Re: It's just not fair....

2001-03-17 Thread David A. Mann

Dave O'Brien writes:

> With the Matrox G400Max, you can have a selection of resolutions on
> the secondary monitor.  From 800x600 to 1280x1024 on my system.  The
> full range of Resolutions (up to the 2048x1536 maximum) are still
> available on the primary monitor.  You'll need a card with lots of
> memory, of course. I've found the Matroxes to be good and very well
> supported under Windows (95 to 2000) and Linux.  Pretty fast too - not
> the fastest for games, but pretty acceptable.

 Hmm, sweet.  I was going to put a gamer's card in at first, until this monitor 
came along.  Now the focus has shifted to a full-on graphics workstation.  
Linux support for the video is an absolute must, as is the ability to run both 
screens independently.  If I can get Sane to talk to whatever scanner I end 
up buying, I can run all my image processing in Linux, and keep Windows for 
email and games.

 Looking at Matrox's website the Millenium G450 (I presume it's a newer 
model of the G400) will only do independent resolution/refresh in Windows 
ME, 98 and 2000.  What a bummer.  I can live with Windows but would 
prefer to use Gimp in Linux (the Windows version is not as up-to-date).  I'll 
ask on a Linux list I'm on and see what is supported.

 Thanks for the help,

- Dave

David A. Mann, B.E.

"Why is it that if an adult behaves like a child they lock him up,
 while children are allowed to run free on the streets?" -- Garfield
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Re: Zenit SLRs?

2001-03-17 Thread Bob Walkden


my first slr was a Zenit (B or E, I think), back in about 1977 or
1978. I used it for a couple of years and it was perfectly ok as a 1st
slr. I still have some of the better photos I took with it. It came
with a Helios standard lens, about f/2 iirc, which was very soft and
low contrast. Not a good lens at all. I replaced it with my first MX
after about 2 years. While I had the Zenit it seemed like a decent
enough camera, but once I'd handled the MX and the SMC-M 50/1.7 that
came with it, there was no going back. I still have the Mx. So I guess
that means that the build quality of the Zenit, the size and general
clunkiness were pretty poor. I've since seen newer Zenits in the shops
here, although I haven't handled one, and they look like crap. They're
adequate as a beginner's slr, but personally I'd spend the money on a
used K1000 or Spotmatic or similar rather than a new Zenit.




Saturday, March 17, 2001, 2:46:59 AM, you wrote:

> Anyone have any comments on these beasts?  I noticed a seller is running an
> auction for a bunch of new ones pretty cheap.  They would seem to be fun to
> own just off of the reactions you'd probably get from people while using it
> (what the heck is that thing?!?).  And of course you could use all your
> fine Pentax glass with it, though a Limited lens hanging off the front
> would look...uh...rather goofy...

> Here's the auction:

> Something interesting is the field of view for the finder is 98%, according
> to the seller.  If that's true then it's right up there with the K2 and LX!  

> Todd
> -
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49mm reverse adapter for 6x7

2001-03-17 Thread dave o'brien

I've just acquired a 49mm Reverse Adapter for 6x7.  It looks nice so
far - great magnification.

But I've realised that I don't know how to calculate the exposure.  My
6x7 has no TTL finder and I've no idea of the adjustments required.
Looking through it with a variety of lenses, I'd guess that the focal
length of the reversed lens in important, as well as the f-stop.

Can anyone give me any advice?

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Re: F, A, FA and FA* lens-except_About CdI

2001-03-17 Thread Pentax Clover

If you can easily read French text, go to this link, so you might understand
how CdI is not devoted to a trade mark !

See you

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auto focus for horse jumping

2001-03-17 Thread David J Brooks

I have used only my SP 500 and from 1997 a K1000 for all my photography but am looking 
into possibly getting a used auto focus to expand my horizons a bit more.I use the 
K1000 for 
all my out door horse jumping shots and am quite happy with the results(using kodak 
400)I am looking for suggestions on waht would be good for indoor with flash and out 
door.Price wise looking at used zx-5 /zp-1Do these have fast auto focus 
works(horses do 
not give you much time to work with)and reliability.
I have been able to take indoor shots but only on well lite arenas using kodak max 800 
with good results.
Any comments on recommended used af for a 30 year manual guy is appreceiated

Dave B

David J Brooks
Marshall Macklin Monaghan
905 882 4211 x 503 work
416 312 2719 cell
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info on seller needed,

2001-03-17 Thread Daphne

Hi, I got a question, did anyone ever buy a lens from ebay seller called
'slimslim' - alias Steve, from Australia?
he's got a lens I want to buy and says there isnt a mark to be seen on
it, but there's no money-back garantie of any sort. Seeing as both
"mint" prime lenses which I bought from Keh and Pacificrim had to be
returned, I'm trying to be careful this time...
thanks for any info on the guy,


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Re: ZX-5N AF again (was Re: ZX-5n - Good price at B&H photo: A Question to All....)

2001-03-17 Thread Ed Mathews

Skip said:

I don't understand what you're saying here Ed, about the ZX-5n. Isn't
locking on a subject and staying focused with it exactly what is supposed to
happen in the Spot Focus mode?

My comments:

What I meant was that the camera has no continuous focus mode, so it tends
to lock on to subjects and remain focused at that point, rather than follow
them.  It's supposed to follow moving subjects, using "predictive AF", but
you can't depend on that happening all the time.  It depends on the subject,
and how fast it's moving.  You have no control over "predictive AF", it's up
to the camera to decide whether to kick it in or not.

Skip said:

And what happens then when you switch over to the Six Segment AF mode?
And what do you mean by "no continuous focus mode"? Doesn't this camera have
something called Predictive AF, which is supposed to be one step ahead of a
moving object[s] in order to keep in focus??

My comments:

I explained precdictive AF above.  You have no control over it, and it works
sometimes and sometimes not.  I find it works less often than not.  And
there is no such thing as "six-segment AF mode".  I don't know where you
ever head of that, but I can assure you - the ZX5N has nothing like it.

Skip said:

Can you please explain more? Are you using all of the AF modes, or maybe
just sticking with one?
Or does this camera simply not really do what's claimed for it?

My comments:

The ZX5N has no user controlable AF modes.  It simply tries to achieve focus
and lock at that point, or it makes up it's own mind that a subject is
moving and tries to follow it by itself.  The only aspect controlable by the
user is whether you choose to use just the center AF bracket, or all three
at once in the viewfinder, in which case the camera again makes up it's own
mind about which one to use to achieve focus

Skip said:

Plus, if you look at the Pentax AF codes, the PZ1[p] uses something called
Safox 1, while the ZX-5n uses Safox IV. Are you saying Pentax's AF systems
have gotten worse as they've updated them???

My comments:

Over the years, of the many people that have owned both cameras, many people
have said the the PZ1P AF seems better to them.  Others say the ZX5N AF is
better.  I don't know which is better.  But, what you can be assured of is
1.  The difference is probably not that great, or there would be no arguing
about which is better.
2.  The PZ1P has a "stronger" AF motor.
3.  The PZ1P has a continuous AF mode that the ZX5N does not have, allowing
it to keep changing it's focus with a moving subject.
So that's why I said what I did.  Ultimately, for moving subjects, the best
Pentax camera is the MS-S in continuous focus mode.  But if you can't afford
that, then the PZ1P might be a better choice than the ZX5N because although
it's AF system is outdated, at least it has a continuous AF mode that no
other current Pentax has.


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Re: Pentax Macro 50mmF4.0 Screwmount

2001-03-17 Thread Frank Theriault

I have an old pre-set 3.5 200mm Tak pre-set, and they aren't as much of a PIA
to use as one might think.  Once you set the exposure, you either leave the
lens stopped down, or if you open the aperture, you gotta remember to stop it
down just before you shoot.  I haven't forgotten to do that yet!

It's such a crisp lens, that the results I've gotten from it are worth the
extra effort.


Chris Brogden wrote:

> Correct.  The auto-stop-down feature didn't arrive until the introduction
> of the Auto-Tak's.  One of the aperture rings will let you set an aperture
> without physically stopping the lens down.  Then when you are ready to
> take the photo (or want to check the DOF), you manually turn the other
> ring until it meets resistance at the aperture that you set the first ring
> to.  The first ring acts as a sort of guide.  If you set it at, say, f8
> and then turn the second ring, the second ring will only go as far as f8
> before meeting resistance.  This way, you can stop down to the correct
> aperture without looking at the lens each time.  So you, you have to
> manually stop the lens down and open it up.  Fun, isn't it?  :)
> chris
> -
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28-70/f4 at BH Photo

2001-03-17 Thread Clive Williams

Michael found this:
>Compare with a 28-70/f4 on eBay:

> Opening bid of $185

Wishful thinking, surely!  Things may be different in Italy, but I
didn't have to look too hard here in the UK to find one for GBP55
(USD80ish).  No box and non-original caps, but otherwise fine, and a
12-month warranty too.
Nice lens too, although everything I've read here about sloppy manual
focus is true.  Makes it a pain to use with a polarizer, as the focus
changes when I try to adjust the filter.  USD139 for a new one seems
fair though.

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LX: now I see. (was LX is BACK.. woohoo -slurp-)

2001-03-17 Thread Clive Williams

I handled an LX for the first time this morning and I'm beginning to
understand why people here like them so much.  It seemed old and was
well-worn (yellowed Pentax lettering on the prism and a lot of brass
showing round the self-timer lever) but it just felt so _nice_!  I
didn't check to see what finder it had, but I was amazed by the clarity
of the view.  They want about GBP200 (USD 290ish) for it.  I'm tempted,
but wary of its age and possible history. Any thoughts?

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2001-03-17 Thread Treena Harp

Signing off for a week. Washington, D.C., here I come!

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Re: Self enabled a F 100 2.8 Macro

2001-03-17 Thread Rodger Whitlock

On Fri, 16 Mar 2001 at 08:04:30 -0600,  Kevin Thornsberry 

> ...I just
> made my first used lens purchase, a Pentax F 100 2.8 Macro from KEH.
>  I can't wait for it to arrive.  I've been doing most of my
> photography with a Pentax FA 28-200 zoom so I'm expecting a notable
> difference in sharpness.

Warning: Just as with the Limited lenses, do NOT use this lens for 
portraiture. The subjects will not be pleased when every wrinkle, 
every complexion flaw, every zit, every flake of dandruff, every 
stray hair is captured in glorious detail.

Also note that this lens goes up to 1:1 (lifesize) magnification. A 
tripod and cable switch are strongly recommended.

Rodger Whitlock
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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Pinhole Update

2001-03-17 Thread Steve Larson

John Mustarde was kind enough to send me a pinhole camera that he was`nt
it takes 4 X 5 film. I had my lab guy load it with T-max 100 in his
darkroom. I got
the T-max 100 (25 pack) for $15 because it expired in December, but has been
refrigerated. My lab guy even put the camera in a light tight bag till I`m
to use it. I would have loaded the camera, but did`nt want the fingerprints,
there is the serrated edge on the film where you hold it in your right hand
handling it in darkness.
 Now I`m going to build a little platform out of plywood for it to clamp on
and mount on tripod, to keep it still while opening the shutter. Should be
to do an exposure tomorrow.  It`s been a fun little project, and if the pics
come out, that`ll be a bonus!
Steve Larson
Redondo Beach, California

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Re: It's just not fair....

2001-03-17 Thread Cy Galley

I have a 17 and a 19" running as I type. Two different video cards, One is
PCI, the other is APG, each is at a different resolution, different refresh
rate as well.  All these differences with about the easiest install of any
computer item I have ever used.

Cy Galley - Bellanca Champion Club
Newsletter Editor

- Original Message -
From: "David A. Mann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: It's just not fair

> Maris writes:
> > Buy her a new video card and she'll love you for life.
>  Her PC will need more than a new video card :)  It's a Pentium 133, like
> mine, but has an older chipset and runs much slower.  I've been planning
> over a year now to build a new box so maybe it's time... my latest plan
> to start saving for it now, and by the time I can afford it the AMD Duron
> will have hit 1GHz.  Maybe I'll just have to dip into the savings account
> overclock an 800MHz chip.
>  I just hope she lets me use it :)  I would _love_ to dual-head it with my
> can you have different resolutions and scan rates for each monitor in a
> head setup?
> Cheers,
> - Dave
> David A. Mann, B.E.
> "Why is it that if an adult behaves like a child they lock him up,
>  while children are allowed to run free on the streets?" -- Garfield
> -
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Re: Zenit SLRs?

2001-03-17 Thread Ted Bradshaw

Todd Stanley at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Anyone have any comments on these beasts?

I surely do! Years ago, when Pontius was still a pilot, my first SLR was a
Zenit B, and I loved it. The camera was very solid in the hand and worked
well for me for a few years. (I must have had a good one!) Its controls were
few and rudimentary, to put it politely, the focusing screen was far too
small and, as a result, the image in the viewfinder was peculiar in its
proportions, and it had all the subtlety of a tractor from the 1930s. But
it _did_ work, and its 58mm f2 Helios lens was wonderful. (A clone of the
Zeiss 58/2 Biotar.) It was sharp, of medium contrast and delivered results
full of detail. A real cracker of a lens!

The downside: when it stopped working, it did so in a rather catastrophic
manner, in embarrassing circumstances (I will spare you the details) and I
parted with it, with a tear in the eye nevertheless, and the lens remained
in my memory.

Cut to twenty-five or more years later.

In my friendly neighbourhood photo shop I found one day a Zenit 12XP with a
58/2 Helios lens, and I bought it on the spot, with a Carl Zeiss Jena
135/3.5 in addition. I bought them both without a further thought, in part
so as to use once more the Meyer Lydith 30/3.5 pre-set diaphragm lens that I
had kept since my previous M42 existence. The Lydith, IMNSHO, is a much
under-rated hero of lens history.  Anyway, the camera works in the same
manner as my old Zenit B (but with FAD now), it seems still to be made out
of surplus tractor parts, and I do not trust the TTL meter. BUT the 58/2
Helios is wonderful, just as I remembered it, and the camera serves as a
second body to my Spotmatic (Pentax relevance at last!).

(By the way, the CZJ 135 is also wonderful: medium contrast, very sharp and
resolving tremendous detail -- a development of the 135/4 Sonnar, I believe.
A very impressive lens in a gently restrained way.)

So, I conclude that a Zenit is worth buying _if the price is right_. It's a
remnant of a former era, it is perhaps a little eccentric in its manners,
but it's fun!

Hope this helps.

Best wishes to all.

Ted Bradshaw.

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RE: HELP! My SMC tak 55/ 1.8 missing the pin found only on SMC lenses: consequences?

2001-03-17 Thread J. C. O'Connell

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Sid Barras
> Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 2:34 PM
> Subject: HELP! My SMC tak 55/ 1.8 missing the pin found only on SMC
> lenses: consequences?
> Hi all:
> Please help me to understand what the importance of this lense is. On my
> example, the little pin is missing, yet the lense seems to function just
> fine in all settings, on both my Spotmatic F (open aperture meter
> reading capable) and my Spotmatic Sp (not open aperture capable).
> I am trying to sell the lens, and I want to be able to report any
> consequences of this problem.
> Regards,
> Sid
If it's the real tiny chrome pin on the SMC taks, it is used
to interlock the auto-manual switch to the auto only position
when the lens is mounted on a SPF or ESII. The consequences
are either
1/ The lens cannot be set to manual when you want to ( stuck in the
   "SPF" mode.
2/ The lens CAN be set to auto or even manual even when it shouldnt
   ( like when it's mounted on a SPF).


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Re: It's just not fair....

2001-03-17 Thread Cy Galley

One can use a PCI and an AGP video card at the same time in Win 98 SE with
different sized Monitors, Different brand monitors, different resolution and
Different refresh rates WITHOUT any problems. If it was difficult, I would
not be doing it as I write.  Futher the video cards are a different make as

Cy Galley - Bellanca Champion Club
Newsletter Editor

- Original Message -
From: "Jan van Wijk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: It's just not fair

> On Sat, 17 Mar 2001 21:23:31 +1300, David A. Mann wrote:
> > Looking at Matrox's website the Millenium G450 (I presume it's a newer
> >model of the G400) will only do independent resolution/refresh in Windows
> >ME, 98 and 2000.  What a bummer.
> AFAIK the Matrox G450 is just a scaled down (cheaper) version of the G400
> Regards, JvW
> -
> Jan van Wijk;
> -
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Camera Shops in Reno, NV

2001-03-17 Thread Shel Belinkoff

Just got a call to make a quick trip to Reno, and will be leaving in
an hour or two.  Any suggestions for a full range camera shop in
that town, especially one that sells good, used Leica or Pentax
Shel Belinkoff
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Re: 49mm reverse adapter for 6x7

2001-03-17 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: "dave o'brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Pentax List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: March 17, 2001 3:52 AM
Subject: 49mm reverse adapter for 6x7

> I've just acquired a 49mm Reverse Adapter for 6x7.  It looks
nice so
> far - great magnification.
> But I've realised that I don't know how to calculate the
exposure.  My
> 6x7 has no TTL finder and I've no idea of the adjustments
> Looking through it with a variety of lenses, I'd guess that
the focal
> length of the reversed lens in important, as well as the
> Can anyone give me any advice?

I suspect you are going to have to do a calculation involving
the magnification ratio to come to some sort of an exposure
compensation. Unfortunately, the math eludes me. Something about
inverse square law comes to mind.
William Robb

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Re: now I see. (was LX is BACK.. woohoo -slurp-)

2001-03-17 Thread Bob Blakely

When the black wears off, what's underneath is brass colored. I suspect
plating to more readily accept a more permanent black coat.


Give blood. Play hockey.

From: "Raimo Korhonen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Brass? If it really was brass, it was not a LX because they are made of an
aluminium alloy that is grey.
> All the best!
> Raimo
> Personal photography homepage at
> Lähettäjä: Clive Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> well-worn (yellowed Pentax lettering on the prism and a lot of brass
> >showing round the self-timer lever) but it just felt so _nice_!

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Wedding hell: Pentax: 3, Metz flash unit: no score

2001-03-17 Thread William Robb

So, today was the big day for my neighbour's grand daughter.
She likes weddings so much, she decided to throw a second one
for herself. Being as how it was for a neighbour and all, I did
the photography thing.
I decided that I have all these LX's, so I took 2 of them,
and the MZ-5. Also, more lenses than I normally carry for this
sort of thing, and my venerable Metz 60 CT-2 and a spare
We went to the bride's mother's house for a few pictures
before the ceremony, so I got a chance to use the 50mm f1.2 and
the 77mm for quite a few shots. We then went to the church,
where I set my wife up with an LX with the action finder and
80-200 f2.8 on a tripod in the balcony. I stayed on the floor,
using the MZ-5 with the 50mm f1.2 for the processional, the 77mm
with available light for the ceremony, the 35mm f2 for the
register signing, then back to the 50mm f1.2 for the aisle
runway shots.
It all went swimmingly, and I had half a dozen shots left on
the MZ-5 after the ceremony, so I stuck the 20mm f2.8 on and did
a few pictures in the limousine.
  We shot the formals at the Legislative building, which is
a particularly nice piece of architecture, with all sorts of
marble columns and tiles and the like. This all was going
swimmingly, until the usual disaster struck. Every wedding I do,
something goes wrong somewhere. Either the bride calls it off,
or the groom is drunk, or someone's mother gets bit by a dog
(yup, had it happen to the brides mother at a farm wedding once,
she got chewed up pretty good too), or a camera fails. This
time, I was merrily shooting away, when suddenly, I lost TTL
flash. Bummer, I like TTL flash. So, I unplugged the TTL cables
and hooked up a regular sync cable so that I could continue.
Whoops, the flash was still firing at full output I had lost
all automation on the flash.
Super Bummer.
Fortunately, I had listened to Mafud, and had bought Portra
800 for this one, so I just took the flash off the camera and
opened up a couple of stops and kept right on shooting. The only
adjustment I had to make was we moved to an area of the building
with a big north window for illumination. Thankfully, I had
finished the group shots, and was just working with the bride
and groom by this time.
Anyway, that my story, and I'm sticking to it.
William Robb

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Re: Camera Shops in Reno, NV

2001-03-17 Thread Steve Larson

No idea, but have a fun trip!
Steve Larson
Redondo Beach, California
- Original Message - 
From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 2:24 PM
Subject: Camera Shops in Reno, NV

> Just got a call to make a quick trip to Reno, and will be leaving in
> an hour or two.  Any suggestions for a full range camera shop in
> that town, especially one that sells good, used Leica or Pentax
> gear.
> -- 
> Shel Belinkoff
> -
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Re: ZX-5N 's lousy AF???

2001-03-17 Thread William Wiseman

(Y'know, I like my ZX-M for what it does now. But I've been considering
getting an AF camera, and hearing all this stuff (from Pentax fans, no
less!) about how poor the Pentax AF systems are, I'm beginning to wonder if
I haven't made a mistake buying into this Pentax stuff instead of maybe
going with another, better operating, system???  (Where maybe I won't have
to spend close to $1000 (for an MZS) just to get a camera with a good AF
system... Hell, if I wanted need to spend that kind of money, why not go for
an F-100 and be done with it!?)

Pentax (like all brands) designs the camera to do what they think the 
customer wants. The ZX-5n is not really designed for multiple shot/rapid 
movement subjects. If can work OK but for that I found my PZ-1 to be much 

And since I don't think any AF system is really all that good I don't let it 
bother me. If I really want something to be in focus I use a MF lens on a MF 
body since ALL AF systems are only marginally accurate.

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Re: ZX-5N 's lousy AF???

2001-03-17 Thread Chris Brogden

On Sat, 17 Mar 2001, dosk wrote:

> So the PZ1p's Predictive AF is "continuous", while the ZX5n's is not?
> First I heard of this Geez, I thought that's what "Predictive AF'
> meant.?! Continuous. Following a moving subject. (In both cameras.) I
> wonder if Pentax is aware that it's Predictive AF option does not work
> properly in all of its ZX5ns?

As a few people pointed out, predictive and continuous AF are not the
same.  Continuous (also called "servo") AF will focus continually, even
while just holding the shutter button down.  As long as you are putting
pressure on the shutter button, it will be focusing.  Predictive AF works
just after you press the shutter button to take the picture.  That's where
the camera calculates the velocity and direction of the subject and alters
the position of the focusing ring to compensate for the subject's movement
between the time you press the button and when the curtains actually move.
> And I didn't mean to say 6-segment AF (as you probably knew anyway, Ed) but
> 3-point AF.  According to B&H's literature about this camera, the ZX5n has 4
> AF modes:
> [1] 3-Point. [2] Spot. [3] Predictive.  And, [4] Manual. And this certainly
> does not sound like your statement  ".the ZX5n has no user controllable
> AF modes"   Am I missing something here? Is the literature exaggerated?

It's not exaggerated as such, but it is misleading.  You can focus
manually (manual) or automatically.  If you focus automatically, you can
choose either to have the camera pick one of the focusing points for you
(3-point), or you can tell it to only focus on the center sensor
(spot).  You have no control over predictive AF; it just does it.
> And my questions about the ZX5n still remain unanswered; in which of
> the three (non-manual) AF options does the ZX5n work better for moving
> objects?

That really depends on what you're trying to shoot, doesn't it?  If you
want your subject in the center and it's relatively large and easy to
track, go with the spot AF.  If you want it off-center, or if it's smaller
and harder to track, go with the 3-point.

You can achieve the illusion of continuous AF with the 5n by using the
continuous shooting button.  If you put it on that mode, it will fire as
fast as it can while still focusing between each shot.  That might be the
best way to follow some moving subjects if you don't mind burning a lot of

> And does "predictive AF' work in both 3-Point and Spot modes,
> or is it something entirely different altogether...?

It works in both, AFAIK.
> (Y'know, I like my ZX-M for what it does now. But I've been
> considering getting an AF camera, and hearing all this stuff (from
> Pentax fans, no less!) about how poor the Pentax AF systems are, I'm
> beginning to wonder if I haven't made a mistake buying into this
> Pentax stuff instead of maybe going with another, better operating,
> system???  (Where maybe I won't have to spend close to $1000 (for an
> MZS) just to get a camera with a good AF system... Hell, if I wanted
> need to spend that kind of money, why not go for an F-100 and be done
> with it!?) Skip

Because there's more to photography than the ability of an AF system to
track rapidly moving objects.


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Pentax service manuals: Update

2001-03-17 Thread Mark Roberts

I've just added the missing exploded diagrams to the Pentax ME
service manual.
BTW: Just got my web stats for the month and it seems that the
service manuals are *very* popular! I think I had 116 downloads
of the ME Super manual alone!
Thanks to the generosity of fellow PDML'ers, I now have manuals
for the Spotmatic, Spotmatic F and Super Program. It's quite a
labor-intensive job turning them into PDF files so it'll be a
while before they get on the web page but they *will* get there
eventually. The Super Program will probably be the first in

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Hoya HMC L-44 for SMC 200/2.5?

2001-03-17 Thread John Mustarde

I just did a But-It-Now for an SMC 200/2.5 - boy does that "wave the
Auto 110 in the air" trick work for enablement!

Anyway, the seller is offering a filter also - a Hoya HMC L-44. But I
am not familiar with using an L-44 with anything except
black-and-white film. So I'm posting this question to the seller, and
also to youse guys and gals:

What's the groups' take on using an L-44 filter with SMC glass? When
and why would one use such a filter?
Happy Trails,
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Re: ZX-5N 's lousy AF???

2001-03-17 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: "Chris Brogden" >
> Because there's more to photography than the ability of an AF
system to
> track rapidly moving objects.

Chris, you might have a better handle on this than most, what
cameras have better AF than the Pentax MZ series (that would be
excluding the MZ-S) in the same price point as the Pentax?
William Robb

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Re: Hoya HMC L-44 for SMC 200/2.5?

2001-03-17 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: "John Mustarde" <>
> What's the groups' take on using an L-44 filter with SMC
glass? When
> and why would one use such a filter?

Hoya's multicoating is pretty good. Whats an L-44 filter?
William Robb

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ZX5n out.. How about PZ1 vs. PZ1p.....

2001-03-17 Thread Douglas E Harmon

Since this discussion turned into ZX5n vs. PZ1p I have a new question If
the the PZ1 is 3 FPS and the PZ1p is 4 FPS, should I assume that the AF
motor is more powerful in the PZ1p? Is the AF different in use? In other
words did they make an update to the SAFOX II in between?  I figure I'm not
worried about the MLU, Red Eye Reduction or Panoramic feature. In fact I
could care less about those. I seem to see more PZ1's on e-Bay than the PZ1p
so I figure I could pick up whichever one is available. I would appreciate
any insight..

Douglas E Harmon

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Re: Wedding hell: Pentax: 3, Metz flash unit: no score

2001-03-17 Thread PAUL STENQUIST

Thanks for that replay of your wedding shoot. Your review of lens
choices and shooting strategies is great stuff. Sounds like you did a
great job. Today's great high speed color neg films can save your butt,
can't they? 
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Re: Hoya HMC L-44 for SMC 200/2.5?

2001-03-17 Thread PAUL STENQUIST

Way to ebay, Texdance. I think I'm really gonna like having that auto
110 around. I smell big glass. Big, expensive, fully enabled glass. 
John Mustarde wrote:
> I just did a But-It-Now for an SMC 200/2.5 - boy does that "wave the
> Auto 110 in the air" trick work for enablement!
> Anyway, the seller is offering a filter also - a Hoya HMC L-44. But I
> am not familiar with using an L-44 with anything except
> black-and-white film. So I'm posting this question to the seller, and
> also to youse guys and gals:
> What's the groups' take on using an L-44 filter with SMC glass? When
> and why would one use such a filter?
> --
> Happy Trails,
> Texdance
> -
> This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
> go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
> visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at .
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Re: Hoya HMC L-44 for SMC 200/2.5?

2001-03-17 Thread John Mustarde

>Hoya's multicoating is pretty good. Whats an L-44 filter?
>William Robb

Ooops. that should be "Y-44" filter. Here's from the B&H site:

"Hoya 77mm Yellow #Y44 f/Black & White Film HMC (Hoya Multi-Coated)
Glass Filter: (special order, $44.95)

A light yellow filter commonly used for a slight increase in contrast
with black and white films. Especially useful for clear contrast
between blue sky with clouds and foreground. It is also suitable for
landscapes and nature scenes. Multicoated to minimize reflection at
the filter surfaces which reduces flare and ghosting."

Ok, so that's what a Y-44 filter does for B&W film. Now, does it do
anything for color slide or color print film? Is there some thought
that this would be useful for full-time usage on an SMC 200/2.5 for
correcting color in general?
Happy Trails,
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go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
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Kiron Lens...again

2001-03-17 Thread GLewis4457
Aftr the recent discussion of Kiron lenses I thought I would kinda keep an 
eye open on ebayfor one. A couple of days ago I bought a Kiron 80-200, 4.5 w/ 
macro.  I used the buy it now feature and got it for $35 USD.  I don't know 
if the lens is worth a crap or not but for $35 it seemed worth it.  Iwill 
report back when I get a chance to run a roll or two using this lens.  BTW, 
seller was only 5 miles from my place and he still made me pay for shipping 

Jerry in Houston

Re: Hoya HMC L-44 for SMC 200/2.5?

2001-03-17 Thread PAUL STENQUIST

It's strictly a black and white filter. With color film of any kind,
you're going to get LOTS OF YELLOW. About that much, I'd say.

John Mustarde wrote:
> >
> >Hoya's multicoating is pretty good. Whats an L-44 filter?
> >William Robb
> Ooops. that should be "Y-44" filter. Here's from the B&H site:
> "Hoya 77mm Yellow #Y44 f/Black & White Film HMC (Hoya Multi-Coated)
> Glass Filter: (special order, $44.95)
> A light yellow filter commonly used for a slight increase in contrast
> with black and white films. Especially useful for clear contrast
> between blue sky with clouds and foreground. It is also suitable for
> landscapes and nature scenes. Multicoated to minimize reflection at
> the filter surfaces which reduces flare and ghosting."
> Ok, so that's what a Y-44 filter does for B&W film. Now, does it do
> anything for color slide or color print film? Is there some thought
> that this would be useful for full-time usage on an SMC 200/2.5 for
> correcting color in general?
> --
> Happy Trails,
> Texdance
> -
> This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
> go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
> visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at .
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Re: Hoya HMC L-44 for SMC 200/2.5?

2001-03-17 Thread Rfsindg


Nice to see you snag the K200/2.5. 
I'll be interested in what you have to say about it after using it a bit.
...can't offer any help on the filter.

Regards,  Bob S.

<< Anyway, the seller is offering a filter also - a Hoya HMC L-44. But I
 am not familiar with using an L-44 with anything except
 black-and-white film. So I'm posting this question to the seller, and
 also to youse guys and gals:
 What's the groups' take on using an L-44 filter with SMC glass? When
 and why would one use such a filter? >>
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Re: Wedding hell: Pentax: 3, Metz flash unit: no score

2001-03-17 Thread Steve Larson

I`ll second what Paul said, about replaying the wedding. 
Too bad about the Metz, hopefully it can be repaired cheap. 
Let us know how the natural light shots come out.
Steve Larson
Redondo Beach, California
- Original Message - 
From: "William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Pentax Discuss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 3:57 PM
Subject: Wedding hell: Pentax: 3, Metz flash unit: no score

> So, today was the big day for my neighbour's grand daughter.
> She likes weddings so much, she decided to throw a second one
> for herself. Being as how it was for a neighbour and all, I did
> the photography thing.
> I decided that I have all these LX's, so I took 2 of them,
> and the MZ-5. Also, more lenses than I normally carry for this
> sort of thing, and my venerable Metz 60 CT-2 and a spare
> battery.
> We went to the bride's mother's house for a few pictures
> before the ceremony, so I got a chance to use the 50mm f1.2 and
> the 77mm for quite a few shots. We then went to the church,
> where I set my wife up with an LX with the action finder and
> 80-200 f2.8 on a tripod in the balcony. I stayed on the floor,
> using the MZ-5 with the 50mm f1.2 for the processional, the 77mm
> with available light for the ceremony, the 35mm f2 for the
> register signing, then back to the 50mm f1.2 for the aisle
> runway shots.
> It all went swimmingly, and I had half a dozen shots left on
> the MZ-5 after the ceremony, so I stuck the 20mm f2.8 on and did
> a few pictures in the limousine.
>   We shot the formals at the Legislative building, which is
> a particularly nice piece of architecture, with all sorts of
> marble columns and tiles and the like. This all was going
> swimmingly, until the usual disaster struck. Every wedding I do,
> something goes wrong somewhere. Either the bride calls it off,
> or the groom is drunk, or someone's mother gets bit by a dog
> (yup, had it happen to the brides mother at a farm wedding once,
> she got chewed up pretty good too), or a camera fails. This
> time, I was merrily shooting away, when suddenly, I lost TTL
> flash. Bummer, I like TTL flash. So, I unplugged the TTL cables
> and hooked up a regular sync cable so that I could continue.
> Whoops, the flash was still firing at full output I had lost
> all automation on the flash.
> Super Bummer.
> Fortunately, I had listened to Mafud, and had bought Portra
> 800 for this one, so I just took the flash off the camera and
> opened up a couple of stops and kept right on shooting. The only
> adjustment I had to make was we moved to an area of the building
> with a big north window for illumination. Thankfully, I had
> finished the group shots, and was just working with the bride
> and groom by this time.
> Anyway, that my story, and I'm sticking to it.
> William Robb
> -
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> go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
> visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at .

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Re: ZX5n out.. How about PZ1 vs. PZ1p.....

2001-03-17 Thread IronWorks

I just found this:   SAFOX: what's in a name?
By Ralf Engelmann


- Original Message -
From: "Douglas E Harmon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 7:24 PM
Subject: ZX5n out.. How about PZ1 vs. PZ1p.

| Since this discussion turned into ZX5n vs. PZ1p I have a new question
| the the PZ1 is 3 FPS and the PZ1p is 4 FPS, should I assume that the AF
| motor is more powerful in the PZ1p? Is the AF different in use? In other
| words did they make an update to the SAFOX II in between?  I figure I'm
| worried about the MLU, Red Eye Reduction or Panoramic feature. In fact I
| could care less about those. I seem to see more PZ1's on e-Bay than the
| so I figure I could pick up whichever one is available. I would appreciate
| any insight..
| l8r,
| Douglas E Harmon
| -
| This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
| go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
| visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at .

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Re: Hoya HMC L-44 for SMC 200/2.5?

2001-03-17 Thread Rfsindg


I haven't seen any unwanted color shifts in the K200/2.5 that need correcting 
with a yellow filter, especially shooting color slide or print film.

Regards,  Bob S.

<< A light yellow filter commonly used for a slight increase in contrast
 with black and white films. Especially useful for clear contrast
 between blue sky with clouds and foreground. It is also suitable for
 landscapes and nature scenes. Multicoated to minimize reflection at
 the filter surfaces which reduces flare and ghosting."
 Ok, so that's what a Y-44 filter does for B&W film. Now, does it do
 anything for color slide or color print film? Is there some thought
 that this would be useful for full-time usage on an SMC 200/2.5 for
 correcting color in general? >>
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Re: Kiron Lens...again

2001-03-17 Thread Gary L. Murphy

On Sat, 17 Mar 2001 20:58:21 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>seller was only 5 miles from my place and he still made me pay for shipping it

But did he actually =ship= it?  :-)


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Re: Kiron Lens...again

2001-03-17 Thread GLewis4457
In a message dated 3/17/01 8:15:28 PM Central Standard Time, 

Subj: Re: Kiron Lens...again
Date: 3/17/01 8:15:28 PM Central Standard Time
From:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gary L. Murphy)

On Sat, 17 Mar 2001 20:58:21 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>seller was only 5 miles from my place and he still made me pay for 
shipping it

But did he actually =ship= it?  :-)


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Subject: Re: Kiron Lens...again
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He said he shipped it yesterday  I know where he lives or where his 
business is, he put the address in one of the posts  Thats how I know he 
lives so close.


Re: ZX-5N vs. PZ1 vs. PZ1p vs. lousy AF???

2001-03-17 Thread dosk


Well lessee now The ZX5n has only predictive AF, while the PZ1 and PZ1p
have continuous AF, AND predictive AF...!!
Izzat right?
So that means I would like the AF options on the PZ's much better, because
all else being equal, it should be far easier for me to capture my sports
loving grandchildren at their (hard driving) play with the PZ1's than with
the ZX/MZ's. (Even though there's more to photography than capturing fast
moving targets, as some of you have been so kind as to remind me of this
great mountain top secret...)
But I like the shape and feel and look of the ZX/MZ cameras better.
So when does this stupid MZ-S camera come out in the USA anyway? What is
Pentax  waiting for, an engraved invitation?

(BTW, I just recently got a web look at some of the publicity and hoopla
that accompanied Pentax's last great triumphful door busting release, the
MZ5. And this publicity release stated that the camera was going to list in
the USA for $800-$900, and would probably sell discounted for around $600.)
(Sound familiar to anyone?)


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Re: ZX-5N 's lousy AF???

2001-03-17 Thread Chris Brogden

On Sat, 17 Mar 2001, William Robb wrote:

> Chris, you might have a better handle on this than most, what
> cameras have better AF than the Pentax MZ series (that would be
> excluding the MZ-S) in the same price point as the Pentax?
> William Robb

On Sat, 17 Mar 2001, William Robb wrote:

> Chris, you might have a better handle on this than most, what
> cameras have better AF than the Pentax MZ series (that would be
> excluding the MZ-S) in the same price point as the Pentax?
> William Robb

Well, it depends.  :)  Let's break it down.


When focusing on a nice contrasty subject, the MZ series is definitely one
of the best.  Obviously this depends on the lens, too, so for the sake of
argument I'm talking about the standard 28-80 (Canon has a 28-90) zoom
that's offered in a kit with each camera because (1) it's the lens that
the *vast* majority of people buy with these cameras, and (2) I've handled
these lenses a lot more than, say, a 50mm from each manufacturer.  Ok, on
to the sweeping generalizations.  Canon's Rebel series is slow.  Unless
you get the USM lenses, they're noticeably slower than the
MZ's.  Minolta's STsi and XTsi aren't much better.  Nikon's F65 and F80
are actually quite good in terms of speed, either on a par with or
slightly below Pentax.  A lot of customers comment on how the MZ's seem to
"snap" into focus quickly.


The MZ series seems to hunt a fair bit when the subject is not very
contrasty or is in dim light.  I can't speak too much for the other brands
when it comes to this, but I remember hating the entry-level Minolta that
I borrowed a year or so ago because it wouldn't focus at all in light
where my MZ-5n would.  I imagine Nikon and Canon are pretty similar to
Pentax in this respect.  Sometimes the MZ's will lock on right away, but
if they don't, then they either whip back and forth hunting, or move in
frustratingly small and jerky increments until they find something to
focus on, which can take a *long* time.  Canon's Rebel's seem to do pretty
good here.


The MZ's work on a three-point system, but only the MZ-5n and MZ-3 let you
select one particular point, and that's only the center one.  Canon's
Rebels are better at this.  Their standard Rebel G has three selectable
points, while their Rebel 2000 has (I think) seven.  Nikon put selectable
AF points into even their bottom-level F65 (five, I think), and their F80
has five as well, which you can select via a F100-style
thumbwheel.  Nice!  For me, it's not the number of points that's
important; it's the ability to select at least one point.  One of the
biggest drawbacks of the MZ-7 is that it lacks at least one
manually-selected focus point.  This is one place where Pentax sucks.


Pentax doesn't do so great here.  You have a choice of manual or
single-shot AF, but that's it.  None of the MZ's has any sort of servo AF,
unless you want to count continuous shooting as servo AF, which it isn't
really.  Nikon's F65 offers an automatic servo mode (you can't select it,
but it is there for the camera to use when it senses movement from the
subject).  Their F80 lets you select servo AF.  Canon's Rebels will go
into servo (continuous) AF if they detect movement, as will Minolta's HTsi
and XTsi.  I believe that Canon's sports mode will use servo AF all the
time, though I'm not sure about other manufacturers.  Minolta also offers
eye-start focus on their XTsi, though that's more of a gimmick than
anything else, IMO (like the MZ-7's blinking lights).  :)  So Pentax is
definitely lagging behind in not offering servo AF, even if it's just
selectable by the camera, not the user.


This is another area where Pentax is in last place.  Canon's Rebels are
extremely quiet, even with non-USM lenses.  Nikon's F65 and F80 are
relatively quiet, too, as are Minolta's STsi and XTsi, though the Minoltas
are a bit noisier than the Nikons and Canons.   The MZ's, however, are
painful to listen to in a quiet room.  They're not bad when they can lock
onto a subject, but if they hunt at all, they do so loudly.  It's like
there's no dampening at all... you can hear the motor working loud and
clear, as well as the sound of the focusing ring smashing against its end
points.  Ouch.

So Pentax's MZ's aren't that bad in terms of AF performance, but overall
I'd say that they're behind Canon and Nikon's models just because they
don't have a selectable AF point (unless you go for the MZ-5n or 3) and
they're bloody loud.  Apart from that, most people who are buying
entry-level cameras don't seem to care too much about the AF either way,
so it's not a big deal.


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Re: Kiron Lens...again

2001-03-17 Thread Gary L. Murphy

On Sat, 17 Mar 2001 21:45:50 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>He said he shipped it yesterday  I know where he lives or where his 
>business is, he put the address in one of the posts  Thats how I know he 
>lives so close.

I had something like this last year on a eBay deal. The guy lived close to my office 
in Fort Worth but still 
insisted the shipping charge. After I paid him, he drove to my office and dropped it 
off. Of course, he had left 
before I could get to the front desk...


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Re: now I see. (was LX is BACK.. woohoo -slurp-)

2001-03-17 Thread Rob Studdert

On 17 Mar 2001, at 15:18, Bob Blakely wrote:

> When the black wears off, what's underneath is brass colored. I suspect
> plating to more readily accept a more permanent black coat.

The top of the mutli-function lever button is fabricated from brass and wears 
to reveal brass (the paint has a habit of peeling from these), the top panels 
are fabricated from aluminium and wear to reveal silver coloured aluminium.


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
Fax +61-2-9554-9259
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
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Re: Hoya HMC L-44 for SMC 200/2.5?

2001-03-17 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: "John Mustarde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: March 17, 2001 7:35 PM
Subject: Re: Hoya HMC L-44 for SMC 200/2.5?

> >
> >Hoya's multicoating is pretty good. Whats an L-44 filter?
> >William Robb
> Ooops. that should be "Y-44" filter. Here's from the B&H site:
Y-44 is pretty heavy. I wouldn't think it would have much use
with colour film.
William Robb

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Anybody want a PZ1p?

2001-03-17 Thread John Mustarde

If anyone wants a PZ1p (my well-used beater), contact me off-list.
Maybe we can work out a deal. I've got one too many of them right now.
Happy Trails,
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Re: ZX-5N vs. PZ1 vs. PZ1p vs. lousy AF???

2001-03-17 Thread Chris Brogden

On Sat, 17 Mar 2001, dosk wrote:

> Well lessee now The ZX5n has only predictive AF, while the PZ1 and PZ1p
> have continuous AF, AND predictive AF...!!
> Izzat right?
> Okay

No, it's not.  If you want to know how it works, *read* our posts on the
matter.  There have been at least two or three good replies (mine
included) that explained it in simple language.  It's very irritating to
have someone misread what we've said so blatantly.  How can you say that
after I explained what predictive AF was?  *Read* it.  Sorry if I'm
bitter... it's been a long day manning the camera counter at work.

> So that means I would like the AF options on the PZ's much better, because
> all else being equal, it should be far easier for me to capture my sports
> loving grandchildren at their (hard driving) play with the PZ1's than with
> the ZX/MZ's.

Agreed.  I tried to track some moving birds once, and it was *so* much
easier with the Z1-p than with the MZ-5n.

> (Even though there's more to photography than capturing fast moving
> targets, as some of you have been so kind as to remind me of this
> great mountain top secret...)

That was me who said that.  Though of course it depends on the type of
photography you like to do.  If most of what you do is capture fast-moving
objects, then it matters.  :)  I just don't see the need to dismiss Pentax
because of its AF performance, and that's the impression I got from your
post.  No big deal, we've moved on.

> Okay.
> But I like the shape and feel and look of the ZX/MZ cameras better.
> Okay.
> So when does this stupid MZ-S camera come out in the USA anyway? What is
> Pentax  waiting for, an engraved invitation?
> {Sigh...}

:)  Patience...

> (BTW, I just recently got a web look at some of the publicity and hoopla
> that accompanied Pentax's last great triumphful door busting release, the
> MZ5. And this publicity release stated that the camera was going to list in
> the USA for $800-$900, and would probably sell discounted for around $600.)
> (Sound familiar to anyone?)

Really?!  That's interesting.  Makes one hope...


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Re: 67mm filter on 49mm lens...?

2001-03-17 Thread Kelvin Ang


Thanks for the help, guys. One concern I have is the
availability of 67mm filters. The camera shop guys
told me 67mm lenses are out of production and
therefore 67mm filters will gradually be phased out.
Any idea how true this is?


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Re: Tamron Lens

2001-03-17 Thread George Stanley

At 12:04 PM 3/17/2001 -0600, Gary wrote:

>Has anyone used the Tamron 28-105 f4-5.6 AF lens? If so, can you
give me 
>some info regarging it's sharpness, bokeh, contrast, and build

Sharpness: Surprisingly good.  Some fall-off at 105mm  wide
Bokey?? Dont know. Too subjective.
Contrast  Good--except watch for serious sun flare problems.
Build Quality. Plastic-- but surprisingly good.

A decent lens. But not good enough. I sold mine.

--George Stanley, Studio City, Ca., USA

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Re: 67mm filter on 49mm lens...?

2001-03-17 Thread Rofini

Kelvin asks:

>The camera shop guys
>told me 67mm lenses are out of production and
>therefore 67mm filters will gradually be phased out.
>Any idea how true this is?

Several Pentax wide angle and tele lenses and one zoom listed in
current production according to Boz's website. The name of the
camera shop guys' store didn't happen to be "67mm filters" did

Mark Rofini

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