Re: OT: Happy Canada Day

2010-07-05 Thread David Savage
Yeah Bill.

The Yanks eventually wised up and did away with slavery.

They realised using illegal aliens was less hassle...

(this crap reminds my why I unsubed from the list)

On 05/07/2010, Bob Sullivan wrote:
 You have to stop accusing us of slave labor and racial segregation.
 Slavery was an economic fact in the cotton farming southern states.
 Look across the border, do they raise much cotton in Wyoming or North
 Were these states built on 'slave labor'?
 And my ancestors weren't even resident in this country when slavery
 was practiced,
 so I'm deriving some great benefit from it???
 As to segregation, I've never believed in it or seen it practiced in
 the states I lived in.
 Stop pretending you're all good because your Canadian and we're all bad.
 It just isn't so...
 Regards,  Bob S.

 On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 8:56 PM, William Robb wrote:
 Yup, and they came to a country whose economy was built on slave labour
 until fairly recently, had racial segregation legally entrenched in it's

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Re: OT: Happy Canada Day

2010-07-05 Thread P. J. Alling

On 7/4/2010 6:09 PM, Bob W wrote:

It's a very real CURRENT issue. The heir-apparent Prince of Wales,
Charles Windsor, appears to have run afoul of the Succession Act

He's divorced, he's married to a divorcee and she's a [former] Roman
Catholic. (Three strikes.)


nobody gives a shit about that sort of thing any more.


Just being the first born son of the current monarch isn't enough to
him on the throne. Charles doesn't inherit unless he can convince
Parliament to say he can inherit, which from this distance appears less
and less likely. There's a very real chance the succession will skip
over Charles to his eldest son because he will not get the consent of


Nobody in Parliament gives a flying fuck. The only people who care are the
editors of supermarket magazines who think this sort of rubbish increases
sales to Daily Express and Daily Mail readers.


You also might consider how the last king ended up on the throne, as
he was not first in the line of succession when his father died.

Hint: Wallace Simpson was also a divorcee and a Roman Catholic.

nobody gave a shit about that. What counted against her was being American.
It was 80 years ago. Do you really think people in Britain still have those
sort of views? There are probably about 16 people in Britain who care about
the religion and divorced status of the royal family, and they're all over
110 and living in secure accommodation. Prince Charles could divorce Camilla
and marry a gay Muslim leper from Somalia and nobody would give a toss or
think it should affect whether he becomes king. In fact, we'd probably
celebrate his diversity awareness.

What matters is that he should stop interfering in matters that don't
concern him.


What counted against him was that he was suspected of being a 
Nazi/German sympathizer, all else was a convenient excuse.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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website: Damn! wish I'd taken that !

2010-07-05 Thread Madame RD
I enjoyed myself looking at the pics and I thought you might too :

dominique from tropical Paris, France .

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Extra Bovril rations...

2010-07-05 Thread Bob W
...if you can identify this thing: 

Hint: it's nothing to do with executing royalty, French, British or

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Re: OT PESO - Krazee

2010-07-05 Thread David Savage
On 4 July 2010 01:14, Mark Roberts wrote:
 David Savage wrote:

G'day All,

Meet Krazee...:

...he's one of the goalies for a local ice hockey team, mostly made up
of ex-pat Canadians (Krazee, is a token Aussie)

 Great portrait Dave.
 And nice to hear from you again.

Thanks Mark.

 (BTW: I'm a fellow defector having gone full-frame with a Sony A850
 - though I shill use my Pentax kit a lot)

Congrats. Be curious to hear your thoughts on how find the Sony
compared to Pentax.

I put 2 rolls of T-max through the 6x7 last weekend, so I can say that
I'm still shooting Pentax.


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Re: OT PESO - Krazee

2010-07-05 Thread David Savage
Thanks Ecke

Maybe he has bird flu?


On 4 July 2010 03:00, eckinator wrote:
 Boy, he needs to get something done about those eyes...
 well executed portrait
 thanks for sharing

 2010/7/3 David Savage
 G'day All,

 Meet Krazee...:

 ...he's one of the goalies for a local ice hockey team, mostly made up
 of ex-pat Canadians (Krazee, is a token Aussie)

 D700, AF-S 70-200mm @ 125mm, 1/160 @ f11, ISO 200

 Elinchrom Ranger RX through 1x1m softbox over my right shoulder
 SB600  camera left
 SB28 camera right

 Enjoy  have at it.

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Re: OT PESO - Krazee

2010-07-05 Thread David Savage
On 4 July 2010 04:31, Larry Colen wrote:

 On Jul 3, 2010, at 9:27 AM, David Savage wrote:

 G'day All,

 Meet Krazee...:

 ...he's one of the goalies for a local ice hockey team, mostly made up
 of ex-pat Canadians (Krazee, is a token Aussie)

 D700, AF-S 70-200mm @ 125mm, 1/160 @ f11, ISO 200

 Elinchrom Ranger RX through 1x1m softbox over my right shoulder
 SB600  camera left
 SB28 camera right

 Enjoy  have at it.

 Not a bad shot considering the equipment limitations that you're facing.

Yeah, those Elinchrom lights are a right PITA

 If you had a K-x, you realize you wouldn't need to use strobes to have enough 
 light to get the shot.


 Seriously though, I can't find a single nit to pick.  Awesome shot.  Just for 
 your own fun, or is it for publication?

 If it wasn't originally, it should be.


In the 15 odd years that I've been taking photography seriously I've
yet to make a single cent from it.

I only ever shoot for fun.


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Re: OT PESO - Krazee

2010-07-05 Thread David Savage
You're too harsh on yourself. Your face isn't broken, it has character

This was shot on the ice  I am please to say that I somehow managed
to not fall over  break my arse bone.

Not bad for a lad who's main experience with ice is in drinks.


On 4 July 2010 08:19, David J Brooks wrote:
 As some one who played goal for various ice hockey teams from 1965 to
 1973, nice shot Dave. If not for a broken face in 1973, i'd still be


 On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 12:27 PM, David Savage wrote:
 G'day All,

 Meet Krazee...:

 ...he's one of the goalies for a local ice hockey team, mostly made up
 of ex-pat Canadians (Krazee, is a token Aussie)

 D700, AF-S 70-200mm @ 125mm, 1/160 @ f11, ISO 200

 Elinchrom Ranger RX through 1x1m softbox over my right shoulder
 SB600  camera left
 SB28 camera right

 Enjoy  have at it.

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Re: PESO - Reverse Psychology?

2010-07-05 Thread David Savage

On 5 July 2010 06:44, frank theriault wrote:
 I wonder if it works:


 Hope you enjoy.  Comments always welcome.

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Semi-OT: Louie Leica

2010-07-05 Thread Derby Chang

Only barely ontopic 'cos I slapped the L-43 on for the catalog shot. I 
swear, I was not responsible for the skinning of this one. And I know 
its not genuine. But I promise I will give it a good home and plenty of 

Happy Birthday, Canada. Thanks for saving Leica Camera AG


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Re: OT: Happy Canada Day

2010-07-05 Thread frank theriault
On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 1:22 AM, Bob Sullivan wrote:
 Stop pretending you're all good because your Canadian and we're all bad.

But it's true, isn't it?

That's what we were taught in school, anyway...


But seriously, your argument has some merit, Bob.  There were actually
slaves in Canada back before confederation, certainly in parts of
what's now Ontario and Nova Scotia.  Of course it wasn't
institutionalized to the extent that it was in the American South, but
it was still here.

We need to keep in mind that 1/2 the US fought ~against~ slavery in
the Civil War (I know it's not quite that simple, but still...).


Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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Florac and faunac

2010-07-05 Thread Bob W
Here is a rather large gallery of photographs I took on holiday which show
the trails I walked on the Causse Mejean  and other nearby hills. Don't
feel obliged to look at all of them - it is a large gallery, but I wanted to
show something of the variety of landscape and wildlife up there. 

As Dominique said before I left, there are lots of hills and grass. I can
now tell you that there's more to it than that - they have rocks too. 

It was a wet June, so everything was very lush  green. I arrived for the
first hot days of summer (up to 33 degrees) and unfortunately much of the
shooting was with the sun directly overhead. After a few days some storms
bubbled up and I was caught 2 days in a row on top of the causse by
torrential downpours and lightning storms. This must be France's way of
making visitors part of the terroir, since my trail shoes never quite dried
out, and now smell strongly of Roquefort cheese.

What I was unable to photograph effectively is the bird life. Each time I
walked or cycled up onto the Causse Mejean I saw at least one and up to 5
vultures, which I'm sure were Griffon Vultures (Gyps fulvus) based on the
colouring on the underside of their wings and around their necks, and the
shapes of their wings, heads and tail. Quite disconcerting to see them
circling overhead when you're struggling up there! I also saw such things as
the Saint-Martin's buzzard (Circus cyaneus, apparently hen harrier is the
common English name), which is exceptionally beautiful, as well as the
common buzzard in abundance and occasional falcons and smaller raptors.
There are also large numbers of thrushes, larks, tits, partridge and
uncountable LBJs which I'd never seen before. It's incredibly rich for

Some of these photos were taken on days I spent with Alastair, Masha and
Neave Robertson who were in the area. I haven't posted pictures of them as
I'm waiting for their permission to post them or not. It was great to meet
them all - they are lovely people, so if you get the opportunity to meet
them, take it. Alastair drove us around the Circuit des Causses et Gorges,
basically around the Gorge du Tarn and up onto the causse itself. It's a
thrilling place.

Comments welcome, but please note I already know I'm no Ansel Adams!


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Re: PESO - Incoming

2010-07-05 Thread David J Brooks
Looks good to me Frank. Good job.

For some reason not a lot of bee's around the yard this year.


On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 10:12 PM, frank theriault wrote:
 Not as sharp as I might like, but I'm still pretty damned happy with it:

 With the Tamron SP 90mm f2.5 macro manual focus.

 Hope you like.  Comments welcome.


 Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: PESO - Reverse Psychology?

2010-07-05 Thread David J Brooks
Its full of piranha


On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 7:05 PM, Daniel J. Matyola wrote:
 Did you check to see if the box had a bottom?


 On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 6:44 PM, frank theriault wrote:
 I wonder if it works:


 Hope you enjoy.  Comments always welcome.


 Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
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Re: PESO: A baseball photo

2010-07-05 Thread David J Brooks
I got in ok. Must be family.:-)

Nice photo, well done. Just enough light on the watchers. Sunset is
exposed well. The one field light right in the middle is a bit
distracting, but hey, its a night game right.;-)


On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 4:47 PM, John Sessoms wrote:
 If I understand how Flickr works, this photo should be private, visible
 only to family. The link below should make you all part of that family.

 This is an example of the kind of work I'm having to do for school. This was
 one of my weeklies, rated 4 out of a possible 5 by the instructor. It's
 the best grade I've gotten so far in the class.

 The people are lit with a Vivitar 285HV balanced with the ambient light on
 the field. In fact, if you look on the right hand side, you can see the
 strobe head.

 I'll take it down next week when I get home and back to my email.

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Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
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Re: Extra Bovril rations...

2010-07-05 Thread Keith Whaley

Bob W wrote:

...if you can identify this thing: 

Hint: it's nothing to do with executing royalty, French, British or

Sorry...not even the promise of extra rations of Bovril lends any sense to 
what that small structure might possibly be!

Perhaps a closeup of the sign to the left of the art object itself?


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Re: PESO: A baseball photo

2010-07-05 Thread frank theriault
On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 4:47 PM, John Sessoms wrote:
 If I understand how Flickr works, this photo should be private, visible
 only to family. The link below should make you all part of that family.

 This is an example of the kind of work I'm having to do for school. This was
 one of my weeklies, rated 4 out of a possible 5 by the instructor. It's
 the best grade I've gotten so far in the class.

 The people are lit with a Vivitar 285HV balanced with the ambient light on
 the field. In fact, if you look on the right hand side, you can see the
 strobe head.

 I'll take it down next week when I get home and back to my email.

Pure Americana.



Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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Re: PESO - Reverse Psychology?

2010-07-05 Thread frank theriault
On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 11:24 PM, Bong Manayon wrote:

 I enjoyed!  Btw, didn't we have a PUG theme on mailboxes...I should look...


Mailboxes is for July's PUG.  It has now been resized and submitted.
Thanks for the reminder.

And thanks to everyone who looked and commented!


Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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Re: OT Need advice - My bike was stolen

2010-07-05 Thread frank theriault
On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 11:33 PM, John Celio wrote:
 Do credit card companies help with
 these sorts of things?

 If you bought it with a credit card, you might be covered on it by
 purchase insurance.

 Thanks for the suggestion.  I checked with my credit card company and they
 do cover purchases lost due to damage or theft for up to 90 days, so I was
 able to file claims for the bike and the little computer that was on it.  My
 other stuff was old, but if I can get a replacement bike I'll be happier
 than a hog in slop.  I imagine the paperwork will take a few weeks, but it's
 definitely better than having to start over cold.

You may also want to try contacting someone in the local bike
community - citizens' cycling lobby or advocacy groups, bike
messengers, that sort of thing.  They may know of one or several hot
shops, fences who are known to take in hot bikes for resale.  Often
when confronted by the real owners they'll give the bike back or
sell it to the real owner for next to nothing, so as to make sure
the police aren't contacted.

It may be worth a shot.

Best of luck!  Losing a bike is a horrible thing.


Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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PESO - Latch

2010-07-05 Thread Bruce Walker

Automotive minimalism.

K20D, DA* 16-50 @ 36mm, f/5.6, 1/750th, ISO 200. Handheld.

Comments welcome.


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Boris, some PESOs

2010-07-05 Thread Boris Liberman


I seem to be falling behind in PESOs one more time. So here goes:

#25 (Mondial):

#26 (Shabazi 67):

#27 (Not staged):

#28 (Etude):

In sooth, I don't think I need any other gear sans my K-7 and A 50/1.2.

Please be brutal and honest...


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Re: Boris, some PESOs

2010-07-05 Thread Jack Davis
Not Staged is enjoyably unique. Small blossoms in Etude are strewn in an 
interesting way. I agree that something else is needed in the frame, but the 
dead leaves may not be it. 


--- On Mon, 7/5/10, Boris Liberman wrote:

 From: Boris Liberman
 Subject: Boris, some PESOs
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 6:07 AM
 I seem to be falling behind in PESOs one more time. So here
 #25 (Mondial):
 #26 (Shabazi 67):
 #27 (Not staged):
 #28 (Etude):
 In sooth, I don't think I need any other gear sans my K-7
 and A 50/1.2.
 Please be brutal and honest...
 -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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 directly above and follow the directions.


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Re: PESO - Reverse Psychology?

2010-07-05 Thread Boris Liberman
I am thinking it is not reverse psychology, it is simply a junk mail 
folder ;-).


On 7/5/2010 1:44 AM, frank theriault wrote:

I wonder if it works:


Hope you enjoy.  Comments always welcome.


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Re: Peso: Smokeys

2010-07-05 Thread Boris Liberman
I cannot help but point out that you seem to be out to compete with Tom 
C... And also I am thinking that Smokeys are indeed smokey ;-).


On 7/4/2010 9:25 PM, Bob Sullivan wrote:

Here's a shot or 3 from Smokey Mountains National Park.
It was raining on our way back from Grandfather Mountain,
but it made the scenery very smokey.

Comments, advise, and criticism solicited...
Regards,  Bob S.

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Re: PESO: Goldeneye

2010-07-05 Thread Boris Liberman

On 7/4/2010 8:29 PM, Bob W wrote:

The name's Pond. James Pond.

Oh yeah ;-).


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Re: GESO - Flowers in the Dirt

2010-07-05 Thread Boris Liberman

On 6/30/2010 8:44 PM, Tom C wrote:

A 3-image gallery... fallen Blue Flax...

You will have to call the next one My Brave Face, you know...


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Re: PESO Misty Morning

2010-07-05 Thread Boris Liberman

On 6/30/2010 12:45 AM, eckinator wrote:
Good? Bad? Ugly? Let me know!

Totally reminiscent of avatar.


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Re: PESO - Reverse Psychology?

2010-07-05 Thread Godfrey DiGiorgi

Like it. Just a chute to the recycled paper bin and I'd install it ...

On Sunday, July 4, 2010, frank theriault wrote:
 I wonder if it works:


 Hope you enjoy.  Comments always welcome.


 Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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Re: Peso: Smokeys

2010-07-05 Thread David J Brooks
Say's photo not found


On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Bob Sullivan wrote:
 Here's a shot or 3 from Smokey Mountains National Park.
 It was raining on our way back from Grandfather Mountain,
 but it made the scenery very smokey.

 Comments, advise, and criticism solicited...
 Regards,  Bob S.

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: Peso: Smokeys

2010-07-05 Thread Bob Sullivan
You looked while I was updating these.  Please check again at

As per Larry's suggestion, I fiddled with contrast and black point.
But I did it all with curves, stretching the histogram across the space.
I think they look a bit better, more detail and contrast.
Regards,  Bob S.

On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 9:41 AM, David J Brooks wrote:
 Say's photo not found


 On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Bob Sullivan wrote:
 Here's a shot or 3 from Smokey Mountains National Park.
 It was raining on our way back from Grandfather Mountain,
 but it made the scenery very smokey.

 Comments, advise, and criticism solicited...
 Regards,  Bob S.

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and 
 follow the directions.

 Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
 York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: Peso: Smokeys

2010-07-05 Thread David J Brooks
Ah. # 3769 is very well done.


On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 10:48 AM, Bob Sullivan wrote:
 You looked while I was updating these.  Please check again at

 As per Larry's suggestion, I fiddled with contrast and black point.
 But I did it all with curves, stretching the histogram across the space.
 I think they look a bit better, more detail and contrast.
 Regards,  Bob S.

 On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 9:41 AM, David J Brooks wrote:
 Say's photo not found


 On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Bob Sullivan wrote:
 Here's a shot or 3 from Smokey Mountains National Park.
 It was raining on our way back from Grandfather Mountain,
 but it made the scenery very smokey.

 Comments, advise, and criticism solicited...
 Regards,  Bob S.

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and 
 follow the directions.

 Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
 York Region, Ontario, Canada

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 follow the directions.

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Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: OT PESO - Krazee

2010-07-05 Thread David J Brooks
On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 5:38 AM, David Savage wrote:
 You're too harsh on yourself. Your face isn't broken, it has character

You haven't seen me for a while, have you.:-)

 This was shot on the ice  I am please to say that I somehow managed
 to not fall over  break my arse bone.

 Not bad for a lad who's main experience with ice is in drinks.

Then well done Sir.



 On 4 July 2010 08:19, David J Brooks wrote:
 As some one who played goal for various ice hockey teams from 1965 to
 1973, nice shot Dave. If not for a broken face in 1973, i'd still be


 On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 12:27 PM, David Savage wrote:
 G'day All,

 Meet Krazee...:

 ...he's one of the goalies for a local ice hockey team, mostly made up
 of ex-pat Canadians (Krazee, is a token Aussie)

 D700, AF-S 70-200mm @ 125mm, 1/160 @ f11, ISO 200

 Elinchrom Ranger RX through 1x1m softbox over my right shoulder
 SB600  camera left
 SB28 camera right

 Enjoy  have at it.

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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 the directions.

Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: Peso: Smokeys

2010-07-05 Thread Bob Sullivan
Thanks for looking Boris and Dave (twice!)Regards,  Bob S.

On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 9:56 AM, David J Brooks wrote:
 Ah. # 3769 is very well done.


 On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 10:48 AM, Bob Sullivan wrote:
 You looked while I was updating these.  Please check again at

 As per Larry's suggestion, I fiddled with contrast and black point.
 But I did it all with curves, stretching the histogram across the space.
 I think they look a bit better, more detail and contrast.
 Regards,  Bob S.

 On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 9:41 AM, David J Brooks wrote:
 Say's photo not found


 On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Bob Sullivan wrote:
 Here's a shot or 3 from Smokey Mountains National Park.
 It was raining on our way back from Grandfather Mountain,
 but it made the scenery very smokey.

 Comments, advise, and criticism solicited...
 Regards,  Bob S.

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Re: Boris, some PESOs

2010-07-05 Thread Bob Sullivan
I enjoyed Mondial, the guy seems to be cramed onto a very small scooter!
Shabazi 67 I don't understand.  I cannot make out the lower right of the window.
Not Staged and Etude are the best photos in my opinion.
The symetry in Not Staged is charming and begs us to think about how
it happened.
I like Etude but wish you had a bit more depth of field to it.
I expected to see the leaf is sharp focus too!
Hope you're not roasting in the summer heat.
Regards, Bob S.

On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 8:45 AM, Jack Davis wrote:
 Not Staged is enjoyably unique. Small blossoms in Etude are strewn in an 
 interesting way. I agree that something else is needed in the frame, but the 
 dead leaves may not be it.


 --- On Mon, 7/5/10, Boris Liberman wrote:

 From: Boris Liberman
 Subject: Boris, some PESOs
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 6:07 AM

 I seem to be falling behind in PESOs one more time. So here

 #25 (Mondial):

 #26 (Shabazi 67):

 #27 (Not staged):

 #28 (Etude):

 In sooth, I don't think I need any other gear sans my K-7
 and A 50/1.2.

 Please be brutal and honest...


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RE: Boris, some PESOs

2010-07-05 Thread Bob W

I love the shot of the 2 bikes parked on the corner. Bikes are like dogs.
They make good shapes to be in photos.


 I seem to be falling behind in PESOs one more time. So here goes:
 #25 (Mondial):
 #26 (Shabazi 67):
 #27 (Not staged):
 #28 (Etude):
 In sooth, I don't think I need any other gear sans my K-7 and A 50/1.2.
 Please be brutal and honest...
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Re: Peso: Smokeys

2010-07-05 Thread Stan Halpin
I really like KMGP3769. I might tweak the cropping slightly ( a bit off the 
upper left corner, a bit more off the lower right corner to move the tree more 
off-center) but that is really a minor niggle. It is very very nice as is.


On Jul 5, 2010, at 9:48 AM, Bob Sullivan wrote:

 You looked while I was updating these.  Please check again at
 As per Larry's suggestion, I fiddled with contrast and black point.
 But I did it all with curves, stretching the histogram across the space.
 I think they look a bit better, more detail and contrast.
 Regards,  Bob S.
 On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 9:41 AM, David J Brooks wrote:
 Say's photo not found
 On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Bob Sullivan wrote:
 Here's a shot or 3 from Smokey Mountains National Park.
 It was raining on our way back from Grandfather Mountain,
 but it made the scenery very smokey.
 Comments, advise, and criticism solicited...
 Regards,  Bob S.
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 follow the directions.
 Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
 York Region, Ontario, Canada
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Re: Extra Bovril rations...

2010-07-05 Thread Ann Sanfedele

Bob W wrote:

...if you can identify this thing: 

Hint: it's nothing to do with executing royalty, French, British or


I can't but sure would like to know what it is
( a chair for giants that lost the cane webbing?)



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Re: Extra Bovril rations...

2010-07-05 Thread mike wilson

Bob W wrote:

...if you can identify this thing: 

Hint: it's nothing to do with executing royalty, French, British or

Kiddie gym for mouflons?

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Re: Extra Bovril rations...

2010-07-05 Thread Stan Halpin
My first thought is that it is a milking station, but the location seems odd, 
plus the structure is a bit too tall. And too complicated - it shouldn't need 
that many adjustment points. Something having to do with animal restraining 


On Jul 5, 2010, at 4:16 AM, Bob W wrote:

 ...if you can identify this thing: 
 Hint: it's nothing to do with executing royalty, French, British or
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Re: Extra Bovril rations...

2010-07-05 Thread mike wilson

Bob W wrote:

...if you can identify this thing: 

Hint: it's nothing to do with executing royalty, French, British or

Human equivalent of the mounting stool for when the poor wife has to 
carry her drunken shepherd husband back up the mountain at the end of 
market day?

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Re: Extra Bovril rations...

2010-07-05 Thread mike wilson

Bob W wrote:

...if you can identify this thing: 

Hint: it's nothing to do with executing royalty, French, British or

Loading jig, for those photos of donkeys with house-sized burdens of hay?

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Re: Extra Bovril rations...

2010-07-05 Thread mike wilson

Bob W wrote:

...if you can identify this thing: 

Hint: it's nothing to do with executing royalty, French, British or

Cattle scales?

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Re: Florac and faunac

2010-07-05 Thread mike wilson

Bob W wrote:

Here is a rather large gallery of photographs I took on holiday which show
the trails I walked on the Causse Mejean  and other nearby hills. Don't
feel obliged to look at all of them - it is a large gallery, but I wanted to
show something of the variety of landscape and wildlife up there. 

As Dominique said before I left, there are lots of hills and grass. I can
now tell you that there's more to it than that - they have rocks too. 
Comments welcome, but please note I already know I'm no Ansel Adams!
Carline thistle Carlina acaulis
Scarce swallowtail Papilio podalirius
(and previous) Black-veined white Aporia crataegi

I'm not even going to hazard a guess at the orchids.

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RE: Florac and faunac

2010-07-05 Thread Bob W
  Comments welcome, but please note I already know I'm no Ansel Adams!
 Carline thistle Carlina acaulis
 Scarce swallowtail Papilio podalirius
 (and previous) Black-veined white Aporia crataegi
 I'm not even going to hazard a guess at the orchids.

I'm very impressed that you got those thistles and the butterflies/moth
right. When I described the swallowtail to Alastair and Masha they both
immediately suggested hawk moth. Whatever. It was a lovely friendly little
creature with a very graceful soaring flight, almost never flapping its

The orchids were quite common. Alastair seemed to like them, but also did
not know more precisely what they are. I didn't even know they were orchids.

You'd love it there.


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Re: Florac and faunac

2010-07-05 Thread eckinator
Do you buy your books from fnac then?

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Re: OT Need advice - My bike was stolen

2010-07-05 Thread eckinator
2010/7/5 John Celio

 I checked with my credit card company and they
 do cover purchases lost due to damage or theft for up to 90 days, so I was
 able to file claims for the bike and the little computer that was on it.

Awesome! Good to know you'll be back on the road soon.
Now all we need to do is hook him up with a new stick of celery ]=)
I looked up the price of your bike, John, and I doubt the 10% of bike
price rule for the lock would apply if you seriously want to impress
anyone with it.
Again, great news!!

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RE: Extra Bovril rations...

2010-07-05 Thread Bob W
Not bad, not bad!

It's obvious when you know - it's a ferradou, of course!

Here's the sign: 

It says This device or ferradou was used for shoeing oxen. It is situated
on the fairground, near the public weighscale, where Florac's 13 annual
fairs used to take place. There you could find 'beasts with horns' (bovines)
and 'beasts with wool' (ovines), pigs, horses and all sorts of merchandise.
In earlier times these fairs attracted the farming population from the
surrounding area and made up an essential element of the economic and social
life of the country. They were a place of exchange between neighouring
regions. These days cattle are no longer traded in this way, but more modest
fairs remain each month, such as a weekly market on Thursdays

Here's one in use in the Basque country in the 1970s, as photographed by
William Albert Allard and published in his book A Time We Knew: 


 My first thought is that it is a milking station, but the location
 seems odd, plus the structure is a bit too tall. And too complicated -
 it shouldn't need that many adjustment points. Something having to do
 with animal restraining though.
 On Jul 5, 2010, at 4:16 AM, Bob W wrote:
  ...if you can identify this thing: 
  Hint: it's nothing to do with executing royalty, French, British or

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Re: have pdml exhibitors heard from Sue?

2010-07-05 Thread Kenneth Waller
Not here.

-Original Message-
From: Christine  Aguila
Sent: Jul 2, 2010 3:22 PM
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: have pdml exhibitors heard from Sue?

- Original Message - 
From: Bruce Walker
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2010 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: have pdml exhibitors heard from Sue?

 Christine Aguila wrote:
 If you haven't heard from Sue, could you let me know either on list or 
 off list, doesn't matter.  I'd like to know.  Just an FYI, I haven't 
 heard from her either, though I have sent word to her.  Cheers, Christine

 Haven't heard anything yet.

hmmm.  Thanks for letting me know, Bruce.  Cheers, Christine 

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Ken Waller

PeoplePC Online
A better way to Internet

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Re: OT Need advice - My bike was stolen

2010-07-05 Thread Godfrey DiGiorgi
I'm glad to hear you've gotten some relief from the credit card insurance.

Don't want to raise my blood pressure so I won't go on with what I
think about thieves.
May the miserable bastards have their gonads roasted prior to being removed.

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Re: Peso: Smokeys

2010-07-05 Thread Larry Colen

On Jul 5, 2010, at 7:48 AM, Bob Sullivan wrote:

 You looked while I was updating these.  Please check again at
 As per Larry's suggestion, I fiddled with contrast and black point.
 But I did it all with curves, stretching the histogram across the space.
 I think they look a bit better, more detail and contrast.

I think that really helps bring them out.  I can't seem to get the lightroom 
curve to do what I want it to, so I just frob the dials.

 Regards,  Bob S.
 On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 9:41 AM, David J Brooks wrote:
 Say's photo not found
 On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Bob Sullivan wrote:
 Here's a shot or 3 from Smokey Mountains National Park.
 It was raining on our way back from Grandfather Mountain,
 but it made the scenery very smokey.
 Comments, advise, and criticism solicited...
 Regards,  Bob S.
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 follow the directions.
 Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
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Larry Colen sent from i4est

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Re: PESO - Latch

2010-07-05 Thread David J Brooks
I like the crispness and colour here. The shodow is nice


On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 8:46 AM, Bruce Walker wrote:
 Automotive minimalism.

 K20D, DA* 16-50 @ 36mm, f/5.6, 1/750th, ISO 200. Handheld.

 Comments welcome.


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Re: PESO - Latch

2010-07-05 Thread Bruce Walker

David J Brooks wrote:

I like the crispness and colour here. The shodow is nice


Thank you, Dave.


On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 8:46 AM, Bruce Walker wrote:

Automotive minimalism.

K20D, DA* 16-50 @ 36mm, f/5.6, 1/750th, ISO 200. Handheld.

Comments welcome.

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Re: Pentax gear...

2010-07-05 Thread David J Brooks
On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 6:40 PM, Jack Davis wrote:
 So many pun-chures.

You spoke to soon



 --- On Sun, 7/4/10, Cotty wrote:

 From: Cotty
 Subject: Re: Pentax gear...
 To: pentax list
 Date: Sunday, July 4, 2010, 12:53 PM
 On 4/7/10, Roman Melihhov,
 discombobulated, unleashed:
 Just fun, I use this image for model candidates without
 photos on file.

 That's wheely good.



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Re: Pentax gear...

2010-07-05 Thread Bruce Walker

David J Brooks wrote:

On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 6:40 PM, Jack Davis wrote:

So many pun-chures.

You spoke to soon


This thread's going where angels fear to tread.


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Sorting photos

2010-07-05 Thread Larry Colen
I did some family portraits yesterday, and am going through and sorting them 
out.  After making a pass to throw out all the ones that aren't perfectly, or 
even sufficiently in focus I wonder why I could buy a pocket camera, with a 
dinky embedded processor that'll find people's faces and focus on them, but I 
don't have something in lightroom to find people's faces and looking at edge 
sharpness (eyes, hair etc) rate how well focused that they are.

While I wouldn't want software to rate the artistic merits of a photo, software 
that would rate and sort photos by various technical criteria (focus, 
sharpness, exposure, ...)  would save me a lot of time in post processing. 

Sure, there are pathologic cases where you're deliberately goofing with 
sharpness or exposure, and there maybe some great photos that have some 
technical flaw, but which are still great, but for most of what I do, it would 
be a huge help.

Larry Colen sent from i4est

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Re: PESO: Goldeneye

2010-07-05 Thread David J Brooks
On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 1:29 PM, Bob W wrote:
 I was walking along the Mississippi river at twilight when this little
 guy hopped across the path and then he just STOPPED.

 I popped the Tamron 90mm onto the K-7 and started snapping.. closer and
 closer... finally I'm right down on the ground with the lens about 8
 inches away from his face.  The sun had set so I was down to:

 ISO 800, f5.6, 1/4 second

 The darned thing has golden eyes!

 The name's Pond. James Pond.

I prefer the original, Pond Connery.


BTW lovely shot./



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Re: Sorting photos

2010-07-05 Thread Doug Brewer

Larry Colen wrote:

I did some family portraits yesterday, and am going through and sorting them 
out.  After making a pass to throw out all the ones that aren't perfectly, or 
even sufficiently in focus I wonder why I could buy a pocket camera, with a 
dinky embedded processor that'll find people's faces and focus on them, but I 
don't have something in lightroom to find people's faces and looking at edge 
sharpness (eyes, hair etc) rate how well focused that they are.

While I wouldn't want software to rate the artistic merits of a photo, software that would rate and sort photos by various technical criteria (focus, sharpness, exposure, ...)  would save me a lot of time in post processing. 

Sure, there are pathologic cases where you're deliberately goofing with 
sharpness or exposure, and there maybe some great photos that have some 
technical flaw, but which are still great, but for most of what I do, it would 
be a huge help.

Larry Colen sent from i4est

Sorry, Larry, but a big part of being a photographer is learning how to 

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Re: Florac and faunac

2010-07-05 Thread mike wilson

Bob W wrote:

Comments welcome, but please note I already know I'm no Ansel Adams!
Carline thistle Carlina acaulis
Scarce swallowtail Papilio podalirius
(and previous) Black-veined white Aporia crataegi

I'm not even going to hazard a guess at the orchids.

I'm very impressed that you got those thistles and the butterflies/moth
right. When I described the swallowtail to Alastair and Masha they both
immediately suggested hawk moth. Whatever. It was a lovely friendly little
creature with a very graceful soaring flight, almost never flapping its

The orchids were quite common. Alastair seemed to like them, but also did
not know more precisely what they are. I didn't even know they were orchids.

Orchids are the bonobos of the plant world.  If you have two species 
growing in a place there will be 57 different hybrids, also.

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Re: Sorting photos

2010-07-05 Thread Adam Maas
Capture One Pro 5 has a focus filter that highlights areas of the
photo that appear to be in focus. So yes, such a thing does exist. It
is however notoriously hard on processing hardware.


On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 3:09 PM, Larry Colen wrote:
 I did some family portraits yesterday, and am going through and sorting them 
 out.  After making a pass to throw out all the ones that aren't perfectly, or 
 even sufficiently in focus I wonder why I could buy a pocket camera, with a 
 dinky embedded processor that'll find people's faces and focus on them, but I 
 don't have something in lightroom to find people's faces and looking at edge 
 sharpness (eyes, hair etc) rate how well focused that they are.

 While I wouldn't want software to rate the artistic merits of a photo, 
 software that would rate and sort photos by various technical criteria 
 (focus, sharpness, exposure, ...)  would save me a lot of time in post 

 Sure, there are pathologic cases where you're deliberately goofing with 
 sharpness or exposure, and there maybe some great photos that have some 
 technical flaw, but which are still great, but for most of what I do, it 
 would be a huge help.

 Larry Colen sent from i4est

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M. Adam Maas
Explorations of the City Around Us.

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Re: OT Need advice - My bike was stolen

2010-07-05 Thread Larry Colen

On Jul 4, 2010, at 6:13 PM, John Celio wrote:

 My bicycle, which was my only mode of transportation, was stolen this 
 morning.  It was locked up in front of my condo and they cut the locks like 
 they were made of celery.  This completely ruined my 4th of July, but more 
 importantly it's a whole lot of money that suddenly needs to be spent to get 
 back to where I was.  Money I don't have.  My bike was practically brand new 
 (maybe two months old?) and I'd put a bunch of accessories on it, and now I 
 have nothing.

Ouch. Major suckage!

I've read that bike thefts are a major secondary effect of the meth epidemic.  
I'd never leave a bike visibly parked outside for any length of time.  Bolt 
cutters aren't expensive and make short work of locks.  

I'm still hurting from one night where it seems I neglected to lock my garage 
door, it probably got blown open a bit and a bunch of my snap-on combination 
wrenches were stolen.

Larry Colen sent from i4est

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RE: PESO: Goldeneye

2010-07-05 Thread Bob W
  The darned thing has golden eyes!
  The name's Pond. James Pond.
 I prefer the original, Pond Connery.

not Froger Moore then?


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Re: OT: cycle trip

2010-07-05 Thread Larry Colen

On Jul 3, 2010, at 2:03 AM, Bob W wrote:

 good luck, and enjoy - I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip. I
 tried cycling up the Causse Mejan on Tuesday - a 500m climb in 1km. Couldn't
 do it. Best of luck with the Himalayas!

1 km of 30% grade?  That's impressive.  I think that the steepest road around 
here is only about 24% for a short while, the whole road only climbs 630km in 
6.3 km  

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of
 Sent: 03 July 2010 02:07
 Subject: Re: OT: cycle trip
 On Fri, 2 Jul 2010 21:02:37 +0200
 eckinator wrote:
 good luck subash and enjoy your trip
 thanks Ecke for the wishes. and Paul, Stan, Bob and Evan too. the good
 news for me is that i have found the means to take the kx.
 regards, subash
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Larry Colen sent from i4est

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PESO - chillin' on a hot day

2010-07-05 Thread P N Stenquist
The temperature hit 94 degrees F today. Grace cooled off in a local  

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Re: Sorting photos

2010-07-05 Thread Larry Colen

On Jul 5, 2010, at 12:58 PM, Doug Brewer wrote:

 Larry Colen wrote:
 I did some family portraits yesterday, and am going through and sorting them 
 out.  After making a pass to throw out all the ones that aren't perfectly, 
 or even sufficiently in focus I wonder why I could buy a pocket camera, with 
 a dinky embedded processor that'll find people's faces and focus on them, 
 but I don't have something in lightroom to find people's faces and looking 
 at edge sharpness (eyes, hair etc) rate how well focused that they are.
 While I wouldn't want software to rate the artistic merits of a photo, 
 software that would rate and sort photos by various technical criteria 
 (focus, sharpness, exposure, ...)  would save me a lot of time in post 
 processing. Sure, there are pathologic cases where you're deliberately 
 goofing with sharpness or exposure, and there maybe some great photos that 
 have some technical flaw, but which are still great, but for most of what I 
 do, it would be a huge help.
 Larry Colen sent from i4est
 Sorry, Larry, but a big part of being a photographer is learning how to edit.

A big part of being a photographer is knowing how to focus and set the exposure 
of your camera, how many pros do you think still shoot everything in full 
manual?  I'm not looking for something that'll edit everything for me, I'm 
looking for something that'll speed up one of the most time consuming tasks, 
taking a pass through the photos, pixel peeping to see which ones really are 
sharp enough to blow up. 

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Larry Colen sent from i4est

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RE: OT: cycle trip

2010-07-05 Thread Bob W
  good luck, and enjoy - I'm looking forward to hearing about your
 trip. I
  tried cycling up the Causse Mejan on Tuesday - a 500m climb in 1km.
  do it. Best of luck with the Himalayas!
 1 km of 30% grade?  That's impressive.  I think that the steepest road
 around here is only about 24% for a short while, the whole road only
 climbs 630km in 6.3 km

it's not a particularly steep road - it's 1km as the crow flies, but it
switchbacks on itself several times to keep the gradient reasonable, and
ends up as 5.8km as the bike wobbles. But still too much for me on someone
else's mountain bike, carrying a backpack, in 30+ degrees of heat. I hate
mountain bikes - can't understand why people use them at all. 

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Re: Florac and faunac

2010-07-05 Thread Cotty
On 5/7/10, Bob W, discombobulated, unleashed: 

It's now official. I hate you.

I can't tell you how jealous I am.



||   (O)  | People, Places, Pastiche

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Re: PESO - chillin' on a hot day

2010-07-05 Thread Jack Davis
With her looks, there will come a day when Grace will hate the paparazzi. Their 
cameras, however, will always love her.


--- On Mon, 7/5/10, P N Stenquist wrote:

 From: P N Stenquist
 Subject: PESO - chillin' on a hot day
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 1:42 PM
 The temperature hit 94 degrees F
 today. Grace cooled off in a local lake:
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Re: Sorting photos

2010-07-05 Thread George Sinos
The odd thing about Adobe is where they decide to put various features.

The least expensive photo editing/organizing product, Photoshop
Elements 8, has this feature.  It does a lot of autotagging of photos
in the library.  One of the tags is an out of focus tag.  There are
several others, too bright, too dark, etc.

I'm working from memory here, so the names of the tags may be slightly
different.  And, from my limited experience, the tags aren't 100
percent accurate.

I've often wondered how much of the lightroom catalog code may be
based on the PE organizer code.


George Sinos

On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 2:09 PM, Larry Colen wrote:
 I did some family portraits yesterday, and am going through and sorting them 
 out.  After making a pass to throw out all the ones that aren't perfectly, or 
 even sufficiently in focus I wonder why I could buy a pocket camera, with a 
 dinky embedded processor that'll find people's faces and focus on them, but I 
 don't have something in lightroom to find people's faces and looking at edge 
 sharpness (eyes, hair etc) rate how well focused that they are.

 While I wouldn't want software to rate the artistic merits of a photo, 
 software that would rate and sort photos by various technical criteria 
 (focus, sharpness, exposure, ...)  would save me a lot of time in post 

 Sure, there are pathologic cases where you're deliberately goofing with 
 sharpness or exposure, and there maybe some great photos that have some 
 technical flaw, but which are still great, but for most of what I do, it 
 would be a huge help.

 Larry Colen sent from i4est

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Re: PESO - Latch

2010-07-05 Thread Daniel J. Matyola
Awesome shadow, and nice colors.  I love it!


On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 8:46 AM, Bruce Walker wrote:
 Automotive minimalism.

 K20D, DA* 16-50 @ 36mm, f/5.6, 1/750th, ISO 200. Handheld.

 Comments welcome.


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Re: PESO - chillin' on a hot day

2010-07-05 Thread Daniel J. Matyola
Cute as always.


On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 4:42 PM, P N Stenquist wrote:
 The temperature hit 94 degrees F today. Grace cooled off in a local lake:

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Re: Sorting photos

2010-07-05 Thread paul stenquist

On Jul 5, 2010, at 4:51 PM, Larry Colen wrote:

 On Jul 5, 2010, at 12:58 PM, Doug Brewer wrote:
 Larry Colen wrote:
 I did some family portraits yesterday, and am going through and sorting 
 them out.  After making a pass to throw out all the ones that aren't 
 perfectly, or even sufficiently in focus I wonder why I could buy a pocket 
 camera, with a dinky embedded processor that'll find people's faces and 
 focus on them, but I don't have something in lightroom to find people's 
 faces and looking at edge sharpness (eyes, hair etc) rate how well focused 
 that they are.
 While I wouldn't want software to rate the artistic merits of a photo, 
 software that would rate and sort photos by various technical criteria 
 (focus, sharpness, exposure, ...)  would save me a lot of time in post 
 processing. Sure, there are pathologic cases where you're deliberately 
 goofing with sharpness or exposure, and there maybe some great photos that 
 have some technical flaw, but which are still great, but for most of what I 
 do, it would be a huge help.
 Larry Colen sent from i4est
 Sorry, Larry, but a big part of being a photographer is learning how to edit.
 A big part of being a photographer is knowing how to focus and set the 
 exposure of your camera, how many pros do you think still shoot everything in 
 full manual?  I'm not looking for something that'll edit everything for me, 
 I'm looking for something that'll speed up one of the most time consuming 
 tasks, taking a pass through the photos, pixel peeping to see which ones 
 really are sharp enough to blow up. 
Sharp is a judgement call. No photo is perfectly sharp. And what might be 
acceptably sharp for an action pic might not be acceptably shapt for a static, 
posed photo. And that's just the beginning. You gotta make your own calls. 
Software can't do that for you.

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 follow the directions.
 Larry Colen sent from i4est
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Re: PESO: Goldeneye

2010-07-05 Thread mike wilson

Bob W wrote:

The darned thing has golden eyes!

The name's Pond. James Pond.

I prefer the original, Pond Connery.

not Froger Moore then?

Nor his nemesis, Toadfinger.

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Re: Sorting photos

2010-07-05 Thread Larry Colen

On Jul 5, 2010, at 3:01 PM, paul stenquist wrote:

 On Jul 5, 2010, at 4:51 PM, Larry Colen wrote:
 On Jul 5, 2010, at 12:58 PM, Doug Brewer wrote:
 Larry Colen wrote:
 I did some family portraits yesterday, and am going through and sorting 
 them out.  After making a pass to throw out all the ones that aren't 
 perfectly, or even sufficiently in focus I wonder why I could buy a pocket 
 camera, with a dinky embedded processor that'll find people's faces and 
 focus on them, but I don't have something in lightroom to find people's 
 faces and looking at edge sharpness (eyes, hair etc) rate how well focused 
 that they are.
 While I wouldn't want software to rate the artistic merits of a photo, 
 software that would rate and sort photos by various technical criteria 
 (focus, sharpness, exposure, ...)  would save me a lot of time in post 
 processing. Sure, there are pathologic cases where you're deliberately 
 goofing with sharpness or exposure, and there maybe some great photos that 
 have some technical flaw, but which are still great, but for most of what 
 I do, it would be a huge help.
 Larry Colen sent from i4est
 Sorry, Larry, but a big part of being a photographer is learning how to 
 A big part of being a photographer is knowing how to focus and set the 
 exposure of your camera, how many pros do you think still shoot everything 
 in full manual?  I'm not looking for something that'll edit everything for 
 me, I'm looking for something that'll speed up one of the most time 
 consuming tasks, taking a pass through the photos, pixel peeping to see 
 which ones really are sharp enough to blow up. 
 Sharp is a judgement call. No photo is perfectly sharp. And what might be 
 acceptably sharp for an action pic might not be acceptably shapt for a 
 static, posed photo. And that's just the beginning. You gotta make your own 
 calls. Software can't do that for you.

Sharp enough is a judgement call.  Sharpness, on the other hand, should be 

For example, there is edge detection software that can detect the edges of 
various shapes. If the values change completely from one pixel to another, that 
would be perfectly sharp. If we rate blurriness, as the inverse of sharpness 
as the width of the transition, we get increasingly blurry images:

 (just showing one dimension)
blurriness 0:
blurriness 2:
blurriness 4:
blurriness 6:

So, in some cases, you might set your threshold somewhere between 02, and in 
other cases between 46.  However, if I have a bunch of photos that are all 
nearly the same,  it would be handy to have the machine rate them in order of 
blurriness, so that I could then go and look at the sharpest couple of photos 
and see which ones I like the best, and spend a lot less time looking at the 
photos below, or well below, the threshold.

I can see why detecting edges in two dimensions would be a lot more work, much 
less measuring the edge thickness.  But when a $1,000 desktop computer has 
enough power that it would have given Seymour Cray a priapism, not that many 
years ago (assuming he was still alive anyways), a two or three pass process 
that finds the faces, finds the edges in the faces, and measures the blurriness 
of those edges shouldn't be an insurmountable problem.  As a photographer, what 
I do with that information is up to me.

Larry Colen sent from i4est

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Re: PESO - Latch

2010-07-05 Thread Bruce Walker

Daniel J. Matyola wrote:

Awesome shadow, and nice colors.  I love it!


Appreciated, Dan!


On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 8:46 AM, Bruce Walker wrote:

Automotive minimalism.

K20D, DA* 16-50 @ 36mm, f/5.6, 1/750th, ISO 200. Handheld.

Comments welcome.

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Re: PESO - Latch

2010-07-05 Thread Larry Colen

On Jul 5, 2010, at 5:46 AM, Bruce Walker wrote:

 Automotive minimalism.

Very nice.  I can't recognize the car it's on though.

 K20D, DA* 16-50 @ 36mm, f/5.6, 1/750th, ISO 200. Handheld.
 Comments welcome.
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Larry Colen sent from i4est

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Testing photography rules in Miami metrorail system

2010-07-05 Thread Igor Roshchin
(for more detail read each of the linked blogs.
Ledford's blog is actually a funny read.)


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Re: OT: Happy Canada Day

2010-07-05 Thread John Sessoms

From: P. J. Alling

On 7/4/2010 6:09 PM, Bob W wrote:

 What matters is that he should stop interfering in matters that don't
 concern him.


What counted against him was that he was suspected of being a 
Nazi/German sympathizer, all else was a convenient excuse.

That was Edward VIII and I don't think he was seen as a Nazi sympathizer 
at the time he abdicated. That came later.

I think Bob's fussing about the current Prince of Wales.

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RE: Extra Bovril rations...

2010-07-05 Thread John Sessoms

From: Bob W

...if you can identify this thing: 

Hint: it's nothing to do with executing royalty, French, British or

My guess is it's a frame for restraining young bulls for castration.

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Re: OT: Happy Canada Day

2010-07-05 Thread Graydon
On Mon, Jul 05, 2010 at 07:03:36PM -0400, John Sessoms scripsit:
 From: P. J. Alling
 On 7/4/2010 6:09 PM, Bob W wrote:
  What matters is that he should stop interfering in matters that don't
  concern him.
 What counted against him was that he was suspected of being a
 Nazi/German sympathizer, all else was a convenient excuse.
 That was Edward VIII and I don't think he was seen as a Nazi
 sympathizer at the time he abdicated. That came later.

As I recall, what came out when the 50 year hold period on cabinet
archives expired was that they knew there was a leak near the king,
suspected a mistress, bugged the bedroom, and found out that the leak to
the Nazis was the king.

There was a discussion about how to deal with it that included utilizing
the precedent of Headless Chuck; it was decided that abdication worked
better.  And then they stuck him in some Caribbean location through
WWII, because he didn't quite take the hint.

 I think Bob's fussing about the current Prince of Wales.

There are a bunch of people singing Wha'll be king but Charlie? with
rather different emphasis these days, to be sure.

-- Graydon

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Re: PESO - Latch

2010-07-05 Thread Bruce Walker

Larry Colen wrote:

On Jul 5, 2010, at 5:46 AM, Bruce Walker wrote:

Automotive minimalism.

Very nice.  I can't recognize the car it's on though.

I'd be *uber* impressed if you could. :)

It's a Dodge Challenger R/T, but I don't recall the exact year (1970-71 
I think). Somebody at the cruise told me everything about this car in 
humungous detail, but I was trying to decide if I had enough light for 
ISO 200 so I missed a few bits. So I couldn't tell you if this one was 
the 426cu in (7.0 L) Hemi version.

The hood pins are apparently factory, not aftermarket.

K20D, DA* 16-50 @ 36mm, f/5.6, 1/750th, ISO 200. Handheld.

Comments welcome.


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OT PESO - Reach

2010-07-05 Thread David Savage
G'day All,

Another goalie shot:
D700, AF-S 70-200mm f2.8 @ 80mm, 1/160 @ f9, ISO 200

Elinchrom Ranger RX through 1x1m softbox camera right, SB28 behind goalie.

Have at it.



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Re: Sorting photos

2010-07-05 Thread Doug Brewer

paul stenquist wrote:

On Jul 5, 2010, at 4:51 PM, Larry Colen wrote:

On Jul 5, 2010, at 12:58 PM, Doug Brewer wrote:

Larry Colen wrote:

I did some family portraits yesterday, and am going through and sorting them 
out.  After making a pass to throw out all the ones that aren't perfectly, or 
even sufficiently in focus I wonder why I could buy a pocket camera, with a 
dinky embedded processor that'll find people's faces and focus on them, but I 
don't have something in lightroom to find people's faces and looking at edge 
sharpness (eyes, hair etc) rate how well focused that they are.
While I wouldn't want software to rate the artistic merits of a photo, software 
that would rate and sort photos by various technical criteria (focus, 
sharpness, exposure, ...)  would save me a lot of time in post processing. 
Sure, there are pathologic cases where you're deliberately goofing with 
sharpness or exposure, and there maybe some great photos that have some 
technical flaw, but which are still great, but for most of what I do, it would 
be a huge help.
Larry Colen sent from i4est

Sorry, Larry, but a big part of being a photographer is learning how to edit.
A big part of being a photographer is knowing how to focus and set the exposure of your camera, how many pros do you think still shoot everything in full manual?  I'm not looking for something that'll edit everything for me, I'm looking for something that'll speed up one of the most time consuming tasks, taking a pass through the photos, pixel peeping to see which ones really are sharp enough to blow up. 

Sharp is a judgement call. No photo is perfectly sharp. And what might be 
acceptably sharp for an action pic might not be acceptably shapt for a static, posed 
photo. And that's just the beginning. You gotta make your own calls. Software can't do 
that for you.

Paul said more nicely than I did.


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Re: Sorting photos

2010-07-05 Thread William Robb

From: Larry Colen
Subject: Re: Sorting photos

Sorry, Larry, but a big part of being a photographer is learning how to 

A big part of being a photographer is knowing how to focus and set the 
exposure of your camera, how many pros do you think still shoot everything 
in full manual?  I'm not looking for something that'll edit everything for 
me, I'm looking for something that'll speed up one of the most time 
consuming tasks, taking a pass through the photos, pixel peeping to see 
which ones really are sharp enough to blow up.

A big part of being a technician is knowing how to set focus and exposure, 
and is the easiest aspect of photography.

It's the quantifiable stuff.
This is why so many people bitch and whine when their lens isn't perfectly 
sharp, or has some minor technical flaw.

They've found something they can quantify.
But it isn't photography.
Photography is about what you see and how you translate that into something 
you can hold. Everything else is window dressing sent to distract us.

William Robb 

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Re: Sorting photos

2010-07-05 Thread David Savage
On 6 July 2010 07:17, William Robb wrote:

 From: Larry Colen
 Subject: Re: Sorting photos

 Sorry, Larry, but a big part of being a photographer is learning how to

 A big part of being a photographer is knowing how to focus and set the
 exposure of your camera, how many pros do you think still shoot everything
 in full manual?  I'm not looking for something that'll edit everything for
 me, I'm looking for something that'll speed up one of the most time
 consuming tasks, taking a pass through the photos, pixel peeping to see
 which ones really are sharp enough to blow up.

 A big part of being a technician is knowing how to set focus and exposure,
 and is the easiest aspect of photography.
 It's the quantifiable stuff.
 This is why so many people bitch and whine when their lens isn't perfectly
 sharp, or has some minor technical flaw.
 They've found something they can quantify.
 But it isn't photography.
 Photography is about what you see and how you translate that into something
 you can hold. Everything else is window dressing sent to distract us.

What he said.


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Re: Sorting photos

2010-07-05 Thread Doug Brewer

Doug Brewer wrote:

paul stenquist wrote:

On Jul 5, 2010, at 4:51 PM, Larry Colen wrote:

On Jul 5, 2010, at 12:58 PM, Doug Brewer wrote:

Larry Colen wrote:
I did some family portraits yesterday, and am going through and 
sorting them out.  After making a pass to throw out all the ones 
that aren't perfectly, or even sufficiently in focus I wonder why I 
could buy a pocket camera, with a dinky embedded processor that'll 
find people's faces and focus on them, but I don't have something 
in lightroom to find people's faces and looking at edge sharpness 
(eyes, hair etc) rate how well focused that they are.
While I wouldn't want software to rate the artistic merits of a 
photo, software that would rate and sort photos by various 
technical criteria (focus, sharpness, exposure, ...)  would save me 
a lot of time in post processing. Sure, there are pathologic cases 
where you're deliberately goofing with sharpness or exposure, and 
there maybe some great photos that have some technical flaw, but 
which are still great, but for most of what I do, it would be a 
huge help.

Larry Colen sent from i4est
Sorry, Larry, but a big part of being a photographer is learning how 
to edit.
A big part of being a photographer is knowing how to focus and set 
the exposure of your camera, how many pros do you think still shoot 
everything in full manual?  I'm not looking for something that'll 
edit everything for me, I'm looking for something that'll speed up 
one of the most time consuming tasks, taking a pass through the 
photos, pixel peeping to see which ones really are sharp enough to 
blow up.
Sharp is a judgement call. No photo is perfectly sharp. And what 
might be acceptably sharp for an action pic might not be acceptably 
shapt for a static, posed photo. And that's just the beginning. You 
gotta make your own calls. Software can't do that for you.


Paul said more nicely than I did.


sorry, premature mouseclick. One of the problems with writing on one 
computer and reading email on the other, with one keyboard and mouse 
between them.

Larry, I understand the frustration level, particularly now; I'm editing 
photos and writing essays for a book and a presentation at GFM in a 
scant few weeks, and I could use a shortcut or two myself.

Your aspirations and methodologies may be different from mine. They 
probably are. But what I think is that each image deserves its own time 
 of examination, whether on the light table or in Lightroom. It's the 
only way to get to know your images, and examining your images is the 
only way to decide what kind of photographer you are.

If you let the computer decide which of your photographs are good enough 
for you to see, you're losing out on a very important step in your 

Hope this makes sense.

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Re: Sorting photos

2010-07-05 Thread John Francis
On Mon, Jul 05, 2010 at 04:18:03PM -0500, George Sinos wrote:
 I've often wondered how much of the lightroom catalog code may be
 based on the PE organizer code.

Not much, if my memory serves me well.

Lightroom was developed by a separate company (Macromedia), and only
got renamed to Photoshop Lightroom when Adobe bought Macromedia.

While the Macromedia product didn't have all the features that we find
in Lightroom today, it was a complete product before any Adobe-added
code found its way into the code base.

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Re: Strange Asahi NC Takumar 3,3/300mm Pentax M42 on Ebay

2010-07-05 Thread Anthony Farr
Thanks for sharing your historical expertise, Dario.  That new photo
is quite clear and informative and should satisfy anyone that the lens
is not sporting its original back end.  It looks to me like the lens
in its original form is fixed to the IR unit, and not meant to be
dismounted in normal use.

The auction has ended now with no bids after 7 days.  At the starting
price I'm not surprised.

regards, Anthony

   Of what use is lens and light
to those who lack in mind and sight

On 4 July 2010 04:53, Dario Bonazza wrote:
 In this case, I believe the IR unit usually (so to speak) seen between the
 lens and the Nocta body has been replaced by a simple barrel, in order to
 keep the register distance.
 See this picture I've just uploaded:


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PESO - Synchronized

2010-07-05 Thread frank theriault
Yet another flying swan pic, this one from yesterday.  I was getting
tired of carting around long zooms;  they're so big and heavy and
fiddly.  So my kit was the *istD, the Pentax M 200mm f4.0 and the
Tamron SP 90mm f2.5 Macro.  Both nice light, easy to carry lenses.

I'm quite impressed with the M 200mm.  It's noticeably sharper than
either zoom I use.  This photo is about a 25% crop (is that right?  I
mean to say I cropped out about 75% of the original frame).  Given
that amount cropped, plus I was shooting manual focus and panning, I'm
pretty happy with how sharp this is:

I'm happier with this than the flying swan pic from the other day
taken with the heavy Tokina 80-200mm f2.8 zoom:

Anyway, hope you like.  Comment if you will.


Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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PESO -- The Artist

2010-07-05 Thread P. J. Alling
Went to a fireworks display to celebrate the Glorious Forth.  Took the 
K20D for crowd shots and the *ist-Ds to mount on a tripod to shoot the 
fireworks themselves.  The clouds at sunset were spectacular, and I took 
a few shots of them but I also took a few shots of the stranger denizens 
of a summer resort town at a large public event.  This one especially 
tickled my funnybone.


Equipment: Pentax K20D w/vmc Vivitar Series 1 70-210mm f2.8~4.0 (Version 3)

As usual comments are welcome but may be totally ignored.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: Pentax gear...

2010-07-05 Thread P. J. Alling

On 7/5/2010 2:49 PM, Bruce Walker wrote:

David J Brooks wrote:

On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 6:40 PM, Jack Davis wrote:

So many pun-chures.

You spoke to soon


This thread's going where angels fear to tread.


It's already gone down the tube.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: OT: Happy Canada Day

2010-07-05 Thread P. J. Alling

On 7/5/2010 7:03 PM, John Sessoms wrote:

From: P. J. Alling

On 7/4/2010 6:09 PM, Bob W wrote:

 What matters is that he should stop interfering in matters that don't
 concern him.


What counted against him was that he was suspected of being a 
Nazi/German sympathizer, all else was a convenient excuse.

That was Edward VIII and I don't think he was seen as a Nazi 
sympathizer at the time he abdicated. That came later.

I think Bob's fussing about the current Prince of Wales.

I thought it was both actually...

I'm also sure that Edward's sympathies were well known in the right circles.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: PESO - Synchronized

2010-07-05 Thread paul stenquist
Nice work. 
I agree in regard to the M200/4. It's a lot of lens in a small package.
On Jul 5, 2010, at 8:28 PM, frank theriault wrote:

 Yet another flying swan pic, this one from yesterday.  I was getting
 tired of carting around long zooms;  they're so big and heavy and
 fiddly.  So my kit was the *istD, the Pentax M 200mm f4.0 and the
 Tamron SP 90mm f2.5 Macro.  Both nice light, easy to carry lenses.
 I'm quite impressed with the M 200mm.  It's noticeably sharper than
 either zoom I use.  This photo is about a 25% crop (is that right?  I
 mean to say I cropped out about 75% of the original frame).  Given
 that amount cropped, plus I was shooting manual focus and panning, I'm
 pretty happy with how sharp this is:
 I'm happier with this than the flying swan pic from the other day
 taken with the heavy Tokina 80-200mm f2.8 zoom:
 Anyway, hope you like.  Comment if you will.
 Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson
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Re: PESO - Synchronized

2010-07-05 Thread P. J. Alling
The M200 is a wonderful lens, and you've made very good use of it.  Oh 
and by way I hate you.

On 7/5/2010 8:28 PM, frank theriault wrote:

Yet another flying swan pic, this one from yesterday.  I was getting
tired of carting around long zooms;  they're so big and heavy and
fiddly.  So my kit was the *istD, the Pentax M 200mm f4.0 and the
Tamron SP 90mm f2.5 Macro.  Both nice light, easy to carry lenses.

I'm quite impressed with the M 200mm.  It's noticeably sharper than
either zoom I use.  This photo is about a 25% crop (is that right?  I
mean to say I cropped out about 75% of the original frame).  Given
that amount cropped, plus I was shooting manual focus and panning, I'm
pretty happy with how sharp this is:

I'm happier with this than the flying swan pic from the other day
taken with the heavy Tokina 80-200mm f2.8 zoom:

Anyway, hope you like.  Comment if you will.



{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: Pentax gear...

2010-07-05 Thread Godfrey DiGiorgi
Where's a Vilcan when you need one?

On Monday, July 5, 2010, P. J. Alling wrote:
 On 7/5/2010 2:49 PM, Bruce Walker wrote:

 David J Brooks wrote:

 On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 6:40 PM, Jack Davis wrote:

 So many pun-chures.

 You spoke to soon


 This thread's going where angels fear to tread.


 It's already gone down the tube.

 {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
 \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
 interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: Sorting photos

2010-07-05 Thread Godfrey DiGiorgi
first I've ever heard of a relationship like that, john. And counter
to my direct experience with the development team in 2003-2004.

On Monday, July 5, 2010, John Francis wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 05, 2010 at 04:18:03PM -0500, George Sinos wrote:

 I've often wondered how much of the lightroom catalog code may be
 based on the PE organizer code.

 Not much, if my memory serves me well.

 Lightroom was developed by a separate company (Macromedia), and only
 got renamed to Photoshop Lightroom when Adobe bought Macromedia.

 While the Macromedia product didn't have all the features that we find
 in Lightroom today, it was a complete product before any Adobe-added
 code found its way into the code base.

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Re: Sorting photos

2010-07-05 Thread Adam Maas
On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 8:09 PM, John Francis wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 05, 2010 at 04:18:03PM -0500, George Sinos wrote:

 I've often wondered how much of the lightroom catalog code may be
 based on the PE organizer code.

 Not much, if my memory serves me well.

 Lightroom was developed by a separate company (Macromedia), and only
 got renamed to Photoshop Lightroom when Adobe bought Macromedia.

 While the Macromedia product didn't have all the features that we find
 in Lightroom today, it was a complete product before any Adobe-added
 code found its way into the code base.

Nope, Lightroom was developed by Adobe in-house. It was in fact
developed by a large portion of the ImageReady team and is the pet
project of longtime Photoshop developer Mark Hamburg who'd been
working on the idea since 2002. It had nothing to do with Macromedia.

The confusion comes from a RAW converter application whose developer
Adobe bought out in 2006 and whose customers all got free copies of
LR1 to compensate for the ending of development of the converter (paid
versions included lifetime upgrades). I don't recall offhand the name
of the software though.


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Re: Pentax gear...

2010-07-05 Thread drd1135
Tired of this already. 
--Original Message--
From: Roman Melihhov
To: pdml
ReplyTo: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Pentax gear...
Sent: Jul 4, 2010 12:15 PM

Just fun, I use this image for model candidates without photos on file.

K20D, DA 10-17, D-XENON 18-55, DA* 16-50, FA 50 F1.4, DA 50-200,
more @ |

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Re: Sorting photos

2010-07-05 Thread P. J. Alling
Raw Shooter Professional.  The free product was Raw Shooter Essentials, 
Adobe bought them out and stopped development just when I decided to buy 
the Professional product.  It was simple didn't lock you into any 
particular way of archiving and produced extremely good conversions, and 
promoted a very efficient work flow with batch processing..

On 7/5/2010 9:34 PM, Adam Maas wrote:

On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 8:09 PM, John  wrote:

On Mon, Jul 05, 2010 at 04:18:03PM -0500, George Sinos wrote:

I've often wondered how much of the lightroom catalog code may be
based on the PE organizer code.

Not much, if my memory serves me well.

Lightroom was developed by a separate company (Macromedia), and only
got renamed to Photoshop Lightroom when Adobe bought Macromedia.

While the Macromedia product didn't have all the features that we find
in Lightroom today, it was a complete product before any Adobe-added
code found its way into the code base.


Nope, Lightroom was developed by Adobe in-house. It was in fact
developed by a large portion of the ImageReady team and is the pet
project of longtime Photoshop developer Mark Hamburg who'd been
working on the idea since 2002. It had nothing to do with Macromedia.

The confusion comes from a RAW converter application whose developer
Adobe bought out in 2006 and whose customers all got free copies of
LR1 to compensate for the ending of development of the converter (paid
versions included lifetime upgrades). I don't recall offhand the name
of the software though.



{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: Sorting photos

2010-07-05 Thread Godfrey DiGiorgi
History of Lightroom development encapsulated here:


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Re: Sorting photos

2010-07-05 Thread Adam Maas
That was it. I remember seriously considering buying it at the time.
Ended up going with Capture One somewhat later for much the same
reasons (No organizational lockin, VERY good conversions, very good
for bathc processing).


On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 9:49 PM, P. J. Alling wrote:
 Raw Shooter Professional.  The free product was Raw Shooter Essentials,
 Adobe bought them out and stopped development just when I decided to buy the
 Professional product.  It was simple didn't lock you into any particular way
 of archiving and produced extremely good conversions, and promoted a very
 efficient work flow with batch processing..

 On 7/5/2010 9:34 PM, Adam Maas wrote:

 On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 8:09 PM, John  wrote:

 On Mon, Jul 05, 2010 at 04:18:03PM -0500, George Sinos wrote:

 I've often wondered how much of the lightroom catalog code may be
 based on the PE organizer code.

 Not much, if my memory serves me well.

 Lightroom was developed by a separate company (Macromedia), and only
 got renamed to Photoshop Lightroom when Adobe bought Macromedia.

 While the Macromedia product didn't have all the features that we find
 in Lightroom today, it was a complete product before any Adobe-added
 code found its way into the code base.

 Nope, Lightroom was developed by Adobe in-house. It was in fact
 developed by a large portion of the ImageReady team and is the pet
 project of longtime Photoshop developer Mark Hamburg who'd been
 working on the idea since 2002. It had nothing to do with Macromedia.

 The confusion comes from a RAW converter application whose developer
 Adobe bought out in 2006 and whose customers all got free copies of
 LR1 to compensate for the ending of development of the converter (paid
 versions included lifetime upgrades). I don't recall offhand the name
 of the software though.


 Courier New;}}
 \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the
 interface subtly weird.\par

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M. Adam Maas
Explorations of the City Around Us.

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