)
> 4) Headphones
> 5) EUR 10 participation fee
> Recommended/Suggested:
> 1) MIDI controller/keyboard
> 2) Microphone
> 3) USB Joystick
> 4) Your own soundfiles (WAV, AIFF format)
> 5) Your own PD audio projects for feedback
> ---About the Teacher
> Derek Holzer [USA 1972] began working with Pure Data in 2001. Since
> then, he has taught and performed with the program across Europe,  
> North
> America, Brazil and New Zealand. His work focuses on field recording,
> networked collaboration strategies, experiments in improvisational  
> sound
> and the use of free software such as Pure-Data. Holzer has released
> tracks under the Nexsound, Sirr, and/OAR, Frozen Elephants Music and
> Gruenrekorder labels, and has co-initiated several internet  
> projects for
> field recording and collaborative soundscapes including  
> He is currently writing a Pure Data beginner's manual for the FLOSS
> Manuals project.

I hope i dont have to work that day, i would like to be there, this  
time with my guitar ;-)

Best wishes


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Re: [PD] Time-based audio recording and analysis

2007-04-16 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

ohh cool, this answer is so simple, that i can actually help ;-)

just kidding

See the attached patch, i chope that helps

bye Luigi

Description: Binary data

On Mon, 16 Apr 2007 14:32:40 -0500
Jared <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

..most of the time-based stuff I'm seeing is how to
keep track of time rather than do something for a set length of time.

Thanks for your help!

These are equivillent, two ways of looking at the same thing. If  
you can track

time you can conditionally do something for a measured amount of time.

The easiest way is probably to use a delay [del] to schedule a  
future "stop"
event. For example [del 6] will output a bang one minute after  
you put

a bang into it.

Use the source

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Re: [PD] re-animate PD - Stammtisch Berlin ??

2007-04-11 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Thats great, already four people

Make more propaganda ;-)

Who else would like to be part of PD-Berlin-Stammtisch 2.0 ;-)

All the best for all


Am 11.04.2007 um 02:14 schrieb João Miguel Pais:

> ich bin dabei, obwohl ein bisschen beschäftigt...
> Joao
> Am 09.04.2007, 12:22 Uhr, schrieb Florian Kuehnle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> i would be interested...
>> but i'm only back in berlin the 23rd of april.
>> anyone else?
>> cheers flo.
>> Am 06.04.2007 um 16:30 schrieb Luigi Rensinghoff:
>>> I was wondering if anyone based in Berlin is interested in re- 
>>> animate
>>> some kind of unofficial PD-Stammtisch/Meeting.
>>> Let me know ;-) Let us meet ;-)
>>> Luigi
>>> ___
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> -- 
> Friedenstr. 58
> 10249 Berlin
> Deutschland
> Tel +49 30 42020091
> Mob +49 162 6843570
> skype: jmmmpjmmmp
> IBM Thinkpad R51, XP, Pd-Ext-0.39-2-t5
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Re: [PD] accessing mysql database

2007-04-08 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Yes i can acces the database from python, entering some lines of python:

db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost", "root", "gigiroot", "sfx_database")
sql = """SELECT * FROM soundfile where description like '%birds%"""
data = cursor.fetchall()
print data.

but from PD it does not work

Am 08.04.2007 um 16:17 schrieb David Powers:

> Hi Luigi,
> Just to be clear: Can you connect to the database with just Python? If
> not, I will try to help later today. This gives me a good excuse to
> try such a thing, I've been doing PHP+MySQL typical web programming
> lately, but Python is (in my opinion) a far nicer language than PHP
> and I've wanted to try this.
> ~David
> On 4/8/07, Luigi Rensinghoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> i successfully installed "py/pyext" on an intel macbook, and got
>> pyhton, mysql and mysqldb running.
>> The patch by georg holzmann i was trying to use is attached.
>> Since i have no clue about python and sql and all of that i need some
>> help to get started.
>> i managed to create a database with mysql, its called "sfx_database"
>> but when i try to connect via the patch i get the error:
>> PD mysql: could not log into MySQL server
>> in python i imported MySQldb, i think that is necessary and i
>> executed dir(MySQLdb), but i am not sure if it is really loaded.
>> Who could help me debug/troubleshoot that ??
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[PD] re-animate PD - Stammtisch Berlin ??

2007-04-06 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
I was wondering if anyone based in Berlin is interested in re-animate  
some kind of unofficial PD-Stammtisch/Meeting.

Let me know ;-) Let us meet ;-)


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Re: [PD] frequency graphing in gem

2007-04-03 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
There was a thread not too long ago 

thats a search result on the pd-list for "wavdisplay"

There shuld be a working patch


Am 03.04.2007 um 10:39 schrieb Peter Plessas:

> Have a look at Gem's [scopeXYZ~] too
> lgPP
> Nose Hair wrote:
>> I'm trying to get an audio graph to work in gem.  I would like it  
>> to show the
>> waveform like a table.  I have gotten as far as getting a good  
>> sample graph but
>> it doesnt work as expected with frequency. Any help would be  
>> apreciated. I have
>> included my patch files.  The main one is called waveform.
>> Thanks
>> Alain
>> - 
>> ---
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[PD] vbap in 3D

2007-03-31 Thread luigi . rensinghoff
Hi Dear List...

i have a question about using vbap in 3D. I am confused about the 
azimuth/elevation handling if using 3-Dimesnions.

I am trying to  arrange speakers in a simple cube-setting.

4 speakers in a square on the floor and 4 attached to the ceiling.

define_loudspeakers 3 8 -90 -45 0 -45 90 -45 180 -45 -90 45 0 45 90 45 180 45 

was my first attempt, but i get errors on the output of vbap and it is not 
meaningful at all..

Am i trying to do something that is not possible, or does the order play an 
important role ???

Help would be appreciated


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[PD] ann - usage/example - question

2007-03-28 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
Hi Dear List.

i just successfully compiled ann on pd_darwin and had a quick look  
over the examples.

I wonder how many people have used it for musical analysis.

Just to give an idea.

There is a patch that acts like an effect-prcessor for whatever kind  
of instrument. And there are like 4 predefined Presets for this  

Would you think - or did someone already try it - that it is possible  
to recognize certain "musical" patterns or scales or phrases to  
trigger a special output and with that change the preset.

I think i understood ann in so far that it should be possible, but  
are there practical experiences with that ?



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Re: [PD] Real-time frequency filtering and analysis

2007-03-28 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
What about filterbank in "unauthorized" ?

wouldnt that be an approach as well ?

Am 28.03.2007 um 10:23 schrieb Roman Haefeli:

> without having read your mail completely, i'd suggest having a look at
> the [fiddle~] external, that ships with pd.
> roman
> On Tue, 2007-03-27 at 23:20 -0500, Jared wrote:
>> Summary: I'm interested in capturing audio through a microphone  
>> and, in
>> real time, determining which frequency range (from a set range of
>> frequencies) has the maximum level. This would be used to determine
>> which note is loudest out three notes.
>> More info: Hello! I was hoping to get some direction for a project  
>> I'm
>> working on. I'm also searching the mailing list archives, but I
>> apologize in advance if I ask questions that have been answered
>> elsewhere. If you think my question has already been answered, I  
>> would
>> appreciate any advice on how to better search the archives to find  
>> what
>> I'm looking for.
>> I am creating a staged adaptation of a 'Choose Your Own Adventure'
>> novel. For more information, check out the Wikipedia article at
>> The important
>> thing to know is there will be a branching storyline, decided by
>> audience voting.
>> For the voting, I plan for everyone in the audience to have a small
>> xylophone with 3. Each note will correspond to a voting choice  
>> presented
>> by the cast. I'm going to have microphones positioned around the  
>> theatre
>> to capture the xylophones and pipe them to a computer. What I'd then
>> like to do through PD is determine which note was 'loudest,'  
>> meaning the
>> most people cast it for their vote.
>> The voting choices will be displayed by a projector connected to the
>> computer running PD. Thus, I'm interested in either piping the level
>> information to another program (PowerPoint or something else) to  
>> display
>> which vote won. I'd also be interested in doing this directly through
>> PD, if it's possible.
>> I'm working my way through the PD tutorials included in the program
>> itself, but would appreciate any advice or suggestions on keywords  
>> I can
>> use to search the archives.
>> Please let me know if there is any information I can add to make  
>> things
>> more clear. Thanks in advance for all your help.
>> -Jared
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Re: [PD] text3d and general pd compiling problems on OSX tiger

2007-03-27 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Am 27.03.2007 um 17:53 schrieb marius schebella:

> Hi,
> has someone managed to get text3d working on osx tiger?
> Now I am using pd-extended-0.39-2 and Gem has been compiled without  
> font
> support. so I tried to compile my own pd-extended, but did not  
> succeed.
> /usr/bin/libtool: internal link edit command failed
> make[2]: *** [../bin/libPdTcl.dylib] Error 1
> make[1]: *** [pd_install] Error 2
> make: *** [darwin_app_core] Error 2
> so I tried to compile everything from scratch and started with pd0.40,
> when I want to open it, I get a tcltk error...
> SetFrontProcess failed,-606
> needless to say that this is all frustrating. I would suggest to spend
> some money of the summer of code grant on making the existing versions
> more user friendly.
> otoh, what do I have to do to get text3d running?
> marius.
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I have to tune into that song ;-) I guess you are an intel-user ???

I think the problem is, that extended-maintainer Hans-Christian  
doesnt have an Intel-Mac.
And the second thing: The Build system needs a user-faq ;-) Of course  
for developers its easy to modify a makefile and get this compiled,  
but..not for PD-Users.

So, if you want to compile something by yourself, its really  
complicated. It actually was easier in the old "configure-make-make- 
install" times.

By the way, did you check the "MacosxFink"- Page ???

for the detail-questions  i am sorry to say that i dont know ;-)

Bye Luigi

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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] new Pd externals available

2007-03-25 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Am 24.03.2007 um 17:23 schrieb Steffen:

> On 24/03/2007, at 13.16, Luigi Rensinghoff wrote:
>> just out of curiosity..i think the link is not right, or was it meant
>> to be "private" ?
> It was meant to be the path to the folder that is created when
> unpacking the targz archive.
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Hey, these externals are really good. The help-files are excellent,  
its all very clearly explained.

Thanks so much for shring this...

The only pity is that there is no "mushroom~" xternal ;-)

I am definetly going to play with it these days


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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] new Pd externals available

2007-03-24 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff


just out of curiosity..i think the link is not right, or was it meant  
to be "private" ? 

gives a file not found error



Am 23.03.2007 um 19:55 schrieb Steffen:

> On 23/03/2007, at 18.46, j.c.w. wrote:
>> Did I miss something?
> In the darwin_bin folder there are intel (only) builds.
> $ cd /path/to/LyonPotpourri2.0_Pd/darwin_bin/
> $ file *
> adsr~.pd_darwin: Mach-O bundle i386
> bashfest~.pd_darwin: Mach-O bundle i386
> buffet~.pd_darwin:   Mach-O bundle i386
> bvplay~.pd_darwin:   Mach-O bundle i386
> channel~.pd_darwin:  Mach-O bundle i386
> chopper~.pd_darwin:  Mach-O bundle i386
> clean_selector~.pd_darwin:   Mach-O bundle i386
> click2bang~.pd_darwin:   Mach-O bundle i386
> click2float~.pd_darwin:  Mach-O bundle i386
> clickhold~.pd_darwin:Mach-O bundle i386
> distortion~.pd_darwin:   Mach-O bundle i386
> dmach~.pd_darwin:Mach-O bundle i386
> expflam~.pd_darwin:  Mach-O bundle i386
> flanjah~.pd_darwin:  Mach-O bundle i386
> function~.pd_darwin: Mach-O bundle i386
> granola~.pd_darwin:  Mach-O bundle i386
> granulesf~.pd_darwin:Mach-O bundle i386
> granule~.pd_darwin:  Mach-O bundle i386
> impulse~.pd_darwin:  Mach-O bundle i386
> kbuffer~.pd_darwin:  Mach-O bundle i386
> killdc~.pd_darwin:   Mach-O bundle i386
> magfreq_analysis~.pd_darwin: Mach-O bundle i386
> markov~.pd_darwin:   Mach-O bundle i386
> mask~.pd_darwin: Mach-O bundle i386
> oscil~.pd_darwin:Mach-O bundle i386
> phasemod~.pd_darwin: Mach-O bundle i386
> player~.pd_darwin:   Mach-O bundle i386
> pulser~.pd_darwin:   Mach-O bundle i386
> rtrig~.pd_darwin:Mach-O bundle i386
> samm~.pd_darwin: Mach-O bundle i386
> sigseq~.pd_darwin:   Mach-O bundle i386
> vdb~.pd_darwin:  Mach-O bundle i386
> vdp~.pd_darwin:  Mach-O bundle i386
> waveshape~.pd_darwin:Mach-O bundle i386
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2007-03-20 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
I am not sure if that works too, but what about partconv~ . shouldnt  
it be possible with that too ?

You have to build a lot around it i guess


Am 20.03.2007 um 17:03 schrieb Georg Holzmann:

> Hallo!
>> I am looking for PD objects and/or abstractions
>> to do HRTF filtering.
>> Any ideas on where to get them?
> 2 possibilities:
> - use the earplug~ external (in cvs/externals/earplug~)
> - use binaural ambisonic
> I am just making some workshop patches on how to do that for the linux
> audio conference - so if you wait a few days you can have the  
> patches ...
> LG
> Georg
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Re: [PD] [PD-dev] developer access ?

2007-03-19 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff

Am 19.03.2007 um 08:58 schrieb Frank Barknecht:

> Hallo,
> Luigi Rensinghoff hat gesagt: // Luigi Rensinghoff wrote:
>>> OK
>> well then i wont upload it...
>> its a little bit contradicting, since Frank said..
>> sourceforege is not for binaries...
> I said, CVS is not for binaries. The release system on Sourceforge is
> for binaries, but it's not really used by our group.
> Ciao
> --  
>  Frank Barknecht _ __footils.org_ __goto10.org__
> ___
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Thank you guys

for your effortnow i know more ;-)

have a good one


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Re: [PD] [PD-dev] developer access ?

2007-03-18 Thread Luigi Rensinghoff
> OK

well then i wont upload it...

its a little bit contradicting, since Frank said..

sourceforege is not for binaries...anyway, i am still waiting for a  
response from Hans-Christian, maybe then its solved.

Otherwise i'll send people interested my gmx-mediacenter link

that's the way it is

Thanks anyway for your detailed answer

webdavs.that i didnt try



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