Re: Update: OT So much for the best job ever.

2010-01-24 Thread David J Brooks
On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 1:36 PM, Ken Waller wrote:

 Kenneth Waller

 - Original Message - From: David J Brooks

 Subject: Update: OT So much for the best job ever.

 Sometimes i need to quote Ford Prefect and don't panic.:-)

 But that's the Libra way i believe, panic then think.??

 I DO have my towel ready though.

 We have been in touch with the company(Stock Transportation) that
 wound up winning over 400 existing routes. The recruiter has told us
 they will try and place as many of the drivers as possible and
 hopefully keep us on the same runs. The runs total over 400 and to
 hire and train that many is a challenge in its self, let alone find
 400 buses.

 Also have heard they may sub contract out so if that's the case there
 should be no job losses, just pay cuts, but nothing to serious. I have
 done the pay cut thing before to keep working and will do so again.

 Thanks for all the notes of encouragement. This puts a serious dent
 into my plan to help the economy buy buying a camera or lens

 Does that mean a dictionary  thesaurus are out of the question    ;+}

Fraid so.:-)


 Hope this all works out for you - you know idle hands and all that !

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Peso Bus for John S.

2010-01-24 Thread David J Brooks
Taken June 2008. Please note this was taken just before i lost 35 pounds.

This is old Laidlaw euipment.

I hear this is what the new company runs.


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Re: Scott Bourne's Ego

2010-01-24 Thread David J Brooks
On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 11:04 PM, Rob Studdert wrote:
 On 24/01/2010, John Celio wrote:
 If any of you follow Scott Bourne on Twitter or elsewhere, I would like to
 suggest ignoring that egotistical jackass from now on.

 Who the hell is Scott Bourne? He can block me too if that helps with
 his therapy!

My thoughts as well


 Rob Studdert (Digital  Image Studio)
 Tel: +61-418-166-870 UTC +10 Hours
 Gmail, eBay, Skype, Twitter, Facebook, Picasa: distudio

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Re: finished my roll of film

2010-01-24 Thread David J Brooks
Humm, i have 4 year old chemistry here, and 1 roll of exposed Tmax.



On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 5:51 PM, paul stenquist wrote:
 Being the contrarian I am, I thought I'd pay homage to the film is dead 
 thread by finishing the roll in my Leica. I processed it in six-year-old 
 chemistry, including some T-Max developer I had on the shelf. The developer 
 looked good, not at all oxidized, and it seems to have worked fine. The fixer 
 was equally old but that probably doesn't matter as much. The film looks good 
 hanging to dry. I'll probably cut it apart and scan a few frames later 
 tonight. Of course, since I don't have a film scanner, the right thing to do 
 would be to make some prints and scan them on the flatbed. But that sounds 
 like a lot of work. I think I'll just see what I can do scanning from film on 
 my flatbed Epson 3200. Then again, maybe I'll get ambitious:-).

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Re: PESOs: Film!

2010-01-24 Thread David J Brooks
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 12:09 AM, paul stenquist wrote:

 On Jan 23, 2010, at 11:57 PM, ann sanfedele wrote:

 Paul - the second one gave me a 404...

 but saw all the others -- and I love this one

 I'm aguessin Frank will too :)

 Thanks Ann. The young guy on the left was trying to get contributions for his 
 high school's senior trip. I gave him a buck and asked if I could take some 
 pictures of him trying to solicit funds. He agreed. The lady on the right 
 approached, saw the camera and made a beeline for the outside lane. Don't 
 know why, but it made for an interesting shot.

Probably supposed to still be at work.:-)

Nice shots.




 P N Stenquist wrote:

 Some shots with the 1953 Leica iiifRD and two Leica lenses. The film  was a 
 six-year-old roll of TMax 400, processed in six-year-old T-Max  developer. 
 When I used to shoot this film in anger, I'd rate it at ISO  200 and 
 process it in D-76 1:1, That yielded nicer grain. But the old  T-Max worked 
 reasonably well. The Summicron is the better lens, but  they're both rather 
 nice. Not a lot of contrast compared to modern  glass, but a nice smooth 
 tonality. The Summicron is circa 1953. I  believe the Summaron is 
 considerably older, but I haven't checked the  serial number.

 With the Summicron 50/2

 f2.8 @ 1/25th:

 f8 @ 1/100th:

 With the Summaron 35/3.5

 f8@ 1/100th:

 f8 @ 1/75th:

 f3.5 @ 1/25th

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Re: GESO -- A walk along the Hammonasset

2010-01-24 Thread David J Brooks
On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 4:38 PM, P. J. Alling wrote:
 I went for a walk along the Hammonasset River this morning.  Took the K20 a
 couple of FA Zooms and the Kalamar 500mm Mirror.  I got these three shots

 I might have overdone the contrast enhancement on this one

Looks like it was painted.

 The micro climate in this one is interesting, This is just twenty feet up
 slope from the river and at that juncture there was ice on this little

 Last a visual joke with a sign, Kind of for Ann and Frank if they're

Do you have a before and after on this one.,


 As usual comments are welcome but may be totally ignored.

 Courier New;}}
 \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the
 interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: Please Ignore Me (too)

2010-01-24 Thread P. J. Alling

On 1/20/2010 3:48 AM, Rob Studdert wrote:

On 20/01/2010, Tom  wrote:


Our laws are only words written on paper.

More importantly laws are not justice
A working lawyer once explained it to me.  We can't guarantee justice, 
the best we can guarantee is a fair process, for justice the judge would 
have to be Salomon

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: GESO - At the Square

2010-01-24 Thread David J Brooks
Really like the top two Frank.


On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 11:52 PM, frank theriault wrote:
 We had a little protest here in Toronto today.  About 10,000 showed up
 at Yonge-Dundas Square downtown to protest the Harper government's
 decision to prorogue parliament until after the Vancouver Olympics.
 There were similar demonstrations across the country.

 Here are a few shots from the rally:

 They then took to the streets, circled downtown for a bit and ended up
 back at the square.  I don't know that it's going to make a whit of
 difference, but it was good clean democratic fun.

 Tomorrow or Monday I'll post some pix from the marching part.

 Hope you enjoy.  Comments always welcome.


 Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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Re: they got back to me after all

2010-01-24 Thread David J Brooks
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 12:29 AM, Christine  Aguila wrote:

 From: paul stenquist

 Sounds like fun. I've always thought about joining a camera club but never
 got around to it.

 My husband is having a bit of a giggle over this.  He's always said I'm not
 much of a club joiner, but I aim to give it a try.  Cheers, Christine

Walk softly and carry a 60-250\


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Re: GESO -- A walk along the Hammonasset

2010-01-24 Thread P. J. Alling

On 1/24/2010 3:30 AM, David J Brooks wrote:

On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 4:38 PM, P. J. Alling  wrote:

I went for a walk along the Hammonasset River this morning.  Took the K20 a
couple of FA Zooms and the Kalamar 500mm Mirror.  I got these three shots

I might have overdone the contrast enhancement on this one

Looks like it was painted.

It was quite unexpected.  Frozen ground, and a week ago it would have 
been under a foot and a half of snow.  Yet the algee was waving as if it 
was growing in an over populated guppy tank.  The water had almost no 
reflections on it and it looked painted from the foot bridge,  except 3d...


The micro climate in this one is interesting, This is just twenty feet up
slope from the river and at that juncture there was ice on this little

Last a visual joke with a sign, Kind of for Ann and Frank if they're

Do you have a before and after on this one.,

The pond is between 3 deep at the shore closest to my vantage point and 
about 2' deep at it's center.  The locals know it's condition far better 
than the local authorities.\


As usual comments are welcome but may be totally ignored.

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interface subtly weird.\par

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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
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Re: GESO - At the Square

2010-01-24 Thread Toine
I suppose you framed the advertisement in the top right corner
intentionally ;) Great shot.

2010/1/24 frank theriault
 We had a little protest here in Toronto today.  About 10,000 showed up
 at Yonge-Dundas Square downtown to protest the Harper government's
 decision to prorogue parliament until after the Vancouver Olympics.
 There were similar demonstrations across the country.

 Here are a few shots from the rally:

 They then took to the streets, circled downtown for a bit and ended up
 back at the square.  I don't know that it's going to make a whit of
 difference, but it was good clean democratic fun.

 Tomorrow or Monday I'll post some pix from the marching part.

 Hope you enjoy.  Comments always welcome.


 Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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Re: OT - how to guarantee you luggage won't be lost

2010-01-24 Thread P. J. Alling
It's banned by some homeowners associations, and some municipal 
governments in the US at least.  I wouldn't live in a town that did that 
and I certainly wouldn't join any homeowners association regardless.

On 1/20/2010 2:17 AM, David Mann wrote:

On Jan 20, 2010, at 8:38 AM, P N Stenquist wrote:


Folks hang their laundry on clothes lines to dry.

It strikes me as odd that someone would find that unusual.



{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: OT - how to guarantee you luggage won't be lost

2010-01-24 Thread P. J. Alling

On 1/20/2010 8:20 AM, John Sessoms wrote:

From: David Mann

On Jan 20, 2010, at 8:38 AM, P N Stenquist wrote:

 Folks hang their laundry on clothes lines to dry.

It strikes me as odd that someone would find that unusual.


Tell that to your Home Owners Association ... story from my own 
back yard so to speak (figuratively WRAL is the local TV station)

There have been stories of homeowners associations going after people 
flying flags they didn't approve of.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: OT - how to guarantee you luggage won't be lost

2010-01-24 Thread P. J. Alling

On 1/20/2010 8:31 AM, paul stenquist wrote:

On Jan 20, 2010, at 8:19 AM, William Robb wrote:


- Original Message - From: paul stenquist
Subject: Re: OT - how to guarantee you luggage won't be lost


We're not even allowed to do it in my community. I guess some consider it an 

If you had the interest to check into it, I bet you'd find that the laundry 
machine lobbyists had a behind the scenes hand in it.


No, it's a local rule passed by the homeowners association and applies just to 
a few hundred homes here. If I cared enough, I'd hang laundry anyway. 
Association rules are non-enforcable. They're more or less voluntary. But by 
breaking them, you run the risk of upsetting your neighbors.

In some places you can be subject to civil suit for breaking association 


William Robb

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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: OT - how to guarantee you luggage won't be lost

2010-01-24 Thread P. J. Alling
You ask to much, life is.  Humans are a lot more altruistic than could 
possibly be expected from the behavior of all other known life.

On 1/20/2010 3:10 PM, Bob W wrote:

In the US it is against most home owner's association

bylaws to do

so. Kerry  was so disappointed to find out we couldn't have a
clothesline out the  back when she moved here 10 years ago.

Not even in your own back-yard? Incredible.

Home owner's associations.  Making suburbia suck...just a
little bit more.


You should tell them to f_ck off to Switzerland where people like that sort
of thing.



{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: Semi OT: 64 bit Operating Systems and PhotoShop

2010-01-24 Thread P. J. Alling
The fact that you can't see the additional memory could be a Bios 
limitation, not an OS limitation.

On 1/20/2010 3:12 PM, John Sessoms wrote:

Took my laptop in this morning and had 4GB RAM installed (up from 2GB).

Turns out Windows Vista Ultimate is only 32bit and limits the amount 
of RAM it can use to supposedly 3.5GB - System Information is showing 
3,069.44MB which I make to be 2.99GB.

Don't know why it doesn't show the whole 3.5GB.

OTOH, I found out the laptop has two physical hard drives where I 
thought it had one drive partitioned into two logical drives, so I may 
have more upgrade options than I originally thought.

One thing I started thinking about this morning is installing Windows 
7 Professional 64 bit.

Has anyone had experience with 64 bit versions of Windows? Especially 
running PhotoshopCS3?

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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OT A ??? for the bike crowd

2010-01-24 Thread David J Brooks
I have in my garage a 1973 Raleigh ten speed bike, with the cool
curled over handle bars and duel brake thingies, that has not been
used for at least 20 plus years. The tires have just about rotten off,
the cables are a bit ceased and dusty.

Worth getting it tuned up??

I currently ride a 1990 Norco 21 speed mountain bike


Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: OT - how to guarantee you luggage won't be lost

2010-01-24 Thread P. J. Alling

On 1/21/2010 8:40 AM, David Savage wrote:

2010/1/21 William

- Original Message - From: David Mann Subject: Re: OT - how to
guarantee you luggage won't be lost


On Jan 21, 2010, at 2:20 AM, John Sessoms wrote:


Tell that to your Home Owners Association ...

Why do people put up with such shit?


It's all done in the name of freedom and liberty.

At least they have their guns.


Shooting homeowners association members in peacetime is frowned upon.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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RE: Trafalgar Square Photographer's Demo

2010-01-24 Thread Chris Mitchell
 From: Bob W
 Subject: RE: Trafalgar Square Photographer's Demo
  From: Cotty
   So Bob (and Chris?) how'd it go?
  I'd forgotten about that, but now this makes more sense.
 Now that Chris is back in Milton Keynes they'll probably lower it

Ha ha. There were certainly several hundred people there at its height. Some
pictures here (nothing stunning, just a record)


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Re: K-7 at KEH

2010-01-24 Thread P. J. Alling
It's only about a hundred dollars more than that at BH with free 

On 1/20/2010 7:48 PM, John Sessoms wrote:
I was just over there a little while ago looking for something else 
and decided for once to click on Pentax Digital Camera Outfits ...

Lo  Behold, they've got a K7 kit w/18-55  LN- $999

Thought I'd pass it along in case anyone on the list might be interested.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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RE: GESO - At the Square

2010-01-24 Thread Chris Mitchell
 From: frank theriault
 Subject: GESO - At the Square
 We had a little protest here in Toronto today.  About 10,000 showed up
 at Yonge-Dundas Square downtown to protest the Harper government's
 decision to prorogue parliament until after the Vancouver Olympics.
 There were similar demonstrations across the country.
 Here are a few shots from the rally:
 They then took to the streets, circled downtown for a bit and ended up
 back at the square.  I don't know that it's going to make a whit of
 difference, but it was good clean democratic fun.
 Tomorrow or Monday I'll post some pix from the marching part.
 Hope you enjoy.  Comments always welcome.
Good set Frank. There was certainly more emotion than there was at the
gathering I attended in Trafalgar Square...


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Re: PDML Book update after two weeks

2010-01-24 Thread eckinator
2010/1/24 Adam Maas

 110V over IP is quite possibly the most looked forward to protocol of
 Tech Support Reps everywhere.

That is why we have 230 in good ole Europe... MUAAAHAHAHA
but I think the protocol will be ToIP - Taser over IP ]=)

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Re: Semi OT: 64 bit Operating Systems and PhotoShop

2010-01-24 Thread Leon Altoff
Hi John,

I used to run Vista Business with PS CS3 and now run Win 7 64
Professional with no problems for CS3.  I get all 4 gig showing as
available now.

Get rid of Vista as soon as you can.  Win 7 is much improved, though
you may have problems finding drivers for some of your printers,
scanners etc.


On 21 January 2010 07:12, John Sessoms wrote:
 Took my laptop in this morning and had 4GB RAM installed (up from 2GB).

 Turns out Windows Vista Ultimate is only 32bit and limits the amount of RAM
 it can use to supposedly 3.5GB - System Information is showing 3,069.44MB
 which I make to be 2.99GB.

 Don't know why it doesn't show the whole 3.5GB.

 OTOH, I found out the laptop has two physical hard drives where I thought it
 had one drive partitioned into two logical drives, so I may have more
 upgrade options than I originally thought.

 One thing I started thinking about this morning is installing Windows 7
 Professional 64 bit.

 Has anyone had experience with 64 bit versions of Windows? Especially
 running PhotoshopCS3?

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RE: Scott Bourne's Ego

2010-01-24 Thread Bob W
 On 24/01/2010, John Celio wrote:
  If any of you follow Scott Bourne on Twitter or elsewhere, I would 
  like to suggest ignoring that egotistical jackass from now on.
 Who the hell is Scott Bourne? He can block me too if that 
 helps with his therapy!

Anyone who wants to can block me on Twitter - doesn't have to be Scott
Bourne (who he?) - I won't mind at all.


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RE: OT A ??? for the bike crowd

2010-01-24 Thread Bob W
 I have in my garage a 1973 Raleigh ten speed bike, with the 
 cool curled over handle bars and duel brake thingies, that 
 has not been used for at least 20 plus years. The tires have 
 just about rotten off, the cables are a bit ceased and dusty.
 Worth getting it tuned up??
 I currently ride a 1990 Norco 21 speed mountain bike

Probably worth doing it up yourself rather than paying someone else to do


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RE: Trafalgar Square Photographer's Demo

2010-01-24 Thread Bob W
 Ha ha. There were certainly several hundred people there at 
 its height. Some pictures here (nothing stunning, just a 

They're excellent - much better than just a record.


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Re: Scott Bourne's Ego

2010-01-24 Thread John Celio
If any of you follow Scott Bourne on Twitter or elsewhere, I would like 

suggest ignoring that egotistical jackass from now on.

Who the hell is Scott Bourne? He can block me too if that helps with
his therapy!

Sorry, should have explained.  He's a pro photographer, runs 
and writes a lot of photography technique-related stuff on the web.  I 
incorrectly assumed others here would have heard of him.  He's got a lot of 
readers and sometimes gives away cameras via Twitter, and I found out about 
him through other people's blogs.  Had I known what a pretentious dick he 
is, however, I never would have bothered with him.

Anyway, sorry to have baffled anyone.



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Re: PESO: Film is Dead

2010-01-24 Thread mike wilson

William Robb wrote:

- Original Message - From: Christine Aguila Subject: Re: PESO: 
Film is Dead

Bill, I just emailed you off list.  Cheers, Christine

And I just replied, equally offlist.

And I just went and had another shower - purely due to the photoporn, I 
assure you.

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Re: OT A ??? for the bike crowd

2010-01-24 Thread David J Brooks
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 5:13 AM, Bob W wrote:

 I have in my garage a 1973 Raleigh ten speed bike, with the
 cool curled over handle bars and duel brake thingies, that
 has not been used for at least 20 plus years. The tires have
 just about rotten off, the cables are a bit ceased and dusty.

 Worth getting it tuned up??

 I currently ride a 1990 Norco 21 speed mountain bike

 Probably worth doing it up yourself rather than paying someone else to do


How hard is it to change a bike tire. I have never done this my self.


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Re: PESO: Film is Dead

2010-01-24 Thread David J Brooks
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 2:23 PM, Christine  Aguila wrote:
 and I used
 the expression *45* and received lots of wrinkled brows; I then proceeded to
 define the term used.  :-)

Might just as well not mention my box of 78's then


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Re: Scott Bourne's Ego

2010-01-24 Thread David J Brooks
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 5:47 AM, John Celio wrote:
  Had I known what a pretentious dick he
 is, however, I never would have bothered with him.

Sorta like KR with out the humour.??


 Anyway, sorry to have baffled anyone.



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Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: Scott Bourne's Ego

2010-01-24 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: John Celio 
Subject: Scott Bourne's Ego

If any of you follow Scott Bourne on Twitter or elsewhere, 

Who the hell is Scoot Bourne and why the hell should I care?
For that matter, what the hell is Twitter?

William Robb

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Re: they got back to me after all

2010-01-24 Thread Mark Roberts
paul stenquist wrote:

Sounds like fun. I've always thought about joining a camera club

From last year's quotations list:

I believe in clubs for photographers, but only if every other form of
persuasion fails. — Bruce Walker 

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Re: Scott Bourne's Ego

2010-01-24 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: John Celio

Subject: Re: Scott Bourne's Ego

Sorry, should have explained.  He's a pro photographer, runs and writes a lot of photography technique-related stuff on 
the web.

Ah, that explains much.
Pro photographers generally don't write a lot of photography related stuff 
on the web.

They tend to leave that for the wannabe hacks.

William Robb 

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Re: SDM Failure

2010-01-24 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: paul stenquist

Subject: Re: SDM Failure

I don't know that I'm lucky. Perhaps. But it seems that those who have 
failures seem to experience them in droves, while others have no problems 
whatsoever. Don't know why, but there seem to be patterns here.

The pattern is if you are lucky and get a good one your lucky.
It seems more the norm to get a bad one though.

William Robb 

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Re: SDM Failure

2010-01-24 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: paul stenquist

Subject: Re: SDM Failure

I don't know if the SDM lenses benefit from regular use or not. I just 
know mine are excellent. I have noticed that some people appear to have 
far more problems than others. Perhaps it's climate. I don't know.

Apparently you don't.

William Robb 

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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Re: Today's Outing

2010-01-24 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: frank theriault

Subject: Re: Today's Outing

Used to be that proroguing parliament was an extraordinary measure.
With his third one, second in less than a year, it's hardly
extraordinary any more...

And for the second government in a row, if the GG would do her bloody job, 
perhpas the Harpy conundrum could be solved.

Unfortunately, that's not likely to happen either.

William Robb

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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the directions.

Re: Today's Outing

2010-01-24 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: P. J. Alling 
Subject: Re: Today's Outing

I never actually called Canada a pretend country.  I actually like 
Canada as a concept, the execution seems to leave something to be 
desired, sometimes.  .

Actually, we gave up on execution as a bad idea in the 70s.

William Robb

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Re: Semi OT: 64 bit Operating Systems and PhotoShop

2010-01-24 Thread Adam Maas
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 5:09 AM, Leon Altoff wrote:
 Hi John,

 I used to run Vista Business with PS CS3 and now run Win 7 64
 Professional with no problems for CS3.  I get all 4 gig showing as
 available now.

 Get rid of Vista as soon as you can.  Win 7 is much improved, though
 you may have problems finding drivers for some of your printers,
 scanners etc.


Win7 is nothing more than Vista with ReadyBoost turned off and the
task bar broken. Very little real-world difference between the two,
mostly a rebranding to deal with the fallout of Vista's launch. The
real irony is the Vista launch was far smoother than the XP launch,
few seem to remember how bad that was because even broken XP was a
major improvement over Windows Me. Windows 7 is actually the only
smooth consumer OS launch Microsoft has had other than Windows 3.1,
mostly because Windows 7 is merely a lightly tweaked variant of Vista
which should more correctly be called Vista SE.

M. Adam Maas
Explorations of the City Around Us.

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Re: GESO - At the Square

2010-01-24 Thread Jack Davis
Enjoyed all, but the second down from the top is absolutely iconic. Cropping is 


--- On Sat, 1/23/10, frank theriault wrote:

 From: frank theriault
 Subject: GESO - At the Square
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Date: Saturday, January 23, 2010, 8:52 PM
 We had a little protest here in
 Toronto today.  About 10,000 showed up
 at Yonge-Dundas Square downtown to protest the Harper
 decision to prorogue parliament until after the Vancouver
 There were similar demonstrations across the country.
 Here are a few shots from the rally:
 They then took to the streets, circled downtown for a bit
 and ended up
 back at the square.  I don't know that it's going to
 make a whit of
 difference, but it was good clean democratic fun.
 Tomorrow or Monday I'll post some pix from the marching
 Hope you enjoy.  Comments always welcome.
 Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri
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Re: Today's Outing

2010-01-24 Thread Adam Maas
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 8:10 AM, William Robb wrote:

 - Original Message - From: frank theriault
 Subject: Re: Today's Outing

 Used to be that proroguing parliament was an extraordinary measure.
 With his third one, second in less than a year, it's hardly
 extraordinary any more...

 And for the second government in a row, if the GG would do her bloody job,
 perhpas the Harpy conundrum could be solved.
 Unfortunately, that's not likely to happen either.

 William Robb

Her bloody job is to look pretty on Camera, the GG's an almost purely
ceremonial position and has been so since the 1930's.

And if she pulled the plug on Harper, we'd either get the current
Minority or a Tory Majority. Either way, he wins and until the
Liberals turn back into an actual political party with actual
leadership, that ain't gonna change.

M. Adam Maas
Explorations of the City Around Us.

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Re: Scott Bourne's Ego

2010-01-24 Thread Mark Roberts
Funny. I've heard of John Celio. But I've never heard of Scott Bourne.
I think I know who I'll pay attention to :)

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Re: Today's Outing

2010-01-24 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: Adam Maas 
Subject: Re: Today's Outing

Her bloody job is to look pretty on Camera, the GG's an almost purely
ceremonial position and has been so since the 1930's.

She certainly does that part well.

And if she pulled the plug on Harper, we'd either get the current
Minority or a Tory Majority. Either way, he wins and until the
Liberals turn back into an actual political party with actual
leadership, that ain't gonna change.

Right. I'd forgotten that they had pretty much bricked as a party.
Which takes us back to beheading

William Robb

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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the directions.

Re: they got back to me after all

2010-01-24 Thread Mark Roberts
Christine  Aguila wrote:

From: paul stenquist

 Sounds like fun. I've always thought about joining a camera club but never 
 got around to it.

My husband is having a bit of a giggle over this.  He's always said I'm not 
much of a club joiner, but I aim to give it a try.

Hands up, everyone who thinks Christine will be running the club by
this time next year...

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Re: OT A ??? for the bike crowd

2010-01-24 Thread Drew

David J Brooks wrote:

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 5:13 AM, Bob W wrote:

I have in my garage a 1973 Raleigh ten speed bike, with the
cool curled over handle bars and duel brake thingies, that
has not been used for at least 20 plus years. The tires have
just about rotten off, the cables are a bit ceased and dusty.

Worth getting it tuned up??

I currently ride a 1990 Norco 21 speed mountain bike

Probably worth doing it up yourself rather than paying someone else to do


How hard is it to change a bike tire. I have never done this my self.


Dead easy...   get a tyre kit change from Halfords and follow the 
instructions.   Just be careful, a 70's Raleigh will probably be 27 
wheels, you may have to go to a 'proper' bike shop to get them. the big 
sheds only stock 26 ATB tyres or modern 700c racer tyres.


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Re: Today's Outing

2010-01-24 Thread Adam Maas
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 8:25 AM, William Robb wrote:

 And if she pulled the plug on Harper, we'd either get the current
 Minority or a Tory Majority. Either way, he wins and until the
 Liberals turn back into an actual political party with actual
 leadership, that ain't gonna change.

 Right. I'd forgotten that they had pretty much bricked as a party.
 Which takes us back to beheading

 William Robb

Well, it could be worse. Jack Layton could be Prime Minister. Only
good thing about his heading up the federal NDP is that it got 2 of
the three biggest idiots on Toronto's City Council off of it. Now if
only we could get Rob Ford to go into Federal Politics...

M. Adam Maas
Explorations of the City Around Us.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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the directions.

Re: OT A ??? for the bike crowd

2010-01-24 Thread Adam Maas
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 8:25 AM, Drew wrote:
 David J Brooks wrote:

 On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 5:13 AM, Bob W wrote:

 I have in my garage a 1973 Raleigh ten speed bike, with the
 cool curled over handle bars and duel brake thingies, that
 has not been used for at least 20 plus years. The tires have
 just about rotten off, the cables are a bit ceased and dusty.

 Worth getting it tuned up??

 I currently ride a 1990 Norco 21 speed mountain bike

 Probably worth doing it up yourself rather than paying someone else to do


 How hard is it to change a bike tire. I have never done this my self.


 Dead easy...   get a tyre kit change from Halfords and follow the
 instructions.   Just be careful, a 70's Raleigh will probably be 27 wheels,
 you may have to go to a 'proper' bike shop to get them. the big sheds only
 stock 26 ATB tyres or modern 700c racer tyres.


It's sorta hard to find a Halford's around here ;-).

Crappy Tire is a better bet, and they often have 27 tires and tubes.


M. Adam Maas
Explorations of the City Around Us.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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Re: SDM Failure

2010-01-24 Thread paul stenquist

On Jan 24, 2010, at 8:06 AM, William Robb wrote:

 - Original Message - From: paul stenquist
 Subject: Re: SDM Failure
 I don't know if the SDM lenses benefit from regular use or not. I just know 
 mine are excellent. I have noticed that some people appear to have far more 
 problems than others. Perhaps it's climate. I don't know.
 Apparently you don't.
Actually, I do. But explaining it would just piss people off.

 William Robb 
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Re: PESO: Film is Dead

2010-01-24 Thread paul stenquist

On Jan 24, 2010, at 7:28 AM, David J Brooks wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 2:23 PM, Christine  Aguila wrote:
 and I used
 the expression *45* and received lots of wrinkled brows; I then proceeded to
 define the term used.  :-)
 Might just as well not mention my box of 78's then
I have a couple of hundred 78s, including a few in the old Edison format,  and 
a crank-up phonograph to play them on.

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 Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
 York Region, Ontario, Canada
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 the directions.

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Re: Today's Outing

2010-01-24 Thread David Savage
2010/1/24 Adam Maas
 On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 8:25 AM, William Robb wrote:

 And if she pulled the plug on Harper, we'd either get the current
 Minority or a Tory Majority. Either way, he wins and until the
 Liberals turn back into an actual political party with actual
 leadership, that ain't gonna change.

 Right. I'd forgotten that they had pretty much bricked as a party.
 Which takes us back to beheading

 William Robb

 Well, it could be worse. Jack Layton could be Prime Minister. Only
 good thing about his heading up the federal NDP is that it got 2 of
 the three biggest idiots on Toronto's City Council off of it. Now if
 only we could get Rob Ford to go into Federal Politics...

I couldn't care less about Aus. politics, let alone what happens in
Canada, U.S., U.K. etc...

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Re: PESO: Film is Dead

2010-01-24 Thread mike wilson

David J Brooks wrote:

On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 2:23 PM, Christine  Aguila wrote:
 and I used

the expression *45* and received lots of wrinkled brows; I then proceeded to
define the term used.  :-)

Might just as well not mention my box of 78's then

Pffft.  Cylinders are the real groove, man.

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Re: PESO: Film is Dead

2010-01-24 Thread David Savage
2010/1/24 mike wilson
 David J Brooks wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 2:23 PM, Christine  Aguila wrote:
  and I used

 the expression *45* and received lots of wrinkled brows; I then proceeded
 define the term used.  :-)

 Might just as well not mention my box of 78's then

 Pffft.  Cylinders are the real groove, man.

Played on the right hardware they probably sound better than CD's or .mp3s too.

=== :-)  ===

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Re: Today's Outing

2010-01-24 Thread frank theriault
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 9:04 AM, David Savage wrote:
 Well, it could be worse. Jack Layton could be Prime Minister. Only
 good thing about his heading up the federal NDP is that it got 2 of
 the three biggest idiots on Toronto's City Council off of it. Now if
 only we could get Rob Ford to go into Federal Politics...

 I couldn't care less about Aus. politics, let alone what happens in
 Canada, U.S., U.K. etc...

What, you're not interested in Toronto city council politics?  Are you
not aware that Toronto is the Centre of the Universe?




Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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Re: they got back to me after all

2010-01-24 Thread mike wilson

Mark Roberts wrote:

Christine  Aguila wrote:

From: paul stenquist

Sounds like fun. I've always thought about joining a camera club but never 
got around to it.

My husband is having a bit of a giggle over this.  He's always said I'm not 
much of a club joiner, but I aim to give it a try.

Hands up, everyone who thinks Christine will be running the club by
this time next year...

Not me.  This time next month, more like.

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Re: Today's Outing

2010-01-24 Thread Graydon
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 12:13:45AM -0500, frank theriault scripsit:
 Used to be that proroguing parliament was an extraordinary measure.
 With his third one, second in less than a year, it's hardly
 extraordinary any more...

Nothing extraordinary about in in the sense that it's what you did as a
consequence of calling an election; this session of parliament is done,
everyone go back to their ridings, there will be a new parliament after
the election.

I suspect part of the motivation is that if Parliament is in session,
MPs can show up and vote on stuff.  Minority governments have to watch
out for that.

-- Graydon

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Re: Today's Outing

2010-01-24 Thread Graydon
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 07:10:06AM -0600, William Robb scripsit:
 - Original Message - From: frank theriault Subject: Re:
 Today's Outing
 Used to be that proroguing parliament was an extraordinary measure.
 With his third one, second in less than a year, it's hardly
 extraordinary any more...

 And for the second government in a row, if the GG would do her bloody
 job, perhpas the Harpy conundrum could be solved.  Unfortunately,
 that's not likely to happen either.

It's very unlikely that she can find a single constitutional lawyer who
will tell her anything other than that must do what the elected prime
minister wants, obvious hacking of the system or not. (I've had this
discussion with a few; they're all very, very, axiom-of-universe certain
elected trumps appointed.  And never mind what the written law says.)

-- Graydon

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Re: PESO: Film is Dead

2010-01-24 Thread mike wilson

David Savage wrote:

2010/1/24 mike wilson

David J Brooks wrote:

On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 2:23 PM, Christine  Aguila wrote:
and I used

the expression *45* and received lots of wrinkled brows; I then proceeded
define the term used.  :-)

Might just as well not mention my box of 78's then

Pffft.  Cylinders are the real groove, man.

Played on the right hardware they probably sound better than CD's or .mp3s too.

Rather like the singing cow, it's not the quality of the output, it's 
the fact that there is any at all.

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Re: Today's Outing

2010-01-24 Thread Graydon
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 08:53:28AM -0500, Adam Maas scripsit:
 Well, it could be worse. Jack Layton could be Prime Minister. Only
 good thing about his heading up the federal NDP is that it got 2 of
 the three biggest idiots on Toronto's City Council off of it. Now if
 only we could get Rob Ford to go into Federal Politics...

I'd actually kinda like an NDP/Bloc coalition gov't next time round.
(With a majority as a coalition.)

Jack can't add, but Duceppe can, and while it might be rather
entertaining it would hopefully involve a lot less dreary and horrible.

-- Graydon

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Re: Today's Outing

2010-01-24 Thread Tom C
P.J. Alling wrote:

I actually like Canada as a concept, the execution seems to leave
something to be desired, sometimes.


On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 10:44 PM, P. J. Alling wrote:
 On 1/23/2010 10:17 AM, William Robb wrote:

 - Original Message - From: frank theriault
 Subject: Re: Today's Outing

 Why, you ask, should parliament be suspended because a bunch of people
 will be skiing down snowy hills and skating really fast on ovals of

 Apparently because these activities are of greater importance than the
 Government of Canada.
 I recall PJ Alling called Canada a pretend country.
 It's very sad that our government agrees with him.

 William Robb

 I never actually called Canada a pretend country.  I actually like Canada as
 a concept, the execution seems to leave something to be desired, sometimes.

 Courier New;}}
 \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the
 interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: Today's Outing

2010-01-24 Thread Adam Maas
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 9:32 AM, Graydon wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 08:53:28AM -0500, Adam Maas scripsit:
 Well, it could be worse. Jack Layton could be Prime Minister. Only
 good thing about his heading up the federal NDP is that it got 2 of
 the three biggest idiots on Toronto's City Council off of it. Now if
 only we could get Rob Ford to go into Federal Politics...

 I'd actually kinda like an NDP/Bloc coalition gov't next time round.
 (With a majority as a coalition.)

 Jack can't add, but Duceppe can, and while it might be rather
 entertaining it would hopefully involve a lot less dreary and horrible.

 -- Graydon

Duceppe can't add either, he's much more of a Socialist than most of
the NDP is, being an actual ex-Communist. An NDP/Bloc coalition with a
majority would be a prescription for both a disastrous parliament and
the fundamental destruction of the NDP as a force in National

What I'd like to see is a Conservative/NDP coalition, with a NDP
leader who wasn't either a professional politician (a la Layton) or an
Ivory Tower Academic (a la Layton's 2 predecessors).

M. Adam Maas
Explorations of the City Around Us.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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the directions.

Re: OT A ??? for the bike crowd

2010-01-24 Thread frank theriault
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 7:26 AM, David J Brooks wrote:

 How hard is it to change a bike tire. I have never done this my self.

I'm the lowest common denominator, Dave.  I can do it - anyone can...


Seriously, it's easy.

I should pop up your way maybe in weekend or two, take a look at
things, see if it's worthwhile fixing up, maybe even getting a few
things done to it if I can.

Unless parts are completely seized or unless the frame's rusted from
the inside (the cancer of bike frames) it's almost certainly worth
getting on the road.


Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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Re: Today's Outing

2010-01-24 Thread Graydon
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 09:40:33AM -0500, Adam Maas scripsit:
 On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 9:32 AM, Graydon wrote:
  On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 08:53:28AM -0500, Adam Maas scripsit:
  Well, it could be worse. Jack Layton could be Prime Minister. Only
  good thing about his heading up the federal NDP is that it got 2 of
  the three biggest idiots on Toronto's City Council off of it. Now
  if only we could get Rob Ford to go into Federal Politics...
  I'd actually kinda like an NDP/Bloc coalition gov't next time round.
  (With a majority as a coalition.)
  Jack can't add, but Duceppe can, and while it might be rather
  entertaining it would hopefully involve a lot less dreary and
 Duceppe can't add either, he's much more of a Socialist than most of
 the NDP is, being an actual ex-Communist. 

Huge chunks of the US far, far right are ex-trotskyists; now,
admittedly, they can't seem to add either, but there's a fair amount of
evidence the Quebec socialists add pretty well.  Sewer socialists are
fine; they build infrastructure and are interested in raising the floor,
as it were.

 An NDP/Bloc coalition with a majority would be a prescription for both
 a disastrous parliament and the fundamental destruction of the NDP as
 a force in National Politics.

I don't think it would disastrous.  I think it would freak a lot of
people out in useful ways, but that's different from being disastrous.

 What I'd like to see is a Conservative/NDP coalition, with a NDP
 leader who wasn't either a professional politician (a la Layton) or an
 Ivory Tower Academic (a la Layton's 2 predecessors).

That's getting into and a pony territory, though; Harper would engage
in such a thing formally only after the Lord God Jehovah with a bucket
of thunderbolts in one hand came down and told him to do it, and maybe
not then.  The NDP isn't likely to produce such a leader any time soon,

-- Graydon

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Re: OT A ??? for the bike crowd

2010-01-24 Thread Doug Brewer

David J Brooks wrote:

I have in my garage a 1973 Raleigh ten speed bike, with the cool
curled over handle bars and duel brake thingies, that has not been
used for at least 20 plus years. The tires have just about rotten off,
the cables are a bit ceased and dusty.

Worth getting it tuned up??

I currently ride a 1990 Norco 21 speed mountain bike


OK, first you attach it to your trailer. When it comes loose, drag it 
for a couple hundred miles along the Trans Canada. Go to Toys R Us in 
Edmonton and replace the whole thing. Voila.

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Re: Today's Outing

2010-01-24 Thread Adam Maas
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Graydon wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 09:40:33AM -0500, Adam Maas scripsit:
 Duceppe can't add either, he's much more of a Socialist than most of
 the NDP is, being an actual ex-Communist.

 Huge chunks of the US far, far right are ex-trotskyists; now,
 admittedly, they can't seem to add either, but there's a fair amount of
 evidence the Quebec socialists add pretty well.  Sewer socialists are
 fine; they build infrastructure and are interested in raising the floor,
 as it were.

Duceppe was not Trotskyist, more of the 'Moscow Apologist' school. And
he spend a couple decades as a Labour Organizer. He's very definitely
still in the strong socialist mold, not a Sewer Socialist.

 An NDP/Bloc coalition with a majority would be a prescription for both
 a disastrous parliament and the fundamental destruction of the NDP as
 a force in National Politics.

 I don't think it would disastrous.  I think it would freak a lot of
 people out in useful ways, but that's different from being disastrous.

IIRC you're out west, where the NDP and the other Socialists are
fundamentally pragmatist and do a pretty good job overall of
governing. Both the federal NDP and the Bloc are quite dominated by
the eastern sort of socialist who's far more interested in doing
what's ideologically right than what works. (I should note I was born
and raised in BC, but have been in Ontario since Bob Rae was premier).
I'd have few issues with either the Saskatchewan or BC NDP parties
running the country, but the federal party I have serious reservations

 What I'd like to see is a Conservative/NDP coalition, with a NDP
 leader who wasn't either a professional politician (a la Layton) or an
 Ivory Tower Academic (a la Layton's 2 predecessors).

 That's getting into and a pony territory, though; Harper would engage
 in such a thing formally only after the Lord God Jehovah with a bucket
 of thunderbolts in one hand came down and told him to do it, and maybe
 not then.  The NDP isn't likely to produce such a leader any time soon,

 -- Graydon

Actually, there's strong indications that Harper has tried to set up
exactly that sort of coalition, and we functionally had exactly this
setup over the summer of 2009.

And yes, there's little likelyhood of the Federal NDP getting a leader
with the sense and pragmatism of Broadbent anytime soon. A pity, since
I prefer having two options in an election (I'll vote Tory or NDP,
depending on the local candidate and how functional each party is at a
given moment, I won't vote Liberal)

M. Adam Maas
Explorations of the City Around Us.

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Re: OT A ??? for the bike crowd

2010-01-24 Thread Drew

Adam Maas wrote:

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 8:25 AM, Drew wrote:

David J Brooks wrote:

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 5:13 AM, Bob W wrote:


I have in my garage a 1973 Raleigh ten speed bike, with the
cool curled over handle bars and duel brake thingies, that
has not been used for at least 20 plus years. The tires have
just about rotten off, the cables are a bit ceased and dusty.

Worth getting it tuned up??

I currently ride a 1990 Norco 21 speed mountain bike


Probably worth doing it up yourself rather than paying someone else to do


How hard is it to change a bike tire. I have never done this my self.



Dead easy...   get a tyre kit change from Halfords and follow the
instructions.   Just be careful, a 70's Raleigh will probably be 27 wheels,
you may have to go to a 'proper' bike shop to get them. the big sheds only
stock 26 ATB tyres or modern 700c racer tyres.


It's sorta hard to find a Halford's around here ;-).

Crappy Tire is a better bet, and they often have 27 tires and tubes.


In that case you could always try the old technique...   use two or 
three table spoon handles (the old rounded style) as tyre levers.  My 
mum used to half kill me when I 'borrowed' her spoons to change the 
tyres on my Grifter.


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Re: they got back to me after all

2010-01-24 Thread Bob Sullivan
Sometimes it's wiser to be a member than the leader.  Regards,  Bob S.

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 7:26 AM, Mark Roberts wrote:
 Christine  Aguila wrote:

From: paul stenquist

 Sounds like fun. I've always thought about joining a camera club but never
 got around to it.

My husband is having a bit of a giggle over this.  He's always said I'm not
much of a club joiner, but I aim to give it a try.

 Hands up, everyone who thinks Christine will be running the club by
 this time next year...

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Re: OT A ??? for the bike crowd

2010-01-24 Thread Mat Maessen
On 1/24/10, Drew wrote:
  In that case you could always try the old technique...   use two or three
 table spoon handles (the old rounded style) as tyre levers.  My mum used to
 half kill me when I 'borrowed' her spoons to change the tyres on my Grifter.

I used to steal allen wrenches from my father's toolbox when I did tire changes.

My mother used to have a similar-vintage 3-speed Raleigh when I was
growing up. I wonder what happened to that bike...


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Re: Trafalgar Square Photographer's Demo

2010-01-24 Thread Christine Aguila

- Original Message - 
From: Bob W

To: 'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 4:22 AM
Subject: RE: Trafalgar Square Photographer's Demo


Ha ha. There were certainly several hundred people there at
its height. Some pictures here (nothing stunning, just a

They're excellent - much better than just a record.

I totally agree!  Those are great, Chris.  Love the red beret  the large 
format camera--but really I loved them all.  Giggled at the last one--The 
Socialist Worker shows up like that on this side of the pond as well. 
Excellent set!  Cheers, Christine 

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Re: Semi OT: 64 bit Operating Systems and PhotoShop

2010-01-24 Thread John Mullan
One big difference in Windows 7 is the better use of memory.  Instead of 
Vista grabbing all the memory and reluctantly letting you use a little bit 
of it, Windows 7 requires far less and leaves more for your applications.

From: Adam Maas
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 8:12 AM
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: Semi OT: 64 bit Operating Systems and PhotoShop

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 5:09 AM, Leon Altoff 

Hi John,

I used to run Vista Business with PS CS3 and now run Win 7 64
Professional with no problems for CS3.  I get all 4 gig showing as
available now.

Get rid of Vista as soon as you can.  Win 7 is much improved, though
you may have problems finding drivers for some of your printers,
scanners etc.


Win7 is nothing more than Vista with ReadyBoost turned off and the
task bar broken. Very little real-world difference between the two,
mostly a rebranding to deal with the fallout of Vista's launch. The
real irony is the Vista launch was far smoother than the XP launch,
few seem to remember how bad that was because even broken XP was a
major improvement over Windows Me. Windows 7 is actually the only
smooth consumer OS launch Microsoft has had other than Windows 3.1,
mostly because Windows 7 is merely a lightly tweaked variant of Vista
which should more correctly be called Vista SE.

M. Adam Maas
Explorations of the City Around Us.

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GESO - The March

2010-01-24 Thread frank theriault
After yesterday's anti-prorogue rally there was a march through the
streets.  It was all set up with the cops ahead of time and everything
went nice and smoothly:

 Comments welcome.


Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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Re: they got back to me after all

2010-01-24 Thread Christine Aguila

- Original Message - 
From: mike wilson

To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 8:27 AM
Subject: Re: they got back to me after all

Mark Roberts wrote:

Christine  Aguila wrote:

From: paul stenquist

Sounds like fun. I've always thought about joining a camera club but 
never got around to it.

My husband is having a bit of a giggle over this.  He's always said I'm 
not much of a club joiner, but I aim to give it a try.

Hands up, everyone who thinks Christine will be running the club by
this time next year...

Not me.  This time next month, more like.

HAR!  It ain't gonna happen--seriously not interested by a long shot. 
Cheers, Christine 

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RE: Today's Outing

2010-01-24 Thread Bob W
  Well, it could be worse. Jack Layton could be Prime Minister. Only 
  good thing about his heading up the federal NDP is that it 
 got 2 of 
  the three biggest idiots on Toronto's City Council off of 
 it. Now if 
  only we could get Rob Ford to go into Federal Politics...
  I couldn't care less about Aus. politics, let alone what happens in 
  Canada, U.S., U.K. etc...
 What, you're not interested in Toronto city council politics? 
  Are you not aware that Toronto is the Centre of the Universe?

The stories are all the same. Only the names have been changed.


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Re: Semi OT: 64 bit Operating Systems and PhotoShop

2010-01-24 Thread Adam Maas
Actually, Win7 and Vista manage memory just about identically on high
memory systems, Win7 simply switches to a different management
algorithm on low-memory systems for improved performance while Vista
(which predates the netbook's popularity) takes a serious hit due to
its aversion to hitting swap. Vista is quite willing to give your apps
memory as long as they ask for it, but it won't prefer apps over OS
running at the same priority level.

All that memory that Vista 'Grabs' is really just an avoidance of swap
and the performance hit you take from using it, XP hit swap much
harder as it was optimized for low-memory systems. This makes for a
big speed boost on high-memory systems (over 2GB) for Vista or 7 vs
XP, but worse performance on 1GB or smaller systems for Vista (7 works
more like XP on low-memory systems).


On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 11:19 AM, John Mullan wrote:
 One big difference in Windows 7 is the better use of memory.  Instead of
 Vista grabbing all the memory and reluctantly letting you use a little bit
 of it, Windows 7 requires far less and leaves more for your applications.


M. Adam Maas
Explorations of the City Around Us.

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RE: PESO: Film is Dead

2010-01-24 Thread Bob W
  and I used
  the expression *45* and received lots of wrinkled brows; I then 
  proceeded to define the term used.  :-)
  Might just as well not mention my box of 78's then
 I have a couple of hundred 78s, including a few in the old 
 Edison format,  and a crank-up phonograph to play them on.

You should dump all your vinyl and get CDs. Much better sound quality.

(lights blue touchpaper and retires to a safe distance)

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RE: OT A ??? for the bike crowd

2010-01-24 Thread Bob W
  used for at least 20 plus years. The tires have just about rotten 
  off, the cables are a bit ceased and dusty.
  Worth getting it tuned up??
  I currently ride a 1990 Norco 21 speed mountain bike
  Probably worth doing it up yourself rather than paying 
 someone else to 
  do it.
 How hard is it to change a bike tire. I have never done this my self.

It's a doddle. You could probably find a basic maintenance course which
would last a day, cost next to nothing (other than parts) and take you
through stuff like changing tyres and cables, adjusting the gears and
cleaning it properly. If the bike hasn't been used for that long you'll
probably need new wheels too, but fitting them takes seconds.


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Re: PESO: Film is Dead

2010-01-24 Thread P N Stenquist

On Jan 24, 2010, at 11:45 AM, Bob W wrote:

and I used

the expression *45* and received lots of wrinkled brows; I then
proceeded to define the term used.  :-)

Might just as well not mention my box of 78's then

I have a couple of hundred 78s, including a few in the old
Edison format,  and a crank-up phonograph to play them on.

You should dump all your vinyl and get CDs. Much better sound quality.

My records aren't vinyl, they're some kind of ceramic. They break if  
you look at them the wrong way.


(lights blue touchpaper and retires to a safe distance)

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Re: SDM Failure

2010-01-24 Thread eckinator
2010/1/24 paul stenquist

 I don't know if the SDM lenses benefit from regular use or not. I just know 
 mine are excellent. I have noticed that some people appear to have far more 
 problems than others. Perhaps it's climate. I don't know.


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Re: GESO - The March

2010-01-24 Thread P N Stenquist
Some excellent shots here. You really framed them nicely to  
communicate a sense of what was happening.

Good work.
On Jan 24, 2010, at 11:20 AM, frank theriault wrote:

After yesterday's anti-prorogue rally there was a march through the
streets.  It was all set up with the cops ahead of time and everything
went nice and smoothly:

Comments welcome.


Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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OT: Good bicycle panniers recommendations...

2010-01-24 Thread Subash

since there are quite a few (more) experienced (than me) cyclists here,
i thought i would pick your brains. i am putting together the kit for
my july ride in the himalayas. i am roughly planning to do about 1000
km over 20 days. 

i am looking to get a (pair of) rear bicycle panniers for the ride. i
have no idea what to look for except that it needs to be:

1) big enough to carry basic necessities to last at least a week. i am
not carrying a tent or stove or tinned food this time so that would be
basically clothes, plenty of nutribars/electral, woollens, thermals,
spares and repair kit. and the k-x with the sigma 17-70 (does that
bring this post on topic? :))

2) reasonably light 

3) july/august it rains in the himalayas, especially the lower
himalayas so it'd be nice if it is waterproof too

so what would you recommend? and, thanks in advance for your inputs.
appreciate it...

regards, subash

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Re: OT A ??? for the bike crowd

2010-01-24 Thread P. J. Alling

On 1/24/2010 7:26 AM, David J Brooks wrote:

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 5:13 AM, Bob  wrote:

I have in my garage a 1973 Raleigh ten speed bike, with the
cool curled over handle bars and duel brake thingies, that
has not been used for at least 20 plus years. The tires have
just about rotten off, the cables are a bit ceased and dusty.

Worth getting it tuned up??

I currently ride a 1990 Norco 21 speed mountain bike

Probably worth doing it up yourself rather than paying someone else to do


How hard is it to change a bike tire. I have never done this my self.

Depending on your mechanical aptitude, somewhere between a snap to 
existential misery...

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: Scott Bourne's Ego

2010-01-24 Thread P. J. Alling
Haven;t a clue about Scott Bourne but wouldn't twitter be the sound of 

On 1/24/2010 8:00 AM, William Robb wrote:

- Original Message - From: John Celio Subject: Scott 
Bourne's Ego

If any of you follow Scott Bourne on Twitter or elsewhere, 

Who the hell is Scoot Bourne and why the hell should I care?
For that matter, what the hell is Twitter?

William Robb

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: OT: Good bicycle panniers recommendations...

2010-01-24 Thread eckinator
Hi Subash
Myself and many of my friends have only good to report about the
Ortlieb line of bike bags made of waterproof, ultrasonic welded truck
tarp like material and equally waterproof roll n snap buckle lids.
There are also light editions with thinner, equally waterproof but
inevitably less wear resistant (under hard use that is, they are just
fine for anything short of banging them about) as well as special
editions such as one for Greenpeace and several made for various
dealers. Our local Globetrotter has one such edition; they're bright
orange with a small Globetrotter print - to see them point your
browser to and enter the search string _ ortlieb
orange line _ the results are all 25 to 30 % cheaper than the non
edition models. If you can't purchase them locally, I can get them for
you (any version you like); I used to work for one supplier of
Globetrotter so I get an additional 20 % off any item shown in their
online shop - just say the word.
p...@knarf Ortlieb is the leading brand of messenger bags over here -
how's that in TO; ever heard of them?

2010/1/24 Subash

 since there are quite a few (more) experienced (than me) cyclists here,
 i thought i would pick your brains. i am putting together the kit for
 my july ride in the himalayas. i am roughly planning to do about 1000
 km over 20 days.

 i am looking to get a (pair of) rear bicycle panniers for the ride. i
 have no idea what to look for except that it needs to be:

 1) big enough to carry basic necessities to last at least a week. i am
 not carrying a tent or stove or tinned food this time so that would be
 basically clothes, plenty of nutribars/electral, woollens, thermals,
 spares and repair kit. and the k-x with the sigma 17-70 (does that
 bring this post on topic? :))

 2) reasonably light

 3) july/august it rains in the himalayas, especially the lower
 himalayas so it'd be nice if it is waterproof too

 so what would you recommend? and, thanks in advance for your inputs.
 appreciate it...

 regards, subash

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Re: SDM Failure

2010-01-24 Thread P N Stenquist

On Jan 24, 2010, at 12:21 PM, eckinator wrote:

2010/1/24 paul stenquist

I don't know if the SDM lenses benefit from regular use or not. I  
just know mine are excellent. I have noticed that some people  
appear to have far more problems than others. Perhaps it's climate.  
I don't know.


That's lens change, not climate change:-).

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Re: OT: Good bicycle panniers recommendations...

2010-01-24 Thread eckinator
Oh yeah I forget, there are bigger bags too but they're not available
as edition models; just search for ortlieb - there's all kinds of
stuff. They even have pad insert for camera for the ultimate handlebar
bags models 2 thru 5. If not listed, I could get that by special
order, wiat is usually 1-2 weeks

2010/1/24 eckinator
 Hi Subash
 Myself and many of my friends have only good to report about the
 Ortlieb line of bike bags made of waterproof, ultrasonic welded truck
 tarp like material and equally waterproof roll n snap buckle lids.
 There are also light editions with thinner, equally waterproof but
 inevitably less wear resistant (under hard use that is, they are just
 fine for anything short of banging them about) as well as special
 editions such as one for Greenpeace and several made for various
 dealers. Our local Globetrotter has one such edition; they're bright
 orange with a small Globetrotter print - to see them point your
 browser to and enter the search string _ ortlieb
 orange line _ the results are all 25 to 30 % cheaper than the non
 edition models. If you can't purchase them locally, I can get them for
 you (any version you like); I used to work for one supplier of
 Globetrotter so I get an additional 20 % off any item shown in their
 online shop - just say the word.
 p...@knarf Ortlieb is the leading brand of messenger bags over here -
 how's that in TO; ever heard of them?

 2010/1/24 Subash

 since there are quite a few (more) experienced (than me) cyclists here,
 i thought i would pick your brains. i am putting together the kit for
 my july ride in the himalayas. i am roughly planning to do about 1000
 km over 20 days.

 i am looking to get a (pair of) rear bicycle panniers for the ride. i
 have no idea what to look for except that it needs to be:

 1) big enough to carry basic necessities to last at least a week. i am
 not carrying a tent or stove or tinned food this time so that would be
 basically clothes, plenty of nutribars/electral, woollens, thermals,
 spares and repair kit. and the k-x with the sigma 17-70 (does that
 bring this post on topic? :))

 2) reasonably light

 3) july/august it rains in the himalayas, especially the lower
 himalayas so it'd be nice if it is waterproof too

 so what would you recommend? and, thanks in advance for your inputs.
 appreciate it...

 regards, subash

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Re: SDM Failure

2010-01-24 Thread eckinator
2010/1/24 P N Stenquist


 That's lens change, not climate change:-).

lol... not bad

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Re: SDM Failure

2010-01-24 Thread P. J. Alling
I would tend to take all of this with a grain of salt.  Two paraphrase 
Shakespeare making up words for Marc Antony,   The good men do is 
interred with them the evil is endlessly repeated.  The fact is you hear 
a lot about the horror stories, but if the majority of user experiences 
reflected those stories, based on a cursory reading of the Canon related 
boards, they'd be out of business.  Pentax is a smaller company, and 
it's become more difficult to find their equipment, so if you want 
Pentax, and you went through the trouble, and the equipment then screws 
up, you're more incensed. Yet in-spite of the difficulty in obtaining 
our toys, and the smaller number of camera models available, 
( lists 8 different models right now, two of which are 
made of unobtanium because they've been discontinued, and four of which 
are color varistions of the K-x), compared to other manufactures, Pentax 
still manages to sell a fair amount of equipment.

On 1/24/2010 8:04 AM, William Robb wrote:

- Original Message - From: paul stenquist
Subject: Re: SDM Failure

I don't know that I'm lucky. Perhaps. But it seems that those who 
have failures seem to experience them in droves, while others have no 
problems whatsoever. Don't know why, but there seem to be patterns here.

The pattern is if you are lucky and get a good one your lucky.
It seems more the norm to get a bad one though.

William Robb

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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RE: Good bicycle panniers recommendations...

2010-01-24 Thread Bob W
 since there are quite a few (more) experienced (than me) 
 cyclists here, i thought i would pick your brains. i am 
 putting together the kit for my july ride in the himalayas. i 
 am roughly planning to do about 1000 km over 20 days. 
 i am looking to get a (pair of) rear bicycle panniers for the 
 ride. i have no idea what to look for except that it needs to be:
 1) big enough to carry basic necessities to last at least a 
 week. i am not carrying a tent or stove or tinned food this 
 time so that would be basically clothes, plenty of 
 nutribars/electral, woollens, thermals, spares and repair 
 kit. and the k-x with the sigma 17-70 (does that bring this 
 post on topic? :))
 2) reasonably light 
 3) july/august it rains in the himalayas, especially the 
 lower himalayas so it'd be nice if it is waterproof too
 so what would you recommend? and, thanks in advance for your inputs.
 appreciate it...
 regards, subash

Ortlieb and Carradice seem to be the main choices of long-distance tourers.
The rack may be more important than the panniers. If you don't get
waterproof panniers you should probably make sure you use waterproof stuff

See if you can borrow a rack and panniers off someone to try them out.
Whatever you choose, make sure you do a decent shakedown ride before your
big trip.

I have a Tortec rack and Altura panniers, and they've been fine for the
little bike tours I've done, but they have been very tame tours. I don't
like cycling with panniers though - I prefer a saddlebag and I'm trying to
develop a way of cutting down on the amount I carry so that I can get
everything into a Carradice Super C and a decent bar bag for the camera and
other necessaries. I'd recommend that you be utterly ruthless about what you
take, reducing it to the absolute minimum. 

The classic lightweight trip was Nick  Dick Crane's Journey to the Centre
of the Earth, in which they cycled from the mouth of the Ganges, over the
Himalayas and into the Gobi desert to the point on Earth that's furthest
from the sea:

Here's their kit list (includes a Pentax MX, so on topic):

Worth looking for in hard-copy - a great book.


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Re: Today's Outing

2010-01-24 Thread P. J. Alling

On 1/24/2010 8:11 AM, William Robb wrote:

- Original Message - From: P. J. Alling Subject: Re: Today's 

I never actually called Canada a pretend country.  I actually like 
Canada as a concept, the execution seems to leave something to be 
desired, sometimes.  .

Actually, we gave up on execution as a bad idea in the 70s.

William Robb

Perhaps if you executed a few of your MPs the rest would do a better 
job.  Call it random reinforcement.

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Re: OT: I REALLY hate squirrels

2010-01-24 Thread eckinator
2010/1/24 P. J. Alling

 Frank I'm not sure where you're coming from, but if we don't have commerce
 we will have war.  Even with commerce we may have war.  I'd say the chance
 of China having a war with India or Russia in the next 10 years will
 approach 100% if commerce doesn't pick up.  The Chinese government will have
 to figure out what to do with it's large surplus of young unmarried men and
 a foreign war is a good place to put them.  Since the PLA can't really get
 anywhere it can't march there's only two places it can effectively go.
  Unfortunately all of those countries have nukes so it's likely everyone
 will have a dog in that fight...

make sure you don't leave your unicorn out front over night... ]=P

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Re: Semi OT: 64 bit Operating Systems and PhotoShop

2010-01-24 Thread P. J. Alling

On 1/24/2010 8:12 AM, Adam Maas wrote:

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 5:09 AM, Leon  wrote:

Hi John,

I used to run Vista Business with PS CS3 and now run Win 7 64
Professional with no problems for CS3.  I get all 4 gig showing as
available now.

Get rid of Vista as soon as you can.  Win 7 is much improved, though
you may have problems finding drivers for some of your printers,
scanners etc.



Win7 is nothing more than Vista with ReadyBoost turned off and the
task bar broken. Very little real-world difference between the two,
mostly a rebranding to deal with the fallout of Vista's launch. The
real irony is the Vista launch was far smoother than the XP launch,
few seem to remember how bad that was because even broken XP was a
major improvement over Windows Me. Windows 7 is actually the only
smooth consumer OS launch Microsoft has had other than Windows 3.1,
mostly because Windows 7 is merely a lightly tweaked variant of Vista
which should more correctly be called Vista SE.

Win2K was a better OS from the start than XP.  It's taken a long time to 
get drivers for a lot of things, (I remember having to run my Printer 
shared on a Win98 box because the Win2K driver refused to install on 
Win2K)..  The only thing that killed my last Win2K system was hardware 
failure.  I guess 2000 just didn't have enough eye candy for MS marketing.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: PESO: Film is Dead

2010-01-24 Thread P. J. Alling

On 1/24/2010 8:54 AM, paul stenquist wrote:

On Jan 24, 2010, at 7:28 AM, David J Brooks wrote:


On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 2:23 PM, Christine  Aguila  wrote:
and I used

the expression *45* and received lots of wrinkled brows; I then proceeded to
define the term used.  :-)

Might just as well not mention my box of 78's then


I have a couple of hundred 78s, including a few in the old Edison format,  and 
a crank-up phonograph to play them on.


Not even esoteric enough, how about some of the PSAs and special release 
albums from the 40-s and 50's on Glass/Wax disks that spun at 134rpm IIRC.

(No I don't have any either.)


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Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: Today's Outing

2010-01-24 Thread P. J. Alling

On 1/24/2010 9:04 AM, David Savage wrote:

2010/1/24 Adam

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 8:25 AM, William  wrote:


And if she pulled the plug on Harper, we'd either get the current
Minority or a Tory Majority. Either way, he wins and until the
Liberals turn back into an actual political party with actual
leadership, that ain't gonna change.

Right. I'd forgotten that they had pretty much bricked as a party.
Which takes us back to beheading

William Robb

Well, it could be worse. Jack Layton could be Prime Minister. Only
good thing about his heading up the federal NDP is that it got 2 of
the three biggest idiots on Toronto's City Council off of it. Now if
only we could get Rob Ford to go into Federal Politics...

I couldn't care less about Aus. politics, let alone what happens in
Canada, U.S., U.K. etc...

That's the problem, if you don't watch the bastards eventually they'll 
be poking their noses into your underwear, telling you what to plant in 
your garden and dictating how many lenses you can own.  (All for your 
own good of course).

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: Today's Outing

2010-01-24 Thread P. J. Alling

On 1/24/2010 9:21 AM, frank theriault wrote:

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 9:04 AM, David  wrote:

Well, it could be worse. Jack Layton could be Prime Minister. Only
good thing about his heading up the federal NDP is that it got 2 of
the three biggest idiots on Toronto's City Council off of it. Now if
only we could get Rob Ford to go into Federal Politics...

I couldn't care less about Aus. politics, let alone what happens in
Canada, U.S., U.K. etc...

What, you're not interested in Toronto city council politics?  Are you
not aware that Toronto is the Centre of the Universe?





I had heard that there was a black hole at the center of the universe.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: PESO: Film is Dead

2010-01-24 Thread eckinator
2010/1/24 P N Stenquist

 My records aren't vinyl, they're some kind of ceramic. They break if you
 look at them the wrong way.

you mean shellac?

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Re: PESO: Film is Dead

2010-01-24 Thread P. J. Alling

On 1/24/2010 12:00 PM, P N Stenquist wrote:

On Jan 24, 2010, at 11:45 AM, Bob W wrote:

and I used

the expression *45* and received lots of wrinkled brows; I then
proceeded to define the term used.  :-)

Might just as well not mention my box of 78's then

I have a couple of hundred 78s, including a few in the old
Edison format,  and a crank-up phonograph to play them on.

You should dump all your vinyl and get CDs. Much better sound quality.

My records aren't vinyl, they're some kind of ceramic. They break if 
you look at them the wrong way.


Bakelite?   Well that's what I always thought 78's were made of, but 
apparently the actual material was 25% shellac, a cotton fiber, powdered 
slate, and a small amount of wax, a hard vinyl was introduced in 1938...

Wikapedia can be your friend...

(lights blue touchpaper and retires to a safe distance)

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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: Scott Bourne's Ego

2010-01-24 Thread John Francis
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 07:00:40AM -0600, William Robb wrote:

 - Original Message - From: John Celio Subject: Scott Bourne's 

 If any of you follow Scott Bourne on Twitter or elsewhere, 

 Who the hell is Scoot Bourne and why the hell should I care?
 For that matter, what the hell is Twitter?

It's the place where those who have nothing useful to say go to do it.

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RE: Today's Outing

2010-01-24 Thread Bob W
  I never actually called Canada a pretend country.  I actually like 
  Canada as a concept, the execution seems to leave something to be 
  desired, sometimes.  .
  Actually, we gave up on execution as a bad idea in the 70s.
  William Robb
 Perhaps if you executed a few of your MPs the rest would do a 
 better job.  Call it random reinforcement.

Dans ce pays-ci il est bon de tuer de temps en temps un amiral pour
encourager les autres.
Voltaire on the execution of the English Admiral Byng.

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Re: OT A ??? for the bike crowd

2010-01-24 Thread Rick Womer
My =only= two-wheeled ride is a 1974 Raleigh Super Course.  It is heavy by 
modern standards (28 lb/13 kg), but has performed nobly through many years of 
urban commuting and recreational riding, and rides and handles very nicely.  
The only parts that aren't original are tires (of course), brake shoes, shifter 
and brake cables, pedals, the front derailleur, and a spring in the rear 

Heck, yes, fix it up!


--- On Sun, 1/24/10, David J Brooks wrote:

 From: David J Brooks
 Subject: OT A ??? for the bike crowd
 To: Pentax Discuss
 Date: Sunday, January 24, 2010, 4:38 AM
 I have in my garage a 1973 Raleigh
 ten speed bike, with the cool
 curled over handle bars and duel brake thingies, that has
 not been
 used for at least 20 plus years. The tires have just about
 rotten off,
 the cables are a bit ceased and dusty.
 Worth getting it tuned up??
 I currently ride a 1990 Norco 21 speed mountain bike
 Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
 York Region, Ontario, Canada
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Re: Good bicycle panniers recommendations...

2010-01-24 Thread Stan Halpin

On Jan 24, 2010, at 11:50 AM, Bob W wrote:

 ... Whatever you choose, make sure you do a decent shakedown ride before your
 big trip... I'd recommend that you be utterly ruthless about what you
 take, reducing it to the absolute minimum...

I can strongly endorse the above two recommendations. Several decades ago my 
wife and I did some touring. We borrowed some gear and did a four-day trip as 
our first venture. Did a few other short trips with our own gear. Still didn't 
learn all of the lessons we should have. Did a 3-week trip in England and Wales 
(cycling interspersed with train rides to connect between the interesting 
bits). For the first 3 or 4 days, every morning we would send a package of 
unnecessary stuff back to our friend in London to hold for us. Eventually we 
got down to a reasonably manageable load. 

One thing I did learn is that my ME-Super was worthless in the pannier - it 
took too much time and gear rearranging to retrieve it. A handlebar bag is a 
crucial item. It keeps your camera accessible and also gives you a place for 
any other valuables. If you need to walk away from your bike, you only need 
carry the one small bag with you.

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Re: PESO: Film is Dead

2010-01-24 Thread eckinator
2010/1/24 P. J. Alling
 On 1/24/2010 8:54 AM, paul stenquist wrote:
 On Jan 24, 2010, at 7:28 AM, David J Brooks wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 2:23 PM, Christine  Aguila wrote:

  and I usedthe expression *45* and received lots of
  wrinkled brows; I then proceeded to define the term used.  :-)

 Might just as well not mention my box of 78's then

 I have a couple of hundred 78s, including a few in the old Edison format,
  and a crank-up phonograph to play them on.

 Not even esoteric enough, how about some of the PSAs and special release
 albums from the 40-s and 50's on Glass/Wax disks that spun at 134rpm IIRC.

 (No I don't have any either.)

sounds like it is time for a bragging rights thread ;)

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