[PEN-L:2843] Re: BLS Daily Report

1999-02-03 Thread Doug Henwood

Richardson_D forwarded from the BLS:

>BLS has asked for $7
>million to complete the revisions to the CPI to make it reflect more
>accurately cost-of-living changes

Wanna bet that means a still-lower CPI?


[PEN-L:2842] BLS Daily Report

1999-02-03 Thread Richardson_D

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The administration is seeking additional funding for the Bureau of Labor
Statistics so that the statistical agency can continue revising the consumer
price index and industry classifications and begin new initiatives aimed at
improving the quality of data available to the public.  The proposed BLS
budget asks for appropriations of $421 million in FY 2000, an increase of
$22 million from funds appropriated for FY 1999. ...  BLS has asked for $7
million to complete the revisions to the CPI to make it reflect more
accurately cost-of-living changes. ...  BLS also looks to complete its
project to update the standard for classifying industries. ...  The budget
request also includes funding for several new BLS initiatives.  BLS
requested $5 million to improve and expand price, output, and productivity
measures.  BLS said that the funding will allow it to expand the amount of
services data available, to accelerate introduction of new products in the
PPI, and to expand PPI coverage to the construction sector.  BLS also seeks
funding to expand the employment cost index program to include more
employers in the sample, to improve the reliability of the data, and to
provide new information to employers on the cost of providing benefits. ...
The budget plan also calls for resources to improve public access to BLS
data on its Internet site.  This piece of the budget plan was in place
before the recent premature releases of data, according to BLS Financial
Manager Kate Newman.  The planned improvements to the Internet site will not
protect against the errors that led to those early releases, she said,
although the improvements will help to protect against hackers. ...

Physicians and surgeons have the highest mean annual wages -- $100,920 a
year - according to a study by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Others in
the top five:  dentists, podiatrists, airplane pilots, and lawyers (Wall
Street Journal "Work Week" feature, page A1).

Workers are retiring younger, the Labor Department says [in August 1998
MLR].  The average retirement age in the U.S. was 62.2 for men, 62.7 for
women, between 1990 and 1995.  That was down from 64.1 and 65.3,
respectively, between 1965 and 1970 (Wall Street Journal  "Work Week"
feature, page A1). 

Real hourly wages grew faster for women than for men overall between 1997
and 1998, as wages for the typical workers rose by 5 percent, according to a
report released by the Economic Policy Institute. ...  Jared Bernstein and
Lawrence Mishel, authors of the study "Wages Gain Ground," attributed the
rise in real wages to persistently low unemployment, low inflation, and the
1996-97 increase in the minimum wage. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page A-8).

Manufacturing activity continued to slow in January, but at a much slower
pace than in earlier months, the National Association of Purchasing
Management reports, suggesting that the country's manufacturing decline may
be nearing an end.  Results of NAPM's latest monthly survey put the
purchasing managers' index at 49.5 in January, up considerably from the 45.3
reading in December. ...  Analysts said the report suggests a bottoming out
in the manufacturing sector, which has been wracked by economic troubles in
Asia. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page A-3; New York Times, page C6).

Personal income rose 0.5 percent in December, but spending increased at a
higher rate, the Commerce Department says, explaining that consumer spending
in December rose 0.8 percent.  Because Americans spent more than they
earned, the personal earnings rate was negative by 1 percent. ...  For the
year 1998, the Commerce Department reported a 5.0 percent increase in
income, which is the lowest increase since 1993.  Spending for the year rose
5.7 percent. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page D-1; Washington Post, page E2;
New York Times, page C6).

Construction spending advanced 1.7 percent seasonally adjusted, with gains
posted in all major building categories, the Commerce Department reports.
  (Daily Labor Report, page A-4; New York Times, page C6).

The manufacturing sector showed some spark last month, as a survey of
purchasing managers indicated a sharp rise in production and new orders.  At
the same time, personal income and construction spending rose, adding to the
economy's momentum going into 1999. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2).

The administration's budget assumes the economy will grow at a very moderate
2.2 percent annual rate on average for the next 6 years, with higher but
well-behaved inflation and the unemployment rate inching up. ...  Inflation,
as measured by the CPI, is forecast to rise at 2.3 percent this year, which
is about the same as the increase in the "core" CPI - which e

[PEN-L:2799] BLS Daily Report

1999-02-02 Thread Richardson_D

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The U.S. economy continued to outpace expectations, logging growth of 5.6
percent at an annual rate in the last 3 months of last year.  The Commerce
Department says solid consumer spending, business investment in equipment,
home building, and an improvement in exports lifted gross domestic product
to the strongest growth rate since the second quarter of 1996, when it
advanced 6.1 percent. ...  One measure of inflation, the GDP chain price
index, increased 1.0 percent for the year - compared with 1.9 percent in
both 1997 and 1996 - which made it the smallest increase since the index
rose 1.0 percent in 1959.  One has to go back to 1950 for a lower gain, when
it rose 0.9 percent. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page D-3).
__The United States last year achieved the best combination of strong
economic growth, low inflation, and low unemployment in more than 3 decades.
  The unexpectedly strong quarter pushed growth to 4.1 percent since the
end of 1997, the largest such increase since 1984.   Moreover, shortly
before the end of the year, the economic expansion that began in April 1991
became the longest in U.S. peacetime history. ...  Economists attributed the
exuberant growth to a combination of influences, including low inflation,
low interest rates, low unemployment, and a spending spree by consumers
emboldened by fatter paychecks and stock portfolios. ...  (Washington Post,
Jan. 30, page A1).
__A year of pleasant economic surprises ended with the biggest one of all:
a last minute burst of growth that surpassed even the most bullish
predictions. ...  1998 was the third consecutive year that the economy had
expanded at a nearly 4 percent pace.  For all of 1998, the GDP increased 3.9
percent. ...  (New York Times, Jan. 30, page A1).
__The U.S. economy charged into 1999, suggesting that it will remain
resistant to financial turmoil abroad for the foreseeable future. ...  The
report also showed that two of the economy's weak spots in 1998 -
manufacturing and exports - appeared to be turning around. ...  (Wall Street
Journal, page A2).

The U.S. economy continues to confound experts, surging when many expected
it to cool.  "This economy is the wonder of the economic world," Robert
Dederick, consultant with the Northern Trust Co., tells the Bureau of
National Affairs.  "This is rewrite the [economic] textbook time.  While the
consumer continues to buy as if there is no tomorrow, the housing market is
rip-roaring, and inflation is in check. It's a central banker's dream in a
world that is a central banker's nightmare." ...  Analysts interviewed still
expect the economy to slow soon, but that are surprised at its vitality in
this longest peace-time expansion in U.S. history.  Most of the data
released in January involved economic conditions at the end of the fourth
quarter of 1998.  But the strength of December and a January consumer
confidence level near a historical high indicates strong momentum going into
the new year. ...  "The most notable report was the employment report," said
the chief economist with Daiwa Securities America. ...  Among the surprises,
the employment report showed job growth at a robust 378,000 in December,
and an unemployment rate, at 4.3 percent, that has not been lower in 30
years.  "We think January is going to be a strong employment report, but not
s strong as December," the senior economist with Macroeconomic Advisers in
St. Louis said.  Jobs supply the fuel for spending, and spending has driven
this expansion. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page D-1).

The January unemployment rate, due out Friday, is forecast to be 4.4 percent
according to the Technical Data Consensus Forecast in The Wall Street
Journal (page A6).  The December unemployment rate was 4.3 percent.  Nonfarm
payrolls are expected to increase by 180,000, compared with a rise of
378,000 in December. 



[PEN-L:2801] Re: BLS Daily Report

1999-02-02 Thread Tom Walker


>"This economy is the wonder of the economic world," Robert
>Dederick, consultant with the Northern Trust Co., tells the Bureau of
>National Affairs.  "This is rewrite the [economic] textbook time.  While the
>consumer continues to buy as if there is no tomorrow, the housing market is
>rip-roaring, and inflation is in check. It's a central banker's dream in a
>world that is a central banker's nightmare."

Will wonders never cease? My advise for aspiring textbook rewriters -- wait
and see. Wait and see. Judging strictly from the current volume of exuberant
hyperbole, a hard rain is going to fall.


Tom Walker 

[PEN-L:2748] BLS Daily Report

1999-02-01 Thread Richardson_D

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__Private industry wages rose 3.9 percent in 1998, the same increase as the
year before, data released by BLS show.  The size of the gain surprises
analysts who expected an acceleration from 1997.  Private industry
compensation costs accelerated slightly in 1998, rising 3.5 percent after a
3.4 percent 1997 advance.  The 1998 increase was the largest since a 3.6
percent gain in 1993. ...  Although 1997 and 1998 had the largest yearly
advances in wages and salaries since a 4 percent increase in 1990, the
fourth quarter moderated 1998's gain.  Private industry wages and salaries
grew 0.7 percent in the fourth quarter, compared with advances of 1.3
percent in the third, 1 percent in the second, and 0.8 percent in the first.
Many economists, who look at an acceleration in wage gains as a precursor
for an uptick in inflation, voice relief that the increase in wages was less
in the fourth quarter than in the third. ...  (Daniel J. Roy in Daily Labor
Report, page D-1).
__Brisk economic growth last year pushed up Americans' wages and benefits by
3.4 percent from 1997.  But not everyone was able to cash in on what was the
largest overall pay increase in five years.  Finance, insurance, and real
estate agents, as well as high-tech workers on the West Coast, saw some of
the biggest increases in compensation for the year.  Money managers,
stockbrokers, and other investment professionals garnered the largest gains
for 1998, 5.9 percent over 1997, while bankers got a 4.3 percent increase.
Home health care, aircraft, and transportation workers were given lackluster
raises in their total benefits package last year. ...  (Dawn Kopecki in
Washington Times, page B9).

New orders to factories for durable goods rose 1.9 percent in December to
post their strongest gain in five months, the Commerce Department reports.
For the entire year, orders increased 3.4 percent over 1997. ...  (Daily
Labor Report, page D-17).

New claims filed with state agencies for unemployment insurance benefits
dropped 15,000 to a seasonally adjusted 301,000 in the week ended Jan. 23,
the Labor Department's Employment and Training Administration announces.
This is the fourth straight week in which claims declined, following the
dramatic increase of 83,000 claims in the week ended Dec. 28. ...  (Daily
Labor Report, page D-15).

__U.S. workers' wages, salaries and benefits rose only moderately last year,
despite a drop in joblessness to the lowest level in nearly three decades, a
government report said.  The employment cost index (ECI), a broad measure of
the nation's labor costs, rose 3.4 percent last year, only slightly more
than 1997's 3.3 percent gain, BLS said.  The wage and salary component of
the index was up 3.7 percent, a downtick from the 3.8 percent increase the
year before. ...  Meanwhile, the Commerce Department said that new orders
for durable goods rose a strong 1.9 percent last month, with orders for
technology equipment leading the way. ...  (John M. Berry in Washington
Post, page E3).
__Factory orders for big-ticket goods increased for the sixth time in seven
months as demand for industrial hardware, electronics, and electrical
equipment accelerated. ...  In another report, wages and salaries in the
fourth quarter grew at their slowest pace in two years. ...  In addition,
first-time jobless claims fell to the lowest level in more than a month. ...
(Bloomberg News story in New York Times, page C6).
__Durable-goods orders showed surprising manufacturing strength.  Labor
costs remained steady in the fourth quarter. ...  (Alejandro Bodipo-Memba in
Wall Street Journal, page A2).

Signaling a slight dip in job growth, the Conference Board's help-wanted
index slipped 2 points in December, falling to 88 percent of its 1987 base,
down from 90 percent in November.  December's showing still was above the 87
percent posted one year ago. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page A-7)_Robust
job growth in Western states was offset by shrinking demand in the
Northeast. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A6).

The all-industries median first-year wage increase under contracts
negotiated in 1998 was 3 percent, unchanged from 1997, according to data
compiled by the Bureau of National Affairs.  The median increases deferred
to the second and third years of contracts bargained in 1997 also were
unchanged at 3 percent each. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page D-19).

The late Cesar Chavez, who rose from a fruit and vegetable picker to the
leadership of the United Farm Workers of America, was inducted into the
Labor Hall of Fame at the U.S. Department of Labor. ...  Chavez was chosen
by the 10-member selection panel, a group of labor, management, and public
representatives that is independent of the Labor Departm

[PEN-L:2702] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-29 Thread Richardson_D

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RELEASED TODAY:  The Employment Cost Index (ECI), not seasonally adjusted,
for December 1998 was 139.8 (June 1989=100), an increase of 3.4 percent from
December 1997. ...  On a seasonally adjusted basis, compensation costs for
civilian workers rose 0.7 percent during the September-December 1998 period,
following a gain of 1.0 percent in September 1998.  Wages and salaries also
increased 0.7 percent during the September-December 1998 period.  The
increase was 1.2 percent in the June-September 1998 period.  Benefit costs
increased 0.6 percent in the September-December 1998 period; for each of the
two previous quarters, the increase was 0.8 percent. ...  

In the third quarter of 1998, personal income in 48 states and Washington,
D.C., grew more than 3 times faster than the increase in prices paid by
consumers, according to the Department of Commerce.  Across the nation,
personal income grew 1.1 percent in the third quarter, the same as in the
second.  The advances in personal income growth were greater than the 0.3
percent hike in prices paid by U.S. consumers as measured by the price index
for personal consumption expenditures. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page D-1).

Despite an abundance of credit and other bright economic conditions for
startups - not to mention scads of success stories about young entrepreneurs
striking it rich - the number of businesses started in the U.S. is on the
decline.  A recent study by the National Federation of Independent Business
found that business starts fell 4 percent in 1997, on top of a 14 percent
drop in 1996.  The federation's preliminary figures for 1998 point to a
third straight year of decline. ...  Ironically, the reason for the drop
seems to be precisely the reason for the success of so many new businesses
these days:  the strong economy.  A senior research fellow at the NFIB,
located in Washington, D.C., says, "There's always a large number of people
who go into business for themselves because of the loss of a job or the fear
of the loss of a job.  That negative push is lighter today."  An adjunct
professor of entrepreneurship at Columbia Business School says that, as
employees, "everybody seems to have better opportunities now than they may
have had three or four years ago." ...  As further testament to the
conflicting pull of the strong economy on entrepreneurial activity, the NFIB
study shows that, while fewer new businesses are being launched, fewer small
businesses are failing as well. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2).



[PEN-L:2678] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-28 Thread Richardson_D

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Adding to a series of Internet-related calamities at BLS, the agency's Web
site fell prey to a hacking prank, says an article in the Wall Street
Journal (page A2).  A computer hacker defaced the bureau's introductory Web
page Friday afternoon, adding several juvenile messages, including the
boast, "You've been hacked."  Labor Department technicians discovered the
digital graffiti less than 15 minutes after they had been written and ripped
the page from the Web.  Carl Lowe, the department's associate commissioner
for technology, said no sensitive date were compromised.  "I would classify
this as minor hacking," he said, adding that some of the messages indicated
it was the work of  teenagers, according to the article.  The incident was
the third Internet mishap at the department in as many months.  In November,
BLS mistakenly posted portions of a monthly employment report a full day
ahead of schedule.  The leak moved financial markets and caused Labor
officials to rethink the department's procedures for releasing information
on the Web.  In a similar incident earlier this month, the BLS inadvertently
released the monthly Producer Price Index, another report that affected the
day's financial markets. ...  Increasingly, hackers use password programs
that generate frequently used passwords in a matter of minutes, helping them
to gain quick access to computer servers.  The Labor Department won't say
how the hacker entered the Web site.  Mr. Lowe, however, said technicians
"have removed the vulnerability." 

Consumer confidence edged up in January, indicating continued economic
expansion in the coming months, the Conference Board reports.  The
organization's consumer confidence index advanced 1 percentage point to
127.6 percent of its 1985 base. ...  Nearly 46 percent say jobs are
plentiful, up from nearly 43 percent last month.  The proportion of
respondents who feel jobs are 'hard to get' declined from 14.6 percent to
13.3 percent. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page A-2)_Americans are slightly
less confident about the outlook for the next six months than for the month
ahead. ...  (Washington Post, page E4)_The rebound on Wall Street during
January helped restore consumer confidence in the economy, but Americans
still have concerns about their own finances in the months ahead.  The
number of people who said they expected their incomes to increase over the
next six months dropped 5.3 percentage points. ...  (New York Times, page
C8)_Low unemployment and a steady stream of new jobs are keeping
consumer confidence at high levels. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2).

Led by booming information technology businesses, more than 80 percent of
manufacturing industries and all the major service sectors are expected to
grow through 1999, according to a trade and industry report by the Commerce
Department and McGraw-Hill. ...  The report, "U.S. Industry & Trade Outlook
'99," forecasts broad-based growth, with gains in the consumer goods,
machinery investment, construction, and high-tech sectors.  The outlook
predicts that economic growth will be between 2 and 2.5 percent in 1999,
lower and more sustainable than the 3 percent growth seen in 1998, the
report said. ...  "The big winners are clearly information technology
sectors which continue to plow on, regardless of what happens in the world,"
says the director of the Office of Trade and Economic Analysis in the
Commerce Department's International Trade Administration.  The information
technology sector is projected to grow 8 percent in 1999, according to the
report. ...  The report predicts that economic growth abroad will be
relatively weak in 1999.  The report cites chemicals and machinery as
examples of export-reliant industries that are expected to be dampened by
weak export markets. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page D-1).

The White House said the administration was considering plans to produce two
sets of official census data in 2001.   One would be based on a traditional
head count to be used for apportioning Congressional seats, and another
adjusted by sampling that states could use to draw lines for federal, state,
and local political districts.  The Supreme Court ruled that sampling, a
statistical technique, could not be used to adjust the 2000 census for the
purposes of apportioning seats in the House.  But the court left the door
open to using sampling for other purposes, including possibly redistricting
and allocating Federal money. ...  (New York Times, page A13; Washington
Post, page A2). 

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  Employment Cost Index -- December 1998


[PEN-L:2649] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-27 Thread Richardson_D

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__The AFL-CIO, pointing to new statistics from BLS that show membership in
unions increased by more than 100,000 in 1998, says the organizing strategy
laid out by the federation's leadership more than three years ago is
working.  At the same time, the Organizing Director noted that the labor
movement is not growing enough to keep up with the economy's rate of job
growth, which was 2.2 million new jobs created in 1998.  According to the
BLS statistics, the number of U.S. workers belonging to unions in 1998 grew
from 16.1 million to 16.2 million, marking the first time in the last five
years that membership outpaced the previous year's total.  The density of
union membership in the workforce, however, decreased from 14.1 percent in
1997 to 13.9 percent in 1998. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page A13).
__BLS announced that union membership grew by 100,000 last year, after three
years of decline, causing the AFL-CIO to boast that its efforts to revive
organized labor were beginning to pay off. ...  (New York Times, page A20).
__The number of workers who belong to labor unions grew slightly last year,
the government said, but the percentage of unionized jobs continued to
decline. ...  Labor's biggest gains came among health-care workers, public
employees, and service workers.  It lost members in manufacturing and most
other private sectors. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page B2).  

Health benefits costs rose 6.1 percent in 1998 - nearly twice as fast as the
medical component of the CPI, ending five years of nearly flat cost growth,
a survey of 4,181 U.S. employers by William M. Mercer shows.  The average
cost of covering active and retired employees rose to $4,164 in 1998, from
$3,924 in 1997, survey data showed.  The medical CPI increased 3.4 percent
in 1998. Employers predict their costs will rise even faster in 1999 with 72
percent of employers polled anticipating cost increases averaging 9 percent,
Mercer said. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page A-8).

Existing house sales set a record in 1998 for the third year in a row,
thanks to low mortgage rates, strong job growth, and a rising stock market.
Sales of existing single-family homes surged 13.5 percent to 4.79 million,
beating 1997's record high of 4.22 million, the National Association of
Realtors reported (Washington Post, page E6)_Sales of existing
single-family homes jumped 3.1 percent in December from November, as a
strong economy, low mortgage rates, and warm weather spurred a flurry of
purchasers. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2)

The Supreme Court rejected the federal government's plan for using a
controversial counting method to estimate portions of the nation's
population in the 2000 Census, ruling in a case that carries enormous
political and economic consequences for communities around the country.  By
a 5 to 4 vote, the justices said federal law prevents the administration
from supplementing the Census Bureau's traditional procedure of trying to
reach every household with statistical estimates that would be used to
determine the nation's population and divide seats in Congress among the
states.  But beyond the crucial apportionment purpose of the census, the
court did not foreclose allowing "statistical sampling" for other important
purposes, such as the drawing of political boundaries within each state and
the allocation of federal funds for everything from road construction to
housing for the poor. ...  (Washington Post, page A1)_Dealing a bitter
blow to Democratic hopes, the Supreme Court ruled today that the official
census for 2000, which will be used to apportion seats in the House of
Representatives, must be conducted by the traditional head count. ...  (New
York Times, page 1)_In a political setback for the Clinton
administration, the Supreme Court limited the use of statistical sampling in
the 2000 census, a method that Democrats argued would help to account for
some minorities and others who historically have been hard to count. ...
(Wall Street Journal, page A2)



[PEN-L:2657] Re: BLS Daily Report

1999-01-27 Thread Tom Walker

>__The AFL-CIO, pointing to new statistics from BLS that show membership in
>unions increased by more than 100,000 in 1998, says the organizing strategy
>laid out by the federation's leadership more than three years ago is

In what is called putting a positive spin . . .

>The density of
>union membership in the workforce, however, decreased from 14.1 percent in
>1997 to 13.9 percent in 1998. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page A13).

 . . . on bad news.

Tom Walker

[PEN-L:2607] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-26 Thread Richardson_D

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RELEASED TODAY:  Regional and state unemployment rates continued to be
relatively stable in December.  All four regions reported little or no
change from November, and 41 states recorded shifts of 0.3 percentage point
or less.  The national jobless rate, 4.3 percent, was little changed from
November.  Nonfarm payroll employment rose in 45 states. ...  

New claims filed with state agencies for unemployment insurance benefits
dropped 14,000 to a seasonally adjusted 346,000 in the week ended Jan. 16,
the Employment and Training Administration of the Department of Labor
announces.  This is the third straight week in which claims declined,
following the dramatic increase of 83,000 claims in the week ended Dec. 28.
  (Daily Labor Report, page D-1)_The fall was further evidence of
tight labor markets. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2).

The trade deficit in goods and services worsened in November, rising 14.0
percent to $15.49 billion, its highest level since August, the Commerce
Department says.  The widening in the November deficit, after narrowing the
previous 2 months, came about as imports rose to a record high. ...  (Daily
Labor Report, page D-3)_The U.S. trade deficit surged, as the
free-spending American economy drew in a record amount of imports and
exports to slump-bound foreign countries continued to fall. ...  (Washington
Post, page E-1)_The U.S. trade deficit expanded sharply, as continuing
economic weakness among America's trading partners precipitated a plunge in
exports.  Imports rose again, as the U.S. continued to be the buyer of first
and last resort.  The import increase would have been greater were it not
for the break in energy prices that U.S. consumers continue to enjoy.  The
volume of petroleum imports was down, because of mild autumn weather, and
the price of a barrel of imported oil sank to $10.51 in November, from
$11.59 in October. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2)

DUE OUT MONDAY:  Union Members in 1998



[PEN-L:2604] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-26 Thread Richardson_D

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The Midwest's jobless rate of 3.5 percent  was the lowest of the four U.S.
regions in December, BLS reported. The West reported the highest
unemployment rate at 5.2 percent for the month, followed by the Northeast at
4.4 percent and the South at 4.2 percent. In 1998, unemployment rates
declined in 34 states and Washington, D.C., increased in 12 states, and were
unchanged in four states. The states with the lowest jobless rates in
December were Minnesota, Nebraska, and North Dakota (2.5 percent each),
South Dakota (2.6 percent), and Iowa (2.7 percent).  New Mexico had the
highest jobless rate (6.4 percent) in December, followed by Hawaii (6.1
percent), West Virginia (6.0 percent), and California (5.9 percent). Six of
the eight states with the highest unemployment rates were in the West. ...
(Daily Labor Report, page D-1).

The share of wage and salary workers who were union members averaged 13.9
percent in 1998 as compared with 14.1 percent a year earlier, according to
data from BLS. For the first time in five years, however, the number of U.S.
workers belonging to unions outpaced the previous year's total, increasing
by 101,000 members to 16.2 million. ...  Some other highlights from the 1998
data are: (1) About three-fifths of the 16.2 million union members were in
private nonagricultural industries and about two-fifths worked in federal,
state, or local government. (2) Among occupational groups, the unionization
rate was highest among   workers in protective service, which includes
police and firefighters. (3) Men were more likely to be union members than
were women. (4) Median weekly earnings for union members who work full time
were about a third higher than the median for nonunion workers. ...  (Daily
Labor Report, page AA-1).

Encouraged by the success of its two-year pilot organizing program in Las
Vegas, presidents of the 15 unions affiliated with the AFL-CIO Building and
Construction Trades Department have agreed to expand the department's
organizing program to other cities. The Building and Construction Trades
Department claims the Building Trades Organizing Project in Las Vegas has
been extremely successful, gaining 169,000 members during the 1996-1997
period. This puts construction unions among the fastest growing in the
country, according to BCTD president Robert A. Georgine. ...  However,
BCTD's claims of gains in building trade union membership are at odds with
union membership data released by BLS today. BLS data for 1998 shows that
while construction employment increased to a record high of almost 6 million
workers, union representation of construction workers in percentages and
numbers edged downward. Unions represented 18.4 percent or 1,093,000
construction workers in 1998, down from 19.5 percent or 1,118,000 workers in
1997. According to BLS, union membership in construction also slipped in
1998, down to 17.8 percent to 1,056,000 workers from 18.6 percent or
1,067,000 workers in 1997. (Daily Labor Report, page A-5 and A-6).

There was a significant jump in the number of workers whose job loss was
trade-related during the first quarter of fiscal year 1999 compared with the
same period a year earlier, according to statistics released by the
Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration. ETA certified
25,466 dislocated workers as eligible for aid under the Trade Adjustment
Assistance program between Oct. 1, 1998, and Dec. 31, 1998, compared with
18,525 during the same three months in FY 1998, the statistics show. ...  (
Daily Labor Report, page C-1).



[PEN-L:2463] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-22 Thread Richardson_D

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The median weekly earnings of the nation's full-time wage and salary workers
were 5.9 percent higher in the fourth quarter of 1998 than they were one
year earlier, according to data from BLS.  Meanwhile, the CPI-U rose only
1.5 percent in the same period.  BLS also released 1997 and 1998 annual
average weekly earnings for major demographic,  occupation, and education
groups. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page D-5). 

Housing construction proved more robust than analysts expected, rising a
seasonally adjusted 3.5 percent in December, Commerce Department data show.
In 1998, starts totaled 1.62 million units, a 9.6 percent jump from 1997.
Most economists expect a slight cooling in new construction in 1999. ...
(Daily Labor Report, page D-1; Wall Street Journal, page A2)_New home
construction was stronger last year than at any time since 1987.  Builders
broke ground on a total 1.616 million new homes, up nearly 10 percent from
1997, in a boom helped by soaring stock prices that boosted household
incomes (Washington Post, page E8; New York Times, page C8).
The U.S. economy remained strong in most regions of the country through the
end of 1998 and early 1999, virtually unaffected by inflation, the Federal
Reserve reports.  In its latest "beige book," or summary of current economic
conditions, the Fed notes that most of its 12 districts from the end of
December through early January "are showing solid economic growth overall,
despite mixed or weak results for individual sectors in some areas." ...
Most districts reported that inflation remained tame, as consumer and
producer prices were stable or declining.  The Fed, however, points to
exceptions:  rising home prices in some districts, increased fees for
services in Dallas, and price increases by selected manufacturers in Boston.
All districts reported labor market tightness, the Fed said. ...  Wage
pressure, while less than reported in previous surveys, seemed to be the
greatest in the manufacturing and construction sectors, the Fed said. ...
(Daily Labor Report, page D-12)_The nation is "showing solid economic
growth" despite worker shortages in some industries and generally waning
manufacturing activity, the Federal Reserve said.  What is keeping the
economy humming along?  Robust consumer spending - spurred by low inflation,
low interest rates, and low unemployment.  Indeed, these are heady times for
consumer because prices are either generally stable or declining across the
country.  Producer prices are following the same pattern. ...  (Wall Street
Journal, page A2)_The Federal Reserve's latest reading on the nation's
economy suggests the current expansion, already at a peacetime record, will
persevere in 1999 while inflation remains at bay. ...  (New York Times, page

The December employment report should have carried the disclaimer attached
to mutual fund brochures:  "Past performance is no guarantee of future
gains."  Payrolls ended 1998 with a bang, and the unemployment rate slipped
to a 28-year low.  The data sent economists and Wall Street scurrying to
rethink the slowdown forecast. ...  Several questions arise about just how
much momentum the economy carries into 1999, especially now that a Brazilian
currency devaluation threatens the global outlook.  First, BLS said
unusually warm weather boosted construction employment by 104,000, the
biggest gain in 14 years.  That suggests the cold snap gripping most of the
nation in January is holding down jobs in the building grades and elsewhere
this month.  And government jobs jumped by an unusually large 59,000 in
December.  More important, and more troubling for the outlook, the data
indicate that wage growth is slowing -- and that may spook consumers.   As
measured by hourly pay for production workers, wages rose 3.8 percent in the
year ended in the fourth quarter, down from a 4.1 advance in the third and
this expansion's peak of a 4.3 percent gain in the second quarter.
Moreover, the slowdown is evident in both manufacturing and service pay.
The idea that wage gains are slowing when only 4.3 percent of the labor
force is unemployed seems impossible.  Tight labor markets typically mean
that businesses should be increasing pay raises to attract or keep workers.
  (Business Week, Jan. 25, page 33).

There's little question that the U.S. jobless rate is low - slipping back to
4.3 percent in December and posting an average rate of 4.5 percent last
year.  At that level, the lowest full-year reading since 1969, many
observers believe that the employment situation should have started kindling
inflationary fires some time ago.  While there is no shortage of
explanations why it hasn't, economists Robert Ho

[PEN-L:2416] Re: Re: BLS Daily Report

1999-01-21 Thread Doug Henwood

Tom Walker wrote:

>>RELEASED TODAY:  Median weekly earnings of the nation's 96.2 million
>>full-time wage and salary workers were $541 in the fourth quarter of 1998.
>>This was 5.9 percent higher than a year earlier, compared with a gain of 1.5
>>percent in the CPI-U over the same period. ...
>Four and a half percent is quite an astonishing increase in real median
>weekly earnings.

The three-year increase in real weekly earnings for all of 1998 - 7.0% - is
the highest since the BLS started the all private workers series in 1964,
eclipsing 1973's previous record of 6.2%. For manufacturing workers, the
1995-1998 figure was 6.1%, which is lower than the golden age numbers, but
still the highest since the early 1970s. Longer hours contributed a lot to
recent performance, though; real hourly earnings for all private sector
workers were up just 1.9% from 1995 to 1998; in the late 60s/early 70s, the
figures were in the 4-7% range.


[PEN-L:2411] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-21 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.



RELEASED TODAY:  Median weekly earnings of the nation's 96.2 million
full-time wage and salary workers were $541 in the fourth quarter of 1998.
This was 5.9 percent higher than a year earlier, compared with a gain of 1.5
percent in the CPI-U over the same period. ...

BLS has completed the first two of four pilot projects in Jacksonville,
Fla., and Tucson, Ariz., using alternative methods of gathering wage and
benefit data for determining locally prevailing wages under the Davis-Bacon
Act.  The pilot projects are the result of an agreement between the Labor
Department's Employment Standards Administration and BLS to test the
feasibility of using BLS to collect and publish Davis-Bacon wage data. ...
Robert Van Giezen, a BLS economist working on the project, says it is too
early to comment on the effectiveness of the alternative approach to
gathering data for Davis-Bacon prevailing wage surveys.  He adds that BLS
was pleased with a relatively high survey response rate.  Methodology used
in the pilot surveys mimicked the approach BLS used in its National
Compensation Surveys, Van Giezen said.  This meant that its adaptation to
Davis-Bacon data gathering was relatively easy for BLS staff, and "fit well
with our ongoing programs."  He said the agency's regional offices have
reported considerable interest in the survey results.  Agency staff will
evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the pilot studies procedures
once all the studies are completed, Van Giezen said, probably by the end of
this year.  The Davis-Bacon Act requires the payment of locally prevailing
wages and benefits on federal construction projects valued at more than
$2,000. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page A-4).

A final rule implementing a host of changes in Labor Department requirements
for recording workplace injuries and illnesses is now targeted for
publication in June, Department officials said yesterday. ...  Perhaps the
most significant issue being debated is how employers are to determine
whether an employee injury should be recorded.  Some have said an injury
should be recorded if it is more than 50 percent work related.  Others
believe they should be recorded if work contributed in any way to the
injury. ...  Another important issue is who will be covered by the new
requirements, with possible exemptions for industries that for two decades
have had to comply with the existing requirements.  But the proposal also
would cover some industries that for years have been exempt from the
requirements. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page A-7)_An industry task force
is proposing that employers be only required to record those cases that are
"clearly linked to the workplace," seeking a narrow approach to the
definition of work-related injuries under OSHA's planned record keeping
regulation. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page A-8).



[PEN-L:2413] Re: BLS Daily Report

1999-01-21 Thread Tom Walker

>RELEASED TODAY:  Median weekly earnings of the nation's 96.2 million
>full-time wage and salary workers were $541 in the fourth quarter of 1998.
>This was 5.9 percent higher than a year earlier, compared with a gain of 1.5
>percent in the CPI-U over the same period. ...

Four and a half percent is quite an astonishing increase in real median
weekly earnings.

Tom Walker

[PEN-L:2344] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-20 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.



__The price of goods imported into the United States dropped 0.7 percent in
December and fell 6.1 percent in 1998, BLS reports. The 1998 decline was the
largest annual price drop since 1983, when BLS began its series on import
prices.  "Those type of drops are, of course, extremely helpful in keeping
the U.S. inflation rate well under control," says the chief capital markets
economist with First Union.  Export prices dipped 0.1 percent in December
and fell 3.5 percent for the year.  The decline in export prices was the
sharpest annual downturn since BLS began this export price series in 1984,
and was more than double the percent of decreases in 1997 and 1996. ...
(Daily Labor Report, page D-6).
__Last year, prices for goods imported into the U.S. took their sharpest
decline in more than a decade, falling 6.1 percent, the Labor Department
said.  Oil prices pulled that reading down, as they plunged 40 percent
during the year.  Prices of exported goods also fell in 1998, declining 3.5
percent after falling 1.1 percent in 1997. ...  (Wall Street Journal, Jan.
18, page A2).

Employees of companies that don't offer full benefit packages are still most
likely to purchase benefits like vision care, health and life insurance, and
dental coverage through their employers, according to a study commissioned
by financial services company MetLife, New York (Wall Street Journal, "Work
Week", page A1).

Last year, 62 percent of mothers with children under the age of 3 had jobs,
compared with 52 percent in 1988, according to BLS. ...  Working fathers
spend an average of 2.3 hours a day with their kids, a half hour increase
over 20 years ago, according to the Families and Work Institute, New York
(Wall Street Journal, "Work Week," page A1).

The nation's factories, mines, and utilities ended a sluggish year on the
upswing, as industrial production increased slightly in October, November,
and December.  Consumer sentiment also rose in the early part of January,
still buoyed by low inflation, low interest rates, and a tight labor market.
Industrial production rose 0.2 percent in December, and readings for
November and October were revised upward slightly, the Federal Reserve said
on Friday.  The readings indicate that production has expanded at a slower
pace, but not as slowly as previously believed.  During all of 1998,
industrial production expanded just 3.7 percent, the slowest rate in 5
years.  In 1997, production grew a total of 6 percent. ...  (Wall Street
Journal, Jan. 18, page A2).

Business inventories increased 0.4 percent in November, and sales matched
inventories, up 0.4 percent, Census Bureau data show. ...  (Daily Labor
Report, page A-8).

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary Workers:  Fourth
Quarter 1998 



[PEN-L:2327] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-19 Thread Richardson_D

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__The producer price index for finished goods rose a seasonally adjusted 0.4
percent in December, after a 0.2 percent drop in November, BLS reports.  The
data were inadvertently released on the Internet a day early.  The core rate
-- minus volatile food and energy prices -- jumped 1 percent, its largest
advance since a like rise in October 1996.  The core increase has not been
greater than this since January 1981, when it advanced 1.1 percent.  BLS
said the December increase is largely the result of a 30.7 percent leap in
cigarette prices.  Excluding the rise in cigarette prices, the index for
finished goods other than food and energy declined 0.1 percent. ...  BLS
released the full PPI report on the Internet at 5 p.m. on Jan. 12, following
an earlier release of the data that BLS official Kathy Hoyle said was caused
by an "internal computer program error." ...  (Daily Labor Report, Jan. 13,
page D-1).
__For the second time in three months, BLS prematurely released key economic
data by posting it on the Internet.  A computer glitch resulted in the early
release of the report on prices charged by producers of finished goods last
month and last year -- information that was not due to be published until
Wednesday and that could be worth millions of dollars to stock and bond
traders fortunate enough to spot it. ...  Economists, however, said there
was no indication that the mistake played any part in Tuesday's broad stock
market decline, which traders attributed to profit-taking and a correction
in the values of some Internet and technology stocks. ...  "It was a flawed
programming design," William Parks, a senior BLS economist, said.  "It was
not human error.  Our systems people are looking at it."  In November, when
the employment numbers were released inadvertently, "that was more the case
of somebody pushing a button," Parks said. ...  (Tim Smart in Washington
Post, Jan. 13, page F1).   
__Prices paid to producers rose 0.4 percent last month after a record surge
in cigarette prices more than offset declines in energy and food costs, the
government said in a report that was posted by mistake on the Internet one
day early. ...  Scott Sager, a spokesman for the bureau, said the report was
posed on the Web site about 2 p.m. because of a computer error.  He said the
department deleted the information within an hour, but later decided to
release the data because some people had seen the posting (Bloomberg News
story in New York Times, Jan. 13, page C3).
__A spike in cigarette prices pushed wholesale inflation up sharply last
month, but prices otherwise remained tame.  For the second time in two
months, the government accidentally put data out early on the Internet,
forcing a rushed disclosure of the report late Tuesday afternoon.  BLS
officials blamed the early release on a computer-programming error. ...  The
premature release of the PPI figures helped bond prices in late trading,
even after prices had already shot up during the day. ...  Tuesday, the
mistake was discovered internally at about 3 p.m. Eastern time.  "We have no
indication that anyone traded or used the information," said BLS press
officer Kathy Hoyle.  "But once we learned that there was a possibility, we
felt we had to go ahead and release the data." ...  (Alejandro Bodipo-Memba
and Jacob M. Schlesinger in Wall Street Journal, Jan. 13, pages A2, C1). 

Between 1995 and 1997, the proportion of the U.S. labor force described as
contingent has declined, with a robust economy the likely catalyst for the
decrease, according to an article in the November Monthly Labor Review.
Despite the downturn in the number and percentage of contingent workers,
nearly three-fifths say they would rather hold a noncontingent job.  BLS
released proofs of the November MLR issue, including the article "Contingent
Work:  Results from the Second Survey," by Steven Hipple, an economist with
the agency. ...  Up to 4.4 percent of the workforce, or 5.6 million workers,
were employed in contingent positions in 1997, according to a study
conducted as part of BLS's Current Population Survey.  Two years earlier, as
much as 4.9 percent of the labor force, or 6 million workers, had contingent
jobs.  BLS defines contingent workers, for purposes of this survey, as any
employees who believe their positions are temporary and not expected to
continue. ...  (Daniel J. Roy in Daily Labor Report, Jan. 13, page A-7; text
of article, page E-3).

No one knows exactly how many contingent workers there are in the U.S.,
mainly because definitions vary.  Using one of the government's more
conservative definitions - people who've worked on the job a year or less -

[PEN-L:2326] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-19 Thread Richardson_D

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   CPI -- The CPI-U rose 0.1 percent in December, on a seasonally adjusted
basis, following increases of 0.2 percent in each of the preceding 2 months.
The food index was unchanged in December, after advancing 0.1 percent in
November. ...  The energy index, which was unchanged in November, fell 1.4
percent in December. ...  Excluding food and energy, the CPI-U increased 0.3
percent in December, following increases of 0.2 percent in each of the
preceding four months.  Three-fourths of the December rise in the index for
all items less food and energy was accounted for by a 18.8 percent rise in
the index for cigarettes, reflecting the pass-through to retail of the
45-cents-a pack wholesale price increase announced by major tobacco
companies in late November. ... 
   REAL EARNINGS -- Real earnings increased by 0.5 percent from November to
December after seasonal adjustment.  This gain was due to a 0.4 percent
increase in average hourly earnings and a 0.3 percent rise in average weekly
hours.  The earnings increase was slightly offset by a 0.2 percent increase
in the CPI-W. ...  Over the year, real average weekly earnings grew by 1.8
percent. ...  

__Labor Secretary Herman asks the Labor Department inspector general to
investigate the BLS' second premature release of time-sensitive data in less
than three months.  Herman says in a statement she is "deeply troubled and
dismayed" by the posting of the producer price index on the BLS Web site one
day before schedule. ...  The inadvertent posting follows a Nov. 5 release
of some supplemental employment data a day before the schedule.  "This is
clearly unacceptable, and I have asked BLS Commissioner Katharine Abraham
for a full report," Herman says. ...  At a press briefing, Abraham says a
computer programming error caused the premature release of the PPI. ...  BLS
Associate Commissioner Lois Orr said the data were mistakenly released at 1
p.m.  The bureau discovered the error roughly an hour later, and then
withdrew the price measure from its Web site.  When BLS discovered that
between 40 and 50 people had retrieved the information, the agency decided
to release the PPI at 5 p.m. that evening.  BLS Commissioner Abraham said it
may be impossible to determine who retrieved the PPI from the Web site early
and what, if any, benefit they accrued. ...  (Daniel J. Roy in Daily Labor
__Secretary Alexis Herman, calling Tuesday's inadvertent release of
December's producer price index "clearly unacceptable," said she was "deeply
troubled and dismayed that there has been another early release of time
sensitive BLS data." ...  "Needless to say, the Bureau is both embarrassed
and concerned by these incidents," Abraham said.  "We will do everything
possible to see that they do not recur, as the integrity of the data we
produce is our highest priority." ...  Tuesday's gaffe didn't have the same
impact on markets as did the November incident.  But nonetheless, some bond
traders apparently did get a leg up on their competition.  The blunder also
rattled other Wall Street watchers and has been an increasing source of
concern among economists who use government economic indicators to analyze
the state of the U.S. economy (Alejandro Bodipo-Memba in Wall Street
Journal, page A6).

Independent contractors tend to prefer their employment arrangements to a
traditional job, enjoy lengthy job tenures and high job satisfaction, and
receive, on average, higher compensation than traditional workers, according
to an article in the November 1998 "Monthly Labor Review" by BLS economist
Sharon R. Cohaney.  The article, entitled "Workers in Alternative Employment
Arrangements:  A Second Look" is based upon February 1997 data obtained from
the Current Population Survey.  It revealed that about one in 10 workers, or
12.6 million people, worked in one of the four alternative employment
arrangements. ...  (Victoria Roberts in Daily Labor Report, page A-2;
article reprint, page E-1).

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  U.S. Import and Export Price Indexes -- December 1998



[PEN-L:2324] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-19 Thread Richardson_D

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RELEASED TODAY:  The U.S. Import Price Index decreased 0.7 percent in
December.  The decline followed a 0.5 percent decrease the previous month
and was again attributable to a large decline in petroleum prices.  Prices
for nonpetroleum imports were unchanged in December.  Export prices edged
down 0.1 percent in December, after increasing 0.2 in November. ...  

__The CPI-U edged up a seasonally adjusted 0.1 percent in December and
advanced a modest 1.6 percent in 1998.  Not since 1986, when the CPI-U rose
1.1 percent, has the price index been this quiescent.  In 1997, the CPI-U
rose 1.7 percent.  Energy prices, which fell 1.4 percent in December and
dropped 8.8 percent in 1998, helped hold back consumer price increases.  The
1998 decline in energy costs is the sharpest drop since a 19.7 percent
plunge in 1986.  Analysts do not expect energy prices to fall as steeply in
1999 as in 1998. ...  Although the CPI core rate accelerated in 1998 to 2.4
percent from the 2.2 percent gain in 1997, much of this advance can be
attributed to increased tobacco prices, says BLS economist Patrick Jackman.
  (Daniel J. Roy in Daily Labor Report, page D-1).

Real average weekly earnings were up 0.5 percent in December, after
adjustments for seasonal employment variations, BLS reports. ...  (Daily
Labor Report, page D-18).

Retail sales rose 0.9 percent in December, lifted by strong sales of autos
and other durables, the Commerce Department says. ...  (Daily Labor Report,
page D-24).

New claims filed with state agencies for unemployment insurance benefits
dropped 4,000 to a seasonally adjusted 352,000 in the week ended Jan. 9, the
Employment and Training Administration of the Department of Labor announces.
This decrease continues the previous week's slide, with claims declining by
a revised 16,000 in the week ended Jan. 2.  Both of these declines follow
the dramatic increase of 83,000 claims in the week ended Dec. 26, 1998. ...
(Daily Labor Report, page D-22).

__The U.S. economy last year displayed an almost unprecedented combination
of strengths - including low inflation, low unemployment, and strong retail
sales.  BLS reported that consumer prices rose by a scant 1.6 percent in the
12 months ended in December, an even lower rate of inflation than the year
before when the consumer price index rose by 1.7 percent.  It was the first
time in more than 30 years that the economy could boast two years of such
low inflation back to back.  Cheap energy and falling prices for computers
helped keep inflation low, with the only major price rise occurring for
cigarettes.  Separately, the Commerce Department reported that retail sales
in December were up 0.9 percent from the same month a year before.  Sales of
automobiles and housing materials were major contributors to the increase.
  The last time the economy displayed anything close to this combination
of favorable indicators appears to have been in the mid-1950s, according to
Patrick C. Jackman, an economist at BLS.  In addition to the report on
consumer prices, initial claims for unemployment insurance fell in the week
ended Jan. 9. ...  Jackman said the U.S. economy had also enjoyed strong
growth in 1955, when the unemployment rate was 4.4 percent and the inflation
rate was only 0.4 percent.  But the strong growth at that time resulted from
coming out of a recession, he said. ...  (Martha M. Hamilton in Washington
Post, page E1).
__Consumer prices rose in 1998 at their slowest pace in 12 years, and retail
sales surged in December, capping a year in which rising wages allowed
consumer spending to rise at its fastest pace since 1984 and energized the
economy's longest peacetime expansion. ...  (Bloomberg News story in New
York Times, page C2).
__Consumer prices rose just 0.1 percent in December and a tiny 1.6 percent
for all of last year, the lowest rate since 1986.  Meanwhile, retail sales
increased a surprisingly strong 0.9 percent during December. ...  (Rodney Ho
in Wall Street Journal, page A2).

Business executives' optimism about sales, profits, and new orders fell in
the current quarter, according to a survey by Dun & Bradstreet. ...
(Washington Post, page E1).

Companies increasingly will turn to employees who work under short-term
contracts, typically without benefits, to fill their personnel needs during
the next few years, according to a study commissioned by TAC Worldwide Cos.,
a Newton, Mass., staffing firm.  The report found that only 39 percent of
the more than 100 companies surveyed in November and December increased
their contract staffing in 1998.  However, 54 percent of respondents said
they expect increases in 1999, and 66 percent foresee growth over the next
five years. ...  According to TAC, the most compelling r

[PEN-L:2067] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-12 Thread Richardson_D

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__The nation's nonfarm payroll catapulted to a seasonally adjusted gain of
378,000 in December, as the construction industry hired more workers to take
advantage of mild winter days, according to BLS.  The agency reports the
unemployment rate in December edged down to 4.3 percent from 4.4 percent in
November. ...  The services sector posted 111,000 new jobs in December.
Business services added 49,000 jobs in December, boosted by gains in
personnel supply services, up 27,000, and computer and data processing
services, up 14,000.  Employment in retail trade rose by 53,000 in December.
The manufacturing industry shed 13,000 jobs in December. ...  At a press
briefing, BLS Commissioner Katharine G. Abraham said the agency in December
revised the factors with which it seasonally adjusted data for 1998, using
updated employment patterns.  This revision resulted in a jobless rate in
the 4.3 percent to 4.5 percent range since April, slightly lower than
originally reported. ...  (Victoria Roberts in Daily Labor Report, pages
D-1, E-3).
__American consumers have been spending money like there's no tomorrow.  And
why not?  The Labor Department reported yesterday that more people have jobs
than ever, as businesses created 378,000 new jobs in December, nearly double
what analysts had anticipated.  Last month's unemployment rate was equal to
that of April, which was the lowest since 1970, during the Vietnam War.
About 64.2 percent of the population had jobs last month, an all-time high.
  (Tim Smart in Washington Post, Jan. 9, page G1).
__Despite an unsettled global economy, lower corporate profits, and a new
round of layoffs, the American economy keeps creating jobs at an astonishing
pace.  In December, the number of workers on payrolls made the biggest gain
in more than a year. ...  Signs of strength in the economy were impressive
and widespread, showing healthy gains in employment and wages among
disadvantaged demographic groups. ...  For 1998 as a whole, net job growth
was nearly 3 million, and unemployment hovered between 4.3 and 4.5 percent.
Except for a period at the height of the Vietnam War, the last time
unemployment was this low for any significant length of time was in 1957.
  (Sylvia Nasar in New York Times, Jan. 9, page A1).
__So where's the slowdown?  The government's surprisingly robust report on
employment growth in December shows that the economy is roaring ahead,
despite some weakness in the manufacturing sector.  Construction and retail
trade gains more than offset losses in manufacturing jobs. ...  (Alejandro
Bodipo-Memba in Wall Street Journal, page A2).

A new study of census data shows that the number of immigrants living in the
United States has almost tripled since 1970, rising from 9.6 million to 26.3
million today, and far outpacing the growth of the native-born population.
The new figures dramatically affirm that the country is going through a
remarkable transformation in just a generation's time, one that will reshape
the nation's demographics and social landscape for years to come.  As a
percentage of the population, immigrants account for nearly one in 10
residents, the highest proportion in 7 decades. ...  The great tide of
immigration over the past 3 decades has disproportionately affected certain
areas. ...  The new figures are included in a study conducted by the Center
for Immigration Studies and are based on the Census Bureau's Current
Population Survey for March 1998. ...  (Washington Post, Jan. 9, page A4). 

Employees in most organizations must report to work on Martin Luther King
Jr. Day, according to a Bureau of National Affairs survey of 364 employers
nationwide.  Only one out of four respondents will provide a paid holiday
for all or most workers on the third Monday in January. ...  (Daily Labor
Report, page A-11).

Silicon Valley added 19,400 jobs last year,  compared with 62,000 in 1997,
and exports from the region declined for the first time in 8 years,
according to the 1999 Index of Silicon Valley.  The report, which is
compiled by Joint Venture:  Silicon Valley Network Inc., a coalition of
corporate and civic organizations, shows that the region has continued to
grow but that some of the remarkable start-up fever, a trademark of the
area, has ratcheted back. ...  For the first time, the report included data
that compare the region's productivity in specific industries with the rest
of the country.  Measured in terms of value added per employee, Silicon
Valley workers in the computer and communications industries generated
$250,000 for each employee, compared with slightly less than $100,000 for
the average United States worker. Valley workers also sharply outpaced
average rates in the semiconductor 

[PEN-L:2051] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-11 Thread Richardson_D

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   EMPLOYMENT SITUATION -- Employment rose in December and the unemployment
rate, at 4.3 percent, was little changed.  Nonfarm payroll employment rose
by 378,000.  Growth was spread throughout the service-producing sector, and
unusually mild weather across much of the country contributed to strength in
construction. ...   
   COMMISSIONER'S STATEMENT -- Over the past year, payroll employment rose
by 2.9 million, or 2.3 percent, somewhat less than in the prior year.
Unemployment fell early in 1998 to 4.3 percent and has remained near that
level since April.  The 3.8 percent pace of growth in average hourly
earnings over the year was similar to that experienced in both 1996 and

A survey of employee benefits in medium and large private businesses reveals
that more employees participated in nontraditional health care plans in 1997
than in 1995, BLS reports.  While just over three-fourths of employees
covered by the survey received employer-funded medical care coverage in both
1995 and 1997, employee participation in nontraditional plans, such as
health maintenance organizations and preferred provider organizations,
increased from 63 percent in 1995 to 73 percent in 1997, BLS says. ...
Participation in traditional fee-for-service plans dropped from 37 percent
in 1995 to 27 percent in 1997.  In 1991, 67 percent of employees used the
traditional plans, in which employees pay for specific medical procedures as
the expenses are incurred, the data reveals. ...  (Victoria Roberts in Daily
Labor Report, page D-6).

New claims filed with state agencies for unemployment insurance benefits
dropped 22,000 to a seasonally adjusted 350,000 in the week ended Jan. 2,
the Employment and Training Administration says. ...  An economist with
Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette cautioned that the data do not necessarily
reveal a slackening in the labor market.  The data were influenced by two
holiday weeks and adverse weather conditions throughout the country. ...
(Daily Labor Report, page D-1; Wall Street Journal, page A2).

New orders for manufactured goods rose 0.6 percent in November, the Census
Bureau says.  The November increase follows a revised 1.7 percent decrease
in new orders in October.  October marked the only decline in new orders
since May. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page D-3; New York Times, page
C2)_November factory orders edged up after falling in October, but
manufacturing remains weak. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2).

The shortage of skilled workers in the construction industry will continue
to be a major, if not the leading, cause for concern in 1999, according to
various surveys and trade association reports.  A  study by the Construction
Industry Institute shows that 75 percent of contractors are experiencing
shortages of skilled workers and that these shortages are costing
contractors and owners time and money. ...  Robert Gasperow, executive
director of the Construction Labor Research Council, releases an analysis of
collective bargaining in construction in 1998, which shows that the average
first-year wage and benefit increase in new labor agreements was 94 cents
per hour or 3.4 percent.  The analysis is based on 425 agreements covering
about 327,000 union building trades employees. ...  (Daily Labor Report,
page C-1).

The administration will host a summit on Jan. 12 on enhancing U.S. workers'
job skills in the new century, led by Vice President Al Gore.  It will bring
business, labor, government, education, and community leaders from across
the country together to discuss various topics related to enhancing U.S.
workers' job skills in the new century and is to take place at George
Washington University in Washington, D.C. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page

Outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas says more layoffs were
announced in 1998 - 677,795 - than in any other year in the decade.  The
1998 total exceeds by 62,609 the previous decade high of 615,186 reached in
1993, the Challenger report says. ...   (Daily Labor Report, page
A-6)_Job cuts announced by U.S. firms in December - totally 103,166 -
were the highest of the year, doubling the figures for November. ...
Analysts at the firm attributed the rise in job cuts to the Asian economic
crisis, low oil prices, and a weakening manufacturing sector (Washington
Post, page F1).

Retailers charted sales in December that were more robust than anticipated,
they reported. ...  (Washington Post, page F1)_What was supposed to be a
good season for retailers turned out to be a great one instead, as
last-minute and post-holiday shopping propelled December sales gains to
their highest in half a decade.  Same-store sales, or sales in stores open
at least a year, a standard ind

[PEN-L:2027] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-08 Thread Richardson_D

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.



RELEASED TODAY:  The proportion of full-time employees with medical care
coverage remained fairly constant from 1995 to 1997, but more employees in
medium and large private establishments were participating in
non-traditional health care plans.  Just over three-fourths of full-time
employees participated in employer-provided medical care plans in both 1995
and 1997, but shifts occurred in the types of plans. ...

U.S. employers laid off 160,888 workers in 1,554 mass layoff actions in
October, BLS reports.  Both the number of mass layoffs and the number of
workers involved were higher than in September. ...  (Daily Labor Report,
page D-1).

Increasingly, companies are sending their employees to web sites to untangle
insurance and investment options, says The New York Times (page E1).
Employers embrace the notion as a way to automate their human resources
departments, cutting costs and increasing efficiency.  Employees either like
it or hate it.  Some find it empowering to be able to see their files and
change their choices.  But other find it frustrating to be left to sort out
the merits of an insurance plan on their own, trying to decipher the
coverage limits described on an insurer's Web site without the benefit of a
human being to help explain them.  That inherent tension leads some
observers to question whether low-tech human assistance is better than
high-tech self-help in the area of employee benefits, or in at least some
parts of the benefits process.  And experts and users seem divided on
whether self-service systems guarantee employees the depth of information
they need to make timely benefits decisions. ...

Income in the U.S. drew attention at this week's meeting of the American
Economic Association in New York.  Economists from the University of
Chicago, Texas A&M, and the Economic Policy Institute in Washington were
among those debating reasons behind the large gap between the rich and the
poor (Wall Street Journal, "Business Bulletin" column, page 1).

Business activity in the nonmanufacturing sector weakened slightly in
December, the National Association of Purchasing Management reports.  The
six industries reporting growth of business activity in December were
agriculture, insurance, retail trade, utilities, real estate, and
entertainment.  Nine indicated decreased activity, led by mining,
communication, wholesale trade, and business services. ...  (Daily Labor
Report, page A-4).

Sales of new homes rose in November to a record, which should bolster
economic growth in coming months. ...  (New York Times, page C4)_The
sales of newly built homes surge 7.6 percent in November, another sign of a
booming housing market.  The U.S. housing market continues to benefit from
strong consumer confidence, low interest rates, and a tight labor market,
making it difficult for home builders to keep pace with demand. ...  (Wall
Street Journal, page A2).

Most studies of foreign-born workers mix legal and illegal entrants and find
that immigrants' job skills are low and declining.  But, in a National
Bureau of Economic Research paper, a team led by New York University
sociologist Guillermina Jasso separated out legal immigrants, examining
federal records for all legal entrants from 1972 through 1995.  Their
finding:  For most of the last 25 years, the job skills of male legal
immigrants have exceeded those of native-born male workers - and, since
1986, male legal immigrants' skills  have been rising. ...  Changes in
immigration laws explain much of the trend.  A 1976 law to limit visas to
foreign physicians pushed down immigrants' average skill levels.  But they
have since risen because of laws passed in the 1980s to boost the number of
visas available to highly skilled workers and to crack down on fraudulent
marriages by immigrants trying to get around quotas.  Better education in
countries of origin has also contributed (Business Week, Jan. 11, page 34).

Strong productivity, willing consumers, and low inflation may again confound
the doomsayers in the New Year, says Business Week (Jan. 11, page 86) in a
lengthy article that includes graphs showing productivity, inflation, wages,
etc., from 1994 through 1998.  

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  The Employment Situation:  December 1998



[PEN-L:2025] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-08 Thread Richardson_D

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.


> RELEASED TODAY:  In October 1998, there were 1,554 mass layoff actions by
> employers as measured by new filings for unemployment insurance benefits
> during the month.  Each action involved at least 50 persons from a single
> establishment, and the number of workers involved totaled 160,888.  The
> number of layoff events and initial claimants for unemployment insurance
> were higher this October than in October 1997.  The total of layoff events
> from January through October 1998, at 12,762, was about the same as in the
> prior year (12,170), while the total number of initial claimants, at
> 1,419,165, was higher (1,270,463). ...   
> Construction spending  rose 0.9 percent in November, with strong gains in
> residential and public building, the Commerce Department says. ...  (Daily
> Labor Report, page A-2)_Construction spending rose for the sixth
> consecutive month. ...  (New York Times, page C18)_Construction
> spending jumped, showing that a main source of the U.S. economy's strength
> remains healthy. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2)
> U.S. sales of cars and light trucks ended 1998 on a strong note for most
> auto makers.  The trend was the same as it has been for several years:
> Soaring sales of light trucks overcame declining demand for cars. ...
> (Washington Post, page F1; Wall Street Journal, page
> A2)_DaimlerChrysler and Ford beat analysts' December sales forecasts,
> benefiting from strong truck demand and heavy discounts as the industry's
> second-best U.S. sales year ended. ...  (New York Times, page C3).
> "Remaking the U.S. Economy:  More Signs of Manufacturing's Weakened Role"
> is the title of "Trendlines" by Tim Smart (Washington Post, page F1).
> Smart says that, although manufacturing has been on the decline lately,
> the economy in general has been healthy, as shown in construction
> spending, consumer spending, and car sales, among other indicators. ...
> The consumer-driven and services-dependent economy, largely domestic in
> its orientation, is robust.  Contrast that strength with the weakness
> shown in the part of the economy that relies upon exports and makes goods.
> Prices in that sector tend to be set globally. ...  
> U.S. factories have cut payrolls by nearly a quarter million since March
> 1998, with slack demand from economically troubled Asia, a strong dollar,
> and cheaper foreign imports contributing to the job loss, say analysts
> contacted by the Bureau of National Affairs.  But, they add, technological
> advances heighten productivity, and an increasingly popular management
> philosophy favoring a leaner workforce has also driven manufacturers to
> cut staff.  Payroll declines in manufacturing are not a new story.  In
> fact, they are a long-term trend.  However, the recent large job losses
> focus attention on the issue. ...  U.S. factories cut their workforce by
> 47,000 in November, with job losses widespread across industries,
> according to data from the BLS establishment survey. ...  BLS Commissioner
> Katharine Abraham said the Asian crisis depressed employment in some
> sectors, especially in electronic equipment and industrial machinery. ...
> (Daniel J. Roy in Daily Labor Report, page C-1).
> The prevailing view at the three-day meeting of the American Economic
> Association was that high stock prices probably reflect the economy's
> actual strength and not a speculative bubble that could burst. ...  In the
> minds of many economists, the stock market serves mainly as a gauge of the
> real economy and a stimulus for spending.  What accounts much more for the
> strong economy, in this view, is the happy combination since 1995 of four
> factors:  robust job creation, rising output, falling unemployment, and
> minimal inflation. ...  (New York Times, page C2).
> The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health released a
> report that called job stress "a threat to the health of workers" and
> urged companies and employees to help reduce their risk. ...  NIOSH cited
> numerous studies of workplace stress that have been conducted in the past
> decade, including a 1998 survey by the Families and Work Institute that
> found that 26 percent of workers said they were "often or very often
> burned out or stressed by their work."  The report also said tensions
> appear to be on the rise, citing a 1997 survey conducted by Princeton
> Survey Research Associates, which found that three-quarters of employees
> believe the 

[PEN-L:2005] Re: Re: Re: BLS Daily Report

1999-01-08 Thread Rob Schaap

G'day Ellen and Jim,

Jim writes:

>IMHO, the strength of the US stock market first and foremost reflects the
>strength of the US profit rate

I get confused here.  Many 1998 annual reports within the Fortune 500
pointed at DECLINING profits, no?  And might we not be conflating 'core
business' performance with profits made on the stock markets?  I mean, if a
firm spends a heap on buy backs (& other stocks, too, I s'pose) on a
roaring Wall St, simply because of CEO stock options and the fact that
making the widgets of yore doesn't offer the returns you can get from
shares - why, wouldn't profit statements actually be reflecting Wall St
(and a bubble at that) rather than underpinning it?

Sorry if this is crap.  I just gotta know, that's all.


[PEN-L:2013] Re: Re: BLS Daily Report

1999-01-07 Thread Henry C.K. Liu

Tom Walker:

There is a difference between a transaction, which established a current price,
and value which reflects the likely future price of the inventory based on the
latest transaction price.

Say's law applies more to transactions.
While for every buyer, there must be a selling and vice versa, the gain and loss
of the transaction in price terms affect the value of the entire system in
economic terms.

Also there are occasions where there is a price but no transactions because
systemic resistance to price adjustments contradicts with transactional
Or, there are times that potential particiapnt in the market agree the price is
right, yet no transaction take place for other reasons, such as liquidity

Further, some transactional losses are not transferable into counter party gains.

Such losses just evaporate from the system as in  a burst bubble.

Henry C.K. Liu

Tom Walker wrote:

> Barkley Rosser wrote,
> > Of course he could be wrong and this is January, when
> >the "January Effect" of unusually rapidly rising stock
> >prices frequently happens.  But then October is often a
> >time of unusual declines and this last one saw a record
> >runup.  Oh well, we shall just have to wait and see.
> As I understand Say's law, for every seller, there's a buyer, eh?.
> Obviously, then there's as much money to be made during a stock market
> decline as during a rise. Or as Malthus said, "What an accumulation of
> commodities! Quels debouches! What a prodigious market would this event
> occasion!" (quoted by Keynes on page 364 of the General Theory of Employment)
> Tom Walker
> http://www.vcn.bc.ca/timework/

[PEN-L:2012] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: BLS Daily Report

1999-01-07 Thread Doug Henwood

Jim Devine wrote:
>One reason why corporations are able to buy back their stocks these days is
>because of abundant cash flow, which is partly the result of high profit

They're also borrowing heavily again, to buy each other and their own
shares. More in LBO #87, now on press.


[PEN-L:2010] Re: BLS Daily Report

1999-01-07 Thread Charles Brown

Seems like "a" ,not "the", triumph of

Charles Brown

>>> "Ellen T. Frank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/07 12:16 PM >>>
At 10:45 AM 1/7/99 -0500, you wrote:
>The prevailing view at the three-day meeting of the American Economic
>Association was that high stock prices probably reflect the economy's actual
>strength and not a speculative bubble that could burst. ...  In the minds of
>many economists, the stock market serves mainly as a gauge of the real
>economy and a stimulus for spending. 

Over the last few days, I have been looking over data on wages, exports,
bankruptcies, etc. in the former so-called emerging markets.  International
capital, it seems, is really putting the screws to the laboring classes in
Asia and South America.  Asian assets are on sale at rock-bottom prices;
commodity prices are so low, they're practically giving them away.  Is this
not the triumph of capitalism? Little wonder the Dow hit 9500.  

Ellen Frank


[PEN-L:2007] Re: Re: Re: BLS Daily Report

1999-01-07 Thread Tavis Barr

On Thu, 7 Jan 1999, Jim Devine wrote:

> Ellen writes:
> >Over the last few days, I have been looking over data on wages, exports,
> >bankruptcies, etc. in the former so-called emerging markets.  International
> >capital, it seems, is really putting the screws to the laboring classes in
> >Asia and South America.  Asian assets are on sale at rock-bottom prices;
> >commodity prices are so low, they're practically giving them away.  Is this
> >not the triumph of capitalism? Little wonder the Dow hit 9500.  
> IMHO, the strength of the US stock market first and foremost reflects the
> strength of the US profit rate, with the speculative bubble being present
> but secondary. Orthodox economists tend to conflate what's good for capital
> (the profit rate, a high stock market) with what's good for the people (the
> GDP and its distribution, with limited negative environmental impact, etc.,
> etc.) So it's natural that they would make this mistake.
> The question is whether the high US profit rate will persist given the mess
> that the rest of the world is in, not to mention the dynamic problems the
> result when an economy enjoys (and suffers from) a high and rising profit
> rate. (See my 1994 RESEARCH IN POLITICAL ECONOMY paper, on-line at:
> http://clawww.lmu.edu/Faculty/JDevine/subpages/depr/D0.html or /Depr.html) 
> Can the "triumph of capitalism" (or more accurately of some sectors of US
> capitalism) persist? It didn't after 1929, the previous period of similar
> capitalist triumphalism. So the question is: are we currently in the
> historical analogy of 1929 or of 1927? 

It seems, though, that US capital has found ways to benefit from the mess 
in the rest of the world.  GE, for example, made huge purchases in Asia, 
which it had been eyeing and organizing for some time but had found them 
too expensive.  The capital goods are so cheap now that even if it takes 
years for Asia to recover, GE will make out like bandits.  And their 
stock will continue to soar.  It's the old maxim about a crisis causing 
consolidation of capital, but the winners and losers were already mapped 
out before the crisis started.

If we believe that profit rates equalize across sectors, then this 
banditry should create rising profitability in the US by raising the 
opportunity cost of investing.  This would not preclude shrinkage in the 
"real" sector; in fact, it might even encourage it.


[PEN-L:2008] Re: Re: BLS Daily Report

1999-01-07 Thread Rosser Jr, John Barkley

 Gosh, well I didn't get to any of those sessions where 
people were being so pollyannaish about the US stock 
market.  OTOH lots of us have gotten burned predicting 
imminent collapses, etc., that have not happened, or were 
followed more than compensatory runups, as in the second 
half of last year.
  Nevertheless, I note that yesterday's Financial Times 
reports that the US $ has hit a recent low against the 
Japanese yen, partly triggered by comments by E. 
Seikekabaru (sp?), known as "Mr. Yen", that the US stock 
market is overvalued and that the US economy will shortly 
slow significantly.  He used the term "bubble."
 Of course he could be wrong and this is January, when 
the "January Effect" of unusually rapidly rising stock 
prices frequently happens.  But then October is often a 
time of unusual declines and this last one saw a record 
runup.  Oh well, we shall just have to wait and see.
 Good to see a number of you in New York.
Barkley Rosser
On Thu, 07 Jan 1999 09:45:19 -0800 Jim Devine 

> Ellen quotes:
> >>The prevailing view at the three-day meeting of the American Economic
> >>Association was that high stock prices probably reflect the economy's actual
> >>strength and not a speculative bubble that could burst. ...  In the minds of
> >>many economists, the stock market serves mainly as a gauge of the real
> >>economy and a stimulus for spending. 
> Ellen writes:
> >Over the last few days, I have been looking over data on wages, exports,
> >bankruptcies, etc. in the former so-called emerging markets.  International
> >capital, it seems, is really putting the screws to the laboring classes in
> >Asia and South America.  Asian assets are on sale at rock-bottom prices;
> >commodity prices are so low, they're practically giving them away.  Is this
> >not the triumph of capitalism? Little wonder the Dow hit 9500.  
> IMHO, the strength of the US stock market first and foremost reflects the
> strength of the US profit rate, with the speculative bubble being present
> but secondary. Orthodox economists tend to conflate what's good for capital
> (the profit rate, a high stock market) with what's good for the people (the
> GDP and its distribution, with limited negative environmental impact, etc.,
> etc.) So it's natural that they would make this mistake.
> The question is whether the high US profit rate will persist given the mess
> that the rest of the world is in, not to mention the dynamic problems the
> result when an economy enjoys (and suffers from) a high and rising profit
> rate. (See my 1994 RESEARCH IN POLITICAL ECONOMY paper, on-line at:
> http://clawww.lmu.edu/Faculty/JDevine/subpages/depr/D0.html or /Depr.html) 
> Can the "triumph of capitalism" (or more accurately of some sectors of US
> capitalism) persist? It didn't after 1929, the previous period of similar
> capitalist triumphalism. So the question is: are we currently in the
> historical analogy of 1929 or of 1927? 
> Ellen, it was good to see you at the convention!
> Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] &
> http://clawww.lmu.edu/Faculty/JDevine/jdevine.html

Rosser Jr, John Barkley

[PEN-L:2009] Re: BLS Daily Report

1999-01-07 Thread Tom Walker

Barkley Rosser wrote,

> Of course he could be wrong and this is January, when 
>the "January Effect" of unusually rapidly rising stock 
>prices frequently happens.  But then October is often a 
>time of unusual declines and this last one saw a record 
>runup.  Oh well, we shall just have to wait and see.

As I understand Say's law, for every seller, there's a buyer, eh?.
Obviously, then there's as much money to be made during a stock market
decline as during a rise. Or as Malthus said, "What an accumulation of
commodities! Quels debouches! What a prodigious market would this event
occasion!" (quoted by Keynes on page 364 of the General Theory of Employment)

Tom Walker

[PEN-L:2002] Re: BLS Daily Report

1999-01-07 Thread Ellen T. Frank

At 10:45 AM 1/7/99 -0500, you wrote:
>The prevailing view at the three-day meeting of the American Economic
>Association was that high stock prices probably reflect the economy's actual
>strength and not a speculative bubble that could burst. ...  In the minds of
>many economists, the stock market serves mainly as a gauge of the real
>economy and a stimulus for spending. 

Over the last few days, I have been looking over data on wages, exports,
bankruptcies, etc. in the former so-called emerging markets.  International
capital, it seems, is really putting the screws to the laboring classes in
Asia and South America.  Asian assets are on sale at rock-bottom prices;
commodity prices are so low, they're practically giving them away.  Is this
not the triumph of capitalism? Little wonder the Dow hit 9500.  

Ellen Frank


[PEN-L:1998] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-07 Thread Richardson_D

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.



RELEASED TODAY:  In October 1998, there were 1,554 mass layoff actions by
employers as measured by new filings for unemployment insurance benefits
during the month.  Each action involved at least 50 persons from a single
establishment, and the number of workers involved totaled 160,888.  The
number of layoff events and initial claimants for unemployment insurance
were higher this October than in October 1997.  The total of layoff events
from January through October 1998, at 12,762, was about the same as in the
prior year (12,170), while the total number of initial claimants, at
1,419,165, was higher (1,270,463). ...   

Construction spending  rose 0.9 percent in November, with strong gains in
residential and public building, the Commerce Department says. ...  (Daily
Labor Report, page A-2)_Construction spending rose for the sixth
consecutive month. ...  (New York Times, page C18)_Construction spending
jumped, showing that a main source of the U.S. economy's strength remains
healthy. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2)

U.S. sales of cars and light trucks ended 1998 on a strong note for most
auto makers.  The trend was the same as it has been for several years:
Soaring sales of light trucks overcame declining demand for cars. ...
(Washington Post, page F1; Wall Street Journal, page A2)_DaimlerChrysler
and Ford beat analysts' December sales forecasts, benefiting from strong
truck demand and heavy discounts as the industry's second-best U.S. sales
year ended. ...  (New York Times, page C3).

"Remaking the U.S. Economy:  More Signs of Manufacturing's Weakened Role" is
the title of "Trendlines" by Tim Smart (Washington Post, page F1).  Smart
says that, although manufacturing has been on the decline lately, the
economy in general has been healthy, as shown in construction spending,
consumer spending, and car sales, among other indicators. ...  The
consumer-driven and services-dependent economy, largely domestic in its
orientation, is robust.  Contrast that strength with the weakness shown in
the part of the economy that relies upon exports and makes goods.  Prices in
that sector tend to be set globally. ...  

U.S. factories have cut payrolls by nearly a quarter million since March
1998, with slack demand from economically troubled Asia, a strong dollar,
and cheaper foreign imports contributing to the job loss, say analysts
contacted by the Bureau of National Affairs.  But, they add, technological
advances heighten productivity, and an increasingly popular management
philosophy favoring a leaner workforce has also driven manufacturers to cut
staff.  Payroll declines in manufacturing are not a new story.  In fact,
they are a long-term trend.  However, the recent large job losses focus
attention on the issue. ...  U.S. factories cut their workforce by 47,000 in
November, with job losses widespread across industries, according to data
from the BLS establishment survey. ...  BLS Commissioner Katharine Abraham
said the Asian crisis depressed employment in some sectors, especially in
electronic equipment and industrial machinery. ...  (Daniel J. Roy in Daily
Labor Report, page C-1).

The prevailing view at the three-day meeting of the American Economic
Association was that high stock prices probably reflect the economy's actual
strength and not a speculative bubble that could burst. ...  In the minds of
many economists, the stock market serves mainly as a gauge of the real
economy and a stimulus for spending.  What accounts much more for the strong
economy, in this view, is the happy combination since 1995 of four factors:
robust job creation, rising output, falling unemployment, and minimal
inflation. ...  (New York Times, page C2).

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health released a report
that called job stress "a threat to the health of workers" and urged
companies and employees to help reduce their risk. ...  NIOSH cited numerous
studies of workplace stress that have been conducted in the past decade,
including a 1998 survey by the Families and Work Institute that found that
26 percent of workers said they were "often or very often burned out or
stressed by their work."  The report also said tensions appear to be on the
rise, citing a 1997 survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research
Associates, which found that three-quarters of employees believe the worker
today has more on-the-job stress than a generation ago. ...  NIOSH pinned
the blame on a variety of factors, including overwhelming workloads, poor
social environments at work, conflicting or uncertain expectations, job
insecurity, and loss of control over the pace of work because of
computerization. ...  (Washington Post, page F1).

The cos

[PEN-L:2006] Re: Re: Re: Re: BLS Daily Report

1999-01-07 Thread Jim Devine

I wrote: 
>>IMHO, the strength of the US stock market first and foremost reflects the
>>strength of the US profit rate

Rob writes: 
>I get confused here.  Many 1998 annual reports within the Fortune 500
>pointed at DECLINING profits, no?  

right. But the trend from the recovery from the Bush-era recession until
1998 has been for the profit rate to rise. Even though it didn't reverse
the profit-rate trend, the current small fall in profits is part of the
basis for the uncertainty about future profit rates. This fits well with my
view that the current profit-led growth path of the US economy is becoming
increasingly shaky. (The profit-led growth path is what I previously called
the "Tugan-Baranowsky path," "false prosperity," and "bootstrap growth.") 

>And might we not be conflating 'core
>business' performance with profits made on the stock markets?  I mean, if a
>firm spends a heap on buy backs (& other stocks, too, I s'pose) on a
>roaring Wall St, simply because of CEO stock options and the fact that
>making the widgets of yore doesn't offer the returns you can get from
>shares - why, wouldn't profit statements actually be reflecting Wall St
>(and a bubble at that) rather than underpinning it?

One reason why corporations are able to buy back their stocks these days is
because of abundant cash flow, which is partly the result of high profit
rates. Another factor is that interest is currently grabbing a smaller
chunk of pre-interest profit income than it a few years ago. Relatively low
interest rates help encourage buy-backs. 

I don't think the profitability of producing widgets is down (except in the
limited fall during 1998). Private investment has surged relative to
consumer demand in the current business cycle. 


[PEN-L:2004] Re: BLS Daily Report

1999-01-07 Thread Tom Walker

>>>strength and not a speculative bubble that could burst...In the minds of
>>>many economists, the stock market serves mainly as a gauge of the real
>>>economy and a stimulus for spending. 

I guess that means that "in the minds of many economists" the real economy
grew 2.5% yesterday but then shrunk a bit today. 

Tom Walker

[PEN-L:2003] Re: Re: BLS Daily Report

1999-01-07 Thread Jim Devine

Ellen quotes:
>>The prevailing view at the three-day meeting of the American Economic
>>Association was that high stock prices probably reflect the economy's actual
>>strength and not a speculative bubble that could burst. ...  In the minds of
>>many economists, the stock market serves mainly as a gauge of the real
>>economy and a stimulus for spending. 

Ellen writes:
>Over the last few days, I have been looking over data on wages, exports,
>bankruptcies, etc. in the former so-called emerging markets.  International
>capital, it seems, is really putting the screws to the laboring classes in
>Asia and South America.  Asian assets are on sale at rock-bottom prices;
>commodity prices are so low, they're practically giving them away.  Is this
>not the triumph of capitalism? Little wonder the Dow hit 9500.  

IMHO, the strength of the US stock market first and foremost reflects the
strength of the US profit rate, with the speculative bubble being present
but secondary. Orthodox economists tend to conflate what's good for capital
(the profit rate, a high stock market) with what's good for the people (the
GDP and its distribution, with limited negative environmental impact, etc.,
etc.) So it's natural that they would make this mistake.

The question is whether the high US profit rate will persist given the mess
that the rest of the world is in, not to mention the dynamic problems the
result when an economy enjoys (and suffers from) a high and rising profit
rate. (See my 1994 RESEARCH IN POLITICAL ECONOMY paper, on-line at:
http://clawww.lmu.edu/Faculty/JDevine/subpages/depr/D0.html or /Depr.html) 

Can the "triumph of capitalism" (or more accurately of some sectors of US
capitalism) persist? It didn't after 1929, the previous period of similar
capitalist triumphalism. So the question is: are we currently in the
historical analogy of 1929 or of 1927? 

Ellen, it was good to see you at the convention!


[PEN-L:1995] Re: Re: Re: Re: BLS Daily Report

1999-01-06 Thread Jim Devine

Doug wrote:
>'Cause I'm way out of town this week. How's the convention? I heard there
>was a party for the Long Term Capital guys.

I don't know about the party, since I wasn't invited. The URPE part of the
convention was very good, since the ASSA cut-backs seem to have energized
URPE's spirit to resist. Also, it's great to talk to an over-full room.

I went to only one AEA session, with Edmund Phelps, proxies for the late
Robert Eisner, and Ray Fair talking about the NAIRU. Alan Blinder and Jamie
Galbraith and James Tobin and ?? can't remember ?? commented. It was pretty
good, considering. The old NAIRU is in trouble. Interestingly, the most
conservative of the bunch, "Ned" Phelps, was pushing a thesis that showed
up in my Ph.D. thesis: a rising rate of profit lowers the NAIRU (what he
called the "natural" rate). Much less plausibly, he saw the high stock
market as helping lower the NAIRU. Hmmm

Doug, this cyber-Bud's for you.


[PEN-L:1992] Re: Re: Re: BLS Daily Report

1999-01-06 Thread Doug Henwood

Jim Devine wrote:

>Not to minimize the bad news concerning this reestimation, but the good
>news, as Dave Richardson pointed out awhile back, is that lower measured
>inflation rates mean that the Fed is less likely to get pressured to step
>on the brakes.

I'm way out of touch here in southwestern Virginia this week, but it sounds
like the Fed is worried about the stock market, now that the crisis period
in Asia is fading. The president of the Atlanta Fed gave a speech the other
day that evoked bubblish fears, though in that careful way Fedsters do.

>BTW, Doug, I didn't see you at the economics convention. I still owe you a
>beer (or four). I guess I'll have to send you a cyber-beer.

'Cause I'm way out of town this week. How's the convention? I heard there
was a party for the Long Term Capital guys.


[PEN-L:1994] Re: BLS Daily Report

1999-01-06 Thread Tom Walker

Doug Henwood wrote,

>like the Fed is worried about the stock market, now that the crisis period
>in Asia is fading. The president of the Atlanta Fed gave a speech the other
>day that evoked bubblish fears, though in that careful way Fedsters do.

I was wondering when someone was going to notice. What's the market up so
far this year? 5%?

Tom Walker

[PEN-L:1989] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-06 Thread Richardson_D

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The manufacturing sector continued its slowdown in December, recording the
lowest level of activity since May 1991, the National Association of
Purchasing Management reports.  Analysts had predicted the monthly index of
manufacturing business activity would rise in December. ...  (Daily Labor
Report, page A-2)_Manufacturing activity slowed for the seventh straight
month in December, as production slumped, factories eliminated jobs, and
weak demand hurt prices. ...  The index has been below 50 since June, which
means the number of manufacturers that said business deteriorated was
greater than the number of those saying it improved (Washington Post, page
C1)_The manufacturing sector continued to contract last month, as a key
index of industrial activity fell to its lowest level since the depths of
recession nearly 8 years ago.  Still, the largely gloomy report showed some
signs of hope.  A major reason for manufacturing's woes over the past year
has been the Asian crisis, which has reduced exports.  But the survey showed
that, in December, export orders contracted at a slower pace than in
November. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2)

After 10 years of study, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
sets standards for drivers of forklifts and other industrial trucks.  OSHA
says it will require drivers to receive in-class and on-the-job training
before operating the machines.  Drivers will also be re-evaluated every 3
years. ...  Accidents involving forklifts are among the leading causes of
workplace casualties, killing 110 workers in 1997 and injuring 95,000
others. ...  (Wall Street Journal's "Work Week" feature, page A1). 

Temporary workers used to be at the low end of the workplace food chain,
but, in today's fast-changing high-tech world, a growing number of techies
are discovering that today's job market rewards rather than punishes workers
who move frequently between jobs, mastering new skills in the process.  In
the high-tech world, temp workers can also avoid the problem full-time
employees frequently face:  That once hired, they don't move rapidly up the
salary scale, and they don't get the job training needed to stay fresh in
their specialties. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page B1).

The USA Today (page 4B) consensus estimate for the December unemployment
rate is 4.5 percent, compared with 4.4 percent in November, and for average
hourly earnings is a 0.3 percent rise, compared with a 0.2 percent increase
in November. 

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  Mass Layoffs in October 1998



[PEN-L:1988] Re: Re: BLS Daily Report

1999-01-06 Thread Jim Devine

Doug writes:
>Ok, the adjustments to the CPI so far have lowered it by 0.4 points, and
>here we've got another 0.2. It looks like the Boskinites have won. Last
>time I said that, people disagreed, but I'm going to say it again.

Not to minimize the bad news concerning this reestimation, but the good
news, as Dave Richardson pointed out awhile back, is that lower measured
inflation rates mean that the Fed is less likely to get pressured to step
on the brakes.

BTW, Doug, I didn't see you at the economics convention. I still owe you a
beer (or four). I guess I'll have to send you a cyber-beer.


[PEN-L:1973] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-05 Thread Richardson_D

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Consumers' quick draw with credit cards and checkbooks will slow in 1999,
constrained by tepid job growth, rising debt, insecurity about the future,
and a stock market that no longer seems able to guarantee spectacular
returns, economists predict.  All but one of the 25 economists surveyed by
the Bureau of National Affairs in mid-to-late December predict U.S. growth
will become lackluster in 1999, restrained by a drop off in consumer
spending. ...  Because consumer spending has driven the spectacular U.S.
expansion in the last few years, most analysts participating in BNA's annual
survey say an economic slowdown is inevitable.  Although economists have
expected the economy to cool for some time, growth continued robust and
unabated.  But, they say, 1999 will be different.  Forces have aligned to
almost surely brake expansion to a level of 1.4 percent to 2.8 percent, all
but one survey participant predicts. ...  Job market growth will cool its
heels this year, in response to thriftier consumers, corporate profit
squeezes, and increasing layoffs.  Nonetheless, most economists surveyed
predict that the unemployment rate, while creeping higher, will stay below 5
percent. ...  Looking to defend and sustain domestic growth, the Fed will
stay on an easing track in 1999, with one eye focused on real economic
events at home and the other on developments abroad. ...  Most economists
expect only a modest uptick in inflation this year, as consumer prices are
kept at bay by low oil prices, rising unemployment, excess industrial
capacity, and global competition. ...  At the start of 1999, indications are
that the global economy is headed for another year of slow growth, but the
world's financial crisis should not result in a recession, analysts say. ...
(Daily Labor Report, 1999 Economic Outlook section).

The U.S. economy is expected to grow at a slower pace in 1999 than last
year, according to most economists participating in a semiannual survey.
Global uncertainties are making forecasting trickier, economists say. ...
(Wall Street Journal, page A2).

New claims filed with state agencies for unemployment insurance benefits
rose dramatically, up 79,000 to a seasonally adjusted 368,000 in the week
ended Dec. 26, the Employment and Training Administration announces.  Winter
storms in several areas of the country have been cited as reasons for the
increase. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page D-1; Wall Street Journal, page
A4)_New claims soared at the fastest pace in more than 6 years, but the
figure may have been skewed by bad weather and the Christmas holiday. ...
Economists in the private sector had expected new claims to rise to only
312,000. ...  (Washington Post, Jan. 1, page D1)_The increase in claims
could be a sign that hard times abroad are hitting American companies
harder. ...  (New York Times, Jan. 1, page C2).

The Conference Board's help-wanted index jumped 4 percentage points in
November, signaling continued job growth, the board announces.  The index
increased to 91 percent of its 1987 base, still below the 93 percent
recorded one year ago.  "The great American job machine is not broken," one
economist with the Conference Board says.  "It isn't even slowing." ...
(Daily Labor Report, page A-8).

Manufacturing in the Midwest picked up unexpectedly in December, helped by
rising production and an increase in inventories, according to the National
Association of Purchasing Management-Chicago. ...  (New York Times, Jan. 1,
page C4).

The Wall Street Journal's consensus forecast is that, in December, nonfarm
payrolls rose 193,000, and the unemployment rate rose by 0.1 percentage
point to 4.5 percent. 

One of the enduring goals of the labor movement is to achieve uniform
contract terms throughout each industry.  Unions typically were able to meet
this objective when the workforce was highly unionized.  But as organized
labor's strength declined in recent decades, so too has its ability to reach
pattern agreements, according to labor officials and labor-management
specialists interviewed by BNA. ...  Pattern bargaining is still widely used
in some industries, including steel and petroleum, according to the research
director for the Midwest Center for Labor Research.  However, "pattern
bargaining, as defined in the 1950s and 1960s, is different and we're not
going back to that." ...  (Daily Labor Report, page C-1).



[PEN-L:1963] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-04 Thread Richardson_D

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If the Christmas buying season doesn't turn out to be as great as retailers
expected, it wasn't because consumers didn't have money to spend.  The
Commerce Department reported that personal income rose 0.5 percent in
November, the largest monthly gain since February.  Wage and salary income
was up 0.6 percent for the month, for a 6.1 percent increase from November
1997.  Moreover, disposable personal income - essentially after-tax income -
continued to rise far faster than prices.  Over the past 12 months,
disposable personal income after being adjusted for inflation increased 3.3
percent, and in the past 3 months grew at an even faster 3.7 percent annual
rate.  Gains in this measure of consumer buying power have been 2 percent or
more in each of the past 5 years, a record unmatched since the 1960s.  In
the same report, the Commerce Department said consumer spending rose only
0.1 percent in November, as purchases of new cars, light trucks, and other
durable goods fell 0.9 percent. ...  (Washington Post, Dec. 25, page
B9)_Personal income saw its sharpest monthly increase in 9 months, and
Americans chose to put some of it into savings for a rainy day. ...  (Wall
Street Journal, page A2).

The number of Americans who filed first-time claims for unemployment
benefits for the week ended Dec. 19 fell 13,000 to 287,000.  The Labor
Department said the decline to 287,000.  The Labor Department said the
decline to 287,000, which followed a 28,000 person drop from the previous
week, marked the first time in 11 weeks that initial jobless claims fell to
less than 300,000.  It is the lowest level in a year and a half. ...  (Wall
Street Journal, page A2).

Many professional pollsters have concluded that there's no future for online
surveys as a way to estimate public opinion reliably.  The demographics of
Internet users are not the same as the population as a whole. ...  And
pranksters are always ready to stuff the electronic ballot boxes with bogus
opinions.  But, Louis Harris and Associates, one of America's top polling
firms, has been conducting experiments that may revolutionize the way public
opinion polls are done - while at the same time slashing the cost of a
typical poll by eliminating tens of thousands of dollars in interviewer
salaries and long-distance charges. ...  The  method Harris researchers use,
as described by their Internet research director, consists of assembling a
database of about 1.5 million Internet users from around the country.
Everyone in this database agreed to participate in Harris e-mail surveys and
answered a detailed questionnaire asking their age, income, and race as well
as political inclinations, voting intentions, and other relevant facts. ...
This database allows Harris researchers to select a large random sample of
Internet users and then statistically adjust it so that the percentages of
men and women, blacks and whites, Republicans and Democrats, etc., equal the
proportion of those groups in the country as a whole.  In theory -- and here
some survey methodologists would disagree -- the results from this adjusted
sample should be the same as those obtained in a traditional phone survey.
  Does this work?  So far, the answer is a qualified yes.  For all of
1998, Harris has been conducting a monthly online poll that asks some of the
same questions that appear on the monthly Harris Poll. ...  For most issues,
there are only minor differences, if any. ...  Efforts of pollsters to
harness the Internet are being helped by the rapidly changing demographics
of the online world. ...  The Internet is beginning to look a lot like
America. ...  (Washington Post, Dec. 27, page C5).

Japan's official jobless rate rose to a record 4.4 percent in November,
matching the U.S. rate for the first time since Tokyo began keeping such
statistics 45 years ago. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A1).



[PEN-L:1962] Re: BLS Daily Report

1999-01-04 Thread Doug Henwood

Richardson_D wrote:

>"Consumer Choice and the CPI:  Tossing a Variable Into the Market Basket" is
>the title of a "Trendlines" article by John M. Berry in the Washington Post.
>Berry says that BLS has been publishing an experimental version of the CPI
>that adjusts for consumer substitution of an item when a similar one goes up
>in price.  A version of this formula, to be used officially beginning next
>month, lowers the index's annual increase by about 0.2 percentage points.
>...  This change, one of a series of alterations the agency has made in the
>CPI over the past several years to make it a truer measure of shifts in the
>cost of living, will be important for a wide swath of the U.S. population.
>For instance, it will reduce the annual cost-of-living adjustments in many
>government benefit programs, such as Social Security, relative to what the
>COLAs would have been without the change.  It also will slightly reduce the
>annual adjustments made in parts of the personal income tax code to offset
>inflation, such as the size of personal exemptions, the standard deduction,
>and the so-called income break points between different tax brackets. ...
>When BLS Commissioner Katharine G. Abraham announced in April that the new
>formula, known as a geometric mean, would be used beginning in January, she
>noted that substitution isn't a simple matter. ...

Ok, the adjustments to the CPI so far have lowered it by 0.4 points, and
here we've got another 0.2. It looks like the Boskinites have won. Last
time I said that, people disagreed, but I'm going to say it again.


[PEN-L:1961] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-04 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.



RELEASED TODAY:  In June through September of 1998, there were 1,215 mass
layoff actions by employers that resulted in the separation of 241,212
workers from their jobs for more than 30 days.  For the first three quarters
of 1998, the total of extended layoff events, at 4,069, and worker
separations, at 814,597, were slightly higher than in the corresponding
period of 1997 (3,968 and 807,799, respectively). ...

The index of leading economic indicators jumped 0.6 percent in November,
suggesting a healthy U.S. economy that will continue expanding at least
through the early part of next year, the Conference Board reports. ...
(Daily Labor Report, page D-1; New York Times, page C2)_The index of
leading economic indicators rose sharply as the stock market boomed,
exceeding expectations and providing signs of optimism for the U.S. economy
heading into 1999. ...  (Washington Post, page E1).

The index of leading economic indicators shot up, having the biggest
one-month increase in nearly two years.  Meanwhile, though, a survey of
business executives showed many companies are anticipating some rockier
business conditions in 1999.  Tight profit margins are expected to take
their toll on the bottom lines of many companies, according to the American
Business Conference's quarterly survey of chief executives. ...  (Wall
Street Journal, page A2).

Wage data compiled by BNA in 1998 show that the median negotiated first-year
wage increase was 3 percent, and the weighted average was 3.1 percent. ...
(Daily Labor Report, page D-2).

Despite outward signs of prosperity in the U.S. economy, 1999 will not be a
"happy" year for those bargaining new contract agreements, according to Gary
Chaison, a professor of industrial relations at Clark University in
Massachusetts.  Employers, particularly in the manufacturing industry, will
continue to be plagued with "severe competitive pressures" because of the
impact of the Asian financial crisis on U.S. companies, he says. ...  Major
issues at the bargaining table are expected to include job security and
outsourcing.  As for wages and benefits, experts expect to see unions
pushing this year for bigger wage increases because of the healthy economy.
One big-ticket item that is sure to spark considerable discussion in
bargaining is health care and how to deal with anticipated increased costs.
  (Daily Labor Report, page C-1).

U.S. corporations plan to boost research and development spending by 9.3
percent in 1999 -- more than four times the 2.2 percent rate at which the
nation's economy is expected to expand.  The fast-growing high-tech industry
will lead, according to an annual survey by Battelle Memorial Institute, a
contract research concern, and R&D Magazine. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page



[PEN-L:1960] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-04 Thread Richardson_D

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Major companies are announcing layoffs, but because of the tight labor
market, managers and others often find new jobs quickly. ...  The
unemployment rate for managers and professional employees was 1.7 percent in
November - the fifth time at that level in the past year - matching a low
reached only once before (in 1989) in the 16 years of such BLS reports (Wall
Street Journal, "Work Week," page A1).

Tens of thousands of workers are hearing "Happy holidays, you're fired" as
corporate America, struggling to boost bottom lines and bolster stock
prices, has undertaken its most severe round of announced layoffs since the
start of the decade. ...  (USA Today, page 3B).

Many employees will begin looking for a new job as the new year approaches.
Membership in some job-placement firms jumps by 30 percent, as workers job
shop amid a tight labor market and lingering concern over job cuts.
End-of-the-year pay raises have come, bonuses are landing, and many
employment contracts are up.  Companies project workforce growth to average
4.6 percent through June 1999, based on a survey by the American Management
Association.  Meanwhile, many workers are looking to leave now in fear of
after-holiday layoffs.  A tight labor market of 4.4 percent unemployment in
November also means employees are feeling confident. ...  (USA Today, page

The workplace injury and illness rate for private industry declined to 7.1
cases for each 100 workers in 1997 from 7.4 in 1996, BLS reported.  Based on
6.1 million instances, the rate was the lowest since the agency began
reporting the data in the early 1970s (Wall Street Journal, "Work Week,"
page A1).

Nearly 17 million people directly and indirectly work for the federal
government, about eight times more than the conventional head count used to
describe the size of the bureaucracy, according to research by Paul C.
Light, director of the Center for Public Service at Brookings. ...  In
calculating the government's size, using 1996 data, Light began with 1.9
million full-time civilian federal workers and added in 1.5 million
uniformed military personnel and 850,000 Postal Service employees.  He then
measured the "shadow" workers who act on behalf of the federal government.
Light figured that the government's $200 billion in contracts in 1996
created 5.6 million jobs, its $55 billion in grants created another 2.4
million jobs, and its regulatory mandates encumbered 4.7 million jobs in
state, county, and city governments.  He added those 12.7 million shadow
jobs to the 4.25 million civil service, military, and postal positions to
assert that the true size of government in 1996 was nearly 17 million
employees. ...  Light relied on Commerce Department and General Services
Administration databases. ...  (Washington Post, Dec. 28, page A23). 

U.S. home sales will slip in 1999 from this year's record pace, but interest
rates will stay low and demand will remain strong, the National Association
of Home Builders says. ...  (USA Today, page 1B; New York Times, page C18).

Ability to communicate ranked first among personal qualities of college
graduates sought by employers, in a survey of 480 companies and public
organizations by the National Association of Colleges and Employers.  Work
experience was second, motivation third, and academic credentials sixth.
Ethics was 10th (Wall Street Journal, "Work Week," page A1).

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment:  November



[PEN-L:1959] BLS Daily Report

1999-01-04 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.



RELEASED TODAY:  In November, 207 metropolitan areas had unemployment rates
below the U.S. average, while 113 areas had higher rates.  Of the 20
metropolitan areas with rates below 2.0 percent, 14 were located in the
Midwest, and 5 were in the South.  Of the 14 areas with jobless rates of 9.0
percent or more, 8 were in California, and 5 were along the Mexican border
in other states. ...  

"Consumer Choice and the CPI:  Tossing a Variable Into the Market Basket" is
the title of a "Trendlines" article by John M. Berry in the Washington Post.
Berry says that BLS has been publishing an experimental version of the CPI
that adjusts for consumer substitution of an item when a similar one goes up
in price.  A version of this formula, to be used officially beginning next
month, lowers the index's annual increase by about 0.2 percentage points.
  This change, one of a series of alterations the agency has made in the
CPI over the past several years to make it a truer measure of shifts in the
cost of living, will be important for a wide swath of the U.S. population.
For instance, it will reduce the annual cost-of-living adjustments in many
government benefit programs, such as Social Security, relative to what the
COLAs would have been without the change.  It also will slightly reduce the
annual adjustments made in parts of the personal income tax code to offset
inflation, such as the size of personal exemptions, the standard deduction,
and the so-called income break points between different tax brackets. ...
When BLS Commissioner Katharine G. Abraham announced in April that the new
formula, known as a geometric mean, would be used beginning in January, she
noted that substitution isn't a simple matter. ...  

Home sales climbed to just short of July's record during November, rising
2.7 percent from October amid a strong economy, mild weather, and low
mortgage rates. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2).

After rising sharply in November, consumer confidence held steady in
December, the Conference Board reports.  It says the consumer confidence
index dipped 0.3 percentage point in December to 126.1. ...  (Daily Labor
Report, page A-8)_Consumer confidence bodes well for spending in early
1999. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2).

Sales of existing homes rose 2.7 percent in November, staying on track to
set a record in 1998, according to the National Association of Realtors. ...
Meanwhile, consumers' confidence in the economy held steady, although
Americans grew more cautious in their outlook for the future. ...
(Washington Post, page C13)_ Sales of existing homes rose in November to
their second-strongest rate ever, energized by optimistic consumers, low
mortgage rates, and job gains. ...  (New York Times, page C2).

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  Extended Mass Layoffs in the Third Quarter of 1998



Re: [PEN-L:1576] Re: Re: Re: BLS Daily report

1998-12-18 Thread Anthony D'Costa

On Tue, 15 Dec 1998, Doug Henwood wrote:

> Michael Perelman wrote:
> >In response to Tom's question below, I suspect that the Bank of International
> >Settlements may be correct in so far as they go.  The norm is not for a
> >company
> >to remove jobs via direct investment in a facility abroad.
> >
> >Outsourcing is a more likely route.  Outsourcing need not involve direct
> >investment.  Besides, the Bank statement is unclear if t would even pick
> >up the
> >direct investment that leads to outsourcing.
> >
> >For example, GM wants to outsource an auto part.  I invest in a shop in
> >Bolivia
> >to make the part, but not direct investment links the change to GM's laying
> >workers off.
> Well how about this? The table shows total employment in U.S. motor
> vehicles and equipment up 265,000 from Jan 90-Nov 98 - or 216,000 looking
> at just production workers alone. In parts and accessories, the numbers are
> +167,000 and +130,000. After declining from the 1970s into the early 1990s,
> motor vehicles have increased their share of total employment since.
> Another point - though lots of people generalize about "globalization"
> trends from the auto industry, it represents well under 1% of total
> employment. Over 7 times as many people work in finance as in motor
> vehicles; 10 times in health, 20 times in government, and 22 times in
> retail.
> Doug

Even services are "globalized".  however, overseas shares of output,
employment, etc. to total national output, employment, etc. is still very
small.  In other words, the whole question of globalization has been
perhaps overblown.

Anthony D'Costa

> motor MV
>   vehicles &   parts &
>   equipment   accessories
>  --total
> total produc total   produc  employment
>   1/70   879   683   382   30671,018
>   1/80   852   627   388   30490,729
>   1/90   737   540   373   290   108,946
>   2/92   804   616   414   327   108,077
>  11/98 1,002   756   539   421   126,775
> change to
> 11/98 from
> --
> number
>   1/70  +123   +73  +157  +114   +55,757
>   1/80  +150  +129  +151  +117   +36,046
>   1/90  +265  +216  +167  +130   +17,829
>   2/92  +198  +140  +125   +94   +18,698
>   1/70+14.0%+10.7%+41.1%+37.3%+78.5%
>   1/80+17.6%+20.6%+38.9%+38.4%+39.7%
>   1/90+36.0%+40.0%+44.7%+45.0%+16.4%
>   2/92+24.6%+22.7%+30.2%+28.8%+17.3%
> % of total
>   1/70 1.24% 0.96% 0.54% 0.43%100.0%
>   1/80 0.94% 0.69% 0.43% 0.33%100.0%
>   1/90 0.68% 0.50% 0.34% 0.27%100.0%
>   2/92 0.74% 0.57% 0.38% 0.30%100.0%
>  11/98 0.79% 0.60% 0.43% 0.33%100.0%

Re: [PEN-L:1573] Re: BLS Daily report

1998-12-16 Thread Anthony D'Costa

There is plenty of arguments and evidence as why FDI in LDCs do not
displace jobs in the home countries in the same magnitude as popular
perceptions might warrant.  The reason is different segments of the
production process or different types of production are normally farmed
out.  In other words skill intensities vary.  However, this does not mean
that home countries do not suffer from job losses in those sectors.  The
losses result from technological change.  Un- semi-skilled work tends to
get technologically substituted in the home country because of high wage
costs.  Low wage imports add to that burden.  On the average, skill
intensity of imports from LDcs tend to be much lower than competing
industries in the home country.  Most importantly, on the average, FDI is
not determined by low wages.  If that were the case, we would not have
about 70% of global FDI taking place within the triad (US, WEur, Japan).

Anthony P. D'Costa
Associate Professor
Comparative International Development
University of Washington
1900 Commerce Street
Tacoma, WA 98402, USA

Phone: (253) 692-4462
Fax :  (253) 692-5612

On Tue, 15 Dec 1998, Tom Kruse wrote:

> We read:
> [snip]
> >Outflows of foreign direct investment from rich to poor countries are having
> >only a limited negative impact on employment in source economies, according
> >to the Bank for International Settlements. ...  "Fears that jobs are being
> >destroyed in the industrialized countries when multinational enterprises
> >invest in low-wage countries are only in part supported by the evidence,"
> >according to a working paper prepared by the bank. ...  The authors point
> >out that because of the low degree of substitution between employees in
> >parent companies and their affiliates abroad, even where there may be some
> >displacement of home-country workers due to Foreign Direct Investment, "such
> >effects are likely to have been only moderate" ...  (Daily Labor Report,
> >page A-9).
> Comments anyone? This would seem to really challenge the "exporting
> manufacturing and other good jobs" thesis of globalization.  I suppose we'd
> first need to know what "only in part" means.  And what exaclty does
> substitution mean?  That the overseas worker directly substitutes the US
> worker?  What if in the transfer of the production process innovation
> occurs, eliminating a one-to-one correpsondence between jobs before in the
> US and jobs after overseas?  Any insights?
> Tom
> Tom Kruse
> Casilla 5812 / Cochabamba, Bolivia
> Tel/Fax: (591-4) 248242

Re: [PEN-L:1573] Re: BLS Daily report

1998-12-16 Thread Peter Dorman

There's a huge literature on this topic, which I don't have time to get
into right now.  (I summarized and critiqued the first wave of it in a
report I wrote to the Labor Dept. back in 1995.)  All I will say right
now is that the question has generally been ill-posed.  (1) It looks for
absolute job loss, when the correct measure, in labor market terms, is
the impact of marginal decreases in demand on wages.  See also Dani
Rodrik on this.  (2) It misses entirely the political-economic
mechanism, through which pressures on firms' investment decisions and
countries' current accounts are translated into business-friendly
economic policies.  Rodrik sort of gets this.  (3) On a technical level,
every study I've seen makes neoclassical assumptions concerning the
effects of international trade, market clearing, marginal productivity
pricing, etc. that effectively beg the question.

I've already gone on too long.  Student papers to read.

Peter Dorman

[PEN-L:1576] Re: Re: Re: BLS Daily report

1998-12-15 Thread Doug Henwood

Michael Perelman wrote:

>In response to Tom's question below, I suspect that the Bank of International
>Settlements may be correct in so far as they go.  The norm is not for a
>to remove jobs via direct investment in a facility abroad.
>Outsourcing is a more likely route.  Outsourcing need not involve direct
>investment.  Besides, the Bank statement is unclear if t would even pick
>up the
>direct investment that leads to outsourcing.
>For example, GM wants to outsource an auto part.  I invest in a shop in
>to make the part, but not direct investment links the change to GM's laying
>workers off.

Well how about this? The table shows total employment in U.S. motor
vehicles and equipment up 265,000 from Jan 90-Nov 98 - or 216,000 looking
at just production workers alone. In parts and accessories, the numbers are
+167,000 and +130,000. After declining from the 1970s into the early 1990s,
motor vehicles have increased their share of total employment since.

Another point - though lots of people generalize about "globalization"
trends from the auto industry, it represents well under 1% of total
employment. Over 7 times as many people work in finance as in motor
vehicles; 10 times in health, 20 times in government, and 22 times in



motor MV
  vehicles &   parts &
  equipment   accessories
total produc total   produc  employment
  1/70   879   683   382   30671,018
  1/80   852   627   388   30490,729
  1/90   737   540   373   290   108,946
  2/92   804   616   414   327   108,077
 11/98 1,002   756   539   421   126,775

change to
11/98 from
  1/70  +123   +73  +157  +114   +55,757
  1/80  +150  +129  +151  +117   +36,046
  1/90  +265  +216  +167  +130   +17,829
  2/92  +198  +140  +125   +94   +18,698


% of total
  1/70 1.24% 0.96% 0.54% 0.43%100.0%
  1/80 0.94% 0.69% 0.43% 0.33%100.0%
  1/90 0.68% 0.50% 0.34% 0.27%100.0%
  2/92 0.74% 0.57% 0.38% 0.30%100.0%
 11/98 0.79% 0.60% 0.43% 0.33%100.0%

[PEN-L:1573] Re: BLS Daily report

1998-12-15 Thread Tom Kruse

We read:



>Outflows of foreign direct investment from rich to poor countries are having
>only a limited negative impact on employment in source economies, according
>to the Bank for International Settlements. ...  "Fears that jobs are being
>destroyed in the industrialized countries when multinational enterprises
>invest in low-wage countries are only in part supported by the evidence,"
>according to a working paper prepared by the bank. ...  The authors point
>out that because of the low degree of substitution between employees in
>parent companies and their affiliates abroad, even where there may be some
>displacement of home-country workers due to Foreign Direct Investment, "such
>effects are likely to have been only moderate" ...  (Daily Labor Report,
>page A-9).

Comments anyone? This would seem to really challenge the "exporting
manufacturing and other good jobs" thesis of globalization.  I suppose we'd
first need to know what "only in part" means.  And what exaclty does
substitution mean?  That the overseas worker directly substitutes the US
worker?  What if in the transfer of the production process innovation
occurs, eliminating a one-to-one correpsondence between jobs before in the
US and jobs after overseas?  Any insights?


Tom Kruse
Casilla 5812 / Cochabamba, Bolivia
Tel/Fax: (591-4) 248242

[PEN-L:1579] Re: Re: Re: Re: BLS Daily report

1998-12-15 Thread Michael Perelman

In response to Doug's points below, I would begin by saying that the motor vehical
industry is very cyclical.  I suspect that the increase in employment in the
sector has to do to the conversion to sport utility vehicles.

I did not generalize from the auto sector.  I only used it to illustrate a point.

Finally, the small share motor vehicles illustrates how pervasive the
de-industrialization has been.  The (more than) compensating growth in the service
sector, has not created the same type of jobs, as you well know.

I would like to know if I was correct in my initial point about the accounting for

Doug Henwood wrote:

> Well how about this? The table shows total employment in U.S. motor
> vehicles and equipment up 265,000 from Jan 90-Nov 98 - or 216,000 looking
> at just production workers alone. In parts and accessories, the numbers are
> +167,000 and +130,000. After declining from the 1970s into the early 1990s,
> motor vehicles have increased their share of total employment since.
> Another point - though lots of people generalize about "globalization"
> trends from the auto industry, it represents well under 1% of total
> employment. Over 7 times as many people work in finance as in motor
> vehicles; 10 times in health, 20 times in government, and 22 times in
> retail.
> Doug
> motor MV
>   vehicles &   parts &
>   equipment   accessories
>  --total
> total produc total   produc  employment
>   1/70   879   683   382   30671,018
>   1/80   852   627   388   30490,729
>   1/90   737   540   373   290   108,946
>   2/92   804   616   414   327   108,077
>  11/98 1,002   756   539   421   126,775
> change to
> 11/98 from
> --
> number
>   1/70  +123   +73  +157  +114   +55,757
>   1/80  +150  +129  +151  +117   +36,046
>   1/90  +265  +216  +167  +130   +17,829
>   2/92  +198  +140  +125   +94   +18,698
>   1/70+14.0%+10.7%+41.1%+37.3%+78.5%
>   1/80+17.6%+20.6%+38.9%+38.4%+39.7%
>   1/90+36.0%+40.0%+44.7%+45.0%+16.4%
>   2/92+24.6%+22.7%+30.2%+28.8%+17.3%
> % of total
>   1/70 1.24% 0.96% 0.54% 0.43%100.0%
>   1/80 0.94% 0.69% 0.43% 0.33%100.0%
>   1/90 0.68% 0.50% 0.34% 0.27%100.0%
>   2/92 0.74% 0.57% 0.38% 0.30%100.0%
>  11/98 0.79% 0.60% 0.43% 0.33%100.0%


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929
fax 530-898-5901

[PEN-L:1574] Re: Re: BLS Daily report

1998-12-15 Thread Michael Perelman

In response to Tom's question below, I suspect that the Bank of International
Settlements may be correct in so far as they go.  The norm is not for a company
to remove jobs via direct investment in a facility abroad.

Outsourcing is a more likely route.  Outsourcing need not involve direct
investment.  Besides, the Bank statement is unclear if t would even pick up the
direct investment that leads to outsourcing.

For example, GM wants to outsource an auto part.  I invest in a shop in Bolivia
to make the part, but not direct investment links the change to GM's laying
workers off.

Tom Kruse wrote:

> We read:
> [snip]
> >Outflows of foreign direct investment from rich to poor countries are having
> >only a limited negative impact on employment in source economies, according
> >to the Bank for International Settlements. ...  "Fears that jobs are being
> >destroyed in the industrialized countries when multinational enterprises
> >invest in low-wage countries are only in part supported by the evidence,"
> >according to a working paper prepared by the bank. ...  The authors point
> >out that because of the low degree of substitution between employees in
> >parent companies and their affiliates abroad, even where there may be some
> >displacement of home-country workers due to Foreign Direct Investment, "such
> >effects are likely to have been only moderate" ...  (Daily Labor Report,
> >page A-9).
> Comments anyone? This would seem to really challenge the "exporting
> manufacturing and other good jobs" thesis of globalization.  I suppose we'd
> first need to know what "only in part" means.  And what exaclty does
> substitution mean?  That the overseas worker directly substitutes the US
> worker?  What if in the transfer of the production process innovation
> occurs, eliminating a one-to-one correpsondence between jobs before in the
> US and jobs after overseas?  Any insights?
> Tom
> Tom Kruse
> Casilla 5812 / Cochabamba, Bolivia
> Tel/Fax: (591-4) 248242


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929
fax 530-898-5901

[PEN-L:1571] BLS Daily report

1998-12-15 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.



Producer prices for finished goods fell 0.2 percent, seasonally adjusted, in
November, yet another sign that wholesale inflation is absent, Labor
Department data show.  The November price decrease followed 2 months of
price advances.  Producer prices rose 0.2 percent in October, after an
unusually large 0.3 percent September advance.  In the year ended in
November, however, producer prices declined 0.7 percent, after a 1.2 percent
decrease throughout 1997.  Prices remained subdued in the so-called
inflation pipeline, with the cost of intermediate goods dropping 0.2 percent
and crude goods dropping 1.4 percent in the year ended in November. The
price of intermediate goods has slipped 2.9 percent, while crude good costs
have plunged 19 percent. ...  "The decline in finished energy prices is one
of the major reasons the overall finished goods index fell in November,"
BLS economist Joseph Kowal said. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page D-1).
Retail sales rose 0.6 percent in November, stronger than analysts were
expecting, Department of Commerce data show.  Economists had expected sales
to be soft for the month, in part because unit motor vehicle sales for
November were weak and because warmer-than-normal temperatures were reported
to have hurt apparel sales. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page D-9).

Shoppers opened the holiday season last month by spending freely at
department stores and auto showrooms. ...  Meanwhile, prices paid to
producers such as factories and food-processing plants declined, pulled down
by big drops in the cost of gasoline and food. ...  (AP story by Dave
Skidmore in Washington Post, Dec. 12, page D3)_Retail sales surprisingly
strong and producer prices fall again. ...  (Bloomberg News story in New
York Times, Dec. 12, page B2)_ Better-than-expected November sales,
buoyed by a surge in the auto sector, suggest that retailers may be in for a
merry Christmas after all. ...  A sharp drop in energy prices and the
largest decline in food costs since June 1997 continues to keep inflation at
bay  (Alejandro Bodipo-Memba in Wall Street Journal, page A12).

Outflows of foreign direct investment from rich to poor countries are having
only a limited negative impact on employment in source economies, according
to the Bank for International Settlements. ...  "Fears that jobs are being
destroyed in the industrialized countries when multinational enterprises
invest in low-wage countries are only in part supported by the evidence,"
according to a working paper prepared by the bank. ...  The authors point
out that because of the low degree of substitution between employees in
parent companies and their affiliates abroad, even where there may be some
displacement of home-country workers due to Foreign Direct Investment, "such
effects are likely to have been only moderate" ...  (Daily Labor Report,
page A-9).

 Consumer Price Index -- November 1998
 Real Earnings:  November 1998



[PEN-L:1529] BLS Daily Report

1998-12-14 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.



RELEASED TODAY:  The Producer Price Index for Finished Goods decreased 0.2
percent in November, seasonally adjusted.  This decline followed a rise of
0.2 percent in October and an advance of 0.3 percent in September. ...
Among finished goods, prices for finished energy goods decreased 1.2
percent, following a 1.2 percent advance in October.  The index for finished
consumer foods also turned down, after rising in the previous month.  Prices
for finished consumer goods other than foods and energy and for capital
equipment edged up. ...  

New claims filed with state agencies for unemployment insurance benefits
rose by 1,000 to a seasonally adjusted 314,000 in the week ended Dec. 5, the
Employment and Training Administration announces. ...  (Daily Labor Report,
page D-1; Wall Street Journal, page A2)_The small increase fit with
other signs the economy is withstanding spillover from the economic slump
that began in Asia last year  (Washington Post, page B12)_New claims
rose for the second consecutive week. ...  (New York Times, page C8).

Wholesale inventories dropped in October, though not as fast as sales, in a
fresh indication that holiday shopping might be getting off to a slow start.
The Commerce Department said inventories at wholesalers declined 0.2 percent
after rising 1.3 percent in September.  Sales fell 0.4 percent, after a 1
percent increase  (Washington Post, page B12).




[PEN-L:1479] BLS Daily Report

1998-12-11 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.



Data from the BLS longitudinal survey, which traces the work experience of
three population groups over the years, are valuable but underused by
researchers and the public, BLS officials say.  "People frequently use the
current population survey for labor research because they are used to
working with that data," Philip L. Rones, assistant commissioner for current
employment analysis, told the agency's Labor Research Advisory Council.
"The national longitudinal survey has a lot of data you can't get from the
CPS.  A lot of people are not familiar with the longitudinal data." ...
Michael W. Horrigan, chief of BLS' national longitudinal surveys division,
said BLS decided to start a new survey with younger respondents than earlier
groups so the cohorts' entire work experience can be included.  These
respondents are asked about any job they have had, from cutting grass to
doing chores for neighbors. ...  (Daniel J. Roy in Daily Labor Report, page

The tight U.S. labor market is forcing large and small employers around the
country to ratchet up their recruitment and retention efforts, incorporating
more creative and flexible philosophies and techniques.  With unemployment
rates in many states and job sectors running at all-time low levels,
employers are offering higher wages, richer benefit packages, more flexible
work arrangements, and other generous perks, employers and observers
interviewed told the Bureau of National Affairs.  The types of jobs that are
hard to fill vary by industry, from fast food workers in Chicago to software
engineers in Salt Lake City. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page C-1).

The U.S. economy continued to expand in November, but growth was patchy,
slowing in several areas of the country and holding steady in others, the
Federal Reserve reports.  The rate of economic expansion slowed in the
Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, Kansas City, and St. Louis districts, was unchanged
in Chicago, Minneapolis, Richmond, and San Francisco, and growth
strengthened in the New York district.  In the latest "beige book," or
summary of current economic conditions, the Fed also noted that wage
pressures had started to abate, despite continued tightness in labor
markets. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page D-4)._Economic growth slowed in
many parts of the country, and inflation remained absent as wage pressures
lessened.  Export industries shrank, farms were under stress, and retail
sales were weaker than expected. ...  (New York Times, page C3; Wall Street
Journal, page A2). 

The U.S. current account deficit worsened in the third quarter, rising 8.1
percent to a record, the Commerce Department says. ...  (Daily Labor Report,
page D-1)_The overall U.S. trade deficit surged to a fourth consecutive
record, as the Asian financial crisis crashed even harder against America's
shores. ...  (New York Times, page C6; Wall Street Journal, page A2).

The world's financial turmoil and the related deep recessions in Japan and
several other Asian nations are levying an increasing toll on the U.S.
economy, two government reports said.  The trouble overseas has caused a
sharp decline in exports, which helped boost the U.S. trade deficit to a
record $61.3 billion from July through September, the Commerce Department
reported.  And a "contraction in export industries" was a principal cause of
a slowdown in the nation's economic growth last month, according to the
Federal Reserve's latest survey.  Nevertheless, the Fed's 12 regional
reserve banks, which conducted the survey, all concluded that the economies
in their districts continued to expand, led by booming construction, which
was spurred by low interest rates. ...  (Washington Post, page B1)

Adults with a bachelor's degree earned an average $18,000 more than those
with just a high school diploma in 1997, according to the Census Bureau.
Those aged 18 and older with a BA earned an average of $40,478 a year, while
those with only a high school diploma averaged $22,895.  Advanced degree
holders made on average $63,229 a year.  Those without a high school diploma
averaged $16,124. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page A-7)_The earnings gap
between people who have college degrees and those with only a high school
education is continuing to grow, with those who hold bachelor's degrees now
earning 76 percent more than their counterparts with less education. ...
(Washington Post, page A24).

More than 7,450 Washington area tech workers have taken an ongoing
interactive salary survey that shows the average salary for a dozen key tech
occupations rose 3.8 percent during the past six months.  The large number
of respondents to the Washington Post survey lends credence

[PEN-L:1432] BLS Daily Report

1998-12-09 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.



U.S. purchasing executives see business conditions improving in 1999, with
68 percent of those surveyed expecting higher revenues than in 1998 - though
less robust growth than they reported a year ago, the National  Association
of Purchasing Management says. ...  NAPM also released a semiannual outlook
for the nonmanufacturing sector, which is broadly more optimistic than the
manufacturing one. ...  (Daily Report, page A-5)_United States
manufacturers are less optimistic about the coming year, expecting revenues
will rise at a slower pace than in 1998, while nonmanufacturing companies
are more upbeat. ...  (New York Times, page C7).

Despite the country's economic prosperity, data from the Census Bureau's
1997 Current Population Survey show that single mothers and displaced
homemakers have low employment rates and are working in the lowest paying
jobs, according to a report by Women Work!  The National Network for Women's
Employment. ...  (Daily Report, page A-2).

The proportion of the U.S. population under age 65 with employment-based
health coverage grew from 63.5 percent at the end of 1996, to 64.2 percent
at the end of 1997, but the number of uninsured people grew from 17.7
percent to 18.3 percent over the same period, the Employee Benefit Research
Institute finds. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page A-7).

"Housing has a tremendous impact on the economy," said an economist at
Norwest Bank in Minneapolis.  "People have said one out of every six jobs in
America is housing or related industries.  The largest user of copper in the
world, or at least in America, is housing.  The demand for lumber, aluminum,
carpets, all these things, are affected by housing."  Right now, that demand
is sky high, helping the economy by offsetting some of the drop in demand
for exports from ailing Asian economies.  That's' because the percentage of
Americans owning their own homes is at an all-time high of 66.8 percent.
That's an increase from the 1997 rate of 65.7 percent, which broke a record
set back in 1980, when the rate stood at 65.6 percent.  Housing experts
credit the strong economic combination of low inflation and low interest
rates for the high ownership. ...  (Washington Post "Trendlines" feature by
Tim Smart, page C11).  

Age bias is still a fact of life in Corporate America, a graph in Business
Week (Dec. 14, page 8) indicates.  A survey of 35-to-60-year-old job-seekers
showed that the older they were, the fewer interviews they got, and the
longer it took them to find a job.  The survey was by Exe-U-Net.

Producer Prices of Finished Goods were probably unchanged in November, after
falling 0.2 percent in October, says Business Week (Dec. 14, page 175).
Excluding food and energy, the core index likely edged up 0.1 percent, the
same tiny advance posted in October.  



[PEN-L:1371] BLS Daily Report

1998-12-08 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.



Workforce reduction announcements in the first 11 months of 1998 are
outpacing 1997's total, according to the latest figures from the
outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas.  The September-November
period was particularly fierce, with the announcement of 216,000 job =
including 51,642 in November.  "The dramatic job-cutting spree has =
1998 into the second 'worst' year of the decade=85" the Challenger =
said.  A separate report issued December 5 by BLS showed that despite =
job cuts, the unemployment rate actually fell by 0.1 percentage point =
to 4.4
percent in November.  A BLS survey of business establishments found =
that the
economy created a net of 267,000 new jobs in November (Daily Labor =
page A-7; The Wall Street Journal, page A2)=20
__Multinational corporations are doing most of the cutting, while =
hiring by
small and midsized companies helped lower the November unemployment =
rate to
4.4 percent - just shy of a 28 year low - from 4.6 percent in October =
New York Times, in a Bloomberg News article, page C13).

While the U.S. economy continues to create thousands of new jobs every
month, nearly three-quarters of those jobs do not pay a wage rate on =
which a
family can live, according to a study by a Massachusetts community =
and research group, the National Priorities Project.  Using BLS and =
employment agency data, the NPP report analyzes new job creation on a
state-by-state basis.  It concludes that the bulk of the jobs with the
highest growth are in low-wage occupations.  Nationwide 46 percent of =
jobs projected by state employment agencies to grow the most between =
and the year 2005 pay less than $16,000 a year, or less than half of =
NPP defines as a livable wage, the study shows.  The four jobs with the
highest projected growth rates nationally are cashiers, janitors, =
sales people and waiters/waitresses (Daily Labor Report, page A-10).

Federal employees in the Washington-Baltimore area will receive a 3.68
percent pay raise, starting in January, under an executive order signed =
President Clinton.  In keeping with federal pay practices since 1994,
Clinton's order gives white-collar government employees nationwide a =
percent increase and provides a separate adjustment called "locality =
that varies by metropolitan area.  The pay boost will amount to $2,105 =
the average white-collar federal employee in the area, bringing the =
average salary up to $59,307 (The Washington Post, "The Federal Page", =
A19).  Included with the article is a list of civil service pay =
city-by-city. =20

Life without overtime is both a blessing and a curse, says Louis =
writing an "Economic View" column in the Sunday New York Times =
(December 6,
page 4, Business Section).  In it he says "Overtime for the nation's =
million manufacturing workers has fallen to 4.5 hours a week on average =
the last 3 months, from 4.9 hours in January.  The 8 percent drop in so =
months is unusually sharp, the Labor Department says." Uchitelle points =
that in some cases, manufacturing workers income has more than doubled
because employers have piled work on their existing workers to avoid =
more people.

The national average retail price for regular unleaded gasoline dropped =
week to 95.4 cents a gallon, the Energy Department said today (Reuters =
The New York Times, page C4).

Home values rose 5 percent in the third quarter, compared with last =
third quarter, as low unemployment and low mortgage rates put more =
in a position to buy homes (The Wall Street Journal, page A4).

Manufacturing and construction industry executives are bracing for a
downturn in business activity through January, according to the most =
monthly survey by Dun & Bradstreet Corp. (The Wall Street Journal, page

If bargain-basement prices haven't been enough to reassure consumers =
inflation is in check, take a look at the indexes that track commodity
prices in general, advises The Wall Street Journal (page C1).  The =
is the same:  Basic materials prices, already low for much of the year, =
headed lower still.  And that's another sign of low inflation.  The =
Commodity Research Bureau index of spot commodity prices which is made =
up of
the prices of 17 commodities yesterday settled at a 21-year low.  The =
widely followed commodities index, the Goldman Sachs index of commodity =
prices, settled at its lowest level since November 1972 Friday, though
Goldman offici

[PEN-L:1359] BLS Daily Report

1998-12-08 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.



Defying many analysts' expectations, the nation's job market was vibrant in
November, as the unemployment rate edged down to 4.4 percent and firms added
267,000 new jobs, seasonally adjusted, BLS reports.  The growth in new jobs
reverses 2 months of decelerating gains.  The services, construction, and
retail sectors saw large jumps in payroll gains, that decidedly offset
losses in the manufacturing industry.  But President Clinton cautions
against complacency, indicating that layoffs at the Boeing Co. caused by the
decline of aircraft orders from Asia demonstrates the effect of
international instability on the U.S. economy (Daily Labor Report, page
AA-1, D-1).  Text of BLS Commissioner Abraham's statement on the November
employment report on page E-1, Daily Labor Report.
__The nation's unemployment rate fell to 4.4 percent last month, as
stronger-than-expected hiring by builders, retailers, restaurants and other
service providers more than offset layoffs by manufacturers (The Washington
Post, December 5, page 1). 
__In the midst of a fresh wave of corporate downsizing announcements, the
Government has reported that more Americans are working than ever and that
the overall economy continued to create jobs at a robust clip.  While
corporate giants from Boeing to Johnson & Johnson are planning to lay off
tens of thousands of employees because of various business difficulties,
American employers expanded their payrolls by an estimated 267,000 workers
in November.  "However many jobs were lost in November, even more were
created," said Thomas Nardone, who is in charge of the employment numbers at
BLS (The New York Times, December 5, page 1).
__Forecasters insisted a few months ago that economic growth was slowing,
but statistics tell a different story.  Not counting agriculture, employers
added a surprisingly large 267,000 people to their  payrolls last month,
suggesting growth is still the trend despite declines in manufacturing
employment, headline-making layoff announcements, and financial turmoil
overseas (The Wall Street Journal, page A2).

Plant closings, layoffs, and forced early retirements are rising sharply
again as evidenced by the cutbacks announced recently at Bankers Trust,
Boeing, and Johnson & Johnson.  But the outcries and conflict that
characterized the waves of downsizing in the 1980's and early 1990's are
largely gone.  Rather than protest, unions are more likely to help laid-off
members make the transition to other jobs.  And corporate executives no
longer call attention to downsizing as healthy for profits and stock prices.

Many of the 16 million people under 65 who have to buy their own health
insurance are facing increases of 40 percent or more this fall, creating a
dynamic that appears likely to send prices of health insurance even higher.
Self-employed, unemployed, working for small employers who do not offer
health insurance, or retired early, often because of poor health, these
people are a step away from joining the nation's 43.3 million uninsured, too
young for Medicare, the Federal insurance for the elderly, not poor enough
for Medicaid.  Premiums are also rising for many of the 160 million
Americans covered by employers' group policies, with increases in the next
year projected at 8 percent to 20 percent (The New York Times, December 5,
page A7). 

A Council of Economic Advisors report credits the expanded Earned Income Tax
Credit and the increase in the minimum wage with bringing millions of
workers out of poverty.  The Administration says the tax break has increased
the number of single women with children in the workforce,  from 73.7
percent in 1992,  to 84.2 percent in 1997 (Daily Labor Report, page A-6).  

New orders for manufactured goods decreased by 1.6 percent in October to a
seasonally adjusted $335.1 billion, the Census Bureau announces (Daily Labor
Report, page D-17).

"It's a great time to be looking for a job," says John Challenger, president
of the Chicago outplacement firm of Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc.  "So
many people who you are competing against areÂ…looking to take the time off.
No one likes to look for a job when you have lights to put up and presents
to buy."  He also said this is a good time of the year because many job
seekers believe no one is hiring until the beginning of the year.  But
layoffs are up, with an estimated 522,967 job cuts through October,
according to Challenger, Gray & Christmas (The Washington Post, December 6,
page H4).



[PEN-L:1315] BLS Daily Report

1998-12-07 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.



RELEASED TODAY:  Employment increased in November, and the unemployment rate
edged down to 4.4 percent.  Nonfarm payroll employment grew by 267,000, with
sizable job gains in services, construction, and retail trade more than
offsetting another large decline in manufacturing. ...  

__Nonfarm productivity and manufacturing output per hour in the third
quarter proved more robust than original estimates, BLS reports.
Productivity surged at a vigorous 3 percent seasonally adjusted annual rate,
revised up from original estimates of 2.3 percent.  Second quarter
productivity, in comparison, edged up just 0.3 percent.  A strong 4.2
percent output advance, upwardly revised from 3.5 percent, bolstered nonfarm
productivity in the third quarter.  Hours worked rose 1.2 percent in the
quarter. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page D-1).
__The productivity of American workers grew at a healthy rate in the
July-September quarter, even as manufacturers saw sales decline because of
the Asian economic slump.  Economists said the report showed businesses,
especially manufacturers, have been quick to economize - often by keeping
payrolls lean - to preserve profit margins in the face of the turmoil in
Asia and elsewhere  (Washington Post, page D1). 
__The productivity rise was a sign that the almost 8-year-old expansion of
the economy will stay on track into the new year. ...  (New York Times, page
__U.S. productivity in the third quarter rose by more than previously
thought, suggesting that inflation is still at bay despite tight labor
markets and escalating wages. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2).

New claims filed with state agencies for Unemployment Insurance rose 12,000
to a seasonally adjusted 313,000 claims in the week ended Nov. 28, the
Employment and Training Administration of the Department of Labor reports.
  (Daily Labor Report, page D-13; New York Times, page C4)_Analysts
suggested that both the latest week's increase in new claims for
Unemployment Insurance and the previous week's decline were due to seasonal
factors, including the Thanksgiving holiday. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page

Specialty stores and discounters outdistanced major department store chains
in holiday sales during November, monthly results from big retailers show.
  (New York Times, page C4)_Seasonal promotions offset unseasonably
warm weather to produce moderately higher retail sales in November,
suggesting sharp markdowns are likely to continue through year end at many
stores. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page B4)

Americans bought more sport utility vehicles, pickup trucks, and vans than
cars last month, for the first time since a brief period at the end of World
War II, as very low gasoline prices, low interest rates, and a strong
economy kept overall auto sales brisk.  Sales of so-called light trucks
reached 50.8 percent of the market last month. ...  (New York Times, page

In the most coordinated action yet toward European monetary union, 11
nations simultaneously cut their interest rates today to a nearly uniform
low level.  The move came a month before the nations adopt the euro as a
single currency and marked a dramatic shift in policy. ...  The 11 nations
appear to have decided that growth, not inflation, is the top concern. ...
(New York Times, page A1; Wall Street Journal, page A16).



[PEN-L:1220] BLS Daily Report

1998-12-04 Thread Richardson_D

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE1F8A.567417F0


RELEASED TODAY:  The seasonally adjusted annual rates of productivity
growth in the third quarter were 3.1 percent in the business sector and
3.0 percent in the nonfarm business sector.  These increases in labor
productivity are larger than those originally reported for the quarter.
In manufacturing, revised productivity increases in the third quarter
were 5.2 percent in manufacturing, 8.3 percent in durable goods
manufacturing, and 1.6 percent in nondurable goods manufacturing. ...  

Wage data compiled by the Bureau of National Affairs in the first 48
weeks of 1998 show that the median first-year wage increase for newly
negotiated contracts is 3 percent, and the weighted average increase is
3.1 percent.  In the comparable period of 1997, the increase for newly
negotiated contracts was also 3 percent, but the weighted average
increase was 2.8 percent. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page D-1).

Salaries of computer and telecommunications administrators jumped nearly
12 percent last year, to an average of $61,000, according to a survey
conducted over the Internet by the Sans Institute, a Baltimore-based
educational and research group.  The results are based on information
volunteered by technology employees, which may skew the data upward,
survey experts say.  But the large number of responses - from 7,189 tech
professionals nationwide - give credence to the figures, the Sans
Institute said. ...  (Washington Post, page E12).

Many employers now specify how much they will contribute to a worker's
retirement plan, but leave the picking and choosing of investments to
workers.  Such a model can make sense for health benefits, too, says
consultant Booz Allen & Hamilton.  It says that, down the road,
employees with such defined contribution plans may shop among many
health plans, deal directly with plan administrators, and opt to pay
more pretax dollars for expanded benefits. ...  (Wall Street Journal,
"Business Bulletin", page A1).

The U.S. housing market continues to boom, even though the sale of new
homes rose only 0.8 percent in October, the Commerce Department said.
Consumer confidence and the weather are believed to have impacted sales.
  (Daily Labor Report, page A2).

The Exxon-Mobil merger could help fend off a gasoline discounting
invasion that has attracted chains such as Wal-Mart and Costco, says USA
Today (page 1B).  Just as major oil companies are learning to compete
with unbranded gas stations offering low-price fuel, the mass
merchandisers have suddenly discovered the gasoline business.  Even
supermarket chains are trying to grab the tiger's tail. ...  

Growth in world trade probably fell by more than half this year, the
World Trade Organization said, as recession and financial crises in
Japan and Southeast Asia cut demand for imports and make it more
difficult for Asian companies to finance exports.  The growth in the
volume of goods will probably slow to between 4 percent and 5 percent
this year -- the slowest rate since 1993 -- from 10 percent in 1997.
Trade growth should pick up again next year, it said, without making a
precise forecast. ...  (Washington Times, page A12).

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  The Employment Situation:  November 1998

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE1F8A.567417F0


[PEN-L:1179] BLS Daily Report

1998-12-03 Thread Richardson_D

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE1ECB.133A86A0


RELEASED TODAY:  In October 208 metropolitan areas recorded unemployment
rates below the U.S. average (4.2 percent, not seasonally adjusted),
while 109 areas had higher rates.  Of the 21 metropolitan areas with
jobless rates below 2 percent, 16 were located in the Midwest.  Of the
10 areas with rates of at least 10 percent, 6 were in California and 4
were along the Mexican border in other states. ...  

No matter how you measure it, by historical standards, inflation is low
in the United States.  But it does matter how you measure it, because
some price indexes show inflation so low it's almost nonexistent, says
John M. Berry, writing a "Trendlines" column in The Washington Post
(page C16).  The most commonly cited measure of changing prices, the
CPI, shows inflation both low and falling. ...  But the Commerce
Department also calculates several different measures of inflation as
part of its quarterly estimates of the nation's gross domestic product.
Several of these price indexes show inflation rates well below the CPI.
  There are several reasons the much broader measure of price changes
shows an inflation rate only about one-fourth as great as the CPI.
Perhaps the most significant is the greater weight that goods -- and in
particular computers -- carry in this index compared with the CPI. ...

Ever since the mid-1980s, companies have rushed to outsource millions of
jobs, filling them with temporary workers and self-employed independent
contractors.  But what began as temp work often has turned into
multiyear employment, as companies got hooked on the flexibility and
lower labor costs that temps provide, says Business Week (Dec. 7, page
90).  Now, Corporate America's love affair with contingent workers is
running into trouble.  The concept of "permatemps" has been hauled into
court.  The central question:  Who is the real employer of someone who
management says is contingent but who remains on the job long term?  If
it's the company, federal pension law could require it to provide that
person benefits. ...  Some 29 percent of workers employed by temp
agencies remain on the same job assignment for a year or more, according
to BLS. ...  

The S&P MMS median forecast expects that nonfarm payrolls grew by a
solid 160,000 in November, following a 116,000 increase in October.
However, manufacturing jobs probably declined by another 22,000.
November's unemployment rate is expected to remain at October's 4.6
percent reading (Business Week, Dec. 7, page 147).

U.S. employers laid off 79,700 workers in 638 mass layoff actions in
September, BLS reports.  Both the number of mass layoff events and the
number of workers involved were higher than in August.  BLS cautioned
against using month-to-month changes to suggest layoff trends, since the
data are not seasonally adjusted, although there appears to be a
seasonal pattern to layoffs. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page D-2).

Leading indicators rose 0.1 percent in October, indicating rekindled
economic growth, the Conference Board says.  "The most significant
increases - in order, from the largest positive contributor  to the
smallest - are money supply in 1992 dollars, building permits, and
average factory workweek," the Conference Board said.  "The most
significant negative contributors to the composite leading index in
October are average weekly initial claims for state unemployment
insurance and consumer expectations." ...  (Daily Labor Report, page

Contraction in the manufacturing sector continued to pick up speed in
November, with production,  orders, employment, and prices all logging
declines during the month, the National Association of Purchasing
Managers reports. ...  "The manufacturing sector is shrinking, and
slowing in the service sector will continue in the months ahead,"
predicted Merrill Lynch's senior economist. ...  (Daily Labor Report,
page A-11)_The new survey paints a bleak picture of manufacturing,
which represents about 20 percent of the total output of goods and
services of the U.S. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2).

Hindered by a 1 percent drop in expenditures for public buildings, new
construction spending crept up 0.3 percent in October, according to the
Commerce Department. October's gain follows an identically small 0.3
percent rise in September, revised figures show.  Spending on private
construction was up 1 percent from September. ...  (Daily Labor Report,
page A-4)_Adjusted for inflation, spending was unchanged. ...  (Wall
Street Journal, page A-2).

Three gauges put the economy on different tracks.  The manufacturing
sector slowed for the sixth straight month as industrial companies felt
the effect 

[PEN-L:1164] BLS Daily Report

1998-12-02 Thread Richardson_D

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE1DFF.5E3EAB50


RELEASED TODAY:  In September 1998, there were 638 mass layoff actions
by employers as measured by new filings for unemployment insurance
benefits during the month.  Each action involved at least 50 persons
from a single establishment, and the number of workers involved totaled
79,700.  The number of layoff events and initial claimants were higher
this September than in 1997.  The total of layoff events from January
through September 1998, at 10,785, was about the same as a year earlier
(10,756), while the total number of initial claimants, at 1,203,587, was
somewhat higher than in January-September 1997 (1,131,166). ...   

A grudging slowdown is finally starting, with job losses in the factory
sector -- hampered by weakness in Asia and Latin America-- but consumer
spending remains strong, analysts say.  That spending strength, if it
holds as the United States enters the all-important Christmas selling
season, could lift fourth-quarter growth higher than the 2.1 percent
gain forecast by Blue Chip economists earlier.  But consumer spending,
coupled with continued expansion in the services/nonmanufacturing
sector, cannot continue to hoist the U.S. economy to the surprisingly
strong rates of growth logged in recent years, economists contacted by
BNA predict. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page D-1).

America is putting on an unusual spectacle:  The economy keeps growing
and thriving even while manufacturing suffers and falls behind, writes
Louis Uchitelle in the New York Times (Nov. 29, page 4 in Business
section).  That rarely happens, and its appearance now reopens the
long-debated question of whether manufacturing still matters. ...  In
theory at least, any nation should be able to function quite nicely with
a diminished manufacturing sector.  The huge and growing service sector
 should be able to generate a satisfactory amount of income and
profits. ...  But none of the industrial nations have tested the theory,
certainly not this country. ...  Within the United States, manufacturing
generates more income per hour worked than any other sector.  As these
jobs disappear ... the displaced workers get new jobs outside
manufacturing, but usually at lower pay.  That downward shifting in
wages is one reason why the nation has escaped inflationary wage
pressures, despite strong economic growth and an unemployment rate of
only 4.6 percent. ...  

Nearly a year and a half later, most countries hit hardest by the Asian
crisis can expect little immediate relief from soaring unemployment and
poverty as well as other labor market problems, the International Labor
Organization reports. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page A-7).

Yesterday's plunge in energy prices underscores a critical element in
the American economy's surprising resiliency of late:  Falling oil costs
are aiding growth, much the way the 1970s oil shocks strangled it.  The
biggest boon is lower inflation. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2).  

Economic Indicators in USA Today (page 4B) predicts that the
unemployment rate for November, to be released Dec. 4, will continue to
be 4.6 percent; and that average hourly earnings for November will be up
0.3 percent.  The revised 3rd quarter increase in productivity is
estimated to be 3.0 percent. 

After a vigorous session of Supreme Court arguments over how the Census
Bureau will determine the U.S. population in the year 2000, this much is
clear:  Some of the justices are skeptical about the bureau's plan to
estimate a portion of the population.  Many question whether the House
of Representatives has the right to sue over the plan.  And most are
unsure about the consequences to the states of so-called "statistical
sampling," even if it is valid.  Which is to say, not much is clear. ...
(Washington Post, page A2)_Justices express misgivings over
reviewing census plan. ...  (New York Times, page A1)_The Supreme
Court seemed reluctant to step into partisan bickering over how to
conduct the 2000 census but expressed concern about delaying
preparations for it. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page B11)

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment:
October 1998

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE1DFF.5E3EAB50


[PEN-L:1163] BLS Daily Report

1998-12-02 Thread Richardson_D

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE1DFE.FA4CADA0


The total number of people who worked part of the year grew by 1.8
million to 143.2 million in 1997, the Labor Department reports.  With
the economy humming in 1997, the number of people who experienced some
unemployment declined by 1.2 million to 15.6 million.  Seventy percent
of the working age population - 16 years old and older - did some work
in 1997, up a little from 1996, BLS says.  "The share of persons with
some work activity during the year has trended upward for over three
decades, except during recessionary periods," BLS says. ...  "The
long-term rise in work activity of the population is entirely
attributable to the increasing likelihood of women working outside the
home." ...  (Daily Labor Report, Nov. 27, page D-8).

New claims filed with state agencies for unemployment insurance benefits
dropped sharply, by 39,000 to a seasonally adjusted 300,000 claims, for
the week ended Nov. 21, the Employment and Training Administration of
the Department of Labor reports.  It was the largest decline since the
week ended July 11, when the weekly number of new UI claims dropped by
57,000.  The November drop was far greater than economists expected. ...
A Department of Labor statistician explained that the data in prior
weeks showed a pickup in new claims because of weather-related factors
and automobile industry layoffs in Michigan. ...  (Daily Labor Report,
Nov. 27, page D-1).

The Conference Board announces its help wanted index declined 1
percentage point in October to a seasonally adjusted 87 percent of its
1987 base. ...  (Daily Labor Report, Nov. 27, page A-5)_Help-wanted
ads, while still healthy, slipped in October. ...  (Wall Street Journal,
Nov. 27, page A2).

Consumer spending rose 0.5 percent in October, outpacing income growth
of 0.4 percent, the Commerce Department says.  The combination of
spending that was slightly stronger than income kept the savings rate
negative for the second month in a row, prompting speculation that at
some point households will need to trim their expenditures. ...  (Daily
Labor Report, Nov. 27, page D-3)_Consumer spending was led by
purchases of durable goods like cars and computers. ...  (New York
Times, Nov. 26, page C4)_As they head into the holiday shopping
season, consumers are brimming with confidence and spending readily.
The Commerce Department said consumer spending rose 0.5 percent in
October, largely as a result of robust consumption of durable goods.
Sales of existing homes rose 2.1 percent in October, after slipping in
September.  And the University of Michigan said its index of consumer
sentiment rose in November from the October reading, the first increase
in 7 months. ...  (Wall Street Journal, Nov. 27, page A2). 

At last count in 1997, more than 43 million Americans lacked health
insurance of any type - up from 31.8 million a decade earlier.  In a new
study, economists Henry S. Farber of Princeton and Helen Levy of the
University of California at Berkeley examine a trend that may have
contributed to this increase:  the long-term decline in health coverage
among workers in the private sector.  From 1979 to 1997, according to
survey data, the share of private sector workers with health insurance
from their jobs fell from 71.9 percent to 64.5 percent, with most of the
drop occurring since 1988. ...  The bottom line:  Employers are
continuing to provide insurance for their long-term employees.  At the
same time, however, they are cutting back on coverage for their
short-term and part-time employees -- workers who make up a sizable part
of the nation's labor force  (Business Week, Nov. 30, page 30).

The Wall Street Journal's feature "Tracking the Economy" (Nov. 30, page
A10) forecasts nonfarm productivity for the 3rd quarter (revised), due
out Thursday, as rising 2.8 percent.  The previous actual change was a
rise of 2.3 percent.  The unemployment rate for November, due out
Friday, is predicted to be 4.6 percent, the same as it was in the
previous month.  Nonfarm payrolls are expected to grow by 200,000, up
from 116,000 in October.  

The U.S. economy for the first time this year essentially met all the
goals of the 1978 Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment and Balanced Growth
Act.  The law called for what many then saw as an impossible
combination:  4 percent unemployment, zero inflation, and a balanced
budget (Wall Street Journal's "Washington Wire," Nov. 27, page A1).

Despite hints of conservatism in employers' holiday schedules, "extra"
paid time off for the Christmas/New Year's season remains common,
according to BNA's latest annual survey of year-end holiday plans.
Fifty-eight percent of responding employers have slated

[PEN-L:1166] Re: BLS Daily Report

1998-12-02 Thread michael perelman

Richardson_D wrote:

> Yesterday's plunge in energy prices underscores a critical element in
> the American economy's surprising resiliency of late:  Falling oil costs
> are aiding growth, much the way the 1970s oil shocks strangled it.  The
> biggest boon is lower inflation. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2).

When you think about all the factors that should tend to make the U.S. economy
prosper [pliant labor, cheap raw materials, low inflation ], the question
arises: how bad will it be when these props are pulled out?
Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

[PEN-L:1126] BLS Daily Report

1998-11-18 Thread Richardson_D

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE130D.D474B230


RELEASED TODAY:  The preliminary seasonally-adjusted annual rates of
productivity growth in the third quarter were 2.4 percent in the
business sector and 2.3 percent in the nonfarm business sector.  Both
increases were larger than those recorded in the second quarter of 1998
(as revised). ...  

The government uses a one-size-fits-all inflation index to determine
increases in Social Security payments, but some costs that affect the
elderly are rising especially fast, says "Personal Business" (New York
Times, Nov. 8, page 10 of Business Section). ...  BLS, which calculates
the Consumer Price Index, has devised an experimental index that tracks
some spending habits of older Americans, and it has shown a widening gap
between cost increases for them and those for the general population.
Between December 1982 and September 1998, the experimental index rose
73.9 percent, while the CPI-W rose 63.5, said Patrick Jackman, an
economist with the bureau. ...  The experimental index is really only a
tweaking of the official index, and statisticians say it is subject to
more sampling errors.  There has been talk ... of coming up with a
well-designed and more accurate index for calculating Social Security
cost-of-living increases.  But no one in Congress is actively pushing
for the change. ...  

Although the U.S., economy is still growing at a healthy pace, the
manufacturing sector is cooling.  U.S. exports of big-ticket items, such
as tractors, jetliners, steel, and high-tech manufacturing equipment,
are off about 10 percent this year, while manufacturing employment is
down by nearly 200,000.  And as the big manufacturers go, so go the
thousands of small suppliers who support them and are the foundry of the
industrial economy.  Even though manufacturing only represents about 19
percent of the U.S. economic output, jobs in the sector tend to be
high-paying, and a dollar spent in manufacturing tends to spread
throughout the economy more than in other sectors because of the nature
of industry's extended chain of supply. ...  The financial crisis that
began nearly 18 months ago in Asia is now taking root in the American
heartland. ...  (Washington Post, page C1).

As the economy slows, labor braces for a tougher bargaining climate.
Unions are rushing to sign new contracts before the economy slows
further - and prods employers to ask for wage cuts.  In recent years,
the strong economy has kept employers from demanding concessions.  But
that could change if corporate earnings take a dive, says the senior
economist of the labor-backed Labor Research Association, New York.  "If
unions want to win something for workers, now is the time to do it," he
says. ...  (Wall Street Journal, "Work Week", page A1).

Fewer companies offer dental plans to workers, a retreat from the more
generous benefits of the 1980s.  BLS says 57 percent of companies
provided dental coverage in 1995, down from 77 percent in 1984.  Workers
who retain benefits also find they're paying more:  54 percent of
participants helped pay for individual coverage, compared with only 34
percent in 1988.  The shift reflects employers' attempts to stem rising
medical costs.  The BLS study says employer-backed dental plans are most
likely to cover routine exams and X-rays.  Virtually all plans cover
oral surgery and prosthetics, at least in part, but only 71 percent
cover orthodontia  (Wall Street Journal, "Work Week", page A1). 

For years, reports have documented the disparity in pay between men and
women who do the same work.  Now a new study reveals that the inequality
persists, even for those who reach the corporate upper echelon.  An
analysis of the highest-paid corporate officers of Fortune 500 companies
concludes that women receive a median of 68 cents for every dollar
earned by their male counterparts.  The study was done by Catalyst, a
women's research group in New York.  It examined the annual salaries and
bonuses of 57 female senior officers and 1,772 male ones disclosed in
1997 proxy statements. ...  The study partly blamed the gender pay gap
on the fact that all but two of the Fortune 500 CEOs are men.  Chief
executives typically collect the biggest bucks.  Yet even after
excluding the highest-ranking executive post, the earnings differential
shrank just 9 cents to 77 cents. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page B22).

A strong economy needs strong wages, says Aaron Bernstein, labor
reporter for Business Week (Nov. 16, page 56). ...  The nationwide
scarcity of workers has prompted employers to bid up hourly wages by 2.4
percent, after inflation, in the 12 months ended in September, according
to BLS.  That's nearly double the wage increase for the same period in
1997, and it'

[PEN-L:1125] BLS Daily Report

1998-11-18 Thread Richardson_D

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE130B.2D619510


   CPI -- The CPI-U rose 0.2 percent in October, following seasonal
adjustment.  The October advance reflects upturns in the indexes for
food and for energy.  The food index, which was unchanged in September,
rose 0.6 percent in October. ...  The energy index, which declined 1.3
percent in September, rose 0.9 percent in October. ...  Excluding food
and energy,  the CPI-U increased 0.2 percent in October, the same as in
each of the preceding 3 months.  Smaller increases in the indexes for
shelter and for cigarettes largely were offset by upturns in the indexes
for apparel, for household furnishings and operation, and for education
and communication. ...  
   REAL EARNINGS -- Real average weekly earnings increased by 0.4
percent from September to October after seasonal adjustment.  This rise
stemmed from a 0.6 percent increase in average weekly hours coupled with
a 0.1 percent gain in average hourly earnings.  These increases were
partially offset by a 0.3 percent rise in the CPI-W. ...  Real average
weekly earnings rose by 2.1 percent between October 1997 and October
1998. ...  

Industrial production eased again in October, weighed down by a
surprisingly steep slump in utility output, the Federal Reserve Board
says.  Output at the nation's factories, mines, and utilities slipped
0.1 percent, the fourth decline in 5 months and the sixth decline for
the year.  Economists dubbed the October report "mixed," noting that
despite the deeper-than-expected 3.4 percent plunge in utility output,
manufacturing production actually was up during the month.  Analysts had
expected utility production to decline between 2 and 2.5 percent during
the month, because of warmer-than-usual weather. ...  (Daily Labor
Report, page D-1; New York Times, page C2)_Manufacturing rebounded
last month, after a sharp plunge in September, the Federal Reserve says.
The latest data are in line with other recent reports on consumer
spending and employment showing that the economy, while slowing, seems
to remain solid.  Although the Fed's manufacturing index rose 0.3
percent in October, total American industrial production, which combines
factory output with production at utilities and mines, fell by 0.1
percent seasonally adjusted.  The central bank indicated that weak
figure was a fluke.  The Fed blamed the decline largely on the weather.
  (Wall Street Journal, page A2).

U.S. retail gasoline prices fell more than a cent last week to their
lowest level in more than 4 years, the Department of Energy said.
Continued weakness in the crude oil market has driven down gasoline
prices to less than a dollar a gallon on average, the lowest weekly
level since Jan. 10, 1994.  The drop is only temporary, said the EIA
Administrator, who said he expects oil and gasoline prices to rise
again. ...  (Washington Post, page C19).

After several years of relatively flat health-insurance costs, U.S.
businesses are starting to be hit with a startling increase in premiums
-- and small businesses are being whacked the hardest.  Premium
increases in health policy renewal notices for 1999 are running as high
as 50 percent for some small companies, according to benefits
consultants.  Even medium and large companies are seeing rises of about
5 percent, after flat or even declining health costs in the past few
years. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2)

Fewer strikes are expected in 1999 by about 200 unionized companies
surveyed by a Philadelphia law firm, continuing the decline of recent
years.  But also extending a trend, another 200 nonunion firms think
they'll be targeted by more organizing efforts than in the past 5 years
(Wall Street Journal, "Work Week," page A1).

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  U.S. Import and Export Price Indexes -- October 1998

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE130B.2D619510


[PEN-L:1115] BLS Daily Report

1998-11-17 Thread Richardson_D

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE1248.15935D80


Productivity in the nation's nonfarm businesses picked up the pace,
rising 2.3 percent during the third quarter of 1998, while the increase
in unit labor costs decelerated, according to BLS.  The gain in
third-quarter productivity was hoisted by the strong 3.5 percent jump in
output and a 1.2 percent gain in workers' hours.  In comparison, during
the second quarter, productivity as up just 0.3 percent. ...  (Daily
Labor Report, page D-1).
__By now, this late into an economic expansion, the productivity of
American workers should be slowing and the prices of goods and services
should be rising more quickly, says Tim Smart in the "Trendlines"
feature of The Washington Post (Nov. 11, page C9).  That's usually the
pattern at the tail end of the business cycle, as rising wages offset
any gains in production efficiency, leading to lower productivity.  But
the reverse is happening, and that's heartening news to economists.
When growth in productivity - measured as economic output per hour of
work - is greater than the increase in wages, the economy can continue
to grow without inflationary pressures. ...
__The productivity of United States workers accelerated in the third
quarter, offsetting an increase in labor costs and giving the Federal
Reserve policy makers room to cut interest rates if they see a need to
buoy financial markets.  Gains in productivity are crucial if businesses
want to absorb rising labor costs and hold down prices to stay
competitive. ...  (Bloomberg News, New York Times, Nov. 11, page C4).
__Productivity of American workers showed a strong increase in the third
quarter, after sluggish growth in the second quarter helped to allay
fears that tight labor markets and rising wages might trigger inflation.
But according to the National Association of Manufacturer's monthly
manufacturing index, companies are less enthusiastic about growth in
1999.  Though some analysts suggest a decline in the manufacturing
employment base may initially lead to increased productivity levels, the
possibility of slower sales growth continues to erode the confidence of
business leaders. ...  (Wall Street Journal, Nov. 11, page A2).

When inflation advances faster than worker productivity and rates of
return compensating other factors of production, then inflation
expectations begin to dominate, warping decisions regarding payroll
costs and hiring, inventories and capital spending, and borrowing vs.
lending.  From this perspective, the current expansion is the healthiest
since the 1960s. ...  (David Littmann, senior vice president and chief
economist at Comerica Inc. in The Wall Street Journal, page A30).

The confidence level of owners of small businesses rose in October from
a 2-year low reached in September, according to a survey by the National
Federation of Independent Business, a small business trade group.,  The
rosier outlook of small businesses in their hiring and spending mirrors
the recent recovery of the stock market, which fell sharply during the
third quarter but turned bullish in recent weeks.  One-fifth of the
companies surveyed expect to add employees in the coming 3 months, a
historically strong number although down from record highs in the
spring.  Low unemployment continues to dog the small firms.  A record 32
percent of those surveyed reported having at least one job opening that
was hard to fill, up from 27 percent in September.  The data are
seasonally adjusted. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2).

   Producer Price Indexes -- October 1998
   Report on Quality Changes for 1999 Model Vehicles

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE1248.15935D80


[PEN-L:1114] BLS Daily Report

1998-11-17 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE1246.B4C66C50

   PPI -- The PPI for Finished Goods increased 0.2 percent in October,
seasonally adjusted.  This increase followed a rise of 0.3 percent in
September and a decline of 0.4 percent in August.  The index for
finished goods other than foods and energy inched up 0.1 percent in
October, after advancing 0.4 percent in the prior month. ...  
   QUALITY CHANGES FOR VEHICLES -- The value of quality changes for a
sample of 16 domestic passenger cars for the 1999 model year included in
the PPI for October averaged $13.49, according to estimates by BLS.
This change represents 12.3 percent of the average $109.67 yearly
increase in producers' prices. ...  

Businesses and government should tailor economic policy to meet the
changing needs of an increasingly diverse workforce, according to a
policy paper released by the Employment Policy Foundation, a Washington,
D.C.-based think tank.  Women, Hispanics, and Asian/Pacific Islanders
will comprise an increasingly larger share of the U.S. workforce. ...
In 1976, whites made up 88 percent of the U.S. workforce.  Projections
from BLS and the Hudson Institute show that percentage falling to 83
percent by 2020, the report said. ...  Women will likely want more
flexible schedules to continue to enter the workforce, while other
groups could need strong education initiatives to ensure they have
required skills.  Immigrants, who currently make up about 10 percent of
the U.S. workforce, often do not speak English fluently.  Businesses and
policymakers must address these issues for the future workforce. ...
(Daily Labor Report, page A-1).  

New claims filed with state agencies for UI benefits were up 12,000 to a
seasonally adjusted total of 321,000 for the week ended Nov. 7, ERA
reports.  This was the highest level of new claims since the week ended
July 11 during the GM strikes. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page D-1;
Washington Post, page F5).

1998 is shaping up as the biggest year for corporate layoff
announcements in a decade.  And 1999 could be even worse, says a USA
Today story (page 1B).  Although the U.S. unemployment rate hovers near
two-decade lows, layoffs continue to mount. ...  If the pace picks up in
what most economists predict is a slowing economy, the year's layoff
announcements will top the 615,000 in 1993. ...  Economist Allen Sinai
of Primark Decision Economics expects the nation's unemployment rate,
4.6 percent in October, to rise to about 5 percent this month and worsen
next year as global economic growth slows.  While November jobs data
won't be available until next month, the Labor Department reported
weekly unemployment claims jumped last week to the highest level since
mid-July. ...  Still, the job market is strong enough that unemployed
workers are taking an average of just 2.6 months to find jobs, down from
a typical average of about 3.2 months.

The U.S economy will slow in 1999 but is unlikely to experience a
recession, a panel of economic analysts predicts.  In the November NABE
Outlook, 29 members of the National Association for Business Economics
forecast a "soft landing" in 1999, when economic growth was predicted to
slow from 3.6 percent in 1998 to 2.1 percent. ...  (Daily Labor Report,
page A-9)_The U.S. economy heads into 1999 "slowing, but still
growing" with no real threat of a recession on the horizon. ...  (Wall
Street Journal, page A2).

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE1246.B4C66C50


[PEN-L:1110] BLS Daily Report

1998-11-17 Thread Richardson_D

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE1232.4D523EF0


Energy prices reversed course in October, rising 1.2 percent in the
month and pushing up the producer price index for finished goods a
seasonally adjusted 0.2 percent.  The October increase follows a 0.3
percent September rise.  Analysts attributed much of the October advance
to energy costs which rose for the first time after four consecutive
monthly declines.  The October energy price increase is the largest
monthly gain since a 2.6 percent jump in December 1996.  Most of the
October energy price rise came from gasoline costs, which shot up 5.7
percent after a 2 percent September decline. ...  (Daily Labor Report,
page D-1).

A 2.7 percent increase in car sales helped retail sales rise a
seasonally adjusted 1 percent in October, according to the Department of
Commerce. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page D-10).

Preliminary data from the University of Michigan consumer sentiment
index for the first part of November showed a rise to 102.4, up sharply
from October, when sentiment had dipped to 94.7.  The November number is
more in line with trends in consumer confidence, which have been at
record levels. ...  (Washington Post, Nov. 15, page 15).

__The economy continued to show surprising strength in October, as
consumers brushed off worries abut the volatile stock market and global
financial woes to push retail sales up at the fastest rate since spring.
  Prices paid to manufacturers, farmers, and other producers,
meanwhile, rose 0.2 percent last month, a  slightly higher rate than
analysts had predicted, but still at a pace that keeps the core
inflation rate close to 2 percent. ...  Separately, preliminary data
from the University of Michigan consumer sentiment index for the first
part of November showed a sharp rise. ...  Together, the three measures
suggest consumers, the mainstay of the domestic economy, will continue
to propel economic growth heading into the critical holiday retailing
season. ...  (Washington Post, Nov. 14, page D1).
__Retail sales rose at the fastest pace in five months and producer
prices crept higher, leading some economists to predict that the Federal
Reserve's policy makers may refrain from cutting interest rates this
week. ...  (New York Times, Nov. 14, page B2).
__Retail sales rose a better-than-expected 1 percent, while consumer
sentiment indicated renewed confidence.  Wholesale prices suggested
inflation may not remain in check. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2).

A Washington Post editorial, "Open Government on the Web," includes two
recent slip-ups over information posted on government Web sites that
showcased the serious questions raised by the possibility of making
government data genuinely, in some cases globally, transparent.  The
first involved EPA. ...  Then the editorial says that BLS "fell into a
different pitfall when its Web site inadvertently released key data on
 job creation; the premature release rocked the stock market.  The
result, though, was similar:  The agency closed part of the site and
retreated, promising investigation of what it characterized as a simple
error.  It also will look at the general problem of what kinds of
`supplemental data' can be loaded onto the public site and on what
basis.  In both cases the best outcome will be the continued pressing
outward of limits on prompt and convenient disclosure.  But these
periodic misadventures are reminders that the transition to such
disclosure is fraught with more than just technical difficulties."

ILO reports suggest that global trade liberalization has helped create
jobs and reduce poverty, but has not improved stability in labor markets
or workers' rights. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page A-3).

  Consumer Price Index -- October 1998
  Real Earnings:  October 1998

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE1232.4D523EF0


[PEN-L:970] BLS Daily Report

1998-11-10 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE0CAE.B8A9A700


Initiating a review of the agency's internal data-security controls, BLS
Commissioner Katharine Abraham says the agency has suspended the loading
of supplemental materials into its Internet Web site until it finds a
way to prevent a repeat of the premature release of some October
employment figures.  Abraham says she will report to the secretary of
labor in about 2 weeks on the agency's initial examination of release
procedures, and that a comprehensive review also will begin at all
information dissemination activities.  "The early post of pre-release
data that occurred on Wednesday (November 4) was accidental and resulted
from inadequate internal control over the handling of supplemental
information," Abraham said. ...  "It was with a certain amount of
trepidation that we decided to forgo the final clearance and move ahead
to release the report, " Deborah Klein, BLS associate commissioner of
publications and special projects told the Bureau of National Affairs
November 6. ...  Klein said that "once we realized that a substantial
number of people had seen the (inadvertently released) data, we felt
that we had no choice but to release all of the report." ...  (Daily
Labor Report, page A-13, Text E-96).
__While BLS has "rigorous, centralized procedures" governing release of
the data included in its news releases, including their posting on the
Web site, "the same procedures have not been applied uniformly to the
handling of supplementary materials," Commissioner Abraham said.  BLS
has allowed the offices in charge of each of its major statistical
programs to design procedures for loading its own supplemental data onto
a computer server that stores and delivers data to the Web site, she
explained.  The BLS employee who loaded the information onto the server
Wednesday thought he had clearance to do so, but didn't know that the
data would then be automatically posted on the Web site as well, she
said. ...  (The Washington Post, Nov. 7, page H3).
__The Labor Department suspended the posting of supplemental employment
numbers on its BLS Internet Web site for at least 2 weeks, following a
premature release of data last week that briefly roiled financial
markets.  The BLS issues a monthly employment report, which contains
information on the nation's jobless rate and a tally of jobs added to
the economy, in the form of a news release.   Additional supplementary
data are released electronically for those who follow the economy
closely .  This includes charts and analytical tables that break down
various changes and trends concerning job creation.  Data that were
prematurely released contained information on payroll, employment, hours
and earnings for October. ...  (The Wall Street Journal, page A2).

The federal government's three major statistical agencies say they are
at or near schedule to ensure their computer systems are year 2000
compliant before the Office of Management and Budget deadline of March
1999.  These agencies - the Labor Department's BLS and the Commerce
Department's Bureau of Economic Analysis and Census Bureau - produce
most of the U.S. statistical releases relied on by policymakers and
business leaders. ...  At a September House hearing, Joel C. Willemssen,
director of civil agencies information systems for the GAO, voiced
concern that BLS deadlines for compliance are a little tight.  BLS has
23 mission-critical systems.  Fifteen are currently Y2K compliant and
eight are not, according to John Sinks, director of survey processing at
BLS.  Of the non-compliant systems, :"some we are replacing, and some we
are putting in patches," Sinks said.  He also said "We expect to meet
the OMB mandated deadline for March 1999 for implementations of all
mission critical systems.  We are adopting what we feel is an
appropriate strategy." ...  (Daily Labor Report, page C-1).

The Wall Street Journal's feature "Tracking the Economy" (page A2) shows
nonfarm productivity for the 3rd quarter of this year, to be released
Tuesday, as predicted to be 2.0 percent above the previous quarter.
Producer prices for October, to be released Friday, are estimated to go
up 0.1 percent.

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  Productivity and Costs -- Third Quarter (Preliminary)

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE0CAE.B8A9A700


[PEN-L:954] BLS Daily Report

1998-11-09 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE0BEE.8754F480


__The economy continued to show signs of slowing in October, producing
116,000 new payroll jobs, seasonally adjusted, according to data
released a day earlier than expected after part of the jobs report was
inadvertently posted on the  BLS web site.  The jobless rate remained at
4.6 percent.  Employment growth in October was smaller than the upwardly
revised 157,000 in September, with a sharp decline in factory jobs
partially offsetting a gain in service employment. ...  (Daniel J. Roy
__The nation's jobless rate remained steady at 4.6 percent, despite
lower-than-expected job growth, the Labor Department said in a report
widely viewed by analysts as a further sign that U.S. economic growth is
slowing.  Stock prices rose on the news, amid continuing hopes that the
cooling economy will prompt Fed policymakers to cut short-term interests
rates later this month. ...  (John M. Berry in Washington Post, page
__The United States economy is still expanding, but much more slowly
than in the first half of the year. ...  "The pattern is the same as for
the past few months," said Tom Nardone, an economist at BLS.  "Payroll
growth is falling off, but not as dramatically as we feared." ...
(Sylvia Nasar in New York Times, page C1).
__Compared with the heady growth of just a few months ago, U.S.
companies created jobs at a slower pace in October, and layoff
announcements began to mount. ...  (John Simons in Wall Street Journal,
page A2). 

__BLS said it is investigating what appears to be the inadvertent early
release of October employment data on the Internet, BLS Commissioner
Katharine Abraham said yesterday. After discovering the supplemental
tables of the employment situation report had been released, Abraham
decided to release the entire report a day early.  At a quickly called
press briefing, Abraham said the data were posted on the Internet by
mistake.  She said it was not an intentional violation of internal
security procedures. ...  BLS discovered the information was on its Web
page after being informed by Ray Stone, a partner at Stone & McCarthy
Research Associates, a Princeton, N.J., based research firm, according
to Stone's partner Ward McCarthy.  "Ray noticed there was something new
on the BLS web site, "McCarthy said.  "He was very surprised to find
part of the employment report.  We alerted our customers to the numbers
and then he called BLS.  Abraham said the only similar incident she or
BLS senior officials know of was the early release of producer price
index information on the Internet 2 or 2-l/2 years ago.  "No one in the
U.S. had accessed that data before we discovered it,"  Abraham said.
The employment numbers, however, were accessed, although Abraham could
not say how many web browsers had seen them.  BLS' web pages have on
average 3 million hits a month, Abraham said. ...  The release of
economic data often has a strong affect on the performance of stock and
bond markets.  Stocks rose after the employment report's unscheduled
release  (Daniel J. Roy in Daily Labor Report, page AA-2).
__BLS data released prematurely on the BLS web site was a goof that
moved stock, says John M. Berry in The Washington Post (page F1). ...
Berry says that "instead of rushing the closely guarded information to
his clients, Ray Stone, the first person who noticed the premature
release of BLS data, said he called BLS officials to alert them." ...
Stone said he called the agency at 9:15 a.m. to report what he had
discovered.  The first two officials he sought were in meetings.
Telling a secretary that he was calling about an "emergency," Stone
finally reached statistician John Stinson, who took the bad news.  Stone
said then that he would sit on the information for another 5 minutes,
and that Stinson could call him back if the data were not what the web
site indicated they were.  There was no call back, but within the BLS a
scramble was on. ...  
__The premature release by the Labor Department of sensitive job figures
caused a rally in the bond market, whipsawing traders who had bet on
bond declines ahead of the Government's auction of $10 billion in
30-year Treasuries.  They had hoped to distribute the new supply of
bonds before the release of the job report that had been scheduled for
today.  The rally later retreated, and the yield on the 30-year bond
finished at 5.34 percent, up from 5.32 percent.  The Treasury would make
no estimate of the impact on its borrowing costs, though a spokesman did
observe that other factors could have intervened between 9:20 a.m. when
rates responded almost instantaneously to the leak, and the 1 p.m.
auction. ...  (New York Times, page C9).
__Investors were catapulted i

[PEN-L:915] Re: BLS Daily Report

1998-11-05 Thread Thomas Kruse


>The [US] economy will need more workers, because an aging America will have a
>small labor pool.  In 1997, there were about five Americans between 20
>and 64 for every American 65 and over; by 2030 that ratio is projected
>to fall below 3 to 1, says Robert J. Samuelson, in an op.ed. page (page
>A25) article in The Washington Post on the eldercare problem of the
>future and what should be done about it.



[PEN-L:913] BLS Daily Report

1998-11-05 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE0915.CCEB0C80


RELEASED TODAY:  "The Employment Situation:  October 1998" was released
at 1:30 p.m. (EST) rather than at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow because a table
appeared on the Internet early today, in error.  The release showed that
payroll employment grew modestly, and the unemployment rate was
unchanged at 4.6 percent in October.  The number of payroll jobs was up
by 116,000 following a rise of 157,000 in September (as revised).
Growth in services and most other industries in October was partly
offset by a large decline in manufacturing.  The increase in average
hourly earnings was small for the second month in a row. ...  

A surge in demand from the military helped to boost new orders for
manufactured goods 0.4 percent in September, according to Census Bureau
data.  Factory orders increased in September $1.4 billion to $339.2
billion (Daily Labor Report, page D-1).
__Factory orders increased for the fourth consecutive month in
September, the Commerce Department said.  The rise, which was expected
to be around 0.5 percent, compared with an unrevised increase of 0.9
percent in August and an unrevised 1.1 percent boost in July (The
Washington Post, page D6; The Wall Street Journal, page A2 and A12.  The
Journal's page 1 chart is of new factory orders, 1996 to the present).

Most sectors of the U.S. economy remained strong in September and
October, but signs of slower growth are emerging, and both firms and
consumers report an increasingly cautious outlook, the Federal Reserve
says in its latest "beige book" summary of economic conditions. Tight
labor markets generally persisted in most regions of the country,
although demand for workers started to soften in some areas.  And both
wage and price pressures remained subdued, while producer prices for
intermediate inputs were flat to down (Daily Labor Report, page D-4).
__The economy was growing at a slower pace and inflation was benign at
the part of the fourth quarter, the Federal Reserve's latest survey of
regional conditions showed (Bloomberg News, as carried in The New York
Times, page C7).
__With the Federal Reserve pondering the wisdom of cutting interest
rates again later this month, a new Fed survey of regional economic
conditions turned up "signs of slowing in some sectors" and substantial
wariness about the economy's direction.  "Virtually all Federal Reserve
districts reported that businesses and consumers remained cautious about
the economic outlook," the Fed said yesterday  in its regional economic
survey known as the "beige book".

Deflation is frightening, but toothless for Americans today, says
Michael M. Weinstein in today's "Economic Scene" (The New York Times,
page C2).  This year, as in most other years, prices in some individual
industries are falling.  Energy prices have dropped almost 10 percent
the last year.  Commodity prices have dropped by about 20 percent the
last year.  The prices of raw materials, clothes and other imported
goods have also declined, partly in response to the economic collapse of
Southeast Asia.  But other prices are more than making up for the slack.
Producer prices, excluding energy and food, are rising about 1 percent a
year.  Consumer prices are rising by about 2 percent a year.  These
rates are small, but they are nowhere near negative.  Look to the labor
market, which drives the formation of prices.  Over the last year, wages
and salaries have been rising about 4 percent a year.  Nothing in
economic logic or history suggests that wages will suddenly reverse
course.  Indeed, even if recession strikes, wages will almost certainly
continue to rise, as they have in every recent downturn.  And if wages
do not fall, prices will almost certainly not fall, either.  Labor costs
typically account for two-thirds of the cost of producing goods and
services.  In general, wages and prices move up and down together.  They
can move in opposite directions, however, in times of rapid gains in
productivity.  But productivity is now rising by less than 2 percent a
year.  That provides no room for prices to fall, if wages continue to
rise anywhere near their current 4 percent clip.  The United States has
not experienced deflation since the 1930s.

U.S. consumers bought cars and trucks at a booming 16.7 million annual
pace in October, the high water mark for light-vehicle sales so far this
year.  Overall, U.S. car and truck sales rose 9.8 percent in October
(The Wall Street Journal, page A2

"I don't see a recession, but we're certainly slowing down," says the
chairman of the monthly survey of non-manufacturing companies for the
National Association of Purchasing Management.  Nearly a quarter of
1,728 companies surveyed 

[PEN-L:910] BLS Daily Report

1998-11-05 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE0902.ECDE1C60


The index of leading economic indicators remained unchanged in September
- 105.5 for the third straight month - revealing a slowing but still
healthy U.S. economy, the Conference Board says.  "For two straight
months the leading indicators have languished, suggesting the economy
will be hard pressed to match the robust growth posted the past few
years," said the director of business cycle research at the Board (Daily
Labor Report, page D-1).
__The leading economic indicator figure was a surprise to economists who
had expected a slight decrease (The Washington Post, page B15).
__The index of leading economic indicators suggests that the economy may
be slowing, at a time when Federal Reserve policy makers are considering
whether to cut interest rates again.
This means central bankers, who meet again November 17, have room to cut
interest rates for a third time since the end of September, if borrowing
costs for companies do not get cheaper on their own (The New York Times,
page C5).

As in years past, workers at most U.S. establishments will enjoy a 2-day
Thanksgiving holiday, according to a Bureau of National Affairs survey.
About 71 percent of the responding employers will grant paid holidays
for both Thanksgiving Day and the following Friday (Daily Labor Report,
page C-1).

A Cornell University study predicts that employment-based health care
benefits will shift over the next few years from a defined benefit to a
defined contribution arrangement involving some kind of medical savings
accounts or vouchers.  Title of the study is "Employment-Based Health
Insurance:  The Inevitable Transition from Defined Benefit to Defined
Contribution," and is by Roger Battistella, professor of health policy
and management at Cornell and David Burchfield, assistant professor of
health care financial management (Daily Labor Report, page A-3).

Employee referrals and professional and informal networking were the
most important factors in recruiting new information technology
employees, according to an American Electronics Association-William A.
Mercer, Inc. survey. The survey was based on responses of 100 high-tech
companies, each employing fewer than 500 workers (Daily Labor Report,
page A-2).

The economy will need more workers, because an aging America will have a
small labor pool.  In 1997, there were about five Americans between 20
and 64 for every American 65 and over; by 2030 that ratio is projected
to fall below 3 to 1, says Robert J. Samuelson, in an op.ed. page (page
A25) article in The Washington Post on the eldercare problem of the
future and what should be done about it.

Computer companies are still introducing cheaper and cheaper PCs, but
consumers are paying less attention to price, says The Wall Street
Journal (page B1).  Average purchase prices for consumer desktop
computers, which fell 29 percent between January 1997 and January 1998,
have leveled off at $1,130 through September of this year, according to
ZD Market Intelligence of LaJolla, Calif.  Home computers are now
available for as little as $500, but the cheapest machines often have
technology that is a year or so old.  Faced with that option, a majority
of buyers are choosing to pay more for more up-to-date features (The
Wall Street Journal, page B1).

A National Retail Federation survey projects a strong Christmas, with
consumer spending in November and December rising 5 to 6 percent, but
retail experts are skeptical about the rosy forecast (The Wall Street
Journal, page B10).

The Federal Reserve's No. 2 policymaker, Alice Rivlin, says that she
expects the economy to slow significantly next year and unemployment to
rise, but not enough to trigger a recession (USA Today, page B1).

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE0902.ECDE1C60


[PEN-L:870] BLS Daily Report

1998-11-04 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE0811.A9CA7250


__Consumer spending greatly exceeded income growth in September,
triggering a negative personal savings rate for the first time in almost
40 years, but analysts caution against reading too much into the
development.  The personal income of Americans increased a modest 0.2
percent in September, after gaining 0.4 percent in each of the previous
two months, the Commerce Department reports. ...  (Daily Labor Report,
page D-1; New York Times, page C2).
__Americans spent more money buying goods and services than they
received in after-tax income in September, resulting in a negative
national personal savings rate for the first time since 1959, when the
monthly figures were first published.  The savings rate, which measures
the share of disposable personal income left after people make their
purchases, fell into negative territory as such spending increased a
robust 0.5 percent and personal income rose by a much weaker 0.2
percent.  Much of the slowdown in income growth was the result of
September's small gain in new jobs and a cutback in the number of hours
worked. ...  (Washington Post, page E1). 
__Wages and incomes are still making gains, although not as fast as in
recent months. But even as consumers receive salary boosts, they are
still spending a large portion of their incomes. ...  (Wall Street
Journal, page A2).

__The National Association of Purchasing Management said that its
monthly survey showed that manufacturing activity slowed last month for
the fifth month in a row. ...  Manufacturing companies have been hard
hit by the decline in U.S. exports that began when several Asia nations
got into serious economic and financial difficulty more than a year ago.
Last month, the index for export orders fell to 42 from 45.8, an
indication that exports probably will continue to decline in coming
months, another reason to expect slower economic growth ahead, analysts
said.  Purchasing managers say that the prices their companies are
paying for materials and components continue to fall rapidly. ...
(Washington Post, page E1).
__The National Association of Purchasing Management's factory index fell
to 48.3 in October, from 49.4 in September - the lowest reading since
47.3 in March 1996. The index has hovered just below 50 since June, a
sign of a decline in manufacturing and slower economic growth over all.
  But while manufacturing is slowing, builders are still reporting
growth.  Construction spending rose in September, after showing no
change in August, Commerce Department figures showed.  Construction,
especially of single-family homes, had been a mainstay of the economy
all year. ...  (New York Times, page C2).
__In another sign that the U.S. economy may be slowing, manufacturing
activity continued to contract in October. The slowing in manufacturing
activity has been brought on by foreign financial crisis.  That economic
turmoil has resulted in weak demand for U.S. exports and more intense
competition as foreign imports flood many U.S. markets. ...  (Wall
Street Journal, page A2).

Corporate profit growth stumbled in the three months that ended in
September, producing the first year-to-year drop since the nation was
clawing its way out of the recession in 1991.  Economists said companies
were squeezed by higher labor costs at home, financial weakness around
the globe, and an environment that makes it difficult to raise prices.
Those and other factors combined to push operating profits for the
nation's largest companies more than 3 percent below last year's third
quarter, according to First Call Corp., a Boston firm that tracks
analysts' forecasts and actual earnings reports. ...  (Washington Post,
page E1).

About 71 percent of all employers this year will grant paid holidays for
Thanksgiving and the day after, roughly the same as last year (68
percent), says the Bureau of National Affairs Inc., a Washington
publishing house.  Factory workers and others in manufacturing are the
most likely to receive the two-day holiday; hospital, bank, and retail
workers are among the least likely ("Work Week," Wall Street Journal,
page A1). 

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE0811.A9CA7250


[PEN-L:829] BLS Daily Report

1998-11-03 Thread Richardson_D

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE0739.6F1E2FA0


Despite an early autumn of bad news, with panic spreading across
emerging markets, the near collapse of a major hedge fund, and stock
prices falling, U.S. economic fundamentals are still sound and the
likelihood of recession is small, analysts say.  Economic growth has
slowed - consumer spending growth in the second half of the year is
expected to be about half its heady 6 percent pace in the first half,
the trade deficit is widening as exports have declined five straight
months and employment growth slowed sharply in September.  But there are
also some big plusses that point to the continuation of the eight-year
expansion - including a housing boom fueled in part by very low interest
rates, low unemployment and low inflation, and solid income growth. ...
(Daily Labor Report, page D-1).

__The U.S. economy proved stronger in the third quarter than most
analysts expected, with gross domestic product rising at an average rate
of 3.3 percent, according to Commerce Department data.  Consumer
spending, especially on services, continued to grow unabated despite a
global economic crisis, and businesses added to inventories, prompting
more robust growth in the third quarter than the 1.8 percent rate in the
second. ...  Inflation, as measured by the chain-weighted GDP deflator,
remained quiet in the third quarter, rising at an annual rate of just
0.8 percent, after gaining at a 0.9 percent rate in the second quarter.
  (Daily Labor Report, page D-3).
__The U.S. economy grew at an unexpectedly strong pace, despite turmoil
in global financial markets.  The 3.3 percent annual rate was a full
percentage point or more higher than many analysts had expected.  It
also was up sharply from the 1.8 percent increase in the
inflation-adjusted gross domestic product in the second quarter, when
economic troubles in Japan, South Korea, and other nations had combined
with a strong dollar to cause a sharp drop in U.S. exports.  The U.S.
stock market rallied on the news.  Investors were encouraged both by the
better-than-expected GDP figures and the announcement of a new
international plan to help developing countries, such as Brazil, that
are facing difficulties because of a loss of international investor
confidence. ...  (Washington Post, Oct. 31, page A1).
__Despite months of financial turmoil and heightened anxiety about
contagion from the rest of the world, America's economy is holding up
far better than most experts expected.  The nation's economic output
grew at a surprisingly solid 3.3 percent pace this summer, as car makers
scrambled to rebuild inventories after the GM strike and consumers spent
money as fast as they earned it. ...  (New York Times, Oct. 31, page
__GDP growth topped estimates.  But the number reflects conditions
through Sept. 30, and many analysts say the report shows signs of a
slowdown for the rest of the year. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2). 

Working part time used to mean afternoons at home or two or three days
off a week.  But, as many Americans find themselves working weeks that
stretch to 60 or more hours, "part time" can mean something very
different:  the ability to leave the office most nights at 5 or schedule
a half-day off every other week.  A new class of part-timers, mostly
women, is emerging and working what used to be considered full-time
hours - 35 or 40 hours a week.  Lawyers, consultants, managers, and
other professionals want to cut back their official hours so they can
spend more time with their children or deal with other responsibilities.
  No one, including the government, which classifies anyone who works
35 or more hours as full time, knows how many full-time part times there
are. ...  But one study suggests that these workers are a sizable
presence.  Roughly a third of the salaried part-time employees surveyed
in the 1997 National Study of the Changing Work Force said they spent at
least 35 hours on the job, though the sample was small and statisticians
say the actual number could be anywhere from a quarter to almost half of
the millions of part timers. ...  Two charts are credited to BLS:  the
number of dual-career couples and women who are working as professionals
and managers  (New York Times, page A1).  

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE0739.6F1E2FA0


[PEN-L:804] BLS Daily Report

1998-11-02 Thread Richardson_D

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE0672.C21EBEF0


__Private industry wages rose 4.3 percent in the year ended in
September, and compensation costs rose 3.8 percent, BLS reports.  This
is the largest increase in private industry wages since June 1990, when
the employment cost index rose 4.5 percent. ...  (Victoria Roberts in
Daily Labor Report, page D-1).
__With big pay increases in financial industries leading the way, the
nation's broadest measure of employers' labor costs rose 3.7 percent in
the year ended last month, the largest rise in 6-1/2 years.  That
increase in the ECI was up sharply from the 3.0 percent gain for the
year ended in September 1997. ...  Analysts don't expect the rise to
prevent another Federal Reserve rate cut. ...  (John M. Berry in The
Washington Post, page F1).
__Despite signs that the labor market has cooled a bit since spring, the
pay of workers is rising faster than it has in years.  The nation's
employment cost index rose a surprisingly strong 1 percent this summer.
Though increases in benefit costs remained subdued, wages and salaries
spurted 1.2 percent in the 3 months that ended September 30, the fastest
rate since the summer of 1990, at the end of the long, strong 1980s
economic expansion. ...  "What we're seeing is a fairly broad-based
increase in the rate of growth of compensation," said Katharine Abraham,
Commissioner of BLS. ...  (Sylvia Nasar in New York Times, page C1).  
__Tight labor markets and rising health-care costs forced U.S.
businesses to increase wages and benefits in the third quarter. ...
Rising health insurance costs contributed to a 0.8 percent boost in
workers' benefits during the third quarter, the same as in the second
quarter. ...  While the wage increases are good for workers, they put
the squeeze on the companies because operating costs are rising at a
faster clip than official measures of productivity.  The increases could
also trigger a rise in inflation if companies raise prices to offset
increased wages.  So far, however, inflation has remained tame. ...
(John Simons in Wall Street Journal, page A2).

New claims filed with state agencies for unemployment insurance benefits
decreased by 18,000 to a seasonally adjusted total of 301,000 for the
week ended Oct. 24, the Employment and Training Administration of the
Department of Labor reports. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page D-14; Wall
Street Journal, page A2)_Initial jobless claims, which had jumped 2
weeks in a row, are back down near a 10-year low  (New York Times, page

The Conference Board's help-wanted index declined 4 percentage points in
September, to a seasonally adjusted 88 percent of its 1987 base.  "On
the surface, it appears that all the speculation of a deterioration in
labor market conditions may finally be developing," Conference Board
economist Ken Goldstein said.  "But it remains to be seen if a new trend
is developing or if September was merely an aberration.  A few blaring
headlines notwithstanding, there is no evidence layoffs are burgeoning."
  (Daily Labor Report, page A-3)_Help-wanted advertising has
slipped, but it remains strong (New York Times, page C1)_The fall
indicates that the tight labor situation might ease. ...  (Wall Street
Journal, page A2).

Economic activity throttled back substantially in the third quarter,
with the goods-producing sector of the U.S. economy bearing the brunt of
the slowdown, and business economists expect slow-growth conditions to
prevail over the next 6 months.  The National Association for Business
Economics said demand for both goods and services retreated sharply in
the July-September period, with the deceleration in the industrial
sector spreading to other parts of the economy as well.  A survey of 100
NABE members found the goods-producing sector was particularly hard hit,
posting its weakest performance since late 1991. ...  (Daily Labor
Report, page A-11).

Even though many industries are experiencing shortages of qualified
workers, most employers have failed to tap into the pool of qualified
workers with disabilities, who are anxious to work, according to the
National Organization on Disability.  Of 54 million Americans with
disabilities, 17 million are of working age (18-64), NOD's president
told reporters.  Of these, however, only 29 percent currently are
working full or part time.  Of the other 71 percent who are not in the
workforce, 72 percent say they would prefer to be working.  The remarks
were based on a survey released by NOD and conducted by polling company
Louis Harris & Associates on the participation of people with
disabilities in economic and social life. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE0672.C21EBEF0


[PEN-L:757] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-30 Thread Richardson_D

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE040C.3DE9DC60


RELEASED TODAY:  The Employment Cost Index, not seasonally adjusted, for
September 1998 was 139.0, an increase of 3.7 percent from September
1997. ...  On a seasonally adjusted basis, compensation costs for
civilian workers rose 1.0 percent during the June-September 1998 period,
following a gain of 0.9 percent in June. ...  Wages and salaries
increased 1.2 percent during the June-September period.  The increase
was 0.9 percent in the March-June period.  Benefit costs increased 0.8
percent in the June-September period, the same as reported in the
March-June quarter. ...  

Despite the slowdown of the U.S. economy, new orders for durable goods
rose a stronger-than-expected 0.9 percent in September, the Commerce
Department reports. ...  The September increase was led by electronic
and other electrical equipment, particularly communications equipment.
  (Daily Labor Report, page D-1)_Orders for big-ticket items rose
for the fourth consecutive month.  They were pulled higher by demand for
automobiles, communications equipment, and military goods. ...
Economists had expected about a 1 percent drop, with world financial
turmoil diminishing demand for U.S. products (Washington Post, page C14;
New York Times, page C20)_New factory orders for durable goods
posted a surprising gain in September, propelled by strong demand for
electronic equipment, household appliances, and industrial machinery.
But most economists expect capital investment and consumer spending to
slow in the coming year. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2).

Next week's reports of U.S. vehicle sales for October are expected to
show continued strength, despite the recent decline in consumer
confidence and the roller-coaster stock market. ...  The analysts
attribute the healthy sales pace to the affordability of new vehicles.
  (Wall Street Journal, page A2).

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE040C.3DE9DC60


-- =_NextPart_000_01BE040C.3DE9DC60--

[PEN-L:730] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-29 Thread Richardson_D

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE0342.19B073E0


RELEASED TODAY:  In September, 219 metropolitan areas recorded
unemployment rates below the U.S. average (4.4 percent, not seasonally
adjusted), while 101 areas had higher rates.  Of the 18 metropolitan
areas with rates below 2.0 percent, 12 were located in the Midwest, 4
were in the South, and 2 were in the Northeast.  Eleven of the 12 areas
with jobless rates above 9.0 percent were in California or along the
Mexican border in other states. ...  

In the second quarter of 1998, personal income in all 50 states and the
District of Columbia grew faster than the increase in prices paid by
consumers, according to estimates by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Across the nation, personal incomes grew 1.1 percent in the second
quarter, after growing 1.4 percent in the first quarter of the year. ...
(Daily Labor Report, page D-1).

A total of 5,150 workers were killed on the job in 1997, and another
1,068 died as a result of work-related suicide or homicide, the National
Safety Council's annual report says.  The total number of work-related
fatalities increased some 2 percent over 1996, when 5,001 workers were
killed, the council says.  But the overall fatality rate - 3.9 workers
per 100,000 employees - remained unchanged and represents the lowest
rate since 1933, the earliest date for which national data is available,
according to the report released at the council's annual conference in
Los Angeles. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page A-5).

Consumer confidence declined for the fourth month in a row in October as
American households were less optimistic both about the current state of
the economy and their expectations half a year from now, the Conference
Board says. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page A-12)_The monthly index
of consumer attitudes fell 9.1 points to 117.3 in October, the lowest
reading since December 1996.  The decline was greater than economists
had expected.  Though still high by historical levels, the trend is
unmistakably down.  After reaching a 30-year high in June, the index of
consumer confidence has retreated in the wake of concerns about the
stock market, the global economic crisis, and increasing layoffs. ...
("Trendlines" by Tim Smart, Washington Post, page C10)_Consumer
confidence tumbled to its lowest level in nearly two years earlier this
month, amid increasing concerns about global economic and political
troubles. ...  (New York Times, page C9)_Battered by global economic
crisis, stock market gyrations, and signs that the U.S. economy is
gearing down, American consumers are losing their financial self-esteem.
  (Wall Street Journal, page A2)

Layoff fears aren't unfounded.  According to a Challenger, Gray &
Christmas Inc. study, there were announcements of more than 100,000 job
cuts in September and early October, and, according to the Conference
Board, the portion of consumers who believe jobs are plentiful fell to
41.3 percent in October, from 45.2 percent in September.  Those who
perceive jobs as being "hard to get" rose to 16 percent from 14.3
percent. ...  (Wall Street Journal, page A2).  

Opportunity abounds in the restaurant industry.  With the strong economy
and steady increase in two-worker households, more people are eating
out. ...  According to projections by the Bureau of Labor Statistics,
food preparation and service will be the fastest growing occupations
through 2006.  Among chefs and kitchen workers alone, the government
expects an average of 1.27 million jobs to be created each year, says
The New York Times (Oct. 25, business section, page 1). ...  Despite the
growing demand, chefs' pay has increased slowly and remains moderate.
  The Times gives the average salary for graduates of three different
cooking schools after various years of experience, as well as annual
average job growth, 1996-2006, for various occupations and attributes
the data to BLS.

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  Employment Cost Index -- September 1998

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE0342.19B073E0


[PEN-L:710] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-28 Thread Richardson_D

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE027C.D51E8A40


Persons with disabilities, especially those with severe disabilities,
are less likely to work and are more likely to live in poverty,
according to a pair of articles in the September issue of the Monthly
Labor Review.  The articles, scheduled to be published shortly, are
reprinted in the Daily Labor Report (pages A-9, E-1) and are "Labor
Market Activity, 1994" and "Demographic, Income, and Health Care
Characteristics, 1993."  The labor market article is by Thomas W. Hale
and Howard V. Hayghe, both economists in the Office of Employment and
Unemployment of BLS, and John M. McNell, statistician in the Bureau of
the Census.  The demographic article is by Douglas L. Kruse, associate
professor, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University.

Funding for fiscal year 1999 for the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the
Census Bureau fell short of requested amounts, imperiling the agencies'
efforts to improve how the gross domestic product measures economic
growth, officials from both Department of Commerce agencies contend.
The agencies asked Congress to appropriate money for a full-scale
initiative to reduce the statistical discrepancies between GDP and Gross
Domestic Income.  Theoretically, these two measures should match in
growth rates.  But during the past four years, GDP and GDI have reached
different conclusions about how fast the economy is growing, with GDI
expanding about 0.5 percentage point faster than GDP each year. ...
(Daily Labor Report, page A-8).

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment:
September 1998

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE027C.D51E8A40


-- =_NextPart_000_01BE027C.D51E8A40--

Re: [PEN-L:689] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-27 Thread Peter Dorman

Does this mean that BLS will finally calculate a Beveridge Curve for the US at
regular intervals?

Peter Dorman

Richardson_D wrote:

> BLS got all the fiscal 1999 funding the Clinton Administration requested
> to continue efforts to improve the CPI and other data series, according
> to the agency. ...  BLS funding will allow the agency to continue its
> ongoing effort to improve the CPI and develop a new data series on labor
> market conditions, according to Kate Newman, head of BLS's financial
> planning and management division. ...  BLS says the extra money will
> allow the agency to speed up the process of updating the market basket
> of goods and service sampled to determine price changes.  The added
> funding should allow BLS to expand the amount of information collected
> on the prices and characteristics of certain goods and services. ...
> Current statistical series do not show directly labor market shortages
> and if labor market tightness is exerting upward pressure on wages.  "We
> would be providing monthly data on separations, new hires and current
> job openings to assess the demand for labor or the existence of labor
> shortages," Newsman said.  BLS will begin publishing the data in 2001.

[PEN-L:689] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-27 Thread Richardson_D

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE01B4.A092FEA0


BLS got all the fiscal 1999 funding the Clinton Administration requested
to continue efforts to improve the CPI and other data series, according
to the agency. ...  BLS funding will allow the agency to continue its
ongoing effort to improve the CPI and develop a new data series on labor
market conditions, according to Kate Newman, head of BLS's financial
planning and management division. ...  BLS says the extra money will
allow the agency to speed up the process of updating the market basket
of goods and service sampled to determine price changes.  The added
funding should allow BLS to expand the amount of information collected
on the prices and characteristics of certain goods and services. ...
Current statistical series do not show directly labor market shortages
and if labor market tightness is exerting upward pressure on wages.  "We
would be providing monthly data on separations, new hires and current
job openings to assess the demand for labor or the existence of labor
shortages," Newsman said.  BLS will begin publishing the data in 2001.

"Wage Inflation?  Not to Worry" is the title of a Washington Post op-ed
article by Robert I. Lerman, director of the Urban Institute's Human
Resources Policy Center. ...  In it, he says that, between 1992 and
1998, the unemployment rate for adult high school dropouts fell from 12
to 7 percent; for teenagers, unemployment plummeted from 20 percent to
about 14 percent.  Meanwhile, among never-married mothers, the
proportion holding jobs jumped from 45 to 61 percent.  During this same
period, employment rates at the high-skill end of the labor market
barely changed.  Unemployment already was low for these workers and for
college graduates it fell a bit more, but the proportion of college
graduates holding jobs stayed the same -- 78 percent.  Given these
trends, theory would dictate wage growth, especially for the most
skilled workers.  But that didn't happen.  Between 1995 and 1998,
college graduates saw wage gains of about 2 to 3 percent above
inflation, about average for all workers.  Why?  Many analysts point to
corporate competition at home and abroad, weakened unions, and recent
productivity increases.  But also at work here is an abundance of
well-educated workers. ...  Of the net increase of nearly 12 million
newly employed adults between 1992 and 1998, 90 percent had completed at
least some college education and more than half obtained at least a
bachelor's degree. ...  

The Wall Street Journal's "Tracking the Economy" feature (page A2)
predicts that the employment cost index for the third quarter, to be
released by BLS Thursday, will rise 0.8 percent in comparison to the
previous quarterly change of 0.9 percent.

Salaried employees can expect an average 4.1 percent merit-based salary
increase in 1999, the same increase that salaried employees have seen
for the last two years, according to a survey of 406 Fortune 1000
companies released by Buck Consultants.  The annual survey also found
that three out of four employers reported that they are using
alternative reward strategies such as hiring and retention bonuses,
stock options, and annual bonus programs to compensate talented
employees. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page A-9).

The number of women in a state legislature appears to have a strong
correlation with the wage gap between women and men in the state, a
panel sponsored by the Institute for Women's Policy Research said in
releasing a report.  The economic status of women tends to be correlated
with their political status, according to the president of
Washington-based IWPR, an independent, nonprofit organization. ...
(Daily Labor Report, page A-4).

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE01B4.A092FEA0


[PEN-L:666] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-26 Thread Richardson_D

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE00EB.55485D90


RELEASED TODAY:  In July 1998, there were 1,862 mass layoff actions by
employers as measured by new filings for unemployment insurance benefits
during the month.  Each action involved at least 50 persons from a
single establishment, and the number of workers involved totaled
235,996.  Both the number of layoff events and initial claimants for
unemployment insurance were somewhat lower than in July 1997. ... 

After adjustment for inflation, the median weekly earnings of the
nation's full-time wage and salary workers were 2.6 percent higher in
the third quarter of 1998 then  they were a year earlier, according to
data released by BLS. ... (Daily Labor Report, page D-5).

Manufacturers increasingly are considering laying off workers to cut
costs as the economy slows and firms are unable to raise prices,
National Association of Manufacturers President Jasinowski says at a
briefing held to announce NAM's economic survey.  "They are also talking
about holding down merit wage increases."  As recently as early this
year when the economy was booming, manufacturers were able to make up in
volume what they lost by an inability to pass on prices increases,
Jasinowski says.  But now that demand has slowed, pressure is mounting
on manufacturers to cut costs, he says. ... (Daily Labor Report, page

Data compiled by BNA in the first 42 weeks of 1998 showed that the
median first-year wage increase in newly negotiated labor contracts
equals 3 percent, the same increase as that reported for the comparable
period in 1997.  The weighted average increase for settlements reported
to date in 1998 was 3 percent, compared with 2.8 percent in 1997. ...
(Daily Labor Report, page D-10).

Construction of new homes and apartments dropped 2.5 percent in
September, the second straight monthly decline, but analysts say the
housing market remains healthy. ... (Daily Labor Report, page D-1; New
York Times, page C20: Wall Street Journal, page A2).  

The United States is splurging on energy, says The New York Times (page
A1).  Twenty-five years after an oil embargo proved that fuel supplies
were neither reliable nor endlessly cheap, the United States has given
up almost all the gains it made in conserving energy.  On average,
Americans have returned to consuming nearly as much energy as ever
before. ... Declining energy prices - now lower in real terms than
before the first oil embargo - have made the difference, the article
contends.  In the dollar-a-gallon era, why spend much time or money
saving a gallon or a watt?  Evidence of the more energy intensive life
style is everywhere.  Since the early 1970s, as the average household
has shrunk by a sixth, the average new home has grown by a third.  Even
moderately priced homes are now stuffed with energy-hungry features,
from central air-conditioning to Jacuzzis and security systems. ...
Energy use is rising even faster on the roads. ... 

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE00EB.55485D90


[PEN-L:665] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-26 Thread Richardson_D

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE00E9.BE6894D0


The Department of Labor fares well with respect to funding levels for
two key Clinton initiatives - aid to disadvantaged youth and a
stepped-up move to combat international and domestic abuses of child
labor, says the Daily Labor Report (page A-8). ... The Bureau of Labor
Statistics is funded at the administration's request. ... The funding
covers a new jobs-opening survey initiative to measure labor shortages
in the U.S. labor market. ...   

U.S. employers laid off 235,996 workers in 1,862 mass layoff actions in
July, BLS says.  Both the number of mass-layoff events and the number of
people laid off were larger in July than in June. ... (Daily Labor
Report, page D-3).

New claims filed with state agencies for unemployment insurance benefits
rose for the third consecutive week, up 2,000 to a seasonally adjusted
total of 318,000 for the week ended Oct. 17, the Labor Department's
Employment and Training Administration reports. ... (Daily Labor Report,
page D-1)_Overall, new claims have stayed relatively low at a level
economists said would be consistent with fairly strong payroll growth in
October. ... (New York Times, page C6)_The number of Americans
seeking first-time unemployment benefits rose to a 3-month high last
week, prodding economists to wonder whether the numbers portend a wave
of layoffs.  The surge in claims was greater than most economists
expected, and "suggests a weak October payroll employment report," said
an economist with Merrill Lynch in New York. ... The labor market is
still tight, but many analysts believe that the recent claims increases
result from a slowing economy. ... (Wall Street Journal, page A2).
The global financial crisis, which a few weeks ago seemed spiraling out
of control, has suddenly eased on a number of fronts - raising the
tantalizing prospect that its worst period may have passed. ...
(Washington Post, page F1).

Federal Reserve officials sought to reassure the financial markets,
saying they are upbeat about the U.S. economy's ability to weather
global turmoil and signaling a willingness to cut interest rates again
if investors get jumpy. ... (Wall Street Journal, page A2)_Top
Federal Reserve policymakers hinted that they are likely to cut interest
rates further next month to counter global financial turmoil before it
tips the United States into recession. ... Fed Vice Chair Alice Rivlin
said that there are two priorities:  "One is to put up roadblocks to
stop the contagion so that emerging-market countries can begin to get
back on their feet, and the other is to keep the world's largest
economy, namely us, from slowing down too much". ... (USA Today, page

-- =_NextPart_000_01BE00E9.BE6894D0


[PEN-L:616] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-22 Thread Richardson_D

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDFDC0.853E7F90


Today's News Release:  "Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary
Workers, Third Quarter, 1998" points out that median weekly earnings of
the nation's 97.4 million full-time wage and salary workers were $520 in
the third quarter of 1998.  This was 4.2 percent higher than a year ago,
compared with a gain of 1.6 percent in the CPI-U over the same period.

"Regional and State Employment and Unemployment:  September 1998" was
released late yesterday (October 21, 1998).  lt indicates that regional
and state unemployment rates remained relatively stable in September.
The three regions for which data are available reported little change
from August, and 39 states and the District of Columbia recorded shifts
of 0.3 percentage point or less.  Data for North Carolina and the region
and division in which it is located were not available at the time of
the release.  The national jobless rate was virtually unchanged at 4.6
percent.  Nonfarm payroll employment rose in 34 states and the District
of Columbia.

The unemployment rate remained at a relatively low level throughout the
country in September, with the Midwest again recording the lowest rate
at 3.6 percent, BLS reported (Daily Labor Report, page D-8).  

Major U.S. employers reported that their work forces expanded an average
of 7.7 percent in the year ending June 1998. But they anticipate that
their staffs will grow more slowly, an average of 4.6 percent, through
June 1999, according to the American Management Association's annual
Staffing and Structure Survey released October 20. Of the 1,231 AMA
member organizations that participated in the survey, 45 percent had
plans to increase their workforce by June 1999.
In comparison, in the year ending June 1998, 52 percent of major
employers had increased the size of their workforce. In that same year,
72 percent of responding companies reported creating new jobs, while
only 44 percent project that they will create new jobs in the coming
year (Daily Labor Report, page A-2).  

The U.S. trade deficit leapt to a record high of $16.8 billion in
August, powered by a strong dollar and economic turmoil stretching from
Asia to Latin America, the Commerce Department reports.  A 0.3 percent
dip in exports - down for the fifth straight month - and a 2.2 percent
gain in imports yielded a 15.3 percent jump in the monthly trade gap,
according to seasonally adjusted data (Daily Labor Report, page D-1; The
Washington Post, page C10).

The one sector of the U.S. economy that has clearly turned sour is
manufacturing, says John M. Berry, writing in "Trendlines" of The
Washington Post (page C10).  Production is flat, employment is down by
more than 150,000 since April, and foreign markets are shrinking for the
first time in many years.  Meanwhile, large increases in business
purchases of new plants and equipment - a key feature of the
long-running U.S. economic expansion - have continued to boost
manufacturing capacity even as demand slows.  The consequence is a
significant drop in the share of total production capacity actually in
use.  Last month, that share, known as the capacity utilization rate,
was 79.6 percent, 3.3 percent below the level at the beginning of the

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDFDC0.853E7F90


[PEN-L:613] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-21 Thread Richardson_D

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDFD05.A8221500


RELEASED TODAY:  Regional and state unemployment rates remained
relatively stable in September.  The three regions for which data are
available reported little change from August, and 39 states and the
District of Columbia recorded shifts of 0.3 percentage point or less.
 The national jobless rate was virtually unchanged at 4.6 percent.
Nonfarm payroll employment rose in 34 states and the District of
Columbia. ... 

The federal government cut 343,000 jobs in the 1990s through a sharp
reduction in defense payrolls and a restructuring of federal agencies,
according to a report from the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of
Government.  In the same years federal employment fell, state and local
governments added 2 million jobs.  Nearly three-fourths of the overall
federal employment decline came from a 281,000 fall in the number of
civilian Defense Department employees.  "The defense decline not only
reversed the 85,000 buildup of the 1980s, but reduced the total number
of defense jobs to 693,000, the lowest figure in a half century,"
according to the report by Samuel M. Ehrenhalt, a senior fellow at the
Institute. ... Employment for general federal government functions fell
by 100,000 jobs in the 1990s. ... (Daily Labor Report, page A-2).

New York needs to get over its dependence on the financial sector, says
Charles R. Morris, a financial consultant and author of "Money, Greed
and Risk:  The Course of Financial Crises," on the op. ed. page of The
New York Times (page A31). ... As of the end of 1997, security industry
employment accounted for 5.5 percent of New York City jobs, up from 5.3
percent in 1987 and for a staggering l9.3 percent of payrolls, up from
just 11.3 percent 10 years before.  The finance, insurance, and real
estate sector now accounts for 33.9 percent of all payrolls in New York
City, a big jump from 26.5 percent in 1987. ... When markets turn sour,
lamentations rise from the wreckage of upside-down mortgages and
repossessed Jaguars, and everyone vows not to let it happen again. ...
The problem may be that market crashes just don't last long enough to
generate the pain needed for true reform.  

Employment of those 16 to 24 years old rose 13.3 percent to 21.6 million
between April and July this year, the smallest gain in summer youth jobs
since 1991, BLS said.  BLS economist Sharon Cohany said that might be
because more school kids were already holding after school jobs in
April; also, she said, a higher minimum wage could have meant the
government funded fewer summer jobs (Wall Street Journal, "Work Week,"
page A1).

More black Americans than white for the first time say their financial
condition has improved in the past year, a poll of 1,700 Americans
conducted by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
indicates. Experts say that's a sign that the strong economy finally is
reaching the black community.  Just over half of the African-Americans
surveyed, 51 percent, felt better off financially this year than last.
The number of blacks polled was 850, a larger sample than in most
national surveys.  In contrast, less than one-third of the whites in the
survey, 31.5 percent, said they felt better off. ... "It's the 4.5
percent unemployment rate, tight labor market, people getting jobs, and
wage increases," said an economist at the Brookings Institution and
former director of the Congressional Budget Office. ... (USA Today, page

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  Usual Weekly Earnings for Wage and Salary Workers:
Third Quarter 1998

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDFD05.A8221500


[PEN-L:599] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-20 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDFC36.CD96C6B0


__A sharp fall in energy prices kept the September CPI-U steady.
September was the first month the CPI-U showed no increase since March.
The price index rose 0.2 percent in August.  In the year ended in
September, the CPI-U has risen at a 1.5 percent rate. ... (Daily Labor
Report, page D-1; New York Times, Oct. 17, page B2).
__Inflation disappeared in September, as prices for gasoline, clothing,
and vegetables all fell.  The seasonally adjusted CPI was unchanged,
following five small increases from April through August. ...
(Washington Post, Oct. 17, page G1).  

Annual increases in Social Security payments aren't keeping pace with
inflation on the goods and services on which senior citizens spend much
of their money.  Although inflation in general remains at low levels,
America's elderly are subject to a different and slightly higher, rate
of consumer-price increases, according to the Labor Department.  The
agency has maintained a separate consumer price index for the elderly,
or "CPI-E" since 1982, releasing it each month without much fanfare.
Unlike the conventional CPI, the senior-citizen formula places greater
weight on the cost of such goods and services as medical treatment,
prescription drugs, and housing.  Though experimental, the CPI-E is
considered a more accurate reflection of the cost of living for
Americans over the age of 61.  Between August 1997 and August 1998, for
instance, the CPI-W rose 1.3 percent, while the CPI-E rose 1.7 percent,
due to rising health costs. ... A lobbyist for the American Association
for Retired Persons says, "We definitely want the cost of living
adjustments (in Social Security) to be based on a more reasonable
reflection of what the elderly really face". ... Using the senior
citizen CPI would "make more sense," says Patrick Jackman, BLS economist
who oversees the CPI-E.  "There's been some talk about producing an
official CPI for the elderly, but that would cost money." Mr. Jackman
estimates that it would cost the Labor Department an extra $40 million
per year to produce a separate report. ... (Wall Street Journal, page

__Real average weekly pay fell 0.6 percent from August to September,
after seasonal adjustment, BLS reports, saying the decline stemmed from
a 0.6 percent decrease in average weekly hours and a 0.1 percent rise in
the CPI-W. ... (Daily Labor Report, page D-14).
__As the economy slowed, average weekly earnings for workers fell in
September by the biggest amount in 17 months. ... (New York Times, Oct.
17, page B2).  

The Social Security Administration announced that Social Security
recipients will receive a 1.3 percent cost of living increase for the
coming year - the lowest in 11 years. ... (Daily Labor Report, page A-9;
Washington Post, Oct. 17, page G1; New York Times, Oct. 17, page A9). 

In another sign of a slowed economy, U.S. industrial production fell 0.3
percent in September,  according to data released by the Federal
Reserve.  The decrease follows a revised 1.6 percent increase in August
- originally pegged at 1.7 percent - which was a rebound in output after
the General Motors strike.  "The declines were widespread in durable
manufacturing, with larger drops in steel and motor vehicles and parts,"
the Fed said. ... (Daily Labor Report, page D-18; Washington Post, Oct.
17, page G1)_Analysts had been expecting an increase of  0.1 percent
in industrial production. ... (New York Times, Oct. 17, page
B2)_U.S. industrial output dropped unexpectedly by 0.3 percent in
September, wrapping up the most sluggish quarter for production since
the last recession. ... (Wall Street Journal, page A28).

Little by little, across the economy, companies large and small are
pulling in their horns, crimping spending plans, cutting back on
employment. ... But the chief economist for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
says that so far job losses have been concentrated in areas most
directly affected by the Asian financial crisis - manufacturing,
exporting, and financial services. ... According to personnel management
consultant Challenger, Gray & Christmas Inc., announcement of job
cutbacks in September were double what they were in August and more than
triple the rate in September 1997.  "The pace of layoffs is jumping
because profits are being squeezed," said the company's chief executive.
Even so, there are few signs of distress yet in macro labor market
figures.  Although September's unemployment rate was 4.6 percent
compared with 4.5 percent in August, the difference was actually
statistically insignificant.  "It ends up that the rate was right on a
rounding point," said Philip Rones, BLS assis

[PEN-L:571] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-19 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDFB73.671E5F40


   CPI -- On a seasonally adjusted basis, the CPI-U was unchanged in
September, following increases of 0.2 percent in each of the preceding 2
months.  In September, the food index was unchanged. ... The index for
petroleum-based energy decreased 2.1 percent, and the index for energy
services fell 0.8 percent.  Excluding food and energy, the CPI-U
increased 0.2 percent in September, the same as in July and August. ... 
  REAL EARNINGS -- Real average weekly earnings decreased by 0.6 percent
from August to September after seasonal adjustment.  The decline stemmed
from a 0.6 percent decrease in average weekly hours and a 0.1 percent
rise in the CPI-W.  This was partially offset by a 0.1 percent increase
in average hourly earnings. ... Between September of 1997 and 1998, real
average weekly earnings increased by 1.1 percent. ... 

__Smaller-than-anticipated automobile and light truck discounts in
September pushed up seasonally adjusted producer prices for finished
goods 0.3 percent in the month, BLS says.  Government and private
analysts say unusual pricing patterns in the automobile industry rather
than an actual cost increase in cars and light trucks caused the largest
monthly producer price increase in the past year.  Essentially, car
manufacturers offered incentive discounts at different times in 1998
than the pattern established over the last several years. ...
Private-sector economists say the September increase does not indicate
that commodity prices are breaking out of their well-behaved pattern.
The PPI for finished goods would have risen only 0.1 percent in
September if auto and light truck prices were removed from calculations,
said BLS economist Joseph Kowal. ... (Daniel J. Roy in Daily Labor
Report, page D-1; John Simons in Wall Street Journal, page A2).
__Analysts dismissed the 0.3 percent increase as a fluke and said
faltering world demand will restrain inflation pressures.  The increase
in the index was pushed up by big increases for cars, vegetables, and
home heating oil (Washington Post, page F1; Bloomberg News article in
New York Times, page C8). 

Labor statisticians from around the world meeting in Geneva agree on new
global standards for reporting income from employment and on-the-job
injuries.  The statisticians had more difficulty, however, in dealing
with a new proposal for measuring underemployment, with officials from
the United States and other industrialized regions failing to come to an
agreement with developing country representatives on how to define the
term.  The meeting, hosted every 5 years by the ILO, was the 16th such
gathering of statisticians.  Ensuring comparability between reporting
methods on labor statistics from different countries has been a task of
the ILO since the 1920s. ... (Daily Labor Report, page A-1).

New claims filed with state agencies for unemployment insurance benefits
increased by 2,000 to a seasonally adjusted total of 303,000 for the
week ended Oct. 10, the Employment and Training Administration reports.
 (Daily Labor Report, page D-10; New York Times, page C8).

Business inventories crept up 0.3 percent in August, Commerce Department
data show. ... (Daily Labor Report, page A-2).

The hot U.S. job market?  It's getting cooler by the minute, says The
Wall Street Journal (page A2).  After months of low unemployment and
intense competition for workers, U.S. companies in a variety of
industries have started a round of year-end job cuts.  Nearly a dozen
big firms have announced staff reductions in the past week in an attempt
to bolster profits amid weakening sales and pricing. ... Companies
eliminating jobs are clinging to a common truth: While pricing power is
withering because of the world-wide economic slowdown, wages in the U.S.
have increased, inflating companies' overall cost structure. ... 

Luxury businesses are always the first to feel a downturn, and are they
ever feeling it now, says The Wall Street Journal (page W1).  The
Journal article on problems in spending for products or services not
actually necessary is illustrated with a Dow Jones Luxury Spending Index
that shows such categories as luxury yacht charters and a 4-ounce jar of
caviar and the change in price, actual and in percent, over the past
year.  In each case, the percent change in price is down, with the
percent change in the price of a 4-ounce jar of caviar down 50 percent.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDFB73.671E5F40


[PEN-L:570] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-19 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDFB6F.A6769AD0


RELEASED TODAY:  The Producer Price Index for Finished Goods increased
0.3 percent in September, seasonally adjusted.  This followed a decrease
of 0.4 percent in August.  The index for finished goods other than foods
and energy advanced 0.4 percent in September, after edging down 0.1
percent in August; increases in the seasonally adjusted indexes for
passenger cars and light motor trucks accounted for three-fourths of the
September advance.  Prices received by producers of intermediate goods
declined 0.2 percent, following a 0.3 percent decrease in the prior
month.  The crude goods index fell 1.6 percent, after a 2.7 percent
decline in August. ... 

__Import prices declined 0.1 percent in September, continuing the
downward trend in prices, which have fallen 6.5 percent over the last
year, BLS says.  Export prices fell too, down 0.5 percent for the second
month in a row and down 4.1 percent in the last year. ... (Daily Labor
Report, page D-1).
__The decrease in import prices continued a downward trend, which had
amounted to a 6.5 percent decrease since September 1997.  Prices on
petroleum imports rose 1.1 percent in September, after a revised 0.9
percent rise the previous month.  The general downward trend in import
prices is expected to contribute to declining consumer goods prices. ...
(Wall Street Journal, page A2).

Retail sales rose a seasonally adjusted 0.3 percent in September, the
Commerce Department reports.  The increase proved weaker than many
analysts had expected, but in line with a slowing economy. ... (Daily
Labor Report, page D-3)_Despite brisk demand for new automobiles,
retail sales rose only modestly in September, suggesting that consumers
may be growing less eager to spend.  The increase in retail sales was
weaker than the 0.6 percent rise forecast by Wall Street economists. ...
(New York Times, page C11)_The stock market's recent gyrations may
have caused consumers  to do a bit of belt-tightening, even as falling
import prices help keep inflation in check.  Retail sales rose at a
slower than expected pace in September, after practically no increase in
August.  But even with the general slowdown, retail sales were up 4.3
percent over September 1997. ... (Wall Street Journal, page A2)

European governments aren't doing enough to create employment, the
European Commission said in a critical report on job creation across the
15-country European Union.  While praising member countries for their
efforts to implement 10 "best-practice" job-creation schemes from
individual EU countries, the Employment and Social Affairs Commissioner
said the EU still lagged behind the U.S. in most areas where it counts.
"The key thing we have to improve is the employment rate, which stands
at 60.5 percent" in the EU compared with 74 percent in the U.S., he told
a news conference following the EU executive body's weekly meeting.  EU
employment grew by about 800,000 in 1997, the best growth since 1992.
But that growth wasn't enough to prevent an increase in long-term
unemployment or to make a dent in worrying features of the EU job
market, the commissioner said. ... (Wall Street Journal, page A18).

   Consumer Price Index -- September 1998
   Real Earnings:  September 1998

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDFB6F.A6769AD0


[PEN-L:530] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-15 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDF842.88F55160


RELEASED TODAY:  The U.S. Import Price Index declined 0.1 percent in
September.  The decrease was attributable to the ongoing decline in
nonpetroleum import prices.  The U.S. Export Price Index fell 0.5
percent in September, as both agricultural and non-agricultural export
prices declined. ... 

In a move expected to signal the biggest round of layoffs on Wall Street
in several years, Merrill Lynch & Co. will cut 3,400 full-time jobs and
900 consultants who were working full time for the big securities firm.
 (Wall Street Journal, page C1; Daily Labor Report, page A-8; New
York Times, page A1)_Merrill's business suffered both because of
problems in far-flung emerging markets and because of the sharp drop in
new stock and bond sales on behalf of corporations at home. ...
(Washington Post, page F1).

The gender gap in math and science appears to be waning, but now a new
one has emerged:  the technology gap.  A report by the American
Association of University Women's Educational Foundation found that
girls lag behind boys in the number and level of computer courses they
enroll in, a gap that persists through college and into the lucrative
technology career market. ... The AAUW report does not include
information on minorities in technology education, but researchers at
Carnegie Mellon University say the minority gap is at least as
troubling.  Another problem noted in the new report:  Two-thirds of all
minimum wage-earners are women, a figure unchanged from a decade ago.
 (Washington Post, page A4)_According to the AAUW data, girls
tend to cluster in lower-end data entry and word processing classes -
the 1990s version of typing.  Boys tend to take more challenging roles,
such as computer programming and problem solving. ... (USA Today, page

A series of studies done by the AFL-CIO to measure union membership as a
percentage of the workforce in given industries and geographic areas is
aimed at "creating a map" of organized labor that the federation hopes
it can use to better allocate its organizing resources in the future,
several federation officials told BNA. ... The studies were done using
government data and information gathered from a survey of the
affiliates. ... For now, the studies are aimed at providing AFL-CIO
officials with information. ... (Daily Labor Report, page A-11).

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  Producer Price Indexes -- September 1998

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDF842.88F55160


[PEN-L:514] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-13 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDF6FD.2479B5E0


Top executives of some of the largest U.S. companies gathering for their
fall meeting of the Business Council say they have begun to cut back on
hiring in response to a slowing economy.  Some 64 percent of the 75
members responding to a survey said reducing hiring is one way they are
cutting costs as U.S. growth lags.  Members of the council view the
deteriorating global and financial environment as more than a temporary
disruption. ... (Daily Labor Report, page A-8).

Top U.S. business leaders continue to find that passing on price
increases is a difficult, if not impossible, task in this era of fierce
competition.  Yet a consensus forecast expects an upturn in inflation in
1999.  This seeming contradiction can be explained by the twofold makeup
of the CPI.  An upswing in service sector inflation can offset stagnant
or falling commodity prices. ... (Daily Labor Report, page A-8).

Top executives worried that the attention of the president and Congress
has been diverted away from the economy at a time when it needs all the
help it can get. ... (Wall Street Journal, Oct. 12, page A2).

The consensus forecast for the PPI for September is for no change after
a decline of 0.4 percent in August and for the CPI is for an increase of
0.1 percent after an increase of 0.2 percent in August (Wall Street
Journal, Oct. 12, page A2).

A Wall Street Journal article (page B2), "Retiree Lesson:  A Couple's
Solution to Money and Work," says that, although only about 12 percent
of Americans aged 65 or older are currently in the labor force, a recent
study by the AARP found that 80 percent of the huge baby-boom generation
"believe that they will continue to work during retirement." ... 

"Census Sampling?  Yes"  is the title of a Washington Post op-ed article
by Everett M. Ehrlich, former undersecretary of commerce for economic
affairs. ... He says that "sampling is not a substitute for the
traditional door-to-door head count that takes place in every census,
including the one being planned for the year 2000.  Rather, it is a
supplemental strategy that is needed, according to the National Academy
of Sciences, to eliminate the massive undercount of several population
segments that plagued the 1990 census." ...

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  U.S. Import and Export Price Indexes -- September

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDF6FD.2479B5E0


[PEN-L:513] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-13 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDF6FC.E8D23240

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDF6FC.E8D23240


-- =_NextPart_000_01BDF6FC.E8D23240--

[PEN-L:503] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-13 Thread Richardson_D

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this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDF6AC.C1DB1050


Today's News Release:  "Consumer Expenditures in 1996" indicates that
the average annual expenditures per consumer unit rose 4.8 percent in
1996, the largest increase since 1989, according to results from BLS's
Consumer Expenditure Survey.  Expenditures rose 1.7 percent in 1995 and
3.4 percent in 1994.  The increase in expenditures from 1995 to 1996 was
larger than the 3.0 percent annual average rise in the CPI over this

New claims filed with state agencies for unemployment insurance benefits
increased by 11,000 to a seasonally adjusted total of 300,000 for the
week ending October 3, the Employment and Training Administration of the
Department of Labor reports.  Florida officials noted that Hurricane
Georges caused local unemployment claims offices in Florida to close for
2 days, and resulted in fewer layoffs in the construction, trade,
service industries, manufacturing, and agriculture sectors, thus
curtailing the level of claims that might otherwise have been filed
(Daily Labor Report, page D1).
__The rise in first-time claims for state unemployment insurance is
still indicative of a tight labor market.  The 4-week moving overage for
claims - considered a better gauge of economic conditions - fell by
3,500 to 295,750.  That figure represented the lowest level since
February 1989 (The Wall Street Journal, page A2).

U.S. businesses and their workers are experiencing some ill effects of
the spreading global economic crisis, as analysts try to gauge how long
it will last.  Lost exports are prompting layoffs in a variety of
industries across the country, with high-tech firms, energy and
agriculture firms bearing the brunt so far.  Layoff announcements more
frequently are being linked to the global crisis, including cutbacks
announced by big U.S. consumer product manufactures that had appeared
insulated given their size and scope of products sold around the world.
Forecasters are talking more about the possibility of a U.S. recession,
but most say the odds are that growth will slow down over the next
several months without a severe downturn.  The latest report from
Challenger, Gray & Christmas showed that 61 percent of the roughly
73,000 layoffs announced by U.S. firms in September were attributed to
international factors.  For example, among other industries that are
bearing the brunt of the crisis are textile and apparel industries,
especially those in the Southeast, several analysts said.  While both of
these industries have seen their payrolls shrink for many years, they
have been hit hardest recently by a flood of imports, particularly from
Asian countries trying to bolster their trade income (Daily Labor
Report, page C-1).

The House Government Reform and Oversight Committee has canceled the
markup of the Statistical Compilation Act of 1998, which could have led
to the consolidation of the government's three statistical agencies into
one independent federal agency.  The legislative director of the AFL-CIO
says that although the bill,  originally scheduled for an October 8
markup, will not see any more legislative action in the House this year,
it may be reconsidered in the next session of Congress.  The Statistical
Compilation Act of 1998 would establish an eight-member commission to
examine whether and how to fold BLS, BEA, and Census into one agency
(Daily Labor Report, page A-9).

U.S. households' heating bills this winter will be higher because of
expected colder temperatures than last season, the federal Energy
Information Administration predicted.  The forecast was made despite a
3-to-5-cent-a-gallon drop in heating oil and propane prices.  Natural
gas prices are expected to be lower in the fourth quarter compared with
last year, but higher in the first quarter of 1999 compared with last
winter because of an increase in demand due to colder weather (The
Washington Post, page G1).

The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank wound up their annual
meetings today, saying that the United States will bear most of the
burden of helping Asia and the rest of the developing world get out of a
recession.  America's relatively strong economy will draw in the exports
of crisis-stricken countries at the same time that foreign demand for
American goods is weakened.  One implication of that is that a steady
increase in competitively priced imports can, over time, lead to an
erosion of American market share and jobs (The New York Times, page A8).
__Jolted by the deteriorating global economic pictures and a likely
squeeze on profits, a majority of chief executive officers say they will
reduce capital spending and hire fewer workers in coming quarters.
According to a survey released by the Busin

[PEN-L:457] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-09 Thread Richardson_D

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-- =_NextPart_000_01BDF38C.D4558860


There were 1,500 mass layoff actions by employers that affected 337,855
workers during the second quarter of 1998, BLS reports (Daily Labor
Report, page D-1).

Data compiled by the Bureau of National Affairs in the first 40 weeks of
1998 show that the median first-year wage increase in newly negotiated
labor contracts equals 3 percent, and the weighted average increase for
settlements reported to date in 1998 is 2.9 percent.  The manufacturing
industry's weighted average increase is 2.8 percent, and
nonmanufacturing contracts (excluding construction) show a median
increase of 3 percent, with a weighted average increase of 2.9 percent
(Daily Labor Report, page D-7).

It's a strange prelude to a recession:  U.S. jobs are plentiful, prices
are stable or falling, incomes are rising and interest rates are
falling.  Yet the turmoil in world financial markets has put the word
"recession" on the lips of some economists and in media headlines.
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan suggested in a speech yesterday
that the U.S. economy is in a period of unusual uncertainty.  The
greatest danger of recession, most economists say, lies in the
possibility that global financial turmoil will cause further large
declines in U.S. stock prices and so undermine consumers' confidence and
wealth that they cut back heavily on spending (John M. Berry, writing in
The Washington Post, page E1).  
__The world economic crisis spread a nervousness in America yesterday,
that played out in odd ways.  The mood was decidedly downbeat in the
United States. The International Monetary Fund's annual meeting ended in
Washington without agreement from the ministers in attendance on a plan
to resolve the crisis.  And Alan Greenspan, the Fed's once upbeat
chairman, said the likelihood of continued good times in America had
"weakened measurably" (The New York Times, page 1).
__Speaking before a group of economists in New York City, Alan Greenspan
hinted that the Fed was ready to reduce interest rates further if the
financial turmoil that began last year in Asia continued to spread (The
New York Times, page C1).

__The cost of a college education rose by about 4 percent this year, two
and a half times the current rate of inflation, 1.6 percent, maintaining
a pattern of the last few years (The New York Times, page A18).

Older male workers are leaving the workforce earlier than ever.  But
most would like to work part-time or on special projects.  Too bad.
Those are options that less than 10 percent of U.S. organizations
provide (Business Week, October 12, page 8, in a chart that uses data by
Douglas Powell, Harvard University, and the Census Bureau).

For the past several years, no one has been complaining much about
affordable health coverage or the plight of the uninsured.  Medical
costs have been so tame that companies and employees alike are paying
less for health insurance, after inflation, than in the early 1990s.  A
record share of the population is working, giving more people access to
employer plans.  And wage hikes are beating inflation, so more families
can afford co-payments. But coverage hasn't recovered any lost ground,
leaving the ranks of the uninsured at high levels.  Medical costs are
starting to rise again, with premiums jumping 3.3 percent this year,
according to KPMG Peat Marwick.  If that continues, or if job growth or
wage increases turn down, medical coverage is certain to slide more.  An
accompanying chart using data from the Employee Benefits Research
Institute shows the share of population under age 65 covered by employer
health insurance, 1987 to the present (Business Week, October 12, page

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDF38C.D4558860


[PEN-L:438] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-08 Thread Richardson_D

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-- =_NextPart_000_01BDF2BE.A4AB2C10


RELEASED TODAY:  In April through June of 1998, there were 1,500 mass
layoff actions by employers, resulting in the separation of 337,855
workers from their jobs for more than 30 days.  Layoff activity was
slightly lower than in the same quarter a year ago, when employers
reported that they had laid off 340,371 workers in 1,574 extended layoff
events. ...

The number of planned job cuts by major U.S. businesses more than
tripled in September from a year earlier, a survey by Challenger, Gray,
and Christmas shows. Planned cuts rose last month to 73,062 from 20,698
during September 1997 (USA Today, page 1B).

Faced with crippling skill shortages, employers are spending
skyrocketing amounts of money training workers.  The problem? Many
programs just don't work, says USA Today (page 1B).  Billions of dollars
are spent on wasteful training courses, experts say.  But new studies
show most on-the-job learning happens outside a classroom. ... About
$5.6 billion to $16.8 billion is wasted annually on ineffective training
programs that focus on so-called soft skills, based on estimates from a
Rutgers University study.  That estimate, derived from a mathematical
formula, varied according to assumptions used by researchers. ...

Asia's financial turmoil has rolled across the USA, causing slumping
exports and qualms about job losses in virtually every state, a Treasury
Department report says. ... U.S. exports to Asia, which make up 30
percent of all exports, have dropped 11 percent in the past year.
Agriculture is especially at risk:  40 percent of U.S. agricultural
exports go to Asia, more than to any other region.  Exports to Asia
support millions of jobs. ... (USA Today, page 3B).

DUE OUT FRIDAY:  Consumer Expenditures in 1996

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDF2BE.A4AB2C10


[PEN-L:427] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-07 Thread Richardson_D

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-- =_NextPart_000_01BDF21A.B7E81800


The National Association of Business Economists forecasting panel
reiterates its May prediction that the economy will grow at a 2.2
percent rate in 1999.  Of the 36 professional forecasters who make up
the panel, only six predict that the Asian crisis will reduce U.S.
growth next year by more than one percentage point.  Seven predict that
the Asian crisis will boost U.S. growth. ...  (Daily Labor Report, page

Business in the non-manufacturing sector of the U.S. economy continued
to grow during September, according to the latest report from the
National Association of Purchasing Managers.  Among features of the NAPM
report are:  The non-manufacturing business activity index registered an
increased rate of growth, indicating continued strength in the sector,
and new orders grew at a higher rate in September than in August.  The
backlog of orders decreased.  Employment grew at the same rate as in
August, and supplier deliveries decelerated at a slower rate.
Inventories increased slightly, and use of imports grew more slowly in
September than in August.  Prices paid by non-manufacturing
organizations for materials and services decreased at a faster rate in
September. ... The non-manufacturing sector includes a very wide range
of activities, such as retail and wholesale trade, real estate, business
services, transportation, and communications. ... The report is based on
data compiled from monthly replies to questions to more than 370
purchasing executives in over 62 industries. ... (Daily Labor Report,
page A-7)_Business activity at non-manufacturing companies grew in
September at a faster pace than in August, posting the first increase in
four months.  NAPM's index of non-manufacturing business activity rose
to 59.0 in September after dropping to 52.0 in August.  A reading above
50 is intended to mean business is expanding, while a reading below 50
means business is contracting (Washington Post, page C1).

Deflation has two faces, and one of them isn't pretty, says Louis
Uchitelle writing in the "Economic View" feature of The New York Times
(Oct. 4, page BU5). ... Deflation means a general decline in prices. ...
Deflation is not yet happening in the United States, but prices are
dropping for a growing number of goods. ... The CPI index for goods
alone rose by only two-tenths of a percent in the 12 months ended in
August, the smallest gain in nearly 40 years. ... Deflation,
unfortunately, is not limited to falling prices.  It can mean falling
wages, too, and it becomes painful when incomes fall faster than prices.
In fact, there is a good deflation and a bad deflation, and something in
between, says Uchitelle.  Good deflation was the American experience
from 1870 until 1896.  Prices fell almost every year, but wages and
profits, instead of being squeezed out, climbed.  The reason was rapidly
rising productivity. ... The Depression featured the classic bad
deflation.  A stock market crash, unexpected bankruptcies, defaults,
bank runs, and bank failures dried up the credit on which any economy
depends.  With prices and wages falling rapidly, people and companies
found themselves without enough income to repay debts.  That produced
more defaults, and even harder times.  Something like that is happening
in Asia today, and could spread to the United States.  But governments
today have the policy tools and knowledge to prevent this.  What's more,
they know how to get a stagnant economy moving again. ...  

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  Extended Mass Layoffs in the Second Quarter of 1998

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDF21A.B7E81800


[PEN-L:409] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-06 Thread Richardson_D

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-- =_NextPart_000_01BDF152.1E2FF7E0


__Several industries curtailed their hiring efforts during September,
and manufacturers reduced their workforces again to result in a gain of
only 69,000 in U.S. nonfarm payrolls.  The civilian unemployment rate
edged up 0.1 percentage point to a seasonally adjusted 4.6 percent,
virtually unchanged from July.  Overall, it was the weakest report in
nearly three years, prompting expressions of concern that the job losses
could mount as the financial crisis spreads from Asia to other
countries.  But others note that manufacturing has been shedding jobs
since April, and most other industries continued to increase employment,
but at a slower rate. ... BLS Commissioner Katharine Abraham told the
JEC that it was clear that the prolonged Asian crisis is hitting U.S.
manufacturers, judging by the industries that have lost the most jobs.
 (Pam Ginsbach in Daily Labor Report, pages D-1, E-1).
__The global economic crisis that has battered financial markets has
also begun to damage the U.S. economy and hurt job prospects of American
workers, according to several new reports.  The Labor Department said
the nation's unemployment rate rose a tenth of a point last month while
the number of payroll jobs rose by only 69,000.  That gain was the
smallest in more than three years except for a few months affected by a
major strike or storm, and analysts said the weakness - attributed in
part to decline in manufacturing and construction jobs -was directly due
to the crisis.  Another indication of slowing growth in the report was
that workers spent less time on their jobs last month.  The length of
the average private workweek slipped 12 minutes, to 34.4 hours, the
shortest it has been since April 1996. ... Abraham said the largest job
cuts have come in the industrial machinery and electrical equipment
industries "where both exports to Asia and imports from Asia are
factors.  The imprint of Asia on the data is very clear." ... (John M.
Berry in Washington Post, Oct. 3, page E-1).
__The United States economy produced jobs at the lowest rate in more
than two years during September.  Economists called it the most
persuasive evidence yet that the financial crisis abroad is slowing the
domestic economy. ... Total hours worked dipped, suggesting that
production and income were leveling out, and hourly pay barely inched
up. ... The department also reported that employment growth had been
stronger in July and weaker in August than first reported, underscoring
that the slowdown has been steep. ... "The revisions don't change our
sense of where we are," said Abraham.  "But they make the decline in job
growth more marked." ... (Sylvia Nasar in New York Times, Oct. 3, page
__Though the unemployment rate rose slightly last month, job growth
slowed, and consumer confidence dropped, analysts said the economy
remains on solid footing for now.  The Labor Department said the jobless
rate inched up to a seasonally adjusted 4.6 percent in September, after
remaining steady at 4.5 percent during the three previous months.  In
May, the unemployment rate sank to 4.3 percent, a 28-year low. ... (John
Simons in Wall Street Journal, page A2).

New orders for manufactured goods edged up 0.9 percent in August,
advanced by increased demand for transportation equipment after the July
strike at General Motors. ... (Daily Labor Report, page D-19).

A study by the National Center for Employee Ownership finds that the
more than 6 million nonmanagement employees who receive stock options
are getting more wealth from these options than previously expected. ...
The study details the results of a survey of 96 companies that grant
options to more than half of their employees.  The survey found that the
average grant price of the most recent stock options grants to
nonmanagement employees was between $37,000 and $41,000 for professional
and technical employees, respectively, and $12,500 for administrative
employees. ... (Daily Labor Report, page A-6).

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDF152.1E2FF7E0


[PEN-L:386] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-05 Thread Richardson_D

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-- =_NextPart_000_01BDF070.7733A0A0


   EMPLOYMENT SITUATION -- Payroll employment rose slightly, and
unemployment was virtually unchanged at 4.6 percent in September.
Nonfarm payroll employment was up by only 69,000.  The number of
manufacturing and construction jobs declined, and growth in the services
industry was weak for the second month in a row. ...
   JEC STATEMENT -- To summarize, the pace of payroll job growth
continued to slow in September, reflecting declines in manufacturing and
construction and slow growth in services.  The unemployment rate, at 4.6
percent, remained little changed.

New claims filed with state agencies for unemployment insurance benefits
decreased by 5,000 to a seasonally adjusted total of 289,000 for the
week ended Sept. 26, the Labor Department reported. ... (Daily Labor
Report, page D-1).

New construction outlays edged up just 0.1 percent in August, propped up
by increased spending for public projects, the Commerce Department
reports. ... (Daily Labor Report, page A-10).

New survey information released by the National Association of
Purchasing Management indicates that the U.S. manufacturing sector is
continuing to slow down, as both employment and inventories decreased.
It was the fourth consecutive month that a contraction in manufacturing
had been picked up in the NAPM survey, which provides forecasters and
policymakers with an early look at economic activity for the prior
month. ... Overall, the U.S. economy maintained modest growth in
September, according to the survey. ... (Daily Labor Report, page A-2;
Wall Street Journal, page A2)_Manufacturing weakened in the United
States in September as exports slumped, while prices paid by industrial
companies fell to the lowest level in almost half a century. ... (New
York Times, page C6).

Finding a "higher incidence of reported pain, injury, and disability"
among workers in specific occupations, the National Academy of Sciences
concludes that there is a strong link between workplace exposures and
musculoskeletal disorders.  Particularly at risk of MSDs are workers who
are "heavily exposed" to repetitive work, such as auto assembly
employees, and health care workers, who are injured through the routine
lifting of their patients.  The report, prepared by an academy steering
committee, cautions that existing research is lacking on precise causal
factors for ergonomic injuries and warns that too little is known about
the "full clinical spectrum" of musculoskeletal disorders. ... (Daily
Labor Report, page A-10)_The National Academy of Sciences said that
workplace activities, like lifting and repetitive motions, often
contributed to muscle and skeleton disorders like back injuries and
tendonitis, with the annual cost of such injuries as high as $20
billion. ... (New York Times, page A20). 

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDF070.7733A0A0


[PEN-L:336] BLS Daily Report

1998-10-02 Thread Richardson_D

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-- =_NextPart_000_01BDEE0A.375A6410


While the broadest measures of output may not confirm it for a few more
months, the latest government and private sector reports provide
mounting evidence that the U.S. economy is at a turning point.
Forecasters expect it will weather the global economic crisis, as long
as consumers keep their cool. ... Uncertainties -- ranging from stock
market gyrations to the spread of financial problems to Latin America
and Canada -- are beginning to fray the nerves of both business
executives and consumers, according to the latest surveys.
Manufacturing has taken the biggest hit so far, with more losses
expected in computers and electronics. ... (Daily Labor Report, page

The health of the U.S. economy was relatively unchanged in August, as
plummeting stock prices offset positive factors to produce a steady
reading in the index of leading indicators, the Conference Board says.
Most economists expect a continuation of the expansion through early
next year.  "While the August data reflected in the leading index
reflects a sharp decline in stock prices, the overall economy remains
healthy and a majority of the other nine leading indicators are
positive," said the board's director of business cycle research. ...
(Daily Report, page D-3; Wall Street Journal, page A2; New York Times,
page C7).  

After a home-buying spree in early summer, consumers settled down in
August, sending new home sales tumbling 4.4 percent from July. Sales
levels were depressed by the worst monthly drop in the South in three
years.  Hurricane Bonnie hit many states in the region during the last
week in August, possibly discouraging potential home buyers and causing
new home sales there to plunge 13.6 percent from July.  All other areas
of the country reported modest sales gains in August. ... (Wall Street
Journal, page A2; New York Times, page C7).

Hiring in the final quarter of the year will be the highest for any
fourth quarter since 1977, according to Manpower Inc.  In its Employment
Outlook Survey for the quarter, Manpower found that 29 percent of
companies would add to their work forces, 60 percent would remain at
present levels, 7 percent planned to cut back, and the remaining 4
percent did not yet know their plans.  Demand was especially strong in
wholesale and retail trade and in construction. ... (New York Times,
Sept. 27, page 10 BU).  

The International Monetary Fund issued a pessimistic report on the world
economy, especially for those of Russia and Japan. ... The Russian
economy will contract by 6 percent this year and next, and Japan will
sink into its deepest recession since the end of World War II, the IMF
predicted. ... The report also drastically scaled back estimates of how
fast other economies would grow. ... (New York Times, page
A17)_Worldwide economic turmoil has cost millions of jobs and more
than $600 billion in output -- the equivalent of a country the size of
Canada shutting down for a year, the IMF said.  The agency also warned
that global recession can't be ruled out, especially if the U.S. economy
weakens more than expected. ... (Washington Times, page A14). 

DUE OUT TOMORROW:  The Employment Situation:  September 1998

-- =_NextPart_000_01BDEE0A.375A6410


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