Re: My NEX-7 Post

2012-08-25 Thread steve harley

on 2012-08-24 12:12 Tom C wrote

My apologies Steve and Don. You were kind enough to reply and
unfortunately I was in a ranting and raving mood about a number of
subjects this morning and you got caught in the cross-hairs, and I
went trash-talking behind your back. I hate when my wife does that to
me!  Your comments are both valid of course.

no worries, Tom, i wasn't offended

as an explanation for my own reply which may have set you off, all i did was 
answer your question, "Dear me. What should I do?" with a straight face

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Re: OT A basic guide to the correct use of English,, profanity.

2012-08-25 Thread David Mann
On Aug 26, 2012, at 5:48 AM, John Sessoms  wrote:

>> I'm sure she'll send the photographer out for a walk with the corgis.
> Is that anything like sending someone to sleep with the fishies?

Vicious little buggers :)


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Re: Mounting a laser behind K-mount lenses

2012-08-25 Thread steve harley

on 2012-08-24 1:23 Larry Colen wrote

On Aug 19, 2012, at 8:02 PM, steve harley wrote:

no idea about laser sources, but if you'd like the K-mount and immediately 
surrounding chassis from an old A3000 i'll send it to you for shipping;  [...]

I think I'll take you up on that.  Shipping shouldn't be too expensive, and I 
don't want to destroy any of my bodies, all of which do work.

okey-dokey, i'll send it Monday, Larry

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread steve harley

on 2012-08-25 15:39 Darren Addy wrote

I'm sure that most of you know that
patents exist to reward innovators and stimulate innovation, for the
good of society.

that is indeed the intent of the patent system, but most _software_ patents are 
issued to large corporations and are often issued for fairly obvious methods 
and without the Patent Office doing a proper job reviewing prior art; if 
another big corp wants to challenge a patent's validity, it can afford to try, 
but small firms and individuals can't afford to even think about it — instead 
they have to watch their step whenever they create something new, even to the 
point of avoiding innovation; software patents have become the munitions for a 
bizarre war of attrition that does nothing to benefit ordinary people

in general i don't think software patents should exist; nor patents for genes

Presumably most of you are in favor of Pentax being granted patents on
their innovations and would have an opinion if some other company
"lifted them" to Pentax's detriment.

non-software patents are generally more meaningful; i would assume that covers 
the majority of Pentax patents

Frankly, it seems like some of
you hear the word "Apple" and your heads disappear up your arses.

i think you must have no idea where my comment was coming from … it really has 
little to do with Apple for me; in many ways i am a consummate Apple user, but 
i'm not a fanboi (maybe i was 20 years ago), and my view of Apple is pretty 
nuanced; this case bothers me because of how it will scare all the little 
people and possibly put a major damper on Android; i don't use Android, and i 
don't see it as living up to the "open" label it's been given, but i like that 
it is a real competitor for iOS

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread John Francis
On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 11:10:17PM -0400, John Sessoms wrote:
> From: "Daniel J. Matyola"
> >My first computer was an Apple ][.  Great computer.  I loved it.  I
> >learned Basic, Pascal, Assembler and even a bit of machine language
> >programing on it.  It certainly wasn't "plug -and-play," but it was
> >designed for computer hobbyists, and most of them loved it.
> >
> >Dan Matyola
> My "first" computer was an IBM System 360. I learned to place the
> cards in the card reader "Face down & nine edge first, AND DON'T

Stantec Zebra. 2K 48-bit words of drum memory.

(Standing up.  In a hammock.)

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread William Robb

On 25/08/2012 11:00 PM, Stan Halpin wrote:

Boris, I totally agree that the patent system needs adjustment. The absurd 
notion that human DNA disease-markers can be patented is an indication that the 
system needs major overhaul. But in the meantime, the rules say that you 
shouldn't copy others' work. Apple is the underdog here. They are the small 
corporation that had a string of good ideas, protected those ideas with patents 
as allowed for under the current system, and profited from their good ideas 
(iPod, iPhone, iPad). They are are now being treated as though they were 
Microsoft. Microsoft won dominance of the OS market through very questionable 
marketing practices; Apple won dominance of everything else through good ideas. 
Samsung and other scumsuckers are merely trying to copy whatever is the current 
successful product  in hopes that it will earn them more quick dollars than it 
will cost them in legal fees and settlements.


Stan, I think we are just seeing history repeat itself. Apple is now the 
BMOC, and they are getting pushy.


William Robb

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread William Robb

On 25/08/2012 9:50 PM, Boris Liberman wrote:

Let me rephrase, your honour. Google - the big man of Android ecosystem.
Hasn't Apple set out on a lawful crusade (pun intended) to wipe off and
out the Android infidels?

It's a Holy War, Boris. Apple is now the little guy whose been given a 
big stick.


William Robb

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread William Robb

On 25/08/2012 3:31 PM, Daniel J. Matyola wrote:

Using microsoft products is not much of an improvement over over two
tin cans and a string.

Apparently you aren't all that familiar with the conversation at hand.
FYI, Samsung is using Android not Microsoft for the OS, and people who 
know more about this than me think it beats the snot out of the Apple OS
But keep taking the low road there Danny boy, it's what we've come to 


William Robb

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread William Robb

On 25/08/2012 9:46 PM, Boris Liberman wrote:

My reply interspersed.

On 8/26/2012 12:39 AM, Darren Addy wrote:

Presumably most of you are in favor of Pentax being granted patents on
their innovations and would have an opinion if some other company
"lifted them" to Pentax's detriment. Frankly, it seems like some of
you hear the word "Apple" and your heads disappear up your arses.

In point of fact, Pentax invented the reflex mirror camera design, and 
had the patent stripped from them "for the good of the Japanese camera 
And here we are, a half century later buying cameras from a company that 
has been on life support for the better part of a quarter century.
Whoever allowed Apple to patent the rounded corner rectangle needs to 
have his balls removed. It was a stupid patent to allow.
One also has to wonder just how fair a trial it was, what with it 
pitting an American company against a Korean company, and leaving the 
decision up to American jurors.


William Robb

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Re: A Pentax Q set for you (not mine)

2012-08-25 Thread William Robb

On 25/08/2012 5:46 PM, J.C. O'Connell wrote:


So are you.


William Robb

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread Stan Halpin
Boris, I totally agree that the patent system needs adjustment. The absurd 
notion that human DNA disease-markers can be patented is an indication that the 
system needs major overhaul. But in the meantime, the rules say that you 
shouldn't copy others' work. Apple is the underdog here. They are the small 
corporation that had a string of good ideas, protected those ideas with patents 
as allowed for under the current system, and profited from their good ideas 
(iPod, iPhone, iPad). They are are now being treated as though they were 
Microsoft. Microsoft won dominance of the OS market through very questionable 
marketing practices; Apple won dominance of everything else through good ideas. 
Samsung and other scumsuckers are merely trying to copy whatever is the current 
successful product  in hopes that it will earn them more quick dollars than it 
will cost them in legal fees and settlements.


On Aug 25, 2012, at 11:57 PM, Boris Liberman wrote:

> Stan, I respectfully disagree. Beside the matters of letter of law 
> (royalties, etc) Apple simply invented very round wheel. Thumbs up to them.
> Now, in modern world innovation and true knowledge sharing exists only 
> personal level. Oftentimes my friends and I (not working for the same 
> company) would discuss an issue or two of our trade. Admittedly, not 
> oftentimes enough, I might add here.
> In terms of corporations this does not happen this way. Samsung played dirty 
> and got burned. Now they have to stand in the corner and everyone is shaking 
> their finger at them.
> But what happened really? Apple did something good and they were not able to 
> hold it to themselves. The real question - in modern world of inventions that 
> are mostly virtual (software engines are engines but that's just a figure of 
> speech, unlike car engines, for example) patent system requires serious 
> adjustment, don't you agree, Stan?
> Boris
> P.S. As a recall Ford Focus was the very first Golf-class vehicle that 
> featured fully independent multi-link rear suspension. Tell me, does it mean 
> that Hyundai for example had to pay patent royalties to Ford in order to use 
> in their i30?
> On 8/25/2012 10:06 PM, Stan Halpin wrote:
>> Remember long long ago? Like maybe 5 years ago? Many many different
>> sizes and styles of cell phones on the market. Then the iPhone came
>> out and most other manufactures panicked and tried to copy instead of
>> building their own smartphone. This series of cases is far from over,
>> but I would hope that the end result is awareness that patent and
>> copyright laws do matter. Followed by greater investment in R&D to
>> build innovative products rather than investment in advertising to
>> sell knock-off products.
>> stan
>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 1:36 PM, Boris Liberman wrote:
>>> On 8/25/2012 1:52 AM, Darren Addy wrote:
 Live blogging as it is being read:
> Looking like a HUGE win for Apple and a huge setback for Samsung.
>>> No matter who's right and who's wrong, the end user, that is you or
>>> me will eventually suffer the consequences...
>>> Naively, I am wondering if having scored with Samsung, will Apple
>>> attack the Big Man - The ElGoog?
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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Re: OT: A comment on Canada

2012-08-25 Thread Walt Gilbert

We could use more whiskey.

-- Walt

On 8/25/2012 9:27 PM, wrote:

We also sent you Celine Dion.

You're welcome...



"What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." -- 
Christopher Hitchens

--- Original Message ---

From: John Sessoms 
Sent: August 25, 2012 8/25/12
Subject: Re: OT: A comment on Canada

From: Bruce Walker

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 2:16 PM, John Sessoms  wrote:

From: "knarftheriault

It's kind of nice being next to you guys. We get many cultural and
economic benefits without the guns, crime and uber-right wing
politics. Plus we have socialized medicine and a decent social safety

We get to be smug and feel superior but we also reap the benefits of

I know your post was humour but I think a better analogy than living
next to the Hell's Angels clubhouse was made by our late Prime
Minister Pierre Trudeau: Living next to the US is like a mouse
sleeping next to an elephant. The elephant may intend no harm but the
mouse needs to be aware of its every twitch and movement. To lack
such awareness might lead to being crushed.


And how did y'all show your gratitude for all the wonderful benefits you've
derived from living "next door" to us?

Sent us William Shatner!

We also sent you Dorothy Stratten, but you did not take good care of
her. No point sending you anything that we care about you damaging.

Paul Snider was also from Vancouver.

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread Boris Liberman
Stan, I respectfully disagree. Beside the matters of letter of law 
(royalties, etc) Apple simply invented very round wheel. Thumbs up to them.

Now, in modern world innovation and true knowledge sharing exists only 
personal level. Oftentimes my friends and I (not working for the same 
company) would discuss an issue or two of our trade. Admittedly, not 
oftentimes enough, I might add here.

In terms of corporations this does not happen this way. Samsung played 
dirty and got burned. Now they have to stand in the corner and everyone 
is shaking their finger at them.

But what happened really? Apple did something good and they were not 
able to hold it to themselves. The real question - in modern world of 
inventions that are mostly virtual (software engines are engines but 
that's just a figure of speech, unlike car engines, for example) patent 
system requires serious adjustment, don't you agree, Stan?


P.S. As a recall Ford Focus was the very first Golf-class vehicle that 
featured fully independent multi-link rear suspension. Tell me, does it 
mean that Hyundai for example had to pay patent royalties to Ford in 
order to use in their i30?

On 8/25/2012 10:06 PM, Stan Halpin wrote:

Remember long long ago? Like maybe 5 years ago? Many many different
sizes and styles of cell phones on the market. Then the iPhone came
out and most other manufactures panicked and tried to copy instead of
building their own smartphone. This series of cases is far from over,
but I would hope that the end result is awareness that patent and
copyright laws do matter. Followed by greater investment in R&D to
build innovative products rather than investment in advertising to
sell knock-off products.


On Aug 25, 2012, at 1:36 PM, Boris Liberman wrote:

On 8/25/2012 1:52 AM, Darren Addy wrote:

Live blogging as it is being read:

Looking like a HUGE win for Apple and a huge setback for Samsung.

No matter who's right and who's wrong, the end user, that is you or
me will eventually suffer the consequences...

Naively, I am wondering if having scored with Samsung, will Apple
attack the Big Man - The ElGoog?

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread Boris Liberman

On 8/25/2012 8:43 PM, Bob W wrote:

Google, the Big Man? Apple's the biggest company in the world at the moment.


Let me rephrase, your honour. Google - the big man of Android ecosystem. 
Hasn't Apple set out on a lawful crusade (pun intended) to wipe off and 
out the Android infidels?

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread Boris Liberman

My reply interspersed.

On 8/26/2012 12:39 AM, Darren Addy wrote:

The stifling of patented Intellectual Property theft? I believe that
is the purpose of the laws that are on the books (to prevent or at
least disincentivize that). I'm sure that most of you know that
patents exist to reward innovators and stimulate innovation, for the
good of society. To allow Intellectual Property larceny would stifle
that innovation (and from that we all would suffer).

We have a saying in Hebrew - "don't be right, be smart". Apple is right 
but definitely not smart.

Unlike you, English is a foreign language to me. Some of my 
contemporaries made inventions or innovations that warranted a patent. 
Man, the language of the resulting documents was anything but human. How 
that can stimulate innovation would have to be explained to me in very 
simple terms, because it might have been so 300 years ago, but today 
patents exist to reward layers.

Some of you act like this is the first patent lawsuit judgement you
have ever heard of.

It is the biggest one, and the most covered by mass media, is it not?

Presumably most of you are in favor of Pentax being granted patents on
their innovations and would have an opinion if some other company
"lifted them" to Pentax's detriment. Frankly, it seems like some of
you hear the word "Apple" and your heads disappear up your arses.

G-d, Darren, I am thinking you don't grok it. Samsung and Apple are huge 
corporations. Samsung produces just about everything from TV sets to 
mirrorless cameras and whatever else in between. For them USD 1 BN of 
fines is mere hiccup. Two or three years down the road they won't even 
remember it happened, unless one would have to look in some huge 
accountant volume or something. And personally I could care less about 
their accounting balances.

Will you kindly point your browser here:

On the top right part of the site you will notice news item: "Source 
Code Available for Android 4.1". That's promoting innovation at its 
purest form. Whoever has talent (e.g. Cyanogen mod team: can take the sources and work with them 
their magic. Android Nexus devices are produced without any skins on 
top, fully open just for people who like to innovate.

Apple does not have that and never will. No, that's not Apple vs 
everybody else bickering. That's just a fact of life. Apple is by 
definition closed.

So now that Android ecosystem got very bloody nose, it is not innovation 
that will flourish, but rather lawyers (good people, this bunch, they 
need to bring home some bread and butter too) while true innovation in 
this area will be marginalized.

I am afraid the patent system as it is now requires much refactoring. I 
don't dwell in details of the patents or details of the trial anyway, 
but it appears to me that Apple practically invented the wheel. Pinch 
zoom - patent?! Come on, be serious.

Suppose I am a young physics student working with lasers or whatever. 
And suppose I innovate a brand new laser tech that among other things 
will allow me to build new improved computer mouse. Now - how many 
patents I have to work around? How much money I will need to pay up 
front to the layers and patent consultants? Will I really want to 
innovate and build my improved computer mouse? Of course there are 
rhetorical questions.

As always - with true and sincere respect to you, sir.


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RE: A Pentax Q set for you (not mine)

2012-08-25 Thread
You don't have to yell...



"What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." -- 
Christopher Hitchens

--- Original Message ---

From: "J.C. O'Connell" 
Sent: August 25, 2012 8/25/12
To: "'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'" 
Subject: RE: A Pentax Q set for you (not mine)



-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Darren Addy
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 7:37 PM
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: A Pentax Q set for you (not mine)

Check out this Macro depth of field at f2.8 on the Q

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Re: OT: A comment on Canada

2012-08-25 Thread
Trebek has long since become an American citizen. Dion remains a Canadian one 
but lived in Vegas full time while she had her permanent show there and now 
lives in Florida. IIRC she recently sold her Quebec estate.

Candy certainly worked a great deal in Hollywood and may have had a residence 
there but his primary residence remained here in Canada up to his untimely 


"What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." -- 
Christopher Hitchens

--- Original Message ---

From: "Daniel J. Matyola" 
Sent: August 25, 2012 8/25/12
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" 
Subject: Re: OT: A comment on Canada

Not to mention Alex Trebek.  And John Candy.
Dan Matyola

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 10:27 PM,
> We also sent you Celine Dion.
> You're welcome...
> ;-)
> cheers,
> frank
> "What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." -- 
> Christopher Hitchens
> --- Original Message ---
> From: John Sessoms 
> Sent: August 25, 2012 8/25/12
> To:
> Subject: Re: OT: A comment on Canada
> From: Bruce Walker
>> On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 2:16 PM, John Sessoms  wrote:
>>> From: "knarftheriault
 It's kind of nice being next to you guys. We get many cultural and
 economic benefits without the guns, crime and uber-right wing
 politics. Plus we have socialized medicine and a decent social safety

 We get to be smug and feel superior but we also reap the benefits of

 I know your post was humour but I think a better analogy than living
 next to the Hell's Angels clubhouse was made by our late Prime
 Minister Pierre Trudeau: Living next to the US is like a mouse
 sleeping next to an elephant. The elephant may intend no harm but the
 mouse needs to be aware of its every twitch and movement. To lack
 such awareness might lead to being crushed.

>>> And how did y'all show your gratitude for all the wonderful benefits you've
>>> derived from living "next door" to us?
>>> Sent us William Shatner!
>> We also sent you Dorothy Stratten, but you did not take good care of
>> her. No point sending you anything that we care about you damaging.
>> :-)
> Paul Snider was also from Vancouver.
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread John Sessoms

From: "Daniel J. Matyola"

My first computer was an Apple ][.  Great computer.  I loved it.  I
learned Basic, Pascal, Assembler and even a bit of machine language
programing on it.  It certainly wasn't "plug -and-play," but it was
designed for computer hobbyists, and most of them loved it.

Dan Matyola

My "first" computer was an IBM System 360. I learned to place the cards 
in the card reader "Face down & nine edge first, AND DON'T TOUCH 

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Re: OT: A comment on Canada

2012-08-25 Thread Daniel J. Matyola
Not to mention Alex Trebek.  And John Candy.
Dan Matyola

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 10:27 PM,
> We also sent you Celine Dion.
> You're welcome...
> ;-)
> cheers,
> frank
> "What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." -- 
> Christopher Hitchens
> --- Original Message ---
> From: John Sessoms 
> Sent: August 25, 2012 8/25/12
> To:
> Subject: Re: OT: A comment on Canada
> From: Bruce Walker
>> On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 2:16 PM, John Sessoms  wrote:
>>> From: "knarftheriault
 It's kind of nice being next to you guys. We get many cultural and
 economic benefits without the guns, crime and uber-right wing
 politics. Plus we have socialized medicine and a decent social safety

 We get to be smug and feel superior but we also reap the benefits of

 I know your post was humour but I think a better analogy than living
 next to the Hell's Angels clubhouse was made by our late Prime
 Minister Pierre Trudeau: Living next to the US is like a mouse
 sleeping next to an elephant. The elephant may intend no harm but the
 mouse needs to be aware of its every twitch and movement. To lack
 such awareness might lead to being crushed.

>>> And how did y'all show your gratitude for all the wonderful benefits you've
>>> derived from living "next door" to us?
>>> Sent us William Shatner!
>> We also sent you Dorothy Stratten, but you did not take good care of
>> her. No point sending you anything that we care about you damaging.
>> :-)
> Paul Snider was also from Vancouver.
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

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Re: PESO - Noodles for You?

2012-08-25 Thread Daniel J. Matyola
Glorious indeed!  I love the look on the man walking past.
Dan Matyola

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 10:38 PM, frank theriault
> I know I've shown this young lady before, but it was at night time and
> (I think) it was black and white.  Here she is in glorious colour:
> Hope you enjoy.  Comments always welcome.
> cheers,
> frank
> --
> "Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread Daniel J. Matyola
That is nonsense Darren, and this case proves it.

When the iPhone first came out it was unique.  All the competitors
looked different from the iPhone, and different from each other.

The iPhone (created by a corporation) was better than the others.  The
proof of this is that all the other phones how look just like the
iPhone.  Instead of trying to develop something different and better,
they simply copied the iPhone.  Now, people are surprised that the
courts are finding that to be in violation of Apple's rights under the
patent law?  DUH!

Dan Matyola

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 10:52 PM, John Sessoms  wrote:
> From: Darren Addy
> Corporations don't create intellectual property. They find something
> pre-existing that no one else thought to patent & then sue everyone who is
> already using it. And you end up paying higher prices to cover the cost of
> litigation.
> Patents don't reward innovators. That's so 230 years ago. Now patents reward
> corporate lawyers & Wall Street banksters.

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread John Sessoms

From: Darren Addy

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 11:11 AM, John Sessoms  wrote:

From: steve harley

years of appeals will probably ensue, but the stifling effect will start

Pretty much the way I read it.

The stifling of patented Intellectual Property theft? I believe that
is the purpose of the laws that are on the books (to prevent or at
least disincentivize that). I'm sure that most of you know that
patents exist to reward innovators and stimulate innovation, for the
good of society. To allow Intellectual Property larceny would stifle
that innovation (and from that we all would suffer).

Stifling Intellectual Property DEVELOPMENT.

Corporations don't create intellectual property. They find something 
pre-existing that no one else thought to patent & then sue everyone who 
is already using it. And you end up paying higher prices to cover the 
cost of litigation.

Patents don't reward innovators. That's so 230 years ago. Now patents 
reward corporate lawyers & Wall Street banksters.

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Re: PESO: Orange Hibiscus

2012-08-25 Thread frank theriault
Gorgeous colours, Dan!  I really like this one.


On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 8:28 PM, Daniel J. Matyola  wrote:
> One of my more unusual flower colors:
> Comments as always are appreciated.
> Dan Matyola
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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Re: You don't have to be terribly visionary to see where still photography is going...

2012-08-25 Thread frank theriault
Photography remains the only medium that literally captures a moment
in time.  Think about it:  nothing else does that!

As such, it will always be intriguing and valuable to us.

What is it exactly that makes you (or anyone else) think that it's
going away?  Are there less still photos being taken?  Are there fewer
still photos being shown in galleries, newspapers, magazines, blogs?
Exactly what evidence (other than conjecture) do you have that it's an
"endangered species"?

If anything, what with digital imaging and various ways to easily
disseminate it on the internet, still photography is entrenched more
deeply than ever, imho.

frank (who thought that CD's would never eclipse vinyl and then
thought that CD's were here to stay, so what do I know?)   ;-)

On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 11:36 AM, Darren Addy  wrote:
> True still photography (as in push the button and capture a moment in
> one picture) is going to be an endangered species very soon.
> I'm sure that most of us still consider images taken at 6 fps with our
> Pentax DSLRs to be photographs. What if your DSLR could do 30 fps? We
> are already at the point where, with enough money, you can buy a 4K
> video camera (shooting at 30 fps) and get video capture stills good
> enough to use reproduced on glossy magazine covers.
> One might think it tedious to go through video looking for stills (30
> of them per second) but, if there isn't already, there soon will be
> Lightroom-V sort of programs that do it for you. 10 seconds of video
> would be laid out in 300 thumbnails for you to zoom in on and do
> further post-processing. 10 minutes of video would give you 18000
> images to zoom through.
> All of this sounds rather unpalatable to most of us, I'm sure. Just
> like many people are still enjoying film (and some young people
> discovering it for the first time, the same may be said for still
> photography). So it will be with still cameras. There will be a period
> where weddings are being photographed by people using video, while
> others hold on to still digital... just as there were film shooters
> overlapping with early adopters of DSLRs. Eventually, still
> photography will be dominated by people who are strobe lighting
> experts, since you can't duplicate the light output of a flash for
> anything resembling long duration video unless you can afford and
> master Hollywood lighting set-ups. (the length of the flash determines
> how many video frames you have to choose from... if it is less than a
> 30th of a sec. then you will only have 1 exposure on a 30 fps camera).
> In film, the director is considered the creative force. He leans on a
> director of photography and people to run the actual cameras. The sort
> of still images coming from video of the future puts all of those jobs
> in one person's hands (which those who are using their cameras for
> video are already transitioning into). The job is just going to get
> bigger and more sophisticated, and more widespread.
> The far-sighted camera manufacturers can already see this day coming,
> getting closer with each new revision of sensor, computing power,
> software and increased storage. That's why most are putting more and
> more emphasis on the video capabilities of their DSLRs. Some, like
> Sony and Canon are producing both video cameras and still cameras.
> Those that don't should probably be looking to acquire businesses (or
> be acquired by them) that have that expertise and manufacturing
> ability - because the future is going to involve a lot of
> cross-pollination between engineers on both sides of the hall.
> Those who fail to see the future and adapt quickly to it will be the
> Kodaks of tomorrow.
> --
> "The key to seeing the world's soul, and in the process wakening one's
> own, is to get over the confusion
> by which we think that fact is real and imagination an illusion. It is
> the other way around."
>   -Thomas Moore, "Original Self"
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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PESO - Noodles for You?

2012-08-25 Thread frank theriault
I know I've shown this young lady before, but it was at night time and
(I think) it was black and white.  Here she is in glorious colour:

Hope you enjoy.  Comments always welcome.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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the directions.

Re: OT: A comment on Canada

2012-08-25 Thread
We also sent you Celine Dion.

You're welcome...



"What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." -- 
Christopher Hitchens

--- Original Message ---

From: John Sessoms 
Sent: August 25, 2012 8/25/12
Subject: Re: OT: A comment on Canada

From: Bruce Walker

> On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 2:16 PM, John Sessoms  wrote:
>> From: "knarftheriault
>>> It's kind of nice being next to you guys. We get many cultural and
>>> economic benefits without the guns, crime and uber-right wing
>>> politics. Plus we have socialized medicine and a decent social safety
>>> net.
>>> We get to be smug and feel superior but we also reap the benefits of
>>> proximity.
>>> I know your post was humour but I think a better analogy than living
>>> next to the Hell's Angels clubhouse was made by our late Prime
>>> Minister Pierre Trudeau: Living next to the US is like a mouse
>>> sleeping next to an elephant. The elephant may intend no harm but the
>>> mouse needs to be aware of its every twitch and movement. To lack
>>> such awareness might lead to being crushed.
>>> Cheers,
>>> frank
>> And how did y'all show your gratitude for all the wonderful benefits you've
>> derived from living "next door" to us?
>> Sent us William Shatner!
> We also sent you Dorothy Stratten, but you did not take good care of
> her. No point sending you anything that we care about you damaging.
> :-)

Paul Snider was also from Vancouver.

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Re: PESO - Yorkshire Dales Bridge

2012-08-25 Thread
I'm late on this, but what a gorgeous scene! I've never been to England but 
this is exactly how I've always imagined the countryside might look. 

Gorgeous shot!


PS: I can almost see Dennis Moore riding over the bridge, laden with lupins.  

"What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." -- 
Christopher Hitchens

--- Original Message ---

From: Chris Mitchell 
Sent: August 25, 2012 8/25/12
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" 
Subject: Re: PESO - Yorkshire Dales Bridge

On 24 August 2012 03:20, Rick Womer  wrote:
> This was a 5 minute walk from our room in the Yorkshire Dales in June:
> (K-5, DA 16-45)
> Comments always appreciated.
> Rick
Lovely shot of a beautiful part of England. Whereabouts in the Dales is it?

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Re: PESO - Ride-by Shooting

2012-08-25 Thread
Yes, I was standing on the sidewalk at the time.

Thanks for the comment, Steve, and thanks to all who looked.


"What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." -- 
Christopher Hitchens

--- Original Message ---

From: Steven Desjardins 
Sent: August 25, 2012 8/25/12
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" 
Subject: Re: PESO - Ride-by Shooting

Were you stationary?

On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 11:09 PM, frank theriault
> The "shooter" of course was me, as he rode by:
> I thought that with all this motorcycle stuff going on, ~real~ bikes
> should get their fair share today (although I realize that in fact we
> talk more of bicycles than motorcycles around here - I'm just looking
> for an excuse to post this one is all).
> Hope you enjoy.  Comments welcome.
> cheers,
> frank
> --
> "Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

Steve Desjardins

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread P. J. Alling
Hell, it's not even the first one that I think I know enough about to 
disagree with.  Unfortunately Patent law has become less a way of 
incentivise  invention and more a way to bludgeon competitors into 
submission.  Much needs to be reformed, and it seems recently reform is 
perverted so that were best that reform had not been attempted in the 
first place.

On 8/25/2012 5:39 PM, Darren Addy wrote:

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 11:11 AM, John Sessoms  wrote:

From: steve harley
years of appeals will probably ensue, but the stifling effect will start

Pretty much the way I read it.

The stifling of patented Intellectual Property theft? I believe that
is the purpose of the laws that are on the books (to prevent or at
least disincentivize that). I'm sure that most of you know that
patents exist to reward innovators and stimulate innovation, for the
good of society. To allow Intellectual Property larceny would stifle
that innovation (and from that we all would suffer).

Some of you act like this is the first patent lawsuit judgement you
have ever heard of.

Presumably most of you are in favor of Pentax being granted patents on
their innovations and would have an opinion if some other company
"lifted them" to Pentax's detriment. Frankly, it seems like some of
you hear the word "Apple" and your heads disappear up your arses.

Don't lose heart, they might want to cut it out, and they'll want to avoid a 
lengthly search.

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread Steven Desjardins
The best results would be a new batch of iPhone alternatives. Windows
8 has a very different look and the early reviews I have read are
pretty positive.   I have no issues with Apple (as I type on a Mac)
but I don't like to see any company go unchallenged.

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 8:21 PM, Daniel J. Matyola  wrote:
> My first computer was an Apple ][.  Great computer.  I loved it.  I
> learned Basic, Pascal, Assembler and even a bit of machine language
> programing on it.  It certainly wasn't "plug -and-play," but it was
> designed for computer hobbyists, and most of them loved it.
> Dan Matyola
> On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 6:19 PM, Bob Sullivan  wrote:
>> Darren,
>> Some of us still hold a grudge on Apple.
>> We remember our first Apple PC's
>> and how everything Apple cost 2X what the IBM machines cost,
>> how nothing - printer, disc drives, monitors, memory had to be Apple
>> or it wouldn't work!
>> Regards,  Bob S.
>> On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 4:39 PM, Darren Addy  wrote:
>>> On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 11:11 AM, John Sessoms  
>>> wrote:
> From: steve harley
> years of appeals will probably ensue, but the stifling effect will start
> now

 Pretty much the way I read it.
>>> The stifling of patented Intellectual Property theft? I believe that
>>> is the purpose of the laws that are on the books (to prevent or at
>>> least disincentivize that). I'm sure that most of you know that
>>> patents exist to reward innovators and stimulate innovation, for the
>>> good of society. To allow Intellectual Property larceny would stifle
>>> that innovation (and from that we all would suffer).
>>> Some of you act like this is the first patent lawsuit judgement you
>>> have ever heard of.
>>> Presumably most of you are in favor of Pentax being granted patents on
>>> their innovations and would have an opinion if some other company
>>> "lifted them" to Pentax's detriment. Frankly, it seems like some of
>>> you hear the word "Apple" and your heads disappear up your arses.
>>> --
>>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>>> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and 
>>> follow the directions.
>> --
>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and 
>> follow the directions.
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

Steve Desjardins

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the directions.

PESO: Orange Hibiscus

2012-08-25 Thread Daniel J. Matyola
One of my more unusual flower colors:

Comments as always are appreciated.

Dan Matyola

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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the directions.

Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread Daniel J. Matyola
My first computer was an Apple ][.  Great computer.  I loved it.  I
learned Basic, Pascal, Assembler and even a bit of machine language
programing on it.  It certainly wasn't "plug -and-play," but it was
designed for computer hobbyists, and most of them loved it.

Dan Matyola

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 6:19 PM, Bob Sullivan  wrote:
> Darren,
> Some of us still hold a grudge on Apple.
> We remember our first Apple PC's
> and how everything Apple cost 2X what the IBM machines cost,
> how nothing - printer, disc drives, monitors, memory had to be Apple
> or it wouldn't work!
> Regards,  Bob S.
> On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 4:39 PM, Darren Addy  wrote:
>> On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 11:11 AM, John Sessoms  wrote:
 From: steve harley
 years of appeals will probably ensue, but the stifling effect will start
>>> Pretty much the way I read it.
>> The stifling of patented Intellectual Property theft? I believe that
>> is the purpose of the laws that are on the books (to prevent or at
>> least disincentivize that). I'm sure that most of you know that
>> patents exist to reward innovators and stimulate innovation, for the
>> good of society. To allow Intellectual Property larceny would stifle
>> that innovation (and from that we all would suffer).
>> Some of you act like this is the first patent lawsuit judgement you
>> have ever heard of.
>> Presumably most of you are in favor of Pentax being granted patents on
>> their innovations and would have an opinion if some other company
>> "lifted them" to Pentax's detriment. Frankly, it seems like some of
>> you hear the word "Apple" and your heads disappear up your arses.
>> --
>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and 
>> follow the directions.
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

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Re: Pentax X-5 announced

2012-08-25 Thread Stan Halpin

On Aug 25, 2012, at 7:34 PM, John Sessoms wrote:

> From: Stan Halpin
>> Many of the comments are "no hot-shoe." Is that written somewhere in
>> the specs? From the photos, it looks to me like there is a slide-off
>> hot-shoe cover which presumably has a hot-shoe underneath.
>> stan
>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 2:40 PM, Larry Colen wrote:
>>> Pretty much what folks thought:
> The specifications at B&H:
> External Flash Connection  None

Oh well.

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RE: A Pentax Q set for you (not mine)

2012-08-25 Thread J.C. O'Connell


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Darren Addy
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 7:37 PM
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: A Pentax Q set for you (not mine)

Check out this Macro depth of field at f2.8 on the Q

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Re: A Pentax Q set for you (not mine)

2012-08-25 Thread Darren Addy
Check out this Macro depth of field at f2.8 on the Q

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Re: Pentax X-5 announced

2012-08-25 Thread John Sessoms

From: Stan Halpin

Many of the comments are "no hot-shoe." Is that written somewhere in
the specs? From the photos, it looks to me like there is a slide-off
hot-shoe cover which presumably has a hot-shoe underneath.


On Aug 25, 2012, at 2:40 PM, Larry Colen wrote:

Pretty much what folks thought:

The specifications at B&H:

External Flash ConnectionNone

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Re: OT: A comment on Canada

2012-08-25 Thread John Sessoms

From: Bruce Walker

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 2:16 PM, John Sessoms  wrote:

From: "knarftheriault

It's kind of nice being next to you guys. We get many cultural and
economic benefits without the guns, crime and uber-right wing
politics. Plus we have socialized medicine and a decent social safety

We get to be smug and feel superior but we also reap the benefits of

I know your post was humour but I think a better analogy than living
next to the Hell's Angels clubhouse was made by our late Prime
Minister Pierre Trudeau: Living next to the US is like a mouse
sleeping next to an elephant. The elephant may intend no harm but the
mouse needs to be aware of its every twitch and movement. To lack
such awareness might lead to being crushed.


And how did y'all show your gratitude for all the wonderful benefits you've
derived from living "next door" to us?

Sent us William Shatner!

We also sent you Dorothy Stratten, but you did not take good care of
her. No point sending you anything that we care about you damaging.

Paul Snider was also from Vancouver.

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Re: A Pentax Q set for you (not mine)

2012-08-25 Thread Darren Addy
As you may have known, there is a relatively small Flickr group for
the Q where you can judge more images, including this NSFW (if you
work in a beehive) shot taken with a Pentax-M 50mm f1:1.4 SMC manual
focus lens on the Q:

Group Pool:

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Re: A Pentax Q set for you (not mine)

2012-08-25 Thread Brian Walters

Quoting Darren Addy :

I've got a cleaning issue with the back element on my F100 macro that
I will have to take care of before putting it on my Q (hopefully will
get to try shooting tomorrow) but in the meantime, for those of you
interested in what the Q can do (hey, that's a great tag line for
Pentax: "C what Q can do 4 u") here's my inspiration for putting 35mm
lenses on the Q. His samples include the Pentax-F 100mm f2.8 macro on
the Q.

His shot of the moon is a stunner also.

You've almost got me convinced about the Q. Not that I have the spare  
cash right now even at the $300-$400 price point.  But maybe down the  
track if it remains obtainable .



Brian Walters
Western Sydney Australia

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread Brian Walters

Quoting Bob Sullivan :

Some of us still hold a grudge on Apple.
We remember our first Apple PC's
and how everything Apple cost 2X what the IBM machines cost,
how nothing - printer, disc drives, monitors, memory had to be Apple
or it wouldn't work!

Thanks, Bob.  I've also got a long memory.  I was trying to frame a  
reply along those lines and you've saved me the trouble  :-)>



Brian Walters
Western Sydney Australia

Regards,  Bob S.

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 4:39 PM, Darren Addy  wrote:
On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 11:11 AM, John Sessoms  

From: steve harley

years of appeals will probably ensue, but the stifling effect will start

Pretty much the way I read it.

The stifling of patented Intellectual Property theft? I believe that
is the purpose of the laws that are on the books (to prevent or at
least disincentivize that). I'm sure that most of you know that
patents exist to reward innovators and stimulate innovation, for the
good of society. To allow Intellectual Property larceny would stifle
that innovation (and from that we all would suffer).

Some of you act like this is the first patent lawsuit judgement you
have ever heard of.

Presumably most of you are in favor of Pentax being granted patents on
their innovations and would have an opinion if some other company
"lifted them" to Pentax's detriment. Frankly, it seems like some of
you hear the word "Apple" and your heads disappear up your arses.

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to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above  
and follow the directions.

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Brian Walters
Western Sydney Australia

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the directions.

A Pentax Q set for you (not mine)

2012-08-25 Thread Darren Addy
I've got a cleaning issue with the back element on my F100 macro that
I will have to take care of before putting it on my Q (hopefully will
get to try shooting tomorrow) but in the meantime, for those of you
interested in what the Q can do (hey, that's a great tag line for
Pentax: "C what Q can do 4 u") here's my inspiration for putting 35mm
lenses on the Q. His samples include the Pentax-F 100mm f2.8 macro on
the Q.

His shot of the moon is a stunner also.

"The key to seeing the world's soul, and in the process wakening one's
own, is to get over the confusion
by which we think that fact is real and imagination an illusion. It is
the other way around."

  -Thomas Moore, "Original Self"

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the directions.

Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread Bob Sullivan
Some of us still hold a grudge on Apple.
We remember our first Apple PC's
and how everything Apple cost 2X what the IBM machines cost,
how nothing - printer, disc drives, monitors, memory had to be Apple
or it wouldn't work!
Regards,  Bob S.

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 4:39 PM, Darren Addy  wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 11:11 AM, John Sessoms  wrote:
>>> From: steve harley
>>> years of appeals will probably ensue, but the stifling effect will start
>>> now
>> Pretty much the way I read it.
> The stifling of patented Intellectual Property theft? I believe that
> is the purpose of the laws that are on the books (to prevent or at
> least disincentivize that). I'm sure that most of you know that
> patents exist to reward innovators and stimulate innovation, for the
> good of society. To allow Intellectual Property larceny would stifle
> that innovation (and from that we all would suffer).
> Some of you act like this is the first patent lawsuit judgement you
> have ever heard of.
> Presumably most of you are in favor of Pentax being granted patents on
> their innovations and would have an opinion if some other company
> "lifted them" to Pentax's detriment. Frankly, it seems like some of
> you hear the word "Apple" and your heads disappear up your arses.
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

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Re: GESO: Saturday Sunrise (8 photos)

2012-08-25 Thread Daniel J. Matyola
Very nice!
Dan Matyola

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 1:37 PM, Walt Gilbert  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I didn't have much photographic luck with the ladies at the biker rally last
> night, but I did manage to catch a nice sunrise when I got home this
> morning.
> All taken with the K20D and F 35-135 f/3.5-4.5
> Comments and suggestions are, as always, welcome.
> Thanks!
> -- Walt
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and
> follow the directions.

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread Darren Addy
On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 11:11 AM, John Sessoms  wrote:
>> From: steve harley

>> years of appeals will probably ensue, but the stifling effect will start
>> now
> Pretty much the way I read it.

The stifling of patented Intellectual Property theft? I believe that
is the purpose of the laws that are on the books (to prevent or at
least disincentivize that). I'm sure that most of you know that
patents exist to reward innovators and stimulate innovation, for the
good of society. To allow Intellectual Property larceny would stifle
that innovation (and from that we all would suffer).

Some of you act like this is the first patent lawsuit judgement you
have ever heard of.

Presumably most of you are in favor of Pentax being granted patents on
their innovations and would have an opinion if some other company
"lifted them" to Pentax's detriment. Frankly, it seems like some of
you hear the word "Apple" and your heads disappear up your arses.

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread AlunFoto - Jostein Øksne
Does that, in any way, apply to any electronic products apart from Pentax? :-)

"Daniel J. Matyola"  wrote:

>Using microsoft products is not much of an improvement over over two
>tin cans and a string.
>Dan Matyola
>> For myself, I'll go back to two tin cans and a string before I buy an
>> phone.
>PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and
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Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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Re: Pentax X-5 announced

2012-08-25 Thread David Parsons
It doesn't look like there is enough clearance from the eyepiece.
This style of camera rarely has a hotshoe on it.  The part that looks
like a cover is most likely just the part of the housing that stays
fixed when the pop-up flash is raised.

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 3:00 PM, Stan Halpin
> Many of the comments are "no hot-shoe." Is that written somewhere in the 
> specs? From the photos, it looks to me like there is a slide-off hot-shoe 
> cover which presumably has a hot-shoe underneath.
> stan
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 2:40 PM, Larry Colen wrote:
>> Pretty much what folks thought:
>> --
>> Larry Colen sent from i4est
>> --
>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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>> follow the directions.
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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> the directions.

David Parsons Photography

Aloha Photographer Photoblog

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread Daniel J. Matyola
Using microsoft products is not much of an improvement over over two
tin cans and a string.
Dan Matyola

> For myself, I'll go back to two tin cans and a string before I buy an Apple
> phone.

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Re: GESO: Saturday Sunrise (8 photos)

2012-08-25 Thread Ann Sanfedele

well I'd say you had a bit of luck, indeed.
8181 and 8168 for me ... glad you were awake and shooting.


On 8/25/2012 13:37, Walt Gilbert wrote:

Hi all,

I didn't have much photographic luck with the ladies at the biker rally
last night, but I did manage to catch a nice sunrise when I got home
this morning.

All taken with the K20D and F 35-135 f/3.5-4.5

Comments and suggestions are, as always, welcome.


-- Walt

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Re: OT: A comment on Canada

2012-08-25 Thread AlunFoto - Jostein Øksne
Knowing the extent and nature of mr. Pratchett's authorship adds a world of 
magic to that observation... 

John Francis  wrote:

>On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 04:35:11AM -0700, Larry Colen wrote:
>> I ran across this amusing description of Canada on the MGs mailing
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> > 
>> > To:  
>> > Subject: Re: [Mgs] Seat Belts
>> > 
>> > I've seen Canada described as "Those nice people living above a
>biker bar".
>> > 
>> > - Original Message - 
>> >> Imagine what fun it is for us in Canada, living beside a country
>that has
>> >> the highest per capita number of prison inmates in the world, the
>> >> per  capita number of guns, and an attitude that no one can tell
>> >> anything.  Kind of like living  next door to a Hell's Angels
>> As an aside, my sophomore year of college our next door neighbor was
>the president of the local "outlaw motorcycle club". He was one of the
>best neighbors I ever had.
>You know what they say - good fences make the best neighbours!
>(with due credit to Terry Pratchett)
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Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread William Robb

On 25/08/2012 11:36 AM, Boris Liberman wrote:

No matter who's right and who's wrong, the end user, that is you or me
will eventually suffer the consequences...

Naively, I am wondering if having scored with Samsung, will Apple attack
the Big Man - The ElGoog?

I suspect a few of Apples patents are going to be quashed. I mean 
really, who was the brain dead idiot who let them patent a rectangle 
with rounded corners?
For myself, I'll go back to two tin cans and a string before I buy an 
Apple phone.


William Robb

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Re: OT: A comment on Canada

2012-08-25 Thread John Francis
On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 04:35:11AM -0700, Larry Colen wrote:
> I ran across this amusing description of Canada on the MGs mailing list.
> Begin forwarded message:
> > 
> > To:  
> > Subject: Re: [Mgs] Seat Belts
> > 
> > I've seen Canada described as "Those nice people living above a biker bar".
> > 
> > - Original Message - 
> >> Imagine what fun it is for us in Canada, living beside a country that has
> >> the highest per capita number of prison inmates in the world, the highest
> >> per  capita number of guns, and an attitude that no one can tell them
> >> anything.  Kind of like living  next door to a Hell's Angels gang.
> As an aside, my sophomore year of college our next door neighbor was the 
> president of the local "outlaw motorcycle club". He was one of the best 
> neighbors I ever had.

You know what they say - good fences make the best neighbours!

(with due credit to Terry Pratchett)

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread Stan Halpin
Remember long long ago? Like maybe 5 years ago? Many many different sizes and 
styles of cell phones on the market. Then the iPhone came out and most other 
manufactures panicked and tried to copy instead of building their own 
smartphone. This series of cases is far from over, but I would hope that the 
end result is awareness that patent and copyright laws do matter. Followed by 
greater investment in R&D to build innovative products rather than investment 
in advertising to sell knock-off products.

On Aug 25, 2012, at 1:36 PM, Boris Liberman wrote:

> On 8/25/2012 1:52 AM, Darren Addy wrote:
>> Live blogging as it is being read:
>> Looking like a HUGE win for Apple and a huge setback for Samsung.
> No matter who's right and who's wrong, the end user, that is you or me will 
> eventually suffer the consequences...
> Naively, I am wondering if having scored with Samsung, will Apple attack the 
> Big Man - The ElGoog?

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Re: Pentax X-5 announced

2012-08-25 Thread Stan Halpin
Many of the comments are "no hot-shoe." Is that written somewhere in the specs? 
From the photos, it looks to me like there is a slide-off hot-shoe cover which 
presumably has a hot-shoe underneath.


On Aug 25, 2012, at 2:40 PM, Larry Colen wrote:

> Pretty much what folks thought:
> --
> Larry Colen sent from i4est
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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Pentax X-5 announced

2012-08-25 Thread Larry Colen
Pretty much what folks thought:

Larry Colen sent from i4est

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Re: OT: A comment on Canada

2012-08-25 Thread Bruce Walker
On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 2:16 PM, John Sessoms  wrote:
> From: "knarftheriault
>> It's kind of nice being next to you guys. We get many cultural and
>> economic benefits without the guns, crime and uber-right wing
>> politics. Plus we have socialized medicine and a decent social safety
>> net.
>> We get to be smug and feel superior but we also reap the benefits of
>> proximity.
>> I know your post was humour but I think a better analogy than living
>> next to the Hell's Angels clubhouse was made by our late Prime
>> Minister Pierre Trudeau: Living next to the US is like a mouse
>> sleeping next to an elephant. The elephant may intend no harm but the
>> mouse needs to be aware of its every twitch and movement. To lack
>> such awareness might lead to being crushed.
>> Cheers,
>> frank
> And how did y'all show your gratitude for all the wonderful benefits you've
> derived from living "next door" to us?
> Sent us William Shatner!

We also sent you Dorothy Stratten, but you did not take good care of
her. No point sending you anything that we care about you damaging.


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RE: OT: A comment on Canada

2012-08-25 Thread John Sessoms

From: "knarftheriault

It's kind of nice being next to you guys. We get many cultural and
economic benefits without the guns, crime and uber-right wing
politics. Plus we have socialized medicine and a decent social safety

We get to be smug and feel superior but we also reap the benefits of

I know your post was humour but I think a better analogy than living
next to the Hell's Angels clubhouse was made by our late Prime
Minister Pierre Trudeau: Living next to the US is like a mouse
sleeping next to an elephant. The elephant may intend no harm but the
mouse needs to be aware of its every twitch and movement. To lack
such awareness might lead to being crushed.


And how did y'all show your gratitude for all the wonderful benefits 
you've derived from living "next door" to us?

Sent us William Shatner!

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RE: PESO - NYPD Blue in TO

2012-08-25 Thread John Sessoms

From: Steve Sharpe


 There are still lots of movies shot here and Toronto does a nice
 generic US big city but it's still a weird feeling seeing "foreign" cop
 cars hanging around.



I used to work for a software house in the 1980s and did a lot of work for
them at local council offices. Some of the Victorian buildings had really
spectacular lobby areas - broad staircases, marbles pillars, statues, busts
and so on. One morning I had to cross the lobby and was a little startled to
find myself amidst the Nazi High Command. "Has there been an election?", I
thought. No - they were shooting a film.

We also have rather a lot film shoots here in Greenwich. It's great to see
what goes on. A few months ago they set up the Paris Commune in the grounds
of the naval college, complete with a gigantic mammoth, for Les Miserables.

A similar thing happened last week, here. I went into Windsor, NS one
evening, to find that the whole downtown had been decorated
for...Christmas! It turns out that they were filming a Hallmark movie.

This one?

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RE: OT GESO - another pleasant Saturday

2012-08-25 Thread John Sessoms

From: Derby Chang

Ceiling cat in charge of weather has been in a good mood lately.

I can tell you where all your bad weather has gone, and you're welcome 
to come take it back home any time you like.

In image #10, what does it say on the sign the duck is holding? Cute 
kid, BTW.

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Re: Kodak sells Personal Imaging Division

2012-08-25 Thread John Sessoms

From: David Mann

On Aug 25, 2012, at 9:14 PM, Joseph McAllister 

I don't know about hospitals, but several dentists I've used a
completely digital now. The VA still uses sheet X-ray film. I think
by the time I get around to thawing out my roll and sheet film,
they won't have anyplace left to process the film, especially the 8
x 10 and 4 x 5. Can do it myself, of course, as I still have the
gear to tank dip sheets, and a drum roller that I've never used,
but could. But will I?

Our hospital X-ray machines are digital.  For a few dollars they were
able to print me a large transparency of my broken collar bone :)

When I was having my leg looked at earlier this year the doc was able
to bring up the X-ray on his computer screen despite it having been
taken at another facility across town.


VA hospitals in the U.S. are frequently at the bottom of the list when 
it comes to funding.

VA = Veterans Administration for those who do not have to deal with U.S. 
health care.

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Re: OT A basic guide to the correct use of English,, profanity.

2012-08-25 Thread John Sessoms

From: David Mann

On Aug 24, 2012, at 10:51 PM, John Sessoms  wrote:

If you really want to know the proper way, it might have been
instructional to have had a microphone in the room when the Queen
found out about those photos.

I'm sure she'll send the photographer out for a walk with the corgis.


Is that anything like sending someone to sleep with the fishies?

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RE: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread Bob W
> From: [] On Behalf Of
> Boris Liberman
> On 8/25/2012 1:52 AM, Darren Addy wrote:
> > Live blogging as it is being read:
> >
> >
> appl
> > e-samsung-patent-trial
> >
> > Looking like a HUGE win for Apple and a huge setback for Samsung.
> No matter who's right and who's wrong, the end user, that is you or me
> will eventually suffer the consequences...
> Naively, I am wondering if having scored with Samsung, will Apple
> attack the Big Man - The ElGoog?

Google, the Big Man? Apple's the biggest company in the world at the moment.


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Re: Another Park Another Photo Walk

2012-08-25 Thread Boris Liberman
Fascinating photography and processing, Don. But on my PC at home (2.5 
MBps ADSL connection) the iCloud takes its time to load.

On 8/24/2012 10:59 PM, Don Guthrie wrote:

I visit this park often to take the same subjects to compare equipment.
In this case it was my 40mm XS. I was pleased with the results and like
the B&W conversions.

Your comments critiques and or acknowledgement is as always earnestly

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread Boris Liberman

On 8/25/2012 1:52 AM, Darren Addy wrote:

Live blogging as it is being read:

Looking like a HUGE win for Apple and a huge setback for Samsung.

No matter who's right and who's wrong, the end user, that is you or me 
will eventually suffer the consequences...

Naively, I am wondering if having scored with Samsung, will Apple attack 
the Big Man - The ElGoog?

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GESO: Saturday Sunrise (8 photos)

2012-08-25 Thread Walt Gilbert

Hi all,

I didn't have much photographic luck with the ladies at the biker rally 
last night, but I did manage to catch a nice sunrise when I got home 
this morning.

All taken with the K20D and F 35-135 f/3.5-4.5

Comments and suggestions are, as always, welcome.


-- Walt

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Re: Roman Melihhov Photography :: autoportrait

2012-08-25 Thread Boris Liberman

Pleasure to meet you(r portrait :-) ), Roman.

On 8/25/2012 5:47 PM, Roman Melihhov wrote:

^^^ sunny day, CPL, camera flash and sandbag for a camera low angle

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Re: GESO: Bike Rally shots (NSFW)

2012-08-25 Thread Walt Gilbert

Thanks, Frank! Glad you enjoyed it.

The bearded ruffians were there, alright. But, they all tend to be much 
more camera shy than the ladies.

Perhaps something to do with outstanding warrants.

-- Walt

On 8/25/2012 11:53 AM, wrote:

I expected lots of guys with beards, tattoos, leather and twin vees.

This was fun, though!


"What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." -- 
Christopher Hitchens

--- Original Message ---

From: Walt Gilbert 
Sent: August 24, 2012 8/24/12
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" 
Subject: Re: GESO: Bike Rally shots (NSFW)

Thanks, Bruce.

I really liked the way 6950 turned out in the b/w conversion, too.
Tonally, it's my favorite shot of the bunch.

-- Walt

On 8/24/2012 12:39 PM, Bruce Walker wrote:

Why is it that bikers always get such a bum rap?

Very pleasant, Walt. I really like 6950, "easy rider". :-)  6935 is
intriguing too.

On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 12:03 PM, Walt Gilbert  wrote:

Well, I went on out to the rally yesterday evening. Not many people had
arrived yet, but I did manage to get a few good shots. However, if I had
only gotten this one, I'd have been happy:

That's about as NSFW as the set gets.

Here's the rest of them -- 8 photos in all:

Comments and suggestions happily accepted.


-- Walt

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Re: GESO: Bike Rally shots (NSFW)

2012-08-25 Thread Walt Gilbert

On 8/25/2012 4:44 AM, Derby Chang wrote:

On 25/08/2012 7:12 AM, Steve Cottrell wrote:

On 24/8/12, Walt Gilbert, discombobulated, unleashed:

Well, I went on out to the rally yesterday evening. Not many people had
arrived yet, but I did manage to get a few good shots. However, if I 

only gotten this one, I'd have been happy:

That's about as NSFW as the set gets.

Here's the rest of them -- 8 photos in all:

Comments and suggestions happily accepted.

Derbs, we have a new talent burgeoning!

Walt, I love the tonality, and the bums.

Except for the hog with ballast aboard, love them all :)

I have the same rule as Frank, I normally prefer to avoid shots from 
behind. But rules are made to be broken.

When I wasn't flat-out begged to take the shots, I made sure I had 
permission before I took them. When you're taking photos of women at 
biker rallies, you're more than likely photographing some dude's Ol' 
Lady. And that dude is likely there with a bunch of friends.

-- Walt

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Re: GESO creative

2012-08-25 Thread Bruce Walker
I appreciate your comment, Frank. I was trying to express a lost in
the jungle wilderness vibe, and you picked up on that. Story-telling
via photography ain't easy. :-)

We found the "bamboo forest" at the base of the Scarborough Bluffs.
This tall grass stuff is 12 to 16 feet high, which was a good thing
'cause both models were close to 6 feet themselves, were in 6 inch
heels, and we were often shooting upwards.

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 12:51 PM,
> Something about that first one that I really like.
> The others are very good but there is a mystery to that one that intrigues 
> me. Maybe it's that fantasy I have about a walk in a bamboo forest...
> ;-)
> cheers,
> frank
> "What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." -- 
> Christopher Hitchens
> --- Original Message ---
> From: Bruce Walker 
> Sent: August 24, 2012 8/24/12
> To: Pentax Discuss Mailing List 
> Subject: GESO creative
> Gallery:
> Larry's geso of Post-it notes reminded me of some shots I've been
> sitting on since the spring. I was invited to be co-creator on a
> creative fashion editorial project. Part of it involved custom apparel
> to be made of a flexible material patterned with Post-it notes. The
> basic concept was already in the head of my partner when I joined, but
> I came up with the mechanics and measurements for how to attach the
> material together (we decided on mid weight poster board) and keep the
> outfits on the models -- thus making this my very first (and likely
> last) clothing design gig. The whole project took about 8 weeks and it
> was some of the most fun I've ever had in a shoot: including prep
> legwork, a fitting, and actual shooting.
> I'm still (!) working on my images from the two shoots but this
> gallery is a small handful of works-in-progress ones.
> --
> -bmw
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.
> --
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> the directions.


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Re: GESO: Bike Rally shots (NSFW)

2012-08-25 Thread Walt Gilbert

Yeah, that's a handy little feature, isn't it?


On 8/24/2012 4:17 PM, Steven Desjardins wrote:


I particularly like the "View large" right above the shot.

On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 5:12 PM, Steve Cottrell  wrote:

On 24/8/12, Walt Gilbert, discombobulated, unleashed:

Well, I went on out to the rally yesterday evening. Not many people had
arrived yet, but I did manage to get a few good shots. However, if I had
only gotten this one, I'd have been happy:

That's about as NSFW as the set gets.

Here's the rest of them -- 8 photos in all:

Comments and suggestions happily accepted.

Derbs, we have a new talent burgeoning!

Walt, I love the tonality, and the bums.

Except for the hog with ballast aboard, love them all :)



||   (O)  | People, Places, Pastiche

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Re: GESO: Bike Rally shots (NSFW)

2012-08-25 Thread Walt Gilbert

On 8/24/2012 4:12 PM, Steve Cottrell wrote:

On 24/8/12, Walt Gilbert, discombobulated, unleashed:

Well, I went on out to the rally yesterday evening. Not many people had
arrived yet, but I did manage to get a few good shots. However, if I had
only gotten this one, I'd have been happy:

That's about as NSFW as the set gets.

Here's the rest of them -- 8 photos in all:

Comments and suggestions happily accepted.

Derbs, we have a new talent burgeoning!

Walt, I love the tonality, and the bums.

Except for the hog with ballast aboard, love them all :)

Thanks, Cotty!

I went back there last night but got there too late for much of the 
revelry. I'd like to go back tonight, but I just don't see myself making 
it on no sleep. And I still have to go to work tonight!


-- Walt

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RE: Kodak sells Personal Imaging Division

2012-08-25 Thread Bob W
I did, I did!

It's not on my website anymore, but I probably still have it somewhere.
After I broke the wrist they put a titanium plate in to hold it all
together. It was uncomfortable and unpleasant, so I had it removed a year
later. They left a bit of screw behind though because it snapped when they
were trying to get it out, so they left it in the bone.


> From: [] On Behalf Of
> Steven Desjardins
> "My hospital gave me a cd with the x-rays of my wrist."
> And you didn't share it with us?  It would have been the rare Pieso
> (Personal Injury Every So Often)
> On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 9:53 AM, Bob W  wrote:
> >> From: [] On Behalf
> >> Of David Mann
> >> Sent: 25 August 2012 10:41
> >> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> >> Subject: Re: Kodak sells Personal Imaging Division
> >>
> >> On Aug 25, 2012, at 9:14 PM, Joseph McAllister 
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> > I don't know about hospitals, but several dentists I've used a
> >> completely digital now. The VA still uses sheet X-ray film. I think
> >> by the time I get around to thawing out my roll and sheet film, they
> >> won't have anyplace left to process the film, especially the 8 x 10
> >> and 4 x 5. Can do it myself, of course, as I still have the gear to
> >> tank dip sheets, and a drum roller that I've never used, but could.
> But will I?
> >>
> >> Our hospital X-ray machines are digital.  For a few dollars they
> were
> >> able to print me a large transparency of my broken collar bone :)
> >>
> >> When I was having my leg looked at earlier this year the doc was
> able
> >> to bring up the X-ray on his computer screen despite it having been
> >> taken at another facility across town.
> >>
> >
> > My hospital gave me a cd with the x-rays of my wrist.
> >
> > B
> >
> >
> > --
> > PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> >
> >
> > to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above
> and follow the directions.
> --
> Steve Desjardins
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and
> follow the directions.

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RE: PESO: Tasty Ethiopian dinner

2012-08-25 Thread Bob W
> From: [] On Behalf Of
> Sent: 25 August 2012 17:46
> To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List"
> Subject: RE: PESO: Tasty Ethiopian dinner
> I always thought that Prester John's mythical land was around or on the
> other side of India.
> I guess that's why I couldn't find it when I lead that crusade to save
> it...
> Cheers,
> Wrongway Peachfuzz

I've been to both places, Peaches, and I can assure you it's Ethiopia!

It's a legend like Atlantis which people are/were happy to locate in all
sorts of different places, but Ethiopia fits the story very well indeed of a
remote Christian kingdom.

Edward Gibbon said "Ethiopia slept a thousand years, forgetful of the world
by whom they were forgotten". It was a Christian country from about 300AD,
Coptic, with some contact with Egypt via the Nile, but developed essentially
in isolation from the rest of the Christian world, just as its earlier and
then vesitigial Jewish population developed in isolation (so much so that
they retained many pre-Mosaic rituals which had long been lost from
mainstream Judaism). They were frequently threatened by the surrounding
Muslims and to a lesser extent animists, and still retain unpleasant
memories of the invasion by Ahmed Gragn.

My pet theory about Prester John is that news of a Christian Kingdom found
it's way to Europe via the Crusaders and tagged itself on to the many
romances that were in vogue at the time.

It is an extraordinary country to visit. It's a bit of a cliché, and perhaps
a bit insulting, to say that it's like going back in time to mediaeval
Europe, or like an episode of Star Trek where they find a planet that has
developed like Earth, but not quite like Earth.

If you go back in time far enough you can still find one of my pictures from
Ethiopia online. Someday I must rescan them and do a proper gallery:

That picture was taken outside this church:

of which I have numerous rather good pictures.


> -Original Message-
> From: [] On Behalf Of
> Sent: 25 August 2012 17:46
> To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List"
> Subject: RE: PESO: Tasty Ethiopian dinner
> I always thought that Prester John's mythical land was around or on the
> other side of India.
> I guess that's why I couldn't find it when I lead that crusade to save
> it...
> Cheers,
> Wrongway Peachfuzz
> "What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." --
> Christopher Hitchens
> --- Original Message ---
> From: Bob W 
> Sent: August 24, 2012 8/24/12
> To: "'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'" 
> Subject: RE: PESO: Tasty Ethiopian dinner
> > From: [] On Behalf
> > Of Tim Bray
> >
> > For anyone who hasn't been to a good Ethiopian restaurant, I totally
> > recommend it; the food comes on a big share-plate covered with a
> bread
> > platter.  Warning: Some dishes are severely spicy:
> >
> > big/IMG_0195.jpg.html
> >
> Ethiopian food is what brought me on to this list, way back when. At
> the place where I was working we had a monthly dining club, and chose a
> different nationality of food each month. When it was something well-
> known and popular we'd get 12-15 people turning up.
> One month we decided on Ethiopian, and only 3 of us turned up, but the
> food was utterly delicious and the whole experience was completely out
> of this world. I'd been thinking about Ethiopia for some time in any
> case, because I found it hard to reconcile the images of famine and war
> with the stories of an ancient culture, Prester John and so on. The
> food just deepened my intrigue, so I booked a month's holiday and went
> travelling there in 1996.
> It's a completely wonderful country, and the people are very friendly
> and interesting. The food is generally better over here though than it
> is/was in the countryside outside Addis Ababa, except for the injera.
> Real injera in Ethiopia is really unlike the stuff we get over here,
> even though some of the restaurants do fly it in fresh ever day.
> Anyway, I had some camera problems (MX and Super-A) while I was there,
> so I found this group and subscribed so that I could ask for advice. I
> ended up buying 3 LXes, which I took to Ethiopia on my second trip
> there. Had problems with those cameras too, so all in the all the PDML
> was pretty useless and very expensive, but there were some good flame
> wars.
> On that second trip I went back to Lalibela where I was told that a new
> restaurant had opened - a French restaurant. This of course fascinated
> me, so I went one evening. It was exactly the same as every other
> restaurant in Ethiopia, so I asked what was French about it. They told
> me it was because the woman wh

Re: Kodak sells Personal Imaging Division

2012-08-25 Thread Steven Desjardins
"My hospital gave me a cd with the x-rays of my wrist."

And you didn't share it with us?  It would have been the rare Pieso
(Personal Injury Every So Often)

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 9:53 AM, Bob W  wrote:
>> From: [] On Behalf Of
>> David Mann
>> Sent: 25 August 2012 10:41
>> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>> Subject: Re: Kodak sells Personal Imaging Division
>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 9:14 PM, Joseph McAllister 
>> wrote:
>> > I don't know about hospitals, but several dentists I've used a
>> completely digital now. The VA still uses sheet X-ray film. I think by
>> the time I get around to thawing out my roll and sheet film, they won't
>> have anyplace left to process the film, especially the 8 x 10 and 4 x
>> 5. Can do it myself, of course, as I still have the gear to tank dip
>> sheets, and a drum roller that I've never used, but could. But will I?
>> Our hospital X-ray machines are digital.  For a few dollars they were
>> able to print me a large transparency of my broken collar bone :)
>> When I was having my leg looked at earlier this year the doc was able
>> to bring up the X-ray on his computer screen despite it having been
>> taken at another facility across town.
> My hospital gave me a cd with the x-rays of my wrist.
> B
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

Steve Desjardins

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Re: Peso:

2012-08-25 Thread Steven Desjardins
Only when I'm at professional meetings.  Truthfully, I really enjoyed
shooting in Philly.  I wish I'd had more time to wander around.

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 12:47 PM,
> Agreed. Very cool image.
> Are you going all "streety" on us, Steve?
> ;-)
> cheers,
> frank
> "What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." -- 
> Christopher Hitchens
> --- Original Message ---
> From: Godfrey DiGiorgi 
> Sent: August 24, 2012 8/24/12
> To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" 
> Subject: Re: Peso:
> like. :-)
> On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 9:05 AM, Steven Desjardins  wrote:
> --
> Godfrey
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

Steve Desjardins

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Re: PESO: Kids in a fountain at night

2012-08-25 Thread Steven Desjardins
I like that a lot.  It's both very human and abstract.

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 12:28 PM, David Parsons  wrote:
> The Rings Fountain on the Rose Kennedy Greenway in Boston is a popular
> place for kids to play during the heat of the summer.
> --
> David Parsons Photography
> Aloha Photographer Photoblog
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

Steve Desjardins

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Re: PESO copies copies

2012-08-25 Thread
Great shot, Larry!


"What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." -- 
Christopher Hitchens

--- Original Message ---

From: Bruce Walker 
Sent: August 24, 2012 8/24/12
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" 
Subject: Re: PESO copies copies

Well seen: a very rare phone booth sighting! This shot reflects well
on your powers of observation, Larry.

And I love the whimsical neon too. :-)

On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 8:39 PM, Larry Colen  wrote:
> Just stumbled on this from last week:
> Just stumbled on this from last week:
> --
> Larry Colen sent from i4est
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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Re: GESO: Bike Rally shots (NSFW)

2012-08-25 Thread
I expected lots of guys with beards, tattoos, leather and twin vees. 

This was fun, though!


"What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." -- 
Christopher Hitchens

--- Original Message ---

From: Walt Gilbert 
Sent: August 24, 2012 8/24/12
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" 
Subject: Re: GESO: Bike Rally shots (NSFW)

Thanks, Bruce.

I really liked the way 6950 turned out in the b/w conversion, too. 
Tonally, it's my favorite shot of the bunch.

-- Walt

On 8/24/2012 12:39 PM, Bruce Walker wrote:
> Why is it that bikers always get such a bum rap?
> Very pleasant, Walt. I really like 6950, "easy rider". :-)  6935 is
> intriguing too.
> On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 12:03 PM, Walt Gilbert  wrote:
>> Well, I went on out to the rally yesterday evening. Not many people had
>> arrived yet, but I did manage to get a few good shots. However, if I had
>> only gotten this one, I'd have been happy:
>> That's about as NSFW as the set gets.
>> Here's the rest of them -- 8 photos in all:
>> Comments and suggestions happily accepted.
>> Thanks!
>> -- Walt
>> --
>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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>> follow the directions.

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RE: GESO creative

2012-08-25 Thread
Something about that first one that I really like.

The others are very good but there is a mystery to that one that intrigues me. 
Maybe it's that fantasy I have about a walk in a bamboo forest...



"What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." -- 
Christopher Hitchens

--- Original Message ---

From: Bruce Walker 
Sent: August 24, 2012 8/24/12
To: Pentax Discuss Mailing List 
Subject: GESO creative


Larry's geso of Post-it notes reminded me of some shots I've been
sitting on since the spring. I was invited to be co-creator on a
creative fashion editorial project. Part of it involved custom apparel
to be made of a flexible material patterned with Post-it notes. The
basic concept was already in the head of my partner when I joined, but
I came up with the mechanics and measurements for how to attach the
material together (we decided on mid weight poster board) and keep the
outfits on the models -- thus making this my very first (and likely
last) clothing design gig. The whole project took about 8 weeks and it
was some of the most fun I've ever had in a shoot: including prep
legwork, a fitting, and actual shooting.

I'm still (!) working on my images from the two shoots but this
gallery is a small handful of works-in-progress ones.


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Re: Peso:

2012-08-25 Thread
Agreed. Very cool image.

Are you going all "streety" on us, Steve?



"What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." -- 
Christopher Hitchens

--- Original Message ---

From: Godfrey DiGiorgi 
Sent: August 24, 2012 8/24/12
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" 
Subject: Re: Peso:

like. :-)

On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 9:05 AM, Steven Desjardins  wrote:


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RE: PESO: Tasty Ethiopian dinner

2012-08-25 Thread
I always thought that Prester John's mythical land was around or on the other 
side of India.

I guess that's why I couldn't find it when I lead that crusade to save it...

Wrongway Peachfuzz 

"What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." -- 
Christopher Hitchens

--- Original Message ---

From: Bob W 
Sent: August 24, 2012 8/24/12
To: "'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'" 
Subject: RE: PESO: Tasty Ethiopian dinner

> From: [] On Behalf Of
> Tim Bray
> For anyone who hasn't been to a good Ethiopian restaurant, I totally
> recommend it; the food comes on a big share-plate covered with a bread
> platter.  Warning: Some dishes are severely spicy:
> big/IMG_0195.jpg.html

Ethiopian food is what brought me on to this list, way back when. At the
place where I was working we had a monthly dining club, and chose a
different nationality of food each month. When it was something well-known
and popular we'd get 12-15 people turning up. 

One month we decided on Ethiopian, and only 3 of us turned up, but the food
was utterly delicious and the whole experience was completely out of this
world. I'd been thinking about Ethiopia for some time in any case, because I
found it hard to reconcile the images of famine and war with the stories of
an ancient culture, Prester John and so on. The food just deepened my
intrigue, so I booked a month's holiday and went travelling there in 1996.

It's a completely wonderful country, and the people are very friendly and
interesting. The food is generally better over here though than it is/was in
the countryside outside Addis Ababa, except for the injera. Real injera in
Ethiopia is really unlike the stuff we get over here, even though some of
the restaurants do fly it in fresh ever day.

Anyway, I had some camera problems (MX and Super-A) while I was there, so I
found this group and subscribed so that I could ask for advice. I ended up
buying 3 LXes, which I took to Ethiopia on my second trip there. Had
problems with those cameras too, so all in the all the PDML was pretty
useless and very expensive, but there were some good flame wars.

On that second trip I went back to Lalibela where I was told that a new
restaurant had opened - a French restaurant. This of course fascinated me,
so I went one evening. It was exactly the same as every other restaurant in
Ethiopia, so I asked what was French about it. They told me it was because
the woman who owned it had once spent a week in Paris.

The 'big share plate' is called a mesob. The 'bread' is injera. They do this
thing called gursha if they like you - they break off a bit of injera, scoop
up some of the stew and feed it to you into your mouth. It sounds strange
but it's a very nice friendly custom.


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RE: PESO: Tasty Ethiopian dinner

2012-08-25 Thread
That's a fine image! Would be more than fitting on a menu or an advert for the 

I love Ethiopian. As it turns out there is a sizeable Ethiopian community here, 
so lots of restaurants. Great place for vegan!

In fact there is at least on vegan-only Ethiopian resto here: M&B Yummy (not to 
be confused with Mr. Yummy which is neither Ethiopian nor vegan).

Like eating with my fingers, love spicy foods, so what's not to like with 



"What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." -- 
Christopher Hitchens

--- Original Message ---

From: Tim Bray 
Sent: August 24, 2012 8/24/12
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" 
Subject: PESO: Tasty Ethiopian dinner

For anyone who hasn’t been to a good Ethiopian restaurant, I totally
recommend it; the food comes on a big share-plate covered with a bread
platter.  Warning: Some dishes are severely spicy:


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PESO: Kids in a fountain at night

2012-08-25 Thread David Parsons

The Rings Fountain on the Rose Kennedy Greenway in Boston is a popular
place for kids to play during the heat of the summer.

David Parsons Photography

Aloha Photographer Photoblog

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Not that it matters to anyone ...

2012-08-25 Thread John Sessoms

... what with Kodak being dead & gone.

I got a call (voice mail) from my local camera repair guy. My K1000 is 
ready to go home.

He's had it since before my China trip in 2010. I don't know if he 
finally managed to fix it or he's just tired with messing with it.

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Re: OT: Jury verdict is for Apple (vs Samsung)

2012-08-25 Thread John Sessoms

From: steve harley

on 2012-08-24 16:52 Darren Addy wrote

Looking like a HUGE win for Apple and a huge setback for Samsung.

years of appeals will probably ensue, but the stifling effect will start now

Pretty much the way I read it.

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RE: Costco selling K-30

2012-08-25 Thread John Sessoms

From: Paul Stenquist

On its weekly internet sale sheet. It's probably in some of the stores as well.

Cool! Thanks for the heads-up.

The word Pentax is buried so deeply I almost didn't see it.

Spent a while trying to figure out what "Bonus" brand was before 
figuring out you get a Pentax Optio WG-1 Waterproof bundled with it.

Other fine print:

Valid for orders placed July 27,2012 - August 31, 2012.

(standard K-30 kit lens, weather-resistant lens not included)

I'll have to go inside and take a look when I go over there for gas this 

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Roman Melihhov Photography :: autoportrait

2012-08-25 Thread Roman Melihhov

^^^ sunny day, CPL, camera flash and sandbag for a camera low angle
K-5 × DA 16-45 × DA* 50-135 × FA 50 × FA 35-70

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RE: OT: A comment on Canada

2012-08-25 Thread
It's kind of nice being next to you guys. We get many cultural and economic 
benefits without the guns, crime and uber-right wing politics. Plus we have 
socialized medicine and a decent social safety net.

We get to be smug and feel superior but we also reap the benefits of proximity.

I know your post was humour but I think a better analogy than living next to 
the Hell's Angels clubhouse was made by our late Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau: 
Living next to the US is like a mouse sleeping next to an elephant. The 
elephant may intend no harm but the mouse needs to be aware of its every twitch 
and movement. To lack such awareness might lead to being crushed.


"What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." -- 
Christopher Hitchens

--- Original Message ---

From: Larry Colen 
Sent: August 25, 2012 8/25/12
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" 
Subject: OT: A comment on Canada

I ran across this amusing description of Canada on the MGs mailing list.

Begin forwarded message:

> To:  
> Subject: Re: [Mgs] Seat Belts
> I've seen Canada described as "Those nice people living above a biker bar".
> - Original Message - 
>> Imagine what fun it is for us in Canada, living beside a country that has
>> the highest per capita number of prison inmates in the world, the highest
>> per  capita number of guns, and an attitude that no one can tell them
>> anything.  Kind of like living  next door to a Hell's Angels gang.

As an aside, my sophomore year of college our next door neighbor was the 
president of the local "outlaw motorcycle club". He was one of the best 
neighbors I ever had.

Larry Colen sent from i4est

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Re: OT GESO - another pleasant Saturday

2012-08-25 Thread David J Brooks
well done


On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 7:19 AM, Derby Chang  wrote:
> Ceiling cat in charge of weather has been in a good mood lately.
> --
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and
> follow the directions.

Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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RE: Kodak sells Personal Imaging Division

2012-08-25 Thread Bob W
> From: [] On Behalf Of
> David Mann
> Sent: 25 August 2012 10:41
> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> Subject: Re: Kodak sells Personal Imaging Division
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 9:14 PM, Joseph McAllister 
> wrote:
> > I don't know about hospitals, but several dentists I've used a
> completely digital now. The VA still uses sheet X-ray film. I think by
> the time I get around to thawing out my roll and sheet film, they won't
> have anyplace left to process the film, especially the 8 x 10 and 4 x
> 5. Can do it myself, of course, as I still have the gear to tank dip
> sheets, and a drum roller that I've never used, but could. But will I?
> Our hospital X-ray machines are digital.  For a few dollars they were
> able to print me a large transparency of my broken collar bone :)
> When I was having my leg looked at earlier this year the doc was able
> to bring up the X-ray on his computer screen despite it having been
> taken at another facility across town.

My hospital gave me a cd with the x-rays of my wrist.


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Re: OT: A comment on Canada

2012-08-25 Thread David J Brooks
On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 7:35 AM, Larry Colen  wrote:
> I ran across this amusing description of Canada on the MGs mailing list.
> Begin forwarded message:
>> To:  
>> Subject: Re: [Mgs] Seat Belts
>> I've seen Canada described as "Those nice people living above a biker bar".
Yup thats us.

>> - Original Message -
>>> Imagine what fun it is for us in Canada, living beside a country that has
>>> the highest per capita number of prison inmates in the world, the highest
>>> per  capita number of guns, and an attitude that no one can tell them
>>> anything.  Kind of like living  next door to a Hell's Angels gang.
> As an aside, my sophomore year of college our next door neighbor was the 
> president of the local "outlaw motorcycle club". He was one of the best 
> neighbors I ever had.

Two doors away from us, in the mid 90's, we had several Paradise
Riders renting rooms in aside split. Liz was still with the York
police then. Every time a cop friend would come over in a cruiser,
they would come out and stand in front of their car and truck plates.
A lot of break ins in our area then, but not our place, for some
reason. They were also pretty good neighbours.

> --
> Larry Colen sent from i4est
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: Reponses Photo on what to expect

2012-08-25 Thread Ralf R. Radermacher
Boris Liberman  wrote:

> My eye-sight is getting progressively weaker to the point that I'd use a
> viewfinder only for purpose of making a frame. 

Could it be you're spending too much time in front of a
less-than-optimum computer monitor with unsuitable glasses?

My eyesight is nothing to write home about, I'm far-sighted and the
focussing mechanics have all but failed completely in the last years. I
am now using three different glasses: progressives for outside,
photographing, driving, and general tasks, 'computer' glasses made for
the exact distance between me and my monitor, and reading glasses made
for a slightly shorter distance than normal so they also serve me well
when I'm tinkering inside my radios.

The only oddity is that since I've got my first progressives I need to
set all viewfinders to +1. I've spoken to a number of opticians and even
specialists at Zeiss - noone has an explanation. It's not a real problem
but it keeps me from using classical cameras with non-adjustable
viewfinders. Yes, I've tried a clip-on correction lens but it takes me
further away from the viewfinder opening. Add the glasses and I end up
with a viewfinder coverage of around 50 percent. Not really enjoyable.

In your own interest, have your eyes checked, find yourself a really
good optician (they're as rare as anything - mine exchanged the 1200
euro glasses of my current progressives three times before we both were
happy), use a decent monitor, and seek professional advice on the
ergonomics of your workplace. You've got only one back and one set of

Oh, and if ever you're ripe for progressives: insist on Essilor glasses.
I tried most of the rest, including Zeiss, with Hoya being the worst of


Ralf R. Radermacher  -  DL9KCG  -  Köln/Cologne, Germany
Blog   :
Audio :
Web   :

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Re: OT GESO - another pleasant Saturday

2012-08-25 Thread Bruce Walker
Which cat is in charge of supplying your area with pretty girls? Give
that one a reward treat. :-)

A fine gallery, Derby.

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 7:19 AM, Derby Chang  wrote:
> Ceiling cat in charge of weather has been in a good mood lately.
> --
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and
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Re: PESO - Ride-by Shooting

2012-08-25 Thread Steven Desjardins
Were you stationary?

On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 11:09 PM, frank theriault
> The "shooter" of course was me, as he rode by:
> I thought that with all this motorcycle stuff going on, ~real~ bikes
> should get their fair share today (although I realize that in fact we
> talk more of bicycles than motorcycles around here - I'm just looking
> for an excuse to post this one is all).
> Hope you enjoy.  Comments welcome.
> cheers,
> frank
> --
> "Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
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Steve Desjardins

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Re: Replacement for Pentax K-5

2012-08-25 Thread Steven Desjardins
Olympus has good products but so does Pentax.  Oly works a lot harder
on their product image.  Their corporate image not so much ;-)

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 8:12 AM, Boris Liberman  wrote:
> On 8/23/2012 10:04 AM, Bob W wrote:
>> This is not because they have better marketing, it's because they have
>> better products.
>> B
> I'd be brief: Well, no.
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and
> follow the directions.

Steve Desjardins

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Re: GESO creative

2012-08-25 Thread Bruce Walker
Thank you, Derby. We were trying to contrast organic/inorganic,
straight lines against curves.

Nails: Chantelle Krupka was our very talented MUA and she did a
bang-up job on nails too. Plus we had a terrific hair stylist, Kait
Slattery who did her best to pit hair spray against 10 degree C air
and damp breezes off the lake.

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 5:53 AM, Derby Chang  wrote:
> Those hard geometrics really work. Excellent nails too.
> D
> On 25/08/2012 3:33 AM, Bruce Walker wrote:
>> Gallery:
>> Larry's geso of Post-it notes reminded me of some shots I've been
>> sitting on since the spring. I was invited to be co-creator on a
>> creative fashion editorial project. Part of it involved custom apparel
>> to be made of a flexible material patterned with Post-it notes. The
>> basic concept was already in the head of my partner when I joined, but
>> I came up with the mechanics and measurements for how to attach the
>> material together (we decided on mid weight poster board) and keep the
>> outfits on the models -- thus making this my very first (and likely
>> last) clothing design gig. The whole project took about 8 weeks and it
>> was some of the most fun I've ever had in a shoot: including prep
>> legwork, a fitting, and actual shooting.
>> I'm still (!) working on my images from the two shoots but this
>> gallery is a small handful of works-in-progress ones.
> --
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Re: You don't have to be terribly visionary to see where still photography is going...

2012-08-25 Thread Boris Liberman

Stan's right. But there are always exceptional cases.

Just recently I shot a video of certain mathematician which (the video 
of course) was sent in order to be used as part of some rather 
significant conference in Russia. I hope to be getting the edited copy 
of my footage which I might be able to display as per my agreement with 
the aforementioned mathematician and his grandson.

This time K-5 and DA* 16-50/2.8 acquitted the Pentax with flying colors.


On 8/23/2012 9:34 PM, Bob Sullivan wrote:

I've think Stan nailed it...  Regards,  Bob S.

I expect the current video fad to vanish soon under the weight of the 
processing/editing requirements and the unrelenting banality of the product.


On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Stan Halpin

The only thing more tedious than watching another's slide show is watching a 
home video. At least with slides (I.e., still images) it is possible to vary 
the pace based on audience feedback. I've done video, both film and digital, 
(2-3 years of each) and have zero interest in repeating the experience. So, 
from my narrow but insightful perspective, I could care less about video 
capability on DSLRs, and I expect the current video fad to vanish soon under 
the weight of the processing/editing requirements and the unrelenting banality 
of the product.


Sent from my iPad

On Aug 23, 2012, at 11:36 AM, Darren Addy  wrote:

True still photography (as in push the button and capture a moment in
one picture) is going to be an endangered species very soon.
I'm sure that most of us still consider images taken at 6 fps with our
Pentax DSLRs to be photographs. What if your DSLR could do 30 fps? We
are already at the point where, with enough money, you can buy a 4K
video camera (shooting at 30 fps) and get video capture stills good
enough to use reproduced on glossy magazine covers.

One might think it tedious to go through video looking for stills (30
of them per second) but, if there isn't already, there soon will be
Lightroom-V sort of programs that do it for you. 10 seconds of video
would be laid out in 300 thumbnails for you to zoom in on and do
further post-processing. 10 minutes of video would give you 18000
images to zoom through.

All of this sounds rather unpalatable to most of us, I'm sure. Just
like many people are still enjoying film (and some young people
discovering it for the first time, the same may be said for still
photography). So it will be with still cameras. There will be a period
where weddings are being photographed by people using video, while
others hold on to still digital... just as there were film shooters
overlapping with early adopters of DSLRs. Eventually, still
photography will be dominated by people who are strobe lighting
experts, since you can't duplicate the light output of a flash for
anything resembling long duration video unless you can afford and
master Hollywood lighting set-ups. (the length of the flash determines
how many video frames you have to choose from... if it is less than a
30th of a sec. then you will only have 1 exposure on a 30 fps camera).

In film, the director is considered the creative force. He leans on a
director of photography and people to run the actual cameras. The sort
of still images coming from video of the future puts all of those jobs
in one person's hands (which those who are using their cameras for
video are already transitioning into). The job is just going to get
bigger and more sophisticated, and more widespread.

The far-sighted camera manufacturers can already see this day coming,
getting closer with each new revision of sensor, computing power,
software and increased storage. That's why most are putting more and
more emphasis on the video capabilities of their DSLRs. Some, like
Sony and Canon are producing both video cameras and still cameras.
Those that don't should probably be looking to acquire businesses (or
be acquired by them) that have that expertise and manufacturing
ability - because the future is going to involve a lot of
cross-pollination between engineers on both sides of the hall.

Those who fail to see the future and adapt quickly to it will be the
Kodaks of tomorrow.

"The key to seeing the world's soul, and in the process wakening one's
own, is to get over the confusion
by which we think that fact is real and imagination an illusion. It is
the other way around."

  -Thomas Moore, "Original Self"

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Re: Reponses Photo on what to expect

2012-08-25 Thread Boris Liberman

On 8/23/2012 12:07 PM, Ralf R. Radermacher wrote:

For me, the two main factors speaking in favour of full (or any larger)
format are the bigger viewfinder and the smaller stars around light
sources in my night stuff.

Sharpness, definition and resolution of the K-5 are more than sufficient
for my requirements and I love the dynamic range.

I wonder what the improvements of its successor might be but I doubt
that they'll be a reason for replacing my K-5. Video doesn't matter


I have finally resolved not to deal with optical viewfinders any more. 
My eye-sight is getting progressively weaker to the point that I'd use a 
viewfinder only for purpose of making a frame. I'd have to rely on 
automatics for the rest. In fact, the back screen of Ricoh GXR that 
shows where it focused with the "running ants" focus assist seems to 
work best for me. Still cannot do proper manual focus with it, but at 
least I can control somewhat what automatics do for me.

I've visited yesterday a friend of mine and did some shooting of his 
guests. For most part K-5 just missed focus terribly. The light was 
dusk. Indoors with sufficient lighting everything was good. The metering 
wasn't very reliable with few shots being way off the rest. The white 
balance was pink, though I could correct that in post. The focus was the 
main culprit.

Obviously it was mostly my fault, but even with this mightily special 
screen for manual focusing and genuine viewfinder magnifier - no guitar 
at all...

However seeing the way things progress for Pentax I think they will 
stick with their SAFOX technology, for good or for not so good.

I do realize that I could turn to the central focusing point, focus and 
re-compose, but given that I was shooting mostly at f/2.8, it was a 
lousy proposition to begin with...


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Re: Replacement for Pentax K-5

2012-08-25 Thread Boris Liberman

On 8/23/2012 10:04 AM, Bob W wrote:

This is not because they have better marketing, it's because they have
better products.


I'd be brief: Well, no.

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Re: Pentax X-5 photos leaked

2012-08-25 Thread Boris Liberman
Well, in principle you might be right. Here is a true story for you - 
happened to one of my co-workers. He was fired. Then in a rather 
cloak-n-dagger manner it was suggested to him that his boss was fired at 
the same time. Further, the true target of the "operation" wasn't him, 
so that they'd be happy to have him back. He refused.

On 8/23/2012 7:47 AM, Bob Sullivan wrote:

You can't get fired for having the same opinion as the boss.
Regards,  Bob S.

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 10:46 PM, Boris Liberman  wrote:

On 8/22/2012 11:51 PM, Bob Sullivan wrote:

Joe, My professional experience with McMarketing folks suggests that
there can be considerable weakness in logic, facts, and understanding
of the consumer.  Lots of this stuff is done on hunches... and worse
still, the hunches of young and inexperienced people. Regards,  Bob

Bob, what I am seeing in my profession is that "up there" the personal egos
have great deal of influence as to how things would turn out. So, not only
oftentimes the decision would be based on hunches or lack of accurate
knowledge, but "who's the boss" attitude as well...

Such is our bipedal nature...

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RE: PESO - NYPD Blue in TO

2012-08-25 Thread Steve Sharpe


 There are still lots of movies shot here and Toronto does a nice
 generic US big city but it's still a weird feeling seeing "foreign" cop
 cars hanging around.



I used to work for a software house in the 1980s and did a lot of work for
them at local council offices. Some of the Victorian buildings had really
spectacular lobby areas - broad staircases, marbles pillars, statues, busts
and so on. One morning I had to cross the lobby and was a little startled to
find myself amidst the Nazi High Command. "Has there been an election?", I
thought. No - they were shooting a film.

We also have rather a lot film shoots here in Greenwich. It's great to see
what goes on. A few months ago they set up the Paris Commune in the grounds
of the naval college, complete with a gigantic mammoth, for Les Miserables.

A similar thing happened last week, here. I went into Windsor, NS one 
evening, to find that the whole downtown had been decorated 
for...Christmas! It turns out that they were filming a Hallmark movie.


Steve Sharpe

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