Re: Help with Win32::GUI

2012-09-07 Thread Jack
On 07/09/2012 12:48 PM, Barry Brevik wrote:
> I am lost with this simple app, and I hope I am posting to the correct
> list; the Sourceforge list appears to dead.
> Anyway, the problem is with the event model (I guess). I have 2 fields
> and all I want is when the user presses ENTER or TAB in the first field,
> I want to capture the text, and have the focus move to the next field. I
> have Change set for the fields, which is alright, but I fail to see how
> I can capture the RETURN or TAB key. Annoyingly, the LostFocus event
> fires every time a key is pressed, which makes no sense to me.
> Below is my simplified code which displays the action. I'm sorry that it
> is about 90 lines in length. Can anyone help?

It seems that the dialogui will overwrite the Enter key binding. Also it 
depends on whether the Textfield is multiline or not.

So. you can roll your own key checking into these boxes. The revised 
code is below.

I have bound Enter in the username to go to the password box. I have 
bound Enter in the password box to show the username and password in a 

use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32;
use Win32::GUI();
use Win32::GUI::Constants qw(VK_RETURN VK_TAB);

my $main = Win32::GUI::Window -> new
   -name   => 'Main',
   -title  => 'Test v0.1',
   -width  => 430,
   -height => 200

my $monoinput = Win32::GUI::Font -> new(-name => 'Consolas', -size =>
10, -bold => 0, -italic => 0);
my $monolabel = Win32::GUI::Font -> new(-name => 'Consolas', -size =>
10, -bold => 1, -italic => 0);

my $userlabel = $main -> AddLabel
   -font => $monolabel,
   -pos  => [10, 22],
   -text => 'username:',
   -foreground => 0xff

# Create a text input field.
my $userfield = $main -> AddTextfield
   -eventmodel   => "byname",
   -name => "username",
   -align=> "left",
   -pos  => [96, 20],
   -size => [100, 24],
   -width=> 100,
   -height   => 20,
   -password => 0,
   -passwordChar => chr(249),
   -background   => 0xff,
   -font => $monoinput,
   -text => '',

my $passlabel = $main -> AddLabel
   -font => $monolabel,
   -pos  => [10, 64],
   -text => 'password:',
   -foreground => 0xff

# Create a text input field.
my $passfield = $main -> AddTextfield
   -eventmodel   => "byname",
   -name => "password",
   -align=> "left",
   -tabstop  => 1,
   -pos  => [96, 60],
   -size => [100, 24],
   -password => 1,
   -passwordChar => chr(249),
   -background   => 0xff,
   -font => $monoinput,
   -text => '',
  # -dialogui => 1  # Enable keyboard navigation like DialogBox
my $resultLabel = $main -> AddLabel
   -font => $monolabel,
   -pos  => [10, 100],
   -text => ' ',
   -wrap => 0,
   -width => 400,
   -foreground => 0x00,
   -background => 0xff

$userfield -> MaxLength(16);
$passfield -> MaxLength(16);

$userfield -> SetFocus();
$main -> Show();


sub password_KeyDown {
 my($flags,$key) = @_;
 if($key == VK_RETURN){
 my $string = "Username: ". $userfield->Text(). " Password: ". 
 elsif ($key == VK_TAB) {
 $userfield ->SelectAll();
 $userfield ->SetFocus();
 return 1;
sub username_KeyDown {
     my($flags,$key) = @_;
 if($key == VK_RETURN or $key == VK_TAB){
 $passfield ->SelectAll();
 $passfield ->SetFocus();
 return 1;
sub Main_Terminate {-1;}


Jack D.
> Thank you,
> Barry Brevik
> ---
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use Win32;
> use Win32::GUI();
> my $main = Win32::GUI::Window -> new
> (
>-name   => 'Main',
>-title  => 'Test v0.1',
>-width  => 400,
>-height => 200
> );
> my $monoinput = Win32::GUI::Font -> new(-name => 'Consolas', -size =>
> 10, -bold => 0, -italic => 0);
> my $monolabel = Win32::GUI::Font -> new(-name => 'Consolas', -size =>
> 10, -bold => 1, -italic => 0);
> my $userlabel = $main -> AddLabel
> (
>-font => $monolabel,

Help with Win32::GUI

2012-09-07 Thread Barry Brevik
I am lost with this simple app, and I hope I am posting to the correct
list; the Sourceforge list appears to dead.

Anyway, the problem is with the event model (I guess). I have 2 fields
and all I want is when the user presses ENTER or TAB in the first field,
I want to capture the text, and have the focus move to the next field. I
have Change set for the fields, which is alright, but I fail to see how
I can capture the RETURN or TAB key. Annoyingly, the LostFocus event
fires every time a key is pressed, which makes no sense to me.

Below is my simplified code which displays the action. I'm sorry that it
is about 90 lines in length. Can anyone help?

Thank you,

Barry Brevik
use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32;
use Win32::GUI();

my $main = Win32::GUI::Window -> new
  -name   => 'Main',
  -title  => 'Test v0.1',
  -width  => 400,
  -height => 200

my $monoinput = Win32::GUI::Font -> new(-name => 'Consolas', -size =>
10, -bold => 0, -italic => 0);
my $monolabel = Win32::GUI::Font -> new(-name => 'Consolas', -size =>
10, -bold => 1, -italic => 0);

my $userlabel = $main -> AddLabel
  -font => $monolabel,
  -pos  => [10, 22],
  -text => 'username:',
  -foreground => 0xff

# Create a text input field.
my $userfield = $main -> AddTextfield
  -eventmodel   => "byname",
  -name => "username",
  -align=> "left",
  -tabstop  => 1,
  -pos  => [76, 20],
  -size => [100, 24],
  -width=> 100,
  -height   => 20,
  -password => 0,
  -passwordChar => chr(249),
  -background   => 0xff,
  -font => $monoinput,
  -text => '',
  -dialogui => 1  # Enable keyboard navigation like DialogBox

my $passlabel = $main -> AddLabel
  -font => $monolabel,
  -pos  => [10, 64],
  -text => 'password:',
  -foreground => 0xff

# Create a text input field.
my $passfield = $main -> AddTextfield
  -eventmodel   => "byname",
  -name => "password",
  -align=> "left",
  -tabstop  => 1,
  -pos  => [76, 60],
  -size => [100, 24],
  -password => 1,
  -passwordChar => chr(249),
  -background   => 0xff,
  -font => $monoinput,
  -text => '',
  -dialogui => 1  # Enable keyboard navigation like DialogBox

$userfield -> MaxLength(16);
$passfield -> MaxLength(16);

$main -> username -> SetFocus();
$main -> Show();


sub username_Change
  Win32::MsgBox("Username field has changed", 48, "Message from
  $userfield -> SetFocus();

sub username_LostFocus
  Win32::MsgBox("Username field has lost focus", 48, "Message from

sub Main_Terminate {-1;}

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RE: Win32::GUI, minimize, and window resize

2011-12-16 Thread Ken Cornetet
For future googlers, the answer to the problem is get rid of the $mw->Show() 
call in the resize routine.

Ken Cornetet 812.482.8499
To err is human - to moo, bovine.

From: Ken Cornetet
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 10:02 AM
Subject: Win32::GUI, minimize, and window resize

Here's an odd problem.

I've written a win32::GUI application, but it will not maximize or minimize. 
When I try, I see the window sort of blink, and I can see that the "resize" sub 
has been called. If I comment out the Main_Resize sub, the program maximizes 
and minimizes as expected.

Any ideas?

Here's the applicable bits of code:

my $menu = Win32::GUI::Menu->new(
'&File' => 'menuUP',
' > E&xit'   => 'menuExit',
'&Control'   => 'menuControl',
' > &Up' => 'menuUp',
    '&Help' => 
' > &Help'   => 'menuHelp',

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window->new( -name => 'Main', -menu => $menu, -text => 
"Xen Mon", -size => [ 900, 900 ], -pos => [ 200, 200 ] );
my $sb = $mw->AddStatusBar();

my $lv = $mw->AddListView(-pos => [ 0, 0 ], -width => $mw->ScaleWidth(), 
-height => $mw->ScaleHeight(), -hscroll => 1, -vscroll => 1);

$lv->InsertColumn( -item => 0, -text => "SILO/SERVER",  -width => 120, -align 
$lv->InsertColumn( -item => 1, -text => "USERS",-width => 50, -align 
$lv->InsertColumn( -item => 2, -text => "SESS/DISC",-width => 75, -align 
$lv->InsertColumn( -item => 3, -text => "MEM/TOT",  -width => 75, -align 
$lv->InsertColumn( -item => 4, -text => "UP",   -width => 60, -align 
$lv->InsertColumn( -item => 5, -text => 'LOAD%',-width => 50, -align 
$lv->InsertColumn( -item => 6, -text => 'CPU%', -width => 50, -align 
$lv->InsertColumn( -item => 7, -text => "", -width => 300, -align 

$lv->Hook(NM_CUSTOMDRAW, \&lv_CustomDraw);

sub Main_Resize {

print "*** resize ***\n";
$sb->Move(0, $mw->ScaleHeight - $sb->Height);
$sb->Resize($mw->ScaleWidth, $sb->Height);

$lv->Resize($mw->ScaleWidth, $mw->ScaleHeight - $sb->Height - 


return 1;

Ken Cornetet 812.482.8499
To err is human - to moo, bovine.

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Win32::GUI, minimize, and window resize

2011-12-15 Thread Ken Cornetet
Here's an odd problem.

I've written a win32::GUI application, but it will not maximize or minimize. 
When I try, I see the window sort of blink, and I can see that the "resize" sub 
has been called. If I comment out the Main_Resize sub, the program maximizes 
and minimizes as expected.

Any ideas?

Here's the applicable bits of code:

my $menu = Win32::GUI::Menu->new(
'&File' => 'menuUP',
' > E&xit'   => 'menuExit',
'&Control'   => 'menuControl',
' > &Up' => 'menuUp',
    '&Help' => 
' > &Help'   => 'menuHelp',

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window->new( -name => 'Main', -menu => $menu, -text => 
"Xen Mon", -size => [ 900, 900 ], -pos => [ 200, 200 ] );
my $sb = $mw->AddStatusBar();

my $lv = $mw->AddListView(-pos => [ 0, 0 ], -width => $mw->ScaleWidth(), 
-height => $mw->ScaleHeight(), -hscroll => 1, -vscroll => 1);

$lv->InsertColumn( -item => 0, -text => "SILO/SERVER",  -width => 120, -align 
$lv->InsertColumn( -item => 1, -text => "USERS",-width => 50, -align 
$lv->InsertColumn( -item => 2, -text => "SESS/DISC",-width => 75, -align 
$lv->InsertColumn( -item => 3, -text => "MEM/TOT",  -width => 75, -align 
$lv->InsertColumn( -item => 4, -text => "UP",   -width => 60, -align 
$lv->InsertColumn( -item => 5, -text => 'LOAD%',-width => 50, -align 
$lv->InsertColumn( -item => 6, -text => 'CPU%', -width => 50, -align 
$lv->InsertColumn( -item => 7, -text => "", -width => 300, -align 

$lv->Hook(NM_CUSTOMDRAW, \&lv_CustomDraw);

sub Main_Resize {

print "*** resize ***\n";
$sb->Move(0, $mw->ScaleHeight - $sb->Height);
$sb->Resize($mw->ScaleWidth, $sb->Height);

$lv->Resize($mw->ScaleWidth, $mw->ScaleHeight - $sb->Height - 


return 1;

Ken Cornetet 812.482.8499
To err is human - to moo, bovine.

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Re: Win32::GUI, WMI, and threads

2011-10-27 Thread Jonathan Epstein
I'd try putting all the Win32::OLE stuff into its own (single) thread, 
separate from the GUI thread.  Some creative use of variables (and e.g. 
a Tk Progress bar) can allow you to provide a GUI which indicates how 
long you've been waiting for a WMI call to respond.



On 10/27/2011 5:24 PM, Ken Cornetet wrote:

I am writing a Win32::GUI app to monitor a Citrix farm of servers and 
I’ve got things going pretty well. The problem is that I make a lot of 
WMI calls (via Win32::OLE) and they can take anywhere from a second to 
a couple of minutes to complete. This prevents the GUI code from doing 
its normal event loop processing and results in a non-responsive 
windows interface.

I’m thinking that threads are the answer, but any time I’ve mixed 
threads and Win32::OLE, the results have been less than satisfactory. 
Does anyone know how to make Win32::OLE (WMI specifically) and threads 
work together?

Or, is there any way to do async WMI calls?

Ken Cornetet 812.482.8499

To err is human - to moo, bovine.

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Win32::GUI, WMI, and threads

2011-10-27 Thread Ken Cornetet
I am writing a Win32::GUI app to monitor a Citrix farm of servers and I've got 
things going pretty well. The problem is that I make a lot of WMI calls (via 
Win32::OLE) and they can take anywhere from a second to a couple of minutes to 
complete. This prevents the GUI code from doing its normal event loop 
processing and results in a non-responsive windows interface.

I'm thinking that threads are the answer, but any time I've mixed threads and 
Win32::OLE, the results have been less than satisfactory. Does anyone know how 
to make Win32::OLE (WMI specifically) and threads work together?

Or, is there any way to do async WMI calls?

Ken Cornetet 812.482.8499
To err is human - to moo, bovine.

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Re: [aswin32] Win32::GUI: How do I use a splitter (window "frames")

2006-02-07 Thread Robert May
I posted this example to the list not that long ago.  I've since 
corrected it so that it doesn't leave ugly lines all over the place.


#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window->new(
-title => "Splitter Test",
-pos   => [100,100],
-size  => [500,400],
-onResize => \&main_resize,

-name => "TF1",
-multiline => 1,
-width => 200,

-name => "SP",
-left => 200,
-width => 5,
-onRelease => \&do_splitter,

-name => "TF2",
-multiline => 1,
-left => 200 + $mw->SP->Width(),


# NEM splitter event gets 2 parameters.  The first (as always)
# is the window object the event came from - in this case the
# splitter window; The second depends on the splitter orientation:
# if horzontal it is the top coordinate; if vertical it is
# the left coordinate. (coordinates relative to the parent's
# client area)
# The splitter window is moved by the splitter object, so you only
# have to re-position your other windows
sub do_splitter
my ($splitter, $coord) = @_;

# Swap these next 2 lines to see the 'bug' come back

sub main_resize
my $self = shift;



A. Pollock wrote:

I built a simple Win32::GUI application which connects to an
Access database containing hierarchical records and builds
a tree view out of them. Now I would like to extend the
application so that clicking on a record in the tree in the
right-hand pane will display the record details in a left
hand pane. Try as I might, I can nowhere find any example
program that uses a moveable splitter to separate a Window
into panes or "frames."

Can anybody give me a simple example showing how to set up
frames in Win32:GUI and put something in them? I'm an idiot
without examples to guide me.


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Win32::GUI: How do I use a splitter (window "frames")

2006-02-02 Thread A. Pollock
I built a simple Win32::GUI application which connects to an
Access database containing hierarchical records and builds
a tree view out of them. Now I would like to extend the
application so that clicking on a record in the tree in the
right-hand pane will display the record details in a left
hand pane. Try as I might, I can nowhere find any example
program that uses a moveable splitter to separate a Window
into panes or "frames."

Can anybody give me a simple example showing how to set up
frames in Win32:GUI and put something in them? I'm an idiot
without examples to guide me.



Search for businesses by name, location, or phone number.  -Lycos Yellow Pages

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TK's Screen Reader and Keybord Accessibility, Win32::GUI Questions

2005-09-24 Thread Veli-Pekka Tätilä

Hi list,
Ok, I just installed Active TCL with the default settings and tried out both 
the TK samples of Active TCL and the Synopsis code of Perl's TKX package. 
But when it comes to accessibility, I'm very disappointed. I'm using Dolphin 
Supernova 6.x but I doubt Jaws would be able to handle things any better as 
TK seems so fundamentally inaccessible. Warning subjective ranting ahead:

The good news, compared to Swing, the widgets do look very much like their 
Win32 counterparts to me and TK perfectly respects my color scheme, too. 
However, very few controls are accessible. The title bars and some HTML 
areas seem to be but virtually nothing else is. static text, the various 
buttons and text fields just don't seem to be there as far as the screen 
reader goes. It announces right from the start no focus detected and is not 
able to read any control text, type and state, navigate between the controls 
or manipulate them. Even when using a screen reader specific navigation mode 
called virtual focus, it doesn't go beyond the title bar in most cases. I've 
changed the screen reader map file to MSAA Application with no visible 

Also some gripes about TK. As is the case with so many custom GUIs that try 
to be Windows like, it feels sort of clumsy in places. Edit areas don't seem 
to have the familiar context menu with choices like select all,  copy or 
undo. SCroll bars don't have context menus either when even Notepad does 
have them. KEybord usage is a bit patchy, too. In the 50 States example, the 
arrow keys, as well as, pg up/down and home/end don't move the selection in 
the list box. Neither is item searching by rapidly typing in one or more 
letters implemented.

Enough gripes. It seems obvious to me that the only accessible GUI library 
is Win32::GUI at least as far as perl on Win32 systems is concerned. 
However, I'd like to design GUis comfortably without having to rely on font 
properties and do some guess work as to where a control will be layed out. 
In Java programming, I like Swing's layout manager abstraction but haven't 
seen it cloned anywhere else including dot net, tk and Win32::GUI. As far as 
static dialogs go, another thing I like is designing a dialog visually in 
the Visual Studio 6 resource editor. It is just very convenient even if it 
requires precise mouse movement and heavy magnification in my case. But is 
there support in Win32::GUI for loading such dialog resources? What if I 
import the relevant functions from the real Win32 API, will I be able to 
attach Win32::GUI event-handling code to the controls in my dialog 

Any help greatly appreciated.

-HP NX8220 laptop with 1 GB of RAM
-Win XP SP 2 Pro English with latest fixes
-Dolphin Supernova 6.03
-Active State Perl 5.86

With kind regards Veli-Pekka Tätilä ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Accessibility, game music, synthesizers and programming: 

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Win32::GUI::AxWindow - browser

2005-08-12 Thread Octavian Rasnita

I am trying to create a "browser control" using Win32::GUI::AxWindow and I
don't know if it is possible to set some options for that browser.

For example, I am thinking that there are some "advanced settings" in
Control Panel/Internet Settings/Advanced tab that I would like to change in
my browser control. If it is possible, could you tell me how?

I have created the browser control using:

use Win32::GUI;
use Win32::GUI::AxWindow;

my $url = "...";

# Main Window
$Window = new Win32::GUI::Window (
-name     => "Window",
-title=> "Win32::GUI::AxWindow test",
-post => [0, 0],
-size => [1024, 768],

$Window->{-dialogui} = 1;

# Add a WebBrowser AxtiveX
$Control = new Win32::GUI::AxWindow  (
-parent  => $Window,
-name=> "Control",
-control => "Shell.Explorer.2",
-pos => [0, 0],
-size=> [1024, 768],

Thank you.


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2005-08-05 Thread Octavian Rasnita

I am trying to create a grid using Win32::GUI::Grid and I want that the
cells to be visible if I use the arrow keys to scroll down the grid.

I have tried:

$Grid->EnsureCellVisible(10, 0);

to make sure the first cell from the 10th row is visible, but it is not if
the grid can show only  8 rows at a time.

Thank you for help and I hope there is a solution.


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Re: Problems with Win32::GUI::Brush / Pen

2005-07-12 Thread Chris Rogers
I did look at it.  It turns out that the problem was trying to use the
GetDC method inline.


When I assigned the DC to a variable and used the variable instead

my $DCC = $ChildWin->GetDC();

everything works just fine.  It doesn't make much sense to me why it
happens this way but at least now I know how to make it work.  I guess
that's what I get for taking shortcuts.


PS:  Also, I would like to apologize to the list for double posting. 
My first post didn't show up for about 8 hours so I thought something
went wrong.  As far as I can tell, the second post still hasn't shown
up but it probably will.  Again, sorry for being impatient.

On 7/11/05, Sisyphus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - Original Message -
> From: "Chris Rogers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 4:16 AM
> Subject: Problems with Win32::GUI::Brush / Pen
> > I have been playing around with samples/ from the
> > Win32-GUI-1.0 source using perl 5.6 on WinXP SP2.  I can't seem to get
> > a Brush or Pen working for me.  No matter what I do (so far), the
> > rectangle is drawn with the brush/pen I think I'm specifying.  Here's
> > a sample of my broken code:
> >
> 'samples/' (in the source distro) uses Brush and Pen. I imagine
> you've checked it out already - but if you haven't, then it might help.
> Cheers,
> Rob

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Re: Problems with Win32::GUI::Brush / Pen

2005-07-11 Thread Sisyphus

- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Rogers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 4:16 AM
Subject: Problems with Win32::GUI::Brush / Pen

> I have been playing around with samples/ from the
> Win32-GUI-1.0 source using perl 5.6 on WinXP SP2.  I can't seem to get
> a Brush or Pen working for me.  No matter what I do (so far), the
> rectangle is drawn with the brush/pen I think I'm specifying.  Here's
> a sample of my broken code:

'samples/' (in the source distro) uses Brush and Pen. I imagine
you've checked it out already - but if you haven't, then it might help.


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Problems with Win32::GUI::Brush and PEN

2005-07-11 Thread Chris Rogers
I have been playing around with samples/ from the
Win32-GUI-1.0 source using perl 5.6 on WinXP SP2.  I can't seem to get
a Brush or Pen working for me.  No matter what I do (so far), the
rectangle is drawn with the brush/pen I think I'm specifying.  The
majority of this code is straight from the sample.

use Win32::GUI;
use strict;

#create a new class which stops the WM_ERASEBKGND message from erasing
the background
#this stops the flicker of the window on resize.
my $WC = new Win32::GUI::Class(
-name => "NoFlicker", 
-style => 0,

#Create the window and child controls.
my $mainwin = new Win32::GUI::Window (
-pos => [100, 100],
-size=> [330, 235],
-name=> "Window",
-text=> "Bitmap Scroll demo",
-pushstyle   => WS_CLIPCHILDREN,
-class   => $WC,
#NEM Events for this window
-onResize=> \&MainResize,
-onTerminate => sub {return -1;}

$mainwin->AddButton (
-name=> 'Open',
-pos => [205, 20],
-size=> [110, 20],
-text=> 'Open Bitmap',
-onClick => \&FindAndOpenBitmap,

#Define global variables
my $memdc;
my $bitmap;#will hold the bitmap
#   my brush and pen objects
our $dragpen = Win32::GUI::Pen->new(-color=>[0,255,0],-width=>5);
our $dragbrush = Win32::GUI::Brush->new(-color=>[0,0,255]);

#Create a child window with a scroll bars. 
my $ChildWin = new Win32::GUI::Window (
-parent  => $mainwin,
-name=> "ChildWin",
-pos => [0, 0],
-size=> [200, 200],
-popstyle=> WS_CAPTION | WS_SIZEBOX,
-pushstyle   => WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN,
-pushexstyle => WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,
-class   => $WC,
-hscroll => 1,
-vscroll => 1,
-onScroll=> \&Scroll,
-onResize=> sub {&Resize($bitmap,@_)},
-onPaint => sub {&Paint($memdc,@_)},
-onMouseDown => \&MouseDown,
-onMouseUp   => \&MouseUp,
-onMouseMove => \&MouseMove,
-interactive => 1,

#Create a memory DC compatible with the child window DC

#show both windows and enter the Dialog phase.

# my attempt at a rectangle


The window displays with no errors.  The rectangle is drawn with a
thin black border and a white background.  I was expecting a thick
green border with a blue background.  What am I doing wrong?


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ANNOUNCE: Win32::GUI v1.02

2005-07-11 Thread Robert May

I am please to announce that v1.02 of Win32::GUI is available for download from 

Win32::GUI is a Perl extension allowing creation of native Win32 GUI 

Project summary and download:
Release notes:


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Problems with Win32::GUI::Brush / Pen

2005-07-11 Thread Chris Rogers
I have been playing around with samples/ from the
Win32-GUI-1.0 source using perl 5.6 on WinXP SP2.  I can't seem to get
a Brush or Pen working for me.  No matter what I do (so far), the
rectangle is drawn with the brush/pen I think I'm specifying.  Here's
a sample of my broken code:

use Win32::GUI;
use strict;

#   my brush and pen objects
our $dragpen = Win32::GUI::Pen->new(-color=>[0,255,0],-width=>5);
our $dragbrush = Win32::GUI::Brush->new(-color=>[0,0,255]);

#create a new class which stops the WM_ERASEBKGND message from erasing
the background
#this stops the flicker of the window on resize.
my $WC = new Win32::GUI::Class(
-name => "NoFlicker", 
-style => 0,

#Create the window and child controls.
my $mainwin = new Win32::GUI::Window (
-pos => [100, 100],
-size=> [330, 235],
-name=> "Window",
-text=> "Bitmap Scroll demo",
-pushstyle   => WS_CLIPCHILDREN,
-class   => $WC,
#NEM Events for this window
-onResize=> \&MainResize,
-onTerminate => sub {return -1;}

$mainwin->AddButton (
-name=> 'Open',
-pos => [205, 20],
-size=> [110, 20],
-text=> 'Open Bitmap',
-onClick => \&FindAndOpenBitmap,

#Define global variables
my $memdc;
my $bitmap;#will hold the bitmap

#Create a child window with a scroll bars. 
my $ChildWin = new Win32::GUI::Window (
-parent  => $mainwin,
-name=> "ChildWin",
-pos => [0, 0],
-size=> [200, 200],
-popstyle=> WS_CAPTION | WS_SIZEBOX,
-pushstyle   => WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN,
-pushexstyle => WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,
-class   => $WC,
-hscroll => 1,
-vscroll => 1,
-onScroll=> \&Scroll,
-onResize=> sub {&Resize($bitmap,@_)},
-onPaint => sub {&Paint($memdc,@_)},
-onMouseDown => \&MouseDown,
-onMouseUp   => \&MouseUp,
-onMouseMove => \&MouseMove,
-interactive => 1,

#Create a memory DC compatible with the child window DC

#show both windows and enter the Dialog phase.

# my attempt at a rectangle


The rectangle is drawn but with a single pixel black border and white
background.  I was expecting a thick green border with a blue
background.  What am I doing wrong?


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Re: Win32::GUI::Label, Bitmaps, and Resizing

2005-07-07 Thread Chris Rogers
It's a timing issue.  I need to know whether the user has clicked the
mouse button as a single click, double click, or holding it down for
dragging.  I have looked for something that will return the state of
the mouse buttons but all I could find was Win32::Console and that
just doesn't seem to be what I was looking for.  I'm still working on
the details of implementing it and would be glad to hear other

On 7/6/05, Sisyphus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - Original Message -
> From: "Chris Rogers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Glenn Linderman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 6:34 AM
> Subject: Re: Win32::GUI::Label, Bitmaps, and Resizing
> > Thanks again.  After a little more research, I came up with the
> > following which I am still working on.  I'll be using the GetTickCount
> > so that I can tell if the user clicked, double-clicked or began to
> > drag the mouse.
> Afaik, Win32::GetTickCount() returns the number of milliseconds elapsed
> since the last system boot . nothing more, nothing less. I don't see how
> it can help you.
> Cheers,
> Rob

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Re: Win32::GUI::Label, Bitmaps, and Resizing

2005-07-06 Thread Sisyphus

- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Rogers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Glenn Linderman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 6:34 AM
Subject: Re: Win32::GUI::Label, Bitmaps, and Resizing

> Thanks again.  After a little more research, I came up with the
> following which I am still working on.  I'll be using the GetTickCount
> so that I can tell if the user clicked, double-clicked or began to
> drag the mouse.

Afaik, Win32::GetTickCount() returns the number of milliseconds elapsed
since the last system boot . nothing more, nothing less. I don't see how
it can help you.


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Re: Win32::GUI::Label, Bitmaps, and Resizing

2005-07-06 Thread Chris Rogers
Thanks again.  After a little more research, I came up with the
following which I am still working on.  I'll be using the GetTickCount
so that I can tell if the user clicked, double-clicked or began to
drag the mouse.  With a little luck and the help of you guys on this
list, I might just end up with a working model in a week or so.

sub MouseMove
if($mouseisdown == 1)
print "Moving: " . (join "," , GetMouseXY()) . "\n";

sub MouseDown
$mousedownticks = Win32::GetTickCount();
($mouseisdownx,$mouseisdowny) = GetMouseXY();
#print $mousedownticks;
print "MouseDown " . (join "," , ($mouseisdownx,$mouseisdowny)) . "\n";
sub MouseUp
$mouseupticks = Win32::GetTickCount();
#print ($mouseupticks - $mousedownticks);
($mouseisupx,$mouseisupy) = GetMouseXY();
print "MouseUp " . (join "," , ($mouseisupx,$mouseisupy)) . "\n";

sub GetMouseXY
my ($x,$y) = $ChildWin->ScreenToClient(Win32::GUI::GetCursorPos);
return ($x, $y);

On 7/6/05, Glenn Linderman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On approximately 7/6/2005 7:52 AM, came the following characters from
> the keyboard of Chris Rogers:
> > Thanks for the info.  It works perfectly.  Too bad the ppm I installed
> > didn't include the samples.
> >
> > I was able to get the mouse coordinates using:
> > my $GetMouseCoord = new Win32::API('user32', 'GetCursorPos', 'P', 'V');
> > my $point = pack('LL', 0, 0);
> > $GetMouseCoord->Call($point);
> > my ($x, $y) = unpack('LL', $point);
> my ( $x, $y ) = Win32::GUI::GetCursorPos();
> might do that trick in fewer lines... and it might be window relative...
> > Now I just have to get the coordinates of the mainwindow,childwindow,
> > and bitmap so I can make the mouse coordinates relative to the bitmap
> > instead of the screen.
> Look at $window->GetWindowRect();
> > Thanks again,
> > Chris
> >
> >
> > On 7/6/05, Glenn Linderman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>[Questions about Win32::GUI might be found and responded to faster on
> >>the perl-win32-gui-users list on]
> >>
> >>On approximately 7/5/2005 7:19 PM, came the following characters from
> >>the keyboard of Chris Rogers:
> >>
> >>
> >>>UPDATE:
> >>>
> >>>The more I look at this problem, the more worried I get.  I'll explain
> >>>the desired end result in a little more detail so you guys can tell me
> >>>if I'm barking up the wrong tree.
> >>>
> >>>1)  I need to be able to display a large image in a smaller container
> >>>and allow the user to scroll the image in the container.
> >>
> >>There is some nice sample code Jez White contributed and I massaged a
> >>bit to make more generic, in the source tree for Win32::GUI
> >>samples/   It solves this problem nicely.
> >>
> >>
> >>>2)  I need to be able to capture the xy coordinates relative to the
> >>>image when the user clicks the mouse.
> >>>3)  I need to be able to capture the xy coordinates relative to the
> >>>image when the user presses the mouse button as well as the
> >>>coordinates when the user releases the button.
> >>
> >>I haven't needed these myself, but there are mousedown and mouseup sorts
> >>of events for windows, as well as click, so I think it should work.
> >>
> >>
> >>>The big picture:
> >>>I would like to display an image and allow the user to click and drag
> >>>to define areas in the image.  I will store the defined area and allow
> >>>the user to give it a name, description and either a destination image
> >>>or select a list of assets that reside in that area.  That way when
> >>>the user clicks a defined area, a new image or the inventory list can
> >>>be displayed.
> >>>
> >>>It sounds like a simple task but I'm just not sure if there is a way
> >>>to do this in Win32::GUI.  I thought the label control would work but
> >>>I'm not even sure that it responds to the Click event.
> >>
> >>Labels are pretty limited.  I was using them in despair until Jez showed
> >>me the way...
> >>
> >>
> >>>Please feel free to tell me if I'm crazy but there has to be a way to do 
> >>&

Re: Win32::GUI::Label, Bitmaps, and Resizing

2005-07-06 Thread Chris Rogers
Thanks for the info.  It works perfectly.  Too bad the ppm I installed
didn't include the samples.

I was able to get the mouse coordinates using:
my $GetMouseCoord = new Win32::API('user32', 'GetCursorPos', 'P', 'V');
my $point = pack('LL', 0, 0); 
my ($x, $y) = unpack('LL', $point);

Now I just have to get the coordinates of the mainwindow,childwindow,
and bitmap so I can make the mouse coordinates relative to the bitmap
instead of the screen.

Thanks again,

On 7/6/05, Glenn Linderman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [Questions about Win32::GUI might be found and responded to faster on
> the perl-win32-gui-users list on]
> On approximately 7/5/2005 7:19 PM, came the following characters from
> the keyboard of Chris Rogers:
> >
> > The more I look at this problem, the more worried I get.  I'll explain
> > the desired end result in a little more detail so you guys can tell me
> > if I'm barking up the wrong tree.
> >
> > 1)  I need to be able to display a large image in a smaller container
> > and allow the user to scroll the image in the container.
> There is some nice sample code Jez White contributed and I massaged a
> bit to make more generic, in the source tree for Win32::GUI
> samples/   It solves this problem nicely.
> > 2)  I need to be able to capture the xy coordinates relative to the
> > image when the user clicks the mouse.
> > 3)  I need to be able to capture the xy coordinates relative to the
> > image when the user presses the mouse button as well as the
> > coordinates when the user releases the button.
> I haven't needed these myself, but there are mousedown and mouseup sorts
> of events for windows, as well as click, so I think it should work.
> > The big picture:
> > I would like to display an image and allow the user to click and drag
> > to define areas in the image.  I will store the defined area and allow
> > the user to give it a name, description and either a destination image
> > or select a list of assets that reside in that area.  That way when
> > the user clicks a defined area, a new image or the inventory list can
> > be displayed.
> >
> > It sounds like a simple task but I'm just not sure if there is a way
> > to do this in Win32::GUI.  I thought the label control would work but
> > I'm not even sure that it responds to the Click event.
> Labels are pretty limited.  I was using them in despair until Jez showed
> me the way...
> > Please feel free to tell me if I'm crazy but there has to be a way to do 
> > this.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Chris
> >
> > On 7/5/05, Chris Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>Is there a way to keep a label from resizing itself and the bitmap?
> >>
> >>Here's the scenario:
> >>I want to use a label that is 400x400 to hold a bitmap whose
> >>dimensions are unknown and use scroll bars to move the image around if
> >>the image is larger than the label.  The need here is to be able to
> >>display very large images without distortion and allow the user to
> >>move around in the image.
> >>
> >>Adding the scroll bars to the label is easy enough using
> >>   -addstyle=3D>WS_VSCROLL|WS_HSCROLL
> >>but everything I have tried has resized either the label or the bitmap.
> >>
> >>Perhaps I am going about this the wrong way and am open to to other 
> >>suggestions.
> >>
> >>Thanks,
> >>Chris
> >>
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
> >
> > To unsubscribe:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Glenn --
> ===
> Having identified a vast realm of ignorance, Wolfram is saying that much
> of this realm lies forever outside the light cone of human knowledge.
>   -- Michael Swaine, Dr Dobbs Journal, Sept 2002

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Re: Win32::GUI::Label, Bitmaps, and Resizing

2005-07-05 Thread Sisyphus

- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Rogers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: Win32::GUI::Label, Bitmaps, and Resizing

> The more I look at this problem, the more worried I get.  I'll explain
> the desired end result in a little more detail so you guys can tell me
> if I'm barking up the wrong tree.
> 1)  I need to be able to display a large image in a smaller container
> and allow the user to scroll the image in the container.

There's no problem with that. The cpan source for Win32-GUI-1.0, which you
can get from
contains a file called samples/ If you run that script and
elect to open WINNT\System32\setup.bmp you'll see that you can scroll
around within that image (which is too big to fit into the window).

You'll also notice that you can control the opening scroll position by
altering the values within:

$cwin->ScrollPos( 0, 0 );
$cwin->ScrollPos( 1, 0 );

Try, for example:

$cwin->ScrollPos( 0, 100 );
$cwin->ScrollPos( 1, 20 );

So, I think that indicates that you'll be able to get to the portion of the
picture that you want simply by specifying the xy coordinates.

As for being able to capture the xy coordinates with mouse click/unclick
 I really don't know if that can be done with Win32::GUI. You may need
to call on Win32::API.

Do you really need to define an *area* ? I'm thinking it might be sufficient
to define just the upper left xy coordinates - which would be simpler...

Is there a Win32::GUI-specific help list ? I thought there is/was . but
I could be wrong.


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Re: Win32::GUI::Label, Bitmaps, and Resizing

2005-07-05 Thread Chris Rogers

The more I look at this problem, the more worried I get.  I'll explain
the desired end result in a little more detail so you guys can tell me
if I'm barking up the wrong tree.

1)  I need to be able to display a large image in a smaller container
and allow the user to scroll the image in the container.
2)  I need to be able to capture the xy coordinates relative to the
image when the user clicks the mouse.
3)  I need to be able to capture the xy coordinates relative to the
image when the user presses the mouse button as well as the
coordinates when the user releases the button.

The big picture:
I would like to display an image and allow the user to click and drag
to define areas in the image.  I will store the defined area and allow
the user to give it a name, description and either a destination image
or select a list of assets that reside in that area.  That way when
the user clicks a defined area, a new image or the inventory list can
be displayed.

It sounds like a simple task but I'm just not sure if there is a way
to do this in Win32::GUI.  I thought the label control would work but
I'm not even sure that it responds to the Click event.

Please feel free to tell me if I'm crazy but there has to be a way to do this.


On 7/5/05, Chris Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a way to keep a label from resizing itself and the bitmap?
> Here's the scenario:
> I want to use a label that is 400x400 to hold a bitmap whose
> dimensions are unknown and use scroll bars to move the image around if
> the image is larger than the label.  The need here is to be able to
> display very large images without distortion and allow the user to
> move around in the image.
> Adding the scroll bars to the label is easy enough using
> but everything I have tried has resized either the label or the bitmap.
> Perhaps I am going about this the wrong way and am open to to other 
> suggestions.
> Thanks,
> Chris

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Win32::GUI::Label, Bitmaps, and Resizing

2005-07-05 Thread Chris Rogers
Is there a way to keep a label from resizing itself and the bitmap?

Here's the scenario:
I want to use a label that is 400x400 to hold a bitmap whose
dimensions are unknown and use scroll bars to move the image around if
the image is larger than the label.  The need here is to be able to
display very large images without distortion and allow the user to
move around in the image.

Adding the scroll bars to the label is easy enough using
but everything I have tried has resized either the label or the bitmap.

Perhaps I am going about this the wrong way and am open to to other suggestions.


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2005-06-17 Thread Anton Ganeshalingam
Could someone please tell me why I can't get the following code to work. 
The javascript doesn't work when embeding html.

Please help

use Win32::GUI;
use Win32::GUI::AxWindow;  # Main Window
my $user = undef;
my $html = undef;
my $font = Win32::GUI::Font->new(
-name => "Times New Roman",
-size => 10,
-bold => 1

my $Window = new Win32::GUI::Window (
   -name => "Window",
   -title=> "GlobeLocator Client",
   -post => [100, 100],
   -size => [1000, 800],

# Add a WebBrowser AxtiveX
$Control = new Win32::GUI::AxWindow  (
-parent  => $Window,
-name=> "Control",
-control => "$html",
-pos => [0, 0],
-size=> [400, 400]
  );  # Register some event

  Win32::GUI::Dialog();  # Main window event handler
sub Window_Resize {

  if (defined $Window) {
  ($width, $height) = ($Window->GetClientRect)[2..3];
  $Control->Move   (0, 0);
  $Control->Resize ($width, $height);

sub get_html{

  ($html = <

Your title here

<!-- Hide from older browsers;

alert('Hello World');

// end hide -->




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2005-06-13 Thread Anton Ganeshalingam
Hello to all,

  I'm trying to write a Win32::GUI::AxWindow application by
opening a web page. But for some reason I'm not able to get my javascript
work and also I couldn't load the following scripts loaded in my active x

please help.


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Win32::GUI::Grid question

2005-05-04 Thread Сергей Черниенко
Hello, all,

I'm writing Win32 GUI application and using grid control. End users
will have to fill cells of that grid with float, not integer
numbers. I have some questions:
 1) as I understood, if cell have type GVIT_NUMERIC it's
 impossible fill it with float. Is it true or I have miss
 2) in each rowthere is cell containing sum of all the other
 cell values in a row. On BeginEdit event the value of
 cell being edited substracted from sum cell value. On EndEdit
 event current value of cell added to sum cell value. But
 there is an issue - calculated total sum displayed in
 corresponding cell with comma as decimal delimiter. So I
 can't use it without some handling. Such handling is quite
 simple, but I'm just interested why comma appears.

 Sergey  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Win32::GUI

2005-04-19 Thread Johan Lindstrom
At 23:35 2005-04-18, Peter Eisengrein wrote:
> $W->{dialogui} = 1;
> Is this correct?
Actually it is $W->{-dialogui} = 1;
Ehrm... Sorry about that :)
 --  --- -- --  --  - - --  -
Johan LindströmSourcerer @ Boss Casinos   johanl AT
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RE: Win32::GUI

2005-04-18 Thread Peter Eisengrein

> $W->{dialogui} = 1;
> Is this correct?

Actually it is $W->{-dialogui} = 1;

> But the problem is that the interface is still not accessible 
> for a screen
> reader. No object from the form has the focus.
> If I pressed on a button using the mouse, it got the focus, 
> but I was not
> able  to move the focus to the next control on the page by 
> pressing tab.

Next you need to add

-tabstop => 1,

to whichever widgets you want to be able to tab to/from. 
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2005-04-18 Thread Octavian Rasnita

I have tried:

$W = new Win32::GUI::Window(
-title=> "Win32::GUI::Button (and variants) test",
-left => 100,
-top  => 100,
-width=> 360,
-height   => 260,
-name => "Window",

$W->{dialogui} = 1;

Is this correct?

But the problem is that the interface is still not accessible for a screen
reader. No object from the form has the focus.
If I pressed on a button using the mouse, it got the focus, but I was not
able  to move the focus to the next control on the page by pressing tab.

I have put here the entire sample program at the end of this message.

Thank you.

--- Original message: ---

Try setting
$win-> {dialogui} = 1;
to enable that.


 --  --- -- --  --  - - --  -
Johan LindströmSourcerer @ Boss Casinos   johanl AT

The program:

use Win32::GUI;


$W = new Win32::GUI::Window(
-title=> "Win32::GUI::Button (and variants) test",
-left => 100,
-top  => 100,
-width=> 360,
-height   => 260,
-name => "Window",

$W->{dialogui} = 1;

-name => "Simple",
-left => 5,
-top  => 5,
 -text => "Click button",

$Timer = $W->AddTimer("SimpleTimer", 0);

 -name => "SimpleLabel",
 -left => 120,
 -top => 10,
 -width => 150,
 -height => 22,

 -name   => "CheckGroup",
 -left   => 2,
 -top=> 35,
 -width  => 115,
 -height => 85,
 -text   => "Checkboxes",

-name => "Check1",
-left => 8,
-top  => 50,
 -text => "Checkbox 1",

-name => "Check2",
-left => 8,
-top  => 70,
 -text => "Checkbox 2",

-name => "Check3",
-left => 8,
-top  => 90,
 -text => "Checkbox 3",

 -name => "CheckLabel",
 -left => 120,
 -top => 55,
 -width => 150,
 -height => 44,

 -name   => "RadioGroup",
 -left   => 2,
 -top=> 120,
 -width  => 115,
 -height => 85,
 -text   => "Radiobuttons",

-name => "Radio1",
-left => 8,
-top  => 135,
 -text => "Radiobutton 1",

-name => "Radio2",
-left => 8,
-top  => 155,
 -text => "Radiobutton 2",

-name => "Radio3",
-left => 8,
-top  => 175,
 -text => "Radiobutton 3",

 -name => "RadioLabel",
 -left => 120,
 -top => 140,
 -width => 150,
 -height => 22,

$Close = $W->AddButton(
 -name  => "Close",
 -left  => 250,
 -top   => 200,
 -width => 100,
 -text  => "Close",



sub Window_Terminate {
return -1;

sub Close_Click {

sub Simple_Click {
 $W->SimpleLabel->Text("Got a click");

sub SimpleTimer_Timer {

sub Check1_Click {
 my $text = "";
 if($W->Check1->Checked()) {
  $text .= (($text)?", ":"")."Checkbox 1";
 if($W->Check2->Checked()) {
  $text .= (($text)?", ":"")."Checkbox 2";
 if($W->Check3->Checked()) {
  $text .= (($text)?", ":"")."Checkbox 3";
sub Check2_Click { Check1_Click(); }
sub Check3_Click { Check1_Click(); }

sub Radio1_Click {
 my $text = "";
 if($W->Radio1->Checked()) {
  $text = "Radiobutton 1";
 } elsif($W->Radio2->Checked()) {
  $text = "Radiobutton 2";
 } elsif($W->Radio3->Checked()) {
  $text = "Radiobutton 3";
sub Radio2_Click { Radio1_Click(); }
sub Radio3_Click { Radio1_Click(); }

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Re: WIN32::GUI

2005-04-18 Thread Johan Lindstrom
At 09:49 2005-04-17, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
Does anyone know what Windows graphics library is used by Win32::GUI?
The native Windows libraries.

I have seen that all the programs which are using the standard Win32
graphics library are very accessible for the blind (for screen readers), but
the programs which are created using Win32::GUI in perl are not.
In what way are they not accessible?

I have tested a few sample programs made with Win32::GUI and they were not
accessible using the keyboard (I could not move the focus from a control to
the next control by pressing tab), but is there a posibility that those
samples were not made very well, and I might create accessible programs
using Win32::GUI also?
Try setting
$win->{dialogui} = 1;
to enable that.
 --  --- -- --  --  - - --  -
Johan LindströmSourcerer @ Boss Casinos   johanl AT
Latest bookmark: "TCP Connection Passing"
dmoz: /Computers/Programming/Languages/JavaScript/ 12
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Re: WIN32::GUI

2005-04-17 Thread Sisyphus

- Original Message - 
From: "Octavian Rasnita" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 5:49 PM
Subject: WIN32::GUI

> Hi,
> Does anyone know what Windows graphics library is used by Win32::GUI?

I don't know. I do know that GUI.h lists the following standard C headers:


and I also know that the build process explicitly links to 'comctl32.lib'.
That's the only library that I could see explicitly mentioned (in the
Makefile.PL). My understanding is that any other libraries that are being
linked in will be listed in 'perl -V:libs'.

Does any of that help ?


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2005-04-17 Thread Octavian Rasnita

Does anyone know what Windows graphics library is used by Win32::GUI?

I have seen that all the programs which are using the standard Win32
graphics library are very accessible for the blind (for screen readers), but
the programs which are created using Win32::GUI in perl are not.
On the other hand, I have seen that the programs created with the library WX
(in perl) are accessible.

I saw that Win32::GUI it is a little easier to use and I think that it
creates smaller .exe programs (if I use perlapp to create those programs),
but I am blind and I am not able to use those programs.

I have tested a few sample programs made with Win32::GUI and they were not
accessible using the keyboard (I could not move the focus from a control to
the next control by pressing tab), but is there a posibility that those
samples were not made very well, and I might create accessible programs
using Win32::GUI also?

Thank you for any tip.


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Re[2]: Win32-GUI

2005-01-20 Thread Сергей Черниенко
Здравствуйте Charles,

С уважением,
 Сергейmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Win32-GUI

2005-01-20 Thread StoneBeat
If you see Loft Homepage ( The 
oficial PPMs are in

El Miércoles 19 Enero 2005 23:58, Charles Maier escribió:
> What server has Win32:GUI as a PPM  ???
> Chuck
> ___
> Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
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Re: Win32-GUI

2005-01-19 Thread $Bill Luebkert
Charles Maier wrote:
> Thanks Lloyd..
> However it appears that there is no package for Win32:GUI on that site. 
> It also appears that that site is not maintained so well as I found a
> number of bad links on a few things I looked into. 
> This problem is.. I do not understand how to install a CPAN module.. it
> is very confusing process for some of us that install a module once in a
> blue moon  ;o))  PPM is a godsend for those of us that find this true.
> The question still remains... is there a Win32::GUI package?? and if
> so...what URL will provide it?

The latest I see on PPM is version 1.0 - try adding this repos:

  ,-/-  __  _  _ $Bill LuebkertMailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (_/   /  )// //   DBE CollectiblesMailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / ) /--<  o // //  Castle of Medieval Myth & Magic
-/-' /___/_<_ (My Perl/Lakers stuff)
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Re: Win32-GUI

2005-01-19 Thread Jeff Griffiths

Charles Maier wrote:
Thanks Lloyd..
However it appears that there is no package for Win32:GUI on that site.  
It also appears that that site is not maintained so well as I found a 
number of bad links on a few things I looked into. 
This problem is.. I do not understand how to install a CPAN module.. it 
is very confusing process for some of us that install a module once in a 
blue moon  ;o))  PPM is a godsend for those of us that find this true.
The question still remains... is there a Win32::GUI package?? and if 
so...what URL will provide it?
Randy's CPAN search displays ppm package availability in a number of 
repositories, including ActiveState's.

Cool! Looks like Win32::Gui is available from =)
cheers, JeffG

-Original Message-
*From:* Lloyd Sartor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* Wednesday, January 19, 2005 6:20 PM
*To:* Charles Maier
*Subject:* Re: Win32-GUI
I received the following guidance when I queried about another package.
The above CPAN search engine conveniently shows package availability
on a
variety of ppm repositories at the bottom of the module page.
best regards,
Jeff Griffiths
Technical Support Engineer
ActiveState - Dynamic Tools for Dynamic Languages

*"Charles Maier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>*
01/19/2005 04:58 PM
To:"Perl-Win32-Users Mailing List"


What server has Win32:GUI as a PPM  ???
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RE: Win32-GUI

2005-01-19 Thread Charles Maier

However it appears that there is no package for 
Win32:GUI on that site.  It also appears that that site is not maintained 
so well as I found a number of bad links on a few things I looked 
problem is.. I do not understand how to install a CPAN module.. it is very 
confusing process for some of us that install a module once in a blue moon  
;o))  PPM is a godsend for those of us that find this 
question still remains... is there a Win32::GUI package?? and if so...what URL 
will provide it?

  -Original Message-From: Lloyd Sartor 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 
  6:20 PMTo: Charles MaierSubject: Re: 
  Win32-GUII received the 
  following guidance when I queried about another package. regards, Lloyd above CPAN search engine 
  conveniently shows package availability on avariety of ppm repositories at 
  the bottom of the module regards,Jeff 
  GriffithsTechnical Support EngineerActiveState - Dynamic Tools for 
  Dynamic Languages 

  "Charles Maier" 

01/19/2005 04:58 PM 
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2005-01-19 Thread Charles Maier
What server has Win32:GUI as a PPM  ???

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RE: Win32::GUI - windows not displaying?

2005-01-07 Thread Daniel Houlton
Found the problem with some more testing.  It works on other machines in the
office.  Turns out it's how I'm launching perl.  I use TextPad with a macro
to call Perl and pass it the current file as a parameter.

When I do it that way, the window doesn't show up for some reason.  If I run
the script from a DOS window it does.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
> Daniel Houlton
> Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 1:07 PM
> To:
> Subject: Win32::GUI - windows not displaying?
> Hello
> I'm looking at adding a GUI to several of my Perl scripts.  I've
> been trying
> to use Win32::GUI, but my windows will never display.  I've tried several
> sample scripts I've found on the net and they won't work either.  i.e., a
> simple "Hello World" test like this won't work for me (from
> -
>  use Win32::GUI;
>  $main = Win32::GUI::Window->new(
>  -name   => 'Main',
>  -width  => 100,
>  -height => 100,
>  );
>  $main->AddLabel(-text => "Hello, world", -name => 'label');
>  $main->Show();
>  Win32::GUI::Dialog();
>  sub Main_Terminate {
>  -1;
>  }
> -
> Any ideas why?  The window does appear to be created.  I can open Spy++
> (DevStudio 7) and it shows the "Hello World" window in the list.  But the
> window does not show up on my display.
> I've tried Win32::GUI v.558, v.99_ and v1.0.  I'm using
> ActivePerl v5.8 and
> win2k pro.  Any ideas?
> thanks
> --Dan
> ___
> Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
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Win32::GUI - windows not displaying?

2005-01-07 Thread Daniel Houlton

I'm looking at adding a GUI to several of my Perl scripts.  I've been trying
to use Win32::GUI, but my windows will never display.  I've tried several
sample scripts I've found on the net and they won't work either.  i.e., a
simple "Hello World" test like this won't work for me (from

 use Win32::GUI;
 $main = Win32::GUI::Window->new(
 -name   => 'Main',
 -width  => 100,
 -height => 100,
 $main->AddLabel(-text => "Hello, world", -name => 'label');

 sub Main_Terminate {

Any ideas why?  The window does appear to be created.  I can open Spy++
(DevStudio 7) and it shows the "Hello World" window in the list.  But the
window does not show up on my display.

I've tried Win32::GUI v.558, v.99_ and v1.0.  I'm using ActivePerl v5.8 and
win2k pro.  Any ideas?


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RE: problems installing Win32::GUI

2004-12-15 Thread Allegakoen, Justin Devanandan
Missed the part about the firewall:

You'd first need to set an environment variable called HTTP_proxy. Its
documented in the docs:-
Under Windows 2000
Right click on "My Computer", click on "Properties" and select the
"Advanced" tab. Click the button marked "Environment Variables" and make
the following changes in the "System Variables" window:

With the "New" button, add the setting HTTP_proxy, with your proxy name
as the value (you must include "http://";), followed by a colon and the
proxy port, if applicable; e.g., "http://proxy:8080/"; 
If you require a user name and/or password to access your proxy, use the
"New" button to add the settings HTTP_proxy_user and HTTP_proxy_pass,
with your user name and password as the respective values.  

-Original Message-
From: Allegakoen, Justin Devanandan 
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 8:02 AM
Subject: RE: problems installing Win32::GUI

You'll need to add Mr C's repository to your ppm:-

ppm> rep add

Then install as necessary


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Lasher, Brian
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 7:13 AM
Subject: problems installing Win32::GUI


Tried using the ppm to install Win32::GUI.  The ppm just gave me the
following error:

Error: No valid repositories:
Error: 500 Can't connect to

Assuming it's because I'm behind a firewall with a proxy server, but
couldn't figure out how to configure proxy server settings in ppm.  Does
anyone know how???

Then I tried installing the module using  modified proxy server
settings in CPAN/ per instructions on CPAN, and typed "perl
-MCPAN -e shell" at the command prompt.  Typed "install Win32::GUI" at
cpan prompt and it looked like it started working just fine.  Downloaded
all the files, etc.  crapped out during compile.  Got the following

Runnining make test
'test' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
Operable program or batch file.
   Test -- NOT OK
Running make install
  Make test had returned bad status, won't install without force.

Assumed this occurred because to my knowledge I don't have a c compiler
on my machine.  Downloaded and installed Microsoft visual c++ toolkit
2000.  but still getting error.  Is this Microsoft toolkit not what I
want?  does anyone know where I can get a free version of a compiler
that will finish the module installation??


Brian Lasher
Catalog DSP Product Engineering
Best Practices and Yield Enhancement Team

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RE: problems installing Win32::GUI

2004-12-15 Thread Allegakoen, Justin Devanandan
You'll need to add Mr C's repository to your ppm:-

ppm> rep add

Then install as necessary


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Lasher, Brian
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 7:13 AM
Subject: problems installing Win32::GUI


Tried using the ppm to install Win32::GUI.  The ppm just gave me the
following error:

Error: No valid repositories:
Error: 500 Can't connect to

Assuming it's because I'm behind a firewall with a proxy server, but
couldn't figure out how to configure proxy server settings in ppm.  Does
anyone know how???

Then I tried installing the module using  modified proxy server
settings in CPAN/ per instructions on CPAN, and typed "perl
-MCPAN -e shell" at the command prompt.  Typed "install Win32::GUI" at
cpan prompt and it looked like it started working just fine.  Downloaded
all the files, etc.  crapped out during compile.  Got the following

Runnining make test
'test' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
Operable program or batch file.
   Test -- NOT OK
Running make install
  Make test had returned bad status, won't install without force.

Assumed this occurred because to my knowledge I don't have a c compiler
on my machine.  Downloaded and installed Microsoft visual c++ toolkit
2000.  but still getting error.  Is this Microsoft toolkit not what I
want?  does anyone know where I can get a free version of a compiler
that will finish the module installation??


Brian Lasher
Catalog DSP Product Engineering
Best Practices and Yield Enhancement Team

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problems installing Win32::GUI

2004-12-15 Thread Lasher, Brian

Tried using the ppm to install Win32::GUI.  The ppm just gave me the
following error:

Error: No valid repositories:
Error: 500 Can't connect to

Assuming it's because I'm behind a firewall with a proxy server, but
couldn't figure out how to configure proxy server settings in ppm.  Does
anyone know how???

Then I tried installing the module using  modified proxy server
settings in CPAN/ per instructions on CPAN, and typed "perl
-MCPAN -e shell" at the command prompt.  Typed "install Win32::GUI" at
cpan prompt and it looked like it started working just fine.  Downloaded
all the files, etc.  crapped out during compile.  Got the following

Runnining make test
'test' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
Operable program or batch file.
   Test -- NOT OK
Running make install
  Make test had returned bad status, won't install without force.

Assumed this occurred because to my knowledge I don't have a c compiler
on my machine.  Downloaded and installed Microsoft visual c++ toolkit
2000.  but still getting error.  Is this Microsoft toolkit not what I
want?  does anyone know where I can get a free version of a compiler
that will finish the module installation??


Brian Lasher
Catalog DSP Product Engineering
Best Practices and Yield Enhancement Team

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RE: Need a perl Win32 GUI recommendation

2004-09-20 Thread sja
Title: Message

the GuiLoft. Interactive design and such. Strictly win32. And you can extend 
its assoc. site:
are others, but haven't explored them.

-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Levner, David [JJCUS Non J&J]Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 
12:11 AMTo: 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: Need a perl Win32 
GUI recommendation
I'd like to write some GUI programs in perl for Win32 
(I'm currently using perl 5.6.1). Porting to Unix/Linux is not a big concern for 
me. Could I get your recommendations please? Thanks!
David Levner 
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Need a perl Win32 GUI recommendation

2004-09-19 Thread
Title: Need a perl Win32 GUI recommendation

I'd like to write some GUI programs in perl for Win32 (I'm currently using perl 5.6.1). Porting to Unix/Linux is not a big concern for me. Could I get your recommendations please? Thanks!

David Levner

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Re: Pull down menu re: Win32::GUI::Menu?

2004-06-16 Thread ncaa-hoops
How about trying Perl/Tk???

$mw = MainWindow->new ;
$mw->geometry( "1000x640+10+0" ) ; ##whatever size you want
$mw->configure ( -menu => my $menubar = $mw->Menu ) ;

my $file  =$menubar->cascade ( -label => 'File' , -menuitems => 
file_menuitems ) ;
my $edit  =$menubar->cascade ( -label => 'Edit' , -menuitems => 
edit_menuitems ) ;

### Now for the subroutines ###

sub file_menuitems {
 [ qw/command New/ ] ,

 [ qw/command Open -command/ =>
sub { 
###your code goes here

} ] ,
 [ qw/command Save/ ] 

   ]  ;


Mastering Perl/Tk is a good book.

On Wednesday 16 June 2004 12:38, Lawrence F. Durfee wrote:
> I am trying to create a pull down menu with multiple options to select. I
> believe it is done with Menu() and AddMenuItem(), but I can't find any
> documentation.
> Can anyone help?
> Thanks,
>   LarryD
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Pull down menu re: Win32::GUI::Menu?

2004-06-16 Thread Lawrence F. Durfee

I am trying to create a pull down menu with multiple options to select. I
believe it is done with Menu() and AddMenuItem(), but I
can't find any documentation.
Can anyone help?

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Re: can't get Win32::GUI::SendMessageTimeout() to work

2004-06-06 Thread Glenn Linderman
On approximately 6/5/2004 11:21 PM, came the following characters from
the keyboard of Bennett Haselton:
Thanks for the help!  How can I see the effect of the message being 
broadcast though?  I installed Win32::API and ran the code below in a 
perl script, all with the value of my
string value was set to:

files\PC-Doctor for Windows XP\WINDSAPI;C:\Program Files\Network 
Associates\PGPNT;C:\jdk1.3.1\bin;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK for Java 

(note "c:\x" on the end), but still when I opened a new command prompt 
and typed "echo %PATH%", it didn't show c:\x on the end.  And when I 
created a c:\x directory with test.txt in it and tried doing Start->Run 
and typing "test.txt", it couldn't find it.

How can I actually see that the WM_SETTINGCHANGE did something?
Oh.  Well, when I change the value of the Path environment variable in 
the registry, and then call regreloadenv() from my code snippet below, 
things work.

The BEGIN just does initialization, you have to call regreloadenv() 
yourself, eh?

If that isn't it, than maybe you could show some sample code of what you 
are actually doing.

At 05:39 PM 6/5/2004 -0700, Glenn Linderman wrote:
On approximately 6/5/2004 4:03 PM, came the following characters from
the keyboard of Bennett Haselton:
I'm having trouble getting the broadcast of WM_SETTINGCHANGE to work.

The following function is what I call to do the WM_SETTINGCHANGE.  
Sorry some of the line breaks are from pasting, but I think the logic 
flow is still OK in the below.

This uses Win32::API rather than Win32::GUI.  The SendMessageTimeout 
in Win32::GUI is rather more specialized to window interface purposes 
than in providing the full capabilities of the SendMessageTimeout API.

# sub regreloadenv  # version 2003/08/25
use Win32::API ();
{ my ( $gSendMessageTimeout );
  sub regreloadenv
my $res = 0;
return $gSendMessageTimeout -> Call ( 0x, 0x001a, 0, 
  0x0002, 5000, $res );

  sub get_regreloadenv
  { unless ( defined $gSendMessageTimeout )
{ $gSendMessageTimeout = new Win32::API ( 'user32', 
  'NNNPNNP', 'N' );

BEGIN { get_regreloadenv(); }
Glenn --
The best part about procrastination is that you are never bored,
because you have all kinds of things that you should be doing.

(425) 497 9002
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Glenn --
The best part about procrastination is that you are never bored,
because you have all kinds of things that you should be doing.
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win32::GUI ComboBox/autocomplete Listbox/dropdown

2004-05-18 Thread kenneth . dahlitz
Does anyone know of a way to either;

1)  Make a Combobox autocomplete or search similar to the way
  a Listbox does?  The Combobox will only find the first character
  and I would like to be able to search further into the element


2) Make a Listbox dropdown similar to the way a Combobox does.

I have read all of the documentation I can find with no help.
I am using perl v5.8.3 and Win32-GUI v0.0.558.

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RE: Win32::GUI Question

2004-03-12 Thread Eric M. Hillman
> According to the docs on CPAN, there's a -multiple option, 
> but I can't get it to work.
> Let us know if you have any joy.

I've never got that to work.  There's a way to do it with Win32::FileOp,

@file = Win32::FileOp::OpenDialog(  
-title => "Select File(s) to process",
-filters => ['Special Files' => $spec,
 'All Files' => '*.*'],
-defaultfilter => 1,
-filename => $spec,

perl -se "s((.))(printf q(%c),(10,32,65,67,
69,72,(74..76),(78..80),(82..85))[hex $&]
)eg" -- -_=06fde129ae54c1b4c8152374c00 

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RE: Win32::GUI Question

2004-03-12 Thread Grant Babb
File::Find performs that task quickly and efficiently.  You can copy the
example from the POD and you are ready to go.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Dirk Bremer (NISC)
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 8:55 AM
Subject: Win32::GUI Question

Someone recently posted a code example using Win32::GUI to browse for a
folder, ala:

$Dir  = GUI::BrowseForFolder(-title => "Win32::GUI::BrowseForFolder

Is there a similar method to browse a folder for the files contained
within and to allow the selection of multiple files, returning the
selected filename(s)?

Dirk Bremer - Systems Programmer II - ESS/AMS  - NISC St. Peters USA
Central Time Zone
636-922-9158 ext. 8652 fax 636-447-4471


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Re: Win32::GUI Question

2004-03-12 Thread Dirk Bremer \(NISC\)
I am not interested in File::Find for this particular task, although I am
familiar with its capabilities.

Dirk Bremer - Systems Programmer II - ESS/AMS  - NISC St. Peters
USA Central Time Zone
636-922-9158 ext. 8652 fax 636-447-4471

- Original Message - 
From: "Grant Babb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Dirk Bremer (NISC)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 09:31
Subject: RE: Win32::GUI Question

File::Find performs that task quickly and efficiently.  You can copy the
example from the POD and you are ready to go.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Dirk Bremer (NISC)
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 8:55 AM
Subject: Win32::GUI Question

Someone recently posted a code example using Win32::GUI to browse for a
folder, ala:

$Dir  = GUI::BrowseForFolder(-title => "Win32::GUI::BrowseForFolder

Is there a similar method to browse a folder for the files contained
within and to allow the selection of multiple files, returning the
selected filename(s)?

Dirk Bremer - Systems Programmer II - ESS/AMS  - NISC St. Peters USA
Central Time Zone
636-922-9158 ext. 8652 fax 636-447-4471


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RE: Win32::GUI Question

2004-03-12 Thread Beckett Richard-qswi266
According to the docs on CPAN, there's a -multiple option, but I can't get it to work.

Let us know if you have any joy.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
> Dirk Bremer \(NISC\)
> Sent: 12 March 2004 14:55
> Subject: Win32::GUI Question
> Someone recently posted a code example using Win32::GUI to 
> browse for a
> folder, ala:
> $Dir  = GUI::BrowseForFolder(-title => 
> "Win32::GUI::BrowseForFolder test");
> Is there a similar method to browse a folder for the files 
> contained within
> and to allow the selection of multiple files, returning the selected
> filename(s)?
> Dirk Bremer - Systems Programmer II - ESS/AMS  - NISC St. Peters
> USA Central Time Zone
> 636-922-9158 ext. 8652 fax 636-447-4471
> ___
> Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
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Win32::GUI Question

2004-03-12 Thread Dirk Bremer \(NISC\)
Someone recently posted a code example using Win32::GUI to browse for a
folder, ala:

$Dir  = GUI::BrowseForFolder(-title => "Win32::GUI::BrowseForFolder test");

Is there a similar method to browse a folder for the files contained within
and to allow the selection of multiple files, returning the selected

Dirk Bremer - Systems Programmer II - ESS/AMS  - NISC St. Peters
USA Central Time Zone
636-922-9158 ext. 8652 fax 636-447-4471


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Main Background color win32::gui

2003-10-23 Thread David Liouville

I can't find howto change the main windows 
background color.
-background property work fine for component but 
not for main window.
Please help, thanks
David Liouville1bis rue St Louis35000 
RennesGSM : 06 70 20 71 53WEB :
are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary...and those 
who don't... Un philosophe est 
un homme qui cherche de nuit dans une salle noire un chat noir qui n'y est 
pas Un théologien, c'est la même chose mais des fois il trouve le 
---Outgoing mail is certified Virus 
Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( 6.0.528 / 
Virus Database: 324 - Release Date: 19/10/2003

Re: Win32::GUI crashing, burning -- fixed!

2003-10-08 Thread Eric Hillman
Tobias Hoellrich wrote:
> Try naming all your gui-objects and it'll do wonders:
> $main->AddLabel(-text => $text, -name => "foobar");
>   Tobias
 Yay!  Thanks a million.
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RE: Win32::GUI crashing, burning.

2003-10-08 Thread Tobias Hoellrich
Try naming all your gui-objects and it'll do wonders:

$main->AddLabel(-text => $text, -name => "foobar");


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of Eric Hillman
> Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 4:56 PM
> To: Perl-Win32
> Subject: Win32::GUI crashing, burning.
> Weird problem here...  I've been trying to move to Win32::GUI
> from Tk, and I can't even get as far as "Hello World" without 
> perl crashing with a "Perl.exe generated errors and will be 
> closed by Windows" Dr. Watson popup.
> The error I'm getting happens when I try to add pretty much
> any widget. For example, right now I'm trying to do something like:
> my $text = "Hello World";
> $main->AddLabel(-text => $text);
> Looking at it with the debugger, it appears that the error
> occurs as I'm going through 
> Win32::GUI::WindowProps->FETCH($self, $key), with $key = 
> "-font".  Going by the tutorials I'm reading, there ought to 
> be a default value, but perl crashes on FETCH returning Undef.
> Even weirder, when I defined a font, it died trying to
> process $key = "-handle", which went through just fine before 
> -- it doesn't even get as far as -font.
> The only thing I could think of is maybe it had something to
> do with the fact that I had Cygwin's perl on this box as 
> well, so I uninstalled that, and reinstalled the Win32::GUI 
> module.  Still no dice.
> Any ideas?  Am I missing something important here?
> --
> Eric Hillman
> Sr System Administrator
> Balogh Becker, LTD.
> here's the code:
> ========
> use strict;
> use Win32::GUI;
> use vars qw( $main );
> $main = Win32::GUI::Window->new(-name => 'Main', -text => 'Perl',
> -width => 200, -height => 200);
> my $text = "Hello World";
> my $textfont = Win32::GUI::Font->new(-name => "Comic Sans MS",
>  -size => 24);
> $main->AddLabel(-text => $text,  # <- If I comment this out,
> -font => $textfont); #the program works.
> $main->Show();
> Win32::GUI::Dialog( );
> sub Main_Terminate {
> -1;
> }
> ___
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Win32::GUI crashing, burning.

2003-10-08 Thread Eric Hillman
Weird problem here...  I've been trying to move to Win32::GUI from Tk,
and I can't even get as far as "Hello World" without perl crashing with
a "Perl.exe generated errors and will be closed by Windows" Dr. Watson

The error I'm getting happens when I try to add pretty much any widget.
For example, right now I'm trying to do something like:

my $text = "Hello World";
$main->AddLabel(-text => $text);

Looking at it with the debugger, it appears that the error occurs as I'm
going through Win32::GUI::WindowProps->FETCH($self, $key), with $key =
"-font".  Going by the tutorials I'm reading, there ought to be a
default value, but perl crashes on FETCH returning Undef.

Even weirder, when I defined a font, it died trying to process $key =
"-handle", which went through just fine before -- it doesn't even get as
far as -font.

The only thing I could think of is maybe it had something to do with the
fact that I had Cygwin's perl on this box as well, so I uninstalled
that, and reinstalled the Win32::GUI module.  Still no dice.

Any ideas?  Am I missing something important here?

Eric Hillman
Sr System Administrator
Balogh Becker, LTD.

here's the code:

use strict;
use Win32::GUI;
use vars qw( $main );

$main = Win32::GUI::Window->new(-name => 'Main', -text => 'Perl',
-width => 200, -height => 200);

my $text = "Hello World";
my $textfont = Win32::GUI::Font->new(-name => "Comic Sans MS",
         -size => 24);
$main->AddLabel(-text => $text,  # <- If I comment this out,
-font => $textfont); #the program works.
Win32::GUI::Dialog( );

sub Main_Terminate {

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Win32::GUI - Grouping Radio Buttons?

2003-09-15 Thread kinggeek
I am new to Win32::GUI but I have managed to write a functioning app except 
for one part.
I have 2 sets of Radiobuttons the first has 2 buttons, the second has 3 
buttons for a total of 5.  Both groups are inside groupboxes and the 
groupboxes are one above the other in my dialogbox.
The problem is that only 1 of the 5 buttons can be checked.  It is like they 
are all in the same group and not 2 separate groups.
Any idea what I need to do to make these 2 groups independant of each other?
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RE: Win32::GUI::Label

2003-09-10 Thread Eric Logeson
Your suggestion regarding the size being set properly was the problem.


> -Original Message-
> From: Johan Lindstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 5:20 PM
> Subject: Re: Win32::GUI::Label
> At 15:39 2003-09-09 -0400, Eric Logeson wrote:
> >I have a block of text that I am trying display 
> >using  Win32::GUI::Label.  I can't get the text to wrap, in spite of 
> >wrapping being the default, I have tried "\n" and "\r\n".  
> If I maximize 
> >the window I see all the text on one line, does anybody know 
> how to get 
> >the text to wrap.  Or is there a better way to show text 
> using Win32::GUI?
> I just tried and it works for me. The text wraps (as the 
> default says) 
> automatically, and a \n in the string yields a newline in the text.
> I use Win32::GUI 0.0.558 and the 0.0.665 version works the same.
> What version do yo use?
> Could it be that you haven't set the size properly (too 
> wide)? What does 
> the code to build the Label look like?
> /J
>  --  --- -- --  --  -- -  - -
> Johan LindströmSourcerer @ Boss Casinos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: Win32::GUI Docs

2003-07-30 Thread LIBERCE D SbanStiSysDev

I don't know about anything like that, but if you find it I'll be
interrested as well..


-Message d'origine-
De : Vuillemot, Ward W [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé : mercredi 30 juillet 2003 01:05
À : Perl-Win32-Users (E-mail)
Objet : Win32::GUI Docs


Where is a "definitive" guide to all the Win32::GUI methods?
I stumbled across BrowseForFolder...but I cannot find anywhere that tell me
all that I can do.  Or is there some MS docs I can refer to?

Thanks in advance.


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Win32::GUI Docs

2003-07-29 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

Where is a "definitive" guide to all the Win32::GUI methods?
I stumbled across BrowseForFolder...but I cannot find anywhere that tell me all that I 
can do.  Or is there some MS docs I can refer to?

Thanks in advance.


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RE: Win32::GUI support

2003-07-21 Thread Rogers, John
Title: RE: Win32::GUI support


Win32-GUI Project is not dead, project is on, it has been a while since a release though.
There is a active mailing list at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Suggest you ask question there,


> -Original Message-
> From: Erik Shön [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 6:23 AM
> Subject: Win32::GUI support
> Hello,
> I have been seeking further help concerning the Win32::GUI 
> package could not 
> find any. No one did answer my question on this present 
> nailing list nor 
> could I reach Aldo Calpini through his web site and the 
> latest version seems 
> a little dated. Is there development still going on for this 
> or is the 
> project dead? Or is someone else taking care of it?
> Thanks for your help!
> Erik
> _
> MSN Search, le moteur de recherche qui pense comme vous !  
> ___
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Win32::GUI support

2003-07-21 Thread Erik Shön

I have been seeking further help concerning the Win32::GUI package could not 
find any. No one did answer my question on this present nailing list nor 
could I reach Aldo Calpini through his web site and the latest version seems 
a little dated. Is there development still going on for this or is the 
project dead? Or is someone else taking care of it?

Thanks for your help!


MSN Search, le moteur de recherche qui pense comme vous !

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RE: Win32::GUI - How can I add links to a Richedit control?

2003-03-31 Thread Burak Gürsoy
Sorry for sending this one two times...
There was an error in the mail server last weekend I think...

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
> Burak Gürsoy
> Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2003 8:23 PM
> To: Perl-Win32-Users
> Subject: Win32::GUI - How can I add links to a Richedit control?
> I want to add html-like clickable hyperlinks inside a richedit.
> How can I do
> this with Win32::GUI?
> ___
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[Win32::GUI] How can I add links to a Richedit?

2003-03-31 Thread Burak Gürsoy
I want to add html-like clickable hyperlinks inside a richedit. How can I do
this with Win32::GUI?

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RE: How to use help-icon on DialogBox in Win32::GUI?

2003-02-03 Thread Joseph Youngquist
use Win32::GUI;
use Win32;
Win32::MsgBox("This is a test", 0 | 64, "This is the msgBox Title");

0 - display only the OK button
1 - display OK and Cancel buttons
2 - display Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons
3 - display Yes, No, and Cancel buttons
4 - display Yes and No buttons
5 - display Retry and Cancel buttons

16 - display Critical Message icon
32 - display Warning Query icon
48 - display Warning Message icon
64 - display Information Message icon

0 - set first button as default
256 - set second button as default
512 - set third button as default
768 - set fourth button as default

Return Values
1 - OK
2 - Cancel
3 - Abort
4 - Retry
5 - Ignore
6 - Yes
7 - No"

this link will also be helpful to read up on:

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of ôÁÎÅÞËÁ
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2001 6:29 PM
Subject: How to use help-icon on DialogBox in Win32::GUI?

How to use help-icon on DialogBox in Win32:: GUI?

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How to use help-icon on DialogBox in Win32::GUI?

2003-02-02 Thread Танечка
How to use help-icon on DialogBox in Win32:: GUI?

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RE: Win32-GUI - Manage Window Objects...?

2003-01-28 Thread Johan Lindstrom
At 14:22 2003-01-28 -0700, Mark Sutfin wrote:

>>>The easiest way to avoid pixel math is The GUI Loft...

Downloaded this as well... No properties showing as per docs (running
tgl.exe 11/2002). FAQ indicates that my screen resolution must be low...? So

It's too low.

Actually, it's not, I just accidently kept the too-far-to-the-right 
position in the released config file. This should fix that until I get it 
right in the next release:


 --  --- -- --  --  -- -  - -
Johan LindströmSourcerer @ Boss Casinos [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Win32-GUI - Manage Window Objects...?

2003-01-28 Thread Mark Sutfin
Johan wrote:

>2. Is there an ?object? manager (something like TK's geometry mgr), or is
>everyone else just able to do the pixel math in their head(s)?
>>>That's not how layout is done using Win32::GUI.
>>>The easiest way to avoid pixel math is The GUI Loft...

Downloaded this as well... No properties showing as per docs (running
tgl.exe 11/2002). FAQ indicates that my screen resolution must be low...? So
I switched from 1152 X 864 to 1024 X 768 (rebooted) same result. Continued
on down to 640 X 480 w/o properties appearing...

What am I missing?


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RE: Win32-GUI - Manage Window Objects...?

2003-01-28 Thread Mark Sutfin
On Tuesday, January 28, 2003 9:18 AM, Johan Lindstrom wrote

>At 08:40 2003-01-28 -0700, Mark Sutfin wrote:
>>I'm just working thru the *guitutx* tutorials that come with the
>>distribution (0.0.502 on W2K with 5.6.1 633)
>That's a way old release of Win32::GUI. The 0.0.558, or 0.0.665 release are

>I think it contains a PPM as well, otherwise it's at

OK... I downloaded:

  0.0.665 2002-03-22 01:20 184812  1449  i386
.exe (32-bit Windows) 

to c:\downloads\win32-gui\

Then, (using Winzip), I unzipped the file (
and it extracted these files


>From the command prompt, I entered the following:

c:\downloads\win32-gui> ppm install Win32-GUI.ppd

The response...

Installing package 'Win32-GUI.ppd'...
Error installing package 'Win32-GUI.ppd': Error reading
./MSWin32-x86-multi-thread/Win32-GUI-0.0.665-PPM.tar.gz: 400 URL must be

What have I done to disrupt the path/URI?

>But you need the sample programs and stuff, so download the entire distro 

I did download the source to get the docs now if I can just install

>>1. Are the *top* and *left* options used to determine the location of an
>>object (label, button, listbox..) in a Window?
>>2. Is there an ?object? manager (something like TK's geometry mgr), or is
>>everyone else just able to do the pixel math in their head(s)?
>That's not how layout is done using Win32::GUI.
>The easiest way to avoid pixel math is The GUI Loft...
>>I find myself adjusting top/left alot to get objects aligned... (buttons
>>labels for example)
>...wich has alignment commands in the context menu :)

Where do I find the context menu..?

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Re: Win32-GUI - Manage Window Objects...?

2003-01-28 Thread Johan Lindstrom
At 08:40 2003-01-28 -0700, Mark Sutfin wrote:

I'm just working thru the *guitutx* tutorials that come with the Win32::GUI
distribution (0.0.502 on W2K with 5.6.1 633)

That's a way old release of Win32::GUI. The 0.0.558, or 0.0.665 release are 

I think it contains a PPM as well, otherwise it's at

But you need the sample programs and stuff, so download the entire distro 

1. Are the *top* and *left* options used to determine the location of an
object (label, button, listbox..) in a Window?


2. Is there an ?object? manager (something like TK's geometry mgr), or is
everyone else just able to do the pixel math in their head(s)?

That's not how layout is done using Win32::GUI.

The easiest way to avoid pixel math is The GUI Loft...

I find myself adjusting top/left alot to get objects aligned... (buttons and
labels for example)

...wich has alignment commands in the context menu :)


 --  --- -- --  --  -- -  - -
Johan LindströmSourcerer @ Boss Casinos [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Win32-GUI - Manage Window Objects...?

2003-01-28 Thread Mark Sutfin
I'm just working thru the *guitutx* tutorials that come with the Win32::GUI
distribution (0.0.502 on W2K with 5.6.1 633)

2 questions:

1. Are the *top* and *left* options used to determine the location of an
object (label, button, listbox..) in a Window?
2. Is there an ?object? manager (something like TK's geometry mgr), or is
everyone else just able to do the pixel math in their head(s)?

I find myself adjusting top/left alot to get objects aligned... (buttons and
labels for example)

Any pointers to docs are most appreciated...,
Mark Sutfin
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Mixing Tk and Win32 GUI ?

2002-11-28 Thread Thomas Drugeon
Is this possible to mix Tk and Win32 windows in a same project?
(I tried once to have a win32 dialogue box to open over a Tk windows, but
the tk windows did not redraw when I mouved the win32 box!!)

In fact I would lik to use activeX controls, like providd with
Win32::GUI::AxWindow, in my Tk application (having the activeX integreted in
a Tk widget would be a must!)

Do you know how this could be done?

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RE: Win32::GUI question

2002-11-20 Thread Peter Eisengrein
Title: RE: Win32::GUI question

Try creating it as a window and add this option:

    -dialogui => 1,

and see if that gives the functionality you're looking for.


> -Original Message-
> From: Hawley, Eric [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 16:18
> To: 'Joseph Youngquist'; Hawley, Eric; 'Perl-Win32 (E-mail)'
> Subject: RE: Win32::GUI question
> No I dont have a button set as the default.  I tried that 
> just to see if for
> some wierd reason my Enter key was not working in that window 
> but when I set
> the button as default the Enter key worked fine, left me kind 
> of confused.
> Its like when I press the Enter key, the key doesnt work at 
> all but works
> fine anywhere else.
> Eric
> -Original Message-
> From: Joseph Youngquist [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 4:12 PM
> To: 'Hawley, Eric'; 'Perl-Win32 (E-mail)'
> Subject: RE: Win32::GUI question
> do you have a button set as the default?  If so, then the 
> enter key will
> "click" that button regardless of which control has the 
> focus.  Other than
> that, I can't think of anything off the top of my head to look for.
> hth,
> Joe
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Hawley, Eric
> Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 2:22 PM
> To: Perl-Win32 (E-mail)
> Subject: Win32::GUI question
> Here is my problem. I have created a Window box with three 
> text fields which
> a user can input the information they need. I would like to 
> have them be
> able to tab between fields instead of using a mouse.  I found 
> out that you
> should use DialogBox to do this so I did.  The tabbing worked with the
> exception of back-tabbing (Shift + Tab, no big deal though ) 
> but in the
> multiline field, the return key would not work in order to 
> start a new line.
> If I just create a standard window using new 
> Win32::GUI::Window it allows me
> to use the return key to start a new line but doesn't allow 
> tabbing.  Any
> suggestions on what I might be doing wrong here. Code is listed below.
> $Data = "" Win32::GUI::DialogBox(  <-- This 
> line could also
> be Window instead of DialogBox
>                 -name   => "DataWindow",
>                 -top    => ($screen_width -
> $minwidth)/2,
>                 -left   => ($screen_height -
> $minheight)/2,
>                 -width  => $minwidth,
>                 -height => $minheight,
>                 -title  => "New Project",
>                 -menu   => $DataMenu,
>                 -tabstop => 1,
>                );
> #single line field
> $Pname_input = $Data->AddTextfield(
>                  -left    => 20,
>                  -top => 10,
>                  -width   => 150,
>                  -height  => 22,
>                  -tabstop => 1,
>                  -prompt => "Project Name:   ",
>                 );
> #single line field
> $Mname_input = $Data->AddTextfield(
>                  -left    => 20,
>                  -top => 40,
>                  -width   => 160,
>                  -height  => 22,
>                  -tabstop => 1,
>                  -prompt => "Member Names:",
>                 );
>    #multiline field which does not allow the use of the 
> return key to start
> a new line under DialogBox
>    #but does allow it under Window
> $Des_input = $Data->AddTextfield(
>                -left    => 20,
>                -top => 70,
>                -width   => 205,
>                -height  => 80,
>                -tabstop => 1,
>                -multiline => 1,
>                -prompt => "Description:   ",
>                   );
> Thanks
> Eric
> * Eric Hawley, Network Support Programmer
> > *   Office of Information Technology
> > *   Ohio Department of Natural Resources
> > *   Phone:  (614) 265-1028
> > *   Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> ___
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Re: Help about module Win32::Gui

2002-10-16 Thread Johan Lindstrom

At 11:27 2002-10-16 +0200, Bruno FABLET wrote:
>is there a "good" help about this module (Win32::GUI)


But there are incomplete docs, sample files to look at, and a pretty 
responsive mailing list.


 --  --- -- --  --  -- -  - -
Johan LindströmSourcerer @ Boss Casinos [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Help about module Win32::Gui

2002-10-16 Thread (Aben) Roman Fordinál

Dobrý den,
16. október 2002, 11:27:29, napsal jste:

BF> is there a "good" help about this module (Win32::GUI)
BF> ? - very good :)

S pozdravem,

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Win32::GUI or FindBin under Windows 95?

2002-10-16 Thread Morbus Iff

Has anyone had any difficulty using Win32::GUI v0.665 under Windows 95? My
current code base works perfectly under Windows 98 and up, but nothing
seems to happen (double-click, hourglass for a second, no hourglass) under
95. I've yet to do adequate testing/debugging, but I know that the last
working Win95 version I had was using .502.

Or, on the other hand, anyone know of issues with FindBin? My previous
working version was using simply "use lib ./lib", but the newest version
(again, which works everywhere on Win98 and up) uses FindBin exclusively.

The sad thing is, my only Win95 box is an old laptop - 66mhz with 8 megs of
RAM. It takes me about 15 minutes to get one response out of my
application, and it's making debugging this thing a flippin' nightmare.


Morbus Iff ( shower your women, i'm coming )
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Help about module Win32::Gui

2002-10-16 Thread Bruno FABLET

is there a "good" help about this module (Win32::GUI)

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RE: Adding a Timer in Win32::GUI

2002-10-08 Thread Krummel, James C - PGGC-6


Here is another way to do This:

use Win32::OLE;

$vbOKOnly = 0;
$vbYesNo = 4;
$vbCritical = 16;
$vbWarning = 48;
$vbInformation = 64;
$WSHShell = Win32::OLE->CreateObject('Wscript.Shell');
$Return = $WSHShell->Popup("Windows could not finish a system task and needs
to restart.\n\nNOTE: You MUST reboot  Windows so that this task may
finish.\nReboot Windows now?", 10, "Error", $vbCritical + $vbYesNo);
print $Return;

James Krummel

-Original Message-
From: "Hawley, Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Adding a Timer in Win32::GUI
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2002 14:53:02 -0400 

Okay I have been attempting to add a timer to a message box and have been
unsuccessful in being able to do so.  I want to have it so that after the
message box displays the user has 10 seconds to either click YES or NO with
default as YES.  If after 10 seconds the user has failed to make a selection
YES will be automatically choosen. can someone help me out with this. Down
below is some code that I have from the script.

my $choice = GUI::MessageBox(GUI::GetForegroundWindow(), "Windows could not
finish a system task and needs to restart.\n\nNOTE: You MUST reboot Windows
so that this task may finish.\nReboot Windows now?", "Error", MB_YESNO |

$Window->Addtimer( "Timer", 1 ); #Need advice as to how to get the
correct value for $Window

Does anyone know what else I need to add to get this to work?
Thanks for your help

*   Eric Hawley, Network Services Intern
> * Office of Information Technology
> * Ohio Department of Natural Resources
> * Phone:  (614) 265-1028
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RE: Adding a Timer in Win32::GUI

2002-10-08 Thread Peter Eisengrein
Title: RE: Adding a Timer in Win32::GUI

Assuming $choice is your message box, perhaps something like this would work?

### untested

sub No_Click
    ### do something else
    return 1;

sub Timer
    if ($choice->IsVisible)
        return 1;
        return 0;


sub Yes_Click

sub Yes
    ### Do something... (reboot?)
    return 1;

> -Original Message-
> From: Hawley, Eric [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 14:53
> Subject: Adding a Timer in Win32::GUI
> Okay I have been attempting to add a timer to a message box 
> and have been
> unsuccessful in being able to do so.  I want to have it so 
> that after the
> message box displays the user has 10 seconds to either click 
> YES or NO with
> default as YES.  If after 10 seconds the user has failed to 
> make a selection
> YES will be automatically choosen. can someone help me out 
> with this. Down
> below is some code that I have from the script.
> my $choice = GUI::MessageBox(GUI::GetForegroundWindow(), 
> "Windows could not
> finish a system task and needs to restart.\n\nNOTE: You MUST 
> reboot Windows
> so that this task may finish.\nReboot Windows now?", "Error", 
> $Window->Addtimer( "Timer", 1 );   #Need advice as to how 
> to get the
> correct value for $Window
> Does anyone know what else I need to add to get this to work?
> Thanks for your help
> * Eric Hawley, Network Services Intern
> > *   Office of Information Technology
> > *   Ohio Department of Natural Resources
> > *   Phone:  (614) 265-1028
> > *   Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > 
> ___
> Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
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Re: Adding a Timer in Win32::GUI

2002-10-08 Thread Johan Lindstrom

At 14:53 2002-10-08 -0400, Hawley, Eric wrote:
>Okay I have been attempting to add a timer to a message box and have been
>unsuccessful in being able to do so.  I want to have it so that after the
>message box displays the user has 10 seconds to either click YES or NO with
>default as YES.  If after 10 seconds the user has failed to make a selection
>YES will be automatically choosen. can someone help me out with this. Down
>below is some code that I have from the script.

I would be surprised it that compiled and ran. This does.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Win32::GUI;

my $winDummy = Win32::GUI::Window->new(-name => "winApp");  #Create, but 
never Show() it
my $timTimeout = $winDummy->AddTimer( "timTimeout", 1 );#10 sec

my $choise = Win32::GUI::MessageBox($winDummy, q {Windows could not finish 
a system task and needs to restart.

NOTE: You MUST reboot Windows so that this task may finish.
Reboot Windows now?},

print "choice: ($choise)\n";
shutdownWindows() if($choise == 6); #6 seems to be YES

sub timTimeout_Timer {
 print "Timeout...\n";

 #Disable the timer, otherwise it will trigger this event
 #handler again

 #Never to return

sub shutdownWindows {
 print "do your Windows reboot stuff here, then exit the app\n";

 #This is the downside. You have to exit the Perl script
 #for the dialog box to disappear (I think, please prove me
     #wrong someone!).


Interesting note: We never call Win32::GUI::Dialog(), and the timer still 

An alternative would be to create the dialog box yourself. That way it's 
like any Win32::GUI::Window, and you can close it the normal way. That's 
what I'd do, but if this brute force solution works for you...


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Adding a Timer in Win32::GUI

2002-10-08 Thread Hawley, Eric

Okay I have been attempting to add a timer to a message box and have been
unsuccessful in being able to do so.  I want to have it so that after the
message box displays the user has 10 seconds to either click YES or NO with
default as YES.  If after 10 seconds the user has failed to make a selection
YES will be automatically choosen. can someone help me out with this. Down
below is some code that I have from the script.

my $choice = GUI::MessageBox(GUI::GetForegroundWindow(), "Windows could not
finish a system task and needs to restart.\n\nNOTE: You MUST reboot Windows
so that this task may finish.\nReboot Windows now?", "Error", MB_YESNO |

$Window->Addtimer( "Timer", 1 ); #Need advice as to how to get the
correct value for $Window

Does anyone know what else I need to add to get this to work?
Thanks for your help

*   Eric Hawley, Network Services Intern
> * Office of Information Technology
> * Ohio Department of Natural Resources
> * Phone:  (614) 265-1028
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Removing icons from the systemtray when using Win32::GUI

2002-10-04 Thread Champ Echols

I have written a perl app using Tk and Win32::GUI. Win32::GUI is used solely
to place an icon in the systemtray.  All works as planed except for the bug
in Win32::GUI that leaves the icon in the systemtray when the app is closed.
The notes for Win32::GUI indicate that this is a bug and to explicitly
remove the icon from the systemtray.  Does anyone know how to explicitly
remove an icon from the systemtray during application shutdown?

C. Echols

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Re: New to Win32::GUI

2002-10-04 Thread Johan Lindstrom

At 11:30 2002-10-04 -0400, Conrad, Bill (ThomasTech) wrote:
> For years I have been developing PERL Tk scripts which I have been
>using on both UNIX and PC applications. My users want me to make these
>scripts more PC friendly

Good call! Tk is nice and all, but it's not very pretty. And pretty counts 
for non-geeks, so in order to make Perl look good you need to make the GUI 
look good. That means Win32::GUI or wxPerl.

>so I have decided to byte the bullet and learn Win32:GUI.

Good read:

Subscribe to the Win32::GUI::Users mailing list:

> Are all of the modules associated with Win32:GUI loadable with PPM
>as a single package or do they all have to be loaded separately?

Not _all_. Installing Win32::GUI will set you up with the basics. There are 
a number of other Win32::GUI modules. Check the archives:

> And when they are loaded is all of the HTML documentation loaded
>also or do I have to get that from some other place?

PPMs are nice, but you need sample scripts, docs and stuff also, so 
download the source from SourceForge:

The documentation is also available (with a little nicer ToC IMHO) if you 
download The GUI Loft, a Win32::GUI window designer:


 --  --- -- --  --  -- -  - -
Johan LindströmSourcerer @ Boss Casinos [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Perl 5.6.1 & Win32::GUI & TheGUILoft

2002-08-14 Thread Johan Lindstrom

At 12:57 2002-08-14 -0600, Syl wrote:
>Perl 5.6.1 build 633, Win32::GUI and TheGUILoft generate Prototype Mismatch
>errors. For example
>Prototype mismatch: sub main::MB_ICONHAND vs () at C:/Perl/lib/
>line 57.

This was discussed on the TGL support mailing list:


 --  --- -- --  --  -- -  - -
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Perl 5.6.1 & Win32::GUI & TheGUILoft

2002-08-14 Thread Syl

Perl 5.6.1 build 633, Win32::GUI and TheGUILoft generate Prototype Mismatch
errors. For example

Prototype mismatch: sub main::MB_ICONHAND vs () at C:/Perl/lib/
line 57.
at D:\Perl Stuff\TheGUILoft\Demo\Password\ line 16
 main::BEGIN() called at C:/Perl/site/lib/ line 16
 eval {...} called at C:/Perl/site/lib/ line 16

Although the program does execute that use Win32::GUI and TheGUILoft do
execute a large number of these errors do occur. These errors did not occur
with Perl build 630. Suggestions?


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Re[2]: Win32::Gui and Net::irc?

2002-01-30 Thread Eugeniy Ogloblin

you may use fork() before any GUI creation. This not crash.

TA> I received a reply from a person who also made a irc bot and he said that 
TA> fork() only succeeded in crashing his program.  I read somewhere that fork() 
TA> isn't available in win32 perl nor does it work with win32::gui.

>>From: "Edward G. Orton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: "Trisha Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,   
>>Subject: Re: Win32::Gui and Net::irc?
>>Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 13:44:46 -0500
>>- Original Message -
>>From: "Trisha Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 1:40 PM
>>Subject: Re: Win32::Gui and Net::irc?
>> >
>> > So what would you recommend as far as multitasking?  Threads,
>>as far as I
>> > know, aren't implemented in the recent version of win32 perl.
>>Are there any
>> > samples that I could look at?  Or maybe, is there a way to
>>have two seperate
>> > perl programs, one running win32::gui and the other running
>> > communicate with each other?
>> >
>>fork() works well under build 628 and up.
>>Edward G. Orton, GWN Consultants Inc.
>>Phone: 613-764-3186, Fax: 613-764-1721
>>Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
>>To unsubscribe: 

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Re: Win32::Gui and Net::irc?

2002-01-30 Thread Glenn Linderman

Peter Guzis wrote:
> Attempts to fork with Win32::GUI have been unsuccessful for the most part.
> I found if I even "use Win32::GUI" before a fork, Perl will completely crash
> when the fork is invoked.  The workaround I found is to "require Win32::GUI"
> after any such fork.  I'm not sure if this is a known issue or if it was
> just a glitch in my particular version.

I don't know either, but I successfully "use Win32::GUI", then set up a
bunch of windows and controls, and then "fork", with no problem.  Of
course, the parent simulated process is the one that must run
Win32::GUI::Dialog(), as it is the "main Windows thread" and gets all
the Windows messages.

Due to the current economic situation, the light at the
end of the tunnel will be turned off until further notice.
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Re: Win32::Gui and Net::irc?

2002-01-30 Thread Trisha Adams

I received a reply from a person who also made a irc bot and he said that 
fork() only succeeded in crashing his program.  I read somewhere that fork() 
isn't available in win32 perl nor does it work with win32::gui.

>From: "Edward G. Orton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Trisha Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,   
>Subject: Re: Win32::Gui and Net::irc?
>Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 13:44:46 -0500
>- Original Message -
>From: "Trisha Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 1:40 PM
>Subject: Re: Win32::Gui and Net::irc?
> >
> > So what would you recommend as far as multitasking?  Threads,
>as far as I
> > know, aren't implemented in the recent version of win32 perl.
>Are there any
> > samples that I could look at?  Or maybe, is there a way to
>have two seperate
> > perl programs, one running win32::gui and the other running
> > communicate with each other?
> >
>fork() works well under build 628 and up.
>Edward G. Orton, GWN Consultants Inc.
>Phone: 613-764-3186, Fax: 613-764-1721
>Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
>To unsubscribe: 

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RE: Sending text to other windows with Win32::GUI

2002-01-24 Thread Scott Campbell

Yes, this is very simple and works!  Thank you.
My one wish is that whenever text is sent to the main gui window, it
would append it on, and not overwrite the current text already in the
window.  But I don't see a simple way to do this.

Thanks for the help.

Scott Campbell
Senior Software Developer
Somix Technologies
(207) 324-8805

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
Johan Lindstrom
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 8:18 AM
Subject: Re: Sending text to other windows with Win32::GUI

Scott Campbell wrote (on the Perl-Win32 list):
>Now this is running as a process.  Does anyone know of a way for me to 
>send text to this window, from another perl process?

Heh! I tried this out and it actually works! :)  Cool!

Consider these files:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Win32::GUI;

my $winMain = new Win32::GUI::Window(
 -left   => 13,
 -top=> 32,
 -width  => 439,
 -height => 260,
 -name   => "winMain",
 -text   => "Autoscroller",

 -text=> "lblTest",
 -name=> "lblTest",
 -left=> 0,
 -top => 0,
 -width   => 400,
 -height  => 250,

$winMain->lblTest()->Text("The hwind is: " .

And in another file:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Win32::GUI;

print "Enter the hwind for the label: ";
my $hwind = ;

print "\nEnter text: ";
my $text = ;

Win32::GUI::Text($hwind, $text);
Win32::GUI::InvalidateRect($hwind, 1);

Run them in two console windows. Look at the hwind in the Window, enter
into the second program. The text will update the Label in the Window.

(Of course, the window script will have to create a myprogram.hwind file

with the correct window handler instead of having the user type it.)

This was actually a very cool way of talking to a Win32::GUI program. I
imagine a messaging system using this to communicate between a GUI
and one or many background processes to do the actual work. If you want
avoid sockets for some reason :)


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Johan LindströmSourcerer @ Boss Casinos [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Sending text to other windows with Win32::GUI

2002-01-24 Thread Johan Lindstrom

Scott Campbell wrote (on the Perl-Win32 list):
>Now this is running as a process.  Does anyone know of a way for me to 
>send text to this window, from another perl process?

Heh! I tried this out and it actually works! :)  Cool!

Consider these files:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Win32::GUI;

my $winMain = new Win32::GUI::Window(
 -left   => 13,
 -top=> 32,
 -width  => 439,
 -height => 260,
 -name   => "winMain",
 -text   => "Autoscroller",

 -text=> "lblTest",
 -name=> "lblTest",
 -left=> 0,
 -top => 0,
 -width   => 400,
 -height  => 250,

$winMain->lblTest()->Text("The hwind is: " . $winMain->lblTest()->{-handle});

And in another file:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Win32::GUI;

print "Enter the hwind for the label: ";
my $hwind = ;

print "\nEnter text: ";
my $text = ;

Win32::GUI::Text($hwind, $text);
Win32::GUI::InvalidateRect($hwind, 1);

Run them in two console windows. Look at the hwind in the Window, enter it 
into the second program. The text will update the Label in the Window.

(Of course, the window script will have to create a myprogram.hwind file 
with the correct window handler instead of having the user type it.)

This was actually a very cool way of talking to a Win32::GUI program. I can 
imagine a messaging system using this to communicate between a GUI frontend 
and one or many background processes to do the actual work. If you want to 
avoid sockets for some reason :)


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Johan LindströmSourcerer @ Boss Casinos [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Latest bookmark: "SuSE Email Server - FAQs"

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Sending text to other windows with Win32::GUI

2002-01-23 Thread Scott Campbell

I have created a window with the following code:


$window = new Win32::GUI::Window( 

=> 'MY_Window', 

-text    => 'TEST',

-left    => 2,

-top => 2,

-width   => 400,

 -height =>






Now this is running as a process.  Does anyone know of
a way for me to send text to this window, from another perl process?

Possibly with an AddLabel command???



-name   => "MY_Window",

#    -font    =>

-text   => "THIS IS A MESSAGE",

-left   => "100",

-top    => "100",

#    -notify => 0,

#    -align  =>

#    );

#    Win32::GUI::DoEvents();


I am trying to create a GUI console.


Scott Campbell

Senior Software Developer

Somix Technologies

(207) 324-8805


Re: Win32::GUI, msvcrt.dll & Win98

2002-01-15 Thread Miguel E. Guajardo

Thank you Johan & Rob,
   I did try that & I no longer received the error. However now I get 
another error...
"win32::GUI::Windows=HASH(0x17ffa7c)" is not exported by the Win32::GUI module"
I guess i need to try and get the most recent documentation from dada and 
see what's up...
Thank you all for your help, it will be Tk for a little while yet,

At 05:02 PM 1/15/02 +1100, you wrote:

>- Original Message -
>From: "Miguel E. Guajardo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Try (as Johan suggested) :
>$main->AddLabel( -name => 'anything',
>  -text => "Hello, world");
>This was unnecessary with earlier versions.
>Perl-Win32-Users mailing list

Miguel (Mike) E. Guajardo
KERA / KDTN Engineering
3000 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, Texas 75201

Phone : 214-740-9313
Perl-Win32-Users mailing list

Re: Win32::GUI, msvcrt.dll & Win98

2002-01-14 Thread Sisyphus

- Original Message - 
From: "Miguel E. Guajardo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Try (as Johan suggested) :

$main->AddLabel( -name => 'anything',
 -text => "Hello, world");

This was unnecessary with earlier versions.


Perl-Win32-Users mailing list

Re: Win32::GUI, msvcrt.dll & Win98

2002-01-14 Thread Miguel E. Guajardo

   here is the code as from the Win32::GUI tutorial.

use Win32::GUI;
$main = Win32::GUI::Window->new(
 -name => 'Main',
 -width => 100,
 -height => 100,
$main->AddLabel(-text => "Hello, world");

sub Main_Terminate {


At 11:30 PM 1/14/02 +0100, you wrote:
>Miguel wrote:
>>   Well I download via PPM Win32::GUI from activestates and started with 
>> the "hello world" tutorial . when it came to run the script, I 
>> immediately received...
>>PERL caused an invalid page fault in
>>module MSVCRT.DLL
>Check if all of your windows and controls have a -name property. If not, 
>add one. And if they do, please post the failing code here.
> --  --- -- --  --  -- -  - -
>Johan LindströmSourcerer @ Boss Casinos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Latest bookmark: "Arts & Letters Daily - ideas, criticism, deb..."
>Perl-Win32-Users mailing list

Miguel (Mike) E. Guajardo
KERA / KDTN Engineering
3000 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, Texas 75201

Phone : 214-740-9313
Perl-Win32-Users mailing list

Re: Win32::GUI, msvcrt.dll & Win98

2002-01-14 Thread Johan Lindstrom

Miguel wrote:
>   Well I download via PPM Win32::GUI from activestates and started with 
> the "hello world" tutorial . when it came to run the script, I 
> immediately received...
>PERL caused an invalid page fault in
>module MSVCRT.DLL

Check if all of your windows and controls have a -name property. If not, 
add one. And if they do, please post the failing code here.


 --  --- -- --  --  -- -  - -
Johan LindströmSourcerer @ Boss Casinos [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Latest bookmark: "Arts & Letters Daily - ideas, criticism, deb..."

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Win32::GUI, msvcrt.dll & Win98

2002-01-14 Thread Miguel E. Guajardo

Good day again all,
I have decided to add to my learning curve and try to learn to use 
Win32::GUI to create a windows interface to the script I have been writing. 
(Trying to make it easier and more familiar for the operators who are going 
to use it) After much research I decided to try using the beta Win32::GUI 
instead of TK because I wanted to try to accomplish a more real windows feel.
   Well I download via PPM Win32::GUI from activestates and started with 
the "hello world" tutorial . when it came to run the script, I immediately 

PERL caused an invalid page fault in

Well then, I decided, there must be a solution. So after much research I 
found that my version of msvcrt.dll could be outdated... So after much more 
searching, I found the "latest and greatest" version from microsoft for W98 
and installed it
msvcrt.dll v4.20.6164. I still get the error. I have further uninstalled
ActivePerl- and re-installed and re-loaded the 
modules from activestate using PPM and still get the same error.
   Is there something I have missed? Will Win32::GUI not work with Win98? 
Will I have to use TK? Has anyone else had the problem and found a 
solution. I have spent plenty of time trying to figure this out last night 
and today with no avail and I am getting ready to start learning TK but 
would like to find out what is going on. Thank for any help in advance.

Win98 se 4.10. A with all the latest approved MS service packs
Win32-GUI [0.0.558] from active states

Miguel (Mike) E. Guajardo
KERA / KDTN Engineering
3000 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, Texas 75201

Phone : 214-740-9313
Perl-Win32-Users mailing list

Re: Win32-GUI documentation

2002-01-12 Thread Marcus

On 13.01.02 at 00:46 Vilius Gaidelis wrote:
>I install Win32::GUI with VPM on Win2000:
>I can not find any documentation or tutorial about this
>module. Somebody knows where can I find it?

Goto Sourceforge. The documentation should be on the Win32::GUI

Btw, the version at ActiveState was outdated the last time I installed
via PPM. Get the PPM from, or Sourceforge.


Perl-Win32-Users mailing list

Re: Win32-GUI documentation

2002-01-12 Thread Sisyphus

- Original Message -
From: "Vilius Gaidelis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I can not find any documentation or tutorial about this
module. Somebody knows where can I find it?

Vilius Gaidelis

Hi Vilius,

The source from cpan contains html documentation and samples. Well worth

(At least, I think I got it from cpanor was it from Aldo's
site? I *think* it was cpan :-)


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