Re: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-14 Thread Mike Johnston
 You really have to learn how to see what is in front of you instead of
 seeing the symbol you have in your head. Looking at an image upside or
 on an unfamiliar scale helps side step that look, quickly recognize,
 assign a symbol, and move on to other stuff groove the brain wants to
 get into.

I think this is why a lot of photographers love large-format cameras so
much. The fact that the image is upside-down helps, rather than hinders,
their compositional visualization.

Plus, there really is something wonderful about the image of the world on
the ground-glass. I haven't shot with a view camera for years, but I still
miss that.


Re: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-14 Thread Mike Johnston
Doug wrote:
 hmmm. Dan has apparently read and digested Drawing on the Right Side of the

...which would also be a nice book recommendation for Amita.


Amita wrote:
I'm looking at learn-to-draw books online now but I think I need to go
to a bookstore and figure out which book is best.

Re: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-14 Thread Mike Johnston
 Everything else comes from studying the good stuff, practice, practice,
 and more practice and occassionally having someone who knows more than
 you say, try this instead of that.
 Come to think of it, just about everything comes from that. ;-)

So true, so true!


Re: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-14 Thread Bill Owens
I don't engage in the visual arts, but as a member of the local community
band, I guess you could say I engage in the performing arts.  Since I'm not
a very good photographer or trombonist, I find neither helps me with the
other :-O


- Original Message -
From: Amita Guha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 10:41 PM
Subject: do you practice any other arts?

 I attended my first drawing class last night. It was just a one-session
 thing, to get me started with drawing. I'm trying to learn to draw
 because I want to get into logo design as part of my web business.
 Drawing is a commpletely alien exercise to me, but I feel I need to
 learn it to add to my skillset.

 Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else on the list draws or engages in
 any other visual or other arts. If you do, do you think practicing one
 helps your skill in the other, or maybe hinders it? I am wondering if
 learning to draw will affect my photgraphy at all.


Re: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-14 Thread Mark Roberts
Amita Guha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I was wondering if anyone else on the list draws or engages in
any other visual or other arts. If you do, do you think practicing one
helps your skill in the other, or maybe hinders it? I am wondering if
learning to draw will affect my photgraphy at all.

I guess I fit into the other arts category: I'm a musician. I'm sure
it affects my photography *somehow*, but I'm not sure how ;-)

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-14 Thread Boris Liberman

No, I don't take drawing classes, nor I took any. Well, what I had in
my school back in Moscow does not count. I remember none of what I
supposedly was taught.

I do engage in Art of Computer Programming. Well, I did, and now I
wish I could re-engage at maximum warp. Anyway, there is something
in programming that I think helps me in my photography. It is a matter
of dealing with the problem in a very specific organized way... I will
not go any deeper into that bg.

I have a friend who sometimes draws sketches of his compositions
before he actually creates them and ultimately shoots them on film.

I think that any activity that makes your creative drive burn fuel at
its earnest is quite helpful...

Oh, by the way, I've decided that I need to have a proper web page -
not just tables and images. So I am learning some stuff - now sitting
in front of the sucker, struggling with the layout of the page...

Just my two one hundreds...

Boris Liberman

Re: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-14 Thread Doug Brewer
At 06:20 AM 2/14/03, Mike wrote:

Doug wrote:
 hmmm. Dan has apparently read and digested Drawing on the Right Side 
of the

...which would also be a nice book recommendation for Amita.


Indeed. Searching through the vast emptiness of my brain, I've also 
stumbled on The Awakened Eye, sort of a Zen approach to drawing.


Re: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-14 Thread Stephen Moore
tom wrote:

 Last night she was copying a picture, and I took a look and noticed
 she was doing it upside down. I mean she had the photo she was copying
 upside down, and she was drawing it right side up. Said it helped her
 draw what's there, not what she thinks is there.
 Sound familiar?

Wow! This is so similar to a common copyeditor's trick. You read
the page forward for content. Then you scan it backwards to proof.
That throws it just enough out of context that you can easily see
see what's really there, not what your eye expects to see.

Try it on the preceding paragraph...



RE: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-14 Thread oscar . 7300
My wife and I took drawing lessons years ago at the NY Art Students League (a 
great place).  In one class, the instructor remarked to my wife If you could 
draw, you would be dangerous, pointing out that she had a great sense of 
composition but lesser technical drawing skills.  So, after that, she took up 
photography!  Her drawing compositions were interesting, and that carries into 
her photography. (My skills lead to boring compositions, but we can still 
enjoy what we're not good at).

I attended my first drawing class last night. It was just a one-session
thing, to get me started with drawing. I'm trying to learn to draw
because I want to get into logo design as part of my web business.
Drawing is a commpletely alien exercise to me, but I feel I need to
learn it to add to my skillset.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else on the list draws or engages in
any other visual or other arts. If you do, do you think practicing one
helps your skill in the other, or maybe hinders it? I am wondering if
learning to draw will affect my photgraphy at all.


Re: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-14 Thread Feroze Kistan
Hi Amita,

I've studied fashion design, graphic design and web design. I do all 3 at
the same time but Graphics mostly. Photography is mostly a hobby except if
I'm taking a pack shot. But I have started to get in wedding photography as
well cause the money is there. Learning to hand draw to draw logo's is a bit
of an mission. Most logo's especially corporate types would have to be in a
pantone colour and you would have to submit chromolins as well as single
colour variations. Much easier with CorelDraw, Illustrator and maybe
Freehand, but I wouldn't advise the last one. Doing this by hand is almost
impossible. Free hand drawings nowadays are mostly required by fashion
illustration, advertising or product illustration. Mostly done with a tablet
and a pc/Mac.

All what I've learnt from studying the other is cross applied to
photography. Things like composition and sense of colour balance remain
consistent throughout the various fields and I don't think I could seperate
the various techiques into definite little boxes. It will affect your
photography, but then again what you've learnt from photography will affect
your drawing as well.


- Original Message -
From: Amita Guha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 5:41 AM
Subject: do you practice any other arts?

 I attended my first drawing class last night. It was just a one-session
 thing, to get me started with drawing. I'm trying to learn to draw
 because I want to get into logo design as part of my web business.
 Drawing is a commpletely alien exercise to me, but I feel I need to
 learn it to add to my skillset.

 Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else on the list draws or engages in
 any other visual or other arts. If you do, do you think practicing one
 helps your skill in the other, or maybe hinders it? I am wondering if
 learning to draw will affect my photgraphy at all.


RE: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-14 Thread Amita Guha
 Wow! This is so similar to a common copyeditor's trick. You 
 read the page forward for content. Then you scan it backwards 
 to proof. That throws it just enough out of context that you 
 can easily see see what's really there, not what your eye 
 expects to see.

Another good one is to read the piece out loud, either to yourself or to
someone else, and have the other person read it back to you. It helps a
lot with rhythm, sentence structure and composition. I used to do it
with my friends in college.

RE: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-14 Thread Amita Guha
 Learning to hand draw to draw logo's is a bit of an 

To be honest, I didn't even want to get into it. The main reason I'm
trying to learn to draw is that I have an idea for the logo for my own
site, which will be distinctly non-corporate, and I can't afford a
designer, so I figure I may as well learn to do it myself. I mean, I
ought to be able to brand my own site, right? So learning to draw what I
have in mind is my main priority right now. And that will be one more
skill to have. Of course there's a lot more than that to web
design/branding/logo design/etc., but every little bit helps. ;) I have
a full set of design software on my pc, so if (god forbid) I ever need
to get involved in print work, I'll have the tools to do the color
conversions and such.

 Mostly done with a tablet and a pc/Mac.

Yeah, I have my eye on the 6x8 Wacom Intuit or whatever it's called. I'm
going to buy it soon. I've heard it makes using Photoshop a whole new

Re: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-14 Thread Bob Blakely

I think they support each other somewhat with composition.

Beer is proof that God loves us
and wants us to be happy 
   - Benjamin Franklin
From: Amita Guha [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else on the list draws or engages in
 any other visual or other arts. If you do, do you think practicing one
 helps your skill in the other, or maybe hinders it? I am wondering if
 learning to draw will affect my photgraphy at all.

Re: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-14 Thread Dan Scott

On Friday, February 14, 2003, at 03:05  PM, Bob Walkden wrote:

Picasso was an astonishingly good draughtsman.




Nothing astonishing about that.

What I found (in my days as an art student) curious was the number of 
fellow students who dismissed the ability to draw or paint in a 
realistic mode as something uncool, not really connected to Art 
except in a historic sense. They were busy making bad copies of 
contemporary art without understanding that most of the people they 
were aping had developed and honed control of their tools via very 
traditional, representationalist means.

Once you master your tools and techniques, you have the power to place 
every element where you want it and the freedom to explore, bend or 
break rules as you please. Not mastering the Craft aspect of an art 
one wishes to practice is astonishing.

Soapbox mode off.

Dan Scott

Re: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-14 Thread Bob Walkden

Friday, February 14, 2003, 10:53:14 PM, you wrote:

 True, but at the end of his life he could sell anything as long as it
 had his signature on it.

so what? He deserved it, and if people wanted to give him the money,
why should he not take it? This does not detract from his skill as a
draughtsman or his contribution to our culture.


 At 09:05 PM 2/14/2003 +, you wrote:

Friday, February 14, 2003, 4:21:30 PM, you wrote:

  So you were right? :)

  At 11:35 PM 2/13/2003 -0800, you wrote:
 I took a community college class on  So you think you can't draw?  My
 drawings look  like a cross between Picasso and some kindergarten art.

Picasso was an astonishingly good draughtsman.

Re: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-14 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Dan Scott
Subject: Re: do you practice any other arts?

 Once you master your tools and techniques, you have the power to place
 every element where you want it and the freedom to explore, bend or
 break rules as you please. Not mastering the Craft aspect of an art
 one wishes to practice is astonishing.

That sounds a lot like what I was saying during the 50mm lens debate a while

William Robb

Re: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-14 Thread Peter Alling
Actually I have no problem with him selling scribbles with his signature
as art.  The people who buy such things are the one's I feel have the problem.
I also agree he was a draftsman of great skill and an artist of great vision.
However I too can create drawings that look a bit like a Picasso meets 
art and I freely admit that I have particular skill as a draftsman.

At 12:41 AM 2/15/2003 +, you wrote:

Friday, February 14, 2003, 10:53:14 PM, you wrote:

 True, but at the end of his life he could sell anything as long as it
 had his signature on it.

so what? He deserved it, and if people wanted to give him the money,
why should he not take it? This does not detract from his skill as a
draughtsman or his contribution to our culture.


 At 09:05 PM 2/14/2003 +, you wrote:

Friday, February 14, 2003, 4:21:30 PM, you wrote:

  So you were right? :)

  At 11:35 PM 2/13/2003 -0800, you wrote:
 I took a community college class on  So you think you can't draw?  My
 drawings look  like a cross between Picasso and some kindergarten art.

Picasso was an astonishingly good draughtsman.

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.  --Groucho Marx

Re: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-14 Thread Dan Scott

On Friday, February 14, 2003, at 07:09  PM, William Robb wrote:

That sounds a lot like what I was saying during the 50mm lens debate a 

William Robb

You're pretty smart sometimes.

Dan Scott

RE: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-13 Thread tom
 -Original Message-
 From: Amita Guha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else on the list draws or
 engages in
 any other visual or other arts. If you do, do you think
 practicing one
 helps your skill in the other, or maybe hinders it? I am
 wondering if
 learning to draw will affect my photgraphy at all.

I can't draw either, in fact I can barely sign my name.

My girlfriend is in graphic design school, and she comes home and goes
over what she's learning, and I know some of it rubs off on me.

Last night she was copying a picture, and I took a look and noticed
she was doing it upside down. I mean she had the photo she was copying
upside down, and she was drawing it right side up. Said it helped her
draw what's there, not what she thinks is there.

Sound familiar?


RE: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-13 Thread Amita Guha
 Last night she was copying a picture, and I took a look and 
 noticed she was doing it upside down. I mean she had the 
 photo she was copying upside down, and she was drawing it 
 right side up. Said it helped her draw what's there, not what 
 she thinks is there.
 Sound familiar?

Yep, we did that exercise last night, except that I drew mine upside
down, too. I do think it helped.

I'm looking at learn-to-draw books online now but I think I need to go
to a bookstore and figure out which book is best.

Re: do you practice any other arts?

2003-02-13 Thread Dan Scott

On Thursday, February 13, 2003, at 09:41  PM, Amita Guha wrote:

I attended my first drawing class last night. It was just a one-session
thing, to get me started with drawing. I'm trying to learn to draw
because I want to get into logo design as part of my web business.
Drawing is a commpletely alien exercise to me, but I feel I need to
learn it to add to my skillset.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else on the list draws or engages in
any other visual or other arts. If you do, do you think practicing one
helps your skill in the other, or maybe hinders it? I am wondering if
learning to draw will affect my photgraphy at all.


Hi Amita,

I draw (and engage in other visual arts). Anything that encourages you 
to be more aware of line, tone, balance, the interaction of positive 
and negative space, etc., can only help you with your photography, too. 
Consider taking more drawing classes and some composition classes, 
also. In fact, you might want to see if one of the schools in your area 
offers any Ad Art (advertising art) classes. Designing logos is 
something you'll get lots of practice at.

Dan Scott